#the fic series that was just meant to be a place to jot down Scenes
squireofgeekdom · 1 year
<falls on floor, raises arm in triumph> i think... i think i have a full draft of the whole believe au
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would you mind talking briefly about your outlining process? what do you include/exclude and how detailed do you get? (and how much - if at all - does the final draft differ from the outline?) i'm trying to start outlining my own writing and don't even know where to begin lol
also i adore your writing, it's absolutely beautiful and i get so excited every time you post about it
i would be happy to!!! 🥹 i'm so flattered that you asked!!
(the funny thing is, i didn't always use outlines. in high school when i was required to turn in an outline + an essay, i'd just write the essay first and then break it down into an outline and my teachers never said a thing. and when i first started writing fanfic i didn't plan anything out at all, i'd just write for a couple hours and then toss it up on quizilla - yes i'm OLD - and call it a new chapter lol!)
i usually use my outlines as a space to just word vomit my ideas! i treat it almost like i'm explaining my idea to a friend (which i do a lot, my friends are constantly getting the "so i have a new idea..." text), and it can either be a series of bullet points or just a stream of consciousness with bits of dialogue thrown in here and there as i think them up.
the nice thing about having an outline is it holds all of the ideas i have so i no longer have to worry about remembering them (because i have a TERRIBLE memory), and it also gives me something to go back and reread when i'm trying to get back into the headspace of an idea, especially if it's been a while since i last worked on it.
as for the final draft differing from the outline, it sort of varies from project to project. sometimes (a lot of times, actually) when i'm writing the characters sort of just take over and steer me in a completely different direction and then i have to try and figure out if i like this new direction or if i want to try and turn it back around to what i meant to have happen. or, sometimes i think "okay, this didn't work out the way i thought it would but i can take the original idea and tuck it in somewhere else later on and it'll be fine!"
(a great example would be the most recent chapter of onlyfans that i've finished, only it hasn't been posted yet so i'm not going to give away any spoilers and instead i'll use another example!)
so this is an excerpt from my outline for the onlyfans au, specifically for chapter three:
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and this is how this scene played out in the actual fic:
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for this part in particular, i stayed pretty close to the outline! (now i'm sure you can see why the outline for this fic is over 20k...)
but on the flip side, if you were to read the outline for chapter nine, you'd only read about chrissy and eddie's beach date. i didn't plan to write jeff into that chapter at all but somehow i ended up with an entire scene between him and eddie PLUS a full scene of chrissy and eddie making plans to go to the beach! neither of which were in my original outline!
long story short (sorry if i've gone a bit overboard on this, i just really like talking about my writing and i'm so touched that you wanted to know in the first place 🥹), my advice for outlining is don't be afraid to keep it simple. if you're struggling to outline because you feel like you should be fleshing out the story fully before you start writing and it's just not working, then just jot down whatever ideas you do have and go from there!
sometimes a story will just shape itself as you write it, and even the best outline in the world can't always hold itself up to what the story becomes. nobody's forcing you to stick to your outline! it could be as detailed as the excerpt i shared above, or it could simply be something like this:
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what's most important is that your outline should help you. if you want to outline your ideas before you start writing, go for it! if not, don't feel like you have to just because other people do!
i hope this helped (and i didn't ramble too much...) and again thank you so much for asking!!! and thank you so so much for your wonderful compliment about my writing 😭 it really means so much to me that you and so many others enjoy what i've shared, especially because sometimes i let myself get bogged down with self-doubt and that makes writer's block all the more tough to handle.
thank you anon 💛 you're welcome in my inbox anytime!
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Chapter 1
Description: Chris Evans becomes obsessed with you when he realises he can't have you. Eager to be with you in some form or the other, he starts writing fanfiction, where both of you are passionately in love with each other. But what happens when his imagination starts to merge with his reality in his subconsciousness?
Warnings: This entire mini-series will contain smut, bad language and angst. ONLY PROCEED IF YOU ARE 18+
This first chapter is inspired by the GIF below from @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18 's ShamelessHoesForChris writing challenge. Click here to know more
A/N: I do not know Chris Evans personally. This fic is a work of imagination and should only be used as such. It doesn't comment on Chris or anybody else personally. It is also not meant to destroy his reputation or paint him in a bad light. I admire the guy and he really seems like a genuinely nice person. Again, I repeat, THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION SO TREAT IT AS SUCH!
A/N 2: I did search quite a lot on the internet and didn't come across a fic like this. Which makes me nervous and also kind of excited that I get to do something unique? Please please give me your criticism and feedback on this! Would love to hear your thoughts.
A/N 3: I have used a few big words throughout the series because this fic is from Chris' POV and we all know that he's a bit of a wordsmith 😅 I had never even heard these words before in my life. So please let me know if I have used them in an incorrect manner. 
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
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The best thing about shooting Defending Jacob? Chris got to stay in his house in Boston. The worst part about working on the set? He was currently stuck in a room engulfed in hot, angry flames of fire. The fire had abruptly started due to a short circuit and spread across the set in the blink of an eye. Coughing, Chris doubled down on the floor, his breathing becoming more laboured with each second. 
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The smoke stung his eyes as he looked around for a fire extinguisher. He tried calling for help, but only small grunts managed to escape his lips. Just as he was on the verge of losing consciousness, he heard a voice. Your voice.
"Is anyone here?" you called out, your voice faint in his ears. "Hello?" 
Chris tried to shout again, but only sank further towards the floor.
Luckily, you opened the door of his room and found his almost crumpled body on the ground. Using the fire extinguisher, you managed to douse as many flames as you could, while also covering Chris with a thick blanket. As the room was still filled with smoke, you pressed a wet towel on his face, asking him to breathe through his nose. 
Slowly, you managed to drag him out of the room and into the corridor, the fire reduced to embers in most places thanks to your fire extinguisher. Chris being a heavy man, you tried your best to support his weight as much as you could, your body almost stooping to form a right angle.
Just as you thought you might be in the clear, you heard a crack from above. Looking up, you realised that the ceiling was about to cave in and so, on impulse, you pushed Chris out of the way, as portions of the false ceiling fell on you, knocking you unconscious. 
Chris, in his state, vaguely realised what happened, before he lost his balance and fell to the ground a few feet away from you, his left arm stretched towards your limp body, as if reaching out.
Sirens of the firetruck and the ambulance filled the heavy air. A deep groan escaped his lips as he attempted to crawl towards you, a failed effort. Where did it all go so wrong? he thought. I was supposed to be the one to save you angel! You should be falling in love with me!! And break-up with your good for nothing fiancé! 
Overwhelmed with emotions, Chris started drifting off to sleep, your name leaving his lips in the form of a desperate whisper.
Chris met you for the first time at the table read for Defending Jacob. You didn't strike him as anyone special. Being the Junior Assistant Scriptwriter for the series, you were just in the room as a formality. It was your job to jot down the minutes of the meeting, and have the parts of the script marked which were supposed to be changed slightly. 
You managed to stay invisible for more such meetings. An introvert by nature, you kept to yourself even when the shooting started. 
It was in the Week 4 of the shooting when Chris actually started to notice you. He realised you were always absent from his house parties, never stayed around on the set for after-work shenanigans and, you never hung out with any of your crew-mates for a drink.
What really drove his attention towards you were your random acts of kindness. He once saw you feeding a homeless man in the alley behind the set. Unknown to you, it was where Chris often hid from his cast and crew to smoke. 
Then there was the bit with setting up of a mobile blood donation camp on the set, which was completely your idea. He had also seen you distribute fliers for animal adoption centres and NGOs who fought for climate preservation.
You always made sure everyone on the set ate before you did, and the ones who couldn't due to work, you were sure to help them and share their load so they could have lunch.
But one particular incident made him see that you were no ordinary woman. 
It was a particularly tough day on the set. They were shooting the 35-second sex scene between him and Michelle. While these scenes looked easy on the screen, they always made Chris feel uneasy about himself. "What if my body is not upto the mark?" , "I don't want to hurt Michelle in any way" , "God I hope I don't touch her inappropriately by mistake" and more such troubling thoughts clawed at his mind. After the scene finally ended, he felt the lustful eyes of the crew feasting on him, admiring his body on display. 
He hurried towards his van, avoiding to look at anyone, until his eyes met yours for a total of 5 seconds. He expected to see the same smirk to be reflected in your eyes as everyone else's. Instead, he saw a completely different emotion. He saw sadness, sympathy, and most importantly, recognition of his discomfort etched on your face.
After that, Chris started to keep a close eye on you. You always wore comfortable clothes, with loads of pockets. Yet somehow, they always fit you well. He also noticed that you always got your own lunch, refusing to eat the food available on the set. 
A few days after filming the sex scene, he decided to try to speak with you. Palms sweaty, he headed towards you and gently said your name. 
"Hi," he said, and stopped. 
"Hello Mr Evans," you greeted him back, a little surprised that he knew your name. 
He continued to look at you, bright cerulean eyes bearing into yours, apparently lost. You blinked twice, unfazed, and a little uncomfortable, "Can I help you sir?"
Chris shook his head slightly. He was so used to women fawning all over him, that your utter lack of excitement on seeing him deterred him a bit. 
He cleared his throat, a little flustered, *Ahem yeah… I wanted to ask… something… karaoke!" he managed to mumble, "It's karaoke night at my house. Tomorrow. Will you come? At night?"
"Umm… No Mr Evans. I am sorry I will not be able to make it," you politely declined while taking a small step back.
"Oh. Uhh… well we can have it any other night if you want," he cleared his throat again, sweat starting to gather on his forehead as he noticed your movement, "You never visit any of my house-parties."
You smiled a bit, "I like to go home early. I want to spend as much time as I can with my fiancé and my cat."
Chris raised his eyebrows at that revelation, "Fiancé? I… I don't see a ring."
"That's because there isn't one," your smile widened as you pulled the chain around your neck and revealed a locket. It was an intricately carved sunflower locket, with small, delicate curls nestled inside the petals. 
Chris glanced at it with disdain. It looked hand-made, cheap, "Is that… is it made from clay?"
"Yes Mr Evans," you beamed at the locket, admiring it with love and pride, "My fiancé is a potter and he made this himself. It took him over 6 hours just to carve all the petals. But he still made it because he knows how much I love sunflowers."
"So he's too poor to give you an appropriate ring?" Chris snapped at you. 
Offended, you looked at him in shock and anger as he continued. "You deserve someone who can afford to give you an expensive engagement ring. Not some cheap craft project."
You grit your teeth at his comment, "Unlike some people, I don't look at the price of the gifts, I look at their value. While this," you held the locket in front of his eyes, "is worthless for you, it is priceless for me."
You placed the locket back inside your shirt and walked away. Chris stood rooted at the spot, biting his cheek hollow. He hadn't meant to drive you away. He had just wanted you to see him as a prospective partner. 
As he turned towards his trailer, an idea popped into his head.
Next Friday saw you and your fiancé walk into the bowling alley. The production house had organised a "Bring Your Partner to Work Day" and you both were excited to step out of your routine lives. 
A few people on the set recognised your fiancé Aiden from his YouTube channel. Kenneth, an Assistant Set Designer, drooled over him, "Maaahhnnn! I love your pottery videos! They are so calming dude. How do you make them so relaxing?"
The ever shy and soft-spoken Aiden gushed at the compliment, turning a shade of red which you always found adorable. Aiden was almost the same height as you, with a lean figure and a kind, freckled face. Your friends always told you that Aiden's looks were nothing to brag about, but you disagreed. Because for you, this man was the most handsomest, cutest and sexiest person in the world. 
And you knew he felt the same way about you. That's why, even after being together for almost 5 years now, you two still looked at each other with heart eyes.
As the party progressed, you made sure to avoid Chris, and so far, you were successful. That was until he softly said your name. 
With dread in your stomach, you and Aiden turned around to face the man. Aiden knew of your previous encounter with Chris, and tried to square his shoulders as much as possible, but Chris' towering physique and personality literally made it impossible for Aiden to appear tough.
You gave Chris a curt nod and received a sweet smile in response. 
"I believe I owe you an apology," he confessed, "I am sorry. My behavior that day was inexcusable." He paused for reaction, but looking at your hesitant faces, he continued, "It was quite a hectic day on the set and I guess I took it all out on you," he looked towards you, "You know I am capricious by nature. It takes me some time to become gregarious. But," he raised his hands in the air, "I repeat, the way I acted was inexcusable. I am sorry."
He extended his arm towards Aiden, "You are a porter I believe."
"Potter, sir," Aiden corrected while shaking his hand and introducing himself.
You bit your tongue, knowing that Chris was mocking you with his false apology. 
He invited Megan to join the conversation, "Megan loves handmade ceramics. Maybe she would be interested in your work."
Introductions were made again, and as the conversation pursued, it arrived at the topic of your marriage.
"Have you guys decided on a date yet?" asked Megan as Chris looked at you. 
"We are planning to get married as soon as the shooting ends for DJ," you smiled.
"Oh really? Wow that's… unusual," Megan tried her best to hide her surprise.
"We don't know exactly when will the shooting end," Chris said with a frown on his face.
"That's not an issue Mr Evans. We are actually planning to get married at the courthouse," revealed Aiden.
"You know if money is an issue then we would be more than happy to help you guys out," Chris offered in a sincere tone. 
"Oh no no Mr Evans. Money isn't an issue," you clarified, "We have decided to donate the money we had intended to spend on the wedding."
"But thank you so much for the generous offer, we really appreciate it," Aiden added with a sincere smile.
"You know a lot of couples are doing that nowadays. It's a trend I believe," Megan commented, "Where are you going to make the donation?"
"The local orphanage where I grew up. We both love kids and, it just seemed to be the perfect choice," Aiden beamed at you. 
You mirrored his expression while Chris scowled. "I think everybody should get the wedding of their dreams, and you" he stated, pointing towards you, "deserve much more than a courthouse wedding. Don't you want to get married in a beautiful church? Walk down the aisle in a gorgeous white gown? And get married to a man who can actually fulfill your wishes and desires?"
Squaring your shoulders, you looked at Chris dead in the eye, "I am marrying the man of my dreams Mr Evans. The wedding ceremony doesn't matter to me. What does matter is the beautiful life we will begin together. Now if you will excuse us," you linked your arm with Aiden's, "we need to leave."
Chris watched you leave as Megan tried to distract him with something else. Tonight did not go the way he had anticipated.
He left the party shortly after you, directly heading for his home. Standing under the cold shower, he tried to reason with himself. He was acting out of character. There was no reason for his behavior. You had made it ample clear that you loved your fiancé and that nobody in the world could sway you.
Then why was he so hell-bent on claiming you as his?
Because she's perfect for you, a voice answered him. 
Yeah, but she belongs to someone else, he argued.
So what?, the voice urged, Fight for her. You saw her wimp of a fiancé. You can break him into two pieces without breaking a sweat. She is made for you. Just you, and nobody else.
"I… Just… No," Chris stammered loudly as he shook his head, trying to get rid of the voice in his mind.
He tried to meditate, but it didn't work. Dodger too, was unable to distract him. Even his books on self-help and mental health were of no use.
As a last resort, he opened his laptop, but his fingers halted at the search bar, the cursor blinking back at him.
He was too tempted to search for you again. The last time he had Googled you, he had been satisfied with the results. You often volunteered with a few NGOs, coordinated multiple donation drives, visited orphanages and taught underprivileged children. His heart had melted at a particular photograph- you were holding an 8-month-old girl in your arms, while looking over a painting drawn by a 4-year-old boy as the child looked up at you with a toothy smile. 
It reminded him of everything he wanted to have, but still couldn't. 
He closed his eyes and started kneading his forehead with his palms. Everybody he knew always only had the best things about him. Right from Scarlett to Mark to Olivia to every fucking person he had ever worked with, everybody said he deserved to have a loving wife, a stable family. 
And yet, here he was, on a Friday night, home alone with a beer bottle, on the verge of anxiety. 
Was it just anxiety though?
Who the fuck is Aiden and why does he deserve to be with her? the voice in his head was back.
They love each other, they want to get married, Chris reasoned.
He doesn't hold a candle next to you, the voice persisted, People love money more than they love others. She will come to you. But you need to let her know you are available. You need to take her to-
"No," Chris interrupted the voice loudly, "No. This is unhealthy. No."
Reaching for his phone, he searched for his therapist's number, when the voice chuckled, You really think a shrink is going to help you with this? Eh? They are only going to ask you to fuck another pussy, or read more books. And I will be damned before you touch another book about trees. 
Chris shook his head again, but in vain. Unable to find the number in his contacts, he turned to Google for the second time that night and started searching for therapists in his area. The voice tut-ted, Yeah, as if the psycho doctor is going to shut their trap about Chris Evans crying over a girl.
Chris almost crushed his bottle in frustration. He couldn't let the voice take over. Not now. Not after working his ass off to get where wanted in his career. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the screen again and came across the headline- "Why Do People Write Fanfiction?" The word fanfiction seemed vaguely familiar to him. He was going to ignore the article and scroll downwards, but the brief underneath the headline made him stop- …mostly, people write fanfiction to stay in touch with the characters they love," says leading Psychologist Andrea Williams.
Intrigued, he opened the article and started reading. Then he opened another, and another and by the time he was done, he had read 6-7 articles on the concept of fanfiction and what it entailed.
Sighing, he opened a new word document. He was reluctant to type a letter, let alone a whole fictional story. He had tried everything and yet, you chose to occupy a rent-free space in his mind. 
Now all he needed was a reference.
He minimised the document, and opened a new tab on his browser. His hesitant fingers typed the words - Chris Evans Fanfiction - into the search bar, and he instantly winced.
Millions of search results were displayed before him, and as he read the descriptions of each one of them, he realised that 99% of these stories were porn. There was no sugar-coating it. On the 5th page of the search results, he luckily found a story sans the erotica. It was a cute one-shot about him going on a first date with the reader. He read it with squinted eyes, afraid that a sex scene might jump out of the blue, but luckily, nothing of the sort happened. 
Chris liked reading it. It was an innocent story filled with romance. 
But the only problem? It was written from the reader's point of view. He checked a few others, and realised they were all written from the women's perspective, not his.
He sat back in his chair, turning his head such that he was looking at the ceiling, contemplating his options. 
You want her, the voice whispered.
Reluctantly, he typed the first word that came to his mind. Your name. 
Chris rested his chin on his palm, wondering where to start. If this were fiction, would tonight have gone different? Would you have visited his house for karaoke that night? 
Tapping his fingers on the desk, he bit his tongue in thought. Thinking it was better to start at the beginning, he started typing from his POV-
The first time I saw her I thought she was pretty. I saw her during meetings and the shooting. Then one day I saw her giving food to a homeless man-
Deleting his words, Chris shook his head. This was insane! Right? You were a real human being and it was unethical of him to write this! He needed to learn to handle his feelings. 
If you don't have the balls to fight for her, then be with her in the stories you write. Grow a spine Evans, whispered the insulting voice.
Hesitating, he tried to write another paragraph, which ended up getting deleted. 
Try again, the voice coaxed him. Pour your heart into this. Write better. 
Taking a sip of the beer, Chris started typing again-
It was lunchtime when I saw her arranging some equipment on the table. Her back was facing me as I carefully approached her, afraid to startle her. I breathed in her scent, light, floral and fresh, before whispering her name.
She turned around, a bit surprised to see me, but she smiled nevertheless. Oh gosh her smile. I had seen her smile a few times on the set, but in person, it took my breath away. 
"Hi," I managed to greet her shyly. She matched my response.
"I was wondering if you would like to sing karaoke with me? There's a karaoke party tonight at my house if you would like to come," I asked her hopefully.
Her expression turned remorseful as she apologised, "I cannot come Mr Evans. My fiancé won't let me."
Imagine my surprise when I found out about her fiancé. "I didn't know about your fiancé. Why won't he let you come?" I asked her, concerned as she started sniffing a bit.
"He's… he's very strict Mr Evans. He doesn't like it when I go out with my fri-friends or co-workers," she shared between her light sobs.
My heart broke into pieces on hearing her confession. I had often noticed her taciturn behaviour on the set, but I had no idea about the reason behind it.
I raised my hands to cup her face. I was itching to wipe her tears with my lips, but instead, I used my thumbs. 
"I want to help you. Please let me," I requested.
"Nobody can help me Mr Evans. I am stuck with a monster." She pulled a chain from underneath her shirt and I got a glimpse at the marks on her neck. "Aiden gave me this chain and locket instead of an engagement ring. He said it will be better than a ring. And now he-" she started sobbing harder. I pulled her into my chest, running my right hand through her hair as my left hand soothed her back.
"And now he uses it as a leash," my angel whispered, horrified, "he says I do not deserve a ring."
I hugged her tighter and thankfully, she buried her face in my chest, "You are no longer stuck with him. Are you listening to me?" I bent my face to bring my lips near her ears, "I will make sure that you are free of him."
She shook her head, reluctantly pulling away from me, "No Mr Evans. I cannot-"
"Yes you can," I interrupted her. "You are going to come to my house for karaoke tonight. Message Aiden right now, and tell him that I will be dropping you home. Okay?"
After some coaxing, she agreed. I held her close as she typed out the message, her hands shaking around her mobile phone. Finally she clicked on the SEND button.
I brushed a kiss on her forehead, "Wait for me in the back alley after the shoot, okay? I will pick you up from there."
She nodded gratefully in response.
I couldn't wait for the shoot to be over that day. In my eagerness, I even messed up a few takes, mumbling over my lines like an idiot. But eventually, I got through the day. 
I was excited when I picked her up after the shoot. I could see she was nervous and maybe a little bit scared, but she still entered my car anyway. So I made small talk with her and tried to put her mind at ease.
Finally, when we reached my house, she was in awe. 
"This is the most beautiful house I have ever seen Mr Evans," she gasped as I led her inside, "I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before!"
I chuckled, "I am happy you like it. It… it just feels empty sometimes, you know? I find loneliness ubiquitous in this house."
You looked at her puzzled expression and smiled. "Ubi-what was that word Mr Evans?" 
"Ubiquitous," I replied, "it means something that is present and is found everywhere."
"Ahh okay," she nodded, "thank you for teaching me."
"I will accept your gratitude only on one condition."
She tilted her head ever so slightly, "And what would that be Mr Evans?"
I smiled as I slightly bent down and held her hand, "You need to start calling me Christopher."
Visibly flustered, my angel looked down at her feet. "I-I can't Mr Evans," she said in a low voice.
"Why can't you?"
"I respect you too much sir," she confessed.
"Hey," I gently nudged her forehead with mine, "I want you to say my name. Please?" 
I stared into her eyes as she met mine. God.
There was something about her eyes that was absolutely riveting. The depth of her eyes pulled me in towards her as I read the plethora of emotions hidden within them. Her gaze searched my face for malice, deceit, but only found love and trust in return.
I slowly cupped her face as her breath hitched in her chest. I could feel my own heart race. Bringing my face as close as I could to hers, I whispered, the distance between our lips fast closing, "Please."
She parted her lips ever so slightly. I felt her warm breath on mine as she obliged, "Christopher."
I closed my eyes as I heard the most melodious symphony, my name draped in her sweet voice.
I dipped my head to kiss her, feel the shape of her lips, but she stepped back.
"I-I am st-still engaged Chris-Christopher," she stammered.
I straightened myself, my hands no longer cupping her face, "I understand. I am sorry. Would you like-"
Before I could finish, a car honked outside. While I was curious at the intrusion, her eyes widened with fear. 
"That's him," she gasped, "Aiden is here. He found me."
"How is that possible?"
"He has a location app installed on my phone through which he tracks my location," she revealed, visibly shaking at the thought of greeting her fiancé.
"Stay here. You will be safe inside. Let me handle him," I said, squeezing her shoulders.
I walked out of the house and towards the car. The vehicle didn't look in good shape, it's owner even more so.
Aiden manually rolled down his window and spat on the ground. Fumes of cheep alcohol and stale cigarette smoke escaped through the window. "Where is she?" he hollered.
"That's not your concern anymore. She's breaking up with you," I crossed my arms and stood facing him. "If you know what's good for you, you will leave her alone and stay out of her life."
Aiden exited the car at that threat, the door of the vehicle rattled as he opened it. "She said that?" he scoffed, "Color me surprised, I thought the little mouse had no fight left in her. Bring her out here. I want to hear," he wriggled a finger at me, "whatever the fuck you are saying from her own fucking mouth."
"Not going to happen Aiden. You followed her here against her own wishes. Now scoot off before I call the cops," I warned.
"You think I will be scared of some Hollywood prick who shits diamonds?" he sneered. 
"No. But you should be scared of the law. You are currently harassing the owner of this private property, not to mention you have clearly abused your girlfriend mentally, emotionally and physically. So be sensible," I took a step towards him, "and fuck off."
"STOP," she shouted as she trusted towards us. She stood in front of me, as if to guard me from her monster of a fiancé, "Please don't hurt him. I will come with you. Just let him be," she pleaded with him as he smirked. 
Before he could react, I pulled her behind me, making sure my body was shielding her from Aiden.
"She's a gold-digging bitch. You stay away from her," he pointed at me as he tried to reach her. 
I pushed him away once and kept my hand on his weak, thin torso. Turning my head, I asked her for the last time, "Are you sure you want to go with him? I can save you. I will protect you, provide for you and keep you happy!" I urged her.
She looked at me with hope and helplessness. Slowly, she glanced at Aiden who looked like he was ready to commit murder. Sobbing uncontrollably, she removed the chain with the sunflower locket and threw it at his feet. 
"Leave me alone," she managed to mumble at him.
Furious, Aiden growled and tried to pounce at her. Fortunately, I intervened on time and punched his sorry excuse of a face into the ground. 
She gasped as Aiden fell with a thud. Embarrassed, he slowly got up and dusted himself, muttering under his breath as he sat inside his wreck of a car. 
"Don't bother coming back to gather your stuff! I am burning it all tonight you cock-sucking bitch!" and with that outburst, Aiden was finally gone.
She was sobbing and shaking uncontrollably at what had just transpired. I wrapped her in my arms to let her know she was safe. Within moments, I felt her ease into my body. 
I closed my eyes and smiled, my nose buried into her hair. My angel was safe. My angel was mine.
Chris blinked his eyes as he re-read his story. He already felt a whole lot lighter, his anxiety at ease, and mind exhausted. Clicking on SAVE, he finished the last of his beer and went to sleep, hoping that this was the end to his problems. Little did he know about the horrors that awaited him, behind the door he had just opened by writing that fictional story.
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo
Chris Evans and his characters taglist: @onetwo3000
This story: @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @carpediemm-18
(If you guys don't want to be tagged in this, just let me know. No hard feelings 😊)
Taglists are open! Just comment, send an ask or a message!
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thetpot · 3 years
Hello and happy ffwf! What is a fic you have been wanting to write for a long time that you haven't had the chance to start? What's an idea for a scene or dialogue that you want to include in it? Feel free to jot down a little snippet or just describe your thoughts! 💕💕
ooh, this question only has one answer. i want to write another long-form zukaang fic with a side of roku/sozin, that deals with aang and zuko finding a chamber under the caldera that sozin built specifically for himself and roku. it's a heavy fic idea that would bring aang intimately in contact with sozin's most private journals during the time he was planning and leading the genocide against the airbenders. so aside from the eternally interesting question of how do zuko and aang resolve the complexities of the fire nation's legacy to find their way to one another, it would also deal with sozin's relationship with roku, how it began as friendship, morphed into love, and as roku moved against him, twisted into possession and obsession. i want to write something for roku and sozin that fits within the canon timeline and doesn't change the outcome of anything, so i envision it as an extremely passionate, life-ruining kind of love that offers an alternative explanation for why roku handled sozin the way he did. this fic idea was singlehandedly birthed by the episode 'the avatar and the firelord', and the possibilities have lived rent-free in my mind ever since. the PARALLELS, the inherent drama, i live for it.
the reason i haven't started this fic yet in earnest is because i know it's going to be a VERY long boi and i simply don't have the energy, time and patience for it. i also want to be careful about how i center the fire nation characters in this story, because writing about aang, his pain and his loss is central to this story. tbh, the zukaang elements might end up being the least important part of the whole story. it's something that'll require a fair bit of research and empathy to execute. for all that after the flame, a pause deals with the impacts of politics+history on zuko and aang's relationship, it is nothing compared in scope to what i envision for this fic.
i had about 30k words of this fic written before i realized the scope of it and ended up splitting it into after the flame, a pause. this is one of the scenes from the original draft when after the flame, a pause was just a baby fic inside this larger one. 
Zuko looked at Aang and Aang looked back at him, his mouth open as if he was just about to speak. At that moment, he would have been glad for the earth to start rumbling around them, for the volcano they were in the heart of to start erupting - anything, really, to move them from this moment to the next. But nothing came and they both turned to stare at the statue again.
"Is that who I think it is?" Aang said weakly, a question and somehow also a statement.
"Roku and Sozin," Zuko said, just to make sure he wasn't the only one seeing it.
Aang laughed strangely. "I was hoping you saw someone different."
"Yeah," Zuko said simply, because he couldn't think of anything else to say.
"I should talk to Roku."
"And say what?" Zuko said with a weak laugh. "This is weird."
Out of the corner of his eye, Aang threw him a nervous glance. "Which part?"
"The part where there's a sculpture of my great-grandfathers kissing. Roku is your past life," Zuko said and then shook his head hard at the words he was speaking. "This is weird."
Aang made a sound that could barely pass as a laugh. "I feel like we shouldn't be looking at this. I mean, they're naked and all."
"I think that's the least objectionable part of all of this, but you're right," Zuko said.
Aang airbended the sheet back onto the sculpture and Zuko took several steps away, rubbing at his eyes. The low shelves running through half the length of the room were piled with scrolls. There wasn't a single empty spot in sight. If they'd been looking for secrets, they'd certainly found them but this was something else. Sozin had outlawed homosexuality in his time and it was a policy Zuko had dismantled in his time, but only in name. It took a lot more than just a law to change one hundred years of Sozin's legacy. To find a sculpture like this, kept deliberately secret, surrounded by scrolls full of who knew what, Zuko couldn't begin to imagine the implications. If this depicted some truth.
Even years later, he remembered the words Sozin had written in his last will and testament. Close to death, he'd written only about Roku. And what he'd done to him to ensure the Fire Nation's expansion.
Aang was still staring at the base of the covered sculpture, a frown on his face. "It's dated 27 years before the war began. And it has Sozin's name on it."
Zuko took a moment to count. "Sozin was 55 then."
"But they're much younger than 55 here."
"Maybe it's… artistic interpretation of a memory," Zuko said, feeling ridiculous even as he said it.
A sheepish look returned to Aang's face. "I can't ask Roku about this."
"You don't have to. I'm sure there's something here that's worse than this," Zuko said, trying to keep his tone light but the words fell flat into the space between them.
There were crates neatly stacked against the walls in this corner and a long marble tabletop, also covered by a sheet. Aang edged away from it and closer to Zuko. "Maybe we should take a look at some of the scrolls instead."
Zuko nodded and surveyed the rest of the room. This place had been set aside like a tomb and yet, it felt so lived in, so meticulously designed with an eye to both form and function that it felt alive. It wasn't like the tunnels outside and above, where the earth pressed in close and sound vanished as soon as it was uttered. It was like a room plucked from the Palace and nestled deep into the earth. And yet, locked behind a series of doors only an Avatar could unlock. But which one had Sozin meant it for?
Aang moved over to the living area and Zuko stuck close by, eyeing everything around them. There was a beautifully constructed bed here, next to two comfortable chairs and a low table. On the table, there was an arrangement of writing implements and in the center, next to a stack of blank paper, a bound and sealed scroll.
Aang stared at the scroll, his face progressing through a complicated series of expressions, giving the overall effect of a horrible stomach ache. Zuko reached over to pick it up but before he could grab it, Aang had already snatched it up and ripped it open. He began to read aloud, his voice pinched and rushed.
As death draws closer, I leave this chamber standing, not by choice but out of necessity. It seemed a grand idea when Roku and I first conceived of it, in the those bright few months we shared together, a place entirely and solely our own. But I see now the error I made in nestling our memories so close to home, in a place where only Roku could remove them from under the earth without bringing the catacombs crashing down on it, and the city too, eventually.
These scrolls and trophies, I leave for you to find, whoever you are. If you are the Avatar, as I hope, then I bid you welcome. I failed in my mission to find you and if I am to speak the truth I've never spoken to Azulon, if I did not succeed, he also will not. What mettle his descendants have, I cannot say from this vantage in time. If you are the Avatar, then we have lost, although defeat is also hard to conceive of. But I've lived a long life and I have seen plenty I once thought impossible.
I could have burned all of this in my final days in this realm, but consider it a gift. You will find plenty here that is close to your heart and familiar to your spirit. 
And if you are not the Avatar, then count it my final mistake leaving such treasures undefended.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
Pond Diving - Katelynw93
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
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“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Katelyn, but most people call me Kate, Katie or sometimes even Kat.
Age: 27
Location: Originally from Kansas, but have been located in Upstate NY for the last six years.
URL: @katelynw93​
Why did you choose your URL: It’s usually the username that I use for everything and if I’m being honest, I’m not very creative when it comes to titles or names. Lol. I’ve been meaning to change it; I just need to decide on what.  
What inspired you to become a writer: Well, when I was in middle school (maybe seventh or eighth grade), my best friend and I decided to write a story together and post it on a fanfiction site (Can’t remember the site name, though.) And I just loved it. We never did finish that story. Lol. But eventually I started branching out and found some roleplay writing sites.  
How long have you been writing: Started writing in middle school (2006/2007), but really got into it in 2009 with RP. However, September of this year (2020) was the first year I started really writing fics by myself and opening posting them. 
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I work a lot, usually an average of 40+ hours a week; I am a manager at a popular food chain restaurant and on the weekends, a cashier at a gas station to provide a little extra cash for my family. When I’m not working, my time is spent with my two kids; Alekzander (Zander) who just turned five this past November and Lincoln (Link) who will be two in February. Outside of work and my family, I’m usually writing. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra creative or inspired, I’ll create a few crackships for couples I really enjoy. Lol. 
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? I actually found Supernatural around the same time I started writing, so back in ninth grade, so 2008/2009. It was honestly an accident too, because I was searching for Smallville episodes (I have an unhealthy addiction to Superman and DC/Marvel.) and stumbled upon an ad for Supernatural. Was instantly intrigued and fell in love. Seasons 1 - 5 (the Kripke era) are my favorite. 
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? Oh yea, I love TV shows and movies, and as I’ve already stated above, I love DC and Marvel. I’ve also written for Grey’s Anatomy and am willing to write for more, but SPN, DC and Grey’s are currently the only ones I’ve written for. I love The Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, Private Practice, Station 19, 9-1-1, Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Merlin, Dexter, Psych, and so, so many more. There are too many to list. Lol.  
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? Other than RPing, not really. I mean, I did try to do an original story with my friend when I was younger, but it never went anywhere. But I am willing to try someday. 
Favorite published author: Other than the really big authors like; J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, Jim Butcher, Nicholas Sparks, Suszanne Collins, I really like (and maybe it’s cliche) Stephenie Meyer. The Twilight Saga made me fall in love with reading and eventually, that love led me to writing. Those books hold a special place in my heart.  
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: Well, I guess I sort of answered that one already. But there truly are so many amazing books out there and still so many more to discover. 
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc): Oh man, I’m not gonna lie, a majority of what I read is probably smut. But I am particularly fond of angst. I want you to make me cry. Really dig and stab into my emotions. Lol. And then come back in with some fluff. Haha. 
Favorite piece of your own writing: Well, that would have to be Sweet Cherry Pie because it was really the first piece I’ve ever finished and published online. It was inspired by an RP that I am currently involved in and they are my favorite couple in said RP. It got so much positive feedback after I shared it that it inspired me to keep writing. I was so nervous about posting it, but I am glad I did. 
Most underrated fic you have written: Oh I’m not sure. Maybe Love Bites. I am a sucker for Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries crossovers. I really loved writing this fic and am eager to write more. 
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show: Oh damn, um, it’d be cool to see any of them like that. But maybe Sweet Cherry Pie or Out of the Fire (my firefighter!Dean series).  
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s): There are so many, but I usually find myself reading work from; @impala-dreamer​, @katehuntington​  @deanwanddamons​, @muchamusedaboutnothing​.  
Favorite Fic from another writer: This one is tough because there are so many amazing fics out there, especially ones that I adddddore; but if forced to choose, one story that will always stick with me would have to be Treacherous by @idkhaylijah​ OR The Sullivan Series by Kate Huntington 
Favorite character to write: Dean Winchester. I adore Dean and he’s probably the easiest for me to write. I have written the most fics with him and I portray him often in the RPs that I do. 
Favorite Pairing to write: Dean with anyone, but my favorite would be Dean x Caroline. 
Least favorite character to write (and why): That’s a tough one, cause there’s not really any that I’m uncomfortable with or dislike writing. Maybe characters with accents, because I don’t really know how to capture that in writing yet? I’m pretty open with my writing and am willing to try mostly anything. 
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor? Oh definitely. When I first started RPing, there was another girl (Jocelyn) that I used to write with and she influenced a lot of my writing. She was older than me and had more experience and gave me a lot of tips on how to get better. She is an amazing writer and had the potential of going far with it, but life happens and unfortunately, she doesn’t write anymore. But she is booming on Youtube, so that’s pretty impressive. It’s pretty cool to see how far she’s come. 
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? I used to want to be a journalist when I was younger, but other than that, not really. I just want to have fun with it and write something meaningful for someone, and always improve and get better.  
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: I have a few ideas jotted down, maybe ten, but I haven’t actually started any of them. I have so many bingo cards I need to finish, but with my work schedule, it’s been pretty crazy. 
What are you currently working on? My main project is Out of the Fire.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? Definitely the RPing that I’ve done and am currently doing. My friend Alesha has been the longest RP partner that I’ve had and her writing is phenomenal - and it helps a lot too when your mind's work in similar ways; her and I always seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to writing. I love it. But like me, she has a very busy schedule and writing is limited. 
Best writing advice you've been given: Have fun with it, write what you want to write and always be open to helpful criticism. And don’t stress about it, either. Write in your own time. It’s meant to be fun, not stressful. 
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: Just finding the time to write and getting over being so self conscious about my writing. I don’t let anyone in my real life read what I write.  
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? Just capturing the personalities of the canon characters sometimes; if it’s a character I’m not used to writing, I worry about portraying them the right way. And I have trouble individualizing the characters (separating them from myself/my own personality), like when I create an OC for an RP, sometimes when I have too many, their personalities all become the same in ways (if that makes sense?). And accents. I have trouble with accents. Oh, and fight/action scenes. They take me a bit.  
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why): I am always going to be afraid, no matter what it is that I’m writing, because I worry about it succeeding. I want to write for other fandoms though, I guess, but like I said, I worry about capturing the characters right and having a decent storyline that is unique. 
What inspires/motivates you to write: Honestly, positive feedback. I love hearing what people think about my writing and it motivates me to continue. 
How do you deal with self-doubt: That’s a tough one. I guess I just look towards my writing friends or beta’s for reassurance or I go back and read the positive comments and likes on the fics I’ve already shared. It encourages me to continue. 
How do you deal with writer's block: I usually listen to music and I’ll look up gifs of my favorite characters, create stories in my head with those gifs or I’ll create gif sets of specific scenes. If that doesn’t work, I’ll take a break and watch one of my favorite TV shows for inspiration. 
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: For my RPs, I have a group chat with those I’m writing with and we usually shoot ideas back and forth, but mostly we wing it. For my fics, I normally just wing it, but with Out of the Fire, I have a rough idea of what I want from each part. With that said, my ideas or plans often change as I’m writing. These characters have a mind of their own sometimes. Lol.  
Do you have any weird writing habits: I don’t know about any weird habits, but I always have music on and I guess I have to do it in spurts. I’ll write a few paragraphs or sentences, pause and scroll tumblr or facebook or gifs, and then go back, reread what I wrote and then write a few more. Rise and repeat. 
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? So far, no I haven’t, and I hope I don’t ever have to deal with that. But I know it’s bound to happen. I guess if I were to ever encounter that, I’d like to say that I’ll take it as a learning experience but I honestly don’t know I’d feel about that.  
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic? Oh man, I guess my favorite would have to be ellewritesfix05 reaction to the secret santa fic I wrote for her; Dean Fucking Winchester. And all the positive feedback I’ve gotten for Out of the Fire.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be? Have fun with it. Write what you want and what you’re comfortable with. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism and most importantly, don’t stress. Writing is fun.
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luninosity · 4 years
fanfic writers tag game!
I was tagged by the marvelous @musette22 for this lovely fanfiction tag game that was devised by the clearly very brilliant @thewaythatwerust, to discuss some of the fics I’ve written over time! Thanks so much! 💖
Let’s see, I shall tag... @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @turtletotem @gerec @whtaft and @ninemoons42 <3
Which of your fics…
* Did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got:
Ah, a tricky one! I feel like I never really have expectations - I just write words because I can’t not! But maybe lines of light, which was my Steve/Bucky Fake Character Death Trope fic - it’s sort of a weird little fic, but I wanted more of that trope, but maybe that’s just me!
* Got a better reaction than you expected:
Oh, goodness - just about all of them! I remember being so shy and so nervous to share any of my writing, years ago, and now I write things that people seem to like...I think probably never mind the why and wherefore surprised me most, though! That’s my TJ Hammond/Johnny Storm fic, and when I started writing it mine was literally the third fic on AO3 for that pairing, and for that small a fandom, I’ve just been amazed.
Also, of course: I’m constantly amazed by how much people love Like Sugar! It was the biggest thing I’d ever tried to write, and it made me a better writer along the way, and I suspect it’s the Evanstan fic/series people might remember most, from my fics? (Also also, if original-fic-inspired-by-an-Evanstan-drabble counts: the love for Character Bleed has been overwhelming!)
* Is your funniest:
...am I funny? I don’t know! *waves hands about* I feel like I never set out to “write something funny,” but then again I like terrible puns and wordplay, so there’re probably funny lines in most fics? I hope?
Honestly maybe every inch of north and south, which has the Chris-turned-into-a-puppy plot, or Now That I’ve Found You, Stay, because giant patriotic dildos, or some of the banter in just a couple lovebirds, because I love Chris and Seb in that one. Or some of Bucky’s pulp fiction stories in tales to astonish. Or all the TERRIBLE autumn-related puns in the current Evanstan fic, A Place Not Far Away!
Or we could go REAL old-school and pull out the McFassy semi-crack fic in which James gets magically cursed to turn into a kitten. There’s that.
* Is your darkest/angstiest:
Ahahahaha. Um. *stares in Characters Having Emotions*
Okay, okay, um... Aside from certain specific chapters of Like Sugar and Amateur Cartography, it’s either The Tones That Tremble Down Your Spine (Bucky needs all the softness, after this! of course so does Steve...) (sometimes I think about adding a chapter, because it ends a little abruptly, but I also wanted it to - not everything’s 100% resolved, but it’s clearly on a healing trajectory!) ...
...or, over in Cherik-land, I hope we rise to the occasion, which does have a hopeful ending but is painful, or the balancing act stories (also Cherik) which were...personal in many ways (also originally written over on Livejournal, because I’m old).
* Is your absolute favourite:
Impossible! *laughs* It’s always the current story I’m (actively) writing. Which at the moment is the Evanstan autumn fluff-with-porn A Place Not Far Away. I don’t know if it’s my favorite-favorite, but it’s nice to get back to Evanstan and I love fall.
* Is your least favourite:
Also impossible! There’re things I love about all my stories. If I have to...maybe It’s Time To Bring This Ship Into The Shore, mostly because Michael’s such a dick to James for a lot of it. Which is also true in Loving Days (why was that a plot point in a few of my McFassy fics?) but I think I did a better job with his redemption in that one, and showing how much he changed and tried harder. And with Ship & Shore I wasn’t super-knowledgeable about the soul-bond trope (it was a request-fic) so I never felt quite sure I’d done it well enough!
* Was the easiest to write:
Amusingly, considering how epic and glorious and long the whole series became, I’d say Like O, Like H - the first Like Sugar Evanstan story. It just flowed. It knew what it wanted to be, and I tried to keep up. (Lovebirds was also one of those, as was the TJ/Johnny fic, never mind the why and wherefore.)
* Was the hardest to write:
the sound of rain on tin. It’s been the fic I’ve had the hardest time with ever. It’s my own fault for trying to do too much in terms of plot - sort of AU, an Evanstan-Stucky crossover, Lovecraftian elements - and then starting to post before I had it all properly sorted. I do know how it ends in general terms, I promise! but resolving plot/action has never been one of my strengths, and we’ve hit the point where I actually have to figure out How To Fix The Magic Portal-Thing, and I don’t feel like I’ve got it worked out well enough.
I mean if you all just want me to write the emotional Sebastian talking to Steve Rogers (and maybe a little curious kissing) and Chris talking to Bucky, and then *poof* suddenly Seb and Bucky are back in their respective universes and we get Emotional Reconciliation Scenes and Love Confessions, that part’s easy. I’ve had stray bits of those scenes done for years.
* Have you re-read the most:
Like Sugar, in part for continuity as I worked on later stories and in part because I’m really kind of proud of it.
* Would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time:
Depends on what genres they like! I’m probably best known for - if anything - Like Sugar, and I think it’s pretty representative of my writing in terms of loving tender kink-with-emotions! But the person would have to not mind Evanstan RPF and soft Dom/sub kink and arranged (sort of) marriage tropes.
Other than that, for Evanstan, maybe Sweet Disposition (the third version of the clothes-sharing fic!); or (baby won’t you please), which is the Chris And Seb Go To A Sex Club For Research For a Role fic, or tempt me, tease me, which is...Sebastian leaves an unsatisfactory date with someone else (brief and random) to go pick Chris up from a bar, and then there’re lots of revelations about Feelings, and also porn-with-emotions. Those last two ‘feel’ similar in my head for some reason - mood, maybe, or story arcs about revelation and discovery.
...for Stucky, maybe when and where our eyes meet (Bucky falling asleep! soft blankets!)...or tales to astonish, because it’s such fun!
...if you want to go a bit older, I have weird affection for my first-ever Cherik fic, Know That It’s True, which is a Cerebro hurt/comfort fic, and then I love the slow development of the McFassy in No Wonder, No Wonder, which I occasionally still think about trying to revise as original, but it’s so character-driven that it’d be hard, but I love the feel of it, the hints of magic and the setting...
* Are you most proud of:
Like Sugar! At the time it was the biggest story I’d ever tried to write, both in terms of length and in terms of world-building and planning and characters growing closer together. Character Bleed got more complicated in terms of needing multiple outlines and plot, eventually, but I couldn’t’ve done that if I hadn’t done Like Sugar first.
* Has your favourite line/exchange/paragraph (share it):
Too hard to pick! There are so many! 
I sometimes say it’s this one, from tempt me, tease me, though not always:
“If you’d like,” Sebastian offers, “we can even tell them I borrowed your key and lost it, if you don’t mind asserting small untruths to hotel personnel.” Big blue half-plastered Captain America eyes stare at him some more. “…Chris?” “You…” One hand waves, a partial gesture, pulled back at the last second. As if Chris has meant to reach out, and thought better of that. “You really would? You wouldn’t, y’know, mind?” Sebastian half-smiles. Thinks of cars with broken-glass windows in Romanian capital-city streets, thinks of students waving flags and cheering with feral glee, thinks of saucer-eyed childhood memories and songs of revolutionary fervor and desperate upheavals of optimism like birthing-pains. Chris Evans is beautiful and genuine and real, and Sebastian would do far worse things, would splinter his body and perjure his soul, to give Chris one more day in which to eat pizza and laugh and clap friends on the shoulder with a broad happy hand. “No,” he says, “I wouldn’t mind.”
Or, from the WIP - the next chapter of A Place Not Far Away - because my favorite is often what I’m currently working on, there’s this! Enjoy? <3
They both watch Sebastian for a second; he’s nodding, jotting down a quote, hair bouncing with the motion. His fingers are quick and tanned, gathering notes; his jacket’s casually open, and dirt’s left a scuff on his right boot.
 He’s a New York City reporter in a black leather jacket and a stylish sweater, but he’s also a reporter who doesn’t mind getting dirty and will run through a corn maze and helped set out signs the first day Chris ever met him.
 Carly pats Chris’s shoulder, says, “Enjoy yourself,” and heads off to supervise some historical blacksmith demonstrations. The sky shimmers in clouds and satin and magic and unfallen rain.
 Sebastian bounces back over. “That’ll be fantastic, she was so excited, she’s already thinking about next year, which is so perfect for a pull quote, and it’ll get people thinking ahead about coming here then!”
 Would you come back, Chris doesn’t say. Would you come back next year, next month, next week, even if your story’s done? Would you stay and not leave?
 He can’t ask that. This is Sebastian’s job.
 He says, “That’s awesome. You want lunch?”
 “Absolutely. I haven’t eaten my way through your menu yet. Recommendations?”
 “Classic Oktoberfest? The whole German sausage, potato, onion thing? That one’s popular. And, um, baked apples. In maple cream sauce.” Food. He can talk about food. Promoting their menu. Not getting down on both knees and promising to bring home every pumpkin Sebastian likes, if that’ll make those happy eyes stay at his side.
 “Sounds good.” Sebastian’s eyebrows go up, beckoning Chris into the joke. “And I do like sausage.”
 “I like your sausage,” Chris tells him, and Sebastian’s laugh is a splash of sunshine through clouds and cold and tree-branches that stretch to the sky.
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toloveawarlord · 5 years
Author Interview
Eeeek! I was tagged by @alloveroliver and @claire-maccarthy Thanks for the tag!
Name: My blog name is listed as Ruka, but my real name is Bekah so you can call me either. When I first made this blog, I wasn’t comfortable sharing my name online but now, I don’t mind.
Fandoms Now: 
Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Obey Me, Nightmare Harem, Several Shades of Sadism, Midnight Cinderella, Romance MD, Star Crossed Myth, Kings of Paradise, Scandal in the Spotlight, Kissed by the Baddest Bidder, My Wedding and Seven Rings. Probably a few more that I’ve got on my phone and log into once in a blue moon.
Want to do in the future:
Any of the Cybird games (they own my soul and wallet), So many voltage games I plan to start in the future, too many to name.
Where you post:
Mostly tumblr but I have an Ao3, Fanfiction and wattpad account (under the name moriartyswife)
Most popular One-Shot:
“The Cost of War” I wrote this one for the Ikemen Discord Writers and it’s definitely one of my favorites as well.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
“And So They Met” which stars my little baby Alara at 6 years old coming to the mansion under bad circumstances and being adopted by Comte and the boys.
Favorite Story You Wrote:
Can I choose? As far as one shots go, Made a Made is by far a favorite of mine. Multi-chapter... how can I choose between my babies!? Personally, I love The Red Army Princess and The Black Army Mischief Maker. I have to name them both because there made as two sides of a coin, my first ikerev next gen. Eden and Finley will always have a special place in my heart.
Story You were Nervous to Post:
All of them  I could probably say Telling Luka. It’s a mini series about Emery dating Luka and getting pregnant with Jonah’s baby. I was afraid of how it would come across. It seems to be pretty popular so that’s good.
How You Choose Your Titles:
It’s a roulette, I throw a dart and just go with it... Just kidding. I try to make all my titles have some meaning within the story. It might be a description of something that happens, or have something to do with the character themselves. Most of my titles tie in to the story. Sometimes with one shots, it’s just word association, but typically, I try to make them mean something.
I have 141 One Shots completed.I do have other things for other fandoms posted on my other writing accounts, but for this blog, that’s all I have for now.
I have posted 77 chapters of various multichapter fics. All of those and add in the amount of OC’s I have in the works which is over 100 (not including all the ikerev next gen babies). Plus, I have some one-shots and requests to fill so I have a lot coming up. 
Do you outline:
Yes and no. Most of the time, I wing what I’m writing. I jot down ideas and things that might happen in the future of the story when they come to me. It’s less of an outline more like a pile of notes that I forget that I have until after I’ve written it. I do get ahead of myself when I’m writing, so I’ll grab a little piece of paper and write down some dialogue or scenes that come later in the chapter. And there are rare occasions were I’ll write out an entire chapter, but that’s very rare.
Coming Soon/ Not Yet Started:
I have 3 new Ikevamp Ocs coming in the next few weeks. Amelia Earhart, Mina Van Gogh, and Asha. I’m not sure what order they’ll come in, but they’ll be making their debut soon.
As for Ikerev, Atticus Kingsley is getting his story, which I’ve been nearly completed with for a few months now. Also, my witch Sage is going to be having her first chapter published.
Also there are some Voltage fics I want to publish. I have a romance md first chapter for Hosho’s daughter but I’m unsure if I’m going to post it. Some star crossed myth and Kings of Paradise are on the backburner but I want to post them as well.
AND OBEY ME! I’ve already made 12 ocs for the game and I have a few stories started. My little succubus is definitely my favorite.
Do you accept prompts?
Yes, but I rarely do them. Sometimes if I get in the mood, I’ll start working on them but I just have so many ocs and stories to work on that requests get forgotten about. That doesn’t mean I’ll never do them, it just means that it will take a while. I used to stress about requests a lot. Please feel free to send me a request as my box is always open but I don’t fill requests often. It’s a little hit or miss, because I switch between what I’m obsessively writing, so you kind of have to catch me with whatever I’m posting the most about at the time.
Upcoming Story You are Most Excited About:
Mina Van Gogh! I’ve worked super hard to make the story as accurate as possible, doing research. It’s a story more focused on platonic relationships at first, although she does have a suitor (Charles) but that is not in the foreground in the beginning of the story.
What do you use to edit?
A human being. I don’t do near as much editing on these fics as I do with my original writing. Unless something needs a major overhaul, I simply write what I want and check for mistakes before posting. If I’m looking for a word, I’ll google and search through the Thesaurus for a synonym. Nothing fancy here.
As for actual program that I write with, I used to exclusively use word. Now, I tend to use Tumblr and save the post as a draft. It’s super easy to access from anywhere and I can type on my phone if I want to. I’ve made the mistake more than once of tumblr glitching and eating my posts, so it’s not the most ideal situation..
Writing Set up:
Up until July of 2019, I exclusively sat at my desk. I get distracted very easily, so having a workspace that I only used for writing worked wonders for me. Now that I can’t sit for very long in hard chairs (thanks herniated discs), I usually sit in an arm chair with a little box to put my feet up on.
Most the time, I write with headphones in and listen to piano/instrumental music. Occasionally, I’ll pick one song that fits the story but I find myself singing along and getting distracted if there are words.
Do You Use a Beta Reader?
I have my best friend read over for any mistakes, so I guess, yes. Sometimes if she is busy, I’ll let Word read it out loud to check for missing words.
Where Do You Get Your Writing Inspiration?
From everything. Reading, other writing, tv/movies, real life. I’ve said before that a lot of the speech and actions of the children that I write are based on things I’ve witnessed while working for 10+ years with young children. Talking about the fics with friends also helps. They can help to figure out an ideas.
I would say that a lot of the time, it just comes to me. I’ll be writing something completely different and then an idea will come to mind about another character or story. Like poof, it’s there.
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP? Have a few!
Obey upcoming fic:
Verena knew how incredibly lucky she was to have his attention, his touch. Though he cared for all his incubus and succubus but never had he done this. Observing and critiquing, but not joining. “Lord Asmodeus, I-um-”
“No, no. All I want coming from these lips are those sweet, delicious sounds of pleasure.” Golden eyes were filled with delight. This was new, a succubus a completely blank canvas begging to be painted in his colors. Her mind lingered in a muddled state of uncertainty. “I’ve not used an ounce of my charm and yet you’re grinding your hips against mine, clinging to me tightly. You don’t want me to let you go.”
Her cheeks flushed red. It was like she had turned on autopilot, unable to stop her own body from wanting to drown in him. “Please…“
The word drenched in absolute urgency for more.
Ikemen Revolution New OC: Wren Blackwell
“Uncle Fenrir! Uncle Ray!” The ten year old’s voice echoed through the small building laced with surprise and joy. Abandoning his schoolwork for a chance to spend time with his two uncles. Amber eyes sparkled up at the two. Rarely did he get a visit from his family.
Fenrir beamed a grin at him, accepting the welcoming hug. “Reece, ya got taller!” He stopped by any time he came down to the ports, pitching in to help if Wren needed it.
Which meant today must be business. Never did Ray come by her work without warning. Placing down the files in their proper piles, Wren maneuvered through the chaos to emerge from the office. “Reece, you can go out for a break.” She didn’t want him to hear any military discussions, lest he want to join.
“Come on, I’ll buy ya a treat if it’s alright with your mom,” Fenrir offered to the eager boy, glancing to her for the okay.
It was like looking at two needy puppies. “That’s fine.” As Reece raced out the front door, Wren called to the ace with a serious tone. “No guns this time. I’ll kick your ass if you even think about it.”
She received a salute paired with wicked grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
“This time?” Ray questioned, emerald eyes moving from the vacant doorway to his sister.
Ikemen Vampire New OC: Juniper Haywood
Juniper tugged at the door handle, heels digging into the plush carpet as she put all her strength into trying to open the door. It refused to budge. Locked? Unlikely. It must have something to do with why the door only appears at certain times. Now, she was surely stuck until the stars aligned again.
Here’s what she knew.
The hallway led to a mansion. How? Unclear. Why? Also unclear.
In hindsight, there was very little that she actually knew.
Tagging: @plumpblueberry @rikumorimachisgirl @mythiica @emeraldtawny and anyone else who wants to do it! ^_^
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mithrilwren · 7 years
I would love to hear 1-10 for your absolute favorite thing you have ever written, give me those DETAILS
Good god, this got wayyyyyyy too long. I hope you actually wanted details because you sure are gonna get them. 
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
I thought this would be a more difficult choice, but it really could only be one: Land Mines (ao3). It’s the only thing I’ve ever written for Steins;Gate, and probably the only thing I ever will, but it holds a very special place in my heart. 
I wrote Land Mines at a very strange time in my life. I was jobless for a summer after I finished school, living alone in a strange town, with very little social contact. Though I knew it was only temporary, the feeling of isolation was ever-present in my mind, and this story was the product of that. 
I think the main reason it’s my favourite is that it’s the first thing I ever wrote where I really felt like I was starting to understand my own style? Using (literal) story structure to dictate meaning has always fascinated me, and this fic is essentially a series of structured vignettes, some larger and some smaller, that begin broadly and narrow in on one focused theme.
2. Which scene was your favorite to write in Land Mines?
The vignettes in this fic are essentially time-dated snapshots of the main character (Okabe) and his life over one semester at college - I’ll get to how I landed on that particular framing device in a later question. I suppose I can treat each one of those as individual scenes, though none are longer than 400 words, and the shortest is just three.
My favourite is the one where Okabe is leaving his final exam, which is actually the last piece I wrote. I had already written the ending, and I knew I needed one more piece of connective tissue to draw things together; the last few segments are very short, and they felt too abrupt without one more long-form section preceding them. I wasn’t even exactly sure where I was going with it when I started writing, but I remember a moment of pure joy when I hit “It’s just that he’s so tired.“ because I finally felt like I’d found the emotional beat I needed to justify the ending. So that was a very satisfying (and relieving) experience.
3. Which part of Land Mines was hardest to write?
Overall, the most challenging thing is this fic was figuring out how to handle POV. I started with a purely observational perspective: only what could be seen was allowed on the page. But very quickly I found Okabe’s POV started to creep back in - I just couldn’t write the story effectively without the reader knowing what he was thinking. 
What I finally landed on is a combination of the two. I allowed myself to address Okabe’s inner thoughts, but I tried to keep those descriptions as impersonal as possible. I also threw in some of Mayuri’s inner monologue to drive that point home: this is a clinical observation of events from an unbiased (non-existant) bystander - even if that bystander has insight into the characters’ thoughts and perspectives. 
4. If you could change anything in Land Mines, what would it be?
One snapshot I wouldn’t mind re-writing is the one that deals with Okabe writing something for one of his coding classes. It was a self-indulgent chapter (I’d just finished a degree in CS) and I knew it. Though it accomplished what it needed to for the narrative (bringing attention back to Kurisu and the lost connection with other Lab members) I think there are more effective ways I could have gotten the same information across. This segment fought me at every turn as I was writing, and that’s probably a good indication it needed to be cut, or at least reworked. 
5. Did you make an outline for Land Mines? Did you stick to it?
Hahaha NOPE. But the fic is so structured, it kind of became its own outline? I had a framing device (the date marks) and a timeframe (one school semester, start to end), and I wrote snapshots to fill out that timeframe. I only had a few ideas when I started writing, so there was a lot of “write a bit, now where does this fit?” that went on. As I wrote and re-arranged, the broad arc of the story took shape, and then i could start filling in what was missing.
6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in Land Mines?
I don’t remember cutting any scenes, though I’m sure some underwent massive edits that I’ve just forgotten about. I already discussed one scene I added at the end, but I also remember going through near the end and dotting an extra segment or two with the unnamed gossiping classmates. The first was meant to be a one-off, since anyone who’s ever spoken to me about writing knows that I avoid dialogue at all costs, but in the end it was both interesting and efficient to explore the progression of public opinion of Okabe as he withdraws through their perspective.
7. Who was your favorite character to write in Land Mines?
I’m not sure if I really wrote individual characters, so I guess… Okabe? lol
8. Which came first, the title or the fic?
Dear lord, definitely the fic. I actually implored a friend for help on the title after it was finished, and even now I’m not too happy with it. It kind of feels… surface level? Like, this fic does deal a lot with PTSD and, more subtly with unexpected triggers, but the underlying theme was ultimately isolation and the disintegration of past relationships, which the title doesn’t really address in any way. 
9. Which idea came to you first in Land Mines?
This is what I hinted at in #2. My original plan for Land Mines was actually a multi-media project, if you can believe it. I was contemplating how Okabe had Seen Some Shit™ during the events of the series, stuff he wouldn’t be able to explain to anyone else - how could he go back to school after summer break so messed up? So my first idea was the image of him accidentally punching a fist through drywall (which made it into the fic!) after a bought of paranoia. What I planned was basically Okabe’s student file from his university, outlining escalating disciplinary problems over the course of a semester. The notes I jotted down for that file (the drywall incident, skipping out of class, a revoked scholarship) were the bones of what eventually became this fic.
10. What are some facts readers may not know about Land Mines?
Hmm, besides the multi-media thing? 
The motorcycle sequence was very much inspired by Brand New’s Limousine: a beautiful and profoundly disturbing song.
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resbang-bookclub · 7 years
AMA Transcript: Now the light falls
This week, @lunar--resonance​ stopped by to talk about their Resbang, Now the light falls! Here’s some of what went down!:
Q: What inspired this fic?
Lunar: makapedia sent me a prompt for Ghost AU back in 2015 and I wrote this: http://lunar--resonance.tumblr.com/post/119962051400/41-for-soma-o. I had so much fun with the prompt that I started a notes file on it and it got so long that I was like, yeah I have to split this up into different fics. I knew from the beginning it was gonna be a trilogy, and I have basically all of the plot points planned out for each fic which is why there are some things that go unexplained in Now the night falls. Some of what I wrote for the original prompt differs from the actual fic but that was where it all got started. :D The plot went through many drafts and revisions ahah. What I envisioned when I wrote the prompt is v different from the fic. I had a draft running before Resbang started and then I hit a rut so I had to take it to pieces and regroup halfway through so that was fun.
Q: I want to know if Soul actually made Hiro's pudding explode cause he was jelly or if it was just Hiro being Hiro.
Lunar: Soul got jelly, but he didn't mean to make the pudding explode lmao.
Q: I'm super hype that this AU will have more stuff! I was like "they didn't answer a bunch of questions, this universe is super huge and well developed." "IMMA ASK ABOUT A SEQUEL!"
Lunar: YES I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THE WORLDBUILDING AND YOU WILL SEE A LOT OF THAT IN THE SEQUEL. Esp with Ghostbusters squad. I'm so excited for them to play a bigger role in the sequel.
Q: What was your favorite part to write?
Lunar: I really liked writing when Maka and Soul are out on the roof because that's one of the first times they truly connect. And I was really looking forward to writing the possession scenes lmao, like I had that planned way back in the earliest drafts. I had to do it. And it's also going to be a big plot point in the sequels. ;D
Q: The roof scene made my heart burst.
Lunar: The roof scene was one of the most emotional scenes I wrote and at first it was originally slanted that Maka was the only one going through anxiety stuff but after one of the revisions, I made it so Soul was also going through stuff (for secret plot reasons) so it was interesting to write two characters who are both very not okay support each other.
Q: What have you learned from participating in Resbang for three... years? FOUR?
Lunar: I participated in Resbang when it first started which was in 2013 I think?? So four years. WOW THAT'S A LONG TIME. I would definitely say that my writing process has been developed and refined so much, I basically had just begun to write when Resbang #1 rolled around so basically my process was just WRITE. Now I actually list and plan everything out in plot instead of being like, oh I didn't know the story was going this way. Which happens sometimes still lol, just not as much.
Q: What was your process like?
Lunar: For writing I like to go through things chronologically because my brain allows no other alternative so generally I make an outline of the main points I want for each scene. Generally snippets of what I'm envisioning come alive during that part so I also jot those down and by the end my doc is a trainwreck so I re-organize and that really helps me cement the timeline for the scene/chapter. Then I start writing and if I hit a rut then usually what I do is force myself to write in bullet points of what I want to go down but just....can't find the words. Because I know if I stop writing I'm just going to be staring at a blank page for two hours lol. OH AND MUSIC. That is super essential for me getting into the headspace of a character. I can't write without it.
Q: Do you have playlists you'd like to share? Or general artists you listened to a lot?
Lunar: I didn't make playlists because I would have procrastinated with that instead of writing but I basically listened to these songs on repeat while I wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwx6BNwXBaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VBc7VIibRA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so8V5dAli-Q http://listenonrepeat.com/?v=7FDAkpQSJVA#Fountain_soundtrack_-_Death_is_the_road_to_awe. With the exception of Control all of them are instrumental, which helps bc sometimes lyrics can get distracting.
Q: Is the pudding exploding an HP reference?
Q: That bullet point thing is neat! Do you find it helps you to get out of your rut when you're having a hard time with a scene?
Lunar: The bullet points help SO MUCH. From past experience I know if I run into a block its going to take me forever to get out of it, so forcing myself to write and flesh out the scene def gets my inspiration going again. Breaking out of blocks is such a difficult struggle x.x It wasn't until my last Resbang fic that I figured out the bullet point method was the way to go lol.
Q: Did you have to do any extra research for this fic, and if so, what kinds of things did you look into?
Lunar: Working out the different levels of ghosts and how they evolve into each other took some research, I only hinted at it somewhat in the story but ghosts and the poltergeists are related as well as other ghosts that we haven't seen yet ahah. Also names of places like Orcus Hollow. I put some research into that bc symbolism and future plot points. Supernatural stuff was the main thing tho.
Q: Did anything inspire that sort of in between world with all the spiderwebs?
Lunar: Mmm so the in-between world is the new witches' realm; it's kinda like its own dimension overlaid on ours. So Arachne's part of the realm is overlaid on Orcus Hollow which was why there were all the spiderwebs and spider beasts and is also why Soul and Maka ended up in the same place in that dimension.
Q: That's v neat - looking forward to seeing it play out in later parts of the series. ;)
Lunar: Me too. ;v; There was so much that I put into developing this universe but there's only a fraction revealed bc the story is only from Maka's POV (with the interlude being the exception) but in the sequel I know for sure I'm going to be switching between Soul and Maka pretty evenly and adding in some other characters' POVS as well. So that will be fun ahah. I've been working on the sequel and there is gonna be angst. The obvious conflict is that Maka is alive and Soul is not but there is other pain that I kinda hinted on in the story that will be a much bigger part of the two sequels, especially this upcoming one. I have like, one happy ending and several sad ones ahahahah.
Q: What was the most rewarding aspect of this Resbang for you?
Lunar: Ahhhhhh there were so great things but I really enjoyed bouncing ideas with my artists, they helped keep my inspiration up. Also after being haunted (haha) by this idea for so long I was excited/nervous to see what people would think and if it lived up to expectations or not.
Q: I'm still waiting for ghost fam to make a reappearance. Q: Same. What happened to ghost fam? Except jk we will probably find out in the sequels, I hope.
Lunar: I LOVED GHOST FAM. I GOT INVESTED LOL. That was one part I meant to not go in much detail in but I realized it was needed to explain Maka's issues with ghosts later on. AND YEAH YOU WILL FIND OUT IN THE SEQUEL. ;D
Q: Are we gonna get to see more of Soul learning about modern things? Cause that was one of my favorite little details of the fic.
Lunar: That was a fave detail of mine too ahah. I have sections that I wasn't able to fit in the story of Soul experiencing riding in a car and going to the mall for the first time. I'm debating whether to see if I can work it into a prompt for SoMa week?? Or just finish and publish them lmao. It will get published one way or the other lol.
Q: Whats your [worldbuilding] process? Have you developed and tricks or hacks?
Lunar: Generally I start out with: what is necessary for the plot, especially from a reader's perspective? In answering that question, it's very easy to expand on that and develop from there. Like, for example I knew that Soul was going to be a unique kind of ghost so I figured out what kind of ghost he was, then built on that to make the other levels of ghosts you see in the story and in the sequels.
Q: Where did [that] idea come from?
Lunar: I was rewatching the episode of Maka and Soul facing off free while they were fighting and the part where Maka is like, is Soul trying to eat my soul, made me think about the process of becoming a kishin in canon. And I was inspired and borrowed from that in making the different levels of ghosts in Ghost AU.
Q: How'd it spiral into a trilogy? Was that always the plan?
Lunar: The plan was always a trilogy from the get-go; when I was initially planning out everything, I knew that all of the plot points weren't going to fit into one fic, but luckily there were two breaks within the plot points that made it easy to section it into a trilogy.
Big thanks to Lunar for stopping by!!! Stay tuned for more transcripts!
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Yuletide Letter 2017
A03 Name: LadyReisling
Dear Yuletide Writer:
Oh my goodness, how is it Yuletide season again already? Please accept my apologies for being so late with my letter. A LOT of big life things have happened to me since last Yuletide, and I’m still settling into a new routine, plus matching happened much faster than I anticipated. Please go into this knowing that I’m already excited that you offered one of the tiny fandoms that I love so much and can’t wait to see you make for me.
So: thank you SO MUCH for writing something for me. I know I’m going to love whatever you come up with! I truly appreciate  the time and effort you are going to put into this. PLEASE do not stress over it; I am really very easy to please and just looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I’ve jotted down some basic prompts here, follow them or don’t--the choice is yours!
Style Stuff:
Competency is absolutely my greatest kink. I also have a decent-sized hair kink and love hair-touching/stroking/brushing, etc, as well as any kind of safe touch and praise. I like friendship in love, equal partnerships, ass-kicking females, friends to lovers, grudging respect that becomes not so grudging, fluff and cuteness, light angst (angst over the perfect gift, for example), caretaking, hairbrushing, cuddling and tender kissing, blanket/bed-sharing in a totally platonic way, all the non-sexual intimacy and tenderness, late-night talks, letters. Tenderly-described safe touch makes me squee. I don’t mind sex so long as it’s consensual between adults, well-written, driven by emotions, and true to character. My favorite AUs are coffee shop and library.
My A03 bookmarks are pretty heavy on MCU and Hamilton, my two latest obsessions, but they’ll give you a good feel for what I like, style-wise. I love mission fic/casefic, adventures, unwinding/caretaking after a mission, hurt/comfort with emphasis on the comfort, celebrations, and all the happy things.
I adore setting detail and good descriptive writing. Fall is absolutely my favorite season--so perfect for walks, crisp air, toasted marshmallows, apple orchard trips, cider and donuts, colorful leaves that crunch underfoot, hay rides, cozy sweaters, knitting, lazy weekends, bonfires (or fires in fireplaces) new pens and notebooks, etc. I also love holidays and celebrations--all of them equally, so whatever feels natural to you and the characters is great. Cultural descriptions and events are fabulous, as well as setting, time period, and seasonal details. I’ve been blessed to grow up and live my entire life in a place with four distinct seasons, and as long as I’m not driving in them, I actually adore blizzards and being snowed in. If you happen to live in a place where you don’t have seasons, I’m sorry! But pull up some Google images and describe away and I’ll love it.
D/s relationships, PWP, A/B/O dynamics (I don’t understand how these work), dark/dystopian or supernatural AUs, kidfic.
Hard Squicks:
Please no rape/non- or dub-con, rough sex, underage, graphic violence, suicide or self-harm, depression, or non-canonical character death. All of the above are major triggers for me. Also, in general, I feel like the world needs to come together and celebrate love and inclusion without judgment. In other words, please use this exchange to make the world a softer place for everyone.
Specific Fandoms and Prompts:
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Monty, Percy, Felicity, Scipio
It’s really hard to put my finger on what I love best about this series. I love how Monty doesn’t have a foxhole conversion from rich, selfish prat to good guy, but Percy never loses faith in him. I like that it’s light and tropey and yet deals with heavy issues. Show me a slice of Monty and Percy’s life in Greece and what happens after--is there a time when Monty slips back into his old ways, only to be gently pulled back by Percy? And bookish, lovable Felicity is my soul sister. I would love a piratey adventure, with Felicity learning how to really be a pirate and maybe making some crazy, rookie mistakes, or the events leading up to a future time when Scipio decides to step back and make her Captain in his stead. I really, really adore the canon era and setting, so give me Regency hijinks with plenty of action and hilarity, or show me Monty and Percy at Christmas with gifts and a slice of life. Go plot-heavy or go the action route, and I’ll love it.
Code Name Verity - Maddie, Julie
This is one of my absolute favorite books ever. WWII is one of my favorite periods to study/read about, so play up the setting and the war and the clothes and makeup and all of those details. I would love to see the early days of the war, how they became best friends and maybe something more. Show me each of them knowing more about the other’s job than they strictly should--Maddie showing Julie how to navigate/fly or fix an engine, Julie teaching Maddie how to communicate in code. Did they write each other letters in a code known only to the two of them? Give me their stolen moments of friendship or dates in the middle of mayhem, nights at the pub, bike rides, perfecting cover stories, meeting each other’s families, days when Julie doesn’t have an assignment and Maddie is grounded because of weather or the need for repairs, sharing newspapers and iced buns and making jokes out of their fears. Show me the cuddling and comforting that goes on after missions/interrogations, saving up ration coupons for special treats, or using up the saved-up rations for something like comfort food. Give me a missing scene from that time that they don’t see each other, during which Julie’s brother Jamie gets hurt. Do they have an umbrella that they pass between the two of them as a token, a reminder of their first meeting? Was the whole meeting between Maddie and Jamie a setup on Julie’s part, so that Maddie could be taken care of/stay in Julie’s family if something happened to Julie? Was Maddie’s relationship with Jamie originally meant to be a front for her and Julie’s relationship, which then became something entirely different that grew out of their shared grief over Julie? How does a lesbian couple manage to date in the middle of a war, and particularly World War II? How much pining goes on before it comes to fruition?
The Martian - Beth, Beck, Mark
You could go with either book characters or movie characters here, because I love both, but I prefer the book for its ending and for Mark’s hilarious dark humor. I would love some Beth/Beck before the rescue. Tell me how he helps her deal with her survivor’s guilt, maybe brushing her hair and tucking her into bed? Do they watch Mark’s videos together and is Doctor Beck all “JFC, he’s going to kill himself before we even get there?” Show me the hilarity that goes on between all of them in mission prep and what inside jokes come on that long trip back to Earth, and please, please give me all of the Beth/Beck shenanigans. I was so disappointed that the room-sharing didn’t make it into the movie!
Hidden Figures - Dorothy, Mary, Katherine
Kickass girls doing science is my absolute JAM. Show me these ladies encouraging each other, cheering each other on. What was the NASA application process like?  How did they all meet and become friends? Does Dorothy steal library books for Mary to help her through her engineering classes? Are there after-hours study sessions? I don’t ship anyone outside the canon here, but I’d love to see woman solidarity and friendship and other life details of the time period.
Mary Russell Series - Russell, Holmes, Mrs. Hudson
The first book in this series is my favorite, so I’d love a pre-marriage casefic. How soon after Holmes met Russell did he know he was dealing with not just a teenager, but a teenager who is in every way his intellectual equal? How much did he miss her when she went away to school? We see one time where Holmes shows up on Russell’s doorstep while she’s at Oxford, but were there others? Did he ever give her a test that involved chasing him from bolt-hole to bolt-hole in London, changing disguises as they went? How much did Mrs. Hudson know of what they got up to, and did she simply shake her head at the strangeness? Did she do anything to temper the way Holmes treated this young woman whom he was suddenly keeping as a pet and protegee?
Thanks so much again, and Happy Yuletide!
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