#the exile queen Marcelle
anxietytwist · 2 years
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punkranger · 1 year
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Replaying the exile with monroe and leaning more towards aggressive this time to see how Marcelle reacts to it and now I'm thinking about their relationship... or whatever this is
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exilethegame · 1 year
Hey I wanted to say that I enjoyed the story so much and that I also named my Commander's daggers mother and mom, because in this we love ✨️angs potential✨️
Anyway could I ask you what the queens reactions would be for that? 👉👈
Marcelle would've genuinely thought it was hilarious, and Emeline would've been like "why would you do that??? I don't get it???" b/c she's just a non-violent person and doesn't get the whole "naming your weapons" thing.
Post-exile, I think it would make both of them feel pretty bittersweet. Both of them might've even snuck into the room where MC's armor was kept over the years just to look at the armor and reminisce, their eyes always flickering to the one dagger that they knew was originally named after them.
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thepaleys · 2 days
Life in Exile
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From 1898 to 1913, Grand Duke Paul and Olga lived in Boulogne, just outside Paris, in a magnificent house in the middle of a vast park - today the Cours Dupanloup - which they decorated sumptuously and with perfect taste. Olga exuded joie de vivre; cheerful and warm, always late for appointments, elegant, witty and generous, she became one of the queens of Parisian life.
The couple had considerable resources at their disposal, entertained a great deal and were much celebrated. Grand Duke Paul's character was captivating, with his kindness and reserve; in the eyes of the Parisian grandee, he epitomised the "good grand duke" found in the work of Marcel Proust, who, on several occasions in his writings, also evoked Olga and praised her seduction.
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Paul and Olga spoke several languages and, as Russian intellectuals often do, French as pure as if it were their mother tongue. Two children were born after Vladimir: Irène, in 1903, and Natalie, in 1905. All three grew up in a veritable Parisian paradise, enjoying a wonderfully sheltered French lifestyle and enjoying the invigorating air of the Basque coast during their holidays in Biarritz.
These are years of extreme happiness for the whole family. What's more, being uprooted and living in exile - even if it's a golden exile far from the Russia they all think of - unites these tender, romantic people even more deeply, and their feelings are expressed with a great sense of humour.
Olga and Paul look after their children all the better because they are suffering from being separated from those they left behind in Russia. Paul expects nothing more from Russia except that he hopes to see Maria Pavlovna and Dimitri again, but for that to happen the Tsar would have to change his mind...
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Mémoires d'exil - Frédéric Mitterrand
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ramonag-if · 1 year
It's funny because I also play Bastard of Camelot and the newest update here got me thinking over about the two parents pairs.
There's absolutely no doubt in my mind both mothers ended up doing their child dirty (Salyra to MC and Morgana to Mordred) for very selfish personal goals that may not seem to be selfish in their eyes, and deserve being put on the spot by their respective children for how their actions negatively affect the two MCs. I had to think a little longer between Accolan and Danzor, but I personally came to the conclusion that while both do excuse the actions of their lovers' questionable choices, Accolan is nowhere near as bad about it as Danzor since he still admits that what Morgana did was messed up when Mordred calls that out. Accolan also not so blind that he disregards Mordred's negative emotions in favor of protecting Morgana and is a lot more genuine in his care for the child born under messed up circumstances, something I can't say the same for with Danzor.
If I had to throw my own opinion in on which parental figure pairs end up a little higher in the questionable parents list compared to Salyra and Danzor, it'd probably be Marcelle the Raven Queen and maybe her wife Emeline from the IF WIP called The Exile (which make me snicker a little like a dork because 'hehehe they both have exile'). Marcelle currently feels so much more calculating and deliberate in what she subjected MC to and what more she's going to put them through, where Salyra comes across more reckless(?) in her decision making and not nearly as thoroughly observant to the full extent of her plans potential consequences. And while Salyra just seems blind to her own failings and thinks she can still forcefully fix things with even a angry MC, Marcelle seems much more aware of the pain she has put Exile MC through...and just choses to see it as a cost she is willing to pay for the sake of her goals and doesn't make any attempt to fix an probably already strained relationship. Emeline does undoubtedly care a lot more for her adopted child than Danzor cares about MC, but that almost kind of makes it a little worse because she knew to a extent what her wife was subjecting Exile MC to yet didn't have the willpower to protect MC from it (though I do pity her situation more than I do Danzor's). These opinions can possibly change in the future when more is learned about either sets of parents though, in particular when more gets revealed of Salyra and Marcelle's goals and what they have done/are willing to risk to further achieve their endgames.
I love both the games mentioned but I think you're right - The Exile parents are probably the worst of the bunch. So much angst and heartbreak, I'm always torn between wanting to play a forgiving MC or an angry one and end up just being a weepy mess 😅
I think Salyra and Ahlf could have been better parents if there hadn't been a war. Both carried trauma from the war and their past and when they got into a relationship, it was based on necessity at first, not love. Danzor loved Salyra from a time before she was the High Priestess. They were young sweethearts and for a time, Danzor wasn't as much of an enabler as he is now. He's lost a lot through the war, so he's happy to have Salyra the way she is is rather than not have her at all 👀😬
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coeluvr · 2 years
Oh god, I wouldn't be able to tell you who did either of the Ash Crown MC or the Commander MC the dirtiest worse between Luceris and Marcelle. What Luceris did was too much in my eyes and especially scarring because poor MC was a child when their family was murdered. What the Raven Queen has done is something that I think will hit more when you experience the story yourself, so I highly recommend going to Pheo's The Exile Tumblr to give it a run. Make sure to read its content warnings though.
These asks are really making me want to play it so I'll probably not sleep tonight and play it 😭
I think a parent's actions will always hurt more than a stranger's. For example if it was MCs dad that killed their own family it would be so much worse than Luceris doing it, of course both are terrible but it's someone you trust and to me that's a lot worse.
I'll be sure to talk about what I thought after I'm done with the game!
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liiilwen · 9 months
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Ragnahilda observing secretly an image of young Sidonius Apollinaris, gallo-roman aristocrat and bishop, poet and prisoner, under the moonlight of a fading world.
*Apollinaris was imprisoned and exiled by the Visigoths for defending Clermont, but was later released. At the request of a friend, he wrote a hymn to Ragnahilda, the Visigoth queen. The verses were carved on a silver basin and presented to her, but Apollinaris did not believe that barbarian women would prefer poetry to silver. Here I used the setting in Jean Marcel's novel Sidoine ou la dernière fête, replacing the silver basin with a mirror. Through that magical object, fair Ragnahilda learned about the Roman’s mysterious fate.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Commander Talon Vespero
another day another oc lmao, this time it's for The Exile but @exilethegame It's definitely another IF I'd recommend so check it out if you can
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Portrait of Commander Talon Vespero, adoptive son of Queen Marcelle Naulvonte and Queen Consort Emeline Naulvonte.
Name Meaning: “Vespero” comes from “Vesper”, Latin for “Evening Star”
Age: 29
Birthdate: ???
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 206 cm/ 6’9
Weight: 114.8 kg
Appearance: Glimmering, scarred tan skin weathered by hundreds of battles. Steely silver eyes with sandy blonde, ear-length hair that is swept back on special occasions. A pair of large, slightly curved horns sweeping up and back against the head. Very tall in stature, deep-chested with dense muscle to create a wide and firm build. Deep jagged scars on their back where large, leathery wings used to be. When in battle, dons a dark heavy metal suit of armor with a deer skull helm. When outside of battle, opts for practical clothing, leather pants, light linen tunics, something to move around in. One or two harnesses for a sword and dagger.
Noticeable Attributes: Sharp fangs, Freckles on their shoulders and back, large scar over the right eye,
Default Expression: Stern
Character Traits: Kind, Loyal, Protective, Impulsive
Sources unknown, a brief summary of the Deathless Demon, ex-Commander and the former protector of Plaithus
The legendary Deathless Demon was many things: a murderer, a traitor to his country, a son, and more. At his core, however, he was a victim of Fate itself, a self-proclaimed unwilling villain in a story not of his own making.
Talon Vespero possessed the classical features one might attribute to a fairy tale hero. With his large frame, blonde hair, and fair eyes, he seemed the epitome of a hero. He was known by those close to him to but stern, but kind. Loyal to a fault and protective. But, even before his eventual exile, the commander committed an untold amount of atrocities in the name of Plaithus. Acts that he would not have otherwise agreed to, if not for his peculiar position as an adoptive royal. He knew very well of the cesspool that was the Plaithian nobility, yet waged war for their benefit and that of his adoptive mothers anyway.
Even then, the nobility jeered at him for his mysterious, possibly low-born background. They shot dismissive, sometimes even aggravated looks at him when he returned from the frontlines as if they had hoped the eyesore would meet his end in battle. Snide comments and vicious rumors ran rampant within the court, all about this supposed ‘monster’ that protected their great kingdom. Eventually, all their meaningless ramblings found their way to his ears.
Yet he continued his battles, if only to please his Mother and ensure the safety of his dear sister, Esmerelda. They had given him something precious and dear to him, something that made all the suffering worthwhile: a family.
Still, over time, his seemingly eternal love for his family strained under the unimaginable weight of all his responsibilities and consciousness. He abhorred the war and held no disdain for the fae, magic, or the enemies of his people alike. Commander Vespero even went so far as to demand a stop to the bloodshed. He even did what he could to help evacuate civilians and protect them before the waves of soldiers, his soldiers, rushed in.
His final act of defiance was his ultimate betrayal. That day, the Deathless Demon slew countless soldiers and maimed his second-in-command, a secret love of his at the time, and his protégé.
At that point, there was little the Queen and Queen Consort could do but strip him of his wings and exile him. It was either that or execution.
And so, the next three years passed, eating away at the remnants of the Commander until one fateful day when he returned, still acting like a protector to his family as he ran to save his sister from two gorgon assassins.
Bonus Information:
MTBI:  INTJ-A, The Architect
Temperament: Choleric
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Rising
Alignment: Neutral Good
Greatest Assets: Hope and Resilence
Greatest Flaws: Combative. Very Combative. And Critical.
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trrashbag · 2 years
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I haven’t been able to get Mommy Issues Simulator the Exile ( @exilethegame )out of my head for days (weeks? months? what year is it?) and ended up drawing Marcelle and--wah, silly Commander, don’t you know that’s the wrong flower? Tsk.
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prim-moth · 3 years
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I never showed this sketch from last year AND SHIT IF IT ISN’T RELEVANT FOR CHAPTER 4 EH? 👁👁
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syfynjavall · 3 years
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long live the queen (@exilethegame) the mind of a queen /
is a thing to fear. a queen is used /
to giving commands, not obeying them; /
and her rage once roused is hard to appease. medea by euripides (tr. philip vellacott)
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punkranger · 2 years
Also (if you're up for more), [💢ANGER] [😴SLEEPING] [🌱SEEDLING] [👑CROWN] [💘ARROW'D HEART] for your Exiles!
Finally had time to continue these, they were a bit tricky at times just cuz newer characters but they were fun so ty! (since they're new i'm adding a picture: Alder on the left, Monroe on the right)
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💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Alder: never actually saying anything when something really bothers them. They won't hesitate to let ppl know if they're annoyed, either by way of sarcastic remarks or glares, but if something is really wrong they won't say a thing. 
Monroe: can be a bit difficult to predict - either he’ll not take anything seriously and just brush things off, or fly off the handle and start a fight at the slightest annoyance..
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Alder: they don’t sleep much :) when they really have to, they usually lie awake for a long time, either looking at the sky if possible or with their eyes closed. If they ever felt safe they might have an easier time with it.
Monroe: also doesn’t sleep much, but if he really has to he can manage to fall asleep pretty easily - that military life got him used to sleeping in any conditions and most of the time that’s still true. If he still can’t fall asleep for some reason he’ll take a walk, try to get rid of some restless energy, or if that doesn’t work he’ll hum or sing a little to himself, it’s something that comforts him.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Alder: I’m just gonna pick a moment from the game, but the one where they’re chasing the dove and meets the Queen for the first time is just stuck in my mind and I think it’s something Alder would think about often as well. They have, of course, a very complicated relationship with Marcelle, they used to be.. not close, but they had a lot of respect for her as well as gratitude, when they were the Commander they felt they were doing something important and right - and that’s changed a lot. Their first meeting with Marcelle was a turning point in their life, something they used to see as a blessing but now see as a curse. 
Monroe: there was this one time he was stealing bread from a girl just a little younger than him. She looked really hungry and he felt bad. Felt worse the following days when he didn't manage to find anything to eat and regretted giving that  bread away. When the same girl approached him later he chased her away, only noticing after that she'd left some bread for him. Never saw her again. But he still remembers the taste of that bread. Monroe had never gotten anything in return from a favour, so he never did any, but this moment changed that. After the exile he kind of regressed a bit, he no longer believes in favours.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? Why?
Alder: as things stand atm they'd rather not be remembered at all, whether by ppl in general or ppl they used to be close to, they feel like all memories of them would just cause grief. They are also very tired and feel like any chance they have of making up for everything is impossible to reach, they've also grown more bitter about it, more reluctant to even try to improve things. 
Monroe: want to be remembered as brave and powerful, not necessarily heroic or even good, but preferably not as a villain. Atm longs for the glory days to come back, they really chafe at this hidden life and they really don't want this to be what they're remembered as. 
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
Alder: Initially, they would look for kindness and dedication, which ofc draws them to Sabir. After the exile though, they just want to feel something, to experience something new that can hopefully awaken some sort of interest, or motivation, for life. But that’s sort of a faint hope, what they’re looking for first and foremost is someone powerful - to save them or destroy them, it doesn’t really matter. As for love at first sight; maybe a little, there was something about Freedom that drew them in immediately, but it might as well have been some sense of, hah, intertwined fates as anything else. Having someone in your head, thinking at first that their thoughts were your own, kinda messes with your perception.
Monroe: He’s not really looking for anything actively and would probably repress any hint of feelings as soon as they appeared, as well as distance himself from that person. He’s just not at all ready for love and while he’s quicker to get close to people than alder, he also doesn’t really let ppl get that close. But in general or later he’d likely find himself attracted to someone who’d seen his worst side and stayed (but he’d be offended by someone judging him only by rumours)
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exilethegame · 10 months
Queen Marcelle retorts that Sabir's exile being a punishment depends on how well the Commander takes care of him. Does this mean there's a chance something might happen to him without player intervention?
Something can happen to any of the characters based on MC's actions/whether MC intervenes in certain things or not...
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Best Destinations for the Stark Family (4/5)
~BRANDON STARK: He was the second son and fourth scion of the Lords of Winterfell.
Bran was a young man who loved to climb and practice the sword, horsemanship and archery aspiring to be a knight. The young man admired the figure of King Daeron I Targaryen "The young dragon" and also the Royal Guard of King's Landing, having the illusion of being a member of this brotherhood.
When his father was named Hand of the King after Jon Arryn's death in 300 a. C., Bran with his sister Arya left for the Capital with his father, while his other brothers stayed in Invernalia. His stay in the Capital was depressing as everyone laughed at his Stark roots, but the young wolf did not give up and went to Jaime Lannister, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, asking to be a brother by oath. Despite his motivation, Jaime Lannister publicly mocked him as well as other members of the white capes, being this very humiliating for the young man.
Barristan Selmy, the former Lord Commander of the Royal Guard, advised the young Stark to join the Golden Cloaks and train to be a brother by oath of the Royal Guard in the future.
His training in the City Guard was arduous and somewhat exhausting as he exposed himself to every criminal or dangerous outsider who could kill him. Despite this, Bran made good friends with Jacelyn Bywater who soon after became the Commander of the Royal Guard and with Osfryd Kettleblack who trained him hard.
In 303 a. C., Eddard with Renly Baratheon and Varys conspired against Queen Cersei Lannister after discovering that her three children were not King Robert's and they looked for a way to find the queen with her lover and her brother , Jaime Lannister.
After the event known as "The scandal of the Queen's Tower" where the King and his hand broke into Cersei's rooms finding her in full act with her lover, this being horrible for King Robert who finally discovered the true face of his wife. To avoid endangering Arya and Bran were secretly sent to Winterfell where they were under the protection of their mother and her older brother, Robb.
In 304 a. C., Jaime and Cersei Lannister were executed & Cersei's children were disinherited and each being exiled. Myrcella "Waters" was sent to Winterfell to be under Eddard Stark's protection and to be Catelyn Tully's companion.
Bran returned to King's Landing to continue his training in the Golden Cloaks, but after a year he returned to Winterfell with his family. Between 305 and 307, the so-called "wolf knight" managed to bring together a group of children and young people from different social classes to form his own army. Thanks to the practices and teachings of his brothers, the City Guard and Osfryd Kettleblack, Bran Stark instructed each of these young people.
While this was happening Bran began to seduce Myrcella Waters and managed to make her her lover. Young Stark visited his "beautiful maiden" every night and on one of those nights, Mycella got pregnant so the lovers decided to marry one night, being supported by Maester Luwin.
Their marriage was soon discovered being a total scandal both in Winterfell and in King's Landing because the young Mares was procreated from incest between two traitors. In the end Robb Stark accepted that they continue to be married in a more discreet way and that the children they had were hidden. Bran and Myrcella had a passionate marriage, eventually having six children:
Daeron Raven, who would be the next leader of the Winter Ravens.
Cersei Raven, who would marry her nephew, Rickard Snow, and they would have children.
Myrcella Raven, who became a prostitute on Lys.
Jeyne Raven, would marry one of the illegitimate children of her uncle Rickon Stark.
Leopold Raven, who would have a scandalous affair with a man from House Umber.
Marcel Raven, married and had children.
Myrcella "Raven" passed away in 326 a. C., at 36 years of age due to his last childbirth and Brandon did not remarry, keeping the memory of his sweet wife.
In the year 343 a. C., Brandon Stark disappeared without a trace. In the words of his son, Daeron, the “wolf knight” had been closed in on himself since the death of his wife and had a strange interest in ravens for years, always following them every time they approached him. Many thought that the spirit of his woman manifested in a crow to visit him and her disappearance was due to Myrcella taking it away. But in the words of his son, Marcel was that his father had been chosen by the Three-Eyed Raven to be his successor and that now Brandon Stark is watching everything through the ravens.
Mejores destinos para la familia Stark (4/5)
~BRANDON STARK: Era el segundo hijo y cuarto vástago de los Señores de Invernalia.
Bran era un joven que amaba escalar y practicar la espada, equitación y la arquería aspirando a ser un caballero. El joven admiraba la figura del Rey Daeron I Targaryen “El joven dragón” y también a la Guardia Real de Desembarco del Rey, teniendo la ilusión de poder ser miembro de esta hermandad.
Cuando su padre fue nombrado Mano del Rey tras la muerte de Jon Arryn en 300 d. C., Bran junto a su hermana Arya partieron a la Capital con su padre, mientras que sus otros hermanos se quedaron en Invernalia. Su estancia en la Capital fue deprimente debido a que todos se reían de sus raíces Stark, pero el joven lobo no se dio por vencido y fue hasta Jaime Lannister, el Lord Comandante de la Guardia Real pidiendo poder ser un hermano por juramento. Pese a su motivación, Jaime Lannister se burlo públicamente de el al igual que otros miembro de las capas blancas siendo esto muy humillante para el joven.
Barristan Selmy, el anterior Lord Comandante de la Guardia Real le aconsejo al joven Stark de unirse a las Capas Doradas y entrenarse para poder ser en un futuro, hermano por juramento de la Guardia Real.
Su entrenamiento en la Guardia de la Ciudad fue arduo y un tanto agotador debido a que se exponía a cada criminal o forastero peligroso que pudiera matarlo. Pese a esto, Bran hizo buenas amistades con Jacelyn Bywater que poco después se convirtió en el Comandante de la Guardia Real y con Osfryd Kettleblack que lo entreno de manera dura.
En el 303 d. C., Eddard junto a Renly Baratheon y Varys conspiraron en contra de la reina Cersei Lannister tras descubrir que sus tres hijos no eran del rey Robert y buscaron la forma de encontrar a la reina junto a su amante y hermano, Jaime Lannister.
Tras el evento conocido como “El escandalo de la Torre de la Reina” donde el Rey y su mano irrumpieron en las habitaciones de Cersei encontrándola en pleno acto con su amante siendo esto horrible para el rey Robert que por fin descubría la verdadera cara de su esposa. Para no peligrar Arya y Bran fueron enviados en secreto a Invernalia donde estuvieron bajo la protección de su madre y su hermano mayor, Robb.
En 304 d. C., Jaime y Cersei Lannister fueron ejecutados & los hijos de Cersei fueron desheredados y siendo cada uno exiliados. Myrcella “Mares” fue enviada a Invernalia para estar bajo la protección de Eddard Stark y ser dama de compañía de Catelyn Tully. 
Bran regreso a Desembarco del Rey para seguir en su entrenamiento en las Capas Doradas, pero al cabo de un año regreso a Invernalia junto a su familia. Entre 305 y 307, el llamado “caballero lobo” logro reunir a un grupo de niños y jóvenes de clases sociales distintas para formar su propia armada. Gracias a las practicas y enseñanzas por parte de sus hermanos, de la Guardia de la Ciudad y de Osfryd Kettleblack, Bran Stark instruyo a cada uno de estos jóvenes.
Mientras esto ocurría Bran empezó a seducir a Myrcella Mares y logro convertirla en su amante. El joven Stark visitaba a su “hermosa doncella” todas las noches y en una de esas, Mycella quedo embarazada por lo que los amantes decidieron casarse una noche, siendo apoyados por el maestre Luwin.
Su matrimonio no tardo en descubrirse siendo un total escandalo tanto en Invernalia como en Desembarco del Rey debido a que la joven Mares era procreada del incesto entre dos traidores. Al final Robb Stark acepto que ellos siguieran casados de manera mas discreta y que los hijos que tuvieran fueran escondidos. Bran y Myrcella tuvieron un apasionado matrimonio, llegando a tener seis hijos:
Daeron Raven, que sería el siguiente líder de los Cuervos del Invierno.
Cersei Raven, que se casaría con su sobrino, Rickard Snow y tendrían hijos. 
Myrcella Raven, que se convirtió en una prostituta en Lys.
Jeyne Raven, se casaría con uno de los hijos ilegítimos de su tío Rickon Stark.
Leopold Raven, que tendría un escandaloso romance con un hombre de la Casa Umber.
Marcel Raven, se caso y tuvo descendencia.
Myrcella “Raven” falleció en 326 d. C., a los 36 años por su ultimo parto y Brandon no se volvió a casar manteniendo el recuerdo de su dulce mujer.
En el año 343 d. C., Brandon Stark desapareció sin dejar rastro. En palabras de su hijo, Daeron, el “caballero lobo” había estado encerrado en si mismo desde la muerte de su esposa y tenia un extraño interés por los cuervos desde hace años siguiéndolos siempre cada que se acercaban a el. Muchos pensaban que el espíritu de su mujer se manifestaba en un cuervo para visitarle y su desaparición se debió a que Myrcella se lo llevo. Pero en palabras de su hijo, Marcel era que su padre había sido elegido por el Cuervo de los Tres Ojos para ser su sucesor y que ahora Brandon Stark esta observando todo atreves de los cuervos.
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coeluvr · 2 years
The Exile is actually an IF story as well; the author of the story is Pheo (they have a Tumblr for their tale too). it follows the MC, who is former commander exiled from their home after a rather bloody event that they unfortunately got tangled into due to reasons that partly linked back to the Raven Queen. Her real name is Marcelle and she is actually the adopted mother of MC. To say her choices screwed over MC would be a MASSIVE understatement, but she's an interesting antagonist.
Ohh I've heard of it before but never got into it. Does that mean their adoptive mother exiled them? I swear parents are never normal 🙄
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alistonjdrake · 3 years
Of Rust and Gold: Season Three
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*Or the likely very long intro to my third series of world building and character posts that all have to do with the second to last book in The Saints Song series. 
The other ones are here: 
Season one:  1 2  3  4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Season two:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Or can be found via OBS’ wip introduction post here:
Below you’ll find a run down of the prominent cast and a summary of what they’re all about so let’s get to it.
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OBS, the third book in the series, showcases the Escana Empire on the verge of crumbling as a murdered king and a divided government threaten to tear the country apart. As some grapple for power and wealth, others decide to jump ship.
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Prince Argus: After escaping the war in Codua and his sorta not-friend with whom he cheated on his husband with, Argus returns to Graza only to find his favorite brother dead and everyone else being a dick. In making an alliance to his father’s old enemy Argus hopes to gain a higher position in the council or in the empire overall as a dead king with infant children usually only means one thing. But y’know, he also has hopes to fix his relationship with Leo and to stop being manipulated by all the sharks swimming around him.
Queen Liliana: Problem in Graza #1. The council is almost evenly divided between her authority and Prince Leonides’, pushing them into a bitter rivalry that was toxic way before King Cidro was murdered. She’s reasonably unhappy.
Prince Leonides: Problem in Graza #2 and it was his idea to keep Cidro’s murder hush, hush until they’re in a better position to handle it. Whatever that means. As the appearance of old enemies and the disappearance of his own allies loosens his usual chokehold on the Escana government, for once Leonides finds himself at a disadvantage and there are many (likely a lot on this list alone) waiting to finally push him from his pedestal.
Lord Barraza: Partnered with Argus and ready to take advantage of the bad blood between Leonides and Liliana. His youngest son is missing after being implicated, arrested, and released from the last attempt at King Cidro’s life. Lord Barraza is pretty stern on maintaining his family’s innocence and that all he wants is peace between the Harvers and Barrazas.
Princess Damaris: Has been kicked out of the Order of the Knights (that international police force type beat) and now has blood on her hands but is currently in protection from the law on account of being a princess y’know. She’s really torn up about it. 
Princess Zurina: In a bit of a twist she’s now kinda close to Leo due to the whole “Damaris killed someone” debacle. As well as slowly learning to exert her own influence while her siblings and the rest of Graza fight with one another. 
Prince Orland: Eleven months older than Zurina and her right hand man. Kinda weird, but so is the whole family tbh.
Chancellor Harver: Bitter as ever. Argus’ involvement in Codua and Damaris’ murder has made Escan’s relationship to the holy capital really strained and has put him in an awkward position. Also, again, technically no longer a prince. 
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Prince Aayden Ponsonby: Still cleaning up the conflict in Codua and recovering from whatever happened between him and Argus. His anger problems might have momentarily gotten worse and the precarious health of his father and changing attitudes back home has made his own position as Crown Prince of Oskya a bit tense so he’s often too distracted to be mean. 
Princess Hadley ek Ponsonby | Niężckna Hajnalka lik Villumsen: (I just like writing her whole name). Aayden’s wife. A bit on the wild side, might find herself in Graza because her husband as a (valid) reason to not want to be around Argus and also to keep her safe and away from what’s happening in Oskya. 
Reverend Mother Ulrike: Mother of all Santivian nuns. While she instigated the war in Codua she’s not pleased with some of the outcomes. She has a very anti-Justice Zisa campaign going that she initially was aligned with Chancellor Harver on but then his cousin killed her surrogate son so now things are kinda awkward. 
Hartanti Telak: Also currently missing. Still amazing and stunning though. She was last seen criticizing a nobleman for talking to her at a party. 
Lady Cordinia ana’Gustavo Carvallo: Now not the only Dowager Queen/Empress in the Escana Empire. In charge of the royal nursery and Queen Liliana’s closest “friend” if she can even be called that. 
Lord Enyo an’Tomas Serafin: Last seen throwing wine in Argus’ face. The highlight of his year. Totally not Lord Barraza’s sugar baby now. 
Ambassador Ulmer: Probably going to quit soon. The in between for Escana and Oskyan relations. He’s trying to flatter as many people as possible and keep the peace.
Ambassador Oprinchuk: The expert on Ardunese and Oskyan relations. An ally of Justice Zisa’s and a woman feared by many. Hadley admires her. 
Maltoq Zamen: Prisoner. Took a vow of silence and hasn’t spoken more than like 4 words a while back. 
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Leo Dianglo: Has honestly been spiraling since he and Argus had their secret wedding. If he got his way, he and everyone he cares about would be leaving Graza immediately. He overheard some unfortunate things, was arrested for a crime he didn’t commit, and has another kid to take care of. He’s just having a rough time. 
Mel: Surprisingly, being forced to join the knights and then kidnapped by pirates trying to use him for purposes he can’t understand did nothing but made him an even more angst-riddled teenager. 
Mung: All things considered, unwilling knighthood hasn’t been so bad for him as he’s getting proper medical training and is no longer considered pirate orphan #2. Just don’t ask him how things are between him and Mel. 
Officer Gerwin: Commander of the Escana Knights. The one good day he’s had was firing Damaris. 
Sir Erasmus: Knight elected to keep watch on Leo and his pirate orphans. Although he hasn’t really been doing that lately. In fact, where has he been? 
Catalina: Marcel’s daughter. Leo’s daughter. She’s a kid and she’s around. 
Sister Rosalie Pélissier: Kellish nun who ditched the Kallenbachs and the Oskyan war camp to join Duchess Benedetta. But she wants to make friends with Argus. She also seems to know things she shouldn’t. 
Lord Gaius Kallenbach: Boy needs a break. He’s almost died like twice and no one seems to care. 
Lady Philomené Kallenbach: Gaius’ older sister and was (still is?) Sister Rosalie’s girlfriend. She also ditched the Oskyan war camp to hang out with Duchess Benedetta. 
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Duchess Benedetta Onesta Cassiopeia de ave Astorino: The warring Duchess has secured a few more victories but might be willing to surrender to the Oskyans and the Escana Empire if they can all come to a beneficial deal. After revealing that she’s not working with her uncle and has her own qualms with the holy capital, she’s made herself a glowing potential ally but still a very dangerous adversary. 
Justice Zisa: The ambitions and unlikable leader of the Santivian world. He’s not a huge fan of Escan or Oskya at the moment. 
Princess Wiara Mirecka: The girl Leo found marooned on a beach turned out to be a missing princess of Gegra, fleeing her home after her mentor was accused of witchcraft and she’s been causing problems (and plotting kidnappings) since.
Tamune: The living god in the cells deep within Alda.
Captain Mercy Dunham: The island of Ruiz and his fleet are gone but he’s still out there somewhere.
Master Asli: Arrested and in Alda. 
Valera de Martí: As Graza and the Escana Empire struggles to stay strong after losing two kings in a so few years, some take the opportunity to reignite old whispers of rebellions and exiled fugitives may come crawling back to take advantage of the weakened government 
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