#the dsverse au
boyakishanaura · 7 months
Made a DS verse submission or sm.
@dead-scars-verse @fluffytimearts If you block this you block any and all content we make.
Gotham prepared itself for night, shadows dancing across the roofs. Figures vanishing across the buildings, chairs, bottles and the like, shifting as the woman smiled back to her driver.
“Thanks for the ride.”
A dull smile covered her face, adjusting her jacket as she stepped down the streets. The bricks were cleaner here, a wafting smell of iron blowing over the foggy streets. Red glow echoing above the darkening sky, as if the city itself were brooding the arrival of those who rode the shadows. The man tipped his hat, normally cheery, the office woman’s normal attitude was more deflated today. One of those days, huh?
Her legs moved across the concrete, plates set longer than anyone in the city could remember, something like the Roman roads of the city. Reinforced, the foundations holding the city despite the changes to the landscape. Legs turning another corner, half cursing to herself as she shuffled forward.
It’d been a silly rumour. Falcone territory, those who lived here were either under their protection, or kept quiet if they saw anything. Keep your breath here, or the falcons would strike from the sky. Her hairs had grown accustomed to the tense atmosphere, even in the day, the city held its breath. Caution in the everyday citizens, her hair no longer standing on edge. Teeth growing stronger with how much she tensed it, more easily traversing the city, even areas she’d scarcely been too.
But… this felt different. The shadows always shivered, shimmering in the growing moonlight, a wave of death sweeping across the streets. While kept clean, the almost constant wars simmering down to a tight. But at least reasonable without gang wars erupting for the pettiest of things.
Shivers ran down her spine for the first time in months. The air thicker with iron, the smell of a bloody death. She’d been living here for ages, losing everything but gaining more than that. And now…
Jumping forward, my heart momentarily pounding as I looked above. A pair of eyes vanished, mop of hair flickering before I could catch a glance. The windows were locked far earlier than normal, the normal folks enjoy the cooling warmth of the summer not here despite the streetlights not being on…
Eyes dropping to her watch. It was eight now, same as always, and yet…
Cars didn’t fill the road, vanishing from the street, her walk now a slow trot. Knuckles whitening as she heard something.
The sound of metal breaking bones, shaking her head as the sound of people hissing back and forth at one another.
Ah, that explains it. Poor sod.
I let out a silent laugh, of course. Someone had crossed the falcones. Plenty had of course, but out here? There’s limits to anarchy, if the people didn’t object, neither would the cops. Her hand relaxed, looked down, a shadow sweeping past her. Heart beating faster, adrenaline pumping her body.
… Odd. I thought I’d be used to it by…
The woman’s eyes widened. Broad shouldered, briefcase in one hand. Bag dropping to the floor as she looked back at the person. Teeth biting into his neck, the almost invisible sound of sucking. Blonde hair dropped from a beanie as she stepped back. Reaching the edge of the pavement. And then sharp pain echoed from her neck.
“Wh- wha-”
A pair of smoking red eyes burned back into hers, a hand pulling away. A pair of white eyes staring back at her as the large woman stepped back. She had a revolver on her, the dim moonlight shining off the polished metal, bullets chambered as she raised a finger to her lips. Body largely covered, black suited, gloves. Black hair waving down her back as she skipped backwards into the alley.
I blinked, head growing swirly. Heavy, gripping my forehead as I dropped to the floor. It didn’t make sense. This wasn’t Metropolis. Where magic alien…
She looked up, dark haired woman pulling a blonde by the ear. Robotic, masking everything as she threw her into a shining white doorway. Bright light echoed to her left, staring in confusion, black hair pulled into a woven ponytail. Seeming to scowl at her, eyes shifting like they were made of nylon, the light fading from her vision as panic started to fade into her as she saw it. She saw. Him.
Three scars over one side of his face, grey hair matted with blood, panicked vision. Begging, blood slowly dripping to the floor. This didn’t make sense. Her vision faded, shifting, something squatting behind her. Light illuminating his angry vision, forcing her head into her face. Tanned, a clear cap mark over her forehead, scars covered her face with brown eyes flickering with devilish delight. Licking her lips as she looked into her face.
Australian, warm hand sweeping over her, stumbling against the brick, the woman leaning in closer to whisper words.
“Such a nice toy~”
The woman blinked. Staring blankly, emotion fading from her face as she stood up.
“… Right, now to find…”
Pressing her hands together, then apart, magical lines appearing over her limbs, shadows shifting around her as magical symbols covered her tracks. Anti magic countering and absorbing the magical layering across the building, eyes scanning across glowing orbs appearing around her before she grasped one of them.
“… Hmm, interesting interesting. Ah… There’s the problem.”
Floating, dark skinned, with curls. Bullet striking her brain, a new orb, a new life. The same soul. Rolling her eyes, muttering as her nightingale let out a groan.
“Well, this’ll be fun.”
A grin appearing over her face, the orbs flickering away as she touched the wall. Segments glowing with power, a magical doorway appearing as she stepped through.
I blinked. My head aching, the dull thud of… oh fuck off, did I get…
Once again, her eyes widened, migraine cracking her brain as everything around her ached. She could smell, someone, someone who did something. Bloody, eyes faded colours, blood dripping out from him, coating the floor as she stumbled back.
Screaming, head lifting from the desk, it’d been thirty minutes. That voice…
“HE- HE-”
Panicking, a panic attack, gripping her head, as she stumbled onto her side. Bag dropped on the floor, heads quickly turning. Rushing out, phones raised as friendly faces rushed to help her. Something had triggered her, and someone was going to die tonight.
“This is weird.”
Sipping his coffee, blue uniformed, a gun at his side as he looked down at the body. Wrapped in a blanket, the woman sitting inside the car, left in shock as his partner looked at him.
“… Really?”
Sarcasm dripped off his voice, crossing his arms as Gordon looked over the scene. None of it made sense, a body left stuck into a wall with seemingly mythical strength. The rebar’s barcodes were utterly jumbled nonsense, with companies that didn’t exist. But the quality, the branding. All of it marking it as Australian.
His heart almost dropped out his chest, letting out a wheezing sneeze, small girl holding an EMF reader as the homicide detective turned to them.
The redhead raised her hands, EMF flinging to point at the corpse, triggers and switches going crazy as the homicide detective’s eyes widened. Snapping his fingers to the accompanying officers, bickering about the local teams.
“Cams on?”
Rubbing the shock off, slapping his face as he quickly replied.
“... Uhhh, yes sir?”
Younger, the officer turning to his friend.
“Isn’t the policy, turn it on and forget until you go home?”
The two began arguing about police protocols, the detective scratching his chin as little Gordon practically grinned at the man. Waving it around, the EMF going crazy around the corpse, question escaping her lips.
“Is it a ghost??”
Shivering and shaking, what disgust she had, the help she wanted to give. All turning to curiosity, excitement, detective smiling. Rubbing her hair as he replied.
“Aye. Well, maybe, but to be…”
Detectives trailed off, the pair of officers and commissioner freezing, the hero’s legs pausing as… scales, reptilian scales shivered in the light, photon reflective turning alive. Controlled murderous intent burning from the cloaked figure, little girl letting out a gasp as Gordon turned to the dark knight.
“... Bats?”
His eyes turned back at the man. His face stoic, thinking, eyes widening as he looked back. The EMF reader seemed to be causing some kind of interference, hand gripping some kind of… amulet, the wall seeming to glow with magical power. Energy boiling in the air, a shining door erupting beside them. And then a voice barked out.
Heads quickly turned, masked, body cloaked with black. Dropping a megaphone, whoever they were dashing into the doorway before anyone could even move. The bat’s eyes narrowed, his little girl letting out a confused sound.
“… Dadddd, the-”
“Tell Detective Richard sweetie, any observation can help.”
“… Yes daddy!”
Dropping the EMF, letting out a squeak as it tapped her toe. Whoever it was above slowly stepped back, the fourth officer on scene seeming to comfort their witness, blanket thrown over her shoulders as a few locals held her calm. Bag left in the car.
“And there he goes..."
Vanishing into the night, exoskeleton visible across his body, flying after the running woman as a noise echoed behind him.
“Hey, Richie, they know that building.”
Lowering the camera, little girl exclaiming a short cheer as the murder officer looked at his partner.
“... they do?”
Slapping the back of the one of their asses,
“Y’know those apartments near Wayne Incorporated??”
The detectives collectively paused, heads freezing as a chill spread across their spines. Stepping back, little girl poking the camera up at the man.
“Mr Richard! Mr Richard!!”
“… Yes Barbara?”
“I got the camera to work!”
Waving a pair of photo, polaroids printing time and dates, second senior on field freezing as his partner quickly checked ehr cams.
“… Gordo?”
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
Stamping her foot onto the ground, red hair woven down her head, little girl chewing out the commissioner.
“You can’t say that!!”
“… I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“I'm going to tell mommy!”
A laugh echoed from the nearby officers, letting out a loud oooh at the father. Scowling, glaring back at his staff as he crossed his arms.
Portal closing behind the lot of them, one half of his face burned with some kind of marking not showing up on cameras. Pulling a face atop a nearby building. The camera cut to the stranger.
“Come and get me batsy.”
A sword sheathing behind their back, a black mask, masculine like body but frankly. That didn’t mean much since half of the people looked abnormal one way or another. Scowling, robotic voice echoed over the buildings, firing another cable as they spat out.
“Oh shit.”
Jumping to their feet, flipping to the ground as she drew the blade. Jet black, a steel sharpened edge, marks over the length of the blade, shining in the white moonlight. Their hand warm, mouth opening and closing, barely audible sound wracked by the echo of the train. Slashing behind her, winds sweeping as one hand gripped against concrete.
And then they were gone.
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fluffytimearts · 6 months
ask game? :D 3, 6, 9, and/or 21
What was the last song you listened to?
FNAF: Security Breach SONG ► "ALREADY DEAD" by KittenSneeze
Do you prefer drawing or writing?
Drawing but I don't mind doing a lil writing on the side. (Like for example my batman au: DSverse)
When is your birthday?
March 16th
How was your day today?
A lil wonky here and there with a few....Issues with someone. However, it's been good so far. Just drawing some ideas with my partner Eda.
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hi! so i just finished rereading Nine minutes (27 seconds) and i really can't get enough. it seemed like you'd put some thought into the worldbuilding are there any other details you'd be willing to share??
Ahhh, thank you!!! ❤❤❤ the world building in that one was the kind where I'd write an off hand comment and then extrapolate from that, editing as I went along rather than otting out the setting before I started to write, so I am so glad it has worked for you!
Claude has the nagging *is this because I am a sub* thought in his head about a lot of things, even though they happened in our reality as well, because that's how it is under the domniarchy. Subs in the show aren't a *new* thing, but we all know how glacial the nhl is about change so...
In Juniors, Claude's experience would have been with the staff managing all the players' dynamic needs in a nonsexual manner because you can't let a bunch of hormonal inexperienced idiots fuck each other up, that's bad for their development.
The same "don't let them fuck each other up" ethos carries over to the AHL because its a development league, too, and the players are very much team assets - but because they are supposedly all grown ups, things are a lot looser, a lot more dynamics happening between players but management makes sure the best prospects are, well, managed.
A lot of this was hashed out while talking to my partner, who was invaluable for this fic:
"They're still supposed to be developing, can't break them in too soon.
Ofc not all of them will make the jump to the show, but the ones who are likely to, can't fuck em up too early and waste that potential
But in the big club, where they're curating the roster and cultivating the room dynamics for peak performance?
Damn right, the high-value, high-producing guys get droit de seigneur. "
And of course locker room dynamics are Totally Fine and Not Cheating and all the SADs totally Get That, and Sylvie is Just Being Unreasonable About Everything which, no, Daniel, she is not, she is just tired of your General Bullshit and Other Fuckery. (They just had a bad case of Rushing Into A Relationships While Young, Accidental Kids, and High Stress Career On Top which implodes but Danny is being an uncharitable jackass and acting like a dickbag and tbh, I see him as having a history of being a pushy jerk because when he was young, he got a lot of shit for being small and pretty and *are you sure you'd not a sub* and harrassment and hazing in the guise of just joking, so he's got a low key Getting His Due vibe going on.
Danny is definitely keeping Claude in the long term; they won't get to play together again until the following season. Claude having his wisdom teeth out before camp is going to put a crimp on some of Danny's plans, tho XD
They actually get to an one AHL game together (!) During Danny's 3 game reconditioning stint, and Danny absolutely will make sure everyone knows Claude is off limits, even if he hasn't collared Claude. You don't collar teammates of you have a sub at home, not unless you're also taking the teammate home and Danny is still valiantly trying to Keep The Peace for The Kids.
I don't want to speculate about any other team at this time (but wouldn't it be fun if Claude was the first sub Captain in the NHL? 👀)
Euro leagues think the way NHL does this stuff is low key bonkers, probably. So Berlin is an Experience.
No idea why I decided on the Timonen/Kukkonen pairing, especially since there is a nonzero chance of running into Kukkonen in real life back home XD
Uh really any specific questions I'm happy to answer! XD I guess also other teams too (although I promise no answers on those)
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marmolita · 3 years
I was tagged by @crosbyism for this meme, thanks!
the rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask afterwards (or a comment in this post) with a title that most intrigues/interests you, and I’ll tell you about it or post a little snippet of it!
here's my list of active or semi-active WIPs:
pro dom mcdrai take two
sex magic svechnicest
and these ones are basically dead in the water:
Otter BDSM AU shutout gangbang
dsverse tkachuk forfeit
tkasaitl vacation romcom
CLCL OT4 angst
Tyler omegaverse
Sid/Nate oblivious social media norms
Sid/Nate texting (this one is actually complete it's just terrible haha)
Svech/Dougie 5+1
magic elf aho
askbox is open!
tagging (only if you want to of course): @wildehacked @ratcrimesfic @winglavender ? and anyone else who wants to, please tag me back so I can see your WIPs too!
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justicedreams · 4 years
I would also like to take a chance to make mention of this. After having long conversations with the other mun we have decided that this AU will no longer be Kai’s DSverse and as such you will start seeing things change on the blog. Most will be related to the past references to events and people that are not in the DS timelines. I hope to eventually have a more solidified history for them to add to the blog. Until then Enjoy as we make this AU all our own. 
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droewyn · 2 years
WIP game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
-End Up (Dark Outtake)
-Ghost Sex WIP
-Victuuri Tentacle Smut
-Sweet Revenge
-Nobody’s Hero
-Tumblr Prompt: Burglar Yuuri
-phantom thief
-A Little More To Make Me Happy
-Ability and Amiability
-Black Lips 2
-Close Your Eyes
-Comedy Hanahaki
-Currently Untitled (Stranger Kink)
-Detroit 2
-Douchy Dom Fic
-I Once Was Lost
-If Wishes Were Fishes
-Indelible Ink
-It Was All Phichit
-Peanut Butter Dick 2
-Phichit WIP
-Pounded in the Ascian
-Puppy Love
-RFP Fic Party
-Soulmate OT3
-Unearthly Night
-Until the Universe
-Untitled DSVerse
-YOI Leverage AU
-Yuri On Regency
I tag all the porn bots, and anyone else who wants to play along.  But mostly the porn bots.  AMUSE ME YOU FREELOADERS
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DirectorShellhead - FTH Contributor Page
See DirectorShellhead’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please send and ask to directorshellhead
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list at our FAQ)
DirectorShellhead’s offerings:
DirectorShellhead Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fic Subtype(s): n/a Fandom(s): Marvel MCU; Marvel 616 to a lesser extent Rating(s): Mature, Explicit Length/size: up to 5k words, 5-10k words, 10-20k, It depends on how much the bidder contributes (tell us more in the ""additional info"" section) Especially interested in: CHARACTERS: I'm a diehard Bucky fangirl, so you're gonna get the best work out of me if it's something that involves him. Characters I also write well and enjoy: Steve, Sam, Tony, Rhodey, Nat, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Alexander Pierce, and Vasily Karpov. THEMES: I really enjoy angst and psychological horror, fragmented/unresolved narratives, and darker themes and kinks. Dubcon, noncon, character death, and hurt-no comfort are all just fine by me (as are stories not involving these elements--just sayin', I'm wiling!). I'll do fluff, but I prefer it in the aftermath of more traumatic stuff, or as a precursor to it. PAIRINGS I'll write include Bucky/Steve, Bucky/Sam, Bucky/Nat, and really just about anything involving Bucky getting put through the ringer by STRIKE, Pierce, Karpov, the other Winter Soldiers, or assorted other Soviet/Red Room/Dept X/Hydra/generic baddies. I'll also do shorts of 1k-3k involving Tony/Pepper, Tony/Rhodey, or Maria/Nat. I LOVE MANY MANY OT3+s!CANON/AU: I prefer to work in canon, but I will write the SHIT out of these AUs: military/veterans, ABO, DSverse, canon divergence (e.g., what if Project Insight succeeded, what if Hydra or the Nazis won during WWII, etc.). Will not: I won't write Steve/Tony in the MCU, but I'll write them happily in 616verse. Please no xovers with other fandoms and no deaged/fairy/fantasy/HS/college/coffeeshop/band/animal (e.g., Bucky has cat ears, Sam turns into an actual bird, etc.) AUs. Notes: I will write 500wds-1k wds for $5, 1500-2000wds for $10, 3-4k for $15, 4-5k for $25, 5-6k for $35, 7-9K for $45, 10-15k for $50, and 15k-20k for donations $60 and above. I'm really a diehard Bucky girl. You'll get the best work from me if I'm writing something that involves him. :)
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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