#the diceroll project
asterhalloween · 9 months
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jselorekeeper · 8 months
Jacksepticeye Ego's Explained (1/2)
Welcome my dear viewers to this explanation of the egos and their stories, this is for all theorists new and old who want to relearn or learn more about the egos! To get lost in Jack's world of storytelling.
Let us start with the people behind the making of the ego lore!
Part Two's Link here!
First and most obvious is Jacksepticeye, he plays and makes up the egos through a series of videos, comic books, games, and podcasts to come! (Note the game and podcasts have not come out yet)
Secondly will be TurquoiseMagpie, they are a freelance artist whom Jack reached out to a while ago to help story plan the egos, they tend to tease little hints of lore when we approach new videos including all of the egos.
Third would be Jacksepticeye's editors, which includes Alice Robin (BitofAlice) who has recently retired from working for Jack! Alice Robin started editing for Jack around 2016 and was the first person to help bring egos to life! She spent endless hours editing every single ego to the best of her ability which helped create this world that is not like any other.
Then Trey (Tr8ss) who is a new editor within the group, he has helped bring projects such as IRIS to life! Trey typically edits most of Jack’s stuff now from ego lore to everyday videos when he is given the chance!
We also have Diceroll who is a common editor for Jack who tends to appear at random, he has helped tease the egos a few times alongside just being part of the ride!
Hyper RPG is a company that helps creators create interactive livestreams, virtual production, etc. The company had a part in the production and creation of IRIS and the IRIS interactive live stream.
BadEgg Publishing is a company that helps bring the ideas of comic books to life, recently it has been revealed that BadEgg had a part in the production of the comic books “Void Silver” and “The Somewhat Incredible Jackieboy Man!” or better known as the “ALTRVERSE”
Kyle Horwood is an Indie game developer who has created games such as “Security Booth” which is a game that Jack decided to play one day and absolutely fell in love with. Jack since then has reached out to Kyle about developing an IRIS-themed video game! The game is still a work in progress and has no release date!
The Magic Circle is a UK-based company that surrounds itself based on the idea of magic and show business, The company has been mentioned within the description of Marvin’s lore within the comic books! 
Arin Hanson, or better known as “egoraptor” and one of the faces of Game Grumps! Arin plays as Dr. Hanson (Fanon name) in IRIS, he accepted Jack’s request to be part of the universe and quickly made a bit of time in his schedule to help out!
Now we have some of the artists and editors of the ALTRverse comics!
First is Suzi Blake who is one of the artists for ALTRverse, she has teased a few photos here and there about Marvin’s story and the scenes she is working on!
Secondly is Laurz Drawz who is a comic book artist and illustrator, they created the cover for Marvin’s comic “Void Silver #1” and has expressed their gratitude to work with the team and bring something beautiful to the community!
Thirdly is Skylar Patridge, she is a comic book artist, illustrator, and sometimes writer for the comics she works on! They helped create the cover for Jackieboy’s comic “The Somewhat Incredible Jackieboy Man #1” and had a bit of help from the next artist!
Next is Megan Huang, they are a comic book artist who had part in the cover for Jackieboy’s comic “The Somewhat Incredible Jackieboy Man #1” as they created the background for it! 
Lastly is Michele Abounader, she is the publishing associate of Badegg, editor, and writer for comic books! She helped bring light to some of the artist who has taken part in ALTRverse!
Now onto the Directors, Writers and Color Artist!
First is Robert Meyers who is the Director of Publishing within Badegg, he has met with Jack multiple times and helped decide which egos should get comic books! He has had a hand in both stories but mainly Void Silver!
Secondly is Alejandro Arbona who is a writer and editor for the series, he is the writer for Void Silver so he makes sure everything makes sense and flows well!
Third is Andrew Dalhouse who is another artist within the series who does the coloring, he is one of the many artist working on Void Silver, he helped with the little preview we saw of young Marvin and his cat!
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jxthics · 2 years
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Art programs you have but don't use
CSP. i got a year's subscription and i still haven't gotten the hang of it. allegedly it will be faster than procreate once i get my comic drafts off of the ground but i work slower because i'm not used to it. i might open some cheaper portraits up to force me to practice in the program because i've seen people get real fast with it and if i can cut down on exacerbating my very bad shoulder it'd be a legitimate lifesaver
What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
i have more WIPs that i'll "get around to someday" than i have completed projects and i'm certain this will be true all my life. however, if i had to pick one, i had a surreal comic about the psyche of revolver ocelot that never made it past the thumbnail stage. it's not bad but i don't have time to sink into stuff that no longer interests me
Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
this question is kind of bad. everything inspires me in some way. i don't get into media that feels like a slog and if i love something it will inevitably inspire me to make Something, whether or not i finish the work for that is entirely up to diceroll and ADHD. i haven't finished any of my art for cowboy bebop even though it inspires me -- i just can't get spike's face down enough to be happy with finishing em.
What piece of yours do you think is underrated
honestly, i still go into posting my art like it's just going to be seen by me and my friends, and get surprised by comments every time. none of my work is "underrated" because my expectation is 0. so thank you all for repeatedly exceeding my expectations!!
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lilkittay · 1 year
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I was trying to get a shot of the millions of babies when I noticed all these goofballs were begging for food at the time.
(They have enough oxygen, they beg like this anytime I am near the tank.)
These guys are a line in development. They're red blonde snakeskin. Some carry vertical banding genes (tiger) and the "green" gene which manifests as either metallic magenta/purple or yellow-green depending on if genes for yellow pigment are present or absent.
Ultimately a cross between green tiger endler-guppy hybrids and giant sunrise/sunset guppies, they have been breeding more or less true and I can begin isolating out choice males I find the most appealing.
Their biggest downside is they are slow to mature (for guppies). Their biggest upside is they genuinely seem to have exeptional longevity. My original female who is very much most of the dna for this bloodline I got as a juvenile in 2021 and she died of old age around december 2022. Her biggest daughter has taken her place as the prominent breeder, producing litters right now every 3 weeks during summer. (I "overwinter" them on cooler water and a limited diet to slow their metabolism). The original male was the one and only of his kind a spontaneous sport during my mass mutt breeding project (to obtain exactly this kind of diceroll fish) who somehow managed to pick up green tiger endler genetics but be a red blond. He was born in 2021 I think, and is still quite alive. He was very very slow developing, especially for a male, taking months to develop his full finnage and charm with the ladies.
Despite inheriting the snakeskin and tiger pattern and "green" metallic genes from his green endler side of the family, he developed into a full size guppy, not the smaller hybrid form.
So far, most males descended from him appear to grow (eventually) to a nice size.
I have some really cool snakeskin/lace dwarf albino guppy + el silverado endler hybrids i want to experiment down the road by crossing the hybrid males to females in my line with a lot of metallic yellow in their tails (and hope they carry the tiger stripe genes). The initial crosses wouldn't be blonde, but they would begin showing up in a generation, possibly even albino would pop up occasionally. Extra curious on that hybrid I have in general as they were slow to develop too, despite being half endler, most likely due to their dwarf guppy lineage as they are very very slow to develop (and I nearly lost them all to neglect over winter).
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insanetwocubes · 3 years
Btw I'm also selling these cute designes!
I'm updating my redbubble as time goes by so come back and check out my new stuff :))
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Some weirder songs on my playlists
By artists I don’t really listen to, about topics that are bizarre. What it says on the tin: weird.
Murder, by Boyinaband feat. Megaminx and Chilled
Yeah, it sure is a song about murder. But specifically about the GMod game. Not actual murder
Sweet Bod, by Lemon Demon
Leave it to Lemon Demon to deliver on bizarre
Mellified man but crunch yum fun
Sparkly Abs, by CG5 feat. Captain Sparklez
To be fair, it was for a talent show joke
His abs are fantastic. Really deserved a song all about it.
Stop The Clock, by Diceroll
A song dedicated for a year long project that got deleted
Surprisingly meaningful for what it is. Memento Mori.
Balladi Rakkaudesta, by a local band who gave me their album for free when I met them
From a band with one album, very few live shows. Disbanded before I even met them.
The only christian rock song in my playlist
The song is just a ballad of love.
Overtime, by Isaac Wilkins
Plays in MCC when the round is about to end
It is fairly hype for what it is
Model Buses, by Lovejoy
Fairly well known song, but it is about Boris Johnson so I’m counting it
INHALE MY DONG, by NateWantsToBattle
It is indeed about that fuckboy fnaf fangame
Favourite lyric is ?????
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creativerobot · 3 years
Catching up on blogging part 2
Hacking a board game!
After learning how the Makeymakey works, we were tasked to "hack a board game". We got given a old board game and had to upgrade it in some way using the makeymakey and copper tape (and anything else we wanted to supply).
My group grabbed the game Monopoly for kids. Its a pretty well known game so we had an advantage as people could easily sit down and understand the rules straight away.
We decided to split our team up into groups, as we had different things to work on. Matt and Sebastian both worked on the coding for the makeymakey while Cam and I work on the physical parts. (Matt also painted the board and it looked super cool)
We decided due to timetable conflicts to meet up on the Tuesday before it was due to make sure everything works together and nail out any small mishaps.
Our ideas were to add a virtual dice roller, and sound effects/lights that changed when a character piece was placed on a tigger point (Pass go, go to jail, chance). I decided to use a circuit board called "Circuit playground express" for the LED controls. Overall this didn't turn out the way we wanted as we didn't have enough crocodile clips and we didn't leave enough time to sort out small issues. Luckily the leds weren't the main part of our project, and we still had the music and sound effects from Sebastian and the virtual dice.
We tried to be as sustainable as possible with this game, using the game box painted black as the base to hide all the electronics as well as my spare circuit board and LEDS. This was for small projects and prototypes we aren't wasting lots of valuable resources.
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When we let the class play it, I decided to learn from last time and stay around my game to see how others would react and interact with it. This way I could get more feedback on our game and therefore improve our skills and knowledge for our next project.
People (including myself) found the sound effects of the game were quite loud compared to the music. This just comes down to time restraints and more experience needed in audio leveling. Though it is still an important lesson to learn as it may effect user interaction with upcoming projects.
Sometimes the diceroll will skip over someones turn and cause confusion during the game. This is because the connections with copper tape are a bit faulty and if the crocodile clips when pressed together too long it would start scrolling rapidly through rolls thinking the button was bring pressed a lot. To overcome this problem I personally would put a small timer inbetween rolls to help avoid rolls being skipped over.
The 'sexy' twist was quite eye catching and drew people in, especially with the music. The small brand changing and funny additions to the audio helped being people into play our game.
What I learnt from this project is how valuable working in a team is and how using your groups strengths helps you make something great. Being able to work well together to develop and create ideas is an important part in Creative Technologies and I think my group worked really well together.
But from that I also learnt that sometimes its ok to not be super ambitious with a project and that dialing it back a bit is ok. By working completely on the leds I didnt get a chance to learn about the code or the rest of the creation. For it to not all work. My group has a lot of very strong ideas but sometimes we can bite off a bit more than we can chew. In the future I want to be able to look at the time frame of a project and accurately work on our time management and how ambitious our project is.
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So close to 100 followers on Instagram! Thank you everyone for your support 👍 Please like, share and follow the Shack Of Many things To keep updated with my latest projects! To purchase from The Shack Of Many Things go to - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/theshackofmanythings Like & follow - https://www.facebook.com/theshackofmanythings https://www.instagram.com/theshackofmanythings https://www.twitter.com/shackmanythings https://www.tumblr.com/blog/theshackofmanythings #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #dicetray #dicetraysforeveryseason #dicegame #dicetower #diceroller #tabletopgames #games #realwood #log #crafting #carving #woodwork #dice #resin #handcrafted #fantasy #criticalroll #woodendicetray #nat20 #tabletop #dnd5e #rpg #d20 #theshackofmanythings (at Four Marks, Hampshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Mkw56h5gk/?igshid=1dftkwedjir4v
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asterhalloween · 9 months
hey. tdrp.
the dice :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
the diceroll project will be continiuing imminently and you weill finally learn aabout what. the diceroll project actually is. :D
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asterhalloween · 1 year
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asterhalloween · 1 year
iz tdrp silly :3 (i am asking about tdrp. the dice.)
IT SUTE IS! it os very silyl theTheDiceroll Project is A Comic created by aster mythicalwaters asterhalloween that follows six characters that wake up in a strange forest with no recollection of how they got there. But some of them know more than others.......
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asterhalloween · 2 years
u giuys should read my awesome comic please
Read The Diceroll Project | Tapas Web Comics
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asterhalloween · 2 years
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redraw of my old header and also all the dicerolls!!!!!!!! hehehehehe
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asterhalloween · 3 years
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forgot to post this hey guys
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asterhalloween · 3 years
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theyre a pretty princess 😊
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asterhalloween · 3 years
* *jumbles in* * tell me about the diceroll project tell me about the diceroll project(and feel free to write an essay your ocs look *chef's kiss* you know!!)
*rubs hands together evilly* the diceroll project is a comic i made mostly to give my old ocs a home and a universe to live in (though some of the characters were made specifically for this)
the main cast consists of marble, caliber, cosmos, piper, edan, and penny, who each wake up in an unfamiliar place with nothing but a pair of dice. everyone has powers (being magic they were born equipped with, as magic exists separately in this universe as well) though not everyone can use their powers in this place
oh, its also a murder mystery :) none of the main cast knows this yet, however (or, rather, they arent supposed to...)
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