#the dolls name is Savannah.
glindyupland · 1 year
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savannah-doll-house · 2 years
Y’all… I’m OBSESSED with these girls! They are so beautiful and I just can’t even!
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sweetsbfreex · 2 years
the super seller patch!
Warning: none
Pairings: dad!mafia/gang!steve rogers x wife!reader
“Mommy’s gonna make sure you get your patch!” You tell your five-year-old daughter, Elysia, while you fix her blue, decorated vest. 
You’re kneeling in front of her small form, silently swooning at how adorable she looked in her uniform. Dressed in her blue beret, matching blue skirt, a white collared shirt, her favorite sneakers, and a white, polka’d fanny pack to store the cash.
She was excited and fidgety as you explained exactly what she would do. But she smiled up at you, her front tooth gone, as she listened to you intently. 
“Okay, mommy!” 
You stand up after kissing her full cheeks, guiding her to Steve’s office door. She looks back at you one more time, as her tiny fist stands parallel to the door. Eyebrows furrowed in uncertainty. 
“Go ahead” you whisper, smiling. 
She nods and smiles in return before her knuckles rasp against the wood door. 
The room's attention is taken by the Jacobean stained door. Steve smirks knowing that knocking pattern anywhere. He couldn’t count on one hand how many times a day he’d hear it on his door. Followed by an “Are you almost free daddy?” while one of his favorite faces poked through the gap. 
“Come in” Steve ushers in, a soft smile on his face when his little girl toddles in groaning softly at the weight of the door, but as always she steps in the room. 
“Hi daddy!” She bobs on her tippy-toes, causing her pigtails to bounce as she waves her arm at her father (who sits at the head of the table.) 
“Hi baby doll, how can I help you?” 
“I’m— I’m trying to get my S-super seller patch.”
She tells him everything he needs to hear, smiling at how adorable she looked in her outfit. 
“That’s great, baby, go ahead,” he tells her with an elbow set on the table while his bearded chin sits in his palm, watching the heir in her come out as she starts her rounds at the table. 
“Hi!” She stops in front of a buff, grumpy man; his hair is pulled back in a bun and the sides shaved. “I’m Elysia, I’m selling cookies to earn my super seller patch, would you like to buy cookies?” She recites, and quickly after pops a smile so her dimples are displayed. She may only be five, but she knew exactly how to work her cuteness to her upper hand. 
The man, Wong, holds up his hand and shakes his head softly, “No, thank—“
Steve clears his throat, eyes going flint-eyed towards the new recruit. He still had a lot to learn and this was one of them. Under his rule, Elysia was a princess; if she wanted a piggy back ride you’d agree, if she wanted a tea party you’d agree, and if she wanted you to buy some cookies you’d definitely agree. 
“Actually,” he starts, smiling nervously at the Girl Scout and glancing at Mr. Rogers as he takes the clipboard and pen, “I’ll buy 15 trefoils.”
“Thanks!” She beams, taking the clipboard back once he’s finished and stashing the cash in her fanny pack. 
She continues, no one has the guts to say no to her and she lights up inside when she’s handed big bill after big bill. 
Mr. Laufeyson purchases twenty boxes of Savannah Smiles and three boxes of trefoils. This information causes the sound of snickering to flow in the room. 
“What?” He snaps,when he turns his head everyone is quick to hide their smiles and laughter.  
“I never would’ve pictured you as a Savannah Smiles guy,” chuckles Mr. Strange. 
Mr. Kent purchases forty-five boxes of thin mints. Mr. Wade orders fifteen thin mints and fifteen do-si-dos. 
She steps in front of her uncle
“Hi Uncle Sam!” 
“Hi Princess, I see you’re selling cookies?” 
“Yea, would y’wanna buy some?” She holds out the clipboard, a smile on her face.
“Are you kidding me, hand that over” he smiles, his gap on display. Without a second thought he writes the number 75 next to his name. It didn’t matter what he got, as long as he put a smile on his co-god daughter's face (yes, ‘co’ because Bucky and Sam wouldn’t stop arguing over who her Godfather would be, and you and Steve weren’t sure if you wanted any more kids.) 
She takes the clipboard and the cash, eyes blowing wide at the double digit number, “seventy-five!! Thank you so much, Uncle Sam!” Throwing herself into his arms. 
“No problem” he smiles, squeezes her, then kisses the top of her head. 
She skips her way to her Uncle Bucky.
“Hi Uncle Bucky! I’m selling cookies to earn my super seller patch, would you like to buy cookies?” 
“Of course, skipper, I couldn’t leave my goddaughter hanging like that could I?” 
By his name he writes the number 80 and hands it and the cash to Elysia. Her eyes grow even wider at the number. There were a lot of things Elysia hadn’t learned at the ripe age of five, but one thing she did was that 80 is larger than 75.
“Eighty! Thank you so much!” She hugs her uncle tightly. Who smiles down at her and kisses her head also. 
“Leysia, you mind if I see that clipboard,” 
She looks up at him with concern in her eyes, before handing the clipboard over. Before she knows it, he’s handed it back to her. The number seventy-five is crossed out and its place is ninety-five. One thing each man could not stand was being upstaged by the other, especially in front of their goddaughter.
Bucky snatches the clipboard from his hands, taking a pen from the pocket in his suit jacket. Crossed off is the number eighty and its place one-hundred. Sam takes it back quickly writing another, and the cycle continues three more times before they finally call it a truce. 
Elysia collects the money with pure giddy, at this rate she’d get way past the super seller patch! 
Finally, she trots over to her father who lifts her onto his lap, kisses her cheek before tickling her a little bit as she squirms in her lap giggling. 
“Let’s see how well you swindled these chumps,” he jokes, looking over the paper as he calculated the numbers in his head. “295 boxes! All right doll” he nudged her chin with his knuckle. “You’re well on your way past the super seller patch, you might even get the top cookie seller patch,” he grins. 
“Really” he answers, “You head back to mom, okay, I’ll see you guys at home later.” 
“Okay, see you, love you” she wraps an arm around his neck before kissing his bristly cheek. 
“I love you too” 
He just walked through their bedroom door right when she slipped on her navy, silk nightie. 
“You” he points at her then crooks it back and forth. 
She sauntered over to him with a meek smile on her face, throwing both arms around his waist. 
“Yes,” she answers sweetly. 
He had to keep his mind on track, but the smell of her lotion was doing things to him. 
“You.” He takes her cheeks in his palms, pulling her in for one kiss, “You are diabolical, you know that?”
“Well” you hum, “You call it diabolical, I call it networking.” You shrug. “She was freaking out over the patch, how much did she end up getting.”
“Two-ninety-five” he grins. 
“Awhh, was she happy?” You ask. 
“She was ecstatic,” he motions with his hand. 
“You’re such a good dad,” you hum, eyes going low as your finger trailed the side of his jaw then over his eyebrow. 
“You’re a terrific mom” he responds, leaning so his lips locked with yours. He pulls back, “Is this night ending how I think it will”
“Maybe?” you answer, pecking his chin. 
Before you know it, everything is upside down and a stinging pain on your ass.
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kikis-works · 4 months
What Comes Back to Haunt Us.
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Summary: It's been 5 years...Tim thought he was safe.
CW: Angst, fluff, mentions of entry 71 and entry 59
It’s been 5 years since Entry #87 was posted. 
You and Tim have been dating for 2 out of those 5 years and decided to take the next step in your relationship. The two of you had met when he accidentally bumped into you at the mental health clinic he had started to attend and before long he had asked you out on a date. Now here you stand in front of a white house, on a quiet street, in the town of Savannah, Georgia. Tim had finished unpacking the last of the boxes the night before and you couldn’t ask for a better home to share with the love of your life. The floor creaked in certain spots as you entered the house and saw Tim making dinner for when you got off work. The sleeves on his red flannel were rolled up and he had a kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder as he sliced the black olives that sat on the wooden cutting board.
“Spaghetti?” You asked from the kitchen door and he turned, smiling.
“You love spaghetti, and I wanted to do something special.” His words made you smile as you set your bag and coat down in the living room. Walking into the kitchen you wrapped your arms around his torso and pressed yourself into his back, enjoying the smell of cigarette smoke and fresh rain that emitted from his body. You felt a deep chuckle come from his body as he scraped the chopped up olives into the spaghetti sauce, turning to face you. He towered over you as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Why don’t you go find a movie to watch? They should be in the hall closet.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead as you nodded, reluctantly leaving his arms. As you made your way to the closet and opened the door, you smiled and called out to the man in the kitchen.
“How do you feel about a horror movie?!” 
“Sounds good! Your choice, doll!” 
“Okay, pretty boy!” You smiled at the pet names you exchanged as you dug around in the closet.
You came across a small box you had never seen before and opened it up. It contained a bunch of tapes that you assumed were Tim’s old tapes. He told you he used to be an actor for an old friend’s student film before their friendship fell apart, but he didn’t like talking about it. He always became anxious and would change the subject when you were asking questions about that time in his life.
Your hand found the old camera and flipped it open, the tape that was already in the camera playing. A man in a t shirt and a cap was sitting in his car at night as he spoke, “Tim called me a little while ago and told me to meet him out here to talk about something. He didn’t say what it was.” 
Was this a sort of vlog for the student film?
“But I assume it had something to do with what all happened at the abandoned hospital a few days ago, which really didn’t go as well I hoped it would, even though I don’t know how I expected it to go. I don’t know what all Tim remembers and what he doesn’t remember, and what he’s lying about remembering and not remembering. But regardless I don’t think he’s gonna be buying my cover story for much longer, and even if he did, it’s not really doing much good, by this point.”
What the hell was this? Cover story for what?
“So, as nervous as it makes me to do this, I think when he gets here, I’m going to come clean with him and tell him the truth about what all’s been going on these past few years. It may make him mad. It may get him on my side. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. But maybe it’ll lead to some answers if I’m lucky.”
Not long after that you noticed Tim’s car pull into the empty parking lot on the video camera screen. Who was this guy and why was he lying to Tim? The video showed Tim get out of his car and march over to the mystery man.
“Tim, listen I-” The man was cut off as Tim punched him in the stomach. The sudden violence made your stomach churn. Not once in the two years that you had known Tim had he ever gotten violent or aggressive. You turned the camera off and sat for a minute before you heard Tim call your name. “Doll, you okay in there?” You pick a movie and rush back to the kitchen.
“Sorry, I couldn’t pick a movie.” He smiled and nodded, handing you a plate of hot spaghetti. 
After dinner, you had your back pressed against his chest as you both lay on the couch finishing the movie. The video footage still made your stomach churn with an uneasy feeling, which made you speak up.
“Tim, why didn’t you tell me we had a camera?” He physically tensed up behind you.
“What are you talking about, doll?”
“The camera and tapes in the closet.” He turned and sat up, turning your face to him.
“Look at me, baby. You can’t watch those tapes. Something…haunts those tapes. If you watch those tapes, there’s no going back. That thing will find you. Even us talking about this is risky.” His tone was dead serious and his eyes were stone cold. All you could do was nod as he pulled you tightly to his chest, gripping onto you as if you were going to disappear into thin air. 
You and Tim made your way into the bedroom and changed into pajamas before climbing into the haven of warm blankets. As you cuddled up to the man beside you, your head on his bare chest, his words about the tapes echoed in your head. They were just tapes…there couldn’t be anything wrong with them. When you were sure that Tim had fallen asleep, you silently climbed out of bed and padded your way over to the hallway closet, opening up the door and staring at the cardboard box that held the supposedly haunted tapes. You sat down on the floor and pulled out the camera, picking a random tape to put into the camera. The tape began to play as you watched silently. Tim and the unknown man were outside of Alex’s old house. It was seemingly normal as they searched the house, but when they entered the basement, the once daylight that was outside had disappeared. That’s when you saw it…a tall man in a suit, but he had no features. His skin was white and he stood at around 10 feet tall, the video and audio distorting. A soft ringing in your ears began to occur as you continued to watch the tape, before it ended. You sat in silence before you softly rose and walked out to the front porch, finding the pack of cigarettes and lighter you kept on the porch. It was cold as you sat on the wooden porch, the wind adding an icy chill to the dark night.
The ringing grew louder as you lit the cigarette and shakily exhaled the smoke. There was no way it was real, it had to have been edited in or they had to have had someone dress up as the tall man. But there was no way to edit a tape…was there? As you began to sink into your thoughts, you stared at the neverending woods that lay in silence across the road from your house. The ringing was unbearable now and that’s when you saw it…the same figure that you had seen in the tapes, just standing along the tree line, staring at you with his eyeless features. You stomped out your half smoked cigarette and made your way back inside, crawling back into the bed beside your warm boyfriend. Your icy toes were happy to be back in the soft bed, the warmth beginning to draw the cold out of them. You snuggled back up to the warm body that you shared the bed with and your eyes became heavy as you felt his arms instinctively wrap around you. Sleep called to you and you happily answered the call.
It had been a week since you touched the camera and watched the tapes. The ringing came back occasionally while you were at work, but you never saw the faceless man again. That was until the night you had a nightmare. 
The leaves crunched under your feet as you ran through the dark and endless woods, the footsteps of the masked man following close behind you. When you turned to see how close he was, you could see his brunette hair that poked out from behind the white mask. The white mask had black around the eyes, the lips were filled in, and eyebrows were drawn on the mask as well. His eyes were dark as his feet pushed him along towards your fear filled body. You turned your face as the cold night air burned in your lungs, your legs threatening to collapse underneath you as you pushed branch after branch out of your face. The faceless man whizzed by as you ran. You only awoke when the masked man tackled you to the ground.
Your eyes were heavy and your head pounded as you moved to roll over in the soft bed. But you weren’t in your bed. Instead you were met with moist dirt and green grass, the trees around you looming and dark. As you sat up, you didn’t recognize where you were. You looked up and judging by the position of the sun, it was around one in the afternoon. You felt the pressure of your phone in your pajama pants. When the hell did that get there? Your phone was charging when you went to bed. You laughed silently, as if the mystery of how your phone got into your pocket was the biggest problem you had right now. You pulled out your phone and your heart raced.
Tim❤️: 42 missed calls
Tim❤️: 6 voicemails
Tim❤️: Did you get called into work?
Tim❤️: Doll?
Tim❤️: Is everything okay?
Tim❤️: You’re starting to worry me
Tim❤️: Please pick up, baby
You quickly dial his phone number and within two rings he picked up. “Oh thank God, you’re okay. Where the hell are you?” The worry in his voice was thick.
“I…I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?” His voice dropped slightly.
“I don’t remember how I got here…or where the hell I am. I had this weird dream where I was running from some kind of masked man, and then I woke up here.” The other side of the line was silent apart from the heavy breathing and the sound of a car door slamming closed.
“Describe what’s around you.”
You looked around and began to walk, the coarse dirt wedging its way in between your toes as you walked along the undistinguished path before you.
“I see a red tower behind the trees.” 
“FUCK!” The sudden vulgar language from the phone made you jump and the sound of an engine roar filled the speaker. “I’m coming to get you. Get to the tower.” His voice was dark as he breathed heavily.
“Doll…I love you. So much.”
“I love you too, Tim.”
The call ended as you made your way through the woods and to the red tower. The paint was faded and it looked as though it would collapse at any minute. You walked inside, careful of the broken glass and sharp wooden pieces. He was coming for you.
It was roughly six hours and the sun was beginning to set before you heard your name being called from somewhere in the woods. Tim. 
You jumped up and began to scream back at him. “Tim?!” You followed the sound of his voice until you saw him from across a clearing. You didn’t think, just ran. He made his way to you quicker than you thought and his arms wrapped around you, his voice breaking as he buried his face into your neck.
“Oh doll, I thought I lost you..”
“I’m right here, Tim. I’m right here.” His hand found its way to your hair as he held you close.
“We need to leave, now.”
All you could do was nod as he picked you up and carried you back to his car.
“I’m so sorry I dragged you into this, doll. I’m sorry.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before getting behind the wheel and driving away. As you left you noticed the sign that stood in front of the entrance.
‘Rosswood Park.’
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Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Propaganda:
Great singing, also she’s literally wearing a doll‘s head bc she lost hers
do they have their soul or is it rotting somewhere with their head?
cool asf
She forgets her name after her death and has no story told in the production
She's so sweet and deserves the world. Her song (The Ballad of Jane Doe) is great.
the song goes so hard just listen to her song guys please
she literally died and her head was cut off so nobody could tell who she was PLEASE let her take one (1) W
BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING. First she already won the tournament in the musical to regain life, as she won them over with her sad wet cat energy because she did not have a head and feared that she lost her soul. Second, she died on a roller coaster and lost her head, but stole her doll's head and thats very gender. Third, throughout the musical she is used as a vessel for religious allegory, she is an angel, she is jesus, she is a demon, she is forsaken but she is purity itself. Fourthly, she is is given the identity of Savannah with the greenest eyes after the other characters who died with her hold her a birthday party, and I think thats sweet because its probably some kind of meaning I cant see but auughfhfhh shes so cool
i mean her name isn't TECHNICALLY jane doe but we refer to her as such. she's so silly!! autism powers! i don't have a lot of propaganda tbh. i would've just been surprised had she NOT been submitted
She lost her head literally when the rollercoaster derailed. She wasn't able to be identified apart from the school uniform she was wearing.
Her name is forgotten, and so is everything about her. So she’s called Jane Doe. She’s very sweet and very creepy, but she doesn’t mean it
I LOVE HER! she died in a roller coaster accident and was decapitated, her body not being found. in the show, her head is actually just her doll’s head. the coroners couldn’t identify her, so she was dubbed a jane doe. in the game to be alive again, she ends up being voted, her name being revealed to be penny lamb. anyways she’s a little creepy and also quite silly and she does her funny little waddle like a porcelain doll (or corpse).
She deserves it! She lost her head she shouldn't lose this too.
Not convinced you didn’t start this tournament just for her tbh
They have a great song and a true air of mystery to them. They also have arguably the best song in the musical, The Ballad of Jane Doe! I would definitely recommend listening to it >:)
—She LOST her HEAD and had it replaced with a PORCELAIN DOLL —In all seriousness her story is really poignant. No one could identify her body so she arrives in the afterlife not knowing her identity and she spends the show vacillating between depressed and angry at her situation, leading to… —“The Ballad of Jane Doe”, specifically Emily Rohm’s version, might be the most haunting solo in musical theatre history.
John Doe (Malevolent) Propaganda:
Spooky gay eldritch disaster (am I doing this right?)
Could have chosen any name for himself and picked John because a kind person called him that :)
fractured piece of an eldritch god that shares a body with a private eye after being fractured. chooses the name John Doe after said private eye goes into a coma
Because he’s an eldritch god who wants to feel human and who overcame a lot of obstacles and dangers!!! He sincerely cares about the main character!!! And he chose a name himself! Isn’t he cute??? He lost his body, he almost lost his memory, he fought for his right to exist, he loves animals, he loves his friend Arthur and I love him!
Being an ass, friendship, spooky supernatural stuff, he’s got it all
My man heard the name John Doe, realized he didn’t actually have a name, and just. Took it for himself.
I LOVE HIM. MY SON. HE’S TRYING TO CHANGE AND BE BETTER AND :(((( He’s a fragment of the soul of the King in Yellow (god of trickery and suffering iirc??) that gets trapped in a book in our realm while the rest of the King stayed in his own separate realm. When a human named Arthur Lester opens the book they get linked and John gains control of Arthur’s eyes & kills his partner (oops!). They proceed to go on a quest to find a way of separating them because neither likes the situation, and at first John (or The Entity, which is what he’s called at first) just wants to trick and use Arthur, and control his entire body (through the first season he also gets a hand & a foot) even though he doesn’t remember being The King In Yellow at the time, but Arthur makes him change and become more human. His turning point is when Arthur is shot and falls into a coma for a month. They get treated at a hospital and while John waits for Arthur to wake up so they can carry on, the body itself still gets taken care of. The time John spends alone, contemplating on humanity & everything he’s seeing and learning from Arthur, as well as the way a certain nurse speaks to him every day (specifically, she greets him good morning and good night, despite the body being unresponsive, John still hears because he is an entity linked to the body) and calls him John (they didn’t have ID on when they were found so they were classified as John Doe), changes his outlook and plans for good, and he asks Arthur to call him John; from this point on he admits he cares for Arthur, looks for his wellbeing too, and in general attempts to be a better person and to live for himself. The rest of the podcast (ongoing!!) explores Arthur & John’s relationship, struggle to survive, adventures in the eldritch… All while tackling each of their issues with themselves and each other and watching them both grow. John in specific learns to be the person he wants to be, how sometimes you’ll take a step forward and two backwards; he can be cruel and manipulative sometimes but he still tries. Personally I love his journey, it’s very realistic and you can see he is trying his best, and how he wants to be better than he was as the King In Yellow, and how much Arthur has changed him and how much he cares about him because of that; and how he’s slowly growing into being his own person :) if it ends badly ill cry so hard but!!! he’s John Doe because that’s the name he was being addressed as, and he’s made it his, and being John means he’s no longer the King and that he wants to be different, and John can fail or make mistakes but it’s part of who he is now, and that’s what matters. I am So Normal About Him
JOHN DOE (Malevolent) SWEEP
OH MY GOD JOHN DOE MY BELOVED 💛💛 (watch me just not clarify that would be so funny ahah) John doe (Malevolent) 💛💛💛 my silly He's so funny he makes Arthur bump his head into a dock because he didn't say duck in time and then laughs at him 💛💛
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ghoulpoole · 2 months
when we lose another sibling
CONTENT WARNING: death. proceed with care and be kind to yourself.
when we lose another sibling
(and we surely will),
i want you to go outside
and cry
and cry
and cry
and cry.
when we lose another sibling
i want you to scream 
at the top of your lungs:
when we lose another sibling
i want you to shout yourself hoarse
at this vast 
indifferent abyss:
when we lose another sibling
i want you to gather flowers
and palm fronds
and fill the street with mourning.
when we lose another sibling
i want you to say their names.
when we lose another sibling
i want you to give the world
a warning:
Over the past year, these trans and nonbinary people died under violent circumstances in the United States.
Eden Knight - 3/12/2023
Siyah Woodland - 3/24/2023
Ashley Burton - 4/11/2023
Koko Da Doll - 4/18/2023
Banko Brown - 4/27/2023
LaKendra Andrews - 4/29/2023
Om(e) Gandhi - 5/16/2023
Ashia Davis - 6/2/2023
Chanell Perez Ortiz - 6/25/2023
Jacob Williamson - 6/30/2023
Fernielle Mary Mora - 7/6/2023
Onyx John - 7/16/2023
Camdyn Rider - 7/21/2023
Jean Butchart - 8/4/2023
DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson - 8/7/2023
Luis Ángel Díaz Castro - 8/12/2023
Lovely Page - 8/16/2023
Thomas ‘Tom-Tom’ Robertson - 8/17/2023
Alexa Andreevna Sokova - 9/5/2023
Codii Lawrence - 9/5/2023
Bre’Asia Bankz - 9/5/2023
Kylie Monali - 9/7/2023
Charm Wilson - 9/8/2023
Sherlyn Marjorie - 9/17/2023
YOKO - 9/19/2023
A’nee Johnson - 10/4/2023
Chyna Long - 10/8/2023
Dominic Dupree - 10/13/2023
Lisa Love - 10/17/2023
Nova Dunn - 10/17/2023
Skylar Harrison Reeves - 10/20/2023
London Price - 10/23/2023
F.L. “Bubba” Copeland - 11/3/2023
Kejuan Richardson - 11/14/2023
Amiri Reid - 11/14/2023
Kejuan Richardson - 11/14/2023
Shandon Floyd - 11/15/2023
Savannah Ryan Williams - 11/29/2023
Amber Minor - 12/24/2023
Meghan Riley Lewis - 12/27/2023
Kitty Monroe - 1/1/2024
Tristan Bustos - 1/25/2024
Nex Benedict - 2/7/2024
Ash Clatterbuck - 2/27/2024
Righteous TK “Chevy” Hill - 2/28/2024
Reyna Hernandez - 3/8/2024
Diamond Brigman - 3/16/2024
Alex Franco - 3/17/2024
Meraxes Medina - 3/19/2024
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kaleidoscopiccc · 11 months
little things i loved about trinity theatre's production of rtc (because i love this cast more than life and am totally not biased) (Ferris wheel cast btw)
 Feral Ocean (she kept trying to fight literally everyone)
Jane and Constance my darlings
Karnak laughing at his own jokes
Mischa kissing both Noel and Ricky out-of-song just for the hell of it
Noel and Constance friendship
"Talia" was a woman randomly picked from the audience and they all sung and danced around her
Noel doing basically the whole show in heels
The extra cats in SABM
The parts of the script from 2016 (Ricky kept his disability!!!)
Jane giving Noel a hug after Noels Lament (they are so best friend coded istg)
All. Of. Their. Voices
Mischa had a mullet
The extra bits they added
The actors looked exactly what I imagine their respective characters look like in my head (POC Noel, curly haired Ocean, literally everything about Constance)
Jane making the doll clap after Ocean's speech
Just the doll in general
Ocean coming out with a little sombrero after Karnak mentions the song about affordable Mexican cuisine
Ricky playing the violin in Noel's Lament
Janes movements and eyes
Noel and Mischa cuddling after TNBS
Penny's dog is named Savannah
Ricky and Jane playing with the accordion and doll to make a rollercoaster after the Savannah scene
ESGAL kazoos
They changed the notes in Sugar Cloud to make it more fit for an altos range and I honestly liked it better than the og
Penny became a roller coaster engineer
Prop cameos in Penny's house
Jawbreaker and Sugar Cloud was surreal irl I will never shut up about how good Constance was
Virgil was just a projected video of a mouse eating cheese it was hilarious
Jane sung TBOJD while spinning on one of those the magicians boards
Constance had 2 party hats during TNBS, one on each space bun, she was adorable
Noel and Mischa started hyping Constance up after she punched Ocean
Noel and Ocean making up at the end
Ocean angrily sweeping the feathers from the boa after Noel's Lament
Noel was so sassy but supportive I love him
Jane disappearing behind the curtain after her entrance and Constance jump scaring her and everyone else when she opens it to see no one there… twice
Jane tying a ribbon around her neck then untying in the beginning and end Dream of Lifes
Ocean looked like that one character from over the garden wall with her party hat in TNBS
Constance crossing herself when Karnak brings up her virginity like Ocean
Ocean stealing the halo from Jane after the erection line
Ocean stretching and doing vocal warmups every time Constance tried to start the improv
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alovesongtheywrote · 7 months
holy crap girl… nightmare academia, i just wanna smush them into a locked room together AHHHHH
♥ Summary: oh man, you're not the only one. in this chapter of nightmare academia, morgan and garcia hijack a prank. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: none?
♥ A/N: careful babes, the plot's getting closer
♥ Word Count: 1402
Series Masterlist
“BABY GIRL, YOU’RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!” Morgan exclaimed as he burst into Garcia’s Batcave.  He probably wasn’t loud enough to warrant all-caps, but he was definitely excited enough to warrant all-caps, and that’s why Garcia spun around in her chair, preemptive excitement building up inside of her.
“What is it?  Is someone dead?  Is someone pregnant?  Are you pregnant?  Am I gonna be a god-mom?  Again?”
“What?  No.  Guess who I just got off the phone with.”
“Savannah?  JJ?  Hotch?  Blake?  Reid?”
“Well, it's none of those, but you’re close enough with that last one, so I’m just gonna give it to you,” Morgan leaned in, showing Penelope his phone screen as she clapped her hands together in excitement.  Your name was the first one in the call log.
Garcia’s perfectly glossed lips popped open, “Is that-!?  Is that Spencer’s-!?”
“And are they-!?”
“They are just as perfect for him as we suspected, if not more.”
“Wh- well, why did they call, what did they want?”
“Well, first, they wanted information on the rabies case, which I thought was weird until-”
Penelope cut him off with a gasp, “He’s using horrific case facts to keep them at a distance!”
“Something like that?  Apparently, he’s using horrific case facts for quote-unquote, vengeance. The lovebirds aren't as romantic as we thought.”
"Is it a case of enemies to lovers?"
Morgan paused, raising an eyebrow, "I'm gonna need you to elaborate, baby girl."
"You know! Enemies to lovers! The romantic trope where they go from bitter enemies to the most adorable of spouses! Oh, that is right out of a rom-com!”
"Whatever you say, doll," Morgan continued, “But I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of rom-coms that involve rabies in any capacity."
"That's because you haven't seen enough of them. Anyway, tell me more about the call! What happened next!"
"Well, initially, they told me they were a criminal justice student, but they made the mistake of using their real name.”
“What did you do!?”
“I played along with it until I asked them where they’d heard about the case- they folded fast, but I assured them that when it comes to Reid, I am the prank master.”
Garcia kept a smile on her face, even though she knew her friend was technically wrong, “I mean… technically you’re not.  He beat you with that screaming thing, on the plane.  Remember?”
“Oh yes, I remember.  I also remember that you had a lil’ something to do with that, which means, Reid cheated and I am the prank master.”
“Well, technically I am the prank mistress- but whatever, it’s all digressions, what happened next?”
“Well, I volunteered to be a part of their next prank.”
“Which is?”
“Stealing all of pretty boy’s mugs and rigging the cabinet they’re stored in to scream at him every time it opens.”
“Ah, so this is revenge for both of you.”
“Perhaps,” Morgan’s smile betrayed the truth.
“I love it.  There’s just one thing- Morgan, my lovely, do you have the technical knowledge to make that happen?”
“Well, I’ve definitely got the physical knowledge.  Cabinets are easy, the mechanical parts are all in the bag- but we do need a little assistance from you.”
“From moi?” Penelope gasped, though it sounded like she had been expecting this outcome.  Mostly because she had.
“We need a little bit of programming work that the genius won’t see coming.  So, are you in?” 
“Now that, gorgeous, sounds like a conspiracy.  I’m in.”
Garcia spun in her chair, turning back to face her monitor before immediately turning back to face Morgan, “For the record, we will be sabotaging this plan so that it backfires on both of them and makes them fall in love, oui?”
“Baby girl, would I have come to you if that wasn’t the plan?”
“You would not, and that is precisely why I love you.”
You did your best not to sing the Mission Impossible theme as you carried out your part of the prank.  You failed.  The theme just came out of you as you took the mugs two by two from Reid’s office and into yours.  
Once you’d stolen Reid’s horde of mugs, you set the trap in place.  You had to be incredibly careful.  Derek Morgan’s instructions had been very specific, and you followed them to the letter.  While you wouldn’t usually work with the FBI, this was a special case.  This was necessary.
And lord, was your little mechanism a beautiful one.  You gave it a quick test, closing the cabinet door before swinging it open again- once the dulcet sounds of screaming met your ears, you slammed it shut again.
You’d done so just in time.  
“Professor (L/N), I’m not sure if you’re aware, but this isn’t your office.”
“I’m not aware of anything, Reid- I mean, we’ve been over this, honey, I’m fucking stupid.  Y’know, I’m starting to worry about that eidetic memory of yours.”
“Don’t,” he stepped into the office, standing with you behind the desk, “It’s none of your concern.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, close enough that you could almost feel his breath across your lips.  If you wanted to, you could reach out and touch his chest- you could fuck with his perpetually crooked tie, but god, why would you?
It was clear that he was waiting for you to move.  When you actually did move out of his way, it shocked him.
He kept his eyes on you, watching wearily as you wandered through the small box of his office.  You examined every book and every doctorate the room had to offer- and he never stopped looking.  He expected you to say something, do something, or hurt him superficially with a mean comment or a dumb prank, but you didn’t do anything.
With his focus still on you, Reid opened the mug cabinet.
Screams filled the room.  Spencer jumped back, smacking into one of his bookshelves before sliding halfway down the wall.  He took several books down with him, knocking them to the ground as his slender fingers grasped helplessly for purchase somewhere.  
Your laughter echoed in his ears, a grating, awful, beautiful sound mixed in with the clatter of falling objects.  He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.  Adrenaline filled each and every one of his limbs.
He was going to kill you for this.  
“(L/N)!” he yelled out your name, struggling to pull himself up from his half-bent position.  You’d never heard him sound so angry- and you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Are you-” you wheezed, “Are you okay?”
“No!  Come here and help me up!”
There he was- his voice took on a higher pitch, signalling his indignation.  You walked over, offering him a hand up.  Of course, he immediately pulled you down to his level.  You both collapsed to the floor, you with a screech and Reid with a triumphant cry.  
He sat against the bookshelf, a little dishevelled but overall okay.  You just gave up, lying on the floor with your head inches from Reid’s thigh.  The mechanism in the cabinet kept screaming in the background.
“So, how’d you pull this one off?” Spencer asked, speaking over your laughter.
“Made a couple of calls.  Got in touch with the FBI.  I’d tell you more, but I’d have to kill you.”
"Wow, you contacted the FBI about me? I must really bother you, doctor."
"Not in the slightest. You're a minor nuisance at best."
“I'm sure. So, did Morgan help you with this?  Did Garcia?”
“Maybe both of them. Maybe a little bit.”
Spencer sighed, “You are all terrible.”
“I wish I could say I was sorry.”
The two of you stayed there on the ground for a moment, just listening to the sound of screaming.  Then, the sound changed- smooth saxophone emanated from the cabinet.  You recognized that melody.  Was that?  No, it couldn’t be-
“Is that Careless Whisper?”
You and Reid stayed frozen on the floor.  The voice of George Michael spilled over you, barely covering the awkward silence.  Eventually, you sat up and shut the cabinet.  The song didn’t stop.  You bit your lip, and when you spoke again it was through clenched teeth.
“Do- do your friends want us to fuck?”
“I hate to say it, but… I think they do,” he paused for a moment, “Hey, (L/N)?  Where are my mugs?”
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts
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yaspup9000 · 7 months
By Popular demand, here’s some of my LPS Hot takes
Some of the later pets weren’t That bad. Like yea I do agree that the tv show based toys from like 2013-2016 weren’t that great and kinda fugly looking, but with some of the 2020 pets, why yes not as iconic as the 2000s lps that we know and love, I still believe some people were really harsh on some of these pets cuz like they did look really cute tho! My only problem with the pets was the fact they had names tbh 2. Not every g2 lps molds were perfect. Some really good examples of older lps molds being kinda ugly were the first Jack Russel and poodle molds. I’ve also mentioned about the skunk/Squrriel molds were pretty lazy since it’s just the same mold . They didn’t even try to make them different from each other. Like say what you will but at least with some of the newer pets between 2013-2020 they were at least trying to make the skunk and squirrel molds different from each other. also the opossum molds was not all that great tbh..
3. The worse thing that ever happened to lps was the Blythe loves lps toy line. No joke idk why they thought this was good. I mean if you guys loved the Blythe dolls that’s fine, to me I always found them off putting since well, they just didn’t fit personally. Like you’re the one who’s caring the pets or this is a world where it’s run by pets. There was never any mention about humans tbh. Again this is prob coming from bitter younger me lol. But in all seriousness though, never really liked Blythe dolls tbh
4. People need to Chill out about the some of the rerelease of lps. Yes I understand, I’m just as nervous and excited as the rest of you guys however I genuinely feel as if people are really making a mountain out of a hill over some prototypes and a blind bag. Like I understand that everyone’s burned out by bad decisions after bad decisions within the lps Franchise. And yes blind bags are overused and annoying however, Guys.. they’re not just gonna make only just blind bags, they’re gonna do other stuff for lps soon just be patient. Not to mention at the end of the day, they’re still just silly little pets for kids. Can you critique the toys? Of course! But just remember that it ain’t that deep. 5. They should bring back that one brown poodle mold
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yes this one! its cute as hecc! and i wish they would bring this back 6. This cat isn't a "Wolf-Cat" Its a maine coon. This isn't even an opinion or anything, i just wanna let people know that its suppose to be a maine coon. also the actual "wolf-cat" is called Lykoi and idk how that breed of cat would look as an lps.
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7. the main reason back in 2013 Lps was having a reboot was due to MLP having a reboot. that's just my theory tho.
8. I feel like a lot of people keep forgetting that 90s LPS exist. Like whenever people say "g1" they don't think about the kenner Lps toys, they were thinking about the 2000's lps that was popularized by hasbro. and tbh that kinda sucks.. cuz why yes the kenner toys were more into realism, i still geninually, like the kenner lps figures they were rad.
9. The sticker eyes lps were cute, I actually liked them 10. One pet peeve I had with LPS popular, is that technically, Brook should of been arrested or at least suspended since she did attack Savannah first. Not to mention, doesn't this school have like cameras or something!? i know this has been years since I've watched LPS popular but like, bruh, Why don't her parents believe her!
Umm.. I dont really have any other opinions nor thoughts at the moment. idk feel free to ask me anything lps related and I'll give my honest opinions.
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My part of a collaboration with the lovely @idk-tbh-idk! The St. Cassians' Chamber Choir as Monster High characters!
you can find my partner's fangtastic (get it?) designs for Constance, Mischa, and Noel here!
This collab was so fun!!!!
design notes under the cut!
I gave Janey earrings shaped like teddy bear heads to resemble Bearemy, the stuffed bear Em Flosi (chance theater) used during their rehearsals! Similarly, the bunny heads on the doll's dress are made to represent the bunny Michaela Dukes (4chairs) used during her own rehearsals! The lambs on her shoes are obviously a nod to Penny Lamb, and since Janey has (a little less than) half of Penny's head, I think she can remember some parts of being Penny. She also has Penny's left brain, so she remembers all her animal facts, and probably quite a bit of her past life - or one of them, at least.
Savannah gave me SO much trouble. At first, I had her as Ricky and was going to go full SABM on him, but that ended up terrible, and then her design just took me forever to get right. Especially her facial markings. Her purse is born out of me messing up on a second crutch, but I really like how the purse turned out. I imagine that her doll is sold and her character is animated with both crutches, but I couldn't include the second one in the drawing ksjhfdkfjgh (protip to avoid this: always sketch EVERYTHING out in pencil and go over a mental checklist of what you need to include before you ink and color) Savannah is holding up an I Love You sign in the picture! Because Janey's mouth is the porcelain part of her, I imagine she signs as well. Also, she's based off of actual Savannah cats!
Ocean's design is the simplest, rip. I gave her a fish tank over her head because Uranium CIty is almost completely surrounded by lakes, and in the show freshwater monsters like Gil need them to breathe on land! Her heels are supposed to resemble quarter notes, but I think they just look like regular heels. I find it ironic that her parents, freshwater monsters, named her Ocean. Even in this au they wanted something else entirely.
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audrey-caden · 3 months
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Grief is a cruel kind of education. You learn how ungentle mourning can be, how full of anger. You learn how glib condolences can feel. You learn how much grief is about language, the failure of language and the grasping for language.
𝑩𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔 ✿ » Name: Audrey Marie Caden » Age: 23 » Birthday: Feb 3 » Hometown: Savannah, Georgia » Current Location: Los Angeles, California » Occupation: writer
𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 ✿ » Father: Jeffery Caden † » Mother: Jillian (née Seymour) Caden† » Sibling(s): Dianne Caden (incarcerated for the murder of their parents)
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 ✿ Audrey was blessed with a good life. She had a mother and father who did anything in their power to see their children succeed. For the most part, Audrey and her sister Dianne had always been close. Dianne was only two years older than her sister but this didn’t hinder their sisterly bond through childhood. However, things changed, as they usually do. Dianne went away to college and grew distant from her entire family. She started dating Ricky Cauldwell, who was several years older, and she changed; and not for the better either. She grew hateful and callous. The girl who once dressed like a barbie doll, now wore heavy makeup and clothing with chains and satanic symbols. Their parents, Jeffrey and Jillian, forbade their daughter from seeing Ricky any more. Dianne and her boyfriend laughed. After all, she was an adult. It was then when their parents financially cut her off, explaining once Ricky was out of her life, they would talk again. Dianne went off the grid. For many months, Audrey and their parents didn’t hear from her. Maybe it was an act of God or just sheer luck that protected Audrey from the tragic event that came.
It happened on a Thursday. It was a typical summer’s evening. After dinner, Audrey retired to the living room to watch TV while her parents went for an evening swim. At the last minute, Audrey’s friend invited her for a sleepover and she left the house, not realizing that this was the last time she’d ever see her parents again. The next morning she came home to learn that her parents had been viciously murdered. The street was crawling with police and news reporters. “My parents, my parents!” she kept screaming as she tried to enter the house, but a detective held her back. “No, you don’t understand,” she sobbed. Hours later, she would learn who the mastermind was behind the plot…her sister. Sickened, she would also learn that she was supposed to die that night, too. Dianne and Ricky, high off drugs, recorded a video on their way to the house—explaining why they were about to commit the crime. And Dianne named them all: their parents… and Audrey. Dianne was going to kill her entire family in the name of “love.”
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 ✿ » Pros: discreet, independent, loyal » Cons: bossy, suspicious, withdrawn
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worm-on-my-way · 10 months
ok but like doll customizer Penny who recently made a cute little fall fair-themed doll and brought it to the fair in order to take pictures with it and when she gets revived she decides to name it savannah and then she makes dolls based on the choir because yes
alternatively (and a bit creepier)
penny who lives for taxidermy, she brought one of her more recent projects with her to the fair because she wanted to work on it there so when she dies she has a half taxidermied animal as a head (dunno what animal yet so u can pick whatever seems fun)
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savannah-doll-house · 2 years
So I have had this sweet girl for a bit now and the name and back story I created for her just don’t work for me. I think I wanna put her in the HP universe with Kieryn so they would be roommates or BFF’s (lovers???) but I need a new name. Who has ideas?
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dissectedgrrl · 7 months
okay so a while ago i mentioned a the good place rtc au
n so i finally made one :D
keep in mind this is j kind of a rough idea thing so not every detail is there but here are my ideas !! this also includes some headcanons for the characters so dont mind certain parts
so it kind of follows the same plot as the show
karnak is like michael and he tells the choir where they are, what happened, etc
he got their names right + the fact that they were the choir n referred to as "the six saints" in the news
but he got their personalities mixed up with other students
he thinks they volunteered, helped out a lot of people, etc.
he doesnt know about mischa stealing wine, ocean bullying literally everyone, etc
but the choir knows its all wrong n have to find out what went wrong, how to get out, etc (just everything eleanor went thru)
cast of characters :
Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
she/her , lesbiaB, learning 2 languages, can speak 5
Ocean is in COMPLETE denial that she doesnt belong in the good place. i mean why wouldn't she ? shes ocean o'connell rosenburg. shes perfect. shes supposed to be here.
she tries to remain as perfect as possible while in the good place
she keeps calling karnak "god" no matter how many times he tells her there is no god in the good place. sometimes she does it on accident
the soulmate she got matched up with is constance
^ when she was told that she blurted out "WHAT ? WE ONLY KISSED ONCE !!!!" and everyone just kind of . . . . stared at her
most likely says the "all neutral people should go to Cincinnati" joke
Constance Blackwood
she/her, bilingual and bisexual
Constance doesn't want to leave the good place but she knows it isnt right for her to stay
she loves ocean, but being her soulmate takes a lot of patience (that constance sometimes doesnt have)
she got SO excited about the free froyo flavors
"mmm . . . . warm laundry flavor 😍"
when ocean said the kissing thing constance was j kinda like "🧍"
("jane doe")
she/they/it, pan demisexual demiromantic (i swear im not projecting 😭 /srs)
i have a lot to say abt her 💀
since she doesnt know who she really is she tries to learn as much as she can in the good place
^ she always has a "why" to ask n gets frustrated if she cant figure something out
^ it LOVES learning
^ whenever something interests them they get really excited
karnak gave them their doll n when they asked why all he said was "shes nice"
^ ever since then shes LOVED dolls n just toys in general
its favorite thing to learn about is toys
it has a lot of toys n keep all of them in a toy chest
when she learned she could eat food she just didnt stop 😭
^ they LOVE food but their cooking skills arent the best . . . .
^ its favorite savory food is pizza. dont ask why they just like it . . . . all kinds of pizza too
she really really likes music as well
^ favorite artists are frank sinatra and edith piaf !!
its soulmate is ricky
^ she LOVES him like theyre so close (i havent decided if theyre gonna be platonic, romantic, or both, but for now lets j say theyre best friends !!)
^ her and rickys relationship kind of confuses her bc all the other souldmates kiss n hold hands n what not but her n ricky just kind of . . . . watch star trek and talk about their interests together
they HATE being photographed and recorded, the smell of smoke, big rollercoasters, and anything people use to smoke (weed especially)
it hates being called creepy and having people afraid of her
shes really nice and smart but no one (expect ricky n the rest of the choir) rlly gives them a chance :/
Mischa Bachinski
he/him, bi, speaks same languages as he does in canon universe
soulmate is noel
he loves music (we all know this) and listens to any recommendation he gets
has to try and keep calm while in the good place so no one gets suspicious
his weakness is animals . . . . show him a rabbit n he will cry istg
^ hes a dog person but tries to hid it bc noel prefers cats
he doesnt rlly like sweets but hes okay w the free froyo (only SPECIFIC flavors tho)
he asked karnak if his mom was also in the good place, but didnt get a straight answer, but karnak hinted at a yes
^ his goal is to find his mom while he has time in the good place
^ hes doing everything he can to find her and is convinced he gets closer every day
Noel Gruber
he/she, gay (and maybe bigender or genderfluid ? idk yet), speaks english n french
he rlly likes black coffee like . . . . a lot
^ mischa says he hates coffee, but hes never tried it so noel is determined to make him drink it
noel sees the good place as a second chance at life
^ she hopes to get to live out her monique dreams here
secretly hates mischa's music taste 💀
noel introduced jane to edith piaf !
Ricky Potts
he/they, pan + trans demiboy, can speak english n pig latin (when jane asked why he just said "itsyay ustjay oremay unfay anthay englishyay !")
he loves living with jane because he gets to ramble n he gets to hear her ramble as well
^ him n jane have cats ! :D
^ every other saturday night ricky n jane watch spiderman movies while eating pizza. they look forward to that saturday every week !
he actually CAN cook
he claims he doesnt have a favorite cat but Captain Butterscotch is always with him . . . . suspicious
one of their favorite pastimes is looking out the telescope thats in their backyard at night
^ he likes to name stars (even if they already have names)
okay thats all i got so far ! if you have any suggestions or anything feel free to tell me ! srry if there are any spelling errors i wrote this down so fast bc i had to get these idea out or else i would implode 💔
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dicnna · 1 month
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savannah smith.     she/they.     demi woman.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   dianna   grayson   ,   most   likely   listening   to   7 rings   by   ariana grande   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty two   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -superficial   yet   +glamorous   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   a   dozen   cameras   being   shoved   in   your   face , expectations   that   you   didn't   live   up   to   ,   an   overzealous   need   for   attention ,   and   never   leaving   home   without   some   bling   ,   followed   by   born in rome by valentino   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   dianna   possibly   being   replaced   in   the   next   season   of   the   big   apple   —   could   the   grayson   wild   child   be   too   wild   for   reality   tv?   (  false   )   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .
♡     ◞        statistics.
full  name:  dianna  camille  grayson. nickname:  prefers  dianna  only. date  of  birth:  october  1st,  2001  (  22  years  old  ). zodiac  sign:  libra. place  of  birth:  manhattan,  new  york. current  location:  new  york  city,  new  york. gender:  demi  woman,  uses  she / they  pronouns. sexuality:  bisexual  (  preference  for  women  ). languages:  english ( native ), french ( basic ). father:  robert  grayson. mother: octavia grayson. siblings: tba.
♡     ◞        bits and bops.
character  tropes:  the  black  sheep,  the  baby  doll. traits:  glamorous,  outgoing,  carefree,  determined,  superficial,  vain,  frivolous,  unpredictable. likes:  wearing jewelry, being the center of attention,  spicy food, juliet roses, getting  dolled  up. dislikes:  family  dinners,  sweating or getting hot,  cheap beer, insects, enclosed spaces.
♡     ◞        background.
being  a  grayson  came  with  maintaining  a  standard  of  perfection  in  every  way.  even  though  she  was  the  youngest-born  of  six  grayson  siblings,  dianna  was  of  no  exception  to  that  rule.  as  the  chief  executive  officer  of  grayson  oil conglomerate,  the  grayson  family  patriarch  robert  always  ensured  that  their  surname  and  family  image  remained  clean  of  any  scandals.
but  being  the  youngest  grayson  also  meant  that  there  was  little  room  for  dianna's  own  achievements  to  be  acknowledged.  dianna  craved  more  than  just  approving  looks  and  the  occasional  smiles  from  her  parents  when  told  about  their  excellent  grades  in  school.  it  was  never  enough,  especially  since  all  her  other  siblings  seemed  to  thrive  effortlessly  as  well.  dianna  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  only  way  to  get  their  parents'  attention  was  to  start  acting  out.
dianna's  rebellious  acts  started  out  small  at  first,  and  they  were  brushed  aside  most  of  the  time  and  handled  privately  when  they  came.  when  she  was  sent  to  the  principal's  office  after  a  class  fight,  her  parents  agreed  that  it  was  only  because  of  a  quarrel  with  a  friend  that  could  be  settled  easily.  when  their  grades  started  slipping,  their  mother  only  advised  her  to  do  better  the  next  time.  dianna's  frustration  only  grew  throughout  the  years,  and  as  they  became  older  and  more  unruly,  her  father  took  her  aside  and  told  her  to  start  behaving  like  a  grayson  or  he  would  make  her  stop  ...  permanently.  and  in  that  moment,  something  in  dianna  snapped.
robert  was  livid  when  the  headlines  broke  out  with  photos  of  dianna,  aged  sixteen,  kissing  multiple  girls  and  boys  in  a  nightclub.  there  were  also  reports  of  her  smoking  in  the  alley  behind  the  club  with  her  other  underaged  friends. gone  was  the  squeaky  clean  image  of  the  grayson  family,  and  dianna  felt  a  sense  of  triumph  at  the  amount  of  damage  control  her  father  had  to  do  because  of  her.  she  didn't  stop,  not  even  when  she  was  sent  to  a  boarding  school  in  switzerland  as  a  way  to  tame  her  wild  behaviour,  far  away  from  the  eyes  of  the  press.  they'd  gotten  their  parent's  attention  —  and  that  was  all  they  needed.
two  years  at  an  expensive  boarding  school  did  not  discipline  her  one  bit.  dianna  only  managed  to  scrape  through  to  graduation  with  subpar  grades and close  friends  by  her  side.  coming  back  to  new  york,  she  knew  that  every  gaze  was  on  her,  waiting  for  her  to  wild  out  again.  the  tension  between  them  and  their  parents  were  still  palpable,  but  they  felt  little  guilt  on  what  had  happened  years  prior. and though  dianna  no  longer  craved  her  parents'  attention,  her  defiant  behaviour  had  become  a  habit  and  her  name  was  once  again  the  subject  of  a  new  scandal  every  other  week.  dianna  was  now  known  as  the  wild  child  —  the  anomaly  of  the  otherwise  polished  grayson  family.  with  this  reputation,  it  cemented  the  contentious  relationship  they  had  with  their  parents.
having  spent  their  whole  life  trying  to  prove  a  point,  dianna  didn't  have  much  idea  on  what  she  wanted  to  do.  all  her  siblings  had  achieved  excellency  by  establishing  careers  in  various  fields  by  the  time  they  were  in  their  early  twenties,  and  dianna,  ever  the  black  sheep  of  her  family,  was  still  out  partying  every  night.  they'd  always  been  told  they  had  a  face  and  personality  for  the  screen,  but  she'd  never  thought  she'd  be  able  to  make  a  career  out  of  it  —  until  they  got  the  offer  to  star  in  the  first  season  of  the  reality  show  the  big apple,  a  show  centered  around  the  lives  of  young  socialites  in  new  york  and  the  drama  that  surrounded  them.
due  to  their  loud  personality  and  frivolous  nature,  dianna  received  polarized  reactions  from  viewers  during  the  show's  first  season  premiere.  nevertheless,  the  show  was  a  massive  hit  and  the  stars  of  the  big  apple  were  catapulted  into  fame.  dianna  suddenly  found  herself  having  various  job  opportunities  she  didn't  have  before  —  and  though  their  future  was  uncertain,  dianna  was  content  with  where  their  career  was  heading.  as  per  her  contract,  dianna  was  asked  to  return  if  the  big  apple  became  a  success,  and  the  second  season  is  currently  in  production.
♡     ◞        personality   +   headcanons.
has  the  personality  of  a  reality  tv  star  down  to  a  T.  her  confidence  is  what  attracted  the  showrunners  to  cast  her  in  the  first  place.  bold,  carefree  and  talkative,  her  energy  will  light  up  a  room.  definitely  an  extrovert.
the  personification of IDGAF — at least, about what the public and tabloids say about them — a stark contrast to the grayson family's core values, who always prioritized their public image.
determined to prove a point. can absolutely achieve something if she puts her mind to it.
not really book smart — a bit of an airhead academically. stopped paying attention in school early on as they didn't see the point of getting good grades when no one cared about them.
as stated above, she is super childish. holds grudges, kinda petty, impulsive at times, is an attention seeker and very, very vain.
can't cook for shit. if she says she's going to cook, pls call the fire department immediately. their attempts make for great tv, though.
their wardrobe is mostly black, with the occasional hues of soft pastel colors.
a constant wip, so more will be added in the future <3
♡     ◞        wanted   connections. 
anything and everything really, but off the top of my head: best friend, friends with benefits, rivals, flirtationship, reality show co-stars, annoyed at first sight, fake friends, good influence on dianna, bad influence on y/m, party friends !
also, someone bring her siblings PLS PLS PLS !!!
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Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone) Propaganda:
Great singing, also she’s literally wearing a doll‘s head bc she lost hers
do they have their soul or is it rotting somewhere with their head?
cool asf
She forgets her name after her death and has no story told in the production
She's so sweet and deserves the world. Her song (The Ballad of Jane Doe) is great.
the song goes so hard just listen to her song guys please
she literally died and her head was cut off so nobody could tell who she was PLEASE let her take one (1) W
BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING. First she already won the tournament in the musical to regain life, as she won them over with her sad wet cat energy because she did not have a head and feared that she lost her soul. Second, she died on a roller coaster and lost her head, but stole her doll's head and thats very gender. Third, throughout the musical she is used as a vessel for religious allegory, she is an angel, she is jesus, she is a demon, she is forsaken but she is purity itself. Fourthly, she is is given the identity of Savannah with the greenest eyes after the other characters who died with her hold her a birthday party, and I think thats sweet because its probably some kind of meaning I cant see but auughfhfhh shes so cool
i mean her name isn't TECHNICALLY jane doe but we refer to her as such. she's so silly!! autism powers! i don't have a lot of propaganda tbh. i would've just been surprised had she NOT been submitted
She lost her head literally when the rollercoaster derailed. She wasn't able to be identified apart from the school uniform she was wearing.
Her name is forgotten, and so is everything about her. So she’s called Jane Doe. She’s very sweet and very creepy, but she doesn’t mean it
I LOVE HER! she died in a roller coaster accident and was decapitated, her body not being found. in the show, her head is actually just her doll’s head. the coroners couldn’t identify her, so she was dubbed a jane doe. in the game to be alive again, she ends up being voted, her name being revealed to be penny lamb. anyways she’s a little creepy and also quite silly and she does her funny little waddle like a porcelain doll (or corpse).
She deserves it! She lost her head she shouldn't lose this too.
Not convinced you didn’t start this tournament just for her tbh
They have a great song and a true air of mystery to them. They also have arguably the best song in the musical, The Ballad of Jane Doe! I would definitely recommend listening to it >:)
—She LOST her HEAD and had it replaced with a PORCELAIN DOLL —In all seriousness her story is really poignant. No one could identify her body so she arrives in the afterlife not knowing her identity and she spends the show vacillating between depressed and angry at her situation, leading to… —“The Ballad of Jane Doe”, specifically Emily Rohm’s version, might be the most haunting solo in musical theatre history.
The Anatomy Students (The Magnus Archives) Propaganda:
So technically there a 7 of them each with a different localization but one of them is legitimately John Doe
Also they are responsible for bone apple teeth
They are very fun
This submission is for the class of students in Episode 34: Anatomy Class, who are named Erika Mustermann, Jan Novak, Piotr and Pavel Petrov, John Doe, Fulan al-Fulani and Juan Pérez, which are all "John/Jane Doe" names. They are so creepy and so cool.
[about John/Jane Doe in particular]
Very good normal anatomy student doing his best to learn
This is a horror that went to anatomy class with a group of different variations of john doe esque names to learn about human body functions and scare a teacher for a full semester. was called john doe in the statement but later shows up as jane doe. trans rights?
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