#phoenix being so right
littlestuffstohide · 5 months
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Like 5 years of rent Phoenix. He will probably pay that much and more. ehehehe. Not because of the charge but Miles will overpay Phoenix times 20.
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I don't remember how Larry was involved but it's obvious this was Gourdy.
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Larry as a witness had always been a disaster but somewhat saves them. lmaoo. They're, just at a point, ready to have heart attacks multiple times before they are saved.
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This is our favorite line in this testimony! and what literally saved Miles life.
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At the same time, Miles is realizing or thinking the worst. Probably the biggest anxiety he had at the time.
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psqqa · 1 year
yes, yes i know edgeworth’s big wet eyes and loser boy personality have captivated us all, but listen. listen.
phoenix wright
phoenix “genuinely unable to reconcile the girl on the stand with the girl he dated for eight months, a cognitive dissonance so profound it’s ultimately explained by them being literally two different people, but which he first sits with for five years and does not talk about at any point to anyone” wright
phoenix “don’t mention that name to me. i don’t want to talk about it. i don’t want to think about it. i am just going to keep myself in this state of perpetual crisis mode focus on other people’s problems until eventually i die and get to hang out with mia on the astral plane and never have to deal with any of these emotions ever again” wright
phoenix “overnight loses his career and reputation and sense of identity while gaining an adopted, probably pretty traumatized eight-year-old daughter, and rather than leaning on his friends for help, or getting therapy, or taking any time to process any of this, he *checks notes* spends seven years dedicating all his free time and energy to investigating the weird fucking circumstances around it and maintains a friendship with the guy he suspects was behind it all” wright
phoenix "runs across a burning bridge and falls through it, half a day after the game establishes that he is terrified of heights, because his friend is on the other side of that bridge" wright
phoenix “i sure felt surprised. maybe i had my poker face on” wright
phoenix “looking back on it that was actually a pretty dark period in my life” wright
phoenix “don’t ask me how i got started. i don’t remember” wright
phoenix “only you stood still, your eyes calmly watching” wright
phoenix “sometimes, life just sucks” wright
phoenix wright
crunchiest man in the world
and all i wanna do is chew and chew and chew on him
#ace attorney#where are all the people gnawing on phoenix's bones so white??#i need to find the phoenix bone-gnawing corner of this fandom PLEASE#this is me asking for the Phoenix Fic btw#where is the fic meditating on phoenix's whole mental state in general?#where is the fic about how it's phoenix's cageyness and poker face and flat affect under stress that is the hurdle?#the relationship ramifications of being actually really fucking hard to read when it comes down to it?#where is the fic about the week of his disbarment?#the one detailing the panicked blow by blow of it rippling through his social circle while he stands in the eye of the storm?#the one that ends messy and anxious and unresolved because it's week 1 of 7 years?#where is the birth of phoenix wright: poker legend fic?#where is the art school/theatre major phoenix fic?#no not the able to art/act phoenix fic but the kind of person who chooses to go to art school/study theatre phoenix fic#where is the supremely disinterested in pop culture phoenix fic?#where is the actually incredibly meticulous and competent phoenix fic?#capcom can tell me all they want that he's essentially an adhd disaster flying by the seat of his pants making it all up as he goes#but that's not what they're actually showing me#they're the ones who created an in-fiction legal system that functionally necessitates that#and the nature of the game is that phoenix is almost always proven right so rather than him coming off as hare-brained#his opponents rather just come off as short-sighted. either negligently or maliciously so#and the choices the writing makes in service of retaining mystery and audience suspense in fact function to make phoenix a person#who is astute and puts the pieces together but is cautious in his conclusions#i will grant them that phoenix does tend to lose sight of his overarching goal in getting drawn into proving or disproving minor points#the fact that edgeworth on the other hand never loses sight of this or where the various arguments stand in relation to it#is his sexiest trait as a character by far#but those minor points are actually functionally critical to the ultimate argument phoenix makes#so even though i do read that trait through the game mechanics i do also judge the other characters for being dicks about it#my point is phoenix wright does in fact have the character of a lawyer and is conventionally good at his job fucking fight me#my point is that you all have had 20 goddamn years to Rotate this man#my POINT is that there should be Intricate Fucked Up Meditations On Phoenix that rewire my fucking brain and i NEED to know where they are!
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 129
Danny, now an adult, has just moved to the city of Gotham. Actually he’s been an adult for a while, but every once in a while he has to end his life, at least legally, lest someone get suspicious. Usually whenever Dan or Ellie does an oopsie and pulls a firebird with being reborn through their core. 
So legally, one Danyal Nightingale, has just moved to Gotham to open a bakery (Thank you for the wonderful recipes and bonding Clockwork) while taking care of his practically newborn son Jordan. Of course Elnath- Ellie- had to pull a core retreat too, which is just his luck. 
It wouldn’t be a problem, but he’s trying to not be so broody. A ghost- even a half-ghost- carrying another core though, has instincts turned up to like, eleven. Which again, wouldn’t be much of a problem if not for someone falling into his dumpster late at night bleeding. A vigilante, which he’s sworn to stay away from that life years ago. And it’s not a lethal wound…
But his instincts are screaming to not let the person bleed all around his nest, and he knows from experience that it would continue to bother him. Which is how he ends up with Batman on his couch to Dan’s glee if the ghost chirps are to go by. 
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aesadraws · 3 months
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Final Fantasy XVI as (Even More) Memes Saved On My Phone
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myristicisms · 6 months
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Eyes flash near dangerously, the usual subtle glow of the mako staining his irises giving way to the sudden rush into his head and there's a soft laugh that he barks out, head cocking slightly to the side curiously while he mulls over the statement. He could handle everything fine enough, or at least that's what Zack thinks even if it would be fun to hand the reigns over and see what Cloud would do if he allowed the blonde to take over. “ Depends. ” He manages, voice as calculated as possible given the way he has to hold himself still, body growing jittery from excess energy beginning to pool within his limbs. “ If you think you can then go ahead, I wanna see what taking charge looks like to you. ”
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@strifesoldier | Cloud Strife
"Do you want me to take charge? "
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science-lings · 3 months
Happy Father’s Day to Phoenix Wright and Herlock Sholmes and Yujin Mikotoba and no one else bc every other dad in AA sucks or dies
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quackarooz · 4 months
Its the way that I've been replaying the games recently and every now and then I feel compelled to rant to my friend about how STUPID Phoenix Wright is
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huntingrays · 2 years
au where miles gets arrested yet again and phoenix has to prove his innocence yet again in court. while in the middle of the trial, he gets stuck and can’t figure out how to prove his friend’s innocence.
he’s just about completely given up mentally when he hears a voice telling him not to keep going and that he can’t give in yet.
phoenix looks over, expecting that it’s maya channeling mia, and is shocked to see who it is.
maya is channeling someone… but it’s miles’ dad, gregory. he showed up to help phoenix, not wanting to see his son to be put in jail for a crime he didn’t commit.
with the guidance of gregory, he’s able to prove that miles is innocent and figure out who actually committed the crime. after the trial, miles and gregory have a talk that they desperately needed to have, and miles is finally able to get some closure.
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tunaricebowl · 1 year
gonna be honest here: please dni if you ship narumayo or kayworth
if you like those ships, good for you i guess but i hate the age gaps so fucking much. a 24 year old should not be in a romantic relationship with a 17 year old let alone a 26 year old
i could understand maya and phoenix at 28 and 35 if it wasn’t for the fact that phoenix knew maya when she was a minor. like it’s better than og trilogy maya and phoenix but i’m still a bit iffy about it
i just kinda. had to get this off my chest. i really dislike these ships.
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radiance1 · 1 year
I cANNOT believe this thought has escaped me for so long.
Okay so, you know my phoenix Vlad au I created, where he's the Duke of the Black Flame and by extension, one of or THE Duke of the Ghost Zone? (Honestly haven't decided yet heha)
Yea, ok so.
I don't know how it escaped me for so long, but y'know how Phoenixes are immortal right? By how they get reborn anew from ashes, yes?
(Idea territory btw)
So, I'm just gonna say that Vlad experiences that, because unlike Danny, he didn't stop aging at the ripe age of (really can be anything, but for the sake of this specific idea I'mma go with with) 40. He's envious of this, because he didn't like the brittleness and fragility of the human body when it's reaching its last legs.
Not even his ghost form was safe from the effects of aging, which baffled him, truly, it did. Probably had to do with his status as a halfa, which he disliked but what could he do about it, really.
So when he was finally on his last legs age wise, he practically welcome full death with open arms, ready to fully die and not be impeded by his human body.
No longer would his bones be break so easily! No longer would he need to use a cane as a walking aid in human form! No longer would his back scream at him from the slightest of inconveniences!
He would miss the ability to spawn candy from out of nowhere, however. That was nice.
So when he died, he was fully at peace with it and was ready to embrace full ghostly hood.
Then fate just decided to do a "FUCK YOU" with all caps to him in particular, because when he reopened his eyes, he was not met with the being a full ghost, no.
He was met with short limbs, a high-pitched voice, and the appearance of a 5-year-old.
You have got to be kidding.
He did NOT outlive Jack Fenton (out of spite, really) and Maddie Fenton just to have to relive his child years all over again.
He was a Duke for Observants sake, he couldn't be seen like this. The reputation he worked so hard to build, the respect he clawed into his talons and the awe he stole would go down the drain if this got out!
So he discreetly made his way over to the Master of Time and demanded he age him up to a respectable degree!
Perhaps he should reword that.
He politely requested the Master of Time to age him up back to adulthood, it didn't even have to be him in his forties! He would take even a goddamn 20 for Ancients sake!
Clockwork said no.
Breath Vlad. You cannot burn away the literal manifestation of time itself. You cannot burn away the literal manifestation of time itself. You cannot burn away the literal manifestation of time itself.
Then he noticed Clockwork's cheeky grin.
The more logical, sensible side of himself told him that no, do not try and fight the literal Master of Time, he would lose, and he still needs something from him.
But the more irrational, noticeably more feral part of his brain demanded that time burn for its insolence.
And, well.
The irrational side won out.
So of course, of course as soon as he acts undignified.
One Danny Fenton has to appear at the exact moment.
This was not a good day for him.
And of course, being the worst brat on the planet and the entire Ghost Zone, he had to make fun of him. Now, normally he would not react as strongly as he did, because of logical thinking and how he was just better than the brat, but was he feeling as logical then?
No, not really.
For the last time, he did not throw a goddamn tantrum, he's above that.
So of course, what two braincells he currently had access to came up with a solution to this current problem he was facing. The solution?
The Observants.
Appearances be damned he was not going to be taking jokes related to his current age any day of the week. So he flew over to them, dragging both the Master of Time and the Ghost King (yes, shocker I know coming from me.)- both of which, much to his charging seemed to be humoring him like one did a child- and demanded they do something to fix this.
And their solution was that he, now as a young child, would have to be taken care of due his current situation.
Vlad bluescreened.
Then calmly rebooted, and when he finally did so. Well, he very not so subtly decided to burn the Observants to the ground.
Unfortunately, Danny- who was practically his total opposite in nature due to his ice- put a quick stop to his attempts to burn those floating eyeballs to the ground. Then they had the absolute gall to act as if what he did wasn't at all reasonable and proceeded to use it in evidence for why he needs a guardian of all things.
He didn't need such a thing, he was perfectly capable of making logical, rational decisions as he was before his... 'rebirth'. Unfortunately, his statement apparently wasn't enough for them, because they very obviously, and very physically showed their doubt for such a thing.
And then, and then they did the absolute worst, most utterly reckless decision they could have possibly made in his decision.
The Ghost King (who was very smoothly made king after the previous one stepped down to live on a farm) was made to be his 'guardian'.
He's doomed.
The man wasn't even able to take proper care of himself on a good day, what do you mean he's going to be the one to (forcibly) take care of him!?
Ok, breath Vlad. He is the smartest (now that Maddie's dead), most logical and persuasive person he knows, surely, surely, he could find a way to get himself out of this predicament like any adult would.
Some small, tiny part of his brain, one not run by logical and getting increasingly bigger, whispered that he could always just. Run away.
The thought was getting more and more tempting the longer this went on with him not getting away, so you know what?
He did just that.
And now he's wandering the streets of some random world where goddamn heroes roamed about, living the life of an orphan and wondering how the hell he managed to fuck himself over so bad.
...He blames fate. It's always fates fault.
Also, what the hell is a meta and what does his wings have anything to do with being one???
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ellascreams · 6 months
I Can’t Handle This
[Ollie managed to leave his job at Zoraxis and find his calling as a handler for the Agency, and it was all thanks to Agent Phoenix. When their usual handler is out of commission and Ollie has to fill in for him, he hopes he can do something to show Phoenix his gratitude and that their trust in him wasn’t in vain.]
Agent Phoenix changed Ollie’s life. He had suspected Zoraxis may not have been such a good company after all, but when he saw how that agent was kinder to him that any of his coworkers, despite him being the “enemy,” it was the final straw. That escape pod was not nearly as safe as it seemed at first glance, but he survived long enough for the Agency to find him. That was no easy feat. The Agency offered him a job on the spot. Finally, a chance to do some real good!
Unfortunately they wanted him in the Enhanced Operatives Devision. Ollie knew that was not his field. It was far too dangerous, and truthfully, he kind of got lucky in the escape pod. Surviving it did take skill, don’t get him wrong, but he was still lucky. He didn’t often have luck like that. He’d have to accept death or turn them down.
But then Agent Phoenix, THE Agent Phoenix, put in a good word for him. They had been the one in the lab. They said that he was a comforting voice in the chaos, that he understood their signals and ideas, that he could handle technology well, and that he even helped them figure out how to deal with that giant squid when their own handler couldn’t. They said that Ollie wouldn’t be a good field agent. He would be a great handler.
And, well, that was that. He became a handler. He loved it. It was stressful of course, but he was good at it, and he was finally helping people. He was making the world a better place and making up for the evil he had done. He really felt like he found his calling. And it was all thanks to the Phoenix. How can you repay something like that? How can you thank someone for changing your life like that?
Ollie didn’t know the answer, but he knew that it started with today. Phoenix’s usual handler, who Ollie knew as Mason although that probably wasn’t his real name, had gotten sick. He wasn’t in terrible condition but the Agency wanted him to get better as soon as possible so they made him rest. His agent, on the other hand, still had to do their job. They had a mission today. They still needed a handler and ideally one they were somewhat familiar with. Ollie was going to be Mason’s stand in. This was it. His chance to start to pay off a fraction of what he owed them.
Sitting in his office, watching the agent break in, Ollie thought back to the debriefing. “Ok! So. The Zoraxis INK model, they were using it to control a giant squid, you remember her right? We still don’t know much about it but I convinced the Agency to look into it as soon as I joined up, and wouldn’t you know, we actually found something! It’s a lab and sort of a warehouse in New Zealand where they’ve been working on the project. There should only be one guard, but we’re still expecting overall security to be tight, so we’re sending you in! You’re our best agent so I’m sure it will probably go great! I think!”
Oh gosh, he was so embarrassed. Why had he sounded so awkward? Why hadn’t he sounded more confident in their success? He was just so nervous about trying to show that Phoenix was right to think he’d be a good handler that he probably showed them they weren’t. Even now he was shaking, drenched in sweat, his heart pounding, just hoping the mission would go well. He almost didn’t notice when the agent finished disabling the security system and walked in.
“Great job Phoenix!” He said earnestly. “Now go down this hallway, turn right, go to the end of that hallway, and you can go into Hivemind’s office! It might not have all the information we need, but his office seems like the best place to start. It is his invention after all! If nothing else there should be something to lead us to what we…”
Ollie’s voice trailed off. He watched as the agent examined a vending machine next to the entrance. They were eyeing some Zor Cola, Ollie recognized it from the vending machine back in the underwater lab. It tasted like pure chemicals but it was better than nothing when you were really thirsty. Phoenix began searching around the vending machine, presumably looking for a misplaced coin, a secret code, or some problem with the machinery they could exploit.
“Sorry if you’re thirsty agent, but maybe Hivemind has some sort of drink in his office?” Phoenix continued looking until they found something on the back of the vending machine. “I don’t mean to pressure you, it’s just that the guard is still doing their rounds and we might not have much time before she gets here.” They began pressing buttons on the machines control pad. “Seriously, we don’t have much time.”
The vending machine accepted the maintenance code and its door opened. Ollie sighed. “Ok, just take the Cola with you and drink once you get to the office.” Phoenix nodded as they grabbed the Cola with their TK and headed down the hallway.
When Phoenix closed the door to Hivemind’s office, Ollie couldn’t help but give a sharp inhale as he saw that the agent had just barely missed the guard. Then Ollie took some slow, purposeful breaths. The guard only patrolled the hallways. She wouldn’t go into the office without reason. Close call or not they were safe now.
Agent Phoenix sat at Hivemind’s desk and drank their Zor Cola as the examined it. On top of it there was a lunch prepared for later, (it was a banana with a peanut butter and honey sandwich,) a lighter, ashtray, and cigars, (knowing bees and smoke he probably wasn’t the one who used those,) and Hiveminds’s name plaque. Where Phoenix was sitting they could see the desk had two drawers. One opened up to reveal bee keeping supplies. The other had to be unlocked with a code. A sticky note had the code written on it but it was, somewhat ironically, written in code.
“Alright, do you still have that cipher I gave you?” They nodded as the took the piece of paper out of their blazer pocket and unfolded it. “It probably won’t be the exact same as the one in my lab, but it should be a good place to start!”
The code was in fact different from Ollie’s old one, but the cipher did help. They managed to figure out as much “A___A_S B___AV_” before they had to start looking around the office for more clues. The beekeeping items were labeled in code and with Ollie recognizing the hive tool they were able to get the letters I, L, H, and E. Hivemind’s name plaque had his name in code on the back which gave them the extra letters N and M. That gave them the full code. “ANIMALS BEEHAVE.” Of course it was a bee pun.
Phoenix punched in the code and the drawer opened up. Inside there were a few documents. A couple talked about the actual function and design of the devices. Another seemed to be reporting on experiments. Annoyingly, that one was written in code too, and they definitely didn’t have enough information or time to decipher all of it. What they did get from it was a room number: 28.
“Room 28 is bit far away but I should be able to guide you there. The guards still doing her rounds around here though, so you can take a quick break!”
Phoenix picked up the peanut butter and honey sandwich and examined it for a moment. Then they picked up the lighter. They toasted the bread quite a bit before they ate it. That’s fine, by the time anyone notices the sandwich is gone, the agent will be gone too. Then they set a poster on fire.
“PLEASE, please be careful about that! You might burn yourself or set off the smoke alarm!” Ollie pleaded, but Phoenix set yet another poster on fire before putting both flames out with what was left of the Zor Cola. Were they like this with Mason too? They had to be, because if they weren’t that would mean…
That would mean they don’t respect his abilities as a handler. That they don’t think Ollie has the authority or even the skill give them instructions. It would mean that what they said to the Agency, what they said to him about his potential, wasn’t true. The person who believed in him enough to change his life didn’t actually believe in him.
Ollie did his best to ignore the thought. They were probably just like this. Hopefully. “The guard is out of the way now, so it would be a good time to head out.” Phoenix nodded and walked out of the room. Slowly, carefully, and quietly they walked through the hallways as Ollie told them what turns to make. Phoenix’s curiosity once again almost got them caught but Ollie’s directions were very well coordinated and the agent wasn’t stupid enough to stick around for too long. At the very center of the building, they found it. Room 28.
Phoenix looked at the room though the door’s window. The lights weren’t on but it wasn’t super dark. They didn’t see anything in the room but it was because there was nothing to see. It was a big empty room. There was maybe a table in one of the corners? It was a lot harder to see near the walls.
“I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe you should just take what we have and go.” Phoenix crossed their arms stubbornly. Ollie felt his stomach squirm. A room that large should never be that empty. Still, Phoenix was an incredible agent, and their instinct about what information is needed is probably pretty accurate. Maybe he was worrying too much. “Oh ok, I don’t think there’s any alarms in there but just, be careful.” They nodded and began picking the lock.
Ollie tried to stifle his gasp as the agent closed the door behind them but he mostly failed. He chose not to say anything and Phoenix took his silence as a go ahead. They walked towards the small table they saw earlier hoping it might have some readable notes. They began to hear a faint hissing sound. Then some quiet growls. Then a roar. Then barking. It was only when they got to the center of the room that their eyes had adjusted to the low light enough for them to see where the noise was coming from.
The walls they couldn’t see before were lined with caged animals. Barred doors were all that kept them safe from bears, wild cats, dogs, wolves, snakes, all of them wearing familiar shackles. All of them angry and ready to attack Phoenix. All of them loud enough to alert—
“What’s wrong you stupid animals?” The guard said as she opened the door and turned on the light. She was certainly surprised to see Phoenix there. The shock died quickly though as she looked them in the eyes and smirked. She left the room and Phoenix heard the distinct click of a door being locked. It was only then they noticed what had made Ollie gasp so nervously earlier. The door couldn’t be unlocked from the inside. Then the cages opened.
“There should be a vent in there, can you get to it? It might be a tight fit but it’s the only exist you’ve got.” Phoenix scanned the room while trying to dodge animal attacks and saw the vent near the ceiling. They climbed one of the cage doors and jumped to the vent, hanging off the edge of it. They tried to use their TK and lock picking tools to unscrew the grille while things tried to bite at their feet. They dropped the their tools and caught the grille before it could could hit them in the head, and dropped it below them. Luckily it didn’t seem to hit any animals. Phoenix pulled themself up and began to crawl.
It was a bit of a tight fit as Ollie had predicted but Phoenix had probably been in worse. They stopped after crawling for long enough that the animal sounds were noticeably muffled. Sadly there was also the muffled sound of the guard opening the door and telling the animals to search for them. Once there was a moment of quiet Ollie felt so much adrenaline and guilt. Worrying too much? His job was to worry! He should’ve insisted that they didn’t go in there, or pointed out the suspicious lack of lock, or something! He didn’t know what to do anymore. Well, there was one option. Sometimes the most helpful thing you can do is find someone more helpful than you.
“Well, I was given a way to contact your handler for emergencies, and I think this is an emergency. You’ll just have to hang tight until I get through to him.” Ollie tried to keep his upbeat tone but it was wavering. “Sorry.”
Ollie was too busy typing to see the expression of heartbreak and guilt on Phoenix’s face. Why in the world was he apologizing? He told them not to go in there and they did anyway, anything that had gone wrong in this mission was because of their own actions. Was Ollie blaming himself?
“No.” Agent Phoenix spoke. It was one small whisper but it was enough to make Ollie stop in his tracks. Phoenix was selectively mute. He knew they could speak, but if they were speaking, they had something very important to say. “Mason doesn’t know as much about INK as you or as much about animals. And he isn’t my handler right now. You are. So I need your help. Please.”
Ollie still felt his heart pounding. He was so scared to mess this up. But the agent, his agent right now, really did believe in him. They said they needed him and who was he to tell them they were wrong. “There’s no way you’ll be able to get the shackles off of all those animals, and honestly I’d like you to avoid hurting them.” He said. He looked through his maps again. “Can I see those design papers?” Phoenix struggled to take them out of their pocket in the vent but they managed it. Ollie studied them the best he could and cross referenced them with other maps and notes of the project.
“It seems like all these animals are given the same orders since they’re just test subjects, and to save money they connected them all to one control panel and one power source. If I had to guess, and it seems like I have to, I’d say the controls are in room 17. I can guide you there if you’re ready to start crawling again.” Phoenix put the notes back in their pocket and got into crawling position. Ollie told them where to turn until they got to another room: room 17. They kicked the grille off and hopped down.
The room did in fact have a large control panel. “I doubt they have a simple off button but we should be able to cut off the power. Thing is it uses kinesium, so we have to be really careful about how we turn it off. I’m sure we can figure something out though!” And they did. There were some close calls and it took a while, but with Phoenix’s puzzle solving skills and Ollie’s information on Zoraxis tech they managed to cut the right wires and press the right buttons to turn the power off. They were glad it didn’t take too long, some of the animals were getting really close to finding them. Noises of anger and hostility quickly turned to confusion and fear. Accept for the bear, which continued to sound angry as the guard screamed. Phoenix still left through the vents again. It was better to avoid wild animals when you could.
In the end they didn’t get all the information they wanted but they still got quite a bit. Phoenix’s handler was still going to be out of commission for a few days— no, that wasn’t right. Mason was going to be out of commission for a few days. The handler for the great Agent Phoenix was still going to be doing his job, because right now, their handler was Ollie. If Mason was ever out of commission it would be Ollie again.
Maybe he couldn’t exactly repay Phoenix for all they had done, or prove that their belief in his talent wasn’t misplaced, but he didn’t have to. Phoenix never questioned if their belief was misplaced and never thought Ollie had to repay them. Instead, Ollie proved to himself that their belief hadn’t been misplaced and Phoenix proved to Ollie that he was their friend. That was probably better than what he could’ve hoped for.
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msmc-796-official · 1 month
Nngh... oh, my head...
Where am I? Phoenix? Slipshod? Hello???
The... the medbay... why am I here? What happe- my arm. I can't feel my arm. Why can't I feel my arm???
Wait, is that- Kennedi? Kennedi! Slipshod, get your ass to the medbay, now! Kennedi's awake! We're on our way, Kennedi, hang in there!!!
wait, WHAT???? yo holy shit, what are you telling me for?! Go! Kennedi, we're coming!
// Kennedi! We're here! Holy shit, you're awake - how long have you been up???
> Not very. (And not so loud, I'm not deaf.) What am I doing in the medbay, and why can't I feel my right arm?
...you wanna tell her, or should I?
// No, I can tell her... so. Okay. Incredibly long and convoluted story short, you and Fireman - the hostile AGNI holed up inside a Genghis Mk. 1 "Worldkiller" - got into an argument and basically fist-fought each other to death.
> Yes, I remember that much. Where did my arm go?
// I'm getting to that. You overcharged your D/D and entirely cored out their Worldkiller, but they slagged your Caliban and KO'd you. Shattered your entire arm in the process.
if you want the official diagnosis - second and third-degree burns across most of the body, shattered left wrist, numerous broken bones all the way up the right arm. docs decided to amputate while you were still out cold - between the burns and the breakages there was no real hope of saving that arm
> ...I see. What became of the AGNI?
// Fireman escaped back to the Baronies - apparently they had a backup Worldkiller at the ready. Their casket got fried in the explosion, but it sounds like they weren't using it anyways. We sent it over to the folks at HRA - they wanted a peek at the code inside. Slipshod took a look in there, too, but couldn't find much. Fireman still doesn't like any of us, but they've got at least some modicum of respect for you. Not every day that someone cores out a Worldkiller with an angry AGNI inside and lives to tell the tale.
> ...I'm going to assume that's why my prosthetic has these flame decals plastered all over it?
something like that - those were my idea. Phoenix had that arm commissioned custom for you by a kid from IPS-N called Gray (@whohasfourthumbsand). no offense to the medics here, but the original prosthetic they had you set up with was hot shit. you deserved something nicer - something that fit you better and could hold up to repeated D/D use
// Speaking of Gray - they'd like to meet you at some point, most likely after you've finished physical therapy. Apparently you've made quite the impression on them.
> Hm. Tell them I'll consider it. As of right now, I'd prefer to-
// Was that your pager, Slipshod?
yeah, sorry, hang on a sec - looks like upper management sent us something...
[OPENING FILE "msmc-796-congratulations.omni.png"]
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// ...oh my RA. We actually did it!
> What? What's going on?
// Management let us know a while back that we were getting close to a community engagement milestone - and we've just hit it! 50 whole people on the Omninet who follow us!!!
well I'll be. that many people enjoy hearing about the nonsense we get up to around here, huh?
// Certainly looks like it. Between Kennedi waking up and us hitting that milestone, I'd say we have some cause for celebration!
> It would appear so. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I must ask - how long have I been unconscious, exactly? I must have missed quite a bit, if we've gained that many followers.
that's one hell of an understatement, Kennedi - there's a LOT that's changed since your spat with Fireman. lots of new people around, too
// Yeah, we'll have to catch you up on everything at some point. We've made some changes around here, too. As for how long you've been out... a little under three weeks, I'd say? More or less?
> ...well then. Yes, that has been a while, hasn't it. I'll need a moment to process all of this.
// Don't be too hard on yourself, Kennedi. We'll be here to help you through it. (Also, we're on deployment probation until the end of the month, so we can't really go anywhere anyways.)
the place hasn't burned down yet, K. we've got it all under control. I can help you get the print codes for a new mech set up here at some point, but I think you better get used to your new arm first before you go anywhere near the hangar
// Agreed. I'll get the medical team in here so you they can check you over. In the meantime, we've got a celebration to plan!
-- Angel, Slipshod, & Lockbreaker
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
random thought: kristoph, klavier, and apollo all slam the desk (or i guess wall) with their fists instead of an open hand. im not really all about these sprite similarities things but hey this is mildly interesting
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the-physicality · 23 days
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2007, conference finals phoenix vs san antonio
#politely i'm obsessed#also so the first gif is from essentially the game clinching play#there's a minute and a half left pho are ahead 89 to 85 [they've won the first game in the series if they win this they are through#to the championship. the game has been up and down with sas going on runs and one girl hitting 4 threes in the first#cappie pondexter winds down the shot clock penny sets a screen to let her through#all the sas run to cappie which leaves penny open for 3#she makes it she's fouled and 1#that first gif is right after she makes the shot and the whistle blows#then she makes the free throw phoenix mercury are up by 8 and sas has to foul for the last minute of play#i am also obsessed with their big 3 being 3 13 and 23#also that this is cappie's second year in the league and she is the reason they won this game#and she wins finals mvp#this footage well the first one is from the measly 1 minute and 48 second penny taylor highlight from the wnba#and the second one which is from the same game but not in the bootleg video on youtube is in an edit from inside the bun#which has in the description free diana so i can only assume it's from the modafinil situation but i cannot find that footage anywhere#it's actually unfortunate bc the merc used to like before youtube was big post video exclusives to their website#and not everything has been preserved#i have to go on the internet archive because i think there might be more there#it's where i see all the old late night clips that aren't on youtube#so and ik im yapping here that's why it's in the tags the way i figured out where the last one was from#was i cross checked getty images for the 2007 and 2009 playoffs#and there's an image of cappie you can see her in like the first frame talking to then gm annie meyers drysdale who now calls the games#diana taurasi#penny taylor
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aberooski · 12 days
I know they're already trapped in cyberspace as it is, but I never understood why Sarina turned Syrus and Hassleberry into a dinosaur and a car as opposed to like, locking them up in there or actually putting them in danger? Like if you want the stakes to feel actually important to the duel like maybe I should actually have to worry about what will happen to them if Jaden and Aster lose...?
I dunno it doesn't really matter, like obviously it's entirely possible that the thing is just that they're just bait for Jaden so it doesn't really matter what she does with them because all she needs is to get Jaden and Aster there so she can test them in a duel so once they get there Sy and Hassleberry don't really matter anymore at that point. But I just think about this kinda stuff y'know? I'm a fanfic writer haha
#I love drama okay? we all know I'm a mean mean lady in that regard but also like?#never understood why she turned them into a dinosaur and a car#ugh it just drives me crazy like if they don't matter behond being bait then just like? leave them alone? or just lock them up#and only release them if they win? but they make this whole big deal about having to win the duel so she'll turn them back#but if they just win the duel and leave they'll be back to normal anyway??? so the stakes should be that if they win the duel#then sarina will return syrus and hassleberry to jaden and they can all leave like it's that simple no unnecessary transformations required?#and like the only stake if they lose is that whoever loses has to join the society of light which is bad yes very not great#but in the interest of sy and hassleberry mattering in this scenario like they should all things considered like very easily another stake#on top of that could be if jaden and aster lose sy and hassleberry's minds will get scattered and dissolved into cyberspace forever#kinda like how sarina opts to digitize herself when this is over? except not at all voluntary#but to be fair she says that whoever wins comes with her and the other is trapped in cyberspace sp there's that#but like y'all know what I mean right?#I think about this kinda stuff a little too much and it scrambles my brain a little ngl#anyway shut up abby hahaha#back to the duel!#abby rewatches yugioh gx#aberooski live#abby fully admits she's an idiot#yugioh gx#ygo gx#syrus truesdale#sho marufuji#tyranno hassleberry#jaden yuki#judai yuki#aster phoenix#edo phoenix
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neurotonic · 6 months
oh wait i have a second question... what would be your dream ieytd game plot? regardless of the plausibility of it or anything like that. just if you could have whatever come true
the one where fabricator and solaris kiss canonically yuri style.......................please.......................................
serious answer...I don't have an exact idea of plot progression and stuff, I just have some elements that I really want to see in the game. Mainly, that the main antagonist is Fabricator because good lird she needs to get into the spotlight. She's been heavily involved in all three games in the background, and there's two games where she gets speaking lines?? That's kinda unprecedented in the IEYTD series. Please I need to see her. please. please. I also want something that involves Right Robot in the plot.... like do anything with himm there's so much to do with himmm. LITTLE BUDDY? LITTLE ASSISTANT BUDDY??
Something involving Dr Zor's downfall is probably pretty fun to see.. idk i just want this guy to SUFFER SOME CONSEQUENCES.. MY GUY YOU CANT KEEP BETRAYING EVERYONE ... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... maybe something to do with Fabby betrayal... and some of the previous antags helping Phoenix (but not the Agency. Technically. Something something being in your own side) This is where the fabbylaris kiss happens. can you see my vision.
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