#the doll staff answers
institute-of-dolls · 19 days
Hello!This one is pretty new to the doll community, and is pretty sure it's a doll, but still isn't fully sure what that means or what kind of doll it is. Would the institute happen to have any good condensed sources on things? It does know that in general being a doll is rather personal, so if there isn't, that's alright too.
Hi there! I have a few good starting posts to direct to:
There is this write up here, from us. It discusses dollhood from multiple angles but heavily from community. Additionally this post from Witchpassing gets at dollhood in as an aspect of their creation well. And this one from absentwriterdoll that resonated with us about the nature of dollhood. As for figuring out what kind of doll you are, I am not sure i have any resources for that off the top of my head. It is a lot of self discovery and reflection for most, though finding community with other dolls can help. On both topics I will, as usual invite my fellow handlers and witches, as well as any dolls following to weigh in on. I know especially on what a doll is, that i have seen some amazing writings from others in the community that I am just struggling to find atm. And for how to figure out what kind of doll you are, I'm sure someone (or something) will have advice around the community somewhere. I also think we are going to do a masterpost list soon, inspired by this and a few other asks. Attempt to make a nice condensed 101 answers list maybe
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itsmebytch001 · 8 months
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Angel had noticed Alastor had barley moved from his frozen stance awaiting by the door like a statue looking off into the distance clutching his staff with an unusually tight grip.
Angel: "Hey Husk, what's got Al all frozen like that?"
Husk looked up from his rag shining his glass and glanced over to Alastor still frozen and unblinking.
Husk: "Ugh, His kids coming to visit, they don't see each other often but whenever they do see each other, Al makes a whole big thing of it, stressin me out" He grumped out.
Angel: "His daughter? How is that possible? Ain't me like, Asexual or something? How you gonna have a kid if you won't bone?"
Husk: "I dunno, maybe she's adopted, she got his eye's though"
Angel: "Huh, so you've met her?"
Husk: "A couple times"
Angel: "Is she like him...with the radio and the tentacles?"
Niffty: "Nah"
Angel: "Ah! Niff Jesus we gotta but a bell on ya, you can't just run up on a guy like that jeez"
Niffty: "She's more into modern tech, and no tentacles, none that Ive seen" She said caressing her knife slowly.
Angel: "aha, well why she coming in now? it's been like five month's I ain't never heard him talk about her"
Husk: "No idea, last I heard they fell out after she brought a TV"
Niffty: "The guy hates Tech" She said, scratching her knife into the wooden table front of the bar.
*knock Knock*
Alastor's already strained smile expanded to reach his eyes as he strides to the door swiftly opening the door to reveal...
Alastor: "Y/N! So very good to see you my dear, Oh how I've missed you" He said pulling her in to the foyer in a tight, unnatural embrace , Angel leered over to get a proper look at her, from across the room little could be seen her face squashed into her fathers torso as she pushed herself away he squinted to look at her face, and indeed he did have his eyes, but little else, except the yellow teeth.
Y/n: "Good to see you to Dad, I've missed you too i guess" She said under her breath.
Alastor's eye twitched, you had just walked in the door and already you are testing him.
Alastor: "I heard that My love, keep your snide little comments to yourself, m'kay?" He asked, snapping his neck to the left.
Alastor: "Chum's! come greet my dear Y/n won't you?!" He bellowed pushing you towards the bar by the small of your back.
Y/n: "Dad, I already know Niff and Husk I-"
Alastor: "OH! but you haven't met Angel Dust, oh he's such a character" He said practically shoving you onto a stool across from Angel.
Y/n: "Hey Husk"
Husk: "Hey Y/n...you want me to make you something?"
Y/n: "Yeah, Gin and Tonic please" You said slumped over the bar.
Alastor: "She'll take a strawberry lemonade"
Y/n: "Dad I'm too old for thi-"
Alastor: "She'll take a strawberry Lemonade" He said again sternly looking you in the eye.
Alastor: "Now my Dear, where oh where are you belongings'?"
Y/n: "Just outside the door" You answered as Husk poured you a Strawberry Lemonade passing it over to you.
Alastor: "Good good, Husk go take them to Y/n's room won't you?"
Husk: "I'm a bartender not a bags boy Al"
Alastor: " I said go get her bags"
Husk lowly exhaled and dragged his sorry self towards the door.
Alastor: "right well, Angel this is my daughter Y/n"
Angel: "Daughter aye? And how exactly did that happen?"
Alastor: "Why what ever do you mean dear Angel?"
Angel: "Ain't you asexual? Can't exactly have a kid if you ain't boned someone"
Alastor: "Oh! well I made her of course"
Angel: "What?"
Y/n: "He made me, as a precaution"
Alastor: "Oh no dear we've been over this, I made you because I wanted to raise you"
Y/n: "Uh huh"
Angel: "Wait wait, I'm confused did you make her as like, a Frankenstein while you were alive or like..?"
Alastor: "No no, I bared no children when I was alive I made her down here"
Angel: "Okay but HOW?"
Alastor: "with some gold dust, an old voodoo doll and a rib of mine. It doesn't hurt to to supplied with a sum of power and magic of course"
Angel: "...uh huh" he watched as Husk dragged your bags up the stairs.
Alastor: "And my lovley creation will be staying with us for some times"
Y/n: "A month, that's all"
Alastor: "Oh a whole month! we have so much catching up too do, shame you won't ever answer any of my messages"
Y/n: "maybe I would if it weren't in the form of a telegram!"
Alastor: "Oh you young people, with your phones and TV's, whatever happnded to radio"
Y/n: "oh god please don't start" He patted your head as you slumped even further down the bar.
Alastor: "Yes well, while you chat with Angel I'll be sure to arrange the others I'm sure they'll be dying to meet you"
Y/n: "Yeah, okay Dad" you said dismissively sipping on your straw, Alastor of course saw this as his body tensed forcing himself to walk off following Husk up the stairs to corral the other tenants.
Angel: "So, Toot's you don't seem all that happy to see your pop's why is that?"
Y/n: "I didn't want to come here, It's just till extermination day since that dates been moved up"
Angel: "Oh, so your coming here for safety? well this place get's attacked every other week so I'm not sure if that's a great idea"
Y/n: "Oh no, I don't want to be here, It's just my Dad is convinced my place isn't safe enough, and he goes on about how we barley chat (mainly because he refuses to get a phone) and like 'how would I know if you were slain, am I just supposed to go looking for you sliced corpse' and besdies it's not like I have a choice so here I am, until the end of this month and then I'll finally go home again and not talk to the fucker for another seven years"
Angel: "Damm, if you hate the guy so much why not just not come, technically your Hell born so I'm sure you could leave the city, go on down somewhere like Pride, or Lust he can't come dragging you back"
Y/n: "Oh, but he can"
Angel: "How? Guy can't leave the ring"
Y/n: "You've seen that keyring of that little doll on his staff?"
Angel: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "That's me. He shakes that thing a couple times and BOOM and back where he wants me, coming 'voluntarily' just feel's less shit I guess"
Angel:" Oh...Damm" he looked over around the bar awkwardly tapping his foot waiting for Al to come back while you sipped on your god damm strawberry Lemonade.
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Pt 2 anyone?
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
tw - forced marriage, unhealthy relationships, possessive behavior, and border-line shitpost energy.
It is common knowledge that Lord Scaramouche, Sixth Harbinger of the Snezhnayan Fatui, the nationally acclaimed and universally feared Balladeer, does not like to share his toys.
The timeline of your relationship should be proof enough of that -courted after only a handful of chance encounters during his time in your humble village, married as quickly as he could find an alter and an officiant willing to misinterpret your frantic sobbing as an 'I do', hastily locked away in an estate populated solely by masked guards and servants under strict instruction not to speak a word to you - but, if there was a soul in Teyvat who dared to ask for more evidence, you would happily point them towards the smoldering remains the book that you'd been too caught up in to keep track of one of his frequent one-sided rants, the patch of sand and stone that had once been the flower garden you lavished with all of the love and attention you'd withheld from him. He's as savage as he is predictable. His precious things, from his vast collection of porcelain dolls to the ancient sword that he keeps hidden in a velvet-lined box in his study, are safely stowed away, while yours are swiftly and mercilessly destroyed.
If there's something you'd like to keep, it has to be bargained for. You'll spend weeks singing his praises and cuddling up to his side, cooking all his favorite meals by hand (much to the distress of his small legion of private chefs) and letting him speak at length about the bloody, visceral vengeance he plans to rain down upon his countless enemies. It's only when you have him content and assured of your love for him that you pounce.
His lips purse, eyes narrowing. "No."
"Please, my lord." You lean forward, clasping your hands over your lap. "Won't you at least try to consider it?"
"Absolutely not." His tone is surprisingly haughty, especially considering his current position; head resting on your thighs, gaze pointed at some indistinguishable point on the far wall as you rake your fingers through his hair. "You expect me to strain my staff and myself just so you can... what? Visit your sister for a few boring days?"
"Her son is turning five, and she just had her first daughter. I thought it might be nice to see how she's doing and lend her a hand."
He scoffs. "You expect me to be so patient with you and yet, here you are, practically begging me to let you run off to the countryside just to see another man."
"Surely, you aren't denying my request because you're jealous of an infant."
"No. Whatever. Be quiet." If you didn't know better, you would think he's pouting. "My answer hasn't changed. I can't afford to spare that much thought on such a petty errand, not with the Tsaritsa as demanding as she is."
You hum, letting your head lull to the side. "You know," A weighted pause, your nails scraping against his scalp. "Her home isn't as... accommodating as yours. Her only spare room was converted into a nursery some years back, so we'd have to stay at an inn."
His lips quirk downward, unimpressed. "And?"
"And, there's only one in my village. It's quite a meager thing, too. Even this time of year, there's only going to be a few rooms available." Your touch lingers near the nape of his neck. "I know I usually insist on separate bedrooms, but given the circumstances, there's a good chance neither of us will be able to be so selfish."
There was a beat of silence, then another. You think, for a moment, that Scaramouche might be holding his breath, but you quickly remember that he doesn't breathe at all.
Finally, he responds. "A few days would make for a pathetic visit. Tell her that we'll be staying for a month."
As savage as he is predictable. That's all you could expect from your husband, wasn't it?
You lean down, pressing a fleeting kiss into his temple. "As you wish, my lord."
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holybibly · 4 months
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Today's unholy hours, bunnies
"This is exactly what you wanted, doll. Isn't it? Just what you need. Am I right?" Yeosang whispered in your ear, his deep, husky voice sending a shiver down the length of your spine.
The sound of your soft, half-choked moaning rang out in the evening silence of the practically empty library. The corner behind the tall bookshelves provided enough privacy for the two of you at this late hour, hiding you from the staff and other students who might accidentally wander into the most remote section of the Ancient Korean Literature section.
Yeosang's sneering laugh is accompanied by a particularly hard thrust of his hips while his cold, hard hands press you more firmly against the wooden table.
"And what? I'm not going to get a single sarcastic comment from you to answer that, bunny? The cat's got your tongue."
Any attempt at a reply or contradiction is cut short by the powerful, deep thrusts of Yeosang's hips as he drives his thick, wiry cock deeper into your screaming, needy cunt. He was fucking you so hard and so fast that it practically knocked all the air out of your lungs.
You hated him. You hated him so fucking much, but the feeling was stronger than you. Yeosang was making you crazy, and trying to deny feeling attracted to him was just stupid.
You wanted to turn away from the wicked, sneering grin on the handsome blond sempai's face, but he wouldn't let you. Yoe kept your fierce, defiant gaze on his angelic face, digging his fingers into your soft cheek and covering your mouth with his palm, so that you could barely breathe, choking on your own moans as Yeosang continued to fuck you mercilessly.
"Such obedience; I like you much more like this, doll~"
Your hands clutched at his shirt, crumpling the once perfectly ironed fabric, your nails scratching across his collarbones and the bulging muscles of his chest, leaving bright red scratches on his skin, when you rolled your eyes at the feeling of the orgasm that was about to come. Fuck, it was too good to be true, and you knew full well that you'd be kicking yourself for it afterwards, but fuck, Yeosang was fucking divine.
Who would have thought that your angelic sempai, Kang Yeosang, could be a real freak in bed?
You couldn't even make a sound of protest—just a whimper as he slowed his movements, denying you pleasure for the third time today. Fucking bastard. Your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as you squirmed in your seat, letting out a muffled, frustrated moan that was too loud, even though Yeosang was still covering your mouth with his hand. The sharp sensation of your orgasm slowly began to fade into a small, pulsating stream of pleasure.
You were so wet you were probably sitting in a puddle of your own slime, judging by the nasty squelching sound you heard when Yeosang's cock was halfway out of your cunt. The amusement that danced in his foxy hazel eyes was so obvious and only grew as you raised your tearful puppy eyes up to him, and your coarseness and defiance dissolved into a silent plea for him to finally let you cum.
"Oh, wilful little slut wants to cum? Not such a cheeky little thing anymore, Y/N, eh? I told you to be quiet, doll. If you want to finally come on my cock, be quiet; otherwise, I'll be the one who cum tonight." That's how deep and sultry his voice was; it was just illegal. How could you resist him?
You nod desperately at what he says, and Yeosang responds by smiling smugly. The sweet expression on his face hides his sinister intentions as he begins to move again, this time with an even harder and more brutal thrust. His taut balls slap against your pussy with each rhythmic movement, and you bite his hand, causing the handsome sempai to hiss slightly in pain.
"You little bitch..." Yeosang hissed, changing the angle of his movements so that the head of his thick cock was now hitting your sweet spot with every thrust, and this time he had no intention of stopping.
You tensed, feeling the almost painful throbbing of your approaching orgasm, your eyes rolling back as wave after wave of overwhelming pleasure washed over you, shaking you to the core. For all your hatred of Yeosang, it was worth it. His cock was made of fucking gold.
His moans were barely audible as you clenched around his cock, his warm, thick seed staining the walls of your womb, and your pussy seemed to pull him even deeper in and hold him there, clinging tightly to the velvety length of his cock. All your senses were overloaded with pleasure, and every heavy sigh and every growling wheeze that Yeosang emitted seemed to prolong your orgasm, driving you deeper and deeper into a state of euphoria until you felt no connection to your body and black dots began to dance before your eyes.
When you finally managed to regain consciousness, you were lying on his lap, and your clothes had been returned to the tidy state they had been in before. You looked lazily around, still feeling heavy and unable to move. You rolled your eyes in annoyance as your still slightly unfocused gaze fell on the book in his hand.
"Are you serious, Yeosang? Classical poetry? You've just fucked my brains out, and you're still behave yourself like a good boy? Of course, the exemplary sempai, Kang Yeosang."
"Ah, now that cheeky mouth of yours is back again. I guess you haven't learned your lesson, doll; you have to be quiet in the library."
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gingersxng · 5 months
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Inappropriate Touching
Pairing: f!reader x Seonghwa x Yunho x Mingi x San
Genre: smut 18+
Summary: walking down the hallways on your new exciting job you came across a group of young handsome actors.. but it soon turns out acting and reality isn’t that far away from each other.
Notes: sub!reader, rough doms! Yunho, Mingi, San, Seonghwa, reader is a virgin, the boys are big perverts!!! ,they have no self control, much inappropriate touching!!!(which is not ok irl), adult movies, pet names (sweetheart, doll, darling, love, kitten, honey), groping, kissing, some cursing, fingering, oral (f receiving), licking, spitting, cum cum cum, cum eating, threesome, foursome, mentions of masturbation, dirty comments, unprotected sex (always be safe),rough sex, public sex, big dick yungi, marking (hickeys, bite marks), breeding, double penetration, slight bulge kink, recording. forgot something? maybe
Words: 3.7k
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it was your first day at your new job at the movie studio. it’s been a life long dream of yours to get to work with big movie stars and now you were finally standing outside the big doors. as you looked up at the sign of the big building you took a deep breath before finally heading inside to get started.
you felt like a child in a candy store watching all the pictures on the walls of famous actors and actresses. you were soon greeted by a young woman maybe a few years older than you, she was looking so professional with a black jumpsuit, black glasses and red long hair in a big bun.
“hi are you the new assistant?” she asked softly. “yes i am, I’m y/n” you said as you shaked her hand. “I’m Joanne, I’m gonna show you around a bit to make it a little easier for you” a smile formed on your face. she showed you all different sets from both new and old movies, you had also met many movie stars and staff while you walked around the big halls. you were coming to your final part of your little “tour” when Joanne stopped dragging you to the side.
“we have to be quiet cause they’re in the middle of rehearsals”. she whispered, didn’t sound as she cared to much. you didn’t really understand what kind of movie they were making but there were four men dressed roughly in suits, black ties and some of them had smeared lipstick on their mouths. a woman later appeared around the men and you finally got an answer on your early movie question. you felt yourself blush as you observed what they did to that woman, eyes wide. “c’mon let’s go, I’ll show you your room” she grabbed your arm and dragged you with her. it was kinda quiet down the hallways to your room and so were you. Joanne finally broke the ice. “I probably should give you a small warning but you have to keep this to yourself, okay?” she said with a half worried look on her face. “alright I promise” you suddenly got anxious.
you stopped outside the door to your room. “don’t be too sweet towards those guys back there, they can get a little too friendly if you know what I mean” she whispered so no one but you could hear her. your eyes widened not believing what she was saying, they were just acting.. wasn’t they? “I don’t wanna scare you or anything but it’s better to warn you if you would bump into one of them”. you found yourself speechless and your thoughts went all over the place, first day at your new job and now you should watch out for creeps?
“they didn’t look old tho” you suddenly said. “no, as I saw on your CV they’re two and three years older than you” your eyes widened once again. she was about to say something but were interrupted by footsteps coming your way and by the sound of the voices it was them, well two of them. your heart pumped hard in your chest watching as they came closer.
“looking good today Jo” one of them blurted out giving Joanne a wink. the taller guy got very close to her while a smirk appeared on his face “your ass looks great in this suit too” he said as he gave her ass a squeeze. you literally couldn’t believe what you were witnessing and she just let them do this to her. they were soon turning their attention to you, fuck.
“what do we have here huh?” the tall one said looking you up and down. he was so tall but actually very good looking, you started to blush and that’s just what they wanted you to.. “it’s our new assistant y/n and it’s her first day so keep your hands to yourself Yunho!” Joanne snapped. he guided his hand through his hair and let out a deep chuckle, omg! “nice to meet you y/n” both of them greeted you. you gave them a small smile and crossed your arms so your cleavage got more visible and that was a big mistake. their eyes acted like magnets, getting dragged to your breasts. you knew she’d given you a warning but there was something about them giving you all this attention that made you excited.
“damn looks like a juicy one” the other guy laughed as he eyed his tall friend. Yunho let out a quiet laugh as he looked you straight into your eyes, his smile dropping fast. he took a step closer to you and got interrupted by your friend. “alright, she’s not interested in you two” she said trying to get them to leave. actually you were beginning to get a little bit interested in them but maybe it was best to keep that to yourself. Yunho gave your ass a light slap as he passed you with a smirking grin on his face. the other man reached out his hand brushing it against your stomach and up to your breasts, he stuck his tongue out and gave you a wink. “Seonghwa!! you pervert!” Jo slapped him on the shoulder.
they had finally got out of sight and you could finally let out a deep breath trying to take in everything that happened in the last 10 minutes. “I’m so sorry y/n but this is something you should get used to if you’re gonna work here” she told you looking really pissed off by the boy’s behaviour against you. you couldn’t help but smile a little, “it’s alright”. she finally left you alone and you got into your room to get some rest. it didn’t take many minutes before you were interrupted by a knock on your door, you got up and peeped out trough the little window to see another tall guy standing outside. you opened and were greeted with a smile from the big guy. “hey sweetheart, I’m Mingi” his voice were deep and vibrated right through you. you didn’t get a chance to introduce yourself before he grabbed your arms and pushed you further into your room. his actions took you by surprise and you let out a scream. Mingi hurried to put his hand on your mouth to drown your screams, when you finally got quiet he pulled his hand away letting out a chuckle when he saw the scared expression on your face.
“what are you doing!!” you almost cried out looking up at the big boy. he pushed you down onto your desk and grabbed your chin. “my friends told me about the new sexy assistant and I thought I should see if it was true.. and fuck you are gorgeous” he said squeezing your cheeks. you could feel how your thighs began to push together and how your cheeks started to heat up. Mingi brought his head to your neck starting to place sloppy kisses along it up to your ear, his hands working their way to your ass. you really hoped no one would walk in on you making out with one of the “creeps”, even if this was very wrong you didn’t do anything to stop it.
Mingi slipped his hands inside your pants grabbing a handful of your naked ass. small moans left your mouth, your hands went straight to his hair and he let out a deep groan. “you like this huh?” Mingi whispered as he pulled your jeans off you. “yes” you whispered back. he pushed you down onto your back and separated your legs exposing your clothed core to him, your panties were off you in a flash and your hole were stuffed with two of his fingers. Mingi put his mouth on your clit rolling his tongue over the sensitive nub, your back arched at the new pleasure. “you taste so good” he growled against your clit. he added a third finger and fastened his pace on your clit making a moaning mess out of you.
“here you are!!” Seonghwa bursted into your room, his eyes darkened as soon as he saw the position you were in. you couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed having your bare pussy on display in front of the new man. “I see you’ve met the pussy eater” Seonghwa pushed Mingis head down harder on your pussy receiving moans from both of you. Mingi pulled away his slime covered face from your core. “says the guy who puts his hands down women’s tops” Mingi glared at the older man. “I can’t help it” Seonghwa threw a bitter look at him, he walked over to you and slid his hands inside your top and bra grabbing your firm breasts. he looked down at your pleasure filled face, he got closer to your face and attacked your lips kissing you upside down. it was messy and hot and you could feel how you got closer to your release. Seonghwa broke the kiss and squeezed your boobs hard making you squeak. “open your mouth kitten” you did as he said and watched as he gathered some saliva that he spit down into your mouth, you swallowed it and once again he was back kissing you.
Mingi was biting your clit sending electric waves up to your brain. he felt how your pussy clenched around his fingers and he curved them to hit the spongy spot inside you making you see white. your breath hitched in your throat and you moaned into Seonghwas mouth when you came onto Mingis fingers. both of them laughed at you when they saw how fucked out you looked. Mingi licked up all the cum from your hole. “sorry but we have to go back to the set kitten, believe me I’d rather fuck you than that bitch” Seonghwa grunted pushing his face in between your breasts licking a stripe along your cleavage. Mingi stole your panties sneaking them into his pocket and gave your pussy a quick kiss before they left.
- next day -
you had some free time so you were strolling through the building sneaking in to watch some movies in the making. a hand brushed against your ass and you quickly turned around to see yet another new face. the man scanned your body taking you all in, he leaned forward and brushed his thumb over your bottom lip. “enjoying yourself kitten?” you gulped and straightened yourself up feeling how your legs began to weaken. “y-yes I do” you fumbled not knowing were to look. an amusing look painted his face when he saw the affect he had on you. he took your hand and brought you with him to their movie set, the grip he had on your hand were firm to keep you from running away if you wanted to.
they were in the middle of a break so they had some time for you. the three other men sat down in a big round sofa that was down in a dark corner, the handsome muscular man pulled you with him. their eyes lit up as soon as you got in their sight, you blushed hard and began to bite the nail on your thumb, it really made you look innocent.
“look who I found standing all alone in the halls” the man pushed you forward so you stood in front of the other three. you could see how they were undressing you with their eyes and by the tents in their pants, they really liked what they saw. Yunho grabbed your wrist and pulled you down on his lap, you shivered at the feeling of his erection poking at your ass. he tugged at your skirt and caressed your soft thighs watching as goosebumps appeared. he put his mouth to your ear and whispered “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since yesterday, maybe I could get a pic of that sweet ass if yours huh?”. his words went straight to your pussy, feeling how you got wetter by the second. “why would you want that?” you said innocently looking him in the eyes knowing exactly why he wanted it. Yunho raised an eyebrow and dug his fingers into the flesh of your ass “so I have something to watch as I’m playing with my dick” the guy chuckled. the other guys laughed at his comment. you were stuck between these four men and your mind started to run wild the more they showed how much they wanted to use you.
“do you have a boyfriend doll?” Mingi slipped out. you shook your head and the look on his face turned devilish, you pushed your thighs together more. “are you a virgin?” Yunho asked pulling your skirt up slowly waiting for an answer. you stayed quiet for a few seconds looking around at the men. “yeah, I am” your voice dropped and you felt so embarrassed. something in them snapped and suddenly they seemed hornier than ever. Seonghwa stuck his hand down your top to… dang he got interrupted. you got company by a known friend, it was Jo. she was looking for you and couldn’t believe she would find you here of all places. “what are you doing here y/n?” she was surprised to see you sitting in Yunhos lap with Seonghwas hand down your top. “I’m working..” was the first thing you could think of. Seonghwa fought the urge to pull out your breasts from your top, he usually didn’t have much self control but for your sake he made an exception. “you guys are sick” she said before she finally left.
Seonghwa couldn’t hold it in anymore and pulled out your boobs from your bra, his mouth watered at the sight of your hardened red nipples, he brushed his thumb over them and you let out a small whimper. Yunho lifted you up and handed you over to San, the big man squeezed you against his chest. “don’t move doll, my grip will only get tighter” he bucked his hips up against your ass, his clothed hardness poking you right between your cheeks. Yunho unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants enough for his massive cock to spring free standing up against his stomach. the sight was making your arousal drip down your inner thighs and you crossed your legs standing in Sans embrace. Yunho patted his thigh signaling San to release you. “come sit love” he held a hand out to you. you walked over to the tall man, he turned you around back facing him while pulling up your skirt. the lack of underwear made him groan “no panties huh? what a good girl, all ready for us to abuse” his deep voice almost breaking you.
San slid his fingers through your folds, your arousal was smeared out on your inner thighs and he could slip in two fingers with ease, after feeling how tight you were he pulled them out again turning to the tall guy. “she’s so tight you’re gonna split her in half with your monster cock” Sans words brought a worried look to your face. Yunho slapped your ass “we don’t use condoms btw, hope that’s alright with you love?” you nodded and with that he sunk you down on his big cock, the wetness made it almost too easy for him to bottom out. it was a long moan that left your lips as you felt your pussy being stretched to the max. as Yunho were bouncing you up and down his dick San was attacking your lips and Seonghwa had got dibs on your breasts marking them as his own. it felt like you were in some kind of erotic dream, they dragged out moans and whimpers out of you leaving you a fucking mess.
Mingi had pulled out his cock too, he spat in his hand and pumped his length a few times. he got up from the sofa and pushed the other two out of the way, he pushed your back against Yunhos chest and positioned himself onto you bringing his cock to your already stuffed hole. “it won’t fit idiot” San mocked the man. “I’ll make it fit” Mingi pushed the tip into your pussy making you scream, tears falling down your cheeks. Yunho pulled out a bit for Mingi to fit better, he then dried your tears with his thumb. Yunho and Mingi occupied each side of your neck while they pumped their massive dicks into your gushy hole. “fuck I swear it feels a thousand times better when she’s a virgin” Mingi groaned into your ear. a familiar feeling appeared in your stomach and it got worse with each of their thrusts. Mingi pushed your knees up to your chest getting better and deeper access, the bulge on your stomach drove him crazy. “I’m gonna cum” Yunho warned. “are you gonna let us breed you honey? let us knock you up” he growled as his thrusts got faster. being all over the place you couldn’t get a single word out but you nodded and moaned in response, your mouth hung open.
“knock her up already we’re getting impatient here” Seonghwa whined as he palmed his cock through his pants. a couple more thrusts and both men released their big loads deep inside you, their hair had gotten more messy and they had beads of sweat dripping down their foreheads. the cum were seeping out between their cocks, they pulled out and laid you down onto your back. Yunho pushed the cum back inside your abused pussy, a proud smirk forming on his face. “in a few months we want to see this pretty belly of yours grow darling” Mingi teased you, he took a handful of your little belly fat and squeezed it.
San was quick to swap places with Yunho, impatiently he pulled out his leaking cock and towered over your half naked form. he slid the tip in slowly until he was fully seated pushing both Mingis and Yunhos cum further inside you, his pace quickened fast and his hold onto your sides grew harder. “fuuck, this little pussy of yours is driving me insane” San growled, his feline eyes pierced holes through you. his mouth assaulted your sore nipples while he slammed his hips against yours with all the strength he had. you began to cry and your whole body started to hurt. Seonghwa kissed you harshly and wiped your tears away, he moved down to your neck sucking on the flesh leaving purple marks. “don’t cry honey we’ll take care of you” he purred.
you could feel Sans cock twitch, he buried his dick deep inside you letting his release paint your walls white, he stayed like that for a while not wanting any cum to go to waste. the thought of knocking you up made his brain malfunction. San pushed down his hand on your lower stomach to feel how deep he was, with a groan he finally pulled out.
Seonghwa helped you up and sunk you down on his dick. you swung your arms around his neck and buried your face in it, he helped moving your hips up and down his length since your body started to give out. each time his cock brushed against your cervix you were one step closer to your awaited orgasm. “mmh it feels so good” you whispered softly in his pierced ear. Seonghwa took his time with you and wasn’t as rough as the others, not yet anyway. he stilled his movements, you looked him in the eyes with a questioning look wondering why he stopped. a smirk appeared on his face and he turned his gaze to someone else. a pair of strong arms lifted you up on your wobbly legs and Seonghwa followed. “ready to get double stuffed again kitten?” you heard Sans voice behind you, his breath tingled against your ear and it almost made you cum on the spot. you were now sandwiched between the two men, uplifted in their arms. they both placed their tips to your entrance, it was no problem to slide in their hard cocks from all the cum and your insane amount of arousal, plus you got stretched out good a couple minutes ago by two monster cocks. they synced their thrusts as they slammed up into your sensitive core, your high pitched moans was music to their ears. the knot was building up in your stomach and you were so close now, Sans hand toyed with your swollen clit whilst Seonghwa had his fun with your nipples making your eyes turn white.
Seonghwa kissed your collarbone and cooed “cum for us now love”. San bucked up his hips and groped your ass hard, he left a bite mark on your shoulder making you cry out quietly. a few seconds later your orgasm hit you and your whole body turned to jelly, not long after you felt a hot big wave of cum entering you. deep groans left their filthy mouths as they emptied themselves deep inside you. “good girl” San said huskily as he pulled out.
after they’d both pulled out Mingi gave you your panties back that he stole from you yesterday on his little visit. you gave him a tired smile and put them on you. “I should probably go and get some rest” you said as you put your boobs inside your top again. “need some company?” Mingi asked with a nasty smirk on his face. Yunho slapped the big man on his arm “as tempting as it sounds I actually think we should let her rest for a while, she’ll need it” he smiled at you. they gave you small kisses on your face before you headed back to your room.
“she’s a keeper” Mingi said watching as your ass bounced with every step you took. Yunho groaned and placed himself on the sofa again, he took out his phone and let out a light chuckle. “did you get it all?” San asked. “oh yeah I did”
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
skz and 9th member reader doing one of the period pain simulator things and reader being completely fine while the boys are Suffering. them realising how bad the period pains are and how the reader just gets on with schedules and dance practice and gym while in immense pain and the boys are just like :00
period pains
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 0.9k (exactly!)
summary: you're keen to see the boys reactions to what you go through every month.
I hope you enjoyed this! If you did be sure to comment or reblog! And let me know if you'd like to be added to my taglist!
Asks are shut!
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You didn't mean to make such a dramatic exit when you ran out of the practice room to the toilets, but a girl's gotta go, especially when she's on her period. You didn't want to risk bleeding through your grey joggers that you wore.
Just as you exited the toilets, you had a worried Felix waiting for you.
"Y/Nnie, are you ok? Are you sick?" he frowned, a crease between his brows as he hoped you were not feeling under the weather.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just, you know girl things," you tried to hint, yet he didn't seem to get it straight away, which surprised you, considering he had two sisters.
"Girl things?" he wondered out loud.
"Gosh do I have to spell it out? I've just got some cramps at the moment, I'm on my period," you sighed and rolled your eyes at him, jokingly of course.
"Yeah, now come on, let's get back to practice," you started walking, not turning around to see if he followed or not.
"You sure you're up for it? You can take a break if you need!" Felix wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you walked back into the practice room.
"Felix, I love you, but, I'll be fine haha, I've done this plenty of times before. If I really need to, then of course, I'll take a break, ok?" you couldn't help but smile at his caring attitude towards you.
"Oh, is it that time?" Chan asked as soon as you walked in, overhearing part of your conversation.
"Haha, yes, what gave it away?" you laughed in disbelief at how he could have possibly known.
"The emergency crisps in your bag kinda said it all," Chan lightly chuckled.
Makes sense.
"Y/N, do you need painkillers? A hot water bottle?!" Han came up to you, treating you like you were a fragile doll.
"I've taken some painkillers already, it's fine, let's just continue with practice, yeah?" you patted his head to calm him down. What was it with these boys?
"Are you sure you can manage?" Hyunjin warily asked.
"I'm sure. You guys don't need to baby me, let's just continue," you laughed as you shook your head, getting back into position. You didn't miss their obvious glances at you, and whilst a part of you felt warm, another part was wondering how bad they truly thought periods were.
It didn't take long for your queries to be answered. In a special episode of SKZ Code, the boys were all simultaneously being hooked up to period pain simulator machines, which you were keen to see their reactions to.
"I bet I won't even flinch," Changbin smirked as he folded his arms.
"Surely it can't be that bad?" Jeongin thought out loud.
"If you don't think it's that bad, why do you always baby me when I'm on my period, hmmm?" you raised a brow at them. It made quite the moment for the episode, stays thinking you looked very cool in this moment with your blunt attitude.
"Well, you know, it's because..." Seungmin trailed off.
"We see how emotional you can get sometimes but you're an emotional person anyways," Lee Know shrugged.
"Then I bet Chan will be crying by the end of this," you teased your sensitive leader.
"Hey! I have a sister, I know that this will be painful, trust me," Chan held up his hands.
"I think I'll be fine," Han nodded confidently.
"Interesting..." you simply commented back, before the staff pressed the on buttons on the patches that were placed upon their abdomens and you could see the discomfort on their faces straight away.
"This isn't too bad..." Hyunjin's nose scrunched slightly.
"Oh, they're just going easy on you," you said smugly, before the intensity was raised and they started groaning, some of them (Felix, Changbin, Jeongin) started curling into themselves from the pain.
"I don't think I can go on like this," Han dramatically whined as he thrashed about suddenly and whacked Lee Know in the face.
"Yah! Just because you have a low pain tolerance!" Lee Know mumbled grumpily through gritted teeth.
"This feels a bit sadistic, Y/Nnie," Seungmin winced as he watched you smirk.
"Well this is right up your street then," you laughed at him.
"I don't know how girls do this," Changbin whimpered from the ground. Even with his jutdwae he couldn't contain or control his emotions.
"Isn't that enough yet?" Chan looked pleadingly towards the staff who finally turned off the machines, causing all members to relax and sigh in relief.
"Not as easy as you think, is it?" you sat comfortably, one leg crossed over the other.
"I'm so glad I don't have to go through that, let alone do it every month," Jeongin said as his body went lax across a sofa.
"Think how I felt, mine started when I was 12," you revealed, something you would never have needed to but you thought it would be interesting to see their reactions to it considering the situation you were in right now.
"12?! When I was 12 I had barely began auditioning for JYP..." Chan gasped.
"And now look at you, you're an old man," Seungmin casually commented after, leaving all of you in hysterics.
It was a perfect ending to an unexpected segment of a SKZ Code episode, and stays loved it.
tagged: @skz-streamer @sakufilms @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @kiraisastay @han-jiquokka
2K notes · View notes
All In 5
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: Happy weekend.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The car comes to a stop. It takes you a minute to notice as you reel yourself back to reality. You blink through the tinted window as Merv turns the music down; a song about glory days or something. 
“Here we are,” he announces and cranes to look back at you, “have fun, miss.” 
“Have fun...” you whisper to yourself in confusion, “what? Where do I go?” 
He laughs, not mockingly, and he points through the window, “well, you’ll want to go into that restaurant and give them Mr. Barnes’ name. They’ll sort you out, I’m sure.” 
“Oh,” your brows draw together. A restaurant. What? 
You undo your seatbelt hesitantly and peer out through the glass again. This is strange. You’ve only had a few interviews and most of them were in cramped backrooms or closets. You pull the handle and let yourself out, thanking Merv before you step up on the curb. 
You shut the car door and hook your bag over your shoulder. You stare up at the restaurant’s marquee. It’s a bistro of some sort. Upscale by your measure, thought you have little experience beyond chain joints and fast food. The white facade with its tall windows is intimidating as you approach the entrance. 
As you step inside, you’re all but assured that you don’t belong. A woman greets you with a pearly smile, her hair in a wispy bun, as she sports a flowery white dress. You look back and forth as she cradles a tablet in one arm. 
“Do you have a reservation?” She asks. 
You look down at yourself. That’s a generous assumption. You don’t know how she’s not telling you to leave. 
“Erm, I... I think I’m looking for someone,” you say, “Mr. Barnes?” 
“Barnes, yes, party for two,” she taps the screen, “he’s waiting. Won’t you follow me?” 
She spins on her heels and strolls away. She’s tall and gorgeous, just like the woman at the casino. You peer around and find no less finery and beauty among the staff and diners. The table are all white and polished and the walls are hung with abstract paintings of heaping fruit and bright cocktails. You’ve never seen brunch done so extravagantly. 
You nearly trip as you look ahead just before you reach the stairs. The hostess climbs ahead of you. You envy her modelesque figure. How is she stuck here? She’s breathtaking. She could be in magazines. 
More importantly, where are you going? 
Several flights and you emerge into the open air. You've never been on a rooftop. You’ve seen things like these in movies. There’s a bar center to the space and tables beneath umbrellas set all about. There is only one diner despite the sunshine. It is strangely desolate for such a warm scene. 
You’re led to the only occupied table. Mr. Barnes stands as you near. He wears a pair of teal slacks and a patterned shirt with an open collar. Casual but just as refined as before. It hardly seems like job interview. 
“Doll,” he greets you with a kiss on the cheek to your surprise. You don’t comment on it, it might just be his way. “You made it.” 
“I...” you check your watch, “it was before noon when I got to the casino.” 
“That’s on me,” he insists as he pulls out the chair for you, “I got restless. Changed my mind. Please.” 
He gestures to the seat and you accept stiffly, moving your bag into your lap as he tucks the chair in under you. He resumes his seat and looks up at the woman patiently standing to the side, “Melody,” he says, “she’ll have a vodka cran, give me my usual. Thanks.” 
“Yes, Mr. Barnes,” she replies eagerly. 
“Oh, and the lunch menu,” he returns. 
She clacks off in her heels as you squirm and clutch your purse. You peer around the rooftop and finally at Bucky. You give a sheepish smile. 
“This is a nice place.” 
“Sure is,” he sits back carelessly. There is no tension in him but your wound tight as a spring. 
“Never been anywhere like this...” your eyes drift over and you stare at the city skyline. 
“Made sure we weren’t near the edge, doll,” he assures, “I remember you’re not a fan.” He rests a hand on the table, rubbing his index and thumb. “And I wanted to have this time alone so my pal did me a favour and cleared the roof.” 
“Oh, wow.” 
“He owns this place,” he shrugs. “Never got into the restaurant business. It’s fickle.” 
You nod, not knowing what to say. He knows about these things. Obviously, a lot. You’ve never even worked a full-time week of work. 
“How’s your sister?” He asks, “I assume you got home safe.” 
“Yes, er, thank you, again, for doing all that,” you bite your lip and his blue eyes catch the gesture as his eyebrow tweaks. “I’m really sorry she did that.” 
“Doll, you’re real sweet apologising for her,” he inclines his head slightly, “but you gotta worry about yourself, don’t ya? That’s why you’re here.” 
The hostess, Melody, reappears and sets down two glasses. Yours is bright red with a lime on the rim and his is dark, no ice. She lays down a menu in front of each of you and straightens her posture. 
“I have to get back to the door but Hailee will be up to help you shortly. Our specials today are a goat cheese and beet salad or a brown sugar salmon with seasonal veggies.” 
“Thanks,” Bucky says as he taps the menu. 
Melody leaves you again and you bend your neck to read the menu. You look for a price beneath the dishes and find none. That can’t be good. 
“I’m not very hungry,” you sit up straight. 
“Doll, don’t worry about it. It’s on me,” he circles his hand around his glass, “why don’t you try your drink? Make sure it’s up to snuff.” He sits forward and lifts his own, “cheers.” 
Your hand slips up the condensating glass before you get a grasp on it. You raise it and clink it against his. You bring it to your lips slowly as he does the same, mirroring you as he watches you intently. You gulp and set down the glass as your cheeks strain. 
“You don’t like it?” He wonders. 
“No, I... well, I don’t drink much,” you take the cloth napkin and dab your lips. 
“Ah, if that’s too tart, you can have a look at the cocktails. Some of them are so sweet, you wouldn’t know the difference.” 
“I’m okay,” you assure him, “so...” you swallow and force out your breath, “about the job--” 
“Damn, doll, I’m so all over the place lately, I didn’t even tell you how good you look.” 
“I...” your eyes widen but you quickly wipe away your shock, “that’s nice. I mean, thank you.” Your voice shakes as you struggle to comprehend the compliment. What do you say? “You too.” 
He smirks, “yeah, you think so?” 
“What?” Your voice cracks. 
“You think I look good?” He combs his fingers through his long hair. Oh god. 
“Yes,” you answer cautiously, “I like your shirt.” 
“You’re adorable,” he snickers and shakes his head, leaning forward once more, bending his arms against the table. 
“Uh...” you peek down at the table and back to him. You can’t even blame the sun that you’re about to melt. The umbrella blocks out the bright beacon though a glare comes over the edge. “Bucky, sir, Mr. Barnes,” you shuffle through his titles, “the job. What would that be?” 
His brows rise and he brings a hand up to drag over his mouth and beard, his fingers brushing along the trim of his jaw. 
“The job,” he repeats as he narrows his eyes, “ah,” he lowers his head and presses a fingertip to the menu, “let’s order before we get into all that.” 
You look over the menu again then raise your chin, “I appreciate it, but it’s too much, Bucky. I wouldn’t want to... waste your money.” 
“It’s my money,” he looks at you, “so I’ll decide how I waste it.” 
“Oh,” your cheeks set alight, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” he tilts his head again, “you’re just that type of girl. You don’t know what it is to be treated so allow me to show you.” 
You’re confused. This is the oddest encounter you’ve ever had. You almost feel like it’s a joke. You’re this poor helpless girl and he’s flaunting how rich and powerful he is. Is there even a job? 
“I’d feel worse if you didn’t eat, so doll, don’t step on my toes.” 
You chew your cheek and look down again. That’s it. You’ll have the cucumber sandwich. That’s not too much. It can’t be. 
The waitress arrives, a different woman but just as stunning. She introduces herself as Hailee. Bucky prompts you to order first before he gives his own. As she leaves, you rock slightly in your chair, stilling yourself before you can look weird. 
“So... I could clean or... I could learn something--” 
“Let me stop your there, doll,” he puts a large hand up, his palm rough and lined. “It’s my turn to apologise. I... haven’t been honest with you.” 
Your heart drops and you can’t help the glimmer in your vision. No. You’re going to have to go home and tell your mother you failed again. That you wasted her time and gas. You close your eyes and frown. 
“Doll, doll,” he says and you hear his chair scrape. You open your eyes as he pulls his chair around to sit closer to you, “hey, let me finish here.” 
You look him in the eye. Big mistake. You could drown in the blueness. He smirks and rubs your arm. 
“I’m not... it’s not a job I have to offer you,” he says deliberately, his other hand fluttering on your knee, “I would call it an arrangement. Mutually beneficial.” 
You stare at him. You’re entire being is on fire. You don’t understand what he’s saying, more so, you can barely think with him touching you. 
“But... I need a job,” you sniffle. 
He scoffs, not unkindly, “you’ll have money. I know you got a family, your sister, maybe your parents? Economy’s tough, I know it.” 
“Money? For what?” 
He squeezes your knee and sits up, draping his arm over the back of your chair as he leans even closer, “for your company. For yourself.” 
“What?” Your voice piques sharply. “I don’t...” 
“Look, let’s take it slow here, alright? Today is the taster. We spend some time together, see how we vibe, and go from there. Now I know you went to a whole lot of trouble to get so nice and pretty for me today,” he coaxes, “and I’m not gonna waste your time so you won’t go home empty handed. One thousand.” 
“Thousand?” You breathe. 
“Just for lunch,” he says, “I’d pay a lot more so I’m open to bartering.” 
“That’s... a lot...” you mutter. 
“Nothing’s too much for a girl like you,” his fingers dance along your shoulder. 
“I... I...” you heave each word. 
“Now don’t you freak out,” he’s on the edge of laughing, “doll, I mean it. Just lunch. You and me. Nothing...” he pulls away from you and puts his hands up, “untoward.” 
He stands and moves his chair back across from you. He sits and pushes his shoulders wide, “I mean it. Let’s get to know each other. I want to know all about you, doll.” 
“Me?” You gulp. 
“You,” he points over the table, “you must like music. You went to that concert, didn’t ya?” 
You nod and curl your shoulders. 
“What kinda music you like?” 
“Oh, I... old stuff, I guess. Destiny’s Child?” You give a sheepish cringe. 
“Old school,” he remarks, “I like it. Spice girls too?” 
“Yeah,” you clamp your lips together. 
“I’m not teasing ya. I can’t lie and say I never turned the radio up when I heard them,” he chuckles, “no judgment. That goes for you too, alright? When you find out how much I like ABBA, you can’t giggle.” 
Your cheeks dimple as you try not to smile. It’s hard to imagine him listening to Dancing Queen. You push your shoulders higher and look away. 
“Don’t laugh,” he chides. 
“I didn’t,” you turn back to him. 
“Yeah, you’re too nice, that’s why,” he purrs, “you gotta tell me your fave ABBA song.” 
You shrug and he squints cynically, “everyone has one. Come on. Fernando?” You shake your head at his guess. “Waterloo?” Again, no. “Mamma Mia?” Nope. “Take a Chance on Me?” No. “Alright, I surrender, tell me.” 
“Gimme, Gimme, Gimme,” you eke out. 
“Hm, not what I would guess but interesting,” he muses as his eyes wander from your face and back up, “but I at least knew you had taste.” 
He winks and you let out a giggle. Whether your nervous or something else, you can’t untangle all your emotions from one another. Yet you do feel a little better, a little lighter. It’s an unexpected situation but not as bad as you foresaw. 
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eudaimaniacs · 5 days
lunch with a side of a babydoll dress (hugh jackman x female reader)
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word count: 700 words
warning/s: smut with one mention of feet
notes: i included a word count after four posts (well, it happens). also there's one request on my inbox and i'll try answering that asap. i'm not good at fulfilling these requests (I have one dead and deactivated tumble blog to prove it). enough yapping, enjoy reader!
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It was a long day of shooting Hugh's new movie from 5:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. of shooting in multiple costumes. He was stressed, to say the least. He didn't have time to rest, rewind, or even fuck his wife.
You hang around on set to provide support for Hugh. You know how stressful filming gets, especially with the time allotted for makeup, costuming, and shooting. You mostly prepare his meals since he prefers your cooking to ordering take-out when he's tired from filming.
One day couldn't get any worse. It was a hot day, meaning Hugh would be tired from the filming and the heat. He wanted to lie down in bed and sleep away his stress. Hugh kept his composure and still treated the staff and cast nicely.
It was lunchtime, and Hugh couldn't wait to eat what you made for him. He went to his trailer and saw your heavenly figure preparing his meal. You were wearing a flowy, white baby doll dress. The sun shone through the ethereal fabric, dancing when you slightly moved. Hugh could trace your curves in the sheer fabric. The softness of your breasts, the soft bend of your waist, and your ass barely peeking out of the short dress.
"Oh, there you are, Hugh! Let's eat right now." You beamed and gave him a peck. He stared for a few seconds before exploring your body with his hands. Hugh felt heaven when he touched every part. He made sure to not miss a spot and treated your body like a goddess.
Hugh growled and remarked, "The lunch can wait, sweetheart. You look so fucking good in that dress." Before you can reply, he caught you by surprise by passionately kissing you.
You hummed and returned the same desperation to Hugh. You tugged his hair as the two of you continued to kiss deeper. Hugh lifted your dress and caressed your breasts. He massaged your nipples, turning them rock solid. Hugh's hands turned their attention to your ass, squeezing and lightly slapping it.
You giggle and break the kiss. "Glad you liked the dress, Hugh. I picked the perfect day to wear it."
Hugh dipped and then kissed your neck. "Have been too stressed today and the days before, honey. I need to relieve myself."
You raised your eyebrows at his suggestion. You were feeling the mood, but someone could walk inside the trailer to tell Hugh to return to set.
"Are you crazy, Hugh? One of your co-stars or makeup artist could come knocking, and they would hear us fucking," you whisper-screamed to Hugh, who was already touching your pussy. You moaned at the sensation of his rough hands rubbing your clit. You tried to protest, but Hugh's actions suppressed it.
"I don't care about them hearing, [Y/N]. I want them to know how good my wife fucking feels."
Hugh raised your dress and took out his cock from the restraint of his tight pants. He pumped it for a few times and then rubbed it at the lips of your pussy. You moaned and rubbed your breasts to further pleasure yourself. Hugh slowly entered, and you let out a loud, shaky whine.
He gradually fastened his pace, knowing he had little time to eat lunch and returning on set. Hugh growled and grabbed your waist as he reached his high. You felt the imprint of his dick on your stomach and hoped that he could see it through your dress.
You moaned and called out his name as you climaxed. You tried grabbing onto something as the sensation of Hugh's stress fucking you left you shaking.
"That was good, baby girl. Come on, let me help you get up," Hugh whispered, grabbing your waist to help you sit down. Your hair was a mess, as was your face. However, your white babydoll dress remained beautiful, sculpting your perfect body and highlighting your best features.
Hugh sat opposite and began eating the lunch you prepared earlier.
"Thank you for the two meals, [Y/N]. I can't wait for dinner tonight."
You winked and rubbed his crotch with your feet. Happily thinking what meal you'll prepare and dress he'll fuck you in with.
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eudaimaniacs - 2024
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hannahbarberra162 · 1 month
Sir Crocodile and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
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18+ MDNI
As picked by readers! Ace nonnies, I see you. I'll write the childhood friend reader x Ace story too.
On Ao3
One shot, Reader x Sir Crocodile, fluffy
Word count: ~6k
Synopsis: Crocodile dreads the one day a year you take off of work, your birthday. As his incredible personal assistant, he depends on you for almost everything. Like every year, a day without you is a complete disaster. But maybe there is something he can salvage from the wreckage. Something - or someone - he's wanted for a very long time.
Sir Crocodile tapped the flat of his hook against the date circled on his desk calendar. Tomorrow was his absolute least favorite day of the entire year. You took off only one day annually, your birthday. Sure, you nominally had weekends off as well. But something always came up and you spent at least half a day dealing with his business or personal matters every weekend.
He didn’t begrudge you having your birthday to yourself - you were incredibly diligent and deserved it. But without you around, everything seemed to fall to shambles within minutes. You were by far the best personal assistant he’d ever had. Maybe even the best employee he’d ever had, even among his cohort of Devil Fruit powered henchmen who killed for him indiscriminately. Of course, he knew that if he called you on your baby den den mushi, you’d answer and do whatever he needed. But he would feel guilty for disturbing you . And guilt was an emotion Crocodile had only felt once and never wanted to again. No, he’d make due without you tomorrow and let you enjoy your day off. 
Though he was not kind to - or even close to - his Baroque Works crew, Crocodile was considered a top tier employer in Rainbase Lake. Once he found someone who was good at their profession, he tried his best to keep them in his employ. He treated his personal staff with respect, paid very well, and had set guidelines for employees to follow. Henchmen could be replaced, bloodthirsty pirates were a dime a dozen. Reliable and high quality housekeepers, chefs, and assistants? Priceless. 
And you were the most reliable, most organized, most level headed, most meticulous, and most industrious employee he’d ever had. At first, he suspected you of being a devil fruit user. That would explain how you managed to get everything done correctly, on time, and make it seem easy. However, he quickly realized that you were just that good . But you weren’t single mindedly following his orders all the time, like some of his stooges. You didn’t wait for him to tell you things he needed or tasks he wanted done, you thought for yourself and anticipated his needs. You weren’t a yes man, you would voice your opinion if he asked for it. He valued your insight and operations driven mind. In fact, during the years you’d been working for Crocodile, you’d only ever argued once. And it wasn’t even an argument, really. Crocodile had started growing a mustache, he thought it added some regality to his face. You hated it and told him that it didn’t suit his features. You were right, of course. He’d allowed you to shave it off yourself, much to your delight.
Even without it being your day off, Crocodile always remembered your birthday. Yours was the only one, besides his own, that he had ever bothered to recall. He had many lovers who assumed the thoughtful and romantic gifts they received on their birthdays, anniversaries, and “just because” came from him. But the truth was that all his lovers were in a relationship with you. You remembered all the small details and arranged everything to his lover’s tastes. Crocodile didn’t even try to remember their names, calling them all “Doll” to save himself the hassle. He even thought of them that way - interchangeable, easily replaced, silly but ultimately worthless playthings. But you could tell him their favorite flowers, preferred gemstones, clothing style, shoe size, and any other tidbit of information he’d ever want. You had sent hundreds of gifts on his behalf and had never gotten anything wrong. As a result, Crocodile had a reputation for being a true romantic, someone who listened when his paramours told him personal details. He couldn’t care less. 
He stopped over at your desk as you finished out your day, bringing a small gift bag with him hanging off his hook. 
“Happy birthday,” he said in his low tone, handing you the present.
“What a pleasant surprise, Sir,” you said, removing it and opening it immediately. It was a potted white rhino agave succulent that he had bought without your assistance. It was expensive and rare, but you were worth every penny he ever spent on you.
“Oh, how thoughtful! Thank you so much, Sir!” You beamed at him. To some, it would have looked like a poor gift, but Crocodile knew you well. You didn’t care for cut flowers or most trinkets. You were passionate about cacti and succulents, spending some of your time away from him caring for the plants. You had an impressive collection, one that Crocodile added to as the occasion arose. You got up from behind your desk, walked around to him, and stood on your tiptoes. Crocodile brought himself down to your height and you kissed his cheek in gratitude. 
“What a wonderful send off, Sir. I will see you the day after tomorrow. Please, if there is an emergency, do not hesitate to call.” Crocodile smiled at you and leaned against your desk. Crocodile knew you meant nothing untoward by the kiss, it was platonic affection. But he enjoyed the feeling nonetheless. He looked forward to it annually.
“Enjoy your day off.” He wouldn’t, but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
“Thank you, Sir.” With that, you carefully carried your plant and left the office. Crocodile watched you leave then scowled once you’d left. It would be a long 24 hours without you.
The next morning began poorly right from the start. Crocodile awoke late, his alarm clock hadn’t gone off. He blasted it with sand, destroying it completely. He was annoyed already. Normally you woke him gently before his alarm clock did, but you weren’t here today. He found waking to your soft voice and calm face a soothing way to start his day. Crocodile rose from his bed and went to his clothes valet, only to find it empty. He wanted to destroy that as well, but he decided he shouldn’t demolish everything that irritated him today. He’d have nothing left and besides, it would be more work for you to replace everything. You usually hung his clothes for him after pressing them yourself, and he rarely saw the need to adjust your choices. You knew what he liked and how he liked to present himself down to the cufflinks on his shirt sleeves. Crocodile stalked to his large walk in closet and looked through the well organized racks of clothing. It had been one year since he’d had to do this himself and he hadn’t missed the chore. 
He selected an outfit and looked at himself in the mirror. The outfit lacked a certain elegance that you were able to assemble effortlessly. He adjusted his hook - it looked dull. You always polished it for him until it gleamed.  It would have to do, he was already late for a meeting he had called. He left his bedroom for the dining room, looking for his cafe corto. There was a carafe of drip coffee waiting on the table, but no espresso. There was also an impressive tray of sweet pastries. You knew Crocodile wanted a cafe corto first, then drip coffee, cigar, no food. Was it so hard to replicate everything you did for just one day? Could no amount of staff compete with one small woman? Crocodile rang for a servant and asked for the espresso. He was brought an Americano. He sighed and rubbed his temples with his hand. 
The day went downhill from there. You had prepared for your absence during the day, leaving notes and organizing what you could anticipate. Crocodile had another staff member on the den den, fielding calls you’d normally take. But even with your absent help, it was a complete disaster. Crocodile was used to you taking notes for him during meetings, he had forgotten to bring a pen and paper to the board room. By the end of the meeting, he’d forgotten half of the numbers from the quarterly presentation. Everything seemed to need your touch, your help, your forethought to run smoothly. 
Things went from bad to worse. Meetings went off topic, reports had incorrect data, enemies were left untortured, and he’d forgotten to feed the bananawanis on time. Word spread quickly that Crocodile was in a bad mood. Everyone knew the reason why, but no one dared to breathe a word about it. Despite his earlier wishful thinking, the boardroom table now had several hook sized holes in it and his office was covered in sand. He leaned back in his chair and took a deep pull on his cigar. You would have already had everything arranged to soothe his anger.
It wasn’t even all the small matters during the business day that you arranged. You were adept at anticipating his needs before he even realized he wanted something, and arranging his life to one befitting someone of his station. You understood him better than perhaps anyone else. Yes, Miss All Sunday managed Rain Dinners, but you managed Crocodile. 
He sat and recalled one of the times when he’d called you in the middle of the night. He did try not to disturb your rest, but sometimes it needed to be done. One such occasion was when he’d invited Dracule Mihawk to his residence. They had been talking - and drinking - late into the night. In the early hours of the morning he rang you to ask for some food to accompany their wine. 
“Hello Sir, how may I assist you?” your voice had been sleepy, he saw his snail answering bleary eyed but still with a smile.
“I apologize for the late night call. I’d like some refreshments.”
“Of course sir,” the snail looked over at something. “It is now 2:50 AM. I had your favored refreshments scheduled to be delivered at 3:00 AM. Would you prefer to wait ten minutes or would you rather I bring you something immediately?” You weren’t being facetious, Crocodile knew if he asked, you’d have food for him by 2:59 come hell or highwater. 
“3:00 is fine, thank you.”
“I hope you can forgive my impertinence, Sir - I also included some refreshments that may be more to your guest’s liking.” Mihawk raised a single eyebrow. 
“Very thoughtful. Good night.”
“Good night, Sir.”
And sure enough, at 3:00 AM on the dot, a tray of Crocodile’s favorite foods to pair with heavy drinking were delivered by a tired looking waiter. Crocodile served himself some fresh dumplings and offered the tray to Mihawk. Mihawk declined, as he was sampling the gambas al ajillo and jamon.
“Quite the assistant you have,” Mihawk said, a glimmer of intrigue ghosting over his face. “The dishes are excellent, send her my thanks.” Mihawk inclined his head to Crocodile. Crocodile smirked, you had made him proud. 
Breaking his walk down memory lane, he heard the den den mushi ring for what felt like the millionth time that day. Miss Merry Christmas picked up the receiver. He could hear half of the conversation.
“Hello? No, she’s not in today, it’s her birthday. I don’t think you’ll want to - are you sure - let me see,” Miss Merry Christmas looked at Crocodile in his office and yelled through the open door “it’s Doflamingo, do you want to take it?”
Crocodile wanted to kill her on the spot. His sand was already swirling behind him. She had told Doflamingo of all people that it was your birthday. After Crocodile had started taking you to Warlord meetings, the flashy fool had been trying to get you to move to Dressrosa and work for him. Crocodile wasn’t worried about you leaving him for another employer. The thought just sat heavily in his mind and caused him immense anger when he imagined you spending time with Doflamingo. But that wasn’t the same as jealousy. Crocodile would never be jealous over an employee. Even one as smart and lucious as yourself.
Furthermore, Miss About To Be Impaled had asked if he wanted to take the call. Now Doffy knew he was there and had to take the call or else risk a tantrum from the spoiled King. He stalked over to the snail, who was looking quite smug.
“So it’s her birthday today, mmh? I’ll have to send something nice, maybe some lingerie…would you like some as well? Fufufufufufufu.” Crocodile hoped Vegapunk would soon invent a way to kill someone through a den den mushi. He’d deal with Doflamingo later, he was in no mood for the Dressrosa King’s idiotic love quests. He hung up softly, gently patting the snail on the back with his flesh hand. The snail survived because he’d killed one once in anger after such a call and it had upset you. Crocodile didn’t like when you were upset. You’d even cried over the snail and Crocodile had felt guilty. He had liked that even less. 
He needed a drink.
Crocodile left his office for the restaurant portion of Rain Dinners. He had a splitting headache and nearly called out your name to ask for your assistance. Every year your birthday made him realize how heavily he depended on you, so every year he increased your salary the following day. He made a mental note to do the same again tomorrow. 
Crocodile sat in his favorite booth, smoked his cigar, and drank his whiskey neat. The bartenders here were competent and didn’t need to be told what he wanted to drink. He was thinking over some of the reports brought to him by his minions when he spotted you, alone, drinking a glass of wine at the bar. Crocodile was surprised - drinking alone, on your big day? Crocodile knew you had a romantic relationship that predated your employment to him. Crocodile had never liked your partner, but you seemed happy enough. He didn’t understand why someone of your caliber, of your intelligence and beauty was with such a loser, but for your sake he hadn’t killed him. 
Crocodile gathered himself and headed straight to you at the bar. The crowd parted for him easily, with many trying to capture his attention. Some of his Dolls tried to touch his arm or talk to him but he didn’t even spare them a glance. Coming up to your side, you looked up at him and smiled weakly. 
“Good evening, Sir.” You looked absolutely ravishing, just as gorgeous as the day he met you. Normally you wore simple but well tailored clothing to work. It hadn’t stopped his imagination from running wild when you wore your pencil skirts or your slightly lower cut tops. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d wanted to free your hair from its style and run his fingers through it. Or the times he’d wanted to rip through your skirt and pound into you when you leaned over his desk. He’d entertained the thought of seducing you many times, but ultimately he respected you too much to do so. He didn’t want to interfere if you were already in a relationship, as pathetic as your choice was. Besides, he didn’t know what he would do without you if his interest was unreciprocated and you left. He didn’t even want to think about the possibility.
Today you were more dressed up fancier than usual, your striking figure in an elegant black dress that bared your back provocatively. He stifled his impulse to run his hook down your spine to see if it made you shiver. Pulling his thoughts back to you, he noticed your eyes were slightly red and puffy. He put his large hand on your shoulder.
“What happened to that… person …you usually spend time with?” He couldn’t call that boy a man, let alone a boyfriend. He was lucky Crocodile remembered his existence. And continued to allow it.
“We aren’t together anymore, Sir.” Your eyes watered. Crocodile sat in the seat next to yours.
“Did you break up tonight?” Crocodile spoke softly, not wanting to embarrass you or upset you further.
“Yes, Sir.” You looked down at your glass of wine, swirling the drink gently.
“Would you like him killed?” Crocodile could have sworn his hook was twitching. He could think of no better ending to the evening. Maybe that would save this terrible day.
“No thank you, Sir.” You didn’t have the same penchant for violence and bloodlust that he did. Crocodile didn’t mind. He didn’t care for succulents all that much. You could have different hobbies and still work well with one another. “You don’t have to waste your time consoling me, Sir. I would like you to enjoy your evening. A few of your lovers are here, if you’d like me to remind you of their names.”
Crocodile scoffed. “As you know, I am always doing what I want to be doing.” You nodded. As if he would forgo time with you for some nameless woman.
“Where did he work again?” Crocodile was going to have him tracked down, just for….fun. 
“He’s the general manager of ‘Fantasia,” you replied, your mouth dipping into a frown. It was a rival casino, though not even in the top three in Rainbase Lake. “He said I am too involved with my career, that I didn’t spend enough time away from work. That my life revolves around yours.” You looked up, repentant already. “I apologize, Sir. You didn’t ask for details.” Crocodile waved your concerns away. He enjoyed it when you shared your feelings and opinions. Crocodile took the flat of his hook and put it under your chin, raising your face to look at his own. A tear tracked down your face.
“Some people do not understand dedication. Loyalty. Duty. Passion.” 
“Passion, Sir?” Your face slightly flushed from the wine - or perhaps the intimate contact. Crocodile belatedly realized his misstep. He hadn’t meant to reveal his desire, especially when you were already upset. He reluctantly removed his hook from beneath your pretty face. 
“Would you like me to escort you home?” Crocodile changed the conversation in case you’d been uncomfortable. 
“Yes, thank you Sir” you looked surprised at his offer and that you yourself had taken him up on it. Naturally he wanted to ensure his favorite employee was home safely. He had never done this for anyone else but that didn’t mean anything. It certainly had nothing to do with your sadness and vulnerability.  He offered you his hand and you gingerly stepped down from your bar stool. Crocodile guided you to the door with his hook on your bare back. He looked closely and found himself right, you had gotten goosebumps.
The two of you walked through the darkened town in silence, enjoying the pleasant weather. That was something else Crocodile appreciated about you - you didn’t feel the need to fill a stillness with meaningless chatter. The longer the walk took, the less pleased Crocodile became. He paid you very well, why weren’t you living in the luxurious part of the town? You turned street corners until you ended at a shabby looking apartment building and stood in the doorway. Crocodile would rather have burned it to the ground before he set foot in it. 
“This is where I live Sir, thank you for accompanying me.” Crocodile looked at the crumbling brick building once again. 
“Why?” Crocodile bit out. He had nearly chomped his cigar in half.
“I beg your pardon, Sir?” you looked confused at his question.
“Why do you live here? I pay you well, I know you can afford better living conditions.” Your face flushed. 
“You need not concern yourself, Sir. The situation has resolved itself.” Crocodile narrowed his eyes. So it was related to the boy. Had you been paying off some of his gambling debt? He had that look about him. Crocodile knew it well, he owned a casino and had seen that type of fool thousands of times. That wouldn’t do and neither would your current living situation. 
“Indeed. You’ll be moving into my mansion.” Crocodile was pleased with this outcome. He hadn’t liked you living so far from him. He always had a security detail following you when you weren’t with him, but it never felt like enough. With the level of intimate knowledge you had about Crocodile and his businesses, he was always concerned that you’d be kidnapped or tortured. Truthfully, if he admitted it to himself, he worried. Another feeling he didn’t like. No, this would work out perfectly. He wouldn’t have to be distracted by thoughts of your well being and you’d be closer to him at all times. 
“Sir, that is…not appropriate,” you demurred. He hadn’t thought of the implication of moving you in, but in this case he wasn’t thinking with his lower head.
“Nonsense. You’ll have the entire East Wing to yourself. Decorate it as you see fit, I’ll provide you a housing stipend. I will wait here for five minutes. Gather what you will need for the night. Daz will collect the rest of your belongings tomorrow.”
“Sir, is this really -” you had crossed your arms across your lovely chest.
“The countdown has begun.” His will was set in stone, not even your annoyance could sway him. You sighed, rolled your eyes, and walked into the building briskly. Perhaps one good thing had come from this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
Crocodile was immensely happy with the outcome of his decision. He felt at rest knowing he could protect you and keep you safe from those who would seek to gain power over him. Or worse yet, other magnates trying to scout your services for their own. He’d caught Mihawk speaking to you quietly after the last Warlord meeting, and you laughed at something he’d said. He wouldn’t stop you from having conversation with the Swordsman, but he didn’t like it. He knew even Sengoku had tried his hand at recruiting you for the Marines. You turned down every offer and stayed with Crocodile. He wasn’t worried about your loyalty, but Crocodile didn’t like the attention you received from others. You were his personal assistant and Crocodile had never shared well. 
He did try to give you your space and allow you your own personal life within the mansion. He didn’t want to control you, he knew you were your own woman. But since you now shared the same (gigantic) mansion, he did occasionally see you outside of your working hours. He saw you strolling in the gardens, tending to your plants, watching the stars from the balcony. When you weren’t working, you dressed more casually, allowing Crocodile to see more of your body. It did not help that you only referred to him as “Sir,” even outside of work. He had long fantasized about your sultry voice saying “yes, sir” and “no, sir,” in a more intimate setting. He’d tried it with many of his Dolls, but none of them could get it right. Only your “yes, sir,” got his blood pumping. 
The longer you lived in his mansion, the more suspicious Crocodile became of the nature of your feelings towards him. Crocodile wasn’t one to directly ask, but you seemed to have some feelings that crept out every now and again. Once, he’d asked you to help a Doll leave the morning after a stay in his bedroom and you outright refused. It was the first time that you’d ever refused a task he’d asked of you. And you hadn’t backed down. You said it was outside the scope of your duties, but that you’d send a housekeeper. If Crocodile had to put an emotion to your tone, it would have been jealousy. Other times, he had caught you staring at him, and blushing and averting your gaze when caught. You’d worked together for years, but with the closer proximity and your newly single status, perhaps your feelings were changing. Crocodile wanted to test his theory. One day, when your pencil skirt was particularly tight, he called you into his home office. He was leaning back in his chair, smoking a cigar as usual, papers on his desk. 
“Yes, sir?” you stood at the entrance to the office.
“Come in, I don’t bite.” You immediately moved closer to his desk, slight confusion on your face. Normally he tried to speak to you as professionally as possible, and you immediately noted the change in his language. “Take a look at the latest figures from Rain Dinners. I know the calculations are correct, but something is missing.” You came over to his side of the desk and bent over to read, like you’d done so many times before. But this time, he rested his hand on the small of your back. You didn’t say anything, but he heard you suck in a breath. Interesting. You spent a moment flipping back and forth between the pages.
“I see the issue, Sir,” you said, still bent over. Crocodile stood up and bent over next to you, caging you in with one arm. “I apologize. You are missing a page of the report,” you were blushing furiously but continued “I will g-get you a better copy.” You were flustered.  
“Thank you, that’s all,” Crocodile breathed into the shell of your ear. You shuddered from the close contact. Crocodile sat back in his chair, releasing you. You practically ran from the room, face as red as if you’d spent it in the Alabastan desert. Very interesting.
Crocodile wanted to set clear boundaries and to have affirmative consent from you before he did anything. He respected you as a person and if you were to turn him down, he would still want to keep you as an employee. He called for you one late evening. You arrived promptly, though in more casual clothing since it was outside of your business hours. You were wearing a mid length sundress with a blue flower pattern. It accentuated everything Crocodile liked about your figure. Perfection.
“How may I help you, Sir?” Polite as always. 
“Come here,” Crocodile beckoned you with one extended finger. You stood in front of him expectantly. He carefully wound his hook around your waist and pulled you closer, directly in front of his seated form. “Better.” He removed his hook. 
“Do you enjoy working for me?” Your eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Of course, Sir. This is the best job I’ve ever had.”
“Do you remember the day that I hired you?” Crocodile was dragging on his cigar, allowing the smoke to billow out of his mouth. Simultaneously, he was polishing his hook with a cloth. He knew he struck an imposing figure.
“Yes, Sir.” You were transfixed by the sight of the golden hook, gleaming in the dimming light. 
“Do you remember our conversation about the bananawanis?” You tore your eyes away from his hook.
“Yes, Sir. One of the conditions of employment was being comfortable with bananawanis. You asked if I had any concerns in caring for them.” You were getting nervous, unsure of what the purpose of the conversation was.
“Do you remember what you told me?” Crocodile grinned his unnerving smile.
“Yes, Sir. That they are apex predators, they need to be treated with care and respect. If you accept your place beneath them, they can be affectionate and sweet. And that,” you looked him in the eyes, “I doubted they were the most dangerous creatures on the premises.”
“Do you still believe that to be true?” Crocodile rose to his full height, towering over you. You looked up at him. You looked on edge but not scared.
“Yes, Sir.” 
“And what might you say about a more dangerous creature?” He spoke low, looking down at your reddening face. He wound his hook slowly around the back of your neck, giving you time to move away. You didn’t move except to shiver.
“Ah, likely the same Sir. That if I were to accept my position as subservient, I think most strong, ahm, creatures would be receptive.” Crocodile pulled on his hook gently, baring your neck to him. He bent down to your height, ghosting his lips on the exposed column of your neck.
“Speak now with your objections.” He was being truthful, any hesitation on your part and he would stop immediately. He was interested in willing submission, nothing else.
“Sir, I…admit I am so inclined but I worry about mixing business and passion .” Crocodile grinned at your statement, echoing his words from your birthday. So you’d been affected as well.
“If anything unpleasant happens between us, now or after, I assure you we will go back to our previous arrangement. You will not be fired nor face retribution. Do you find that acceptable?” He would rather lose his other hand than you. You nodded. 
“Yes, Sir.” You were looking at him with stars in your eyes.
“If I do something and you wish to end the experience, say ‘no.’ If you say ‘stop,’ I won’t. If you say ‘please,’ it will not move me, nor will any tears. If you say ‘no,’ I will immediately cease my actions. Do you understand?” You gulped.
“Yes, Sir.”
“What word will end anything that you do not wish to happen?” 
“If I say ‘no’ to you, Sir.”
“Very good. Take off your dress.” You looked nervous but your lips quirked up at the corners with his slight praise. He knew that you did your best when given approval. He sat back down in his chair and admired your elegance. You slowly brought down the straps to your dress, then removed your arms from within them. You weren’t wearing a bra, you’d deemed the dress sufficient. He had seen many strip teases from his Dolls, all perfectly crafted and practiced to make a man inflamed with want. Yours had no artifice, no guile, nothing calculated. And yet he found your performance much more sensual and alluring. He felt his cock stiffening more with each passing second. When your arms were free, you let your dress pool at your feet and stepped out of it. You stood still, awaiting his judgment.
“Absolutely stunning.” He stood up again, circling you slowly, letting the metal of his hook glide across your bared skin. He trailed it over your back, across the backs of your arms, across your collar bones as he went around you. Anywhere he dragged it raised goosebumps on your flesh. “You look even better than I have ever imagined.” You preened at his words. He continued to tease you with his hook. “Does it make you nervous when I stare at your beauty?”
“No, Sir.”
He finished drinking you in and sat down once again, only to spread his legs. “Come sit,” he said, voice smooth as silk. You unhesitatingly went over to him, breasts bouncing gently as you walked. You perched yourself sideways gracefully on his powerful thigh, waiting for his next command. You always did so well following his orders, after all. He put down his cigar and put it on your side, bringing you closer to him.
“Exquisite beyond compare.” Bringing his face down to yours, he twined his hand into the hair at the back of your head. He pulled, slanting your face upwards. You were panting softly. He searched your face for any hint of lingering doubt, but he only saw raw desire. He brought his lips to yours ever so slowly, creeping inch by inch, not yet kissing but oh so close. You tried to reach up for him with your mouth but his hand kept you from doing so. “No need to rush, I’m not going anywhere,” he said and bit the lobe of your ear gently. Crocodile didn’t have it in him to wait any longer to kiss you. He brought his lips to yours, opening his mouth. You gave him entry as his tongue explored your own. He kissed you at his leisurely pace, showing you who was in control. He was demanding and dominating and you were loving every moment. 
“Tell me, if I felt between your legs right now, would you be wet for me?” he asked as he kissed down your jaw. You flushed crimson but his hand in your hair prevented you from avoiding his gaze.
“Yes, Sir.” 
“Show me.” 
“Yes, Sir.” You spread your shaking thighs for him, revealing your soaked panties. He untangled his hand from your hair and walked a finger down your arm, down your stomach, down to your thighs. He reached around you and shredded the sides, destroying them and revealing your gleaming pussy. You gasped but didn’t move. He trailed a finger down your slit, not parting your lower lips but fingers still coming back glistening. 
“Does it feel good when I touch you like this?”
“Y-yes, Sir,” you said, biting back a moan. 
“Would you like more?”
“Yes, Sir. Please.” Oh, you’d never added that little plea before. Crocodile felt himself getting even harder than he was before. Maybe one day he’d make you beg. But not today. 
“Ride my thigh, that’s how you’re getting off tonight.” He wanted to watch your face and enjoy the mess you made on his slacks. There’d be plenty of time for other fun. He shifted you so you were straddling his thigh.
“Yes, Sir,” he was pleased that you didn’t hesitate, that you were as interested in following as he was in ordering. You started gyrating on his huge thigh, making small whimpers, your hands on his shoulder for stability. He took the opportunity to cup your breast, kneading the mound between his fingers. Occasionally, he missed having two hands. This was one of those times, he wished he could feel both of your breasts at the same time. Instead, he raised his thigh so you were closer to him and dipped his head to lick and tease at your nipples. Your whimpers only increased. He kissed you all over your chest and neck, making sure to leave a few marks. Your head was thrown back, your eyes glazed as you sought your pleasure. Your whines were increasing in tempo and pitch, you were close. 
“Ask me for permission to come,” Crocodile drawled.
“Please, Sir, may I come?” you answered quickly, not stopping your movements. He wanted to reward you tonight. 
“Yes, you may.” You keened and bucked faster against his thigh, rocking your hips in small circles. He could tell the moment you came undone, he could feel your pussy spasm through his pants. He watched you ride out the high, face contorted in pleasure. He was close himself, but tonight was not for him. After finishing you needed a moment’s rest. You leaned your forehead against his chest, breathing heavily. A moment later, he picked you up and situated you on his other thigh.
“Good girl, how well you’ve done. Look at the mess you’ve made on me,” he said, motioning to the wet spot on his slacks. You reddened but still smiled at him as he enveloped you in his arms. He wrapped you in a nearby blanket off his couch, allowing you to collapse against his broad chest. He relit his cigar and sat peacefully smoking. His rock hard cock would wait for later.
“Thank you, Sir. May I ask you one question?”
“Of course.”
“Can we…do this again sometime?” You seemed unsure of yourself, but Crocodile smiled kindly at you.
“My dear, clear your schedule for the night. And the next. And for the foreseeable future. After all, I am nothing if not an affectionate and sweet creature.” 
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
God I just had the funniest idea after watching the tea party ova of Moriarty the Patriot…
Just picture their darlings there because they all are a part of the household now.
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William’s darling, the shy little thing she is, is just clinging onto William’s arm or near his side the entire time. Half of the ladies present are glaring at her because she is a little street rat who took William’s heart before anyone else could have a chance that they didn’t even have in the first place. The other half of the ladies present are smitten with the adorable little wife of the mathematics professor, like the way a little girl would coo over their baby sibling or new doll that their parents bought them, they offer William to take her off of his hands for a day or perhaps a week, telling her how adorable she would look with a trip to her family’s country home and makeover, perhaps a new wardrobe and- While the ladies ramble on, she is just looking at William with pleading eyes to get her out of there.
Meanwhile Albert’s darling, who was born into nobility is taking the opportunity to visit with some of her old friends who are present, slipping away from Albert to fend for himself with all the ladies present. Many of those ladies she speaks to are the same ladies who have swept William’s darling away to fixate on her, and they are just talking to Albert’s darling while playing with her curls like did she do her hair? Oh she did, well isn’t that just adorable- oh and the earring and necklace she is wearing was a gift from Albert’s darling? Well isn’t that just the sweetest.
Louis’ darling has the most merciful fate because she gets to help her husband and the temporary staff in the kitchen away from all the commotion of the party, though if she does end up nicking herself once with a knife even once Louis will bandage it and send her upstairs so she can read or something, but chances are she will snag Von Herder’s darling from the basement where they are keeping watch over the things the others don’t want found and she will take her upstairs to read with her and people watch from the window.
Then there is Bonde’s and Moran’s darling who get to help out with the party, and by get to help it means they have to help due to all the pleading from each of their partners. The both of them stick close together, gossiping and making notes about the rich ladies at the party and asking each other what the other gets from the other’s partner in order to agree to do this and let’s just saw the answers they give one another they would have to hope none of the guests at the party overhear…
But of course by the end of the party those promises are put on hold due to everyone’s exhaustion. Bonde has his darling cuddled up next to him, his arms pulling the blanket around them both. Moran practically has to carry his darling up to bed because she is ready to fall asleep at any moment and run out the cramps in her legs from her heels. Louis’ darling cleans up the kitchen for him as the temporary staff is dismissed and her husband gets ready for bed. Von Herder’s darling has to pull him out of the basement so the two of them can go to sleep cause if she didn’t he would be down there all night. Albert and his darling go up to bed early and split a bottle of wine between the two of them before they pass out from exhaustion. William helps his darling get undressed and ready for bed and she quickly tells him as they settle into bed how she never wants to do that again and he fully agrees.
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institute-of-dolls · 8 months
what are dolls? and the institute? i’m interested but i don’t understand what’s going on !!
Hello! Sorry for the long reply, its been a hectic few weeks and I put a lot of time to thinking about how to explain.
So the first thing i think its that *what* are dolls? And this is were things immediatly get complicated but ill start by trying to define the main concept of a doll.
I defined it as "an entity created or recreated to serve a purpose or role, often by a dollmaker, who defines them and cares for them"
When I asked one of my Dolls for its answer it gave me this: "Doll: Any being that defines itself by simplicity of thought, yet untempered by the "feral" aspects of an animal. Most keep themselves through dedication to an "owner", "creator", or a single task or goal."
Defining dollhood and doll spaces is harder then just that though, because dollhood means a different things to many people. For some dollhood is a form of identity or way of exploring identity. A way of exploring the self and personhood through a lense of control and self determination. Of exploring the impact trauma and upbringing has on the sense of self. It Can be a way of exploring dynamics and forms of relationship, often through a lenses that de-focuses gender, and focuses on the exchange of self. For others its a way of exploring species and the definition of humanity, often attached to the alterhumanity/otherkin community. For others its a way of exploring expression, aesthetics and how you display yourself to others. For others its a form of creativity and expression. A way of expressing themselves through writing, art and creation. In exploring themes of humanity and the self, discussing trauma and de-personalization. Of creation and recreation, of hope and family. And sometimes its just about cool mechs in fucked up situations, and thats wonderful too. You can look at the Empty Spaces community, but ill touch on that later. See again for others dolls and creativity is about literal dolls, there is a decent sized scene of people who buy, sell, trade and customize dolls. From toy dolls to antiques, from just fixing them up to completely redesigning them from the ground up. Ill try to find some examples of some people to share sometimes because they do great things. And I think finally, for others its about community. whether that be the before mentioned Empty Spaces, a shared community of writers and artists that created a space to write about shared themes and emotions, a place where they can be with people who want to explore the same pain and themes together and give each-other a place of belonging. Or the even early mentioned doll otherkin, creating a space to explore identity and person-hood, trauma and the de-personalization that comes with it. Of exploring the self in a place of like-minded people who can understand each-other. Or so many other aspects of community, from kink and dynamics, to hope and family, from person-hood and authority and care to unperson-hood and service and devotion. For many its about the people that accept them and the lives they build together.
As for The Institute? Well it mostly is just a fun creative name and theme for my blog. Just a unique expression of doll exploration themed around a scientific institute who's tasked with the research and discovery of dolls and how best to treat, manage, and care for them. When I started the blog the doll community on tumblr wasn't all that large or active, it existed, but its strongest presence was on other platforms. There a lot of dolls in dollspaces, but less creators and caretakers, and even less "organizations", so its manage to stick out as a theme even as the community here has grown, and gratefully it has grown a lot. Its much less lonely now then it was when started. And the themes become less of just a theme as well! Me- The Director, and my staff, the Dollmaker and the Engineer, are all genuinely quiet devoted to studying dolls, as defined by people who identify as much, the communities around them, and were deeply invested in learning the best ways to help them, care for them, and manage them. so there you, not so shortly, have it. Dollhood is a form of self identification, but also a form of self expression, creativity, and community. And The Institute is a fictional organization dedicated to the science and discovery of dollhood, used as a theme for a blog, run by people actually invested in learning about and connecting the communities of doll-hood and the identity of those in it, and how to care for them.
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cindol · 9 months
club owner!sukuna and black fem reader <33
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tw— sukuna is 29, reader is 26, written in hc form, uraume is referred to as they/them, flirty talk, reader has locs, ooc sukuna, suggestive at the end,
tagging— @liuhko
wc: 3812 words
a/n: worked my nyash off just for my bby sukuna !!
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club owner!sukuna was very familiar with seeing y/n at his club whenever he came to make sure everything was still on tip top shape, like a usual owner would do. She was always the doll he’d see sitting at a table for 3 with her girls as they waited for their liquor.
His first interaction with her was asking her about their service. He usually would always ask every customer around who he’s seen hang around long enough about how the service goes when he’s not here. Her answer had some spice and sass to it unlike others. As she would sip some pink Whitney out of a margarita glass.”you take your work seriously I can see that mr….?” He chuckled at the wit she had first come off.”call me sukuna sweetheart.”
she didn’t make a visible annoyed look at his pet name but a small hum at it.”well mr. sukuna, I can see you take your work seriously. That's why you come here on a good blue moon to see if everything is in tip top shape and I’ve had no complaints really except just one bit..” he raised a brow smirking.”and just what would that be?” Raising a finger she sipped her Whitney again.”your staff.” He chuckled “my staff?”
She hummed.”Not all of your staff of course, just your bartenders y’know? I only think there’s one good bartender boy, he’s the only who can even make me a good decent pink Whitney. Others can’t even make me a good fucking basic gin.” He scratched the back of his head.”You sure know a lot ma’am on how I should run my staff.” She had a smile on her two toned lips at that, she took it as a compliment.
The next time she would show up at his club alone. She saw he took her words actually into consideration. She had a subtle look of surprise at the new mature bartenders she was seeing, the new bartender a man with black short spiky hair going down with a healed scar on his lip in a dress shirt and dress pants from her view and a silver watch on his wrist. The man noticed her gaze and just shot a smile that made her jump a little back into a new chest which happened to be sukuna’s and made her turn around to see his grin.”well? What do you think of this new bartender I got?” She hummed.”He looks mature, I wonder if he can make a good pink Whitney though.” He shakes his head with a chuckle at her words.
Y/n wouldn’t admit but she started to show up at club owner!sukuna’s club just to see him, having chats with someone on her same IQ level was nice. The two would sit at a designated table just talking up a storm.”You know miss y/n, I’m starting to think you’re just coming here to see me and not for the pink Whitney’s.” He leaned grinning with his teeth showing, making her sip the pink drink and do what was a playful eye roll now.”Tsk! You have nice tats but you’re not all that ryomen.” He raised a brow.”we’re on first name bias now I see?”
Y/n secretly liked their playful nature. The way he would teasingly call her miss or ma’am while she would call him his first name. She really didn’t notice the privilege she had at all being so close to someone like sukuna but she just had this aura about her that made her connected to him. It’s why she wouldn't be surprised when toji told her that her usual pink Whitney was on the house.”it seems like you’re rubbing up on the big boss.” She just smiles like that.
She couldn’t lie and say she didn’t find club owner!sukuna to be an attractive man. His light pink hair, dark red eyes with tribal tattoos under the suit he wears. She didn’t even notice she herself would even wear her prettiest outfits around him until he pointed it out on their daily talks.”you’re always wearing that pretty little club dress around me.” She almost choked on her drink when he first had said that to her, if her skin was paler she would’ve had a visible blush on her cheek.
club owner!sukuna is aware of the effect he could have on her too. He knows deep down in her pretty uptight soul that a flustered girl existed in there so he tested to see what could ignite it. He noticed she was the type of woman who didn’t mind a more dominant hand doing things for her. He loved to see how her eyes would widen when he led her out his club front doors by the small of her back, even walking her to her car.
She always gets bashful when he points out the pink club dress she’s always wearing when she meets him at their table to talk.”Are you always wearing that pink dress for me doll face?” She just has to gasp and twirl at her hair when he says that.
club owner!sukuna agrees with her on any point. Once they started to hang out outside of his club and inside her heavily decorated bedroom. He loved to Hear her rant about her work as a business manager.”such bullshit y’know.. the way these stupid ass business men try to tell me of all people how to do my own work? Fuck off!” Sukuna just chuckled, eating some nuts she left on her bed.”how bout you join my team then on the side then?”
She raised a brow ”join your team?” He nodded his head.”You've shown me your work, you’re amazing at your work and you could create some good things for us, how about it?” She hummed in response, it would be for both of them, even more money than they already earn(not like sukuna was ever even struggling to begin with).”I get full control of marketing, no random jerks butting in trying to tell me how to do it.” He grinned at that.”deals a deal then.”
sukuna’s staff would see y/n around the club more than just visits and more of her as their marketing manager in a business shirt and long business skirt with black flip flops and serious glasses, it was a drastic change from her in her usual pink club dresses and heels drunk on a pink Whitney. More of her being a very strict marketing manager around the club inside the meeting office, she’s never too strict letting them put input and club ideas.
When she sees toji raise her hand she and sukuna huff but allow him to put in his input .”what’s your input on this Fushiguro?” He clears his shirt.”shirts and mugs.” She just sighs at his silly idea, but she knows she’s gonna feed into this staff's small silly ideas.
club owner!sukuna likes to see her interact with the staff. He put on this front as a strict boss but liked being silly with his staff, y/n brought his silly side out more. She got him participating in work parties more and even photo taking. Her favorite photo was when she got everyone including him to take a photo in front of the club building as a memory.
Whether y/n realized it or not she was becoming an integral part of sukuna’s personal life now and staff at the club was noticing too. The trio of gojo, toji and geto would whistle noticing y/n get on her tiptoes hugging sukuna goodbye when he bids her a farewell before she heads into her car while they all watch from the window. Gojo takes his shades to try for a better look at what they were saying.``you think they’re.. y’know?” He would do the motion of a finger going into a hole in the shape of his hand which makes geto and toji shiver.``can’t imagine that woman even having sex with that demon, it would make hell freeze.” Geto just mods along to toji's words in agreement.
Y/n was really just as oblivious as sukuna how personal and close they were getting. How comfortable she would get having sukuna’s personal items at her house and his boxers found in her bathroom while her items would also be found at his house and her cute little slippers even being left in his house by mistake. The way she got so comfortable being half naked around him, she just used the excuse of “it’s just sukuna”
club owner!sukuna is a jealous jealous man. He tries to keep any ounce of composure but when he sees one of the male security guards rubbing y/n’s shoulder and laughing with her on his break it is hard to keep a calm and collected face as he holds his hands together watching the both of you. Toji makes a chuckle as he’s next to him.”Keep composure man, she’s a free lady till you grow a pair.” That makes sukuna wanna squeeze toji’s balls himself.”leave before I lose my composure and fire you.” Toji makes a nervous laugh leaving from his side.
Sukuna sneakily makes it to your side as you laugh with the guard. That famous sly grin he always wore on his face when he was about to scare someone off was on his face while he looked at the bald security guard. The security guard stopped his chuckling looking sukuna in the eyes.”hello boss.” Sukuna just looks at his watch, watching the time.”6 minutes left, I’d stand post outside so you don’t miss it or be late.” He just gulped, nodding his head and leaving. It made y/n pout at him but softened when he patted her head and rubbed a hand on her back.”you’re such a meanie you know?”
The thought of y/n with another person except him would drive him crazy. He thought it was crazy of him to even think these thoughts about her this way when he never thought this way about another woman in all his years of his job as a club owner. Hell, he had even gone to his day one uraume of all people for advice at their own house. As Uraume poured him wine in a cabernet glass he ran a hand down from his hair to his whole face.”emotions are so damn confusing..” he grabbed the glass on the low table taking a sip.”I’ve never even had this feeling in all my years of work, what’s so different now.”
Sitting across from him on a comfortable relaxing chair, uraume hummed.”love?” Sukuna scoffed and laughed at that.”I have zero room for love or even entertaining that idea, my schedule is far too busy.” uraume made a giggle at that.“No room in your schedule but you’ve found a way to migrate this woman into your schedule, whether you’ve noticed it or not but with the way you’ve in a way been purposely migrating this girl into your life somehow.” Sukuna made a huffing noise like a bull, he forgot that psychology degree uraume had. He took another sip of the red wine with his arm stretched on the top of the couch.
Uraume just smiled softly at Sukuna’s expression.”Am I right or not? You did tell me you have this woman as your marketing manager and even have been invited into her home.” Sukuna just grumbled.”I won’t say you’re wrong..” uraume just laughed out loud knowing sukuna admitted defeat to them. Their laughs turned into a sigh.”Just get the woman, sukuna.”
Whilst sukuna was conflicted for his feelings for y/n the same could be said for y/n. It was getting hard for her to not cross her legs when she felt his large hand on her lower back and even harder to keep eye contact with his intense sharp eyes. Everyday was getting more difficult, she had to set some boundaries as his employee.
The next following day she knocked on his office door and came in when she heard a muffled,”enter” and stepped in. His cold expression changed when he saw who entered and had a small smile.”oh, hello ms. Y/n.” He teased expecting her to play along. She made a chortle while walking to his desk.”Well hello Mr. sukuna.” He grinned at her teasing back.”Well what brings you here?”
She cleared her throat, getting more serious.”About that, I think it’s time we set some.. boundaries in the office, yes?” He quirked a brow at that sitting up and elevating his chair and folding his hands into each other.”boundaries you say?” She nodded swallowing.”I love her friendship ryomen, but I think we may be getting far too close for comfort y’know? This is a workplace I just don’t want people even getting the wrong idea about us or personally about you.”
He let out a breath of air at what she said.”You have a point.” She was surprised, thinking he wouldn’t be cooperative with her.”We should be having an appropriate work friendship in a working place. I wouldn’t want either our images tarnished or to be known as people who just sleaze around, I know you would hate that for yourself y/n.” She nodded, her heart was beating a bit fast as he said those words. She didn’t know why, she should be comfortable with the conversation they were having about boundaries. She slowly nodded her head along to his words in agreement, once she did leave he let out a groan. This was for the best as workers, but he didn’t know how he would even last around her and not be how he usually is.
club owner!sukuna found it was hard to even act like a professional boss to her at their workplace, it’s like she was purposely doing things to rile him but he knew it was innocent in nature. The way she would bend down in marketing meetings to pick up his pen in front of a full staff made a groan nearly slip out. Toji had to bow his head not wanting to get his head chewed off by sukuna for looking or dropping his jaw.
Another instance was how he saw her take her glasses off and put them between her shirt and tie up her locs trying to look more serious with her cute face. Her cute laugh she would do at the antics of his staff, sometimes he would have to excuse himself and go into his private office.
And who’s to say she wasn’t just as flustered as she was before around him? Seeing him get angry and a sharp look in his crimson eyes at some drunk bastard acting a fool outside the club evoked an interesting reaction in her while she watched. The way he rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt showing off his watch made her lick her lips without even noticing.
All of this came to a halt one day when they were hosting a nice event to celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the club. It was a chill day for y/n, for once she wasn’t in her office working on marketing plans and was in the club enjoying herself in a pink strapless dress and 2 inch light pink heels to match with some light makeup on her face and her locs laid down for once. She had a barely visible blush but sukuna could tell she was drunk from how she was giggling more and more and dancing on the floor.
When he approached her on the floor she acted more bold, it was probably the beer but when he came to see how she was partying she just shouted at him,”could be better if I had ya lips on my mine kuna!” It makes him choke a bit thinking he didn’t hear her clearly the first time she said what she said.”I can’t hear you sweetheart, maybe you should ah repeat that again?”
She made a more slurred giggle coming from her throat and got on her tiptoes wobbling a bit but flying her head up trying to be on his height level.``said I want yer lips on mines!” Seeing his puzzled face made more laughter come from her until she nearly tripped, thankfully having sukuna catch her by the hips and sigh.``maybe you need to sober up a bit, yes?”
She made a pout.”Such a partyyyyy poooperrrr!” But of course obliged with sukuna holding her hand and having her follow him up to her office, toji and geto had a funny idea in their twisted minds of what they thought the two were doing as they headed upstairs.
Once they got into his office he sat her flat on his office couch and brushed a hand through his pink hair sighing.``What am I gonna do with a woman like you?” She still had an innocent tipsy smile on her face as she laid on his couch with her heels still on. Walking over to her and bending down he grabbed her legs, taking her own shoes off.``you undressin’ men ryoo?” He just shook his head sighing at her behavior.``I’m making sure you don’t nearly fall again in these pumps, miss y/n.” She just giggled more at him putting emphasis on the nickname he had for her.
Once her heels were on the floor he sat across her in a spare chair he had. It was honestly a shock to see her so free, he’s seen her be funny but never giggling and so bold. He just looked at her as she snickered and kicked her free feet and brushed a hand through his hair.”Just what am I gonna do with you huh?” He half joked but her drunk mind took it seriously.”Whatever you want ryo,’m all yours for the night!” He almost wanted to entertain the idea but shook his head, he would never take advantage of her like that when she was vulnerable like this.
“I couldn’t, y/n. I’m your work partner, remember?” She just let out a big sigh of air getting up, still wobbling.``Who even caresssss ‘bout that stupid work code shit anymore ryo? Jus’ want you..” that makes him sigh and look away." You're drunk y/n, let’s have this talk tomorrow.” She just shook her head, still standing and wobbling.”noooo! I want you ryooo. I want you every moment I see ya, can’t even go without turning into a slush when ‘m around you..”
He grips the arm of his cheer and gets up. He didn’t wanna have this conversation with her now, he wanted her to have a clear mind to say this and express his feelings back. ”how about you just sober up, yes? And we’ll speak about this tomorrow?” She just huffed trying to walk further but falling onto him. He sighed knowing he’d be the one driving her home tonight
The next morning was awkward for the two. Y/n was still hungover from last night but appearing work ready. Last night was an embarrassing blur for her, she remembered bits of her partying, inside sukuna’s office and nearly confessing her feelings for him. When she entered the club she immediately wanted to head up and apologize. Before toji or anyone else could even greet her she was heading upstairs and straight to his office. She banged on his door to which he responded.”whoever is banging so damn loud, enter.” She rushed into the office immediately with sukuna being concerned.”Ah, y/n.”
Her mouth was moving faster than her brain as she spoke.”I’m sorry about last night sukuna, I don’t know if my stupid ass drunk mouth will make our relationship even more confusing but if it does! Let’s just move past this. I don’t want our friendship to blunder so let’s just—“ he hushed her, getting up and looking out his shades momentarily and rubbing his nose with his thumb.
“Really, I’m the sorry one y/n. I completely tried ignoring your feelings last night when, funny enough, I felt the same.” That immediately shut her up with her standing straight while he walked towards her, every step he took she watched.”d-do you now?” there was a slight stutter in her talk as he nodded and was now facing her head to head.”so silly isn’t it? I tried denying this,just… burying my head into my work and even trying to avoid you but I can’t you know why?”
She gulped, staying silent and looking up at him.”because you plague my mind y/n, my every waking thought is you. This little thing of trying to keep a working relationship didn’t work in the slightest either, just seeing you and not being able to have you kills me inside. And I know this is killing you also.” He put a hand on her shoulder needing confirmation. She swallowed and nodded looking at him eye to eye.”I wanna start something sukuna I do but, what about the obvious working relationship?“ he scoffed.”you said it with your own drunk words last night, it’s bullshit. And a drunk words is always the truth coming out. If they dare to question, to hell with them.” And he did mean that literally.
The then relationship she started to have with club owner!sukuna began to blossom nicely. It made y/n so giddy and more flustered now, it was everything they were used to doing with each other but now everything was so intense. Him usually sleeping on her bed fully clothed in a suit now turned to him half naked in briefs in her bed with her cuddled against him.
Them having their usual talks at a club table turned into them having talks in his office which turned into her on his desk with him still sitting in his office chair looking at her sitting there and putting his hands on her waist to lead her into sharing a kiss with him.
Their usual marketing meetings were now awkward for the whole staff. It was refreshing for all of them to see the two finally together but it was suffocating. The way she would giggle a bit when he picked up a pen she dropped in the middle of it made the trio of toji, gojo and geto wanna tear their ears and eyes off.
Overall, they were a happy couple.
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nosesitter · 4 months
TOJI FUSHIGURO// the hot line cook
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Theres nothing hotter than a man with a criminal record.
Toji had a record. He saw his parole officer more than his kid. He was in and out of jail. Sent to prison a couple times but always got out because he had “good behavior”. Had his sentences significantly reduced. Soon he was able to walk the streets again. He was fucking the warden. When you had met him he came into your job asking if they were hiring. They were, they needed a cook and he did kitchen duty in prison so he fit the criteria.
He thought nothing of you as first. The dumb little hostess who always came to bother the kitchen with stupid questions. You would come sauntering into the kitchen in that little black skirt and tight black low cut shirt, he would roll his eyes and set down his knife to answer whatever dumb question you had.
“Can you make the fish tacos with no fish?”
“Can you make a half well done half medium steak?”
“What meat comes in the chicken burrito?”
As much as he hated the questions the customers asked you he loved answering to you.
“Sure doll.” Was his favorite way to respond to you. And the blush that crept onto your cheeks showed that it was also your favorite way to get answered. When you switched to being a waitress Toji was ecstatic. Finally he was able to see you all the time. This is when the relationship the two of y’all had took a turn.
Smoke breaks outside became longer, the conversations became more intimate, and suddenly Toji was asking you to “help” him get something from the fridge that conveniently had no cameras inside of it.
Makeout sessions against the racks that held vegetables became a regular thing. Cold noses rubbing against each other was a comfort for the two of you. Then you became more bolder each day passing. Pushing him back against the rack behind him that held the marinating meat and fumbling with the stings that kept his chef pants up. Teasing only got you so far and you’ve decided you needed more. You needed his cock. Toji adored you for this. Making a bold move and taking what you wanted. Who would he be if he denied a request from a beautiful woman like yourself.
“Fuck babydoll, just like that.” Rough hand behind your head pushing you further down his thick cock, past your gag reflex. Toji knew the tickets were probably piling up on the expo and your tables probably needed refills. Clueless customers looking around for their waitress, just wondering where she could be. To busy trying to get the head chef off in the fridge.
Tongue swirling around the head he knew he wouldn’t last long. Toji hadn’t felt this good in a while and he wasn’t about to stop you so some dipshit in your section can get another Diet Coke. Instead he pushed you past your limit, just fucking your throat at this point and you allowed it. God he can’t remember that last time he came down someone’s throat.
“I’m gonna come doll!” And that’s what he did. The voices on the other side of the fridge got louder as he shot ropes down your throat. Pulling back you opened your mouth and showed him the pool of white on your tongue - in the blink of an eye it was gone. Pulling you back up he quickly shoves lemons in your arms as he grabs a marinated chicken. Suddenly the fridge door opens and there’s half the staff wondering where the chef and a waitress are.
“What I needed help with this.” Pushing past, Toji lets you out first while he follows behind giving everyone his stank face. He couldn’t wait to get you back in the fridge later that night.
There’s no way he’s was going back to prison now knowing that you would always be here ready for him.
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dotster001 · 4 months
The Dilf Floyderverse!
Took a headache med that had caffeine in it, yesterday, and created the Dilf Floyd Leech family. Enjoy!
*picrew links at the end
CW: toxic family, hot wife (I made her too hot and now my bi ass is like 😍), she's an absolute monster btw, I wanted to make it so I didn't feel bad about killing her
Sirena Leech
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Age 42. Gorgeous. Love her. She's a salmon mer in her true form. She's for sure a rich man's daughter, not satisfied with anything but she can step on me . Will yell at wait staff because the food is "too cold". Lowkey, she was hoping she was betrothed to Jade, because he's the calm one. But joke's on her, he's a master of poisons, it would not go well for her.
Side note: Just like Floyd is planning to kill her, she's been planning to kill him for a year. She's just a little too slow. Perhaps in another lifetime she succeeded, but not in this one. But in that other universe, she is sending the kids off to boarding school the second dad is dead.
I want her to kill me she's so hot
Kai Leech
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The oldest, at age 15. Has his Mama's eyes, and his papa's disposition. He's starting to prep for the NRC entrance exams, but he's definitely a family man, who is not excited for college because it means he'll have to be away from papa and his siblings. He's a protective big brother, despite his eccentricities. He has been known to have a bit of a temper, and has swung at some bullies who went after his cousins or his siblings. Probably will be placed in Savannahclaw. He's very well aware of how often his parents fight about whether he should be betrothed or not, and is crazy grateful that his papa has stood up for him and his free will.
Coral Leech
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Age 13, and angsty. She won't take any bullshit, and she and Sirena are at each other's throats constantly. At age ten, she asked dad, "What happens if mother dies?" With dark eyes. Sometimes she leaves articles about husbands who murdered their wives around. Papa always says it's a joke (he is well aware it is not) but mother wants to ship her off to boarding school. Coral refuses to be the cookie cutter rich girl her mother wants her to be, and is doing everything she can to make herself seem scary enough to not be married off should something happen to papa.
Pearl Leech
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Age eleven. She's cute and sweet, and mother's perfect angel... usually. She has her father's energy levels, and while she is very kind, her kindness is often loud and frenetic. Her kindness usually leaves a mess behind, whether it be a messy kitchen after she makes brownies, or a room full of broken items where she made a craft. But she means well.
Caspian Leech
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Age nine. He's the serious one. Dedicated to his studies, wanting to be a big man so that Papa will let him take over the family business....
Most of the time.
He's close in age to Anemone, which makes them best friends. But it also means they fight constantly. One moment they'll be playing house with some dolls, the next they are breaking each other's dolls because "you aren't playing the game right!"
Mother will be so proud of him one moment, then ripping her hair out the next.
Anemone Leech
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Age 8. Again, best friends with Caspian. Well behaved, until they are wrestling on the ground and destroying a store. Has her mother's eyes, which makes her mother have a little bit of hope, but Leech genes are strong. She is still young, still developing her personality. And with how boring mother is, and how fun papa is, take a wild guess about which direction she is going to go in.
Jade Leech (Jr.)
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Age 5. Floyd begged to name a kid Jade. And the answer was no 6/6 times. But when Jade opened his eyes, Sirena rolled her eyes and said he could name him, but also made sure to note that she was done. Which is so fair after six kids, but the reason isn't the number of kids, or even that she doesn't want anymore. No, she's just lost hope that any will be "civilized". She entertained his desire for a big family because none of the kids so far had been worthy heirs, but she's giving up. A cruel thing to say when you're holding your newborn baby, but hey, rich people, amiright?
He's a good bean, a complete sweetheart. He just enjoys being included! Sure, he has no idea what's going on, and he knows mother is mean, but everyone else is wonderful and he's so happy!
Picrew Links 🥺
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starsofjewels · 2 months
Mama, Papa and Baby Too
Ramsay Snow (Bolton) x Lady Bolton! Reader, Roose Bolton x Lady Bolton! Reader
Any and all characters depicted in NSFW pieces are of legal age. All characters are also consenting (Unless specificed by piece)
Please read responsibly.
DARK FIC: This piece includes or is focused around a situation some readers may find uncomfortable or disturbing. Know your limits and keep yourself safe.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Incest (Stepmother x stepchild), non-descriptive/ implied incest (father x child), voyeurism, breastfeeding, foreplay (fingering + handjob), riding (Roose), Little(-ish) Ramsay, non-descriptive mention of assault (in regard to Ramsay's conception)
The Boltons are their own warning
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I've never published any smut before, so why not, in true GOT fashion, start off with a weird little incest-ridden oneshot? The gods may smite me, but Ramsay is still my baby boy, so here we are.
I apologise in advance for this characterisation of Ramsay, even though I fear it fits his character exceptionally well.
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Word count: 2.5k
You had known your stepson was unstable since before you had wed his father. A bastard boy conceived out of rape, raised by an insane servant until his mother grew tired of him, and threw him on the steps of the Dreadfort. Anyone in the North could recount the stories surrounding Ramsay Snow, how he tormented the serving girls in his father’s employ, commanding his pack of dogs to tear flesh from the servants’ bones, and naming each new pup after a girl he had slain. How he burned, and destroyed, and caused so much havoc across the Dreadfort and the lands surrounding it.
When you first arrived, to be married to the boy’s father, your maids told you, with varying levels of excitement, what he had done to Roose’s previous wife, and their only surviving son. Supposedly, your new stepson had tortured Lady Bethany to the point of insanity, to a degree that her hair fell from her scalp and her skin flaked. Her only living son, Domeric, had a worse fate still, succumbing to an ‘illness’ commonly believed to be poison in the hands of his jealous half-brother.
You are given a silver dagger to hide in your skirts, and told to not use it sparingly. Ramsay is unpredictable, and cruel, and Roose will not try to stop him. 
Roose does not allow you to meet him until after the wedding. The day you finally do, the staff refuse to look at you, or speak with you as they usually would. You are taken care of, of course, fed, and bathed, dressed in Bolton pink. You feel like a sacrifice, being made-up to appease some vicious god. 
“Sit, wife.” 
It is not a question, but you answer anyway.
“I have no need to sit, lord husband.”
You watch him roll his eyes, fixing himself a little. You stand in silence for a good few moments, until you hear unfamiliar footsteps, which you assume belong to your stepson. 
Ramsay stops in the doorway, eyeing you up as you are sure his dogs do their prey. You want so badly to reach out and take Roose’s hand, or run off. But there is no comfort for you, not now. You know your fate here, and it is not to be coddled like a doll.
He steps closer to you, and again, and again, until you can clearly see his cold, blue eyes in the dim light, sizing you up, as though he can tell exactly how to torment you.
Instead of striking you, or grasping at your hair and pulling, Ramsay cautiously wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your shoulder. You gasp in surprise, expecting far worse. Glancing up at Roose, you see his brow furrow in apparent confusion, he goes to speak, Ramsay does first.
He sounds like a pathetic little boy, a baby, and some part of your heart is filled by it. He takes your hand in his and puts it to his own head, and you stroke his curls as he seems to want you to. The boy preens at this, pushing himself further into the embrace.
“It seems the boy likes you, dear.”
You almost smile at his words, looking down to the boy, still hiding away in your hair.
“Aye, it does seem that way.”
Roose has shown no signs of affection towards you before, much less openly giving you pet names. You try to ignore it, putting it to the side as a one-off, a part of his surprise towards Ramsay’s affection towards you.
Your stepson stays attached to your hip for the rest of the evening. He follows you everywhere, insisting he cannot do anything without you, and although you understand the oddness of the situation, if this is what it takes to prevent yourself having the same fate as Lady Bethany, you are willing to indulge the monster. 
He practically squeals in delight when you give him a sip from your wine when his father is not looking, having been barred from partaking after sunset following a particularly violent drunken escapade, the one sliver of actual parenting Roose had enforced. 
By the time he is ready to retire, he is squished up beside you in your chambers, practically on your lap. You are distracted from your sewing by him gently butting into you, trying to grasp your attention. Looking out at the dark night outside your window, you glance back at Ramsay, already nearing sleep.
You sigh, setting him up on the unused side of your bed. It takes barely a moment for him to shuffle across the sheets and wrap himself around you, clinging like a baby. There is no point in denying him, part of you knows he would sneak in later, anyway.
Eventually, Roose comes to you, dressed in his nightclothes. He has never spent the night with you before, much less in your own rooms. He slips in beside his bastard, watching the two of you with mild curiosity.
“You’re good with him.”
“Thank you.”
He scoffs slightly, leaning back against the headboard to look down on the sleeping Ramsay.
“I have never seen him like this. He’ll be asking to suckle from you next, dearest.”
There it was again, a small hint of your husband’s affections for you. You are terribly glad the dim night hides the blush on your cheeks.
“He would not!”
You can make out Roose nodding his head.
“Really? He’s a man grown, Roose.”
“As if that could stop him. Keep yourself clothed around him, no matter how much you trust him, He’s a mischievous one, our Ramsay. Give him a chance and he might pounce.”
You feel Ramsay smile against your chest, and you realise he’s not yet fallen asleep. Summoning your best act, you look at your husband with mock surprise,
“My boy? Oh, I find that hard to believe, lord husband. Is he not just an angel?”
Ramsay tucks himself tighter against you, and a smile finds itself upon your lips. You kiss his curls gently, the boy giggles, glad that you consider him to be your own.
-    -
The night, though young, is dark. As the Stark words always say, winter is coming. You can feel it in the cold, in the way the trees tilt in the breeze. You rest your head against Roose’s chest. The flames and your furs keep the room almost uncomfortably warm. You are the lady of the Dreadfort, after, you of all people must be shielded from the oncoming trials of winter. 
The storm outside is bitter and cruel. The wind is harsh, and you are certain trees will have fallen by the morning. Every so often, if you try particularly hard, you can hear your son’s dogs howling at the weather from the kennels. You turn, your back now to Roose. He reaches his arm around you, holding you closely to him. 
And your moment of intimacy, in less than a second, is ruined by the gentle tap of a hand against your bedroom door. Just from the sound of it, you know exactly who it is. You smile softly,
“Come in, darling.”
Ramsay shuffles into your bedchamber, like a child, a pout on his face which you can see from the light of the fire beside him. He is dressed in his nightshirt, his hair messy, and you know that you are in for a long night.
“Want to sleep here, Mama.”
He makes no effort to speak to your husband, not when his precious mother is waiting for him. Though Roose attempts to grasp your arms, you reach out for Ramsay, and he leaps into your bed. Before long, he has wrangled you onto your back, snuggling viciously into your chest. His attachment to you has only grown in the months you have spent as his mother, to a degree many might consider unsettling.
“Oh, love, did the storm scare you?”
The boy nods weakly, just the hint of a smile ghosting his face. His father scoffs,
“He is not a babe, my dear, the boy can manage a bit of wind.”
Ramsay glares at his father, before going back to affectionately nuzzling you. You stroke his cheek gently, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“It is very late, Ramsay. You should try and get to sleep now.”
He shakes his head,
“Nuh. Can’t.”
Roose sighs, having given up completely, resting his head back against his pillow. Though your hands are preoccupied by the Ramsay in your arms, you lean over to kiss his cheek, something of an apology.
“Why can’t you sleep, darling?”
“I’m hungry, Mama,” He practically pleads, “I can’t sleep if I’m still hungry.”
This is always his excuse. Hunger. You think the boy must have a stomach the size of the Riverlands for how much he complains of it. But, you know his excuse well, and what it always ends with. So you smile, sweetly, and lean closer to his face.
“And what does the master want for his supper, then?”
He practically paws at your breast, begging with his big eyes, almost whimpering.
“Milk, please. Milk, Mama.”
You sigh affectionately, pressing another kiss to his face, and letting him tug down your nightdress. 
“Just a little to settle your stomach, and then off to sleep, alright?”
“I promise, Mama.”
Though you are yet to have a babe of your own, Ramsay’s consistent suckling has eventually caused your breasts to swell, your body preparing its hardest for a baby who is, in fact, a grown man. This delights your boy, of course, who could spend the rest of his days living off of nothing but the milk you’ve provided him.
He is enthralled when you help his mouth find your nipple, suckling immediately. His brow furrows, waiting impatiently for his reward. He groans when your milk touches his lips, snuggling you more, mumbling thanks, or praise, or something hidden by his face buried in your breast. 
You hear Roose shuffling. He sits up, and roughly pets his son’s hair. Ramsay’s eyes flick open, he glared again at his father, relaxing as you shush him gently,
“You’re alright, sweetling. Mama’s here.”
Ramsay moans again, and you feel him shift against your leg. Roose makes a laughing sound from the back of his throat.
“Someone is in need of a little affection, Mama.” He teases lightly, nipping at your neck. His stubble is rough, adding to your sensitivity. “Perhaps you should take care of our boy, and I’ll look after you.”
“I want to look after Mama!”
The boy has detached from you, pouting once more. You kiss his nose, wiping some of the milk from his mouth,
“You are looking after Mama by being a good, quiet boy. Let Papa have a turn, hm?”
He grumbles, but goes back to your breast, suckling again.
Roose, ever pragmatic, slips his hands quickly between your thighs, delving two fingers at a time into your cunt. He chuckles again at how ready you are, continuing to spread kisses up your neck,
“You get your mother in such a state, Ramsay. Here, taste.”
Your husband puts his finger to your son, you whine at the loss of pleasure, and the boy cleans it off as a starving dog. He looks from his father, to you, and snuggles up against you.
“Milk is tastier.”
And you cannot help but smile, quickly replaced by another gasped moan as Roose goes back to his previous activities. You take his hand, leading him up to your clit with no words spoken. The two of you have an understanding now. In between your groans and little twitches, you notice how Ramsay’s heart rate gets faster, how he grinds just a little against you. 
A pause.
“Do you need help there, sweetling?”
He whimpers, having been caught, but nods anyway. You help him shift his nightshirt up to his hips, and carefully find his cock with your free hand. Your boy moans immediately, his hips buck, and he looks up at you with a sense of pleading. He whimpers,
“Mama… more…”
“Soon, my sweet boy. Enjoy your milk.”
You stroke him in a soft, rhythmic pattern, making sure to pay just enough attention to his weepy head to keep the boy on edge. Roose continues to tease you, you gasp every so often, reaching out for him, groaning his name. You come first, stopping your movements upon Ramsay to grip Roose’s arm, crying out for him. Ramsay takes your hand, trying to help. You kiss your husband softly, and then return your affections upon Ramsay. Roose leans back, watching.
You wrap your hand around Ramsay’s cock just the way he likes, and his nails dig into your arm. The boy nips on your breast as he comes, moaning with a mouth full of milk. Most of his mess is caught by his nightshirt, which makes him much easier to clean off. Once he has calmed down just a little, you slide him off you. He cries out, still complaining even as you shush him.
“Papa deserves a treat, too, don’t you, Papa?”
“I do.”
You sit Ramsay up, tired and comfortable, and the two of you share a private laugh as you straddle him, sinking yourself quickly upon his cock. There is no time for play, not when you have been so worked up by the evening’s activities. He moans, and you remember the man behind his cold demeanour. The one who loves you, who desires you even more than your son does.
“My- Careful, love- We are not a rutting dog, are we?”
“Hm- Your fault for being such a tease, Roose…”
He scoffs, replaced quickly by another groan. It is, indeed, his fault for teasing you. You bury your face in his neck, and bite down upon it. He moans out in surprise, jolting suddenly. The action is enough to send him over the edge, and he finishes inside of you, just as a self-respecting lord should. 
Ramsay, naked, bathed and half-asleep, lies on one side of you, Roose on the other. You are the lady of the house, after all, you deserve to be treated as such. Ramsay snuggles into your chest again, full and sated.
“Hm- How is my big boy?”
Instinctually, you reach out to rub his stomach, which seems to settle him,
“Sleepy- Mama…”
“Then sleep, silly boy. Mama will be right here.”
It takes him a little longer to drift off, but you can tell, as you boy goes limp, almost drooling against your shoulder. Roose kisses your hair affectionately.
“He really does love you, dearest.”
“Mh. He’s happy, and so are you. That’s all I care about.”
“Everyone is happy tonight. Mama, Papa and Baby too.”
You give him a tired laugh, and kiss your son’s forehead. Feeling yourself begin to sleep,
“Goodnight, darling.”
“Hm- Love you.”
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aestheticaltcow · 7 months
Our Future
The Bear Masterlist
Next Part
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A/N: I've been workin' on this one for a couple weeks now and I finally finished omg
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“I just don’t know if I want her to meet Eva.” Tiffany sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood in the doorway, “Tiff, do you wanna meet her first or somethin’?” Richie asked, scratching the back of his head. “Richie, I’m sure she’s a lovely girl, but she’s like, what 23?” Richie sighed awkwardly. “Yea…” Tiffany shot him a look, “Look, Tiff, she’s really great-. I want Eva to meet her.” he looked down at her hopefully, Tiffany sighed. He’d been okay with Eva meeting her current boyfriend, so it would be hypocritical for her not to let Eva meet Richie’s girlfriend- you. Tiffany nodded. “Just promise you aren’t breakin’ up with her anytime soon. I don’t want Eva to also get her heart broken.”  
Over the summer, you worked as a waitress at The Bear. You thought Richie was handsome from the start. He was tall and rugged, and you couldn’t help but watch his hands as he did paperwork or signed for the liquor order. His hands were so big… you couldn’t help but imagine what they’d feel on your body. Manhandling your breasts, wrapped around your neck, pulling you over his knee to spank you… you dragged yourself out of a daydream when Carmy asked the wait staff a question. “I’m sorry my mind was elsewhere… what was the question?”
It went on like that for weeks, Richie being the focal point of your daydreams. Your friends slowly started noticing how you’d turn down guys when you’d go out. Your parents noticed you were taking your time to do your hair and makeup before work. They’d assumed you had a crush on another waitstaff member or, heaven forbid, a line cook; oh boy, did they not expect the man you’d been dolling yourself up for someone 20 years your senior. 
One night, you agreed to go out with some friends from high school. You weren’t looking for a hookup or anything, but when you saw Richie across the street from the club at some pizza place, you were glad you’d borrowed a short cheetah print dress from your friend Mandy. You snuck away from the rest of the group and ‘causually’ bumped into Richie. He’d always thought you were pretty and quick as a whip, but he was significantly older than you, and the idea of even hitting on you made him uneasy. But, when he bumped into you on that night out, he couldn’t get the idea of you out of his mind. “Yo, cousin. You good?” “Ugh yea… was just sayin' hey to y/n.” Carmy chuckled when he saw you walking away from Richie, “She’s into you.” Richie adamantly disagreed, “She’s a good kid, but I’m way too fuckin’ old for her Carm.” 
As the summer came to an end, you’d turned in your two-week notice. Leaving  Richie with a sense of urgency to at least follow you on Instagram. By your last day, he did manage to get your phone number, which, in turn, led to some late-night Instagram stalking from both of you. Richie didn’t expect anything to happen. You were three hours away from Chicago, back at school, surrounded by boys your age. There's no way a girl like you would ever want some 40-year-old divorced single Dad. At least, that was until you’d come home for your Mom’s birthday in mid-September. 
You needed a break from your family. You saw Richie was out with some of the guys from The Bear and decided to make a move. ‘Casually running into’ the group was more challenging than you thought, but when Sweeps noticed you enter the bar, he knew why you were there. “Richie, your girls here.” he laughed; Richie was confused but was happy to see you. You two spent the night talking, “So you got a little boyfriend at school or somethin’?” Richie had hoped the answer would be ‘no,’ and then he could swoop in and show you how a man should treat a woman of your caliber. “Depends on who’s askin’.” you teased, making Richie chuckle. He offered you a ride home.
As Richie pulled up to your parent’s apartment building, you said fuck it and swiftly moved to place a kiss against his lips, the tickle of his facial hair adding to the stimulation. Richie was taken aback; he’d wanted to kiss her for months but didn’t think it would be like this. He kissed you back as soon as he’d realized what was happening. What should have been the perfect first kiss was ruined when your Dad saw you get out of ‘some random old guy's car’ and told you to get your ass inside. 
Your parents scolded you, “Wasn’t he your boss!” “Y/N! We forbid this!”. You were mad at the pair and returned to school sooner than expected. You turned your phone off and stared at the ceiling for a few days; maybe they had a point. Was Richie too old for you? He disagreed; if two people like each other, what’s the big deal? It’s not like she was fresh out of high school- she was 22, and he’d just turned 42. 
A year later, you graduated college and moved back to Chicago to be with Richie and work at a tech start-up. It took a while, but your parents had warmed up to Richie. Granted, your Mom still hated him, but you took a win as a win when your Dad referred to him as an ‘okay guy.’ 
Tiffany was hesitant when Richie brought you around Eva at first. She liked you, but she knew Richie better than anyone and didn’t want you to get your heart broken. She didn’t bring anything up until Eva’s birthday party. You were watching the kids play in the backyard when Tiffany saw an opportunity to talk to you. “Hey, Y/N, thanks for comin’.” you smiled up at Tiffany as she sat beside you. “Of course, I couldn’t miss Eva’s Taylor Swift party.” Tiffany nodded before asking, “Can I talk to you about somethin’?” you nodded, “What’s up?” “Might be a little awkward, but um, you and Richie? How’s it goin’?”
You squinted in Tiffany’s direction, “Why do you wanna know?” “I don’t want him back, but you’re just in such a different-” you scoffed. “Tiffany, I don’t think your daughter’s birthday party is an appropriate place to bring this-” “Y/N. I know Richie better than anyone. You have so much life to live. Don’t you wanna travel or get married or have kids someday? I just want you to know what you’re getting yourself into before you’re too invested in this.” “Thanks, Tiffany.” 
Richie was talking to one of Eva’s friend’s Dads when he saw you walking toward the gate, “Sorry, I gotta check on somethin’...” he ducked out of the conversation to follow you out of the backyard. You wiped your eyes as you walked up the street. It was only a couple miles to the closest train stop, and you figured the walk would be a good way to clear your head. “Hey baby- you okay?” Richie called as he ran up behind you. You nodded, “Yeah, everything is fine… I just have to do some stuff…” “What about Eva’s party? Haven’t even had cake yet…” he noticed you’d been crying, “Did Tiff say somethin’ to you? I can-” “Richie- do you wanna get married again?” the question left him dumbfounded. “Maybe?” he shrugged, “Why are you askin about that?” 
You sighed, “Richie, I wanna get married and have kids someday.” you flexed your hand as you stared at the ground, “Okay, we can… we can talk about it later… come back to the party?” Richie said, trying to change the subject and cut the tension between you. “ Yes or no, Richie? Would you want to marry me and have a kid or two within the next three years?” “Baby,” Richie said softly as he touched your bicep, “Let’s talk about all of this later.” you shook your head. “Go back to the party. I have some thinking to do.” you calmly said as you looked up at him. “OK,” Richie nodded and kissed your forehead, “I’ll see you at home?” 
You haphazardly packed some clothes into a suitcase before grabbing your chargers and laptop from the bedside table. This wasn’t how you thought your day would end, but Richie’s answer- or lack thereof- was all you needed to know. Before leaving the apartment, you messily wrote Richie a note saying it was over and your Dad would come by to pick up the rest of your stuff later in the week. You felt your heart break as you locked the door behind you. It was over.
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