#the editing on this show is unrivaled
agustdiv1ne · 9 months
ticket to nowhere (but your heart) (m) — cyj
pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: strangers to lovers au, photographer!yeonjun, artist!reader, fluff, angst, smսt
wc: 22.3k
synopsis: twelve days. twelve days is all you have on this godforsaken train to find the spark that will save your dying art career — but you never thought that you would find it in the enigmatic stranger that you can’t seem to stop running into.
warnings: mdni!! ageless + blank blogs dni!!!, mc is bad with feelings, is alluded to have anxiety, and is written as shorter than jjun (i'm sorry to my taller friends, i love you) + the same age as him (24), this takes place in various places across the u.s. (sorry in advance), mentions of food + alcohol, vvvvv brief depiction of potential self-injury when describing a painting, beomgyu + le sserafim's sakura, chaewon, and yunjin (called jennifer here just bc i felt like it) are featured, dom!jjun, sub!mc, soft sex, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), light begging, multiple orgasms, protected sex (hooray!), missionary, praise
note: part of @majestyjun's yeonjun bday event!! REPOSTED bc tumblr decided to not let this show up in the tags (edit: it's now showing up!!) </3 also my longest fic to date, so that's something
(cross-posted to ao3 here!)
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everything in your life is bland. gray.
the food that you eat, the people that you become acquainted with, the skyscrapers above you that grasp for the sky and fail to reach it — they have all become so monotone and somber and utterly lifeless. something within you gnaws at itself, aching with pain — though the sharpness of the feeling has been blunted by the passing of time — because you used to adore the city that you call home. you used to find unrivaled beauty in the skyscrapers that spread across manhattan, in the lush green parks scattered amongst the urban landscape that would turn warm and golden as summer metamorphosed into autumn, in the people that would walk by you with their unapologetic, unique fashion and confidence. the very things you used to love have dulled in hue, washes of the vibrancy you once appreciated and took significant inspiration from. 
throughout your apartment lay half-baked paintings and charcoal drawings and pieces with odd compositions from that one month where you went through a mixed media phase, staring at you with their paint-streaked eyes, mocking you. finish us, their fragmentary faces scream. they beg for you to provide them with souls, to be their maker, their creator — but not quite their god. you are not pretentious enough to go that far, to paint yourself as that self-important, that narcissistic. you are far from a god. if you were, you would be in a larger apartment, a penthouse worth millions of dollars in soho or maybe the upper east side. if you were a god, you would purchase the finest art supplies in the world, have your pieces be displayed in major galleries to be auctioned off for hundreds of thousands — no, millions of dollars by pretentious art collectors to be hung up in their gaudy mansions, their own slices of heaven. however, in reality, you fall exceptionally short of a higher being; in truth, you are a rather simple woman who had transplanted herself from her suffocating hometown to brooklyn as soon as you completed your undergraduate degree. a tiny little apartment in brooklyn, new york city, new york — an adumbration of purgatory, floating somewhere between heaven and hell. trapped, trapped, trapped. nowhere to go. 
sitting on your bed, the balls of your feet pressed against the cool wooden floor, you ponder if these thoughts, this density of emotions burrowing into your stomach, are a symptom of burnout. maybe even artist’s block, though in the past you’ve often remarked that the concept doesn’t exist. you had never experienced it, so in your sorely narrow-minded view, it simply couldn’t be possible, and other artists were simply blaming their laziness on this elusive concept. what a fool you were for ever thinking that. shame hangs like a heavy weight within your chest; who are you to criticize the experiences of other artists when you know how difficult a creative’s life can be? how could you be so insolent? 
a raging hypocrite, really, is what you think you must be. a blank, blurry stare scans over your space, the coolness of the floor spreading up into your toes. an easel in the corner, near one of the small windows that allows for a view of mostly red brick, a sliver of blue-brown water where the hudson and east rivers meet, and a few lower manhattan skyscrapers that tower high in the air across the watery expanse. it’s not that far from your bed, which sits on the wall opposite below a second window, the slightest bit larger than the other one. most of your apartment is taken up by supplies rather than actual decor, a jar of paintbrushes on your small, round dining table in the corner near your kitchen instead of a vase of flowers, works-in-progress on the walls rather than posters, pictures. 
you live and breathe art, and your entire apartment reflects that, but the oxygen is getting thinner and thinner.
even then, you’re not quite sure how long you have felt this way — it’s not as if you woke up one day and noticed the change. it wasn’t sudden like a car accident, slamming into you one second and leaving you to cope with the aftermath the next. quite the opposite, really, more akin to the tide slowly coming to shore, washing over more of your body with each incoming wave. soothing, flowing along with each ebb and flow, pulling you further and further away from the beach until you have nowhere else to go but down. 
weak fingers dig into the white comforter below you, curling into the fabric with a surging desperation — for what, you are unsure. comfort? someone to hold you? you haven’t felt the embrace of another, the warm sensation of lips pressed against your own, in an embarrassingly long time. the dating world had slipped from your hands long ago, shattering on the floor like a snow globe, your wants and hopes and desires to love and be loved soaking your lacerated feet and stinging as it enters your wounds. your mind trails to beomgyu, a fellow artist who you had met when you could afford a private studio in a warehouse one burrow over. he was fun, a sappy romantic, and he made you laugh to no end — but he ruined you. he moved across the country without warning and you’d never heard from him again, leaving you heartbroken and with questions you’d never get answers to. you wonder how he’s doing now, if san francisco is treating him well. his number is still in your phone. you should delete it. you need to delete it. you need to make dinner. you need to finish that commission. you need to do a lot of things.
you need to get out of here. 
fuck, you do. the desperation surging within your veins takes the new form of a beast, clawing its way up your throat. you need to leave the city and experience new places and see new things and—
finally, you wrench yourself off of your bed after hours of sitting there. snatching your laptop from the floor, you search. you search and search and search for something that will get you out of this city, albeit temporarily. several different trips to italy — too expensive, and too far away from here. an airbnb in florida — you’ve never been a fan of humidity, and you don’t think only seeing one city will be enough to sate you. come on, come on, there has to be something. 
and then you find it: twelve days on a train, across the country. stops in chicago, denver, san francisco, seattle, and even a national park for half a day before looping back through chicago and back to new york. this sounds…perfect. your eyes grow as wide as saucers at the price as you scroll down. for you, it’s expensive, so fucking expensive, but…
“you need to let go and enjoy life for once,” one of your friends told you at a party a few months ago, when you were experiencing a less incapacitating version of the burnout you currently face, when you had thought it was a mere blip in your unending motivation. of course, you hadn’t listened to jennifer and her sound (and moscato-induced) advice, opting to throw yourself further into your art and ultimately fail at creating anything worthwhile. you regret it now, because you feel stuck. terribly, utterly stuck — but this is your chance to change that. 
you need this; you can make the sacrifice to your already thinning bank account, you think. let go, enjoy life. let go, enjoy life — you repeat those four words over and over again as you type in your card information, as you click the button to book the trip, as you read over the confirmation email that outlines the steps you need to take before you leave. let go, enjoy life, and you will. you will, and you will relight that dimming, nearly extinguished fire within you while you’re at it. you’ll make damn sure of it. 
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day one. 
your heart is pounding. the rapid ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump roars in your ears like thunder as people upon people walk past, shoving against both of your shoulders as you stand in front of a board full of green and yellow and red. the sounds of voices and rolling luggage echo across the high, transparent ceilings of the station which allow for a view of the sky above. early mornings and you do not agree with each other, and today is no exception; poorly-veiled dark circles sit beneath your eyes, illuminated by the soft, warm light streaming in from above. looking down at your phone and back up at the screen again, you find that your train is thankfully on time, the bright green letters helping loosen the tightness gathered in your shoulders as you roll them back once, twice. your teeth skirt your bottom lip while you nod to yourself, then scan the spacious building for the escalator that will take you down to the correct platform. 
you hate that you’re nervous. the feeling twists your stomach into knots and flushes your face, cheeks hot as you stand there and wait out the remaining minutes before you can board. it doesn’t even make sense — you should be happy to get out of town, to go places you’ve never been to before, but all you can focus on is the unease creeping up your throat and blooming sour on your tongue. perhaps this is actually excitement that you are feeling. maybe you’re reading it all wrong — jennifer was more than ecstatic when you told her of your impromptu trip, saying “this is what you need! this might be your breakthrough!” 
ever since you met the her, she was always a degree more optimistic than you. looking on the bright side of things, no matter what dire circumstances lay splayed out across the dealer’s table. what’s stopping you from being the same way? several things, but at the same time, jennifer is right: you need this. your hands jitter with an odd combination of excitement and fear — maybe it’s simply the thought of solo travel that is so intimidating. yeah, it has to be. it will pass soon enough — hopefully. you roughly shove your set of headphones onto your head, slipping them over your ears. music will have to do for now, if only to prevent thoughts from racing through your head. 
once you board, you learn that your quarters are…small, though that was expected. it reminds you of your studio apartment, almost; cramped, but lacking the scattered paint tubes and canvases and miscellaneous mediums that you have not laid a single finger upon in months now. the small, travel-size tubes of paint sitting in your backpack weigh your shoulders down, begging to be taken out and spread across the small, flat canvases that are tucked snugly beside them. you muffle their pleas by turning up the music streaming through your headphones. closing the door behind you, you softly hum to the current song in your ears, shoving your suitcase in the corner of the room. 
once the attendant checks your ticket, you decide to take a nap — who cares if it’s early? you barely got enough sleep last night in the first place, too nervous to allow your eyes to shut. collapsing onto your bed, you pull the curtains next to it shut and allow yourself to drift off into a quiet, dreamless sleep.
you awake around noon with a growling stomach. with a sigh, you rub your tired eyes and sit up, smoothing out your rumpled shirt. after a quick look on your camera to make sure none of your mascara has transferred below your eyes, you make your way to the dining car that’s not too far from your own.
it’s nice, quaint; simply decorated like the rest, with large, square windows divided by thin pieces of wood lining each side. smaller tables line the wall to your right, two seats at each, while larger, four-person tables sit to your left. you opt for a two-seater towards the middle, tunnel vision blocking out the rest of the people present. you stare out at the greenery that blurs outside the window, listening to the low rumble of the train, mindlessly thumbing the laminated menu laying on the table. while you wait for the waitress to get to your table, a light, feminine voice knocks you from your own little world.
“excuse me?” the voice asks. you flinch in response, blinking hard as you look to your left and find two women sitting at the four-seater next to you. they’re both pretty, brown-eyed with full lips curved into twin smiles. they don’t look like sisters, though — more so friends. 
“yes?” you politely say, wondering what they could want with you. the shorter-haired one’s smile grows wider once you speak. she has a rounder face than the other girl, her black bangs ending above her eyes that are currently crinkled at the corners. 
“are you waiting for anyone?” the other girl asks, the one with a long wolfcut and wide, hypnotizing eyes. definitely not sisters, you think, they look nothing alike. 
shaking your head, you softly murmur, “i’m not.”
“would you like to join us, then?” the wide-eyed one asks, a hopeful glint shining in her eyes. 
“i...i wouldn’t want to intrude,” you reply. your mouth curls into something apologetic, as if you’re the one burdening them despite them being the ones to ask you. this interaction feels weird, awkward, and a very large part of you wishes you could melt through the floor and disappear forever. 
“you wouldn’t!” straight black bob chimes in, hands clasped together on top of the table as she leans towards you. cheery, excitable. “we wouldn’t mind at all, really.”
you nod with a tiny, somewhat nervous grin as you take the seat closest to you, right next to wide-eyed wolfcut. you offer them your name, unsure what else to give them. your age? your profession? your deep-seated trauma? okay, definitely not that last one. 
“it’s nice to meet you,” straight black bob says, while the other chimes in with a soft hum of affirmation. “i’m chaewon.”
“and i’m sakura,” wolfcut adds with a dip of her chin.
hands placed snugly in your lap, you pick at your thumb nail. your back is stiff in the chair, and you hope they won’t notice. “it’s nice to meet you guys too. are you traveling together?” 
both of them giggle, glancing at each other for a moment before swiveling their eyes back to you. for a moment, you’re confused. why was that so funny? they look to be decent friends, at least from your limited interactions with them thus far.
“we actually just met a few minutes ago,” wolfcut — no, sakura claims. oh, so they’re not friends, then. “we ran into each other— like, quite literally ran into each other.”
“it was…kinda bad,” chaewon laughs before she takes a sip of water. “my ass is still sore.”
you huff a laugh at that, all air and no sound, and the conversation continues with a light-hearted air to it. as the minutes tick by, you learn that chaewon is a graduate student taking a gap semester, while sakura owns her own makeup line, a small business that is beginning to pick up speed thanks to social media. one lives in brooklyn—
“no way,” you gasp at chaewon. “where at?” 
sakura, meanwhile, resides in upper manhattan. even more information about them bombards your brain as all of you begin to eat, but you doubt you’ll remember most of it by tomorrow, even later today — it’s alright, though. the three of you have exchanged numbers (to create a group chat) and have basically promised to be travel buddies for the coming days. your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard, grateful to find kind, welcoming people on this train — you’d think that jennifer would like them. the way they interact with each other is somewhat reminiscent of your and jennifer’s friendship. friends…yeah, you can see the three of you becoming good friends. 
“can we see some of your art?” chaewon asks, bob shifting like a wave around her head as she shakes it. oh, yeah. you had briefly mentioned your profession, though shame barred you from sharing your reasons that led you to this train in the first place. 
you cringe. “oh, well—”
“i’m sure it’s great!” she continues. “c’mon, pleaseee?”
with sparkling doe eyes and hands clasped tightly together, it’s difficult to say no — and you don’t, shaking your head a little as you pull up your instagram account. while you’re proud of the pieces you’ve posted on there, they aren’t your most emotional. those ones are saved in your camera roll, and that is where they will stay, only for your eyes (and a very few select others) to see. they coo and aw as they swipe through, your phone placed on the table between them. heat rushes to your cheeks as you begin to pick at the remnants of your lunch sitting on your plate. deep down, their kind comments cause an unusual sense of guilt to invade your heart. why couldn’t you produce shit like that now? what the hell is wrong with you?
with a polite smile, you thank them and move to excuse yourself before your pathetic sense of self-pity can consume you. they seem a bit surprised by your abrupt exit, but they also take it in stride, offering to text you later for dinner. slipping from your seat, you send them a wave before setting off towards the door from which you initially came. 
you don’t know what spurred you to make a stop at your room and snatch your sketchbook from your backpack before heading to the observation car, but after a whole lot of sitting and not one speck of sketching, you kind of, sort of have started to hate yourself for that decision. 
the open page in your lap is abysmally blank. no marks, no little trees or lush fields or flowers or anything that you see speeding by outside the window. your pencil has been poised against the page for the longest time, dark gray dots scattered across the page where you would press the point of the pencil to start making a mark and subsequently give up. another hour with no progress ticks by, but you still can’t make it move. move, why won’t your hand just move? 
flipping it shut, you lean back in your seat with a deep sigh. you can’t force these things, you know that much, but that won’t stop you from trying — and failing — to produce something. you’d rather not dwell on that for too long, though. those thoughts are what got you here in the first place. instead, you allow your tense muscles to relax, your eyes to lose focus and blur, blobs of green and blue passing by your vision. soft murmurs from other passengers meld together into a wall of droning noise, soft and soothing. 
that is, until the sound of someone settling into a seat a couple away from your own pops your little bubble like a sharp, pointed pin pressing into the skin of a balloon. blinking your vision back into focus, you take a quick glance to your right and—
holy shit, he’s beautiful. a sloping nose and pink, plush lips, you wouldn’t be surprised if he was a model of some sort with a face like that. his dark, slightly outgrown hair frames his side profile perfectly, sweeping back towards the back of his head where it begins to curl down the back of his neck. there’s this sort of dreamy, ethereal quality to his looks, like the universe took it’s sweet time creating him, lovingly placed tiny little stars in his sable, fox-like eyes and kissed his skin with the sun’s gentle rays, a light pink dusted across his cheeks — or, at least, the one cheek that you can see. bulky headphones sit snugly over his ears as he simply watches the landscapes pass by, one long leg crossed over the other. before you register the movement of your hands, your sketchbook is flipped back open to that very same blank page you’d given up on mere moments ago, fingers gripping your pencil once more. fluid like water is how your hand moves across the page, capturing the unique shape of his eyes, his soft yet defined jawline, the slope of his neck…
for the first time in months, you lose yourself in your work, yet you don’t even register this small breakthrough. peeking back up at the beautiful stranger every once in a while, you slowly carve out his likeness on the page in front of you, begin to add his surroundings and even a background, shading with light, circular strokes as you go, building up the deposit of graphite where it is needed most, defining the shape of his pouty lips and the strong cupid’s bow that connects his top lip to his nose, mapping out the flow and shape of locks of hair with dark, daring strokes, graphite pressing hard into the page. you even add some flyways for good measure. in your frenzied bout of drawing, you have hunched over in your chair, an old habit that is rearing its ugly head now that you don’t have a standing easel to work with. straightening your aching spine, you sit back and observe your sketch, wondering if you have missed any defining details—
and when you move to look up and take in his features again, he is staring right back at you. 
oh, fuck. 
frozen in your seat, you can’t tear your gaze away from his own, a hint of concern swirling in his irises. his eyebrows raise, eyes slightly wide as he tilts his head. the corners of his pretty lips raise, parting as if about to speak — and he does.
“are you okay?”
his deep voice snaps you out of your stupor, flinching before you quickly flip your notebook shut and sent him a tight smile paired with a nod, eyes darting around to look everywhere but him. your heart just might leap out of your chest at this rate, tear open your sternum and collide with the floor. you almost wish it would. 
he’s frowning now, a wrinkle between his eyebrows. “uh, are you sure—”
without another glance at him, you stand, clutch your notebook and pencil tight enough that it presses marks into your skin, and book it straight out of there with swift and featherlight steps. you don’t look back, far too embarrassed to even consider it, not stopping until you reach your room. the door is slammed shut behind you, but the nerves-induced ache in your chest won’t fade. pressing the cool backs of your hands against your fiery cheeks, you resist the urge to slap yourself. what the fuck is wrong with you? you should’ve just answered him and apologized for staring. he probably thinks you’re some creep now, with your weird little notebook and lack of verbal response — and the way you left. god, if a hole opened up and swallowed you whole, that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
“you are so fucking embarrassing,” you hiss, venemous words aimed straight at yourself, your head buried in your hands as you curl up on the bed. day one, day fucking one, and you’ve already made a fool of yourself in front of someone.
maybe you should stay in here for the rest of your trip.
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day two.
“...why is it so big?”
chaewon is referring to cloud gate — or, rather, what is more popularly known as the bean — a terribly ugly, silver, oversized, bean-shaped art installation that sits in chicago’s millennium park. an art installation that you, quite frankly, despise mostly due to the artist behind the work. given that anish kapoor is an elitist prick who has shit on the art world with his wealth and hates when people call his piece the bean, you take great, overwhelming satisfaction in calling it that. 
her question — paired with her furrowed eyebrows — causes you and sakura to snicker to yourselves. you’re grateful that they texted you this morning, had forced you out of your room because you actually were going to go through with your staying-in-your-room-forever plan (for today, at least). this park is your first stop of many, but you really want to get this part over with so that you don’t have to see this gargantuan, chrome bean ever again. despite its ugliness, you can admit that the slightly warped, mirrored reflection of the city that it provides is kind of interesting to look at, and it makes for some cool pictures. 
(still, fuck anish kapoor. you refuse to give that man any credit.)
you end up taking a photo of you flipping it off from afar, sending it to jennifer with a smirk before helping the other two girls with some of their own photos. here, there’s no pressure to create, only to enjoy and experience what surrounds you, no matter how tourist-y it may be. 
sakura slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you closer to her, arm extended out to take a selfie. your hand raises in a peace sign at the camera, smile bright and wide like the sun above. there’s not an inkling of worry in your expression — until you see him. 
the guy from yesterday, standing maybe ten feet away. he dons an unbuttoned striped shirt layered over a tank top which is tucked into baggy, dark wash jeans. a thin, black belt wraps around his waist, a small camera hanging from his neck, and his hair looks as perfect as yesterday, shiny and smooth under the unobstructed sunlight. thankfully, he hasn’t noticed you, but that doesn’t stop your smile from fading, your heart from hammering within your chest as your brain cruelly replays the events of yesterday afternoon in slow motion. you can’t face him right now. what if he comes up to you? what if he confronts you for your odd behavior in front of this crowd? these are worst case scenarios, sure, but they are potential outcomes nonetheless. as he begins to turn in your direction, you whip around, slipping from under sakura’s arm as you face the two girls. 
“you guys ready to go?” you ask, masking your worry with a tight grin. don’t ask why, don’t ask why, please don’t ask why.
“yeah, sure,” chaewon nods. “i think i’ve had enough of the bean.”
“same,” sakura laughs.
“we could grab lunch, then go to the aquarium and planetarium?” you suggest, one foot beginning to tap against the concrete as you look back and forth between them. are there eyes burning into the back of your head right now? you can’t tell, but the prickling on the back of your neck is not a promising sign. they look at each other, then back to you — a phenomenon that has rapidly become a habit for them — and agree. surging forward, your hands loop around their wrists closest to you, and begin to speed walk away. far away.
“uh, girl? this is the wrong way, we’re going deeper into the park,” sakura notes, heels digging into the concrete to slow you down. she’s right, you know she’s right, but you’re not particularly keen on turning around. 
with a sheepish grin, you say, “maybe we could take a walk through the park first?”
as if on cue, chaewon’s stomach emits an audible growl. 
“nevermind, then.”
turning around, you find the stranger facing your way, and for some reason, he’s already looking at you. his eyebrows raise in recognition the moment you make eye contact. all of a sudden, you wish that you could shrivel up and die. despite this, you rip your gaze from his and push forward, turning to speak to sakura so that you aren’t forced to glance in his direction. mission: avoid the stranger who now haunts your life — success!
goodbye, the bean and the guy who you embarrassed yourself in front of. hello, chicago-style pizza. 
you’re tired.
you’re tired and slightly more broke and your legs and feet ache to hell after the copious amount of walking you’ve done, but your day still isn’t over. no, despite the setting sun and rising moon, you still have one more activity on your itinerary — clubbing, by request of your newfound friends, though even they claim that they don’t often partake in the activity. similar to them, you’re more inclined to small get-togethers with wine, food from that thai place down the street from your apartment, and a good movie, but hey, this trip is all about experiencing new things. hell, maybe you’ll even enjoy it, who knows? at least, you’re going to try to, but the pain radiating in the soles of your feet and calves has worsened due to your high heels. the dress wrapped around your body is tight and flattering in all the right places, yet the hem rides up every few minutes as you walk. 
“the pessimism isn’t cute. quit it,” you hear jennifer’s voice echo inside your head, yet another phrase she’s uttered to you in the past. fine — on the bright side, you haven’t seen that good-looking stranger since the park. bam, positivity, go you.
sakura’s arm loops around yours as you reach the club that you collectively decided on earlier. her excited squeals at the prospect of alcohol (or, rather, more alcohol, since she pregramed a bit prior to leaving the station) and dancing are enough to bring on a weak headache that spreads across your temples. ibuprofen. you desperately need ibuprofen, but vodka will do just fine too — it’s the first thing you order at the bar, a straight shot with no chaser because at this point, you don’t care. let go, enjoy life, you internalize as you toss the sharp liquor down your throat, fatigue melting away as the alcohol enters your veins. 
cheers, jennifer. you still need to text her back.
one more downed shot later, and chaewon is dragging you to the dance floor. the bass pounds in your ears and vibrates the floor as the three of you sway to the upbeat songs. droplets of sweat begin to bead along your hairline, bodies packed so close together that it’s virtually impossible not to be jostled by a stray elbow or shoulder as you dance. if you were completely sober, it would be uncomfortable, but your hazy senses allow for you to overlook the sardine can that is called a club. it’s easy to lose yourself in the warm, heady air, in the way your hips bump between chaewon’s and sakura’s. inhibitions melt away — you’re free; no expectations weighing you down, nowhere to be, no one to be. only music, flashing lights, and the new, fruity drink in your hand, courtesy of sakura. 
“gonna take a breather!” you yell into chaewon’s ear, the alcohol finally catching up to you. she nods, yells words you can’t make out into sakura’s ear, and both of them begin to follow you out of the crowd. you sip at your drink as you push your way through, ducking under swinging arms and avoiding splashing drinks. the crowd thins as you grow closer to the edge of the dance floor until only scattered groups of friends remain.
“you didn’t have to come with me, y’know,” you say as soon as you reach a slightly quieter part of the club, taking a seat in an empty booth. “i can handle myself.”
“it’s better to stick together. less dangerous,” sakura refutes. some of the glitter that sits above her eyes had drafted down to her cheeks, glinting as a beam of bright light travels over the lower half of her face. “you never know what could happen in a club.”
chewing at the neon pink straw in your drink, you nod, “that’s true.” 
as chaewon and sakura fall into conversation, their words not quite reaching your ears, you silently scan the club. the darkness is cut by wild lasers and spotlights that whirl around and catch on the faces of countless strangers, their pearly, grinning teeth glinting and disappearing back into obscurity in a flash. you continue to nibble at your straw, vision hazy around the edges and an airy sensation in your limbs, as if you could float up to the ceiling. you look up at the multicolored lights, flashes of red and green and blue bombarding your vision, then back down towards the crowd.
and yet again, you find him in your sights. 
suddenly, your vision has a crystal clear clarity to it. button-down shirt wide open to reveal his toned torso, he smoothly moves to the beat with an intoxicated smirk painted on his lips, a small glass of amber liquor in his left hand. dark, outgrown hair, plush lips, those dark, dreamy eyes — that’s him. shit, that’s definitely him. 
“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you murmur, head collapsing into your arms on top of the cool wooden table. sakura jumps in her seat next to you, before scrambling to place a hand on your shoulder.
“are you okay?” she squeals near your ear, tacking on a worried call of your name when you don’t respond right away. honestly? you’re kind of not okay. you’re tired of encountering him at every turn and being reminded of your humiliating escape from him yesterday. you’re tired of him spotting you and sending you odd looks as if you’re the weirdest person he’s ever crossed paths with. you’re tired, you’re tired, you’re just so tired. 
you decided to go on this trip to get away from the mundanity of your day-to-day routine, to get over your spell of artist’s block and see new things, but maybe you bit off more than you can chew if you were going to allow one random person to ruin that goal for you. a random stranger shouldn’t have this much power over you. 
raising your head, you send them a half-hearted nod. “i’m fine. sorry.”
chaewon frowns, “are you about to throw up? ‘cause you look like you are.”
“you look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” sakura chimes in.
sighing, you shake your head. “i think— i think i need to use the bathroom.”
as you move to get up, they do as well — though you decide not to protest this time. there’s no point, really. your legs wobble a bit as you walk, face dropping once you notice that he is near the men’s restroom now, waiting outside right across from where you aim to go. head down, you scurry past him, ignoring how his eyes widen and his knuckles pale as he grips his drink tighter. chaewon and sakura are hot on your heels as you slip into the quiet bathroom. with the music from outside now muffled, you realize your ears are ringing. reaching a sink, you turn on the faucet and splash some water onto your face. hunched over the sink, your fingers grip the edge of the counter. deep breaths, now. deep breaths. this is likely the quickest you have ever sobered up, and the sensation is rendering you dizzy.
behind you, your friends exchange concerned looks through the mirror. sakura jumps into action first, coming up behind you and placing her hands onto your shoulders. with a gentle squeeze, she murmurs, “let’s get you back to the station.”
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day three.
today, the observation car is devoid of life — and so is your body after yesterday. can you overdose by taking too much ibuprofen? you’re pretty sure that you can. 
last night is but a blur in your memory with few spots of clarity, but you do vividly remember panicking in the dimly lit bathroom as the girls fretted over whether you were going to vomit all over the floor or not. you hadn’t slept much once you returned to your room after exchanging drunken hugs with your friends, assuring them that you were, indeed, not going to throw up. after a few hours of restless sleep, you’d completely given up on proper rest — you have never slept all that well with alcohol in your system, so you’re not sure why you thought this time would be any different. 
you take a seat far away from the one you took last time. clad in your pajama bottoms and an oversized t-shirt, you’re grateful that no one else is here to see you at your worst: slightly hungover with dark circles the size of dinner plates. your legs fold up onto the chair so that your knees sit near your chest, your arms looping around your shins, fingers laced together. a deep sigh. a long blink. though the rest of the sky remains an inky black, the horizon morphs into a deep purple, the color of eggplant, almost. perhaps a smidge lighter. 
a door opens, its hinges faintly squeaking, before subsequently clicking shut. figuring it must be someone older, you do not bother with checking who entered; most people your age aren’t up this early, especially not willingly. instead, you keep your eyes trained on the ever-changing sky, chin resting upon your knees.
footsteps near you, and you assume that they will pass, but then they don’t. rather, they stand right in front of you.
“may i sit here?”
you have heard this voice before, just two days ago. unsurprisingly, he stands a mere few feet away, clad in a black tank top and gray sweatpants, a long finger pointed towards a seat. similar to you, small dark circles sit beneath his eyes, but he somehow makes them work. once you nod, one corner of his lips twitches upward before he sits down, a singular seat separating your bodies. his gaze burns the side of your face; your arms wrap around your legs tighter, your unwavering stare pointed out the window. silence envelopes the train car, tense and suffocating. your lungs tighten, prickly thorns sprouting within the thin membranes. your bottom lip may begin to bleed if you keep chewing at it so carelessly.
he breaks it first, shatters it like glass colliding with the floor, with five words:
“i’m really hungover right now.”
your brows furrow. why is he trying to strike up a conversation with you? why do you want to answer him? 
he continues before you can formulate a response, “i saw you at that club last night — you looked a little sick. are you okay?”
“peachy,” you curtly mumble, lips pursing. of course he remembers you; you did pass by him, after all, basically sprinted into the bathroom with the grace of a bull in a china shop. he hasn’t mentioned the park, but you know damn well he remembers that too.
you can sense the frown from his tone, confusion lacing the edges like delicate lace. his question is careful, slowly intonated as if he’s scared of pissing you off. “uh, did i do something wrong?”
you shake your head, not a single glance spared in his direction thus far. he hasn’t. your attitude is a direct result of your own actions, your own rampant anxieties. a pang of guilt punches you in the gut — he does not deserve your bitchiness when he, quite frankly, has done nothing but exist in relative proximity to you. 
“you haven’t,” you reply, voice meek. your eyes trace over the short fibers of the plain carpet below your seat. “i’m just— i’m sorry.”
the low rumble of the train fills the air again, no further words spoken between the two of you. there’s no clear way to explain yourself further, but your apology is sincere; with a brief peek, you find him staring out the window.
“can i ask why you keep running away whenever you see me?” the query lacks an accusatory edge. rather, curiosity and interest cushion his voice. maybe…maybe he doesn’t find you that strange, after all.
and finally, after two days of avoiding his gaze, you swivel your head to face him. you find a tilted head, a single humorous, raised eyebrow. despite yourself, you begin to smile. “honestly?”
“i’d prefer honesty, yes,” he grins.
“i—” you hesitate for a moment, then continue, “i was embarrassed.” a grimace paints your face, dragging your brows down and twisting your lips. “after, y’know…”
“running away the first time?” he supplies.
your mouth flattens into a thin line, a hand moving up to scratch your cheek. “yeah, that.”
laughter reaches your ears, partially nasally. rolling your eyes, your mouth splits into a grin. 
“i get it. i feel like i definitely startled you, so no hard feelings.” he pauses, starry eyes widening in what you believe is realization, “i never got your name.”
easily, you supply it, cheeks flushing with heat when he offhandedly comments that it’s pretty. if he notices your sudden flustered state, he doesn’t comment on it, and despite the warmth now slithering down your neck, you feel yourself relax back into your seat, legs leaving their curled up position to cross at the ankle in front of you. then, he offers his own. yeonjun — at long last, you have put a name to his handsome face. 
out of nowhere, he asks, “have you had breakfast?” 
shaking your head, you gesture to your pajama bottoms. “not yet, i was going to grab some after i changed.”
“i don’t know, i think the plaid pants are pretty fashionable,” he chuckles. you join him. “c’mon, i saw an old guy wearing boxers and a shirt in there yesterday. i’m pretty sure it’ll be fine.”
you giggle, “that’s kinda gross, but alright. let’s go.”
peering out the window again, you find that the sun has just peeked above the horizon, a wash of orange fading into blue, melting together like watercolor. smiling to yourself, you stand and begin to follow yeonjun towards the dining car.
you and yeonjun had gone your separate ways hours ago, but not without exchanging contact information. since then, he hasn’t stopped texting you, his talent at keeping any conversation going shining in direct contrast to your, well, lack of said talent. however, you do find yourself replying to him with ease — he makes it so easy to do so, mostly due to the fairly unorthodox topics he likes to bring up. currently, you’re talking about the animals that scare you the most. why? because that’s the nature of yeonjun’s conversation skills, you suppose.
another voice message pops up in your chat, about ten seconds long — one of his more obvious quirks. most of his messages are sent in this form, not that you mind. his voice is as pretty as the rest of him. heart-fluttering. okay, stop. you just met this guy. 
(jennifer always does say that you fall too easily. maybe she’s right.)
pressing play, his voice enters your left ear via your single earbud. “no because hear me out: dolphins have fooled you into thinking they’re nice. manipulated you. they literally torture their prey— and they use puffer fishes to get high! i can’t make this shit up. my fear is justified, i swear.”
under your breath, you chuckle, an elbow leaned against the dining table. after a long nap, you had texted the girls to see if they’d like to get dinner with you. of course, they said yes, but you decided to get here a bit early to grab an open table. the car is already packed as it is.
“what’re you laughing at?” unexpectedly, sakura’s head appears over your shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of your phone. out of habit, you lock it, your reflections staring back at you through the black screen. as she sits next to you, chaewon, takes the seat across from you, elbows placed on the table and her hands supporting her chin. she sends you a knowing smile.
“is that your boyfriend?” she prods. the question causes your mouth to fall open for a moment before you snap it shut. 
“no!” you exclaim. “it’s just a friend.”
“sounds like a boyfriend,” sakura surmises, exchanging a conspiratory nod with the other girl. you release a groan, hands shielding your fiery hot face before you drag them up over your hair. 
“he’s not my boyfriend,” you shoot back. “we just met today.” two days ago, actually. if you can count that.
their mouths open in tandem, shock coloring their features. is this a big deal, or something? you aren’t even dating the guy. 
“you met a guy and didn’t tell us?” sakura grasps your arm with both hands, shaking the limb with a strength that shouldn’t be possible to come from her thin body. “you should’ve told us! we can be your wingwomen!”
“wingwomen?” you echo dumbly as you stare at her. wingwomen, as in, like, jennifer-style wingwomen? as in trying too hard to set you up with someone and ultimately embarrassing you in the end wingwomen? your love for jennifer knows no bounds, but she’s ruined the term for you long ago with her terrible luck. a shudder runs down your spine, and you grin nervously. “i don’t think that’s necessary.”
“of course it is! i’ve always wanted to do that for one of my friends, but they’re all taken already,” chaewon pouts, irresistible puppy dog eyes appearing. “c’mon, please?
“i doubt he’d want to date me, though? we’ve literally only talked once, so really, it’s okay.”
“once is enough,” sakura declares, suddenly tilting her body closer to yours. “tell us, is he cute? what’s his name?”
they’re obviously not going to let this go, and you have no power to really stop them. 
sighing, you officially give up, “yeonjun, and yes, i do.” unfortunately. 
chaewon claps her hands together, an audible smack! echoing from her palms. her smile is blinding, a supernova of pearly white teeth and pink, upturned lips. “perfect! we can work with that.” 
“i already have an idea: ask him to hang out tomorrow,” sakura says, and you send her an incredulous look, glancing at chaewon for a moment to find that she’s excitedly nodding along to the idea like an excitable puppy. her round eyes sure make her resemble one.
you shake your head. “i can’t do that, it’s too forward.”
rolling her eyes, sakura tosses her hands up in the air. “too forward my ass! how do you expect to bag him?”
“i don’t!”
chaewon chimes in, an open hand reaching towards you, “alright, give us your phone. we’ll text him for you.”
“absolutely not!”
it’s comical, how all three of you pivot your wide-eyed gazes to the phone clenched in your fingers. the flash of yeonjun’s name across the screen is enough to send your table into chaos. 
“open it!”
“what did he say—”
“calm down, oh my god!” you shriek, sending an apologetic look to the couple next to you when they look over. fingers fly over your keyboard until you’ve reached his contact. words, this time, no voice message. butterflies burst into your chest.
yeonjun: do you have anything planned for tmrw? 
after scanning over the message herself, sakura pokes at your shoulder. “tell him you don’t.” 
with a deep, heavy sigh, you do as she says.
[6:37 p.m.]: not yet, why?
“that’s too dry,” chaewon comments.
“shut up, i’m trying,” you hiss. it takes him a few minutes to respond, minutes in which you internally panic. was your text really too dry? in the meantime, you place your dinner order with a kind waiter that stops by, a hearty dish that you can drown your sorrows in the not-so-off chance that this goes terribly, terribly wrong. another ping sounds from your phone’s speakers, and time stops once you read what he sent. clocks stop ticking, you stop breathing, everything around you freezes.
yeonjun: do you wanna grab coffee in the morning then? :)
sakura sends you a sharp look. “i doubt he’d want to date me — are you seeing this right now? or do you need me to spell it out for you? this is a date, babe.”
“it’s not,” you counter weakly. you only (officially) met him today, so, “it’s really not.”
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day four.
contrary to what sakura claimed, this is very much not a date — but you’re happy about it. 
he keeps a respectful distance between your bodies as you walk, you pay for your own coffee, and you pull your own chair out when you go to sit down. it’s simple, it’s friendly, it’s a bit awkward, but there’s some things you have to sacrifice when making new friends. the croissant you’ve decided on is on the drier side, a little too flaky. you nibble on it anyway in a poor attempt to ignore the silence that has fallen between you once again. this is why you try to meet people through other friends; at least in those situations, you have a buffer, someone who knows you and the other person well enough that they can find connections between you without having to dig. you hate digging — you’re the worst at it, hence the stifling quiet that permeates the air now.
the café is quaint, if a bit moody thanks to the lighting. outside the window, the denver street teems with people, and you decide to survey the passing strangers rather than look at the man sitting across from you. wisps of fluffy white clouds float high above, sometimes passing over the sun. you wish you had your supplies with you — this would make for a wonderful painting. 
turning your head, you find yeonjun holding a camera, the lens pointed at…you? you hadn’t noticed it prior, so you are unsure where he got it from. it looks like the same one he had at the park. a bashful smile appears as soon as he places it on the table. “sorry, the lighting was perfect. can’t ever pass up a nice shot.” you study the camera for a moment, and he takes your lack of response as a sign to continue, “once i edit it, i can definitely send you a copy. do you wanna see it?”
a photographer. yeonjun is a photographer. you’re not sure why it’s taken you this long to realize. maybe because you’ve been avoiding him up until now? you think. shaking the thought away, you smile. “i’d love to see it.”
he presses a few buttons, a focused twist to his plush lips, before he’s sliding it over to your side of the table. he’s right: it was a nice shot, and while you don’t often enjoy how you look in photographs, he’s found an angle that highlights your best features as you gaze outside, a slight part to your lips and your eyes wide open, shining. the sheer amount of contrast between the dark café and your warm-lit face scratches an itch in your brain. you can see it now — the golden pigment wetting your brush before being placed on the canvas, being blended into an umber, almost black, but not quite. a splash of umber here, a hint of red there…
“is this your job?” you decide to ask. 
the sheepish expression returns in full force, but there’s a hint of pride in his eyes. he’s proud of his work. “yeah. i’m not, like, famous or anything, but i enjoy it. my mom said that when i was a baby, they put a stethoscope, a gavel, a camera, a microphone, and a test tube in front of me, and i chose the camera, so it was basically meant to be,” he chuckles, but, realizing that you’re staring at him, he pauses for moment. crimson paints the tips of his ears; it’s a color that you’re pretty sure sits in your travel set. “sorry, was that too much?”
“not at all,” you reply softly. “that’s a lovely story, yeonjun.” 
“thanks.” shyly, he bites down on his bottom lip, sucking it between his teeth before releasing it. a beat of quiet passes, then he’s asking, “how about you? what do you do for work?”
for some reason, the question looms over your head like a storm cloud. it’s unavoidable and dark and heavy. a bitter taste fills your mouth, different from the aftertaste of your coffee, but you try not to let your sudden drop in mood show. 
“i’m an artist, though i don’t think many people would consider me one nowadays,” you snicker, but the self-deprecating edge to your words is not lost on yeonjun. 
wrinkles form in the space between his brows. “what do you mean?” 
“i…” you trail off. you should tell him. you should rip the bandaid off and quit avoiding facing it for what it is. “i haven’t finished a piece in months. i feel stuck, almost? like nothing is resonating with me, if that makes sense. it’s the whole reason i went on this trip. it’s humiliating, not being able to draw a single thing without hating it— sorry, that’s definitely too much.” 
“no, no, you’re fine,” and he’s sincere in his reassurances. he doesn’t look at you like you’re some sort of failure for how you feel. he doesn’t spew out a hollow apology to absolve him of the weight you’ve transferred to his shoulders, nor does he seem to mind that he’s helping you burden it. his hand reaches over the table, hesitant for a moment, before his fingers curl over yours, his warm skin against yours. you stare at his hand, but you don’t move away from his touch, allowing him to give your hand a delicate squeeze. looking back up, you sit frozen under his gaze. it warms your insides, melts the icy shards solidifying in your lungs that make it hard to breathe. “none of that makes you less of an artist. it’s something every artist goes through — hell, i’ve gone through it, and it’s okay to feel that way. it’s real and it sucks to feel like you can’t accomplish anything, but there’s nothing wrong with it. eventually, it will pass on its own, but until then, it’s not a sin to lean on others for support.”
tears almost, almost prick your eyes. however, you push them down; there’s no way you’re going to cry in public, in front of him. absolutely not. he squeezes your hand one more time, his thumb brushing over yours, before pulling away. “and if no one else will listen, i will.”
“thank you,” you croak out, blinking rapidly, taking a long sip of coffee in order to buy yourself a few precious seconds to cloak your emotions. a calm veil falls over your face soon enough, and while you hate to be the one to change the subject, you feel like you should. “do you want to go on a walk? it’s too nice out to stay in here all day.”
he doesn’t question the sudden change, humming in confirmation as he scoots his chair back. “it really is nice out. do you have any other plans?”
“not really,” you say, pushing the door open. the warm breeze caresses your face. “i’m trying to be spontaneous—”
sakura and chaewon appear to your left, each carrying a couple bags that look to be stuffed with clothes. you vaguely remember them mentioning going thrifting, but you didn’t know that they’d be in the same part of the city as you. chaewon comes in for a hug, whispering into your ear, “he’s cute.”
glancing up at yeonjun, sakura feigns ignorance, “who’s this?” 
thus, your friends meet the one man you’d rather keep them away from, if only to prevent their wingwomen shenanigans. you have zero clue what they have planned, but you’re sure none of it can be good. 
“we were just on our way to the botanical gardens,” chaewon sings. “if you’d like to join usss.”
wordlessly, you and yeonjun communicate, only raised eyebrows and tilted chins. somehow, you understand exactly what he’s trying to convey. do you want to? do you? i don’t mind if you don’t. alright, let’s do it.
when you do arrive at the gardens, yeonjun’s fingers find your wrist, holding you back for a moment. his free hand gestures to the camera hanging around his neck. “mind being my model for the day?”
you blink. you, his model? “oh, um. i think chae and kkura are a bit more qualified—”
“no way,” he laughs. “i’m the professional here, and i want you. no one else will do.”
i want you — god, those three, simple words send a visceral shiver down your spine. a want, a need, an overwhelming desire for…you’re not even sure, but something all-consuming blooms behind your sternum like a moonflower in the night. with a coy dip of your head, you smile to yourself, allowing the feeling to surge through your veins, consume every fiber of your being.
“alright, mr. professional. lead the way.”
it’s early in the evening when you return to the station in a giddy haze, arm looped around yeonjun’s. the photo session had been a success; by the end, you were drunk on the compliments he aimed your way, on the way he treated you like glass as he directed you into a specific pose, the fleeting sensation of his fingertips pressing into your skin burned into your memory. 
closing the door to your room, you press your back into it, squeal into your palms like you did when you were sixteen and harboring a silly little crush. because that’s all it is right now, really: a foolish crush on a man that you probably won’t see again after this trip. you can fantasize all you want, but in the end, that’s what it is. those invading negative thoughts get drowned out by the movie playing behind your eyelids — a replay of the day. you swear you can feel every touch of his skin against yours, every ray of sunshine that kissed your skin and gifted you its warmth. scurrying over to your bag, you locate your supplies. 
and you begin to paint. 
a flurry of lilacs, a blurry figure among them all, defined only by a flowing white button up and brown, wide leg trousers, black streaks of hair and nothing more. yellow daffodils and vibrant emerald sweetgrass take shape, a cerulean sky, fluffy clouds. it’s messy and you kind of hate it, but it’s something. something is on the canvas, it’s dynamic, it has character.
“okay,” you mumble, staring at the brushstrokes, going over them again and again. “okay.”
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day five.
“can i draw you?” 
a spur of the moment question, borne from the golden sunset gracing his cheeks, highlighting strands of his hair. the day has passed quietly today, mostly spent in your room sketching to your heart’s content. though mostly inconsequential doodles paired with terribly cheesy words of prose that even your most romantic friends would scrunch their noses at, these exercises in creating without a specific goal in mind seem to be helping. a part of that gray fog over your world has been wafted away by an invisible hand, and everything is a bit more vibrant, closer to its true hue; while nothing about your creations are particularly special or groundbreaking, going on this trip is now beginning to prove its worth. 
yeonjun’s head tilts, and you shrug. “what? i need practice.”
“okay, as long as you promise to show me afterward,” he challenges, and you immediately shake your head. 
“i’m only going to show it to you if it turns out well,” you decide. you think back to the painting sitting in your room, still a bit wet, the paint overworked to hell. that one is staying a secret. it’s not good enough to be known by anyone else — and certainly not by him.
“then no deal.” when you give him a pleading look, he raises his hands. “i show you my pictures, you show me what’s going on in that sketchbook, it’s only fair.”
“fine,” you hiss, fishing your sketchbook from your bag. “get comfortable, and don’t even think about moving.”
with a suppressed grin, you take in the planes of his face. he’s shifted to face you, intent eyes trained on you, which makes your job harder. gulping, you raise an arm, mapping out his proportions with a thumb. the process of pressing intentional marks into the page is a slow one, exacerbated by his unwavering stare. you have to look out at the mountains every once in a while to allow oxygen back into your lungs, and even then, the action proves difficult. graphite scratching paper is backed by the low murmur of other passengers in the observation car as you work, capturing the fading light that casts shadows across his face. however, your creative juices quickly run out, likely sapped by your painting escapade that extended far into the night. the shape of his eyes isn’t quite right, and no matter how much you erase and try again, there’s always a slight detail off about it. too narrow, too round, too—
the tip of the pencil snaps, the point rolling across the page and falling onto the floor. you curse under your breath. 
“is it done?” yeonjun asks, leaning forward. his hands gently take your sketchbook from your lap before you can protest, and you watch as his expression shifts from neutral to slack-jawed. 
“that’s…you’re…wow,” he starts, then never finishes. he still hasn’t torn his wide eyes away from the page, flitting around as he drinks in every miniscule detail, while you pinpoint every single thing wrong with the drawing.
“it’s bad,” you deadpan. “give it back, i need to fix it.”
he frowns. you seem to make him do that a lot. “there’s nothing to fix.”
“there’s everything to fix.”
“it’s literally a carbon copy of me,” he counters. “you’re crazy.”
“says the one who can’t see the shape of his eyes right now. the lash line isn’t straight enough at the top, the nose isn’t quite right, the hair lacks form. it’s terrible.”
for the first time since you met him, yeonjun is annoyed. eyes narrowed and dark, he locks his gaze into yours, throws away the key. you can’t move while he tosses the worn sketchbook back into your lap, a hand running through his hair, locks raising with his fingers and flopping back down into his face.
“i know what it’s like to be your own worst critic,” he says, voice soft like a lullaby, standing in direct contrast to his firm expression. “but it’s one thing to be critical of your art, and another to resent it. you’re a wonderful artist, y/n. talented isn’t enough to describe you, but negativity is going to get you nowhere. it holds you back.”
he’s right — you loathe that he is, and you more so hate how he sounds just like jennifer. your nails skirts the fraying edge of the leather cover in your laps, picking at it like you would with skin, peeling cracked flakes off to reveal a soft underbelly of lighter-colored suede. wine red versus warm tan. you feel like you’re being admonished, a child who’s misbehaved. you feel small, but at the same time, you need to hear it. you’ve been coddled enough. 
“i used to hate my stuff too, y’know. never thought it was ever that special, but that’s what made me underestimate myself. that’s what made me settle for less, that’s what made me lock my camera away in my closet for the longest time until i felt i was ‘ready’ to use it — but who was i to say i was ready? how do you know when you are? honestly, you don’t. you won’t ever know. all you can do is create and create and hope that you eventually make something that you’re proud of. until then, you keep trying, you figure out what’s working, what isn’t, and go from there. in the end, everything you create is a reflection of you, and that’s the beautiful thing about art. it bares your soul, it strips you down to the rawest parts of yourself that you may despise right now — but it’s still you. and don’t you think you deserve to give yourself some grace?”
his words strike a place deep within you, an ache beginning in the center of your chest and snaking out like the roots of a tree into your stomach and throat. you do deserve some grace, don’t you? you don’t spew venomous words towards your friends or strangers every day, yet you do it to yourself without a second thought. why? you bring yourself and your skills down any chance that you get. why? your art is merely an extension of yourself — is this how you forever want to feel whenever you are drawing? whenever you’re sculpting a piece? no, not at all. your head raises. 
“have you ever thought about becoming a public speaker?”
he lets out an incredulous scoff, but there’s still an inkling of teasing in his tone, “is that all you got from my mini speech? i thought it was amazing. life-changing, even.”
“no,” you deny with a tight-chested laugh. “but there’s not much more to add. you’ve said it all for me.”
the passing mountains are purple now, the greenery a muted magenta. in this moment, you decide the yeonjun is an enigma; untouchable, unreachable — standing too close to his bright, technicolor world would burn your muted one to the ground. if you are icarus, then he is the sun sending you plummeting down into oblivion.
but you want to touch him, you want to burn.
you want to feel alive again.
“let me draw you again,” and maybe it won’t be your best. maybe the slope of his chin will be crooked, maybe the intrinsic sparkle in his eyes won’t be quite right, but there’s a conviction present in your tone that causes him to smile.
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day six.
“are you really trying to have a dick measuring contest with the seals right now?”
san francisco’s iconic pier 39 is abustle with tourists, but you and yeonjun are currently at the very back of the pier, where seals soak in the sun on little wooden docks constructed just for them. at the moment, yeonjun is trying to out-seal the seals with loud barks and hoots, mimicking their distinctive sounds. yeonjun is still making noises, people are starting to stare, and you are beginning to want to climb over the wooden fence and jump straight into the ocean. 
“yeonjun, please stop,” you plead, hands gripping the sleeve of his t-shirt, yet he doesn’t stop, honking back at the seals once they respond. you tug a bit harder. “c’mon, people are staring. the seals don’t care how loud you are, you’re not proving anything.”
“i’m proving a lot of things right now, actually,” he quips before he’s going back to making noises that are unbecoming of a human being. this feels like a cruel form of exposure therapy.
you try pulling at his sleeve again. “c’mon, yeonjun.” and again. “yeonjun!”
“okay, okay, i’ll stop,” he cackles, turning to face you. he’s close — too close to be considered platonic. his hands could come up and hold your waist right now, pull you closer into his chest. it causes you to take a step back, and it’s as if he can sense the heat radiating from your cheeks, leaning down towards you with a smirk. “you embarrassed?”
“of course i’m embarrassed,” you hiss. “how are you not?”
shaking his head, his grin grows impossibly wider. “if i buy you lunch, will you forgive me?” 
pretending to think, you look off to the side, then back to him. of course you will. “maybe.”
“i’ll take that as a yes,” he laughs as he falls into step next to you. the air is much cooler here than at your other stops, a gray blanket of fog rolling in on the horizon that cuts into the clear blue sky. he sends you a hopeful look as he asks, “y’feeling clam chowder?”
with a tiny shrug, you confess that you’ve never had it before. with a dramatic hand placed against his chest, he gasps, “you live in the northeast, and you’ve never tried it? that has to be some sort of crime.”
chowder hut is his restaurant of choice, a circular, well, hut that sits by its lonesome across from the infamous pier. it’s a place he used to go when he lived in san jose and took day trips here with his cousins, he claims. the restaurant holds a lot of fond memories for him, this whole city does. you wonder what those memories entail.
“i got you a small one in case you don’t like it,” yeonjun says as soon as he returns with your food. a tray is placed in front of you: a round sourdough loaf carved into to create a bowl, filled with cream-colored, steaming-hot chowder thick with chunks of potatoes, pieces of bacon, and, of course, clams. digging a spoon in, you take your first bite — clean, briny, slightly sweet, bursting across your taste buds like tiny little firecrackers. your eyes widen at the taste, buzzing in delight against the spoon poised to your lips. he grins. “it’s good, right?” 
you hum in agreement, swallowing another spoonful. you’re crazy for never having tried this before. twenty-four years of living, and you had no idea what you were missing out on. you’ve missed out on a long of things, it seems, but you’re beginning to catch up on them with the help of yeonjun — as well as sakura and chaewon, of course. you could never forget about them.
“you’re forever going to be connected to clam chowder in my mind now, i hope you know that,” you say, tearing into the walls of the bread bowl. the remnants of the salty chowder have soaked into the bowl, mixing perfectly with the tanginess of the bread. yeah, you wouldn’t forget this in a million years; it’s too delicious to forget. 
“you do that too?” he asks. you send him a questioning glance. “like, connect people to food.”
“yeah, i guess i do,” you ponder. “my mom reminds me of this one dish she always made me as a kid. my best friend reminds me of wine, since that’s what we drank when we first met. it’s also her favorite. and now you…remind me of clam chowder.”
he chuckles, “great, i’ll always be the clam chowder guy to you.”
you giggle back. “it’s not a bad title to hold. you could be, i don’t know, the terrible clam chowder guy.”
“fair enough. i’ll take it,” he declares before he shoves the last piece of his bread bowl into his mouth. his cheeks puff out, similar to a chipmunk, and you resist the urge to chuckle at the image in your head. “now that i think about it, i don’t do it with just people — a lot of my fondest memories are connected to food, too. something human about it, y’know? food is its own form of love. or, at least, i think it is.”
“no, i completely agree. there’s something special about sharing food with others — it’s kinda intimate, i guess? especially if you’re cooking for someone, those are some of the most vivid memories for me.” 
nodding along with you, he’s leaning forward, elbows resting against the table. the corners of his lips quirk up. “you get it. the intimacy of it, i mean. my mom has always said that food is the best way to a person’s heart — food brings people together. it’s amazing.”
“yeah,” you beam. “it really is.”
for a moment, conversation ceases, the two of you smiling at each other, leaning forward over the table. your mouth opens to speak, but a loud caw draws your attention away from his hypnotizing eyes. you watch a seagull swoop in to harass a man that sits two tables over, his glasses skewed on his face as he tries to keep the bird from stealing his food. arms wave everywhere while the seagull screeches at him, flapping its wings on top of the man’s head. after a brief second of shock, the sight has you nearly doubling over with laughter, unflattering shrieks sounding from your throat. it takes a minute for your giggles to subside. while you wipe a tear from your lash line, you look back at him — and freeze.
he’s staring at you like you hung the stars in the sky, chin supported by his palm. his mouth curves into something serene and fond, hooded eyes scanning your face as you stare back. you’re no longer smiling, mouth parted as you wait for him to say something, anything. he doesn’t, so you move to break the intense air brewing between you.
“is…is something wrong?” with a flinch, his eyes blink rapidly for a second, coming back into focus. he sits up straighter, leaning into the back of his chair.
“i just— nevermind. sorry, spaced out there for a second,” his chin dips towards his chest before rising again, the tips of his ears flushing cherry. he looks nervous, almost. “um, if you’re up for it later, we could grab dinner at this korean restaurant i used to go to? it reminds me a lot of my parents. i think you’d like it.” 
while you’d rather ask where his head is at right now, what he was going to say before he stopped himself so abruptly, you say, “i’d love that.”
he was right, you do like it. 
the restaurant is cozy, a little hole-in-the-wall in the heart of the city where less tourists roam. the food is delicious, flavorful meats and fluffy rice and various veggie side dishes that you can’t stop eating. as he snaps some photos of the place, he tells you the decor reminds him of restaurants in seoul, of the mom-and-pop shops he’d frequent there. that at some point or other, some of the owners would start recognizing him when he came in and gave him extra food free of charge. 
“so you lived there for a while? in korea?” you ask as you watch him some meat for the two of you to share. the action is second nature to him, each piece staying on the grill for the same amount of time, flipped only once. you bring a piece to your mouth — it’s perfectly cooked.
“i was born there, in a town near seoul,” he says through a mouthful of rice. “moved around a bit, but i lived in seoul for most of it ‘til i was eighteen. then i moved to new york for college, but dropped out after two semesters to pursue photography. it’s been six years since i moved to the states.”
“you said you lived in san jose for a while earlier.” you tilt your head at him. “when was that?”
“ah,” he starts. “i studied abroad when i was in elementary school and stayed with some family there— do you want some more meat? i can order more.”
your meat supply has dwindled down to two pieces. there’s still room in your stomach, so you nod. “sure.”
he calls over the sole server on shift, speaking to him rapidly in his native tongue. the server glances over at you for a brief second before focusing back on yeonjun. out of their entire conversation, you recognize one word: friend. it’s a term that jennifer taught you a while ago, one that has stuck with you because she now likes to jokingly call you that every now and then. an inside joke between the two of you.
when the server leaves, yeonjun is left a flustered mess. your eyebrows raise. “why’s your face so red? what’d he say?”
“nothing! it’s just from the kimchi! it’s really spicy here,” he quickly claims before he’s gulping down half a glass of water. you, quite frankly, don’t buy it for a second, but choose not to pry. 
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day seven.
of course, at least one thing has to go wrong on a trip like this. mechanical problems with the train has rendered everyone stuck in the golden city until tomorrow morning, at which another train will take over the rest of the trip. the station is across the bay, so amtrak has given every passenger a voucher to pay for a night’s stay at various hotels across the city — customer’s choice, no less. to be safe, you choose the one closest to the bar chaewon and sakura want to check out tonight. once you told yeonjun where you decided to stay, he used his voucher there as well. he wants to stay near you, he says, to make it easy to find each other.
today, the girls join you and yeonjun at pier 39. they partake in bread bowls, they watch yeonjun embarrass himself at the seal docks, they send you knowing looks when he pays for your food. when yeonjun finds a street performer with a dance mat and wastes no time in starting a battle against the guy, they tell you that he’s trying to impress you.
“he’s not,” you whisper to them. “that’s just how he is. i promise.”
night begins to fall, and they suggest going to a bar for dinner, more for the drinks and not the food. you accept, and in turn, so does yeonjun — though you immediately regret not thinking the decision through more. the bar is dangerous. not in an external hazard sense, but in more of a you’re scared of getting drunk and vomiting your blossoming feelings onto his shoes type of sense. you keep your drinking to a minimum, still on your first drink an hour in. next to you, however, yeonjun is starting to collapse in on himself, hunched over the counter of the bar as his third drink kicks in. a giggle bubbles up from your throat. you never pegged him to be a lightweight. 
“let’s get you some water,” you gently suggest, a comforting hand on his shoulder. waving the bartender over, you ask for a glass, helping him sit up and take a sip. his chin falls onto your shoulder this time, eyes hazy as he looks up at you with a dopey smile. 
“you’re really pretty, did y‘know that?” he slurs, leaning further into you as an arm wraps around your waist. his barstool screeches across the floor, shifting closer to yours. you freeze as shock fills your veins, nerve endings beneath his touch on fire. he pokes your warm cheek. “s’pretty.”
you blink. hard. “yeonjun, you’re drunk—”
“no ‘m not. ’m perfectly— ‘m perfectly fine,” the words stumble out of his pouty lips drenched in fatigue, his tone whiny and petulant, as he turns in his seat to wrap his other arm around your waist, forehead now sagging against your shoulder. your body stiffens up, tense muscles frozen in place as he continues his delirious ramblings. 
“i need to go to the bathroom!” you all of sudden exclaim, attempting to pry his arms off of you. he only squeezes you tighter, whining how you can’t leave here alone. you sigh, patting his hair, “you could wait outside?”
he accepts the offer, but doesn’t remove his arm from your waist as both of you stand. despite his almost six foot tall frame, you are forced to support him as he stumbles along towards the bathrooms and pray that you don’t twist an ankle in the process. when you reach the women’s bathroom, he still doesn’t let go. 
“nooo, don’t leave meeee,” he whines, pulling you back into his chest while your hand grips the door handle. calling his name, you slip your hands beneath his and grab them to pull them off of you.
“i’ll be right back, i promise,” you say once you situate him against the wall, his shoulder hunched and his head hanging down towards his chest. you give him a worried pat on his head before disappearing into the bathroom. in reality, you do not have to go. instead, you stand in front of the mirror, taking in your blown out eyes, feeling a scorching heat encase your face and spread down towards your chest. he’s drunk, you remind yourself. he doesn’t know what he’s saying. 
you wash your hands once. twice. three times, allowing the cool water to run over your heated skin. you splash some on the back of your neck. calm down. calm the fuck down. 
you are, indeed, not able to calm the fuck down before a flurry of knocks reverbates against the door. yeonjun’s voice follows soon after, asking if he can come in, if you’re okay. “why have you been gone for so longggg? i miss you!”
“no! don’t come in!” you yell, glad that all of the stalls are vacant. making your way back over to the exit, you wrench open the door and find him standing there, fist raised in the air as if he was going to knock again. 
he blinks once. then, an impossibly wide grin splits his face. “you’re back!”
stepping forward, you allow the door to swing shut behind you. arms wrap around you once again, but this time, you stumble backwards into the wall. when you look up, his face is just above yours. 
oh, fuck. 
this feels like a repeat of day one all over again, you trapped under his gaze, but this lacks the distance of that day. the unfamiliarity with each other. his hands haven’t left your waist, fingers pressing into your flesh over your thin dress, while the wall presses into your back. you have nowhere to go, but maybe you’re more drunk than you initially thought, because his lips look very inviting right now. you watch his eyes trail down to your parted lips, then back to your eyes, tongue darting out to swipe over his bottom lip. his eyelids hood his dark, hazy pupils. the muscles in his neck contract, his adam’s apple bobbing as he leans closer, an electric attraction between your lips. you tilt your head, eye fluttering shut, moving closer, closer…
“y/n! there you are!” 
yeonjun jumps away from you as chaewon rushes up to you. her hands find your shoulders as she cries, “kkura twisted her ankle really bad! can you help me?”
you turn your head towards yeonjun, then back to chaewon, whose wide, rounded eyes plead you to come with her. “okay,” you say softly. “let’s go.”
yeonjun follows close behind, and all you can think of is what would have happened if chaewon didn’t show up. sakura’s ankle ends up being fine, and getting her back to her hotel room isn’t too difficult given the close proximity of the hotel. 
four days. four days you have known yeonjun, but it feels like it’s been years since you met each other. that fact strikes fear into your heart, remembering that the last time that this fast burn of feelings in your heart occurred, you ended up a brokenhearted mess for months. if yeonjun is the sun, his overwhelming heat melting you down into a puddle, then beomgyu was a black hole, all-consuming and ripping pieces of you away when he abruptly up and left. you’re unsure if you can go through that again, but at the same time, yeonjun doesn’t give off the impression of a drifter who wouldn’t tell you he’s leaving until after the fact. he’s a constant, a steady fortress. reliable, enduring. 
“good night,” yeonjun murmurs, both of you standing in front of your door. 
“good night,” you parrot back, rocking back on your heels, but you don’t really want him to go. knowing that isn’t realistic, you settle for opening your arms up towards him. for the first time, he hugs you good night, his lithe arms wrapping around your waist while he presses a drunken kiss into the crown of your head, and a feeling of being home washes over you. 
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day eight.
he sits closer to you now. no longer is there a gap that separates your bodies, a full chair between the two of you. now, he sits right next to you, thigh brushing against your own. his hand sometimes finds your knee, never too high on your leg, never uncomfortable. just…there, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the skin. neither of you mention what transpired between you last night, his affectionate words, the mere centimeters that separated your lips before chaewon interrupted. nevertheless, an unspoken barrier between you has broken, its bricks torn down by the hands of intoxication — due to alcohol, but also because of each other.
the almost-kiss replays in your mind in a constant loop; the woody citrus of his cologne is still strong in your nose, the warmth radiating from his flushed cheeks a phantom against your skin. you want to talk about it. you want to rip open the memory like a pomegranate for the two of you to share, but you don’t. you don’t know what you would do if you ruined…whatever this is that you and him have going on. he’s become a sort of constant in your life that you don’t think you can live without. you like him; you can admit it now. what you feel is not just a mere attraction anymore, an artistic appreciation for his unique features. he brings out a brighter part of you, a part that has been buried deep into your soul over the years, beneath layers of grime and dirt and negative experiences that you won’t let go of. the gray film over your eyes has been wiped clean by him, him and his beautiful heart he so easily bares to others. his heart that is so full of love — love for being alive, love for others — you wonder if any of that love could ever be for you one day.
he watches you sketch, you let him snap photos of you doing so. you share a small bag of chips, greasy fingers brushing against each other during those times in which you both reach in tandem. for hours, you sit together in a silence that is no longer awkward, but soft and tender. shoulder against shoulder, skin against skin. words aren’t required, your actions speaking for themselves. you bask in it all.
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day nine.
the space needle isn’t that impressive.
you’re sure it’s a much better experience when you’re at the top, but yeonjun shares a fear of heights with you, so there’s no way in hell either of you are going up there. instead, you stand beneath it, amongst an ever-moving sea of seattleites and tourists, and wait for chaewon and sakura to come back down from the tall building. 
at the beginning of this trip, you’d allow for a few feet of space between your bodies, but slowly, it’s diminished to a scant few inches. you don’t really register this gradual change, as natural as it was. every once in a while, his pinky brushes against yours. neither you nor yeonjun move to do anything about it, either by pulling away or linking them together — a state of limbo that is befitting for a pair of strangers falling for each other. to make the dive into the unknown or to stay on the surface where it’s safe, that is the question.
“how much longer do you think they’ll be?” you ask, staring up at the pointed top of the tower. the sky is gray today, a bit chilly, but it’s an expected sight in washington during this time of year. “i’m getting hungry.”
yeonjun huffs a laugh, lightly elbowing your bicep. “maybe we could grab something real quick. i saw this taco truck nearby—”
“y/n? is that you?”
you’d recognize that deep timbre anywhere. the man that dropped your heart on the floor and vanished from the earth before he could watch the aftermath, the man that you never wished to see ever again.
turning around, you find beomgyu.
your phone slips from your hand, clattering against the concrete — but you can’t bring yourself to check if the screen has shattered. instead, yeonjun grabs it for you, rising with it as he anxiously asks if you’re okay. you don’t answer, too busy staring at the man now standing before you. he’s changed; his shorter hair has grown out past his ears, dyed a warm brown, though his black roots are apparent; soft pastel pullovers and light jeans have been swapped out for black slacks and a dark brown leather jacket, clothing choices more mature than when you last saw him. why is he here? you thought he lived in san francisco — you would’ve been less shocked to run into him there, but in seattle? 
“i moved here a few months ago.” shit, did you say that out loud? “i could ask you the same thing.”
“i’m on a trip,” you quickly answer, no further explanation leaving your mouth. 
he nods nonchalantly. you think you see his eyes flit to yeonjun for a second. “cool, cool.” 
“yeah.” why won’t he walk away already? your feet are glued to the cement, jaw tense as you try not to cry. the memory of him texting you that he had left the city and things between you won’t work out come rushing back. why now? how can he show his face to you after all he’s done?
he nods again. “are you here for long?”
“just— just for today.”
“well, i’d love to catch up with you before you leave. i’ve missed you a lot. maybe we could grab dinner tonight?” his smile is soft, hopeful — manipulative, in a way.
“i’m actually pretty busy today,” you begin, but of course, you have no idea how to tell him no. “but maybe if i’m free later.”
“great!” he exclaims, hands now in his trouser pockets. he looks over at yeonjun again, the upward curve of his lips flattening. “i need to get going, but i’ll text you later. you still have my number, right?”
“i think so.”
“cool.” his smile grows excited. “see you later, then.” beomgyu turns to walk away with a confidence in his strut that he didn't have when he lived in new york. when he was dating you. how shameless can he be? soon enough, he disappears into the crowd. blinking, you wonder if that really just happened, turning back toward yeonjun. his jaw is set, eyes still staring at the point where beomgyu vanished. the gray clouds feel suffocating now. the cool air constricts your lungs. you want the cement to open up and swallow you when his hardened eyes turn to you.
“who was that?” yeonjun asks, tone casual, but there’s a…jealous? edge to his question. you’re looking into things too much — there’s no way he’s jealous right now. 
“...my ex,” and it hurts you to admit it. his eyes darken as he utters a soft “oh.” you sigh, “yeah.”
he won’t look at you anymore. why won’t he? you didn’t do anything wrong. you had no control over beomgyu showing up. he purses his lips. “are you gonna meet up with him?”
your head shakes on its own, words escaping before you can think about them. “i don’t know, yeonjun.” 
“okay.” biting his lip, he turns so that he faces the space needle again, stepping away from you. you feel like strangers again, an ocean of distance between you bodies. “yeah, okay.”
you don’t meet up with beomgyu.
meanwhile, yeonjun is nowhere to be found. after the beomgyu incident, the two of you waited in tense silence for your other friends to return. he then made up some lame excuse to leave, and didn’t turn back when you called his name. you haven’t seen him for the rest of the day, even when you return to the train. he won’t respond to your texts. eventually, you stop sending them; he obviously needs space for whatever reason, so you will give him it. 
the terrible, painful thought of ruining everything you had with him sits in the forefront of your mind, taunting you. the girls try to distract you, showing you silly tiktoks and youtube videos and the like, but you simply offer them a half-hearted huff each time. once you explain what transpired while they were gone, however, their tune changes a bit. 
“y/n, i’m going to be very honest, and i need you not to take it personally,” sakura replies. though your head lays on top of your folded arms, you signal that you are listening with a bob of your head. she continues, “your response wasn’t the best. it probably confused him, and now he doesn’t know if you’re still hung up on this guy or not. if one of his exes came up to him while with you, and he told you he didn’t know if he was going to meet up with them later or not, how would you feel?”
“shitty,” you mumble into your forearm. 
“exactly. so give him space for now, and when he reaches out, explain and apologize. you owe him that much.” sakura sounds just like jennifer — they’d definitely get along. 
“i know. i will.”
the waiter comes around with water, and you order a strong cocktail to go along with your dinner.
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day ten.
“has he texted you back yet?” sakura asks for the thousandth time today.
when you shoot her a defeated glare, she gets her answer. no, of course he hasn’t. he hasn’t responded to you since he left. “you said to give him space.”
“yeah, but i didn’t know he’d fall off the face of the earth,” she shoots back. sighing, you tip your head back against the wall next to her bed. a lake passes outside, surrounded by tall grass and trees. small hills rise behind the blue expanse, but you don’t feel the same urge to grab your sketchbook and translate the view onto the page anymore. it’s funny, how easily one person can affect your mood, turn everything upside down with the mere lack of his presence in your life. 
“he just needs time.” chaewon opens a can of soda with a pop! and takes a sip. “maybe it affected him more than we realize.”
“‘cause that makes me feel sooo much better.” sarcasm drips from your voice. “i’m such a fucking idiot.”
there’s a half-day stop in glacier national park tomorrow. will you see him, or is he going to avoid you for the rest of this trip? will you ever see him again? the emotions that swirl within you are reminiscent of how you felt before you met him. that grayness. that sinking sensation festering in your chest that claws it’s way down into your stomach and shreds it apart. you said that you wanted to burn, you wanted it to hurt, but this feels all too fast. too much.
sakura makes a noise in disagreement. “no, it shows that he cares about you. you just have to make sure you clear things up with him, and tell him that you like—”
“if you’re going to tell me that i need to confess my feelings to him, i really don’t think i can do that.”
“why?” chaewon prods. “what’s stopping you? he obviously likes you too.”
beomgyu. beomgyu is the fucking reason why. you can’t bare your heart to someone again, lest you get hurt all over again. after all that has happened, if yeonjun doesn’t reciprocate, it will confirm your worst fears — that you aren’t built to receive love, no matter how hard you try to mold yourself into a person that is deserving. dread churns in your stomach, rises into your throat like bile, acidic and fervid, as thoughts of worst case scenarios where you pour your heart only to hear “sorry, i don’t feel the same way.” you can’t do it. you can’t allow yourself to spiral again. however, you don’t divulge your reasons for holding back, remaining silent as you trace the patterns on the ceiling. 
after a deep, shuddering sigh, you give them a three word explanation: “i don’t know.”
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day eleven.
stepping off of the train into fresh air sharpens your dulled senses. the national park is beautiful, for lack of better words; thickets of trees spreading out in all directions as far as the see. the sun is rising over the mountains that stretch high above your head — you’re starting to enjoy this view more than the lifeless skyscrapers that await you back home. the train station looks more like a little lodge than an actual station, but you appreciate its quaint character. reddish-brown wood makes up the majority of the small-scale building. it looks like a place where people would spend the night in, with a warm, cozy fireplace in the wintertime, and wide open windows in the summer to allow the refreshing breeze to waft in.
meandering down the path behind the station into a field of tall grass littered with bunches of tiny, white flowers, you begin to reflect on everything that has happened on this trip. originally, you went on this stupid trip with the goal to find inspiration, and last night you had a very important realization: yeonjun is that something — you started drawing again because of him, you started looking on the bright side of things because of him, and most important of all, you fell for him. you didn’t just fall for him in the way an artist falls for their muse, no. you fell for him as a person. getting to know him has been one of the best parts of your trip, but now all of that has gone down the drain because yeonjun hasn’t responded to you in over twenty-four hours and you have not a clue what to do to try to make things right. if he doesn’t wish to speak to you, then that’s that. it’s over. whatever momentum this fleeting relationship had has been effectively pummeled into the dust that would blow away with even the gentlest of breezes. 
you wish you could appreciate this view more. your paints sit in your backpack back in your room, out of sight so that you don’t have to think about them, nor hear their pleas to be used. although you now know why you lack the drive to paint and draw and generally create once again, no clear-cut solution to your problem comes to mind. instead, you wander through the grass towards a large, squatty boulder, climb on top of it, and plop down. your knees curl up towards your chest while your arms wrap around them, fingers tracing random patterns against your shins. fatigue solidifies in your bones, but the tranquility of the early morning the quiet tucks a blanket of peace over your body, swaddling the edges around you, cocooning you in.
you sit there, taking in the sounds and sights of nature, for hours. the chirping of birds sings a melody over the whisper of trees in the breeze. a deer leaps across the open field, disappearing into the trees, her fawn following close behind. bighorn sheep graze in the distance, their circular horns reminding you of cornucopias. 
the rustle of trees and grass obscure the sound of approaching footsteps from your ears. it’s not until yeonjun begins to climb onto the boulder that you notice him. you hug your legs tighter to your body as he sits next to you, but not too close. an invisible wall separates you. he does not look remotely near your direction, his focus far out in the trees. staring at him, you wonder what to say. i’m sorry? i have feelings for you?
“i never met up with him.”
he still doesn’t spare you a glance. assuming he wants you to continue, you do. “i don’t know why i said what i said, but it was shitty of me to put you in that position, and i wanted to say that i’m sorry. i was just shocked, i guess. to see him. he ruined my perception of a lot of things, jjun.” jjun. that’s a new one. you are quite unsure where it came from, it slipped out before you could think. no matter, he’s looking at you now, and it’s your turn to look out towards the horizon. “trust, commitment, love…”
his gaze burns into your temple. you take a deep breath, fingers clenching the fabric of your jeans. “they’ve all been ruined for me. it’s hard for me to trust anyone after what he did. i’m terrified that the people i grow close to will wake up one day and leave me without a word. i’m scared that i’ll never get the closure i deserve when they do. worst of all, i’ve stopped believing that love is in the cards for me, like there has to be something wrong with me for him to have left me like that—”
“don’t. don’t you dare say that about yourself.” whipping your head around, you finally meet eyes for the first time in nearly two days. they aren't soft like they usually are when they look at you, but hardened, guarded. “there’s nothing wrong with you. you have every right to be hurt, and he’s honestly a piece of shit for doing that to you, but it’s unfair to assume that everyone that comes after him will be just like him.”
“i know, and i’m sorry. i know you’re not like him.” he doesn’t respond, and you begin to chew at the inside of your cheek. you watch an ant crawl its way across the rock beneath you. the small insect disappears over the edge. 
silence. you begin to count the seconds. one, two, three, four—
“i’m sorry for not texting you back. i just needed time to think about things. a lot of things,” he starts. “i felt weird, for some reason. didn’t know how to talk to you about it.”
you offer him a tight-lipped smile. “no, i understand. i forgive you.”
important words remain unspoken, but both of you refuse to address them. instead, his hand finds yours, he links your fingers with his, and both of you peacefully watch the sheep graze across the field.
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day twelve.
not everything is fixed yet. 
despite being on speaking terms again, strain pulls your relationship taut. the unspoken words from yesterday hang heavy in the air, but you can’t bring yourself to give them a voice. you want to. your voice won’t work every time you try.
sitting next to yeonjun on his bed, you scroll through various forms of social media, bookmarking work that you find particularly interesting in between catching up on your friends’ posts. jennifer has been thoroughly caught up on what’s been going on after a long overdue apology for not responding to her texts. she understood, of course she did. she’s known you long enough to know how you can shut down whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed. 
“i’m proud of you for telling him. i know it’s hard for you to share, honey,” she cooed to you over the phone last night. “but you need to tell him how you feel before it’s too late.”
you know that. you know damn well that once you get off this train, it may all fall apart, a budding romance distinguished by reality. there’s no security, no safety net for you to fall into if you take the leap, and while he showed you an inkling of how he felt yesterday, who’s to say he’ll feel that way tomorrow? the next day? are you willing to tear your heart open for him to consume if there’s still a chance of him throwing it away when all is said and done? 
you don’t know the answer to that question. honestly, you don’t know the answer to a lot of those questions, stuck in this state of self-imposed purgatory. to rise or fall, what is the best choice? you don’t fucking know.
“is that yours?” he asks from over your shoulder, at a ceramic piece in your feed made by one of jennifer’s acquaintances. his breath snakes warmly over the expanse of your neck due to his proximity, his head so close you could turn and just kiss him— 
stop it. 
“oh, no. um.” you shift away from him slightly. distance. some distance feels more comfortable right now. “i don’t sculpt. i just paint, and draw.”
he makes an ahhh of understanding, leaning back onto his palms, the mattress sinking down with his weight. he’s staring at you like he expects something from you. what shall you give him? when you don’t say anything further, he does. 
“can i see some of yours, then?” it’s an innocent enough request. rather than simply press on your account, your fingers move on their own until you reach your gallery. why? are you really about to bare your soul to him? you guess so, because he’s gently taking your phone from your fingers after gaining quiet permission from you. 
he asks you questions as he pulls up certain pieces. the thought process behind each one, what made you do this, place that color there, how you came up with the composition, what the meaning of it all is. you try your best to explain each one. sometimes, your choices were the product of spontaneity. you thought yellow would look nice at that spot, so you put some there. her nose is crooked because it gives the piece more character. the color of the drapes in the background are blue for no particular reason other than the fact that your reference photo had blue drapes. you continue in a cycle of question, answer, question, answer, and some of your answers are more emotional than others. you remember where you were, both physically and mentally, when making all of these. you remember the ones you made when you were having a bad day, the ones where you felt like you were on the top of the world. 
then, he pulls up one that you wish he didn’t. it was buried so deep into your gallery that you have no idea how he found it — your most dreaded hyperrealism piece: a woman lays on her back, hair fading into the foreboding, void-like background. her face is twisted up into an abject sadness, a deep-seated pain that even now, you have no idea how you captured so vividly. her veiny left hand is splayed next to her head, thin crimson threads tied to each finger so tight that she has begun to bleed. the strings fall limp beside her, severed from their counterparts that meander off of the canvas. more red threads loop their way around her neck, pulled taut as if to choke her — and to her throat, she holds a pair of sharp-pointed scissors, hand gripping the metal tight enough to pale her knuckles. 
it’s dark. it’s terribly dark and you wish he never saw it. why did he have to see it? why did he have to choose that one? the world tilts on its axis as he stares down at the picture of your most soul-baring work, though you think it would be worse if he saw the actual painting in person.
“what’s the story behind this one?” he asks quietly. your lungs expel all air, and you’re left gaping for more. breathe, come on, you have to breathe. your inhale is shaky, shuddered. breathe. say something.
“that one…” your voice trails off into something quiet. scared. “i made it when i was in a really— really dark place mentally, um. i made it mostly because—”
he’s looking at you now, concern shining in his irises, but you push on. 
“because i stopped believing in fate.”
while you could say more, you stop yourself there. you hate digging — digging into your deepest fears and emotions that you keep locked behind a wall so that you never have to feel them. a pandora’s box sits in the center of your heart, wrapped with chains to keep them imprisoned. somehow, though, you think yeonjun knows what you really want to say: you meeting each other wasn’t fate to you, but a gross series of coincidences, and when he asks if you think so, you simply nod.
“but out of everyone on this train, i met you. i got to know you — shouldn’t that mean something? can’t that be considered fate?” he presses. something akin to desperation laces his words, an urgency you’ve never heard from him. 
it sure feels like fate, doesn’t it? after all of those times that you ran into him, how he found you in the observation car when it was just you in there, how your feelings have unfolded like taking apart a paper crane in the short nine days you have known each other — it feels like it should be fate, you want to admit that all of it does seem like the universe’s divine intervention. maybe you running away was really just you trying to deny your fate to meet yeonjun while on this train. maybe him finding you was fate, an apology from whatever is above for what they put you through a year and a half ago.
“i think—” you hesitate. “i think so. it’s hard for it not to when i feel like i’ve known you my entire life.”
and you sit there and he’s smiling at you like you just created the earth with your bare hands. chicago passes outside the window. the sun shines high in the sky over the high rises, glints across glass panes and into his room. all you have is one more day on this train, and most of it will be spent sleeping tonight. he’ll wait for you tomorrow, right? would he wait for you forever?
“you know, i tell most people that my name is daniel.”
tilting your head, you echo, “daniel?” 
he hums as he scoots a bit closer, planting his feet on the floor next to yours and leaning forward. his knees support his elbows as he stares down at the floor. “it’s my english name. i used it when i was in college, i use it for my work, but for some reason, when i met you, my actual name, my given name, came out instead. call me silly, but i think my heart knew you’d become someone special to me. i wanted you to use my actual name — the one my parents call me. the one my closest friends call me.”
“oh.” why does your chest feel so tight right now? 
he sucks his lips behind his teeth for a moment. “yeah.”
sitting there, you wonder how you should respond to that. words expelled like an exhale of air, colliding with each other in front of your eyes, unable to be unscrambled by your mind. this time, it’s you who reaches over, closing the distance between you with a hand over his. his palm flips open to meet your own, your fingers linking together like matching puzzle pieces. you take a deep breath, and squeeze. 
“thank you,” you whisper. thank you for being here. thank you for helping me find myself again.
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day twelve (point five). 
“i’m gonna miss you guys so much!” 
chaewon is basically on the verge of tears at this point, constantly blubbering how she is going to miss hanging out with you every day as she pulls you and sakura in for a hug over and over again. sakura laughs as she pulls away for the thousandth time this afternoon. “girl, it’s gonna be okay. we’re gonna meet up for coffee soon, right?”
she looks towards you, and you give an enthusiastic nod. “right. i’ll invite my friend too. she said she’d love to meet you guys.” 
chaewon’s pout doesn’t vanish, but she looks a little less emotional after all of your reassurances. blinking back the remnants of her tears, she nods with a watery “okay.”
you bring her in for one more hug while sakura asks, “have you seen him yet?” 
“no, i haven’t heard from him since last night.” your teeth worry your bottom lip, peeling a piece of raised skin off. the sensation stings. 
her lips purse sympathetically, a hand being placed on your shoulder. “i doubt he’d leave without saying something to you, don’t worry. he has to be around here somewhere.”
“yeah, you’re probably right.” as chaewon pulls away, you check your phone again. no texts or calls yet. doubt ricochets around in your brain, but you know yeonjun; he wouldn’t do that to you. 
“i’d love to wait with you, but my manufacturer is pissed i didn’t call them back yesterday, so i should get going,” sakura admits with an apologetic smile. her fingers squeeze your shoulder one time before her arm drops back to her side. 
“i should go too,” chaewon sadly adds, kicked puppy eyes in full effect. “my cat is waiting for me. my friend said she was a little demon the whole time i was gone.”
“it’s okay,” you laugh, shooing them away jokingly. “you guys can go. i’ll be fine.” 
with a last group hug, they grab their suitcases and head towards the hallway that connects the train station to the subway lines. sakura twirls around, walking backwards as she calls, “keep us updated! we need to know everything,”
“of course!” you yell back, grin widening. chaewon turns back too to wave, and you wave back. eventually, the crowd swallows them up, and you are left alone to wait. a few minutes pass, and you realize that this sea of people will likely make it impossible for either of you to find each other. his contact is pulled up on your phone, your thumb hovering the call button. you look around one more time—
and he’s standing right there, mere feet in front of you, in all of his glory, long hair still flopping into his face, eyes still dreamy and all-consuming. you stand there for a moment, simply staring at each other with stupid, goofy grins overtaking your faces. long legs carry him over to you, and before you know it, you’re wrapped up in his arms and pulled into his strong chest. you bury your head into the side of his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne.
“thank god,” he murmurs into the crown of your head. “i thought you might have left already.”
pulling back, you fix him with an incredulous stare. “what in the world made you think that? i was waiting for you.”
his ears tint an opaque red, the raised apples of his cheeks flushed a similar hue. he’s bewitching, and despite knowing that since the very first day — the day that you drew him for the first time — there’s so much more to him than looks to you now. he’s beautiful in both body and soul, in heart and head. one hand removes itself from your middle to cup your jaw, steadying your gaze with yours. your heart pounds, knees weak like a newborn doe’s as he stares deep into your eyes. blinding are the emotions swirling in his dark irises, but it doesn’t burn anymore. it’s more like the caress of the sun in the springtime, bright yet gentle in its own right. 
“this feels long overdue for me to say,” he begins, eyes closing as if to steel himself. when he opens them again, resolve has been added to the mix. “but i have feelings for you. i’ve never fallen for someone so quickly. i’ve never met someone like you, and i just— i knew, from the very day that i saw you, that we’d have something to do with each other. and then we kept running into each other, and i just thought wow, this has to be—”
“yeonjun,” you call, interrupting his ramblings. he pauses, eyes wide and anticipatory, as your hand moves up to cover his on your jaw. you can’t help the tremble in your lips as you speak. “i feel the same way.”
his lips purse, hiding a smile, before he surges forward and embraces you for a second time. the pure, unadulterated joy that the action brings you is like nothing you’ve ever felt before, and you’re almost…sad, when he pulls away.
“can i take you out on a date?”
the question throws you off kilter, and you have to catch yourself before you fall face first into his chest. “like, right now? with our suitcases and everything?”
“i’ve done much worse,” he chuckles, ruffling his hair, only for the locks to fall back down into his eyes. “but i meant later today, maybe? around six? i have to go take care of some things i neglected before i left.” 
“that sounds wonderful,” you gush. despite your best efforts in keeping your excitement to a minimum, you bounce up onto your toes for second, heels sinking back onto the floor. you swear he mumbles a quiet “cute” under his breath before he’s slipping his hand into yours.
“perfect,” he beams, before he playfully continues. “shall we be off to the subway then, my lady?”
giggling, you fall into step next to him, your arm swinging with his between you. “we shall.”
he’s right on time to pick you up, dressed casually but not too casually. a cool beige, short-sleeved button-up is tucked into a pair of straight-legged black jeans that stop at his waist. the chunky converse on his feet cause him to be a bit taller than usual. evidently, he is distracted by his phone, head ducked down as he waits for you to show up.
“yeonjun!” you call out, causing his head to snap up. once he does, you find that he’s somewhat styled his hair back — most of it has been swooped back towards his ears. a few strands fall into his face, but his forehead is fully exposed, and he looks…amazing. sometimes, you wish you were a poet instead, because then you’d have the words describe what you were feeling, what you were seeing. his jaw drops at the sight of you, dolled up in a jean skirt and frilly tank top over a thin long sleeve, your makeup soft and flattering to your features. 
“hi,” he breathes, and you repeat the greeting back to him. “you look…wow.”
“thanks,” you, biting your glossy lip. as his focus flits down to where your teeth dig into the soft flesh, you shyly smile, releasing it. a shock runs through you, new and carnal and it warms your stomach when he bites down on his own lip for a split second. “um, i know we didn’t really talk about where we were going to go, but there’s a thai place down the street from here, if you wanna go there? it’s my favorite.”
“of course,” he accepts, offering his arm to you. you loop your own through, standing close to him with your fingers pressing into the crook of his elbow. “lead the way.”
now that neither of you feel the need to skirt around your feelings, silence no longer lingers between pauses in conversation — both of you are able to pick it back up with ease. you meant it when you said that you feel like you’ve known him your whole life, and it reflects in the way you banter with him without worry or care. it’s…nice, freeing, not having to think too hard about what you’re about to say. natural. everything with him feels so natural. 
when both of you are sated, in both terms of food and conversation, he offers to walk you back to your apartment. the sun is beginning to set, and the sky has faded into a wash of rosy pink. the hue reflects the giddy feeling churning in your chest, rendering you light-headed and dizzy and fuck you just want to kiss him—
and he does. standing in front of your apartment building, he swoops down and captures your lips with his. slow, unhurried, his lips taste sweet like thai tea and are as soft as clouds. no one leads the other, no one moves to deepen the kiss. no, instead, you and yeonjun savor the taste of each other, the syrupy, vertiginous feeling of your first kiss together. when he pulls away, his lips have a slightly swollen quality to them, though you’re sure own look the same. you don’t want him to leave yet. you want more, you want something carnal and irrepressible that, by the way he’s looking at you, he wants too. playing with the locks of hair at the nape of his neck, you pant against his lips. “come inside with me, please?”
soft eyes darken, and he takes your breath away once more with another kiss, hands squeezing your waist. once he separates your lips from his, he rests his forehead against yours. nerves flutter in your stomach. “okay.” 
you find it terribly difficult to keep your hands off of him as you unlock your door, as it shuts behind you. for a minute, you stand there, waiting for something, anything to happen — then he’s crowding you in against your door and his lips are on your again. although there remains an air of softness, urgency fills the gaps where your lips don’t quite meet as they meld together, his tongue slipping into your mouth to curl with your own. your shoulder blades press into the cool wood of your door, the warmth of his body against your front a dizzying contrast to your scattered mind — but you want more. you want him.
when he slips a knee between your legs and knocks them apart, you let him. when he presses that knee into your core, encourages you to grind against it, you let him, you listen. whining into his mouth, you tug at his shirt, at his belt loops, his hair — anything you can get your hands on, you’re pulling at it, grinding down harder as his jeans rub your soaked panties against your aching pearl. a cry rips itself from your throat, mouth leaving as your head is thrown back against the door. “y-yeonjun—”
“patience, love. i’m gonna make you feel good,” he mumbles as he ravages your neck, nipping and sucking at the soft skin. his hands have snuck beneath your shirt and smooth over your stomach up to the cups of your bra, squeezing the flesh over the fabric. as you raise you arms, he helps you pull your top off, the article thrown onto the floor without ceremony or care. his hands loop behind your back, fiddling with your bra clasp. “can i?”
“please,” you keen, and he wastes no time in doing so, expert fingers sliding the straps down your arms until your bra, too, lays on the floor. lips find your right nipple, enveloping the pebbled flesh in a warm wetness that causes your back to arch into him. one hand pulls you into him, while the other tweaks your other tit. his teeth graze it, and the stinging edge of painful pleasure causes you to shiver. he hums, vibrations causing you to moan his name louder, plead for him to do more. leaving your breast, his mouth kisses and laps at the skin of your stomach. down, down, down, until he drops to his knees in front of you, swiftly unzipping your skirt and pulling it off of you. lips find your thighs, biting down lightly, and you squeak, hand finding his hair and pulling. he looks up at your through his lashes, absolutely depraved and almost drooling for more. you gulp, legs almost giving out under you as you smooth your hand over his hair, pushing the strands that have fallen into his face back. “can we— can we move to the bed?”
immediately, he stands, pulling you behind him before he’s placing you onto the edge of your bed with great care. before he can fall to his knees again, you curl your shaking fingers into his shirt. “take this off? i wanna see you.”
with a huff of a chuckle, he does as you ask, revealing a toned stomach, broad shoulders, muscled arms. your tongue darts across your lips as you drink him in, causing him to smirk. “like what you see, pretty?”
“y-yes,” you stutter out, quiet and wanting and full of lecherous need. your thighs attempt to squeeze together in order to provide some relief to your pulsating core, but his legs stop them from fully closing. his fingers find your jaw, squeezing the flesh. your cheeks heat up. 
“so fucking cute.” the praise sends a white hot streak through your stomach and into your center. your face is on absolute fire now, vision growing hazy around the edges as you watch him sink down between your thighs, your panties quickly discarded to reveal your center to his eyes. two fingers trace your folds before dipping beneath them to find your entrance. his eyes widen at what he finds, fingers coming back up coated in your wetness, glinting against his fingertips and knuckles in the light streaming in through your windows. “you’re so wet, baby. this all for me? a little kissing got you this needy?”
“mhm— oh,” you gasp when he brings the fingers to his mouth, sucking on them lewdly as he refuses to tear his gaze from yours. he moans at your taste, hot tongue swiping up the remnants that accidentally smeared onto the corner of his lips once he removes his fingers. his smirk returns, hands sliding under your ass to pull you closer to the edge of the bed, closer to his mouth. you sit up on your elbows to watch him kiss his way up your inner thigh, hands holding you open for him. there’s nowhere for you to hide, as he traces your folds with his tongue, dipping into your entrance and swiping up to your clit. crying out, your fingers find his hair in an ironclad grip. he groans against your pearl, your hips bucking up into his face before his arms snake around each thigh and hold you still. he alternates between circling the bud with his tongue and sucking it between his plush lips, spit pooling at the corners of his mouth as he loses himself in your taste. meanwhile, you’re already so close to the edge, you can feel your walls begin to clench around nothing, your hips jumping up as far as he allows. as he dips down to your entrance, his nose bumps against your clit, but his tongue is back in no time to continue its assault on your poor little clit. “jjun, ‘m gonna, please, ‘m gonna—”
“cum,” he mumbles against you. “cum f’me, pretty girl.”
with his permission, your head falls onto your sheets, eyes rolling into the back of your head as your vision spots white. cries pour from your lips like honey for him to drink, but you never quite come down fully. rather, he keeps circling his tongue against your clit through your high, and as your orgasm subsides, another one already begins to build. tears prick your eyes as you plead, “jjun, no, can’t, i can’t, nonono— i can’t!”
“yes, you can,” he murmurs, removing his arm from your right thigh. his lips don’t leave your clit as you feel two fingers slip into your soaked entrance, smoothly thrusting in and out and curling up into your upper wall until he finds that soft spot inside you that has your voice shattering into shards of moans and staccato wails. he groans against you as he feels your walls clench, the pace of his fingers unforgiving as he coaxes another mind-shattering orgasm from your body. your fingers flutter around his walls, watery hiccups torn from your throat. this time, he slows down, helps you ride out your high, before he removes his fingers, licking his lips of your essence as he does. climbing onto the bed, he hovers over you, taking in your spit-slick lips and tear-lined eyes. he wipes the tears away with gentle motions, cooing when you whine. he sits there until you come back to him, lucidity shining in your eyes as you blink them open. smiling, you pull him in for a languid kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue before he pulls away. 
when he caresses your cheek with his thumb, asking you if you’re okay, you lean into his touch, “mhm, want you to fuck me.”
“i can do that,” he laughs, causing you to reciprocate. standing, he slips his jeans and boxers down his thighs until he’s left in nothing, hardened cock veiny and flushed an angry red. you think it’s an average length, on the thicker side, the girth causing your mouth to water. as he runs his hands up your thighs, he asks, “d’you have any condoms, love?”
while you’d rather him fuck you raw, you know it’s safer this way. you point towards your nightstand. “there.”
as he fetches one, you scoot into the middle of the bed, watching him roll it on before he returns between your thighs, pumping his cock once, twice, lining it up with your entrance. his free hand grips your waist, watching as you move your hips to try to slide him into you. smirking, he presses his hips forward, cockhead dipping past your entrance. both of you moan at the sensation. slowly, he works his cock into you, little rolls of his hips until he’s seated fully within you, hips flush against your pelvis. 
“move,” you whine. “please move.” and that’s all it takes for him to swiftly pull out and slide back in again. as he thrusts into you again and again, his movements grow rougher, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot each time. moaning, you reach up towards him, forcing him to lean over you so you can kiss him again, swallowing each other’s sounds. he’s just as loud as you, praises falling naturally between his breathy moans. 
“feel s’good, baby. so fuckin’ tight and wet f’me. so unreal. d’you feel good, too?” he coos against the shell of your ear, warm breath curling against your necks. your walls clench around him at his desperate sounds.
“s-so good, jjunie,” you hum, feeling your third high of the night approaching. the knot in your stomach grows tighter as his thrusts grow sloppy, chasing his high as much as you are. a thumb moves down to rub your sensitive clit, quick little circles against the bud until your limbs are locking up, quaking as you finally cum around him. a few seconds later, his high hits him as well, his hips quivering as he spills into the rubber with a loud groan. 
slowly, he pulls out, ridding himself of the condom and soon returning to the bed to plop down next to you. arms pull you in close as you both pant and grin tiredly at each other, basking in the quiet that permeates the air, and he stares at you, dulcet eyes boring into yours. 
“what’re you thinking about?” you decide to ask, poking the center of his sweat-beaded forehead. taking a moment to respond, he pulls you even closer so that your noses almost touch. 
“it’s just— there’s this concept in korean — inyeon,” the timbre of his voice raises slightly as he switches to his native tongue, and lowers again when he switches back to english. “that, um, it means…”
his cheeks are growing the slightest bit pink, a shade that reflects the cotton candy clouds that float past your windows. squeezing his hand, you silently urge him to continue, soft gaze finding his own. a gentle kiss pressed to his cheek, his jaw, naked skin pressed against naked skin. together, whole, one.
he starts again, “there’s no direct translation, but it basically is fate. strings of fate. i truly believe the universe has connected us in some way, whether it be through some invisible red string or another force. and i know, i know what you said about fate, but i can’t stop thinking about how we found each other. there’s something beautiful about starting off as strangers and getting here. i don’t know, i’m just rambling at this point,” he chuckles, burying his nose into the pillow under his head. “i’ve just never felt this way about someone before. i’m sorry.”
with a gentle hand, you cup the side of his face, forcing him to look back at you. “don’t be sorry, that’s beautiful, and i think—” you sigh, blinking back tears that threaten to fall. “i think you’ve changed my mind about fate. i’ve also never felt this way about someone before. i feel like you know me on some level that no one else does. you just. you just get it, and i—” 
you don’t think this is quite love yet, but you believe what you’re feeling within your chest, tingling all over your body, is as close as you’ve ever gotten to it. he smiles, whispers a small, soft, “i know,” and lips find lips once more. hands find hands, and you feel alive. you feel like everything that you see is now in vivid technicolor, no longer masked by a veil of gray.
and when you wake up tomorrow, you think that you’re going to start a new painting.
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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a-whispering-echo · 1 year
Hello! I'm Whisp, but you can also call me Rue.
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HERE IS A PRONOUN/LIST DESCRIPTION (i stole it from chair hehe)
If you ever want to use my art in anything (edits, videos even reposting on other sites, what ever it may be), you have my permission, but you must give credit to me via a link back to the original post or my account (unless it was made for you,) i do not accept any other method. If i catch you not crediting me, i will ask you to add it, (I totally understand that sometimes you just forget) but if you still don't, i will report you.
If you want to use an au i have made for anything, you totally can, i'd be honoured! crediting me by name is fine here, but i need a link if you specifically using my work :)
At the current time I am 19 years of age. And as such, some of my content may be suggestive in nature.
I do not post anything majorly sexual, but some of my content may have suggestive themes or gore.
These post will have a warning, and a menu you must click to see the rest of the post. I am not responsible for your actions in this situation, and I will NOT take any arguments on the matter, you clicked that post yourself, I am not to blame.
I do allow minor to follow me, but do be aware of the previously mentioned posts. Do not interact with those posts, I am once again not to blame if you see things you have been warned about.
If you see a post of mine that you believes needs a trigger warning, just let me know, ill add it, i don't want to upset anyone!
My content may change due to whatever I am hyperfocused on at the time. At the moment, this fandom is: Undertale
But you can always talk to me about the following:
-sanders sides
- BBC sherlock
-BBC ghosts
-Good omens
-The Umbrella Academy
-Stardew Valley
-Cult of the Lamb
( this list is susceptible to change.)
At this moment in time I am not open for commissions, but this may change in the future.
I have several Undertale Multiverses:
-Unrivaled Elementals
-The Medium Multiverse ( this has its own blog right here. (MAJOR DEATH AND GORE WARNING
-Unnamed pirate au
-Forgotten Gods
-The human band au
-Animal shifters
-Asylum Au
-Graveyard au (Making a Grave Mistake)
-Cludo Au
-Spray Painters Au
-The Heathers au
-The Death Row au
-The Ballet au
( I do have plans for these, and they will likely be written on my Ao3
I will never post anything with incestuous ships, it is something do not support, but i do not attack those who do, i will just not interact with it, i ask that you respect this and do the same.
My ask box is always open, for whatever you may need. - from someone to talk to to someone to show memes too, i am here.
This post may change as i think of what to put here,
Have a lovely day/night,
-Whisp :)
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gainesha · 2 months
BSG rewatch notes, cont'd:
and here it is, the New Caprica arc. which is, and this might be one of the least heretic things to say about BSG, the pinnacle. there are individual episodes, and even small arcs, that I might adore more (we will see how I'll react to them during this rewatch, but Maelstrom, Sometimes a Great Notion, the Mutiny two-parter would all be in my top 10 episodes), but this 7 episodes, from Lay Down Your Burdens up until Collaborators, are unrivaled as a storytelling high point for the show. the surprise element is gone now, obviously, but I still remember the goosebumps I got during the initial airing when the time jump happened, and how I could barely breath for the remainder of that season finale because I was just so exhilarated and electrified by what is happening on screen. that, yes, they *did* settle down, things *did* change permanently - up until they didn't, of course. but these kinds of twists are so much richer than just killing a main character.
and this is just one thing... there are so many more. like the montage at the beginning of Lay Down Your Burdens Part 1., with Bear's Something Dark is Coming music cue, and Athena saying it out loud should be the most cliched thing, but it's instead truly harrowing and haunting even if you don't know what's going to happen to all these people soon. meanwhile, Laura giggling uncontrollably on the way to the debate - the way the writers and the actors are comfortable inside these characters are paying dividends. then the murk of the occupation, the suicide bombings, the show being dark without grimdark (even if I would have wanted to spend more time in this setting, 4 episodes were a great choice, and even if some little developments here and there would have benefited maybe from more screen time, New Caprica never feels as rushed as the Pegasus arc), poor Gatea, the Galactica dropping down, Hot Dog saying "well, this should be different" before flying out... and, of course, Saul saying "not all of them", and then slowly walking away, the heartbreak, my gods.
and yet, Unfinished Business was always my "I would die on this hill" fave episode. it's the one episode I've rewatched most - both versions. I love the flashbacks to a sweeter, more hopeful time on New Caprica, even if some characters have never believed it would truly last. I watched the Extended version now, and I have somewhat conflicted thoughts, because I was thinking which version would I show someone who has not seen the show before, and the Extended version has several brilliant new scenes or crucial longer segments playing out on New Caprica. we need all of Adama and Roslin getting high, Laura's monologue about living in the moment; we need the morning after with Kara and Tigh; we definitely need Dee and Lee in the Raptor; and also, Lee confessing how much she needs Kara. but also, the flow of the originally aired episode are lightyears better, the editing rhythm of the intercutting scenes is magic, and it is gone in the Extended - moreover, the rhythm is all off. and this episode has to be a Dance in itself. (so I would probably show the aired one, and afterwards these 4-5 scenes separately)
the reveal of the reason behind the animosity between Kara and Lee, and why Lee behaves so antagonistically towards here after the time jump, why their dynamics feel so strange, plays out fantastically. the writers manage it so well, especially in contrast with the reveals in Hero, which...
okay, so Hero is bullshit, and I continue to just ignore the retcon of it all. I would be fine with the Admirality being compromised (that checks out), but Adama being the one who "started it all" (even if Roslin dismisses the thought), even just the fact that it was him on that covert mission, because, you know, he is the lead of the show, is a teeny tiny bit Forrest Gump... too much, too neat, and I get that they tried to take the Adama idol and dirty it up, but he has already been humanized and shaded quite a bit during the first 2 seasons, and I don't really know what this adds to the character or the whole main Human-Cylon conflict either that haven't been already said and explored in different, more fruitful ways. it's a shame, because all the regular actors bring their A-game here, Hogan, Olmos, McDonnell all shine.
I adore Tigh and Starbuck getting close
Jamie Bamber is so good conveying how utterly in love Lee is
Richard Hatch is so good
you could paint a mural with all the reaction shots from the boxing matches, inside and around the ring, I love everybody just grinning or glaring or just being cocky as shit
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manawari · 11 months
Nurtured flowers in the fields of dolor.
(an extended edition of this post.)
honorable tags: @julyarya @i-bring-crack @winter-1023
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The abyss was his realm. A kingdom to rule as his own. For centuries, he lived as a supreme entity who was the embodiment of death, presenting himself to the souls who had met their end from their physical bodies and welcoming them in his world. But he did not just possess the throne, he also possessed the power of his great army whom he fought wars with.
Mortals feared him. They believed he would kill anyone on he landed his gaze upon. He brought terror, misery, and darkness in his path. He was an entity whose sole existence was to fight, smile in the sight of misfortune, wrap his troops around his fingers, and above all, to be merciless.
Love? What was that? Was it something he must possess as well?
Such a thing, sought by mortals everywhere, would never be in his hands. He'd imagine it crumbling into ashes in a single touch of his finger. He was made for battle and rule over every part of the darkness and lead his army of dead soldiers.
He wasn't like other celestial beings, who were loved and respected dearly by mortals, when his only purpose was all, but adore someone with his whole heart. Even though he had everything — a kingdom, powers, eternal life, an army, trusted subordinates — nobody had managed to touch his ever cold heart, let alone making it aflutter.
He was an entity. It was no necessity of his to seek for a companion.
But he did not understand how he had come to this.
When he received an unexpected invitation from a messenger bird to a feast with all of the supreme deities, Jin-woo was having second-thoughts. Sure, he was a Monarch — a rank that was higher than a deity and was among the nine monarchs, who were born out of unadulterated darkness by the Absolute Being. Their sole objectives were to wipe humanity someday, but after forging a deal with the Rulers, they had their place in Earth.
Hae-in, otherwise known was Lady Spring, was one of the deities in the feast. Her powers were originated from the Rulers. She had the ability to help crops grow and bloom flowers within a touch of her hand, many mortals waited for her presence to arrive and bless their plants for a healthy harvest, and she was also the entity everyone had been looking forward for in the end of winter. Her exquisite beauty was unrivaled that even the primordial beings admired her.
In fact, she was the first deity Jin-woo had come across when he arrived in the palace late. She stood alone next to the crystal fountain beneath the shimmering stars. Lady Spring was struck by his appearance, though it was clear that her eyes bore no fear, rather she was surprised to meet the Death Monarch, who hardly left his realm.
Then. . . They had come to an agreement. He would show her the world without light, and in return, she would become his wife.
He swept her away since that night, unbeknownst to other deities and monarchs who would soon notice the disappearance of their beloved spring. But that was the least of his worries — it wasn't as if they would wreck war in his realm, otherwise a massive war would once again arise.
Having Hae-in in the world of shadows and misery felt like a mistake. Her exquisite aura never blended with the monsters. And yet, the army seemed to respect her as much as their lord, partially due to her position in the realm. They called her Queen after the Monarch had declared their elopement and treated her as such.
"My Lord? The Queen has awakened."
Jin-woo turned away from his knights. "Very well. I presume she has not eaten yet? If that is the case, I shall join her."
Igris, one of his army's commanders, nodded with one hand hand on his chest. The Monarch walked past him whilst Igris took his position to watch the knights train. Even though there was no battle to prepare for, the army never dwindled from wielding their weapons, even the giants still had their own roles to fulfill after being defeated in their past lives and were now under the command of their Lord.
Jin-woo headed to the castle of the Underworld. Regardless of its massive size, nobody had dared to linger except for the Monarch himself and sometimes his subordinates to discuss important matters, and now, it had a new resident. It had been quite a while since he had brought the goddess in the Underworld. But Jin-woo knew she has still not grown accustomed to her new home.
He made his way up the stairs and went to the room he had prepared just for her. It was one of the largest rooms in the castle, so he thought it would be sufficient for her comfort, after all— she was a goddess loved and cherished by many. She aided those who were ill and brought hope for them. . . A striking contrast to how was the Shadow Monarch lived.
As he reached the door, Jin-woo opened his mouth to speak when he suddenly saw the door was opened. There, stood his wife, clad in a white dress that left her shoulders bare and not her arms, and it had a vertical line in the middle of her chest — it was the same attire that she had worn when he first encountered her. The deity's eyes widened in little surprise.
"My King," spoke Hae-in.
"The commander had informed me that you have risen from your slumber. Food had been served in the dinner table." He said to her.
"Yes, my King." Hae-in dipped her head and gently walked past him.
The meal was quiet. Jin-woo sat on his seat while Hae-in sat across the narrow table. The rest of the chairs were left vacant, yet had not been occupied since the spring deity preferred to settle in a seat that was very far from her own husband. It did not bother the Monarch since it was her desire and he was never the type to be controlling unless it was his army.
Hae-in was quiet and timid, yet Jin-woo had never strike her as vulnerable. She always had that fearless glint in her eyes. She had even met several monsters in the realm and was in awe of them, which must be how smoothly she had stolen their hearts.
It was still a surprise to Jin-woo on how easy they were to be swayed.
He looked across the table and noticed Hae-in's lowly gaze as she quietly devoured her food. "Is there anything you wish to do, my wife?"
"Hae-in." The goddess corrected him. "Call me by my name, my King. I have learned from Ju-hee that such titles can only be alluded between two lovers. So please, refer to me as my name or my formal title."
Ah, Ju-hee — the deity of medicine and love. Jin-woo had long known that she and the deity of spring were close friends. But, she was right. He set his utensil down and said his response. "Very well, my w— Hae-in."
"And to answer your question, I would like to visit the field of souls," said Hae-in. "If that is all right by you, your highness."
"I will allow it." Jin-woo nodded.
The edges of her lips curled into a soft smile before she proceeded to eat.
"Yes, my King?"
His grip on his fork twitched. Jin-woo kept a steady gaze on the goddess across him, fixating him curiously in spite of looking into the eyes of a fearsome entity. "Call me Jin-woo." He told her. "Since you said that I should allude you by your name from now on, I'd like to do the same. It is part of our vows to treat each other as equal, is it not?"
Vows. Words they had sworn to each other before they had left that mountain. The feast Jin-woo had not gotten to attend.
Hae-in kept her gaze at him. This time, it was hard to determine which emotion she hid behind those irises. Jin-woo glanced down on his food and pierced his fork into the steak.
"I am not asking you to oblige already, Hae-in. Feel free to take your time." He said.
He wanted to make her comfortable. And as part of their vows, Jin-woo had also promised her that he would treat her as his lover even if he never had one in the entirety of his existence. He knew that lovers must feel at ease around each other and that was where he wished to aim.
He was not used to this whole "marriage". Even before his predecessor passed all of his powers to him, Jin-woo had lived in battle. And he knew most of the deities were the same when they were still living as humans. Such as, he knew Hae-in had died as a great warrior after losing her life in the great war, and with the Rulers feeling bad for her end, they granted her the powers of life.
In that way, Hae-in would not let everything rot unless she thought it was the right way. She greeted souls before leading them to the path to the Underworld. She was the reason why most souls looked peaceful when they entered the Death Monarch's realm.
Now, he figured out the reason of her desire to visit the field of souls.
He decided to accompany her, much to Hae-in's dismay, but the goddess let him anyway. The field of souls was the place humans would go in their deaths, they would linger there until their name was summoned by the judges to determine whether they would rise to the afterlife or stay in the Underworld to repent for eternity.
Hae-in first approached the young souls. The children's eyes glimmered as though they had not died. They were fascinated by the goddess' presence in such a hopeless realm and invited her to play with them. Their laughter blessed the air, especially Hae-in's sweet laugh and bright smile.
"Are you not intending to join them, my Lord?" Igris asked.
"No," replied Jin-woo. He watched the playful scene from his spot which he was supposed to leave. "Let them be. It is unfitting for a Monarch like me to include myself in such activities."
He was death. He did not possess the right to feel joy.
"The realm had been spright ever since Lady Hae-in came, do not you think so? The giants seem to be looking forward for her presence and the knights always take time to glance at her in the middle of training." Igris said. "What about you, my Lord? What managed you to be pulled under her charm?"
"I was not. All of this happened was because of our covenant, Hae-in had been wishing what is it like to live where joy and light do not exist. And in order for that to commence, we must bound ourselves in each other." Jin-woo explained.
"I see," Igris nodded in understanding, "and I am glad such fate took place. It has been a long time since I have last encountered a deity. Lady Hae-in is ethereal and kind."
"I say the same, Igris." Jin-woo agreed. A faint smile formed across his features that he failed to notice. "Let us head back. Hae-in will be fine here."
"You have grown comfortable with merely her name, sire."
"Is it too distinct?"
The knight nodded.
Jin-woo shook his head and led the way. He was just abiding his wife's wish to be mentioned only in her name, so as long as he was not doing anything wrong, he shall continue it.
Time passed and the Death Monarch had lost count of the days since Lady Spring began living with him in his woebegone of a world. Not a tad complaint was heard from Hae-in's words, all of them were buoyant even though Jin-woo was not asking for an opinion, but he found himself listening to her voice whenever they were together or eating in the dinner table.
They had fallen into a routine. Igris would inform Jin-woo that the goddess had awakened from her slumber, Jin-woo would make his way to her room and share lunch with her, then Jin-woo would accompany Hae-in wherever she wished to go in his kingdom, and they would meet back in the castle to spend dinner. Afterward, a smile was exchanged between them — it was Hae-in who had started it until Jin-woo slowly began to do it first.
Would it become unlike of him?
To smile, to be fond of what he saw, to have the desire to treasure something dearly he did not wish to share with others. . . Would he still be the same ruthless and merciless Monarch everyone cowered for?
He began to send her gifts as well. From the clothes he asked the demons to weave to ornaments such as the bracelet made from the finest silver found in the realm and was created by the Monarch himself.
He found himself standing in front of her door when he heard her voice from the other side.
"Jin-woo? Are you there?"
"I am." He said. "But please do not rush."
"May I ask for a little assistance?" Hae-in asked.
"Yes, you may," the monarch nodded.
The door opened, but Hae-in only had half of her face for him. Jin-woo had to take a few steps inside and waited for the deity to push the door closed, Hae-in made her way toward him and turned around, thus facing him with her bare back.
"Can you tie this one for me? I've been reaching it with my own hands. Alas, I have failed." She said.
Nodding his head, Jin-woo grabbed the two silk straps of her charcoal dress. He began interlacing them over her pearly skin. An inscrutable urge arose deep within his chest as he continued his task with Hae-in standing perfectly still in front of him.
"Forgive me," she murmured. "I was about to change into another dress if I had known that you are not here yet. Perhaps I could've picked something else beforehand."
He finished tying the two straps and laid his hands on her shoulders. "Don't be. It is never a hindrance if my wife is seeking help."
She hummed in response.
They stood there in quiescence. With his hands still on her shoulders, Jin-woo dipped his head a little to meet the back of her head with his lips. "You are beautiful."
"What is that?"
His lips twitched in amusement. "It is my duty as your husband to say tender words, is it not? Perhaps I have not said anything to you as such."
She let out a chuckle. "I do not mind at all, Jin-woo. You are not as fearsome as the whole world believes, for I see a being who had long lived through wars and had been lost of a love's warmth."
Lost. . . Was that a word to trace him? Verily, Jin-woo had spent sitting on his throne to listen to whatever his subjects got to say, watched his warriors hone their strengths, and sometimes stared across his realm in deep ponder. Loneliness was also a piece in his possessions, it was the same as misery, agony, and sorrow. No, the Death Monarch was not lost.
. . . Or was he?
Unable to come up with a response, Jin-woo planted his lips on the juncture between her collar and shoulder. The innate scent of blossoms radiated from her pristine skin, alluring and enchanting him to trace patterns, and yet, he held himself back from giving into such desires.
"Jin-woo?" Hae-in spoke. "Should we head downstairs now?"
Jin-woo reluctantly removed his lips from her skin and nodded. "We shall."
Before he could think of something else, he took her hand in his. Hae-in said nothing and smiled at his gesture. Holding her didn't feel as if Jin-woo was holding a leaf, rather her grip on his hand was strong, and their arms even brushed against each other.
They spent their dinner the same way. Facing each other across the narrow table in silence. But it was comfortable, Jin-woo would find himself sneaking glances at the goddess, watching her eat the steak created from the carcass of monsters. She picked up her glass to take a sip on the dark red wine the servants had prepared, then Jin-woo noticed there was a small excess left in the corner of her mouth.
The monarch got up and made his way across the table toward her. Hae-in paused and looked up to him curiously. Jin-woo leaned down and gently cupped his hand on her jaw, he stared at her then witnessed her slightly parted lips, he felt they were calling for him, he drew his thumb under her bottom lip and trailed over to the stray liquid to wipe it.
There was it again. The succumbing desire to claim her lips like how he claimed her as Queen, his wife.
He inched his head closer, slowly enough to give her a chance to refuse and push him away, but Hae-in stilled. She stared at him and waited for their lips to touch. Jin-woo took it as a sanction and let his breath fan over her mouth, brushing it to feel the softness of the flesh like he had imagined.
"My Lord! We have an urgent matter!"
He pulled away and whirled around to meet one of the commanders in his army, Beru — a monstrous ant that used to haunt mortals for their flesh.
"What is it?" He asked, deeply dismayed by the disturbance.
"One of the souls is livid and is not obeying the guards," said Beru. "What shall I do with her, your highness?"
"Force her then."
"Wait!" Hae-in rose from her seat. She touched her husband's arm and faced the large insect. "Can you take me to the human, Beru?"
The mortal was unable to accept her death just like most of the deceased, which was why she was yelling at the guards for trying to take her away when she desperately wished to return to her body. Such a commotion was nothing new. But to Hae-in, it did. Jin-woo held his tongue just like what he was told and watched the next event to unfold as his wife approached the wailing soul.
The guards loosened their grip around when the spring deity placed her hand on the deceased's shoulder. The woman was shocked to see the goddess in such a hopeless place. Nevertheless, the two made a conversation, which had somehow eased the woman while she kept weeping on Hae-in.
The goddess soon brought the mortal to a field. The dried reeds brushed against their legs, but once they got further enough, Hae-in reached her hand over the reed and a leaf grew upon the rotten plant. The leaves stretched around them until flowers soon began to bloom after the lush green leaves. Jin-woo widened his eyes. There was no place such as the underworld that was pure enough to bloom flowers. And yet, Hae-in still did.
A broad smile lit up on the woman's features. She touched the petals and ran her palms across the grass, laughing and sniffling in joy. Hae-in glanced at Jin-woo with a smile. The Death Monarch understood it now—
When souls could not accept their end, it meant they still have something they wished to do when they were alive. Unfortunately, fate was an unpredictable thing. It cut and it cut the string of life of each mortal regardless of their desires.
Which was why when some souls seemed content with the abyss. . . They had managed to finish everything in their endeavors.
In this situation with the woman, she must've wished to lay in a field of blossoms and touch the vibrant flowers. Jin-woo felt his heart pounded as he glanced at Hae-in, who was watching the soul with warmth like a mother seeing her child happy. He thought back to the wailing souls whom he forced to obey and could not help but wonder what would it have been if he had brought the spring deity to his realm long ago.
The soul returned to the guards with a smile. She waved at the goddess and thanked her for being in the Underworld. Beru accompanied the pair back to the castle and bid his farewell before fluttering away with his wings. Jin-woo sat on his throne and rested his jaw on his palm, pondering deeply if he should make a few changes in his realm. It had been so long since he had become Ashborn's successor. . .
"I reckoned you have gone somewhere."
He looked up and saw Hae-in walking toward him. Her bare feet peeking through the hem of her dress in each step, which reminded him of how he found her lingering in the fountain. He found himself beginning to miss seeing her in a white clothing, the attire embodied her graceful figure and elysian aura, but black also looked beautiful in her — it presented that she was involved with him and it made her skin as if it was glowing.
Jin-woo held out his other hand, and Hae-in took it, she stood in front of him whilst he fixated on her as though he was seeing light for the first time in his eternal life. He gently pulled her toward him and turned her around until she was comfortably settled on his left leg, keeping his arm on her front.
"I waited for you in the table until the servants came to clean," she said.
"Forgive me," replied Jin-woo. "I always come here in the throne if I require some time to mull."
"Is it about that soul earlier?"
He nodded. "But not just that. The Underworld is created out of darkness and its sole existence is to show how miserable death can be, so witnessing you grow those blossoms, it is astonishing."
"Perhaps you haven't brought a spring deity and that is why." Hae-in chuckled. "And I do not believe that death is all misery and solemn. I find rest and peace in it. With life, mortals will have to struggle in every ordeal, but with death, they find freedom and are saved from trepidation."
"Funny how you, a harbinger of hope and life, say such things about the impediments of being alive." Jin-woo jested.
"I may so, but I am not narrow-minded."
He moved his head toward her, inching to her ear and brushing its shell with his mouth. He whispered. "Then, do you think there is a downside of you marrying me?"
"Why are you suddenly so curious, Jin-woo?" Hae-in laughed airily.
"You have made my curiosity hungry, Lady Spring."
Hae-in hummed. "You rule a quite captivating realm. I have seen things that never exist in the surface, and I find it magnificent, knowing there are other things beyond my vision and I get to glimpse of them with my own eyes. You have a heart that is kind and know what is right." Her lips formed into a smile. "To conclude, I do not see any flaw in our union, for you have never laid a hand to harm me."
"I will never intend to harm you, Hae-in. It is an oath I shall not break." He murmured. "I swear to you."
"Thank you."
Jin-woo found the ribbon that he had tied to secure her clothing. He fiddled the edge with his finger and gradually, he pulled it down until the straps untangled themselves from each other, thus revealing a myriad of skin to feast his eyes. He started to pepper light kisses from the lower part and wrapped another arm around her body. His ministrations traveled up to the back of her shoulders, even grazing his teeth, yet he did not wish to leave a mark on her.
There were countless of ways to prove his devotion to her.
Hae-in was docile in his arms. She accepted the kisses he planted throughout every inch he could reach and she made tiny jerks when he got to a right spot. And there, Jin-woo would pay more attention to it just to see more of her response.
"My King." Hae-in let out.
"My wife."
Hae-in whimpered when she felt her husband's cold tongue caressed the nape of her neck. Jin-woo was never an object to passion, he was the object to misery. For eons, no one had dared to touch his black heart, seeing him to be unfit to be cared for. But after hearing such words from Hae-in, Jin-woo began to believe otherwise.
He wanted her to hold him. Cherish him like she did to the mortals around her. Love him for he had not been loved before.
She was the only one he would lower one knee for. Jin-woo imagined himself serving her for the rest of eternity. And to think, such a fearsome monarch would be worshipping a deity.
After all, she was his wife. Jin-woo thanked the Rulers for turning her into a deity.
Hae-in shifted around and cupped his neck with her two hands to claim his lips with her own. Jin-woo accepted it greedily. The flame of unwavering desire ignited within him once again and this time, he was not holding himself back. He swung one of her legs across him so she was properly straddling him as he took her.
He was trying to be careful since he feared he might hurt her because of his greed to devour her until she was the only thing in his mind.
He grabbed the back of her neck to pull away from him. Hae-in panted with her eyes closed and lips swollen, the fruit of their onslaught of passion. Jin-woo stared at her through his half-lidded eyes and said. "I love you."
She did not need to say it back. When she tugged him by his collar for another bruising kiss, it was all the answer he needed.
It began as an agreement, it continued as a promise to devout themselves for each other.
Hae-in no longer needed to slumber in her quarters. She was settled on where she was supposed to be — in her husband's arms. Jin-woo would trace his fingertip across her smooth arm as she slept, then he would comb through her hair, inhaling her natural scent whenever he got closer. Monarchs and deities never felt exhaustion or the necessity to close their eyes for a long period of time, though Hae-in liked to do it to see what was awaiting for her dreams.
If Jin-woo asked her what did she see, Hae-in would answer in one word: you.
And of course, she had dreamt about ruling the realm with him as well. Hae-in had grown immensely fond of interacting with the souls and soldiers of the army, she never failed to uplift them and even offered to show them her powers and witnessed as they grew enamored with it. The Underworld had never been so peaceful with Lady Spring around. And now, Jin-woo would be shown to wear a smile on his face, whether his wife had said something to him or did something to send his heart aflutter, every being knew who was behind the change in their King.
Though, as they say. . . Not everything last forever.
Winter was about to end, therefore mortals would now be waiting for her presence to bless the land and grow new and rich flowers. Jin-woo knew it too. During the start of their deal, Hae-in had briefed him that she must return to the surface by the end of winter. Even though she loved the Underworld, she would never turn away from her duty once it called.
But her heart. . . Her heart belonged to Jin-woo.
She promised to return once she had done her work, and Jin-woo would happily wait for her no matter how long she would take, because she was a deity whom all mortals loved before she was even his.
"My realm is your realm." He said as he took her hand in his. Jin-woo brought it to his lips, touching the soft skin like the petals of a blossoming flower. . . Warm like the morning sunshine. "We shall always rule this world together as I serve you, my Queen."
"Will you wait for my return, then?" Hae-in asked.
The Death Monarch let out a smile at his lover. "I will wait for you like how the mortals await for their flowers to bloom. And how the moon waits for the sun to rest. It may feel as though thousands of years might pass, I know fate will bring you back to my arms."
She parted after sharing one last kiss. Jin-woo stood in the entrance of his realm even as she had disappeared into petals and allowed the wind to carry her. He learned that to love meant to wait. He had entrusted his heart to someone who would hold his without burden. Jin-woo would be last and first person Hae-in would see and they shall continue to rule their realm together. Hand-in-hand.
Soon, mortals will hear tales of life and death. When life is away, death can only wait to see her again. When flowers rot, another blooms, it simply means there is a cycle, just like two lovers whose love never withers.
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blowflyfag · 8 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: August 1995 
in focus 
By Craig Peters
It was an unprecedented break with style in March when PWI Weekly used the space normally reserved for a cover story to print an editorial condemning the WCW Uncensored pay-per-view event. But it certainly wasn’t uncalled for. 
After all, WCW Uncensored was perhaps the worst wrestling pay-per-view event in history. 
Of course, it wouldn’t have been so bad had expectations not been so high. After all, the advance publicity for the event promised unbridled mayhem, unrivaled violence, and unsurpassed thrills.
What viewers of the event got was unparalleled boredom. 
I was one of those viewers (though, thankfully, I watched the event at a friend’s house; had I paid for WCW Uncensored, I’d be really angry!). I can honestly say that I haven’t had so much anticipatory excitement for a pay-per-view in years. 
Sadly (but to their credit), only The Nasty Boys and Harlem Heat came close to raising the kind of hell needed to rise to the occasion. For the rest of the competitors on the card, WCW Uncensored was nothing to censor, nothing special, nothing worth spending $27.95 to see.
What a disappointment! 
And more so after I learned a few bits of information. 
Like the fact that apparently there’s a TBS/Ted Turner policy of standards and practices that says there ought not to be too much violence on television. (I wonder if the people who came up with this policy watch TBS and the Turner-owned Cartoon Network, which airs tons of Tom & Jerry cartoons, among the most violent stuff on TV.) And the fact that because of this policy, viewers of WCW Uncensored were treated to camera angles that showed a wide view of the Tupelo Coliseum crowd rather than Big Van Vader trying to bash Hulk Hogan’s head in with a chair. 
[Perhaps the most ridiculous part of WCW Uncensored was when Hulk Hogan beat Big Van Vader in a strap match by dragging Ric Flair to all four corners of the ring (above). Any Sandman-Cactus Jack ECW match (opposite page) figures to be more violent than anything shown on WCW Uncensored.]
Call the event WCW Censored To The Max.
It is also because of this policy PWI has learned, that the Blacktop Bully-Dustin Rhodes match was edited down to cleanliness. Say what? That’s right, edited down. The match was not aired live; it was videotaped earlier. The match had gotten significantly bloody, and the more violent and bloody portions had been edited out of the tape. 
This in uncensored? 
Maybe somebody ought to explain to the people at TBS that wrestling is a violent sport. That is to try to legislate the violence out of it is impossible, and that to try to not broadcast the more violent aspects of it is like trying to broadcast a basketball game without showing the ball going through the net.
In a word: absurd.
And what would have happened had, say, Sting’s head gotten busted open during his match with Big Bubba Rogers? In all likelihood, it would have been like Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair in Baltimore on July 10, 1988, when an important title march was stopped on the smallest hint of blood. Anybody in the Baltimore Arena that night can vividly remember how outraged the fans were. 
Perhaps the most baffling portion of the evening was when Hulk Hogan dragged Ric Flair to all four corners of the ring to win the strap match. Unfortunately, he was wrestling Vader at the time. Shouldn’t the match have been ordered to continue? 
Stu Saks accuses me of being a convert to ECW only because the office has moved to the Philadelphia area, and ECW is convenient. Perhaps he’s right; had the office moved to a location near Pittsburgh, maybe I’d be singing the praises of Steel City Wrestling. Maybe not. But the fact of the matter remains: There is more censorable wrestling action in a typical broadcast of ECW’s weekly television show than there was in more than two hours of the WCW pay-per-view event. 
If you’re going to have a pay-per-view event that promises to be ultraviolet, don’t edit out the violence, and don’t cut away to the crowd during violent portions of the card. Above all, don't even consider having such an event in the first place if the TBS standards and practices are such that the event isn’t given a chance to succeed before the opening bell rings. 
WCW Uncensored was unwatchable… and unforgivable. 
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lesser-mook · 1 year
My Hero Academia: Rising Heroes (film recommendation) *some spoilers
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march 2023
Very plot armor heavy regarding Nine’s refusal to take advantage of his power level, usual MHA cliche’s, however:
Katsuma’s arc was wholesome, him learning to speak his mind and come into his own (building his own confidence) was a well executed little plot thread.
Bakugou’s very clear development post Season 3 displayed here (ie.he’s better written here)
Deku inspiring the youth to follow their goals as All Might did for him- a nice display of the future greatest hero uplifting the next generation.
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The setting and the Class reaching out to the community on a remote little island was a nice change of pace.
For hero work, or the essence of a hero is technically the community service.
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The music is decent,  as usual (especially the titular song of this movie, holy shit). 
Too many characters ie. Class 1A clusterfuck as usual but they’re not in the way too much, everyone’s got something to do, but they’re not always in your face here. Standard Class 1A, just dialed down compared to the show.
It’s mainly Deku, Nine, Bakugou, and the little ones.
Better focus here vs the show.
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The villain is weak as hell (not in power, but in execution) for the same reasons why CHP355 doesn’t work, yet another baddie *Clearly made TOO POWERFUL but doesn’t immediately wipe the floor with the weaker opponents or at least catch some bodies*
You’d think for someone with their life on a timer they wouldn’t be moving slower than a T-800, drove me nuts how he didn’t just wreck a lot of people. ESPECIALLY with his particular gifts.
Villains explaining their weaknesses, for some reason. (Standard Anime trope btw, it’s not a MHA thing)
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And ONE FOR ALL was basically turned into a magic plot device in this movie. No longer just a Quirk compiler, it is basically just magic.
A consequence i didn’t expect to happen was teased to be permanent which would’ve course corrected Deku’s character in a way (which we know is bullshit given S4 and onward, he still has OFA)
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But ofc a very convenient (Uno reverse card springs up outta nowhere resetting status quo) thus Deku’s plot armor is still unrivaled.
One For All made a decision to reinstate itself because Deku was willing to sacrifice it for the right reasons. Good idea in concept but that's bullshit, OFA is basically magic.
The way Aang suddenly got the Avatar State back in the series finale was equally bullshit convenience/contrivance but at least he DID NOT have access to it the entire season as consequence of getting hit by Azula.
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Most consequences do NOT matter in My Hero, if Deku had to go through S4 WITHOUT OFA and he got it back in S5, that shit would’ve been interesting.
But i digress.
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The later half of the final fight is some of the best “second wind” deus ex machina’s i’ve ever seen, the choreography felt so hyper-emphasized, like you felt the power those two wielded.
One For All, is a serious super power, one of the best in fiction. Period, though it’s just a poor man’s hybrid of the Avatar state and power of Shazam.
And the music playing over the action is 11/10 and i’ve NEVER praised the show like this before but holy shit- 
That’s just good directing. (*chefs kiss) When it does something right, it does something right.
I naturally took notes heavily criticizing the minute details, some nitpicks, others just overall gripes with MHA’s very braindead way of getting the message across. But overall this wasn’t a bad little movie.
Edit MAY 2024: This is essentially where it could’ve ended, this movie is basically a prototype for Final Arc.
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Much better pacing & a better plot than the first movie. 
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kim-jonghyeon · 2 years
Kim Jonghyeon Feature: "I want to reminisce with Nu'est members over a drink" (The Star July 2022)
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Former Nu'est member Kim Jonghyeon revealed an unmatched aura in his magazine feature.
Kim Jonghyeon's fashion feature in the July edition of the The Star has been released. In this feature, in the topic called "IT'S TIME," the unrivaled charm of Jonghyeon, who is preparing for a new leap, was felt.
In the released pictures, Jonghyeon's contemplative pose caught in a relaxed mood and melancholy gaze evokes admiration.
After Nu'est's official disbandment last March, Kim Jonghyeon is preparing to stand alone and settle down somewhere new. In the interview after the photo feature, he assures us about his new start: "I'm really thankful to those who are with Kim Jonghyeon [t/n: as a solo artist*] not as Nu'est. More than a changed Kim Jonghyeon, I want to show everyone a more developed side of myself."
Kim Jonghyeon who was the leader of Nu'est. About the culmination of Nu'est's activities, he confesses: "I have complicated feelings not as a leader, but as a member. I feel excitement about starting new and also fear about having to stand alone. So many emotions came through me." And to the Nu'est members, he sends his best wishes: "Let's reminisce over a drink."
On where he usually gets his inspiration to write songs, he says, "I'm the type to sometimes say, 'Let's start with this word.' If I start with thinking of a word, I can start writing a bit from there." He cites "Now I'm living in your season" [t/n: from A Song For You] in particular as one of his favorite lyrics. "It means something like, 'I'm in your heart the entire year', so I love that line," he adds.
Regarding his activities not as a singer but as an actor, he answers, "I'm also seeing a side of myself that I haven't seen before. I can be angry Kim Jonghyeon, or crying Kim Jonghyeon. I think can show different sides of myself."
When asked about what he's thinking about lately, he says, "The fanmeeting stage is my biggest concern. 'How can I show more? How can I formulate this stage and what kind of performance can I show?' I want to show something a bit different from what I've already shown before."
Finally, he says, "I can work hard at my activities and gain a lot of strength from the fans who are cheering me on. I'll try a bit more so I can keep showing you more of myself."
*Although he didn't use those words, his sentence construction makes it clear that he's referring to fans who are with him as a solo artist, beyond his activities with Nu'est.
[this is a fan translation by a non-native korean speaker and may contain inaccuracies. it has not yet been proofread or edited.]
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kyunkyunscans · 2 years
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Volume 3 has three different extras, so they're each getting their own post. This one takes place just before Chapter 11, which is the pajama party with i7.
PG 135 Extra Manga 1 Re:vale Pajama Preparations
The pinnacle of the current idol world. The name of that unrivaled group is Re:vale.
Gelatte pajamas
Momo: Look, look, Yuki! Yuki: It really suits you, Momo.
Tag: Men’s Line
PG 136 *kyan kyan* Okarin: (It’s time, you two!)
*door click* Momo: Okarin, will you put on the demo of the new single? Okarin: Sure
Momo: By the way… (Momo’s Drawing Board)
*Kyun* (Writing board game instructions)
Yuki: You really like entertaining people, don’t you Momo. Yuki: Did you say you planned for food afterwards? (Today’s Script)
(fufu) Momo: Thanks for always helping me, Yuki!  Momo: Moving people is my specialty, but you really save me with the details! Yuki: You are good at moving people.
Yuki: Okarin, after we get to the hotel, can you lend us a white board?*To stick the game on* Okarin: Yes! I’ll plan to bring it over the day of.  Momo: Thanks! Sorry for asking you even outside of work~!
PG 137 Okarin: No problem! If there’s anything you two need to do your work Okarin: Anything at all, please tell me! 
Momo: That’s our Okarin! I looove you! *glomp* Okarin: Wah! Yuki: Momo, give him my share too. Momo: OK! *squeeze* Okarin: Ah, thank you!
Momo: Now then, what should we do for the crucial i7-kun group’s pajamas?
Yuki: Is there something funny?
The long-awaited sailor uniform that you can wear anywhere has arrived! Sweatshirt fabric! Also available for men!
PG 138 I7 School ~Secret Flower Garden Edition~ *bwah!!!*
Yuki: You can’t, Momo, they’ll go right back home… *snicker* Momo: But we might be able to use them in a punishment game so I’m buying one anyway! Yuki: You’re not wrong!
Yuki: Ah
PG 139 Yuki: Okarin, play that B melody just now again Okarin: Got it!
Momo: Other pajama ideas….. Ou-sama Pudding Kigurumi Pajamas
PG 140 Yuki: They might actually go for that one… Momo: They’re probably used to it from variety shows
Okarin: Um, is it a bad thing if they go for it? Momo: That’s our Okarin!!!
PG 141  Dance Studio Instructor: One! Two! Three!
Momo: (Okay so for the pajamas, I was thinking this…)
“The immovable top idols”
The end
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larrypage0 · 2 months
Unveiling the Unique  Spider Hoodie  the Pinnacle of Fashion Trends
The fashion business keeps one popular style, the spider hoodie. This unique piece of apparel is known as the pinnacle of fashion designs, securing a following of style fans all over the world. The Spider hoodie is more than simply a piece of clothing; it's an assertion, a symbol of one's own identity and ingenuity. In this piece, we will look at the fascinating past of the Spider hoodie, highlighting its growth and why it is now a fashion staple.
The Evolution of Spider Hoodie 
The spider hoodie did not arise out of nowhere; its progress shows the vitality of fashion. Initially inspired by streetwear and urban design, designers incorporated features of flexibility and comfort into the hoodie, resulting in an outstanding balance of widespread popular usefulness. The Spider hoodie evolved from a specialty garment to a fashion staple. Its journey reflects customer choices and desires, making it a symbol of changes in a variable fashion world.
Why Spider Hoodie is the Fashion Choice
What defines the spider hoodie from other fashion choices? The solution lies in its unrivaled blend of beauty and comfort. The hoodie's simplified design, along with superior materials, provides a trendy look without compromising comfort. It appeals to a wide range of people, including trendsetting people as well as those who value classic fashion. Also, the Spider hoodie has become a symbol of self-expression, allowing wearers to express how they are through clothes. Its success originates from its generality, which breaks down borders and resonates with an array of style fans.
Exploring the Unique Features
The spider hoodie has a number of unique qualities that add to its appeal. Crafted with care, the hoodie can have delicate spider-web motifs or subtle references to arachnids, creating a sense of mystery to its design. The fabrics, which include excellent cotton mixes and unique factors, provide a luxurious feel on the skin. Many Spider hoodie versions include helpful features like hidden pockets, adjustable hoods, and lasting zippers, which enhance both looks and functionality.
Styling Tips for Spider Hoodie 
While the green spider hoodie makes an explosive style choice on its own, knowing the art of styling may amp up its impact. Pairing it with frayed jeans or sleek joggers offers a casual, urban vibe that is ideal for streetwear lovers. Layer the hoodie under an elegant over a crisp button down shirt to create a more polished look. To add a personal touch, try accessories such as chunky sneakers, beanies, or statement belts. The Spider Hoodie's flexibility allows for limitless styling options, making it an attractive choice among fashion forward people.
User Reviews Hoodie in the Limelight
The actual test of any fashion item is its reaction by the customer. Our spider has received essential respect from users worldwide. User praise highlights its great comfort, innovative design, and longevity. Many people like the hoodie's focus on detail, which emphasizes the work that went into creating a garment that not just looks nice but also lasts. Goodwill has contributed significantly to the Spider Hoodie's growing popularity, creating a stir in the fashion world.
Where to Find Authentic Spider 
Because of the appeal of the spider hoodie, the market is overrun with imitations. To ensure a real one, purchase your sweatshirt from a reputable retailer. Established fashion stores, authentic brand websites, and well-known web pages are all trustworthy sources for the authentic Spider Hoodie. Avoid falling for tempting deals from unknown sellers since genuineness is crucial for experiencing the full flavor of this style sensation.
Limited Editions Collectors Spider Hoodie 
Limited editions of the hoodie are a favorite pick among fashion lovers looking to make a distinct impact. These limited edition items offer distinctive looks, premium components, and often include collectible packaging. Special editions not only provide a sense of novelty to your closet, but they also establish the Spider as a valuable collector's item. Keep an eye out for social media posts and releases to catch these unique pieces, which will undoubtedly become a treasured addition to the closets of any fashion enthusiast.
Athleisure Elegance
Wear your Spider with yoga trousers or leggings to up your athleisure game. You can wear stylish sneakers and be ready to go to the gym, run shopping, or just look put together.
Layering Magic
Try different ways to layer to add interest and depth. For a chic and layered look, wear your Spider 555 hoodie with a leather bomber or denim jacket layered over it. This styling tip keeps you warm on cold days while giving your outfit an extra edge.
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IMEX Frankfurt 2024
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Welcome to the ultimate guide to IMEX Frankfurt 2024! In this comprehensive article, we delve deep into everything you need to know about this prestigious event. From its inception to its latest updates, we've got you covered with insider insights and invaluable information.
What is IMEX Frankfurt?
IMEX Frankfurt is a leading trade show for the meetings, incentives, conferences, and events (MICE) industry. It serves as a global platform for professionals from around the world to connect, learn, and do business. With its unrivaled scale and scope, IMEX Frankfurt has established itself as a must-attend event for anyone involved in the MICE sector.
The Essence of IMEX Frankfurt 2024
IMEX Frankfurt 2024 promises to be a groundbreaking event, building upon the success of its predecessors. As the industry continues to evolve, this year's edition aims to push boundaries, foster innovation, and drive positive change. With a focus on sustainability, technology, and inclusivity, IMEX Frankfurt 2024 sets the stage for a transformative experience for all participants.
Key Highlights
1. Networking Opportunities
IMEX Frankfurt provides unparalleled networking opportunities, bringing together industry professionals, thought leaders, and innovators from across the globe. Whether you're looking to forge new partnerships, exchange ideas, or explore potential collaborations, this event offers a dynamic platform to connect with like-minded individuals.
2. Educational Sessions
From insightful seminars to interactive workshops, IMEX Frankfurt 2024 offers a diverse range of educational sessions tailored to the needs of attendees. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the industry, there's something for everyone to learn and discover. Topics cover everything from emerging trends to best practices, ensuring that participants leave with actionable insights to propel their careers forward.
3. Innovation Showcase
At IMEX Frankfurt 2024, innovation takes center stage with a dedicated showcase featuring the latest technologies, products, and services shaping the future of the MICE industry. From virtual reality experiences to sustainable solutions, attendees have the opportunity to explore cutting-edge innovations and gain inspiration for their own projects and initiatives.
4. Thought Leadership
IMEX Frankfurt is not just a trade show; it's a platform for thought leadership and meaningful discourse. With keynote presentations, panel discussions, and fireside chats featuring industry luminaries, attendees have the chance to gain valuable perspectives, challenge assumptions, and spark new ideas that drive the industry forward.
Why Attend IMEX Frankfurt 2024?
1. Stay Ahead of the Curve
In a rapidly evolving industry, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. IMEX Frankfurt 2024 provides a unique opportunity to stay informed about the latest trends, developments, and innovations shaping the future of the MICE sector. By attending this event, you'll gain valuable insights that can give you a competitive edge in your career or business.
2. Expand Your Network
Networking is a crucial aspect of professional growth, and IMEX Frankfurt offers the perfect platform to expand your network. Whether you're looking to connect with potential clients, suppliers, or industry peers, this event brings together a diverse array of stakeholders from around the world. By forging new connections and nurturing existing relationships, you'll open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
3. Gain Inspiration
IMEX Frankfurt is more than just a trade show; it's a source of inspiration and creativity. From innovative event concepts to sustainable practices, attendees have the chance to gain inspiration from leading industry experts and thought leaders. Whether you're seeking ideas for your next event or looking to incorporate new strategies into your business, IMEX Frankfurt 2024 is sure to ignite your imagination and fuel your passion for the industry.
In conclusion, IMEX Frankfurt 2024 is a must-attend event for anyone involved in the MICE industry. With its unparalleled networking opportunities, educational sessions, innovation showcase, and thought leadership content, this event offers a truly transformative experience for all participants. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the industry, IMEX Frankfurt 2024 promises to inspire, educate, and connect you with the best and brightest minds in the business.
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govindhtech · 5 months
AMD RTX 4070 Super vs. RTX 3090 A 40-Series Showdown!
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RTX 4070 Super vs. RTX 3090
Are there any differences the major distinction between the RTX 4070 Super vs. RTX 3090 has the power source 40-series finally catching up?When you compare the RTX 4070 Super to the RTX 3090, which one of them dominates the rivals in its class?
According to the complex field of graphic processing units (GPUs), AMD is looking to another time lift the standards alongside the upcoming arrival of the RTX 4070. nevertheless is important to be aware of the treatment that you have been given and to determine the question of whether it is the best option.
Understanding which computer graphics processing unit (GPU) is the most appropriate based on your particular needs can sometimes be the most difficult component of obtaining a new GPU. The objective is to simplify and automate away some of the steps involved in that process. Geforce 4070 Super as well as RTX 3090 belong to two of the most important graphics cards obtainable right now, and throughout this article, you will teach you all you require to comprehend about them.
When you are interested to learn more about the RTX 4070 Super, They supply a comprehensive launching analysis alongside a guide that the will show you where you can obtain it, so they are both awaiting for your examination. However, They are going to begin by paying attention on that distinction.
Amazon, the RTX 4070 Super
The GeForce RTX 4070 Super Twin Edge from ZOTAC Gaming
FThe Black Edition of the ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 4070 Super Trinity
The previously PNY the GeForce RTX 4070 Super a total of twelve Verto Powered up is a version that includes the ZOTAC Playing games GeForce RTX 4070 The superhero The twin The edge OC.
AMD’s equivalent RTX 4070 The superhero 12G Ventus 2X White OC by MSI Gaming
For are the ASUS Dual GeForce graphics cards RTX 4070 The superhero and the The company Dual Pascal RTX 4070 Super Ultra Version
the ROG brand Strix GeForce RTX 4070 Super OC Edition offered by ASUS
A Super OC Edition that includes the ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 4070
Playing games RTX 4070 Super 12G Ventus 2X Cooler from MSI Gaming RTX 4070 Super 12G Ventus 2X at MSI Gaming
AMD Geforce 4070 Super 12G Ventus twenty times White OC coming from MSI Gaming
The MSI Performance RTX 4070 Super SIXTEEN GRAMS Gaming the X Slim together with the ASUS frequently Dual Radeon RTX 4070 Super White OC Edition
Descriptions of the RTX capabilities 4070 Super in comparison to the RTX 3090
Even though it has a smaller number of CUDA cores, the RTX 4070 Super exhibits outstanding efficiency because to its Ada Lovelace architectural technology. It is a credit to the breakthroughs that Nvidia has made in GPU design that the 4070 Super is able to punch much above its weight that this efficiency has been achieved. With a large 24 gigabytes of GDDR6X memory and a bandwidth that is unrivaled, the RTX 3090 continues to be the superior choice in terms of memory capacity.
With 192-bit bus width and 12 gigabytes of GDDR6X memory, it surpasses the 4070 Super. In particular for activities that need a great deal of memory speed and capacity, for example 4K gaming and massive operations designs, that discrepancy indicates a significant disparity.
Particularly comparison to the 3090, which possesses a thermal design power (TDP) of 350 W, the recently released RTX 4070 Super features superior power consumption and clock speed. It should come as no surprise that the 4070 Super is intended to provide outstanding performance while conserving the same amount of power as its predecessor. A higher base clock (1980 MHz) and boost clock (2475 MHz) are also features of the 4070 Super, which is another advantage.
In spite of the fact that the RTX 3090 is still superior than the RTX 4070 Super in terms of raw specifications, the Ada Lovelace architecture has been improved, which means that the 4070 Super is still an extremely efficient and competent graphics processing unit. Specially when you take into consideration the significant reduction between energy usage and the improvements with clock speeds, it highlights the improvements that Nvidia has taken towards narrowing the gaming performance gap.
An examination of the gaming capabilities of the RTX 4070 Super against the RTX 3090
The RTX 3090 graphics card initially beat the graphics card’s RTX 4070 in gaming as well as professional activities, but the difference in performance was not sufficiently noticeable to be recognized significant at the time. In gaming situations and other productivity activities of a comparable kind, public benchmarks suggested that the 3090 was the superior option by around 12%.
The previously RTX 4070, on the different hand, represented notable for its processing power and cooling performance, and these was one of its most important benefits. The following resulted in an 8.7% reduction in the total amount of heat which was produced, They discovered that a percentage that was 47.4% less than the RTX 3090.
As the consequence of upgrading from the RTX 4070 Super, a number of performance metrics have seen substantial improvements. A comparison of the specs between the consistently 4070 as well as the 4070 Super reveals how the more powerful model has 20% more cores as well as 33% more L2 cache. In conjunction with these advancements in guidelines, it appears possible that the graphics card 4070 Super might potentially equal or even exceed the graphics performance levels comparable to the RTX 3090.
This is particularly true when taking into consideration the efficiency advantages that the aforementioned Ada Lovelace design allows for. During gaming situations, the company claims the graphics card’s RTX 4070 The superhero not only complies with but also transcends the gaming experience of the RTX 3090. The manufacturer claims claims the RTX 4070 Super essentially quadruple the productivity of the RTX 3090.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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teestorerrr · 6 months
Bad Bunny Most Wanted Tour 2024 T Shirts
Bad Bunny Most Wanted Tour 2024 T Shirts
Welcome to the world of Bad Bunny fashion! Introducing our exclusive Most Wanted Tour 2024 T Shirt, designed to make a bold statement. Crafted with precision and passion, this limited edition t-shirt is a must-have for every Bad Bunny fan out there. Made from premium quality fabric, it offers unrivaled comfort all day long. The eye-catching design features the iconic Bad Bunny logo alongside the tour details, allowing you to show your love for the Most Wanted Tour 2024 effortlessly. Dress up or dress down, this versatile shirt will become a staple in your wardrobe. Join the Bad Bunny revolution and grab your Most Wanted Tour 2024 Shirt now!
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happensss · 7 months
Beautyworld Middle East 2023: A Boon for Dubai’s Beauty Business Setup
Dubai, a city renowned for its extravagance and progressive business climate, will play home to Beautyworld Middle East 2023, an important occasion that is expected to revolutionize the beauty sector in the area. This yearly event, which is set to take place at the Dubai World Trade Center, is a fantastic chance for individuals wishing to launch or grow their beauty enterprises in this thriving industry as well as a symbol of the city's dedication to encouraging entrepreneurship.
Dubai is the ideal location for this kind of event because of its global appeal and reputation as a center of luxury and lifestyle. Professionals in the field, ranging from owners of beauty salons to producers of skincare products, can network and learn about the newest developments in the beauty business at Beautyworld Middle East. The focus of this year's edition is on sustainability, resilience, and adaptability—three important aspects of the post-pandemic beautiful landscape—which should make it more influential than previous.
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The exposure to regional and international trends that Beautyworld Middle East offers is one of the main benefits of participating. This event provides an exceptional opportunity for networking and collaboration, as exhibitors and participants from all around the world come together. Dubai's beauty entrepreneurs may remain ahead of the curve and set themselves up for success by learning about customer preferences, sustainable practices, and innovative beauty technologies.
Furthermore, there are other exhibits outside product displays. A wide variety of seminars, workshops, and panel discussions with professionals from the business are included. These seminars address a wide range of subjects, including marketing tactics designed specifically for Middle Eastern consumers and the most recent developments in skincare and cosmetic procedures. Attendees can use this abundance of knowledge to improve client experiences, hone their company strategy, and adjust to the changing needs of the market.
Beautyworld Middle East provides a useful jumping off point for anybody thinking about setting up a beauty business in Dubai. The occasion offers an unrivaled chance to highlight goods and services and draws in possible partners, investors, and customers.
Dubai's advantageous location and business-friendly rules have made it a popular destination for foreign companies looking to grow into the Middle East. Beautyworld Middle East draws beauty experts from all across the region as well as from Europe, Asia, and beyond, perfectly aligning with the city's aim to become a worldwide commercial hub. This worldwide presence fosters innovation and adds a global perspective to the local beautiful terrain, creating an atmosphere that is ideal for cross-cultural exchanges.
Beautyworld Middle East contributes significantly to improving the standards of the Dubai beauty sector in addition to its financial gains. The show serves as a catalyst for growth and development by introducing regional companies to cutting edge technologies, global best practices, and environmentally friendly solutions.
Beautyworld Middle East 2023 is anticipated to be a game-changer for the structure of the beauty industry in Dubai. This exhibition captures the spirit of Dubai's vibrant and dynamic beauty sector, offering a range of services from a platform for networking and education to commercial prospects and international visibility. Participating in such events becomes not only advantageous but also necessary for businesses hoping to thrive in the constantly changing world of beauty, as the landscape of beauty continues to change. it's easy to setup up a beauty business by consulting a business setup consultants in Dubai.
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cohenskicksposts · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Complete Fourth Season (DVD, 2003, 7-Disc Set).
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isaacmashman · 9 months
A Brief Introduction About Me!
Hey, thanks for connecting with me here on Tumblr!
I am the founder of Mashman Ventures, a public relations firm specializing in personal branding. I help people who want to be followed, in demand, and respected create, maintain, and scale an unrivaled personal brand. This was the business that stuck with me and since its inception, I have had the pleasure of working with countless authors, actors, business people, musicians, models, and a variety of other professions to get results through their personal brands.
I have previously hosted and launched multiple podcasts, including Chase the Vision with Isaac Mashman which I ended in June of 2022 after surpassing 100 episodes (https://isaacmashman.com/podcast). I am currently in the process of launching a new show in 2023 that will merge the niches of business, celebrity, and entertainment which I'm excited to share more about soon.
I published my first book, Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence on November 1st, 2021. It’s currently available on Amazon and other major retailers (https://isaacmashman.com/book). I am working on a second edition release which you can expect Fall of 2024.
In January 2022 I launched two new companies, Mashman Investments, and Mashman Properties within one week of each other.
You can expect to see me post various formats of content covering topics such as business, personal branding, and my lifestyle. I am here to help you cut time frames and get the results you want in life without all that guru crap.
I would love to add you to my network and talk over coffee. Let’s connect! You can find me on my website https://isaacmashman.com and across all social media including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @isaacmashman
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Enhancing Your Creative Vision: Optimal Video Production in Dubai
In the heart of Dubai, realizing your creative vision through video production has never been more accessible. Discover a top-notch video production studio and unrivaled event production services, all under one roof. Let's delve into the possibilities and elevate your projects to the next level.
Unveiling the Best Video Production Studio in Dubai
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When it comes to crafting compelling visual stories, finding the right space is paramount. A studio for rent in Dubai can make all the difference. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a versatile setup, our studio provides an ideal environment to bring your ideas to life.
Crafting Engaging Content with Precision
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Our video production in Dubai boasts cutting-edge technology, allowing for precision and creativity. From pre-production planning to shooting and post-production magic, our dedicated team ensures your vision is realized with finesse.
Elevating Events through Expertise
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In the realm of events, creating a captivating atmosphere is key. Our expertise in event production in Dubai guarantees an unforgettable experience. We seamlessly integrate audiovisual elements, transforming your event into a visual masterpiece.
Unmatched Quality and Innovation
At the core of our video production services is a commitment to quality and innovation. We understand the value of a captivating video and its impact on your audience. Every project we undertake is a blend of creativity and strategic storytelling, ensuring your message resonates effectively.
Seamless Execution for Outstanding Results
A well-orchestrated event requires meticulous planning and seamless execution. Our event production team in Dubai thrives on delivering outstanding results. From concept development to final execution, we handle every detail, leaving you free to focus on what you do best.
Making Your Vision a Reality
In conclusion, finding the right video production studio for rent in Dubai and top-tier event production services is crucial to manifesting your creative vision. Whether it's a corporate event, a promotional video, or a cinematic masterpiece, our dedicated team is here to transform your ideas into reality.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Video Production, Studio Rental, and Event Production in Dubai:
1. Q: What services are offered in video production in Dubai?
A: Video production services in Dubai encompass pre-production planning, scriptwriting, filming, video editing, motion graphics, visual effects, and post-production services.
2. Q: What factors affect the cost of studio rental in Dubai?
A: The cost of studio rental in Dubai is influenced by factors such as studio size, location, amenities, equipment availability, duration of rental, and any additional services required.
3. Q: What types of events can be handled by event production companies in Dubai?
A: Event production companies in Dubai manage a wide range of events, including corporate events, conferences, product launches, exhibitions, weddings, concerts, fashion shows, and private parties.
4. Q: Can event production companies in Dubai handle both small and large-scale events?
A: Yes, event production companies in Dubai are equipped to handle events of varying scales, from intimate gatherings to large-scale events, ensuring a seamless and successful event execution.
5. Q: What does event production involve in Dubai?
A: Event production in Dubai encompasses event planning, theme development, venue selection, set design, audiovisual setup, lighting, staging, entertainment booking, logistics, and overall event management to create a memorable experience.
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