#the cold isn't helping
crystallizsch · 3 months
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ancha-aus · 1 month
RealAgeAU Drabble - Snowed In
Okay. Seeing as I have been spamming you guys with the new AU. I think it is time for a little treat :3
Ever wondered how the Gang and the Danielle's became such good friends?
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edit: damnit I forgot to summon you! @spotaus
Horror watches as Cross looks into the chimney "any luck so far Dust?"
Some clanks and curses "No."
That isn't good.
Horror had never been in the AU for as long as now. And never in the winter months.
He hadn't known that a blizzard could hit out of nowhere.
They had been snowed in very quickly and most electricity had shorted out.
Which honestly wouldn't have been that big of a deal if it hadn't been for their chimney getting clogged with debris. Meaning they couldn't start a fire and risk getting their house smoked out, or worse actually burned down.
Dust had climbed up it to see if he could fix it but he hadn't had much luck. aparently it was really stuck and Dust only had so much room to move around in up there. and if he used too much force it could cause damage.
Horror was fine, he is used to the cold. Same for Dust. Cross is trained and could manage as well. Killer already runs a lot hotter thanks to his strange soul situation and overwarm mana.
Nightmare however?
Horror walks over to the nest and pulls a blanket up slightly. The little made den only holds Killer nad Nightmare at the moment, Killer's soul lighting up the tiny hiding place.
Horror looks at the two as he tries to appear calm even if he feels so afraid and worried "and?"
Killer is rubbing Nightmare through the extra blanket they have him wrapped in. Killer shoots him an anxious look "He is very out of it. I didn't think the cold would be this bad for him."
Horror frowns and mutters "fragile magic." not only that but he is also a tree spirit who was originally form an AU where it was always spring or summer time, or some curious combination of the two. Nightmare was literally not made to deal with winter.
Killer frowns as he tries to share the body heat he has. Nightmare mumbles some words and opens his sockets. looking exhausted.
Killer however looks excited "Hey there tiny boss! How are you feeling?"
Nightmare frowns and looks confused before muttering an reply "tired..."
Killer frowns "Yeah i get thtat. just stay awake for a bit longer okay?"
Nightmare mutters unhappily as he shivers. Nightmare pushes himself close to Killer and Killer locks both his arms around him again as he stares at him "please tell me dust almost got it fixed?"
Horror sighs and shakes his skull. It isn't fixed. and that is the issue.
Killer looks afraid as he looks down at Nightmare "Maybe... maybe we need to make another jump? To a warmer AU at least? Get him to warm up?"
Horror agrees but also the idea of Nightmare making a dimension jump now? while he is already fragile? Horror is afraid it will just make things worse and-
Knocking on the door.
Killer looks up and stares "who the fuck visits people in a blizzard?"
horror frowns and shoots Killer a smile "I will check." he rises to his feet after tugging the blanket in again as he makes his way towards the door. Cross is by his side and looking at it with distrust.
Horror opens the door a tiny bit and stares in shock.
Dani stands on their porch. Dressed in some winter clothes but it looks more like she is dressed for a day of snow fun in the park over standing in a blizzard.
Dani notices he opened the door and grins "Snow carepackage delivery! What you needing?"
horror doens't have the words but luckily Cross does "what the fuck?"
Dani grins as she points a thumb over her shoulder towards the drive way "special snowday delivery."
Horror looks over and sees a very old off road truck standing on their porch. The tires are halfway deflated but gigantic and horror can spot the silvery chains all over them.
Dani must see the confusion and sighs something in the air and Horror can see Ellie give a sigh back.
The truck turns off and Ellie climbs out and towards the loading area of the truck and starts searching through stuff.
Dani steps into their house and clsoes the door before she frowns "fuck it is cold in here. What is wrong?"
Horror is once again all out of words as Cross mutters "chimney got something stuck in it. Dust is trying to fix it but... well... we hadn't finished isolating the whole house..."
Dani nods as she grabs a very old walky talky from her belt. she turns it on and speaks "Dani to Ellie. over."
a moment of silence before crackling "Ellie to Dani, hearing you loud and clear. over!" there are clear sounds of wind on the other side.
Dani grins "Dani to Ellie. We will need tools and blankets. any spare winter clothes is also a must. Over."
a moment before an answer "Heard you loud and clear! Getting it all ready! over and out!"
And Dani puts the walky talky back to her belt before she answers "Each year winter hits hard here. the first year we got here we noticed this and started going around to check on our neighbors. Gerson especially when he still lived here. We kept the habit up." she looks around "anything else you need?"
horror shakes his skull "Nothing really. Just too cold for Nightmare." and didn't that just feel like a failure? To not have been prepared.
Dani nods "You still got enough wood for when the chimney works fine?"
Cross nods "We should."
Dani looks relieved "okay that is good. Lets check to make sure it is all dry while Ellie grabs the stuff."
Dani lets Cross lead her to their wood storage as Horror quickly updates Dust and Killer. both voice their surprise about the sudden visit but one shiver of nightmare and neither say much more on it.
Neither likes to be in debt to others but if it is for their babybones? Yeah. Horror gets it.
Some nkocking on the door and Horror rushes to open it.
Ellie looks even less dressed for the snow as she just stands there with a warm sweater, snowpants, snowboots, a scarf and some earmuffs. She walks in but before she fully steps in she hits her boots together and against the outside doorpost to kick off the snow.
Now that he thinks about it Dani did the same.
Ellie walks in and grins "okay! Winter jacket and sweater. air tight and water proof." she holds it up "Probably a good idea for your kid. Kids always have trouble regulating their heat." she she hands it over.
Horror quickly leads her and all her stuff next to the nest where he raises the blanket again. He shows the jacket and Killer snatches it quickly to wrap Nightmare completely in it.
Ellie next holds up a very large woolen blanket and a fleece blanket. She holds up the woolen one first "This one first. all around him. Then wrap the fleece blanket around that." Horror does as told as Ellie continues to speak.
"What we are doing. As long as there is no outside heat. is trying to form an isolation for him so his own body heat can warm him up. We found that these things work very well."
They end up having nightmare all wrapped up and back in killer's arms before putting another fleece blanket on top of the blanket already covering them.
Ellie shows some thermo clothes next for them to wear and stay warm but Horror mentions they are mostly fine. As long as they stay out of the wind and snow that is. Ellie accepts it and puts it on the pile to take back to their truck.
Dani and cross reappear from their wood pile "Looks fine. you guys also still have enough fire starters so you should be golden. oh nice you brought the tools!" Dani checks the stuff and pulls out a mallet and some rope before going to go towards the chimney and start talking with dust.
Cross stares at Ellie "what?"
ellie smiles as she waits for her wife to finish "We do this yearly. Dani and I are made for the cold. She being a malamute dog monster and I am actually a snowshoe hare. Not exactly bunny but I don't mind being called a bunny monster." she shrugs with a grin. "When the first blizzard hit it meant that we were both excited and went for a walk in the snow together. it was great to be in these temperatures again."
she frowns "As we were walking we realised we didn't see smoke come from the direction of one of our neighbors. where we grew up you just kinda relied on each other in the cold months. You kept an eye on your neighbors and if they lit their fires on time. We decided to check it out and found out that one of them had gotten surprised by the cold and the the house's heating had gotten damaged."
Ellie waves off the worry "Everything was fine in the end. we helped our neighbor back to our house and let him stay while we grabbed some supplies and decided to walk around and check on the others. We made it a habit and made sure that our truck was easy to prepare for winter and rough weather." she grins.
a loud clank and they turn to see a large piece of wood and branches at the bottom of the chimney. Dani grins as she looks up into it "check the top and if the closing and opening mechanism is stillwhole! You guys will need that to keep the snow out."
a moment of silence before confirmation that it is still moving and seems whole. Dani nods and says she will test the handle and to say if anything sounds weird or seems to move weird. They get through the test and moments later dust is down with them.
Dani grins at Ellie "My lady. if you could."
Ellie grins as she walks over to the fire place and with just a few quick hadn movements the fire is ablaze.
Cross blinks "you have fire magic?"
ellie giggles "nah. just the skills to start one!"
dani nods "she is a born arsonist. sadly she is lawful good." ellie nudges her in the side.
Dani grins as Ellie giggles before she shoots them a smile "You guys good? We need to be on our way to check the others. there are always people with little wood or food or blankets and we want to check everyone."
Dani nods "We just came here first because... well it is you guys's first winter here. if you didn't expect the blizzard it can cause for issues."
Horror shakes his skull "we are good." whihc is when they hear sleepy mutters from their nest and killer actually pushes the blanket back to show nightmare rubbing his sockets with a tiny frown. clearly free from his forced half hibernation he had been almost kicked into.
Horror lets out a breath of relieve and mutters "we are good..."
Dani and ellie share a look and nod before leaving a very cheap looking phone with them "in case of you guys need anything else."
Cross frowns and points at their land line "the phone is out."
Dani nods "we know. that is an upgraded walky talky."
ellie grins "while the phone towers can be knocked out these babies are sturdy! They also are limited though. which is why you can only call us using that one but we are by far the most mobile in this weather." and she puffs her chest up proudly
Dani smiles "just give us a call if you need anything." she nudges Ellie "we need to get moving. we don't want to have to drive through a dark snowstorm."
and the two leave again. They both climb into their truck, which really is just their normal truck but with large wheels. before the drive off. huh. seems like the almost flat tires give them drip to get through the loose snow and over the icy roads.
Horror makes a mental note to find a way to thank them before acutally makign a note on their to-do list instead.
afterwards they sit in their nest and just listen to the fire crackle as the storm rages on.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
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[ID: Digital drawings featuring Mori, who is a cat, and Oliver Banks drawn on a red background. Mori is a slim black cat with gigantic yellow eyes and small fangs poking out of his mouth. Oliver is a thin black man with dark skin, dimples, and piercings, and he is wearing a gray sweater. The drawing on the left is of Mori sitting with his tail out beside him, smiling, and on the right is a drawing of Oliver from the chest up with the upper half of his face out of frame, with Mori sprawled over his shoulder with his front legs sticking out. Mori is smiling and squinting, wall-eyed, with his cheek mushed against Oliver's face, and Oliver is smiling as well. end ID]
using @tmaappreciationweek's "what if" and "original character" prompts for today as an excuse to draw Mori. oliver's black cat that i gave him when i thought "what if oliver had a kitty cat"
he's a silly little rescue and the light of oliver's life through all the death prophet junk. the more i draw him the more cartoony he becomes.
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ley-med · 2 months
"Our doctors and nurses are fighting a heroic fight against the extreme heat" Heroic fight?! This is a disgraceful lost battle.
What this article fails to emphasize, it's hot outside, unusually hot, yes, but the extreme heat is inside the hospital buildings, and our patients are literally dying from the heat stroke they got while lying in their hospital rooms.
These are old buildings, not built to keep the heat out, and never been modernized. In most cases there's no air conditioning in 95% of the wards, not even a fan, and no working sun shading. Where there's an AC, it's usually old and barely able to keep up with the heat. There's nothing we can do, fixing these is solely the question of money, and there's no money circulating in national healthcare.
Many of the hospitals already stopped working, because it got dangerously hot inside. We, who still keep our doors open, can't stop working, because there's nowhere else for the patients to go. There's no good option for them - they either miss medical care, or risk severe infections or heat stroke when being admitted to a hospital, no matter how hard we try to minimize those risks.
"Patients are being cooked alive inside hospital rooms, and the government still refuses to put any money or help into healthcare" There, I fixed your headline for you
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paradoxesofgalaxies · 2 years
✨Fun and quirky New Years Resolution: wearing a mask in public to protect yourself and everyone around you✨
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soup-or-who-lock · 6 months
My dream for season 3 of The Way Home is simply that Sam goes away forever (because he is boring to me and I am sick of him) and Del gets TWO horses instead of one
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supermanshield · 8 months
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Big coat
Superman Family #195, The Private Life of Clark Kent
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Rain or shine, snow and wind. Everyone gets their mail!
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incompleteninny · 2 years
The sixtieth free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click here to read from the beginning).
The name for this release is “Claws, Brawls, and Balls”. I think it’s funny. Please laugh.
"She saw my face — … — get her — … — I'll finish the job."
In the midst of barreling down the wavy corridor of the Hall of Discovery, sweat turns to ice against Avery's skin. She tilts into her sprint. No. A pompadour-having ogre does not get to murder me.
Then, as if someone ripped open the blinds of a dark room, Avery's mind swallows her up and spits her into a crisp, vivid world of possibility. An intrusive thought as tangible as the monster hurtling after her.
Her viewpoint switches. No longer behind her own eyes, but from the side. A profile view of the hallway and herself running. The man is there too, gaining a couple inches each second. She struggles: pumps her legs and arms even harder to outpace him.
Something tears.
Pain shoots up her leg; pain even her disembodied self can feel. She collapses to the carpet. A single bound is all it takes for him to reach her and...
Avery mashes her eyes shut. "Not now!"
The man calls out, closer than she expects and with a distinct, New Boston accent. "Yeah? Well that ain't an option."
She whips her head around. Whoa, how did I miss an accent that thick?
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Oh thank God.
I think Pregnant Stone = Soft Stone. He'd be singing softly to his baby bump, constantly caressing the bump. He plays his Bollywood vinyl albums for the baby. He cuts back on the amount of spicy food he eats. He no longer wakes up at four in the morning to start his day, instead he sleeps in later.
He cried happy tears upon seeing the ultrasound at his first appointment, babbling about how he'll love them so much. He buys so many parenting books, intent on not being like his father. While talking to the baby in his womb, he tells them that he'll love them no matter what. No matter what gender they are, no matter how eccentric they'll be.
I've always had a thought about him being able to stitch and knit, because they're important life skills, so he's knitting his own socks and baby blankets for the baby.
He definitely doesn't do much heavy-lifting around the house, since he's in his mid-thirties and that's when pregnancies are in the danger zone. But he's determined to ensure this pregnancy will go smooth and that both him and the baby makes it.
He sees the world in a bright light now, there's finally someone for him to fight for. Someone to fight to come home to. And he'll protect them as much as he can.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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domino twins
#part of that same au i did for dogma and tup#yea. so. fives has trauma bc he watched his twin 'die' then he watched tup lose control and then everything was different#his whole life purpose was gone in a flash and he was the cause of it--nobody to blame but himself#and tup is struggling due to the aftermath of the faulty chip and dogma isn't himself and. and echo was gone but now he's back.#and nothing is okay but everything is okay and he doesn't know what to do so he just. he throws everything at helping echo get better.#because what else is is he going to do? tup is focused on dogma. and echo... echo really needs the help.#sure maybe deep down its about getting fives out of his head but it really really is important he help echo#bc you don't just... come away from freezing in techno union's hands--with less than half of your human body--and jump back to normal#those legs and scomp had parts fused to him. parts of him never healed from the explosion. and parts of him got eaten by the frost.#and he's massively underweight because feeding a repurposed mechanised POW wasn't high on priorities#and then the cold fucked up his metabolism so he's trying to gain back weight that he can't...#and overall...#it's not going so great. but echo is home and--while he's healed completely (as far as he can be healed anyway)--he gets a night or two#per week in a bacta tank to deal with the chronic pain. and he's getting used to the prosthetics and the tubes and bags#going into where his stomach used to be. and everything can be so goddamn triggering sometimes but.#he's alive. with fives.#and if he just is alive for fives... then fives will be okay. right? fives will be okay if he's okay... so he needs to be okay...#ANYWAY YEA i got a lot of things to say xoxo#saleucami au#arc trooper fives#arc trooper echo#fives and echo#star wars: the clone wars#star wars#the clone wars#my art
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altruistic-meme · 2 months
not sure what i did to chase off the other guy who was up here?? his stuff is still here but he left a while ago and hasn't returned yet ?????
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recitedemise · 8 months
𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝗵𝗶𝗺𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗲𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗱. This, beyond being a testament to his softer heart, his rather sizable well of care, is a consequence of his time shared with Mystra. Being a worshipper, a follower and lover both to the mother of magic, Gale is far more familiar with giving than receiving. A tremendous deal more. Beyond those illusions of love, Mystra granted him nothing, and whenever she was troubled, even sour or short, it was Gale, doting Gale, who would smooth it out. In truth, short of the stars, he had offered her everything. His whole life to boot. Still, living for some years prioritizing Mystra, Gale's grown notably reluctant to ask for help. It's why, when strapped with the netherese orb, newly blighted and rotting to death, he'd sooner clamored in his tower than look to friends. He's loathed to show his folly, of course, and is far from a fan of stirring worry, but with Mystra, any ask he'd made was resolutely shunned, and from his lover, his deity, that left its mark. Gale--a giver, a man that wants to hope but doesn't dare to--is not a man to ask for anything. If ever he does, the ask is comically small, and even then, he expects to be denied almost immediately. Consequently, an eager kindness leaves him floored. Gale can read displeasure. (See: Mystra.) Gale's trained to soothe it, too. Yet, when confronted with the novelty of that same generosity, your resident Gale of Waterdeep is like a fish out of water.
#HEADCANON.#This hit home because I know too intimately what Gale went through.#God. It sucks. Gale is so attuned to Mystra and her periods of distance and#her cold demeanor.#He just learned to go right into tell me what I can do to make it better mode.#I think Gale isn't really the best at reading or catching social cues#but he's very aware when someone is upset.#He had to learn because god forbid he failed to recognize something and receive less warmth from Mystra#(she isn't exactly warm to begin with.)#she was just largely neglectful of Gale and Gale was convinced it was love#he showed so much of it and so much warmth and...kinda felt being chosen by her#was enough of an expression of love on Mystra's part (it isn't!).#Gale also only asking for help from YOU because he knows you deserve to know#because hiding it would be a danger to others around him.#Like Gale truly asked for no ones hand before the nautiloid incident. he had to be quite literally#torn from his life and freefall into another disaster before even asking for help#a small ask too. This man is like hey can I have your UTTERLY useless necklace so I don't die? i'm so sorry i'm such an inconvenience#fuck. Gale. Gale...baby....#Literally you go 'children shouldn't die' (arabella) and he's all you're such a decent person...i trust you#???? honestly. need i say more.#anyway idk if ill write much today beyond this. im DROWNING in work and i have to prep for an event tomorrow#so you can just frown with me about gale#Me writing about Mystra: wow theyre a lot like my abuser. 🥲🥲🥲🥲hauew..a..
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 7 days
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Not to give Prapai an excuse
But if Sky's fever is THIS bad for multiple days in a row... Might it be worth considering taking him into the shower and running cool water?
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bluastro-yellow · 9 months
Harry and Kim are like Annette and Plaisance, like Cuno and Cunoesse, like René/Gaston and Gaston/René, like Steban and Ulixes, like Fuck the World and Pissf%%t, like-
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amerasdreams · 10 months
last week I woke up to squeaking, so i thought my sister and her baby were already here playing his toy, then I heard some other squeaking closer and i thought the cats had caught a mouse like they did last year. But it was a bat! It was injured probably by the cat. I tried to scare it into the fabric carrier but it kept turning toward the things i was chasing it with and then it went away behind the drawer. I got it w dads gloves. I kept it in the closet and looked up thigs about bats. Wanting to save it. I think it's still alive in carrier. They hibernate in winter
But last night I shot awake thinking I have mind symptoms and my throat has been weird maybe i have rabies! I have been sort of sick, tired and my mind not working... may be from moms illness. Trouble swallowing tho and my mind weird! Plus contact with bat. If symptoms, too late!!
I was scared to death and messaged my Dr. I took my temperature and it was 97.4. I read only a few cases in Wisconsin in several years. So I was able to go back to sleep. I felt better in the morning but now I'm wondering should I be worried?
Scared of Dr. saying I should go in and scared of them saying it's no big deal-- in case it actually is
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