#the ex lovers vibes here are exquisite
tinnchan · 2 years
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There is a kdrama-nohomo-subtext-only explanation for this but I shan't have it. I can't hear you.
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nextinline-if · 1 year
I’ve seen people ask authors who they’d ship their characters with, but I’m curious which ROs, from other WIPs, are your favorite? Is there any specific reason?
I absolutely love your story so much! You’re wonderful!
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I'm unsure if both of these asks are yours, but I'm sorry it took so long to answer (like months RIP). Screenshot one was recent the other is older. Also thank you anon for your sweet words. <3
I appreciate your no-choice-patience <3 This is such a fun question. I read it wrong for about 4 months and kept stressing about which ROs to ship with mine. My brain was NOT working.
I'm being fucking serious, unfortunately. Please laugh at me in the comments. </3
Here are some of my favorite ROs from other WIPs:
Seven - @infamous-if; I can write a paragraph about why I like Seven but does anyone really want that? Heh. When the game first started, I was SO ready to be like "f you Seven, you jerk!" And then we find out that Seven still has that tattoo. Okay, interest peaked. Well, played. You got me f'ed up. I like to play tropes where it's from ex - to enemies - to lovers. Juicy stuff right there.
Ari - @theoperativeif; There's something really enticing about not just a slow burn but a slow burn that has the extra burn because of the obstacles in the relationship that prevent you from reaching each other. Ouch. I normally don't like slowwwww burns. Like, a little slow is good cause it's realistic but like where I ONLY get to imagine them in my MC's head or in memories? Got me f'ed up. (Again). I think I like this because of the trauma the two characters have faced together. Is trauma bond a tope? Don't know but let's go with that.
Blade - @shepherds-of-haven; On a surface level, you get a character who fights for those he cares for, has strong convictions, and is hard to get close to. I'm a sucker for those. But on a deeper level, I really enjoy the way his story is written and told. Unearthing Blade's past and trying to weave your MC into this complex character's heart. Not sure what trope is going on here but I'll take it all.
Sol - @theabyssal; Yeah, my Death is pretty pissed at Sol right now...but you're telling me that literal sunshine fell for Death? The Abyssal has A+ writing as is, but adding an incredible love story like that really hooks my soppy lil heart. The complexities...THE COMPLEXITIES. I'm on the edge of my f-ing seat here people. I want Sol to suffer and beg my Death for forgiveness. And my Death will make Sol suffer emotionally and then accept the forgiveness :') (she's a weak betch)
Dara - @ataleofcrowns; I mean, I LOVE forbidden/let's romance my general type of vibe. But Dara is an exquisitely written character. The whole game is beautiful but the characters are so full of depth. There's always another layer. Plus, I normally play a shier MC but I like catching Dara off guard. It's so enjoyable. Got me giggling and shit.
There are plenty of other lovely ROs from amazing IFs that I like but these came to the top of my mind and I didn't want to make this too long. I like tropes that f me up emotionally. More tears = better. Rip my heart out. Maybe put it back in. Maybe leave is on the ground. Author's choice.
That said, I go for a lot of different tropes and try to do multiple playthroughs to romance all or most of the cast. I think every character can offer something different and I don't want to miss out <3
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wellntruly · 1 year
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S5
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
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This season overall I'd say feels kind of, mild? Less low lows and less high highs. Just middley. I nearly included one episode almost wholly for the appeal of being maybe 75% set at night (something I would do), and secondly for the appeal of Hawkeye sleepwalking, when he's not waking from nightmares. But it's very I'll say "Season 5" in that despite this, it's just, I don't know somehow milder than I might want, especially when this set-up naturally recalls the much odder and eerier 'Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde' from Season 2, with (and possibly even because of) its spikier swings between the antic and traumatic.
But it happened that a lot of the stronger stuff here lent itself to putting together something of a more focused character collection. So welcome to our Special Issue!, highlighting the previously maybe somewhat under-served Major Margaret Houlihan, and Captain BJ Hunnicutt:
M*A*S*H - Season 5 Recommended sequence
5x03 ‘Margaret’s Engagement’ - So fun to me that Margaret & Frank transitioning from “secret” lovers to “secret” exes is somehow the exact same mood while having the opposite content. Ending comes out of nowhere and on a pretty weak joke, but when it's just Hawkeye & BJ lounging on each other on Margaret’s bed as she hops around showing them her goofy little engagement ring, that’s the Margaret & The Boys ‘Silly Mood’ vibes I've been missing, baby. Loretta Swit is back!
5x06 ’The Nurses’ - This one made me cry??? It was written and directed by women. It’s about women having complex relationships with each other. Bechdel Test smashed, only took us four seasons! 
5x08 ‘Dear Sigmund’ - It's the context here that really has me like, haha totally. This is the first episode they’ve let Alan Alda write all himself in three calendar seasons, and he's like great, okay: can I just get down nothing but a bunch of character meta and headcanons for everyone and put that up as TV? Yeah Victor Hugo that sounds wild, please do.
5x09 ‘Mulcahy’s War’ - Father Mulcahy goes out to the front to experience the horrors (more), but amazingly the real reason I'm including this one is that Gary Burghoff’s distressed little straight man hilarity here made me laugh so, so much, and then have a staggering realization: the character of Radar O'Reilly is absolutely the progenitor of Guillermo de la Cruz.
5x10 ‘The Korean Surgeon’ - Would be worth it for Hawkeye & BJ talking to Radar in the mess tent ALONE (Gary Emmy-winning year). But also I love their kind weary surgeon friend from ~the other side~
5x15 ‘The Most Unforgettable Characters’ - At 10 minutes in I'd thought, alright this is probably just another middle sort of one, and then at 10 minutes and 30 seconds, BJ (BJ, baby??!) spontaneously proposes that he and Hawkeye spend the rest of the episode play-acting that they're fighting to entertain Frank for his birthday, inspiring Barbara Kruger four years later to go, y'know what, I'm gonna have to comment on this.
5x19 ‘Hanky Panky’ - You tell me “BJ episode where he cheats on his wife,” and I’m going to say, “hm well that’s not the kind of character development I think I want,” but I would be wrong about that! A) love her, she's great in this, B) there is one particular revelation BJ shares here that is just, exquisite information. I will say no more at this juncture (Watch Notes: Coming soon!), but in light of oh, a lot: oh my god.
5x25 ‘Margaret’s Marriage’ - Let’s bookend this! One thing I love about long episodic seasons, is that after Margaret somehow ever more hilariously saying the name ‘Lieutenant Colonel Donald Penobscott’ for 22 episodes, the man finally appearing felt like forbidden Beckett. 
And also now say bye-bye, Frank [chorus: bye-bye, Frank!]
Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3 • Season 4 • Season 5 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
should u date my c0smere muses?
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evi: yes! not only is she beautiful and loving, but she will always cheer you on! she sees the best you can be, and will be your cheerleader on the way to becoming that person! she's well-traveled to an insane degree, and has great stories to tell as a result! will turn your abode into a floral paradise! will never give up on you, instead choosing to nurture and uplift you with all that she is! is the softest and cuddliest offering on this list, bringing only the most exquisite vibes and a surprising thread of realism/a sharp eye for what's really going on.
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h0id / wit: i mean. you could. that doesn't necessarily mean you should. he's kind of mean and has an ego about him, but is capable of great good, and there will never be a dull moment with him. he can and will serenade you, if he so desires. he might be here for the long haul, but that doesn't mean it will be with you. he'll keep dipping out to seek entertainment on other worlds, and refuses to stop manifesting bad vibes against his not-technically-an-ex? realistically, you want him as a mentor, not a lover.
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m0ash: i know what you're thinking. and i will tell you now: you cannot fix him. he's entirely too hung up on his ex. got really into a cult and is hellaciously depressed about it. sure the attempted regicide was sexy and he's a master of kicking sons of bitches, but he does not have red flags so much as a crimson horizon event. sure, he'd probably worship his partner and have some great banter with you, but not in this state. needs to get out of the cult he's in and quit the whole assassin of the crab aliens gig before he can give you anyone worth keeping.
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s*l: no! do not date sy*! she does not grasp the concept of dating yet, except as something that will allegedly fix m0ash's ex, her bestie! also too tied up in that bestie's trauma and ideals to focus on anything! Instead, here’s a list of nice activities you can do with s*l: catch rats to put in boots, build her a tiny shrine, teach her about the world, help her find someone for k*l, assure her that you are not single, treat her like the tiny sliver of a god that she is--
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
I absolutely ADORE your writing
Do you have any spencer series you would recommend? Either that you’ve written or from another writer you like?
I’m a sucker for anything slow burn/pining/enemies to lovers/friends to lovers, or anything you think is just good!!
Thanks in advance xx
oh boy, do I 😁😁 I didn’t know if you meant sfw or nsfw fics, so I included a mix! nsfw fics have a * by the name
Twisted by @dreamwritesimagines (the ultimate whodunnit fic. I have literally lost sleep theorizing about how this one will end. I am obsessed)
Teach Me Something I Don’t Know by @homoose (probably the cutest thing that has ever been written. teacher!reader and smitten spencer and lots of cute kiddos)
Something Like a Star by @recollins on ao3 (the only thing that makes my mondays tolerable. I am such a huge fan! super duper slow burn)
Wild Nights, Wild Nights* by PersephonesGrace on ao3 (recently discovered this one, and I am so in love. reader has a double life and things are very mysterious. also, debussy)
The Keeper of Words by @brywrites (one of the very first spencer fics i ever read. so so beautiful and I cried like a baby when I finished it)
The Red Lounge* by Skadisdottir on ao3 (this one will make you break a sweat. reader works at a bdsm club, where spencer teaches classes on bondage)
She Penned My Dreams* by Livikati21 on wattpad (another one of the first spencer fics I read. so so cute. reader is a lil southern gal)
Here to Misbehave* by @imagining-in-the-margins (uh-ma-zing. dom spencer at its finest)
I’m On Fire* by @differentkettleoffishalltogether (enemies to livers typa beat. the sexual tension is ~exquisite~)
Dear Whoever You May Be by @idmakeitbehave (the slowest slow burn that ever slow burned. just two adorable idiots in love)
All You Have To Do Is Ask* by @moon-light-jukebox (subspence subspence subspence)
Powerless* by @mjwritesfics on wattpad (more dom spencer goodness)
Fine Line by @eideticmemory (reader and her ex-husband (spencer) navigating coparenting)
The Ones We Win* by @etherrealoblivion (so so so cute)
Heather* by @your-eternal-muse (pain pain pain. another one I lost sleep over. absolutely wonderful)
A Part of Me* by @veraiconcos (enemies to lovers and allll the angst)
The Receptionist and the Profiler by @goldentournesol (Jim and Pam vibes and another slow burn)
and I have one WIP currently titled The Reward of Suffering, and an upcoming fic called I Carry Your Heart With Me! thank you so much for reading, and I hope to have supplied you with ample reading material🤠🤠
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
Maybe It’s Better This Way (Klaus x Reader)
Requested by anon. I love writing for Klaus but it can get very tricky since there are so many scenarios that have already been done and I try to do something that isn’t that much on the forefront if that makes sense. Enjoy!
P.S I suggest you read this while listening to George Michael- Careless Whisper cause it is based on the vibe of the song
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Klaus dreaded seeing (y/n), not because he hated her- quite the opposite actually- he loved her so dearly that when she got caught caught in the crossfire between him and his wonderful father Mikael, his father used her as a weapon to weaken him, luckily she survived but the only reason she got to live was because Stefan had turned her. (Y/n) was one of the few people that appreciated humanity, it gave her a sense of grounding, reminded her that she was this little thing on this huge earth. When she turned it was the new world of possibilities and Klaus felt responsible, it all became so much for him, he felt like he had to be around her 24/7 and (Y/n) saw how controlling he had gotten even though she was immortal. 
One night she left, in the middle of the night like a ghost and left the country, no one new her whereabouts for a few decades. Until she showed up to help the Salvatore brothers and defend Elena, she was informed about what Elena’s blood meant to Klaus and she owed Stefan so she braced herself for going against the man that she loved.
In classic Niklaus Mikaelson style him and his siblings had decided to throw a ball and what better way to see your ex lover than her attending your party with your new nemesis? She even went to buy a dress for the occasion, she wanted to make an entrance, it was the first time he would see her again and if he daggered her she need to go out in style. The dress was an Off the Shoulder 3D Lace Flower Sweetheart Bridal Ball Gown in pastel blue, Stefan had made fun of her for choosing an actual wedding gown nevertheless fashion is fashion and when she laid eyes on it she couldn’t find it in her heart to skip it.
She walked in the mansion she knew very well with the company of Damon, who was also dressed to impress, (Y/n) and Damon shared their love for fashion and the dry and dark humor so she needed him to keep her up and running with his clever remarks. 
“You are trembling”
“That’s because I’m scared”
She admitted right before she stepped foot on the main room, looking around and letting all the memories flood her mind, it was like no one else was in the room, as the memories took form and she saw them two running around and being a couple. A lump in her throat started to form, making it hard to breath as she tried to swallow it down, squeezing Damon’s arm as a way to signal him for her weird mix of emotions.
“You’ll be alright, if he wanted to hurt you he would have found you ages ago”
“I suppose you are right, I need alcohol”
Klaus had seen her walk in, he was on the top of the stairs, hanging in the shadows with his brother Elijah, both of them stunned by (y/n) walking in the room, arms linked with none other than Damon Salvatore and looking as stunning as always.
“After all this time”
Elijah spoke first, understanding that his little brother was still trying to comprehend the situation that was unravelling right in front of his eyes. Klaus felt like time froze, everything else leaving his sight and it was only (y/n), walking in his home in her dress, not even walking to him it seemed like she was floating around like a fairy princess  that came to bless everyone with her existence. Her ethereal presence, her untouchable beauty, the way she seized to exist brought him to this indescribable state of shock, he couldn’t even express what he was feeling when he saw her.
“Brother, are you alright?”
He finally managed to utter out. Of course he wasn’t, he had imagined this so many times yet he never thought it would happen, he had accepted it, shoved his feelings back and tried to understand why she left and now here she was, strolling in and bringing back everything he had hid for all those years.
“You don’t have to talk to her”
“I want to Elijah... I must”
His legs moved on their own, with their target being on (y/n). He had no idea what he was going to say or how he was going to react, it didn’t matter, he just needed to be next to her, to hear her voice. His mind was clouded by millions of thoughts and questions that he wanted her to answer, if he managed to get them out. 
He called for her as he stood behind her. She froze, thinking over her if it was too late to run or just pass out, her legs were already shaking so it wouldn’t be that hard to just collapse. The glass of champagne she had just grabbed reached her mouth for a big sip of encouragement before she slowly turned to face the man she had shared so much with. He looked as handsome as he had always been, yet the harsh stare brought her a wave of goosebumps.
“Hello Niklaus”
“Can you tell your friend to give us a minute?”
The word friend was filled with venom. He couldn’t understand why she had chosen him as a companion, another factor of his annoyance was that their appearance together meant they knew where she was and chose to not share that information with him. (Y/n) looked over at Damon and nodded, a sign that she felt confident enough to be alone with him, she wasn’t but she felt like she owed him that much. Damon excused himself and walked away to give them some privacy, he understood that the pressure that was put on (y/n) was a lot for one to handle, so if she needed a minute with the psychopath then he would gladly let her. 
“You’re here”
“Stefan asked me to come and... help him”
“Be honest with me love, he knows I would never hurt you so he wanted you as a secret weapon”
“You would never hurt me?”
It was a genuine question. He had every right to be mad at her, try to harm her and seek revenge in true Klaus style, everyday she wondered if it would be the day he came after her and tortured her or killed him. Now there they are, looking at one another and not knowing what to say 
“You think so low of me?”
“No, that’s not it”
“Dance with me”
He couldn’t take it any longer. This awkward conversation, her cold demeanor, his nervous side that was preventing him from grabbing her and kissing her in front of everyone. At least he would be able to touch her when they danced, He offered his hand and waited for a minute, (y/n) was caught off guard, the last thing in her mind was for Klaus to ask her to dance, she took two big gulps emptying the glass and left it to the side before she placed her hand in his and let him lead the way to the dancefloor.
As he brought her close to his chest he got a good whiff of her sour cherry perfume, it was so suiting, the only way he could describe it was like biting into a sweet juicy cherry your lover gave you and finding out it was poisonous. She smelled like a sweet death from your lovers hand, very fitting for the situation
“Your dress is exquisite”
“It’s a wedding gown”
“I always wondered what you would look like on our wedding day”
He said as he spun her around and brought her to him once more, leaving her speechless as her lips slightly parted in surprise. (Y/n) knew Klaus loved her dearly, still the subject of marriage had never been brought up, she didn’t blame him, the man was supposed to leave for all eternity, she worried more about him bringing up turning her to a vampire than a wedding ring. 
“Won’t you ask me why I left”
“No, I’d rather dance with you for a while, since I know I’m never going to dance like that again”
“Why not?”
“A dance is for the gentleman to show off his partner, make her feel special. No one is more special than you love”
“Stop please”
She felt tears cloud her eyes, tears that she refused to let them run down her cheek. As she rested her head on his shoulder and followed his lead, she let her love for him show for at least tonight. She had missed him so much, that his gentle nature felt like a drug that she would allow it to kill her. Klaus felt like he was in heaven, having her back in his arms was something he thought he would never experience ever again, this was a treat from above, even though she came in aid to something that did not work in his favor. 
“Maybe it’s better this way”
She whispered. She didn’t know if they would ever get back together, maybe in the future, she never thought he would take her back, so she held it together and did her best to enjoy her time. She looked up at him, her eyes making him feel like he was finally home, those sparkling eyes he had seen in his dreams, the eyes that every time they looked at him he felt weak.
“We could have been so good together”
“We’d hurt each other with the thing we want to say”
She replied back. Klaus was a man filled with pride, he loved her but he didn’t know how to love in a healthy way, at first she tried her best to understand and to help him, after the Mikael incident where he took all the blame things only got worst, he became vengeful, dark, his temper was extremely unstable and (y/n) was no angel. She winced at the memories of the things she had yelled in his face, she could be vicious and ruthless, her wicked tongue was her biggest weapon and the bullets wounded him deeply. 
“I should have know better than to hurt my only true friend, I wasted the chance that I was given”
“Please stay, for me”
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lovemxnot · 5 years
Summer shenanigans
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Length: 4.3k (wasn't supposed to be this long)
Warnings: none I would think.
Genre: Crack honestly, Fluff, bit of angst?, friends to lovers
A/N: This has been in my drafts for more than a month and I'm sick of staring at it so, here ya go.
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“Y/N come on!!”
Hyunjin yelled at you from the large wooden entrance door of the vacation house. With his luggage in hand, trying to fit his three giant suitcases through the door Simultaneously. You swore to god that boy probably only has a few functional brain cells, you have no idea how he’s so good at his studies when he was so stupid in real life.
Well, you guess it was only fair, he can't have both the beauty and the brains.
Spring break finally graced itself upon you poor university students, and Changbin ever so kindly offered you and the guys a stay at his family’s vacation house for the remainder of the break. The Seo’s are filthy rich, none of you were going to miss such a luxurious chance. It totally has nothing with you wanting to spend even more time with Changbin.
You got one foot out of the car before freezing solid in your place at what you witnessed. It wasn’t the gorgeous two stories, polished house that looks like it came out of a magazine that had you stunned, you have been friends with Changbin long enough to be used to such lavish things. Instead, it was the view that had you mum of words, The exquisite display of the variety of flowers, trees, and bushes, wind playing gently with your loose hair strands, and the sound of birds flocking away above your head, all of that combined made it look like it was one of those scenes featured on national geographic. Mother Nature at its purists form. 
The whole vibe of the house was serene and nostalgic. It oddly made you feel more at home than your own home. Probably because Changbin and anything related to him makes you more at peace than anything and anywhere else.
Naturally, the first thing you did was take out your phone and start taking pictures with it.
“Alright! I just need to document this.” You replied to Hyunjin.
“What are you? A fucking reporter?” He retorted.
“Hey, don’t be mean to Y/N!!” Changbin came from behind Hyunjin and delivered a blow to his head. A sulky, pouty Hyunjin retreated to the house with an amused Minho at his side, trying to comfort him.
Well if you count rubbing the injured persons back while laughing at their agony comforting.
You’ve met hyunjin in one of your general classes in uni, and he just so turns out to be one of Changbins many friends. Your relationship with hyunjin was hard to describe, he was as annoying as a strand of hair sticking to your lip gloss on a hot sunny day, but at the same time so annoyingly adorable and sassy that you can’t really hate him. That said, Changbin has always been your favorite.
Well, you might be a bit biased, you have been friends the longest, ever since the day he stopped those boys back in elementary from pulling on your pink bow-ribboned pigtails. You stuck to him like glue from that day on.
The rest of the boys you met as time went on, some in high school and the others in uni. Nonetheless you were close with all of them. But none had the same rapport you and changbin shared.
Well, all of that plus your ever long-lasting crush on changbin doesn't help your favoritism at all.
But really, how can you not fall for Seo Changbin? With his perfect chiseled jaw and cheekbones, Witty sense of humor, charming personality and his utmost feeling of need to take care of you, some would also mention his wealth, but that didn’t really matter to you. Honestly, anyone, your place would have fallen for him too.
Nobody knows about your little crush, or at least you hoped you were not being that transparent with your feelings. If they did know they haven't done anything to let you on.
You tucked your phone back into your shorts pocket and turned to get your luggage out of the back end of the car. Unlike a certain someone cough*Hyunjin*cough, you brought one bag only as there was only one week left of spring break.
“Let me take that” The all too familiar smell of sandalwood and ylang cologne swarmed around you before you felt a presence behind you reach a hand and take the handle of your bag from your hand. briefly trapping you between their arms and body in the process.
You didn’t have to look back to know that it was Changbin. You could tell him a mile away just by his strut. You had every single detail about him memorized, you two spent a lot of time with each other so it was only natural for you to notice how he walked when he was excited and skipped towards you to tell you all about the successful date he had the night before, or how he drops his shoulders really low when he's feeling blue after he broke up with his ex-girlfriend, or how he didn't blink when he was too invested in his game, how his chest would stop moving for a couple of seconds when a suspenseful moment appears on the movie you guys watch together. How he would eat with his eyes closed and barely able to shut his jaw to chew in the mornings, his face puffed and still lingering with sleep, how he still hasn't gotten rid of his bad habit of sleeply sneaking into your bed to snuggle with you. It was fair to say that you dedicated a lot of time studying him more than anything else. He always had his way with charming whoever he meets. It's true that he’s quiet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't speak up when he deems it needed or appropriate.
“I-i have arms of my own you know” You replied, quickly ridding the waver from your voice, Finally braving a look behind your shoulder.
“Yeah, I know.”He gave you that quirky little smile you like before heading towards the entrance.
What? What does that even mean? He really should not be able to make your heart skip a beat with just a smile....that really is unfair.
“It’s hot outside, come on!”
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As soon as everyone was gathered in the main sitting area, a war of Rock Paper Scissors initiated to decide who sleeps where. You got the guest bedroom upstairs that was right across Changbin’s. Great, more chances of running into each other.
You were settling into your new temporary bedroom when a shirtless, running jisung skipped past your open bedroom door, on his way downstairs yelling, “ last one to jump into the pool cooks us dinner.” Following a loud splash noise coming from your open balcony window, then another, and another, and another... oh shit.
Changbin heard the communication and came out of the room, shirtless, exposing to you what you already knew was there. That boy went to the gym, so his ripped biceps and visible six pack line were no surprise to you, but it didn't make it any easier not to look. “ Come On Y/N, don’t want to be the sore loser” and started running downstairs
You ran back to your balcony peered over the pool, seeing all of them already in it, sitting around in floaties or swimming “ YOU ALL PLANED THIS YOU FUCKERS.” 
Your confirmation was in the form of snickers coming from the half-naked chlorine-soaked boys.
It was nearing sunset, a great time to spend it in the pool, where the water wasn't as hot as the weather around you. But since you were the designated loser, you didn’t wear your swimwear as you weren't planning on entering the pool seeing that it would delay you from making the dinner later on. Plus the boys were really rough in the pool, you were not ready for another repeat of last time.
Apparently, the boys had another idea. You stepped out on the veranda in the backyard and looked over to them, and your eyes immediately went over to one figure you knew too well, seeing as he was standing in front of you a few minutes ago.
He had his back to you, sitting on the edge of the pool, feet dipped in the water, with water dripping from the tips of his wet hair, sliding down his muscled back, Down..down..down...down-
“Y/N! are you not going to jump in?” Said figure was looking at you now. When did he even turn around?
Caught red-handed, you just retucked your lose strand of hair under your Sunhat again and replied to Changbin ”Its either I cook your dinner, or I chill in the pool. One or the other, can't be both.”
 You bearly finished your sentence when a war cry was heard from behind you. Immediately a flashback took you back to the last time you went to the pool with the guys. Standing near the edge of the cold water but not yet getting in, testing to see if it was too cold until you heard a shout, the same exact one you are hearing now, push you into the pool.
But not this time, like hell were you going to fall for that again. Once you snapped back to reality and realized the shouting was dangerously close to you, you stepped back as if you saw a trope of fire ants crawling on your feet, and looked at poor Changbin as he took the fall instead of you. A hyena-like howl was heard from Jisung lying where poor Changbin was a few seconds ago.
Mastering all the strength you have, you push an unaware jisung right next to his victim, giving him a little taste of his own medicine. Triumphantly you tell him once his head’s above the surface “ Next time you try to sneak attack me, you might not want to stat that you are, the war cry gives it away.”
“Our Lil’ baby is all grown up now, she won’t even fall for our pranks anymore” he fake cried to an equally-annoyed-as-you Changbin.
“Hey, she fell for the first one,” Hyunjin yelled from the other end of the pool, seeming to have been following your conversation.
“And you bet your ass I’m only cooking tonight to make sure that both of your meals are burnt to crisps.” You laughed internally at the horror that played on their faces, didn’t think that far ahead now have they?, ” don’t know, might add something a little extra too if I’m feeling like it.”
Changbin snorted at the two idiots that were now slowly making their way to you to beg for mercy. You ignored the two imbeciles and instead reached your hand out to help Changbin out of the pool.
He held onto your hand and pulled himself out of the pool, you slightly staggered towards him with how much strength he used to heave his drenched body out, making you sway a couple more feet closer than needed to a very wet, Topless Changbin.
Your first mistake was looking up at him. From this close, you could see everything.
“Thanks,” he muttered to you as he brushed his hair out of his eyes and face, flexing right where you can clearly see him in the hazy apricot and mauve glow of the setting sun.
A wet Changbin looking at you like that was seriously making you think some unholy, unbiblical things.
“That would have been me, so I guess I should be the one thanking.” You reluctantly, howbeit hurriedly, looked away from him and bee-lined to the barbecue grill set that was some way from the pool to get the fire started.
You were being really distant to him today and you hoped he wouldn't notice it. But honestly it was your fault, you knew there was going to be a pool, hence seeing half naked changbin, but you thought you'd be able to control yourself more than this, you really didn't want to ruin your relationship with him, you wanted to keep him by your side, even if it meant only being his friend. you can't imagine a life without him in it.
Behind the safety of the grill, you put your hand over your fast-paced beating heart, trying to calm it down. You were just friend and you have to keep reminding yourself that. he only looks at you as a young sister and that all. 
At least that's what you both thought.
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The mouth-watering smell of the assorted type of meats being cooked swept over the place and slowly but surely, the boys one by one came towards you to try and steal a bite before dinner. Seungmin was the only decent one around here who was next to you helping grill the food. 
Hyunjin, for the nth time, jumped out of the pool and ran towards you, probably trying to get a bite that you just won't seem to give him.
looking at you with his best puppy dog eyes and a pout, he whined “Y/n ahhh~ You're not still angry, are you?”
You looked at him, hit his head with your tongs then continued flipping the meat,” I'm seriously going to burn the meat if you keep talking to me” you said ignoring his little yelp of pain.
He made his way around the grill and clung to your arm to stop you from accomplishing anything and pay attention to his whiny little ass “Y/N~ we were just kidding.”
Nothing, no reaction. You kept ignoring him in favor to put the new raw pieces of meat on the grill, setting the freshly cooked one on the plate beside you.
You were planning to cook dinner anyway so their stunt didn't really upset you, and being pushed into the pool wasn't new to you but it was fun messing with hyunjin even though he could get a little too whiny or clingy. It was really worth it to see his little pout every time one of the boys would come to steal a piece of meat in front of you and you would allow them, but as soon as he reached you slapped his hand away.
He was being adorable you'll give him that, but it was going to take much more from him to break your facade.
"Y/N~~ You know you love me" he pushed his face right in your line of vision, in front of the hazardous flame. “You could never hate this ” and proceeded to point at the whole 5′10 glory that he was. 
You pushed him away"Hyunjin you're going to get burnt."
"If that's what it takes to get you to forgive me" and pretended to reach his hands to the fire. You slapped out of fear of him seriously throwing his hands the fire- because everyone knows how dramatic he can be- only for it to ACTUALLY hit the edge of the hot grill and burn his hand.
He cried out in pain and you quickly, but diligently, held his hand and took him to the outdoor sink behind you "You fool!! I told you you're going to burn yourself"
he gave you the softest little pout "I'm hungry and you were being a meanie.."
"Oh now IM the bad guy?" you rubbed his scalded skin softly under the chilly water, trying to sooth it, unbeknown to you the glare that changbin was sending towards your linked hands, and Hyunjins little coy smile.
“You've always been bad, baby.”
“Ew, now any shred of guilt I had has flown away” You let go of his hands and turned towards to continue your grilling.
“Y/N ~“ he continued his whining” You ignore me, refuse to accept my apology,  starve me, throw my hands into a burning fire pit, and won't take any responsibility for my aching hands, can't you at least-”
Brimming with guilt, you stop him from rambling anymore by sticking a piece of meat into his fly trap.”There, Happy?”
Nodding his head with a look of complete mirth on his face, having finally gotten what he wanted, he waddled away. 
if it wasn't for his reddened, puffy skin you would have thought he faked his injury only so you would feed him.
Shaking your head, you focused on your task, letting a little smile slip on your face at how ridiculous that boy was. Changbin was confused at why he was fuming at how gleeful you looked thinking about a boy that wasn't him.
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Bellies sticking out and any sign of a six pack now completely perished, the boys have vacuumed the table clean. not a single bite of food left, or a full bottle of alcohol in sight. Seungmin was nowhere insight (Probably passed out in his room),hyunjin and the other boys were passed out drunk on the table, they wanted to play a game of hide-and-seek but couldn't choose a person to count so they all closed their eyes to count but ended up knocking out. Jisung was drunk singing to himself sad love songs, while you and changbin were the only still sane ones in the group.  Drunk yet still aware of your surroundings.
Changbin was acting very weird throughout the whole feast. Hyunjin, who sat beside you, kept whining into your ear about how he couldn’t eat with the crucifying pain his hand was in. You already felt guilty for burning him, but seeing him hiss every time he tries to pick up his food only for it to drop out of his hold was what made you feed him. You would every so often shove some food in his mouth to shush him, and he would gladly quite down. Changbin was not amused. He didn’t spare you a look, he ate quietly and kept to himself, then jumped into the pool once he was done.
The sound of water gently swooshing, making way for changbin’s body to come through was really calming.
You sat with your legs in the pool and looked at the fluorescent lights glowing under the water, making the idea of jumping in even more appealing. Your stomach was full, mind hazy, yet whenever you sneaked a glance at changbin, you always felt a pang of emptiness in your heart.
Sure he is always there beside you, you always see him, you can hug him, touch him, hold his hand, but it pains you that it is only platonic, You have no idea when your crush on him began, probably from day one, but the idea of him going out with someone other than you was really painful to the point where it would cause you to ignore him for a couple of days before you realize that your wasting precious time where you could hang out with him instead of weeping over the unknown future. 
It was stupid. 
Really it was. 
One guy shows you kindness and you fall head over heels for him.
but then again, feelings and emotions have always been obscure.
“Y/N...?” carefully, changbin called out your name once he was close to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. Shit, you once again were caught staring at him all longingly.
“Hmm?” you try playing it off again, you were really not on top of your game today.
“Come join me“ he prodded your leg, gently giving a pull.
“I'm too lazy to go change“ Bullshit, you were making excuses and he saw right through it. being close to someone for a long time had its pros, changbin has always been good at reading you, it was a surprise it took him this long to come and talk to you about, it.
“Then just jump in“
“Nah” You already were caught staring at him twice today, you couldn't risk a third.
Having none of that, he this time pulls your legs with a sturdy grip, making you land inside the pool with a splash, his body dangerously close to you.
You would have scolded him if it wasn't for the way he was staring at you right now. His gaze held so many emotions behind it that it was hard to decipher all of them.
“Stop looking at me“ you shied away from him. Or tried at least but he realized what you were going to do and slid his hand that was leaning on the sky-blue ceramics to your side, locking you in place and sending your mind into a frenzy.
“What if I said I liked staring at you?“
Where was this coming from? he was never like this with you, where was this new surge of confidence coming from? You might have misjudged how sober Changbin was.
At this point your heart was beating so fast it could outrace Usain Bolt.
“S-Stop...Don't look at me like that..“you blushed.
“Like what?“ he’s even closer now, noses bumping each other. his hair tickling your forehead.
“Like...Like- That” You lamely ended. Not trusting yourself at this vulnerable state. his stare is piercing, peering deep into your eyes and compelling you to move closer. His gaze held a knowing glint as if he knows every dirty little secret you kept from him, but there was still hesitation dancing in the back of his iris.
you felt his other hand creep onto your hip. Making you hold your breath.
“Stop me if I’m wrong.” You had no time to think what that meant before you felt his cold, wet lips touch yours.
You fantasized this moment a lot, but never would you have thought it would actually come true. Him holding onto you real tight, a hand cupping one of your cheeks to tilt your head for better access.
It took you a moment to truly believe this was actually happing before you pushed Changbin away. Changbin didn’t like you, he was just drunk. Was what you told yourself.
“Binnie your drunk,” you couldn’t stare him in the eyes. You wished for forever for this to happen, you’ve imagined a thousand times how his lips would feel on yours. But this was breaking your heart, he just did that because he’s drunk.
He quickly shook his head, “ I didn’t drink that much.”
“Then where is this coming from? You’ve never shown any sign that you liked me.”
“I didn’t think I had feelings for you but seeing hyunjin touching really... it’s just..” he choked, “ I think I've liked you for a while now Y/N”
It’s crazy how one sentence could set a festival in your body, your hands and legs tingly, your ears ringing, and your stomach fluttering. “W-What?”
“ yeah it’s true, haven’t you seen the way he looks at you?” A voice said from above your head. Turns out Minho wasn’t as drunk as you thought he was and has been watching you two.
“Way to ruin the mood asshole” Changbin tsked.
“Hey you were the one that took a century to figure out he actually likes the only girl he gives a shit about,” it was Minho’s turn to tsk and sass back at Changbin” the whole campus already thinks you're a couple, ‘bout time both of you actually did.”
With that, he took his bottle of alcohol and made his way to his room, saluting you” enjoy the night you love birds.”
“Where was I ?” Changbin caught your attention again once Minho was nowhere in sight.
“Confessing your undying love for her ?” This time it wasn’t Minho. You both forgot that jisung was still kinda aware of his surroundings.
“Oh for fuck's sake!!” Changbin looked pissed off now, and it made you crack a smile.” Y/N come on, let’s continue this somewhere else.”
He jumped out of the pool and helped you out before dragging you inside the house, passing a snickering hyunjin and jisung at the table.
“ DONT FORGET TO COVER IT” you heard jisung yell after you.
“Oh god,” you groaned, great now they will never stop teasing the both of you with dirty comments and innuendos.
Once you reached the couch, Changbin loosened his hold and turned to you,” Now, where was I ?”
“Confessing your undying love for me?” You teased him now that you fully grasped the situation.
“Right,” he smiled.
You didn’t know if the queasiness was from his smile or the alcohol, but it made you feel good.
He held your hand, looked you straight in the eyes, and earnestly said “I really like you Y/N.” you blushed even more at his straightforwardness. but you still had doubts. you did see him drink quite a bit.
“Are you sure you're not drunk?  you're not going to regret this in the morning?”
“Oh for Jesus Christ's sake- Y/N” you jumped at the sudden frustrated voice when you noticed it didn't come from changbin, but rather from the boy that was passed out on the couch behind the pillows, completely shielding him from view. He stuck his head out from behind one pillow, his hair a mess and said “ He's been complaining to me about how perfect you are all week, Y/N this, Y/N that, just date each other already or else I'm-”
what seungmin was going to say next will forever be a mystery for changbin had smothered him with a pillow murmuring “ Go back to sleep.”
“So... it's true?”
“YES,” hyunjin, jisung, and seungmin yelled in unison. you weren't aware that dumb and dumber could still hear you both talking.
“Y/N I'm so sorry, this wasn't how it was supposed to go-” you took him by surprise with a kiss.
“I like you too Binnie,” he melted at the old nickname you used to call him.
you might have longed and suffered a lot for him, but the smile that graced his face upon your words was worth every second of the wait.     
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hanalwayssolo · 5 years
Somewhere Between The Music and Lyrics: Ch. 1
A/N: I’m terribly off my own schedule, as usual! So. This Prompto one-shot became a monster I did not expect so I’m splitting it into two chapters. Honestly, among the chocobros, Prompto’s the first one that came to mind when I wanted to do a band AU of sorts—because I’ve heard Robbie Daymond sing on one of their LAVA streams and it is glorious. Anyway! Song featured for this first half is Gavin DeGraw’s We Belong Together. 
Tagging pals! @raspberryandechinacea @noboomoon@emmydots @bleucommelhiver @gowithme @hanatsuki89​ @valkyrieofardyn​ @animakupo​ @lazarustrashpit​ @blindedstarlight​ @mp938368 @boo-dangy
(Links in AO3) Alternate Universes in Which You and I Belong Together: Noctis | Gladio | Prompto | Ignis | Nyx | Cor | Ravus | Ardyn
Prompto had been busily sifting through The Lost Boys’ unanswered emails at the back of their tour bus when he hears his song.
Except, it’s not quite his song.
He recognizes the lyrics in an instant—and he of all people would know of course, since he had written those words as a cry for help for his hopelessly romantic soul. But the song that aches through the speakers holds none of Ignis’s electric riffs, the swell of Gladio’s drums, the steady hum of Noctis’s bass, let alone his own vocals. The one he hears is his music stripped to its rawest, the words made vulnerable by a melancholic leak of a lone acoustic guitar and an exquisitely soulful voice.
We belong together  Like the open seas and shores  Wedded by the planet force  We’ve all been spoken for
Prompto scrambles to the front lounge to find Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis huddling by the booth over a laptop set on the table, their eyes glued to the screen in wild wonder.
Curiously, Prompto eyes them—still grinning wide in awe—and asks, “Are you guys hearing what I’m hearing now? Am I dreaming? What is happening?”
Noctis snorts a laugh. He swivels the laptop to face Prompto. “You might want to check this out, my friend.”
Prompto excitedly moves closer. Immediately, he sees the video accompanying the song entitled “we belong together (cover) by my amazingly talented roommate!!!” posted by username MasterPelnaK. He barely even notices how this video has been raking almost five hundred thousand views and likes in the last twenty-four hours as his attention zeroes in on the stranger sitting on a bean bag, equipped with nothing but the guitar and that voice.
What good is a life  With no one to share  The light of the moon  The honour of a swear
Gods. The tone and vibrato is so on point it sends shivers down his spine. But then, Prompto begins to wonder why this person is not even looking directly at the camera. Were they even aware that they were being recorded? It seems all too candid given the angle, as if the camera had just been discreetly set up on a low-lying table. Not to mention the very personal space in the background, too: a well-lit room of white walls, a cozy looking sofa, an impressive shelf of books and vinyl records tucked between potted fiddle leaf figs. Somewhere out of sight, hushed whispers could still be heard. Was this only recorded from a mobile phone?
Anyway, not that any of these things mattered. Prompto has rarely come across other artists covering their songs, and when he does, each one he cherishes dearly. But this one—this one, for heaven’s sake—has moved him the way the winds bend the trees to its will, a tiny flint that sparks a flame. He didn’t realize that the words he had written could be afforded such lyrical heft, that the music he had created had been a delicate and honest confessional that could fit someone else’s voice so beautifully, like finding a piece of a puzzle he never knew he had been missing.
Where have you been all my life?
So Prompto watches it again. And then a couple times more. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis gather to watch him curiously. Prompto briefly skims through the comments section and is thoroughly relieved to read overwhelmingly positive feedback. He didn’t even mind when he comes across a comment that says “this is even better than the original!” because fuck it, he shares the same sentiment.
And before Prompto could even scroll back up to replay the video, Gladio drags the laptop away from him.
Prompto sneers in protest. “Dude. Not cool at all—”
“What’s not cool is obsessing over a cover of your own fucking song,” Gladio says in jest.
“Hey, it’s a fucking cool cover, okay!” Prompto scoffs and flicks his eyes on the ceiling—almost rolls them, but not quite so. “And please, big guy. I’m not obsessing. I’m too chill to be obsessed, thank you very much.”
“I clearly remember you saying to the crowd earlier how you’re never the ‘chill’ person of sort, and my word. How quickly the tables have turned,” Ignis casually remarks as he takes a sip from his mug of coffee.
Prompto’s mouth falls open. He did say that onstage during their performance back at Leiden Fest. His immediate regret is letting Ignis triumphantly take it against him.
Meanwhile, Noctis lifts a suspicious eyebrow at Ignis. “Iggy, are you sure you’re not drinking tea? ‘Cause you just poured a scalding one right there.”
“I’m impressed—that’s a good one.” Gladio gives Noctis and Ignis a thundering high-five. They burst out in a gale of laughter.
“You guys are enjoying this, huh.” Prompto grabs a pillow and smashes it at Noctis, who only yelps in between fits of laughter. He hurls one at Gladio, too, but the big guy has reflexes of a jungle cat, so he only ends up catching the thing. Ignis, however, Prompto hesitates at the last second when he shoots him a menacing glance. “Okay, I’m not even going to bother attacking you, ‘cause I’m pretty sure you will kill me if you spill that coffee.”
Ignis gives him a smile and a nod, and returns to his drink.
“Also,” Noctis says, “now that I think about it, you’re giving off that same look and vibe the first time you were crushing on Cindy.”
“What? I do not—okay, okay—” Prompto groans, jabbing a finger at Noctis— “that is different. Cindy is our road manager, so I’m choosing not to cross the line. While this…” Prompto pauses and takes a deep breath. “This is also different. A very surreal and magical kind of different.”
“Now I’d say someone’s been bitten by a lovebug.” Ignis leans back on his seat, arms crossed, regarding Prompto with a pleasant smile.
Gladio laughs. “Tell me about it.”
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys,” Prompto says in a miserable groan.
But frankly, Prompto is far from miserable having Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis as friends. He considers himself quite fortunate to have found brothers in them, painfully annoying as they may be from time to time. Besides, it was through their music that helped them bond and weather the toughest of their adolescent years: they were no stranger to teenage angst, to riotous episodes of rebellion, to whirlwind romances and crazy ex-lovers, and to the turbulent journey that led them to be the band that they are today. Naming themselves The Lost Boys seemed to be a fitting tribute to the misadventures of their youth: Always lost and never found.
And yet, regardless of their highs and lows, the four of them have always had each other’s back. And that has not changed even now that they are in their thirties.
Perhaps Prompto is being overly sentimental at this point, but that’s just how it is.
Or maybe, he really has been bitten by a lovebug.
“In any case—“ Noctis firmly clasps Prompto’s shoulder— “this amazing cover of your song is breaking the Internet as we speak.”
“Well, yeah.” Prompto shrugs, though he cannot hide it in from his face how pleased he truly is. “Though I do wonder who this MasterPelnaK is.”
“Definitely not the person in the video, that’s for sure,” says Gladio.
“If I may?” Ignis reaches for the laptop from Gladio. “Let’s see here—“ the boys squeeze themselves into the seat so they could also get a look as Ignis hovers around the profile page— “this Pelna Khara happens to be a video game blogger—“
“It’s a vlogger, Iggy—get in with the times,” Prompto corrects cheerfully.
Ignis exhales an exasperated sigh. He returns his attention back on screen. “Apparently, this vlogger streams gameplays and commentaries—“
“Really?” Noctis interrupts out of a sudden rush of excitement. “Do you think he has one for Assassin's Creed—“
Prompto nudges Noctis by the arm. “Dude.”
“Right. Sorry,” Noctis says sheepishly. “Carry on.”
“Anyway.” Ignis is unfazed by the interruption as he goes on: “It appears that this is the first time this Pelna fellow uploaded this sort of material.”
“Oh and look, he’s very popular, too,” Noctis says. “Ten million subscribers? What the fuck—“
“Wouldn’t be surprised now that the video got so many hits overnight,” Gladio notes pensively. “And check it out—“ he points at the bio section— “he lives in the city. Says his hub is somewhere in Downtown Insomnia.”
As if struck by the same spectacular idea, Noctis and Gladio exchange knowing glances. Ignis, of course, is quick to catch on.
It takes a while for Prompto to understand what’s going on, and when he finally does, he shoots them all a dubious gaze. His friends are up to something, and the glint in their eyes could only spell mischief.
“Guys—” Prompto starts as calmly as he could, hands raised in an almost surrender— “whatever you guys are thinking, we don’t need to do this—”
“We don’t need to—but you do,” Gladio claps Prompto’s back. “We got ya, my guy.”
“And before you all intend to push through with this,” Ignis says, “would anyone be so kind as to ask Cindy if we can change our course and make a quick pitstop. And let Iris know, too, since… well. She’s our handler, after all.”
Gladio rises out of the booth. “On it,” he says as he makes his way to the driver’s seat.
“And allow me to send a message to this fella,” Noctis adds promptly, already typing away in front of the laptop.
Prompto sinks helplessly to the seat beside Noctis. “Why are we all friends again?” he says loudly, and the meaningful response he receives is the sound of their amused laughter.
 “I want that video deleted right now.”
Pelna winces at the sharpness of your words. Crowe, on the other hand, looks like she is ready to give you everything the world has to offer. In the years you have spent sharing a flat with them, this must be the first time you have ever seen them this apologetic. Which is only fair because this is the first time they have done something quite outrageous to upset you. Yes, sure—Crowe and Pelna might think you’re overreacting right now, but you’re no video blogger or Internet celebrity like the both of them are, so that’s entirely beside the point. As they sit side by side cowering on the couch and you standing over them—hands on waist, jaws clenched, eyes seething in fury—it’s as if they have committed a crime against all of humanity that cannot be forgiven.
Except the casualty of the said crime is you, and only you.
“Look, you have every right to be mad at me for my negligence—” Pelna nervously raises a hand, trying to look at you dead in the eye but flinches as if you are burning bright like the sun— “but I fucking swear, it wasn’t me who uploaded the thing! Okay, I admit—I’ve been tempted to record you for some time now ‘cause in case you don’t know this yet, you’re a really good singer. But trust me on this! I really have no idea how that video got out, I promise!”
“And it’s certainly not me who recorded you!” Crowe adds in their defense. “My alibi may not be perfect but I was already drunk that time! And even if I’m sober, I wouldn’t dare barge in Pelna’s room and tinker with his toys. Gods know what I’d find in there—”
“Only the good stuff, my dude,” Pelna says, suddenly pleased with himself. “Nothing but the good stuff—”
“How about we focus on the issue at hand, yes?” You pace back and forth, and in dire resignation, you finally flop on the armchair next to the couch. Fucking hell. It’s too early in the morning to have a head-splitting migraine. You wish this had been from a hangover or some other sickness, but it’s insane how this is all caused by seeing a video of yourself on the fucking Internet with no recollection of recording it at all. Sleuthing to find out the events that unfolded the night of Pelna’s birthday only seemed to make throbbing in your head even worse. As far as you could remember, most of the folks had been severely battered—which was why you had the guts to pull out your guitar and sing the blues away as everyone dozed off in their drunken stupor. But in your tight-knit circle of friends, if there’s anyone who could impressively hold their liquor the same way they could hold a knife, it could only be...
“Wait a fucking second.” Crowe narrow her eyes at Pelna, and then at you. She fishes out the phone in her pocket and hurriedly dials a number. With her phone on loudspeaker, the line rings once, twice, thrice. And then, a voice.
“What’s up, Crowe—”
“Nyx.” Crowe’s tone is already accusing that you didn’t even bother butting in. “You’re the one who uploaded the video on Pelna’s channel, weren’t you?”
A suspicious pause. Then, Nyx laughs. “Maybe.”
Pelna grabs the phone from Crowe. “I swear I will kill you when I see you, man! How dare you dishonour me—” as a knee-jerk reaction to his response, you kick Pelna in the shin that he yelps when he says— “and how dare you dishonour our friend!”
On the other line, Nyx is still laughing. “Wait, on a scale of one to ten, how angry is —”
“Not the fucking point!” Pelna snaps back. “How did you even manage to get into my account, you piece of beautiful shit?”
“Well, maybe next time you should make sure you always logout, alright?”
“Well, fuck you.”
“Thanks, but no thanks.” Nyx says breezily. Even in a phone call, his voice never fails to carry his air of arrogance. “But hey, kidding aside. You all said that we should help each other in living to the best of our potential, right? And our friend right there with you, Pelna—yes, you, I know you’re listening, too—do you even realize how fucking talented you are? You have been serenading us all our life, and this is the least I could do to share how proud I am to have a gifted friend like you. I’m sorry if it’s a jackass move, but I know if I asked for your permission, that thing would never see the light of day.”
The four of you bask in a sudden uneasy silence. You should not have been touched by Nyx’s words, but here you are, almost moved into tears. Despite his occasional display of pride and vanity, Nyx is one of the kindest human beings you have ever had the pleasure to meet. He may not seem like it, but he’s the very definition of a jerk with a heart of gold. You just hope he could completely forego being the jerk and stick with his golden heart instead.
This time, you take the phone from Pelna and say, “Treat the three of us for dinner for the next two weeks, and I’ll decide if I should forgive you.”
“Consider it done. I’m a man of my word,” Nyx says, and the sound of his relief is evident in his voice. “Now... am I out of trouble?”
“Certainly not, you dickhead. Later.”
You drop from the call and hand the phone back to Crowe. The two of them gape at you as if you have finally turned out to be the monster they have always known you to be.
“Wow. You really did that,” Crowe says, looking very impressed. “You actually shut Nyx up and made him agree to pay for two weeks worth of dinner. Aren’t you a delight.”
You manage a small smile. Pelna heaves one loud sigh of relief. “Now that we’ve finally cleared things up, are you sure you want me to take the video down? You’re really getting a lot of hype from my channel, I mean we’re close to half a million views! And—“
The shrieking sound of the doorbell cuts your conversation in an abrupt halt.
“Wait, I’ll get that,” Crowe gets up and rushes toward the door.
“So? Whaddaya say?” Pelna urges fervently. He is still invested on persuading you, and you can see it in his kind eyes. “It’s one video, I know… but you gotta believe us, you really are a fucking talent—”
“Pel, it’s not that. It’s...” You get on your feet, circling around the coffee table, as if it would help you articulate all the reasons behind your sense of trepidation. Honestly, you appreciate having Pelna and Crowe as friends for their selfless outpour of love and support for your craft. But how can you explain to them that sometimes, your own music terrifies you? Is there any logical explanation behind being scared of your own voice? So here you are, standing in front of Pelna, falling extremely inadequate to gather the words out of your mouth. Instead, you say, “I’m… just worried. What if The Lost Boys had seen it? And what if they’d hate me for it?”
Pelna offers you a weird, strained look. “Well, about that—”
“I don’t think there should be anything to worry about. We love it!”
The bell-like bounce of the voice that spoke clearly does not belong to Pelna nor Crowe, nor does it fit in the ordinariness of the space of your shared apartment.
You turn—hesitantly, too carefully—to see three of The Lost Boys standing by the doorway with Crowe. And standing in front of you is their frontman, Prompto, smilingly extending his hand to reach yours.
  This horribly sunny day is getting stranger and stranger, and it’s not even noon yet.
Pleasantries have been made—and a little bit of internally slapping yourself in the face to make sure this is all happening—and now, it has all come to this. Leaning from the bar counter, you watch as the four infuriatingly beautiful men of The Lost Boys struggle to squeeze themselves in the poor thing you all call a sofa. Across from them is Crowe, sitting cross-legged on the coffee table, analyzing each of them from head to toe with the sole purpose of intimidating the shit out them. Which is no surprise, of course; Crowe rarely gets star-struck in the presence of famous people, and even if she does, she hides it effortlessly well. Meanwhile, Pelna is playing a staring game with the band’s drummer—and frighteningly the tallest and largest in the group—that you cannot help but wonder if Pelna has some sort of a death wish that he needs to get fulfilled right this instant.
“So, let me get this straight—” Crowe says, crossing her arms— “and I hope you don’t mind if we’re being cautious ‘cause, well, we don’t want our roommate to get dragged into something sketchy, but… you came all the way down here to this shabby neighbourhood after you saw the cover of your song, and now you want to collaborate on a song? Is that it?”
Prompto is the one who willingly answers with a vigorous nod. He seems unfazed with Crowe’s intention of scaring them off. He glances your way before he says, “And there’s no need to worry about the contract and all that legal stuff, ‘cause we’ll have that arranged. Right, Ignis?”
“Indeed,” says Ignis. “I know this arrangement seems completely out of sorts, seeing as we came here on such a short notice, but I can assure you that we offer nothing but the best of intentions.”
“Really?” you say as you move from behind the counter to sit together with Crowe. “But you’re all men. And you know what’s more dangerous than men? Celebrity men.” No one said a word. A moment’s silence lingers as you study each of their faces, and then: “So how do I make sure that I could trust you with… this? That this isn’t some publicity stunt you’re trying to pull—”
“It’s not like that at all,” Prompto says firmly. “And if you have any doubts with your safety, well, I’m sorry if our friend Gladio looks so menacing for our image—”
“Seriously?” Gladio scoffs, turning to Prompto. “You really hurt my feelings.”
You try to stifle your laughter. Somehow, now that you look closely at the four of them, they remind you of Nyx, Libertus, and Pelna.
And suddenly, you feel bad for putting them in a hot seat like this.
As The Lost Boys begin to discuss amongst themselves with what you assume to be a stream of their inside jokes, Pelna sidles up to you while Crowe loops her arm around yours. Whispering, she says, “I think you should do it.”
Pelna discreetly adds, “And if they ever get you into trouble, Nyx is a lawyer so he should have your back. I already texted him and he’s ready to keep an eye out for you.”
You let out a rueful sigh. You have to admit, it’s hard to stay mad at Crowe and Pelna and Nyx when this is the way they exhibit their unwavering friendship: with a flourish of genuine love and steadfast support.
Empowered by your friends’ confidence, you clear your throat and you turn your attention to the four men sitting in front of you. You fix your eyes at Prompto, and you ask, “So. When do we start this thing?” 
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oosteven-universe · 3 years
Second Chances #2
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Second Chances #2 Image Comics 2021 Written by Ricky Mammone Illustrated by Max Bertolini Lettered by DC Hopkins    After navigating the tragedy of the Ramos family, Leblanc is now painfully behind schedule. Desperate for a solution, he is coerced into going on a “date” with his ex-lover, and psychopathic hit-woman, Miss Nobody. Things will most definitely get weird.    I am already a fan of this book and we’re only two issues in.  There is something about the premise that is super intriguing and how it is being executed is sensational.  The opening is great and just adds and reveals another layer to Leblanc to the man and it really sticks with the reader and leaves you wanting to know more about him.  It’s extremely well done and huge kudos for being able to add and reveal at the same time all the while not giving us anything that concrete.  There are a few things that happen within this issue that manage to keep the action moving forward, revealing bits and pieces of the characters and just continuing to capture the readers’ attention and creativity with the more that we read.  This is so smart and intelligently written and it’s got this incredible vibe to it and all this is thanks to how Ricky manages to utilise his gifts, talent and skill to his advantage.    I’m loving the way that we see this being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented exquisitely.  The character development that we see through the narration, the dialogue, the character interaction as well as how we see them act and react to the situations and circumstances which they encounter is exceptional in bringing us their personalities to the forefront.  The pacing is excellent and as it takes us through the pages revealing more of the story we are pulled deeper and deeper in.    I am enjoying how this is being structured and how we see the layers within the story continue to emerge, grow, evolve and strengthen.  The avenues to explore that are opened up through the layers that we see are magnificently rendered and I have to admit that I am thoroughly enjoying how we see this depth, dimension and complexity added to the story.  How we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow as well as how it moves the story forward is expertly achieved.    I love, love, love Mark’s work on the interiors here.  The black & white style is definitely one that few can master this well and what we see and how we see it being done with the various hues and shades of blacks, whites and grays being utilised the way that they are is mindbogglingly brilliant.  The linework is exquisite and how we see the varying weights and techniques to create this level & quality of detail within the work is extraordinarily well rendered.  That backgrounds are so prevalently utilised and how they enhance and expand the moments is beautifully done.  They also work within the composition of the panels to bring out the depth perception, sense of scale and the overall sense of size and scope to the story.  The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a masterful eye for storytelling.   ​    Everyone here, okay all three of them, work so well with each other and the work is so synced to each other that it creates this story, these characters and this world and brings it to life with such aplomb.  The machinations of the individual characters and how these tie into the main arc are delicious little side notes that excite and thrill the reader with the potential that they bring to the table.  This is so smartly and intelligently written with some stellar characterisation and the utterly brilliant interiors make this the surprise hit of the year.
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newmusickarl · 3 years
Album & EP Recommendations
Small Talk by Soda Blonde
I must admit until this week, I had forgotten all about Little Green Cars. Having discovered the Irish indie rock outfit at Dot-to-Dot festival a few years back and subsequently hammering their two albums, Absolute Zero and Ephemara, they kind of just dropped off my radar. As it turns out, in the five years since that Dot-to-Dot appearance and the release of their second album, Little Green Cars had called it a day due to one of the original co-founders exiting the band. But out of the ashes of Little Green Cars arose Soda Blonde, with the four remaining members now finally releasing their debut album under this new guise – and it is fantastic.
Back repackaged and with a fresh sound, this may technically be Soda Blonde’s debut, but you can tell from the off these are no novices. Built on the experience of their previous outfit, the musicianship is exquisitely mastered and the lyrics as stirring as ever. This is a very accomplished record, with the band steadily navigating shimmering alt-pop tracks built on self-reflection, heartbreak and difficult relationships - be it with former lovers, family members or even strangers online. The band stated in a recent online listening party that the record was partly inspired by Kanye West’s 808s & Heartbreaks, and that is certainly one influence you can hear coming through.
There are really so many highlights on offer here – from Tiny Darkness opening proceedings with a catchy melody and stunning orchestration, before the neon-glow of single In The Heat of the Night arrives shortly after, followed then by the melancholic downbeat riffs of Terrible Hands. There is also the decidedly 80s flair of the brilliant title track, as well as the glorious string-tinged closer Choices. However, ultimately the track that ends up leaving the biggest impression is I Still Have Feelings for You – an ultra-raw acoustic number where frontwoman Faye O’Rourke lays bare her vulnerability, speaking out to an ex in what is a really stunning vocal performance.
All in all, this is a wonderful listen and an album I can see myself frequently returning to over the next few weeks. Little Green Cars were special, but with Soda Blonde this band are now really hitting their stride and I can’t wait to hear what they deliver next.
Seize The Power by Yonaka
Another band I discovered at Dot-to-Dot festival (where they got handed the 1am graveyard slot but still absolutely killed it!), I’ve pretty much enjoyed the entire output from Brighton-rockers Yonaka so far. With their debut album, Don’t Wait ‘Til Tomorrow, making it into my Top 20 Albums of 2019, my expectations for their second release have certainly been high – luckily with their new mixtape Seize The Power, the young band have delivered big once again.
Where their first album was ultimately a rock album with a slight pop shimmer to certain tracks, this new project feels much harder to pigeonhole. Across the album’s eight tracks, the band push their musical boundaries out even further, sonically defying genre to perfectly match up with frontwoman Theresa Jarvis’ ever-impressive vocal acrobatics. However, some things thankfully have returned from the debut such as the relentless energy, glossy production, big anthemic choruses and stadium-sized sounds they produce.
Kicking off proceedings with the big riffs of Ordinary, the incredible title track soon cuts in with Theresa Jarvis aggressively spitting her rallying mantra over an ominous and masterfully produced electronic backdrop. From there the band soon head into their most radio-friendly track to date, Raise Your Glass, with its huge chorus and noticeably more pop melody. However just when you think Yonaka might be softening, they hit back with the siren blaring riffs of Clique, with Theresa and FEVER 333’s Jason Aalon Butler yelling “Get the fuck out my face before I do something” on the track’s hook.
The mixtape is then brought to its conclusion through another collaboration, this time with singer-songwriter Barns Courtney. A stunning piano ballad with a jaw-dropping vocal performance from Theresa Jarvis, Anthem is one of the band’s best tracks to date and a perfect example of how their artistry is nicely maturing. Although this may turn out to be just a prelude to what will eventually be their second studio album, this still feels like a significant step in Yonaka’s captivating evolution.
Vince Staples by Vince Staples
Elsewhere this week, Compton rapper Vince Staples released his fourth studio album and, as the project being self-titled would suggest, this is by far Vince’s most personal release to date. However more importantly, where a lot of hip-hop artists nowadays will choose to deliver bloated, overlong and ultimately dull projects - Vince has instead given us the absolute antithesis of all that.
Just 25 minutes in length and every track under 3 minutes, no bar is wasted here – this is a concise, thrilling and intriguingly introspective listen. With Kenny Beats in the production driving seat, he helps to elevate Staples’ work further, with highlights including Law of Averages, The Shining and Sundown Town. Although it may not quite hit the dizzying heights of recent albums from Brockhampton and Tyler The Creator, this is still a great hip-hop album that’s well worth your time.
It Won’t Always Be Like This by Inhaler
And finally, all young bands have the weight of expectation on them when it comes to delivering on their debut album – that first record is always going to be a big “sink or swim” moment. However, when the father of the singer is one of the most recognisable men in music, in this case U2’s Bono, there does seem to be an added pressure.
Luckily for young Irish indie rockers Inhaler led by frontman Elijah Hewson, they take this pressure in their stride on what is a very impressive first outing. Showing plenty of potential through their energetic sound, as well as their knack for writing killer hooks and big anthemic riffs, I will not be at all surprised when these guys quickly move onto arenas in a few years time.
Tracks of the Week
Creep (Very 2021 Rmx) by Thom Yorke featuring Radiohead
On the tracks front, something I did not expect to hear this week was a new remix of Creep from none other than Thom Yorke and Radiohead themselves. Where the original is a classic guitar-driven anthem, here it is reimagined as a synth-soaked nightmare that will fill you with harrowing, existential dread. Very 2021 indeed!
Golden Arches / Ever New by One True Pairing
Tom Fleming formerly of Wild Beasts has also returned this week with two beautiful new tracks – the first, Golden Arches, a sparkling synth-soaked number with Tom powerfully singing the refrain of “Hope is all I know, you are my inspiration.” Then things are completely stripped-back to basics for a gorgeous, mostly-acoustic rework of Beverly Glenn-Copeland’s Ever New – really haunting stuff, the latter of which you can watch/listen to above.
Funny Way of Showing It by Spector
Co-written by Jack Kaye from The Magic Gang, indie legends Spector continue their build towards new album Now or Whenever with this spacey, guitar-driven new single. As always, packed with a killer hook and an instant melody that will get stuck in your head for hours.
Good Girl by CHVRCHES
The Scottish trio deliver this striking new single, which frontwoman Lauren Mayberry wrote “after listening to some friends arguing about the present-day implications of loving certain problematic male artists – I was struck by the lengths that people would go to in order to excuse their heroes and how that was so juxtaposed to my own experiences in the world.”
A glistening synth-driven pop song, contrasted with razor-sharp lyrics and a defiant message at its core – catchy, but also powerful and thought-provoking.
The Unforgiven by Vishal Dadlani, DIVINE & Shor Police featuring Metallica
I must admit I’ve been really enjoying these Metallica covers in recent weeks, with the likes of Biffy Clyro, Miley Cyrus and St. Vincent taking on the challenge so far. This week a bit leftfield as Indian singer-songwriter Vishal Dadlani teams up with rapper DIVINE and pop duo Shor Police for a fun, albeit slightly cheesy, take on the Black Album classic.
Only Love by Tycho & Benjamin Gibbard
Benjamin Gibbard returns to his Postal Service roots for this collaboration with electronic artist Tycho, for what is a dreamy, feel-good summer anthem.
Dangerous by Hard Feelings
Hot Chip’s Joe Goddard also delivers his second collaboration with Amy Douglas for their Hard Feelings project, an ultra-funky, dancefloor-ready disco tune.
The Aftergone by Holy Holy featuring CLEWS
Australian outfit Holy Holy, who are due to drop their fourth studio album next month, team up with CLEWS for another brilliant teaser that sees the band continue to expand their already adventurous sound.
I Go by Peggy Gou
And finally, the Queen of House only drops a new single once in a blue moon, but they always seem to be just what you need to hear. This one is no different, with I Go built on dreamy vocals and euphoric summery vibes.
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13610152128364555 · 5 years
Top 10 Albums of 2018
It’s that time again. What a year. Thank gods we had great music for a little reflecting, some much-needed re-energizing, and of course, a lot of rabblerousing.
Here are my picks for the year’s 10 best albums. What turned your tables in 2018? Let me know at [email protected].
Happy 2019!
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10) Sleep — The Sciences [Third Man Records]
San Jose psych-doom power trio Sleep have emerged from the purple haze to release “The Sciences,” their fourth studio record — their first in nearly two decades — giving stoner rock fans everywhere 53 glorious minutes of dark, dank, primordial heaviness that few if any bands can deliver. Anchored by Jason Roeder’s surgical-strike stickwork and vocalist Al Cisneros’ syrupy, sludgy, downtuned bass, master axe-smith Matt Pike plows through the kind of menacing riffs one can imagine flying off Hephaestus’ anvil as he’s forging Poseidon’s new trident — just as the god of the sea is packing his bags (and bowl) for a journey into the deep.
Listen on Spotify.
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9) Mojo Juju — Native Tongue [ABC]
Born in Australia of mixed heritage — Aboriginal (Wiradjuri) and Filipino — Mojo “Juju” Ruiz de Luzuriaga, in her third full-length LP, digs deep into race, family, immigration, colonialism, identity politics and Indigenous heritage across 16 soulful, sultry, deeply personal and exquisitely original tracks that stretch across styles, genres, vibes and even languages. In a troubling era where xenophobia is on the rise, “Native Tongue” deftly explores what it means to be “the other.” “Just because you own the airtime, you think you own the sky,” she proclaims on “Think Twice,” lassoing a global Zeitgeist that is impossible to ignore — and making it far groovier than anyone thought it could be.
Listen on Spotify.
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8) JPEGMAFIA — Veteran [Deathbomb Arc]
For his third studio album “Veteran” (a reference, at least, to his four-year stint in the U.S. Air Force), the 28-year-old mad-scientist glitchcore rapper/producer JPEGMAFIA (aka Barrington DeVaughn Hendricks) pulls out all the stops and then some to deliver one of the most distinctive hip-hop albums in years — if his wild and wooly aural experiments can even be considered hip-hop at this point. Vulcanic bass lines slither over shattered post-industrial beats as the New York native, now based in Baltimore, stretches his restless, inquisitive mind (he has a master’s degree in journalism), riffing on such far-ranging matters as Defense Department discharge forms and the fashionista handbags made famous by singer Jane Birkin (the one-time collaborator/lover of Serge Gainsbourg). The production is totally frikkin’ insane; the samples alone set him apart, from the bizarre epiglottal workout (a looped ODB vocal) that snakes through “Real Nega” to the brilliant rapid-fire Bic pen-clicking in “Thug Tears,” which triggered, at least in one fan, an ASMR (“autonomous sensory meridian response”), the unique auditory-tactile synaesthetic feeling of euphoria that has been used to describe a “spine-tingling” event. In fact, the whole 47-minute affair is fairly spine-tingling — and a bit bone-rattling, too. (h/t: JF)
Listen on Spotify.
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7) Art Brut — Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out! [Alcopop!]
The Berlin- and London-based art-punk quintet comes crashing back after seven years of silence with their exuberant, hook-laden fifth studio LP, a tightly-wound 35 minutes jam-packed with gorgeously odd, party-ready, rock-steady mini-anthems with more horns, harmonies, group ah-ahs and sing-alongs than your drunken final campfire jam at band camp. Cheeky speak-singer Eddie Argos keeps things humming along with blisteringly droll deliveries of super-catchy, instant-classic lines. “I hope you’re very happy together, and if you’re not, that’s even better,“ he sniggers to an ex-lover in what could be the most gleeful break-up song ever written. In “Too Clever,” Argos distills the waggish self-reflexivity that has been his touchstone since the band emerged 14 years ago: “Sometimes the smartest man in the room would rather be outside — howling at the moon … Ah-woo!” Press play and let the bad/good times roll...
Listen on Spotify.
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6) Young Jesus — The Whole Thing Is Just There [Saddle Creek]
For their third studio album, art rockers Young Jesus have crafted fresh, expansive highways and byways across the musical map. Ranging like the plains of boozy philosopher-poet bandleader John Rossiter’s Midwestern roots — and shot through with the jazz-inflected post-rock his Chicago hometown made famous — “The Whole Thing Is Just There” shows the now Los Angeles-based four-piece at their edgy-yet-dreamy, exquisitely exploratory best. Enveloped by a spacious production, Rossiter muses nimbly, often ironically, over complex arrangements interspersed by instrumental improvisations, with angular shards of guitar peppering lush soundscapes. “If saints aren’t given voice to teach of burns, we’re led to blood periphery,” he warns on the brooding, labyrinthine opener “Deterritory,” before the band opens the throttle and doesn't let up for the rest of this multifaceted 49-minute masterwork. 
Listen on Spotify.
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5) Daughters - You Won’t Get What You Want [Ipecac]
The hyper-intense post-grindcore noise mavens from Providence come out swinging on their fourth studio full-length (their first after an eight-year hiatus), showing that age hasn’t mellowed them out one bit. Above droning swirls of machine-edged walls of guitar, monomaniacal tank-tread basslines and call-to-battle drums, lead caterwauler Alexis S.F. Marshall lords over a gathering storm, slinging scorching, misanthropic observations of humanity’s dark side. “It may please your heart to see some shackled, wrists and throat, naked as the day they were born,” he howls on “Long Road, No Turns.” For 48 grinding, often terrifying minutes, Daughters exercise a powerful, all-consuming yet controlled cacophony — the kind of music killer hornets must listen to when they swarm. Still, there are intermittent flashes of beauty amidst the menacing Sturm und Drang of this post-apocalyptic wasteland, like one of those hornets pausing on a lonely flower, drawing a touch of sweet nectar before buzzing off for the kill.
Listen on Spotify.
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4) Unknown Mortal Orchestra - IC-01 Hanoi [Jagjaguwar]
While recording their fourth full-length “Sex and Food” (also released this year) in such far-flung locales as Mexico City, Seoul, Reykjavik, Auckland and Portland, Unknown Mortal Orchestra’s Ruban Nielson (guitar, bass), his brother Kody (drums) and their father Chris (keyboards, flugelhorn, saxophone — the latter two often patched through effects) found themselves hunkered down one night in Hanoi. There the wandering New Zealand minstrels met up with Vietnamese musician Minh Nguyen (on sáo trúc, a traditional Vietnamese flute) for a casual jam at Phu Sa Studio. What emerged from that session are seven inspired tracks of sexy, smoky, brooding, propulsive Miles Davis-inspired exploratory improvisation. “IC-O1 Hanoi” may only clock in at 28 minutes, but it unfurls otherworldly mood for miles.
Listen on Spotify.
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3) Jeremy Dutcher — Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa [Independent]
Toronto-based operatic tenor, pianist, composer, ethnomusicologist and Indigenous activist Jeremy Dutcher mines his First Nations roots for his striking, inspirational debut, a labor of love that is the culmination of five years researching and transcribing the traditional music of the Maliseet, an Algonquian people of New Brunswick, Quebec. “When I first got to hear these voices, that work for me was a profoundly transformational moment in my life,” he said in a CBC interview. “It was a process of deep listening — to sit there with these headphones and really hear what these voices had to tell me.” Featuring the grainy, century-old recordings of his ancestors’ songs (which he uncovered on wax cylinders at the Canadian Museum of Civilization), the endangered Wolastoqey language (spoken by around 100 people), modern sounds and rhythms, and his own penetrating, emotive voice winding through sprawling post-classical rearrangements of traditional First Nations music, “Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa” (“Our Maliseet Songs”) is an ambitious, fascinating and important work — a richly deserving winner of the Polaris Prize, one of Canada’s most prestigious music awards. Dutcher says his art is rooted in “Indigenous futurism,” one aspect of which is recovering traditional languages and viewpoints to counteract the Western narrative that seeks to erase them. Celebrating ancestral voices while looking to the future in a fight for today, this is one for the ages.
Listen on Spotify.
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2) King Tuff — The Other [Sub Pop] 
On his dark-themed yet fun-filled fourth studio album, Vermont’s reigning king of psychedelic garage rock roams new territory, plumbing the worrisome depths of our current technology-driven, environmentally-destructive reality. Backed the impressive drumming of longtime collaborator Ty Seagall and aided by blasts of brass and sinewy synths, King Tuff (aka Kyle Thomas) rolls through crunchy, bluesy riffs, peeling back the layers of our iPhone-addled brains to reveal the poetry, nature and wilderness that we’ve lost along the way to our self-inflicted digitized annihilation. “So take me to your telescope and point me to the void, save me from the ones and zeros before it all gets destroyed,” he beseeches on “Circuits in the Sand.” If The Doors would’ve been the perfect final act to take the global stage as Armageddon rains down on Earth (“The End,” of course, being the last song we’d ever hear), King Tuff, with “The Other,” stakes a fairly convincing claim to the rabblerousing penultimate slot. 
Listen on Spotify.
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1) Caroline Rose — LONER [New West] 
Somehow, Caroline Rose has managed to explore tough themes like sexism, misogyny, loneliness, self-doubt, infidelity and death, while delivering some of the most instant-party gems of 2018. Arch yet artful, Rose’s satire-spitting, synth-heavy third studio LP slips into seductively murky corners that burst open into dazzling technicolor skies on a dime. “I go to a friend of a friend’s party,” she deadpans on the opener. “Everyone’s well dressed with a perfect body. And they all have alternative haircuts and straight white teeth, but all I see is just more of the same thing,” The album, however, is anything but. With razor-edged turns of phrase, in-your-face punk attitude and catchy, curvilinear melodies, “LONER” certifies the Long Island songstress as a genuine pop maestro whose super-sly winks belie her 28 (!) years.
Listen on Spotify.
Honorable mentions:
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Cassper Nyovest — Sweet and Short [UMG/Family Tree]
South African rapper Cassper Nyovest’s club-ready fourth studio album signals a return to his roots in kwaito (Afrikaans for “angry”), a heady mix of hip-hop and house music that originated in Johannesburg in the 1990s featuring slow tempos and African sounds, samples and slang that has grown into a potent youth culture. 
Listen on Spotify.
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Peter Brötzmann and Heather Leigh — Sparrow Nights [Trost]
For their first studio album, Scotland-based improv pedal steel master Heather Leigh (whose excellent solo album “Throne” was also released this year) and German free jazz sax legend Peter Brötzmann show off the intimate, minimalist intensity they’ve developed over three years of collaboration. Probing and melancholic, “Sparrow Nights” is often rapturous, at times profound.
Listen on Spotify.
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Tomáš Kačo — My Home [Independent]
On “For Chopin,” the opening track on his long-awaited debut album, 31-year-old virtuoso pianist and composer Tomáš Kačo takes the master’s lead, playing the famous Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 (first published in 1832). But soon, the song diverges into his own expressive, jazzy strands to create not only an homage but an audacious musical conversation that stretches across the centuries. History plays a central role in “My Home,” which features some of the vibrant traditional gypsy music that Kačo’s father played for him when he was a just a young Romany pianist studying at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. A special treat: legendary bassist John Patitucci joins in for the duet “Marov.”
Listen on Spotify.
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Scud + Nomex — Maschinebau EP (re-release) [Praxis]
In 1997, London techno-scuzz impresarios DJ Scud (founder of Ambush! Records) and Nomex (founder of Adverse Records) joined forces to launch the Maschinenbau label, releasing just two 7”s. Praxis had to good sense to re-release these deliriously filthy and abusive breakcore/industrial noise tracks just in time for the 21st-century robot invasion.
Listen on Bandcamp.
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Ÿuma — Poussière d’ètoiles (“Stardust”) [Innacor]
In Poussière d’ètoiles (“Stardust”), Tunisian duo Ÿuma (singer Sabrine Jenhani and guitarist-singer Ramy Zoghlami) offer an intimate, minimalist blues-folk gem, sung in Arabic, that isn’t afraid to tangle with the difficult cultural politics of their homeland. In “Mestenni Ellil” (“I wait for the night”), they explore the desperation of two young lovers who can never be together due to the girl’s arranged marriage — a practice that is sadly legal and common in Tunisia.
Listen on Spotify.
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