#the dolly sisters
ediths-shades · 3 months
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Costume appreciation
Elaine Langan in The Dolly Sisters (1945)
Costume design by Orry-Kelly
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luckywildgirl · 4 months
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The Dolly Sisters (1945)
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laurapetrie · 1 year
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mudwerks · 2 years
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The Dolly Sisters in La Revue des Revues
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silentdivasblog · 2 years
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The Dolly Sisters ❤❤
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The Dolly Sisters, Betty Grable & June Haver
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The Dolly Sisters (Rosie and Jennie) in the stage show Casino de Paris 1927 / Ph. by James Edward Abbe
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Prominent Montreal Man Arranges for Friendly Divorce,” Owen Sound Sun Times. June 20, 1930. Page 11. ---- Mortimer Davis, son of late Sir Mortimer Davis, and his wife, Rosika Dolly, one of the famous dancing sisters, have decided upon a friendly divorce, which is now before Montreal courts, is settled, as it is understood. Lady Davis brought the estate into prominence recently by seeking an injunction to remove Lord Shaughnessy as one of the executors of the estate. Here are shown Mortimer Davis and Rosika Dolly, his wife, upon whom, as it is reported, he will settle an annuity.
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lunarharp · 18 days
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..polly pocket au.. (<- a type of doll.)
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basementxdweller · 6 months
slut little sister x virgin big sister
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1949babydoll · 1 month
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luckywildgirl · 3 months
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The Dolly Sisters (1945)
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solarprominence · 2 years
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so i'm cosplaying griddle at some point for halloween, but before i dye my hair orange i HAD to do a little test for harrow here u are
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avionvadion · 4 months
*Draws Lucifer*
My sister the next morning: “I had a dream we had a duck in the house. Just. A house duck. And he was friends with the dog.”
Me, internally losing it because Lucifer’s house is filled with millions of rubber ducks and his daughter has a lil’ puppy nose:
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lillambtotheslaughter · 20 hours
Jolene Olight transcript
(featuring both @/twsted-idiot, @/g0ttal0ve101, and @/johnnysgir1 OC interactions!)
(Jolene's ability name is 'savoir'. 'Savoir' can only be used once blood bottle is full and if grandpa is in the stunned state. Once activated grandpa is immediately taken out of this state and back to his original level he was at before being stunned. This ability can be blocked when sneak attacked, barged, and when put into a grapple)
Sissy seen
Johnny seen
“Shouldn’t have brought that girl back here..”
“Yer’ lil boyfriend doesn’t seem too happy with that girl. (laughter) Have fun with that later!” (talking about Rae)
“Trackin them down just like you taught me NyNy!...Well you don't gotta be such an ass about it..(Annoyed grumble)
“I guess Nancy's angel can mess up!”
“Get yer head out of the clouds and track em’ already NyNy!”
“Don't go givin me orders when your the reason were in this mess!”
“Yer getting sloppier by the day. Get it together!”
“Can you get that little pet of yer’s to shut it already! All that whinin is gettin annoying y’know!” (talking about Dolly)
“I’m just about ready to rip yer girlfriend's pretty little vocal cords out if she don't QUIT CRYIN!” (talking about Dolly)
“Johnnyyyy can I borrow that girlfriend of yers just for a tiny while…? I promise I won't hurt her. I just wanna have someone to play with.” (talking about Dolly)
“I ain’t buggin' her! What I'm not allowed to leave gifts for Her Majesty no more?!” (talking about Dolly)
“I hear yer’ one of grandpa's favorites. After me of course…(chuckles)”
“I really love your garden sissy! All those pretty flowers practically make it a bug minefield!”
“Where'd you hear those weird ass songs you keep singing from anyways?”
“Everyone messes up sometimes, don't be too hard on him. Besides that's my job. (Laughter)”
“Cause always is always- Ah-! Damnit sissy, stop gettin’ in my head!”
Nubbins seen
“(Whistle) those traps of yours sure do get the job done don't they?”
“Ain't this fun, ain't this fun! Just like playin tag when we were smaller huh!”
“You've been diggin' at that their graveyard again? (Giggle) Cool! What'd you find?!”
“I like that camera you got! It's real nice ain't it? That girl Johnny brought has some good taste!”
“Quit spitting out nonsense you ain't making any damn sense it's annoying!”
Leatherface/bubba seen
“How you doing buddy! Having fun I see?”
“You must be strong to be able to carry that thing everywhere! My arms get tired from just holding it!”
“Grandpa's gonna be real proud of us ain't he bubs!”
“(Laughter) Don't listen to them bubs! They're just upset you're way cooler than they'll ever be!”
“Keep up the good work bubs! Oh- and let out a holler if you need any help! (Laughter)”
Cook/Drayton seen
“You best quit yelling at me old geezer or I'll have to silence you myself!”
“Carefully now grandpa, wouldn't want you pulling something now would we? (Joined laughter with nubs)”
“You leave bubs alone and focus on yer own damn task like locking up this place for example!”
“Awh you're no fun..”
Nancy seen
“Hey ma! Nice day out ain't it-...(Groans) yes ma'am..”
“Did y'know about him and this girl?”
“Don't get on my ass just because yer little ‘angel’ messed up!”
“Awh, give me a break! They're slippery little bastards, it ain't my fault!”
Hands seen
“You’re real good at racing, I'll give you that!”
“For someone so big like yerself I wouldn't have expected you to use a weapon so…lightweight.”
“This is just gettin annoying! We gotta hurry up and find those damn kids!”
“Taught Johnny everything he knows but couldn't teach him to actually FINISH THE JOB!”
Rae seen
“You and Johnny get into another fight or something? What's with the sour mood?”
“Quit eyeing my brother already! You two need to get a room..”
“You're real good at mimicking people's voices Rae! (Laughter) Do me, do me!.(stunned silence)...that's actually…unsettling. Let's not do that again! (Nervous laughter)”
“Don't worry about that girl, she ain't even pretty anyway! (Chuckles) We'll get her soon you'll see..”
“That axe is cool and all but cleanup always gets messy because of it. (Laughter) But it's worth it to watch you chop them little piggies up!”
“Damn Johnny, always gettin himself into trouble..That's what yer stuck with by the way, have fun.”
Leslie seen
“Hey les! How's bullet doin? Saw him give chase to that orange haired girl (laughter) she was screaming up a storm!”
“You're doing good les! Keep up the good work and I'm sure Nancy will reward us! Probably. (Laughter)”
“These guys sure do know where to hide…you find any of em’ yet?”
“Try and see if bullet can help sniff these guys out they’re startin to upset grandpa.”
"Glad to see yer havin fun Les!"
Dolly seen
“Did you like that surprise I left on yer bed this mornin? (Laughter) Thought since you didn't like human flesh you could use that rabbit for stew! (laughter)”
“Just cause Johnny likes you don’t mean I haveta.”
“Would you stop cryin already?! I can't concentrate with all that whining!”
“Nancy really don't like you around Johnny, you should be careful around her ‘kay?”
“C’mon cheer up! This could be fun if you try not to think about it so much!”
“You need any help there doll? If you can't finish the job I could always take over y’know.”
“I know we have our ups and downs but try not to let my words stick to ya so much darlin. It ain't nothin personal just how I am y’know?”
Family's responses
“Oh quit yer whinin, think I don't already hear complainin enough from the old woman!”
“Shut the hell up and stay outta our business Jolene!”
“Yer lucky we have these damn kids to catch otherwise I would've been strangling you right now!”
“I’m already on it, maybe you should be more helpful and go check on Grandpa! (frustrated huff) We're gonna need his help..”
“You wanna use that tone with me again girl?!”
“With you hovering around me like an annoying gnat all damn day ain't exactly helpin neither!”
“Can't handle the taste of yer own medicine? (Laughter)”
“You're just as annoyin if not more than she is! Now go find those damn kids instead of complainin!”
“(Laughter) You must be downright insane if you think I'd ever leave her alone with you!”
“Quit buggin Dolly already! I’m tired of her cryin to me because some moron left another dead rabbit on her bed still twitchin!”
“(chuckles) oh sweetie it's always good to dream!”
"Well thanks sugar! You know yer always welcomed wherever you feel like it!”
“If i told you i'd haveta kill you sugar! (laughter)”
“That damn brother of yer’s always causin trouble!”
“(Giggle) t-they're quite nifty h-huh?”
“O-oh i remember them times! (Laughs) you were always c-c-cheatin! S-saying timeout ev-ery time we almost g-gotcha!”
“Loads of p-pretty stuff! How’s about i sh-show you after this is all over?!”
“I-It sure is pretty! Glad i g-grabbed this be-fore johnny c-could!”
“W-W-Well whats got you s-so heated all s-sudden?!”
“I outta knock you upside the head with this here broomstick!”
“I may be old but I can still knock some sense into that thick head of yer’s!”
“Don't go throwin orders at me you little brat!”
“Quit messin around with that idiot over there and help us out with grandpa!”
“Oh quit tryna make small talk and go help yer brother look for them damn kids ye hear?! And don't call me ‘ma’ you aint a child no more.”
“It ain't none of yer concern Jolene.”
“Do not use that tone of voice with me, young lady!”
“Why haven't you caught a single one of those kids yet Jolene?!”
“Y-yes…I umm I appreciate it really! (laughter)”
“Th-that’s okay! You don't havta….”
“(crying) I-I’m sorry! I-I can-can’t help it! (cries harder)”
“O-Okay! Thanks for the heads up….”
“Maybe I should pretend their screamin is one of happiness!...no that's worse.”
“Don’t worry about me Jo, I gotta learn somehow just gotta kill em like my Johnny taught me!”
“I understand Jo, yknow you hollerin at me actually helps a lot!”
(No Rae, Les, Hands, or Bubba. One because hands and bubba are both non verbal and two because i wanna see my moots own replies 😋)
Match starts
“Dammit Johnny, what’d you do now?”
“Ma’s not gonna like this…”
“Knew I should've finished that girl off myself…Dammit NyNy..”
Idle/Walking around
“Focus Jolene! Yer better than this!”
“I always haveta help clean up Johnny's mess..(Annoyed grunt)”
“Where the hell is she? Gotta find her before somebody else does…please be okay.”
“Well get em’ aint no doubt bout’ that..”
“Didn’t know we had new playmates! (Laughter)”
“Better pray i ain't the one to find ya’ll (Laughter)”
“Where ya hidin little piggy…I just wanna play!”
Feeding Grandpa
“Things are really startin to get outta hand!”
“Eat, eat ,eat ,eat! (laughter)”
“You wouldn't mind givin us a hand would you gramps?”
“After this is all over I'd really like to show you some of these pretty dragonflies I captured!”
“You havin as much fun watchin these little piggies run aroun’ as we are?”
Victim found hiding
“Awh c’mon, you were just askin to be found! (laughter)”
“You should really pay better attention to yer surroundings. I practically saw you jump in here..”
“Awh whaddya hidin for? The fun’s not over yet! (Laughter)”
“Tag is so borinnn… let's play a new game! How about operation? (Manic laughter)”
“Get yer ass outta there!”
Victim hit
“I’m on yer tail now!”
“Tag you're it!”
“Whats with all the runnin for sugar? Yer’ only making it much more harder on yerself!”
“Things are gettin fun aroun’ here!”
“X marks the spot! (laugher)”
“Better to just give up now!”
Blood trail seen
“Can't hide from me little piggie.. (Giggle)”
“Gave you a headstart and yer still gonna leave a trail for me?”
“Awh someones gettin sloppyyyy. (Laughter)”
“Don't you die on me just yet! We aint done with this little game of ours!"
Victim seen
“Found ya! (Laughter)”
“What are you hidin for? I aint gonna hurt ya!..Much.”
“All this runnin is useless y’know! You’ll only tire yerself out and make it easier for me to getcha!”
“Well who do we have here? (Laughter)”
“Oh, don't runaway sugar! The funs just begun!”
Victim seen escaping
“No no no no NO! (Frustrated growl) Dammit! Ma’s not gonna be happy..”
“Shit. Don’t got time to chase em’ right now…”
“You won't make it far, little piggie…those wounds will slow you down for sure..”
“Lucky bastards…”
Exit interaction
“All fixed up! I know I know I'm amazin. (Talking to herself)”
“That should do it. Nice and secure!”
“What idiot left this off! (annoyed sigh)”
“There, Just like Johnny showed me.”
Encounter start
“Ohhh, looks like someone still has some fight left in em’!”
“Don't underestimate me just cause I’m smaller!”
“Now yer gettin' into the game! (Laughter)”
“Oh, I'm gonna enjoy killin' you!”
“Someones finally bein’ brave huh? (Laughter)”
Lose enemy sub
“C’mon don't go so soon!”
“Now where do you think yer going?”
“Hey, we're not done yet! (Laughter)”
Lose enemy long
“(Annoyed growl) You can't keep runnin forever! I’ll find ya and when I do I'll make sure it hurts!”
“I ain't got time for this runnin aroun! Just give up already and maybe I'll make it quick!”
“You think just because I lost ya yer safe! Oh when I get my hands on you! Yer not leavin this place unless its in a body bag!”
“Go on then! Keep hidin! I don't care! I’ll find every single one of you and leave yer bodies in the cold room for the rats to feast on!”
Victim seen trapped
“Need some help there darlin? (Laughter)”
“Should've watched yer footin there sugar!”
“That things gotcha good huh? (Laughter)”
Use ability blocked
“Get off of me you damn parasite!”
“Shit, gramps, I'm sorry.”
“Oh now I'm pissed!”
“Now yer gonna get it!”
Use ability
“Get back up gramps we still need yer help!”
“Yer fine just a few scratches now help us!”
“Nobody said you were done yet!”
“The family still needs you gramps! Don't let us down just because of one small lil scratch!”
Use ability successful
“Feelin better? Good, now help us!”
“You vermin have no idea what you've just done!”
“I won't let 'em hurt you again, gramps..”
Use ability denied
“Now ain't the time.”
“Grandpas fine ain't no reason for me to interfere..”
“Gotta grab more blood, this aint enough for him.”
“Better leave gramps alone for now..”
“Look at all that pretty blood!”
“All that runnin and for what? (Laughter)”
“Johnny's gonna be real proud of me!”
“Just go down nice and easy! (Laughter)”
“A shame our little game had to end so early…a real shame..”
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Maria seen
“Oh thats it! Im takin care of this myself!”
“That damn liar…No matter, she ain't leavin alive this time..”
“What's the matter? Don't you wanna thank the person who kept you alive this whole time? (Laughter)”
“Get near gramps again and I'll hang yer head on the wall!”
“You stay away from my brother, you hear me! I'll kill you myself!”
“Yer head would be a real nice present for Rae…Hey come back! I was just jokin! I'm not that crazy…! For the most part…(Laughter)”
“You bein here is startin to upset Dolly! Nobody makes her cry unless it's me or Johnny!”
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