#the cutest i just want to wrap him in blankies and make him happy
hooned · 5 months
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mornings with jungwon & his super fluffy hair
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fandomregression · 2 years
if it’s okay I love to hear some baby regressor Gus headcanons if you have any!! <3 poor boy never gets a break - I can imagine the entire hexside group giving him so much love & care!!
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Baby Regressor Gus Headcanons!
when gus starts regressing in the human realm, it's pretty obvious. he's so overwhelmed and tired, and he starts acting less like a twelve year old and more like a baby
the fact that he feels so little stresses him out even more, and hunter wakes up in the middle of the night to find gus curled up on the couch crying his eyes out
hunter doesn't really question it, after all this is probably the fifth time gus has started crying since they arrived in the human realm (and it's been two days), so it's unfortunately just par for the course. he get up off the air mattress and flops down beside gus, giving him enough space to keep to himself if he'd rather, but gus grabs his arm and curls into him. hunter holds him until he falls back asleep
it doesn't take very long for them to recognize when gus starts acting younger, and luz is the one to recognize it as age regression (she's read a lot of fanfiction and recognizes it from what she's seen in fic). she tells him about it, and gus is a bit embarrassed. he's already the youngest, he doesn't want to be younger
but luz and amity take him shopping, and he ends up with a couple of pacifiers and a sippy cup, and he gets a stuffed animal and a couple of action figure toys. he's happy now
gus stays with hunter more than anyone when he feels small because he's just so much more comforting. hunter plays with him, even if he's not good at it, and learns the names of his toys and their personalities so he can play with them better
willow is basically gus's mom at this point, and he goes to her if he needs more comfort. he loves getting hugs and cuddles from her, and willow wraps him up in blankies like a tiny burrito and holds him close, and it totally makes him laugh like crazy
when willow and hunter both are taking care of gus, it's just the cutest thing ever. he has more than once called them mama and dada, but it's only when the both of them are taking care of him together. willow takes care of the sweet cuddles and refilling his sippy cup, and hunter takes care of...tossing him on the couch over and over to make him laugh
willow: hunter, don't hurt the baby! / hunter: he loves it watch *scoops gus up and tosses him on a bunch of pillows* / gus: *cackling like crazy*
willow and hunter also will wrap gus up in blankets right between the two of them during movies and keep their baby cozy and happy
amity and luz tease hunter about it, but mostly just because it's hilarious to see him act so sweet with gus (and his reaction to being called dada and willow being called mama is just priceless)
gus plays outside with luz and amity, practicing magic and also climbing all over the playset in the backyard (luz thinks it's fun to push him on the swings, and gus is determined to go all the way around one of these days)
amity makes abominations to play with him too, just small ones that he can chase around, and gus has a blast with that
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
Just checking in to say thank you for bottle baby actor. Wanted to add blanket baby actor who drags his blanket around when he's small. Maybe he leaves it somewhere and y/n has to find it before bedtime? And actor is all crabby and sad until they find it???
okay first off all bottle baby actor and blanket baby actor are two of the cutest phrases i've ever heard in my life thank you for blessing me anon omfg 😭
second of all WAAA YES THIS IS SO CUTE......maybe it's a blanket that he's had since childhood that's always been a comfort to him so he brings it out whenever he regresses, or maybe y/n gifted it to him, or maybe it's just particularly soft and he likes it but no matter the reason it's a Special blankie and he's almost never seen without it when he's baby because that's his baby blanket and he needs it!
except.....sometimes mistakes happen, and he gets a little distracted during play time or a meal or something and ends up leaving it somewhere and forgetting where he put it, and while it's important to him to have it with him when he's just going about his day, it's especially important to him to have it during bedtime, and the thought of sleeping without it already has the poor thing in tears :'( enter y/n to the rescue!
i have two diverging thoughts here, one where mark is small but still verbal and able to talk to them and help them search (though he's not being especially helpful, the little guy is. mostly just pouting and trailing behind y/n while they do most of the looking gkdlsjakg)(he's very upset and small okay we can forgive him), and one where mark is very small and regressed to the point of being nonverbal, and....well.....he can't exactly tell y/n what he wants then, the best thing he can do is cry and fuss at them to make it clear that something is wrong, even if he doesn't have the tools to say why he's sad. y/n has to do a little bit of deduction there, and they have to do it fast because seeing their baby sad is HEARTBREAKING and every single one of their instincts are telling them to fix it immediately and make their sweet little one happy again 🥺
of course they're gonna find it eventually, there's only so many rooms that the two of them have been playing in all day, and y/n triumphantly returns it to their little one to either an excited and sweet t'ank you! or the happiest baby babbling they've ever heard :') it doesn't take mark long to get to sleep after that, all that stress takes a lot out of a little guy after all, and he does it with his blanket wrapped around his shoulders or clutched to his chest like a stuffed animal <3
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fusebcx · 3 years
send ☼ + a ship! ( adam x payton ) @jackfr0sted
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation? payton, and she probably did it for a good reason, too. probably found, like, an ad that said if someone doesn’t adopt the dog, it will be sent to a shelter so she went and took it in, so he can’t even be mad at her for long. later that day, they go to the store to buy some stuff for the doggo. decide on a name together. it’s very wholesome. 
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them? payton, but she wouldn’t really be forcing him. sometimes he doesn’t need any convincing. he’ll just look at her in that certain light, think ‘what the fuck, she’s beautiful’ and take a photo.  sometimes even when she isn’t looking. 
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy? adam. please use this as a reference. also, chances are he automatically stops finding something stupid if she’s the one asking for it. 
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them? payton picks it, adam’s like “are you sure? it’s scary and last time we watched something scary you couldn’t sleep for two days”, she’s like “i can handle it!” but then she’s spooked the whole time so he has to cuddle her under the blankie for moral support. 
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them? adam’s trying to do some bar paperwork stuff like a good manager but she keeps throwing stuff at him and hugging him from behind and trying to straddle him until he picks her up and pins her down. <3 
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated? payton, because adam hates facetime. she is, however, one of the few people he’ll actually do it with and not complain. she used to always ask him beforehand is she can call him on video chat because she knows he’s usually not all for it, but after some time he told her she can do it whenever, doesn’t need permission. he’s always pleased to see her face, tbh. 
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do? depends. sometimes it’s payton but instead of crying, adam gets really fucking mad and breaks something. sometimes it’s adam. he’ll slams the door, too. but if he as much as hears her cry, he’ll be back there in under a minute to hug it out. 
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows? adam, the king of never fucking sleeping. they’ll start watching something in bed together, payton ends up drifting off, and he stays up for at least four more hours, finishing the season. will either put in headphones and try to be very careful not to wake her up or move to the living room like a considerate man. 
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky? adam, cause it makes her squirm and he fucking loves it. will start with the ear, then slowly make his way down her neck, probably feeling her up in the meantime. 
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car? payton and adam’s like “haha wow aren’t you the funniest 🙄🙄” but sprays her back when she’s not looking. 
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays? payton and she looks so damn happy doing it he literally can’t help but have fun as well, even when she puts that tacky santa hat on his head. oh, he also definitely lifts her up so she can put the star on top of the tree. 
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other? adam, but that’s mostly bc he barely ever speaks. 
who plays with the others’ hair more? they both do. both of them have amazing hair, so they take advantage of it. little spa days where he lets payton braid his hair and then tries to do the same with hers. aside from that, he likes to pull it a lot. 
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored? payton. will climb on him like she’s a kitten and he’s a fuckin’ curtain. sometimes starts giving him tiny little kisses, nuzzles his neck, occasionally rests her head in his lap… the whole time, he’s just there like 🥺
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can? ugh, i feel like they both do? perks of not being able to keep their hands off of each other, ig. payton maybe does it more often, but while adam acts all against pda and whatnot, he can be quite a clingy boyfriend. they’ll be at the bar, she’s in his lap, wants to get up to go somewhere with her friend but he won’t let her go until she gives him a kiss. 
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up? payton, and you best believe when i say it’s the cutest little pout.
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up? they both initiate sex. again, not being able to stay away from each other 🙄 but adam is def the dickhead who walks away after getting her excited. wants her all wet and desperate and begging before he wrecks her. <3 
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one? adam thinks he’s too macho for the rain so he probably doesn’t even own one. payton is the one who brings it along, even tries to hold it, gets on her toes to reach above his head before he takes it from her and holds it himself. makes more sense that way, since he’s much taller. 
who demands showering first in the mornings? no one really demands anything. payton usually showers first simply because she’s up before him, but sometimes he’ll join her in the bathroom later on and they’ll have a chat while she’s washing her hair and he’s brushing his teeth. 
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings? they both do because they never lock the doors when showering. always an opportunity for the other to sneak right in, and they take it whenever they can. guess we could say they’re not big on wasting water, yeah? 
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games? payton wants to ride the roller coaster even though she’s scared. adam goes with her so she can squeeze the life out of his hand at all the crazy turns. meanwhile, he likes to sometimes play the games and win stuff for her because she’s always so happy and grateful for every silly toy he brings back. 
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond? payton, she’s just got a lot to say. can’t fit it all into one message. adam probably does it sometimes when drunk because autocorrect just isn’t his friend. 
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight? neither? i feel like adam has thought it’s charging that one time, but he didn’t plug it properly. payton noticed and fixed it so he wouldn’t have a hard time in the morning. heroic behavior. 
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets? payton. she’ll rest her head against his back, they’ll stand there like that for a moment, but then he turns around and wraps his arms around her. 
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can? both, but i lowkey wanna say adam... he’ll often do stuff like randomly pull her into a hug. thinks she smells amazing, likes to keep her close. also, when he cares about you, he’s quite good at giving hugs, so this is definitely fun for both sides. 
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet? again, adam barely makes noises, so probably payton. adam would be louder in an argument, though. and we all know payton’s louder in bed, but he never tells her to be quiet. scream for him, please. 
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Plastic Heart - Part 20
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: When you get the highly-anticipated BTS dolls for Christmas, your life takes a turn in a way you never could have expected. Note: Oof I’m excited to see what u guys think of this part <3 I really like how this story is going so far, and I have some really big ideas going forward... Warnings: None? Word Count: 1.3k
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
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It had been a few weeks since Yoongi had become human. The three of you had settled into a new normal of sorts. While you were in class all day, Namjoon worked at the tea shop in the library, and he was good at it, too. He was friendly with the customers, often memorizing people’s orders, serving them with that handsome dimpled smile.
In his free time, he’d started his own Twitter account on his brand new phone, and he already had a lot of followers. It helped that RM had finally made an official statement using a bunch of cute pictures you’d taken with Joon, explaining that he was his brother from another mother or something. It was cute. In the meantime, your Joon had kind of become a meme around campus. Everyone knew him as the cute RM-looking barista that made them feel like they were living in a coffee shop au every time they went to order tea. Needless to say, your boyfriend had a lot of repeat customers.
That said, he did have a favorite repeat customer, and she was on her way to the library after her last class to get her chai fix.
Once you’d set your backpack in the chair at your favorite table, you got in line at the counter, where Namjoon was standing in his adorable little apron. He smiled brightly at the sight of you, his dimples jumping out of hiding as he punched in the order of the person in front of you. Then, there was only a counter between the two of you.
“Hi, how can I help you?” He asked, unable to wipe the smile from his face.
“Hmmm...I think I’ll have a large iced chai with soy milk.” You stared at him for a second longer before adding with a smirk, “and a study date with the cute barista.”
Namjoon grinned to himself as he punched in the drink order before jabbing a thumb towards the back room. “Oh, sure, want me to see if he’s here?”
“Dork.” You shook your head.
“You love it, though.”
You scrunched your nose, pretending to think about it. “Yeah, I think I do.”
“Usual table?” He asked, and you nodded, walking back to your seat. When your boyfriend emerged, he was clocked out and out of his apron, holding his usual and yours. “How was class, baby?” He kissed your cheek before sitting down next to you.
“It was good. How was work?”
“It was good! I think I’m getting a lot better at making drinks.”
“I’m so proud of you.” You leaned against him, soaking up his warmth. “You really stepped up when I needed you to. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Babe, you’re everything to me. Of course I want to make sure you’re taken care of. We all do.” He turned his head and kissed your temple, rubbing your shoulder. “So, what’s the homework of the day?”
“Just a worksheet from my Stats class.” You told him. For once, you didn’t have any papers due in the near future. “It’s not too hard.”
“Mmm.” He hummed, nodding. Joon took a sip of his tea, arm still wrapped around you. He took his phone out of his pocket and plugged in his earbuds, slipping one into his ear and the other into yours before playing whatever new music he had discovered.
“Well, if it isn’t the cutest couple on the planet…” Luna smirked, sitting in the seat across from you. “I was just at the bookstore down the street from your apartment and I ran into perhaps the handsomest shelf restocker I’ve ever seen. When did Yoongi start up there?”
“Few days ago. He likes it so far.” Namjoon answered. “The old lady who runs the place has no idea who BTS is, but she’s really sweet.”
“Apparently the resident cat is in love with him. He gets cuddles all day.”
“That’s about the cutest shit ever.” Luna held a hand over her heart. “Glad he’s adjusting well.”
“He really is. Thanks for everything, Luna.” Namjoon’s words held so much weight. He owed so much to you, but he also owed about a dozen favors to Luna, and he was sure by the time all of his friends were human too, he’d owe her a few dozen more.
“Don’t worry about it. Forgery is fun.” She shrugged, cracking open her notebook. A little while later, Melody and Ella showed up, too, each of them grinning at the sight of you and your handsome boyfriend. It was still insane that you were in love with someone so perfect for you, but they were happy that you were happy. And whenever you were with Namjoon, you were BEYOND happy.
Eventually, you got your work done, so you and Namjoon packed up and headed home. When you got there, Jin was waiting eagerly in the kitchen for you, standing on the counter by the sink. Joon found Koya, who had been on a little adventure in your apartment, exploring with his little blankie dragging behind him.
“I’m ready.”
“You’re ready?” You giggled, putting your hair up into a ponytail and pulling a package of cookie mix out of the cupboard. You’d mentioned casually to Namjoon and Yoongi the day before that you’d been wanting to bake some cookies for a while, and Jin had been all over that idea, despite the fact that you wouldn’t let him anywhere near the oven, for fear of melting your little plastic friend. “You know, it’s just cookie mix from a box, Jinnie; it’s not that exciting.”
“I’ve never baked anything ever, so this is a start.”
“Do you want to bake things? You know, when you’re human?” You asked.
Jin thought about it for a long time, looking up at you. He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I do. I really do. I want to find a bakery to work in and learn how to bake.”
“It’s good to have a passion, Jin.” You started mixing things into the dry mix after you set the oven. “I’m sure you’ll pick it up pretty quick. The other Jin is good at cooking, too.”
“Yeah, I’ve been watching cooking videos while you guys are all out of the house, and I can’t wait to be big enough to do things.” Jin’s excited expression fell a little bit, his posture slouching. “I try not to, but...sometimes, I just feel so small…”
“Aww, Jinnie…” You swore your heart melted. “Sweetheart...I know it must be so tough. And it can’t be any easier that Yoongi and Namjoon are human now, but...you’re not going to be a toy forever, alright? You’ll be baking cupcakes and cookies and brownies before you know it. I promise.”
“Thank you. This never got to me before, but now...I don’t know. It’s just that now that I know there could be more to life, I can’t wait to have it.” He sighed dreamily. “You know, even when this was all there was for me, I always dreamed of falling in love.”
“Well who knows? I mean, Joon did it, didn’t he?” You glanced at the living room, where Namjoon was standing, Koya cradled against his chest. He kissed his little blue head a few times and you felt something flip in your chest, sunshine bubbling up inside of you.
“He did, didn’t he?” Jin laughed, looking much happier than he had a few moments ago. “Maybe there is hope.”
“Oh, Jin, once you’re the handsome guy working in the bakery, I doubt you’ll be able to keep the women OFF of you.” You smirked. “The men too, probably.”
“You really think so?”
“If you turn out half as handsome as BTS’ Jin, um, hell yeah.” You chuckled. “And given that Yoongi and Joon both look like clones of their BTS counterparts, I’d say you have a pretty good shot of that, too.”
Jin sat on the counter, a giant smile on his face as he watched you scoop out balls of cookie dough onto your pan. “I can’t wait.”
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @lilgaga98, @catbugsugarpea, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @kbowen9, @honig-bienchen, @coolcat494, @ffantasylandd, @feed-my-geek-soul, @ayoo-bangtan, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @cap-lu20, @finninpoposu, @coldbookworm, @sitkafay, @daniawinchesters21, @okaysoplshelpme, @zamirayinyue13, @douseeme16
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official-impravidus · 5 years
Snowed In A Supermarket
When the akuma attack had started it was only a light flurry. A bit of a chill under the magical pleather and latex, but Ladybug and Chat Noir had to find this akuma.
From what they could tell, they were a stuffed animal that could personify other stuffed animals and toys. That made it a little hard to find them in the local Carrefour supermarket with the giant toy section.
The toys weren’t particularly hostile. In fact, they were an army of dancing entertainers for the main stuffed toy. It took an embarrassing two hours of fighting and getting through every one of the toys until they found the akuma in the pacifier in the stuffed white bunny’s mouth and purified it into a white butterfly. Transforming from the tiny fluffy animal, laid a baby, tears already forming in her eyes.
“We should really find her parents.” Ladybug said to her blonde partner. He heard her earrings beep their last beep.
“Go ahead out. I’ll find them.” She smiled gratefully and handed him the child. He sat down, shushing and humming as he bounced the baby and tried not to touch her with his claws. He wanted to calm her down before he went to find her parents.
Marinette, on the other side of the store, stared out of the sliding doors, snow now six feet high.
“Awesome. Great. Fantastic! Perfect.” She sighed and called across the store, “Hey Chat?” The boy in black set the baby down on a pile on the bed display, not wanting to yell near her fragile ears.
“What do you need, Bugaboo?” She rolled her eyes at the nickname, but was too focused on their situation to give a witty comeback.
“Chat, we’re snowed in!”
“What?” She sighed again, yelling louder,
“I said we’re snowed in!”
“Uh no that wasn’t like a ‘what’ like ‘what did you say’ but a ‘what’ like ‘oh really?’ C-can we talk uh not across a large supermarket?” She shook her head, even though she knew he couldn’t see her.
“I’m detransformed! And my kwami needs to recharge!” He nodded.
“Uh okay! Well I’m sure whatever she likes is in here! I’ll just uh stay here!” Adrien turned to the baby who was now babbling and making grabby motions with her hands. He could tell she was only four, maybe five months old. When he went to hold her, she began to cry at the feeling of his suit against her soft and fragile baby skin.
“Plagg, Claws In.” She immediately calmed down at the feeling of his warm fingers supporting her bare arms. “That’s good sweetie. It’s alright. It’s just me.” She grabbed his fingers and he felt his heart warm. “Oh your little fingers are so tiny!” he gushed. “Oh oop that’s my finger in your mouth. Okie dokie you really like my finger. If that’s what makes you happy. Uh what do I call you? I’ll call you Emma. That’s a nice name. Huh Emma? Mhm.” She continued to teeth on his finger and Ladybug approached him from behind but turned around quickly when she saw he was detransformed.
“Uh Chat! I got Tikki, my kwami, some cookies. I can see the baby is in good hands, but I think we are going to be stuck here for a while.” He hummed an affirmation and kissed Emma’s head.
“She only likes skin to skin contact so I think it’s best if we stay detransformed around her.” She frowned.
“But Chat, you know our identities…”
“Have to stay a secret, I know. But do you really think we can stay transformed for the entire day? Two? Maybe even three days? That would be asking so much from our kwamis.” She nodded, about to respond when he exclaimed a high pitched yelp.
“She just threw up on me. I’m gonna go get a change of pants, can you clean her up?” She nodded.
“Will do. We will talk about this later, okay Chat?” He looked back to Ladybug still turned away from him.
“Yes we will.” And off he went to the athleticwear section of the store. As Marinette detransformed, the baby cried at the bright light.
“Oh shshsh. It’s alright.” She rocked the baby in her arms, wiping her mouth with the clean part of her onesie. “Let’s go get you cleaned up, okay sweetie?” Marinette has taken off her onesie, leaving her in her diaper. As they walked, Marinette pointed at everything to keep her distracted. “Look at the red and the blue! Oh look at the teddy bear!” The baby made grabby motions at the teddy bear. “How about you stay here and play with him, and I’ll be right back?” At this point, the baby wasn’t listening and was clutching weakly at the fuzzy toy.
Marinette, knowing she only had a small time slot, ran to the baby section, grabbing formula, a bottle and baby wipes. She then ran aimlessly around the store to get a blanket to wrap around the small infant. When she arrived back to the child, she was still playing with the teddy bear. Marinette sighed a breath of relief and went back to where they had first been, so Chat knew where to find her.
Adrien returned to the spot, walking backwards towards Ladybug, so he wouldn’t see her face in respect of her wishes.
“Uh Ladybug? I’ve gotta warn you, I couldn’t find any pants, just these tight bermuda shorts, so I look a little ridiculous.” She blew air from her nose as she stifled a laugh.
“Of course that’d happen to you, Chat,” she said, not looking up from the baby. Suddenly she gasped. He turned around, his eyes closed, very concerned.
“What’s wrong?” She laughed uncomfortably.
“I guess the way I’m holding her, she thought… well she’s used to… she thought I was breastfeeding her.” He raised his eyebrows, trying to keep his eyes from opening. Marinette pulled her higher
“I-I see.” There was a pause of silence. “So uh about our identities…”
“I think you’re right, Chat. I really trust you and the with the situation we are in, there’s nothing we can do. I’m ready to know.” She chuckled slightly. “And Paris is a big place, it’s not likely we even know…” she looked up and stopped. “Adrien?” He opened his eyes upon hearing his name. His lips parted slightly as his grin became wide.
“Marinette.” He giggled to himself. “You’re… Marinette.” Still awestruck, she responded breathlessly,
“And you’re Adrien.” He let out another breath as he smiled and crouched down to sit next to her.
“I’m so happy it’s you. I’m so happy that Ladybug wasn’t just this facade of heroism that I was hopelessly falling for. You’re a real person and you’re… you’re Marinette. One of the greatest people I know.” She felt blush covering her cheeks as she stared up at him. Adrien Agreste.
Not once did she ever imagine her goofy, selfless, brave, flirtatious best friend be the boy she was pining over. She never realized that Adrien was the same guy who told her about his hard, lonely home life and grief of his mother. She never could imagine that the guy who liked to flex his muscles, jump into the beams of akumas, and did handspring tucks was the same reserved, quiet, polite guy that she had fallen for.
But then everything clicked. The guy she hadn’t given a chance. The guy who truly loved her even behind the superhero personality. The guy who listened to her when she had a hard day and who fought by her side. The guy who shared memories only the two of them could ever have. She did love Chat Noir more than she realized. And now she had the epiphany, that she didn’t give Chat a chance because she was so blindly enamoured by someone she put on an impossibly high pedestal. He was better than she ever imagined, because he was real, and he was there, and she loved him. Not the rose colored dream boy, the boy that stood there right now.
So there he was, the boy she loved with all of her heart, wearing stupid athletic shorts that showed off more than she ever imagined to see, and true admiration in his eyes, and she hasn’t said anything to him.
“Marinette? Are you okay? Do you not…”
“I love you,” she blurted out.
“Y-you what?” Her eyes went wide and the baby started to cry.
“One second, I’ll… I… just one second okay?” She cooed and whispered and bounced and all the things that made this little ticking time bomb feel better, but nothing was making her feel better. She felt her diaper and whispered an “ah” to herself. “Her diaper is full. Do you uh know how to change a diaper?” He shook his head. “Well crap. Neither do I.” She laid her down and began to undo the diaper. Taking a baby wipe she cleaned her messy bum and held the now naked child.
“Marinette can we uh talk about…” she shushed him.
“I’m trying to figure out how to put on her diaper. Hold her.” As he stammered out a response, she carefully shoved the baby into his arms.
“Hewwo Emma. Awen’t you the cutest thing in the wowld?” Marinette looked up with a diaper in her hand.
“Emma?” He looked back.
“Oh that’s what I’m calling her. I didn’t want to call her ‘unnamed child’ while we are with her.” Marinette just nodded, taking her back in her arms.
“Here we go, Emma. A new diaper.” Marinette realized quickly that it is much easier than she expected to put a diaper on a squirmy baby. Picking her up, she wrapped the small chubby ball of energy in her blankie and turned back to Adrien.
“What were we talking about?” Adrien rocked back and forth.
“You uh… you said…” Her eyes widened.
“Uh right. I… I did. So about that…”
“Did you mean it?” She was taken aback by the question.
“What?” He stepped closer to her.
“Just… if you didn’t mean it and it was a spur of the moment thing, I get it. I just, I don’t want to get my hopes and no one has ever truly told me that, I mean sure I have my fans but they’re not I mean they’re not you and I…” at this point, Marinette had set the baby down on the bed and was pulling him down with a hand on the back of his neck, her lips connecting with his. The shock dissolved and he was relaxed, his hands instinctively going to grab her cheeks. She ran her fingers through his hair as their lips moved against each other’s. There was no tongue, there was just lips against lips, a sweet and passionate first real kiss between the teens. As they pulled away, they were out of breath.
“Adrien, I meant it.” He just nodded, breathless. Turning to the baby, she sighed.
“Let’s go find her a baby bed and get some rest, okay? It’s getting dark out now and she’s looking exhausted. It’s been a busy day for her.” He agreed and they got settled for the night. The small child’s eyelashes fluttered as she began to drift to a happy sleep.
“Are you okay sharing this bed with me?” Adrien asked. Marinette smiled genuinely and nodded. She pulled her hair out of her pigtails and decided that she would sleep in her bra that night.
Marinette and Adrien did not get much sleep because as they learned very quickly, babies get hungry during the night. A lot.
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little-owly · 7 years
Aw, little pet play is the CUTEST THING! Of the little ones you write about, what animals do you think they lean most towards? Holly's obviously a birb babe but I'd be super interested to hear some headcanons about the others! :)
AGE PLAY AND PET PLAY AAAAAAA [rubs hands together]gru//mpsarin -- baby tiger, he loves to roar!! he only drink warm milk from his baba because 'tigers only wike warm milk!' he shakes his lil butt and tail around a lotsuzy -- baby kitten, she has a silk purple and black collar with a bell!! she loves curling up on her caregiver's lap. she meows loudly when she wants to be played with!! danny -- baby puppy, he has a tail that straps around his waist so he can wiggle ❤️also loves eating bone shaped cookiesbarry -- baby bear, he and arin giggle and get into roaring contests, and he sure does love honey with his snacksross -- baby mouse, has big grey ears and a cute long pink tail. eats cheese and crackers as a snack, and squeaks as he plays hide and seek from his caregiver!! holly -- baby bird, wears a bird kigurumi and makes happy bird noises when she flaps her arms for her caregiver, pretending to flyjack w. -- another baby puppy, whining and butting his head against his caregiver's knee. barking and giggling while tugging at their shirt, "bork!! 'm puppo!! wan' snackies!"vernon -- baby crow, has a kigurumi, giggles as he tries to make bird noises, loves going 'woosh' as he 'flies', gets along with with birdie holly!!brian -- baby monkey, carries a plushie monkey with him, has a cute monkey tail attached to his diaper, and only wants banana flavored milk in his baba and banana bread in his tummy!!te//am//ip//liermark -- baby puppy, has a collar with a leash, drinks from his baba or drinking bowl, barks and nibbles at his caregiver, "cause puppies gib bestest nibbles!!"tyler -- baby bunny, has floopy bunny ears and bunny tail on the back of his pull ups, drawn on whiskers, hops over to his caregiver and gets fed carrot cake!!ethan -- baby raccoon, has a striped tail on his diaper, a raccoon hoodie two sizes too big for him, and black mittens, hides away from his caregiver and goes through all the places he can just like raccoons do. ❤️(green) jack -- another baby bear, has a cute lil tail on his diaper, likes running around outside and climbing up trees, and like barry, loves honey!! sometimes he roars when he needs the potty or needs a change bc hes a blushy baby bear!!te//am ed//gematthias -- baby deer, has little deer ears on a headband and tail that attaches to his waist. gentle and quiet as he plays with his stuffies (that are animals from the woods -- like him!!)bryan -- baby puppy, just an energetic as them too!! playing with dog toys and barking for his caregiver, "dada/mama/baba, hungry!! wan' sippy!!" he whines as he paws at his empty sippy cupjf//red -- baby sheep, surprisingly quiet and carries a plushie sheep with him. crawls around and goes "baaa" just to make his caregiver smile, wraps himself up in a fluffy white blankie when its too cold!!gu//nner -- baby panda bear, wears panda jammies and roars (very weakly), likes eating celery sticks with peanut butter bc it reminds him of bamboo!! likes playing with bryan when hes a little pet!!samantha -- baby bunny, has tall bunny ears and likes to wiggle her lil padded butt with her bunny tail!! she curls up like a bunny on her caregiver's lap and eats baby carrots!! she doesnt like eating from a water or food bowl -- "its icky!!"bobby -- polar bear, wears white snow jammies and pretends to "catch fish" by picking up his fishie plushies with his mouth, roars the loudest out of all of them!!other 'tubersdodie -- baby kitten, yellow kitty ears and collar to match, meows gently and crawls over to her caregiver, blushing while she pats at her diaper, needing a change.vano//ss -- baby owl, goes "hoot hoot" when happy, has a blue owl kigurumi, nuzzles into his caregiver and makes happy bird noise, is a big boy and goes potty all by himself!!dan (no//t on fi//re) -- baby puppy, floppy doggo ears, tail around his waist and rests on his pull ups, barks at his caregiver and growls/blushes when he gets called a good dog(am//azi//ng) phil -- baby lion, goes roar, has fluffy ears, and wags his tail!! he lays on his back and sips at his bottle while his caregiver praises him, "such a good baby lion, big and strong!!"ma//xmo//efo//e -- baby otter, has brown fur paws, wiggles and plays on a baby blue blankie so he can pretend he's swimming, has his caregiver draw whiskers on him "wike real otters!!"jo//ji -- baby bird, chirps and coos, has a cute little 'beak' he wears and whines because "wanna fly wike weal birds...", only way to keep him happy is to give piggy back rides so he can pretend he's flying!! id///ub///bb///z -- baby puppy, much more aggressive, growls and nips at his caregiver, wears a collar with a leash, but calms down and barks quietly as his caregiver gives him belly scratches!!theres TONS more i write for but we'll stop it here bc its turning into an essay and i doubt anyone read all of them D: but these are just what i think everyone would be!! :D
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little-owly · 7 years
(I know you won't see this until you get back BUT) consider Anti and his knife. He carries it around like a security blankie and screams whenever someone tries to take it from him. Daddy Chase comes up with the idea to put a sheath over it so little Anti won't cut himself!
THE CUTEST IDEA OMGlittle anti being taken care of by the egos but ALWAYS carrying the knife. keeping it in one hand and playing with the other. not letting go of it, taking it wherever he goes, even taking naps with it -- resting it on another pillow. dr. sn//eep jumping in fright when he hears jac//kab//oyman yell, anti throwing a fit. he hears footsteps running towards him and the frantic yells of jac//kab//oyman. "doc," he huffs, "he cut me!! the little demon actually cut me!!" "vhat? let ve see," the doctor asks, looking over the cut in between jac//kab//oyman's pointer finger and thumb. the blood dripping down. "vhat did you do?""i tried setting him down for his nap and he wouldn't put the knife down," he pauses, hissing in pain, "know that i think about it -- why did you let him keep it when he's like this?!""he's anti -- he can do vhatever he vants.""r-right," jac//kab//oyman shudders, "but -- he tries sleeping with it!! what if he cuts his cheek if he rolls over with it or-"the two pause as chase enters the room. hapoy-go-lucky as ever. smile plastered on his face. "sup bros? woah, what happened to your hand?" he asks. another wail from anti making jump back. "anti cut him because he tried to take avay his knife," the doctor explains, bandaging up the wound, "he got him pretty good too!! the bleeding finally stopped.""...then who's checking on anti?"the two exchange looks of guilt. jac//kab//oyman speaking up, "err...marvin's out, so..."chase's natural dad instincts kick in as he drops his backpack and camera to check on anti. the doctor coughing, "vell, chase should be able to fix this, anti surprisingly vikes him vhen he's in headspace." jac//kab//oyman pouts, "i'm a superhero -- he should at least like me more." he says and the doctor pats him back comfortingly. chase reaches the poor little crying anti. knife clutched to his chest and sobbing his heart out, looking back at chase through tears as he crouches down to his level on the comfy couch. "hey there, bud," he smiles, "what's the matter? what's got you so upset?"anti sniffles as chase uses the hem of his shirt to dry anti's eyes. puffy from his crying."hero meanie and -- and tried to take knife," he tells chase. gripping his knife tighter, "don't wanna give up knife." chase coos and comforts him, kissing the top of his head, "ssh, it's okay bud. i understand. but, you do know we don't cut up people like jac//kab//oyman just because, right? it wasn't very nice, he just wanted to make sure you were safe, bud." anti nods and cries into chase's shirt, sobs rattling his body again as he clings to chase. arms wrapped tightly around his body. chase perks up as an idea hits him, gently picking up anti as he gets up himself. anti wrapping his legs tightly around chase's middle. "buddy? i think i have a way to make you and jac//kab//oyman happy," he smiles. rubbing small circles into anti's back as they sneak into marvin's room. chase holding anti as he searches through the drawers before finding the sheath. it's dark red leather thick enough to hide the sharpened blade. "can i see?" chase asks. anti holding the knife to his chest defensively, trying to hide it. "c'mon bud, you can trust me, right?" anti hesitates for a second before slowly handing the knife over. chase winking at anti, "i'll only be a second."anti watches as chase rolls the sheath over the blade. wiping away his own tears as he watches curiously. sniffles escaping from his mouth every few seconds. chase ties it at the handle and hands it back to anti. wondering (and hoping) if anti will take the new idea. hoping to stop the weekly 'little-anti-cut-me-again' visits the poor doctor gets. anti snuggles into chase's shirt, the knife in between them, "t-tank yoo da-" anti stops himself. cheeks blushing before he continues, "daddy."chase feels his heart nearly burst, warm and fuzzy feelings filling him. anti chose him. anti chose him to call daddy first out of all the egos. "you're welcome bud," he kisses anti's cheek, "now lets put you down for that nap. i think someone's gonna become a little grumpy pants soon if we don't," he teases. anti nodding as he yawns. sleep creeping up on him slowly as they leave marvin's roomchase takes his tome getting back to the other two egos after anti is sucessfully put down for his nap. the doctor raising his eyebrows at his return. "alvight, vhere did he get you at? your vrist? your cheek?" the doctor asks as chase laughs. "nah, he didn't cut me."jac//kab//oyman gasps, "what?! how?!" "i helped him realize what he did was wrong and came up with a...little solution.""...was that a pun?""yes." jac//kab//oyman groans as the doctor laughs a tiny bit. the other shooting him a look, "vhat? it vas a good one.""i took one of marvin's old sheaths from his room and tied it to anti's knife. now he can have it and not stab or cut us in a tantrum. its a win-win, yeah?" the doctor politely claps for chase as jac//kab//oyman continues to pout. removing his mask. "oh!! he called me daddy!!" chase excitedly tells the two, his eyes lighting up, "me!! daddy!!" the two smile at how excited chase is about the name. knowing he deserves it more than any of them. going far to take care of little anti, staying uo late and getting up early to tend to his needs, his natural dad insticts endearing. chase goes on and on to the two, the three of them still quiet as ever -- not wanting to wake up anti, who was snuggled up to his blankie and knife ❤️
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