#the dog has been following her around as like a protector lol
brutal-out-here · 1 year
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There’s been a development <3
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meowsgirldrawing · 2 years
Obey Me Next Generation Idea(aka-My au)
What about poly Au with the bros? I assume with demon culture, MC having kids and the bros all being the dad wouldn't be too surprising as I think monogamous relationships are seen just the same as polyamorous. Like neither really matter honestly in a "oh this is a big deal/drama!" Sense.
Plus its the 7 lords, they can do whatever the fuck they want
I know MC is mostly human but I think having kids is still possible as they got magic plus their pacts with the bros might make them stronger. Plus, historically, woman have been able to have multiple pregnancies, like more than 4 at least, so still- not impossible.
Just let me have my next gen shenanigans
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Varya (1st Born) (she/her)-25
Daughter of Mammon
Is more demon than human, possibly the most demon out of the kids.
Holds a very smiley but deadly aura around her.
Seems the opposite of Mammon in behavior but you can tell by her subtle acts towards her family, shes his kid alright.
Is the type of person to shake a person's hand but hold a knife in the other.
"Looks like a cinnamon roll, can kill you"
Lights up at the mentions of crocheting, dogs, and weird but oddly alluring creatures around Devildom.
She does have a small habit of gambling when out with Mammon, but is actually able to keep her wins because no one expects it through her gold-winning smile.
Mess with her family and its on sight.
Lilith the 2nd (3rd born-1st triplet) (she/her)-21
I headcannon Lucifer to at least be the only one to name their daughter after their sister. Not to replace, never, but to honor her.
Is in a strange middle between Half demon-mostly demon
Sweetheart by default
That big sister you can always talk to and she wont judge.
Will make passive agressive remarks when peeved off.
Definitely denies acting like Lucifer yet can do the stance-arms crossed and glare- exactly like him.
Even does the whole hand chest like him too. Shocked look and all.
Calls all the brothers papa but Lucifer father, not as a distance way but thats just how she's always been.
Theatre kid- almost always lead.
Anna from Frozen vibes at times.
Hopeless romantic too.
Basically Lucifer if he actually showed more emotions.
Daddy's girl 100%
May or may not be in a secret relationship with Diavolo's heir👀
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Rhomb(2nd Born) (he/him)-23
Son of Leviathan
Named after the Loch ness Monster
A nice balance between human and demon
But has "mutations" that make him have scaly patches on his body, his tail out almost 24/7, and bad eyesight.
Stern attitude most of the time.
Big bro protector
Tallest of all the kids
Softer on the younger kids but will smack a bitch if they act up.
Cant play video games much cause eyes so turns to more physical games that include puzzles.
Likes games with strategy to follow like War tanks, or chess. Is the type to make a DnD game the best cause he makes amazing stories too despite not reading much.
Likes mystery shows too and tries to figure it out before the answer is revealed, could go on rants about why. Gets it right 11/10 times.
If Leviathan wasnt his biological dad, people would believe he was Satan's kid.
Doesnt like cats tho.
Quinn (4th Born- 2nd Triplet) (He/they/doesnt care) (21)
Asmo just thought Quinn was a pretty name so picked it lol.
Also a nice balance between human/demon. Tho his wings stay out constantly.
Very much vibes from that yellow bird in Rio.
Laid back personality but is an outgoing dude.
Also very protective of their siblings, and will not hesitate to cut a bitch.
Isnt as flamboyant as Asmo but does have a just as great fashion sense.
Has a hard time dating as people automatically assume hes just like Asmo so will try to date him for that reason only.
Love his dad but hates the reputation he gets because of being said son.
So he resorts to just sticking to his siblings or the few friends he trusts.
Besides MC, is the second most popular face to pop up on Asmo's Devilgram
Fucking adores axolotls for no particular reason, just loves them to no end which Asmo makes sure to get many axolotl themed plushes, shirts, etc. for him.
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Libbey(Liberty) (5th Born- 3rd triplet)(she/her)-21
Another balance between human/demon, maybe a tad more on the demon side.
Tho, also has "mutations" like very enhanced hearing.
Bookworm to the max
Loves reading dramas and fantasies, but seems to enjoy multiseries more than stand alone.
Very quiet and shy kid of the group.
Sometimes cant even talk so signs instead because earaches or headaches.
Likes cats but perfers reptiles more.
Has a small turtle in her room from the human realm, set it up beside her bed and everything. Their name is Casey after one of her favorite human novels she read.
But despite all this, isnt called the daughter of wrath just for nothing beside biology reasons.
Is like Satan 2.0 when pissed, she wont yell or scream but you can just tell from the drop of room temperature and the subtle tilt of her head.
Her eyes glow an electric green when shes pissed.
Had more anger issues when younger, but cause Satan knew how to handle his better now, taught her how to aswell.
Satan is probably the main one to understand her issues with such a problem, despite being more mellowed out now that shes older.
Is definitely a cryer when really angry tho.
Ryder(6th Born) (1st twin)- 19
Ngl, everyone was surprised that they had twins. Including Belphie himself.
But then again, they did have triplets before them so....eh?
Ryder is a tad more human than demon, but still powerful enough to have his own demon form like his older siblings.
His tail is seen smaller than Belphie's, and a bit thinner too.
The sloth genes affact him only so much, making him more likely just want to procrastinate then outright not do anything.
He honestly enjoys the human world more than Devildom, mainly cause everything is less..hectic per say.
Hes the type of brother/older friend that will cover for ya if you have to hide something but will subtly suggest how to fix whatever their doing.
Like one time Quinn came home slightly tipsy and past curfew, and he snuck them into his room. Though he scolded them in the morning, he covered for Quinn at breakfast, saying they ate too much sugar last night, thats why hes queasy and has a headache.
Quinn did fix that habit up quick after Ryder threatened to leave him on his own next time it happened.
Calls everyone bro or dude, no matter their gender.
Gen z vibes too in most areas.
Has a fixation with cow bells for some reason, likes the noise is all he can say.
If he were told what Belphie did to their mom/human parent way before they were born, he says "Cowabummer" while screaming inside.
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River(7th born-2nd twin)(they/them)-19
How is this Belphie's kid?
Too hyper, tad crazy
Probably has ADHD, who knows.
While Ryder is the slightly responsible twin, their the reason why Ryder needs to be said twin.
Their just about the same range of human/demon as Ryder, can have a demon form, but only uses it to fuck with people than to actually be scary with it.
They may have alot of power, but their personality alone can kill people.
Is the type of kid to crawl on the ceiling when they were 2.
Is also the type to hop outta window to get to the lower floor faster. Thank Belphie for their demon powers otherwise we'd have another Lillith situation.
Has scared even Lucifer at one point, has made him yelp out of surprise. Will not go on how, no matter how much Papa Satan and Belphie ask them. Just has a toothy grin when they ask.
When calm, is actually a pretty chill dude. They like odd patterns and get fixated on the most random things.
MC gave them one of those sand timers that you flip to restart and when she came down to tell them food was done about 2 hours later, she found them sitting on the table, holding it while watching the sand go down. They use it now to relax and focus on when overstimultated or just having too much of a fuzzy head.
Has spent nearly a how week with Leviathan because they got hooked on one anime with him. Now has frequent solo movie nights with him cause.
"They're tad confused, but got the spirit"
Literally had to have someone (Rhomb) explain to them what the LGBTQ+ letters meant. Legit thought it was just new alphabet pattern, was still happy to find out what it all means.
If you told them what Belphie did to their mom before they were born, they'd think it as a joke. Dont tell them otherwise or they will cry.
Frankie(8th Born)(She/her)-16
Everyone thought that she would be the biggest child when MC was pregnant with her, since y'know, it was confirmed Beel's kid.
Yeah, she came out small. Like scary small for a baby.
It was then everyone knew she would be the most human. Has a little demon in her, but clearly not enough to have a demon form nor mark.
Lucifer's wallet cried in relief.
She does eat a good bit more than the average human but overall, nothing compared to Beel.
She does adore sweets to the max, especially gummies. Give her some and she'll love you forever.
Sweetest little sunshine in the world, everyone adores her. If they dont, then they will soon.
Shes like Mirabel in encanto, kinda wishes she had more demon powers but is still overall happy with who she is.
Like big papa Beel and his sweet little girl all smiley and pure. Best father-daughter relationship out of all the siblings and fathers.
Shes kinda like pinkie pie from MLP but like more hyper as fuck. Can and will speak so fast when excited that it just comes out as squeaks at that point.
Since her more human side, shes more likely to stay in human world when their mom is on Buisness there, so she has alot of human friends.
Shes in gymnastics, which definitely helps keep her figure more smaller despite all the sweets she eats. Does work out with Beel too.
Mess with her and you have a whole army on yer ass.
"Bounce to the beat of my own drum!"
You can just tell how much I love this dear. HA
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diavolosthots · 4 years
okay. This is SFW, and is fluffy. A blind fem MC and Satan. Like there's no brail in the devildom, so he reads to her, yeah? she can hear how happy he is when reading and touches his face wanting to know what face he's making, so she's feeling his smile all while he's leaning into her touch and they just go from reading to feeling each others faces.
MY FUCKING HEART I CAN'T--- Also I dont know much about being blind (other than my usual blindness because i wear contacts/glasses lol) or brail so forgive me if this is wrong. I also kept this GN because no genitals are mentioned or anything
You're My Adventure (SATAN X BLIND!GN!READER)
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From the moment he saw you, he knew. Now, your eyes may not have been necessarily glazed over like you’d see on some people, but they never seemed to focus in on one thing. As a matter of fact, you just seemed to turn your head in whatever general direction noise was coming from. It was a dead giveaway, to Satan at least, that you were either fully, or partially blind. At first, that just made you an easy target. Easy for pranks, easy for bullying, easy for anything Satan decided to come up with and do. It was funny at first, too, except that you were still so nice to him and at some point, that irked him. He wanted you to be mad or even sad, showing him anything other than kindness would have worked, but this way you actually looked cute and worst of all, you made him feel bad about everything he has done to you. It’s gotten to a point where he hated if anyone messed with you and it really bothered him. Now, just because he became your protector or whatever, doesn’t mean he’s going to help you out…. Or so he told himself.
“Satan, what does that say?” He watched you rub your hand over a sign hanging on the library’s door. It’s just the open sign, nothing special, but to him it was almost funny. He chuckled softly, taking your hand from the sign. “It’s just an open sign. Nothing important.” He took you to the library, or, well, you insisted on coming because the house was getting boring, which is understandable. At first, he dreaded just walking with you and stuff; you’d constantly hold onto his hand and use him as some type of guide dog, but as much as he wanted to despise it, he soon found some sort of comfort in it. If you were holding onto him, you were safe, and for some reason, that mattered to him a lot. “Come. I’m done here, let’s go home.” You followed him so easily, so willingly, and it would be so easy to just use that against you, but he won’t. Not again. You’re too nice for that and most importantly, you’re too nice to him for that. 
Once back home, he was just going to drop you back off by your room and get started on his reading, but you stopped abruptly once you made it up the stairs, feeling around over his chest and along his other arm, where he was holding the books. To say Satan was flushed the minute your hands rubbed over his chest was an understatement, but what’s he supposed to do? Were you just trying to find the books and try to rub over the title so you could read it? “Will you read to me?” No, apparently not. “Read to you?” He thought about it for a moment. Everyone deserved knowledge and it actually made him kind of happy that you asked. “Of course. Come.” He took your hand again, carefully leading you to his room instead. You took note of it, smelling his scent all around the area, and of course, how much more… masculine it felt, and even a little bit cold.   
“Careful.” He knows his room is the least organized of all; there’s books everywhere. So, he carefully placed his hands on your hips, guiding you around the room and onto the bed. “It’s my bed… I only have one chair, unless you would rather take that? I have a small reading area up this winding staircase, but you’d have to crawl and it’s messy up there.” You smiled softly into the direction of where you presumed he was, scooting back on the bed until you were up against the headboard, “it’s fine. Come.” You patted the space beside him and then reached out for the books which you knew were still in his hand. Satan was confused for a moment before handing them to you, watching you run your fingers over the cover carefully as he sat down beside you. You felt the bed shift and smiled softly, hoping he was a little closer; you found comfort in him. 
“This one please… I like the way the letters feel against my fingers. I can’t really make them out, but I think it will be a good read.” Funny of you to say. He laughed softly at that, placing the other books down before opening that one, “Alright… I haven’t read this one yet, so it’ll be an experience for both of us.” he liked that. Or, well, he liked the idea of it; an experience for you both. It made him feel a little bit closer. He opened the book, smiling softly as he began to read, feeling you shift a bit until your head was on his shoulder. His voice was soothing, dynamic, and made you feel like you were actually in the story. It almost made you see the things he spoke of, or, well, at least what you thought they would look like. Certain parts made you laugh, others made you mildly anxious, but through it all, you felt a sense of comfort. Satan was taking his time with each phrase, pouring all of his emotion into each word he pronounced and you knew that this is truly what he enjoyed; to read. To learn. To educate. He’d make a good teacher is what you thought to yourself. 
Slowly, you lifted up off his shoulder to turn a bit. Satan stopped reading, turning to look at you, only to find you smiling. “Is something wrong? Did I go too fast?” But you didn’t show anything. Instead, you reached your hands out, once again feeling along his chest and up his shoulders, along his neck, and onto his face. Your fingers carefully danced over the skin, trying to find all of his features and ingrain them into your memory. “W-What…. What are you doing?” He was confused and slightly embarrassed by your actions, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop you, either. “No… everything’s fine… It’s just… you sounded really happy there and I… I wanted to see what that feels like… I wanted to feel your smile.” Your words had him redder than Lucifer’s eyes, but they also made him smile. He could feel his heart beat heavily in his chest because that was such a cute, and in a way, romantic thing to say. His head turned into your touch, his lips instinctively parting when your thumb brushed over them and turning back into a smile. 
“You like it when I’m happy…” it was less of a question and more of a statement and you found yourself nodding, smiling as well. Your hands moved up over his nose and he found himself giggling when you poked his eye on accident, “sorry!” He watched your smile drop for a moment, worry evident in your face but he just leaned into your hand before taking it into his, “don’t apologize… it’s fine.” he moved your hand a bit to place a soft kiss against it before letting go of it so you could continue your exploration. “You’re handsome…” it was something more mumbled under your breath than a compliment that he was meant to hear, but he still took it to heart and once again, his cheeks were flaming hot. 
“And you’re beautiful…” he reached his own hands out now, cupping your face gently and noticing you tense up a bit, to which he tenderly caressed his thumbs over your cheeks. “It’s okay…” you nodded, finding yourself lean into his touch as well, your soft smile returning. Satan moved closer, pulling you closer as he did so as well, until his forehead met yours, “I know you can’t see me… but I can see you and if this were the last moment I could see anything, I would want it to be just like this…” 
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gayfrenchtoast · 3 years
Okay fine we're doing this. I havent read the books and I'm probably not going to I've only seen the movies so I'm sorry if anything I say is contradictory or has already been stated.
So! Descendants 3 was kinda shit and I dont like it but especially because of the ending because everybody was like "oh yeah island is open and we're all happy with no worries or implications about free villains or people being spiteful about being imprisoned for years!" In fact if anything they joked about those things.
The island is basically its own culture, I can't say how long it's been around, long enough for some almost adult kids to be about and to develop a kind of community.
The Isle is a place of poverty, people are dirty and on the street, eveyone steals from each other and most people don't put much effort into appearance upkeep (personal or of the sourounding area) not because of laziness or being "evil" but because they clearly don't have time or luxury to do such things or possibly even the clean water. Does the Isle have clean water?? How to they get electricity??? Someone tell me!
Another thing that I've noticed is easy to see but is not much explicitly said is the unique style of those on the Isle. As previously stated they don't have much but those who have the most "power" and such on the Isle are the best example of this As they have the most colourful outfits. However these outfits are often made out of patches and ripped things put together, even salvaged things like nets and chains as we can see on thing like Uma and Harry's outfits in D3 they make the best of what they've got and they do fantastic because their outfits are intricate and detailed and just tell you everything you need to know about them. Which is why it's a damn s h a m e when the original VK's ajust their style to be more like Auradon's. That's not an improvement! Be proud of where you came from!! It's like they forgot what it was like being on the Isle in D3!
Moving on, here's something that was touched on in D2 but not enough. Equality. On the Isle there is basically equal opportunity as in saying everything is shit and nome cares what gender and presumably what sexuality you are as long as you can work. Sexism is shown to be almost casual in aurodon from the looks of it, Chad makes sexist comments and litterally none else says anything or seems to see anything wrong with it except Jay who caves to pressure from peers and expectations. He does redeem himself because he's from the isle and he knows you shouldn't give a shit about anyone's gender or anything. If they can do something and ask to be included you give them that opportunity. The sexism is also implied in the way that the rule book has men written specifically in the first place and that it has taken until then for anyone but boys to be allowed on any kind of sports team. We never see it! It seems to be the hetronormative veiw where the boys do sport and girls do cheerleeding and other genders? What other genders? Never heard of that? BAD AURADON!! I bet there's so many trans folk on the island just living their lives, thinking Aurodon is the better place and not knowing that it's a cis het filled nightmare.
Okay no I'm headcannoning now, if their are now a bunch of Isle kids at auradon prep they find it fucking aweful the way all these preppy royals are treating them and make the first LGBT club in Auradon. There is lots of pushback and they get bullied a fuck ton for making themselves the most prominent queer folk in the school until a fight breaks out and the club demand that they should be treated better, taking all the evidence to fairy godmother who is very hesitant because COME ON she's never been that great she is biased to Auradon kids and if putting away those in the Isle is brought up she is all on it, she is jelly spined about doing anything against the royal kids. So the kids are like "Fine, if you won't help us we'll take this to the King himself!" Well mainly the queer mom's of the group (you know the ones I'm talking about) who lead the others and protect the anxious queers as they storm to Ben at his fucking locker and demand an audience because they are being harassed and bullied and none is doing anything. Ben had no idea there was even a LGBT club (too busy ig) and is gassed there is one for a moment before he's like "wait people are harassing you?" So Bisexual King Ben gets his lovely Bi wife and they start coming to club meetings and investing in the pins and stuff the club makes. Most club members are pleased but the queer mom's are apprehensive that this will help until some assholes come to the club to do their usual bullying only to find King and Queen Beast themselves siting there with rainbow bracelets and bi pins and all trying to have a nice old time eating their fucking cupcakes what the fuck are yall doing? The bullying dies down quick once they realise it ain't gonna fly, the other OG VK's that hear about this become members and very protective over their queer children. Did I mention Dizzy and Ceila are a part of the club? They're girlfriend's. Celia is one of the queer moms. Harry becomes one of the biggest protectors over the group as the pan dad. He's been going around snogging everyone and anyone wholl snog him everyone already knew he was queer they just didn't have the balls to try and bully him over it as much as they bullied the lil club members. But now Harry can often be seen in jackets and shit with pan and general queer patches and pins and running around with his gay children yelling "MOVE WE'RE GAY!!" He totally calls them his queer crew. Anyway as a result lots of queer royals start coming out of the woodwork, obvs Lonnie is one of them, and the club eventually serves to bring members of Auradon and the Isle close together.
Where was I? Yada yada auradon expects girls to be pretty princesses and boys to be brave knights or dashing princes. It's shit and should stop being portrayed as good. Moving on!
Food! One of the things we'll established in all movies is that the food of the Isle is shit compared to food of Auradon. The Isle has no fresh fruit which likely means its almost impossible for things to grow there which is fair because again there doesn't seem to be much fresh water and there are always clouds overhead so no sun. Maybe there is some people trying really hard to grow stuff but the general attitude of the Isle seems to be "there is no time for that" and fruits are forgotten so much that the VK's litterally don't knownwhat they are when they come across them. That and anything containing sugar. Actually it's mention by Dizzy and Celia that they enjoy the fact that the cake dosent have dirt or flies so basically food there is terrible. We don't see much food on the Isle but what we do see seems to be beans, eggs, chips and shellfish. Basically protine and carbs that can be easily stored and produced. To be fair beans are kidna good for you but they're likely a sign that if they get any imports from the mainland it is canned stuff. Prison food. There's probably some chef villain that is trying their best to make good food out of the shit but honestly the Isle dwellers should be angry that they've been deprived of good food for so long not happy they're finally been given decency.
Moving on, music! Auradon dosent have nearly as many musical numbers it seems, the Isle songs have a distinct style, to them, the villains that basically "founded" the place were masters of the dramatic songs (with backup or solo) so banging music is basically ingrained in the music's culture, even for battle as we see with the fight between Mal and Uma in D3. Meanwhile Auradon seems to have mainly romance and "I want" songs. Even Audrey's villain song is basically an I want song.
Okay let's talk about the Villains. We've established that the VK's are not inherently bad. However not all of them can be totally good and there are legit OG Villains just kinda chillin on the Isle. They've obviously lost quite a bit of their power, motivation and sanity (isolation will do that to ya as they lost everything and the VKs know no different) but deadass? They were bad guys. You can try to rehabilitate them sure but you've basically just let them free roam, they could make a runner and you wouldn't get the chance. They were also shitty patents which is brushed over/joked about in the interaction between Carlos and...man I feel bad I forgot her name deadass their relationship seemed to come out of nowhere in the second film she didn't seem interested in them at all and friendzoned them multiple times I'm pretty sure Disney did that becaue queer kids were relating to Carlos and headcanoning them as queer (which they deffinatly are) but deadass their mom is an attempted animal murderer and has hurt her child as we can see from how they're afraid of her and her rhetoric and yet it's "haha I'm afraid to meet your ma!" "Me too cus im a dog! Lol!" Fuuuuck offfffff
I think I'm running out of thoughts so here's a last one for now; with the magical barrier down a bunch of magical Villains kids should be coming out for the woodwork. We know Mal has magic basically stored in her so it's is possible, she technically doesn't need the spellbook to do magic it is just inherent to her. So with the diverse range of people from the isle there are deffinatly magic folk in there. Actually if we're following Disney movie law I saw something mentioning Jay being half Genie and yeah! He should be half Genie! Jafar got turned into a Genie he's probably only human because of the barrier! Oh also Ben should be able to go beast on command as long as he had a better beast form than he did in the movies. And give him back the beard and fangs like fuck you he looked so much better
Okay I'm done for now
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Protector ~ Embry Call
Word Count: 4100+
Request: "Can I request a embry call imagines where the reader y/n Is kinda shy and she is very scared around big crowds so she always holds onto a part of em and he loves protecting her! He imprinted but loved her before and she is pretty short I'm 5,2 so when she is behind him you can't see her! And a girl at her school is teasing her about being like embrys puppy following him everywhere and she gets shy and em feels her discomfort and steps in to comfort telling her to mind her own business. Thank you" by @cullens-stuff
A/n: This user has been so sweet to me even as I took AGES to write their (I don't know your pronouns I'm sorry) and I appreciate it SO MUCH so I was hella on top of this when I came back. This is my longest request by a long shot as I added a bit (because we stan a queen who can stand up for herself). Lol hope you like it hun!
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Embry and Y/n were those kids who everyone knew would end up getting married one day. He doted on her and she got hyper and attentive when he was around. He gave her anything she asked for, and in return she would take care of him. Whether it was him giving her a piggyback ride, or her braiding his hair because it was in his face, they were always doing things for each other and staying stuck to each other's sides and it seemed that the friendship would never end.
Then they grew up, as most kids do. Puberty hit and anxiety rose and Embry made other friends, and after a time they were less inseparable and more casual friends. This was good, in the end, as the slight distance allowed Embry to go from joking and childhood crushing to actually seeing how pretty and smart and caring Y/n was. He might have gotten rowdy while she got quiet and reserved. He might have gotten taller and taller when she stopped growing in the fifth grade. He might live life for adventure and adrenaline while Y/n preferred to stay home and half learn skills and watch tv. They might be different. But it didn't matter. Embry Call had a huge crush on Y/n and it was becoming painful to watch as he did nothing about it.
Predictably, Y/n found herself in a similar predicament. She loved his hugs and how he pulled her right off her feet when they hugged. She loved how he was never bothered by how she hovered and instead made sure was nearby- within arms reach if he could help it. She loved that when she cuddled up next to him she fit right into his side, and how when things scared her or the sun was really bright she could step behind Embry and he would cover her completely. She loved how safe and loved she felt with him. She loved how he would constantly ask her to play with his hair, even if he had it up and especially when he noticed she was nervous and needed something to do. She loved... him.
The worst part was: Y/n was afraid of everything. Crowds. Bugs. Tall people. Mean people. Food that tasted good but looked really gross. Strong people. Places she wasn't familiar with... It's not that she was a coward, she was just small. She reached 5'2 and was shy and quiet and easily spooked. She had a faint heart and a weak stomach. She was cute and small and soft- the kind of person you looked at and immediately thought: PROTECT AT ALL COST! Which of course made Embry even more wonderful as he swooped in time and time again to have her back when she was struggling again.
Long story short: She was the purest of beans and he was her knight in shining armor and never before in their teenage lives at the kids that were apart of the pair's daily life been more in love with a couple that simultaneously made them so frustrated.
With all the potential wasted by longing and no action, everyone else was suffering.
They were perfect for each other... but they were also completely oblivious to the other's affections.
That was cured, more or less, when Embry became a wolf. He had to leave her side for a while as he figured everything out, but then he made eye contact with her one day and imprinted on her and everything lined up perfectly. What came next was a slew of Embry at the peak of awkwardness as he tried to explain to her how he'd felt all this time and about the whole werewolf thing.
She'd sort of had a melt down at first as she tried to wrap her mind around it all, but didn't scream and run away as he'd expected so honestly she handled it pretty well. After she got used to the idea and they figured things out between them, it had been simple to move from that point to the next.
Now they were inseparable again, just like they'd been as children. She was glued to his side and he was attentively protective of her. She could be touched by nothing. Crowds a problem? They'd hold hands, or he'd put her on his shoulders or carry her or give her a piggyback ride. Anyone stepping up to her to cause problems? Embry was there. Wether they were being harmful or flirty, Embry was there. Bug problem? Emrby suddenly had lightning fast and one hundred percent accurate attacks. He could swat it out of the air, or guide it out a window and away from them. Dog on your heels? Let's see how long it lasts against Embry, the werewolf.
After a while of Embry stepping up to protect her, Y/n fell into an easy habit of just holding onto him. It allowed her to easily communicate when she was nervous- all she had to do was squeeze and he was ready and able. He couldn't always be there, but he did his best and really that's all Y/n could ask for.
People were shipping it more than ever. They were the sweetest couple, unphased by anything and so full of love.
Well, actually, almost everyone.
Marina Kyle was one of those girls who used beauty to get power. She had most boys wrapped around her finger, and knew how to keep the girls that could tear her down as friends. She was manipulative and smart and absolutely gorgeous. No one told her no and no one could take her down.
No one but Embry Call.
Which seemed to bug her endlessly.
When she was younger, she'd had a crush on Embry. She'd tried everything to get his attention, to no avail. She'd dismissed it after a while as him being uninterested in girls or being one of those people who didn't want to date until college. Then he started dating Y/n. The girl was pathetic in Marina's eyes. Absolutely pathetic. Y/n should have been learning how to survive on her own, conquering her fears and getting stronger instead of letting her weaknesses own her so much. She didn't deserve Embry Call- tall and strong and pretty. As if to rub salt in the wound, everyone LOVED THEM together. Everyone was psyched when they finally got together and for a significant amount of time, that's all anyone ever talked about.
Marina tried to let it go. She'd lost. Whatever. But Marine NEVER lost and it finally got to her and she snapped. She knew she couldn't ever get to Embry, but Y/n would only ne too easy. She waited for her moment then made her strike.
"Hey there," she purred, leaning against the wall next to Y/n's locker. School was over and Y/n was getting her stuff out to take home for tonight's homework. She paused when she saw Marina.
Y/n smiled sweetly. "Hi." She put her math book in her bag last, zipping it up and putting it on her back. She looked twelve. Small and young and ridiculous. Her smile was warm and her eyes were clear of any malintent. She was pure and Marina absolutely hated it. "Can I help you with something?"
Marina put on a fake smile. "Yeah, I was just wondering: how do do it?"
Immediately Y/n was confused. "Do what?"
"Get yourself a guard dog like Embry Call. I mean-" She grinned, sighing dreamily. "He's tall dark and handsome incarnate, and protects you from every little thing that goes bump in the night. Such dedication and he's hot? You have to let me in on your secret!" Y/n opens her mouth to defend herself but Marina leans closer, intimidating her so she doesn't get it out. "Come on sweetheart, us girls have to watch out for each other. How did you do it? Did you sleep with him?"
"What?" Y/n squeaked. "No-"
"Black mail him?"
"No!" Y/n insisted, her eyes wide as she gripped her backpack straps tightly. "Look, I can't help you. Embry isn't some muscle for hire, he's my boyfriend." She spoke very quietly, her words fumbling due to fear. Marina was feeding off of it.
The taller girl hummed, her finger touching her lips in faux thoughtfulness. "I guess he just pities you then."
Y/n's eyes went wide. "Wh-" The small girl broke off. With all her insecurities, the thought had occurred to her before. She'd been assured every time she brought it up so she'd finally dismissed it, but if someone else saw it too... Maybe Marina knew something Y/n didn't. "How do you figure?"
Marins tilted her head back and forth a few times,, as if considering. She had a smile on her face that made Y/n feel like she had a secret, and it would ruin Y/n's life. Y/n got the impression Marina was excited to use her power. "I mean, he's quite a catch. He's got to have plenty of girls begging for his attention. But you like him and you're so small and... cute." She reached out and softly pinched Y/n's cheek. "I'm sure he just sees you like a stray puppy." Marina pat Y/n's cheek ad the smaller girl flinched. "How could he say no when the only thing standing between you and every shadow on the street is him? You need a big strong man to watch your back everywhere you go or you'll break down in no time. You do seem to be afraid of EVERYTHING, after all." She leaned away, waving her hand as she looked away. Her complete lack of consideration for the damages her words were doing made Y/n feel like they were even more real. Even more honest. Like what she was saying had some real weight to them. Marina had spoken a lot of truth so far. Why wouldn't she be right about Embry's feelings toward her as well? "Do you miss him when he leaves at night or does he sneak in your room to protect you from the boogie man hiding in the darkness too?"
Y/n hated herself as she felt tears come to her eyes. "It's not like that."
Marine sighed, turning away. "Whatever you say, Sweetheart. Have a safe walk home! I'm sure you'll be fine with Embry watching your precious back." She walked a few steps to the corner that lead to another hallway before pausing to say one last thing. "If he's a guard dog, does that make you his puppy?" She laughed, leaning against the wall and watching Y/n look away, her eyes unable to meet Marina's.
"Are you really so pathetic that you have to tear people down to get what you want?" The laughter suddenly cut off and two girls turned, surprised, to see Embry Call himself. His usual smile was replaced by a glare. The sharp kind that dug and stabbed into Marina's very soul, making her mouth snap closed and her fingers interlace behind her back. The confidence she had before melted and she suddenly looked as nervous as Y/n usually was. Embry stepped closer to Marina. "Can't you ever mind your own business, Marina, or do you have to shove yourself into everything?"
"You don't have to protect me," Y/n snapped. Embry and Marina both looked to her now and both were surprised by the look of anger she had. She wasn't directing it at either of them but at herself as her eyes trained on her hands. She slowly looked up, stepping purposefully. She was shaking, obviously afraid and downtrodden but not giving into it for the first time in a long time. For the first time since she was little and had to force herself to walk by the house with the dogs who would bark at her every time. When she forced herself to walk slowly instead of run. She took shaky steps toward Marina, wiping the tears off of her face. "As much as I hate to hear it, Marina was right about a lot of things. You shouldn't have to keep such a close eye on me. You shouldn't have to protect me from literally everything." Y/n turned away. "I'm walking home today Embry. Don't wait up."
She walked away and Embry went after her, leaving Marina who leaned against the wall with ease now that the intimidating boy was gone. She smirked. She was winning.
Embry tried to get Y/n to listen to him, but Y/n wasn't having it. She eventually reaching into her bag for her headphones and once she put those on, Embry knew he had lost this fight. He stopped walking when she snapped at him to leave her alone, letting her keep going without him. She watched as she passed the same house they used to walk past as kids. The house with the loud dogs that made her jump. The house that made Embry smile, because it was the first time he'd ever had to put his arm around her and push her to the other side of him to put himself between her and something that scared her. The first time he'd made it known that he would always be there to have her back and protect her, even if all she really needed was comfort.
It didn't make him smile now. As she walked, the dogs went off and Embry stepped forward to run after her as she flinched. But then he froze as she solidified her stance and turned to the dogs to stare at them. They didn't stop barking but eventually her body relaxed and she turned away, walking calmly and unbothered by the big dogs and their unrelenting barking.
He had never seen her do that before.
Was he too overprotective? If she could face her fears like that and had simply learned to depend on him to deal with it, was he holding her back from being as brave as she could be?
When Y/n avoided him for the next week, he let it happen. She obviously needed some time and space and he was always willing to give it to her. If she needed time to find her own strength instead of depending on his, that was okay. He wanted her to be secure in herself as well as him and their relationship. He could protect her, but he could also let her protect herself... if she could. He hoped she was just okay.
Turns out, she was. She'd taken the week to really think about what Marina had said. To separate what had been real from what had just been mean. Y/n was weak. She was a tad pathetic. Especially recently. She faced her fears one at a time. She walked past those dogs every day. She watched scary movies and learned breathing techniques to deal with her anxiety properly. She went to the ocean and stood quite deeply in it. Maybe not deep for a normal person, but definitely for her. She let the waves push and pull at her and stood her ground. She went to the aquarium and walked through the tunnel with the sharks and moved slowly and purposefully, even when a really huge one swan right at her a second before swimming up. It had just been a swimming, but it was so big and she was so small and for a second it felt like it was coming for her life specifically. She didn't run though. Again and again she dealt with irrational fear with determination and proved to herself that she could protect herself. She could handle this. She could handle anything.
Well, not quite everything.
As much as irrational fears weren't a problem, real fears were. Like crowds. Being so small meant that she could easily get lost in a crowd and when she went to the dance that was jammed with people dancing and walking around she hadn't realized how easy it was for her to get knocked around and almost trampled until it was happening and she was near tears as she tripped and almost fell flat on her face.
A hand caught her arm and pulled her into a chest. She looked up to see Embry, his expression half worry and half pride. She felt the anxiety lift away from her as she smiled. She moved away from him, brushing off her dress a little and pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thanks."
Embry chuckled. "Anytime, Princess."
The nickname made Y/n frown. It had been developed after Embry had been at Y/n's beck and call. He'd had her back so often that Y/n had jokingly called Embry her knight in shining armor. He'd responded with calling her his princess. It reminded her of how weak she was. She needed him...
No, she didn't. "I had it handled."
Embry frowned. "Y/n can I please talk to you outside?" She hesitated before nodding. They moved to a distant corner where no one could hear them. The night air was chilly but Y/n tried to play it off and even though Embry knew it was bothering her he knew that it would only cause problems for him to offer help so he didn't. He turned to her and she looked up at her. He sat down on a bench so he didn't tower over her so much. "You know I love you, right?"
Y/n sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah." She shook her head. "But Marina was right about me needing you too much. I was weak."
"You're small, Y/n." She went to argue with him but he began speaking, cutting her off. "That isn't a bad thing, it just means that you can hurt a lot more easily. You can get pushed around. You're lighter and easier to physically move. You could have really gotten hurt in there." He scooted closer, trying to enunciate the truth in his words. "You're right. I've been overprotective forever because I was terrified of anyone hurting you. I'm probably even worse now that you're so much smaller than me and I have this whole imprint thing messing with my head. And I've noticed how you've been handling things recently. I'm so proud of you for learning to depend on yourself and being stronger and stuff- it's awesome! But there are time when you're going to need help. Hell, there are times when I need help. I'm a werewolf! But I'm also part of a pack, and for a reason. We all need each other to take down vampires. None of us could do it alone. Even in normal every day life, sometimes I have to go to one of my friends when something doesn't make sense to me or I've bit off more than I can chew. Sometimes I need y mom's advice for something I have no idea how to handle because I'm still so stupidly young." He exhaled sharply and Y/n realized for the first time that Embry Call was not unbreakable.
She moved closer to him, taking one of his large hands in two of her tiny ones. "I just want to be able to be there for you as much as you are for me."
Embry smiled. "Y/n, you are." She started, surprised. "You think I come over at 1am just because you're afraid of the dark?"
"I'm not afraid of the dark."
"Exactly." He smiled. "I go to you because I need your comfort. Because life is frustrating and confusing and hard and the only thing that makes sense sometimes is you and me. You might be small but when you pull me into a hug when we're cuddled on your bed and I burry my face in your neck and can't see anything and my senses are full of you, I feel completely at peace. You make me feel safe. You make me feel strong. When everything's out of control and terrifying and I feel like I can't do anything, I know that I can love you and that I can do it well and no one can do it better than me. You ground me. You straighten me out when I'm spiraling out of control." He pulled her closer and she melted at his touch. "I know that when I can't do anything to save my pack and I have to just sit there and wait for something to happen and hope it turns out okay, I can look at you or touch you or kiss you and you'll blush and melt and smile and be happy. I can protect you and you'll be safe." His eyes he been watering and now a tear fell. Y/n raised her hand to wipe it away and he leaned into her touch. "I depend on you too Y/n, and you let me. You handle every crazy thing I throw at you without hesitation or holding it against me. I put you in danger actively by dating you. Remember everything I told you about Bella Swan?" Y/n nodded. "If I made enemies like Edward and her did, they could come for you in a second- you know that right?" She paused before nodding. "And you're okay with that?"
She sighed. "I know you'll always protect me Embry. And you're not a such of an idiot as Edward Cullen is."
Embry sorted in amusement and Y/n smiled. He calmed. "You're amazing. Do you realize that?"
"I'm pretty cool," she agreed. He grinned. The old dropped a little as she got serious. "I just don't want to be weak either. And I was. I am."
Embry thought about that for a second. "We're all weak in some way or another."
"That's not-" she began.
"No I'm serious!" Embry insisted. "We all have a weakness, Y/n. Yours is just that you're short." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. "Can you imagine it being something worse? Like..." He trailed off. "Like the smell of blood driving you so crazy that it forces you to kill innocent people?" She looked away, her expression dark. He touched her cheek, guiding her eyes to his. "Or being so insecure and desperate for attention that you'll tear apart two in love, happy people just to make yourself feel better about not having someone like that yourself?" Y/n recognized the bite at Marina and tied not to smirk. "I love you Y/n. And maybe you can have your own back- that's fine. But sometimes you're going to need help. Let me help you those times. Please."
She hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, okay." She waved her hand, pulling it out of Embry's grasp to mirror what Marina had done weeks ago. "I suppose I'll allow you to be my guard dog." She put on an airy tone and looked away, dramatically teasing. She looked back, winking. They both laughed.
The next day, Embry and Y/n were back on track and better than ever. Marina, who had been thriving under the stress between the two, was pissed to see them have everything figured out. To her knowledge, Y/n was just as weak as before. Just as dependent on Embry as before. And just as easy to break without him to puppy guard her.
So she went in for round two.
And Y/n shut her down immediately.
"GOD don't you have a life? Get over yourself Marina not all of us depend on other people to fill what we lack in ourselves." Marina stood there, mouth agape stunned. Y/n shook her head. "You know I should actually thank you. You're the reason I finally found some confidence for myself. You helped me are my relationship even better. If it wasn't for you, Embry and I might have run into some real problems and had to break up." Y/n popped up on her tiptoes, tapping Marina's cheek like Marina had her a while back. "Let me return the favor by saying this: get a life and stop trying to ruin mine." The smaller girl's attention moved to something behind Marina. "Aw, if it isn't the cute little dog himself." Embry chucked as she moved to his side, Marina turning to face them with that same stunned expression. Y/n kissed him on the cheek and they walked off, leaving Marina to her own thoughts.
She had lost. Really lost. And they wouldn't be bothered by her ever again.
Forever Tag List: @bitchyseawitch @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @captainxmikaelson @justanotherdaydreamersoul
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andcontemplation · 4 years
You’re so cute and amazing! What do you think happened between Hopper, Joyce and Lonnie when they were young? Do you think that Joyce didn’t love Hop romantically in high-school? Or they were in love, but something went wrong(like what?)? Why she fell for Lonnie?
Aw, Anon, now I’m blushing! Thank *you* for being so sweet and kind!
This question… is my whole world. Seriously, not exaggerating. I think about this a lot since it’s the plot for the fic series I’m (slowly) writing. 
Spoilers for the first half of Time in a Bottle below... (specifically Stand By Me and an updated version of Paint it Black which will be published soon) 
So, disclaimer -- my head canon is that Joyce and Hopper are a bit younger in the show than the actors are in real life. I like to think that they graduated HS in 1965 just because it seems to fit in well with actual real-world events and the kid’s birthdates, etc.
I’ll try to keep this history brief, and in point form so I don’t get carried away here lol 
Hopper and Joyce grew up across the street from each other and were best friends from the time they could walk. Their dads were military buddies, until Joyce’s dad died in the Pacific Theater when she was just a baby. Their mother’s remained very close over the years. Hopper’s dad didn’t approve of Joyce’s mom’s lifestyle and marrying again so soon after his friend died though, so there was always some hard feelings there as the kids grew up.
Lonnie was friends with Hopper first, in elementary and middle school. He picked on Joyce and pulled her pigtails, shoved her in the dirt, even though Hopper did it back to him in retaliation, Joyce’s protector.
When Lonnie started to take a real interest in Joyce in high school, that made Hopper jealous and started the rift between them.
Joyce always liked both guys, but in different ways and at different times.
Hopper was her best friend, and they did everything together. He was her first crush at eleven years old, before that was quickly squashed when he told her girls were gross, and also her fifth crush later on when they both started dating in their early teens. Hopper was dating all the pretty blondes though, so Joyce just figured she wasn’t his type and moved on from her little crush, no hard feelings.
Lonnie was the cool, older bad boy in Hawkins (he failed a grade) and Joyce wanted to date him primarily to piss her mom off, but also because he was different than all the other guys she knew. There was something brooding and aloof about him and what teenage girl wouldn’t fall for that stereotype? She didn’t have a crush on him until grade eleven.
Lonnie dates Joyce first, in their senior year of HS, but only because Hopper is too nervous to make a move. Hopper always saw Joyce as a BFF first and he didn’t want to throw a lifelong friendship away just because he had some feelings, if you know what I mean. Still, he finds himself looking at her in a new light now that he can’t have her.
Lonnie treats Joyce like crap though, and she realizes what a jerk he is and breaks it off… the week before Prom.
Hopper asks Joyce to go with him so she didn’t have to skip it or go alone. This stirs up that old crush in Joyce and she realizes her true feelings for her best friend.
They share a perfect kiss at Prom (some trauma too when Lonnie catches them!) and start dating soon after. 
Joyce and Hop spend the summer after highschool completely and utterly head over heels for each other, in a way only young lovers know 🥰 (”Summer lovin’ had me a blast...”)
Even though things are going well between them and he doesn’t want to break it off with Joyce, Hopper enlists for the army to fight in Vietnam, mostly due to pressure from his dad and his peers wanting to go get it over with since a draft was looking to be inevitable by the fall of 1965. Hopper doesn’t think he’ll get called up right away, but he does and has to leave.
Joyce is devastated, but she promises to wait for him and they write each other every week. And they do at first, and become very close; opening up about stuff that they couldn’t even admit to themselves in their love letters. Slowly, as he finishes bootcamp and then special training, he starts to write less and less as things become more and more stressful for him. He doesn’t want to worry her about the shit he’s seeing.
Eventually, he’s facing combat in Vietnam, when he tells he doesn’t think he’ll be able to write for a while. His letter mentions something about a girl named Hannah, who told him to give up, and he just sounds so unlike himself… Joyce isn’t even sure it’s him writing to her any more.
She’s worried about his change in demeanor and upset that he’s seeming ghosted her for another girl (not realizing he was talking about Hanoi Hannah — a propaganda radio host used by North Vietnam to demoralize the US troops.)
A few weeks later, right before Christmas 1966, the awful news comes that Hopper went MIA in the jungles of Vietnam and is presumed dead. Joyce is completely destroyed by this and mourns him.
Lonnie comes back into her life soon after. He sees Joyce is not her usual self and tries his best to make up for being a jerk to her in high school. He asks if they can give it a try again and says that she was the one that got away. He thinks he’s in love with her. She’s the only woman who can clean him up.
Joyce is hurting, her self esteem is nowhere to be found and it’s a bit flattering to hear all that, so she goes along with him, wanting to feel something other than the hurt she feels losing Hopper. She parties hard with Lonnie and his friends, and goes through a bit of a wild streak fighting off her own depression.
A month or so later, Joyce finds out she’s pregnant with Jonathan. Lonnie does the right thing and marries her right away and indeed, he does clean up for a while, in preparation for being a dad. They have a blissful honeymoon stage and are as in love as they can be (considering Joyce is still heartbroken about Hop and it’s Lonnie we’re talking about lol)
While Joyce is in her third trimester, the town of Hawkins gets a shocking bit of news. Jim Hopper is alive! He had been assumed dead when the army found his dog tag next to another man’s body who had stepped on a landmine. In reality, he had been taken as a POW and held for the last eight months by the North Vietnamese.
Joyce is relieved to hear Hopper is okay, but is sad that she has moved on without him. She comes to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason and tries to feel content with the path she’s chosen for herself.
Jonathan is born at the end of 1967 and Joyce falls in love with the new little man in her life.
Hopper is treated in a hospital in Saigon. He’s due to be honorably discharged and sent home if he wants, but when he finds out Joyce is starting a family with Lonnie, he volunteers to stay for another tour.  
When he comes back to the US in late 1968, he stays out in California for a bit, hanging out at Whisky-a-go-go, following the Doors around Los Angeles, sleeping with all the hippie chicks and generally just getting into trouble. 
In 1969, he meets Diane, his nurse at the VA where he’s being treated for his PTSD and they start dating. She wants to move back home to NYC and become a teacher. He plans to follow her...
Phew! That’s a lot...
Hopefully that answers your questions :) I have more history written down that spans 1970 through to 1983 but I will leave it there for now since this pretty much encompasses my head canon for high school/post-high school Jopper (and this post is long enough already lol.)  Thank you so much for the ask! It was fun to answer, and a big help to get it all out on paper in a linear timeline instead of my usual messy notes :)
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SPOILER ALERT: The Walking Dead Seasons 1-5 + New Viewer Thoughts
so i started watching the walking dead last month and i have so many thoughts, so i decided to compile them into one place so far. i might forget a few moments and i might forget a few character names so, sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ this isn’t in chronological order, but i’ll try my best to do that, but i’m writing these as i remember the moments. if you haven’t watched it, you’ve been warned !
even if Rick was dead, it’s still really messed up for the best friend and wife to get together
i think Rick had every right to hand cuff Myrle to the pole. there’s no time to be disrespectful for no reason. you can’t be an ass to someone and then expect them to help you. i did slightly feel bad when they left him on the roof but it’s what he deserves
when Rick met up with the group, i honestly thought Lori didn’t really love him anymore during the rest of the time
i miss the farm a lot. it was nice and cute :/
Sophia wouldn’t have died if Rick told her to stay instead of run back 🙊
the build up to finding Sophia was longer than it needed to be
Maggie flipping out on Lori and yelling her business out loud was a little uncalled for. yeah, she almost died but she should’ve known the risk and even if she was mad, she still didn’t have to yell it out loud for people to potentially hear
Dale was always trying to get into everyone’s business, it was sad when he died but idk how i really felt about him
they really should’ve let Andrea die early on if she was going to continue to be whiny. if she really wanted to die, she could’ve done it by runing off and getting bit or by shooting herself at any time. i didn’t like Andrea much, especially in the third ? season (the one leading up to her death)
Shane and that dumb face whenever he was mad 🙄
I liked Shane at first but then he got annoying. What part of you can’t love your best friend’s wife don’t you understand ??
I feel bad for that kid that Shane tricked and killed in the woods
I also feel really bad for Otis. Who knows if they could’ve made it
The prison was okay but it made sense as a good shelter. It’s unfortunate how much supplies they lost.
I’m so glad Rick killed the leader of that prison gang!
I understand Lori’s death, but her body didn’t have to be eaten :/
T-Dog :((
Justin ? (The guy who set off the alarms) is an asshole. Like you really think of the walkers killed everyone you were going to make survive out on your own ??
The war between the prison and the governor is Myrle’s fault. He didn’t have to kidnap them, he could’ve just secretly followed them
It’s not the group’s fault that some Woodbury’s people died. If you have one of their people in capture, obviously they’re going to kill some people to get them back. The governor destroyed everything because of someone else’s fault 🙄
I did not enjoy the governor. I’m glad he died but he did not get a good enough death in my opinion. It would’ve been more satisfying to see Mishoan (sorry if it’s misspelled) to kill him, and definitely not by a bullet to the head.
If those two sisters at the apartment let the governor leave when he wanted to without them tagging along, then who knows if his climb back to power would’ve happened
Martinez? shouldn’t have saved him after what he witnessed. he knew he was a threat. should’ve saved the girl and left him and told the truth to the sisters
The governor’s other henchman, that black guy (I don’t remember his name at all) what was the point of him?? The camera kept focusing on him as if he was going to do something or be important but in the end he just died
i felt bad for Milton at the end :/ he finally came to his senses and it was a shame that he died
Andrea should’ve sucked it up and killed him the first time when she was supposed to. Also, idk why she thought she had the power to save everyone like this is war ?? saying “stop and make up, these are my friends” isn’t enough honey lol. She wasted too much time looking at Milton while she was trying to free herself bc it distracted her focus and time
I don’t know why Lori was so mad that Rick killed Shane, like ???
Poor prison :/ i couldn’t stop thinking about all the supplies they lost
I never understood whether the sickness in the prison was random or it was started by something else, like the infected rats? everyone got sick then they just moved on, like it seemed like too big of a plot element to move on so quickly
I’m surprised Hershel never caught the sickness after literally getting coughed in the face
Hershel did not deserve the death he got :/
I’m not surprised that Myrle was killed and turned, but I think it’s good that the person who finally killed him was Daryle bc it gives closure. If Myrle originally stuck with the group with Rick around, i don’t think things would’ve worked out
I’m glad Mishoan joined the group, she’s a great addition and she’s badass with that sword
At first, I didn’t catch on to the fact that Tyrese and Sasha were siblings so i genuinely thought he was cheating on her and was so confused when Sasha never got mad lol
I understand Carol wanting to stop the spreading of the sickness but at the point with so many other people sick what was the point? How are you going to secretly kill and burn everyone was is sick ??
It was sad seeing Rick banishing Carol but in a way I understand because you can’t just secretly betray a group like that
The group getting separated was so sad :/ but I liked the story build up of seeing how certain character pairings were together, and learning more about them. For example, Daryl and Beth :/
The part where Daryl and Beth come across the dead body debris and the camera focused on the boot, it never showed who the boot belonged to to make Beth hysterically cry. Yes, they showed the other group dying in the same spot before Carol ran into Tyrese but the way Beth reacted made it seem like someone from the group died. Unless she was just crying from the thought of someone in the group getting killed?
When Daryl and Beth ended up in that church and they noticed the supplies were fresh, meaning whoever lived there was still around, I wonder who it was supposed to be. At first I thought priest when he said he had a church, but then we found out it wasn’t the same one so I wonder who was there
Rick really bit off a man’s neck 😳 gotta do what you gotta do though
It made me nervous when Daryl joined that group because I thought he was going to be forced to stay or I thought the group was going to be the next big guys, but i was relieved when they died quickly.
I can’t believe Lizzie killed Mika :/ some kids don’t understand, I get it but if one of them were to survive I wish it was Mika. As sick as it sounds, if Lizzie got bit maybe she would’ve realized the seriousness of the walkers or maybe she wanted to be one of them. Carol had to do what she had to do afterwards.
I applaud Carol for how much she’s grown. Despite her abuse, she never stopped being kind hearted and grew into this strong woman who can protect herself and others, and also stands up for herself more
Terminus did it’s purpose by reuniting the group but it was so short lived. Like they managed to escape cannibals but run into them shortly after, but then kill them altogether and then that’s it, they move on to the next group?
Why did they have that moment with Rick, Carol, and those two people from the town, Rick giving him his watch, just for the guy to disappear and then randomly show up at Terminus and die?? Like what was the point? I was expecting more.
Glenn used to be the sensitive, nervous guy but now he’s grown into the strong, hard man and while his silliness is gone, i’m happy about his character development bc he does what he needs to to survive
Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene are an interesting group and interesting addition to the whole group. Not much to say about them (except Suzie Crabgrass 😍)
Sasha and Tyrese were an interesting addition too. I like Tyrese better
Tyrese is a sensitive, nice man, I like the fact that he’s not overly aggressive and kills everything living thing in his path. He’s like a big teddy bear, the protector and it gives a nice balance. Yeah, it unfortunately cost him his death but his character was needed :/
Bob was the most random character addition. Even after it showed what he did before he met them, i still don’t understand what his purpose was. He got a young man killed because of his alcohol issue. He tried to sneak a second bottle but then didn’t do anything with it. Why mention the alcoholism twice to not do anything more with it? Even after he does it doesn’t affect the group besides Sasha being emotional.
The addition of the priest is kind of random too. He was alone; they helped him and gave him shelter, but what else? He even tried to escape and got the others in trouble trying to save him so?? At the new community, I haven’t seen him much so what happened with him?
Beth’s death was really sad. I wanted her to make it but i understand that if Dawn didn’t accidentally kill her, Rick wouldn’t have killed Dawn and Noah would’ve been forced to stay. If Noah stayed, then they wouldn’t have had a reason to move up north.
The hospital seemed like they were genuinely trying to help people but why they were so forceful and strict didn’t sit right with me.
The doctor wanted to leave but I don’t know why he didn’t go with the group?? He would’ve been useful for them.
I like Noah so far (though i might be biased bc i did watch everybody hates Chris lol) i’m guess he’ll be more useful later on
Tyrese’s death was the moment that finally made me cry :/ specifically the moment they showed his beanie 😭😭
Rick went from trying to do right and trying to save everybody to not taking anymore shit and I love it
I miss Georgia already.
Season 5 has been slow for me. As of right now I haven’t finished the last 3 episodes yet because I don’t understand the point of the new community that they’re in. It’s too good to be true. I don’t trust anybody except Aaron bc he seems niave. Trouble is going to happen with the woman’s husband, I can tell him and Rick are probably gonna fight until the husband dies. The wife will freak out. The leader of the group seems suspicious. The whole area doesn’t sit well with me. I’m constantly waiting for something to happen bc the whole time they’re being watched & they know what Carol and Rick are up to.
that’s all for now. once i finish season 5, i’ll add to this
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rosykims · 6 years
tagged by: @nordxz​ thanks so much !!! *heart emoji* 
favourite game of the series?
origins! although inquisition is very close as well.  inquisition was my favourite for a very time, but like midway through last year i replayed origins and it just felt.....so good. i really struggled with enjoying dao because of the clunky fighting system but an amazing mutual introduced me to a mod that lets u skip fights basically lol, so i was just able to focus on the story/characters/exploration of the game, which just....made me realize how immensely beautiful the game actually is, and i fell in love all over again aaaaa
how did you discover dragon age?
i was a huge mass effect fan ! mass effect was the game that motivated me to make this blog, actually, and obviously through following people i saw a lot of posts from the da community as well. so i bought origins and inquisition (i had NO idea there was a da2 until half way through awakening lmao) and tried to play origins but HATED it gtrhutgrhugtr and then eventually gave it another try like a month later and completely loved it and now here we are
how many times you’ve played the games?
not as many times as some people on here have - i would say origins maybe four times, da2 maybe twice, inquisition three times. but that also doesnt count all the timesw ive created new games and then abandoned them lol bc theres too many to count 
favourite race to play as?
love me some elf booty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favourite class?
at first it was rogue dual wielder ! i played as a rogue in every single first-time playthrough and idk i felt that class has always been the easiest/most op. but in the last maybe 2 years it’s changed to mage. ive always been super intimidated by magic classes in every game i play but i LOVE inquisition’s mage classes/specializations and i can never go back now
do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
im so so so bad and i usually end up making very similar choices, but usually bc i just......replay the same characters every time hgtuhgtruhgtrui. i REALLY need to make more da ocs to explore more choices but....i dont want to lol i already have to many. i still havent sided with the templars in a playthrough like i just cant do it 
go-to adventuring group?
i always bring my characters love interest with them no matter what, just bc its cute, but usually i try to evenly cycle the other characters around that. i always try to have a warrior/rogue/mage in every party. but sometimes i’ll go warrior/warrior/mage/mage especially if i need to focus on straight damage and a LOT of healing lol
my favourite parties would probably be:
dao - alistair + zevran + wynne (wholesome and also funny)
da2 - anders + fenris + merrill (SO much chaotic energy)
dai - solas + cassandra + cole (i just love them ok)
which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
ashara lavellan, my canon inquisitor who was never supposed to be canon tghtgurhtrg. my original canon inq was a trevelyan rogue, who was super nice and good. i made ashara so that i could actually play as an evil/mean character without feeling bad lol, oh and i also wanted to see what the deal with solas was bc i had heard his romance was good ;;;;) anyway that backfired and i ended up completely falling in love with her, and i STILL couldnt make the tough choices with her so i was like ok maybe she isnt THAT evil and now shes just..... the way she is now i guess lmao
favourite romance?
trhhtruih okay u guys KNOW its solas. u know. i dont even have to say anythiing about it bc...u fucking know
(alistair’s is very close tho)
have you read any of the comics/books?
i havent :(((( im such a bad fan but i cannot deal with ordering online and thats the only place ive been able to find them. im planning on reading asunder and the masked empire as soon as i get the chance (and the money) tho !!
if you read them, which was your favourite book?
favourite DLCs?
trespasser ! its pretty simple and very plot-driven like u didnt have to worry about side missions as much as u would with other dlcs so idk that was... refreshing. but obviously i loved it just bc it was so beautiful and intense and sad (since my chara romanced solas obviously) and that music score????? unbelievable i’ll never be over it
things that annoy you.
can i say the fandom trghuitgrhutrhui
mostly the thing that pisses me off the most is the grey morality. writers trying to make everything deep and Thought Provoking like..... no jerry, slavery IS bad theres no alternative viewpoint lol??????? also the fucking whitewashing makes me see red. 
orlais or ferelden?
ferelden!!!!! (*blows a kiss* for highever)
templars or mages?
mages <3 
if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
i only have like 3 protag da characters and they’re all canon, although emeraude is an au. so ella is my canon warden and ashara is my canon inquisitor, but emeraude does exist in that universe, bc i hc she befriended the warden and alistair when they visited the alienage, and she was very outspokenly angry and didn’t really give a shit that alistair was going to be heir. which alistair really,,, appreciated i guess? so emeraude is made his official elven adviser after his coronation but she also kinda helps out as a royal protector because she’s one of the only people in court they both trust completely lol. also she is....stronk. 
and the only other characters i have for da are obviously side characters who are related to my canon protags so. they’re all canon as well lol
what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
ella named her dog ser bark gthutgrhutghruihtr she thought it was cute ok
emeraude just went with barkspawn since alistair came up with the idea as a joke but she thought the joke was so bad she made them keep it as punishment vjhuightui
i dont really have a hawke oc but.....he named his dog shepard in my playthrough ! like from mass effect ;;;;)))
have you installed any mods?
origins is modded to hell and back and i genuinely couldn’t play the game without mods at this point. inquisition is slightly modded but im in the process of removing them all, and only keeping a few because my game runs pretty terribly with them installed 
did your warden want to become a grey warden?
ella did ! but it was kind of,, a naive childhood dream, she had a really romanticized view of the wardens and she wanted a life of excitement and bravery and adventure, not really taking into consider all the bad things about it (and obviously not knowing the full truth about what it means to be a warden)
emeraude did NOT want to be a warden. she basically had to be dragged out of the alienage because she wanted to stay and protect her community. she never really enjoyed being a warden, although her friendship with alistair was its one redeeming quality 
hawke’s personality?
uh i cant remember the colour/personality thing but he was a combo of funny/ethical. mostly there for memes tho. 
did you make matching armor for your companions in inquisition?
for origins i do ! i always make sure alistair and ella wear the grey warden armour, as well as every warden in awakening. thats like, all theyre allowed to wear lmao.
if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
ella would obviously change her family’s murder lol, and emeraude would at least try and change what happened at her wedding, to prevent shianni and the others from being hurt. 
ashara would change romancing solas :((( she was so angry at herself after discovering who he was, and she felt weak and foolish which she HATES more than any other feeling, so she definitely wishes she had never met him for a long time. after she kind of processes it though, and learns to deal with her anger, her answer would be that she wishes she had saved the chargers. it’s the one move she made that actually keeps her up at night sometimes. 
do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
ghuitrhuigtrhugtr so many. canon? dont know her. 
the biggest example would be that i hc king!alistair was at the winter palace during the wicked hearts level. because uh..... celene and the fereldan monarchs had been corrosponding for over 10 years, trying to build up rapport, of COURSE the king would be there to see who the potential ruler/s of orlais would be and whether or not he ought to be worried. like. im sorry but alistair was there lol you can’t change my mind. i also hc he helps ashara with information about the grey wardens during this chapter, because ???? it just makes sense??? im so angry i wish this was canon
are any of your characters based on someone?
ok it was unintentional but ashara reminds me of an english teacher i had in highschool who was very scary but also....really cool and i loved her. it was an accident but,, still counts. 
who did you leave in the fade?
gtiturghtugh okay at the risk of pissing off EVERYBODY who reads this, i left hawke in the fade, even though it was a toss up between hawke and stroud. it was ashara’s fault tho !!! she would have 100% prioritzed an alliance with the grey wardens over like,, some guy. it broke my heart but yeah That happened. 
favourite mount?
i like all the elk mounts mostly ! but i never use them bc they sound ugly af
tagging : @trvelyans​ @f3nharel​ @allisondraste​ @ensevens​ @tethraas​ @talizorah​ @fereldun​ if u are up to it <3 and whoever else wants to do this ! 
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
January 26: Mr. Robot 3x04
Another episode of Mr. Robot today--this time with less Tyrell, which I liked. Actually overall I thought this was a really strong episode! I’m seeing all the different strands of narrative and all the different factions come into focus. Plus there was a lot of Alderson siblings, and they’re my favorite relationship on the show.
Poor Darlene.The events of the last season really broke her...but she’s trying so hard. I like the pacing of the scene with her and the pickpocket. It’s not rushed at all but it’s not boring. Mr. Robot does scenes like that really well.
And she still has great style, too.
They should play Elliot’s speech on metadata in library school.
Lol they tried to call Darlene and all they did was call Elliot because her phone’s in her house.
This is all very Tinker Tailor.
Nooo Darlene, this is Elliot! Or... well, it’s not lol. It’s not Mr. Robot though!
“It’s me” IS a complicated statement from him.
I feel like Elliot must suspect she’s a spy, or at the very least that something supremely suspicious is going on, if he brought a voice protector.
“We don’t hack each other.”
I don’t think Mr. Robot ever liked Darlene. I have this half-theory...that she knows all the personalities, or at least that Mr. Robot isn’t the only one. That was sort of the impression I got from the finale, though I don’t remember why. Also I saw it out of context so I might have just been wrong.
Angela is exactly the same whether she’s working for ECorp or Dark Army. That same fake-confident corporate role, like everything she says is a line from one of her tapes.
I love the Aldersons so much! (Don’t even know what this note is in reference to, but it’s always true.)
“Mandated office functions.”
Lol Dom used metadata to find this rando guy. I don’t think he’s anyone... he’s certainly not fsociety in the original sense as that group doesn’t exist anymore. He might not be Dark Army in the true sense ether. Just someone who wanted to include himself?
Flipper! A good dog.
Darlene and Elliot’s vengeance pact. I love them?
Tyrell’s crush on Mr. Robot is fading I see. I really do think this personality was the one he loved but now the bloom is off the rose.
Darlene experiencing 2020 early: no friends, no social contact...
I remember seeing this scene for the first time and feeling SO vindicated, given that I called Lesbian Dom a season ago. I was never sure if it would be made explicit but I knew. It’s such a good scene all around though. Dom and Darlene have great chemistry. Dom’s awkwardness, Darlene’s... vocabulary.
Tyrell is so emotional. How do all these people stand him? “We were going to be gods.” Lol whatever dude.
Truly, everything Angela says sounds like it’s from one of her tapes.
Hmmm, it’s 9:05 in the show and 9:07 here... coincidence? (Yes.)
...Wait so did Darlene lose Elliot/Mr. Robot or did she no longer want to follow when she saw Angela? Was she always going to ‘double cross’ Elliot and just bring the information to the FBI? “I may have immunity but I’m going to lose my brother” sort of implies that.
So right now we have whiterose, Irving, Angela, Santiago, Mr. Robot, and Tyrell on team Dark Army, Price on team ECorp, Dom and Darlene on team FBI, and Elliot sort of a free agent, I guess. Arguably team ECorp I guess. Or just anti-team Dark Army.
Omg is the next one the single shot ep?? So excited.
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creepykingdom · 5 years
13th Gate Asylum Review
Last weekend four members of our Creepy Crew had the opportunity to go through the 13th Gate Asylum Haunt in Oxnard, CA. 
These are their stories. 
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By Roxy Tart
I live in Orange County, and during the months of September and October, I cover haunts such as Universal HHN, Knotts Scary Farm, Queen Mary Dark Harbor, etc. So when my dear friend Nikki (who may be one of the biggest scaredy-cats I know) asked if I wanted to drive for 2 hours to cover a small, one house, 15-minute haunt, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure. But, I love haunts, and I love the people that throw them and the community behind them, and when a few days before we were thinking of heading up there 13 Gate contacted me asking if I’d like to come…it was a sign, and I had to say yes!
So I swung through DTLA and picked up my road dog Michelle, and we headed up to the hemp fields of Ventura County. We arrived at Nikki’s and both her and our dear friend Angel (also a big scaredy cat), were already nervous wrecks. I knew I had my work cut out for me…somehow I’d have to keep these two from freaking out, passing out, or dying, all while taking in enough of this Haunt to do a write up (spoiler alert, it wasn’t hard because the people who run 13th Gate are phenomenal!). I laid down the “rules” at dinner.
1. I would go in front
2. Michelle would bring up the rear. (now is a good time to point out that Michelle doesn’t really love being scared either, lol)
3. I’ll hold your hand, but only ONE! I need the other one for my phone.
4. Do not freak out and pull out my earrings, or rip my shirt.
Easy peasy right?
My plan was simple. We would get there before the Haunt opened for the night, get Nikki and Angel used to the place, have them talk to security, other people in line, maybe the girl who runs the front door…and by then they would feel safe and just be able to have fun. Let me tell you, this is NOT what happened.
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We rolled up and the first thing Nikki noticed was that there were scare actors in the parking lot. And when I say “noticed” what I mean is “freaked the hell out, froze in the driver's seat, and couldn’t park the car!”. I was eventually able to get out of the car and ask the actors who were swarming like flies on a dead body to back up just a bit so that Nikki could park. I was honestly worried that as she sat there screaming with the car in gear she was gonna run someone over. So, the car parked, check. Michelle out, check. Michelle and I filming Nikki and Angel being terrorized and screaming their heads off while scare actors CLIMBED IN THE CAR WITH THEM, check. Now I’m gonna pause here a second and point out that in all my years of Haunts (I worked my first Haunt in ’96), I have never, ever, seen actors climb IN a person’s car. It was a super ballsy move, but it paid off big time. By the time we got everyone out of the car, the whole line, security, and everyone working knew what was up. We were full-on pre-show entertainment.
As the crew stood in line (I honestly don’t know how Michelle kept the other two from running away), I went and checked in. My first impression of 13th Gate was “these actors are in it to win it” and my second was how absolutely wonderful, charming, helpful and friendly the staff was. From security to checking in, to being escorted around, to watching the house through the video monitors (more on that later), I was blown away by how amazing everyone was. I found out that everyone there was a volunteer, they had people drive up from Orange County to work the haunt every weekend, and it was staffed with a bunch of families. Moms, dads, and kids all working together having the best time! And everyone that I talked to (other than the scare actors who were in the house in character of course) were super friendly, big smiles, and incredibly accommodating. They made me feel like I was part of the family, and that’s what really sets this place apart from other haunts. This isn’t a job, this is a community, and you can tell.
Now, back to our adventure. We were waiting to go in and the lady at the front informed us that they don’t funnel big groups into the house. You go with the party you came with. If that’s 6 people, you all go in. If that’s one person alone, you go in alone. One of the things I hate most is being herded into a house with 1000 other people and shuffling through the whole thing feeling like a sardine, so I was happy about that. It was our turn, and the four of us entered a church-like building where a person in a black robe stood blocking our path. The next thing we knew, it was pitch black, and we could feel people moving all around us, brushing up against us, and just being generally creepy AF. When they decided we were rattled enough, the lights came back on and we were surrounded by people in robes, who very nicely let us continue on our way. Now, as much as I would LOVE to go through room by room and tell you all the amazing and delightful things we saw, I won’t. Because A. I don’t want to ruin the surprise and B. that would make this write up about 20 pages long, lol. But I will tell you this; 13th Gate Asylum is a beautifully well-oiled machine that works on sound and lighting cues to let the actors know what’s going on, and in many rooms, the actors have complete control over where you go and when you leave. Every person in a room takes ownership of it, and you can tell they are proud of what they do.
After we went through we were invited to relax and watch the monitors. There are cameras throughout the house, and these are used to keep an eye on everyone and make sure they're safe, and also for cues. There is one person at the monitors with a radio, relaying messages to other people all over the warehouse. After doing that for a bit, we were taken on a backstage tour where we got to see the ins and outs of the haunt, and we got to experience some of the rooms again, with the actors really showing off for the cameras! It was so much fun! I honestly didn’t want to leave, and if it hadn’t been for my two-hour drive home, I might have asked if we could just stay and hang out for the night.
Overall, the 13th Gate Asylum is one of my favorite Haunts this year. It was absolutely worth the drive, and I fully plan on going back every year!
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By Michelle Mallek
I was excited when I found out when I was going to the 13th Gate Asylum in Oxnard. I had never been to this haunt and never been to a single maze in a warehouse. I did not know what to expect but I was eager to see what it was about. This would be shocking to most since I am a self-proclaimed scaredy-cat but I have always liked going to haunts and becoming less scared. Driving up to the haunt was the beginning of our experience. We were greeted in the parking lot by a clown and grim reaper character. My friend Nikki was driving and she was more scared about this experience than I was and totally freaked out. It was pure hilarity when she could barely park the car in sheer panic that there were scare actors following our car. It took us almost 20 minutes to get her and Angel out of the car. Just by the interaction with characters in the parking lot and their involvement in scaring us already had me hooked on this haunt. We finally made it inside the building and the atmosphere was set for the perfect buildup of fear. You could hear all sorts of noises coming from inside the maze with screams here or there. The neat thing about this maze was they weren’t shuffling mass groups of people into the maze. You only went with your group, even if you were the only one. This factor also freaked me out because I wouldn’t be able to hide in the crowds of people. But alas, I must be brave and get the whole experience since I could not hide. This maze has by far been one of my favorite mazes to go thru. Each room has a different theme or storyline and you are completely at the will of the actors. Many of the rooms have automatic doors that only open when the actors open it. This forced you to be involved in the room and all the scare factors that went along with it. So if you’re running around trying to get away from the people scaring you good luck. There were a couple of unexpected scares that would get even the bravest “I don’t get scared” person. They used scare techniques that I hadn’t seen before. Who knew people crawling creepily on the floor and flexible people would be so scary. When we were out of the maze we got to talk to some of the people that are in charge. I was surprised to find out that all the actors are on a volunteer basis and not only that but many families were involved. The moms proudly pointed out where their husbands and children were in the maze. You could really tell these people cared about giving the best experience possible and this wasn’t a job but a passion. I would recommend this maze to anyone because it is great for all scare levels. I plan on attending this maze every year and seeing what new designs they come up with.
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By Nikki Jones
I feel like you should know a few things about me before I give my thoughts on my experience at the 13th Gate Asylum haunt. Fun fact number one, the reason I like the horror genre is that it generally ‘HORRIFIES” me. It invokes fear, which I kind of dig…. with that being said…Fun fact number two, I like my horror on the big screen or my TV screen…. NOT in my personal space…so haunts and scare zones usually put me in the fetal position and my appointed protector has to pick me up, fight off the Ghoulies and carry me out. Fun fact number three, I am a scaredy-cat…not a cool spooky girl… A BIG CRYBABY SCAREDY CAT.
Now for my thoughts…I assembled the cool crew to attend the haunt with me this past Saturday, October 19th. I briefed them about their roles in my protection for the evening's event, and they briefed me on what to expect around every corner. Just so you know, I’m no fool…I assembled the best of the best…a seasoned haunt vet and my appointed protector (Roxy Tart) …. a good friend with fresh big girl undies who recently just did the Haunted Hayride in LA (Michelle Mallek) …and my scaredy-cat adopted ADULT child of mine (Angel Fajardo). My anxiety was high the entire drive to the haunt, and that anxiety was JUSTIFIED as the ghouls surrounded my car as I was trying to park therefore paralyzing me so much so that I could not park the car( something none of us expected…..HORRIFYING and fear justified….thanks guys!). Once my appointed protector was able to get me out of the car. That fear was so paralyzing that I literally felt like I just ran a marathon and I hadn’t even made it inside yet! Once inside, I totally disregarded my appointed protector’s (well…my whole crew actually) personal space and walked through room after room of the UNFORSEEN cussing and telling myself positive affirmations through my tears because…you know…. that whole FEAR JUSTIFIED thing. The actors who are actually volunteers are soooo believable that I even had a nightmare about one of the rooms…. way to hone your craft guys! The props, the costumes and the overall aesthetic each room had were spot on for the story being told. Oh my goodness… and the sounds completely startle while the lights and the fog disorient you. I am not a huge haunt fan like some of you out there but take it from THE most scared of all scaredy cats…..GO EXPERIENCE THIS HAUNT….and for those of you spookys out there that are too cool for school and nothing scares you…I guarantee the UNFORSEEN will scare the COOL right out of you.
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By Angel Fajardo
When I found out I was going to the 13th Gate Asylum in Oxnard I was terrified. I love Halloween and watching scary movies but participating in haunts isn’t my cup of tea. I would consider myself a sympathetic scaredy-cat; if someone around me is terrified I am just as terrified if not more. I hate loud noises, creepy costumes, losing my personal space, and pop up scares. That being said, I hated the 13th gate asylum haunt! Would I go back? I definitely would!! 
As soon as we arrived we were pursued by killer clowns, prison escapees, and hell raised demons. The insane make-up, crazy effects, and creative rooms kept me on my toes. The polka dot room was my favorite room. Who wouldn’t love a room full of polka dots! “I love polka dots, I wear polka dots”. After meeting a few scarers and members of the operational staff I fell in love with this “well-oiled rig” of a haunt. This haunt is run by different families, kids, and volunteers. I would definitely recommend giving it a visit!
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