#the fact that shes more on the booksmart side would also be relatable too
5mind · 5 months
fav shit to do is thinking of which character in a piece of media my muses would have as their fav when im watching/reading/playing said media
Anyways i think Fivemind would love Marcille dunm/esh
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ari-shipping-stuff · 3 months
TWGOK x Percy Jackson where Keima Katsuragi and the girls were demigods? How would their intertraction with their parents going to be like? Basically the Jupiter Sisters' hosts are going to be the children of the Greek Gods (except for Artemis, of course). Kanon = Apollo's daughter, Yui = Mars' daughter, Ayumi = Hermes' daughter, Tenri = Nike's daughter (but she's also a Hunter of Artemis), Shiori = Athena's daughter (that would make her Annabeth's half-sister), and Tsukiyo = Hephaestus' daughter but her mother is the daughter of Selene (IDK about the others maybe Chihiro as an Aphrodite child?). Keima himself is the son of Zeus. Elsie, Haqua and the other demons were descendants of the Titans. (Sorry for this long post)
no need to apologize at all!! i adore demigod aus it is one of my favorite things to do with my media <333 AND kaminomi??? girl(gn) that's my Favorite Manga Of All Time?????? sign me up???
i put this under the cut because. yes this did get long hfsfjjgsdgj
i assume in this au there aren't any of the "goddesses" themselves? 🤔 or perhaps they Are there, but more like priestesses than the actual gods. i am curious as to how they'd get their names though,,
okay! first, main three: keima, elsie, chihiro
at first glance, i thought of keima being a mist-seeing mortal with comical levels of luck and plot armor (how is this bitch alive lmao) but keima as a son of zeus is so fucking funny to me
pov you're a regular camper and a big 3 kid came to camp! holy shit! amazing! aaand then you meet him. and. yeah
he's perfectly mastered all his abilities, he just. uses them for dating sims 😭 on one hand, bro. are you kidding me. on the other hand, due to his attitude with dating sims, he's surprisingly so similar to his father it's hilarious. let's keep this idea HDSHKGDH
(side note: of course zeus banged keima's mom. have you SEEN her-)
elsie i'd immediately say is a descendant/child of gaea 🤔 mostly because of her role in the later arcs, but also! her natural (arguable: motherly) caregiving personality, her general appreciation for the world around her, and. i just think that elsie being the most powerful thing in the universe is awesome <3
chihiro as an aphrodite kid is so personal to me actually 🥺 as a person who used to go around bragging about being an aphrodite kid. and on account of her being my favorite ever hfsgjgddfjj i can see it actually! either aphrodite or eros. i can also see a possibility of her being unclaimed, and that adds to her drive of trying to prove that she can actually do something and commit to it, but those things don't have to be mutually exclusive 🤔
goddess hosts! :DD
tenri: i am much more loose with my characterizations of the gods, and i don't stick much to canon, so i can see tenri working out just fine as artemis/diana's daughter. like how athena's children aren't born, but created. nike is an interesting idea though, and i'm curious about your thought process on that one! maybe diana's physical prowess? 🤔 another one i'd consider for tenri is hecate or another magic goddess due to her little magic trick hobby. maybe even hermes just the for sleight of hand
kanon: definitely apollo, for the music and the fact that the goddess apollo had powers related to healing, if i remember correctly
yui: yui as an ares kid is hilarious to me. why is the shoujo prince butch in the cabin with the roughhousers jgsfjkgddgj 😭 okay but listen. hear me out okay: yui as a child of aphrodite inheriting the qualities of aphrodite areia (her warlike epithet). she, in that epithet, is the goddess of beauty and war, making yui the perfect shoujo prince /hj hfsfjkhdsfg
shiori: athena kid shiori is enticing, but it feels almost too easy of a placement to me,, i'd personally put her as a child/legacy of mnemosyne, the titan of memory. i'd want to give her a god of knowledge rather than wisdom, because although she is quite booksmart, she doesn't always seem to think everything through due to the sheer amount of her thoughts 😭 not to mention, memory fits pretty well with how she memorized every book in the school library hdsgjkhddgj
tsukiyo: i cannot see her being anyone's kid but selene's. selene is purely about the moon, which gives a lot of flexibility on how the moon relates to tsukiyo in particular
ayumi: hermes also feels so easy but. i can't think of anyone else who runs lmao 😭 okay maybe athena, due to the athletic nature and fighting spirit. or maybe nike, goddess of victory
other characters 🤔
for haqua i want to do thanatos for vibes. like the scythe and the focus on her ties to hell
nora, i think it'd be funny if she was daughter of thalia, the muse of comedy hfdgkgddfh mostly for her unpredictable personality. but this is subject to change because i don't know her very well
i can see lune as a child of eris, goddess of discord. maybe kaori too? 🤔 in kaori's case i think a muse might be fitting as well because of her motif about acting and the whole play part of the arc
akari, i'd like to think is a child of athena? she just gives me the vibes
okay rapidfire for the other heroines: (feel free to argue with me on these i didn't put much thought into these ones)
mio: hera
kusunoki: ares/one of the hysmanai
jun: nike
minami: pallas/electra (it reminded me of her hair, mostly)
sumire: hestia?
nanaka: athena/ioke
hinoki: i think she'd have to be the same as kusunoki 🤔
urara: hebe
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Lovedust pt.7 || Peter Parker x Stark Reader
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Summary: It’s the night of the party and Y/N is having seconds thoughts about going but her friend Kim convinces her to go and have fun. While things get more complicated with Peter, Y/N and Josh get closer at the party. 
Word Count: MF 7.7K ( This is my longest piece I-)
Author’s note: YALL HERE WE ARE! THE BIG OOPSIE DOOPSIE OF LOVEDUST! This is probably my favorite part that I have written so far- it’s fairly long but boy did my heart HURT. I would say we have about maybe 2-3 chapters left give or take and I’m so bummed the story is almost over :(. Thank you all for being incredibly kind, your support means so much I can’t thank you guys enough. ALSO hehe there’s a lil easter egg from the first chapter and the chapter with Y/N having a nightmare. If yall pay attention to some of the wording at the end...
Warnings: Underage drinking, adult language, angst, mentions of death
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || epilogue
You wanted it to be a normal night, one that in hindsight, would’ve worked out in your favor if you were normal to begin with. You weren’t the partying type or maybe, you just convinced yourself that it wasn’t the case since you were hardly invited to them to begin with. 
As if it made any sense, you felt eerily similar to Cinderella at this moment; even though she was one of the worst princesses in your opinion, you still sympathized with her story. The idea of wanting nothing more than to leave the confines of her dusty attic to dress pretty for a ball was something you could sadly relate to. 
While the Avengers complex was by far well above the average means, it was Cinderella longing for just one night away from her complicated life that made you see the story in a different light. 
But after years of wondering what it would be like to go to a real party (now that you were offered the chance to go) it wasn’t the way you dreamed it would be. As you stood in front of your closet, recalling the times you had put on outfits that you thought would be the perfect party attire just seemed like pieces of cloth, nothing more and nothing less. 
Because you didn’t care about the stupid party. You cared about Peter. 
You had put so much blame on him for everything; his feelings that he couldn’t control and his past which he apologized for multiple times. When you had the chance to fix everything, you were too scared to be vulnerable with him and admit that maybe you were falling for him. 
You weren’t a coward, you wanted to convince yourself that you could still move on and have fun without thinking of him but you felt almost embarrassed that you were feeling the opposite. 
“ I don’t want to go anymore. This isn’t right,” You sighed as you turned to your phone that was propped up against your dresser,” I can’t just leave him here while I go off to some party.”
You watched Kim through the facetime call as she put down her mascara to take a second to look at you,” Y/N, you have been talking about this party all week. Hell, I gave you that blue top that makes your boobs look great and you even said you couldn’t wait to wear it to the party!”
You only hummed in response as you moved aside the hangers in your closet to find the top that Kim had let you borrow. 
“ We mentally prepared for this, we watched Superbad and Booksmart in one night to get the full spectrum of high school parties and we even practiced how to play beer pong!”
“ That was on our phones, I’m sure it’s different in real life,” You sighed as you took off your shirt and slipped on Kim’s blue blouse,” I just feel awful about going to a party knowing Peter is just gonna be here all night.” 
“ Y/N, you deserve this party. You’ve worked your ass off for four years and I know how badly you wanted to go ever since we got uninvited to that one theatre party where Timothy Chalamete supposedly showed up to. I know you feel guilty about Peter and yeah, you kinda fucked things up, for now, but you deserve a goddamn break,” Kim practically yelled through the screen, doing her best to hype you up,” if you don’t go, you’re gonna regret it, you and I both know that. So just get dressed, do your hair all cute and shit, put on makeup or whatever you do and go have fun at this party with Josh.”
“ Fuck, Josh! I completely forgot about him, he’s supposed to pick me up in an hour!” You said as you suddenly felt a wave of nerves come over you,” what do I do about Josh? What if he tries to make a move on me tonight?”
“ Do you want him to make a move?”
“ I don’t know...not really but then again, I wouldn’t mind. Don’t hate me cause I know this sounds shitty, but maybe I need a distraction from Peter...is that awful?” You asked as you slipped off your pajama pants and rummaged through your dresser for jeans,” don’t answer that, I know that’s awful to say. Am I turning into a fuckboy?”
“ If you feel empathy than no, you’re not turning into a fuckboy,” Kim laughed as you found a pair of jeans to slip into,” look, I know how you feel about Peter and if you see yourself wanting to be with him than this thing you have with Josh won’t happen. At the same time, even if you do like Peter and you want to have fun with Josh for a night, you’re not a shitty person for wanting that. You’ve been through the wringer with Peter and to be honest, Josh is literally a goddamn angel so I don’t blame you for seeing him as an option. Either way, you’re hot, smart as fuck, and you are a fucking Stark; you don’t owe Peter or Josh anything so do what you want to do because you deserve it.” 
Kim was every protagonist’s wet dream; the side character who had more to offer every time and yet, she practically thrived off of hyping you up. You knew that she had a point, she always did. 
A part of you could tell which way she was leaning in terms of who you would go out with and yet, she only cared that you were making the right choice for yourself and your own happiness. 
“ You really are a ride or die friend,” You said honestly as Kim smiled back,” I’m going to get ready but I’ll see you there okay?” 
“ Will do girlfriend!”
Once the facetime call ended, you leaned back in your chair and stared at yourself in the mirror. 
You didn’t know what your intentions would be for the night and even though Kim had said you wouldn’t be a bad person if you had fun with Josh, you knew you would still feel shitty doing so, especially when you knew that you had strong feelings for Peter. 
As you fixed up your hair, all you could do was replay the conversation with Peter in the rain and how close you were to confessing everything. Looking back, you knew you were stupid for running away, if you really liked him than what was the problem of letting him know how you felt?
Because you knew once he was cured, he wouldn’t share the same feelings for you. 
In every sense of the lovedust, the way Peter felt about you wasn’t natural and yet, it was the lovedust that really made you like Peter back. 
You were just saving yourself from future heartbreak and given your past relationships, you had a reason to be hesitant in being that vulnerable with another guy. 
And yet, you still feel like you owed Peter an explanation. 
You got up from your seat and walked out of your bedroom, making a beeline towards his room. You were sure he was done with testing at this point but after knocking on his door a few times, there still wasn’t a response. 
You opened the bedroom door to find his room completely empty with everything neatly tucked in place as if he was cleaning up for a guest. 
The complex was big but you knew you would run into sometime before Josh showed up so you walked straight out and went to the elevators to make your way up to the labs. As you pressed the elevator button, you felt some unease sitting at the pit of your stomach. 
Something felt off, whether it be your natural woman inclination or just the fact that you were nervous to confront Peter. 
The elevator doors slid open and you walked in before you pressed the button to the designated floor like it was second nature.
Just breath, you’re fine, why are you freaking out?
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and once you pulled it out, you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw Josh’s contact name pop up. 
Josh: I just left my apartment! I’ll see you in 20 min!
Your stomach shifted once again as you replied back before stuffing your phone back into your front pocket. 
Twenty minutes. 
That was enough time to confess to Peter right? 
The elevator doors opened to the lab and you walked towards the main zone with a slow pace, as if the anticipation would suddenly make you feel less nervous. 
Once you rounded the corner to where your dad and Banner were usually working on Peter, you found the room to be completely empty besides for a few lab technicians who were working rather quickly. 
You took a moment to give one last look into the lab before going down the hallway to peek into the other glass rooms to try and find Peter. You had a feeling that maybe you should’ve checked the gym before coming all the way up to the labs but once you found yourself in front of the last room, you spotted your dad and Banner walking out with grim faces. 
“ Dad? Is everything okay?” You asked as their heads whipped around to turn to you,” have you two seen Peter anywhere?” 
You studied your dad’s face carefully but he gave no inclination of what the situation was, a talent he had grown accustomed to since he was your age. You gave up on your dad and watched Banner’s face, a face you always had a talent of reading easily. 
He kept his eye contact anywhere but towards your direction and the collar around his neck was wet, a sign that he was stressed out.
“ Banner, where’s Peter?” You asked again as you looked up at him before moving your eyes toward the room they had just walked out of,” is he in there?” 
“ He’s-”
“Resting. He’s had a day full of tests so we put him in one of the hospital beds just to keep an eye on him,” Your dad interrupted as you watched Banner gulp,” it’s not a big deal kiddo.”
“ Okay...well if it’s not a big deal than I’m gonna go check up on him to make sure he’s okay,” You said wearily as you tried to walk in between your dad and Banner but he took a step to block you. 
“ Y/N, he’s not feeling well-”
“ Why are you lying?” You asked as you looked back at Banner,” what are you two not telling me?”
Your dad kept up the charade and sighed as if he was annoyed,” Kiddo, he’s K.O’d for the night. You know, lots of tests and meds that’ll have him relaxed for a few hours. Maybe you should check up on him tomorrow.” 
You could tell he was trying so hard to keep up the lie and while your dad was a phenomenal liar, you were smart enough to see right through his act. 
All you could do was nod as you played coy,” Okay, that’s fine. Oh! I wanted to let you know I’m going to that party tonight so I won’t be home until later.”
As you were studying Tony, he was doing the same right back at you. It was like a game of chess; who would break first, who had the upper hand, and who was going to make the next move without disrupting their own game. 
“ Alright, just be safe than. Be back before eleven,” Tony said as he patted your shoulder and started walking with you back to the elevator, his hand almost leading you away from the door,” Remember; Beer before liquor, never been sicker.”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed to know what was wrong with Peter. 
You stopped in your tracks as you turned around to face your dad and Banner, who was still avoiding your gaze. You knew something was up, it was painfully obvious and you weren’t going to just turn over and accept defeat. 
“ Would you ever lie to me?” You asked as your dad inhaled sharply, immediately shaking his head without a second thought,” okay.” 
You peeked your eyes back to the door and before you knew it, you ducked under your dad’s arm and ran over to the room where you were sure they were hiding Peter away. 
“ Y/N, stop!” 
You ran even faster as you practically slid against the tiled floor before throwing open the door to find Peter in the hospital bed. A huge heart monitor was connected to the side that had immediately spiked when you entered the room. 
“ Y/N? What are you doing here?” Peter asked as he sat up in his bed as your eyes traveled to several IV’S that were attached to his forearm. 
The first thing you focused on was how pale he looked. Whatever the hospital gown couldn’t cover showed almost a ghostly touch to his usual lush color. Since the lovedust, he had always had a blushful expression, accessorized with flushed cheeks or red tinted ears but now, there was none of that. 
You could hear your dad and Banner behind you but before your dad could drag you back, you could hear Banner talking your dad out of it to ‘give the kids some time.’ 
You didn’t even bother saying thank you as the door shut behind you, leaving you and Peter alone in the room. You were almost scared to come closer to him, he didn’t look like himself at all. 
You looked towards the heart monitor again which caused Peter’s heart rate to spike up with the thought alone. 
“ Tell me what happened,” You finally said as you made your way over to sit on the edge of Peter’s bed,” it’s serious, isn’t it?” 
Peter swallowed nervously but shrugged like it was nothing,” Your dad was there before anything bad happened.”
You shook your head, you weren’t going to get any information out of him like this. You turned to the side of his hospital bed and picked up a clipboard with his medical information. Peter tried grabbing it out of your hands but you stared him down, as if to say ‘ don’t try me.’ 
Peter backed down as your eyes scanned the sheet carefully, trying to decipher all of the medical lingoes that were vaguely familiar from watching Grey’s Anatomy. 
You felt your breath hitch as you read over the same diagnosis. 
“ You had an acute heartattack because of me, didn’t you?” You finally said as you carefully placed the clipboard on the desk beside you,” because of our argument... and you weren’t going to tell me.” 
“ Y/N, there was no reason to worry you-”
“ You’re so stupid Peter, why wouldn’t I be worried for you? You think an acute heartattack is something as normal as a fucking cold?” You snapped as you watched his heart rate rise. You took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair to calm yourself down,” I’m killing you. Loving me is literally killing you Peter.”
Peter watched your gaze fall back to the IV’S while he kept his eyes on you the whole time. You looked absolutely defeated and he didn’t blame you. The way you stared at his arm made him feel like you were trying to somehow reverse the lovedust, as if you could take his pain away. 
And yet, what you didn’t know was that Tony had just come in minutes before you to announce that yes, you could actually take the pain away forever. 
“ What about you? Is it killing you?” Peter asked as you tore your eyes away from his IV’s and locked your gaze on him.
“ Seeing you like this? Of course it’s killing me, I’m not that cruel Parker.”
“ No,” Peter swallowed dryly,” is it killing you that you might love me?” 
Your first instinct was to laugh. What kind of sick joke was coming out his mouth? You tried to force any sound, anything that was a resemblance of something from English translation but your brain mentally stuttered. 
It was as if your mind and words went on pause to let your thoughts catch up to you. Were you really that easy to read or did Peter know you better than you know yourself? 
“ How do I answer that?” You asked quietly as Peter was quick with a reply. 
“ You answer it honestly.”
“ Oh, because you have been so honest with me?”
“ You haven’t been telling me the truth either. You’re a lot of things Y/N, but you’re not innocent.” 
“ Oh yeah? What am I then? Since you clearly know so much about me,” You replied to somehow detour the conversation. 
Peter gladly took the bait as he chuckled,” You’re stubborn. You’re the most stubborn girl I have ever met in my entire life and I love that about you. It makes things interesting knowing that you don’t roll over for anyone, even when you know you’re wrong.” 
You only hummed, he had a point. You had learned that from Tony and you weren’t ashamed about it one bit. 
“ Well, I love how foolishly selfless you are. You always put everyone else’s feelings before yours even when your health is at stake,” You said back as Peter’s smile faltered. 
Oh how spot on you were. 
Cause in this moment now, Peter was between a rock and a hard place. He had information that you didn’t have, information that would seemingly fix everything and yet, he didn’t want you to know. 
The cure for the lovedust. 
“ You’re keeping something from me, aren’t you?” You said after studying his expression for a moment as Peter released his bottom lip that he was holding in between his teeth nervously. 
“ I think you’re the one not being honest with your feelings,” Peter said as a matter of fact,” why won’t you admit it?”
You wanted to swallow your pride because damn it, you didn’t want a repeat of earlier. You didn’t want to chicken out but could you afford to be vulnerable again?
“ Peter...I don’t want to admit anything until you’re in the right state of mind,” You finally said, which was the most honest answer you could give,” after all, we both know what you’re feeling for me isn’t the same as how I feel for you...it’s a side effect of the dust.”
Peter only nodded, even though there was so much to say to you. Peter felt like he was in a slowburn novel, but damn, even at this point there had to be more to give right? If this was a story of two people who were meant to be together, then why the hell is it taking so long? 
If Peter could have it his way, he would rewrite it to where they could be happily ever after in the first chapter but sadly, this was real life and there wasn’t that kind of luxury. 
“You’re right, it’s not the same,” Peter said bitterly as his sympathetic smile faded,” just a side effect.” 
You both understood. As things stood now, it was more of a standstill than anything. A pause, a pitstop, anything to halt whatever momentum the two of you shared.  You felt absolutely broken that he admitted it, his “love” for you wouldn’t ever be the same as however, you felt about him in that moment. 
Just like that, you both knew you were doomed from the start.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you already knew it was Josh. You inhaled deeply as you gave Peter’s hand a squeeze before rising from his bed,” I’m gonna go but if anything happens, call me okay?” 
“ Same goes for you. Be safe,” Peter said in almost a whisper as you nodded before turning to the door. 
You walked out of the room and leaned against the door for a moment collecting your thoughts. You ignored the gaze of Banner and your dad and seemingly walked through the two without batting an eye. 
Tony felt guilty knowing that you had caught him in a lie but he really thought he was doing his daughter a favor. Once he knew you were gone, Tony walked through the door to find Peter deep in thought. 
Tony shut the door behind him and walked over, taking a seat in the chair beside Peter’s bed. No one said anything for a moment but Peter was the one to break the silence first. 
“ I didn’t tell her about the cure. I don’t think she would even want to...” Peter admitted as Tony nodded. 
Tony crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, his mind wandering in every direction,” Good call. Thor said our time is fleeting so we need to make sure it works.” 
Peter shifted nervously in his spot,” You and Banner won’t stop finding a different cure though, right? Just in case?” 
“ Yeah, just in case.” 
“ You look nervous,” Josh pointed out once the two of you pulled up into the driveway of Amber’s house,” did you want to wait a second before we walk in?” 
You shook your head as you tried to swallow any nerves that were building up in your throat. You couldn’t believe you were actually about to go to a party after everything that has been going on. 
“ No, I’m fine...It sounds stupid but I don’t really do parties so this is all kinda new,” You admitted as you took in another deep breath. 
“ It’s not stupid at all. If it makes you feel any better, I usually get pretty antsy before preforming but now that I know you’re going to watch me, I feel less nervous,” Josh smiled warmly as you started to feel your senses ease,” parties aren’t as scary as you think. Yeah, there are always a lot of people I don’t know but seeing a familiar face is always reassuring.” 
Josh had a way of calming you down that no other person could do so easily. You wondered if someone else had said the same thing to you like Kim or Peter and if it would have the same effect but maybe it was just exclusively Josh that had that sort of charm. 
“ Okay, I’m ready.”
The funny thing was, you really thought you were ready until you stepped into her house. The floor vibrated along to the beat of whatever song was blasting along the speakers and the smell of alcohol and weed felt almost suffocating. You were immediately overwhelmed with the amount of people already there and of course, you hardly recognized anyone from school. 
“ Here, hold on tight,” Josh intertwined his fingers with yours as he led you both through the crowd of teenagers almost too effortlessly. 
He led you outside and you thanked god the stage that was set up for his band was in the backyard. You walked along the poolside, following closely behind him before you felt someone splash you with water. 
“ Hey what- Kim!” You shouted excitedly as you let go of Josh’s hand to crouch down beside the pool to where Kim was swimming in just her bra and underwear,” you’re not even wearing a swimsuit? You dirty bitch.”
Kim laughed as she rested her hands against the edge of the pool,” Took you two long enough. Joshua, how are you this evening?” 
“ It’s going good Kimberly, I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” Josh teased back as Kim playfully rolled her eyes,” Y/N, I’m gonna check in with the guys real quick. Are you cool to stay here for a second?”
You nodded and shooed Josh with your hand,” Go, I’ll be fine.”
Josh gave you one last nod before jogging over to where his band was setting up. His bandmates had seen you walking over hand in hand with you and were now giving Josh hard pats on his back, as if to say ‘ nice job.’ 
“ He’s so respectful it physically hurts. Like I know the bar is so low for men but Josh checks every box. It’s annoying,” Kim sighed as you dragged a lawn chair from the grass and put it next to the edge of the pool to continue talking to your friend,” I would kill to be in your shoes right now. Oh to have two, brown-eyed guys fawn over me!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh as Kim dramatically placed her hand over her forehead and all you could do was shake your head,” Whatever, you didn’t even like Peter. You said so yourself he was a total douchebag.” 
“ Was a total douchebag and look, not that it’s any competition but I’m hashtag, team Peter. I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers trope,” Kim sighed as you felt your chest tighten up at her proclamation. 
You moved your eyes away from Kim as Josh came back over to you,” Did you want me to get you a drink?”
“ Thank goodness yes-”
“Y/N you should go with him,” Kim insisted as you turned to give her an odd look,” don’t get me wrong Joshua, I trust you but ya know, parties and alcohol and...men. Just to be extra safe.” 
You wanted to drown Kim on the spot for even insinuating that Josh would do something as terrible as spiking your drink but luckily, Josh gave a sincere nod. 
“ Of course, that’s not a problem. Men really are the worst,” Josh said casually as the two gave each other a little salute,” ready Y/N?”
Josh interlocked his hand with yours once again as he led you back into the house and through the kitchen as some people called out to greet him. 
“ Look at you Mr. Popular,” You teased as Josh squeezed your hand before opening up the fridge.
“ This is your first time drinking right?” Josh asked as you nodded, almost embarrassed,” Hey, that’s alright. You and I are gonna stick to the light stuff tonight, these taste better anyway.”
Josh pulled out three bottles of Mike’s Hard Lemonade and popped off the bottlecaps with a bottle opener before pouring it straight into two plastic cups. 
He tucked the third bottle underneath his arm as you watched him curiously. Josh caught you eyeing his actions as he handed you the cup carefully. 
“ Why not just drink it straight from the bottle?” You asked as you watched Josh take a sip,” I feel like we’re hurting the environment.” 
“ Looks cooler in a red solo cup,” Josh admitted bashfully as he clinked his cup with yours. 
You took a small sip, expecting it to burn like how it was always described in coming of age books but surprisingly, the fizzy taste of citrus wasn’t overpowering in any way. Josh raised his eyebrows and playfully nudged your shoulder,” See! It’s good, right? If you drink enough of these, I’m sure anyone could get tipsy but the goal of this party is to actually remember it the next day.”
There was just something about Josh that made you feel so much safer than anyone else. He didn’t tease you for never having gone to a party before or having alcohol; if anything he did his best to make sure you were as comfortable as possible. 
“ You’re being unreasonably cool, you know that right?” 
Josh smiled as he reached for your hand instinctively for the third time that night,” Only for you baby.” 
Smooth smooth Josh. Like putty in his hands, he led you back to the backyard but the whole time, you felt your heart practically melt at him calling you baby. 
Was it pathetic how easily you leaned into his touch? Maybe. 
But god, he really did make things harder for you. You had come into this party with your eyes on another guy and yet, Josh always managed to turn up the charm whenever necessary and you ate it up. 
Josh might be the charming, golden boy but you knew you couldn’t be too naive. Everyone had flaws, maybe Josh’s was that he was too nice and too friendly, or possibly him being a complete lightweight was the only thing holding him back in life. 
Lucky bastard. 
Once you made it to the backyard, you found Kim with a towel around her body, sitting on one of the lawn chairs. Josh walked over and whistled at Kim to look up from her phone, to which he handed her the bottle of Mike’s and she sounded a quick thanks in response. 
“ I’m gonna warm up with the guys. We’re only going to play a quick set but after, I’m all yours,” Josh promised as his cheeks started to get red at his own words but he turned back around at an attempt to hide his face. 
You took a seat next to Kim as you felt your heart practically skip a beat,” He’s really something isn’t he?”
“ Mm, he’s something alright,” Kim sighed as she struggled to open up the bottle,” dumb bitch, he didn’t bring a bottle opener or something?” 
“ It’s the thought that counts!” You said back as Kim popped the bottle cap using the metal part of the lawn chair.
As you listened to Josh’s band start their first song, you couldn’t help but feel guilty on how you were feeling. A part of you was holding on to the idea of you and Peter being a possibility but things were always so complicated with him. 
There was more to lose in being with Peter and it was painfully obvious that Josh made things so incredibly easy. You didn’t need to walk on eggshells when you were with him and sure, things were new and always changing but Josh could eventually be a person you could lean on. 
You reminded yourself that Peter “loved” you and that you did feel something for him that Josh couldn’t make you feel, but it wasn’t real love and that alone completely sobered you up from your moodiness,” Cheers Kim.” 
She watched as you drank whatever was left in your cup but Kim only ooo’d, knowing it wasn’t enough to get you drunk. 
You shook your head as you tried to think of anything but Peter. Tonight was your night to be free and you didn’t want to have to worry about who would be waiting for you once you got back home. 
And yet, deep down, you wondered why a part of you felt like it wasn’t right to hold Josh’s hand. Maybe because you knew you liked holding Peter’s more. Even as you looked up at Josh who stole a few glances your way, you silently prayed that it was Peter up on that stage instead. 
“ I can’t do this,” You said after a second of overthinking everything as you pulled your phone out of your pocket,” I need to text him.” 
“ Um fuck no! No drunk texts, that shit is so embarrassing Y/N!”
“ This is less than 5% alcohol, I am definitely not drunk Kim,” You mumbled as you slapped her hand away and pulled out your phone to text Peter,” I thought you were on team Peter?” 
Y/N: I need you
Y/N: *address*
Kim watched as you texted Peter but before you could send it, Kim leaped out of her seat and snatched the phone out of your hand,” I swear-! Yes, I am a new fan of team Peter, although Josh is getting major brownie points, but I have been a loyal member of team Y/N way before anyone else. I’m doing you a favor, what is texting him going to solve?” 
You pouted as Kim slipped your phone into her bag, unbeknownst to the both of you that the message had accidentally sent. 
“ Now get the hell up and lets dance bitch!”
You and Kim had perfected your mental state to a tee; not drunk enough to trip over air and make complete fools of yourselves but tipsy enough to where even the slightest look at each other was enough to make you break out into a fit of laughter. 
You still ‘danced like people were watching’ but you managed to still let loose enough to where the music flowed so freely between your fingertips. 
“ Josh you guys were great!” You shouted as you pulled him into a surprise hug, which he happily accepted,” I think I’m officially your number one fan now.”
“ Wait in line,” Kim scoffed playfully as she grabbed her bag from the floor,” I’m gonna go get a cheese plate or something. Don’t do anything gross while I’m gone.” 
You shot her a prompt ‘ why would you say that’ with your eyes before turning back to face Josh. You weren’t sure where things would go next but he took your hand and led you to the other side of the backyard to a wooden bench, claiming that he just wanted to rest a bit after singing for so long. 
The bench was small enough to where your thigh was against his but you didn’t mind the contact. 
“ Thanks for coming out by the way. I know these type of things are pretty overwhelming but I’ve been having fun so far. How about you?” Josh asked as you exhaled deeply. 
“ I’m glad I came...thank you again for convincing me to come out here. I feel like there’s been a lot of stuff going on at home and it’s kind of nice being a normal teenager for once,” You said honestly as Josh rolled his shoulders back. 
You could feel how nervous he was next to you but for the most part, he didn’t really show it from his facial expression. 
“ Can I ask you something?” 
You nodded, trying your best to be as cool as possible but all you could think about was how dry your mouth felt. 
Oh fuck, the million-dollar question was finally here, wasn’t it? Was he going to reveal his feelings? What if he was going to make a move?
“ Is there something going on between you and Peter? The other day when I came over, it felt...intense. I didn’t want to overstep by coming over or anything,” Josh hesitated as he tested the waters. 
Well fuck, that question was just as nerve-wracking as the others. You wanted to be as honest with Josh as possible but at the same time, you didn’t want to ruin any chances you had of possibly having him around if Peter didn’t work out. 
You knew that was such a shitty mindset but Josh had a way of making you feel so comfortable and you weren’t willing to let that go. 
“ I thought I had something with him but it’s complicated,” You answered honestly,” you saw him, he’s...sick and I feel like the sickness is making him feel things that aren’t actually there. I don’t know, it’s so weird to explain.” 
Josh bit his bottom lip nervously as he hung onto your every word,” So his feelings for you aren’t there like he thinks it is?” 
God, it sounded so simple the way Josh said it when it was so much worst in reality. Of course, it would be way easier to tell Josh everything from the toxic relationship you and Peter had to how the lovedust was emotionally and physically a toll on both of you. 
For obvious reason, you could never reveal that much to him. 
“ Yeah, exactly that,” You sighed, sounding a bit too disappointed and Josh had caught the shift in your voice,” feelings are always so complicated.”
“ Not all the time,” Josh said quickly as he caught himself,” I mean, liking someone doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes it’s really easy because love shouldn’t hurt, you know?” 
You only nodded because you could tell Josh had more to say. He took this opportunity to shift his body to fully face you and you scooted your back against the armrest so you could show him that you were attentive. 
“ I mean, when I like someone, all I think about is how much I like being around them. Everything else kind of just falls away and it feels all warm like how the books describe it,” Josh could feel a blush creep onto his cheeks yet again but he knew there was no point in covering it up now,” it’s a cliche but I think when you have a crush on someone, everything just falls into place... And I feel that when I’m with...you.”
Your heart practically drew closer to him because what is going on, this was different. Even though Peter had generally been saying the same things to you for days on end, this was more. 
There wasn’t some magic space dust that was making Josh confess his feelings, it was just pure humanistic drive to step out of one’s comfort zone that had tugged on Josh harder than ever before. 
As if time had slowed down, you watched closely as Josh placed his hand onto your knee before leaning in, getting dangerously close to your lips. Josh stopped only a mere centimeter before your lips touched, as if to give you a chance to back away and yet, you stood still. 
You were trying to make sense of what your heart and your gut were telling you but you thought back to Peter admitting to you that the love he felt for you was a side effect of the lovedust, nothing more and nothing less. 
Peter would never like you back. 
That’s what pushed you over the edge and so, you closed the gap between you and Josh as you kissed him back. You could feel Josh smiling against your lips but the pure sensation of the kiss didn’t last. 
Kim had witnessed everything in slow motion. The text from Peter, indicating that he had entered and was heading to the backyard to watching Josh lean in to kiss you. It was like a sick hypothetical they always asked in ethics classes when presenting the Trolley Dilemma and yet, she barely had enough time to make a decision. 
All she could do was shout but it was a little too late. Peter saw everything. 
He saw you close the space between your lips and Josh’s. He saw Josh smile against your lips. He saw you pull away before leaning in for more. 
Peter knew what was coming next, he practically braced for the pain that he knew was coming because just earlier the same day, he had a miniature version of it. But he never expected the pain to be this unbearable. 
His ribs felt like someone had just swung a bat into the center of his chest and he could feel every bone splitting into various small fragments that were too small to ever glue back together. Each little fragment of whatever was left had seemingly pierced his heart in a thousand different places as more and more pressure starting to build in his chest. 
He couldn’t even let out a cry for help, not even a whimper because no air could come in through his mouth. 
The fear alone made his chest tighten up to the point where he felt his lungs almost give in from inside of him. His vision was the next to get blotched out with a violent array of reds and oranges, moving at a fast kaleidoscopic rhythm that sent Peter deeper into a panic.
The last to give was his legs; the dizziness from the complete distortion had made his knees buckle from the pain, sending him straight into the pool. 
You heard Kim cry out first as she pushed her way through a crowd that was blocking the door. You moved away from Josh to find the commotion and even though you couldn't see who fell into the water, you knew deep down who it was. 
You ran over to the edge of the pool and without a second thought, you dived into the water. Josh quickly followed behind you; it took him only a second to kick off his shoes before he jumped in after you. 
What scared you the most was how eerily quiet it was underwater. You could hear some muffled shouts but that’s not what was so quiet. His body was motionless in the water, there was no sign of struggling or thrashing or convulsing like how it was in the movies. 
Everything just felt slow as you desperately reached your arms out to swim faster to him. You only had one focus once you wrapped your arms across his chest and kicked up to the surface. In your mind, you were already going through how you would start compressions on him once you reached the top. 
You were panicked and scared but you knew you had to pull yourself together, pushing away any thoughts of how far gone Peter could be. 
You broke the surface with Peter in your arms as you called out to someone, anyone to take him from your arms. Kim and one of Josh’s bandmates helped lift Peter’s lifeless body onto the concrete as Kim quickly called 9-1-1. 
Her hands were shaking as she tried to press the three buttons and after an eternity, they picked up the phone. 
You scrambled up from the pool and hovered over Peter’s body and without a second thought, you started doing CPR. 
For a moment, that’s all you were thinking. Like a machine, over and over again on an endless cycle, chest compressions, open his airway, give rescue breaths. When you found yourself thinking about how panicked everyone else was and how pale Peter looked underneath you, you continued to give compressions until you felt like your arms would snap from the pressure. 
You don’t know how much time has passed but enough to where there would’ve been a sign by now. You sobbed for Peter and kept calling out to him, your voice shaking like a child, the same child who lost her parents all those years ago. The same child who held that heavy towel, pressing it against her fathers chest to stop the bleeding- no. 
You couldn’t think about that, this was different. You could save him. You kept reminding yourself over and over as you did a round of chest compressions, opened his airway, and gave more rescue breaths. Over and over. Non-stop. 
Again and again without hesitation. 
At this point, you couldn't stop your mind from thinking of Peter and the possibility of him actually dead. How long was he under? What had happened before? He must’ve seen the kiss- oh my god you killed him. 
You can feel it, building up inside of you like an unstoppable path set ablaze like pure lava. 
You thought about never hearing his laugh again, the one where he would grip his sides so hard, he would wheeze like an old dog toy. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about him never calling out your name, whether it was followed by an insult or a loving comment about how you made him feel. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about never touching him again, his strong arms holding your shaking body when you had that awful nightmare or how perfect his hand fit in yours when you two walked together in the rain. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about never telling him how you actually felt, how stupid you were forever letting him get away because it was him all along. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
It was always him. 
You were in love with Peter. 
And suddenly, almost finally, Peter jolted up and coughed up the water from his lungs. 
You stopped the compressions and held your own breath as Peter continued to cough up more water, his eyes squeezed shut. 
“ Peter? Can you hear me?” You called out between your choked cries as you snapped your fingers close to his ear.
After a moment, an agonizing moment, Peter nodded, as everyone else collectively let out the breath they didn’t know they were holding. Peter opened his eyes slowly, taking in everything like it was his first time seeing the world. 
“ Oh thank god, don’t worry, help is coming. Stay awake for me, okay?” You sighed in relief as you tucked a strand of wet hair behind your ear,” I’m so glad you’re okay.” 
When his eyes lock onto yours, he feels an odd sense of deja vu that he can’t explain. His chest isn’t tight anymore, his hands don’t feel as clammy as before, his mind feels almost cleared. 
He focused on your eyes while everything else drowned out around him. Your pupils, they’re big and they’re filled with a heavy deal of worry but there’s something else. Your eyes, he’s looked into them so many times before but why is it different? 
As shaken up as you are, you manage to cup his face carefully to console him, or more so yourself. Your hands are shaking but they’re warm against his cheek and he can’t help but reach his hand to lay across the hand that’s cupping his face. 
Peter feels his face flush, but this time it’s different, it’s...euphoric? Peter wasn’t even sure if he was saying the word correctly but that’s how he felt. 
Your eyes, he’s so enamored by the way you’re looking at him. You were worried of course, but no, there was something else. 
“ You’re safe Peter, you’re okay.” 
“ Don’t worry I got you.”
“ Just breath for me, okay?” 
There it was, the same deja vu. You had said that to him before, or maybe he had said it to you before through broken sobs when you had the nightmare. 
Peter’s breath hitched as it all finally hit him, he figured it out just by holding your deep gaze. 
Oh my god.
The lovedust had worn off, it was gone. All the anxiety and nerves from having it in his system had disappeared, evaporated off of him almost. The chest pains and the shortness of breath had gone away but Peter still felt something pulling, tugging at his heartstrings. 
The lovedust was gone, he knew that well enough.
 The only thing he could feel as he stared back at you was a pure, undivided, longing for you. 
That’s right, Peter Parker was still hopelessly in love with you, no lovedust required.
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random-senpai · 4 years
Senpai's MILF Otome Game Masterpost
Protagonist and key supporting roles
You, MILF Supreme: The main character of the Otome game. You are an 34 year old single mother of a beautiful 16 year old daughter. You are an absolutely stunning woman with an amazing rack, an ass that won't quit, never takes shit from anybody, and has a tendency to say "Ara ara~" when amused. Due to the hustle and bustle in your life you've taken to styling your gorgeous hair into an easy to maintain side plait. Long ago you fell in love with your childhood friend and became highschool sweethearts. The two of you became married when you got pregnant at 18. Thanks your support for each other the two of you were able to juggle college and raising a newborn daughter together successfully. You thought you would be happy together forever until you found him in bed with another woman at the age of 25. The two of you divorced shortly after and you won main custody of your daughter. 10 years later and now you are an successful businesswoman with only a few superiors at work. But due to the juggling of your career and raising your daughter with care you have little time for love. At least until it finds you instead.
Your Daughter: A beautiful 16 year old girl that takes after you in many ways. She may have her father's eyes but the rest of her is mostly you. She's an otome protagonist in her own story, but not in this one. She can be clumsy and stubborn, especially regarding her own emotions. But you can tell she loves you deeply and wants you to be happy, even if she's going through a rebellious phase in her life. She's taken to cooking, cleaning, and other housework in order to lighten your load when you aren't working. And despite your attempts to tell her otherwise you can tell she carries deep guilt for robbing you of your youth.
MILF BFF #1: A friend of your's since Middle School that's carried out to your whole life. She was there when you started going out with your ex husband and was the first shoulder to cry on when he cheated. She's happily married to a wonderful loving husband and you were the maid of honor at her wedding. She's recently retired from the workforce and is currently a housewife raising twins. She occassionally calls you for advice raising them which you happily give.
MILF BFF #2: A friend you met shortly after you began working after college. Together you raised each other up as you climbed your careers. She's a fellow single mother albeit from her husband dying in an Truck accident instead of a divorce like yourself. She's not looking for love at the moment. And although she's open to it, she says her focus is her son.
(When you are together with your BFFs, the three of you are a holy trinity of sheer MILF power. Many look at you three stunned by your energy and appearance but all of them are too intimidated to actually approach)
Your Boss: The Manager of your Company's entire branch in the city and one of the few superiors you have at work. He's tough on everyone and has the face to match his nickname of the "Demon Boss". But despite his general harshness he's very accommodating for family. He grew up in poverty in a single mother household and is very understanding to them to particular. Funny enough he lives very modestly despite the money he makes from his high position. He donates most of what he makes to charities and programs, particularly many that support struggling families and single mothers. Often volunteering on his days off to see the good of what his money goes to. Every month he changes the flowers at his mother's grave without fail. He's very adamant about not mixing his personal life and his professional one. A huge tsundere that blushes to a degree most would be surprised to see on a 45 year old man.
Your Daughter's PE teacher: A energetic man with the brightest smile you've ever seen, as well as a passion for sports and his students. Although he serves as the school's PE teacher and coaches various teams (including your daughter's volleyball team) he never pushes the students too hard. He was actually the ace in your college's Football (Soccer) team. Unfortunately he suffered an injury he never quite fully recovered from and never went pro. Long ago you had a chance meeting with him after he got injured and helped give him the strength to move on after losing his dreams. He wanted to ask you out back in college, but as you were married he simply thanked you and moved on.
Your Ex Husband's older brother and your former Brother in Law: A childhood friend that's always been there to support you. He has a scary face as well as a scar from when a cat you took in clawed him in your elementary days. He's been a great uncle to your daughter and helped you throughout your divorce to his brother. A former Yankee, he's never been the brightest in terms of booksmarts. One of your most consistent memories of middle/high school was patching him up after he got into fights. He failed his college exams and became a construction worker, gradually making his way to Crew Leader through hard work. When your Ex Husband cheated on you he beat him to the point where you had to pry him off. Now their relationship has been strained ever since. Despite his imposing presence he's a coward with his emotions. He's liked you since high school but never felt he was good enough for you, especially now that you're so successful and he's just a guy in construction. On the day he graduated he gave you all the buttons from his uniform.
The bar owner of your favorite place to drink: Charming and reassuring, it's incredibly easy to open up to him. He's been there for many a night of your drunk ramblings and even relates to many of your problems as a fellow single parent. Although he never gives details on what happened to his daughter's mom, he absolutely loves to brag about his daughter (who just so happens to be your daughter's best friend). Off the clock he's surprisingly sensual and is a bit of a dirty talker. His smirk in particular can get very seductive. He has an excellent singing voice and even though he insists he's too rusty, he's very talented playing the guitar. Long ago he was actually a musician that never managed to be successful. When he became a father, his own dad taught him the ins and outs of bartending and helped him raise his daughter. His bar was actually inherited from his father. The fact that he was entrusted with it is something he cherishes greatly.
The Young College Intern: A college student shadowing your company for an internship. Due to certain circumstances you've been put in charge of him. His naivety and energy remind you very much of yourself in your youth. He has a very obvious crush on you at first sight and is very bad at hiding it. Considering your age difference you just think it's cute and don't take it seriously at all. He's the eldest of 5 siblings and shows a more serious side when it come to them. Especially now that his parents are currently working abroad for awhile. Outside of interning for your company he also attends classes and works part time. Not wanting to worry anybody he often hides any signs he's tired with a smile on his face.
(Maybe Maybe not route) Your Ex Husband and your first love: A professional comedian, actor, and show host. Along with his older brother the three of you were close growing up. He always found a way to make you laugh and smile, thats why you fell in love with him. On your 2nd year of High School he confessed to you and you started going out. He's always been somewhat childish and immature but very quickly took up responsibility when you became pregnant at 18. The marriage was a shotgun wedding sure, but the two of you were happy. It was a struggle juggling raising a daughter and your subsequent educations and careers but together you made it work. Until you caught him in bed with another woman at 26. He broke your heart and the divorce was messy, numbing you to the possibility of experiencing romantic love for years. Post divorce he's changed his last name and became estranged from the rest of his family, especially his brother. He's been doing very well for himself however and broke out in popularity soon after your divorce. But even so he never lets his busy schedule get in the way of the days he has custody and he's been trying his best to be a good father to your daughter. He seems more mature now than when you were married and you can tell that he's changed. Whether it's for the better or the worse, you don't know. His route is the only one where your daughter doesn't support you and actively objects to it.
Other Supporting Roles
Your dad: Your father whose raised you alone after your mom died in a tragic accident when you were 13. He loves you deeply and spoils his grandaughter a little bit too much. He objected to it when you first married Ex Husband but has never said "I told you so" after the divorce.
Your Daughter's Best Friend and the Bar Owner's Daughter: A sweet girl whose more shy and introverted personality compliments your daughter's well. Beautiful but dresses very plainly. She has a wonderful singing voice and sometimes works part time at her father's bar as a server.
MILF BFF #1's Husband: He loves his wife and children dearly. He was always a little bit awkward even when they were just dating and you love to tease him about that. You can tell at times that he's self conscious about being a good enough provider and husband for his wife.
Boss's Little Sister: The owner of a flower shop in town. She often worries about her big brother and his prickly personality causing misunderstandings. But she understands him well and loves him greatly. The flowers he brings to their mother's grave are oftentimes ones she's grown herself and if she has time she comes with him. Married with 2 sons, she jokes with him about if he's ever going to find anybody.
Your Former In Laws: The parents of your Ex Husband and his older brother. Your late mother and them were very close friends. Even though you've divorced from their son they still proudly call you their daughter. In fact after your divorce they've all but disowned him. They still worry about their eldest and actively compete with your father over whose your daughter's favorite grandparents.
Pro Football (Soccer) player: Another alumni from your college and a member of the pro leagues. He played with the Coach back in the day and they still remain best friends. Although happy with his job and his life, he can't help but feel guilt over him living his best friend's dreams.
Intern's sister: The 2nd eldest of the family. She's a 3rd year on highschool and has taken over a majority of the housework in their mother's absence. She negs her brother over how childish he is, but is also the first to defend him against others. She worries greatly about how he overexerts himself.
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angeltriestoblog · 4 years
I watched a couple of movies! (Part 1)
Back when I regularly had the luxury of long breaks, I spent my days binge-watching films, as you can see from my extensive knowledge of 80s chick flicks and all the cheesy tropes and disgustingly adorable, predominantly white leading men that come with them. Sadly, a side effect of growing older in the digital age seemed to be the diminishment of my attention span: the only things I could focus on were academic requirements, simply because I had to. But, thanks to several factors—the suspension of online classes, the sudden annoyance I developed towards Barney Stinson that prompted me to discontinue How I Met Your Mother, etc.—I decided it was high time to rekindle this lost love. So, here is an unsolicited review of the 17 films I managed to finish in a little over a week! Rest assured, I tried my best to venture out of familiar territory and brush up on some of the more cultured picks, according to Letterboxd, at least.
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Bar Boys (2017, dir. Kip Oebanda) ★★★
The film that kickstarted everything, which I never would have seen if the director had not uploaded the full version on YouTube. This well-meaning tale of four best friends (Carlo Aquino, Rocco Nacino, Enzo Pineda, and Kean Cipriano) and the challenges they face in law school—terror professors, fraternities, and financial difficulties included—does have a lot of heart, and is sensitive enough to show how the effect of this experience differs depending on a student's background. But, what it lacked for me was a certain degree of specificity: I think the same premise would have been applicable in med school, or any other post-graduate degree for that matter. So, why did the characters choose law? I also would have appreciated some commentary on the shortcomings of the country’s justice system, and further fleshing out of the characters so the audience could have seen why we could count on them to fill in the gaps.
Legally Blonde (2001, dir. Robert Luketic) ★★★½
The rating might be surprising, considering that the courtroom scene was responsible for the short law school phase I had in Grade 5. As if I could ever make use of the rules of haircare in an actual cross-examination. Of course, I am compelled to admire Elle (Reese Witherspoon) and how her motivations for going to Harvard shift from winning back a boy to discovering what she never knew she had and using these gifts to help those around her (especially the manicurist, who I feel was given way more exposure than what was due to her). Ultimately, though it was inspirational at some points, it felt too good to be true and impossible to relate to. (But then again, shouldn’t there be a willing suspension of disbelief when consuming forms of media such as this?)
Lady Bird (2017, dir. Greta Gerwig) ★★★★★
I’ll probably end up making a separate post dedicated to this movie and how it singlehandedly called me out, as a sensitive, occasionally self-important product of an all-girls Catholic high school. For now, I am forced to condense my overflowing feelings into a couple of sentences. Lady Bird takes place over the course of the titular character's senior year, a pivotal moment in the lives of all teenagers. But, instead of focusing solely on the formulaic firsts like the normal coming-of-age film would, it shines a light on her dwindling relationship with her equally strong-willed mother. Saoirse Ronan’s colorful performance as the human embodiment of my pre-teen self's conscience, and Greta Gerwig’s tremendous ability to make even oddly specific scenes speak to any viewer shine through and speak to me the most, and easily make this gem something I will be recommending this to anyone who bothers to ask for as long as I live.
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Bohemian Rhapsody (2018, dir. Bryan Singer) ★★★
There’s a lot of controversy surrounding Bo Rhap, particularly its failure to portray Freddie Mercury in a manner that does him justice. While I understand that it is a valid concern for fans of the band, I admit I don’t know enough about who he was as a person to criticize the film in this aspect. Regardless of its factuality, this still was just average for me, the typical rise-and-fall type of biopic that is indicative of a rockstar’s legacy, but with laughably faulty editing. The redeeming factors were Rami Malek’s brilliant portrayal of the legend himself—his Live Aid performance gave me chills that lasted the entire 20 minutes, how alarming—and, obviously, the soundtrack that I kept on loop for several days.
About Time (2013, dir. Richard Curtis) ★
Apparently, this movie focuses on Tim (Domhnall Gleeson), who discovers at age 21 that the men in his family have the power to time-travel and thus revise and repair certain parts of their lives. He uses this to address the fact that he’s never had a girlfriend, and effectively so as he ends up bagging Mary (Rachel McAdams), a charming American who is the settler in this relationship by default. But, of course, this gift is not without its dire consequences—or at least, that’s what it says on Wikipedia. It’s hard to trash on this and admit that I bailed halfway because so many of my friends swear by this. But, I just couldn’t stomach the lack of chemistry between the two leads; the surprisingly boring dialogue for a screenplay crafted by Richard Curtis of Notting Hill fame; and the story that, although bore enough of a resemblance to “The Time Traveler’s Wife” to be interesting, was still not powerful enough to sustain my attention.
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Your Name (2016, dir. Makoto Shinkai) ★★★★★
I’m a huge fan of plots that are sure to make my eyes swell and heart hurt—I can’t explain the psychology behind this either. So when this was recommended to me and I had made it through an hour without shedding a single tear, I was prepared to be disappointed. But, the events leading up to the conclusion proceeded to rip me into shreds, as if to taunt me and say, “You asked for it.” Mitsuha (Mone Kamishiraishi) and Taki (Ryunosuke Kamiki), teenagers living on opposite sides of the country, suddenly start switching bodies following the appearance of a comet. This unexplainable phenomenon causes them to forge an unbreakable bond that transcends the very limits of time and space. I know the description is not much, but it’s best to experience this unique plot for yourself. Besides its storyline, its charm lies in its excruciating attention to detail in depicting life in urban and rural Japan, both in the realistic animation of one picturesque scene after another, and the use of cultural elements to arrive at a twist viewers will not see coming.
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Booksmart (2019, dir. Olivia Wilde) ★★★★½
I can't summarize what I imagine Booksmart to be for teenagers in the future, so here's an entire scenario: It's the year 2070. Two young girls of around 16 are sprawled on their bedroom floor, watching this on whatever device they use for streaming. (Maybe it's from an LCD projector embedded in their foreheads, who knows.) The credits roll, and they instantly think to themselves, "Man, we were born in the wrong generation!" (They simultaneously think of doing a high-five, and without raising their hands themselves, it happens because that's technology.) Anyway, Amy (Kaitlyn Dever) and Molly (Beanie Feldstein) are best friends who played by the rules all throughout high school and realized too late that they could’ve afforded to have a little more fun. On the eve of their graduation, they decide to cram four years’ worth of adventure in a single unpredictable and outrageous night, getting to grips with everything that comes their way in an exceedingly comedic yet refreshing fashion. Also, the protagonists have such a genuine and wholesome relationship: the way they hyped up their most ridiculous looking outfits, or overshared borderline uncomfortable stories is honestly my personal definition of an ideal friendship.
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When Harry Met Sally (1989, dir. Rob Reiner) ★★★★½
Despite this film’s constant presence in every “chick flicks you must watch” list I’ve bothered searching up, I spent a huge chunk of my teen years in constant protest against the decision to cast Billy Crystal as the male lead instead of, I don’t know, literally any other actor on the planet. But, once I finished it, I realized that he’s a much better fit than I thought. The laidback Harry to Meg Ryan’s finicky Sally, both of them spare no effort exploring and debunking truths and misconceptions about modern relationships: examples of which are the idea of being high maintenance, and the quintessential question of whether a guy and girl can ever be just friends. Although their dynamic is the definition of slow burn, audiences can’t help but earnestly root for the pair—the frustration brought by the several almosts pay off in the end, as they lead to one of, if not, the most romantic love confession scene.
Hintayan ng Langit (2018, dir. Dan Villegas) ★★★★½
This tale adapted from a play by no less than Juan Miguel Severo is set in purgatory—a grandiose art museum-four star hotel hybrid of sorts—where souls can stop and rest while their papers for entry to heaven are being processed. It is here we meet Manolo (Eddie Garcia) and Lisang (Gina Pareno), ex-lovers with unfinished business. Things admittedly start off a bit slow, but it's understandable since there needs to be ample provision of context regarding the standard operating procedures of this unique waiting area. Once that’s done, the focus stays on the main actors, who drive audiences to tears with their powerful performances, and thought-provoking questions on matters of betrayal, forgiveness, and the afterlife. The ending had me rocking back and forth like a baby, my shirt soaked with tears, so do take heed and stock up on tissues!
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The Social Network (2010, dir. David Fincher) ★★★★★
Within its packed first 15 minutes alone, you can easily see what makes The Social Network an example of cinema at its finest: an intoxicated Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) hacks into the websites of all Harvard dorms to create Facebook’s oldest ancestor from scratch, in an attempt to get back at his ex-girlfriend. The atmosphere is tense, the dialogue is loaded with witty one-liners and powerful insight, and the actors are so in touch with their characters they practically fuse into a single person. This remains consistent for the next two hours or so, making for an enjoyable and fast-paced, yet still informative glimpse into the human side of what is arguable the most powerful company of this era. I also heard that it’s much more fun if seen with the cast commentary on, so I’m gonna have to find a copy of that for myself!
Pretty in Pink (1986, dir. Howard Deutch) ★★★★★
I’m cheating here, I know: this has been a long-time favorite, but I guess I can still give a review if I was still 15 when I last saw this. Andie (Molly Ringwald) and Blane (Andrew McCarthy)’s classic “poor girl + rich boy = happily ever after” story is masterfully tackled by John Hughes, who manages to inject equal amounts of swoon-worthy romance and biting criticism of the inherent class divide in society. Others would argue that Duckie (Jon Cryer), Andie’s devoted best friend, is the true star of the show, and while I do agree that he has his shining moments (if you listen closely, you can hear Try A Little Tenderness playing softly in the background), I sadly inherited my mother’s adoration for Andrew, which I will pass on to my child and so on—truly the defining characteristic of our lineage.
St. Elmo’s Fire (1985, dir. Joel Schumacher) ½
I understand that being an adult in the Real World is bound to come with some grave mistakes and lapses in judgment. But, not a single character in this friend group redeems themselves by the end. While Ally Sheedy’s Leslie and Mare Winningham’s Wendy were just borderline forgettable (why did the latter even end up here with the Brat Pack?), Judd Nelson’s Alec cheats on his girlfriend and believes that marriage is what will make him change his ways; Rob Lowe’s Billy neglects the family he didn’t plan on having by fooling around with other women and making a home out of his favorite bar; Demi Moore’s Jules relies on cocaine and extramarital affairs to hide trauma she refuses to process, and Andrew McCarthy’s pretentiously cynical Kevin suddenly claims he knows what love is when Leslie pays attention to him for 10 minutes. But, none of them compare to Emilio Estevez’ Kirby, the sociopath obsessed with a girl he barely knows. It honestly resembles some sick contest of how many problems this gang can cause before they end up behind bars, with the last scene being a lazy and rushed attempt to wrap everything up, in the name of this surface-level “friendship”.
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Before Sunrise, Sunset, and Midnight (1995, 2004, 2013; dir. Richard Linklater) ★★★★★
Guess it’s better to admit it now, but I made this post as an excuse to rave about how beautiful this trilogy is, the most authentic depiction of love in its purest form. Sunrise has been recommended to me by both friends and the Netflix algorithm, but I put off watching it again and again and again. I mean, what could I possibly get out of looking at two strangers roam around Vienna? Well, to answer that question: quite a lot. Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy)’s relationship spans an entire trilogy, and throughout that period, they manage to define then destroy the idea of having a soulmate to call your own in approximately six hours. But certain constancies are present in each movie: the emotion intense even in the smallest of gestures (you don't understand the anguish I feel when the scene at the listening booth randomly pops in my head), the dialogue truly thought-provoking and natural, the settings so picturesque, and the chemistry of the actors so electric I have trouble believing that the director didn’t actually invade the personal space of a real couple and eventually get issued a restraining order.
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High Fidelity (2000, dir. Stephen Frears) ★★
I’d like to think of this as an essay: I'm confident that the introduction is the protagonist Rob's soliloquy on his five biggest breakups to understand why he’s so flawed that everyone always leaves him, and the conclusion his attempt to win his ex Laura (Iben Hjejle) back. But as for the body, I’m not entirely sure. Interspersed between these moments are thoughtful top five lists of anything that can be enumerated, and occasional banter with the employees at his record store that may be charming, but do not enhance the film in any way, shape, or form for me. Also, I normally enjoy seeing John Cusack onscreen, but more often than not, he was nagging in front of the camera instead of talking to the people around him; no wonder his relationships failed!
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2010, dir. Edgar Wright) ★★★
I wanted to enjoy this so bad, I swear! Sadly, the one thing I gained after seeing this is knowledge of where the “I’m So Sad, So Very Very Sad” meme came from. I get that it’s supposed to resemble a comic book or video game, and maybe the reason why I failed to appreciate this as much is because I was never a fan of either. I found the prolonged action scenes surprisingly boring, the storyline too fantastic, and the whole quest of having to defeat seven monstrous exes for the hand of a manic pixie dream girl not worth it in the end. Although I can’t give it less than three stars given its impressive visual effects, and appeal to the entire Tumblr community (gamers on one end, millennial film connoisseurs on the other), it’s definitely not something I would watch a second time.
There will surely be more where that came from! (I mean it. Since completing this post, I’ve finished another five films.) If you wanna keep tabs on what I’m watching without having to wait on another post, you can give my Letterboxd a follow. Wishing you love and light always, and don’t forget to wash your hands and pray for our frontliners!
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howblunt · 5 years
1-98 weird asks!
First off: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to answer all of these :) 
Second off: Let’s begin
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? 
Coffee Mugs 
 2. chocolate bars or lollipops? 
lollipops for sure 
 3. bubblegum or cotton candy? 
bubblegum! (though i do love cotton candy)
 4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? 
honestly I’m not sure. I’m sure it was something about me being quite and bad at participating 
 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? 
(reusable) Plastic cups 
 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? 
I love the look of pastel 
but I think I dress more preppy ? with a hint of grunge(maybe goth) 
 7. earbuds or headphones?
I wear earbuds more often but I do prefer headphones 
 8. movies or tv shows? 
 9. favorite smell in the summer? 
how the pool smells and sunscreen 
 10. game you were best at in p.e.? 
none. P.E. was awful.
Stick to the back and hope the ball doesn’t come at me, that’s how I lived. 
 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? 
Cereal. I am a simple woman 
 12. name of your favorite playlist? 
currently it is my “Jean + Scott angst (and love)” playlist off spotify 
 13. lanyard or key ring? 
key ring 
 14. favorite non-chocolate candy? 
anything gummy but more specifically gummy worms 
 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Wide Sargasso Sea 
If you like Gothic novels with some unrequited love and desire… hit this book up. Look up the plot of Jane Erye first.. it’s like a prequel. Btw I hated Jane Erye. But love Wide Sargasso Sea. Lots of symbolism and even witch craft 
 16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Legs stretched out, both on the ground 
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My black tennis shoes. Very comfortable 
 18. ideal weather? 
Fall weather. Wind and sunshine 
 19. sleeping position?
Usually on my right side. But I wake up on my back
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
 21. obsession from childhood?
Barbie dolls! and my little pony+ littlest pet shop 
 22. role model? 
This is a hard one because I don’t really have anyone. But I guess Dan Aykroyd (my senior quote is from him) 
 23. strange habits? 
biting the inside of my mouth, fidgeting + folding up papers that are given to me (like in mass), and chewing my straws 
 24. favorite crystal? 
Rose quartz and orange Calcite
 25. first song you remember hearing?
Here Comes the Sun
My mom used to sing it in the morning to wake up my sister and me 
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? 
Or walk/ride my bike to the library 
 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
curl up in a blanket and stay inside 
 28. five songs to describe you? 
(In no order)
Not Today by Twenty One Pilots 
Wow, I’m Not Crazy by AJR 
xanny by Billie Eilish 
I’m In Love With My Car by Queen
Why Do You Feel So Down by Declan McKenna 
 29. best way to bond with you? 
Going shopping (clothes or other). This way we can chat and also have something to do 
 30. places that you find sacred?
The library and church 
 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? 
idk full outfit but my black pleated skirt makes me feel good 
 32. top five favorite vines? 
In no order
*girl vapes* wow
I smell like beef 
Lets’s tell each other secrets. I’ll go first, I hate you. 
Chris is that a weed?!
This is how I enter my house. What’s up fuckers?! 
 33. most used phrase in your phone? 
 34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? 
that one for the shampoo made for curly hair. and it goes “That’s curl power”
 35. average time you fall asleep? 
11 or 12 during the week. 1 or 2 for weekends 
 36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? 
Rage comics. idk which specifically. But i used to run a rage comic meme account. I was pretty popular ;)
37. suitcase or duffel bag? 
 38. lemonade or tea? 
lemonade (though i do LOVE tea)
 39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cakes 
 40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?  
omg so. There was this girl who told on this other girl for cheating on a test. Then like the whole grade just ganged up on this other girl and started calling her “the snitch” because the cheater’s friend group started saying “snitches get stitches” (lol even tho i went to an all girls, majority white + prissy + upper class, catholic school but go off) that went on for too long.
at some party they started to chant “snitches get stitches” 
the girl who started the chant then got suspended 
41. last person you texted? 
my ex. (it was a good breakup) 
 42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? 
jacket pockets 
 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? 
 44. favorite scent for soap?
 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi (lmao x-men is under sci-fi at the library. so it counts) 
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? 
XL t-shirt from giving blood and some very loose pajama shorts 
 47. favorite type of cheese?
 48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? 
Mango (I eat enough to turn into one)
 49. what saying or quote do you live by? 
“Comparison will kill you”
 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
OMG so there was this big spider web. And me and a friend thought it would be funny to call another friend over. And then be like “’lol u just walked passed a huge spider”–we didn’t think she would walk into it or near it because it was right by the edge of a lake we were by. So we call her over and this girl starts sprinting over toward us and RIGHT toward the spider web, and she had this big smile. And my friend and I yelled at her to stop. And when we were laughing saying she was about to run into a spider web and showed her the big spider, she began to freak out (maybe even cry). 
She was okay after the shock and fear wore off. 
I literally have tears in my eyes from typing this 
 51. current stresses? 
My friend moving away really far 
Starting school
making new friends 
 52. favorite font? 
I honestly don’t have one
 53. what is the current state of your hands? 
kinda dry
 54. what did you learn from your first job?
That I really love kids
 55. favorite fairy tale? 
Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel 
 56. favorite tradition?
Every one of my family’s Christmas traditions 
 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? 
My self doubt
sharing my art + writing 
My self confidence + learning my worth 
 58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can play the piano
I can draw and paint
I can embroider and sew (not well but I have fun)
I can write pretty creative stories 
 59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Oh gosh, now what?”
 60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? 
Magical Girl Anime
 61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Darjeeling Limited directed by Wes Anderson: “What’s wrong with you?” / “Let me think about that. I’ll tell you the next time I see you.” / “Sure, tell me then.” / “Thanks for using me.” / “You’re Welcome.” 
 62. seven characters you relate to?
Will from Stranger Things (with the whole not wanting to give up “childish things” and other stuff his friends are growing out of)
David Wong from John Dies at the End (with how he handles the situation and thinks)
Molly from Booksmart (not the going to a great college or being super smart + looking down on people part. But wanting to go to a party and flirt with cute boys)
Erin from Derry Girls (Tbh, I relate to all the main girls in this show)
Eric from That 70s Show (sometimes)
A mix between Ben and Andy from Parks and Rec
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Good Old Fashion Lover Boy by Queen 
Dance, Baby! by Boy Pablo 
Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede 
Fake Happy by Paramore 
Sober Up by AJR
 64. favorite website from your childhood? 
Club Penguin and Webkinz 
 65. any permanent scars?
On my knees from falling as a child. A small scar under my eye from a dog bite 
66. favorite flower(s)? 
Roses and Daisies 
 67. good luck charms?  
I wear this necklace a friend gave me when I am nervous 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Green Tea flavored Mochi is kinda nasty to me
 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? 
Dan Aykroyd lost his wallet that he always kept chained to his belt. He was freaking out and searching all over while John Belushi was laughing his butt off
 70. left or right handed?
 71. least favorite pattern?
anything with too many circles / holes 
72. worst subject? 
Anything Science related 
 73. favorite weird flavor combo?
idk but do NOT try lemonade with Doritos. it taste like throw up 
I’ve made this mistake twice 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
it has to be an 7 or so
 75. when did you lose your first tooth? 
gosh, i’m not sure 
 76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? 
tator tots 
 77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
this is a question for my sister 
 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
I regularly buy sushi from a grocery store so that works 
the grocery store I go to has a sushi bar and has fresh sushi every day 
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
tbh they both looks kinda good.. not to BRAG. but i guess driver’s license 
 80. earth tones or jewel tones? 
Earth tones
 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
 82. pc or console? 
 83. writing or drawing?
 84. podcasts or talk radio? 
podcast – no commercials 
 84. barbie or polly pocket? 
Barbie all the WAY! Though I do love me a good polly pocket 
 85. fairy tales or mythology?
Fair Tales
 86. cookies or cupcakes?
though i like making cupcakes more 
 87. your greatest fear?
Being kidnapped and never being found 
 88. your greatest wish?
To find my ideal man
 89. who would you put before everyone else? 
Anyone in my family 
 90. luckiest mistake?
Thinking a test is sooner so I study. But then ending up having another day to study as well. 
91. boxes or bags?
 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? 
(maybe some fairy lights in the background) 
 93. nicknames?
My real name is Veronica but I go by Ronni
Ron Ron, Gonni, Ronica 
 94. favorite season? 
 95. favorite app on your phone? 
 96. desktop background? 
I’m a Kaneki slut (Tokyo Ghoul) 
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 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
 98. favorite historical era?
style wise: 1800 rococo -- Marie Antoinette period 
media wise: 1970s  
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Booksmart’s Stars on Teen Movies, Timothée Chalamet, And Why Olivia Wilde is a Queen
It’s a familiar premise: two high school nerds, on the cusp of graduation, are desperate to have one wild night out. There’s a big party to get into. There are crushes to be met. There are things to be done. Familiar as those broad strokes might be, the specifics are anything but. For one, Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever’s characters, Molly and Amy, aren’t the typical “nerd” types you see in movies in this genre. They’re smart, driven, well-adjusted, and couldn’t care less about what the “popular” kids think of them. But they’ve been so intent on doing everything right—from getting into their dream schools to figuring out their career paths—they realize they forgot to have fun along the way.
And so Booksmart follows the duo as they set about trying to cram four years’ worth of quintessential high school experiences into a single night. Needless to say, mistakes are made, boundaries are pushed and epiphanies are had. But the film never once strays into cliched territory nor does it rely on familiar tropes of high school cliques and tensions to drive its story. More importantly, the emotions and impulses of its female leads (one straight, one queer, another welcome deviation from the usual teen movie formula) are treated with enormous respect and understanding.
“It’s not a comedy that just takes jokes written for guys and [puts them] in the mouths of actresses,” first-time director Olivia Wilde tells The Frame. “Coz that happens a lot where it’s like ‘It’s a girl comedy! It’s so great they’re talking like guys!’ But that’s just not how women interact.”
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Spotted: the cast of #BooksmartMovie taking our breath away at last night’s NYC Screening. In theaters THIS FRIDAY. Link in bio for tix! 📸 by @emiliomk
A post shared by BOOKSMART (@booksmart) on May 22, 2019 at 5:00pm PDT
On the eve of the movie’s release, we caught up with its stars to chat about what makes Booksmart so special, their favourite onscreen BFFs, and more.
This movie is so different from other movies in its genre, where we typically see getting laid as being the big objective of the night, whereas for your characters it’s the experience of having a crazy night, and doing it together. In what ways did this movie feel different to you from other high school movies?
Kaitlyn Dever: I love that these girls aren’t trying to hook up… in any other movie it would have been like they were trying to get the guy at the end of the night.
Beanie Feldstein: They probably would have a fight over it.
KD: What’s so refreshing is these girls are so self-aware. They know how fun they are and how smart they are, and intelligent and so many other things. They just sort of want to prove that to everyone else, and also they’ve realized ‘wait a second, we could have done both and we haven’t and we should try to get on that tonight.’ I love that with my character—we don’t just mention that she’s queer and then don’t discuss it again. This is a girl who definitely has desires and wants an experience with someone and has just never had it and has no idea what that’s like. That’s very relatable, you know, to never have had an experience like that before.
I really like how matter-of-factly Amy’s queerness is depicted; her sexuality is given the same treatment as anyone else’s.
KD: Yeah, [typically] with a queer character, she would have been put in the movie to be the gay character, and we don’t really talk about it and we never explore her sexuality. Or there’s the other side of it where we would see the coming out story, and while that is a beautiful story and an important story to tell, we wanted to see what it was like after that. Olivia really didn’t want to put a spotlight on it because we don’t need to continue to do that anymore, that’s not what this generation is.
BF: Not only are these girls smart and dedicated and involved but they also have a deep and meaningful friendship. And I’d never seen, at the centre of a comedy, the story of two female best friends where one is straight and one is queer, and that never affects the relationship, it never comes into their friendship, they’re just like ‘i love you, go get ’em, go get that girl, go get that guy.’ And I also think, like… the only love scene in the film is a queer love scene which a) is so cool but also [the scene] is so deeply moving and funny and awkward and consent is involved in such a natural, easy way and that is a moment that anyone can relate to. But the fact that there’s universality to a queer moment is really, really radical. Bringing a straight audience and saying ‘you have to relate to us, we don’t have to relate to your story’ is really special, especially in this genre.
Speaking of this genre, did your brother [Jonah Hill] have any advice for you going into this movie?
BF: Well I take advice from him all the time, and he takes advice from me all the time. I think he was just really excited and proud, and the only thing he said was ‘hang out with Kaitlyn as much as possible.’ Because him and Michael [Cera] did that before they started shooting [Superbad], they spent every day together. We were talking about this at lunch, and were like ‘we have to spend every minute together’ and Olivia was like ‘well you could live together.’ So we ended up living together through all of rehearsals, even before the shooting, for like a month. So by the time we got to filming we were so genuinely connected that Molly and Amy just sort of sprung to life. It was amazing to layer them on top of our foundation.
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Rolling with the homies. All the way to the theater because #BooksmartMovie is out everywhere Friday.
A post shared by BOOKSMART (@booksmart) on May 18, 2019 at 2:59pm PDT
Had you guys met before you ended up on this project together?
BF: Not officially.
KD: Ships in the night.
Well one thing you had in common is that you’d both done movies with Timothée Chalamet [Feldstein in Lady Bird and Dever in Beautiful Boy]. What was working with him like?
KD: I think he is one of the most talented actors of our generation. I’ve known him since I was like 16, we did another movie together and I knew immediately, I was like this kid, this kid’s got it. I don’t know what it is but he’s got it. He’s sooo talented.
BF: He’s here to stay.
KD: He’s here to stay and I knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time before everyone saw his genius. I really admire him a lot and he’s a good friend of mine.
BF: He’s delicious.
KD: He’s like a Leo and a Daniel Day-Lewis all in one, but he’s like a new… he’s just Timothée Chalamet.
BF: Hell yeah.
One thing I love about your characters, and it reminded me a lot of the dynamic between Abbi and Ilana in Broad City, is the way they’re always hyping each other up, talking each other up. In terms of onscreen friendships, what are some of your favourites that you love or loved growing up?
BF: Abbi and Ilana was a big one.
KD: Bridesmaids.
BF: We grew up in the ’90s so Lizzie McGuire, Thelma & Louise.
KD: Raven and Chelsea. Weird Science. They were boys but I loved that movie.
BF: That’s fine, Cory and Shawn in Boy Meets World was like my dream friendship, I was like ‘I AM Cory Matthews!’
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Shout out to all the directors (female and otherwise) who know this feeling of deep, like WHOA, like, profoundly deep honor that an actor is trusting you with their vulnerability and imagination and body and heart. There are no words for the gratitude I feel. Love you @kaitlyndever and all my @booksmart fam. #filmmakerfriday
A post shared by Olivia Wilde (@oliviawilde) on May 10, 2019 at 9:26am PDT
What was it like working with Olivia Wilde?
BF: Like working with a queen. She’s so remarkable. She sparkles. She is so confident and had so much energy, we were like ‘you’re a superhero.’ She’s a mom, she’s a producer, she’s an actor, she’s a director, she’s an activist. When does she sleep? No one will ever know. And she’s just so giving in the way that she directs, it was so deeply collaborative. She raised every human being on this film up. She just wanted them to shine.
KD: I loved how she treated everyone so singularly. She didn’t treat everyone as one big group and say ‘okay this is how I’m directing and this is my way.’ She always wanted our ideas, she always valued our opinions and wanted to bring all of our specificities into our characters and in turn it made this film more full-bodied because these characters were so great on page but then they just became more rich through this amazing collaboration that Olivia had with each individual person. I think that really shines on screen [similar to] movies like Fast Times at Ridgemont High—all of those characters are so specific and so different but they all fit together so well and I think that those kinds of movies are so iconic because there’s a person for everybody in that movie and if everyone was speaking the same or directed like one big group, it’d be a very different movie.
Beanie, it’s interesting that you’ve worked with not one but two first-time female directors, who are also actors, on movies about the high school experience. [Feldstein played Saoirse Ronan’s best friend in Lady Bird, directed by Greta Gerwig.]
BF: I have a type.
What’s that been like for you, being a part of these milestone films?
BF: My female friendships are the most important to me in my life. I feel like there just can’t be too many stories about that because there are so few to begin with. The fact that I got to be part of two that are so deeply, deeply honest and so relatable and lived-in and full is one of the most emotional things that’s happened to me in the past five years. I can’t believe I was given that honour.
The post <em>Booksmart’</em>s Stars on Teen Movies, Timothée Chalamet, And Why Olivia Wilde is a Queen appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Booksmart’s Stars on Teen Movies, Timothée Chalamet, And Why Olivia Wilde is a Queen published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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