#the faultine
johndburns · 2 years
John McLellan: The Faultline | Podcast
John McLellan talks about his romantic novel set in a stunning landscape.
Sometimes a landscape can cast a spell on you, drawing you to it and leaving you changed forever. In John McLellan’s new novel, The Faultline, he charts the experiences of a group of young people whose lives are changed inexorably by the time they spend in the wilds of the the Scottish Highlands. A coming of age story, this novel is about love and life, set in a bold, uncompromising, ageless…
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faultlinescrew · 9 months
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I reckon she has a bunch of useless junk in her pockets that her shard nudges her into accumulating for 'just in case' purposes
"Hey does anyone have-" Shamrock has four of them
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p21gallery · 11 months
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Ramzi Mallat: Fault Lines - Opening Tonight from 6-9pm
Fault Lines is a solo presentation of recent works by Lebanese artist Ramzi Mallat, curated by Kirsty Flockhart.
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v1leblood · 1 year
so fucking funny faultine gets invited to the end of the world illuminati meeting exclusively by virtue of having labby and scrub
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jimmycarterghostland · 3 months
I finished reading Tangle 6.1 of Worm. Currently reading Tangle 6.2. I shouldn't be, but I am. I'm supposed to be reading three chapters of Worm per day, but 6.2 is my fourth chapter for the day.
Sorry if anyone was wondering what happened to my daily live reading of Worm posts. I went through a brief phase of discouragement and wasn't sure if I should even continue doing these posts. But I'm here now, and there's probably some people out there who are enjoying my posts about Worm. I couldn't let you fine people down. I deleted some posts recently, and didn't give my thoughts about the last couple. (EDIT: the last couple chapters of Worm that I read, I meant to say)
I like Gregor the Snail. And Newter is awesome too. It didn't take me long to like him.
My reaction when I read that Newter was alive and well:
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Gregor's interlude was great. It's crazy how Wildbow can make the reader like certain characters very quickly. I would love to see a lot more of Gregor, Newter, Faultine, and Labyrinth. That subplot about the U symbol and Shamrock was intriguing. It makes me wish Worm was more like the A Song of Ice and Fire books, where a bunch of narrators get around the same number of chapters as each other. Instead of how Worm currently is, where Taylor narrates probably 90% of the novel. I love Taylor, but that Gregor interlude made me want to see a lot more of him, and Shamrock, and the U symbol mystery. Intriguing stuff.
I loved it when Gregor choked Faultline out of nowhere. There was no hint that he was going to do that. I love how Wildbow does this. How he would sometimes have something happen without warning, like when Taylor hit Emma. Though Gregor choking Faultline out of nowhere like that was unintentionally funny. When it happened, though, I was wondering if Gregor was one of those fictional characters who go into random uncontrollable rages against their will. But, no, he choked out his boss to help her(it makes sense in context).
When Labyrinth was mentioned being in that insane asylum, it reminded me of that mission in the videogame Fallout 4, where you have to go this insane asylum. I loved that mission. I know Worm is a novel, but sometimes it reminds me of games I played, or movies I've seen, etc. I love it.
My reaction when Gregor appeared in Tangle 6.1:
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Also, I can't visualize while reading anymore. But I'm really enjoying Worm. I had assumed I wouldn't be able to enjoy reading anything anymore, since I can't visualize in my head while reading, but Worm is proving me wrong. I can still find joy in reading. Thanks, Wildbow.
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pioneer-10 · 2 years
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Got back into Wings of Fire recently, and ended up designing some OCs. The first one here, Cinnabar, is mine, while Malachite was designed by @cookieundertherock (though drawn by me).
Cinnabar is the (slightly) younger sibling of Malachite, who hatched during the war of the SandWing succession to a SkyWing named Faultine and a SeaWing named Krill. They were caught, and Faultline panicked and turned Krill in to be executed in exchange for Malachite and her being allowed to live, as long as Malachite became an entertainer for Queen Scarlet once she was of age. Faultline quickly remarried another SkyWing named Dusk, and Cinnabar hatched shortly after. Malachite was mostly kept at home while Cinnabar was pushed to be a soldier, though they were never any good at it and much preferred exploration and learning to fighting. Malachite and Cinnabar were very close, whereas Cinnabar often fought with Faultline and Dusk - fighting that escalated to the point where, when Cinnabar discovered that Malachite was going to be given to Scarlett as an "entertainer," they freaked out and killed Dusk before he could take her away. The two are now on the run, living in the Scorpion Den and working for Thorn as Outclaws. Faultline is on the hunt for the two, and Queen Scarlett has sent bounty hunters after Cinnabar due to the fact that Dusk was a royal guard in her palace.    
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jokertrap-ran · 1 month
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Main Story Chapter 2-15 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Main story tag will be #Main Starlight
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Akira: Yo, Osakabe. How are things lookin’?
Seiji: I'm still waiting for a quote. They're a small construction company, so it'll take a little while longer than usual.
Seiji: In any case, fixing the roof would be the biggest expense. We should still be able to remain within the budget if we can keep the roof expenses under control. 
Akira: Yeah, well, the roof is one thing, but we can't leave the walls as it is either. They're peelin’ off quite a bit, aren't they?
Seiji: Well if push comes to shove, we can hire a professional for the initial inspection and handle the rest ourselves.
Seiji: If you aren't picky about the quality, painting a wall isn't really that hard of a task.
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Akira: Oh, that sounds good. It'll spare us some expense, and we'll all have to do what we can to help out.
Akira: One of my guys’ family runs a house paintin’ business.
Akira: I'll try asking him about it to see if we can get it done for cheaper.
Seiji: Please do. I'll try to see if we have other options in the meantime.
Seiji: —Speaking of the devil… That should be the construction company I was talking about.
Seiji: …Hello. Yes, this is Osakabe speaking. Regarding the quote we previously discussed…
Joyo Male Student 1: W-Why are those two…
Joyo Male Student 2: What's going on all of a sudden?
Joyo Male Student 3: They're both talking to each other… Normally! Is it… Is it gonna snow tomorrow or something!?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Tomoeda: President! What happened!?
Seiji: What do you mean what happened?
Tomoeda: Please do not play dumb! Rumors about you and Kirigaya are spreading like wildfire throughout the school!
Tomoeda: Rumors about how the upright Student Council president with a spotless record was talking to a delinquent.
Seiji: I see? 
Tomoeda: No one took their lessons seriously today. Everyone was jumping at the news.
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Seiji: They stopped attending their classes just because I talked to someone? How deplorable.
Tomoeda: But that's not the main point here! He's… He's a delinquent, isn't he? Someone you should be cracking down on!
Seiji: …Indeed.
Tomoeda: I-Indeed…? What's gotten into you?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Yasu: Boss! What's goin’ on!?
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Akira: What do you mean? Is there something goin’ on?
Yasu: Don't shit with me! Weren't you being all chummy with that guy Osakabe today!?
Akira: Yeah. We had business.
Yasu: No, no, even if it was business, I'm sure that guy was there faultin’ you for somethin’, right?
Yasu: There's no need to talk to the insufferable Student Council!
Akira: Perhaps.
Yasu: P-Perhaps…? What's gotten into you this time, Boss?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Numahira: Have you heard about the rumors, Busujima? About Akira’s little group.
Numahira: Apparently, they're going to be holding a concert in those ruins. They sure do have the spare time to do such leisurely things.
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Busujima: A… concert? That guy…?
Numahira: Can you believe it? He’s even spending money to repair that dump.
Numahira: Don't you think it’d be great if such an important concert of his was ruined?
Bushijma: Yeah.
Numahira: Our last fight ended midway after all… and what a half-hearted fight it was…
Numahira: This time, I'll make sure to wreck him so badly that he'll never get up again.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬Main Starlight♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-14) Next Part: (Chapter 2-16)
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Ok I had some thoughts about this tweet so am putting them under a cut
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read and respect Yuliya's work; she is advocating for precision in language
however what she identifies is, hm. A collapsing of the "post-Soviet prostranstvo," rhetorically, in the eye of the center; the center can't hold, geopolitically, but continues to be upheld rhetorically by its representative, fleeing as the violence of the periphery, breaking and shifting along the seismic faultines of a collapsing empire, implodes toward the imperial core, to use a familiar formula.
however! Since the Cold War, the elision of "Russian" and "Soviet" has, I would argue, been a rhetorical strategy of the "opposing side," indeed, one used to reinforce the narrative of "Evil Empire," the Soviet Union as a successor to Russian autocratic rule. That is to say: reinforcing national-essentialist explanations of 20th-century history that ascribe events to the "Russian character," the "Russian soul," the "Russian nature," according to which the 1917 revolution becomes not a political revolution at all, not a rupture, but merely a coup, another authoritarian regime seizing power in a long unbroken history of authoritarian regimes--the national-essentialist explanation of Soviet history, the "continuity" narrative, in fact demands nothing less than the conflation of Russia with the Soviet Union for its own internal cohesion
this was not just a rhetorical feature in English; it was ubiquitous in Polish emigré publications about the Soviet Union, and it persists as a rhetorical device when people discuss the war in Ukraine NOW! I have seen it in English, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian, from Americans, Ukrainians, Poles, Russians abroad. Just the other day I shared a post by a Polish man lamenting the "Soviet rockets" decimating his beloved Lviv
don't even get me started on Timothy Snyder
tl;dr I don't know what language this Russian applicant was writing in, but I think it's interesting that Yuliya (lives and works in the US, from Soviet Ukraine, iirc spent formative years as an immigrant in Germany) defaults to this assumption-- subconscious irredentism, or implict erasure of Soviet linguistic/cultural diversity, Russian hegemony of the mind--rather than considering that the applicant, like many members of the Russian liberal intelligentsia, may be adopting a rhetorical device with roots in the Cold War, used explicitly by Anglophone public intellectuals and anticommunist Ostbloc emigrés to portray the USSR per the continuity model as an extension of the Russian "Evil Empire," which relies on a national-essentialist idea of Russian history that, at its most vulgar, is basically three Orientalist tropes and two Nazi propaganda slogans in a trench coat
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wayfaringellie · 2 years
Where Is My Boy? by Faultine feat. Chris Martin of Coldplay (2002)
Have I seen you before In some kind of a dream? In a place you've forgotten A place I've forgotten
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you’ll log on to tumblr and bear witness to some of the most sheltered trust fund liberals gradually learn how to coach common sense in pretentious, high-faultin, academic language that you came to understand intuitively while eating a sandwich at a bus stop on your way to work five years ago
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honeysider · 7 months
Aw fuck yeah Faultine's crew in the house!!!
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the moment the mandela effect went from a cool observaiton about the faultines sod the human mind even o na mass scale, into a whel heap of conspiracies about, essnetially "actually the way I rmemeber it is CORRECT and everything else is changed" either becuase of unrooven mutliple unvierse shenaningans or callsic old impossible conspiracies to gaslight peiple is wheb i realized alot of people just hate admitting they are wrong
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faultlinescrew · 4 months
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Might as well put a few of my hcs here: mostly just members of faultines crew (labyrinth, newter, spitfire), bc they rlly do live in my head rent free
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yukichad · 8 months
Lmao this fic 'kaito getting with the BO' is so wild like after the MT, the BO discovered and then bomb the heist for a warning and then Kaito just outsmarted them by putting a wire in the phone of the culprit using to contact a member, sussced leaking the existence of said member out for the news. And then the BO declare the 'killed on site' with him while the police want to have him as a key witnesses. Hakuba just cause into the fire and unintentionally figure all the Shinichi dissappear stuff and getting repeated being assassinated (Kaito has faultin it, he unintentionally feeding informs that he shouldn't know abt, its funny like he doesnt want to firgue shinichi stuff but unintentionally lead Hakuba to do it. What would Shin think when he know abt it lol). Plus a lot ppl dead.
Like what I am reading. I should search more of this stuff, instead fluff and cuteness.
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workofthediesel · 1 year
9, 13, 20 (any), 30 :3c
9. a song you think is underrated
this is my favorite song ever, and i'm sure i've talked about it on here before. i think STARSET in general is underrated (more because people haven't heard of them than they don't like them) but within the fans themselves, i dont think people give faultline enough love.
13. a playlist name without context
imminent doom. whatever you think is on this playlist, i can guarantee it's not that.
(it's on spotify if you're morbidly curious. this playlist makes sense to me, but i can promise it won't to you. not fully, at least)
20. a song that reminds you of a fictional character or ship
i'm going to skip ones that remind me of my ocs because you won't really have any context for them, but that makes this kinda hard. usually any song i relate to a character is more to a specific daydream plot that features a heavily altered version of my blorbo of the week. but i guess uhhhhhhhhh shit i don't know. i'm more likely to bend my interpretation of a character to fit i song i like than to start listening to a song because it fits a character, so this question doesn't really work for me. sorry :(
30. a song that makes you feel nostalgic
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
and The Middle by Jimmy Eats World
you get two for one since i didn't really answer the last question. i was super into both of these songs as a kid, don't ask me why
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dandyshorts · 5 years
look man,, faultline slaps and more people need to talk about it
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