#the exception being tubbo
terezicaptor · 4 months
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Surely when tubbo comes back from break we will get to have a teary goodbye between him and sunny right guys. Right guys. Right guys. Guys. Right? Right guys?
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nomsfaultau · 5 months
I keep meaning to work on other scenes and then end up writing scp Tubbo being the messiest disaster alive. I can’t help myself the drama is so choice.
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caramelteaa · 4 months
First meeting
A short one shot frubbo fic set in the owl house/the crow house au
Word count: 721
The usage of portal is highly restricted. Witches and demons don't tend to care about the human realm. And that's okay!
WA02 don't mind studying alone.
WA02 has never seen the human realm before.
Well, none of his colleagues either.
Considering the portal usage is prohibited, and no one but Mr. [Redacted] has the right to use a portal (maybe his boss has accompanied him before?).
But that's okay. They have access to the Federation's library for study purposes, with their rank and all. In the back rows where the shelf's are gathering dust, there's a couple of books and documents either written by past researchers, or materials from the actual human realm, they call it Earth.
So what if he has read all of them dozens of times? It's fascinating how different the human realm seems to be from Quesadilla Island and the entirety of Boiling Isles! Even if the soil seems to be roughly the same, apparently the sky is an array of blue hues, the foliage are green like emeralds instead of red like blood, and the rain isn't boiling nor does the sea cook you alive!
If there ever comes a chance, They would love to see it with their own eyes. A realm that seems more peaceful, painted in cooler tones and flora they can only dream of. But until then, his break is over, duty awaits. WA02 checks out his books at the front desk and puts on their mask, and starts their daily patrol.
Now, running into someone you know might not always be pleasant, but being run INTO by someone you don't know is PAINFUL. WA02 sits up trying their hardest to remain their composure, would be easier said than done with them covered in dirt and surrounded with scrolls that's not his. They soon find the culprit, currently face deep in......THEIR BOOKS! They snatched back his (borrowed, mind you) belongings, and are face to face with the most brilliant mix of blue, green, and brown.
They start to walk away with their books now safe and sound in his bag. Too bad this stanger seems to not catch on the fact they are working because the boy with a mop of brown hair who almost ran over them is now bombarding them with questions like "How much do you know about the human realm?" and " Why do you have books that's not listed anywhere?" and "Why are you wearing a creepy mask with no face?"
The sudden stop caused the brunette to bump into them(again) and shut him up for a brief moment. WA02 turns around, looking at the boy with pretty eyes expectantly.
"...What? Oh." The brunette said, seems to finally catch on to their outfit.
"You're a guard from the Federation's Coven."
"Is that why you have those books and scrolls?"
"That's not a no, bossman."
"......" WA02 turns back around.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT! Do you like the human realm? Not that you have ever been here since no one can, but do you though? I love it since they seems to have amazing technology and and the-"
They sighed, rather loudly for them.
"What can I do to make you leave me to my work?"
"Can I borrow your books?" He wastes no time, huh.
"Can I steal your books?"
"Can I read them under your supervision?"
"......Fine." WA02 really doesn't want to wrangle some guy who just announced wanting to steal his borrowed books.
"REALLY?" The brunette said, with sparks in his eyes.
"I'm busy for the rest of the weekdays so it has to be Sunday night, past 6 pm."
"IT'S A DEAL! We'll meet back here, and if you don't show up I'll track you down."
The brunette yelled as he ran back to the papers that he never picked up ever since he ran into him and brought both of them to the ground, waving goodbye.
Their name is NOT Freddy. Fred might be an okay name, not that they need a one.
That night, WA02 returns to their room, exhausted as usual, planting their face into his crisp bed sheets. They think back on the encounter they had with the boy who asks too many questions, with curious glints in his pretty eyes.
WA02 falls asleep dreaming of earthly delights.
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chapinii · 10 months
people would expect sunny to speak in an accent consisting of perfectly rp, queen's English british as a result of her snobby (tasteful) personality but I find it very funny to imagine that because of tubbo being her main parent that child has the strongest estuary/roadman accent that she cannot hide as much as she tries.
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sharksliveontrains · 1 year
to be honest I think tubbo being added to the qsmp is a slippery slope to me becoming obsessed with another minecraft smp...
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wilburgersoot · 2 years
everyone else and their mom could see who was who either theyre willfully not thinking about it or theyre actually that stupid
idk which is worse
idk dear patron, sometimes it feels like I'm a lone man among muppets here
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
i had a really vibid dream last night where the cat came back to us finally and reading your posts was the thing that reminded me that it was infact just a dream.
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dyketubbo · 2 years
yknow i think ive fucked myself being so attached to this url lmao
#i still like it#and if tubbo starts being a shit creator or just doesnt ever like.. notably change if he interacts w dream or not#ill probably pick a new url#but for now i adore it except it feels vaguely limiting in a way#bc its like. near permanently attached to dsmp. even though tubbo himself isnt just a dsmp creator#and my url isnt really about the cc anyways. obvously#idk. i do have my main but not a lot of people really. engage with me there#not that many people engage with me here either hah#but i guess sometimes i think about having a more general sideblog where i can talk about whatever#maybe get a fresh start away from this blog#bc uh. idk#i dont want to block evade#but it sucks to like. know this url is attached to a lot of bullshit that happened to me#and i guess a part of me wishes i wasnt tied to people hating me over misunderstandings#(altho i know plenty of people probably just have me blocked bc they dont like me on the principal that some ppl just dont like others)#sighs. idk#i have like. 900 followers here but nearly none of them seem to interact w my content anymore#and even people who have wanted to reach out i struggled to reach back bc#idk. honestly im just not good at. being a friend haha. or being social in general#so sorry to anyone who did reach out or wanted to interact and got very little in response#i kind of suck at interaction! whoops#and also am just in general a very awkward and not the most pleasant person to be around#which isnt meant in a self deprecating manner ive just been told many times that im mean n blunt and not a very good person#for honestly fair reasons. which probably isnt encouraging anyone to interact hah whoops#back on track though i guess i just wish i could. i guess make a new me. which is something i do a lot anyways#but i dont think many would follow. and sue me but i like attention. so.. idk#if i invent a new personality for myself and start going by a different name and change how i come off just in general#all on some sideblog that seems suspiciously like me but off then. whoops sorry i just do this sometimes#i dont like being the same person for too long. i have to try and change everything about myself to see what makes people finally like me#or i die
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nid-pysgodyn · 10 months
The more I watch Sunny, the more they come across as if, for a very long time, she's had this fantasy of living a life of luxury and having every want and need taken care of, except that this fantasy is being filtered through how a child would conceptualise it e.g. everyone wearing specifically crowns and feather boas.
Now, they have a father figure who is very willing to do everything he can to fulfill that fantasy, and to an extent already has (golden crown, golden rooftiled train house, gets almost everything she asks for). I can't wait to see how their character develops as a result of their relationship with q!Tubbo, and how the realisation of that fantasy affects their view of what they actually want.
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epigstolary · 9 months
Real Talk
TW: Medical fatphobia, health issues, fat shaming, toxic masculinity
Dude, you say you want me to help you, but you’re going to have to get serious if you really want to start losing weight. I’m a trainer, not a miracle worker. I mean, look at you; you know your body’s fucking disgusting, right? You let yourself get so huge that even your fat guy clothes can’t hide your belly anymore. Every inch of you is covered in blubber. Everywhere you look. And you have to push all that fat around every time you want to walk or move. It’s so gross watching you try to go anywhere. You’re just waddling around under hundreds of pounds of fat, wheezing like you just ran a marathon. Like… people aren’t supposed to get to the size that you have. And don’t give me that “health at any size” bullshit. You’ve got to have some serious problems to get this big and think it’s ok. Nobody your size is healthy. Your body’s a fucking disgrace, tubbo.
You gotta realize just how bad being this fat is for you, right? Think about it. All that fat’s wrapping around your organs. Either they work harder, or they just quit working. Your joints are getting annihilated having to move all that extra weight around. Your heart’s having to work so much harder just to do its thing because you’re so fucking big. Your body’s not supposed to work like that. It feels like it’s under attack 24/7 — because it is — so you’ve got anxiety, you’ve got inflammation, your hormones are all out of wack. Your body chemistry is basically fucked once you get fat. And fucking forget about it when you weigh as much as three normal people, like your flabby ass does.
Not that you seem to care, since you pay zero attention to your diet. It’s just fucking scary, bro. I’ve seen you pound an entire pizza or a bag of burgers and be ready for more. And that’s just, like, a regular lunch for you. There’s so much saturated fat and sugar in all the shit you eat for every meal, it blows my mind that you’re even able to function. Where do you think that shit goes after you cram it down your throat, meal after meal? It’s blowing up your body even fatter. It’s clogging up those arteries to make that overworked heart work even harder. It’s running through all the insulin your body tries to pump out so that it can deal with the abuse you put it through. I bet if I went through your kitchen right now, I couldn’t find one goddamn vegetable — all sweets, and takeout, and chips, and junk food, am I right? Yeah, you love kicking back on the sofa and working through a big pile of garbage like that, don’t you, fatass? I bet you sit there just belly out, crumbs and shit all over your tits, like a big fucking blob, huh?
Keep eating like that, and you don’t have a fucking chance. You’re just gonna keep blowing up until you finally have the fucking big one. That shit is so, SO bad for you. You want to not be a total embarrassment, fatty? You’re gonna have to throw the snack cakes in the garbage. You’re gonna have to cook stuff that’s not loaded with butter or grease or sugar. You’re gonna have to eat something green that grows in the ground every once in a while. And yeah, you’re probably going to feel like shit for a while because your body’s used to getting fed lard nonstop all the fucking time. But you gotta get a little self-control. The whole reason why you look like a fucking enormous cow, why you’ve got that belly packed full of fat fucking garbage, is that you’ve never had any.
I guess what I can’t figure out is, why the fuck did you do this to yourself? It’s so much harder to make it through life when you’re this fucking heavy. You can’t even go anywhere or do anything because you’re too fat to leave the house. Everyone you meet has to be shocked at what a lardass you are. Nobody who sees your disgustingly obese body is gonna want to fuck you, except the fucking weirdos who get off on that shit. Maybe that’s who you have to settle for, since there’s no way you’re reaching your dick with all that fat in the way. God, I can’t even imagine letting myself get too fat to be able to fuck. That’s so fucking gross, bro.
Like, look at me. Look at this rock-hard bicep next to that big flabby fucking water wing of an arm you have. Look at these abs next to you and that belly hanging down to your knees. It doesn’t even have a fucking shape. Look at these tight glutes next to that wide, wobbling, fat ass you’ve gotten from sitting in front of the tv stuffing your fat face for years. With a body like this, I can fuck anyone I want. How do you think that same hookup’s gonna go for you, huh? Nobody out there’s going home with a pile of jello like you You’re going home, alone, to try and figure out a way to get yourself off.
And dude, I’m not saying all this just to shit on you. I’m worried about you. It sucks to see my bro blow up into a fucking whale and get all mopey ‘cause he can’t get any ass. But you need someone to be real with you. Someone’s gotta tell you how much of a fatass you are, and how much of a fatass you’re gonna be until you get to the gym and shut this fast food and shit down. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for how you got this way. Keep complaining, and you’re going to keep being a gross fatty. You’re gonna have to go out, get some fucking exercise, and deal with being embarrassed at being the fattest guy at the gym until you’ve put in the work to fix it.
Trust me, bro, you’ll thank me later.
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cdroloisms · 2 months
always absolutely fucking hilarious when sbiers in their self-righteous need to assert themselves as better than everyone else in the same way they've done since 2020 even when they're apparently 'out of the fandom' and consider the whole thing cringe and dead (skill issue, methinks) go all um acktually no one cared abt any of the lore except for c!sbi. like well for one thing i don't know of a c!sbi personally speaking i'd like for you to point out to me where character sleepy boys inc ever like, existed, because it certainly wasn't in any dream smp i watched like is there even a single moment where the four of them interact together alone??? and secondly, it's always reeeeeeally obvious when they mean this as a diss on The Other Side Of The Fandom (read, dream team and co) when two-thirds of the dream team just did nawt have any interest in being part of the 'main characters' in the first place and would much rather do their own thing and roleplay in ways that wouldn't get picked apart for ages on twitter dot com, and the other member of the dream team played a character so integral to the lore that even c!inniters will often name him before they name their own goddamn guy because they cannot keep his name out of their mouths (see, the meme i saw like literally just yesterday that boiled down to me, after learning the dream smp lore: i need to kill c!dream). like bro yall are c!inniters you're not fooling anyone you think that the entire story revolves around this one teenager being abused and then completely ignore the months of abuse that was shown on screen for us before exile. "c!sbi" like cmon now guys the ao3 pages are like, right there, we all know who ends up being the villain for ur sbi fanfic that has its foundations in a dynamic that literally never existed in canon.
like "no one cared about anyone's lore except for wilbur and tommy--" well yes they were in fact some of the main fucking characters. imagine someone going up to you and going "well no one cared about the lore in the star wars original trilogy except for luke and leia" like damn really?? (now imagine this same person trying to convince you that darth vader's role was unimportant, actually.) like yeah the dream smp involved a lot of separate storylines and each of those storylines might've had their own "main cast" of characters but i'm also not blind bro, the story that started at the start of the fucking server and the start of the fucking lore was ABSOLUTELY the "wilbur-dream-tommy" triangle that is, in fact, the story that the l'manburg revolution was built on and the story that remains the throughline literally until tommy and dream have their confrontation with a nuke coming down over their heads, something that the characters themselves acknowledge with the repetition of the idea of tommy and tubbo against dream. LIKE ALKJSDFKJSADF yeah bro there were main characters in the tommy-dream-wilbur story an that's also the story that people tended to be invested in in the beginning, to the point where even other self-contained stories in the dream smp absolutely referenced and emulated it (cough cough, las nevadas). like, why are we acting like it's at all groundbreaking for people to be invested in THEEE fucking story the one that first started to exist because at the time basically no one else was part of The Roleplaying Trio and then slowly got padded out and developed as the server developed more and more into the lore server?
and it's the fact that none of these people, too, would deny that they care about ex. c!schlatt in manberg, right, or c!quackity in relation to c!wilbur's deal, etc etc whatever. like breaking news you gaf about The Story as a dream smp fan wow am i supposed to be like, surprised. do you want a medal. LIKE LKJASDJF
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cabinetduo · 7 months
sunnys admin deserves an award or something bcs their understanding of their character is completely unmatched. that thing sunnys doing where bcs tubbo died she was talking to her rabbit, who was moon, and got upset at him for 'saying mean things about tubbo' is. first of all it's all set up so well but the emotional conflict is literally set up from the day we meet sunny.
She's violently hypersensitive but most importantly she has abandonment issues like no other. Every other second she's on screen from the moment we meet her she's begging her father not to leave her in any capacity clinging to him like a lifeline nonstop. When he leaves for purgatory 2 it devastates her to the point where when theyre saying theyre goodbyes as she heads to bed she can't even acknowledge him leaving as like a viable thing that's happening. tubbo apologizes that hes being dragged away and she goes "it's okay bcs your not leaving me pa"
When tubbo comes back and it's clear he values his own life less and less everyday sunny makes sure that after every morbid comment he assures them that he's not gonna die. he's not going to leave her anytime soon bcs she needs him. she says it so so many times. she needs him. Even outside of tubbo sunny clings onto what she loves hard with her "MY pas" and her "MY panadas" and her "MY mustache boy" I've said this before but she's so 'everything I let go of has claw marks on it' coded
So. When tubbo like, fully dies, ofc she barely processes it. she makes a cake at home all by herself and travels all the way to his corpse to share it with him bcs he's a mermaid like her Ma now. Except they know he's dead and all the empty promises of him promising no matter what he would never leave her fester in her so she handles it the way she handles most of her negative emotions. she separates them from her bcs theyre too big to handle and lets moon do it. She scolds him for saying mean things abt her pa who she loves more than anything but that doesn't stop her from feeling like he failed her, he abandoned her, he broke his promises. They're just a little baby :((
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soulfireblue · 7 months
The fact that it was Chayanne that Tubbo was yelling about as he died... he knows what it's like to want to protect someone, and in that moment, it wasn't Sunny whose name he called out (he'd already accepted that they'd lose each other eventually), but his godson's.
He insisted Richas couldn't kill him because Chayanne would freak out, because he couldn't do that to him. He and Chayanne needed each other; they both needed someone they knew they wouldn't lose. Tubbo was afraid of being abandoned, and Chayanne never did that to him. Chayanne was afraid of losing the people he loved, who he was supposed to protect, and Tubbo was supposed to be someone he could protect who was impossible to lose.
Except he couldn't protect him. He did lose him.
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galatoma · 8 months
tubbo basically being a ghost because of a bug that makes everyone unable to see or hear him except for etoiles sounds like the set up of an indie cartoon pilot. just etoiles and the ghost he can't get rid of, watch the antics ensue!
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mcytblrconfessions · 11 months
ranboo might be the funniest motherfucker alive if only for cringeposting their way on to dreamsmp and then doing jack shit on there except marrying tubbo. and then being wildly rich and famous because of it
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
hi saw your daddy kink post discussing the phenomenon of giving grown characters surrogate parental relationships, and I understand where you’re coming from, but i really feel like it’s just a matter of the circles you run in, and the assumptions that you might make because of that. you mention how platonic reads of these dynamics are more uncommon than kinky reads, which i just don’t think is the case, and I think that arguing that people don’t even realize that they’re writing a kink is a little bit bizarre, and sort of assumes that you know more abt them than they do by projecting your own experiences onto them.
it isn’t inherently sexual to crave protection or a parental relationship that you may have missed out on, and it is certainly not universal. in my own family, my “grandpa” isnt my biological grandfather (nor do I really consider him to be my grandfather), but he’s my mother’s surrogate father and has been since she was in her twenties. an adult. he sees her as a daughter. she sees him as a father. there’s absolutely nothing kinky about it. and anybody who automatically assumes that must have their mind deep, deep in the gutter and/or the stranger side of the Internet. really, i find it a bit of a strange argument to randomly post in the first place—as if it’s a problem that so many people enjoy non romantic and non sexual relationships, and that these people must, in fact, have a daddy kink that they are unaware of.
that said, i do absolutely agree that fans bringing any part of that into phil’s chat is weird and they should Not do that, and that infantilizing characters is also very weird, and personally i dont even see him as being father figure to anybody on that island except his eggs, wilbur, and MAYBE an argument could be made for tubbo (which other cc’s on the island have joked about), but to each their own and all that.
sorry this is so long. TLDR, i get where ur coming from in terms of “warning , some people might read your stuff differently than you want here” but really not everything is a kink and paternal dynamics can easily happen in regards to adult characters, particularly young adults, without there being any inappropriate connotations. i know nothing i said will change your mind, obviously it’s set, but ykno diff perspectives and all that. hope ur doing well
Thank you for the ask! I see you were on mobile, I believe. :D I am also going to push the character limit with this response, I fear.
I agree that it isn't inhernetly sexual to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, and there are many such cases. I'll even go so far as to say that it's not inherently kinky to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, because there is such a thing as non-sexual kink, and heaven knows that MCYT writing is full of non-sexual kink. Lots and lots of stuff that is platonic that is kinking on fear, or being drugged, or kidnapping, or hypnosis, or familial relationships, etc— there's lots of people who aren't doing that. There are tons of people out in the real world (and in fiction), who are simply just expanding their family as an adult, and that's awesome. When I was in college there was this older couple who kind of adopted me and invited me over for thursday dinner, and they were awesome. There was nothing untoward going on there.
But look. I am an emduo fan who likes to see my guys be murdery, and because of that, I've ended up reading a bunch of Dark SBI. I've ocassionally gone "this cannot be what everyone is doing" and I've read stuff tagged as "family fluff" that I find recommended. I am aware of where the genre is going, particularly with the rise of "dadbur" and "dadnoblade" interpretations.
And look, you have just got to trust me on this one. People are writing stuff that in any other fandom I would be recommending they put kink tags on the work so that people who liked that trope could find it and people who didn't like it would avoid it, but that comment in DSMP would just lead to people getting doxxed, so I just grit my teeth and go "i guess that's baked into Dark SBI or Tooth Rotting Fluff now, I sure hope that doesn't hit anybody's triggers".
Like I PROMISE you. The first draft of this response included excerpts of fics that I've read and I was like "can YOU pick the ship fic from the /p fics here"? But I have a horror of ever leading to someone getting cancelled on twitter, so nothing that could possibly be identifiable of these writers. But like—
Some of the ways that Tommy gets treated in the narrative are almost indistinguishable from a bodice-ripper romance. Some of the tropes being used— within DSMP we've all clasped hands and agreed to interpret it being platonic, but in any other fandom, you are going to start getting comments that you might not want to get. The tag is FULL of stuff that is DD/LB in everything but name. Maybe my mind is in the gutter here, but if you move out of this fandom, you are going to move into circles where a lot of people's minds are in the gutter, and you are going to get a very different response from your comments!
And I was talking about daddy kink here specifically, because I see that one come up a lot and it's gotten egregious lately, but this also applies to dehumanization, and fearplay, and predator/prey, and "instincts" (in every other fandom that's gonna get people in a mashup of A/B/O, Hypnosis, and sometimes Agere responding to it), and kidnapping/drugging, AND the way a bunch of "piglin instincts" stuff is just a BDSM au now where the Brute (dom) needs to be callmed down by their Runt (sub). The SBI tag is super kinky right now. And I don't have a problem with that idealogically, write your truth, but a) please don't bring that up in front of the streamers, b) if you move to another fandom you have got to be prepared that not everyone is doing their kink platonically.
Like I'm assuming that people don't know what tropes they're playing into, they're just building them from first principles, because the other alternative is that they are deliberately and knowingly writing kink and posting it in the & relationship tag with insufficient trigger tags, and I prefer to believe that people don't know.
I'm glad we agree about people bringing that into Phi's chat, or Pol's, or Luzu, or any of the other streamers that people have decided is So Old. A lot of people aren't comfortable even being assigned dad, as we saw with Felps, so bringing it even further is just— uh oh, no.
I do not have a problem with people liking non-romantic and non-sexual relationships. I find it a bit odd that much of the fandom can't concieve of a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship without making it familial and specifically lately father-son— don't you have close friends?— but I am fully in support of gen writing. I primarily write gen! I'm an avid commentor on gen fics!
But some of the tropes at play in the fandom are kinky, there is no way to avoid that. The fact that they are set in a familial relationship doesn't negate that. Some of the ways that the DSMP characters get treated would be distinctly non-familial if you ever brought it out of that context. And I am just warning people, if you bring it out of that context, be prepared for the response you get.
You cannot take DSMP tropes and apply them one-to-one in other fandoms, with other streamers swapped in, and expect them to be read the same way. Like i'm sorry, but that's just true. If you are posting the same sort of stuff that for Cellbit & Phil that you would post for Tommy & Phil, people will assume that you have a daddy kink, because usually when a relationship between a adults that are actually similar in age is refered to with paternal language it's a kink thing. That is how the broader internet works. (And anon, if I had a daddy kink, would I be complaining about the fact that I can open any SBI fic and have about a 40% chance of hitting it and I'm seeing signs of this appearing in QSMP? I assure you I'm not "projecting [my] own experiences onto them" here.)
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