#the crazy testimony
littlestuffstohide · 5 months
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Like 5 years of rent Phoenix. He will probably pay that much and more. ehehehe. Not because of the charge but Miles will overpay Phoenix times 20.
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I don't remember how Larry was involved but it's obvious this was Gourdy.
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Larry as a witness had always been a disaster but somewhat saves them. lmaoo. They're, just at a point, ready to have heart attacks multiple times before they are saved.
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This is our favorite line in this testimony! and what literally saved Miles life.
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At the same time, Miles is realizing or thinking the worst. Probably the biggest anxiety he had at the time.
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love4hobi · 6 months
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The things you do are impressive. Who would work so hard to capture street dance like this? Who does that?
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
Sleep deprived 6 a.m. crack theory. Please vote on this I'm trying to investigate. As a kid and/or as a teenager, did your parents consistently wake you up for school, and are you now a light or heavy sleeper?
My theory is that if you could rely on your parents to be there you now sleep more heavily, but if you had to manage that early in life you sleep lighter
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menalez · 9 months
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the false claims ppl make about me are so off that they’re honestly funny ngl
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voetballers · 10 months
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at what point do i just have to kill myself
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who-is-muses · 4 months
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[ your honor, please consider; Sinestro but leaning fruther into the devilish appearance and giving him religious trauma (but make it a proper alien religion instead of Christianity Lite because we're not lazy eurocentrists here.) Sinestro but give him generalized anxiety or some other such anxiety disorder which can present in an aloof, resistant, stand-offish personality, need for control, and violent temper rather than the common stereotypes of people with anxiety. ]
[ Sinestro but I'm unsatisfied with his development and general backstory pre-anything Lantern Corps so I'm dunking him repeatedly in the Experience Broth. That thang is so Patriarchal Family Figure Issues coded it's unreal ]
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zekoagun · 8 months
‘-and he misses the man that he’s in love with’
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jimmyspades · 9 months
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dizazterparty · 1 year
Rattling the bars of potential apartments: let me in let me in let me in
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thegeminisage · 2 years
Liz it's Xenerik you got recced in The Rec Center email!!! I saw your name and GASPED. buttondown dot email/the-rec-center/archive/the-rec-center-354/
YOOOOOO check it out:
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this is so fucking cool...i can't believe over a year later it STILL gets so many kind comments bookmarks and recs. it's definitely the most enduring kind of love anything i've written has ever gotten, i remain absolutely floored. ty for telling me!!!
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foxbox21212 · 18 days
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Build An Altar
Build An Altar – Powerful and Beautiful Worship – A Must Listen to – by The Harvest Bible Chapel Worship Band; Vertical Worship. (My Old Church – My Old Home) Written and Recorded by Vertical Worship – Jason Ingram, Chris Davenport, Jacob Scooter, Timothy Dalrymple, Vanessa Dalrymple, and Andi Rozier. Verse 1 We have every confidenceThat He is faithfulYes our testimony isThe living proofAnd if…
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bitofaditz · 4 months
Liberal America has this tendency to clasp onto specific things and defend them stronger than anything for two months and then drop it. For a while it was the trans bathroom thing in 2017, then Medicare, then BLM riots, then mask mandates, then Ukraine, then Roe V Wade, now Palestine. You are violently encouraged to be a voice and "stand up for what's right" and not even question your own ideas about something. And its also weird that we as a country get to decide what the prevailing opinion is on these things. You learn the phrases and supposed statistics and repeat them over and over till your opponent gives up. And this dominates online spaces. We are not the center of the world but from a liberal perspective we may as well be.
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dragomirthewizard · 5 months
starting an anti-inflamitory diet and keeping an excel spreadsheet about it, wish me luck
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mekatrio · 6 months
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comradecowplant · 9 months
Goal for 2024/j113 is to convince every one of my followers who like & reblog my gay jokes and art images but never interact with the communist posts to consider the possibility that the DPRK isn't an evil comic book villian country, and if we can achive that & open our minds enough, maybe even convince you that stalwart resistance to global imperial hegemony that has survived for decades despite the world's superpowers doing everything to literally starve them out of existence is actually pretty damn cool 🇰🇵
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