#the cropped album cover is making me giggle... you in the had..
number-onekidqueen · 3 months
Could you please do Luke x Goth!fem!reader where they are dating secretly, and Luke finds out she’s getting bullied for how she dresses he decides to confront the bullies and put them in their place 
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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Luke Castellan x goth!Hades!reader
apologies for the awkward spacing, my laptop is going through some glitch 😭
angsty fluff
warnings: bullying, verbal abuse ig, a few swear words, Stacey is a cliche warning, mentions sexual themes
"You don’t like it, do you?”
He shook his head insistently. You laughed.
“No, I think it’s cool, I just don’t listen to this kind of stuff. It’s new to me.”
You and Luke were sat on your bed in Hades cabin, listening to a cassette you had snuck in this summer.
It was actually how your mum had bonded with Hades. She always told the story of how she had been walking home from a shift, listening to her favourite album on her Walkman, completely lost in the bass and cacophony of drums, unaware of her surroundings. Too late she had noticed a drunk driver swerving towards her. And then a man had come out of the gloom, drawing her safely away by clutching her cassette tape and headphone wires. She’d been at a loss for words, and he’d simply walked away.
He’d met her the next night, returning her Walkman with praise for her music choice. And every night later he’d appear somewhere along their journey, and they’d converse about music and fall in love.
That very album was what you were listening to at the moment. And from the look in his face, it certainly wouldn’t be making its way onto Luke's playlist very soon.
“I know it’s loud, I get it,” you reassured, “I guess I just love the…. Passion.” You didn’t see while you were rambling, but the look Luke gave you then could only be described as adoring. He loved when you ranted like this. “These artists, they’re pouring their heart and soul into everything. Every word they scream, and string they play, they’re giving their best performance to do so. I find it so amazing.”
The sad thing was, not many people shared your view on that, which led to the predicament you were in.
Well, it wasn’t just the music. It was probably the way you dressed too.
Regardless of your explanations, people were always going to stare at your black shorts, choker and smoky eyes. They would always whisper ‘goth girl’ as if it was a swear word.
But you never thought they would be quite so mean. Come on, you were one of them, right?
Wrong, apparently.
"Hey, emo, anyone die lately, or just your style sense?"
This particular jab came from Stacey, an Aphrodite girl who just seemed to loathe you, and was your polar opposite with her glowy make up, tight camp tee and cropped shorts.
Usually you ignored them. Sure, some of their comments were mean, and sometimes you could hear them when you looked in the mirror, when you applied your mascara, when you lay in bed in the darkness. But today, you were done. You were so sick of Stacey sniping and sneering at you. You were going to bite back.
"I didn't realise dressing for men was considered style, but if so, then sure."
There was silence as she gasped at your comment, looking at her friends in shock and for support. She scowled then, and chewed her gum obnoxiously in what you guessed to be an excuse to think of a comeback.
"I'm sorry I get a reaction from men. Kinda sad that black and death doesn't turn anyone on, huh y/n? But I'm sure you don't care. Probably have some relationship with a dead body, right?"
There were muffled giggles as all the Aphrodite girls covered their mouths at her retort. She began to smirk at you as you blinked at her in shock, genuinely hurt.
"I don't get you, Stacey. Why would my style have anything to do with that? How do smoky eyes have anything to do with-with necrophilia or whatever you're suggesting? What the fuck?" You spat, and you walked away from her, hating that you had been defeated, that that stupid girl's words made your eyes feel heavy with tears.
Because to her, you'd always be weird. That one goth girl who always wore black no matter the occasion. Who barely got a first glance from boys.
It was then you wanted to scream to them how much you knew Luke cared about you. You wondered how much their opinions would change, if they knew camp's golden boy was sweet about you. But you never did, because you knew they wouldn't believe you, and so it led to tears and frustration, locking yourself inside your cabin and crying until your face was a runny, smudged mess.
You'd settled yourself against the wall for around half an hour, your hands in your hair as you bathed in misery and insecurity when you heard the first round of insistent knocks and urgent calling of your name. It was him.
Sniffling and wiping your eyes, you got to your feet and let him in, praying you looked better than you felt. His face fell as the door opened and he spotted your saddened features, so you guessed you didn't. Luke stepped in, shutting the door behind him, and immediately brushing the tears from your face with his thumbs, his eyes sad.
"Who did this to you?" he demanded, as he drew you into a hug.
"It was just some-some girls, don't worry, they always do it, I'm just-y'know, being dramatic," you let out a broken laugh into his shoulder and more tears fell, "I guess I should expect it."
"No you shouldn't. They shouldn't torment you regularly just because you dress different to them." He pulled away, his eyes furious now, the cocoa centres dangerously dark, "What the hell is wrong with them?! Tell me their names, y/n, their names."
"No, it's fine, you-you don't need to talk to them, it's-"
"Well, I'm going to either way, so you can tell me, or I'll just find it out."
"I-I-" you stuttered, your body shuddering as a wave of tears swept through you once again, "it was that group of Aphrodite girls, with like Stacey and-"
You buried yourself in his arms, and he squeezed you tight, fingers brushing gently through your hair. "You know you're so much better than them, right?" he murmured warmly, "you're smarter, you're prettier-"
"No, I'm not-"
"Yes, you are, and you should know it, because you are, y/n. You're worth a million of them." Luke's words were firm, and the way he looked at you then, resolute and as if he believed his phrase with every particle of his being made you soften. Made you almost believe him.
"I'm gonna come back with some soda, and we can chill out and listen to your tape, yeah? How's that sound?"
"Amazing," you said, with a watery smile.
"Great, well I'll go now, so I can be back soon," and he sent you a faint-inducing grin as he inched out of your arms that made you lose track of a few sentences.
"Luke," you protested, when you finally got your tongue under control, "no, you-you don't have to this, right? You realise you don't have to do this? It's ok, it's-"
"Yeah, of course," he responded calmly, that same grin on his face as he reached for the door, "I don't know where you think I'm going. I'm just off to get some soda."
And do some other things along the way.
He stormed over to the Aphrodite cabin, knocking rapidly before throwing the door open. Stacey was there, sat on the bed humming a pop song and fixing her hair in her hand mirror, frozen in place as she watched him barge in and shut the door. Her surprise smoothly transitioned into seduction, as was typical with a lot of Aphrodite girls.
"Someone wanted to see me," she cooed, sending him a flirty smile.
Oh yes he did indeed.
"So, I heard about some things with you and y/n,"
"Oh, yeah, that," Stacey waved the words away as if they were a pesky fly, resting on her elbows as she looked up at him with doe eyes, "she looked like a horror movie, Luke. Like, you know how much I care about the kids! They might get scared."
"Yeah, yeah sure, Stacey, I'm sure those were your intentions."
She frowned at that, her glossy lips and thin brows crinkled.
"Why are you even standing up for her anyway? It's not like she's nice, and she's so weird, like she's probably not even straight, like I've heard she has relationships with bats and graves and shit."
"And where did you hear that, Stacey?" He asked coldly, anger rising through him.
She quickly noted the negative emotions surfacing in his tone, and cocked her head. "I don't know, like just around the place. Look, I don't know why you care about this so much? I doubt she has a soul."
"Oh, she does, Stacey. And her soul is much more beautiful and amazing than yours will ever be," he sucked a breath in, trying to restrain his utter rage, "and I want you to never talk to my girlfriend like that again."
"Y-your-your girlfriend?" She spluttered, absolutely shell-shocked.
"Yeah, my girlfriend."
"She's the best girl at camp, so I don't know why you say all that stupid stuff about her. Anyway, I need to go now, Stacey, but I think you got the message, yeah?"
She nodded dumbly, her eyes still wide, and Luke smirked as he left the suffocatingly rose-smelling cabin and went into the open air.
With that done, he needed two ice-cold cans of soda.
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corrodedhawkins · 2 years
Perv friend Eddie asking to take an innocent polaroid of you one day when you're hanging out "Just because" but it's really so he can jack off to your face
Polaroids: Perv!Eddie x Fem!Reader
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Thank you to the talented @sweetpeapod for the moodboard ❤️
Thank you to @bayouteche for helping me with this one ❤️ The outfits were all her idea.
Warnings: perv!Eddie, alcohol, swearing, fondling, non consensual touching, male masturbation, slight edging. 18+ minors DNI
“Congratulations on the album guys!” You walk up to the stage after their set excitedly. “I can’t wait to hear it!”
Gareth and Jeff stop packing up their equipment to stare at you blankly. “What album?”, Gareth asks.
Your brow furrows, “Eddie said the band was putting out an album and needed a cover model.”
You hear one of the cymbals crash as Eddie scrambles off of the stage. He slides up next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Well. I mean, what I meant was we need to plan out the cover of our first album in case we get discovered, sweetheart.”
He turns you around, hand on the small of your back to guide you. “Why don’t we get you a drink, huh? My treat.” Eddie shoots a glare over his shoulder, mouthing a “shut it” to his band mates as he shuffles you over to the bar.
The next day, you find yourself in Eddie’s bathroom trying on the outfit he’s chosen for the shoot. “Eddie?”, you call through the door.
“Um. It’s a little…small.”
You hear him laugh from the other side of the door. “Yeah? Let me see”, the excitement in his voice obvious.
“I-um. I don’t think I can come out.” You look down to see your tits practically spilling out of the tiny black lace crop top.
Eddie sighs. “C’mon, sweetheart. Don’t you want us to have the most metal album cover ever?” You can almost feel his puppy dog eyes boring into you through the door.
You turn to stare at yourself in the mirror. Eddie had picked you for this. He could have chosen Chrissy Cunningham, or one of other countless perfect cheerleaders, but he had chosen you. He must think you’re special. You couldn’t let him down.
With one last deep breath, you open the bathroom door, Eddie stumbling forward as he had been pressed up against it.
“Fuck”, he groans lowly, pupils blown wide when he sees you. He grabs your hand and pulls you out into the hallway, slowly circling you to look at the outfit. You feel like prey under a predators gaze.
He whistles as he circles you again, “Look at you, doll. Fuckin’ perfect.”
You blush, muttering a “thank you”, as you tug the hem of your too short skirt down over your ass, smoothing your hands down the ripped fishnets underneath.
“None of that”, Eddie scolds. He walks to the fridge and retrieves two beers, handing you one. “For your nerves. Can’t have you blushing for the camera.”
You take it and practically chug it, desperate to calm your shaking hands.
You feel yourself begin to relax as Eddie’s van pulls into the quarry, the three beers he had plied you with soothing your frayed nerves. He cuts the engine as he practically runs to the back doors of the van, flinging them open. The camera is quickly slung around his neck before he jogs to the passenger side door and opens it for you.
“M’lady”, he holds out a hand to you and bows, waiting for you to take it. You giggle and grab his hand, stumbling out of the van as your feet crunch on the gravel below.
You make your way around to the front of the van shakily, waiting for Eddie’s direction. “So. How do you want me?”
Bending down, he pulls you close into his chest and picks you up.
You squeal, not expecting to be lifted. “Eddie! Be careful!”, you giggle.
He grips the backs of your thighs, right where they meet your ass, and squeezes. Once he sets you down on top of the hood of the van, he steps back to take a better look.
Eddie grabs the camera from around his neck, looking through the viewfinder.
“Perfect”, he whispers to himself. He presses the shutter button, snatching the Polaroid as soon as the camera spits it out. He shakes the photo, face splitting into a grin as the image appears.
“You’re a fuckin’ natural, doll.” He holds out the photo for you to look at.
Your eyes widen as you see yourself. “I-I’m hot”
Eddie barks out a laugh, “Of course you are. Now, you just sit there and look pretty for me.”
He takes stacks of photos as you pose, giggling to yourself as you try to look sexy.
“Alright, one more outfit!” He drops the camera by the strap around his neck and shrugs the denim vest off of his shoulders.
You take his vest and move to put it on over your top, but Eddie stops you.
“Ah ah. Just the vest.”
“I don’t-”
Eddie huffs, “Just forget it. I should have know you’d be too scared.” He turns to walk away slowly, silently counting the seconds before you stop him.
“Wait!”, you reach out for him, jumping off of the hood, almost face planting. When did the ground start spinning?
Eddie smirks, fixing his face before he turns back towards you.
“I-I’ll do it.”
“That’s my girl.” He looks down at you expectantly, waiting for you to undress.
You look at Eddie shyly, “Can you close your eyes?”
“Of course, princess.” He makes a show of throwing his hands over his eyes, making you giggle.
The second you begin to undress, Eddie’s peeking through his fingers. He can’t help the moan that rips through his chest when he sees your bare tits on display.
“Eddie!”, you gasp when you hear the sound, quickly covering your chest with his vest.
“I didn’t see anything, I promise!”, Eddie swears as he draws the sign of the cross over his heart.
You hold out your arms, making grabby hands as you wait for him to lift you back onto the hood of the van.
“And for the finishing touch!”, Eddie scrambles to retrieve his guitar from the back of the van.
You sling it around your shoulder, almost dropping it in the process. You’re starting to feel fuzzy, like you could just float away at any moment.
“Be careful with her”, he warns.
You mumble out a, “sorry” before posing with it against your chest.
Once Eddie decides he’s gotten enough shots, he hoists you down from the hood with two hands on your ass. He carries you to the passenger seat, knowing you’ll fall on your ass if you try now that the alcohol has fully hit you.
His vest shifts against your chest, one bare breast slipping from beneath the fabric. He can feel your nipple harden against his chest trough the fabric of his shirt, and he’s instantly hard.
He sets you down on the passenger seat gently, laughing when you head lolls back against the seat. “M’tired”, you whine.
He pulls at the seatbelt, purposefully grazing your chest with the back of his hand as he slings it over you. He leans into you a bit too closely to secure your seat belt, and you laugh when his hair tickles the bare skin of your chest.
“I know, sweetheart. You can nap when we get back to mine, okay?” His hand twitches as it hovers over the camera slung across his neck. He could snap a picture of your bare tits peeking out of his vest right now and you wouldn’t even notice.
“Mmkay”, you answer sleepily.
Fighting with his thoughts, he stands there for a moment before he ultimately gives in.
He gently slides the lapels of his vest open until your tits are on full display, just for him. Watching as your nipples pebble in the chilly air, he can’t help but palm his erection through his jeans.
He hesitantly reaches out to cup your breast, the heavy weight of it in his palm making him groan. When he runs his thumb over your hard nipple, you let out a breathy gasp.
The noise makes his cock throb, and he knows he’ll be playing back that sound in his head for the foreseeable future.
He lifts the camera to his eye, snapping a few shots. The flash startles you, and you look up at him with unfocused eyes.
“Eddie? What you doin’?”, you slur.
He drops the camera around his neck once more, pocketing the Polaroids. “Just making sure you’re buckled in, doll. Gotta keep you safe.”
You hum, eyes sliding shut again, “You’re the best.”
He slams the passenger side door before climbing into the drivers side to take you back to his. 
That night, when Wayne leaves for his shift at the plant, Eddie finally gets a good look at the Polaroids. He dims the lights and puts on his favorite Dio album, rummaging through his cabinet until he finds the tin he stashed the pictures in for safe keeping.
He feels like a chick losing her virginity, putting on music and mood lighting, but he wants to savor this. It’s not weird. It’s not.
Eddie settles himself back against the headboard, tin open by his side. He takes a stack of Polaroids, laying them out on the sheets in front of him. He wraps his hand around the base of his erection loosely, fist lazily stroking.
He picks up the first picture he took of you, smiling shyly at the camera, unsure of yourself. He can see your confidence build with every picture as the alcohol started to hit you. By the fifth or sixth Polaroid, you’re practically eye fucking the camera, posing like a video vixen on MTV.
He spits into his palm, using it to ease the glide of his fist over his cock. When he sees the next picture he groans, remembering how he could see just a hint of your panties peaking out from under your skirt as you shifted to your next pose.
Eddie’s cock twitches as he traces the head with his thumb teasingly, a bead of precum gathering at the tip. His other hand moves down to cup his balls, already drawn up tight.
His head tips back as he lets out a shaky breath, hand stilling before he can tip over the edge. He wants to take his time, work himself up before cumming tonight.
The slick sound of his fist pumping over his length echos through his room as he goes back to stroking himself, groaning as he twists his wrist on the upstroke.
His thoughts drift to carrying you from the van into the trailer, tucking you into his bed to sleep off the alcohol. All he had wanted to do was jack off to you as you slept, pulling your top down to cum all over your tits. As much as he hates to admit it, he probably would have if Wayne hadn’t been home.
He turns his attention back to the Polaroids, shuffling through the next stack until he finds what he’s looking for. You’re laid out over the hood of the van, chest bare save for his denim vest. His guitar is slung around your shoulder, pressed tightly against your body.
The hand on his cock speeds up, grip tightening as he looks through the rest of the photos. The Polaroid of your bare tits peeking out of his denim vest in the passenger seat is the next in the stack.
“Fuck”, he moans as his fist flies over his cock. He can’t help but imagine what it would feel like to push those pretty tits together and fuck his cock in between them, to watch his hot cum settle on your collarbone.
The second his eyes land on the last Polaroid of you with one of his big hands on your chest, thumbing grazing over your nipple, he remembers the gasp you had let out as he touched you.
Eddie bucks up into his fist, back arching off the bed as he cums with your name on his lips. He’s panting as he comes down, cum leaking from his hand down onto the Polaroid in his lap.
He sighs as he cleans up, carefully wiping his cum off of the picture as a wave of shame rolls over him. He knows now that he’s finally gotten his hands on you, his fantasies will never be enough to satisfy him.
This town already thinks he’s a freak, at least now he’s finally living up to the reputation.
Tag list:
@ghastlyentity @sweetpeapod
@e0509 @stardustmunson
@simpingoverfictionalppl @quinnswife86
@munsonquinns @thorfemmes
@khaleesibubblegum @manddoublee
If you’d like to be added to my tag list let me know!
Also tagging @escapinghawkins bc perv!Eddie is her jam
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Cliché ~ Tom Petty x female reader
Y/f/b/s = your favourite Beatles song
Y/N walked into the record shop, it had not long been payday and so she decided it was the perfect time to treat herself to a new record. She walked over to a box of records labelled ‘new releases’ and began to flick through the albums.
She stopped when a red one caught her eye, it read ‘Damn the Torpedos’ it was by a band called Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. She’d heard of them before, but only because they were briefly mentioned on the radio. She hadn’t really heard any of their music, other than maybe parts of odd songs that the radio had played.
Y/N picked up the album and turned it around to have a look at the back, to see what information it had to offer, in terms of songs and the band.
“You know, that album is pretty damn good, there are a lot of good songs on it, and I have to say, the lead singer is very handsome. I don’t know if you looked at the front cover, but he is a very attractive man.” A southern voice said from behind the girl.
Y/N turned around to see a man with longish blond hair grinning at her, she glanced between the man and the album quickly. 
“Mm, he does look like a very attractive man.” She agreed, grinning back and giving him a slight wink. 
The blond man blushes faintly before moving closer to her. “He thanks you. He likes beautiful women who boost his ego.” He jokes, she laughs before looking back up at him and grinning.
“I think, I’m going to buy this album. If this lead singer looks that attractive, he must have a very nice voice.” She smirks, seeing him blush even more. He was adorable, his blue eyes were glittering and his hair look soft and it was gorgeous.
Y/N paid for the vinyl and then made her way back to the man who was still smiling at himself.
“I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Y/N.” She puts her hand out to shake.
“Lovely to meet you, Y/N. I’m Tom.” Tom shakes her hand and then presses a quick kiss to it, making Y/N blush.
“Say, Y/N, how’s about we get out of here? Let me take you for a drink.” Tom asked, trying to push his nervousness out of the way, usually, he was quite cocky and flirty but something about Y/N made him nervous. She was gorgeous and made his stomach fill with butterflies.
“I’d love to!” 
Tom decided to make the bold move of grabbing Y/N’s hand which made the girl smile, she gave his hand a light squeeze before they left the shop together, heading towards a nearby cafe.
Tom ordered them both milkshakes and they sat together for hours, discussing music and their opinions on various different artists. They both shared a love of The Beatles, George Harrison was both of their favourite Beatle. 
Tom’s favourite Beatles song was ‘Here Comes The Sun’ whilst Y/N’s was ‘Y/F/B/S’. 
The pair spent the whole afternoon talking until the cafe owner had to force them out so they could close for the evening. Tom looked sadly at Y/N, he didn’t want the afternoon to be over, he’d really enjoyed talking to Y/N and wanted to spend more time with her.
“Hey, how about you come to mine? Let’s see if your record is any good.” Y/N suggests, giggling slightly. Tom’s expression picks up, and he nods.
“I’d love to! I’m sure you’ll love that album. It’s brilliant.” He grins.
They make their way to Y/N’s house, continuing to talk about music, Elvis and Buddy Holly cropping up as conversation topics.
“I’m so jealous that you got to shake Elvis’ hand!” Y/N laughs as Tom told her the story of how he’d got to shake Elvis’ hand as a kid.
Once they reach the house, Y/N pulls out her key and lets them in, heading straight to her record player in the living room. Tom swiftly follows her, closing the door behind them.
Y/N gently places the vinyl on the player, sets the needle down and turns on her record player. The opening of ‘Refugee’ begins to play, Tom noticed her foot tapping her foot in time to the music, and he smiled to himself, she was adorable and seemed to be enjoying his music. She was perfect.
“That was one damn good album. That lead singer is very very good, he has a really sexy voice.” Y/N turns around, grinning widely at Tom.
“He does seem to be a very talented man.” Tom jokingly agreed, Y/N playfully elbowed him.
“Egotistical much?” She laughs.
Y/N switches the record over to ‘Blue Hawaii’ by Elvis, when ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ begin to play, Tom put his hand out to Y/N who accepted it. They slow-danced to the song, Tom smiled into her hair before pressing his lips to the top of her head.
“You know, this is extremely cliche.” He said quietly.
“Indeed it is.” Y/N agreed.
“I love a good cliche though, especially if it ends with you being mine.” Tom put his hand under Y/N’s chin and tilted her head to look at him, he searched for consent in her eyes and when she gave a little nod, he leant down and pressed his lips to hers.
“This is my favourite cliche.”
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lovegoodlane · 1 year
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Chapter 4- More
Warnings: Explicit sexual content (kissing, touching, teasing, fingering, oral sex [female receiving])
Word Count: 2.8k
Violet sat at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal. Miya was perched on the kitchen counter, eating from her own bowl. Miya looked up at Violet with a curious look on her face.
"You haven't said much about Harry lately," Miya said, dragging her spoon around her bowl.
Violet stopped chewing and looked down into her bowl. She hadn't spoken much to Harry since they went out with his friends a week ago. They definitely had not talked about the kiss, either.
"There isn't really much to say," Violet replied.
Miya got down from the counter and sat on the edge of the kitchen table.
"What happened when you went out with him and his friends last week? You never really talked about it," Miya said, looking at Violet.
Violet squirmed a bit in her seat.
"Harry got drunk and kissed me," she admitted. "Things have been awkward ever since."
Miya giggled.
"Isn't that what you wanted?" she asked, jokingly shoving Violet's arm. "You've been dying to jump his bones ever since you met him."
Violet sighed.
"But he was drunk," Violet replied.
"Yeah, but aren't drunk actions supposed to be sober thoughts? Or something deep like that." Miya said in a teasing tone.
"I just don't know if there's any coming back from that," Violet said, shaking her head.
"Just fuck him already," Miya said, putting her cereal bowl on the table.
"What?" Violet said, taken aback.
"Fuck him. Show him that you mean business," Miya said, shrugging her shoulders casually.
"I can't just fuck Harry Styles. He's Harry Styles," Violet replied, putting her head in her hands.
"You need to make the first move," Miya said. "He's probably just afraid to offend you or make it seem like he's trying to take advantage of you."
"I don't know," Violet said.
"Come on. It's about time for you to hook up with someone. It's been months since the last time you've had sex," Miya said, picking up their bowls and putting them in the sink.
"Thanks for reminding me," Violet replied sarcastically.
"I could always find someone for you to get your mind off of Harry," Miya said, wiggling her eyebrows at Violet. 
Violet's phone chimed, indicating that she had received a text message. She looked down at her phone. It was from Harry.
Hey, I had some ideas for the album cover. Do you think you can come over tonight?
Violet looked up at Miya and smirked.
"Speak of the devil," Violet said, pointing at her phone.
Miya widened her eyes in surprise before coming around the table to read Harry's text.
"Okay, I have the perfect reply," Miya said. "How about, 'Hey sexy, of course I'll come over. Should I bring the condoms or do you already have some?' And then end with a few kissy faces."
Violet laughed and slapped at Miya's arm, shooing her away so she could reply to Harry.
Yeah, I'm available. Send me the address and time and I'll be there.
It was a simple reply, but it would have to do. They had barely spoken, and she really didn't want to push her luck by being flirty.
Great. I have some wine and we can order takeout. Be here at 7. I'll send you my address and the code to my gate.
Violet smiled down at her phone, excited by the idea of spending time with him alone.
Violet knocked on Harry's front door promptly at 7 pm. She waited a few moments before he opened the door.
He looked good. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and light wash jeans. It was the most casual Violet had ever seen him, and she thought he looked perfect.
Harry was sizing her up as well. She had on a gray pair of joggers paired with a blue cropped tank. Her hair was pulled up into a neat pony tail, and her red waves cascaded down the middle of her back. Her outfit was simple and relaxed, but he liked when she dressed down.
"Hey, come in," he said, motioning for her to enter his house.
She stepped inside, taking in the grandeur of his home. It was simple and modern, decorated in clean whites and beige wood. It wasn't very Harry.
"Your home is beautiful," she complimented, looking around.
"Thanks," he replied. "S'not really my style, but it works. I like m'house in London more."
Violet chuckled, meeting Harry's eyes.
"You are so not relatable," she laughed. "You like your house in London more? You have two houses? I could never imagine that."
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, realizing how pretentious he sounded.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking down at the floor. "I didn't mean t'be insensitive."
"It's fine, Harry," she said, smiling up at him. "We should get to work."
Harry led her to his living room so she could spread out her sketches on the coffee table. They sat together on the floor, looking over the sketches.
An hour had already passed, and the pair decided to take a break and have dinner. Harry ordered sushi and cracked open a bottle of red wine for them.
Violet reached across the coffee table, taking a roll from Harry's plate and putting it in her mouth.
"Hey!" he exclaimed, pretending to be offended.
Violet giggled at his reaction. She chewed her roll and swallowed before replying.
"I just wanted to try yours," she said innocently.
Harry shook his head at her, a smirk forming on his lips.
"Then let me try yours," he said, reaching to pick up a roll with his chopsticks.
"Absolutely not!" she said, pulling her plate away from him.
He leaned across the coffee table, trying to attack her plate with his chopsticks. She laughed, finally giving up and putting her plate back onto the coffee table. Harry took a roll.
"Thank you," he said sarcastically.
She smiled over at him. Only Harry could make her laugh that hard. She had really missed him this past week.
He looked up at her, his face becoming serious.
"I've been meaning to apologize," he said, ruining the lighthearted moment.
"For what?" Violet asked.
"For kissing you last week," Harry said, hanging his head in shame. "I never asked f'your permission. Being drunk isn't an excuse."
"It's okay, Harry," Violet said.
She reached her hand across the table in an attempt to comfort him, but she accidentally knocked his wine glass over.
The red liquid spilled all over the coffee table and his white shirt. Violet shot up from the floor, apologizing profusely.
"I'm so sorry," she said, reaching for napkins to clean up the spill.
"S'okay. I just need t'change my shirt," he said, heading toward the laundry room.
Violet followed closely behind him.
"I can get the stain out," she offered. "I've been clumsy my whole life, I'm a pro when it comes to stains."
Harry stepped into the laundry room, taking off his shirt. He turned around, handing it to Violet.
She just stood there, awestruck. She had never seen his tattoos up close. Of course she had seen pictures, but they didn’t do him justice. She stopped herself from reaching out to touch his chest. She wanted so badly to trace the ink with her finger. Or maybe even her tongue.
She shook herself out of her stupor, looking around Harry's laundry room for stain remover. She found it and got to work. By the time she was done, the red stain was completely gone.
"See, good as new," she said, handing him back his shirt.
He took it from her and inspected it, impressed with her effort. He threw the shirt into the washing machine, not wanting to deal with it at the moment.
Harry smirked.
"Why am I the only one who's not wearing a shirt?" he asked jokingly.
Violet returned his smirk. This was her opportunity. She could hear Miya's voice in her head, egging her on.
Violet reached for the hem of her tank top, pulling it over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath, leaving her completely exposed. Harry's hand shot up to cover his eyes.
Violet giggled at his reaction.
"It's okay," she said, reaching for the hand that covered his eyes. "You can look."
He lowered his hand slowly, but his eyes were still closed. He opened them, looking directly into Violet's eyes. She silently gave him permission once again, reassuring him that it was okay.
He finally looked down at her chest. His heart was racing, and he couldn't believe that this was happening. He noticed a tattoo under her left breast. It said "beloved" in cursive script.
"Can I touch you?" he asked quietly.
"Yes," Violet replied.
His hand came up to trace her tattoo.
"I didn't know that y'had a tattoo," he said.
His thumb traced the tattoo again and again. He slowly moved his hand to her side, looking into her eyes again. She reached her hand up to his cheek, pulling him down into a kiss.
It was soft at first. Their tongues danced carefully in each other's mouths. Harry pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.
Harry lifted her up, setting her on top of the washing machine. He left hot kisses down her neck, stopping to suck on a spot just below her ear.
She let out a groan, closing her eyes and leaning her head back so Harry could have better access to her neck. His hands were pressed to her ribcage, and they slowly made their way up to rest underneath her breasts.
Harry pulled away to look at her. Her chest was heaving, and her lips were rosy from their kissing. His gaze shifted down to her breasts. They were small, but Harry had never been a boob guy anyway.
"God, you're perfect," he said before planting kisses across her collar bones.
His hands wandered upwards, and he palmed at her breasts. This illicited another satisfied moan from Violet. He pulled at her nipples while continuing to kiss her neck. Violet's hands found their way to Harry's hair, pulling at it as he continued to work on her nipples.
His kisses trailed down her chest until he sucked her left nipple into his mouth. He sucked and bit on it while playing with the other.
Violet moaned again, pulling tighter on Harry's hair. That earned a moan from him. He released her nipple from his mouth, picking her up again.
He took Violet to the living room this time, setting her down softly onto the sofa. She crawled backwards, propping herself up on her elbows as Harry stood over her.
"Tell me what y'want," he said between labored breaths.
She looked up at him, biting down on her bottom lip as she considered her options. This drove Harry wild.
"Actually, how about y'just tell me when to stop," Harry said, leaning down onto Violet to kiss her again.
She dug her nails into his bare back, pulling him on top of her. He rested between her legs, busying his hands with the string of her sweat pants.
He worked to untie it, looking up at Violet.
"S'this okay?" he asked, wanting to be sure before he continued.
"Please," she said, her voice strained with desire.
Harry managed to untie the string before pulling down her sweats. She was left only in a black thong.
Harry could feel himself hardening at the sight beneath him. He had only imagined what Violet would look like without clothing obstructing his view, but the real thing was much better.
He traced a finger along the edge of her panties, taking in her bareness. Violet reached down to stop his hand. Harry looked down at her with worried eyes.
"Stop being a tease," she said, becoming frustrated.
Harry grinned, finally pulling her panties all the way down. He threw them onto the living room floor.
He pulled away for a moment to take in every inch of her. Her naked form was perfect, and he planned on exploring every inch of it one day.
Harry leaned forward to place light kisses on her belly, dragging them down toward her center. He was so close to her heat that she could feel his breath. She shivered in anticipation.
He kissed the inside of her thighs, leaving small hickeys on his trail upward toward her core. He used his thumb to trace her entrance, collecting her wetness.
"So wet f'me," he said. "All f'me."
He sucked his thumb into his mouth to taste her. Violet tried to close her legs to satiate herself, but Harry stopped her.
"Not so fast, love," he said, spreading her legs wide. "I'm going t'take care of you."
He dragged two fingers along her core, teasing her entrance. Violet groaned, tired of his teasing.
She was about to scold him until he suddenly plunged two fingers inside of her. She cried out in surprise.
He started moving them, curling them upward to hit her g-spot. Violet started to squirm underneath him, her pleasure steadily building.
"More, Harry, please," Violet pleaded, digging her nails into the couch cushion.
Harry used his other hand to rub her clit with his thumb. He moved in slow circles, racking up the arousal that was in her belly.
"So good f'me, love," Harry said quietly.
Violet's legs began to shake as her climax neared. She let out a pleasured cry, which only encouraged Harry.
She finally reached her orgasm, arching her back as the wave crashed over her. Harry helped her come down from it, slowing down his motions until he pulled his fingers out of her completely.
He looked her right in the eye as he put his fingers into his mouth, sucking all of her liquids off of them. He rubbed the sides of her thighs soothingly as she calmed down.
"Such a good girl," he said, placing a gentle kiss on her thigh. "Think y'have another one in you?"
"What?" she asked, still dazed from her orgasm.
Harry let out a low chuckle, pushing her legs apart again. His tongue darted out, lapping along her entrance.
Violet's hands flew to his hair, pulling at it as he fucked her with his tongue.
"Oh my god," she moaned, pulling harder at his hair.
"Taste so good, love," he said between laps.
He moved upward, sucking her clit into his mouth. He moaned into her as she continued to pull his hair. The vibration of his voice made his actions feel even better to Violet.
She was nearing another orgasm, pulling harder and harder at his hair. He moaned again, sending her over the edge. She let out a loud moan before collapsing onto her back, attempting to slow her breathing.
Harry picked up her discarded clothes from the floor, helping her back into her panties and sweats. She sat up on the couch, still shirtless and mind cloudy from her two orgasms.
Harry leaned down to kiss her softly, biting her bottom lip. He pulled away, heading for the laundry room to fetch her shirt.
He handed it to her, and she pulled it on over her head. She looked up at him, feeling embarrassed.
"S'not what you were hoping for?" he asked, sitting next to her on the couch.
"No, Harry, it was...it was amazing," she said, letting out a breathy giggle. "I just...why can't I touch you?"
Harry looked at her, noticing her wide eyes full of confusion. He put a comforting hand on her thigh.
"We have time," he said, squeezing her thigh softly. "Wouldn't be anything exciting left if we did it all at once, would there?"
Harry offered her a smile before kissing her on the cheek.
She smiled back at him. Her head was still spinning. Did she really just do...that...with Harry Styles? She knew that the image of him between her legs would haunt her for weeks to come.
“Is this...do you want this to be something?” Violet asked, fumbling over her words.
Harry sighed. He was hoping she wouldn't ask. Labels were something that he liked to avoid, especially since his life was spent living in the public eye.
"Well..." he trailed off, avoiding eye contact.
"I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry," Violet interjected. "We don't have to be anything. I just didn't know if this meant something to you."
"'Course not," he lied. "I have other girls."
Another lie.
Harry didn't know why he felt like he needed to lie to her. Admitting to her that she had been the only girl on his mind felt way too vulnerable. Everything was happening too fast.
Violet nodded in understanding, putting up her internal walls to prevent herself from showing her hurt feelings. She got up from the couch and headed for the door.
"I'll see you later then," she said, opening the door.
"Y’don’t have to go, love" he replied, still sitting on the couch. 
“I, uh- Miya is expecting me to be home. I’ll work on those sketches we talked about,” she said, rushing out the door and shutting it behind her.
As soon as she left, his head fell into his hands. He was disappointed in himself. He knew that his words had pushed her away, which was the last thing he wanted to do. Harry wanted Violet, but there were just so many strings attached.
Next Chapter
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stylesluxx · 4 years
flustered – h.styles
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[warnings: minor swearing, sexual talk but in a joking way (no smut), and maybe a little angst if you squint]
summary: in which harry gets flustered around y/n | famous!reader
word count: 2,251
Being a popular singer and songwriter was something you always dreamed of. Since you were nine, you had a journal of songs that you planned to perform in front of a stadium of people. You already had your costume designs picked out in your head along with how you wanted your stage to look. Music was your life and even if you couldn't become a successful singer, you knew you still wanted to be in the music industry somehow.
But life turned out exactly how you wanted it to due to your hard work and dedication. You started by putting your music on SoundCloud, where you started to grow a fan base. You made music that so many people could relate to and you made people feel like they had a shoulder to cry on. Eventually, you were doing small concerts and interviews, just to get your name out there some more. And before you knew it, you were releasing your debut album and receiving award after award. From AMAs to Billboard, to iHeartRadio, you were on fire.
But you knew you were being heard worldwide when Harry Styles followed you back on Instagram. You had been following him ever since he was in One Direction, a group you held very dear to your heart. Once they went on hiatus, you kept up with Harry's music and watched him develop as an artist. And you'd never tell him this to his face, but you were a proud fan.
It was the day after the AMAs and you were laying on the couch in your living room, scrolling through your comments and thanking fans for giving the album a listen when you got the notification.
Your jaw dropped open as you shot up from the couch and let out a scream. Your left hand shot up to cover your mouth once you were done screaming.
"No fricking way!" You gasped and took a screenshot before sending it to the group chat with your two best friends.
y/n: gasp!
emily: no way
sarah: ugh now you can shoot your shot
y/n: ... no
You went back to Instagram once your phone buzzed once more, making your eyes widen.
harrystyles: Really enjoying the album! Much love. H
You had no idea what to do or what to even say. You were completely star-struck. Sure you've gotten compliments from other artists but you didn't admire them as much as you admired Harry.
You took a screenshot and switched back to the Messages app, sending the picture to your friends.
y/n: y'all...
sarah: yeah he definitely wants to eat your ass
y/n: sarah...
sarah: y/n...
emily: omg, marry him !!
y/n: what do I say????
sarah: uhhh thank you ???
emily: be chill but not too chill. grateful and kind but not desperate
You switched back to Instagram and stared at the message in front of you before sighing and typing.
y/n_y/l/n: thank you so much for the support! fine line and self-titled have been on repeat!!
"I can't believe that just happened," You mumbled to yourself and fell back on the couch, completely elated.
— It was seven months after the Instagram encounter and you and Harry haven't spoken since. You figured it was just an artist complimenting another artist's work and it meant very little to him. He probably already forgot it had happened but you thought about it constantly.
You were waiting for your order at a coffee shop in Los Angeles when you were bumped hard. The bump almost knocked you down but you were quickly caught by the culprit, his hand on the bottom of your back, pushing you back upright.
"I'm so sorry," He apologized and looked down at you.
"No worries," You shook your head and gave him a small smile.
"You're Y/N Y/L/N, I believe I dm'd you a few months back. H-how are you?" He asked, taking you by surprise.
You had already turned away but this man recognizing you made you face him once again. You looked at his face (which was hard to see since he was wearing a hat that sheltered his face).
"Oh, Harry!" You smiled cheerily. "It's wonderful you meet you in person. I'm well, and you?"
"I-I'm great," He nodded eagerly and you took the moment to take in his face.
His green eyes pierced into your Y/E/C eyes before quickly looking away, looking anywhere but at you. And his cheeks were bright pink as if he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.
"That's good, the BRITs are coming up-"
"I-I actually have to go," He interrupts you.
"O-oh okay. Sorry for holding you up," You nodded and plaster on a fake smile as he nods and walks off.
You bit your lip and scrunched your eyebrows, internally screaming at yourself. That was so awkward and cringe and you just wanted to forget all about your coffee and run home. Your legs wanted to run to your car, hop in, speed all the way home, and just jump under the covers and forget you even existed. But the BRITs were coming up and you had to be on a plane later.
Walking down the red carpet was something you'd never get used to. That and paparazzi. You didn't like the bright lights and people yelling at you, telling you what to do. But you did love showing off your outfits.
You were wearing a strapless black gown that showed off the perfect amount of cleavage, and diamonds that decorated your ears and wrist. You were feeling confident and beautiful and your last encounter with Harry was pushed to the very back of your mind until you arrived at your seat.
Harry was already sitting in his spot at the table. He was wearing a light blue button-up that was covered by a purple wool cardigan but that too was topped off with his brown suit. He looked very handsome and now you were worried that maybe what you were wearing was quite basic.
But you didn't have time to turn around and run away, because he had spotted you and was pulling at his collar nervously. You gave him a soft smile and seated yourself, rubbing your sweaty palms in your dress.
"Hello, nice to you see you again," You greeted him.
Your heart was racing erratically and you were pleading to yourself not to fuck this up.
"The pleasure is all mine," He smiled and you felt the heat rise to your face. You figured it was the same heat that was adorning Harry's face also.
The conversation quickly ceased and you internally sighed, ready to tell your group chat what a failure you were. But you were back to being smiley and happy when a cameraman came over and asked for a picture of the two of you. Harry wrapped an arm around your waist and you leaned into his side with a big cheesy smile.
The show started and a producer came over to Harry mid-show, telling him he should get ready for his performance. He nodded, stood up, and pushed his seat in.
"Good luck," You bid him before he could walk away.
He beamed at you and nodded in appreciation before walking off to follow the producer backstage.
He came on stage in a completely different outfit. A white lacy button-up with matching trousers covered his body and was complemented with a pair of matching gloves.
You enjoyed the performance, especially the water on the stage, and you made sure you told him once he got back to the table. Now he was wearing a bright yellow suit and a purple shirt, completely hard to miss.
"Your performance was lovely," You told him once he sat down. "I liked the water bit."
"Thank you. You're up next, correct?" He asked and took a sip of his water that was untouched until now.
"Yeah, just a bit nervous," You admitted and gulped anxiously while standing up.
"Break a leg. Well, not actually. Do people even say that anymore-"
"It's okay, I get it," You giggled at his flustered demeanor. He was completely red and was playing with the rings on his fingers. "Thank you, Harry."
Your performance went swimmingly and soon you were back at your seat, anxious for the award you were nominated for.
Apparently, it was noticeable how nervous you were because Harry hesitantly reached over and rested a hand on yours.
"If they don't think you're the best International Solo Female Artist, then screw 'em. I think you're the best," He assured you, making your nerves cease.
"Thank you. You're truly a delight, which I'm sure you've been told."
Before he could respond, your name had been called, making you face the stage with wide eyes. He rubbed your hand before pulling back and clapping along with the rest of the crowd.
You told from your seat and walked over the stage, not quite sure how you got there because everything seemed like a daze. But it became real when the award was placed in your hand and you had to give your speech.
"I am... in awe, truly. I am so happy and grateful. This album was absolutely life-changing for me and I hope it was for those who gave it a listen. I really cannot believe I'm here right now. Thank you so much to everyone who's been supporting me. I would like to thank my family and my team for all their love and support. And before I go, I'd like to thank Harry Styles who actually has been a huge inspiration of mine and he's so sweet and was literally just soothing my nerves. This night has been so great and this award was the icing on the cake. Thank you so much and goodnight."
You watched Harry's face turn bright as he smiled up at you and turned red for the thousandth time since you've met him.
You walked backstage and let out a sigh of relief once you got away from all the cameras. It wasn't as nerve-racking as you thought it would be but maybe it was because Harry gave you a pep talk before your speech.
You were pulled for pictures before they finally let you go but the show was over by then.
You were far too exhausted to be at the after-party but you already sent in an RSVP. You were wearing black leather pants with a matching halter crop top and basic black heels.
You usually attended parties with Sarah and Emily but they were back in L.A. working their regular jobs so they couldn't come. You quickly became aware that you didn't know anyone here you were you disappointed you didn't drag your manager along.
You were seated at the bar sipping on a Shirley Temple and bobbing your head to the music when you were tapped on the shoulder. You turned around with a smile on your face, ready to befriend whoever, but your smile only grew more when you saw the man in front of you.
"Harry!" You cheered and pulled him into a hug. "You don't know how happy I am to see you. I don't know anyone here and it'd be rude for me to leave not even an hour in."
"I'm happy I found you. I only came because I knew you'd be here. Kinda just wanna listen to Stevie Wonder for the rest of the night," He spoke honestly and his eyes showed vulnerability.
For once he was red but you could tell he was putting himself out there. He wasn't dressed up in a fancy outfit; some loose jeans, a striped red and white t-shirt, and all-white vans.
"That sounds lovely!" You agreed. You turned around and took one last sip of your drink before facing him once again and hopping off the barstool. "Shall we?"
Harry's apartment is almost exactly how you expected it to be. It was organized and clean, everything about it seemed untouched and perfect but it still had a homey feeling to it. It still invited you in and asked you to stay awhile. It was so welcoming, you forgot about how you and Harry going home together was going to be plastered all over the blogs.
"This is really nice," You expressed as you looked at the little aloe plant on his coffee table.
"Oh thanks, my mum got it for me. Thought it'd teach me some responsibility and it hasn't died yet so," He spoke with humor and let out a soft chuckle at the end.
You grinned and watched as he walked over to his record player, an old brown wooden one from the 90s. He took am album from his shelf where it looked like he had been collecting all his life and took the record from the sleeve. He gently placed it down and set the needle on the record, smiling as “Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer” floated gracefully throughout the room.
"This is one of my favorite songs," You hummed as you listened.
Harry slowly walks over to you, hesitantly placing his hands on your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck. You both swayed back and forth in each other's arms as the song played uninterrupted throughout the living room. You rested your head on Harry's chest, mixing the song and his heartbeat together, growing even calmer at your serene surroundings.
"Better than any party."
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
(9) Bucky and The Bed
Chapter 8
Bucky and The Bed Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (cis)fem!reader
Words: 4200+
Summary: You and Bucky are stranded in the middle of a snowy nowhere when there is an ‘electronic blackout’ during your mission. With no back ups or any way to contact your team, you take refuge from the worsening weather in the only cabin you find  in miles. Not to mention, with no power, Bucky has become your personal heater and there’s only one bed.
Chapter type: Fluff.
Chapter/Trigger warning: Language? Slow build.
A/N: This chapter has been divided into two parts, because I couldn’t control myself and it turned out to be longer than I expected. I’m trying to update it as often as I can. I want to enjoy as I write, not turn updating into a chore. Hope you understand. Thank you so damn much for bearing with me still. Hope you like this part!
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It felt different, very much so. He looked different as much as he felt different. Bucky had never thought he'd ever see the man he had only seen in old history books and documentaries and much older family albums. But Bucky looked at him as he stood in front of the mirror. Dirt lined the edges and corners of the mirror. The reflection wasn't as sharp as it could have been, but his attention was solely concentrated at the centre.
The face Bucky saw, he knew and he recognised it, and it felt familiar in a way he supposed. Yet he felt like he had met the man he saw, for the first time, or rather after a very, very long time. 
Bucky raised his hand and so did the man in front of him. The man Bucky staring at Bucky glided his fingers over his ever-growing scruff and Bucky felt the short hair scratch his calloused skin. The man in the reflection was familiar and yet not so much. The man staring back at him had Bucky's face with his sharp features, his ocean grey eyes, his nose, his plump lips, and just about everything else which made Bucky look like Bucky.
The hair though…
It felt different, very much so, but it was a good kind of different, one he was very much in need of. Yes he'd mourn the length of his hair lost, and him taking care of his hair like he had since he'd been free, and yes he'd miss your fingers running through his locks, turning and twisting them into pretty braids or updos because Wanda never let you play with hers. He would miss the pads of your fingers tugging at his locks, sometimes just for the fun of it, or when he'd take you apart on his mouth and his fingers.
He knew he would miss it. He would miss a multitude of things about his hair being cut short. He'd miss their weight resting against his shoulders and weight of his man-bun at the back of his head -hell, he was already missing it-, the feel of them covering his ears and the curtain of security he hid himself behind. He knew he wouldn't miss the plethora of lost hair ties which even the Winter Soldier couldn't keep a track of, but he would miss the familiarity of wearing a spare on his wrist. 
But Bucky couldn't deny it felt weird too. Had...had his ears always looked so large? No, they hadn't seemed so whenever he had his hair tied or in a bun. If he looked closely, his jawline didn't seem the same either. It was sharp and curved at all the angles it had been the previous day, but there was something that just felt different that he couldn't pin-point.
Maybe it was the spiky, cropped hair just above his ear, or how fluffy his crown seemed now that it wasn't weighted down by his longer locks, or the feel of nothing shrouding the back of his neck, or the lack of a dark backdrop of his hair behind his neck when he didn't have it tied, or the feel of his hair not tucked behind his ears, or the knowledge that he won't ever feel it again, not for a long time at least. 
Yet he didn't regret it. At all. It was something he had decided to do himself, completely on his own, without any input - be it passive or aggressive - from any other living being. It was his choice, his decision and his own. It was his time to...not start over per say, but to do what he wanted, what he thought was right. He had spent so long at the whim of others, made to slave away for their sole advantage. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life slaving to unsurety, cowering behind the fear of what might happen.
It was also refreshing, looking at a new himself. He never thought scissoring off his locks would change his looks so much. He had known it at the back of his head perhaps, but he never expected it to be so true.
He couldn't help but stare at himself, his head turning this way and that, slowly, carefully taking in all his new angles he now saw in a new light. His hand raised to glide through his hair. Such short strands would feel weird for some time he mused, but he'd make it through the first few days without any complaints. 
His lips parted in a fake smile, just to test how different expressions would look on his face with his hair cropped and fluffy. The fake smile soon turned into a bashful grin. He didn't know what he expected; his hair length had changed, not really the planes of his face. 
His eyes caught you in the mirror, your form tangled in the sheets he had left warm, asleep blissfully, hugging the pillow he had been using close to your body. What would you think of his decision? What if you didn't like it? What if you preferred his long locks only? Would you be...angry with him?
No, his heart corrected him in that instant. No, you would not. You'd never be angry with him for taking care of or making decisions for his own self. You'd in fact berate him for even letting such self depriving thoughts enter his mind. He chuckled. You really were an angel to him.
His legs carried him to the bed, to you. He laid down on his side very gently so as to not disturb you as you slept on your side. Drawing the covers over himself, his hands curled around your middle as he pulled himself closer to you, his front flush against your back. Dainty lips deftly kissed your clothed shoulder, slowly making their way to the hollow of your neck and above. His lips brushed every curve of your skin along the way.
You were woken up by soft warm kisses being peppered on your cheek. Bucky's scruff grazed your neck, making the sensitive skin there tingle. You giggled at the stimulation, your body sinking into the heat of his embrace. Sensing you wake up, he doubled his efforts to shower you with affection. Had you been awake, you would have wondered why the ends of his locks were not brushing your skin, but that was too much thinking for your sleep dazed mind as your eyes remained closed. You only focused on his lips smiling against your skin. 
"Morning, baby doll." Bucky said, landing another kiss behind your ear, successfully making you purr.
"Morning, Bucky," You cuddled closer into him. "Isn't someone really happy this morning?" 
"Every moment with you is a happy moment, Y/N."
You smiled bright and wide, "Oh, aren't you such a romantic?" Opening your eyes, you turned on your back to look at Bucky. 
Your body stiffened and a loud gasp left your lips at the sight. It made you pull back instantly. You almost didn't recognise him for a second, your body already ready to fight the supposedly unknown man in your bed; in Bucky's place. Upon closer inspection though, your panic stricken, overworking mind realised that it was none other than Bucky, just as he had always been. Except for the hair.
It had only taken a handful of seconds, but they were enough to send Bucky into a panic blackhole of his own. That was it. That was exactly the reaction he had been fearing. You didn't like his cut short. You wouldn't want him now. How was he even going to progress with his plan if that was the case? Would you-
Fingers raked through the side of his head, slow and hesitant, exploring the cropped hair. He looked at your eyes, that were wide not with anger as he thought but with disbelief. 
Your fingers reached the back of his head to find the hair there just as short. You couldn't believe it, truly. It felt weird in a way...new if you had to use another for it, how you didn't feel the slight weight of his locks as you combed through it. It felt even more... different to look at the man, the legend you had read about in school alongside the first Captain America in front of you. 
A soft "Bucky…" left your lips, your gaze bouncing around his face. You had known it was the same man all along, but now with his hair style nearly the same as he had back in the day, the similarities were even more emphasised. He looked every bit Sergeant Bucky Barnes of the Howling Commandos. The only difference were the hard planes of his that made him look much older, not because he was over a hundred years old, - ok, probably that too - but because of all the things he had seen, suffered through, survived and overcome in his unbelievably long life. "...wow!"
"You like it?" Bucky asked shyly, biting his lips nervously. His eyes squinted slightly as he awaited your reply.
"Like it?" You scoffed, your hand cupping his handsome face, "I love it, Bucky!" You pulled his down for a quick peck to his lips. "You look so good. Not that you didn't before. I mean, you still do look so breathtaking. It's just a new look that I never thought I'd see on you and I was surprised for a second, that's it. But I love this look just as much, really-"
"Y/N," Bucky called your name, chuckling. When you realised you were rambling, it was your turn to be bashful.
"It's just...I don't know what prompted it, but... it's a good change. And I'm happy you decided to do it, whatever your reason is." Bucky grinned, knowing he had predicted right. You really were an angel to him, supportive as always. 
His hand cupped the back of your hand which cradled his face. "There's something else I gotta tell you." He said, his face morphing into one full of seriousness. 
You sat up, your back resting against the headboard, giving him your full attention. Your hand fell down from his face, atop the bunched covers on your lap. Bucky sat up straight too, criss crossing his legs on your side. "I'm listening."
It was a thing you did ever since you had started being friends, during late night conversations - or any time of the day when you two were alone. It had been a way of bringing Bucky out of his shell, especially when he didn't know, or rather had forgotten how to truly express what he felt. You started it on Sam's suggestion. You'd ask Bucky about his day, what made him feel sad or happy or any other emotions. If he wouldn't speak, you'd start talking about your day. He'd talk to you about other things, but he never did say how he felt.
You thought part of the reason was his upbringing in the early twentieth century, when boys were taught not to express much except bravado and anger. Part of it might have been because none had asked him that, or let him be himself for seventy fucking years. He did have a therapist to talk to, sure, but he needed a friend as well. You and Sam were there for him then.
He hadn't talked about his feelings in the first few weeks. You'd ask him to share and if he wouldn't, you'd share yours. Although he wouldn't talk, he was a great listener. He'd laugh along with you at your funny incidences and give you a shoulder to rely on after a rough day. He'd be angry along with you at the writers for being unjust to your favourite character and celebrate with you because the sweet intern in the PR team finally got herself a chance with the girl she had been dreaming about day and night. He'd do much more but it had taken sometime for him to openly talk about his feelings.
The first time that he did, he had quietly mentioned how his heart had been heavy after watching the Toy Story saga, and yet he couldn't stop himself from binging it again and again. He told you how bad he wished his sisters could have seen those movies with him. 
"There's something else I gotta tell you." 
The next day he told you he liked watching cat videos after Peter the spiderling had taught him the various features of instagram. 
"There's something else I gotta tell you." 
Another day he told you how he absolutely loved messing with Sam, because he somewhat reminded him of Steve. 
Days on which he'd tell you about how he felt regarding one thing or the other kept piling up, upto the point where you didn't have to coax it out of him. He'd either tell you himself, or would place it in normal day to day conversations. It wasn't always easy, but he had always tried. 
Deducing from his face, you concluded he had to talk about something similar right then. It had to be something important if he was saying the same line in the same tone again. You were all ears for him, for whatever he had to say. 
His hands took both of your palms in his warm hold, his eyes set onto them. He meant to say the words, but nothing came out of his mouth. He had been so sure of himself, of what he wanted to do a few moments earlier but ironically, he was a mess of nerves now that the time had come. 
A hundred different ways to start developed in his brain, but he couldn't choose anyone. More like he didn't know how to. Not like he had done this before. 
Sensing his hesitation, you cradled his cheek once again, lifting his head to meet your eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" 
Bucky couldn't move his head or nod, for he was solely on your eyes, full of adoration and patience. He did hear you and wanted to nod, but only thoughts about how much he cared for you overtook his brain. He may have moved his head in the slightest, which wasn't even enough of a nod to be noticed by you.
"You don't have to tell me right now if you're uncomfortable." You continued, "It's okay. You can tell me whenever you want to. We have all the time in the world. I'll always be there for you."
How could he not love you?
Bucky smiled, though it still betrayed how nervous he was. He took your hands back in his and brought them to his lips, kissing your knuckles soft and long. If he had to do it, if he had to say it, he needed to do it right then, he decided. There was no backing out. He would not let himself cower this time. 
He didn't want to hide his feelings from you or anyone else any longer. He wanted you to know how deeply he felt for you. If you did love him as he did you, that'd be the best thing to happen to him. But if you didn't, he'd accept it and respect your wishes, and comply on however you'd want to proceed. But he couldn't not let you know how loved you were, how deserving you were of everything at its best. He couldn't delay the chance to truly love and cherish you. And so he did.
"I love you."
A moment or two passed. Perhaps more, but you didn't know. How could you, when you were sure your brain had finally bowed down in front of your daylight fantasies and short circuited? For how else could you have heard the man you loved say that he loved you too? Impossible. You were sure your mind was playing tricks on you. That or you were dreaming, again. But it felt so real, too real. In your confused, utterly dumbfounded state, you said the only thing you were capable of.
Again, Bucky wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it sure wasn't that. He realised that he did catch you off guard. Had he been in your place, perhaps he may have reacted that way too. He simply repeated himself.
"I love you, Y/N."
Bucky took a deep breath, his chest shuddering from how nervous he still felt. "It's not a spur of the moment realisation, I swear. It's been that way for a while now. I've…" He smiled, "I've loved you since a long time, doll. I only realised it a few days ago. You might think it's because it's been only for nearly a week now, so that's the reason how I feel what I feel for you. But I assure you, that's not the case. You were my friend first and foremost, and I am glad I had someone like you at the lowest of my points to pull me up and help me come out of those dark days. And you still do, Y/N. Baby, I love you so fucking much, I…"
Bucky kept rambling, and you would have honestly chuckled if you hadn't been staring at him open mouthed. So it wasn't a dream. You had heard him the first time perfectly. So he did return your affections. So he did love you, as you did love him. He had repeated himself and you had heard him the second time too, but it still felt unreal, unbelievable. Your heart was pounding hard in the captivity of your ribcage, begging your mind to act on the joy the news brought to you. But you sat there, unable to move, replaying those words over and over again to let your mind register it, while Bucky kept on rambling in a nervous streak.
He was silenced by your lips crashing on his in an instant. It wasn't soft like your usual morning kisses. It had sort of an urgency to it. Your lips moved slow but hard against his, punctuating each fleeting second by the loud smacks of your lips and the low hum generating in your throat. Your palms traversed to his face, cradling his face quite firmly, as if afraid he'd disappear if you wouldn't. Your heart took control of all your actions as your brain shut down, too busy in Bucky's lips dancing with yours to care about anything else.
You raised on your knees, leaning into him. Bucky grasped your middle in his large hands, roughly pulling down your body into his lap. One hand moved to support your back while the other remained at your waist. 
It was you who had initiated the kiss, but Bucky was the one controlling it now. You happily gave into his demands, your arms curling around his neck. You kissed him with a fervor that shouldn't have been possible for a person who had just woken up, but Bucky received them eagerly and reciprocated your kisses just as enthusiastically. After what felt like an eternity had passed, Bucky softly pulled back.
Your eyes which had closed if their own accord opened slowly, only to find Bucky gazing at you. Perhaps he might have understood what the kiss meant, but he needed a verbal confirmation, one which you were happy to provide.
"I love you."
Your hoarse voice whispered. Just like you thought, Bucky had the same reaction as you. He heard what you said, understood it too, but his mind needed a moment to register it too. You, on the other hand, were over the momentary shock. Bubbles of happiness burst inside you and you couldn't control yourself from pulling down Bucky, connecting his lips to yours again.
Bucky responded in kind, unable to to resist you. The kiss was a weird mix of soft and hard at times, something just like you and Bucky. You couldn't usually get enough of this man, but something about the confession, about knowing that he loved you just as hard too, it somehow made you want him more.
Bucky loved kissing you and doing all sorts of other things to you which was severely inappropriate for certain age groups. Hell, he loved everything about you - he loved you! He'd never not kiss you when he had the chance, but the man had to reluctantly pull back and ask, "You do?"
Big ocean grey eyes stared into yours, looking for the slightest bit of confirmation. Bucky Barnes put his vulnerability in your hands, empowering you to either preserve it or crush it. The decision laid in your hands.
But you didn't need to decide something which was already pre-decided. Ever since he'd been your friend, ever since you'd decided you'd loved him, ever since he'd decided to trust you, to show you his vulnerable parts and his hardships, you'd sworn time and again to preserve any and all parts of himself that he gave or showed you, and keep them safe from the evils of the world or die doing so.
Now that he was giving you a part of his heart, a part that belonged solely and completely to you, you'd gently hold it with love and care, protect it and treasure it, keeping it close to you. You'd do his decision justice of trusting you with such a crucial part of himself. It'll be a bigger responsibility, one one that you'd accept with wipe open arms and embrace it lovingly.
You'd give a part of your heart solely and completely to him too, a part that only he was deserving of. For you somehow knew there would be no other man who would love you as he would, who would trust you and trust in you like he would. Bucky Barnes was the only man for you, and will forever be the only man for you.
"You don't have to say anything just because I did." Bucky mistook the lack of conversation for something else and continued talking. "Or not right away, if you don't want to. I'd accept whatever your reply would be, really. I'd respect your wishes, no matter what you say."
Bucky's eyes still bore into yours, patiently awaiting your answer. You smiled, your fingers brushing the short hair on the side of his head.
"Then accept this. I love you so much, Bucky Barnes. So fucking much."
You pulled him down to softly peck his lips. Bucky didn't move his forehead away from yours, his hand gently stroking the back of your neck. His eyes were shut, soaking every word you said in his bones.
"I've loved for so long too, Bucky. But I couldn't tell you, I didn't know hot to. I didn't want to scare you off by moving things too fast. I didn't want to lose you. But it was getting harder and harder each day; being with you but not being able to love you the way you should be loved."
His nervous face gradually broke into a grin. Bucky chuckled softly, "Doll, there's nothing you could do that would be enough to scare me away. You're stuck with me."
"Am I now?" You inquired in a tone just as playful. "Well, I'd rather be stuck with you than be away with you any longer."
"Who's the charmer now?" Bucky said, pulling back his amused face to look at you properly.
"Learnt from the best." You said with a grin.
Bucky leaned down to kiss you again, because why not? His heart was brimming with joy as his nerves sang loudly. He kissed you lovingly and passionately, happy to call you his lover. He had been such a lucky bastard, Bucky realised, to not only have you process his feelings so well but reciprocate them too. Could anyone have been more luckier than him? 
His lips moved expertly against yours, his tongue sweeping over your lower lip. Not wasting any time, his tongue clashed with yours as soon as you gave him permission. The kiss grew hot and heated gradually. His hands moved up and down your sides, warming up your body with just his touch. Need and want for something more slowly made its way to you, entrapping the pair of you in its hold. A heavy dose of lust mixed with your abundance of love.
You could feel his member growing half hard beneath you. You shifted yourself to spread your legs around his torso, straddling him. Bucky's metal arm automatically dropped down to your butt, encouraging the slow grinds you had begun. Nothing about the way you kissed seemed innocent now.
Bucky knew what would entail next, as the same had been happening for a few days. But this time, he wanted something more if you agreed to it. He trusted you, no doubt, but now he was ready. He was ready to give himself to you completely, without any restraints or reservations. He wanted you to have him as much as he wanted to have you. He didn't only want to love you, he wanted to make love to you too. So fucking much.
He never thought he'd open that part of him to anyone, but you weren't just anyone. You were his Y/N, his doll, his friend, his lover. He'd trust you with everything and beyond. 
He gently pulled back only enough to speak properly, his forehead touching yours. Inhaling deeply, he said, "I'm ready to go all the way with you."
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Chapter 10 
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 years
Ticking Photobomb, T, 1.6k
Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & TK Strand
TK loves Carlos, and wants their relationship to work out. Before they can recapture even a semblance of the bliss they shared, Carlos needs to fix his mistake and properly introduce TK to his family. Until then... Carlos deserves at least some punishment. He only hopes Buck will forgive him, for involving him in his and Carlos's first big fight as a couple.
Only it's not Buck's forgiveness he'll need.
ao3 link
based off of this post
           He’s wary. He and TK are supposed to be enjoying a delicious meal outside at a nearby park, sun high in the sky, bright but not too cruel, as they sit together on a thin, yellow blanket, and Carlos cannot enjoy any of this beautiful date because a tiny voice in the back of his mind warns him that TK’s silence is a cover for something more sinister. His boyfriend’s smile, aimed at his phone as it has been since they arrived, means trouble. The small, continuous giggles that eke free sound like alarms. Giggles offered with every bite, where he’d type a short message and then set his phone down; only to grab it halfway through its jingling ringtone – TK never usually keeps that on. Carlos remembered him complaining how he hates ringtones, prefers having his phone vibrate. Why is it on now? And why is he texting while they’re on a date? And why does his laughter make Carlos cringe?
           “Who are you texting?” he asks, finally, Carlos pushing the plastic container with his half-finished sandwich to the side.
           TK glances up from his phone. “No one.”
           “No one?”
           “Just a friend,” TK says, pinning Carlos with a strange expression that squeezes his heart. It makes the sweat pricking his temples relocate and journey down, rolling towards his chin. Carlos wipes at his face as TK adds, “seriously, you don’t have to worry.”
           It’s the way he said ‘you’ that does Carlos in. That has him dredging up what he already considered resolved since before they sat down. Discussed, at length, over the phone, with Carlos apologizing repeatedly. TK assured him they were good. “I thought we were good?”
           TK sighs, “We are good.” Then, he mumbles, “As good as any two friends can be.”
           Carlos’s frown deepens, mouth resembling a severe gash carved into his face. “I knew it!” Carlos cries, pointing at him. “You’re still mad at me.”
           “I never said I wasn’t!”
           “You said it was settled –“
           “Because it is,” TK insists, a heavy glare drawing all breath out of Carlos’s chest. The façade he wore for their date has been pulled away, and Carlos sees exactly how distressed TK remained after he introduced him to his parents as his ‘friend’. Even with Carlos promising that he would remedy the situation soon, gather his boyfriend and family together and explain the truth of his romantic life, TK clings tight to the pain Carlos caused by letting fear sway his choice, both at the farmer’s market and when he let TK walk out of his home, relationship dangling from a fraying cord. It frays ever closer to breaking. “It’s settled until you work up the nerve to have that dinner you were talking about.”
           Carlos splutters, “That’s not – you know, with the pandemic how hard it’s…”
           His excuses further irritate TK, who retreats into his phone. He texts someone else. Perhaps the same person he’s been texting this entire time. “Then it’s settled.”
           “If it’s so settled,” Carlos asks, “why even bother agreeing to our date today?” He gestures at their unfinished meals, probably cold and stale. If they weren’t, it’s not like Carlos feels like eating anymore.
           TK stops texting, smirking at Carlos. Usually, it riles Carlos up in that he wants to kiss it off of him. Right now, Carlos swallows the urge to shove his boyfriend onto his ass.  “A date?” TK asks, words languid and breezy, spaced out by palpable sarcasm. “Why would you think this was a date,” he continues, phone tapping against his chin, “we are just friends after all…”
           Anger and disappointment converge violently inside Carlos, fighting for release. Neither can, as his vibrating phone pulls his focus from TK. He opens the message on autopilot, confused since it’s from TK. Confusion then drops into the cesspool of his emotions, like Mentos in Coke, and Carlos explodes.
           “Why did you send me this?” he demands, showing TK a picture he sent to Carlos of himself. A picture they took, together, when visiting a lake one weekend long ago during the summer. A picture taken after they spent the entire afternoon swimming, bathing suits forgotten on the pier. A picture where TK’s chiseled physique was on display, skin dazzling as fading sunlight turned water droplets into diamonds, and TK’s sunglasses rested low on his nose as he smiled to the side where Carlos was. Was. As in not anymore. Only his arm, slung around his boyfriend’s shoulder, remained. Saved by being impossible to crop out. “Well?” Carlos asks again.
           TK sighs, “Oh, I must have sent that by mistake.”
           “You wanted to send me something else?”
           “No,” TK clarifies, “I sent that to you by mistake. It was supposed to go to Buck, see?” TK shows Carlos his message thread, with the picture he sent Carlos, timestamped, showing he forwarded it to Buck first, then Carlos.
           “Yeah, Buck,” TK continues, leaving his texts and diving into his photo album. He selects a group shot of the 126, plus a few extra members. He zooms closer on one face, Buck’s, enough that Carlos can distinguish the two birthmark spots above his eyebrows. “I’m sure I told you about him.”
           “You did,” Carlos nods. He tears his gaze from Buck’s smile, fuming. “The firefighter who flirted with you.”
           “I mean, he also helped me save my dad,” TK says, “but, yeah… he also flirted with me.” TK lowers his phone, chuckling, “We’ve just been chatting back and forth – as friends do – when I realized… y’know, I told him I wasn’t interested, because I had this really awesome boyfriend who I love, but since that’s not the case anymore, we’re only friends apparetly, I figured I might as well shoot my shot. Find out if he’s still interested. Maybe once quarantine is done, I can take some time off and… see what Los Angeles has to offer.” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. TK communicated exactly what of Los Angeles he intends to see, regardless of how his eyebrows moved.
           He’s better than this. Carlos knows what TK is doing. What the picture, and its delivery, was supposed to accomplish. What it’s succeeding at. He can win this, simply by ignoring TK’s teasing.
           “You are not going to Los Angeles.” Carlos scowls, “Not without me. And especially not if Buck is gonna be there.”
           TK scoffs, “What are you, my boyfriend?”
           “Says who?” he asks, “Your parents?”
           They’re outside. In public, surrounded by people who keep their distance. Unfortunately, their voices carry wide enough they draw a sizeable crowd. Carlos doesn’t notice until TK storms off and leaves him with the blanket, the abandoned food, and their audience.
           Carlos blushes, hiding behind his hands. He wishes he never fumbled back then, in the farmer’s market. He also, briefly, wishes he and Buck switched places. At least then TK would be treating him to risqué pictures. At least Carlos would be having a good time, if he were Buck. He’d be receiving sexy photos from a certified dreamboat instead of suffering because of his own mistakes.
           Buck stumbles over his words, stuttering, rushing out his explanation to a stone-faced Eddie. “Seriously,” he says, “I don’t – I don’t know why TK sent me that picture of him! It’s not like I asked! One second we’re talking about movies and the next thing I know – shirtless TK!”
           “Yeah, I know,” Eddie huffs, arms folded across his chest, “I saw.”
           He shouldn’t have. If Buck hadn’t left his phone on the table to help Bobby in the kitchen. If he didn’t hear his phone beep with an arriving message, almost vibrating off the table from it. If Eddie, along with Hen and Chim, weren’t climbing the stairs at the moment, and if he ignored Buck’s plea to hand him his phone. To punch in the code – which he knew, of course Eddie knew – since Buck was wrist deep in a turkey’s hole.
           Buck washed his hands immediately, drying them on his pants as he chased Eddie the few feet towards the couch.
           “So,” Eddie continues, “you and TK…”
           He and TK? “We’re friends,” he says, repeating himself after Eddie’s disbelieving stare. “Okay, I mean – he did turn me down once, when we were leaving Texas. But he said he had a boyfriend –“
           “He turned you down?” Eddie asks, “You flirted with him?”
           “No!” Buck shrugs, running his hand over his forehead, frowning at the sweat that pooled there. “Well, I didn’t think I was. But he did? And – and he left before I could say anything, but I didn’t think it mattered since he, y’know, had a boyfriend!” He stomps his foot, irritation bubbling from the pit of his stomach and out his mouth. “Besides! Why does it matter if he sends me pictures?” Nice pictures. Distracting pictures that made Buck question exactly why TK misunderstanding his friendliness was a problem. “Why are you so angry?”
           “Because… because…” Eddie looks past Buck, at the peanut gallery assembled by the kitchen. Hen and Chimney watching with interest while Bobby pretends cooking a turkey involves his whole focus. None of the seem keen to jump in and help. “Because… you…” Suddenly, Eddie stands. Buck recoils, stepping backwards. “You know what,” Eddie says, digging into his pocket, “I’m telling Marjan to unfollow you on Instagram.”
           “And!” he yells, phone free and on, “I’m telling her to block you!”
           “What? No – Eddie, no! Don’t!” Buck follows his friend, pleading, “C’mon, she hasn’t even liked any of my photos yet… Eddie… Eddie!”
           Eddie ignores him, furiously typing the end of Buck’s most famous connection online. In his haste, Buck forgets his phone on the counter. Eddie takes precedence over his phone.
           Later, Buck will return to it. He will respond to TK’s picture, sending a tidal wave of texts at the Texan firefighter ranging between the immense trouble that picture landed him in and how TK can repay him by convincing Marjan to follow him again.
           But that’s later. Now Buck slams his fist against the firetruck, yelling for Eddie to unlock the door.
           Eddie doesn’t.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
You Set My Heart Ablaze (24/25)
Warnings: Jaskier has a small panic attack in this chapter, but Geralt helps him through it. The whole thing is barely a paragraph.
The first day of the summer holidays! Jaskier had barely been able to resist throwing his arms around Geralt the day before when the fireman had come to collect Ciri after school but they’d both agreed that they should at least try to wait until the weekend. So he’d forcibly stuffed his hands in his pockets and shuffled on his feet. He couldn’t help the dazzling smile he flashed at Geralt but at least he managed to keep his hands to himself.
But that was now a thing of the past.
He sat up in bed with more energy than he’d had in the mornings in years. He pushed his glasses up his nose and ran a hand through his hair as he searched for his phone within the pile of sheets. He found the bastard under one of his pillows and immediately rang Geralt without looking at the time.
It rang a few times before Geralt picked up.
“The fuck?” Geralt grumbled into the phone.
Jaskier frowned and pulled the phone away from his ear so he could look at the time. “Oh shit!” He cackled and then put the phone on speaker. “Sorry, darling. I’m still on school time.”
“Jaskier, you’re never on school time, even during term time,” Geralt muttered.
“Oh shush. I just wanted to say that I love you!” He trilled happily.
Geralt grunted.
“Oh ho ho! Aren’t you a grumpy arse this morning?” Jaskier giggled and rolled onto his back, planting his legs up against the wall.
“Fuck off.”
“No! Because it is the school holidays and I, Jaskier Pankratz, love you, Geralt Rivia.” He sighed wistfully.
“Geralt!” He whined.
He knew the fireman was tired but he could at least say it back once. The fucker.
“Love you too, now can I get back to sleep?”
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “Yes, dear heart, but call me when you’re awake, alright?”
The line went dead.
The bastard.
He considered going back to sleep himself but he had too much energy. He jumped out of bed, tripping over his shoes that were on the floor right by his bed, and went flailing across the room.
“Oh cock!” He cursed as he landed, rather painfully, against the door. He would probably have a lovely bruise on the hip that crashed against the wall, but it was better than landing on his wrists and breaking them.
He sort of needed those to play his instruments.
He supposed he could always just sing.
Nah. That was shit.
Plus Priscilla would kill him if he couldn’t finish up the new album. He still had at least one lute track to put down, and even though she could play the lute, he was more skilled and she preferred to focus on the singing. She’d complained enough about his insistence on using the lute over the guitar on this album but he’d refused to back down. He had a vision!
So fuck the guitar.
He sighed and straightened his glasses, frowning as he noticed the smudges on the lenses. How the fuck were they already dirty? He’d only cleaned them last night before bed.
Fuck it.
Ooh he could make the chocolate chip kind and send photos to Geralt. They had an unspoken rule that one did not make chocolate chip pancakes without photographic evidence unless they were both there to enjoy it. He frowned as he reached the edge of his living/kitchen area, and stuck his tongue between his lips. Maybe he should wait until he could make pancakes with Geralt and Ciri? He didn’t want to make them too often. They wouldn’t be special if he made them too often.
He scoffed. “Yeah, well. I’m hungry.” He muttered. He gazed longingly at the flour and sugar on the top shelf of his cupboards and then grabbed a box of chocolate cereal instead.
Yes he still ate chocolate cereal. The boring old flakey stuff was shit and he actually had taste buds. He preferred his food to not taste like cardboard.
Gods, how was he an adult?
He sighed and scrolled through the social media on his phone. Triss had put up a few pictures from the pub the night before. He’d reluctantly declined the invitation as the wolves were going along, even though Geralt had stayed behind to look after Ciri. There were quite a few of Triss and Eskel pulling funny faces at the camera, and one adorable photo of Triss kissing his cheek. Eskel looked incredibly happy. They were cute together. Jaskier hit the heart button and typed out a string of heart-eyes emojis in the comments.
Even Yennefer had put up a rare personal post. She normally kept her social media for her art stuff  but there was a stunning photograph of her outside the pub. She was wearing a long white chiffon  dress matched with a leather jacket and heavy leather boots, not exactly summery but it was Yennefer. She was gazing off to the side, her face lit by dull glow of the street lamps, one fiery violet eye almost glowing in the darkness.
Jaskier pouted. How was she so fucking photogenic all the time? Seriously how was Geralt now dating him after that?
“Urgh,” he groaned and hit the heart button.
JaskierTheBard: Stop making us all look bad, Yennefer! Stunning photograph darling x
He reread the reply twice and hit send. It was kinder than he usual response to Yennefer but honestly he had to admit she was a little bit sexy in that one, which just wasn’t fair.
Renfri had posted a group photo of the whole gang and he whined. It looked like a fun night. Stupid Philippa and her rules. It wasn’t fair that he had to miss out, but thankfully those days were officially over!
He lost track of time as he scrolled on his phone. He swore as he suddenly remembered his cereal. He groaned as he peered into his bowl. The milk was chocolatey and the cereal had all but disintegrated. He fucking hated soggy cereal.
“Cock,” he muttered and threw the whole lot in the bin.
He was about to put some toast on when his door bell rang. He yelped and jumped at the sound. He looked down at himself. He was still just wearing his boxers. Fuck. He ran to his bedroom and grabbed his dressing gown. It was too hot really to wear it in the summer but he wouldn’t have time to get dressed.
As it turned out, he needn’t have bothered. Geralt was at the door holding a bunch of roses with a sheepish smile on his face.
Jaskier grinned. “Geralt!” He flung his arms around his boyfriends neck and then swore as he realised he was probably crushing the flowers. “Umm, let me just go get some water. Wait. These are for me? They are beautiful. Geralt!” He whined and covered his face in his hands.
Geralt, the fucker, just laughed at him. “They’re for you. I thought… well, Ciri said I couldn’t go on a date without flowers. She was really stubborn about it.”
Jaskier snorted and carefully took the flowers from Geralt. They weren’t too badly crushed, thank Melitele for that. “I wonder where she gets that from,” he teased.
Geralt rolled his eyes. “Calanthe, her grandmother. Even Pavetta had a stubborn streak. Trust me, this one has nothing to do with me.”
Jaskier’s eyes went wide. “Oh shit! I’m sorry. I forgot. I didn’t mean… hmmph!”
Geralt had kissed him.
Not that he was complaining. He smiled into the kissed and then pulled back to gaze into Geralt’s beautiful amber eyes.
“You don’t get to do that every time you want me to shut up, dearest,” he chided gently.
Geralt smirked and just kissed him again.
Ok so perhaps he could.
Gods he was so smitten.
“I love you,” he breathed against Geralt’s lips when they finally pulled apart.
Geralt brushed his nose against Jaskier’s. “I love you too, even if you do have morning breath.”
Jaskier gasped and shoved against Geralt’s chest. “Rude!” He pouted.
“You love me,” Geralt reminded him. “How are you not dressed yet? You’ve been awake for hours.”
Jaskier shrugged. “Internet.”
“Come on, get dressed. I want to take you out.” Geralt instructed with a tilt of his head.
Jaskier laughed. “Take me out how? Kill me or date me? Honestly I’m down for both.”
“Jaskier!” Geralt growled and rolled his eyes.
“Kill me, right. Got it,” he winked at his boyfriend. “Now are you absolutely sure you want me to get dressed? Because I have the perfect outfit to wear but once I’m in those jeans I am not taking them off again,” he stroked Geralt’s cheek with one finger and then bopped him on the nose.
“Hmm. Brush your teeth and I’ll get water for the flowers.” Geralt took the roses back off him. “Do you have a vase?”
Jaskier scoffed. “Of course I have a vase. I’m gay!”
“That’s not an excuse for everything, Jaskier, and I’m pretty sure you’re bi,” Geralt rolled his eyes.
Jaskier laughed. “That’s just homophobic.”
“That’s not—” Geralt cut himself off and pinched his nose. “Bathroom. Now. I’ll find the vase.”
Jaskier giggled happily and went to brush his teeth.
Oh sweetest Melitele! He loved the summer holidays!
After a few false starts they finally made it out of Jaskier’s flat. He was slightly regretting his choice in black skinny jeans but really they made his legs and arse look great. It was was his first proper date with Geralt and he wanted to look good. They both managed a quick shower and Jaskier braided Geralt’s hair to elevate his usual half up do. Geralt even let Jaskier slip a couple of buttercup clips into the braids.
Geralt was wearing the outfit he’d turned up it which Jaskier hadn’t managed to appreciate before but he could now as he gazed happily at his partner across the table. Geralt had also gone for black skinny jeans, thank you Freya, and a slick black short-sleeved shirt. Honestly Jaskier didn’t know how the man wasn’t boiling in the heat of the summer in all that black but he wasn’t going to complain. It was the first time he’d seen Geralt in a shirt and he was loving it.
In comparison Jaskier had decided on a bright turquoise shirt. He’d left the bottom few buttons undone and tied the ends in a knot to turn the shirt into a crop top. The intensity of Geralt’s gaze on him when he’d finally been allowed to see the whole look had almost cause yet another delay to their date but Jaskier had just winked and pulled his slightly dazed partner out of the flat, switching his glasses for his prescription sunglasses.
He had been far too hungry to delay any further and he wanted to go on a cute date with his boyfriend!
Geralt suggested an adorable little sandwich parlour. It didn’t look like much from the outside but inside it was cosy and quiet, a perfect lunchtime date spot.
Or it would have if they hadn’t been interrupt by Lambert and Renfri… again.
Seriously, every time they ended up in a coffee shop those two were there. They both had wet hair and flushed red faces. Jaskier assumed the pair of them had been at the gym. Geralt had mentioned they liked to spar together on the wolf pack’s days off, that and the work out clothes sort of gave them away.
“Well, well, well,” Lambert laughed as they approached and crossed his arms. “So much for Triss and Eskel’s theory of you moving on, Dandelion.”
Jaskier gaped at the redhead. “Wait what? Have you been talking about us?!” He pointed a finger at the pair of them.
Renfri rolled her eyes. “Do you honestly think they have anything better to do? I’ve had to keep my mouth shut for months whilst these idiots try and think of a plan to set you two up. Triss was heartbroken when you told her you’d moved on. She was really rooting for you guys.”
“Wait, you knew?” Lambert growled at Renfri, she just shoved him in the face.
“Of course I knew. It was fucking obviously. You just had to look at Geralt’s face whenever Jaskier was mentioned. He lit up like a petrol can.”
“Renfri,” Geralt sighed. “I wasn’t that bad.”
Renfri snorted and Jaskier cackled. Oh ho! He was going to have so much fun with this. He held Geralt’s hand over the top of the table and smiled at his lover. “Oh darling, I didn’t know you cared so much,” he simpered with a flutter of his eyelashes.
“I’m pretty sure I showed you how much I care this morning, more than once.”
Jaskier blushed and pulled his hand away. “Touché, dear heart, touché,” he licked his lips as he remembered the morning’s activities. “Please, feel free to remind me any time.”
“Nope!” Lambert yelled and covered his ears. “No. You are not going to be that couple. Urgh.”
“Months I’ve had to put up with this!” Renfri complained. “Come on, wolf. Let’s leave the love birds in peace. They’ll put me off my lunch otherwise.”
“So gross,” Lambert agreed.
Jaskier laughed as the pair of them scarpered from the shop, and he rested his head on his chin as he ate his chips. They were like the kind you get in fish and chip shops and covered in blessed salty goodness. Geralt, the monster that he was, covered his with vinegar so Jaskier wouldn’t steal his chips as well.
“So what’s their deal?” Jaskier asked though mouthfuls of delicious fried potato.
Geralt tilted his head, he also now had a mouthful of cheesesteak sandwich.
“They said they weren’t dating?” Jaskier tried to explain.
Geralt huffed and Jaskier waited for him to finish eating. “Renfri doesn’t date. She has no interest in it.”
Jaskier nodded. “Asexual?”
Geralt shook his head. “Don’t think so. Just the dating thing,” he scowled as he tried to formulate his thoughts. “I think she called it aromantic, but even then her and Lambert are practically siblings. They’d probably both stab you for suggesting anything else.”
“Right. Noted. Rather not be stabbed. I made it all the way through the school year. It would be a fucking shame if I got stabbed now,” he flicked his fringe from his eyes. “Especially when you look so bloody sexy in that shirt.”
Geralt scoffed. “Says the man wearing a crop top.”
Jaskier grinned and leant forward so his lips were almost touching Geralt’s. “It would look better on your bedroom floor, darling.”
Geralt’s eyes went dark and Jaskier kissed the tip of his nose. “But not yet. I’m starving and these chips are brilliant! I cannot believe you would ruin them with vinegar.”
Geralt groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re a fucking tease, Jaskier.”
Jaskier just laughed and brushed his foot up against Geralt’s leg under the table. “You love it,” he agreed with a wink.
“You doooo,” Jaskier insisted. “And you love me!”
“I admit nothing.”
“I’ll make it up to you later?” He flashed his most flirtatious grin at Geralt, rubbing his foot further up Geralt’s leg.
“Jask,” Geralt half moaned and Jaskier laughed at the pretty blush on Geralt’s cheek.
“Yes, dearest Geralt?” He sang, feigning innocence.
“I hate you.” His boyfriend groaned and hid his face behind his hands.
“I know, love. I know.”
Jaskier was busy pulling on one of Geralt’s hoodies that he’d pinched earlier on in their relationship, when Geralt sighed loudly. Jaskier bounced back over to the bed and straddled his boyfriend’s hips.
“What’s up, dear heart?” He said with a tilt of his head.
Geralt’s long hair was now loose. Jaskier had taken great delight in undoing his own work and letting the silver strands fall loosely by Geralt’s face. His hair was naturally wavy after a shower anyway but it had been accentuated where the braids had been, and by the gods, Geralt had looked so beautiful. He still did. Only now he had his grumpy face back on. Jaskier gently stroked his thumb along Geralt’s cheek, brushing a loose strand away from his eyes.
“We need to tell Ciri,” Geralt groaned.
“Already? I thought we were going to tell her we’re friends first.”
“Won’t work.”
Jaskier raised an eyebrow and huffed. “And why not?”
“She’s too clever, and I love you,” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier felt his smile soften at Geralt’s words and he shifted so he could lie back down on Geralt’s chest, nuzzling into the crook of Geralt’s neck. “And I love you, my dearest of hearts.”
“Hmm.” He felt Geralt kiss the top of his hair and he sighed happily.
“So we tell her when?”
“Come home with me?” Geralt suggested. “She knows I was on a date.”
“It has been a long date,” Jaskier hummed thoughtfully, and it really had. Geralt had arrived mid-morning at it was now late afternoon bordering on early evening. “Won’t she be worried about you?”
Geralt chuckled and Jaskier felt his heart race faster in his chest. Geralt’s laugh was so warm, rough and woefully underused. It always made Jaskier’s day when he could make Geralt laugh so freely. “Yennefer took her to the zoo. She thought we might need the extra time.”
Jaskier giggled. “I cannot imagine Yennefer Vengerberg at the zoo!” He laughed harder as he pressed his face against Geralt’s bare shoulder.
“Oh I don’t know,” he grinned, placing a kiss on Geralt’s shoulder. “She seems too classy for the zoo.”
Geralt threaded his fingers through Jaskier’s hair and he hummed in contentment. He’d always enjoyed it when his partners played with his hair. The gentle tug at his scalp just turned him to goo. If he was a cat he was sure he’d be purring. As it was he couldn’t stop the happy hum in his chest.
“No one is too classy for the zoo,” Geralt said with such sincerity that Jaskier let out a peal of laughter and rolled onto the mattress next to Geralt. He felt Geralt roll onto his side and their eyes met. Geralt was smirking at him with mirth in his eyes.
Jaskier was overwhelmed with the love that was in his heart. In reality his time with Geralt really hadn’t been that long at all but it had just been blissful. Their forbidden romance seemed to have extended their honeymoon period and he still felt as gooey over his boyfriend as he had the first time he’d seen Geralt enter his classroom ten months prior.
“Quite right, dear. I love the zoo,” he sighed longingly. It had been ages since he had been.
“Next time we’ll go.” Geralt suggested. “I like the animals.”
“Deal. Ooh does this mean I finally get to meet Roach?!” He cried in excitement, a smile lighting up his face.
Geralt nodded. “She doesn’t like new people though. Don’t get your hopes up.”
Jaskier reached over to kiss Geralt and then rest his forehead against Geralt’s. “Of course not, darling.”
“Good…” Geralt paused. “Darling.”
Jaskier’s heart clenched in his chest and he buried his face in one of the pillows of the bed, making sadly incoherent noises that he wasn’t proud of. “Geralt!!” He whined pitifully. “You can’t just say things like that!”
Geralt scoffed. “You do all the time.”
Jaskier glared at him with a pout. He could feel the heat of the blush on his cheek. “Yeah, well…”
“Don’t worry.” Geralt smirked, kissing Jaskier’s temple. “I don’t think pet names are my thing.”
Jaskier pouted. “Hmmph.”
Reluctantly he rolled off the bed and pulled Geralt to his feet. With one last kiss he let Geralt get dressed. His boyfriend really did need to get back to Ciri and apparently Jaskier was going to be re-introduced to the young girl as her father’s new boyfriend; only a day after the term had finished.
Jaskier wasn’t nervous. Why would he be? Ciri loved him… as her teacher. Oh gods, he was going to fuck this up so badly. His heart was racing, and not in the good I’m in love way. Oh no. No, no, no, no.
He gasped a breath and leant against the wall. Geralt’s arms wrapped around his waist in an instance. “Breathe, Jaskier.”
Jaskier breathed, trying to match his breath with Geralt’s. “Sorry,” he mumbled when the worst of it was over.
“What happened?”
“What if she doesn’t like me?” He asked, his voice sounding pathetic even to his ears.
“She adores you, Jaskier.” Geralt nuzzled his neck gently. “She was disappointed when I said it wasn’t you.”
Jaskier groaned. “She’ll hate that you lied to her.”
“She’ll come round.” Geralt insisted.
“How are you so calm?” He snapped.
Geralt sighed. “Because she’s my daughter and she loves me, and she adores you.”
Jaskier nodded. “Ok. Ok. Yes. Let’s do this, before I run away and decide to live in a cave with just my lute for company.”
Geralt scoffed. “Always so dramatic.”
Jaskier managed a smile at that, even after his little wobble of anxiety. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”
They were standing, hand in hand, outside Geralt’s house. Geralt and Ciri’s house. Jaskier hadn’t been here since the beginning of May when Ciri had been away with Yennefer. Ciri wasn’t away this time and they were about to reveal everything to her. He curled his toes in his shoes and hummed nervously under his breath. Geralt’s house suddenly seemed a lot larger than it had before.
Geralt squeezed his hand. “It’ll be fine, Jask.”
He nodded and took a deep breath. “I know. I know. I trust you.”
“Come on then. You’ll stay for dinner?”
Jaskier nodded again. “But I should probably go home after dinner. I imagine we’ll both need our own space by then.”
Geralt chuckled quietly. “Yeah. Ready?”
“Yes?” Jaskier’s voice squeaked a little, much to his embarrassment.
“Good.” Geralt moved to unlock the front door but it opened before he could get the key in the lock.
Yennefer stood on the other side with her hands on her hips. She was smirking at them both, looking far too evilly delighted for Jaskier’s liking.
“MR JASKIER!!” Ciri shrieked and there was a blur of blonde hair before Jaskier was knocked flying by the young girl.
He laughed nervously and hugged her back. “Hello, Ciri.”
“I knew it was you!!” She screamed happily. “Dad said it wasn’t but I knew it was you!”
“You don’t mind?” Jaskier asked, tentatively patting his former student on the back as she clung onto him.
Ciri pulled back and looked up at him. Her nose was scrunched up and she pouted. “Why would I mind?”
“Well, because I was your teacher and now I’m dating your father?” Jaskier stammered. He glanced at Geralt who just raised a knowing eyebrow at him. The bastard had known this would happen.
Ciri rolled her eyes and scoffed. “So? Everyone will be jealous. You’re the best teacher at school!”  She announced as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
He laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. “Maybe you shouldn’t boast too much about it Ciri. It’s not kind.”
Ciri just stuck her tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue out right back at her and she giggled.
“Jaskier’s right, princess. It would be best if you don’t tell everyone just yet,” Geralt said as he scooped her up into a hug.
“But it’s Mistle’s birthday party next week!” She pouted.
“Ciri,” Yennefer sighed, brushing the young girl’s hair out of her eyes. “Can we trust you to keep this a secret for now?”
Ciri scrunched her nose but nodded. “Ok, but only if we can go back to see the lions at the zoo! They were my favourite.”
Jaskier met Geralt’s eyes and smiled. “Well, buttercup, funny you should say that….”
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Chapter 45 - Hey There, Little Time Traveler
Seattle Washington, December 24 1990
(Andi is 20, Chris is 26)
ANDI: Later on that evening, we arrive at Layne and Demri's for some Christmas drinks and maybe a bit of a jam session. I could tell that Chris just wanted to let lose and have fun after the whole confrontation with his father earlier, so what better way to spend Christmas eve than with friends that we both love an adore.
For as long as I've know Chris, I've never met his father. He just wasn't apart of the picture and he rarely -  if ever -  talked about him at all, and I never asked what happened between them. For Chris to react the way he did, there had to have been issues that are obviously not resolved and I for one, am not going to push anything on him. It's not my place to.
After Chris had stepped outside, Ed was asking me a few more questions about myself and how we met. I didn't tell him in great detail, I just told him that we met through a friend of ours and that we got married back in September. I figure I would leave out the whole time travelling part because that's a whole other conundrum of a topic I don't really care to discuss. I did get a little uncomfortable when he would try and explain what had happened with the family in the past. Again, it's not my place, and I started to get the feeling that maybe Ed was trying to downplay what happened during Chris's childhood and that he really wasn't that bad and that he wanted to make amends. That was when I excused myself to the kitchen and grabbed some pie and went outside. It just didn't feel right. There is no way that Chris would act that way if it didn't affect him and there is no way I'm going to try to convince my husband that his father - who I've only known for an hour - that he had the best intentions. No matter what I'm going to be on Chris's side and there's nothing and no one who can change that.
Right now, Chris and I are sitting in the living room of Layne and Demri's apartment, him leaning against me sipping his beer with his arm across my lap, listening to everyone's laughter. He looks so gorgeous with his curls pulled back, wearing his 90 logo baseball hat, his silver hoop earrings shining in the dim light of the living room.
"...man, just stay with me and Andi," Chris says to Jerry as he takes another sip of his beer, which surprised me for a moment and I glance at Chris with my eyebrow raised. I'll be honest, I was only half hearing the conversation between them as I sip my Jack and Coke, but that statement caught my attention quick.
"No I couldn't do that to you guys, I mean you two just got married..."
"Jerry it's cool... look you can't keep hopping from couch to couch, trust me, I've been there, it sucks," Chris says. He then takes another sip and Jerry glances at me as if to ask me if it's alright.
"Well, if Andi says it's ok?" Jerry says still giving me that look and Chris turns to look at me. Again, I wish I had actually heard the whole conversation but I couldn't say no that face.
"Yea... yea of course you can stay with us. As long as you need to," I say. I mean I wasn't against the idea and I love Jerry. I just wish we talked about it before Chris just offered it.
"Ok, thank you. Thank you guys," He smiles at us and Chris pats him on the shoulder.
"Wait - when were you sleeping on peoples couches?" I ask Chris taking a sip of my drink.
"Um... I was like, 17 or somethin',  just after I left home," Chris says. I furrow my brow for a moment trying to remember but it must have been when he didn't see me for a couple of years -for him anyways.
"Andi, come here, I need your opinion on something," Demri says and flashes me a wink while she nods towards the hallway where the bedrooms were.
"Um... ok?" I raise my eyebrow at her while she continues to nod gesturing to the hallway.
"You better go help her before she ends up getting stuck that way," Chris smirks and I roll my eyes at him with a giggle. I lean forward and set my glass on the coffee table. Just as I rise from the couch, I feel Chris playfully smack my ass which startles me and I turn to look down at him while he sips his beer. "What?" He adds with his eyebrows raised  - as if he didn't know why I was looking at him.
I say nothing as I pick up my glass from the coffee table, keeping my eyes on him so that he doesn't smack it again.
"It was looking at me, I swear. I couldn't help it," He chuckles with a shrug, then smiles at me.
"Uh huh, yea right," I smirk as I turn away from him taking a sip of my drink while I make my way around the coffee table. Walking over to Demri, I can hear the boys laughing but it's alright. Chris always gets a lot more playful when he's been drinking.
"So, what did you want my opinion on?" I ask once Demri leads me into her and Layne's bedroom.
"What do you think of this jacket?" Demri says as she moves over to the closet and pulls out a box to set it down on the bed. She then pulls out the contents, revealing a black leather moto jacket. "It's for Layne but I wanted to make sure it looked ok. What do you think?" She adds.
"Wow Dem it's cool... really cool. He's gonna love it," I smile as I take a sip of my drink, setting it down on the dresser and walk over to her. The jacket is gorgeous.
"You think? I mean I saved as much as I could to buy it. I tried to find one in some thrift stores but no luck, so I figured it's best to get a new one y'know, then it'll last like... forever - well almost forever," She giggles.
"Awe Dem no this is awesome, he's really gonna love it," I say as I examine the jacket. It even has that new leather smell. I love it and it's not even for me.
"What did you get Chris?" She leans into me and whispers though I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to hear us anyways.
"I feel bad cause it's not much but um... a pair of red Doc's and a Bauhaus record," I wince and Demri giggles.
"Awe, Andi," She says.
" - I know but we spent so much this year on the new house and the wedding, along with the European tour this summer that it sort of left us broke. I just... didn't want to disappoint him"
"Andi, you could never disappoint that boy, he's gonna love whatever you give him. Fuck... you know Chris has never cared about material stuff like that. You just bought him a guitar for his birthday, I'm pretty sure he's not gonna hold it against you if it's just a pair of boots and a record," She chuckles as she sets the jacket back in the box and turns to set it back down on the floor of the closet.
"Yea I know..." I trail off.
"Ugh I hate having to pee a thousand times an hour when I drink, I'll be right back" She says and I giggle as she walks quickly over to her dresser, takes the last sip of her drink and quickly heads out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom.  
While I wait for her, I take a look in her closet at all the different clothes she has. Demri has always sort of had a sixties love child vibe to her style that is the complete opposite of me and when we're together, you wouldn't think we would get along so well, but that just goes to show that you can't judge someone for how they look.  
Her and Xana always seemed to borrow each others clothes when they used to be close. Xana was always trying to push some of her style on me and though sometimes I really did like what she had but I always felt awkward and out of my element wearing flowy skirts and huge belled sleeves.  Like I always say, you'll have to pry my ripped up band shirts and leggings/jeans out of my cold dead hands before you could ever try and change me. I miss Xana sometimes. Don't ask me why, because she wasn't exactly the greatest friend to me. She did take advantage of me a lot but, she did introduce me to the love of my life so...
"I grabbed another bottle from the boys, here take a sip," Demri says as she comes back in the room breaking me out of my reverie. She holds out a bottle of Bushmills Irish Whiskey to me after she takes a sip. I gladly take the bottle from her and take a sip, feeling the warmth trickle down my throat.
Damn that's good.
I hand it back to her and she takes another sip and I can already feel my drunkeness take hold which is weird because I haven't had very much to drink at all. Oh well, the feeling is awesome regardless.
"Andi, you know you can borrow anything you see in there that you like," Demri says as she climbs up on the bed, crossing her legs and pushing her curls out of the way to take a drink from the bottle.
"Nah, it's ok. I mean you have really cute stuff, it's just not me though," I say and climb up on the bed with her sitting across from her as she passes me the bottle and I take another sip.
"Yea, I guess it would be a little weird to see you in this kind of shirt," She says gesturing to her flowy belled sleeves of her cream colored sixties style chiffon blouse crop top.  "You better stick to... um... what band is that?" she adds as she gestures to my tank top underneath my red plaid button up shirt.
"Sepultura," I say as I look down and pull at the shirt so she could see it more. 'It's the cover of their Beneath The Remains album"
"Oh ok," She says as I pass the bottle back to her and she takes another sip.
"Chris was actually the one who got me into them... go figure eh?" I giggle.
"Really? Chrissy is all about weird stuff but I didn't know he was into that," She says and passes the bottle back to me.
"Yea, I know right? He can go from playing The Beatles all day then he'll switch it up to thrash and death metal... sometimes even going from that right into some old blues records which I absolutely love. He's just all over the place sometimes, " I say and take a sip.
"And that's what makes him perfect for you - well obviously there's more than just that but - "
"I know what you mean," I laugh.
As Demri and I continue to hang out in her room, pretty much talking about anything and everything, laughing while we both take sips from the bottle, I was beginning to really feel myself progressively get more inebriated with each sip.
"... and that's how I ended up on the floor completely naked at the back of The Moore and everyone just freaking out, cause Chris was the only one to ever see me come back from a time slip..." I laugh while Demri just looks wide eyed at as she takes the bottle of Bushmills from her lips.
"Wait, ok so I know you time slip but I didn't know you're naked when it happens?" She says incredulously passing me the bottle.
"Well I don't start out that way if I can help it, I just... can't take any material that isn't me though time," I say in between taking a sip from the bottle. "That's why I got this tattoo on my finger as a wedding ring," I add, passing the bottle back to her.
"Oh yeah, let me see, I still haven't seen it all finished yet," She says taking a sip, then passing the bottle back over and taking my hand in hers to study it. "It's so cool, did you design it?"
"Well mostly Chris, but I kinda gave him the idea and he just went with it. Then we just went to a shop the day after the wedding and had it finished," I explain as she runs her finger over mine and I take another sip.
Suddenly the mood begins to change and though I'm feeling pretty drunk at this point, and need to use the bathroom, so I attempt to get up from sitting cross-legged on the bed and I suddenly trip with Demri reaching out for me.
"Oh shit, Andi! " She calls and I suddenly take her down with me and she's on top of me on the floor and we are just laughing our asses off.
"Well, there's all sorts of gravity in here," I laugh and she's laughing and before I knew it, whether it's just because I'm so drunk that I wasn't even paying attention to what was happening, or I completely just couldn't even think about what was going on, Demri was over top of me and her lips were suddenly on mine.
At first I wasn't really paying attention and by a knee jerk reaction I just responded. Why? I don't know. I sort of just got caught up in the moment. I had never kissed another girl before ever, and her lips feel so soft and different. Then after about a minute or so of her lips moving with mine, I quickly pull away and look up at her and she looks down at me and all I wanted to do was get to the bathroom as quickly as possible.
"Um, I really... really need to... um, I need to go to the bathroom-"
"Andi? Andi wait -," She says and I move myself away from her, get to my feet and although I was stumbling just a little, I was able to make it out of the room and down the hall.
I quickly open the door to the bathroom, flick on the light and close the door quickly behind me, leaning against it as I catch my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I slowly walk up to my reflection and to me I look alright, but I'm pretty sure you can tell that I'm pretty drunk at this point.
Fuck, I shouldn't have taken my meds before coming here.
Feeling slightly dizzy, I flip my curls out of my face and steady myself along the sink vanity, finally making it to sit down on the toilet seat. I close my eyes for a moment and take in a long deep breath, trying to steady myself.
Please don't slip, please, please don't slip.
"Andi? You ok?" I hear Demri call from the other side of the door, and I flick my eyes open.
"Yea, I think so... um... can you get Chris? I need Chris," I slur and close my eyes again. I hear her quietly say something and then a few moments later I hear footsteps walking down the hall.
"Babe?" I hear Chris' deep muffled voice on the other side of the door, but at this point the room was spinning so bad I couldn't lift myself from the toilet seat to open the door.
"In - in here," I slur as I hear the door open.
"Shit, you alright?" He asks.
"No," I manage to get out, though I keep my eyes closed.
"What happened babe?" He says and he kneels down in front of me.
"I don't know, I'm trying not to um... freak out, and slip," I slur.
"Babe - here look at me. What's wrong.... what happened?" He says so sweetly as I look at him and he cups my face in his palms.
"Too much... I think I took too much," I slur.
"Too much? Too much what? What did you take?" He asks, his voice rising as he tries to keep me focused but suddenly everything goes dark.
CHRIS: "Whoa... so that's what happens when she slips?" Demri says with a bit of a slur standing in the doorway to the bathroom while I hold Andi's clothes in my hands.
"What happened?" I ask worriedly looking up at Demri.
"Nothing - "
"Dem, she was fine before she went with you in the bedroom... what happened?" I ask rising from kneeling in the bathroom floor.
"Nothing, I swear... we were just sipping some whiskey and having like... girl talk, that's all I swear" Demri says with those big eyes of worry and I realize I might be freaking her out. But I can't help it though, I can't help feeling this way every time she slips away from me.
"Fuck," I sigh as I pick up her clothes and move passed Demri and head back down the hall.
"Chris, hey... wait where are you going, what happened?" Layne asks as I head towards the front door with Andi's clothes in my arms and her boots, trying to grab my own jacket at the same time.
"Andi slipped," I say trying to be calm but I can't help but worry.
"Wait what?" Jerry asks sitting up on the couch in confusion.
"Is it because of me? I did it right? I made her slip," Demri says becoming upset as Layne walks over to her and takes her in his arms, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
"No, honey no, why would you think that?" Layne says sweetly to her while I fumble trying to get my jacket on.
"I was the one who made her slip," Demri starts to cry and Layne looks at me.
"What the fuck happened man?" He asks.
"I don't know, ask Dem," I retort, trying to zip up my jacket.
"I kissed her ok? Are you happy? I kissed her it just happened, I don't know why but I just did. I just..." She trails off and I slowly look back at her as Layne looks confused.
"What? What do you mean you kissed her?" Layne asks her
"I mean... ugh, ok we were just drinking in our room and just being silly, but then she said she had to use the washroom, so when she got up, she tripped and I tried to catch her but I fell down on top of her and we just kept laughing and then... I don't know I just kissed her. I don't know why, I just was caught up in the moment and it just happened. But I think I might have freaked her out or something. I didn't mean to freak her out. I didn't mean to make her time travel - time slip or whatever..." Demri says quickly and for some reason I found it sweet that she kissed her. I couldn't help but grin as she explain what happened. I thought I would feel jealous and angry but I actually don't.
"Are you mad?" She asks Layne and he just chuckles.
"No, baby I'm not mad. Surprised but I'm not mad," Layne smiles.
"Are you mad Chrissy?" Demri asks wiping a tear from her cheek.
"No, no Dem I'm not mad," I say quietly with a chuckle.
"Ok good cause I love her - well I mean I love you both and I wouldn't want you mad at me because of my impulsiveness," She giggles and Layne kisses her on her temple.
"No Dem it's ok, I'm not mad. I'm just... I never know what the fuck to do when she slips like this. If I should go home and wait, or... what," I say.
"Chris man, c'mon don't leave, she might come back here, you never know," Jerry says as he rises from the couch.
"But what if she doesn't and I'm here and she's somewhere where.. I don't know," I say.
"Do you know where she is right now?" Jerry asks me taking a sip of his beer.
"No," I sigh.
"Ok well just hang out, relax... she always comes back right?" Jerry asks.
And that's the question I always ask myself every time she leaves me.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and smut.
a/n: shorter part tonight since last night was so long.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
“Babe? Gotta package.” Harry says as he comes in from work.
“Oh I wonder if it’s my shirt for the concert!” You rush over to him and snatch it. “I got a shirt from Etsy cause I don’t really like the merch.”
Harry smiles as you open the package and you gasp with delight. You got a black short sleeve crop top that said “Blinding Lights” on it it glittery writing.
“It’s perfect! Do you like it?”
“Yeah, looks nice.” He kisses your cheek and goes to sit on the sofa with Buster.
“I’m so excited, Harry. I still can’t believe you got fifth row seats!” You plop down next to him.
“Was thinkin’ we could go in and eat at Beer Works beforehand, would you like that?”
“Yeah! Love it there. Only a couple more days!” You squeal. “Do you feel like you know enough of the lyrics?”
“Yeah, babe. Think I got it.” He smiles.
“I wonder what songs he’ll do from his older albums. I hope he does Party After the After Party, that’s one of my absolute favorites.”
“I know, that’s your go to when we’re fuckin’.”
“Shut up.” You swat at him and giggle. “I like Aquainted too, and I Feel It Coming. Honestly, every song by him is a good song.”
“And you’ve really never seen him live before?”
“Never! This is the best early birthday present ever.”
“Does your family have anythin’ planned for you. I know we’re gonna be gone for a long weekend during your actual birthday…”
“No, I think our plan is to do a conjoined thing. Michael’s birthday is the weekend after mine, and my dad’s is the weekend after that. Michael’s gonna be one I can’t believe it. So we’ll just go to his birthday party. My family will call me on my birthday.”
“That’s right, I forgot about Michael’s party. Damn, this summer is just flyin’ by.”
“I know! We leave for London soon too, it’s crazy.”
“Are you sure your mum is cool with having Buster for an entire week?”
“Yeah, she loves watching him. I’m gonna miss him so much.” You pout.
“I know, he’s just too big to bring on a plane, unfortunately.”
You grab the remote and turn the TV on.
“Do you mind if I watch Glee? I feel like once I start I can’t stop.”
“Yeah, I don’t care.”
“You like it a little, don’t you?” You look at him grinning.
“It has some funny moments. Jane Lynch’s character is hilarious. It’s a little cringey though.”
“That’s Ryan Murphy for you.” You shrug.
“Plus…I’m fully invested in this will they won’t they with Rachel and Finn. I’m hooked on it.”
“God, I don’t think you’ve ever said anything sexier to me.” You kiss him and get snuggled up.
The night of the concert you make sure your hair looks perfect. You had really grown it out, and your waves looked great. You put your new crop top on and get to work on your makeup. Tonight was a false lash kind of night. You grab a high waisted pair of black jeans with some rips in them and put them on. You could just see the top of your naval piercing. You cuff the bottoms of your jeans and you’re very happy with how you look.
Harry had a pair of salmon pink shorts on and a black silk shirt with the first few buttons undone tucked into them. You liked that you and Harry had different fashion senses. You also loved when he wore anything to show off his tattoos a bit.
“You look so good, Harry.” You wrap your arms around him.
“So do you.” He kisses the top of your head. “Niall will be here soon to watch Buster, he just texted.”
Niall comes up with Sarah.
“Damn! Okay, out on the balcony, gotta take some cute pics before you get all sweaty at the concert.” Sarah says and you giggle.
She takes some pictures of the two of you outside. You take some nice ones and some silly ones. You kiss him on the cheek in one.
“Kiss each other, go on.”
Harry chuckles and turns to you. He tilts your chin up and kisses you.
“So cute.”
“Thanks, Sarah.” You take your phone from her.
“I’m so glad you finally got a new phone, the camera is so much better.”
“I know! I was just waiting for a good deal to upgrade.”
“You two kids have fun.” Niall smiles. “Do you want us here? I don’t mind bringin’ him across the street.”
“It’s up to you.” Harry says. “You guys can stay here if yeh want, doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah, make yourselves at home.” You smile and give Buster a hug. “Thanks again for watching him.”
You and Harry head out. You decide to take the green line over towards the Garden. You walk over to Beer Works which isn’t too far away, and sit at the bar. You each do a tequila shooter and order some apps. Harry sticks with beer, and you get a hard cider.
You walk hand in hand, slightly buzzed, into the Garden. Your tickets get scanned in and you make your way to your seats.
“Harry…holy shit, look at how close we are.”
“Want me to take your picture in front of the stage?”
You beam at him and hand him your phone. Someone offers to take a picture of the two of you in front of the stage as well.
“We’re really going to be able to see him, oh my god.” You hug him and he chuckles.
“Want me to grab us some drinks?”
“Yeah, that would be great actually. Do you want some money, I brought-“ He looks at you.
“I’ll be back with some beers.”
You watch Harry walk away, and look back to the stage. You can’t help but squeal with excitement. Harry comes back about ten minutes later with two large beers.
“Line was already crazy.” He hands you yours.
“Thanks, babe.” You sip on it and he sits down next to you.
You both were taking advantage of the little time left you wouldn’t be on your feet. You were happy you both were smart enough to at least wear sneakers.
You and Harry go for bathroom and beer runs during the two opening acts, not really interested in their music as much. You get back in your seats just when the second opener is done. The Garden goes dark and you squeal. You both stand up and you scream along with the crowd when he comes out.
He starts off with Alone Again, and works his way through most of the After Hours album. The crowd goes nuts when he goes into Starboy. You were having a great time. You ended up standing in front of Harry so you could rock against him. You would occasionally here him sing along and it sent a shiver up your spine. You got some great pictures and videos of The Weeknd, you swore he looked right at you. He sings I Feel It Coming, and Harry wraps his arms around you tighter. Another song you two had on in the background many times. Next he goes into Earned It, Often, and Acquainted. You were losing your fucking mind. He sounded so good loud, and you were having the best time just jamming out.
“So I thought I’d talk to the crowd for a minute, we’re at that point in the show.”
The crowd roars as he addresses certain people. He calls different people out, it’s a lot of fun. He has thre lights up in the balcony so he can thank the people from farther away. He walks along the stage, calling out people closer to him. Then his eyes fall to you.
“This girl, who’s been dancing on her man all night, where’d you get that shirt?” You freeze and point to yourself. “Yes, you. That’s not official merch.” He scolds you and you laugh.
“It’s from Etsy! Get better merch!”
“Get better merch, huh?” The crowd laughs. “Well, I’m glad someone made some money, guess that’s all that matters. You having a good time?” You smile and nod your head yes. “I know you are, you’ve been grooving the whole night, we love to see it.”
He moves on to someone else and you turn to look at at Harry, your mouth agape.
“I filmed that whole thing! Look!” Harry shows you his phone.
“That was the coolest fucking thing ever!”
He does his Dirty Diana cover, and then goes into Party After the After Party. You turn around to Harry and squeal, then you turn around to watch the stage again. Harry couldn’t help but laugh at your excitement. You had been a ball of energy all night. The show ends, and he comes back out to sing The Hills.
You and Harry wait a minute or two to head out, letting the crowd disperse before fighting your way through it. You walk through the Garden, keeping your hand on the back of Harry’s shorts while he leads you through the people. You get down to the green line, and only find one seat available. He sits down and pulls you into his lap. You turn to look at him and smile.
“This was one of the greatest nights of my life. Thank you so much.”
“I’m so glad you had fun. That was one of the best concerts I’ve been to in a long time.”
“I can’t believe he actually spoke to me! That was so cool.”
Harry moves to whisper in your ear.
“I can’t wait to get you home. You were grinding your ass on me all night, it was torture.” He kisses your cheek and holds you a little tighter. You smile at him and kiss him quick.
Sarah was passed out, leaning on Niall’s shoulder. The two thought Buster would be more comfortable in his own home. They were watching TV when she fell asleep. Niall was half asleep when he heard the shuffle of feet and giggling from the front hall.
“Babe, I think they’re back.” He lightly nudges her.
“Hm? Okay.” She yawns.
Harry gets you through the door, and lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around him. He pushes you up against the wall and kisses on your neck. You start giggling. Your hands move to unbutton Harry’s shirt. You push it off his shoulders and he lets it fall to the floor. He takes your crop top off and kisses on your chest. You had a simple black bra on.
“Bedroom.” You groan into his ear.
He gets a better grip on you and starts walking into the rest of the apartment.
“Oh my god!” Sarah says.
Harry sets you down and hugs you to his chest. You hide your face in him. He needed you to stay close to hide his raging boner.
“You two are still here?” He says embarrassed.
“Yeah, we were gonna stay until you got home! Are you both drunk?!” You turn your head slightly to look at them and nod.
“Jesus.” Niall laughs. “Glad yeh didn’t get full naked out there.”
“Okay, well, thank you both so much for watchin’ Buster, goodnight.”
“Wait, how was the concert?”
“It was good Sarah, goodnight!” You say to her.
“Alright, alright, we’re leaving.”
Niall gives harry a thumbs up before they leave.
“They act like they never get a chance to do it.” Sarah laughs and looks at Niall. “How come we never do that?”
“Do what?”
“You never feel the need to get my clothes off the second we walk in the door.”
“Oh, you mean like this?”
Niall lifts Sarah up over his shoulder the second they get into his apartment and she squeals.
“I completely forgot they’d be here.” Harry says laughing.
“Me too!” You look at each other for a second. “Are gonna stand here or?”
“Oh right.”
He lifts you back up and carries you to the bedroom. Buster stays asleep in his dog bed. Harry undoes your jeans and yanks them down your legs. You do the same with his shorts. His lips connect with yours and you moan against him as he pushes his hips to yours. He really was hard.
You suck his bottom lip into your mouth and he groans. His hands dip into your panties and he drags them down your legs. He stays kneeling before you and grabs you by your ass, pulling you closer. He tugs one of your legs over one of his shoulders and he lips connect to your clit. You gasp when you feel his tongue lick up and down your folds. You tugs at his hair and he moans against you. He sucks and slurps on you and you feel like you’re going to lose your balance, but he steadies you. Just like when you feel you’re gonna come he stands up.
“Sorry.” He smirks. “My knees just hurt.”
“Thought you were trying to tease me.” You pout.
“Not tonight, angel.”
His hands move around you to unclasp your bra and it falls to the floor. He moves you over to the bed and he hovers over you. He kisses down your neck and chest, and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. You reach for him and pump him slowly. He twists your piercing between his teeth while he kneads your other breast.
“Harry.” You groan. “Want you inside me, please.”
“Want you on top.”
He kisses you and sits up against the headboard. You swing a leg over him and line yourself up to sink down on him.
“Fuck.” You breathe out.
You swivel your hips and grind against him. Harry wraps his arms around you and thrusts up. You move in a rhythm together and it feels amazing. You tug at his hair and kiss him, tongues gliding along each other. Your head rolls back when he starts to rub your clit. His other hand slides up to your throat. You make eye-contact with him.
“Yeah, go for it.” You smile, and he tightens his grip around you.
He moves his other hand faster on you as both continue in sync. You start panting, and love the way Harry’s large hand grips your throat. Harry looks at you, loving the way you’re just losing yourself.
“Shit, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He grunts.
You feel your stomach tighten and you clench around him.
“Fuck!” He moans as you both release at the same time. He thrusts up hard one more time as you gasp.
He loosens his grip on you, and you rest your head against his chest.
“You forgot to take your rings off.” You say, looking up at him.
“Oh, baby.” He smirks and moves some hair out of your face. “I didn’t forget.” He lightly grazes his fingers over the forming bruises on your neck. “I like the way you can kind make out my initials on you.” You involuntarily tighten around him. “And I see you don’t really mind it either.”
“I feel like I should…but I’ve always liked when you leave marks on me.” You smile. “It’ll fade, it’s fine.”
He kisses you, and you both sit there making out while he’s still inside you. You roll down on him and his cock twitches. His hands move to your hips and he rocks you back and forth on him.
“Harry, will you fuck me from behind?” You say against his lips.
“Always.” He smiles.
You giggle and get off of him to lay on your stomach. He grabs ahold of you to slide in, he gets fully on top of you how you like so his chest is flush with your back. You moan as he rocks in and out of you.
“God, you’re like balls deep, it feel so good.” You grab at the pillow under you.
Harry hooks an arm under you to grab one of your breasts, his other hand pressing into your hip. You press your ass against him as he moves around in a circle.
“Fuck, Harry.”
“Yeh like when we fuck like this?” He says into your ear.
“M’not crushin’ yeh?”
“Not at all.” You moan again when he thrusts deep into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna come again, oh god, right there, keep doing that.”
Harry keeps thrusting in and hitting your g-spot. You scream into your pillow and back your ass up right into him. His release comes shortly after. He lays on top of you for a few minutes before getting up. You get up to use the bathroom after he does.
You face each other as you lay in bed. Harry rubs your back and smiles at you.
“This was the perfect night, Harry.”
“Even when we almost got naked in front of our friends?”
“Especially when that happened.” You giggle. “No, but seriously. I love making these memories with you. I’ll never forget this.”
He pulls you in closer to him and rests his chin on the top of your head. You end up falling asleep like this. Ten months ago you never thought you’d be where you are right now. Being held by the person you loved most in the world, and him loving you right back.
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
You Cut Your Hair Short (REACTION)
[ requested / masterlist ]
a/n :: my schedule has slowed down a bit due to mental health and mock exams, but i’m getting around to everybody’s requests!
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The oversized hoodie that hung loosely around your figure was chosen specifically for your quest that day. You’d yet to reveal your new appearance to your partner, Seokjin, and although you were sure he’d like it, there was a risk factor involved.
You weren’t reliant on his reaction. The opinions of others had never really played much heed in your life choices, but this time it mattered. The man you’d dedicated so much of your love to had to love your new haircut, otherwise you weren’t too sure where to turn.
The sitting room you expected him to be waiting in laid by the front door. Inside your ribcage, your unseated heart pounded with both adrenaline and fear. Pulling the drawstrings around your head tight, you opened the door in one swing to avoid further hassling.
Seokjin, placed in his usual seat at the end of the couch, turned his head to greet you, “You were gone a while, I was beginning to worry you’d gotten lost.” He smiled as you traipsed around the maze of a room to sit beside him, “Tell me you didn’t walk home with your hoodie that tight.”
“I didn’t,” you chuckled, crossing one leg over another, “I was gone for so long because I made a drastic change. And I really hope you’ll love it as much as I do.”
His eyes widened at your explanation. As you reassured yourself he would like it, you untied the drawstrings and pushed the good back to reveal your shorter hair. The freshly cut tips of your hair just grazed your shoulder, which was an extreme change from the hair that previously extended past your ribcage.
“Oh wow, Jagi.” Seokjin gawked at your dramatic reveal, before chuckling a few huffs, “I honestly prefer this! I didn’t know you became hotter woth short hair.” Jokingly, you hushed him before escaping upstairs to experiment with styling.
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Over a year ago, you’d made a pact to yourself to grow our your beyond damaged, frazzled hair and redebut your short hair, but much healthier. What seemed a lifetime of hair treatments and avoiding the peroxide (which was harder for you than perhaps normal) later, and you had finally booked the long-awaited snip.
Your boyfriend, Yoongi, was eager to join you in the salon. He’d seen you struggle with the process of regrowing your hair from the get-go, and had, more than enough time, helped you search high and low for the right hair products for you to get the results you so desperately wanted. Now, he was just as excited as you for the fresh start with healthy hair.
“How short are you going again?” Yoongi asked, swinging your holding hands back and forth to keep your walking pace. As you’d already cut wispy bangs into your hair, length was something that took you a while to think about, but you couldn’t ruin all the surprises for him.
“You’ll find out soon enough!” You insisted before pushing the salon door open and entering.
Yoongi watched intensively as your hair was snipped shorter and shorter. It took most of an hour, and yet he remained focused on the length of your locks getting closer and closer to your head. You couldn’t help but find it endearing how invested in you he was.
“And there we go!” the stylist announced, using a smaller mirror to show you the back of your hair. The fine tips only just levelled with your jawline; it was perfect. You stood from the chair and turned to face Yoongi, who had perhaps the toothiest grin you’d ever seen spread from ear to ear.
“How does it lo-“
“Phenomenal, just phenomenal.” He interrupted, reaching into his pocket for his wallet and rushing to the counter before you got there.
“No, Yoongi! What are you doing?”
“Treating you. Let me do it, please?” Knowing you’d lose any argument you had with him, you reluctantly allowed him to pay for your new hair. You’d find a way to repay him somehow.
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“I’ll have a surprise for you when you get home tomorrow,” you announced to your boyfriend, Hoseok, who was 9 hours away in Europe on album promotions, “It’s not much but I’m hoping you might like it.”
“Well I’m flattered you want to run me a rose petal bath with candles, I really am.” He giggled. Although you knew he was only joking, you reminded him it could easily be arranged, “No, I’m kidding. I’m excited for whatever it is, baby.”
Later that day, you fled your high-rise apartment building to visit the hair salon for the first time in the new year. As cheesy as it was, you were always a firm believer in ‘new year new me’, and making a choice as bold as cutting your hair was definitely new for you. Ever since you were little, your hair had always extended far down your spine, and although you weren’t ready just yet to cut it up to your ears, your shoulders was a large enough distance for you to feel a new kind of empowerment.
By the next morning, you’d already fallen so deeply in love with your new look, you couldn’t help but wonder why you hadn’t done it before. The choppier locks framed your face much better than your previous pin-straight hair. Even if Hobi didn’t like it, you felt a lot more confident in yourself, which meant it was definitely worth it.
“Hello? I’m home!” A sudden voice called out, leading you out from the kitchen and into the hallway to meet Hoseok. As his eyes came up to meet yours, a smile spread across his face.
“Is this your surprise?” He beamed as you stepped closer. When you nodded, he stepped forward to run his fingers through your cropped hair, still presenting a glowing smile, “It looks so good on you! My angel looks so beautiful.”
His constant nicknames for you never failed to make you blush, “Thank you. I’m so glad you liked it,” you stepped forward to take a hold of his hand, “but if you come now, I’ll run you that bath you were talking about.”
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Whenever they completed a concert, you liked to facetime your partner, Namjoon, to catch up on your days (considering he wasn’t flat out exhausted). When you were apart for so long, just watching him eat or ramble about his clumsy mishaps was enough for you. Every morning, you hoped that he would still be awake by the time you rang.
Especially that day. It wasn’t easy to surprise Namjoon when he was home; he was too intuitive to be oblivious to everything around him. However when he was halfway across the world, it was easier to pull of smaller gestures for him that often ended up meaning more.
Your sudden difference in hairstyle wasn’t so much a gesture, just a change you had been holding back to make. Short hair had always appealed to you for many reasons. Less hair product, quicker drying, arguable easier to style? You’d take that any day. On top of that, you’d picked a paler latte colour to drench your hair in, contrasting your previous chestnut hue.
As you awaited Namjoon to answer, you made the snap decision to cover the webcam with your thumb and tease the curiosity out of him. Sure enough, when he sat down to talk to you, he couldn’t help but knit his brows in confusion, “Why are you covering the camera? Oh no, what have you done? Is the house still standing?”
You chuckled at his brief panic, “No, silly. I have something to show you. A good thing!”
You edged your thumb away from the screen only to watch in pleasure as Namjoon’s face ignited with surprise, “I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. I love it so much!”
“Thank you, Joonie. I kept it just long enough for you to still play with though!” You blurted, resulting in a rosy blush from your distant partner.
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As Jimin ran his fingers through your freshly dyed hair, your mind searched for why something didn’t feel right. You weren’t ever satisfied with your appearance, but this time you felt even less comfortable. You loved your platinum hair endlessly, but the same old long, wavy style was starting to get old.
“Jiminie, do you think I’d look good with short hair?” you questioned, looking up from your position on his chest. Jimin had always been able to give you fashion advice, but you’d never asked about your actual appearance before.
“I think you’d look incredible with any hair,” was the stock answer you were expecting. Although there was perhaps some truth in what he said, Jimin was also unlikely to say no, “why? Are you not feeling long hair anymore?”
“I’m not sure. For some reason I feel like I’d suit it better, you know?”
“Well I say go for it. It grows back anyway.”
Within the next 10 minutes you’d had you appointment booked for later that day. Now that you’d convinced yourself, it was better to get it done immediately so you couldn’t talk yourself out of it.
Jimin waited for you in the car just for you to be able to keep the surprise element to your new pending look. As you approached the car with your shoulder-length fresh cut, you watched through the rear mirror as his eyes met yours.
His beaming smile was already spread across his plush cheeks as you sat down next to him, your grin almost matching his, “I don’t know about you but this is maybe the best decision I’ve made in a long time.”
Jimin chuckled, reaching out to twirl a lock of gently curled hair, “It certainly is, beautiful.”
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Since you were a young teenager, trimming your hair ends every few weeks had become routine. Only recently had you been tempted to turn a trim into a new look. Most of your fashion ventures came in the form of clothing, but for a change, you had decided to make a more permanent choice.
Part of the reason you decided to make an adventurous change was to surprise your boyfriend, Taehyung. You never thought you’d meet somebody who shared your exact fashion taste or who found a lot of expression in their hairstyle. In many ways, it helped you bond at the start of your relationship and so became something you both enjoyed more.
While he was away filming for a new comeback, you made it priority to visit the salon. Your once rib-length hair now just scraped your shoulders. The longer bangs that once framed your face now feathered at your brows. Not even an hour into your new appearance and you were already obsessed.
Later that evening when the door to your apartment slammed shut, the pending excitement that you’d built up finally climaxed. Looking over to your left, you were greeted by a shocked Taehyung, who tried to hold his boxy smile back, “Sorry, I must have the wrong house.”
You giggled at his small joke as he edged closer to the sofa, “What do you think? Does it look okay?”
“Incredibly, truly. I’m a little surprised you didn’t colour it too.” He knew you so well, but already you were a step ahead of him. Of course, he was your best fashion adviser.
“Actually, I was hoping you’d help me pick a colour to dye it?” Taehyung nodded eagerly as you opened the sample book lended to you by your stylist. The hardest task was picking a shade you hadn’t experimented with before.
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As somebody who likes to learn all the skills he can, Jungkook quickly picked up your hairstyling tricks after you began to date. Purely out of his own curiosity, he asked you to teach him how to braid in multiple different ways and you had been more than happy to do so.
Since then, Jungkook had found a form of therapy in playing with your hair and braiding random ropes of your hair after a bad or stressful day. In many ways, it was just as calming and settling for you too. Knowing that Jungkook actively tried to avoid knotting your hair was more comforting than it seems.
One of the necessities for hair braiding is of course, long hair, which you had spotted through most of your teen years and into your early 20s. And although he claimed to prefer you for you rather than your physical feautures, you were aware that your hair was one of his favourite parts about you.
The day you decided to cut it was the day you realised all of those therapeutic hair styling sessions were a thing of the past. You hadn’t even briefed Jungkook on your plan, or yourself for that matter. It felt right in the moment, and as much as you loved your new look, it was a problem that was on your mind all day.
Since returning from the salon, you’d waited desperately for Jungkook to come home. Any second, he was due to walk through the door, and although he didn’t know it, he was about to put his skills under a quickfire test.
As soon as the front door had shut, you rushed into the hallway to eagerly greet your man, “Woah, your hair! Where’s it gone?”
“It’s on a salon floor somewhere. But quick, you need to see if you can still braid it.” Your rushed answer ignited his desperation to test his braiding skills on your new hair. Jungkook’s eyes widened as he waddled behind you into the sitting room, where a couple of hair bands had sat waiting for him.
Despite him tugging on your hair a few times more than usual, his focused silence transmitted good news to you, “I can still braid it!” He exclaimed, wrapping the hairband around the finished product. You stood up to look in the mirror at your boyfriend’s work, “I think my braids look cuter when your hair is shorter!”
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^ im really sorry you had to wait this long. not only do reactions take me the longest but i also struggled to come up with different scenarios so i really hope this is all okay for you! thank you so much for your patience <3
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I forgot that you existed: Chapter Three
A/N : Chapter three is here. It’s a little bit longer than the previous chapters got a little carried away. Things are getting little steamy between our ex lovers. In this chapter I have incorporated some other songs felt it will go with the situation the songs go side by side with the scenes as you read. Hope you like it. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader
Summary: It's been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realize you are still not done with each other.
Warnings: mild cursing
Mini playlist: It’s nice to have a friend by Taylor Swift, Physical by Dua Lipa, Into you by Ariana Grande
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In the evening a barbeque was arranged. All were enjoying chatting, eating and drinking. You occasionally glanced towards Tom and El all cuddled up. When suddenly Paddy called you
“Hey Y/N it’s been so many years didn’t hear you sing”
“Then how are my albums selling if I’m not singing Pads” you joked giving a surprised look
“I meant up close live like you used to do”
“Yes Y/N please sing something I always wanted to go to your concerts but never got the opportunity” El insisted
“But I don’t have my guitar or any kind of instruments”
“That’s not a problem we have your old guitar wait a minute let me get that” Ed got up to bring it.
“You still have that?”
“yeah Tom insisted to keep it here” Harrison said.Tom and you looked at each other.
“Okay this song is totally dedicated to you guys and please no posting in your social media accounts because this will be in my next album too, the music company will kill me.” You joked. You tuned in the guitar and started playing
School bell rings, walk me home Sidewalk chalk covered in snow Lost my gloves, you give me one "Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun Video games, you pass me a note Sleeping in tents
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
Zendaya leaned her head on your shoulder you smiled at her.
Light pink sky up on the roof Sun sinks down, no curfew Twenty questions, we tell the truth You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too Something gave you the nerve To touch my hand
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
Harrison got up from his seat and grabbed your shoulder from the back giving you a hug as you sang.
Church bells ring, carry me home Rice on the ground looks like snow Call my bluff, call you "babe" Have my back, yeah, everyday Feels like home, stay in bed The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
It was an emotional moment for all of you as everyone gathered around you for a giant hug though Tom kept his distance.
“Okay enough of tears. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day because its beach day.” Harrison announced. Everyone cheered.
“So better we all get a goodnight’s sleep”
 You were a late riser when you are on a holiday so when you woke up Zendaya was already dressed for the beach day
“Good morning sleeping beauty”
 “Morning” you mumbled
 “So excited for today?”
 “Then get your ass out of the bed and freshen up”
 “Yeah” you rubbed your eyes
 “I'm going downstairs to check what others are  upto don't fall asleep in the bathroom.”
 You got up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and then have a shower . The cool water relieved your muscles instantly .
 Paddy, Jacob and Ed were busy setting up the table. Harry and Chloe were helping Sam in the kitchen.
“What's up boys?”
 “Breakfast is almost ready”, Sam said, tossing the ingredients in the fry pan.
 “The food looks so delicious gotta take a picture will make a perfect story. Oh shit I forgot my phone.”
 Tom was coming down the stairs as Zendaya stopped him.
“Hey Tom can you please go and tell Y/N to bring my phone with her when she comes downstairs.?”
Tom hesitated to go but eventually agreed .. "yeah okay"
You came out of the bathroom all fresh a towel wrapped around your body. As you started humming a song and drying your hair with a blow dryer.
Tom stood in front of your room. He really had a bad habit of not knocking before coming into your room since childhood so out of habit he just opened the door.
 As the door flung open. You shrieked, clutching your towel tightly.
“Oh my god!!! What the fuck Tom!!!”
 Tom couldn't help but stare at you in a towel hair all wet, beads of water dripping down the ends. Your smooth skin glowing in the sunlight coming from the windows giving you an ethereal look.
 “Stop staring you creep and close the fucking door!!!” You yelled again.
Tom was startled as he closed the door behind him.
 “Seriously” you huffed “I said to close the door and leave not to come inside you idiot!!”
 “It's in a way your fault why didn't you lock the door?” Tom quipped back
 “What!! After all these years you couldn't learn the basic manner of knocking the door before entering someone's room. And it's my fault?”
 “Okay I'm sorry calm down I just came to convey Z's message she said you to bring her phone as she forgot to take it with her that's all.”
“The message has been received and now you may leave I have gotta get dressed”
 Something went across Tom's mind as he gave you a mischievous look "what if I don't?"
 ‘What do you mean?” You were confused
 “I meant this isn't the first time I have seen you like this, actually seen more than that.” He winked.”Then why so shy to change infront of me now?”
 You narrowed your eyes," you think this is funny Holland?"
 “Whatever you think princess.” he grinned
 Tom was testing your patience but you weren't the one to give up so easily . So you decided to play along with his dangerous game.
 "You know what I actually don't mind either ." you smirked. "But I don't think El would be quite pleased to see her would be husband with his ex just in a towel."
 You started walking towards him with a sultry look in your eyes, your hand grabbed the tucked end of the towel as you motioned to remove it from your body. Tom was stunned by your answer little did he expect you would say that. Inappropriate thoughts started to hover in his mind but half of his mind reminded him it is wrong he's engaged to El and he can't break her trust. Tom shut his eyes and turned his back towards you as he opened the door and left closing it behind . You shook your head and laughed at how flustered he looked. You quickly got ready putting on your shorts and an off shoulder crop top.
 You came downstairs, breakfast was already served. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and toast instantly made you hungry. There were freshly baked muffins too.
 “Here you go rock star.” Chloe handed you your plate of food.
 “Thanks darlo” you cooed
 You bite into your muffin as you get lost in its flavors.
"mmmmph.. I think I had a foodgasm" you giggled as others also started laughing.
“How do you cook so tasty food Sam? it's too good. I missed this so much”
 “Glad you liked it Y/N”
 You went to pick up another piece of muffin from the plate on the table as you were interrupted by another hand. It was Tom. You looked at him.
"Umm.. ladies first" He said moving his hand.
 You took your piece and went to chat with others.
Tom's eyes followed you thinking of how unbothered you were after the little stunt that you pulled off a while ago.
 “Yo man where are you lost at” Jacob broke his train of thoughts
 “Nothing bro” tom shook his head
 “Where's El?”
 “Oh she's getting ready will be down in a minute.”
Finally you were all on the beach. The weather was perfect and you can't wait to go surfing after so many years. You spread your towel on the chair and put your bag on it. You grab your sunscreen lotion and apply it to your exposed areas. As you heard El calling sweetly. She looked gorgeous in bikini top and a sharong.
“Tommy can you please help me apply the lotion on my back.”
“Sure darling.” Tom took the lotion and started applying it to her back.
You kept looking as you smiled, eyes furrowed.
 "Typical" you heard Zendaya saying and looked at her as she rolled her eyes.
 "I find it cute though" you winked as both of you started giggling.
Tom looked at both of you scrunching his face as he understood why you both were laughing.
 You then spoke loudly to grab everyone's attention "are we going for surfing or not because the water will not come to us we have to go to the water! Or are we here just to apply sunscreen and get tanned" you gave a side look, that was enough to get on Tom's nerve, your revenge taken for the morning fiasco.
 Zendaya gaped at you with a smile. "You are such a bitch" she lightly punches your arm giggling.
 “Wasn't that the plan?” You raised your brow
 “Don't get so cranky grandma we are going for surfing. Let me get the surf boards first” Harrison said.
 “Do it fast.”
“Hey El you’re not coming?”
“Oh no I can’t surf”
“Tom can teach you, can’t you Tom?”
“Oh no it’s ok we have come to enjoy don’t want him to give surfing lessons instead of enjoying I can learn afterwards as he’s going to be there for me forever”
“You are really a sweet girl El I really like you. Tom is really lucky to have you”
“Thanks” she giggled shyly as she hold on to Tom’s hands.
 You felt really good surfing after a long time. You made Harry click some good Instagramable pictures of yours while surfing. You were all wet when you came on the shore, clothes sticking to your body. You raised your hands above your head and stretched your body. When you heard someone say
“Nice tattoo”
You looked at the man with flowy dark brown hair and indigo eyes. He was tall with a broad chest and well defined abs . You glanced at your tattoo on the left side of your hip and then looked at him
 "Umm thanks" you furrowed your eyes smiling.
 “Solo trip?”
 "Oh no with my mates they are over there" you pointed towards your group.
 “ Oh great!! By the way I'm Steve.. Steve Johnson  and I know who you are. Big fan of your works.”
“Thank you” you smiled shyly
 “I really like your tattoo”
 “You like my tattoo or is there something else you like ?” You narrowed your eyes grinning.
 "Yeah I like you too by the way" he scratched his head giving a goofy smile looking down his feet then to you.
 You shook your head and laughed
 “But still what is the meaning behind it?”
 "Nothing special. I just liked the design and I had a scar over there so I had to cover it up." That wasn't the actual story behind it and you knew it very well.
 Tom was with El listening to her chatter but all his attention was in your conversation with Steve. And he knew that the tattoo on your hip was there for a special reason not for any mere scar.
 Happy first anniversary to us. You clinked your champagne glasses together. It's been one year since Tom proposed you to be his girlfriend. Tom had decided to have a candlelight dinner with you at his house. He had cooked your favorite dishes. After dinner you both sat down on the all couch cuddled up to binge watch star wars movies.
 “Please never leave me even if I am being an asshole to you sometimes. Please don't ever leave me”
“I'll always be there for you dummy.” You messed his hair. “Besides who else will tolerate your tantrums other than me.”
“Pinky promise?”
 You giggled “yes pinky promise.” You both hold on to your pinkies.
“You know what I'm thinking to get a tattoo”
“Don't get under your foot it really hurts” Tom chuckled.
 And the next day you were in a tattoo parlor as you went through the catalog and found the exact design you wanted.
You couldn't wait to show it to Tom as you reached his house you just ran inside as you saw him in the kitchen you went and hugged him from back and gave a kiss on his cheek. “I have a surprise for you”
He turned around the kitchen island to face you.You lifted your top to reveal your hip. You had got a tattoo of two hands pinkies intertwined as a reminder to your yesterday's promise of not leaving each other.
The promise you made was already broken. And maybe the heartbreak you had was a scar for you. 
“Okay then you enjoy your day I gotta go find my friends.See you around.”
 “Yeah sure.” You gave a smile
As he left Z, Chloe and El huddled around you
“Oh my god Y/N who was that hot guy?” Z asked excitedly
 “Umm his name is Steve and he likes my tattoo.” You giggled.
 “It's barely our second day here and you got someone to get laid way to go girl” Chloe lightly punched your arm
 “Oh shut up I barely know him” Harrison called you all to say something. Z, El, Chloe went towards him. As you were about to go you heard Tom
“So you finally found someone who can apply sunscreen on you too”
“What!? Oh come on we weren’t making fun of you, we just didn't think you were such a hopeless romantic type of guy”
 “When you are with the right person it feels good to be a hopeless romantic. Like take it for yourself you were always a fun type not marriage or romancing type”
 “So you're admitting that I was fun, glad to hear that.” You winked.
“Hey Y/N come on lets play volleyball”
“Yeah coming!! Haz”
“So what are teams?”
“It's me vs you. 
“Fine by me.Gonna kick your ass like always.”    
“Don’t get so overconfident darling I have upped my skills. Okay let's toss  whoever wins will get to choose first their team members.” 
“I’m gonna be the referee” El announced.
Harrison won the toss he chose Ed, Jacob, Tuwaine, Chloe, Harry
You had hoped Haz took Tom in his team but damn you Haz ,so you had Z, Paddy, Tom, Sam in your team
“Hey we are short of one player” you complained
You saw Steve coming from the other side with his friends. Zendaya elbowed you
“Babe it's your chance go and ask him out” You giggled and immediately ran towards Steve
“Hey hi”
“Hi again beautiful”
You hesitated a bit “Umm do you wanna? do you mind if I ask you to join us? We are playing volleyball and I'm short of one player.”
 “Of Course love, it will be my utmost pleasure.”
 You both came back and took your positions at the back. The game started and you were impressed by Steve's skills. He was really good at the game.
“Didn't think you would turn out be such a player.”
“I can be more than that love if you want.” He winked.
You blushed profusely “for now I just want to beat my best friend's ass in the game”
“As you wish mam”
Tom was standing in the front and he could hear all of your conversations. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't feeling jealous.
Both the teams were on tie the last round was do or die for you.
You went to serve the ball but accidentally it slipped and it went and hit at the back of Tom's head. You gave a panicked look while others started laughing.
“I'm really sorry Tom the ball slipped from my hand” you also started giggling.
“But I think you did that intentionally Y/N” Tom said angrily
 “What do you think I don't understand why you are acting to be so nice”
“What are you saying Tom I don't understand I already said that I'm sorry it was totally an accident?”
“Are you sorry? You just can’t tolerate that after so many years finally I’m happy with someone”
“Yo Tom calm down” Jacob said
 “Yes Tom stop overreacting!” Chloe yelled
“Tell your friend to stop acting to be so nice!!”
“Hey man you are unnecessarily making a big deal out of it” Steve came in your defense.
“You please stay out of this. Its between us”.
“Tom you can’t speak to Steve like this”
“Oh now I get it all this to grab his attention. You are wasting your time on her dude take my advice leave her she anyways will leave you after she gets whatever she wants from you”.
Your blood was boiling at Tom’s words. El was totally confused at the whole scene she wasn't getting why Tom was reacting like that, your temper rising as you noticed her and abruptly spoke
“Hey El I know you are totally confused at what is going on let me give you a pretext to it ,you actually know half of my identity that is I'm their childhood friend but I'm more than that to your fiance actually.” you jabbed at her
“Y/N I said you no” Tom yelled
“Oh it’s too late now honey”
“For the record I'm his ex girlfriend. We had been in a relationship since we were teenagers then we broke up six years ago. But I guess he couldn't get over it as that is why he couldn’t say you about me” you glared at him looking up and down. “Maybe you are failing to give him the love he needs that is why he can’t forget me and is acting like a dickhead.”
El was definitely hurt by your words. She ran towards the beach house teary eyed. Tom ran after her “El wait! Don’t go! I can explain!! Please listen!!”
“Fuck you Y/N!!!”
You gave him the finger with both your hands with an uninterested look on your face.
The game obviously had to be ended after the heated argument. And everybody came back to the beach house. You were all sitting in the living room. Tom and El were in their room. Probably sorting out the matter after your big revelation.
“What is the problem with Tom?” Z exclaimed
“He has totally gone nuts” Sam scoffed
“Y/N are you okay?” Harrison nudged your shoulder
“Yeah I'm fine but I really feel bad I shouldn't have spoken to El like that. That was totally rude. I just got really angry. I didn't do it intentionally.
“It's okay Y/N we know it was never your fault. Tom has always been a dickhead.” Harry reassured you
‘I think I need to talk to El and clear things out before it gets more complicated.”
El was standing at the porch when you approached her.
“Hey” she gave a half smile
“Listen I came to apologize for today. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that. It was so rude of me. I just couldn't control myself after what Tom said. I don't know what Tom said to you about me but I have no intention of interfering in your lives. I'm really happy for both of you. To be honest I still love him, he is my best friend though he doesn't see me like his friend anymore. I don't want to become the reason for a rift in your relationship.”
“I understand Y/N in a way it was Tom's fault, he was the one who overreacted in spite of you saying sorry.”
“Thank you El for understanding.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure”
“Why did you guys break up?”
You sighed deeply “because I was way too selfish. I couldn't give the love he deserved. But now I feel you can fill that void in his life. You took El's hand in yours El “I'm giving his responsibility to you El. Please never leave his side. Fill his life with love and happiness he deserves. And if you guys want I can..I can leave tomorrow itself.”
“No Y/N I wouldn't want that you both share a past together but that should not affect our future. You will always be a good friend to me.”
“So if we are all good you guys are coming to the party right”
“Party??” El gave a confused look
“Yeah Harrison arranged a sort of welcome and success party for me, gonna have fun tonight.”
 “Yeah sure and I'll persuade Tom don't worry.
 You chose your little black dress with a deep plunging neckline as your outfit for the night. Zendaya was still confused between two of her outfits. You both did your make up and got ready.
“What's with that cleavage?” Zendaya quipped
“I don't think I stand a chance with that Steve guy after today's events so I have to find a new one” you laughed.
 As you guys reached the night club, you could hear the music blasting from outside. The bouncers checked your ids and let you in. Harrison ordered the drinks as you all gathered together. Harrison raised a toast
“To our long living friendships and our rock-star's successful album.”
You all cheered.
“Okay guys the drinks are on me for tonight, help yourselves” you announced.
The boys cheered. Everyone scattered the couples went for a dance as you looked at Tom and El dancing and laughing. You were sipping on a margarita when you felt a light tap on your shoulder and you looked back.
"Hey you went away without even saying a proper goodbye"
“Umm hi, sorry actually I wasn’t in a good state at that moment”
“Yeah I understand. how are you now?”
He was checking you out all thanks to your dress
“Up here Mr.” You grinned
He gave a lopsided smile “you look hot”
Physical by Dua Lipa starts playing
(Common love isn't for us We created something phenomenal Don't you agree? Don't you agree? You got me feeling diamond rich Nothing on this planet compares to it Don't you agree? Don't you agree? )
 Zendaya came and grabbed your hand “come on slowpoke. Let's burn the dance floor.” She pulled you to the dance floor.
(Who needs to go to sleep, when I got you next to me?
All night, I'll riot with you I know you got my back and you know I got you So come on, come on, come on Let's get physical Lights out, follow the noise Baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice So come on, come on, come on Let's get physical)  
You both swayed to the music as you both started lip syncing with the song loudly and laughing. You grooved sensuously giving occasional glances to Steve. He took the que and approached you. You felt his arms around your hips as he turned you towards him. You put your arms on his shoulders as you both swayed to the music looking into each other's eyes.
“Hey Steve!! come on mate you have to go!” you heard a group of men calling out
“Er... sorry I have to leave my friends are calling. See you again” 
“It’s ok bye see ya” You came back to the counter. You ordered some lemon drops. You gulped it down and bite into the lime.
“Didn't think you will make him leave you so soon”
You rolled your eyes “wasn't today enough for you.”
“I can never get enough of you princess”
“Stop calling me that!!”
“Why does it turn you on?”
“Huh!!” you deadpanned. “It makes me feel nauseated. You don't excite me anymore Holland” you grinned. He was going to say something as Tuwaine interrupted
“Hey let’s do power hour” Tuwaine suggested
“Yessss!!!!” the boys shouted in unison
“Guys seriously none of you can handle yourselves after that. We girls have also come to enjoy not to carry your drunken asses home” You jabbed.
“We can handle ourselves Y/N don’t worry” Harry assured you
“We’ll see that”
The game started only Paddy didn’t participate as he was not sure of his capacity to handle . Jacob gave up half way through the shots. Sam and Harry both struggling to keep up the pace lastly giving up. It was now between Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine. Tuwaine won eventually. And now all the boys were definitely drunk as you had expected.
You were having your shots as Tom took one from you.
“Aren’t you already enough drunk loser”
“I’m not a loser” he said in a raspy voice
“Then who lost to Tuwaine anyways I’m gonna go dance you sulk here loser”
 Into you by Ariana Grande starts playing
(I'm so into you, I can barely breathe And all I wanna do is to fall in deep But close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line So name a game to play, and I'll roll the dice, hey)
You walked to the center of the dance floor swaying your hips a little as you start grooving to the song. You felt a little tipsy as you danced along the song, drunk sweaty bodies hovered around you. 
(Oh baby, look what you started The temperature's rising in here Is this gonna happen? Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move Before I make a move)
You started dancing with some random drunk guy. You glanced at Tom as you placed your hands around his neck and danced with that guy. Yes the alcohol in your system wanted Tom to make a move.
(So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
Tom clenched his jaw as he gulped down a shot slamming the glass on the bar counter and started walking towards you. You continued to dance sensually.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
You felt a familiar pair of arms around your waist as he turned you and pulled you closer to him. Your palms resting on his broad chest. The smell of his cologne taking over your senses.
(This could take some time, hey I made too many mistakes Better get this right, right, baby)
You placed your hands around Tom's neck as you get lost into each other's eyes. The world seemed a blur to you at the moment as you cared less of who was watching, you just wanted to live this moment.
(So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
 He took your hand in his and twirled you around a few times before pulling you closer, your back pressed to his chest, your bodies swaying, occasionally grinding against each other.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
 He brushed aside your hair with one hand, his other hand on your shoulder as he kissed you behind your ear. You gasped at his touch as you felt your body was on fire. You tilted your head a little to give him more access as he brushes his lips on your neck. Tom's hands ran down your arms lacing with your fingers.
(Tell me what you came here for 'Cause I can't, I can't wait no more)
You suddenly felt whatever is happening is wrong, you pulled away from him to leave as he caught hold of your hand.  
(I'm on the edge with no control And I need, I need you to know You to know, oh)
You looked at him and then to your hands. He pulled you impossibly closer as you slammed into his chest. Your legs were wobbly as he steadied you by holding your waist. The smell of his cologne doing things to you. Old memories, nostalgia hitting you. He lifts you up and spins a little.
  (So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
You look at him with droopy eyes as he brings you down; he hugs you even closer. He knelt near your neck, nose brushing against the bottom of your ear. You whimpered when his hot breath ghosted your ears. "Do I still excite you babygirl?" he whispered in your ears. You could just hum in response, your body shivering at each and every touch of his.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
Purple lights danced across Tom's face illuminating his  brown eyes, highlighting his each and every feature. You went dizzy when his lips ghosted at your sweet spot at the nape of your neck. You threw your hands around his neck tugging his hair at the bottom. His hands snaked around your waist sensually gliding to your thighs at the hem of your dress.You weren't that drunk so soon the realization hit you where it is leading to. You thought, what were you doing? This is so not right. You struggled to free yourself from his hold pushing him away by his chest.
(So come light me up, so come light me up my baby A little dangerous, a little dangerous my baby A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you ) song fading away...............
You both stand in the middle of the dance floor breathless. You ran your hand through your already messed up hair. You stomped off to the bar counter as Tom followed you.
Taglists: to be added send a message or ask I'll be happy to add you in the following chapters.
@sophs-library​ @sleepybesson​ @spideyparkerstark​ @itstaskeen​ @milli86​ @biebsmylife95​ @quaksonhehe​ @hannahholland1811​
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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scene stealers
3racha imagine + smut— this is so filthy im so sorry i don’t know what this msksks
the dim, neon lights of the large studio and the consistent beat that allured your attention kept you distant from the few people around you. headphones covered your ears as your fingers brushed the dust off of the mix board in front of you and when the song came to an end, you quickly took them off.
“it’s perfect!” you said to the three boys sitting in the small black sofa behind you.
“dope!! now lets get this shit on the new album” chan winked before getting up to get the door.
“look who’s here” changbin smirked as jennifer walked in, her long legs practically glowing in her tight green shorts despite the dim lighting. you let out an annoyed sigh before waving at her and pretending to go back to work. 
how many times has jennifer been joining the four of you in the studio now? 15.. no no.. 20 times now? you didn’t know what it was about her. when she was around you seemed somehow.. lacking. the presence of three handsome men around you made you feel loved but when their eyes were on someone else you felt at loss. their eyes were definitely on jennifer, in fact if you didn’t have such a harsh deadline to meet you probably would’ve drooled over her in gay as well. just like the three men behind you, their focus entirely on her figure as she sat on chan’s lap.
enough about jennifer, what about this harsh deadline in front of you? you were no where close to finished, in fact jennifer’s arrival made it all the worse. for no reason you just felt the need to slap that dumbass bitch in the face. but you had no reason to. 
well, no justifiable reason. 
your feelings for jisung were the only things in sight, like it contaminated your occipital and the only thing that functioned was your beating heart and the jealously practically raging inside. if jennifer dared to look at jisung for one second, you would slit your throat- no. no... too dramatic. if she even touched if swear to motherfucking-
“y/n.. why are your shoulder’s so tense babe” changbin whispered in your ear, his hands wrapped around your neck as he slowly pressed on your pleasure points. changbin knew your body like a map, your midnight conversations about your kinks and expectations practically drawing the road for him. but he never took advantage of this.
you stretched your back when changbin’s hands drifted to your waist, his eyes glued to the screen realizing you hadn’t gotten any work done. “i’m just... not feeling it today changbin” you sighed, taking a sip of water before chan could seat himself on the chair next to you.
oh no, not this again. chan and changbin, they were like your two little horndogs. always wanting to get their hands on you, and you only encouraged it. letting them get a taste before leaving them to fend for themselves.
chan slyly placed a hand on your thigh, massaging it through the denim as he stared at the screen as well. “your not doing so well, huh princess?”
yes, these words did get you dripping wet. yes, you did want to take these two boys to the private rooms upstairs and...and maybe do things you shouldn’t do with your two best friends. wait, two?!
you turned your spinney chair around, ignoring the two men beside you before seeing the sight before you. jisung and jennifer literally making out on the couch, fucking disgusting. 
you got up in your seat, causing jisung to look up and chan to jump. “i’m leaving, i’ll finish it tomorrow” you said, grabbing your bag and exiting the room. the slightest of tears blurring your vision before you could whip them off and call it a night. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
after a long night of tossing and turning, you decided to start the morning fresh and brand new. you, and i mean you, were going to confess your feelings to han jisung. there was a little hope for mutual feelings but mutual or not you decided this was the only way to move past him. just rip it off like a bandage, and then you can give chan and changbin a real chance. 
you wore a black crop top with a plaid skirt and jisung’s favorite combat boots and headed out for the door. by the end of the day, you would be smiling in satisfaction whether you liked it or not.
small skips made your trip down the hallway to your studio cheerful before jisung could step in your tracks, making you stop abruptly in front of him
“hey, y/n! are you good? i saw the way you looked last night before you left”
“yeah, i’m doing alright.. thanks jisung!” you exclaimed before continuing your way to the studio. wait shit, maybe you should tell him now?? later??
you turned on your heels to see jisung facing you as well. “wait!” you both said in unison. laughing at the coincidence you two quickly met again
“you go first” jisung said eagerly before you could stop him, “no..no you go first!!” you replied with a smile on your face. you were sure what you had to say was going to end the conversation. 
“i...ummm” jisung started. 
“mhmm” you hummed, waiting for him to get over what he had to say as butterflies flipped your stomach
“i... i think i’m falling for jennifer. i’m gonna confess to her tonight”
you almost choked on your breath before you could pull a quick cover, “i’m sorry.. what?”
“i really like her y/n, only you and me know about this”
“well.. good for you jisung!” you said, giving him a pat on the back before looking back at your studio door. “well i have to get working now, good luck with jennifer” you winked before running back. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
seven hours later, you found yourself writing a track about how you should “never follow your heart” and “it leads to heartbreak, dont trust yourself folks”. completely different from stray kids message. as one of their producers you knew this was a failed production, pulling down your pair of headphones and throwing them to the ground
what was up with you? you told yourself by the end of the day you were going to feel brand new. at the moment you felt raged over past lovers. it was devastating, to see jisung find a girl like that but it was the only truth.
finishing off the song on a terrible note you grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder as you walked past the hall in the full moon’s midnight.
the building was dead silent, only for the slightest of sounds to be heard. your instinct asked you to follow it, the sounds leading to the spare room. you stood by the doorway, taking a peek inside to see jisung and jennifer.
“shit” you cursed, quickly turning away and blinking quickly a few times. this wasn’t real right?? they weren’t seriously fucking in your company building right?
you took another peek inside to find yourself taken back. jisung found on the edge of the table, his hips thrusting into jennifer’s at rapid pace and it only got you thinking, ‘what if that were me?’
shit, bad move y/n. it was one thing to imagine it, but after you said it to yourself it became real. what if that were you? you felt the all too familiar wetness build up near your core as the need to fulfill it came by.
screw it, if they thought they could make out in the company building, what’s wrong with pleasuring yourself? your felt your hand unconsciously pull your jeans down, your fingers brushing over your folds as you teased yourself before dipping them in. you knew it wasn’t jisung but the thought of him kept you doing as your fingers came in and out.
adding a third finger in, you felt yourself come your orgasm, the juices falling over your fingers. taking a second to regain your posture you grabbed a few tissues from your bag to clean up.
after you pulled up your jeans you took a second to look back before walking away, leaving all your feelings at the door.
“y/n!” you heard a voice call from behind you.
you were hoping to not be disturbed as you tried to runaway, but you quickly found yourself running into chan’s arms.
“y/n...” chan whispered, his arms inviting you in for a hug. “what’s wrong?” he asked, his fingers running through your hair.
“nothing’s wrong chan” you replied with a shaky voice.
chan grabbed your cheeks in his hand, giving it a little squeeze before responding.
“don’t lie y/n, im not a stranger you know”
you chuckled at how well he knew you before giving him a tight hug.
“ill explain later, now can we grab some food or something? im starving”
“of course, my treat” chan said before dragging you to the elevators nearby
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
the next day you had to work with jisung to finish the song you had been procrastinating on ironically because of him. a few hours were dedicated to purely finishing the track before you two could plop down on the couch, sharing a burger and fries like you two always did.
“hold on.. wait jisung you have a little something” you said, grabbing a napkin to wipe the ketchup off his face
jisung watched as your leaned closer, slowing leaning himself back
“jisung, quit it!!” you giggled as jisungs expressioned turned into a smile.
you reached out to wipe the sauce off because you could lose your balance, falling on jisungs chest.
jisung panted in relief, his chest rising and falling below your cheek. “y/n...” he whispered, his hands finding themselves wrapped around your waist.
he missed times like this, and so did you. the sudden comfort you two brought each together was indescribable and that’s why you two worked so well with music. you were each other’s muse, each other’s inspiration.
you got up from his chest, smiling as his smirk turned into a frown. your cheeks flustered red as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“i missed you, you seemed off these past few days but i want you to know im here- okay?”
“okay...” you whispered in a soft voice, “im gonna go to the bathroom” you continued, trying to break the awkward vibe in the room.
“no problem” jisung said, grabbing the bag of french fries as he watched you leave the room.
you walked out the door, your heart beating out of your chest. not being able to handle it, you had to get yourself out of there. seconds could’ve slipped by and you would’ve kissed him. you really wanted to kiss him.
checking the clock, you realized time passed by much quicker with jisung and it was already late in the night. the quiet halls of the building gave it away, except this time you knew you weren’t alone with jisung.
funny thing was, you heard those voices one again. was this like... some sort of ghost trying to remind you of what happened last night? the sounds felt all too real, all too heated as you followed them to the same room from last night...
and you saw what you never thought you’d have to witness.
it was jennifer and chan.
your jaw dropped at the night, chan biting his lip and jennifer’s naked figure ahead of him. but this time you didn’t feel the same.
cut chan some slack, you remembered jisung mentioning you were the only two who knew about the relationship. but jennifer, god you knew there was just something about her. you should’ve followed your first impressions.
you made your way to the door, taking a second to catch your breath before contemplating about what you were about to do. should you tell him what you just saw?
without a response, you unconsciously opened the door. jisung was playing on his phone before you could interrupt him.
“jisung! jisung look im..” you said in a ‘hate to break it to you’ tone
“what’s up?” jisung said, putting his phone away to listen to you
“look... i was walking past the hallway and in one of the rooms i saw chan.. and jennifer”
“chan and jennifer?” he said, unsure of what you were trying to point out
“and jennifer was naked” you put emphasis on the last word to see if it’ll help jisung connect the dots but nothing seemed to happen
“y/n...” he chuckled, “look i know what you’re thinking. jennifer is some soft or slut or whorebag and she’s stealing all my attention for you but that’s why im here today!! you didnt have to make up a lie or something” he explained, getting up from his seat
“no..no wait! im serious!!” you responded anxiously, stopping jisung from leaving before he could grab your wrists and give it a small squeeze
“y/n, stop being such a spoiled brat. i know we’re best friends but i can’t always be there.”
“spoiled brat?” you repeated jisungs words. as shocked as you were to see him call you that, you were even more surprised that he had chosen to believe his girlfriend over the girl friend he had for 14 year.
“fuck you, jisung. leave. just go” you said, pointing at the door before watching him shrug his shoulders and leave.
sobbing into the napkins from your mcdonalds order,youre trying to be as quiet as possible now that you’re aware of how the walls fail to be soundproof.
your thinking about apologizing, just going back into jisungs arms when you feel the comfort of two buff arms above you.
“y/n, you good?!” changbin asks in a worried tone, bring your head to his chest.
“i really need someone to hug right now” you said, your voice shaky as you broke into tears again.
“im all arms” changbin said. you grabbed his biceps, pulling him into a hug before finding comfort in his warm upper body
“literally” you giggled, giving his arms a little squeeze
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
the next day, you found yourself stuck with jisung again. he seemed quite sympathetic however, not apologizing for last night but still treating you with a kinder tone.
chan and jisung seemed closer, and it gave you chills. your mind wondered around, what if chan knew jennifer was jisung’s girlfriend?
you shook your head, no.. no that can’t be.
diverting your attention to the boys, you walked out on them again. they watched you leave the room in silence before you could, once again, hear that all too familiar sound.
taking a few steps towards the room, you placed your ear next to the door.
soon your senses forced you to look inside, seeing jennifer seating herself on changbin’s leg.
jisung... god jennifer needs to just fuck off. before you knew it jisung was staggering out of your studio, running towards the door you were listening into.
“y/n.. what are you looking at?” jisung said, taking a peek inside before gasping
“you were right, she was cheating on us” chan said, not hesistating to take a step forward and open the door.
in a split second, jennifer turned her head, startled for your arrival. “guys!” she exclaimed, before changbin could softly push her off her leg.
“guys... what do you mean guys? fuck off jennifer” jisung said, making you smile at the words you had wanted to say to her so badly
“look changbin...jisung.. chan i can explain” she started before being interrupted by chan
“there’s no explaining, just leave before we embarrass you even more”
chan’s words made jennifer’s cheeks red before she could run out of the room.
you gasped at the way she left, looking towards the boys who were now standing side by side in front of you.
“wait, you guys knew?!” you asked, looking at jisung
“yes y/n.. im so sorry i didn’t listen to you”
you shook your head in disbelief, “well how did you find out?”
this question left changbin and chan laughing before chan could grab jisung’s steady shoulder
“y-you won’t believe it y/n, she said jisung’s name while making out with me! you think this beauty could even compare to that?!” chan asked sarcastically
“ i hope you’ll forgive me.. i didn’t mean to get mad at you. i only found out last night” jisung said, his hands tight in his pockets as he waiting for you to reply
you looked down at the ground trying to put the pieces together before responding “it’s alright jisung, i won’t let some girl get in between the three of us”you smiled.
looking at the three boys in silence was something of a rare occasion. your legs squeeze together as you remember how well they worked around jennifer... just thinking.. hoping
“fuck, y/n” changbin said, biting him lip. “if you could be any more obvious”
jisung snickered at changbin’s comment, “who is y/n looking at with her pussy so wet like that? i really can’t tell”
you inhaled sharply at chan’s words.
“now tell us y/n... who do you like out of the three of us?” chan asked, his arms crossed as he looked down on you
“uh…i don’t know. i used to like jisung but now i like all three of you?” you replied with a stutter.
in the three years of being with 3racha you never knew it’d end up like this. the sexual tension in the room made your heart beat fast and their presense intimidated you like no other.
“pfft, you hear that hyung? she likes all three of us” jisung said with a smirk, taking you by surprise that your own friend could call you out.
this excitement only reached its peak when changbin stepped forward, placing a finger beneath your chin so your eyes can meet his
“that’s right… y/n is our little slut” he smirked. you let out a whine at his tone before chan’s arms could wrap around your waist from behind, “and what should we do with our little slut?” he asked, making your body fall into his touch like putty
jisung let out a chuckle before he could join the three of you, his hand slithering underneath your dress.
“hyungs, we fuck her senseless until she can decide who she likes
chan was quick to grab your hips, grinding your ass over his hard member as jisung slowly tugged down your pretty skirt
“babygirl, who are you so wet for?” changbin whispered in your ear before his hands could rip open your shirt, quickly reaching for your bra.
with chan’s assistance your bra was taken off, jisung’s fingers giving you no mercy and thrusting his fingers in and out of your core.
the three boys set you on fire, your back arching for more of each boy. changbin’s lips met your erected nipple and he sucked on it harshly. chan’s pants coming off as you continued to grind on his member. jisungs fingers working wonders on your clit.
it felt like an endless cycle of pleasures, receiving and giving with no stops. you were so close to your high, your ass moving on chan so jisung’s fingers could meet your sweet spot.
hands were all over your body, each exposed piece of skin warm as the boys spoiled you with love.
“fuck.. fuck y/n are you close?” jisung said, groaning at the sight of you tightening around his fingers.
“g-god yes!” you squealed as you cummed all over jisung’s fingers.
chan smirked, making eye contact with changbin as they held onto your shaking legs.
“you think you can help us out now babygirl?” chan asked, placing a few kisses on your neck to help you calm down from your high.
you nodded submissively before you could lie down on the ground. not knowing how this was going to work, you lied on your back hoping the three would figure it out and oh boy did they figure it out.
changbin held his member to near your lips. “open up, princess” he commanded, you politely obeying and letting his slip his cock into your mouth.
he started off with slow movements, your tongue playing around as he stroked your cheeks. “you’re doing so well” he praised, smiling as tears came across your eyes while he sped up.
the pain soon turned into pleasure, your hips squirming before chan could hold them tight.
“you ready babygirl?” chan asked, placing a few kisses on your abdomen. you nodded, bobbing your head up and down on changbin’s member as you did so causing him to moan.
at the sudden movement, chan entered his member into your dripping core. one hand held onto your hip, nailing digging into your skin whil the other grabbed changbin’s shoulder to pace himself.
both boys groaned as their high was approaching, jisung pumping himself as he watched the masterpiece before himself. it seemed almost like a porn clip, something people would throw their money at if broadcasted.
three beautiful boys and you, the two of them reaching their high. chan’s thrusts slowed down as his nails digged deeper into your skin.
“im close y/n” chan said before he could cum inside you.
a line full of curses followed as your tongue swirled around changbin’s cock, causing him to cum inside your mouth as well.
to make sure you were okay, changbin got off you and watched as your heavy panting could take over. you licked your lips dry before collapsing onto the ground, “fuck, that was so hot” you chuckled to yourself.
“that was..” chan agree before the three boys could sit side by side next to you.
jisung came closer to your lips, pressing a small kiss before pushing away the stranded pieces of hair that stuck to your forehead with sweat
“you did amazing love” jisung whispered with a smile
changbin joined in as well, his hand rubbing your inner thigh as he kissed a few spots near your core making you whine from the pain
“don’t worry baby, you did so well”
you smiled as the three boys looked at you with such satisfaction before chan could grab your hand
“but i guess the original question was... who do you like out of the three of us?”
you took a deep breath as they looked at you with anticipation, waiting for an answer. you took a second to look at chan, jisung, and changbin before licking your lips.
“i like....”
a/n: you choose reader ! :D
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moonlightdreamzz · 4 years
Serenity — Mark Lee
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Request: “Hi love! 💋 can you do a scenario with Mark Lee where he sees you being too in your head, stressing about life, being low-key frantic, freaking out about basically nothing, pulling at your hair, over organizing, etc. and he tries to calm you down and get you to relax in however way you see fit??? That was a whole lot... sorry lol”
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A sight always too painful to see—you in distress. Mark can’t stand to watch you pulling at your scalp, taking deep breaths in attempt to calm your staggered breathing. Watching you run around the house, scrambling to clean every spec of dirt, delete every residue; he always was quick to step in and tell you to stop.
You getting like this wasn’t a common sight. Truthfully, you never got angry when you were supposed to. In those moments, you would suppress your feelings, always wanting to stay the ray of sunshine you had been labeled as. Mark is watching the way your curves are making their presence known in your velvet pajama shorts, and crop top that will show what’s his if you reach up the shelf just a little bit more, and his fingers are rubbing up and down his legs. He’s thinking about all the times where he would get on you about being so nice to the wrong people.
“Slow down.” He finally speaks, but still he doesn’t move.
Not to his surprise, you ignore his request. Quite frankly, you probably can’t even hear him. Once you get in this zone, you’re stuck until someone yanks you out and Mark understands this—he understands you, so he’s up and he’s walking to the bookshelf where he finds his home behind you. His arms snake themselves around your frame, and he makes sure to press his soft cheek to yours.
You’re trying to move, but he can feel you giving up slowly.
“Just let me finish re-arranging these, please.”
Your voice is slightly cracked as you whisper your request, and naturally, Mark presses a kiss to your ear. It’s poetic, similar to when he has a pen and pad in his reach, and he doesn’t remove it. He keeps his lips there, even as you try to wiggle out.
“This isn’t what you need.” He says. “You need me.”
“Why don’t you help me with this?”
“Because this isn’t how you cope with your problems. I promise you this is only making you more stressed.”
He waits in position, expecting you to at least turn around and look at him with your beautiful eyes that could bring a thousand memories to his foggy mind, but you don’t. You lean over the shelf, placing your forearm down for your forehead to land on. You’re fighting yourself. One half of you so badly wants to tell him to please just give you an hour alone to rummage through all the unpacked boxes from your home, or unnecessarily clean the bathroom, but then the other half—the half that Mark is trying to get to hear him wants to relax. It knows it needs to have a seat and talk to your boyfriend who’s only passion in his personal life is to make your everyday serene.
You take another deep breath before dropping everything to the ground.
“Mhm.” He cheers and rubs your belly at the same time, although his voice is still very quiet.
“You’re lucky you’re you.”
And he is. He knows the power he holds over your entire being, and he can’t say he doesn’t enjoy it. The way you look at him, crave him—it makes him feel like the most important man in the world, and he has a duty. He’ll never take advantage of it though. I mean, how could he when he feels the same way about you? You have him on lock, and the key was thrown away a long time ago.
“Your hair looks nice.” He compliments as the two of you plop down on the couch. It was a wig he had seen you purchase not too long ago over a very lengthy FaceTime call. Of course it looked amazing on you. Everything did.
He can’t help but notice the way you lean towards his opposite. He knows you’re not upset with him, but he always gets so somber when you run from him regardless.
“Thanks.” You sigh, and your hands are covering your face. The french tip polish that’s covering your fingers are a perfect match; your hickory colored skin creating the perfect comparison point for him, and anybody else who was an intellectual.
“Your skin looks good too.” With this statement, he rests his hand on your ankle, rubbing up and down.
“I’ve been using that new face wash you gave me for Christmas.”
Anybody else would assume they’re talking to a wall, but Mark doesn’t mind. He presses his lips to your knee, before slapping your butt. “Talk to me.” He prompts. His sweet demeanor is still there, but his tone has become much more firm. You don’t have but so many more seconds to speak before he starts to purposely annoy the truth out of you.
“Honestly babe, it’s so stupid.”
“I know.” He says instantly, and he mentally slaps himself. The shocked expression on your face tells him that you weren’t expecting it either, but it also makes a smile creep onto your features. “Wait wait, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant, I know you sometimes get stressed about small stuff. But it’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not like you walk around pushing people and yelling at them.”
“I know.” You breathe out, “I just have so much studying to do it doesn’t make sense.” You’re finding your voice just as you always do, and he always loves this part. You’re about to rant about everything that’s happened in your week. Well at least, that’s what he was expecting. You tell him a dribble of things that annoyed you, but after that, you stop. You also find your way into his hold, and he doesn’t hesitate to embrace you tightly. “Make me feel better.” You mumble straight into his chest.
“In which way?” His eyebrow raises, and as soon as you laugh, his hand is slapping your behind again with a thud as his bottom lip connects with his teeth.
“I’m not some toy, Mark.” You giggle, but even so, you’re straddling him.
“You’re right.” Your lips connect sweetly, “You’re not some toy, you’re my toy.”
“Is that right?”
“You don’t agree?”
You don’t respond—well, verbally. Your bodies are connecting in something heated before you pull away.
“Let’s make dinner.”
“Okay.” He speaks quickly before moving back to your neck.
Your hands are on his chest pushing him back. “No Mark, I mean right now.” You’re teasing him, but he never minded. He would wait forever for you, and you know that.
“You want your favorite?” He sighs, although the smirk is prominent on his face even through his flushed and hued red features.
“Well, I get that after dinner.” You say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “But I do want my second favorite.”
“Aka something I can’t make. You want me to call Doyoung don’t you?”
“No. I want me and you to go in that kitchen and do a lot of stupid things.”
Any other day, he would fight it, but he can’t now. Your eyes are too pure as your hands rests on his cheeks, nose nuzzling his own.
“Okay. But don’t get mad when I burn your shit, baby.”
“You won’t!” You assure, before he’s picking you up in the same position, and running you two into the kitchen.
Mark was in fact correct, just as he always was. It was actually worse than be predicted, and you also ended up cutting your finger.
“I told you.” He says, voice echoeing through your large bathroom.
“You did tell me.” You pout like a child.
He’s wrapping up all your wounds better than you would have imagined. You expected everything to fall out of place the minute his hands released the cloth, but he didn’t.
“I have a better, more safe idea.”
“Shh.” He voices, pressing a finger to your plump lips. Of course you kiss it, and that brings an intense smile to your boyfriends cheeks. “Come on.” He encourages with a hand.
Mentally, you’re questioning it all, but you take his hand anyway, letting him lead you back to the living room. He’s rummaging through your many movies, and you’re about to sit on the couch before he pulls out a much bigger object. It’s Frank Oceans first album—made to be played on an original record player.
“You don’t have to do this.” You plead. You know how much Mark hates to dance, especially in a setting like this, but he ignores you just as you did to him earlier.
“I know.” He agrees. He approaches the device smoothly, lifting what you referred to as “the pointy thingy”. He places the cd on the spinner gently, pressing the button to make it move.
Thinkin Bout You is slowly crawling all over the walls, and bringing chills up your spine. Mark was constantly playing this song on the guitar and whether you had the voice of an angel didn’t matter. You both would make attempts to sing in attempt to make your day a little brighter.
You’re so lost in your recollections, you jolt when your boyfriend approaches you—left hand on your waist and the other grabbing your hand to hold. “Don’t try to fight me on this.” He whispers, and it’s in a tone you had never heard before. He was always so gentle with you, but as if it was even possible, his voice is even lightly and fluffier. He was really worried about you this time.
“I won’t.” You agree, putting your chin on his shoulder.
The two of you are swaying side to side, allowing Sir Ocean to keep your steps in check.
“How was your day?” You finally break the silence, but even so, your voice is barely audible.
“It’s always a great day when I’m with you like this.” He mumbles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“No—I mean thank you for—
“Always knowing what to do.” He’s chuckling. Even when you try to take away his credit for knowing your every move, he proves you wrong.
You’re shy, head buried into his shoulder now. “Exactly.”
“You know I’m always going to be here for you, right? I’ll never get tired of this.”
“I hope so.”
“Don’t hope—know. I love you.” Are his last words before he’s haulting your dancing slowly. Now his arms are wrapped around your waist, and his kisses are wetting your neck. It’s loving, and it’s proving he meant what he said as if he was touching you already. Your favorite feeling is up next—him rubbing up and down your back, then moving to your bossum. “Let me show you. Can I show you?” Are his final words before he’s picking you up and lightly placing you on the couch.
His kisses are hungry, and they’re saying I love you all at once. Mark was so, so good at making you feel like the only girl in the world.
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the-regal-warrior · 4 years
Earl Grey and Cappuccinos: Part Two
This chapter is so long, and I’m so excited to share all of it with you. As always, @nalgenewhore is my very creative bestie, and she’s responsible for some of the really cute dialogue you’re about to read. Also, Dee Dee, Jello, and Jett came from her mind - I just expanded. Also, the music that gets mentioned here - all of that came from her.
The other part of this story, along with everything else I’ve written, can be found on my masterlist, which is linked in my bio.
Summary: It’s a Coffee Shop AU meets Rival Tattoo Artists AU meets Elorcan k- do I even need to say anything else?
Warnings: Still just language.
Elide knocked on the door to Lorcan’s apartment, wiping her hands on her black mom jeans when the sound echoed loudly in the empty hallway. She cringed at the noise, looking over herself one final time to make sure she looked presentable for their date. She’d chosen a red crop top to pair with her jeans, and even though her arms were covered, the low neckline showed off the tattoo arching over her chest perfectly. Tied all together with her signature platform Doc Martens, she looked like the badass babe everyone always told her she was - if she could only shake her nerves. 
Before she could make herself even more freaked out, the door opened and she was met with the sight of Lorcan’s defined torso wrapped in a dark grey Henley. Glancing down, she saw he’d paired it with dark wash jeans and dark high-top Chucks. “Hey,” he greeted, dropping a kiss to the top of her head before motioning her into his apartment. 
Reaching up to tap a finger against the arm of his round-rim glasses, which somehow made him even more handsome (especially given the contrast they provided with his septum piercing), she replied, “hey yourself, babes.” Elide let out a small chuckle as she looked over the inside of his apartment. It was an industrial loft, but everything was dark - from the walls to the furniture to the tiny pitbull puppy peering at her over the back of the sofa. “Oh my gods that is the tiniest puppy I’ve ever seen.”
He grinned at her as he moved toward the dog, offering the tiny creature a gentle smile. “His name is Dee Dee, and he’s very shy.” Lorcan picked him up, cradling him in his arms as the puppy gave Elide a nervous look. “You can come say hi if you want, but he’s not big on people.”
Giving the puppy a soft smile, she approached the two of them slowly, one hand extended towards Dee Dee where he was burrowing into Lorcan’s chest. He gave her a long look, almost like he was deciding if he could trust her or not, but after a moment he pushed his little nose against Elide’s palm. “Hi,” she whispered, giggling when he started to lick her fingers. “Did your silly daddy name you after the bassist of the Ramones?”
“Well I’ll be damned.” He stared at her with a look of shock on his face, and it only grew when Dee Dee began pawing at Elide’s hand, trying to crawl out of Lorcan’s arms and into hers. “He’s never been this sure of anyone before. And yes - yes I did name him after the bassist of my favorite band.”
“Of course you did,” she replied, scooping Dee Dee into her arms and scratching him behind his ears. “I see someone never quite got over their teenage angst - I don’t think this apartment could get any darker.”
Lorcan laughed at that, a strand of dark hair falling over his glasses, since he’d left it loose for their date. “Lucky for you, I lost enough of that angst that I realized blackout curtains were unnecessary - and a little creepy.”
“And you’d be right on both counts.” Elide smirked at him, elbowing him lightly in the stomach when he just shook his head at her. 
“As much as I hate to break up this little cuddle-fest between the two of you,” Lorcan started, reaching out to take Dee Dee back, “I think you and I have a date planned?”
“You know, I do remember something about that,” she quipped, leaning down to kiss the puppy’s head before he curled up in a little ball on the couch after Lorcan put him down. “Bye sweet boy - I’ll be back to visit you soon.”
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he began leading her toward the door. “I’m glad Dee Dee likes you, though it does mean I have to work that much harder to impress you today. I hope you like what I have planned, which includes our first stop - the bookstore.”
“I’m sure I will, babes, since you’re already off to a great start - you know, with the adorable puppy and all. And I must say, the glasses are an added bonus - they make you even more handsome. But, do you mind if we make a quick stop first? I promise it’s right on the way - and I think you’re gonna like it.”
“Anything for you, mamas.”
Lorcan couldn’t help the grin that seemed to be permanently fixed on his face when it came to Elide Lochan. The minute he’d opened his door and seen the phases of the moon inked across her chest, with more of the design spilling down between her breasts, he’d been completely gone for her. And when Dee Dee, his sweet, shy little pup who hid from everyone, took to her with hardly a second thought, he’d fallen even further than he thought was possible. 
The object of his affection was currently tugging on his hand, a bright smile spread over her lips as she tried to get him to stop. He realized they must have reached her intended destination, and he turned to face the building, curious to see where she had taken him.
They were in front of the record store. 
“This is my surprise?” he asked, tugging gently on the hand he still had twined with hers. “The record store?”
Turning to face him, Elide knocked her forehead against his chest gently before giving him an exasperated look. “Wow, you’re a perceptive one, huh?” She said it in the driest tone he’d ever heard another person use, and he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. “Nothing gets by you, does it?”
He merely raised an eyebrow at her, not deigning her sarcasm with a response. Lorcan could see the edges of her lips starting to turn up, and he knew she was fighting a grin.
“No, babes,” she continued, resting her chin on his chest, “the store isn’t your surprise - it’s the idea that goes along with it. I thought that we could pick out records for each other? Since we both like music and seem to have the same taste?”
Hearing the uncertainty in her tone, he couldn’t help but kiss the tip of her nose. “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”
The resulting smile she gave him stopped his heart in his chest. 
After browsing the store for a solid twenty minutes, they’d both made their purchases and were ready to show them to each other. Though they’d wandered around the store separately in order to surprise one another with the records they’d picked out, Elide had twined her fingers with his every time she had to walk by him. She’d hold on even as she kept walking, not letting go until she absolutely had to. And, each time, she’d turned to watch him just as their hands separated, a small pout pulling on her lips as they lost contact. 
She came bounding up to him where he was waiting on the sidewalk for her, a beautiful smile on her face as she ducked under his arm and wrapped her own around his waist. “Hi,” she murmured, lips pressing against his chest in a gentle kiss.
“Hey you,” Lorcan whispered back, one arm falling around her shoulders as he tugged gently on the ends of her hair. “Ready to show me what you found for me?”
Offering him a wry smile, she giggled and shook her head. “You first.”
He just furrowed his brows and gave her a confused look, but he handed over his bag anyway. “I just - I saw this one and it just screamed your name at me. I hope you like it.”
Setting her other bag on the ground by her feet, Elide offered him a quieter smile that was a little more shy than the others she’d given him as she opened his bag. “Oh my gods!” she squealed, her eyes lighting up as she pulled Vive le Trash ‘74 by the New York Dolls out of the bag. “Lorcan, this is perfect!”
She pressed the album to her chest, and Lorcan felt the tension ease out of his shoulders. He’d been so nervous that she wouldn’t like it - he’d actually been afraid that she’d hate it. Even though she seemed over the moon about it, he still asked, “you really like it?”
”Babes,” she whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to his jaw. “I love it.” Her fingers ghosted over his jaw as she slid her arm around his neck, scraping her nails over his neck in a comforting gesture. “You had no way of knowing this, but live albums are my favorite albums. Something about them just speaks to me. You couldn’t have made a more perfect choice.”
“I’m glad to hear it, love.” Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, he kissed her forehead. “Alright mamas, let’s see what you got me.”
Elide nudged him with her hip as she leaned down to grab the bag on the ground, and he winced theatrically and stumbled back a couple steps. Laughter tumbled from her lips, and he knew then and there he’d do anything to keep hearing that sound. “Now,” she started, grabbing his hand to keep him from taking the bag, “please keep in mind that there is a reason behind this.”
“Uh huh, whatever you say, mamas.” Giving her a skeptical look, Lorcan glanced into the bag she’d handed him. He could feel the confusion settling across his face, and he knew she could see it the minute he met her eyes. “Plastic Letters? You got me Blondie?”
“Erm, yeah?” He could hear the question, the hesitation, the uncertainty in her voice, and he hated that he’d put it there. “I just figured that you need to branch out from the one band you listen to.” She giggled as she said it, and he couldn’t help but join in, even though she still seemed unsure of herself. “And, I did hear you humming The Tide is High when we were at lunch the other day, so I just thought you might like it?”
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he nuzzled her temple with his nose. “Can you keep a secret?” When she nodded, he continued, “Blondie is actually one of my favorite bands. You did good, El.”
He felt her sag against him, and he heard her sigh of relief. “Oh thank Anneith. I was so worried you didn’t like it.”
“That could never happen - somehow you know me a lot better than you should, love.”
“Like I said,” she replied, her fingers trailing over his hip, “we’re connected, babes.”
“Indeed we are.” Beginning to lead her in the direction of the bookstore, he added, “let’s go see how deep that connection goes.”
Elide was practically bouncing in excitement by the time they reached the bookstore. Books had always been her favorite escape, and she’d always loved browsing the stacks until she found one that called to her. Plus, spending time with Lorcan was becoming her new favorite thing, and she was excited for their date to continue. 
She made to reach for the door, and promptly drew up short when she felt two warm hands land on the bare skin of her hips and draw her back against a broad chest. Squealing at the suddenness of the motion, she felt Lorcan’s chuckle vibrate through his chest and into her back.
“Just a minute there, Lochan,” he purred, his breath ghosting over the skin of her neck as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “This isn’t an average trip to the bookstore.”
“Oh?” she murmured, tilting her head and arching her back to give him access to her neck. “What’s so special about it then?”
He leaned into her, pressing his lips to her neck and letting them slide over the smooth expanse of her skin. “Well mamas, it’s like this: you sorta stole my idea at the record store, but I was thinking we could pick out books for one another?”
Though the feeling of his lips on her skin was like nothing she’d ever felt before, the sweetness behind his gesture meant more to her. Whirling around in his arms, Elide wrapped her own around his neck. “That’s perfect!” she squealed, kissing his jaw as he pulled her tighter against him. 
Pulling back to look in her eyes, he grinned down at her. “Well, shall we see what we find?
Elide grabbed his hand and started pulling him toward the door before he’d even finished talking, a happy little giggle falling from her lips.
She practically launched herself at Lorcan the minute he walked through the door. She’d picked out his book much quicker than he’d picked out hers, so she’d wandered around the store for a while before deciding to pay and wait for him outside. Elide whispered her plan to him on her way outside, her fingers dancing along his muscled back and shoulders as her lips brushed against his ear - he’d leaned down to meet her when she rose up on her toes, one arm banding around her waist to bring her even closer to him.
Though he’d been looking down at his bag as he pushed the door open, he looked up just in time to catch her as she flung herself at him. Lorcan slid one hand under her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist, securing her to his chest and pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he walked them away from the door. 
Lifting her head, which she’d nuzzled into his neck when he picked her up, Elide met his gaze with her own, a smile pulling over her face. 
“You’re cute,” he murmured, squeezing her thighs. “Did you know that?”
Scratching her nails over the back of his neck, Elide smirked down at him. “I did,” she quipped. “But it doesn’t hurt to hear it again.”
“You’re also very sassy.” Setting her down, Lorcan pressed his lips to the top of her head before reaching for the bag in her hand. “Okay, let me see what you got for me.”
Taking a step back, Elide handed him her bag, giving him a gentler smile when he took it from her. He was grinning before he’d even pulled it entirely out of the bag, and that smile only grew as she saw him mouth the title of the book she’d chosen for him.
“Elide,” he breathed, turning his happy smile to her. “This is amazing. I don’t think you had any possible way of knowing this, but Agatha Christie is my favorite author.” He held up the copy of The Labors of Hercules she’d picked out for him as he added, “and this is one of my favorite books.”
Letting out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, Elide rocked back on her heels, smiling at the happy expression on Lorcan’s face. “I’m really glad you like it.”
“I love it, babe - I really do.”
“Okay, now it’s my turn,” she said, reaching out with her free hand to take the bag he was still holding tightly. “Let me see, let me see!”
“Yes ma’am,” he finally relented, handing over the bag and chuckling when she swore because the handles had gotten tangled, which prevented her from opening the bag right away.
Finally getting the bag opened, Elide couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping when she saw what book he’d chosen for her - The Bone Collector by Jeffrey Deaver. “Oh, Lor,” she murmured, clutching the book to her chest. “I’ve been dying to read this for so long - thank you so much!”
Taking her hand in his, Lorcan smirked down at her. “You mentioned that you’d been watching the show during lunch the other day, so I thought it seemed like a good choice.”
“It really was,” she replied, lifting his hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “So,” she continued, gesturing down the sidewalk, “did you have anything else planned for this date - which has been amazing so far, in case you were wondering.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself - I really like being with you, too,” he answered, pulling on her hand as he started walking. “I was thinking we could grab some coffee?”
“You mean I could grab coffee and you could get tea?” Elide giggled at her little joke, and it turned into a full-blown laugh when he nudged her with his hip. When she snuck a glance over at him, she saw that he was laughing along with her. “I’m just teasing, babes. That sounds like a great plan.”
“Anything to keep you happy, mamas.”
They were about three blocks away from the coffee shop when Lorcan just couldn’t help himself anymore. He had one hand wrapped around her hips, his hand tucked into the back pocket of her jeans as they walked. Her arm was wrapped around his waist, and her fingers were drifting against the skin of his hip where she had tucked them under his shirt. She was talking happily as they made their way toward their destination, and every time he caught her gaze she gave him a smile that made his heart flutter and set butterflies loose in his stomach. 
He saw an alley just to her left, and, nudging her gently with his hip, he used his grip on her back pocket to spin her around and into the alley. Elide wound up with her back pressed against the brick wall of the building behind her, and Lorcan caged her in with his body.
“Hi,” he whispered, his nose brushing hers. Resting one hand on the wall by her hip, he cupped the back of her neck with his other hand. 
Elide’s arms wound around his waist as she looked up at him. “Hi yourself.”
She looked like she wanted to say more, but she cut off when Lorcan’s gaze dropped down to her lips. When he flicked his eyes back up to hers, he realized she had been looking at his lips too. They stayed like that for a moment, pressed together with their gazes locked. He could feel the desire coursing through his veins, and, from the way she arched her body into his, he could tell that she was feeling the same way. 
She was the one to finally break the silence. “Are you gonna kiss me or not, Salvaterre?”
Leaning in until his lips were just barely brushing hers, he murmured, “well, yes ma’am.” The words had just barely left his lips before he was kissing her, the hand that had been resting on the wall coming to encircle her waist and pull her against him. He could feel himself getting lost in the taste and feel of her, the way her lips moved against his making him feel like he was floating and falling all at once. 
He groaned when he felt her hands tangle in his hair, her delicate fingers pulling on the inky strands as she kissed him harder. He’d just swept his tongue into her mouth, a mere tease of the way he truly wanted to kiss her - the way he planned to kiss her as soon as they were alone - before he pulled away, grinning down at her as he pushed himself up to his full height, chuckling as his back popped from being hunched over. 
“Shit, mamas,” he started, his hands cupping the sides of her neck and his thumbs brushing over her jaw. “Kissing you is going to be the death of my back.”
Pouting her lips just enough that it somehow made them look even fuller, Elide started to turn her head away from him. “Well, if it hurts you too much, don’t do it.”
Lorcan just chuckled, using his thumb to turn her head so he could lean down to kiss her again. She kissed him back for a moment, sighing into his mouth gently before she was pulling away.
Turning her head away once again, she said, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
He gripped her jaw, trailing kisses over her cheek and jaw until he was right at the corner of her mouth. “Come here, give me those lips.”
That was all it took before she was kissing him again. He felt her rise up on her toes, and his heart swelled as he realized she was still trying to take some of the strain off his back. 
When he finally pulled back, he couldn’t help but press several soft, sweet kisses to her lips before separating from her enough that he could look into her eyes. She was smiling up at him, her fingers twisting through his hair. “That,” she breathed, “was amazing, babes.”
“Likewise, mamas.” 
They stayed in the alley for a few moments more, just resting against one another and enjoying being so close together. Eventually, however, Lorcan remembered that they had a date to continue, and he took her by the hand, pulling her back onto the sidewalk.
Once they were walking again, Elide slid her hand from his so she could wrap it around his waist. He couldn’t help the grin that lit up his face when she slid her hand into his back pocket. Slinging his arm around her shoulders, he leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
Letting her very handsome date open the door for her, Elide giggled as he inclined his head toward the coffee shop, motioning her into the building. She started to walk, but drew up short when she refused to let go of Lorcan’s hand and that grip caused her to bounce back, since he was still holding the door for her. 
She turned to him with a small pout forming on her lips, tugging on his hand to make him move. He chuckled but released his grip on the door, reaching out to smooth the furrow in her brow before following her inside. 
Thankfully, they’d chosen to get coffee after their shopping, so it was that perfect time of the afternoon when the coffee shop wasn’t that busy. There was only one person in front of them, so they waited for him to order, Elide leaning back against Lorcan’s chest with his arms twined around her waist. She was enjoying just being near him, listening to him hum softly to whatever song was playing on the radio, when the customer in front of them finally finished ordering.
“Hey, guys,” the barista greeted as they moved forward, “what can I get for you today?”
Lorcan squeezed her waist, which she assumed was probably his way of telling her to go first, but all it did was make her squeal quietly at the unexpectedness of it. Smacking his hand lightly, she giggled as she responded. “He’ll have a medium Earl Grey, with just a dash of milk.” A small giggle escaped her when she added, “just enough to taste, but not to change the color.”
“Brat,” he murmured, pinching her side when she turned to face him with a very satisfied smirk lighting up her face. Pulling her into his side, he turned to face the barista, who was staring at him with a patiently amused look. Chuckling slightly, Lorcan said, “And the lady will have a large cappuccino, black - nothing in it.”
Elide was laughing uncontrollably by the time he’d finished ordering, her face buried in his chest. His own laughter rumbled through his chest, and she barely heard the barista’s response as he moved off to make their drinks. 
Tilting her head up so she could rest her chin on his chest, she said, “you’re pretty cute when you manage to relax - did you know that?”
“I guess it’s just easy for me to be myself around you,” he whispered, cupping her face in his hand.
Elide turned enough to press a kiss to his palm. “Oh, love. I feel like I can be myself around you too.”
“That’s good to know, mamas.” He leaned down to kiss her quickly, huffing a laugh when she frowned as he pulled away. “Let’s go get our coffee and see where this date takes us.”
The date ended up taking them back to Elide’s apartment. They’d both decided that they wanted to spend more time together, but they were also curious about the records and books they’d bought for one another, so they decided to head back to her place to listen to music and read. Lorcan was already into the vibe of her apartment and she hadn’t even opened the door yet. She lived in an apartment building that was built out of old shipping containers, and he could see how that played into the internal design of her apartment as soon as they were inside. 
He took in the clean lines that were everywhere, accentuating the lines of the containers that had created her apartment without making it overwhelming. While the outside of the building was brightly colored, she had kept the tones in her apartment muted, and while most of the colors leaned toward the cooler end of the spectrum, there were still flares of brights in the pillows that she seemed to be stock-piling. 
And there was certainly a lot of green. Elide had plants on every possible surface, from her kitchen counter to the spaces on her bookshelves to the open shelves hanging over her sink. Peeking toward her balcony, he could see even more plants out there. “Someone’s a bit of a plant mom,” he teased, gesturing to the room as a whole.
Huffing a breath through her nose, she just poked him in the arm as she set her bags on the counter. “Yes - and all my plant children love me for it.”
Lorcan chuckled at her, setting his own bags next to hers. He’d just leaned down to press his lips to her forehead when a blur of grey caught his eye. Peering over her head, he saw a sleek grey cat jump off the sofa and take several slow steps in their direction. “Looks like someone isn’t too sure of you having a guest.”
Twisting in his arms, Elide shook her head at the cat. “That’s Jello,” she started, her voice taking on a bit of an exasperated tone. “I’d tell you to go say hello, but she hates literally everyone but me, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up.” She just shook her head at Jello (who Lorcan was positive was named after the lead singer of the Dead Kennedys), grabbing her album from the bag and walking toward where her record player was sitting behind the sofa, half-hidden behind a very large spider plant.
He nodded once to show her that he’d heard her, but he didn’t take his eyes from Jello, who was watching him carefully. Crouching down, he watched as she sniffed in his direction before taking another step toward him. Apparently she’d decided he was okay, because she walked right up to him and pushed her head gently against his leg.
Holding a hand out for her to sniff, he couldn’t help but smile as she stretched a paw out toward him before she jumped onto his leg. He’d just taken her into his arms and stood back up when Elide turned back around, and the expression on her face was priceless.
“What the fuck?” she breathed, just staring at her cat, who was currently purring away in Lorcan’s arms. “She’s never liked anyone. Like, even when I got her the people were surprised that she liked me.”
“Maybe she just knows that you like me, mamas.” He stroked Jello’s head, his heart fluttering when Elide walked back over to him and dropped her head against his shoulder. 
She giggled at that, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as she looked up at him. “Eh, I guess.” When he gave her an offended look, she kissed his shoulder again. “I’m only teasing, babes - you know I like you.”
“That’s good, since I like you - erm, the fuck is that?” Though he’d been about to lean down to kiss her, he stopped at the sight of the black and white creature that came walking around the corner wearing a little blue t-shirt.
Giving him a confused look, she turned to see what he was looking at - only to make a happy noise at the creature. “Oh, that’s my other cat, Jett.”
“That thing is not a cat, El.”
Elide pouted at him, her brow furrowing at his words. “Yes she is!” Stepping away from him, she leaned down to pick up Jett, the so-called cat curling into her chest and giving Lorcan a curious look over her shoulder. Walking back over to him, she turned so Lorcan could see her little face. “She’s a Sphynx cat, and she’s very sweet.” 
Almost as if she’d understood her owner, Jett (who Lorcan assumed was named after Joan Jett) leaned over and licked Lorcan’s finger, giving him a look that was both sad and curious. He could feel himself melting at that look. “Oh, she’s precious,” he said, stroking her nose. “I’m sorry I said you weren’t a cat.”
Jett reached out for him, so he and Elide did some careful maneuvering until he was holding Jett and she was holding Jello. “Hi, little one,” he murmured to the cat, one hand stroking her back over the shirt. “Why is she wearing a shirt?”
Elide, who had been scratching Jello behind her ears, turned to him with a cute little grin. She leaned up in a request for a kiss, which Lorcan happily gave her before she replied. “Since Sphynx cats are hairless, they tend to get cold easily. Her shirt keeps her warm. It also protects her skin from the sun, since she doesn’t have fur to protect her.”
Turning back to face the cat, he whispered, “We can’t have you getting cold, now can we?” Leaning toward Elide to stroke Jello’s tail, he said, “It’s a good thing they have you to take such good care of them.”
“I love both of them so much - I would do anything to keep them safe,” Elide replied, gesturing with her head toward the record player. “Why don’t we grab our books and we can start listening?” When Lorcan gave both of the cats in their arms pointed looks, she added, “don’t worry, I’m sure the cats will be happy to join us.”
They were reading together quietly with the album he’d bought for Elide playing softly in the background, both of the cats sprawled on the couch next to them, when the song changed to “Give Her a Great Big Kiss.” It was a song that made Elide start drumming on his thigh. When he turned to give her a questioning look, she just set her book on the coffee table and stood up, taking his hand and pulling him up too.
Sighing good-naturedly, he set his book down as well and linked their hands, moving with her as she started to dance around her living room. She was laughing as they moved, and Lorcan loved the sound the more he heard it.
Lifting his hand, he spun her underneath it before pulling her into his chest. She squealed at the motion, the sound spilling into more giggles as he spun her back out and kept twirling her around. The joy on her face made him smile as well, and soon he found himself laughing with her, especially when she tried to spin him under her arm.
They laughed and danced their way through the entire song, only sitting back down when it ended and the next one started. He sat down first, and Elide all but fell into his lap, curling up so she could rest her head on his shoulder. 
She leaned down to grab both of their books off the table, and he couldn’t help but tighten his arms around her waist when she sat back up, pressing a soft, slow kiss to her lips when she looked at him.
He pulled away and took his book from her hands, shooting her a very happy smile before turning back to his reading.
They’d been reading long enough that the album had finished, so Elide reached over the back of the sofa to change it to the one that she had bought for Lorcan. However, that meant that she had to pull her hand from Lorcan’s, since they’d ended up holding hands while they cuddled and read. 
Pulling his eyes from the page in front of him, he pouted at the beautiful girl in his lap. Focused as she was on the task at hand, she didn’t notice his sad look until she’d settled back down and picked up her book. Offering him an apologetic grin, she ran her thumb over his lips before placing her hand back in his and turning her attention back to her book.
Losing himself in his book again, it took him a moment to realize that Elide was no longer reading hers. In fact, he only noticed it when he felt her fingers dancing along the skin of his neck. Glancing down, he saw that she was playing with the chain that he wore every day.
He’d just resumed reading when she pulled the dog tags out from under his shirt, the two of them clinking together gently at the motion. She began sliding them along the chain, content to sit and be close to him while he read. 
They stayed like that long enough for “Poet’s Problem” to start playing, and Lorcan set his book down on the couch beside him before he stood, lifting Elide and setting her on her feet. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his chest, he began swaying to the song. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers sifting through the strands of his hair as she buried her face in his chest. He dropped his chin on the top of her head, the sound of the music and the feeling of the woman in his arms making him feel a sense of peace he’d never known before.
They swayed together until the song ended, and Elide tilted her face up to his for a kiss, which he obliged. It started as gentle and soft, but it soon turned to something more. Even with Elide on her toes, he still had to bend over quite a bit, so he decided to make his life easier.
Sliding his hands under her ass, Lorcan lifted her into his arms, walking into the kitchen and setting her on the counter - which made her much closer to his height. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he kissed her harder, his tongue sweeping into her mouth as she moaned.
He groaned at the sound, his hands sliding into her hair so he could angle her head. The new angle allowed him to kiss her even harder, turning it to something that was all teeth and tongues and biting kisses. 
Eventually he had to pull away to breathe, dropping his head against hers as they both fought to get their breathing under control. Her hands drifted over his arms as his fell to her thighs, and he grinned as he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose before pulling away.
Looking into her eyes, he asked, “will you be my girl, El? You know, officially and everything?”
Though a part of him still couldn’t believe that she wanted to be here, with him, on a date, the smile she gave him showed that it was all real. “I’d love that, Lorcan - more than anything.”
They were both smiling into the kiss he pressed to her lips, and he realized he’d never been happier.
Tags: @highqueenofelfhame @city-of-fae @musicmaam @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty @tacmc @tangledraysofsunshine @lordof-bloodshed @how-to-be-a-bad-ass-be-me @nalgenewhore @bookrebelwordwarrior @sleeping-and-books @photofeesh @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @belamoonbeam @mis-lil-red @julemmaes @empress-ofbloodshed @thesirenwashere
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fullyellowsun · 3 years
Subtle | 10
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I do not own the gif, credit to the owner.
This is my first series so please cut me some slack but also I welcome constructive criticisms! This is in Korean so for those of you who can read Korean and English, go ahead! I will post a full English version link to the Wattpad story in the masterlist!
Pairing: baekhyun x reader, sehun x suah
Genre: kpop group collaboration!AU
Word Count: 1261 words
Description: Today is the day where they start the process of creating the album book by taking photos! Oh, and it's Suah's birthday...
Disclaimer: I have no idea how any of this works. I’m just going off of the little info I DO know so please bear with me as I try to fill the chapters with what I think (or what I just make up) on how to make an album and the other kpop things.
"Yes! Look at each other now! Yes! I like that! Look at the camera!" The photographer directs us as we model for the album. Right now it's me and Dayeon posing because we have to put in pictures by couples. Our theme is red and white so I'm wearing white onesie and red wired glasses. Dayeon is wearing a red flowy dress and has extra blush. The set has one red and one white couch and blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals that match our theme. This is more of a cute shoot and like a chill, cute scene between a couple or friends. Pose after pose after pose, we continue to smile and laugh while hearing the clicks of the camera. "Do a heart! Yes! 좋아! You're doing good! Look at each other! Uh-huh! Smile! Baekhyun, look at the camera! Dayeon, lean on Baekhyun! Pose with the stuffed animal! Wrap the blanket around you! Yes! Cute! Okay good." He looks at the pictures. "Okay, thank you, go change your outfits and Sehun, Suah, you're next!" Sehun and Suah walk up to the set and starts posing. I walk over to the the clothes rack and put on the second outfit. I can hear the photographer directing the photoshoot for the others.
"현아... 현아." 다연 whispers to me as we wait for the staff to switch the set.
"오늘은 수아 생일 이다. We're gonna make a surprise party for her at the dorm and Sehun's gonna distract her." I nod.
"Baekhyun and Dayeon? You're next." This next set was more flashy with a large Christmas tree and I was wearing a red suit (like how Kai was wearing in "Love Shot") and Dayeon was wearing an office outfit that was white but it was more like a mini skirt and the blazer was cropped. There was a fancy couch in front of the tree and a huge white teddy bear with a red bow.
"Wait, is this another cute shoot? I thought manager 오빠 said it was more sexy and classy?" Dayeon asks.
"It IS a classy shoot."
"Then why the teddy bear?" She points to the large teddy bear.
"It's a prop!" She just sighs and gets on the couch. I follow her. She lies across the couch stretching her legs and stares at the camera with a fierce look. I take the big bear and put it next to the couch and sit at the edge of the couch leaning my arms on knees. "She's right... that bear doesn't fit..." the staff takes the bear and the photographer starts taking pictures. We take poses on the couch, around the couch, behind the couch, we even took away the couch to take some pictures with just the Christmas tree. We finished the shoot and moved on to the last shoot of the day. This time, it was a more game-like scene with a very bright scene near a window and a white bed with some fluffy blankets and pillows. Although it was a twin bed, we still somehow both fit on it without breaking it. We covered ourselves with the pillows and had pillow fights. After finishing the shoot, we rushed to the dorm.
"현아, can you fill the balloons?" Dayeon hands me a helium tank and a bag of pink heart balloons. Dayeon went to change the pillows to a bright pink and laying out the food. She puts the presents out. "현아, did you fill the balloons?" She saw the pile of unfilled balloons and how I was struggling with the helium machine.
"Ughhh, I have to do everything." She laughs at my confusion and starts filling up the balloons. "Just... tie the strings to the ends." I pout put still tie the ribbon to the ends of the balloons. The others come and start getting the rest of the dorm ready. Sehun calls Dayeon and she asks me to do the balloons.
"Huh? Please... just gooooo. We aren't ready yet. I'll get you bubble tea after. Pleaseeee...  okay, 2 of them. I'll buy you hanu too. (Hanu is expensive beef) Sehun... it's for her birthday, like say it's her present. 세훈앙~~~~ 제발 좀. 고마워 세훈아!" She hangs up. "We have 1 more hour, Sehun saved us, we just have to buy him a lot of bubble tea after." She smiles brightly. For some reason, I felt slightly jealous that she smiled for Sehun... no, not jealous, erm... annoyed, yeah annoyed! *POP!* "현아! Pay attention!" I look down to see a popped balloon and bits of pink balloon everywhere.
"Hah. 미안..." I try to continue to fill the balloons up but I was still... annoyed. I swallow some helium and try to make Dayeon laugh. "다연아~~~" I say in a high pitched voice.
"Why is your voice so weird?" She says without looking up from the table settings.
"I swallowed helium." I giggle.
"Well that helium is making you high... go, do something." She says. I feel disappointed that she didn't smile or laugh.
"Awww... 내 목소리가 안 웃겨?"
"웃기지. 웃기지만 지금 바빠." She still doesn't move. I walk away but not defeated. I fill up the balloons quickly and walk up to Dayeon and start blowing in her ear. "야! 현아! 그만해!" She starts swatting the air around her ear.
"Rest a little bit, we literally have 9 other people setting up, just rest a little."
"Fine." She sighs and plops herself onto the couch. "Wait, I need to take the cake out of my fridge." She starts to get up. I put my arm out and push her back on the couch.
"REST! There's 9 people." Sunny passes by. "Sunny야! Go take the cake out of the refrigerator."
"I didn't-" she starts again. I put my finger to her lips.
"Rest, for the last time... you said Sehun would stall Suah for another hour right?" she sighs.
"I just feel bad that everyone's doing work and I'm just here... sitting."
"Then you don't need to just sit, watch TV then." I grab the remote and turn on the TV. Soon, everyone else starts watching.
"Dayeon 언니, we finished setting up-"
"누나! 누나! 수아가 온다!" 세훈 runs into the room. I jump up and 다연 turns off the TV.
"Hide!" We quickly hide behind things and 세훈 turns off the light.
"세훈이오빵!" We hear 수아's faint voice.
"Where did she learn that?" 다연 thought out loud.
"어?" 세훈 asked flustered but trying to play cool.
"이 선물을 주셔서 고마워."
"어? 어... it's no problem."
"Why aren't we going inside?" She says innocently.
"들어간다!" 세훈 announces. I facepalm at how obvious he is.
"Why are you announcing-" she says as she opens the door.
"Surprise!" Some people throw confetti at her, some blow on the party noise thing that rolls up after you blow out.
"Ah! Awwww... 고마워 오빠들이랑 언나들!" She smiles. "Is that why you were acting so weird?" She turns to 세훈. He rubs the back of his neck.
"Uhhh... cake!" He points at the cake to change the subject.
"Oh! 그 케이크는 너무 예뻐! No one move." She pulls out her phone and takes some pictures. "okay, you can move now. Awww! So pretty! Where'd you get it?"
"The bakery down the street."
"오 진짜? 거기서 가야징." She says as takes a bit of the icing on her finger and tastes it. "아~~~ 맛있다! 고마워 다들, 진짜, this is the best birthday ever."
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