#the corpo-rat
themermaidriot · 3 months
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Having fun using a new playthrough to explore 2 things: feeling out my V's lore and working on scene shots for future vp.
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Arthur Jenkins
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snejkha · 2 months
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Nagafication commission for @themightiestpotato and @another-corpo-rat // Thank you so much/
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nahdrawings · 7 months
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obligatory Rajiihat before end of the year
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theviridianbunny · 5 months
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Couple commission Victoria Crane and Amrin Ellis (M0CK1NGJAY) for my dear friend @another-corpo-rat ! It’s not every day I’m commissioned to draw my own blorbo - So when Tate asked me for this comm I was happy yelling so much - Thank you for trusting me to draw our ladies together (the wives!) - and thank you for your patience and bonking my self doubt with a stick ! A few details and a little rammble can be found under the cut ! My commission info can be found here -! If you’re interested in getting art from me or want to learn more - check it out and pop me a DM !!
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I had so much fun working on this comm for Tate - with every comm I do- I wish to try and push myself and try new things. With this commission I had a go at using shapes to make a snake skin-esk mesh on Victoria's top. I wanted it to be seductive and classy!! <3
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"So Mi's not yours to take."
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leftsharkhypocrite · 2 months
Pretty toxic statements. Hope you will find peace and real good friends in the future.
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For you it's toxic for me it's just different perspective
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merge-conflict · 5 months
at least whenever I get caught up writing stuff so self-indulgent it's not worth sharing I learn things: like that valentine is surprised when kerry and rogue and alt are concerned or looking out for her because she doesn't really have "friends". she has contacts or allies and occasionally lovers. she had jackie, but she considered him her brother.
there's not really a hierarchy but she still feels compelled to earn her place, so she creates one in her head. she considers herself the bottom of the heap, which would mean she's the one who performs acts of service, and shouldn't expect any in return. when they do look out for her, her internal running pov is her wondering what she's going to have to do to make up for it. what price she'll have to pay. heartbreaking.
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calcichel · 1 month
Enough time has finally passed since its release for me to lose my ardor against it, and I finally started watching One Piece Netflix. The bonkers thing I realized is that this show is right up Tumblr's alley. It's camp, it's very gender, it's asexual, it's diverse, it's a satisfying watch. But I haven't heard a thing about it in my general Tumblr radius. I suspect that it's due to the same reason I avoided it, which was the completely over-the-top marketing campaign they did on Tumblr, at Tumblr users. It put such an incredibly bad taste in my mouth that I haven't even tried looking at the show even after coworkers recommended it to me. I can't be the only one. Seems like an expensive marketing mistake!
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byberbunk2069 · 6 months
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Arasaka just finished their new HQ and our girl gets the honor of being the cybersecurity consultant, representing NetWatch, for Arasaka (she sits at a desk in Netrun Operations and only knows what Arasaka wants her to know).
Mosley's giving her the talk about how Arasaka is one of their biggest contracts and that she can't afford to fuck it up.
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oldtreesapskywater · 3 months
YO, who the hell was gonna tell me that every single fucking Big Corp*ration has made EVEN APPLYING to work for them an unbearably complex task that routes you through like, 3 different middle men? I went through the trouble of making a Resumé to just send through and auto-fill applications, and now, I'm struggling to even get to a page to do that. I want to work, I want to be a good little hamsters and run on my capitalism wheel, so I Pay My Bills and Cry About It. Gods, I fucking hate job hunting
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Prologue: The Corpo-Rat
Part I
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The Corpo-Rat: Part I Part II Part III
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cicadaknight · 1 year
Rehashing a pain point with the Horizon franchise…
Why is there no mention of any real tribal nation in the game? No reference at all. The erasure of APOLLO didn’t remove the visions at the Grove, or any of the artifacts Aloy finds in her exploration. You’re telling me it makes narrative sense to have 30 minutes of Dutch artwork analysis and its historical significance, but not a single mention of any indigenous society? There are ZERO datapoints or ruins related to native people throughout the entire world that could have influenced Horizon-era culture?
😒 SIDE EYE 😒 It is that way because the devs made it so. Everything in a narrative is a choice.
#idk i love this game i’m just thinking thoughts#there are so many positives about horizon but i really want them to have more nuance in the 3rd game#not having ANY mention of the history of tribal nations in the US in a game specifically about fictional tribes is just… egregious#and there were so many opportunities to contextualize manifest destiny and our very real history of genocide#(ex. the red raids and the significance of the tenakth successfully defeating the carja i mean come on)#and on that note how about the ickiness of a tribal nation worshipping a US ex-military group#like… yes i love the tenakth and the world building#but………… imagine if the jtf-10 weren’t ex-military soldiers funded by a corpo rat?#what if they were a united front of native tribes of the southwest?#it’s such a simple change but it would give so much more depth to the tenakth and their traditions#also… the fact that you can just wear any tribe’s armor and paint as a cosmetic… grosses me out#they establish from the start that the clothing and paint from each tribe is rooted in tradition and meaning#treating it like a cosmetic is weird?? i get it for the Sake of Gaming but it seems so tactless#specifically that aloy gets tattoos that come and go when you wear tenakth armor#i feel like it wouldn't be as weird if there were quests where tenakth characters invite her to get tattoos after certain deeds#and then they stick with you on any armor#same with the utaru seed pouches#i digress#hfw#okay i'm done editing this post now lmao#my notes
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pheedraws · 10 months
oc pairings as tarot cards
tagged by @jillvalentinesday and @nightwingshero (thank you both! 🖤) to do this uquiz for some oc pairings and i'm obsessed with their results.
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your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfilment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did.
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there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise.
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theviridianbunny · 3 months
The night of the Black Sapphire Gala holds many stories, memories and secrets.
Victoria Crane belongs to my beloved @another-corpo-rat - thank you for trusting me with her and letting me write her with her wife and hubbie (and soon to give Viridian and Jackie the worst night of their life at this gala ) - Sprimklimg little bits of oc lore into my fics oh Lordy - one day I will give proper exposition to all my world building (when I eventually have the spoons - Ty audhd) This is not beta read and I’m currently posting this as I sit by a pool in Egypt in near 30c heat - the sunshine has spurred me on to try and write again (maybe it’s also the one rum and coke I have in the afternoons :3c)
Part two coming soon (ish) - you can also read this fic over on ao3 here ❤️
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It started off as just a simple question. Victoria’s golden optics studying her partner through the pain of a large back-lit bathroom mirror. She watched as Amrin’s white and orange cybernetic hand steadily applied that last bit of makeup. The handsome mechanic was all dolled up for tonight. Ornately patterned Golden eyeliner and garnet red lipstick - she wore a backless black halter neck jumpsuit - low cut - a lace bralette underneath. Leather heeled boots made her just as tall as Victoria.
“ my darling- how did you get your burn scar? Victoria's tone was inquisitive. Trying not to pry and pick - to mine and dig on insecurities - this question was caring - and genuine.
Sadly for Victoria - it was poorly timed. Victoria noticed how her partner's body language clammed up - her red eyes avoiding Victoria’s gold for just a moment. Their eyes met through the mirror as Victoria came to her - one golden hand caressing Amrins bare shoulder - there was a moment of silence as Victoria waited for her to speak.
Amrin's lips pursed- before she spoke.
“I’d rather not discuss that - not tonight. In time- ill be happy to tell you the story- but not tonight ” Amrin’s voice was unusually stern as she put away her makeup tidy into a small hessian bag - then stashed away into a draw.
She joined Victoria , who was dressed in a sleeveless gold fronted body suit. Paired with motor oil black kick flared trousers and strapped marching black sandals. Chunky Emerald earrings adorned with golden vipers matched the buckles on the sandals.
“Darling, would you like one of my furs?” Victoria asked - gesturing to her rail of mink and animal furs - a mix of synthetic and the real thing.
Amrin shook her head “no thank you - I should be plenty warm without one, once we’re inside…’
And with that, Victoria offered her hand out to Amrin and the two made their way out of Kurt’s penthouse - entering a glass pained elevator to make their way to the ballroom of the black sapphire.
“How did you get your scar Vic?” Amrin asked - trying to throw the attention off of herself.
Victoria smirked - the golden plating over the old facial wound shone magnificently as she pulled the other woman into her - the two shared a momentary kiss - before the older woman spoke.
Her voice soft - spoken close - like the two were sharing secrets.
“Oh, You know how I got it Amrin-” a golden hand against Amrin's back - holding and tracing up and down Amrin’s spine as she continued “ You know of the incident of 75- you know of the little rabbit... word is, she's here with her dullard tonight… the two have been running around dogtown like a pair of stray puppies. “
As the lift reached the outer balcony- the two women made their way to the ballroom itself. They were under a blanket of stars , smog and light pollution.
Victoria heading to the bar - to drink and find Kurt. Amrin on the other hand made a b-line for the open-air balcony. The night was still young and the party hadn't truly started yet. Guests were still arriving. Amrin knew she was alone out there as she leant over the metal railing.
Amrin looked out onto the night city skyline and sighed to herself. Victoria’s question had stirred something within her… Amrin knew her partner had good intentions- she knew Victoria never wanted to intentionally upset her..
Amrin groaned - she thought to herself that maybe her skin was growing thin.
It had been many years since she left night city - since she left Rasmus and the trauma team. It'd been months since she'd heard from the cyberpsychosis researcher - maybe he'd finally got the hint she didn't want to be in contact as regularly anymore…
Amrin and Rasmus had history - albeit ancient now. From friends to lovers- to husband and wife and work partners - Their eventual divorce was probably one of the most difficult and messiest moments of their lives.
There were times her mind wandered back to the Sakura haired medic -mostly to the little things - the mundane things that made her world brighter. … like how she would come home to the apartment after working a night shift on the trauma team..
She’d come home - worn out and ready to have a shower and fall into bed. The apartment would be stinking of smoke and a symphony of swears could be heard, pronounced in a thick brummie accent.
Curiously would get the better of her , she would venture into the kitchen after taking off her jacket and boots - and see Rasmus plating up a synth bacon sandwich for her - the bacon would be burnt , surely it would be acrid and hard to digest..
But Amrin wouldn't care, the food was made with love and care. That's all that mattered. She'd take the plate from Rasmus and thank him - a quick peck to his cheek before she sat down and tucked into her breakfast. She'd watch as Rasmus would linger for a moment- the two sharing smiles before he would go and get ready for his day shift on the trauma team..
The days of Soft smiles and burnt synth bacon were long gone now.
Mostly all that remained were memories of the stormy night - the one that left the pair both physically and emotionally traumatised. There were only memories of the night that really felt like the beginning of the end.
The night was cold - Amrin wished she'd taken up Victoria’s offer of a fur coat. She knew there was one that would have gone just perfectly … Amrin grumbled to herself in her mother tongue and debated moving inside - but ultimately decided to stay out a little longer.
She booted up the hollo , she scrolled down to Rasmus's holo icon. A sakura blossom - entangled between dna heelexis. Her fingers dwindled and she hesitated- before taking the plunge and calling him. Her mouth going dry - she didn't know what to say- she just wanted to hear his voice…
The ringer rung out until it went to answer phone - Rasmus's familiar voice spoke with a calm - yet professional demeanour.
“This is Rasmus Sundburg - Night city trauma team research. Sorry I can't pick up your call right now. Leave a voicemail and I'll get back to you as soon as I can”
The line beeped - prompting Amrin to talk - she sighed deeply, before speaking.
“Rasmus- its me.. Sorry its been a while-” Her mind going blank “Gods- I. . Call me when you can - yeah? We need a catch up.. ”
And with that, she cut the line- before she embarrassed herself further. Face flushed. She reached into her clutch wallet- she pulled out her e - cigarette. Feeling tearful as she took a drag and then exhaled Cherry flavoured vapour.
Hot pin prick tears welling - she sniffed- looking out to the city still.
She cried - silent and alone. Amrin preferred it that way- no one to see her in such a vulnerable state.
Wiping her eyes with her free hand - she grumbled with frustration, more at herself than anything. Her makeup was sure to be smudged by her tears…
Trying to compose herself now- Amrin prepared her to mingle. To be social. To please and be merry - even though all she wanted to do was return to her bed - get into her pyjamas and sleep. She didn't want to be human or socialise - running on empty and burnt out now. The day leading up to this gala had already been hard on her…
As Amrin tried to get herself to breathe - She felt the metal of a cybernetic hand touch the small of her back - Amrin knew that touch from anywhere.
Kurt had joined her now. She was no longer alone.
Dressed down on such an evening. Black tshirt tucked into slate grey cargos. Combat boots polished with new laces.
“What are you doing out here on your own?” His voice stern , but also laced with concert.
“I could ask you the same thing- thought Victoria would be all over you by now” she jerked back at him. Amrin didn't mean for her words to come out as sharp as they had.
Amrin heard how Kurt laughed - how he smiled softly all be it for a moment.
“Oh shes already demanded her quota of kisses - but she made an off comment about you - thought she might have hit a nerve”
Hansen watched as his lover furrowed her eyebrows and took another drag of her e-ciggarette. Blowing out the smoke - she stuffed the cigarette back into her purse.
“I'll take that as a yes-”
Amrin pursed her lips - before speaking.
“ I'm trying to be brave . To talk about the pain- the suffering- the past. But it takes time… I’m just not ready to open up to her Kurt..”
“I know , my dear” his words genuine- soft. Offering out a big cybernetic arm to the mechanic.
“Join me inside? The night is still young- I can direct you to a quiet corner where you won’t be disturbed” a small chuckle arose before he next spoke “and my darling - if any of our guests dares disturb you - know they will feel my wrath and all of dogtown’s too”
He watched how his lover smiled - all be it for a moment - as he took his arm and leant into him. A casual act of intimacy Amrin never thought she would feel again. She stayed close to him for a moment - feeling his warmth against the coldness of the night.
“Ready to go inside?” He asked
Amrin’s reply came as a silent nod.
And so, Kurt lead his dear mechanic inside. Taking her to one of the many bars - where a masculine chromed up bartender was serving a woman in a very expensive dress. Silver hands poured what looked to be an espresso martini, as he wished the woman a good night.
The bartender turned to the colonel and his mechanic.
“What can I get you both tonight?” He asked - instinctively reaching to the scotch for the colonel.
“The usual for me ” Kurt’s gaze travelled to Amrin.
She was still thinking - but then very softly spoke her order.
“A Bloody Mary please - with extra black pepper and spice”
Her social battery just wasn’t there tonight - Kurt could tell as Amrin leant into him.
As the bartender quickly got to work making drinks - Amrin reached into her purse - pulling out a pair of tiny golden plates earbuds - slotting the left one into her ear.
To her surprise - holo rang out quietly.
Amrin quickly rejected the incoming call - now wasn’t a good time. She had a Bloody Mary to drink and a social battery to try and recharge.
She quickly messaged her ex husband - frantically typing
“call you back soon. At a corporate engagement” - this was a partial lie. Yes she was at a corporate engagement - no she did not intend to call Rasmus back anytime soon.
She probably would in time - but not tonight.
The mood began to lift as the bartender handed Amrin her Bloody Mary - Kurt his scotch. Amrin letting go of Kurt’s arm to grab her Bloody Mary. She took a sip - it was definitely spicy enough.
The two moved away from the bar.
Kurt took a mouthful of his beverage before he gestured towards the roulette tables.
“There’s a quiet nook on the right side of the roulette tables - a few comfy sofas with cushions.” He placed his hand over Amrin’s back as a sign of comfort “ You can spend as much time as you’d like there - and also know there’s no pressure to stay, you’ve got a key to the penthouse- you can go and make yourself comfy up there if that would be easier on your mind” Kurt’s tone was reassuring.
“Thank you,Kurt. I think I will be fine down here.”
Amrin’s gaze travelled to the red haired twins at one of roulette tables. Feeling the mischievous energy of the woman in yellow.
“The two redheads won’t cause me trouble - right ?” She asked - debating putting her second ear bud in.
She heard how Kurt laughed.
“Oh, the netrunner twins?” He asked
“Yes, them. The woman gives me uneasy vibes”
“Aymeric” he gestured to the man in blue “and Aurore” the woman in yellow “they will not cause trouble - I promise you.” Kurt reassured his lover.
He took her cybernetic hand and kissed the back of it - before he continued
“If for whatever ungodly reason they decide to give you trouble or grief - or even look at you the wrong way - you are to send me a message on the hollo - I will send Victoria down to give them a bollocking- or I will do it myself.” - there was a slightly comedic tone to his voice.
He placed another kiss on her hand- for luck.
“Does that sound fair Amrin?” He asked. Seeing how she smiled felt like his evening had been made already
“It sounds great” she replied - taking the other ear bud from its case - placing it into her ear - the world around her went blissfully quiet.
The two shared a kiss before they parted ways. She waved to Kurt before she turned and walked away.
As Amrin made her way to the roulette tables - she passed a woman with short teal hair and skull implanted kiroshis. An Arasaka cyber arm partially visible through the mesh sleeves of her blouse. High waisted trousers and blocked heel boots made her appear tatter than she actually was.
The handsome mechanic watched from afar as the woman ordered a very blue looking cocktail and thanked the bartender - she watched as the woman wandered across the ballroom to a very tall and broad man - dressed in a sharp suit. Golden cross earrings dangled from his ear lobes and delicate cable cyberware mapped out his face. Dark hair shaved short at the back and sides - with a top knot tied with a wine red hairband.
Amrin watched as the man bent down to kiss the woman on the cheek, before she made her way to the quiet spot Kurt recommended. As she passed the netrunner twins and found her self a comfy quiet spot - She booted up her holo. Taking a large gulp of her Bloody Mary before texting Victoria.
“I think I’ve spotted your rabbit-”
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corpocyborg · 11 months
Secure Your Soul: A Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfiction
This fic was previously published under the title "Before the Event Horizon."
Summary: Six months ago, V's boss at Arasaka ordered her to assassinate his rival. Instead, with the reluctant but invaluable help of her old friend Jackie Welles, she pushed them both off their thrones and claimed one for herself. Now the new Director of Arasaka Counter Intel has a problem. She's uncovered information that indicates that Yorinobu Arasaka, the heir apparent to the Arasaka dynasty, is a traitor. But without solid proof, she's forced to take matters into her own hands. An AU in which Corpo!V never leaves Arasaka.
[read on ao3]
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Jenkins’ office was decorated in the same sleek, classic Arasaka design as the rest of NCHQ. The primary color scheme was, of course, red and black—“the color scheme of prosperity,” as most high-end clothing stores in Corpo Plaza called it. Textured black walls were lit up from underneath in red, and the mostly black furnishings also included several small potted saplings of the bioluminescent plant species Arasaka had had genetically modified to obtain its signature red glow. Best of all, the office had a perfect view of the koi fish holograms that circled outside the tower, though it was currently blocked by a large television screen showing the European Space Council’s meeting room. Jenkins stood in front, speaking on a handheld phone.
“Have a seat, V.” He briefly interrupted his call when he noticed her. “I’ll be right with you.”
V did so. She wished he hadn’t blocked the view—she’d have liked to have seen it one last time before she transferred to Spec Ops. She remembered appreciating that view on frequent occasions when she’d had to work directly with Jenkins late at night. When the sky turned black, the lights of the skyscrapers, the blur of the AVs zooming through the sky, and the koi fish with their endless circling created an intoxicating display. V’d often heard old people complain about light pollution in NC making it impossible to see the stars. She didn’t understand what their problem was. Mankind had learned to make their own light shows centuries ago.
V was pulled out of her reverie by the sound of screams and electrocution. She watched as the council members she’d spent all day learning about convulsed into violent spasms for several seconds, then finally went still. What a waste.
Jenkins directed the television to rise into the ceiling, and took his place at his desk. His phone began ringing even before he’d sat down. Jenkins made a show of taking his time to answer it.
“Director Abernathy,” he said when he finally picked up.
“I watched the vote. What the hell was that?” the Director’s voice was projected into the room.
“A deep clean. After the shit Frankfurt dumped on us. As we agreed, I got rid of the problem.”
“I told you to resolve the problem, not massacre the European Space Council. Do you understand what the cover up will cost?”
“We would’ve lost the license, now we gained a week. That’s a win.”
“Path of least resistance. Always. No nuance. Has ‘you’ written all over it.” As Abernathy spoke, Jenkins’ body language became increasingly irritable. He shuffled restlessly in his seat, and made a circular motion with his right hand as if rushing her to shut up already.
“We’re not done talking about this,” Abernathy said.
Jenkins waited for the tone that signified the end of the call. He spun in his chair so that he was facing away from V. “I hate that bitch. I always have.”
“This isn’t the first time the two of you have been in conflict with each other,” V observed.  
“No. Not the first.” Jenkins stood up and walked over to the couch on the other side of the room. V followed. “Smeared me in front of Japanese execs, so she’d be the one promoted to Director of Spec Ops. What a cunt.”
Jenkins went over to the alcohol cabinet and poured himself a drink. Bourbon, V noted. His favorite. He turned away from the cabinet, drink in hand. “Now she’s holding a gun to my head to make sure I don’t try anything. But she won’t pull the trigger because she needs me. I do what she doesn’t have the guts to do.”
“Divide and conquer,” said V noncommittally. “Effective strategy.”
“Effective,” Jenkins scoffed at her word choice. It seemed he was starting to suspect she was holding back. “What would you do, if you were me?”
V considered her answer. There were several different ways she could craft her response. But since her time with Jenkins was nearing its end, she settled on the truth. “I’d adjust my methods in the future. I wouldn’t budge on the Space Council issue. There was no other solution, not that I could come up with in time, anyway. But I’d be more discreet from then on and try to limit any further cover up expenses.”  
“So you’d take her complaints into consideration?” Jenkins asked. He took a sip of his bourbon.
“I would,” V confirmed. “No one ever made it far by living in an echo chamber.”
“No one ever made it far by acting like a doormat.”
“Also true.”  
“Hmm. So they’re both true. Sounds like a really clever way of not actually saying anything. But it doesn’t matter anymore anyway. Come here. I want to show you something.” Jenkins stepped over to the couch, sat down, and pulled something out from under the table.
V moved closer. “A datashard? What is it?”
“Proof of my trust. Go on. Take it.”
She pulled the shard out of its case and hesitantly plugged it into the port on the side of her head. Her vision was flooded with data. All of it about Abernathy. Her stomach sank.
“It’s what I’ve collected over the past weeks,” Jenkins explained. “Biometrics. Trauma team card. Names of her closest associates. Driver. Chief of Security. Lover. Lover’s husband. Everything. Use it. Make sure Abernathy won’t be a problem anymore.”  
V ripped the shard out of her head. “This is a huge gamble. If anyone finds out we even talked about this, it’ll be my head on the chopping block.“
“Maybe. But everyone knows you only made it to where you are because of me. So it’s not like they’d believe you weren’t involved anyway.”
Bastard, V thought. I should’ve cut your ripcord years ago. You’re dragging me down with you for no goddamn reason.
“Okay,” V said. “Understood.”
“Good.” Jenkins pulled a wad of cash out from under the table. “Take this too. Use this money only. Find the right people for the job. No corporate affiliation. And for the core task—use someone you know inside out. Are we clear?”
V’s indignation was roiling. She wanted to hit him. Scream at him, at least. She nodded. “Yes. We’re clear.”
“Good. In that case, I’ll await your report. And good luck with it.”
So that was that. V took one last glance out the window. With the sun finally fully set, the view tonight was much the same as it had been in her memories. She turned to go.
“I have my AV waiting outside. It’s yours to use,” Jenkins added. “And V? Don’t disappoint me.”
V walked back to her office in a slight daze and plopped down in front of her desk. Her monitors were in the same state she’d left them in. She stared at the bios of the European Space Council. After her constant rereading, every detail was still in her memory, from their birthdays to their children’s names. She wondered how long it would be before she forgot that information. She clicked the exit button.
“I need your stamp on something,” V’s subordinate, Harry Wickman, spoke up. He had the good grace not to acknowledge her condition the last time he'd seen her. She was grateful for that. "It’s possible one of our assets was exposed.”
V nearly jumped out of her chair at that. She rushed over to his side of the office. “Is it Frankfurt again?”
“No, different issue. Local. Our agent at Biotechnica—'' He started to explain, but V nudged him aside and pulled up the report on his computer. Then she activated her Sandevistan. It didn’t slow time, not truly, but it slowed down her perception of time enough to increase her speed and mental acuity. It proved invaluable in combat, and just as effective for speedreading. Within seconds, V had a full picture of the situation.
“Pull him out,” she told him. “But calmly, don’t raise any eyebrows. Otherwise they’ll catch on.”
“Jenkins will be livid,” Wickman warned.
“I’ll handle Jenkins.”  
“Understood.” He turned away from her and returned to his work.
With that taken care of, V sat back at her own desk, feeling much more energized than before. Nothing quite as satisfying as a crisis averted. Now on to the next one. V steepled her fingers and leaned her forehead against them. Her next step had become clear. She’d promised Harry she’d handle Jenkins, and that was exactly what she’d do.
V rummaged around in the bottom drawer of her desk until she found a burner phone. With the secretive nature of many of her missions, she made sure to keep a few ready at all times. She grabbed her coat out of her locker, slipped the phone into one of the pockets, and headed down to the first floor of the tower, then out into the crisp night air.
When she’d put a sufficient amount of distance between herself and Arasaka Tower, she pulled the phone back out and dialed the number of Director Susan Abernathy. Not her office, but the personal line she’d found in the datashard. On the third ring, Abernathy answered.
“Who is this?” she asked suspiciously.
“Director Abernathy,” V began. “This is Valerie Locke. I work for Arasaka Counter Intel, under Arthur Jenkins. You may know me by my codename, V.”
“Yes, I believe Frank Nostra just mentioned you to me recently. Is this about transferring to Spec Ops?”
V felt a rush of gratitude towards Frank for holding up his end of the bargain. It might give her an edge in this conversation. “No, this is about a more serious matter, ma’am. Earlier this evening, Arthur Jenkins tried to recruit me into a plot to assassinate you."
For a while, there was silence on the other end.
"That idiot. I might've expected this from him. Always was reckless and insubordinate." Abernathy paused, and V heard the sound of papers being shuffled around. "Do you have any proof to back up these accusations?"
"Nothing concrete, unfortunately. I have a datashard of intel he's collected on you."
“I’ll be expecting you to hand that over.”
“Of course. When can we meet?”
"I’ll send someone to pick it up. Do you have a suitable location you can get to quickly?”
“Lizzie’s Bar,” V said instantly. “In Kabuki.” A dark and noisy location was better for discretion, an unexpected location even more so. Lizzie’s wasn’t exactly a hot spot for Arasaka employees; V herself only frequented the bar because it was a favorite of Jackie’s.
“Be there in an hour,” Abernathy said, and then the line went dead.
V smiled to herself. Normally she’d be concerned about whether her car could make it there on time, but luckily, Jenkins had given her access to his AV. Time to make good use of it.
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