#the characters are great and so far im loving all of the trials even 4-3
so. we know how milgram tries to alter our perception of characters through the MVs to make us vote Guilty? lyrics are, of course, a part of that until recently I haven't tried checking out if the MVs provide any other language, and would you look at that, with Trial 2 progressing on they've hired more translators, one of them doing it into French!
and you know me, i'm a translator myself who speaks french too, so I took it upon myself to check how much do the official english lyrics overlap with those french ones. as i found out, very little!
therefore i present to you, All Knowing And All Agony, from japanese to french back to english! translated by yours truly
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in order to shorten this post, only lyrics different enough from the english ones are included.
if you want to use this translation anywhere, i wish to be credited!
Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me -> Don't leave me, I want to stay with you
You never called me by my name Instead you kept calling me “hopeless" -> [unchanged] (though now written in present tense) -> Calling me a "disappointment", it became your habit
You were always comparing me to someone else You were always generous, except towards me -> You were comparing me to someone else -> You were always kind, except towards me
I will definitely make you love me again -> I'll do anything to regain your love (for me)
I wasn’t wrong, I wasn’t wrong Please don’t say that I am a loser Hug me again as you once did -> I'm not an error, I'm not an error -> Please don't laugh while treating me like a loser [1] -> Take me into your arms (hug me) like you did before
I just wanted to be your good boy Why am I crying again? -> I didn't want to disappoint [2] -> Who's responsable for these tears?
If with one click, and I can reset everything Can I be your favorite this time? -> If, by clicking on a button, I could be reborn -> Could I become your child prodigy this time?
Don’t wipe me out, don’t wipe me out I just want to be your good boy I will keep on killing to be a good boy -> I don't want to die, I don't want to die -> Even in this unjust life, my dreams will survive -> Even if I have to steal it, I'll obtain it [3]
I can’t stop, I can’t stop -> It's all I have, it's all I can do
Mommy, look, I’ve done great “There there, my good boy!” I promise to make my dreaMU come true -> Mom, look, you see I'm so strong! [4] -> "Come hug me, my good boy!" -> Even if it's far (from becoming real), I promise to you I'll realize my dream [5]
Don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me Why was I born to be me? Why does it hurt so much? -> Don't leave me, I want to stay with you -> Why have I become what I am now? Why does it hurt so much?
I wasn’t wrong, I wasn’t wrong -> I was right, I was right [6]
If with one click, and I can reset everything I want to be your favorite next -> If, by clicking on a button, I could be reborn -> Could I become your child prodigy next time?
and here come all the notes
the word I'm translating as "loser" (un raté) here, were I the most direct possible, would be more along the lines of "the failed one" or "the failure"
should be noted that the verb "to disappoint" and "to deceive" are the same in french
i am uncertain as to what the "it" here references. it can't be "love" because in french, that's a masculine noun and the "it" is feminine. it's just a side observation, but the word jewelry (bijouterie) and affection are feminine though
sounds weird in english, but the essence is "im super strong, i'm so cool! look at how great i am!"
they maintained the dreaMU joke if you're wondering, though the word they changed isn't "dream" but "my" (mon -> MUn)
this is more of a derailment, but "to be right" in french is, literally, "to have reason"
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ampharos-posts · 2 years
so far loving apollo justice: ace attorney :)
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slutforwings · 3 years
books i read in august and what i thought of them because apparently i do that now
they both die at the end - adam silvera (YA)
spoiler alert: the title. this book takes place in a world where people are called up 24 hours before they die, so they're semi-prepared. it follows two teens who both got the call and spend their last day together. really cool concept, imo it could have expanded on the worldbuilding even more, but i guess the focus is just the main characters. and it did that really well! the romance is a bit cheesy, but what gripped me personally was the grieving yourself and future plans that will never come to fruition. 4/5
to kill a kingdom - alexandra christo (fantasy)
little mermaid inspired, sirens kill one human per year, the sea princess only kills princes. one of the princes is determined to kill this siren he's never seen. the siren gets turned into a human for plot reasons and finds out killing the prince determined to kill her might not be that easy. i reread this a year after my first year, it felt a bit more rushed the second time around. that said, i just love me some fairytale settings as well as ambigious morality and betrayal. i don't regret the reread. 4/5
the invisible life of addie larue - v.e. schwab (fastastical fiction?)
girl sells her soul and becomes immortal BUT everyone forgets her as soon as she's out of their sight. after 300 years of this, she meets someone that does remember her. once again, i was more in it for the concept than the romance. beautifully written, and a really good execution of the concept. i pirated it but ended up loving it so much that i bought a physical copy so yknow. 5/5
the memory police - yoko ogawa (fiction)
a town where things keep disappearing and the population forgets about them (perfume, birds, etc). some people don't forget, but remembering is strictly forbidden by the memory police. i dont want to say much more because it's once again a great concept and just a great book overall. to me it felt like an allegory of dementia or maybe depression, but you can really fill it in for yourself. really interesting read. 4,5/5
witches abroad - terry pratchett (fantasy)
12th discworld novel, can be read as a standalone, basically: 3 witches have to make sure the story of cinderella doesnt happen, but stories have a way of forcing their hand. a different witch doing everything to make it happen doesnt help of course. one of my favorite discworld novels so far, incredibly funny but with great life lessons a la pratchett. loved the witches as annoying tourists. for some reason took me a bit to get into it, but after that it was smooth and uninterrupted sailing. 5/5
where the crawdads sing - delia owens (fiction)
the life story of a girl growing up in the marshes of 1950-1960 north carolina, whose siblings and parents leave her at a very young age, alongside a murder case in 1969 (hah) which she is the main suspect of on account of living alone in a swamp. reading it felt like watching a movie, you can picture everything so clearly. unique reading experience. loved the themes of solitude, independence, and of course the intrigue of the murder in the future, woven inbetween. 4,5/5
cinderella is dead - kalynn bayron (fantasy)
dystopian society that every year has a ball to honor 200 year dead cinderella, girls have 3 balls to get chosen by a man, if not they're considered slaves to the patriarchy and basically disappear. one girl in love with another girl wants to overthrow the system. this book sucked ass. this is why you don't read books purely because they're 'queer and with diverse characters!'. the worldbuilding didn't make any sense, every man was such a caricature that it felt like the author was beating the point of her novel in my head with a fucking hammer. most annoying main character i've ever had the displeasure of reading. every other character existing to make the mc look good. i could complain about this book for years. don't read it. 1/5
out of my mind - sharon m. draper (fiction)
story of 11yo melody, who has cerebral palsy, is incredibly intelligent, but cannot speak. her frustration and trial to communicate with the people around her, some of which treat her like she's braindead. very moving novel, teared up a few times, had my heart racing alongside melody's at certain moments. puts you in the often extremely frustrating shoes of a disabled girl, a good reminder to never underestimate people. 5/5
ariadne - jennifer saint (historical... fiction?)
i think it's safe to say we all know ariadne and her role in aiding theseus through the labyrinth to slay the minotaur. so it's that. except told from her POV. and longer. and with added extras everywhere because her tale was not told in that much detail. i really enjoyed it, its advertised as a 'feminist' novel but its done in a not annoying way imo (AHEM take notes cinderella is dead). also at one point she gets a bee necklace from daedalus and im dying to get one too but googling 'ariadne pendant' does not give me what i want 4,5/5
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rabbitsparklez · 4 years
✨sorry Im kinda late if you're still doing the ask thingy. anyway, what are some of your UNPOPULAR opinions?
No, it’s fine! I’m happy to get asks whenever :)
First of all, I’d like to apologize for the delay. It took me like 3 days to answer this because I added a lot. This was a LOT more elaborate than you asked for so uh...... enjoy?
I have a lot of conflicted opinions that I wouldn’t exactly call “unpopular”, but I also have several that I would. There is negativity in this post, and if you’d rather not read it, then please don’t.
Please do not comment or message me about these if you disagree. This is my blog, and if you generally disagree with my than I don’t know what you are doing here.
Thank you for the ask!
1. I kinda... almost.... hated “Buddy”.
 Yes, it’s a really catchy song and a great blend of Zach and James’ voices, but it also serves as a reminder that the writers prioritized Cassandra’s importance over Eugene’s. I’m already not a fan of it when people use strong and mature characters in overly silly scenarios, but it makes my stomach churn to think that they would actually dare to ridicule Eugene to such a far extent in order to give Cassandra the spotlight, when her entire arc was written poorly despite all their costly efforts to give it to her. I know that Eugene didn’t intentionally fall under the influence of those flowers and he certainly would’ve done something had he been there when Rapunzel discovered the Moon Incantation, but honestly that just bothers me even more because Eugene had so much potential and they wasted it.
2. (I don’t know what’s gonna come of this) I don’t hate King Frederick. I’m very disappointed in him, but I don’t hate him. Everyone hates him because of his failure to handle a threat to the kingdom, and his rashness and dishonestly toward his daughter, and I both agree to a lot of it, but I don’t hate him.
I have no excuses for the fact that he lied about having the black rocks under control because he didn’t know what to do about them. As the king, it is his responsibility to consider what is best for his kingdom, and by lying about a major threat, he only caused the problem to get worse. The reason the black rocks came in the first place, however, is because he took the Sundrop to heal his dying wife and unborn child. I know it wasn’t the most prudent decision, and he did a horrible job cleaning up the mess he made afterwards, but he was desperate to save his family, and chances are likely that he didn’t have time to consider every aspect and consequence that taking the Sundrop would cause.
Regarding his actions towards Rapunzel, I hate the fact that he would dare consider locking his own daughter in her room to protect her from something that he’s not making any effort to fix. Treating people immorally harshly while saying it’s for their own good is toxic, and I want to make it clear that I am the last person to defend abusers, but I highly doubt that Frederick gingerly considered every aspect of locking his daughter in her room and how it would affect her. Rapunzel was kidnapped as a baby, and that gives two reasons why Frederick is so protective of her: the fact that he is her father and the pain and trauma in itself. Everyone takes trauma differently, depending on the person and the weight of the situation. I hate it when people who are clearly smart and strong enough to understand the situation use their traumas as an excuse to justify their actions, but some people are so devastated by their traumas that they completely lose themselves. Again, he logically wouldn’t have thought about every single thing he was doing and the trouble it would cause. He lost his baby girl. I’ve heard many times that losing a child is the worst pain imaginable, and you could only understand that pain if you experienced it. Perhaps he even felt responsible for the fact that his daughter was kidnapped because he thought that he wasn’t as protective as he should’ve been, and the idea of “making things right again” and protecting her was drilled so deeply into his mind. In addition to the pain that he went through and how that affected his judgments, Frederick had no parental experience whatsoever. All parents have to figure out who their children are and how they should handle situations. Doing this involves trial and error, tears and pain. As seen in the episode “You’re Kidding Me”, Rapunzel and Eugene both thought they knew how to treat children but both of them made errors due to the cooperation and sensitivity of the kids they were looking after - this applies to every parent and every child. Frederick was completely ad-libbed into parenthood, and his trauma from losing his child did not mix well with Rapunzel’s spirit of adventure and independence.
As a king, Frederick failed in his responsibility to do what is best for the kingdom, and I agree that he wasn’t justified for the actions he took (or didn’t take), and he was a jerk for lying about it; but as a father, I feel more sympathy for him because in his eyes, he was doing the right thing, even though we know that he wasn’t. People are so quick to justify Varian for his actions following his traumas, when he’s admittedly intelligent enough to understand them; but people are so quick to demonize Frederick for his actions following his traumas, when he’s clearly not intelligent enough to understand them. I don’t think that’s fair in the minimal sense and it still irks me how biased a lot of people were in this situation.
3. I’m not sure how “popular” or “unpopular” this one is considered, but I hated both Stalyan and Brock Thunderstrike. It takes a lot for me to actually hate a character, but considering how much they wronged Eugene, I can’t ever see them in a positive perspective.
Aside from almost killing Lance, Stalyan abused Eugene. When he was only 16, she tried to marry him so that he could be her partner in crime, and judging by the way she talked to him in BTCW, it’s likely that she manipulated him and constantly belittled his choices. (which is another reason I hate how they did that with the Cass arc, because he should be entitled to such a valid opinion). She called him by his fake last name and tried to pull him back into the past, showing that she gave no importance to his persona and development as a character. When he refuses to marry her, her dad poisons his best friend and forces Eugene to either let his best friend from childhood die, or leave his girlfriend - his closest companion who filled in his missing parts and helped him to know that he mattered. Afterwards, she brushed it of with “that was my dad’s idea, but bad guys have a flair for drama”, in the least sympathetic tone imaginable. She then locked him and his dying friend in prison until the wedding, and tried to convince him that he wasn’t good enough for the woman he loved. The writers could’ve used her as a way to understand Eugene’s insecurities and pain a little bit better, but they freaking REDEEMED her. She just went with Rapunzel on a little road trip where she decided “y’know what, you can have my ex boyfriend and I’ll move on! Tell him I said hi!”. We didn’t get a proper address that Stalyan likely had a role in damaging Eugene’s sense of importance and trust, but even worse, we didn’t get an apology. I can’t believe that they made Rapunzel deal with someone else’s abusive relationship, where she hardly understood what was actually going on. Stalyan never said another word to Eugene or apologized to him or Lance for what she had done to both of them. She married a guy that looks exactly like him in the end too! Instead of looking for someone new, she chose a guy who looks exactly like her ex, showing that she cared more about his looks than his inner self.
Speaking of her new boyfriend, I hated Brock Thunderstrike. Let’s just pretend that Eugene hasn’t already been sidelined and ridiculed for Cass, and make an almost exact copy of him, only without his flaws and development! Let’s make him look exactly like him, make him repeat every iconic action and line that he made in the movie in a flawless way, and make him steal his entire former identity!  - THAT WAS SO STUPID! I can’t believe they actually did that! Eugene is one of the most meticulously created, personified, and multifaceted characters that Disney has ever created, but not only did they push him in the mud to give Cassandra space, but they created this idiot Mary Sue copy of him with no personification otherwise! In the end, just like Stalyan, he decided with no redeeming deeds or apologies that he would make a new person of himself.
They really make a good match, and that’s not a compliment.
4. I love Lance as a person, but not as a character - If that makes any sense.
I love that wholesome boy a lot, but I don’t like the way he was used in the show. I think that even he pitched in to the factors that flattened Eugene as a character in the show. First of all, it takes away some of the meaning of love and it’s necessity to Eugene’s life. We always thought that Eugene was a lonely, rejected child who needed love more than he realized, but it turns out he did, in fact, have a buddy who wasn’t just his partner in crime for years, but a close, brotherly figure. That contradicts the significance of Eugene’s childhood and life as an orphan. Secondly, Lance was often used as an object to distract Eugene and drag him into the stupid and nonsensical scenarios that prevented him from interfering with Rapunzel and Cassandra’s overly prioritized involvement to the plot of the episode. Don’t get me wrong. I love Lance and have nothing against him, but his role as a character could’ve been used in better ways.
5. Adira should have either had a larger or smaller role in the show.
When we were introduced to Adira in Season 2, she was the fairy godmother  that always came when the squad was in distress. She could do everything: she is superhumanly strong and agile, can cook, can effortlessly cut down trees, can survive in the wilderness, knows everything, and is practically perfect. But considering her knowledge of the Sundrop and Moonstone and her past with the Dark Kingdom, I was disappointed that we couldn’t explore more of her character and personality. In Season 3, she just kind of vanished. Considering her amazing abilities, we could’ve explored her character and learned of her weaknesses and backstory in season 3, but we didn’t. She played a lot of parts in Season 2 but almost none in Season 3. I thought Adira was sort of a Mary Sue. She’s perfect on the outside, but we have little knowledge of the inside. To make her a better character, she could’ve either been brought into the light in Season 3, or not given as much attention in Season 2. Either way, she’s an unbalanced character. I like her, but she’s hollow.
6. I like Shorty. 
He’s kind of pointless and it made me roll my eyes when he unintentionally saved the day when other characters *cough* Eugene *cough* could’ve done so, but he also made me laugh a lot. He’s an idiot but fairly harmless otherwise. Also, unlike a lot of things in the show, he’s in character. In the movie, it wasn’t out of character for Shorty to pop up in weird places or save the day without really knowing it (he was one of the ones who helped Eugene break out of prison). The Snuggly Duckling was a major point in the movie and we didn’t see a lot it in the show. While Shorty’s tagging along didn’t contribute anything to society, it kept the Snuggly Duckling present in the show.
7. As much as I love him, I’m not attracted to Eugene.
I think he’s handsome and charming, but I ship him with Rapunzel too much to be in love with him :). I would give anything to have a platonic friend like him, but maybe not a husband.
To be frank, I’m a little creeped out by people who seem to “fall romantically in love” with characters, because they sometimes........well let’s just say that they portray them in a way that makes me incredibly uncomfortable - if you know what I mean. This applies to all characters, but especially to the ones that I like.
8. Varian’s role was too invasive. You’re probably surprised at this, because a lot of fans seem to think that he didn’t get enough of a role and wasn’t put to his full potential. I agree that he is a very elaborate character with a lot of potential, but he was never intended to be a main character, and he shouldn’t have been given a larger perspective and more angst factors than the actual main characters.
After his villain arc, fans started hating Rapunzel because they had sympathy for Varian and accused her of not treating him well, which I hated. It is true that he was in a situation worth having pity on him for, but they expressed a lot more emotional impact from his perspective than from anyone else’s, thus fans only considered his feelings. Rapunzel was going through an extremely difficult time at that moment, too, but it was shown in a less dramatic and sympathyzable way. She almost lost her parents and the man she loved in a snowstorm, while for the first time when she had to make prudent decisions as a leader, the kingdom was in a state of distress. After the storm, her father continued to lie to her, and the reason she never helped him was because he convinced her that Old Corona was under control. All she wanted to do was stabilize herself in a calm state of mind, which was ok, because she didn’t realize that there was more trouble. Even so, she could hardly do so because she was still stressed and traumatized. If these things from her perspective were more clearly presented to the audience, there would’ve been less of a war in the fandom and there probably would’ve been sympathy from both sides. But they wanted to show things from Varian’s point of view, which was valid until he went feral. {He stated in the episode before the finale that he understood that Rapunzel “did what she had to”, and he is clearly intelligent enough to pull things together, but everyone used trauma as an excuse. If he could connive that entire plot where he would kidnap the queen, use a dummy of him, extract the Sundrop’s power, etc. then he clearly was in a sane enough state of mind to put things together, but he didn’t. In Season 3, he admitted that the reason he became a villain was because he had taken his anger too far, after realizing that he was wrong. }
Considering that Rapunzel is the main character and the writers expect us to feel sympathy for her, they should’ve at least made the situation less dramatic from Varian’s point of view. Chris Sonnenburg himself was annoyed with fans who sympathized more for Varian and watched the show for him instead of Rapunzel - but in a way it was his fault for the way he portrayed the situation. I agree with him in the sense that I was annoyed with Varian fans taking over the fandom and demonizing Rapunzel, but it was the crew’s own choice to make Varian such a likable character to so many people.
Although his redemption arc was handled well in my opinion, it was more focused on and important to the show than that of the Father of Tangled Redemption Arc’s - Eugene’s. His redemption arc is the backbone to the entire franchise, but the series didn’t take him seriously, so even though his redemption subtly fell in place in Season 1 especially, I was disappointed that he didn’t have a nice serious episode where his redeemed self shined in the light, while Varian, a secondary character, did. Although not to such an extent, Varian’s role, similar to Cassandra’s was prioritized in the show above the main characters’ and that bothers me.
9. I’d say this one is more under-acknowledged than unpopular, but Cassandra’s existence contradicted Rapunzel’s development rather than bringing out her characteristic “compassion”
Even after all of the horrible things Cassandra did to Rapunzel, to Eugene, and to the kingdom of Corona after deciding to turn evil, she was redeemed. Anyone would’ve stopped pitying her and left her behind, but Rapunzel still cared for her and let her be her friend again. Why? Because the writers tried so hard to convey the message that Rapunzel has compassion for everyone and anything that comes in her path.
It is true and in her character for Rapunzel to be compassionate and humane. The movie conveyed the message that Rapunzel, even after spending so many years unloved and mistreated, loves and has sympathy for everyone. She sees the good in everyone and everything, thus she is capable of redeeming those who have strayed. This characteristic of hers is what caused Eugene to leave behind his past self and find a new life. She didn’t fix him; she opened his soul and brought out the good person who had been hiding inside him for the longest time. The same thing happened to the thugs, other former thieves, and many others. Rapunzel’s compassion and love for others brings the best out of the unlikeliest of people. The way Glen Keane described it, Rapunzel is the representation of humanity.
However, Mother Gothel is the representation of everything that is an obstacle to Rapunzel and her freedom. She gaslight and objectified her by passively claiming that she loved her, and used her as an object to satisfy her own vanity. She never let her express her energetic and adventurous self by locking her inside, and when Rapunzel rebelled, she locked her in chains and took her to the dungeon. Rapunzel’s development can only grow if she is not stifled by chains and abuse, therefore she should avoid Mother Gothel at all costs. But who is this person who, three years later, Rapunzel tries to redeem? The very daughter of Mother Gothel, who is more like a reincarnation of her to be frank. She brought back what Rapunzel was supposed to leave behind. She condescended over her and shamed her for her underdeveloped tendencies before she even betrayed her. She constantly wanted more from her instead of accepting her who she was. She blamed her for her problems and victimized herself. Rapunzel is supposed to be past these things so that she can grow to be a strong and independent woman. Using Cassandra as a permanent villain who Rapunzel would fight against would define her as a developed woman who has moved on from her traumatic past - but it wasn’t like that. Rapunzel pined onto Cassandra despite everything she put her through. The writers tried to use this situation as a way to bring out Rapunzel’s compassion, but it contradicted her self independence and strength.
Rapunzel and Cassandra’s relationship was a toxic one, and it shouldn’t have been portrayed as a good thing at any time in the show, because of it’s disintegration of Rapunzel’s development. Rapunzel is both compassionate and resilient, but because of how poorly the writers handled this, they contradicted both of her character tendencies. It looked more like schizophrenia to be honest: One day Rapunzel resents Cassandra for her actions and fights her with a powerful incantation to keep her away from Eugene; the next day, she sings a song mourning their friendship and expressing how much she wanted her to come back.The way a character’s personality traits are presented is very important. Imagine that you’re at a restaurant where every item uses the same ingredients, but is arranged and composed in a different way. A burger on a bun with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and ketchup would be delicious and appealing; however, a hamburger and cheese smoothie with chunks of lettuce and tomatoes floating in it and ketchup drizzled on top would be nauseating and a horrible idea (sorry for the ridiculous comparison but hopefully it gets the point across). Even though the two items have the same composition, one of them works and the other doesn’t. Rapunzel is both compassionate and resilient, but the writers made a contradicting mess out of these two tendencies because they made them clash.
10.. It annoys me when people think Eugene overreacts to things. He’s neither whiny nor childish. He’s a realistic person in a crazy world, who can’t help but be upset about certain things.
Let’s face it, he’s been through a lot, and all things considered, he’s very tolerant and resilient. He’s the most realistic character in terms of skepticism and trust issues, and that’s something I’ve always loved about him. In situations where nobody’s in danger and things are fairly normal, he tends to “overreact” to minor things, but in dangerous and serious situations, he is the first person to stand up and help people. If he was a shrimpy, whiny wimp who can’t handle things, he wouldn’t have willingly died to save someone, led a rescue squad to save the king and queen in a dangerous situation, decided to live with his former abuser to save someone who was dying, or willingly accepted his role as a captain and lead the safety of the kingdom.
If you were abandoned by your father and ended up as a poor orphan who became a criminal to fend for yourself, it’s only human to not immediately feel inclined to accept him into your life, especially considering his apparently whimsical and unconcerned personality. By the end of the episode, he himself realized that his father kept in touch with him and by the end of the show, came to understand his motive for abandoning him. Nobody forced him to see the good in his father. He realized it by his own effort. When his father gave him a gift at the end, he was the first to hug him, showing that he had come to accept him willingly.
If for generations, your family has dedicated and lost their lives to destroying a dangerous object that has caused a lot of deaths and destruction, and you break your trust with your girlfriend to protect her from it; then when you finally allow her to take it when her jealousy-driven handmaiden takes it with every intention to kill her - of course you are going to resent that woman and be upset that your girlfriend still cares about bringing her back, (especially considering you weren’t keen on her in the first place). Even though Cass didn’t deserve it, he still patiently put up with and respected Rapunzel’s opinion of her despite obviously still disliking her. That doesn’t show that he was happy about it, but that he patiently tolerated situations that he didn’t agree with.
Imagine that the only comfort and security that you had for 15 years was your fake reputation as a different character, despite knowing it wasn’t a good one, and you find it difficult to let him go because you still can’t help but wish you were as established and “successful” as he was. Then some cocky twerp that looks exactly like you comes along, dresses exactly like you and uses the same name as you did, and repeated everything that you were proud to accomplish but only better, and is liked by your friends better than you ever were. Despite the fact that your former identity wasn’t a good one, it was the only thing you had and the only thing you could find pride and joy in because you had a low self esteem about your actual self. I can certainly say that if I met someone like Brock Thunderstrike but a copy of me instead of him, I wouldn’t be happy at all. But in the end, although he obviously resented and was jealous of him, Eugene disinterestedly told him that he saw potential in him, and allowed him to find his own identity.
Eugene is one of the most realistic characters that I’ve ever seen, but he lives in unusual circumstances that he’s not used to. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that he can’t immediately see something, because all’s well that ends well - and in the end, he always makes a just decision.
{There was one more that I wanted to post but I thought it would be too conflicting so I didn’t.}
If you agree with some of these but not others, that’s fine! After all, these are unpopular opinions and I’d be lucky if anyone agreed with them.
Again, thanks for the ask!
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adventurous-blob · 5 years
Episode Gladio commentary!! Here i go!!
Imma go easy since its my first time also thATS WHAT SHE SAID
anyways, difficulty and immaturity aside, time to begin.
Kay so Gladio's episode is 'bout self discovery? dudes just pissed Ravus beat him I guess? I mean, fair enough but he leaves noctis and they go do like a dungeon and it's just?? It all seems really chill considering he's the Kings shield.
Eh, non-sensicle rambling aside.
Okay so im guessing its gunna be like Gladio telling the story which i'll be playing- neato.
"Just a scratch, the other guy got off a lot worse." Yeah, uh, suure.
"Worse than looking like some kind of thug?" Damn Noctis, chill your beans bro.
Oooo 'Blade master', can't get a title cooler than that, right?
Oh gorsh,,, I suck at controlling Gladio,, This'll be interesting...
Yep. This'll definitely be interesting. Even with the tutorial.
He's just casually sat surrounded by voretooth corpses, as you do.
"Are you mentally prepared?" Cor, sweetie, Gladio seems to just be a 'suck it up, buttercup' type i think he's subconsciously mentally prepared even when he isn't consciously.
"Unless i get more power." Gladio you sound like Vergil from devil may cry, just don't stab yourself with a big sword and go power mad, yeah?
Cor is so serious,, but like he's sort of soft too,, like you can see he cares by what he says and stuff, y'know?
its like 'You go fight that thing you probably aren't strong enough to fight yet!! but stay safe too! don't want you dyin' on me!!' except, more like Cor would say it.
I feel like i've heard the name Gilgamesh before?
Gosh i love Cor and Gladio so much,, they're stronk boyos.
"Alright i've got this." Yeah!! yeah you do!! Thats the spirit Gladio!!
oh uh i've only just noticed but there are bodies everywhere... hecc...
Okay they're alive but also dead now i killed them. Also,, the soundtrack?? that battle music?? hell yeah, thats some good stuff.
Ooo waterslide!!!!
Eheheh Gladio rode the snek. ooo this is spoopy...
Wait we made it to the blade master already?? wha??
Ah okay i was meant to fail against Gilgamesh, that was a little frustrating at first...
"If you do not fear death" yeah i fear that Gladio lets lEAve
"So the blademaster..."
"He's a master of blades. What-- where you expecting something profound?"
coming from someone who plays mainly rpg games i expected it to be something with flying swords? like bahamut except smaller and weaker y'know?
also are we inside a tree??? the whole of this so far and like chapter uhh 4-5 (the one where they're in the crater, i apologise for poor memory lmao) just reminds me of devil may cry 5.
Awhhh, they're eating Cup Noodles togetherr,,
oh hecc yes SAVE.
Option: tell me more
My brain: tell me More, tell me more, tell me mo-o-ore, but Gladio singing it.
imma throw hands with Gilgamesh how dare they deem cor unworthy he's a stronk bean
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
*open area appears*
Me, immediately: I don't like this.
Bdhshjdndjs tHEY DID THE THING!!! Where Cor jumps on Gladio's back and then brings down a strike on the enemy!! Aaaa teamwork is so great!!!
"do you have the strength to survive these trials?" uh I sure hope he does
*looking at a body stabbed into the wall*
You okay there pal?
Sword stuck in the ground: *has the option to touch it*
I'm sorry but my whole play through of final fantasy I couldn't take most things gladio said serious because I'm immature and kept making dirty jokes but this,, this right here has to be the peak point where I could make a dick joke or say 'i dunno that's pretty gay Gladios.'
"hand holding stops here" no Cor stay please ;~;
Sometimes I hate the combat in this game, not because I think it's bad,, just,, gladio,,, in enclosed spaces,, with lots of foes,, it's not good for camera angles.
Ah yes. Touch the glowy thing. That's ALWAYS a great idea!
The soul keeps calling Gladio "young warrior" and sometimes I forget Gladio is like only 23? Like I dunno, he seems older? But at the same time?? It's like right? I dunno? Maybe it's his looks or personality who knows.
COR!!!! HEYA!! :3
"you wanna know why?" I mean, hell yeah. duh.
Awh he's worried bout Noct but i agree tbh, plus, Noct is fine they're just fighting that big dragon thing with Aranea!! :3
okay i can hear growling and snarling thats never good, but maybe its just a big puppy?? No??? awh okay ;~;;
Gladio with a gaint pupper would be adorable
ANYWAYS i'm getting side tracked again oops
Can i just use columns to defeat the blade master? just like 'You might be the blade master but iM BOB THE BUILDER' and just yeet a column at him??
Every column i see i just want to yeet now. In honour of yeeting columns, i paused and made a poem:
my nam is Gladio
and am strong
i hav sword
i tri do no wrong
when wyvern hit
and i do poor damage
it seems liek
somethin i must manage
so when wyvern
has me beat
i pick up a column
and i yeet
hope you enjoyed.
tOuuCh the soWoRd
bdjdndj i want an enkidu now they're so cooll!!!
toucH the gLowly
Actually Cor can i go home please??
also pft the soul like "Yeah well i knOw betteR." i can't.
however, i can yeet column at this bandersnatch and i will.
i picked up a column after the fight and i dunno how to put it down so i guess Gladio has a Pet column now. Imma call it stony.
NUH i got rid of stony ;~; see you in the afterlife stony.
The way Cor describes the blademasters eyes makes me think of Kakashi from Naruto with his sharingan.
also Gladio's confidence and positivity give me life.
final chamber- this is it!
a red giant?? really?? damn it.
i have my headphones on full and the soul just said "Come here to die, have you?" and it made me jump
"You looking to die again?" Gladio is not having this souls bs
it's talking about Cor and i am ready to tHROW HANDS,,, Cor is bean.
Cor giving Gladio a final warning but not stopping him makes my heart feel weird,,,
Awh that lil grin, Aaa the "Come back alive, be safe Gladio." has me soft™️
"He'd better be ready for me." Uh, Gladio, thats whAT SHE SAID!
Oh hecc here we go!! Heya Gilgamesh!! Time to defeat you!! :3
Gilgamesh isn't actually thatbhard to fight??
oH SO NOW HE HAS AN ARM geez lemme guess he's stronger and has more health too now?
Oh look i'm right!
Okay yea he's a lot stronger i don't like this but Gladio can do it!!! I believe in him!!!!!
Also after realising a tactic i have defeated Gilgamesh and i was right Gladio could do it!!!! :D
"I may be all muscle no mettle, but i'm gunna keep protecting Noct the only way i know how." YOu GO GLADDY!!!! I'm v v proud!!!!
Awhhh Gilgamesh is actually pretty cool dude i like him. Awhhhh he's giving Gladio his sword!! I'm so happy aaa!!
I really like Gladio and all of this and aaaa im so hAPPY for Him!!!!
they're just talking and its really nice and i'm not crying but i'm overwhelmingly happy for them!!
wait Gladio got the scar on his eye from dealing with a bully? damn i need to finish brotherhood, huh.
Prompto said "The more you know" and the gif popped up in my head and i'm lauGhing so damn much why is that so fUnny???
"What can I say? I'm worth the wait." Noctis,, sweetheart,, Foreshadow mucH XD
Awhhh, i'm really happy for Gladio. I'm actually really happy with that whole DLC to be honest. It was fun to play and i feel i kinda got more of a look into Gladio's and Cor's characters and such, y'know? That, plus i got better at playing as Gladio too! And getting better at stuff like that is always good! Practice makes perfect after all!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed my commentary of Episode Gladio!
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safeklancewriters · 6 years
Fic Rec #4
Date ending: May 21
Below the cut are the fics chosen by us for our monthly rec! Including two community rec’d fics
You can also check out our rec page HERE for future and now past recs, and use the filters and tags to find something you like
If you have a fic to submit or rec, feel free to! But please read our FAQ first with rules and instructions on doing so <3
YOU’RE ALL THE WARMTH I NEED BY CHERITSUNDERE Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | Hunk & Keith & Lance Additional characters: Allura | Coran | Pidge | Shiro | Matt | Lance's Family Tags: Tales of Zestiria AU | sorta - Freeform | Oblivious Lance | platonic klunk | Friends to Lovers | Friendship | Found Family Stats: Words: 6253 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: In this world, Spirits, or Seraphs as they are better known, and Humans live in perfect harmony with one another in a symbiotic relationship. Humans provide Seraphs with energy through a bond with their happiness while Spirits in turn help Humans with their magical abilities, such as providing light magic in their house, blessing them with luck charms for good fortune in their occupation, or even preparing food or giving transportation to them. Lance has been bonded to his best friend Hunk, an earth seraph, since they were little kids. Together they work at Lance’s family-run grocery store, where Hunk helps grow the produce and Lance does just about anything else. It isn’t until meeting and bonding with an abandoned fire seraph that Lance truly feels his life is complete though. With the new addition to their home, Lance finally has all he really wants in life. This is the story of that fateful day, of the days after that, and of the day that Lance became probably the luckiest human in the world.
Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: none Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy | Alternate Universe - Magic | annoyances to lovers | Fate | Fate & Destiny | Curses | Witch Curses | Curse Breaking | Alternate Universe - Wizards | Wizards | Fortune Telling | Prophetic Visions | Fluff | Light Angst | Keith can't cook | Mutual Pining | Pining Keith | Pining Lance | Hurt/Comfort | Abandonment Issues | Soul Bond | Self-Esteem Issues | Lonely Lance | Socially Awkward Keith Stats: Words: 11283 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: In a world of magic, Lance is a wizard and traveling performer. He possesses a special talent, the talent to read the fates of those he meets, which he uses to bolster his act. Life is good, though lonely, until he meets a hermit wizard named Keith, and both have their fates changed forever.
SAY MY NAME (AND EVERY COLOR ILLUMINATES) BY TALKING_BIRD Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | Hunk & Lance | Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Keith & Shiro | Keith & His Dad Additional characters: Keith's Family | Lance's Mother Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates | Dreamscapes | Alternate Universe - College/University | Alternate Universe - Modern Setting | Alternate Universe - Flower Shop | Alternate Universe - Reincarnation | Colorblind!Lance | cheesy montages | Fluff and Angst | Angst with a Happy Ending | its the happiest ending tbh | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Mutual Support | Pining Lance | Cancer | it's not keith or lance tho | Minor Character Death | Slow Burn Stats: Words: 27834 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: “Well, that’s what you are, right? My subconscious talking to me? That’s what my aunt says dreams are, but it’s kinda weird that my subconscious hasn’t seen the ocean before since I’ve been around the ocean my entire life.” “What? No! I’m--I’m not your subconscious, I’m your--” Keith starts, but he slams his lips together in a tight lock, then looks at the waves, while Lance sits up taller and leans in closer to him. “My what?” “Just--!” Keith starts, getting frustrated and pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m real, okay? We’re not--this isn’t--we’re having a shared dream.” Lance never thought he had a soulmate, but when he finds himself dreaming about a boy on Varadero Beach and in a southwestern desert, he learns they have an incredibly rare soul link–-one that allows them to form an unusually strong bond before they meet, but also exposes their greatest vulnerabilities to each other.
DARK BLUE CHAPTER 10 BY TALKING_BIRD Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | Hunk & Lance | Matt Holt & Shiro | Keith & Shiro Additional characters: Shiro clone | Allura | Pidge | Lotor | Coran | Ezor | Zethrid | Narti | Acxa | Alien OCs Tags: Corrupt!Lance | Corruption | Mind Control | Manipulation | Emotional Manipulation | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Canon-Typical Violence | Canon Compliant | Canon Continuation | Self-Esteem | Mutual Pining | Angst | Lance-centric | Slow Burn | Major Character Injury | Injury Recovery | Angst with a Happy Ending | Reunions | Kidnapping | Prisoner of War | POV Multiple | Free-indirect discourse | Quintessence used as a mind control device | Garrison flashbacks | Action/Adventure | Female Pronouns for Pidge | Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence | canon continuation of season 3 | Team as Family | broganes Stats: Words: 115078 Chapters: 10/19 Summary:  As the war between the Galra and Voltron continues, Lotor has a plan to tip the odds in his favor including a well-placed android, the power of quintessence, and a kidnapped Paladin. Good thing Lance was never the complacent type.
BREAK EVERY CHAIN ON ME BY KATSUDONACE Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | Keith & Krolia Additional characters: Kolivan | Lance's Family Tags: Blade of Marmora Lance | Blade of Marmora Keith | Season 5 Spoilers | Post-Season 5 | Angst | Angst with a Happy Ending | Mutual Pining | Pining Keith | Pining Lance | Abandonment Issues | Self Confidence Issues | Violence | Injury | Visions | Trials | Keith and Shiro are Adoptive Siblings | Mother-Son Relationship | Cuban Lance | Homesick Lance | Lance is Bad at Feelings | Keith is a Mess | lotor is evil | This fic works under the theory that Shiro is a clone | Insecure Lance (Voltron)Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron) Stats: Words: 14406 Chapters: 1/1 Summary:  Lance is tired of no one listening to him, tired of his fears and concerns being brushed aside. With his suspicions about Shiro and Lotor being ignored, Lance decides to go to the one person group that he knows will believe him, Keith the Blade of Marmora. However, emotions run high and situations become complicated. Lance must grow to move forward, but that's easier said than done when his insecurities bind him. Keith was finally carving out a spot for himself in the Blade, finally feeling as if maybe he belonged somewhere. That's until his mother decides to return to the main base, and his crush suddenly shows up unannounced. It's hard for him to face his feelings when he's so used to fighting them. He needs to confront his issues or forever be locked in place, never finding a place where he fits.
THE STARS ABOVE NEVADA BY QUASARII Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | Keith & Shiro | Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Keith & Pidge Additional characters: Iverson | Keith's Father | OCs Tags: Major Original Character(s) | Gay Keith | Bisexual Lance | Laundromat AU | a dash of angst | lowkey slow burn | Gays In Arcades | Wannabe Contemporary Novel | Coming Out | Lance Likes Philosophy | Bilingual Lance | Cuban Lance | Texan Keith | Pretentious Philosophy | Alternate Universe - Laundromat | Don't Ask Me How This Fits Into Canon | Galaxy Garrison | Keith has Social Anxiety | Shiro Is Flawed But We Love Him | Pre-Canon | i guess | Don't Examine This Too Closely | some time skips | finished fic | Greek Mythology References | if nevada-boo was a thing like weaboo i'd be it | a ton of broganes Stats: Words: 92071 Chapters: 36/36 Summary: “Tell me,” Keith asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the sky to look at Lance. Lance frowned in confusion. “Tell you what?” “What the desert whispers into your ears.” – One night, a few hundred years into the future, in a dark laundromat in the middle of the vast Nevada desert – Keith ends up meeting Lance by a turn of fate. When they meet again in Galaxy Garrison for their junior year, an unlikely friendship blooms between them, as lively as the star-scattered skies, and as strong as the desert wind.
OUTWARD HONOR FOR INWARD TOIL BY ASTRAL-KLANCE (KILLJOYCATLADY) Rating: General Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Pidge | Shiro | Allura | Matt | Lotor Tags: Slow Burn | Alternate Universe - Royalty | Arranged Marriage | Enemies to Lovers Stats: Words: 28070 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: As the rival nations of Márea and Altea form an alliance after years of tension and border issues, Prince Lance is forced to deal with a treaty that is far too involved in his personal life, an infuriating Altean knight surrounded by shady rumours, and the rising threat of the Galra empire closing in on Lance's kingdom.
Community Rec
ON THE LINE BY NOTROVER Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Shiro | Allura | Pidge | Hunk | Coran Tags: Alternate Universe | firefighter keith | Policeman Lance | Work-related Incidents | Pining | Mutual Pining | Allura is a great wingman | And Lance has a dog | also this is so cheesy im | Shiro's a total bro Stats: Words: 14357 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: “Is it as fun as it looks? Sliding down the fire pole, I mean.” Lance’s voice was full of curiosity and what sounded like a tinge of envy. His breath curled into small clouds due to the cold. Keith pretended to think about it. “No, it’s not.” He paused and gave Lance a smirk. “It’s more fun, actually.” Lance laughed. “Way to rub it in, Red.” “You asked,” Keith said, grinning. Lance made a face. “I’d let you try it for yourself,” Keith continued, “but it’s a sacred right of brotherhood handed down from fireman to fireman. I’d be kicked out if I let you try.” Keith pretended to get teary-eyed for a moment. “Shiro would be so upset.” Lance scoffed. “You’re so full of it, Red.” But Keith could hear the laughter that threatened to bubble out of Lance’s voice and suppressed his own smile. “Maybe. But you’ll never know for sure.” Alternatively: Keith is a firefighter and Lance is a cop.
WE’RE INTIMATE ACQUAINTANCES (TANGLED UP AGAIN) BY NOTROVER Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Hunk | Pidge | Matt Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates | Fluff | Light Angst | Alternate Universe - College/University | Time Loops are a thing | also it's not a date but it's totally an aquarium date Stats: Words: 6301 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: When Lance wakes up to the second Monday in two days, he knows there's only one explanation: He's come into close proximity to his soulmate. If he doesn't want to be stuck repeating the same day for the rest of his life, he needs to find his soulmate. The only problem? He's started falling for someone else.
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katiekeysburg · 6 years
many many many thoughts on Infinity War
i’m not sure this will even make sense.  spoilers
why does the read more not work on mobile
last chance
My favorite thing about the movie, by far, is the role the Guardians of the Galaxy played in it.  They are my favorite, so that’s not surprising, but I honestly expected they’d be more like guest stars.  They will probably be benched for most of the second film tho, so I guess this makes up for it.
Everything about meeting Thor is absolutely perfect.  The crew’s fawning over him, Peter’s jealousy, “a pirate and an angel had a baby”.  Thor assuming Rocket is in command because Peter is being so childish.  I was laughing so hard for the whole thing, but my favorite moment was when Rocket goes to leave.  Peter has a short aside with him, not unlike their aside when Peter, Gamora and Drax leave Rocket behind on Behar in GOTG2.  Except they part on better terms, indicating how much both characters have grown.
Canon Starmora caught me a bit off guard, but then it’s been a couple years since GOTG2, and now the unspoken thing is now spoken.  That’s an area rich for fanfic to fill in.  I think my main issue was that tonally that seen just careems all over.  Gamora’s flashback, begging Peter to kill her, then they’re kissing.  Then Drax interrupts.  Of all the moments in the film, this one need to breathe a little more to let it happen more naturally.
My favorite part of the movie might be the bit on Knowhere: Gamora’s grief when she thought she killed Thanos, and Peter’s attempt to kill her.  The first GOTG shortchanged Gamora’s decision to move against Thanos and why; at that point she’s just made up her mind.  So I loved seeing a bit more of their family dynamics.  Peter’s attempt to kill her went on a bit too long IMO, but I loved the whole concept.  I didn’t think he’d be able to do it, but he tried! My poor baby.  He’s grown so much.  I can forgive him his ultimate actions, they are understandable and there’s plenty of material to support him.  
Gamora’s too make sense.  I am most upset about that particular death, as her character arc is REALLY NOT COMPLETE.  In my GOTG2 meta I discuss how she’s just barely begun to learn to deal with her emotions.  She’s apparent come some distance since then, since she can tell Peter she loves him. But if this is really the end for her, she won’t ever get to complete her arc and I hate that.  I assume she’s bound with the soul stone and will be back, but I HATES IT PRECIOUS.  FUCK YOU RUSSOS/MARKUS AND MCFEELY IF YOU RUINED THE ARC OF ONE OF MY FAVES.  It would be a really poor choice to fridge her like that, for fucking Thanos and Peter. FUCK.
Anyway, all the Guardians are used to absolute perfect effect within the larger story and with perfect characterization so bless James Gunn for co-producing. Mantis and Drax could have been easily sidelined, and while they don’t really have arcs of their own, they are used to great effect.  
Thor is my second favorite part.  He zings with everyone, although I didn’t expect the team up of him and Rocket.  It makes perfect sense to send him on a quest, which mirrors his quest to be worthy of the hammer in the original Thor.  It even requires a trial.  And his arrival on Earth with Rocket and Groot is one of the greatest moments ever put on film.
Kinda pissed about Loki tho, even though what we did see of him was perfect.
Other than the Guardians, Thor and Hulk are the only characters who haven’t been in character stasis since Phase 2.  Which is thanks to Ragnarok so BLESS TAIKA WAITITI
The Facial Hair bros are not my favorite, but I do appreciate the Stark/Strange pair up.  Their friction is immediately believable and it works. This is Tony’s worse nightmare - not only was he worried he was going to die in space, but now Peter Parker is there too.  It’s really the only climax they could do for Tony at this point, although I’m pretty pissed his character has basically been in neutral since The Avengers.  We’ve seen him try to overcome his fears, try to compensate for them, try to protect against them, and he hasn’t really grown much as a character since then.  He’s struggled, but it hasn’t gone anywhere and it leads him here anyway.  Worse, rather than just be responsible for the Avengers who are at least powerful adults in their own rights, he has Peter who is there because of his actions.
Just cause Tony is a popular character is not a good reason to leave his character spinning until they could get to this movie.  BAH.
Thank goodness for Peter.  I died at his Aliens references.  He lightens up the two Facial Hair bros who would otherwise get too dire.  This group gets a lot better when the Guardians show up tho.  They all get to zing off each other.
I just want Peter and Peter to talk more pop culture.  I really need to write that fucking heist fic for the two of them.  SO MUCH. Fuck.  Anyway, Tom Holland was pure perfection and also used really, really, really well.  
I saw praise for developing actual motives for a villain and making him understandable.  Overall I feel pretty meh about Thanos though - he works excellently as a foil for both Avengers and GOTG but independently I don’t think he’d be that interesting.  He’s certainly no Loki or Ego.  It made sense to make this movie his movie, his quest, given where it ended, but I still feel it was a little underdeveloped.  Why go after the stones right this second? What’s he been doing since the Avengers, besides having the gauntlet made?
If this movie makes one mistake, it’s who they choose to leave on Earth.  The problem with sending all your funny people to space is that everything on Earth after that sort of lagged.  The only relief was really Bruce reacting to everything he had missed while he was gone, plus whatever lines they could scrounge up for Rhodey and Sam and Oyoke.  The sidekicks do all the heavy lifting but the Earth scenes lack the cohesion of the rest of the movie.  It’s mostly set up and dreary exposition.  If I cut anything out of the movie (besides making every battle shorter) I would cut out Rhodes talking to the Colonel.  That whole scene is WAY too long to establish that Cap is still a criminal and Rhodes was on the other side. 
Honestly, of the many failures Civil War had, one really evident one here is the lack of my ability to care for Vision and Scarlet Witch.  Neither of those characters nor their romance has been developed enough for the importance the plot tries to place on them.  It was present in Civil War but never really clicked.  I think it’s partially the ridiculousness of the very young-written SW in combination with the ridiculous purple android.  The relationship never manages to feel real.
The best part was Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and Oyoke all fighting together, and I want my female Avengers movie.
Cap is given basically nothing to do but show up and look cool.  I’m assuming he will therefore have a bigger part in the next movie, but FUCK if I’m not still pissed at the Russos/ M&M for continuing to kick the Stucky can down the road.  As far as I’m concerned, they’ve never reached and real emotional catharsis or resolution that was promised in Winter Soldier.  Poor Bucky literally keeps getting PUT ON ICE as they used CW to set up this movie, and used this movie to set up Avengers 4.  Deeply uncool. 
The ending sucked.  I hate walking out of a movie theater on a down note.  I get where we are in the structure and why they did it and it will ultimately be fine, but it’s not a great place to end the movie.  It was almost as bad as walking out at the end of Deathly Hollows 1.  It would have been worse, had we not known pretty much everyone that dies has another movie scheduled.  I am kind of glad most of the Guardians are gone actually, since if Gamora is gone at least the others aren’t there to mourn her.  Pretty harsh to leave poor Rocket alone tho, as he’s the least capable of dealing with it. He’s going to make a good foil for Tony in the next movie. 
The stinger at least helped.  The nerd boys in the row behind me thought Fury was calling Nova and I had to correct them that it was Captain Marvel.  They were like “Oh, her.” Fucking sexist ass nerd boys can’t get excited for Captain Marvel.  It will be a great move into Phase 4 to have her show up and work with Gamora in the Soul stone to save all these emotional constipated male superheros who just can’t seem to deal with their issues.
Putting Avengers members with the GOTG crew really just highlights how much of Phase three has been treading water to get here, for every Avengers character but Thor and Hulk.  I absolutely blame Markus and McFeely and Civil War for this too.  Poor Tony has been stuck since IM 3 but Civil War could have done a lot more than look cool and manufacture conflict to get everyone in the right position for this movie.   
TLDR: Infinity War is better than Civil War but suffers for the lacks in CW, just as it’s buoyed by the strengths of the other franchises.  And fuck Markus and McFeely.
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shytiff · 3 years
 August 2021
1 - morning walk with ness mendel to palm hills. my dumb ass decided to do a bit of run. my heart was screaming by the time we hiked lol. continued with some youtube dance work out at mess. had kanayam as always. the fish and chicken somehow tasted even better than usual. afternoon nap. had muesli and simba again. 
2 - a hectic BP slash usila slash mtbs day with dr arief. Tried sop bebek h syafei and sate bandeng. Worked out w renata to a 20 mins pilates vid and 2 madfit songs and one 5 min stretch. Dinner was tofu soun seaweed and egg soup courtesy of renata. And baked banana with ovomaltine lolll im so grateful friends give me food.
3 - in usila today but turns out theres still one more day of vaccine in kantor kecamatan, so nessa and i went. We screened together w dr arief. Finished at about 2 pm. Can finaly eat at like 3ish after getting to the mess. Felt a bit of headache and my nose starts to go runny. So i slept. But my nose was so blocked. So i asked renata for her boiled noodle. Felt a bit better. Cleared my nose. Slept.
4 - it did feel better, finally. The soreness i felt in my abs yesterday gets worse today lmao. BP w nessa. orientation w dr harnis. talked ngalor ngidul about love life et cetera at our room lol
5 - fasted today. sahur was rice, crispy mushroom and abon since i felt sick of eating egg. it seems that love life talk continued today    at BP w dr anggi. printed stuff at kubang wates. bought kepak bandeng at RM tajuk and some snacks in indomaret. turns out Prof gave me one more ppt to do, for PIT. and the manuscript deadline is on the 8th :) immediately started doing something about it since now i know ppt and word making rly takes time
6 - muesli and pizza from alfia for bfast. vaccine today w dr lutfi. talked with kang ade and turns out he lived in kalideres before lol. bought don’s burger for dinner and ate it with fried egg. 
7 - MTBS today. got a lot of free food. read stranger than friends. went to transmart w nessa to buy stuff. did the word for Prof’s PIT topic acompanied with lofi study on the tv accompanied with nescafe latte. taste kinda.. weird. 
8 - ran a bit today, alone. bought nasi uduk for 5000 and i added scrambled egg. continued the word and finished it at like 11 am. sent it. relaxed for a bit. read black mirror. lunch was from labbaik but things went shit and i ended up paying 72k lol. printed document stuff w nessa and went to palm hills in the golden hour. ate together w the gals. played scrabble and talked a bit with fianti until almost 11 pm.
9 - had left over chicken and pizza for bfast. usila today and the patients came back to back. bought kanayam while waiting for 2 pm. slept. did (so little) work of ECMOCARD SAP. im so research dumb. 
10 - had steak and rice and renata’s veggie soup for bfast. vaccine today at vivo near intermedia with teh dian. waited for a mother with 9cm dilatation in ugd with nessa, but it took so long so i went back first. met up with atikah at o seven lmao. she arrived at like 12 and waited at palm wates. tried carbonara sphagetti (yum! but not fulfilling enough) and fried tofu. slept early and i probably passed out at like 930 pm. atikah was talking w ratnaa and we’re talking about the day’s randomness of atikah’s customer that somehow lives in cilegon
11 - woke up late. drove motorbike around palmhills to sightsee a bit. bfast at nasi uduk place around the corner. did some ngambi-together in green wates, accompanied by atikah’s 2 songs, repeated many times. went to mess. ate seafood in merak (a place near billiard cafe). got fish and shrimp. went to pulau kecil with pak asep’s help. walked around the tiny island. saw a monkey. the waters surprisingly clear. and then after maghrib Prof asked me about the ppt lol. so i hurriedly made it and emailed it, with zoom sesh 2mrw
12 - muesli for bfast. a hectic day today at bp x usila with dr lutfi (she went up for a bit for promkes). leftover kangkung and fish for lunch. hurriedly added some stuff to Prof’s ppt before the zoom sesh at 3. did 1 pamela reif vid and “attempted” her 10 min ab workout. dinner was soun and egg and renata’s veggie. 
13 - vaccine day for ODGJ and special needs children ft. dr Arief. finished at like 10:15. bought discounted wingstop (86k for 20 piece). was about to send Prof’s ppt but turns out there’s a ppt from the sponsor. in english. so i had to mold the 2 ppt and do some translation. finally sent it, and the literature. the sponsor used a lot of old literature lol. 
14 - wingstop and rice for bfast. mtbs today. no patient lmao. bu ningrum gave me cimol again! and a snack called selondok. waited out 2 pm with nessa. there’s a mom that came with upper abdominal pain. it did not improve after ranitidine, so she was referred. mom dad etc came to cilegon. i vacuumed. bujing lia had itches within like 15 mins of entering my room :(( lol. since the bed was put out, renata and i slept in yoga mat lol. nessa went to damkar. but i dreamed of something that night.
15 - mom’s spaghetti for bfast. off to pulau besar at 7 am. walked around the island a bit. swam in pulau kecil. ate at saung bonang (<50k per person!). tidied up the hydrovacuumed bed. a 20 ish minute ab and glutes workout with renata. love life talk. accidentally turned on live video in cld lmao. talked with aisyah due to said live vid. gave some brownies and spaghetti to mendel lol. dinner was mom’s chicken, kentang balado and capcay. 
16 - usila today. lots of patients with dizziness. ate mom’s chicken and spicy potato for lunch. 
17 - free day today. picked up my towel from sodaqo laundry. nasi uduk for breakfast. lazed. washed my undies. lunch was meat soup made by renata. watched run bts while eating indomie. watched extreme job (quite hilarious). filled my logbook. slept at like 12 am
18 - spaghetti for bfast. no patient at kia. promkes about hypertension. some patients at igd today. my mistake today was not realizing the pneumonia on a 8months patient with severely dehydrated diarrhea :( there’s also a 4 yo child whose fever did not improve after like 3 hrs and pct and compress. i have to be better :(. lunch was kanayam. bought chatime together with ness tri. tried lychee milk tea and the taste did not combine well at all. imagined better productivity with nessa even though its less likely to happen lmaooo
19 - fasted and had nongshim carbonara dry ramen for sahur. BP today. Almost bought martabak but its just keBMan on my part.
20 - vaccine day today. Filled logbook. went to mess and went back again to cibeber through the rain when i was called by the teteh. Helped the delivery (the mcroberts, to be exact), and got some hecting. The midwives were rly kind :) ness ren were sleeping so i got some silence for myself. It was nice. Tidied some stuff and slept
21 - mtbs. Whatsapp class for pregnant woman abt c19 vaccine. Bought martabak hokky medium (50k,green tea, chocolate, ceres and cheese). Turns out alfia also bought martabak assen. Fried mom's chicken and ate it with renata's porridge. Movie night, watched under the gods 1 along with popcorn
22 - woke up kinda late if i wanted to run, but the weather was cloudy and nice, so i went out at 7:15ish. ran a bit towards KS complex behind mess. walked through a jogging track, empty houses, krakatau bike park. played badminton with tri. washed undies. ate mom’s food for bfast slash lunch. napped a bit. off to o seven, bringing mom’s brownies. ordered green tea latte (25k), it tasted sweet and i had to remind myself that its not matcha lol. did some logbook and literature search for prof’s ppt. ate renata’s broccoli. folded clothes. tried nessa’s scarlett scrub. put on some lotion. mask. turned on fianti’s candle (smells rly nice and calming!). vcall with fi, scrabble and some talks. and suddenly its 11pm
23 - usila today. quite a lot of patients, so much that i was thirsty. dr yanti called since she needs some preskas docx. lol so sudden. bought mizone and dimsum kuy (10.5k with gofood pickup promo). the dimsum was good and fulfilling. didnt do anything else much in the mess. read a painter behind the curtain. it was rly rly good. all the characters made sense and had great insight. some are assholes (im looking at u, Raymond). ate the keripik mom bought from sidimpuan. first time actually trying it. its actually not that spicy lmao i used to think its the spiciest thing in the world. banana, brownies and protein shake for din din.
24 - empty KIA today. no promkes. or UGD patients. some mentoring on preeclampsia by dr Arif. went to BNI but turns out our card havent been activated yet.  cooked mom’s sphagetti sauce (thats not enough amount) along with egg and cheese. yum. had banana brownies and protein for dinner. started trial to blinkist
25 - BP today. reasonable amount of patients, accompanied by blinkist. tried ngikan by gofood pickup (17.5k). i still prefer kanayam’s fish and nasi liwet. a pregnant woman came to UGD. so i went back at like 7 pm, but turns out the mom went back home lmao. mas apit said i shouldve contacted him. point taken. so a nicely lit cafe along the way to pkm called Serada, so i tried it. It has industrial vibes. Got latte (25k). did some logbook. Read some blinks in bed
26 - vaccine today. Both screening and getting moderna lol. My arm hurts. So far no fever. bought roti O croissant and the usual coffee bread for 12k using gofood. Watched weathering with you. Turned on the candle. Read blinks
27 - arm hurts. but thankfully its mtbs. slept while waiting until 2. kanayam sambal matah for lunchie. finally took PCT that solved my headache and incoming fever and arm pain bcs i dont want to stumble while on the motorbike. watched harry potter #1. washed clothes and filled some logbook, powered by left over serada latte. need to sleep so i wont wake up late 2mrw
28 - mass vaccination in SMP RJ with mendel kak esa. 800ish patients. Lots of food and snacks and coffee. Picked up by mom and dad. Slept on the way. And like magic, when i open my eyes im at the airport. Basking in the silence of my room
29 - relaxed. Moms nasgor for bfast. Met up with atikah puy in kopi sedjenak. Tried their croffle with nutella. Went to racheels since its her online grad day. There were also sil and dev. Lotsss of food was eaten that day. Doughnuts, moms brownies, fruits, phd bigbox. Atikah and puy also came along to racils. Had lots of fun talk.
30 - sahur. Off to cilegon. A bit of road fixture was going on. Stopped in the rest area since i wanted to pee. KIA/ugd today. There was a patient who had an accident with a truck. Her nails were falling off. I panicked when Prof asked for his ppt so i hurriedly finished it. Had moms chicken for iftar. Fell asleep after maghrib
31 - usila. Renata fried bakwan and tofu and fish and chicken. Lotsss of fries yum. We played with makeup and ness set up her ling light. I imitated jks tattoo using eyeliner lol. Did the word for Prof. Jk went live for his bday!! I listened until i fell asleep (lol hes still going)
0 notes
So I watched Citrus ⚠SPOILER WARNING⚠
And I have issues with it. Now Ive never read the manga a day in life. Ive seen fan art of it however and knew it existed but never what it was about. If im missing out on some parts message me and explain please. I’m not going to hate the show. I don’t hate the show at all. I just have issues with it. Now here’s my thoughts.
Note there’s only 5 episodes on Crunchyroll but here’s my thoughts so far
So Mei is the Class President and has been since she was a first year. Her grandfather is a Chairman of the school and Mei’s father marries Yuzu’s mother and they move to another district. For some reason Yuzu’s mom forgets to tell her that she’s got a younger step sister and for some reason Yuzu’s never seen her new stepfather. But Im gonna ignore that.
Yuzu wants to fall in love and get a first kiss and get a boyfriend. Nice plan for a high schooler. So she walks in and this girl with springy pig tails named Momokino gives her shit. Mei comes up and feels up and down Yuzu to get her phone from her pocket. Later on in the day she meets her friend Harumin. Harumin explains to her that everyones not outgoing and follows the strict rules. Oh and um everyone looks EXACTLY the same. Black and/or purpley hair, beige top, greenish plaid skirt, all shy and reserved.
So it’s implied all the girls in this all girl school fuck each other before they get married off to someone after high school. So fast forward and Yuzu finds the hot teacher and Mei kissing and later it’s said theyre supposed to be married to each other. Later in the day Mei goes to Yuzu and her moms apartment and then Yuzu making an effort to talk to Mei and get along as step sisters. Mei ignores her this entire time so Yuzu has to talk about a subject that’ll strike a nerve to get conversation. Mei takes her down and kisses her.
At that moment I do the Oprah gif where she’s squinting. It’s not incest cuz they’re not real sisters but I’m sure a good majority would argue it is and I can understand that but lets ignore the incest is wincest meme right now.
At this point Im sure Im missing a lot of aspects in the anime and manga. I know that there’s a good following for the manga but i haven’t seen much for the anime cept a few screenshots and comparisons to the manga. This is what I think about the characters and plot watching it blind I guess.
Mei….bothers me. Characters like her I have an issue with because they always initiate the first move like kissing them or some shit and then are always confused about why the Protag is so confused and can’t control their emotions. I don’t usually watch romance anime like this in fact the only one I liked was My Little Monster and Sakura Kiss but that’s another thing. I get it Mei you and your dad have a bad relationship and haven’t seen him in five years and you live alone. Alright I get it but that doesn’t give you the right to fuck with Yuzu like that.
I’ve seen a post that Mei is literally sexually assaulting Yuzu and that it’s a toxic relationship but I don’t wanna go that far. Ill just chalk it up to anime being anime. It’s not the first time we’ve seen characters force a kiss but back to the topic on hand.
Mei in the anime is such an unlikeable character. In Episode 3 Yuzu sees that Mei’s stuffed animal is ripped and she sews it back together as if nothing happened. Later in the episode when Yuzu has to stay at school late to clean the bathroom Mei goes through her stuff and finds a Manga named Peach Sisters and confronts her about it saying stuff like “if someone saw you with this theyd be disgusted” or “you should be ashamed.” so Yuzu kisses her and says all this is happening because she kissed her.
Finally we address the situation. Yuzu is absolutely right. All the shit that Mei detests so much is all her fault. She could’ve engaged in conversation and at least put in the same effort Yuzu was putting in and they would’ve bonded making the “romance” between them understanding. But no. Mei just completely ignores Yuzu and gives her the short end of the stick.
In episode 3 Mei says the only reason why she kisses her multiple times in the other episodes is to shut her up. But in episode 2 when the two girls fall in water Mei kisses and licks Yuzu’s neck while Yuzu is thinking about why she kissed her and Mei says “You looked like you wanted me to touch you.”
So what’s the truth Mei? Are you taking advantage of your older sister or are you not?
I hate Sasuke so much. Mei is starting to get close to that amount of hate. Yuzu is doing mental backflips to figure out her feelings and what to do while Mei is doing everything except thinking.
Oh yeah in episode 2 when Yuzu AGAIN tries to make an effort on what’s going on with Mei offering to help, Mei throws her on the bed and starts ripping her clothes off only to be caught by Old Grumpy Gramps. Yuzu is expelled and Mei does fuck all about it while in other times Yuzu stood up for Mei. In the begining of episode 2 while Mei gets chewed out by gramps Yuzu stands in front of her and says “if you want to get mad at someone get mad at me. She has nothing to do with this.” Gramps doesn’t listen and at the end of the episode gramps has a well deserved heart attack. And who helps him? Yuzu.
I think I’ve ranted about Mei enough now onto Yuzu. In the first episode she monologues to us about how she talks about having boyfriend’s and kissing them when she hasn’t even had her first kiss yet. I did the same thing in high school and Im sure others have too.
Yuzu is a likeable character. She’s blonde and has personality and very well rounded I guess? I don’t have problems with her. If anything I feel bad for her because of what Mei puts her through. It’s not only Mei. Is this other girl too. I can’t think of her name. Like this has taken me a few days to write when it shouldn’t. I think her names Kono-something but well get to her later.
Harumin is Yuzu’s friend in the situation and has NONE of an idea pf what’s going on with Yuzu and Mei however she’s there to help and is a pretty good friend. In episode 5 they share an indirect kiss when Harumin feeds Yuzu something from her lunch and they do it so naturally. As platonic as the relationship may be I prefer theirs over Yuzu and Mei’s SOOOOOOO much more. If this show threw a curveball and ended with Harumin and Yuzu being a thing I would NOT be upset and id accept it as such but that’s not gonna happen.
Now onto the friend. Her name is Kono or Kokno but for now let’s just call Kono. So she’s got purple hair with girl pigtails thats in curls and she’s the vice president. She’s known Mei for what seems like maybe Kindergarten? I dont know which school years are similar to ours (Im from America) but that’s just my guess. So Kono has this disdain for Yuzu because she doesn’t conform to rules and is all of sudden getting close to Mei. So after episode 3 in episode 4 she keeps asking Yuzu what the two did some conference room or what not and Yuzu doesn’t tell her so in Kono’s….trial to assert dominace over Yuzu she goes and licks and touches Mei’s ear. That turns into Mei moaning and then Kono slides her hand under her skirt and the scene cuts away to the afternoon sky. Later in the episode Kono tells Yuzu to meet her at a cafe or something and the two talk and Kono says they “crossed a line” which DOES NOT sound good by the way. Im not sure if that’s the english translation of what she said or what but it doesn’t sound okay (Im watching Sub). So Kono lies and says Mei wants NOTHING to do with Yuzu and never wants to see her again. Yuzu’s already thinking “but we live together”.
This whole time Im thinking the two might’ve fucked or something BUT in the episode 5 Mei tells her Kono made advances at her and she told her no or something. Kono sees the two walking outside of school and Mei tells her to stop putting weird thoughts in her head and Kono is sad and stands there.
In episode 4, Mei tells Kono that she and Yuzu are step sisters FINALLY and anytime Yuzu tries to be a good older sister Kono sees it as making advances on her.
I don’t like Kono. She’s very annoying. Im not sure if she was like that in the manga or not but again Im going in this anime blind.
She’s honestly very annoying and that’s just how I feel. Gets in the way and just don’t like her character.
Mei and Kono? Can’t stand Mei. Kono is…slightly tolerable.
Yuzu and Harumin? I like them. They have better chemistry than the romance intended.
I cannot stress how much context Im sure im missing and I WANT to read the manga and know stuff but sadly that’s just not possible. If ANYONE could link me to translated versions of it online great. Now Im gonna talk about the plot of this.
I don’t watch romance. The only two I watched and liked was Sakura Trick and My Little Monster. In the show My Little Monster there was plot. However little it was there was still plot but it kept it entertaining to watch. Sakura Trick barely had plot at all but it had a storyline and had lots of lesbian kisses. More than the entire anime industry combined and that’s where the show got it’s charm.
Another show I watched and liked called Yuru Yuri. The girls start a club. That’s it. Don’t ask anything more of them.
Citrus? If you asked what the plot was…I couldn’t give you a simple sentence answer. Im not sure…where this anime is going. I know they’ll end up together dispite them being step sisters but for the plot right now I have no clue what or where it is. I think it’s just me being stupid but right now I can’t really think of a plot. The closest I can think of is “two step sisters who have some things to work out.”
I don’t have any….comments on the animation. Modern. Clean. Looks nice for 2018 animation. Nothing really striking except when Yuzu is in uniform she’s very pleasing. Color scheme wise I mean. It’s no Ancient Magnus Bride so….I guess I mean….animation is okay I guess.
Overall, I don’t hate the anime. But I don’t love it. I have issues with it and Im going to continue to watch it cuz I want to see where this will go. I want to see Mei’s character growth and I want to see plot. I want to see this get good and I want to like this anime and Ill stick around as long as I can. After a few more episode’s Ill do a part 2 on what I think.
For now….3 outta 10. I’d have to have a lengthy conversation with someone before recommending this to them.
So those are my thoughts on the anime Citrus. If you wanna talk about it with me just DM me. If you’ve read the manga and what to give me context great. Thanks for that.
Considering doing anime reviews as a thing.
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starco-conut · 7 years
Our Thoughts on Season 3
Hey everyone!! as you may have seen...Alan and I have been just a bit let down by some of the stuff going on. Luckily, we’re both huge ass nerds so we wrote it all out in a multi-paragraph post. With visual aids! if you’ve been feeling a little offput by the new episodes but can’t place why, we probably have your reason put into words somewhere in here. 
Reviews, replies, general additions to this post are not only permitted, but strongly encouraged!! :D
bold is nicole. italics is alan
Scent of a hoodie
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I mean. one word summary;... Uncomfortable. it was rough to watch my girl obsess like that and honestly??? there was no clear message at the end... with the whole ‘the scent is in ur heart....’ do they mean to imply she’s getting over marco or that he’s always gonna be around in her mind??????????. yeh. not much to say here.
this episode was kind of strange and felt really awkward with star’s obsession with marco but had a sweet ending with star learning that its really unhealthy for her to latch onto marco like this and its time to move on. it felt like one of those iffy episodes throughout most of it but the end was decent enough
Rest in Pudding
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Her little monologue to glossaryk was super cute and well done!! that whole bit was just. Good! felt like Old Times! but then there’s
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This was... a gag? I dont know. when i saw it first my gut reaction was that they were setting up some angst about how star’s calling people on earth that aren’t her best friend Marco and THAT got me!! i was Ready To Be Hurt by that! but then like...nothing. Unless it comes up in a nearing episode this was just a bad joke. overall episode wasn’t bad at all though!!
i really enjoyed this episode! the pacing, mystery, and comedy all held up to the Star standard and only had a small amount of plot progression which felt appropriate for a halloween episode. my only gripe is that after the whole Battle For Mewni deal, i expected Moon to believe Star a bit more when she says Glossaryck is alive
oh yeah that too for sure
Club Snubbed
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pretty much made me want to die and barf simultaneously. when it got to the scene above, where she talked about just needing a friend i thought, hey, thats cool. and accurate. maybe that dance scene clip, since its unfortunately not a flashback, is going to be presented as platonic!
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nope. anyone in for a suicide pact?
To be fair, i should elaborate. Tomstar, in theory, is super cool. I definitely vibed with the fire and butterfly magic mix happening, back when I thought it was a flashback. But...Its been, what, 5, maybe 6 episodes since marco left and she’s already just...whoop? who’s marco? haha what? There’s not enough time. 
And from what I can tell, none of their old issues have been addressed. Tom still has anger issues, but because ‘its hard’ and he’s ‘trying’ suddenly star’s all over him? sleazy ppl come to their exes like ‘i’ve changed!!’ for a reason. the ex should actually. want. to see. change. Star seems content to say ‘fuckall, tom’s here, why not’
WHICH..could actually be good? If it’s presented that way? My hope is that she’s latching on to Tom because they have history, and a bond already. Marco’s gone suddenly, she’s urging for somewhere to direct her affection- lord knows the sweet girl has lots to give. and then they’ll part as friends after she realizes whatever they are now is unhealthy and ingenuine romantically. I have no backing for this and honestly it doesn’t look like that’s the way they’re going but... I’m gonna hope.
this episode definitely throws a spin on our view of tom as an “uncaring, lying, manipulative ex boyfriend” and for the first time i felt like i really saw Tom Lucitor, a boy with anger issues and an unfortunate history with his actions. i was really glad to see this character growth for him but i feel like the writers completely skipped over the real impacts that a relationship like tom and star’s had on each other. 
yes!! i didn’t say but, i kinda love tom as an independent character. his anger issues are presented as a part of his personality, he is a guy who has anger issues, not Anger Issues in a physical form. lots of cool depth on that.
realistically, star would not immediately fall back in love with tom because...why would she? we as the viewers know that Tom has changed but to Star? he has a significant history of lying to manipulate her and marco to get closer to them and star doesn’t have a real reason to believe what he’s saying is true and she shouldn’t have 100% faith in him so quickly especially when she had 0 trust in him just a few minutes prior. overall i was impressed with the development for tom but the future implications were disappointing to me
i will be talking more about my issues with Star and her trust issues later.
Stranger Danger
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My only issue with this episode is that it doesn't exist outside of its own ten minutes. I literally forgot about it til i looked up an episode list of s3 to write this post. Eclipsa is sitting there, queen of darkness, in the same castle grounds as star, and shes nor the trial is brought up in the subsequent episodes. Alan goes wild on this one so I’ll let him take it away- he’s 100% on point here.
i agree with nicole here, there is no buildup to the immense revelation that eclipsa is free and roaming the castle gardens. battle for mewni had planted the seed that eclipsa was breaking out but there was no mention of this in any other episode. and then there’s this:
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what was this all about?? did no one notice that Eclipsa, the Queen of Darkness, one of the most powerful queens and magic users in Mewni’s history, and a wanted criminal, was FREE FROM THE CRYSTAL THEY FROZE HER IN?? And in BFM, Moon even visits Eclipsa’s crystal prison to check if she’s still there but now? she didnt seem worried about it AT ALL. only when Star is peacefully talking to her does Moon and the magic high comission show up because...plot reasons.
aside from that, however, i feel like the pacing in this episode was not planned very well. from the opening scene of Star taking care of Glossaryck for well over 4 minutes, it felt like this was going to be a fun silly episode with general shenanigans (there’s nothing wrong with silly episodes, it just didn’t end up being one). but halfway through the episode, eclipsa shows up and suddenly the plot is moving at a rapid pace. and while this felt like it should have been the climax of the 11-minutes, the climax just continues? there is no falling action in this episode. it continues with star being decontaminated and at one point she is strapped to an examining table and flashes through some disturbing faces
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why is she smiling? who drew this? this feels really creepy, like someone is putting their kinks into the show and its really uncomfortable to watch and think about. there is a heart touching moment with Moon and Star talking about their actions and both side have somewhat understandable reasons, though star clearly has the show’s bias so the plot progresses (which is not necessarily a bad thing). afterwards, Star meets Eclipsa in her cell and still, the climax of the episode has not fallen at all with all the arguing. and then finally when star confronts eclipsa in her tower, she says,
“Just because i didn’t want you crystalized again, doesn’t mean i trust you.”
She literally has no past with eclipsa other than having a pleasant conversation with her. She knows next to nothing about her actual actions or personality but immediately doesn’t trust her? but in Club Snubbed she immediately trusts tom? the guy who directly had severe negative impacts on her life?? Why?! Why are the writers so inconsistent? nothing makes sense! It’s cheap, forced romance that’s why!
and after this ridiculously long climax the episode just ENDS. there is no resolution, and it doesn’t touch on it again anywhere in the next four episodes. It’s bad show writing.
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I picked this screenshot because it was the most disgusting!!! this is just...more of an opinion here but I really like the trope where one is out of their mind, dangerous, causing magic destruction and the other defies the risk and holds them, curing the issue with The Power Of Love. it’s corny but I love it. and yet.
here. they decided to just. chuck it in. I’ve seen shows do this trope Very Very well (oddly, one example i can think of also involves a wild demon kid and a forest in blue fire.....) but to just...throw this in there. with. like 8 seconds of buildup. n-o. no. ESPECIALLY because tom and star, where they are currently in the show, aren’t ready to be romantic, and this trope always has romantic implications.
i got extremely mixed feelings from this episode. on one hand it had a great message that you shouldn’t force change but rather to grow naturally and learn from your mistakes. on the other hand,  a lot of it is still tainted by this cliche, boring, romance. Star immediately barges in and claims that he’s only doing this for her and generally is untrusting of his actions. 
are you noticing a common theme here? writers purposefully twisting characters’ interactions for the sole purpose of causing drama? give me one good reason for star’s sense of trust to be flip-flopping like this over and over again. im being serious, if you even read this far, leave a reply and call me out because i CAN NOT THINK OF ONE GOOD REASON.
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“Okayy, but no tickling.” Again, more creepy bdsm, moving on.
Then later when hes doing that whole floaty, blue veined, writhing scene i will actually commend the writers for making a very good analogy of how painful and unhealthy this process is for tom to quickly force himself to change. then star comes back and hugs him and says shes here for him which would have actually been a very sweet moment if they had just been friends but of course, they’re not. its just a reminder that “uwu they’re in love now”. and then there’s this:
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confirmation that yes, the show is going to do that. rush star and tom’s relationship bc #teendrama. and the worst part of it is: star and tom could actually have been an acceptable, if not role model relationship if it wasn’t written so poorly, which is what the next paragraph or so is dedicated to.
I don’t hate Tom and Star’s relationship. I don’t. i see it as a missed opportunity. Tom and Star were two people who used to be a couple in the past and broke up for reasons unknown. we can speculate that it was because of Tom’s anger issues and problems with lying, and also Star’s inability to deal with complex situations and face her problems. THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY COMMON REAL LIFE SITUATION. This was a ripe opportunity to go in-depth with Star and Tom’s issues, not just their own but also the issues between them. and it is wasted. I know that its hard to fit this into one measly episode but there’s a whole half season to develop them at a proper, realistic pace! i wouldn’t care if the entire season is dedicated to Star and Tom working to solve these issues if it meant we had this enormously important topic resolved in a healthy and wholesome manner. 
But the problem is, none of this happens. And it’s not going to. The writers completely skip over all of Tom and Star’s anger towards each other and go straight to “UWU THEYRE IN LOVE NOW”. Star is just rebounding off Marco and onto Tom and there’s going to be more unnecessary drama, and someone’s going to get hurt.
And I am disgusted.
Sophomore Slump
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jarco saved this ep ? the only parts of it i could really relax and enjoy was the little jarco montage it was cute. and then. and THEN. the random dumping. I get what the writers were trying to say, y’know? ohohohoh, nudge nudge, we all know who marcos REAL best friend is...hohoho...except. they shouldnt have. said it. at least not via jackie. She was used in this disgustingly common way where she’s just there to deliver a message and help marco realize something. do y’all realize the most drastic adjective i can apply to her realizing she+marco wont work is like....”bummed”. It’s realistic to cry, to be fucking mad, to show...FEELING...i don’t care how cool and chill she is. It’s an absolute travesty to her to not let her be upset about it. 
AND THE CAPE. it was obnoxious, I hated his attitude about it, not because it was annoying but because he expected others to stop ‘acting weird’. I had hope when jackie knocked sense into him but then he...was then REWARDED for his obsession with it? He ended up getting what he wanted, a ticket back to Mewni, by being a stubborn arse about it. no.
god where do i begin. alright.
Marco was so out of character this episode. im not talking like “he isnt the safe kid anymore he takes some uncharacteristic risks”. no. I don’t know who this kid is but it is not Marco Diaz. He’s some plot device created by the writers to create drama. Why is he so obsessed with his cape? Why is he forcing his experience on mewni into every conversation? Why. Is he. The Croissant Girl. The dude spent over sixteen YEARS in other dimensions going on quests of epic scale and comes back home without a single issue readjusting. Not one word. but then he spends one week in the butterfly castle and serves essentially no purpose the entire time other than freeing Star from her chains one time. He was completely and utterly unimportant in the grand scheme of the BFM movie. and then he comes back to earth and feels this great pride as if he was some great part of the event. Why? what does he have to be proud of? there was no mention of this development in any of the earlier episodes. and i havent even mentioned the ridiculous forced breakup yet.
at some point it seems like Jackie’s words really do come through to Marco. He snaps out of his daze and seems to genuinely want to make it up to her. the scene with Marco and Jackie having a fun date at the pier was incredibly sweet and was generally a good experience. We got to see more of Jackie’s fun side that we were desperately searching for in season 1 and the first half of season 2. it was very satisfying to know that jackie was a character everyone would eventually come to love. but then
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that. Why? Why has Marco not moved on at all and learned his mistakes? why does he not understand that he’s being destructive. why do the writers like creating unnecessary drama. you know what show had a very similar plot issue and resolved this properly??
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That’s right! Everybody’s favorite racist, ableist, offensive, generally unfunny show: The Big Bang Theory. I don’t even remember this dude’s name but when he came back from space and was being annoying, his girlfriend talked to him and he realized that “WOW IM ANNOYING LET ME THINK ABOUT OTHER’S FEELINGS FOR ONCE.”
100%. if they had stopped with the callout via jackie, and he had actually taken off the cape, I would have been fine. lesson learned. but, obviously, they didnt do that.
 If this show (which has an incredible track record for doing crappy show writing) can get it right then why can’t Star vs the Forces of Evil? A show that is usually praised for it’s amazing talent for intelligent, easy to understand, and great moral messaging?
Because of the writers. They don’t want to teach important messages for these kids (the target audience may i remind you) to latch on to and learn from. They want to write their angsty fanfiction and throw it into canon.
Nicole-TL;DR my lasting hope is star’s affections for tom are, and are revealed as such, a way to cope with going cold-turkey on marco and things resolve without a stupid fucking love triangle also jackie and janna start  dating. aaand im just. disappointed with the show rn. something’s different and after shoving this amazing ass show in everyones face for so long just to see it kind of...well, it’s starting to peel. idk why. but im just hoping this is like...banagic incident but...several episodes long.
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missjackil · 7 years
Sam Winchester Appreciation Week
Day 1 - Favorite Scenes I dont have a single favorite, I have MANY! Im going to try and narrow the field down to a few of my most favorite Sam scenes. One of my favorite scenes is a funny one in S11 Just My Imagination when Dean barks at Sam “You, me Library now... COME ON!” Sam slumps off like a 9 year old that is about to be scolded, It’s freakin adorable that my 6″4 badass monster killer, can lower his head, slouch his shoulders and become a little boy at the drop of a hat.  Many great scenes happened in S11. Sam in Lucifers cage in O Brother Where Art Thou and Devil in the Details, brought some great moments. Jareds acting was fantastic. When Sam first gets zapped into the cage, Jared somehow perfectly showed Sam in pants shitting terror, while also remaining calm and focused. Not many actors can do both emotions at once. The final Sam monologue to Lucifer was fantastic! Though IMO if he had used the word “willing” instead of “ready” it would have been better. “Im willing to die. Im willing to watch the people I love die, but I am not willing to be your bitch!” works much better, dont you think? But the scene was great, and I was SO proud of him! S12 The Way We Are had an abundance of great Sam moments, from the wall smashing scene and owning the fact he slipped into follow mode with the Britts because it was easier than leading, to taking control over the hunters and saying “I want you to follow me” to hugging Dean with so much love and promising to come back. But my favorite scene in that, Im going to save for last, because I think it’s my favorite scene ever.
Its no secret that I prefer the post Kripke seasons, but I dont hate that era at all, Sam had some amazing scenes  Sam in white as Lucifer in the garden, Season 3 when he emotionally tells Dean he’s been following him around since he was 4, trying to be just like him, and of COURSE Swan Song when he opens his arms and closes his eyes, ready to throw himself and Lucifer into Hell for the good of the world. That’s when we learned just how heroic Sam Winchester is.
Any scene where Sam cries, just destroys me. Sobbing over Deans body , even though he’s done it several times, still kicks my ass. I am always convinced that Sam thinks Dean is gone forever, even when we know better.. The hallway scene in The Great Escapist is great. Sam is holding back tears that are threatening to burst any second. “These trials, theyre purifying me” is a very defining moment for Sam. After all this time, and all that has passed, he still feels unclean, but he’s determined to redeem himself, even though its not his fault. The end church scene in Sacrifice UGGHH hold me! I need an adult!That pain was genuine! You cant tell me Jared didnt realy feel it. It was all acting, because, bullshit. That was the most real emotional pain Ive ever seen! It might just be me, but Dean’s expressions looked like Jensen wasn’t ready to see that much emotion from Jared, and he was trying not to cry with him. Then I have to add the “Sammy close your eyes” scene, and the single tear that streams down Sam’s face and neck.  I just....sorry... gimme a minute. Sam is the ultimate badass! And Im not diminishing Dean as a badass, because he certainly is, but Sam tucks his badassery away until it’s necessary, and then watch out when it comes out! Red Meat...amirite? And all the pain Sam pushes through, fighting to get to Dean, when he finally kills the badguy and saves Dean, he just lets all of it go and collapses. To me, that was a 6″4 220 lb mic drop. Sam Fucking Winchester... Out! Now my favorite Sam moment to date, is so simple. So few words, but the way Jared delivers the line, the tone of his voice, his facial expression, the words he chooses to emphisize, make it to me, the #1 most defining moment in my life with Sam Winchester. After everything, EVERYTHING he has been through, all the ways hes been hurt, tortured, killed, tormented, and every other thing in his torn up life, he knows his mother started it, but he has the biggest heart in the world and he’s so forgiving, and he loves so completely, that when he says “Mom... you dont have to be scared of me” I freakin sob! I think about it and I get emotional, because how can Sam even be described better? Can unconditional love be described better? He could have said it to Dean with the same impact. I wish he did, but I think Dean already knows hes loved unconditionally, knows how far Sam will go for those he loves, and Mom needed to hear it.  So in conclusion, Im sure I could give you a dozen more great Sam scenes, and probably more, but I wanted to highlight these. Sam Winchester is the greatest fictional character I have encountered, and these are just a few reasons why.
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oumakokichi · 7 years
um im curious if maki and Tenko have any special interactions with characters that aren't Kaito and Himiko? Like Saihara perhaps, Ouma, Kibo, Korekiyo, Angie,, etc..
It’s hard to define “special interactions,” but there are a few! Maki doesn’t really interact with many other characters, but part of that is as much because she’s a loner by nature as it is because the game starts attributing all her character growth and development to Momota at some point.
Still, she does have a few interesting interactions one-on-one with Saihara, mostly in Chapter 3, when Momota begins skipping out on their training sessions (probably because of his illness, though the game tries to make you think it’s just because he’s scared of the occult at the time). She’s also the investigation partner for Chapter 3, which helps flesh her out a little more.
Sadly, their dynamic has always fallen a little flat to me, mostly because most of what they do talk about one on one still revolves around their romantic feelings (Maki’s for Momota, and Saihara’s for Kaede). Everything that gets asked about Maki’s backstory is usually done only when Momota is around, or else outside the main plot, in her FTEs. And although they do have fairly good interaction between Chapters 3 and 4, I still maintain that Chapter 5 really dropped the ball, considering how horribly their dynamic is handled without ever getting brought up by the narrative.
Maki insults Saihara during the trial, calls him a shoddy detective, says he’s a bad friend to Momota, threatens him, and outright says word for word that she’s willing to get him and everyone else killed in the trial if it means “defeating Ouma as the ringleader.” This isn’t such a bad thing in itself, because I like when female characters are allowed to be cold and aloof and not necessarily good people. If the game had actually addressed it and let Maki be on the outskirts of things in Chapter 6 while having to earn her right to be trusted by the group again, I would’ve loved that.
But the problem is that her behavior just literally never gets treated as a problem after the trial. She doesn’t apologize for it afterwards, and Saihara acts as though there’s no issue at all; he doesn’t even seem angry or scared of the things she said and did. Even the fact that she lied to the entire group before the trial ever started, promising not to kill Ouma before going to do just that, is never once addressed as a serious breach of trust.
So sadly, even though Maki does interact with Saihara on her own somewhat, I feel there’s a lot of unfulfilled potential in their dynamic. The only other character who she can be said to “interact” with is Ouma, but their dynamic is… well, extremely antagonistic. Which is interesting in its own way, but it’s definitely not a story of friendship and getting to know one another better.
Both of them mutually dislike each other, Ouma because he knows she’s a killer and that she was lying about her talent to the rest of the group, and Maki because Ouma relentlessly makes digs at her status as a killer and because he constantly puts on such an antagonistic and hostile façade. I will say something I found interesting is that Maki does seem to revise her opinion of Ouma a little bit in Chapter 6, though very, very late in the game.
After she sees all the evidence that he wasn’t actually evil, including the very childish diagrams in his room, and the discussion in the trial that confirms he was never a Remnant of Despair, I think she couldn’t help but be shocked at how she was used as a pawn by the real ringleader to kill him. It’s admittedly very interesting how I think she’s stuck between two very different images of Ouma in Chapter 6: the “evil villain” side that he exposed before, and the much more childish, self-sacrificing side that gets alluded to by all the clues in his bedroom. While I would never go as far as to call them “friends,” I do think their dynamic with one another is very interesting in that sense.
Tenko by contrast is quite willing to interact with other members of the group, though usually only if they’re female. She’s much more outgoing by nature, I think, given her tendency to wear her emotions on her sleeve. But the main problem is that unlike Maki, she’s not nearly as plot-relevant, and therefore her interactions with other characters are intentionally kept limited.
Still, she does have a few characters who she interacts with! Kaede is a pretty noticeable one. I would say that after Saihara himself, Tenko was arguably one of the characters the most touched by her. Not only are her FTEs with Kaede pretty damn cute and indicative of how worried Tenko is for every single girl in the group, but as someone who wants to protect others herself, I think she was touched by Kaede’s leadership attempts. She’s someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, so Kaede’s death is something that really hit her hard.
The fact that she also keeps Kaede’s memory with her in her heart is actually one of the things that prompts some really nice in-game interactions with her and Saihara. While she’s still certainly wary of Saihara because he’s a guy, she can clearly tell that he’s trying very hard to get stronger, that he’s not a bad person, and that he clearly was very fond of Kaede. In Chapter 3 they talk for a bit about the influence Kaede left on them, and it was a scene I quite enjoyed.
Like Momota, Tenko also takes it upon herself to try and force Saihara to come to terms with his own insecurities. It’s a sign of what a good person she is and how much she truly does believe that strength comes from overcoming one’s own flaws and facing problems head-on that she includes Saihara in her little “aikido session” in Chapter 3 as well as Himiko–and that she largely gives them both the same treatment, even though she clearly has feelings for Himiko. When it comes to making them both stronger, Tenko’s advice is the same: confront the problem directly.
Saihara’s weakness is his anxiety and hesitation, which is something she tells him directly while aikido throwing him to the floor. While her little “training session” with him is quite brief, it’s still amusing to me that it bears so many similarities with Momota’s own training sessions he puts Saihara through. Clearly, Tenko never hated Saihara; if she had, she would never have offered him personal advice. Her attempt to get him to face the root of his problems was a really nice scene, and showed that while she’s wary of guys by nature, it’s not as though she actually hates them.
Her interaction with Kiibo is admittedly much more brief, but I still really like their brief back-and-forth in Chapter 2, as well as the fact that Kiibo gets an invitation to the pool event because he doesn’t count as a guy. I think there’s a lot of “I don’t really understand your logic” feelings between the two of them, but that they both do like each other well enough, even if they’re not close or anything. The fact that Tenko felt the need to confirm directly whether Kiibo was a guy or a girl was great, because it shows that she was clearly trying to decide how to view him and whether to trust him or not.
Meanwhile I think Kiibo did like her, since they’re both two of the more formal/polite members of the group by nature… though I think ultimately the fact that she does just view him as a robot stops them from getting much closer. After all, Tenko is the one to start asking questions about what would happen if Kiibo suddenly fell off a boat in the middle of the ocean, and later she and Gonta both don’t even hesitate to throw Kiibo at the tank to break it and get Hoshi’s skeleton away from the piranhas. There’s a feeling there that they like each other well enough, but just don’t really get each other much.
Finally, one of Tenko’s more interesting interactions (besides Himiko, as you said) is Angie, probably. The two of them are clearly paralleled as the people who vie for Himiko’s attention. But while Angie’s reasons are largely self-motivated and because she’s used to having very trusting, naïve people around her who will do what she says, Tenko’s reasons are entirely self-sacrificing–a little too much, sometimes, when she gets over-eager.
This conflict of which approach is best for Himiko, and whether Angie’s trying to take advantage of her or not, is what sparks most of the tension between Tenko and Angie. Angie’s full-fledged devotion to her religious beliefs mostly irritates Tenko early on, but I think it’s only later in Chapter 3 that she realizes how serious Angie is about it, and that it could become a serious problem if she keeps going through with dangerous things like the resurrection motive.
What’s interesting is that while she clearly resents how quickly Himiko opened up to Angie, and how much Angie seems to be taking advantage of her, she never actually hates Angie. She specifically wants to handle the situation without killing her in Chapter 3, and she says that she’s not even sure Angie realizes how much she’s escalating the situation.
Because she believes so thoroughly in her god, it’s not as though she’s evil or a horrible person per se–but she’s unshakable and unwilling ot listen to reason, and that makes her dangerous. That’s why she wanted Saihara and Maki to talk to her and try and convince her to stop the resurrection ceremony, if possible. Whenever she herself tries to talk to Angie instead, the situation seems to escalate ten times more than necessary, and it’s impossible to get through to her.
The two of them have a definite rivalry of sorts, and I appreciate the fact that it has nothing to do with a male character for once. I wouldn’t say that they’re “friends” with each other necessarily either, but it’s clear that Tenko didn’t hate Angie. And Angie, for all her flaws and the fact that she wasn’t written as well as she could’ve been, never expressed any interest in actually killing anyone either. The cause for most of their mutual dislike is, I think, paranoia: Tenko clearly mistrusts Angie and thinks she’s a bad influence on Himiko, while Angie mistrusts Tenko for not letting her just have her way and speaking up against her so much.
I hope this helps answer our question, anon! It’s always really interesting to go back and try and consider what interesting relationships or dynamics characters have with each other. Ndrv3 is noticeably different from dr1 or sdr2 in that the characters never really quite manage to pull off that “we’re a big happy group of friends” feeling, but that’s pretty deliberate, I think. Even when they do start acting like it, it’s only because of the Hope’s Peak remember light in Chapter 5, and because they’re starting to act a lot more like their predecessors.
It’s fun to look at dynamics between characters which were really interesting or compelling even if they weren’t a huge part of the game. So thank you for asking!
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kalenhad · 8 years
i really feel the need to rant about me:a and its reception so far
a huge, badly constructed mess under the cut
the amount of shit this game is getting right now is ridiculous and unnecessary. on twitter/facebook/tumblr any website really. criticism is fine and i think it's good to point out things like the social issues, and the awkward animations, especially considering how many companies tend to release their game broken and unfinished these days. hell even the ea access thing to play me:a is in my opinion not great, because it feels like theyre using us as their beta testers, plus it's giving some bad press for the game. because the game clearly does have its weak points and not all of the reviews are overwhelmingly positive (which in the black and white internet culture to some people it automatically means that the game must  be bad, even tho no full reviews are out yet). people have been worried about this game ever since it was announced, so the ea access trial was a very bad marketing move to build up hype (and to get people pay for ea access.... thanks ea). and i have no idea why bioware montreal is making their next game in their best selling franchise. that seems weird too but hey maybe the game turns out to be great and they made it because they had the potential. 
but the thing is, everyone is overreacting super hard right now. it's almost like people want to hate the game. there seems to be this need to tear it apart. and while some of it definitely comes from the shit show that was the end of me3 and its reception, and the weird secretive marketing for this game, the main problems people are having with the game right now seem to be... the character creator and some of the animations. things that a) are fixable b) can be overlooked c) are ultimately not game breaking though the immersion might suffer. i would also like to make point about how there are like 1000 npcs or some shit in this game, so while thats not really an excuse, it is not a surprise that there are some awkward animation out there (da:i still has some 2 years after launch, though da:is animations problems were never this severe to begin with) and as people have pointed out, the majority of the animations are fine.   and honestly most games do have these kind of problems at launch. i really do hate the way people now compare all bioware games to witcher 3 and i wouldnt normally do the same, but witcher 3 also had major problems at launch. most games do.  like i said earlier, companies shouldnt release unfinished games but it happens. 
and while im not familiar with how relationships with publishers and development studios like ea and bioware really work, i think that’s good to keep in mind too because, well, ea is ea. 
and even all that said the game might not turn out to be the masterpiece people want/expect/hope for. it’s always disappointing. theres a lot to be said about companies and devs hyping up their games and simultaneously shooting themselves in the leg but that’s another topic. but i just. games can be ok. they can be alright. you can have fun with them and enjoy them even if theyre not genre defining or the next big classics or compete for the GOTY. a lot of people absolutely hate fallout 4. i think it was alright. i enjoyed the gameplay and was invested enough in the world, characters and story even tho i didnt give a dick about my dead husband and baby. it didnt bring anything new to the table, it was all sort of been-there-done-that, but i still had fun. it was alright.  you can have opinions, sure. you can love unpopular games, hate popular games and the other way around. ive always been very vocal about my hate towards david cage games and you know what? i already hate detroit become human. if it turns out to be good then great. im even willing to give it a chance, but for now i hate it. but what im trying to sya here is that given the hate me:a is getting right now, i just feel like you dont have to love OR hate games. and you CAN hate games for sure. absolutely. you can even do it before they come out. my beef is mostly with internet culture, hive mind, black and white thinking and the unfairness of all that noise. i also hate being in a fandom filled with so much negativity. it’s not fun. it makes me question why im even here. like are these people having fun?? what are they doing here?
im not saying you cant point out the animations or anything like that. it’s fun to make fun of games and their less polished sides/glitches/what have you . but i really do feel like a lot of people are crossing the line of fun and good taste, and just being mean spirited and unfair towards the game.
the hate me:a is getting right now is.... kinda worrying? the devs are getting harassed, it might affect the game’s sales, people are sharing the most extreme and negative first-impression articles about the game (cough, that rock paper shotgun article, cough) which might result in more news sites writing stuff like that for the clicks etc. even on tumblr a lot of the jokes aren’t really funny anymore, but almost malicious. the game’s not even out yet. no reviews are out yet. it’s good to be cautious about games and pre-order culture (i cant stress this enough), and bioware has definitely given us reason to worry about me:a. but... this? 
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
4-2 Reaction (WIP)
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: Turnabout Corner. Sounds nice enough.spin thingCARconstumes?3DNOoh so we die nowhehe the office is a mess i hate it whatever
Apollo's special talents: having a V for hair
hat is all i can think of
hehe this girl is great
SHE is the best person here
-Apollo punched my boy and
-Phoenix is being stupid
lol hahahahaha...
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she's 15? she looked younger than that
Apollo: I'm sure there's a good explanation. (I hope...) As i said im pretty sure she's adopted.
Apollo: I'm sure there's a good explanation. (I hope...) As i said im pretty sure she's adopted.
Trucy: He's in the hospital WHAT
yesss she is coming with me
hey hotti: die
i wonder how old he is now
to be fair, Phoenix did risk Apollo's entire career with that with little move.
I mean, as far as I"m concerned, he was justified, but Polly did have a right to be miffed. I'd have felt pretty used, too
haha and Trucy kind of gives off that air on purpose.
If i think about it that way it does make sense --- Phoenix: Thankfully i hit a telephone pole with my head Apollo: You hit a telephone pole with your head???!!? Me: Don't worry he's gotten assaulted many time he can handle it
it's more pronounced in the Japanese, but there was no good way to translate her speech patterns
BASICALLY she has a stage persona that she keeps on almost all the time, and it's a very cute one.
aw... man
these two are guilt tripping me into joining. ahahaha.
but she'll drop it a bit when she's talking about the things she's really proficient at, which tells you that she's honestly VERY smart
hahah if they'd tried to translate it fully, it would have given her a speech pattern that comes across as more annoying than endearing to an English speaker, so they had to lose some of that nuance for us.
makes sense.
dangit! It seems i can't present profiles anymore...
hey phoenix I'm carrying on the tradition
Hi client! you remind me of instant noodles
and he owns a harmonica
Guy: It was stolen! My stand! Stolen! Oh ya now that guy walking around with a cart behind him in the intro makes sense
sir that's not a whistle
sounds like you like him!
Eldoon is great hahah
Apollo keeps insisting he's a lawyer not a detective but he has no idea how much detective work it seems a lawyer usually needs to do I probably shouldn't use the first three games as an example because apparently phoenix is evil or smthn BUT
what did who steal Trucy
oh no
dangit so maybe sense that was brought up it has to do with the guy who stool the cart accidently running past or something
have a biiiit more faith in Nick hahaha
stop crying about panties I'll buy you new ones I LIKE HIM A LOT I'm just talking from apollo's perspective because he apparently is mad at him for something im not allowed to hear about. Otherwise, im almost 100% with Phoenix
I still refuse to use the nickname 'nick' haha
Oh, no you know. He's miffed about the forged ace from the last trial, and he's also just mad in general that that trial resulted in him losing a steady job.
YES IT WAS FOR THE GREATER GOOD, but Apollo did end up being out of work for a month or so
DANGIT phoenix i understand and also Kris is probably evil BUT dangit whater I'm still mostly on your side
Now my age old tradition of: Examine everything because dialogue
Mr. Charley... I remember that... HEY
hahaha yeah, but no...I'm bang on Phoenix's side too, but you still have to consider that from Apollo's POV, in a single trial, he found out his trusted mentor wasn't the person he thought he was, AND he had his hero use him as a pawn.
Apollo don't judge my boy about a potted plant. Especially when you yell at the top of your lungs before every trial. you have no wright to judge puns
AGAIN, for the greater good...Kristoph wouldn't have been the best mentor to continue having in the long run...but that all still has got to sting.
Phoenix explain more and be nicer and be better and you know what you're mostly fine and Apollo im sorry for what he did please move on
....I need to sleep now. I got a lot done though!
hahaha okaaaay
let's recap on what happened when i last played: Apollo had to suffer through an extremly hard tutorial level and then punched a homeless man. Homeless man and his kid guilt tripped into helping some awesome noddle guy find his stand, help homeless guy find out who ran him over, and help his kid find her panties. ALRIGHT
not sure if i examined everything yet so
Trucy apparently uses the split box for furniture. Very smart. Apollo is creeped out though.
Apollo: But you can't play the piano with all of the stuff on it I thought you already knew that nobody around here is going to be playing piano
i should really sto examining everything and actually start doing stuff
to the accident scene
THUMBFACE!!! i remember seeing a picture of her
i like her
Hey so apollo likes tea too! Awesome!
Apollo let her handle it she's obviously doing much better than you are
i hate how we can't present profiles anymore
who is this yellow person
I told you someone was coming back sooooooon~
once again i am so mad i can't present profiles anymore. H
Q: yes. How could she.
Q: she is doing that glasses thing she did i love her
hey miss can you help me go to talk to ema
BF: hahaha Ema being a grouchy pants?
I got you on this. Go talk to HoboNick
BF: lol I'm not sure how many people agree with me on this, but I actually love grumpy Ema.
so do I love her
just LEAVE ME ALONE I"M EATTING. *angry munching*
dagit where is he
well i can't find him so im going to go to that room i havn't been at yet
oh hey it's the eldoon guy
i bet you expected i already met with him but nope
met with whom?
eldoon... you told me to meet up with phoenix but he wasn't there so I assumed i needed to do something before he reappeared or he was in a different place i should no about already.
how did i mix up know and no
awww the dog needs food
hmmm maybe I misremembered...have you tried back at the office?
i need to get to the office to get to the clinic place. Now that i'm done here maybe it updated
nah it didn't. I have another room to go to now though!
looks like i found the panties
so that is why they were son important to her! They were magic!
Apollo: Look, it's a folding ladder Trucy: That's called a 'step ladder' oh my god
Admit it Trucy your father's logic is flawed
get used to those, they will be mentioned a LOT
oh boyphoenix still isn't back. I'll keep checking in to see what is going on and if he is back
Hmmm. maybe I was wrong about that.
i think you were right but you were wrong about what time
When you're stuck: CHECK THE TALK BUTTON
and present everything to everyone!
ow could they do this to me.
I think they decided that was too complicated hahah
oh ya! I forgot! I can examine the examined!
yay i found another peice of evidence
i only have 5
im stuck
talk to Little Plum again?
I know she has more than one piece of evidence
hey! Trucy found stuff in the trash can!!
it's the mirror to the car!!
yesss i think we can talk to phoenix again now
yaaaaay hello homeless person
why is yellow girl at the office/home
Well sure i'll defend. You look like you could pay me so I'm sure apollo would be glad.
hahha BINGO if Alita's around and you've got a confirmed corpse, you are definitely on the right track
oh and yeah I should have asked if you'd checked the trash can
aw he looks cute IS THAT A BLUE BADGER SHIRT :OOO --- it's fine, haha
hahaha THIS GUY
and YES AND NO. this doesn't spoil much, I think, to say that's a character from the Badger universe
like Bad Badger or something. You can tell he's up to no good because he wears SUNGLASSES
it's fancier looking now is all hhahahah
remember to examine everything~
oh ya!
whoop brb but I'll tell you one thing...you'll KNOW EXACTLY when you are about to meet the rockstar prosecutor
it's another mr. gavin
what the
Ema: Anyway! This scene is off limits! NOT ANYMORE
I thought i would be happy to meet that guy but that just confused me so much hahaha
she's not talking to me but she'ss till great
well she isn't talking with me but i found eldoon's cart
Phoenix: Apollo. Tell me about this 'prince' of Trucy's. Well uh he's apparently bisexual and flirted with me and was very nice to your daughter and absolutely shocked me even though i thought i saw it coming
Apollo: White power...? I hope it's not what i think it is... THIS GAME
i forgot where he said it was
i am terrible with instructions apparently because i remember this happening before
and it doesn't look like he's going to repeat himself. Dammit.
Phoenix: Some kid i know keeps sending them to me oh hey was that the not-by name reference to Maya?
i need to find the white power stuff but i don't remember where it is
it's in the office!
ahahah and yes, that's almost certainly a Maya reference...the only character who's even close as much of a Steel Samurai fan as her is Edgeworth, and I don't see Edgey sending Nick DVDs and making him right reports
whaaat Edgey likes steel samurai? BACK TO GAME
to the office.
(where in the office
hahaha yeah it's kind of a subtle side gag in the original trilogy, but there are hints. the biggest one being the fact that he actually displays the SS figure Oldbag gave him in his office
it's more of a blatant running gag in other games.
nice haha
(this office is so cluttered where the hell is it)
and IIRC it should be on the split cabinet thing. the one used for the saw trick
I mean in cluttered rooms like that examine everything anyway, but I think that's where it is. or Very near there/
examined it and i can't find it :( I'll try checking near it
found it!!!
Trucy: I thought it was sugar so i looked it... He got mad at me DON'T LICK IT
yay :D
now that i am over the initial chock of meeting him i decided i like Klavier btw
Ema: A pistol... Not that easy to come by in this day and age let's hope so
but they DO look absurdly alike.
I know right? Can you believe that Kris is like 8 years older that Klavier?
EIGHT??? whaaat
7-8...I forget which. it's a big age gap.
but if you slapped glasses on Klav, you'd have a hard time telling them apart
I'm going to come back. This is great.
hahah OKAY
Trucy don't act so surprised. Like, there has been no time i can recall when the evidence when first presented has been directly helpful.
ema is great i love her
....though i think we're done talking with her for now
more underwear!
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