#the falconeer
mrsdaqota · 1 month
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I decided to replay the Falconeer since I had some dreams of this game. Here's my little doodles with the winged warriors🦅🦅
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shalmonsgamons · 2 months
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FIRST IMPRESSIONS: The Falconeer this entire game is a bird alert, so points for that but wow, ambitious!! kind of overwhelmingly so lol but that's partly due to me not playing many "dogfight" games, and i'm concerned nausea will be a problem (as it often is for me) there is also a bunch of lore thrown at you & the tutorial doesn't explain a whole lot, gameplay-wise? (maybe more is explained as u go) music unexpectedly reminds me a bit of the pathless i would cautiously like to revisit this one, tho i have reservations about it being a nausea trap 😭 apparently, aside from music/marketing, this was a solo dev game?? dang
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2lim3rz · 2 years
"Stop marvelling and return to base"
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blueeyedrat · 1 year
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Steam Next Fest, summer 2023, for real this time. I was able to fit in more games than I anticipated, which is good, since there were plenty that caught my eye. First impressions and general thoughts under the cut.
(Part 1)
Viewfinder — Another entry in the proud lineage of "first-person puzzle games that do weird non-Euclidean shit" — Portal, Antichamber, Superliminal, et al. These games are always impressive in some way (concept, tech, style), and Viewfinder carries on the tradition. The core mechanic, overlaying photos onto "real" space and having their contents become equally real and able to be interacted with, is pulled off well. The puzzles in the demo show off a lot of interesting ways it can be used, and how its basic rules and assumptions can be bent and challenged. I'm very interested in this one, and I'm looking forward to when it comes out.
Stick to the Plan — A grid puzzle game about getting a small dog from point A to point B while carrying a long, unwieldy stick. I've seen the original Game Jam version on itch.io but never got around to playing it. The game seems up my alley, though, so I'm glad it's being expanded upon. Easy to pick up the basic concept, but enough room for introducing new mechanics and gimmicks to keep things interesting.
Gambit Shifter — A chess-themed puzzle game. I don't have much to say about it, but what I do have to say is positive. It's a simple enough idea (if you're familiar with how chess pieces move on a grid) with a decent variety of puzzles and simple, stylized chess pieces. That's all you need, I suppose.
Iron Roads — A train management sim. This one didn't quite land for me. The management part (building stations and rails and bridges, buying trains, planning routes, implementing logic for train stops and the like) didn't hold my interest, and the rest of it felt a little bare-bones. It's relatively early in development so there's room to improve, but I don't think this one's for me.
Causeway — A sleek-looking puzzle game about connecting traffic lines. I expected more to it than that, but it's actually pretty minimalist: draw paths, connect input roads to output roads, let the simulation play out and hope you did it correctly so there's no overflow or collision. I couldn't find any way to adjust the camera and the interface felt a little awkward in general, especially when trying to fine-tune a road on the edge of the map or place a bunch of roads and bridges near each other. I like this one in concept, but less in practice.
Laysara: Summit Kingdom — So, uh, all of the city builders I've played in the past few years are getting sequels all of a sudden. Cities: Skylines, Airborne Kingdom, Before We Leave, all have sequels lined up. I hope I have time to play them. I also hope I have time to play Laysara when it comes out, because it pushes all the same buttons. A builder with a nice gameplay loop of making numbers go up and having everything fit together just right (but it's all on a grid, so you don't have to fit it all into place that much), and a unique gimmick or two to top it off. I've been looking forward to this one for almost a year, and I don't think that'll change any time soon.
Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles — A sandbox city builder that shares a setting with the dev's previous work, The Falconeer (a game I'm not actually that familiar with, and have only seen in passing). As far as builders go, this is one of the most unorthodox I've played, mostly due to its control scheme. You traverse a network of connected buildings and extend that network upward and outward, rather than moving around the map independently and building from the top down (though with a useful airship, you're not entirely locked out of the latter). It's streamlined, but at the same time it feels like there's some nuance that I'm either not quite getting or can't access in this demo — supply lines and logistics, defenses, managing diplomacy and conflict with the different in-game factions, and so on. Despite Bulwark's oddities, or perhaps even because of them, I actually kinda dig it and I'm interested to see more. Mr. Sala, you have my attention.
Quest Master — A 2D Zelda-like with a focus on creating custom dungeons. It's been too long since I've dug into a good level editor. A good Zelda Maker might scratch that itch, though, especially since we've got options on that front (I should check out Super Dungeon Maker at some point, for comparison). Admittedly, this one might need some more time in the oven; no matter which control scheme you're using, the interface isn't as intuitive as I'd like and feels a bit awkward switching in and out of build mode, and currently there's no way to re-map any of the controls to mitigate this. It's got some neat ideas, though, and I'd like to see the game when it's been fully fleshed out.
Saltsea Chronicles — A point-and-click narrative game. I've had Die Gute Fabrik's previous foray into the genre (Mutazione) on my backlog for a while, and started up a playthrough after this game was announced. What I've seen so far in both games has been really interesting in terms of worldbuilding and character writing. Saltsea Chronicles seems particularly ambitious, with an ensemble cast and an episodic plot — each "episode" brings your motley crew to a different island in the Saltsea and you can choose who goes ashore to gather information, resources, mementos, etc., discovering more of the world and its inhabitants, advancing individual stories and the overarching narrative throughout. The demo episode was really well-written, and I am immediately invested in this setting and these characters. Of all the games I played in this Next Fest, this one might be the sleeper hit of the lot.
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vietsoul · 24 days
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Jessy Ares & Esteban Del Toro Madrid Sexy, 2012 - Falcon, dir. Bruno Bond
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ferretteeth · 1 year
Pigeon attempts to court falcon
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dr-iphone · 3 months
【限時免費】獨立製作空戰遊戲《The Falconeer 空戰獵鷹》放送中,2024 年 7 月 11 日深夜 23:00 截止
Epic Games Store 在本週放送的是 Tomas Sala 獨立製作、Wired Productions 發行的空戰遊戲《The Falconeer 空戰獵鷹》,這款遊戲在 Steam 獲得極度好評的讚許,玩家們只要把握在 2024 年 7 月 11 日深夜 23:00 前登入 Epic Games 帳號並獲取遊戲,就���永久擁有這款遊戲唷! Continue reading 【限時免費】獨立製作空戰遊戲《The Falconeer 空戰獵鷹》放送中,2024 年 7 月 11 日深夜 23:00 截止
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8bitdigi · 6 months
GDC 2024 | The Games We Played
A look at some of the games I got to check out during my week at the 2024 Game Developers Conference.
The 2024 Game Developers Conference was not just about understanding what’s new in the industry but also a chance to play some upcoming titles. During the week, I got to try some amazing titles that are out now or coming soon. This include beta versions, a demo that provided a sample of the experience and full builds of the overall game. These are some of the games I got to check out during the…
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prokopetz · 1 year
Joking aside, the Millennium Falcon is not the space fantasy equivalent of a busted-ass old panel van.
The Millennium Falcon is the space fantasy equivalent of a busted-ass old panel van that's inexplicably been hot-rodded to have a top speed of 300 miles per hour, which is substantially funnier.
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finalatomicbuster · 4 days
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Tyler Hill and Ethan Kage in Up All Night (2005) dir. Jim Steel
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valtsv · 1 year
i enjoy comparing the different ways that birds of prey attack. you've got eagles doing the classic lord of the skies, king of the air, death from above pose
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and then you've got peregrine falcons who are just like "fuck it. tactical missile strike."
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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A female falcon was equipped with a satellite tracking system in South Africa before migrating to Finland. Image shows tracker data. In just 42 days, she flew over 10.000 km, at an incredible average of 230 km per day and nearly in a straight line.    
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2lim3rz · 1 year
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Doodled some Ormirs and Weaver Dragons from the Falconeer
Based the Ormirs more on Albatrosses and the Weaver Dragons on Vultures and Eagles!
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justarandomgirly · 5 months
Omg full version!!!
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus), family Tyrannidae, order Passeriformes, attempts to drive away a Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus cheriway), family Falconidae, order Falconiformes, South TX, USA
photograph by Wayne Williams
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vietsoul · 1 month
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Mark Dalton Super Soaked, 2005 - Falcon Jocks, dir. Chi Chi LaRue
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