#the chickens disagree
photozoi · 2 years
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We aren’t coming out until you turn off the faucet!
We got rain today, and the chickens put themselves away in the Beak Bunk early today in protest. Because of rain? Seriously? You live in the Pacific Northwest!
CinderFella, Ece, Ku and Prinny
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pinayelf · 3 months
my unpopular opinion within da fan space (not video games in general bc gamer bros are annoying) is that even tho I played all 3 games in order and was told extensive lore abt it beforehand as well as told that dai was the worst but ended up being my favorite
I get the critique and it's fair and valid but it's my favorite one. it's the most fun to play to me and I like the companions the best
it may be because I enjoy open world (I like running around) and I'm the most attached to immy but it is what it is lmao
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twst-migraine · 3 months
"..Chickin' Nuggies?"
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me enjoying a character: wow this is so fun :) i will never go into the tumblr tag about her :)
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 9 months
Stop torturing chickens
I have good news for you, Anon: I’m way ahead of you. The last time I tortured a chicken was never.
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chesacakeripper · 2 months
Still thinking about the interaction I had over the weekend (where there was genuine right wing unrest in my city waheyy) where I popped a message onto my colleagues-but-we're-friends-we-go-for-drinks-and-dinner-sonetimes chat to make sure ppl were staying safe (many of us are of various minority groups) and I get a bit salty about how the police were mostly being shit and harassing the counter-protestors and one person pipes up with 'I don't subscribe to the acab thing sorry 😂' after talking about how many police were injured in other unrest and like.
I had to fully disengage myself because I work with and am friendly with these folks but sometimes you get smacked in the head with an opinion and suddenly lose the trust and respect you'd been building for someone over the last year huh
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captaindreamsalot · 2 years
Just thinking about how Jim has pulled away from Wen every single time Wen has reached out but this episode, we finally see him touch Wen. Hesitantly (on that couch), like he's not sure he's really allowed to or that he should/deserves to, but he is finally beginning to have the courage to return the same love Wen shows him. Bawled like a baby when he finally initiates touch on the beach for the first time. It probably felt like he was finally coming "home".
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Today I had theater class and dear lord... My teacher was talking about a play she saw or directed, I'm not really sure, and about how it was so special that people connected to it so much and (when the play was over and there was a moment for discussion about it) commented and cried about it. Then she talked about a girl who was crying quite a bit and, during the discussion, said that "We, women, are born with pain". I kid you not, my teacher then commented (with us) about how she later reported that girl to the university so they would talk to her, because she didn't feel like it was the moment to say it (the girl was crying and no one else would open up if she did) but "one is not born, but becomes a woman" and it is an issue that a psychology major would believe otherwise.
I just want to acknowledge how completely messed up the modern day "wokes" have become. It is an echo-chamber and if anyone says anything other than what is believed by the group using the precise "correct" language, they are cast out and policed constantly. This ideology (because that's what it is, it's completely a matter of perspective) acts exactly like a cult at times and committing "thought-crimes" is the same as actually hurting people to them. We cannot comment on our experiences anymore as women either. I, as an exercise, was thinking on the way home about how I would go about trying to translate what the girl meant using their lingo and I came to the realization that no matter what I said, it would be frowned upon. The whole conversation we had felt very heavy and aggressive, with no room for questioning. The girl was pouring her heart out, but my teacher and classmates showed barely any compassion. It's crazy that these days you can really only be a piece of shit conservative or a so open-minded the whole brain fell out progressive in the mainstream.
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tymniemniej · 1 year
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@jupiter-balls - hp bday !!!
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spin-in-time · 1 year
If you prefer the newer seasons of ninjago over the older seasons (pilot-s5/s7) we are fundamentally different people
#kind of a neutral statement#s8 and s9 get excused to an extend but i will not for forgive them for garma/don#s6 and s7 aren't that amazing to me but they get a pass bc at least they feel like they're about the same characters as the prev seasons#and similair with 8 and 9 except yeah..... this is where it starts......#s11+ means little to me in regards to characters. sure they have some cool stuff and the stories are neat (i love s12 SOO much for example)#but. yeah it's what i call the cardboard treatment because most characters especially when they're not the focus feel like -#- cardboard cutout versions of themselves#guys isn't zane so funny because he's a robot hahaha! what a source of comedy that is so in character! /s#and i'm not gonna say that i hate the new seasons cause that's not true#i bawled my fucking eyes out at s15#but it's. kind of a different show to me and the characters often feel off.#also some recurring things that i'm sooooo annoyed at sigh ugh ugh ugh#also they start this thing around s6 where for some reason the police is involved??#and the explorer's club pls fucking DIE#it's fine if you like the chicken also man but holy crap this is just NOT for me at all#the older seasons were many times more charming and if you disagree then - well we simply have differenzt tastes#which is fine#but my god it's something i do need to point out#i didn't actually mean to ramble so much but yeah.........#one of my favorite examples is the reduction of jay's and zane's characters to goofy guy and robot smart guy#the taking jay's inventing skills is the most insane thing they have done to date and they openly admit this this is literally a thing#they really only cared about tropes and archetypes at this point even though this is simply NOT where ninjago shines#i feel like someone might unfollow mr for this but you literally don't have to#it's all fine! just feel like saying this every now and then because ninjago is one of the shows that have been THE most special in my life#forgot the / for ninja/go oh wel l sorry#the reasons i like this show lie in the early seasons and not the later ones
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villainessbian · 5 months
Made dumplings for the first time today! It was surprisingly easy! Except gauging the quantities and making the "tie-off" part on top not too big! I will be making more until I'm sick of them in maybe-autistic fashion as I do with all food! Aaaaa I love learning new ways to make food that are tasty and ridiculously easy!
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tired-and-unjellied · 6 months
Apparently an arknight character is named after a region name that is a slur and blame it on the devs for not looking it up (instead of blaming Sweden and Norway for not renaming the region)
I looked it up and there is no info about that region name being a slur; I get results on the region if I search "lappland".
I looked up "lappland slur", and found a post on r/arknight, slur dictionaries mentioning "laplander" and "lapp" to refer to Sami people, info on the character or the region, and that's it
and from what I get, she's Italian, not Sami, so it's really a gal calling herself after a region, and lappland is also a word in all three Sami tribes according to a commenter (OP "refuted" them by calling them a racist).
but yeah, "look it up when you create a character name" 🤓☝ (nevermind that it wasn't even created)
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spark1edog · 9 months
the number of discourse-like posts i write and then draft immediately is insane
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rewordthis · 9 months
So one episode left…
Gate: … Close?
How come we’re robbed of an episode this season? Season one was 24 episodes long. Usually anime with double the size of episodes are 24 episodes long. Could this be due to the recap I wasn’t able to find? Or because the animators are about to pass out from being worked to the bone?
⚠️Be warned: I rant ALOT this time around so don’t read if you can’t handle it. 🤷‍♀️
I see right and left people screaming at each other, especially those saying how this isn’t a nicely animated series being told off for ever mentioning something like that and that this season is literally killing the animators working for MAPPA because of the inhumane working schedule so people should be thankful to even get it and you know what? I held back all this time from saying it but it was nowhere near entertaining watching the show thus far save for some very specific exceptions.
Certainly not the nicely put-together series I loved from first season…
I keep comparing it to the first season and the movie and beside the five first episodes (not that these were stellar but still…), that many claimed it to be an artistic option to look like that, the series is decimated with bad scrip and awful flow and disturbingly bright colours that sometimes actually detract from the vibe. Not always! And I stress that because the Choso vs Yuuji fight was beautiful and Mahito’s deployment in Uzumaki was beyond pretty but the series are dark alright. It’s not exactly some neon-pop phantasmagoria to have that all the time. Also, the fight scenes have zero choreography and are often a mess that portrays nothing sort of non-cohesive stills here and there. Not to mention how annoying it is to have the luminosity suddenly drop from 100% to 30%. I have paused and rewinded FAR too many times trying to understand what’s going on to find it amusing anymore. All in all though, the worst part out of this season are the fights and I don’t think there’s anyone that caught whiff of what was going on without “rewinding” and pausing every frame — there’s no way you can enjoy something like this — unless you know, you have read the manga first... 😕😔
And in general let me break this down further by answering some really simple questions:
Are there incredible scenes? Yes.
Are there nice proportions and nicely portrayed characters most of the time? Yep!
Is the flow making sense? Somewhat?
Is the build up of the story engaging? Meh.
Are the fight sequences easy to follow with beginning, build up and climax? 7/10 no.
Animators are overworked? Then let them rest for fucks sake! I rather have the season postponed than have this… this “THING”! *waves hands wildly* This is not nice or good or desirable for both the fans and the workers. Give them time to sleep. Give the series time to come out properly. MAPPA managed to fuck up both its manpower and a popular series with one stone this time!
Honestly, I may come off as an ungrateful bitch and you know what? Think what you want, I may very well be one because it already sucks for me watching the series and knowing how much it sucks for the people behind it’s production; I can’t feel thankful for their efforts even more if it’s a product of frustration and pain. I feel disgusted by the executives for creating and prolonging this situation. I feel guilty for the animators working just to make their living. I hate the whole scheme of things inside and out of the anime industry. I honestly, honestly, would prefer the series went on hold until there was enough time to be produced normally and evenly. Just churning out episode after episode with shit quality simply because they need to ride the hype from the manga is not just bad business, is bad fan practice too.
If I didn’t know jack how the anime business in Japan works, I’d wish for the fanbase to turn their backs on this production but from what I’ve gathered projects get the guillotine treatment when there is no engagement. And it’s not like the employees can have a legal say on all this, as the Japanese law allows for companies that get negative criticism to file for defamation against whoever so much as speaks about them. I really hate that… 😤 Even worse, leaving a company is viewed as you not being a proper and cooperative employee in most cases, so you end up being undesirable for other companies. Unless these animators don’t have a back up plan they literally have nowhere to go if they leave MAPPA. Someone do correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve come across many articles talking how this is a main toxic work trait in Japan. It’s why Nanami got killed, kids. Wake up!
But to make it perfectly clear, those who say that this season is not good? They have every right to say it if you’re just going to claim the bad working conditions in MAPPA. To be more precise, it is exactly what is shown in this season that makes it bad. It’s the mess in production that pours through and that’s why this is a badly animated series. Not just the wacky lines or the mad dimming etc. but also the scenario and the flow that are just… gasping to catch up to the events. No matter how much the animators work themselves to the ground producing amazingly beautiful imageries the problem remains the same; there’s a scenario that confuses and breaks off and leaves openings way too much to help the viewer follow the story and that is what a story is mainly told for. Each mean/medium (call it whatever) has a different way to tell a story effectively. Just because Gege wrote it that way in the manga it doesn’t mean that is the optimal way for the anime to play it out, too. It’s not that hard to understand that, is it? And that’s exactly what I don’t like this season. The scenario. The direction. The flow. That’s all I’m saying. Will I still watch it? Yes, because I like the story and the characters and more importantly it’s already out. I’m not having a say as to when or how an episode airs so I take what I’m given. Do I like the execution so far? Mmm… Some parts I adore, some I hate, and some are neutral as they should. Do I think it’s a masterpiece? Well, I’ll have to rewatch it with that specific question in mind to be able to answer this one. It sure is one hell of an effort, though. 🫤
Anyway, moving on from my rant — holidays bring out the worst in me, so ignore the negativity I give off in this post; let’s see what this episode’s good points were because I need to laugh this off somehow and let’s ponder on the new info we got from it… Shall we?
So! MeiMei bailed, huh? Same, not gonna play the bigger person here. But if she had the time to pick up her laptop, fly to Malaysia — ah, Nanamin where are you? 😭 — and treat herself a Merlot wouldn’t that mean she also had time to buy a bra? Girl! Put them melons away from UiUi; kid’s gonna die of nosebleed!
Yet, you’re flying out of Japan for what? To avoid the higher ups, I’m sure. All while tracking the stock market and telling your friend(?) that is at a completely different time zone too(!) to sell everything they have in Japan. And who is that friend you want to keep you in the loop? What loop??? To which country??? (The one country with a strong economic presence and a day/night deference I can think of is A… 😬) And so what if you move your assets? If the curses win, fuck the world! Not just Japan or the developed countries! 😑 That friend also knowing of jujutsu… I’m so curious, but also scared. This is Gege we’re talking about here. 😬
At this point though, I’m amazed that Kusakabe didn’t do the same already… Ah, but it’s not that he didn’t try, huh? With Panda around, not even crawling under a rock (rubble, but still— literally!) and playing dead didn’t work. lmao
No, he’s good, he’s good. I like my scaredy-cat to know where to draw the line and not feel ashamed of being afraid. His character is actually starting to grow on me okay?
Also, I take it he’s Miwa’s mentor? Why? How? I can’t even begin to explain why this is hilarious and wrong at the same time but I mean, he’s gotta be, right? The one moment Miwa was talking about her mentor (very vague her background story ngl — only notable thing the fact her hair are natural ciel! Whaw!) and the next Kusakabe enters the scene like… he’s gotta be her mentor!
His New Shadow Style slays btw. Didn’t expect it to be that powerful. The way he cut Mahito and left a crater… mhnnn 😳 I mean, MeiMei did say he’s super strong — Yuuji-level — but that was a new level of strong even when accounting for Yuuji as well… 😗
By the way, Mr. Braingoo going full-mode Geto before realising it himself... I laughed. HARD!!! I mean I was having a double take when he started explaining about Uzumaki to Yuuji, much like how Geto did during his fight with Yuuta. Oops~
“Geto! Give the Goo back!”
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Mr. Call-Me-What-You-May laughing at himself has some good humour in him though, not complaining one bit here. He’s intriguing as a character. Waiting some good cooking from Gege with this one.
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Now, my biggest issue in this guy was that he didn’t really let Yuuji’s fight with Mahito have a closure. I mean maaan? Why did you have to do that, Gege? I wanted to test my “Soul Portion” theory*[see end of post]! Not to mention, he really used Mahito’s abilities in Uzumaki against MIWA! BRO! Anticlimactic, Gege… 😗 Aah~
I even felt bad for Mahito — if you believe that! I actually pitied him at the end. He realised he was going to get betrayed “Because you are humans. (So I was right when I said in a previous post that this little fella (Brainy) was actually a human before, huh?) Because I was born from you (humans).” Because he understood the human nature. I still think this had something to do with my theory but Gege made sure we won’t find out. 🥸 It was interesting to see that Mahito was still ‘alive’ as a cursed ‘pill’, too. (How do you call them balls Geto’s technique turns those spirits into??? 🥶) And that all from Mr. Brainiac admiring Yuuji’s ‘durability’. He actually said: “even I am surprised”. And why him specifically? 🧐
Also, was he speaking to Geto or Mahito, when he said that he had also noticed the ‘other presence’ he felt? I got confused over this.
And panda asking if Yuuji was back to being normal. Huuuuuh… I’m just glad Yuuji reunited with someone as persevering as Panda. 😮‍💨
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In that respect, I also didn’t understood to what exactly Panda referred to here. The Prison Realm? Or Gojo in the Prison Realm??? 🤨🧐 Darling be more specific?
And then Choso came back — and here I had started wondering what happened to him — sweet urchin buns came right in the moment. (I won’t talk about how cute he was all curled up in that curve in the wall, ok? I can’t! He was too cute!!! Gives him my handkerchief to wipe his tears… 🫠) And what revelations! 🫢 Yuuji is his brother? His BROTHER?! Choso is the Onii-chan, again?! 👀 Another buratha? No… I get it. He said it’s a side effect of his technique so he is actually related to Yuuji, if not by genes then surely by blood and technique. He also said he’s got three parents… Fuck Cramer vs Cramer. Fuck all custody battles ever fought. Gege just clowned every single one of them! 🤡 And Choso just going “my father who I hate, Kamo Noritoshi!” and Noritoshi actually asking “Me?!” I do not kid you as I say I HOLLERED!!! HAHAHA Darling you can’t be his papa, Choso may be a newborn into the world but he’s 150 years old!!! I want to know if the Thing still has Kamo’s technique in store, now. I’m curious. From what Choso said Mr. Goo could be the papa of Yuuji in a way, too??? O3O Does Yuuji baby have a blood manipulation technique he’s yet to discover??? @3@ And Brainy did say “even I”, to be sure, earlier… so he does have something to do with Yuuji. And we still are in the dark of Yuuji’s origins. Huff hufff huf! Whatever it is it’s in Yuuji’s blood though. In his body, I’d say but who am I. Choso made it clear that he’s got to have a blood relation to someone to feel the changes they go through. And he also specifically said that Kamo-jisan put his blood into the mix; potentially what gave a physical body (that’s why I say Yuuji’s body) to the cursed paintings… Hold on! Does that mean Yuuji and Noritoshi are also blood related? Are Yuuji and Choso the great-uncles of Noritoshi??? 🤯
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Then Noritoshi actually opening his eyes to see Choso using Blood Manipulation Technique was funny as hell. He peeled those eyes wide open like I’m sure he’s never done before! Look at him! lol
Kusakabe, the poor man only just starting to connect the dots and realising how seriously fucked up everything (and everyone) is… Very relatable the stages of suffering this man goes through so far…
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And Panda’s comment… Jujutsu Kaisen Omega AU trope just unlocked! Muhahaha 😈 Gege is such a damn yaoi fan, it brings joy to my fujo heart. lol
By the way, Yuuji not beating the omega allegations either. Kid shed the uniform not like walking into the battle but onto bed. 😭
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Look at him pushing his hair back à la Sukuna style! 😎 (Bro! autocorrect kept changing Sukuna to skunk, and like, ok I get it? but also how about “NO!”? 😬) As for Panda still having two cores… does that mean we’re finally going to see what form his ‘sister’ is? O.O
Now, where the fuck Uraume flew into the scene from still mystifies me but one thing is for sure, it makes absolute sense to be Sukuna’s bestie. Wanting everyone slaughtered sure is the ticket to the King’s heart. haha
Also. Ice powers?! From how Noritoshi reacted it sounded like it’s a pretty rare technique. Wow! This gives such a ‘fresh’ vibe to the character. Not to mention, it somehow makes me believe that Sukuna may not be able to control ice that well — considering he’s got access to jujutsu through his own technique (the box) — as in, I think he’s able to use the five elements (maybe?) but not the different forms of specific techniques… Eh…??? 😵‍💫 Maybe that’s another reason why he kept Uraume around? Because of the rarity of that technique and the kinship of bloodlust was just a bonus? Not too stretched a hypothesis, right? And why are their characters starting to give off Leo—Virgo vibes? Is it just me?!
After Uraume’s entrance to the scene everything kind of got rather out of whack though. The use of Reverse Cursed Technique was the last straw for poor Kusakabe who must be feeling way too out of his waters with everything that’s happening right before his eyes. I mean, who can blame the man?
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I’d want to go home, too, Kusakabe-san… 🥺
And then Choso not backing down, not stopping to try to protect the ‘little brother before his eyes’, totally amazing this dude right here. And let me just admit that I actually think this time the fight with Goo-jisan was infinitely more palatable than what I’ve seen this season. I’m just starting to appreciate him (Choso) more every time, even going as far to head on challenge Uraume! He turned and stared right at Uraume as the ice was about to pierce him! Man didn’t even flinch. I didn’t expect to feel so protective towards him, but he’s like a faithful dog that will get between you and danger, he’s so damn adorable! And in the nick of time, Yuuji saving Choso from Uraume… Ughhh~ *biting finger* Agh! Gege! Agh!
Or Uraume’s reaction to Yuuji moving through the ice, potentially hurting himself; “Whose body do you think that is?!” 😡 Um, hate to break this to you, Ura-chan but he thinks it’s his and so far he’s… right. Aha~ 😋
But that was nowhere near as funny as when I was shaking whole when Choso asked Yuuji to call him Onii-chan!!! LMAO Read the atmosphere, Chosooo!!! 🤣🤣🤣
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Like… try it! Try it, Yuuji! You’re not getting off the hook this time! Haha
And just when Uraume was about to put everyone in the freezer for the year’s provisions… bam! Miss Yuuki is here to save the day!
I mean… how much more do you need to turn a shounen into a fetish series I don’t know, but you probably don’t need much more than what we already have in our hands here… That slow, upward close-up of Yuuki’s ass reflecting in Yuuji’s eyes was just the perfect example after the MeiMei scene, me thinks… 🫣🫢
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Girl, you just got here?!
By the way… where is Yuuta? I’m still waiting for him since season one! 😩
Right… So— long post is long. I just had some time to sit and write a couple things before the last episode airs. I didn’t really managed to stay on top of this every week, even though I’d love to. I even tried to combine the previous two episodes but tumblr is being annoying with the number of pics per post and I also couldn’t finish writing everything I wanted before Episode 22 aired.
Anyway. Let’s see if I’ll have the time to write for the final episode, too since I have some more thoughts I want to talk about… or you know, I may as well do the reviews along a rewatch later on. :P
Thank you for staying with me and my crazy theories till now~ 😊 Do pardon my ‘angry’ rant on the MAPPA working conditions. But it’s a “those who are outside of the dance, know many songs” kind of thing.
✨ I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas Day and wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!! 🎄 ✨
Short excerpt from the previous episodes’ rant that I didn’t get to post on time for those of you wanting context: * Not to mention how I have this strange feeling that Mahito’s ‘soul’ is actually that blue eye. Like… why do I think that, I have no concrete proof or any indication whatsoever but I just think it’d be neat to have his ‘core’ manifested like that. We do say that “the eyes are the mirrors of the soul” after all. Not to mention, out of all the curses so far, Mahito is the only one that bleeds actual blood and not ‘curse juce’ so I thought that; hey, you know what? That’s because there’s actually a part of him that is human. That is very breakable. That even though he’s a curse through and through, being born out of the fear for humans has also given him some very human properties and weaknesses as well. I don’t know… maybe it would be nice for him to have misunderstood his own existence— to give some more depth to his character as a concept. Hm… 🧐
I’m actually going insane thinking this and I have a Head Canon that could be very plausible if Gege hadn’t gotten scared. That damn cyclops cat! Grrr
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dhampir-omu-rot · 9 months
my stomach is surprisingly tolerant of spicy ramen, i found out this week
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You gotta try these tho
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technicolorxsn · 10 months
I will say, the funny thing about people arguing that there is a fundamental difference between "skilled" and "unskilled" art is that there are so many professional artists who are massively talented that choose to make "unskilled" art even though they very much have the ability to make "skilled" art. it's almost like there's merit and worth in it, ain't it?
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