#the first draft of this post deleted itself i almost screamed
inoreuct · 8 months
Little headcanon/tidbit time :D it takes a while for him to be comfortable doing so, but whenever sanji gets nightmares now he shuffles over to zoros bunk and climbs in. He tries not to wake Zoro but always fails, zoro just nuzzles his face in Sanjis hair and holds him close until he stops trembling <3 zoro is reluctant to seek the same sort of comfort for his own nightmares no matter how desperately he wants it, until one night hes so tired he just gives up and crawls under the blankets next to the cook, from then on it's a regular occurrence
zoro is used to waking up with someone crawling into his bed; a very specific blond, gangly someone with terrifyingly sharp elbows and ginger hands, trying to fit the both of them in a bunk not made for two. he is used to waking up to sanji’s shaking shoulders. he is used to pulling the cook to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into his hair, running a soothing palm up and down his spine until he’s calmed down from whatever had come for him when he’d closed his eyes. he is used to draping an arm around sanji’s waist and drifting off as the cook wraps lithe arms across his back and tosses a leg over his hip, a cold nose shoved into the crook of his neck, figuring out how their bodies fit together as if they don’t already know.
in the beginning, zoro hadn’t understood why sanji had chosen him of all people; now he’s just grateful for the privilege. he enjoys providing that sense of safety. he likes being the protector, the one who can pick up the slack when his nakama are tired, and sanji is much, much more than just nakama to him.
but right now his blood is thrumming electric with adrenaline and he can feel every single beat of his heart through his entire body, too fast and too hard and too loud in his ears. every time this happens he talks himself down, wraps his forearms low over his gut and curls up, breathes through it until it no longer feels like he’s about to shatter out of his skin. he’s supposed to be the strong one. the safe haven.
but he’s tired. he’s so, so tired, and sanji is just two bunks away, and zoro wants. he wants, desperately, and maybe he’s so tired that he just doesn’t care anymore—
because he gets up quietly, his fingertips numb, avoiding the creaky plank that he knows is there as he creeps over to sanji’s bed and sits at the edge of the mattress. his boyfriend is sound asleep, face smooth and devoid of worry. he should go back; there really is no reason to—
“m’rimo?” sanji squints up at him, raising a hand to scrub over his face, and zoro goes still like it would make him invisible. it doesn’t work, of course, and the cook seems to understand immediately, tugging the blanket out from under zoro’s weight and lifting the corner. “c’mere.”
and who is zoro not to listen? he crawls beneath the blanket, squeezing himself small so that they can both fit. he isn't the lightest; he doubts sanji would be comfortable with zoro laying on top of him, but the cook puts a stop to that by pressing a hand to the back of zoro's neck and pulling him down. “i said come here," sanji grumbles, wiggling until zoro is settled on his chest. “nightmare?”
“mm,” zoro mumbles, already a bit too gone to deny it. he's warm, he's safe, sanji's slender fingers are carding through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp and it might just be the best thing in the world right now. the exhaustion slams into him like a battering ram and punches the buzzing, frantic dance straight out from under his skin; he lets himself capsize, sinking down, down, down into the darkness, but he is present enough to feel it when sanji presses a soft kiss to his forehead.
he slides his hands up, palms spread on either side of sanji’s ribs; laying like this zoro can hear every beat of his heart, feel it against his temple and cheekbone, feel the rise and fall of his lover’s lungs, soothing as the rocking of the sea. “go to sleep,” sanji breathes, quiet; the words are pressed into his hair and they wrap him in a gossamer veil of comfort, fragile in the velvet darkness of the quarters they share.
he lets his eyes slip shut and feels the last of the tension drain out of him from the way sanji kneads gently at his nape, knees coming up to bracket zoro’s waist. the cook’s sleep shirt is soft beneath his cheek; one of zoro’s old ones, he suddenly remembers, that he’d worn faded and threadbare and had found mysteriously missing from his closet. sanji smells good, like clean things and warmth and the faint milky-sweet scent of his soap on his skin, and zoro nuzzles into his chest as familiar hands tuck under his arms to press grounding between his shoulder blades.
he falls asleep. sanji’s heartbeat is the only thing he knows.
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oh-hawkeye · 1 year
I'm so angry I don't even wanna scream.
I MADE ALL THE POSTS WITH WRONG DATES PIVATE so that they don't misinform anyone.
I'm sorry :(
[EDIT: changed "max. 3" to "a few" (days)]
I knew when was the first episode aired and after that I assumed they were aired every week. I WAS SO WRONG! I don't know how I could make that mistake.
I'M THREE EPISODES AHEAD and MOST OF MY POSTS TAGGED "this moment appeared on TV exactly 50 years ago" ARE WRONGLY SO!!!
I've made gifs for 11 of the first 17 episodes and only the first two are tagged right. All the posts past E05 are dated wrong.
I have to fix it somehow, and I will, but I don't even know how.
[under the cut I'm not longer angry, but sad instead, and I explain why that matters and why the reason it matters to me so much isn't as crazy as it can seem]
I'm not sure how I'm going to fix this. I'm so angry!!!
I tried so hard to make those gifs on time, often failing, very often rushing like crazy to manage on time, more that once making it literally the last minute, doing all the posting manually because the queue couldn't handle the accuracy I needed.
I tried so bad to make the perfect anniversary blog/celebration. I wanted it so much that at times the struggle to keep up took the fun out of it.
I'm not doing this because I'm such a die-hard MASH fan. I'm not obsessed so much that I needed the anniversary celebration to be perfect for the sake of it. I came up with it because the idea itself seemed so cool, and the opportunity was too good to miss.
At the same time it seemed like a good idea to do something MASH related (other than watching the same episodes over and over) to keep me interested as it's too easy to lose interest in something if there's no new content to fuel the excitement.
That's why I care about everything being on point even more than I would if it was only the matter of celebrating the anniversary. I'm doing it for the sake of the form even more that I'm doing it for the content itself.
<this paragraph was deleted - turns out I was wrong about the repetitions of calendars - the episodes were aired on Sundays and the 50th anniversary is on Saturdays>
I've just relised that means that most of my posts are/will be (I'm counting also the episodes that I didn't post yet) wrong. MOST OF THEM.
That basically means I didn't post my gifsets on the scenes' anniversary as a rule. I made them so sometimes.
That means that the whole idea failed. If at least a bare majority was right I could say that the project is full of shortcomings, is hanging by a thread, and is terribly flawed but it is at least accomplished. And this? This is just an incomplete collection of draft notes.
I was so excited about this idea, and the fact that someone with a popular MASH blog told me they think that the idea is "cool" and "fun", and that "that extra effort is admirable" (about posting on the exact anniversary of the scene) made me feel sppreciated, and even more confident it's worth the trouble.
And now what?
I have to find a way to manage the mess, as fixing it is impossible. Then I'll have to make up another tags for those posts that were originally tagged as on time. Then I'll have to change all those tags, which will be the most annoying and time-consuming part, as the mass editor can only do so much.
I have to think fast, as I can't stand the fact that almost all my blog is a lie...
I know it's just a silly internet thing, and I'm too old to care about such things, but I really feel like crap.
I could really use cheering up. Any attempt at that will be greatly appreciated, even if I doubt anyone will even read it. I'm not popular enough (actually not at all) for people to care about me spilling my guts on a fandom blog.
However if you read that through this all - thank you! My non-mash posts are usually not being read, and I think people would prefer me not to write at all. So if you do - thanks again :)
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ashtonirwins · 4 years
fic writer interview
i was tagged by @quelsentiment <3 thank you 
name: nova / 28finelines 
fandoms: one direction, though i’ve also written things for aftg and just never posted them fjhdkjfgh 😳
where you post: ao3 & occasionally tumblr 
most popular oneshot: let’s get our snog on 😌
most popular multi-chapter: oh, god. the one that saves me. i have no idea why it got so popular but oh well. it was very cathartic at the time. 💞
favorite story you’ve written so far: i mean probably every universe but ours <33 i love it very much. 
fic you were nervous to post: all of them because i’m very shy ghdjgh probably every universe but ours again because i worked so hard on it and for so long. i was also nervous about hold on to me (i’m a little unsteady) because it’s quite personal to me, but i didn’t expect it to get any attention tbh i wrote it for myself. 
how do you choose your titles: they just come to me. they’re often taken from song lyrics or poetry but for the most part they just fall into my lap. choosing titles is one of the first things i do when writing a fic, though sometimes the title changes before i post it. every universe but ours was self explanatory and i had the title written before i had even put the line in the story itself. sometimes i take a line from the story that i just grew attached to and make it the title 
do you outline?: it depends! with some stories i just write and see where it takes me. i do that for most of my oneshots. though i might have a vague idea of where i want the story to go, i try not to worry about an outline until i’ve written the first draft. for things like every universe but ours, yes. i had to do a bit of outlining. i had a long list of AU ideas and i wrote snippets for each of them (even ones that didn’t make the final cut 👀) and then pieced them together. when i was about half-way through i wrote down a vague idea of what i wanted to happen in each universe and what their purpose was. 
complete: i honestly don’t know. i used to have a lot more on my ao3 that i deleted. i’d say at least 10? but there’s only 7 up now. 
in progress: i don’t post anything until it’s finished. though i do have an idea for something i might post chapter by chapter....... 
coming soon: my wmyb fic! it’s ridiculous crack. niall wears pink jean shorts. liam screams about space. zayn gets dizzy and almost breaks harry’s hand. it’s quite lovely and i’m excited to post it. 
not yet started: so many things. i’m rewriting the one that saves me. i’m also working on a dystopian soulmate au. a fake relationship au where louis is a drummer. (it’s very important to me.) a roadtrip au through space. and my temporary fix song fic. 
prompts: let’s get our snog on was a prompt!! but that’s about it. someone once asked me to write a fic where the characters don’t have their lives together and it’s okay and i am writing that. i’m always open for people to talk about fic tho. i love getting ideas. 
upcoming work you’re most excited about: probably the world we had in mind which is the roadtrip through space. it’s going to be a lot of work and a lot of research though so probably won’t be out until this time next year 😬 also this supernatural/fantasy au that i’ve got under wraps. 
thank you for tagging me, e! & if you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged. <333
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chaptersinprogress · 4 years
romeo this ain’t a tragedy, it’s a goddamn romance
The front door slammed open with a bang and a man in the Royal Thai Police uniform strode out.
“Stop right there boy!" he shouted, voice carrying clearly across the space.
Kongpob froze with his hand poised to throw the 10th egg. Fuckity fucking fuck.
Rating: M
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blackmail, violence, murder
Pairings: Arthit/Kongpob, brief Prae/Ting
Prompt: ‘im egging your house for a dare but your parent is a cop and they’re yelling at me so i told them that you were my ex and you wronged me and now you’re coming outside and please go along with this i don’t want to go to jail’ au - by @mraculous
an au of demolition lovers
Rage flooded Kongpob's veins as a laughing John and his friends displayed the damning photos in high-definition. Aim and Tew were frozen beside him, shocked and horrified by what they were seeing and the implications.
Photo after photo flickered by in a mocking slideshow - pictures of himself, Aim, Tew and Wad in varying states of undress in the university locker rooms, and some looking like they were picking fights with other people.
If the photos had been of Kongpob alone, he wouldn't have worried too much. There was nothing in there that could truly damage him irreparably even if they had been released.
Yes, his reputation would take a hit, but that could be easily cleared up. Besides, money talked, and he was fortunate enough to come from a family both financially and politically powerful. The whole situation could've been hushed up and action taken against the perpetrators.
But it wasn't just him involved.
Worst of all were the pictures of Prae and Ting. Plenty of candid photographs and selfies made it obvious that their relationship went far deeper than friendship. And some of them were very clearly meant to be private.
Case in point: the final picture - a sultry photo of Prae on a bed in the nude, sheets artfully draped over her curves.
If those pictures were leaked, the impact on Prae, her girlfriend, and their families would be devastating. Not only would Prae stand to lose her title as Campus Star, but the media would pounce on the scandal surrounding the heiress of one of the most prominent engineering firms in Thailand. That wasn't even considering the risk the company's position and the livelihood of their employees would face.
However, that wasn't what troubled him the most. The more pending concern was just how P'John and his goons had gotten their grubby paws on those last few photos. Because Prae and Ting were anything but careless. And since the probability that they could've gotten them from Ting was almost nil, that meant that they had a mole among their cohort.
Kongpob's lips curled over his teeth in a barely concealed snarl.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Tew shift slightly, subtly pulling out his phone and texting someone with one-hand, carefully concealing it behind his back. Some of the tension that had pulled his shoulders tight bled out.
Tew must've updated Ting on the situation. And if Ting knew, Ram would soon find out, and so would Duen. Savage satisfaction warmed his chest. Those poor idiots had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. He idly wondered if their bodies would ever turn up.
When the fools started talking again, he forced himself to pay a modicum of attention to them. He just needed to play along until the Chao Pho dealt with the photographs.
Except, the situation soon escalated far beyond his control.
Kongpob gritted his teeth as his hands shook, from anger or fear he wasn't too sure himself. The knife John's friend was digging into Aim's throat caused blood to drip slowly down the boy's neck, staining the collar of his shirt dark pink. Tew was pinned to the floor, John's other buddy kneeling on his back, twisting his arms at a painful angle behind him.
Their phones had been taken and smashed to pieces. In the dark of the alleyway they were all standing in, shadowed by the evening sky, they were very unlikely to get help from any passersby.
"What the fuck do you want, Ai'John?" Kongpob spat.
"I would suggest you think carefully about how you address me, Ai'Kong. I'm the one with the photos after all," said John with a smirk, shaking his own phone mockingly. He tapped his chin in mock consideration, "But you know what? I'm a nice guy."
He continued, "I just need you to do a very simple thing. You see that house there? All you have to do is egg it with these dozen eggs, one by one. But they must break open on the house itself; no dumping them on the lawn."
Kongpob narrowed his eyes. "And why would I do that?"
"I didn't take you to be a coward, Kongpob. Heard that you were such as hero standing up to your hazers, but you can't do this simple thing." John laughed. 
"Well if you do it, I promise to delete all these photos and we'll never talk about this again. If you're too scared, I can always just post them on the campus page. I have a lovely draft already set up and just need to press the button."
"Your problem is with me, John," Kongpob snarled. "Leave my friends out of it."
Shrugging, John replied, "I am. All you have to do is do as I say, and they'll be out of it."
Aim spoke up, "No, Kong! Don't -". He cut himself off as the knife was pointedly pressed deeper into his neck.
Helplessly, Kongpob took in the horrible situation they were in. Even if Ting and Ram had left the moment they got the texts, it would still take them at least another half an hour to reach their school, traffic violations included. And then they'd still have to track them here.
There had to be more to what John wanted. Egging a house in exchange for deleting the blackmail? It certainly wasn't an equivalent exchange, so there had to be a catch in the request somewhere. But there was no choice to be made really.
If it were between Kongpob alone getting into trouble or dragging his friends down with him, he'd always choose to be the only one in the line of fire.
He just hoped that Tew had managed to activate the signal blocker before their phones had been destroyed - just in case John decided to go back on his word and post those pictures anyway.
"Fine!" sneered Kongpob. "Hand the eggs over."
With a smug smile, John shoved the carton of eggs into his hand and waved him out of the alleyway. And like a condemned man walking to the gallows, Kongpob dragged his feet to the house and stood outside the massive gate. He scanned the area subtly, before sighing. There were security cameras covering the entire front of the house - which meant that his actions would be captured on tape.
Which was the point, he supposed. This way, John and his friends were safe since they were not directly involved in Kongpob's actions, should there be an investigation. And Kongpob, Aim or Tew couldn't breath a word about it without revealing the type of blackmail material John had, which was what they were trying to avoid in the first place.
Which meant this was yet another loose end for Duen's people to take care of.
The saving grace of this whole situation was that at least he wasn't in uniform. Or anything else too easily identifiable. He ducked down beside the wall, out of the sightlines of the cameras. Pulling out his sunglasses and a handkerchief from his pocket, he slipped on the shades before tying the cloth to cover the lower half of his face to further obscure his features. Then tucking the carton of eggs securely under his armpit, he boosted himself over the iron-wrought gate.
Dropping onto the grass below in a crouch, he froze - waiting for any sign that the people inside had noticed his presence. When nothing happened, he let out a harsh breath in relief, and crept forward till he was at the halfway point - a close enough distance to throw properly, but far enough to make a quick getaway.
"Ok Kong, in and out… easy peasy… just do it and run… yeah, ok," he tried to psych himself up.
Taking an egg out of the carton, he weighed it in his hand for a second before drawing his arm back and launching it. With a wet smash, it exploded all over the door. Immediately, he picked up more eggs and kept pelting them one by one. They crashed into the walls, the pillars, and the porch.
2, 3, 4, 5
As Kong let the 6th egg fly at one of the windows, a figure appeared behind it right before the runny liquid coated the glass. A high scream rang out.
"Oh shit," Kongpob cursed under his breath.
He hastily attempted to finish his task.
7, 8, 9
The front door slammed open with a bang and a man in the Royal Thai Police uniform strode out.
"Stop right there boy!" he shouted, voice carrying clearly across the space.
Kongpob froze with his hand poised to throw the 10th egg. Fuckity fucking fuck. He dropped the egg and the carton, spinning on his heel to sprint away.
"If you take one step from there, I'll bring you straight to the station kid! Don't test me!"
Kongpob's shoulders slumped. He hesitantly turned back around to face the furious officer striding towards him. The man came to a halt an arm's length in front of him and glared.
"Take those things off your face," he ordered.
Kongpob briefly considered protesting, but common-sense won and he took off the sunglasses and handkerchief without argument. The man's eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
"Aren't you Kerkkrai's son?"
Kongpob's blood ran cold. How did this man know him? He glanced between the name on the uniform and the man's face a few times before it clicked - the Commissioner! He'd briefly met the elder at a fundraiser while accompanying his father. The two adults had bonded over the fact that both their sons were both in engineering and lived in dorms, though the Commissioner's son was a third year.
And that meant that he was now doubly fucked.
"You don't seem to be the kind of kid who runs around egging people's houses," the Commissioner commented with a raised eyebrow, concern clear in his voice. "Are you in some sort of trouble?"
Think, think, think!
Kongpob flushed, "Erm, sorry Khun, I didn't know this was your house. I thought… I thought it was my faen's… well ex-faen's."
The man seemed stunned. "Oh?"
"I guess I'm at the wrong place," said Kongpob, rubbing his neck sheepishly. He crossed his fingers behind his back. Please let him believe it…
"What happened?" the Commission asked.
Fuck! What excuse could he give for being there?
Kongpob shifted his weight from side to side. "I… well, my faen is my head hazer. We've been keeping our relationship down low for his reputation's sake, but… there was a limit to how much I could take. And when I pushed the issue, he broke it off."
The man rested a consoling hand on Kongpob's shoulder. "He doesn't deserve you then. Do you want to share?"
Well he was already in this deep with his fictional relationship, it wouldn't hurt to embellish it with the truth.
Kongpob looked at his feet. "The hazing did get to me a bit. And it didn't help that I might have been pushing his buttons in return. So he was a bit of a… mean person. He had me stand on a table in the canteen and announce that I liked men, then ask 10 guys out. And at one point, ordered me to run 54 laps for talking back and also kinda flirting with him - though I didn't finish more than 7."
And now back to the lies.
"But it was him denying any closeness with me that was the limit. I guess he didn't plan on coming out anytime soon, and… I didn't want to be his dirty little secret forever."
He finally dared to glance at the man, trying to judge his reaction to the concocted sob story. A heavy frown decorated the Commissioner's face, though it didn't seem like he was angry at Kongpob.
"I think," the man finally spoke. "You might be at the right place after all."
Kongpob stared at him in confusion. What could he mean by that?
"Oon! Come out!"
Panicking, Kongpob shook his head frantically while trying to dislodge the hold the Commissioner had on his shoulder. "Khun, it's ok, you don't have to do this."
Who ‘Oon’ was and what at exactly 'this' was, Kongpob himself didn't have a clue, but he sure as hell wasn't planning on sticking around to find out.
The Commissioner merely tightened his grip, forcing Kongpob to stay in place. "OON!"
A boy dressed in an oversized T-shirt and basketball shorts, with a bird's nest for hair, stumbled out of the door. He took in the pungent smell of raw eggs, puddles of it dripping down the house, and finally the teenager firmly held in the grasp of his father.
"0062?" he gaped.
Kongpob's face visibly drained of all colour. "P'Arthit?" he whispered faintly, his entire life flashing before his eyes.
The harsh voice of his head hazer dragged him back to the present. "Did you do this?"
"Oon, come here!" the Commissioner snapped.
Arthit came to a stop in front of the two and wai-ed. "Por, I'm so sorry about this junior, I'll take care of this -"
"Did you make him stand on a table in the canteen and announce that he liked men, then ask 10 guys out?"
Arthit drew back, stunned. "What? What has he been telling -"
"I asked you a question, Oon."
Nodding stiffly, Arthit answered, "Yes Por."
"He's the one you ordered to run 54 laps."
"Yes Por."
"DOWN 50!" the Commissioner roared, causing Kongpob to almost jump out of his skin in shock.
Arthit scrambled into push-up position and began the punishment, counting the reps loudly.
"1! 2! 3! 4!"
"How dare you force your junior to say such things?! Do you know how dangerous that was?!" the man yelled over his son. “Did you think it funny?! I didn't raise a homophobic brat!"
"12! 13! I'm sorry Por! 14! 15!"
"What are you even sorry for?! Were you trying to humiliate him?! How do you think N'Toota would've felt - watching you mock his sexuality as if it was something to be ashamed of!"
"24! 25! 26!"
Kongpob stood as still as a statue as the Commissioner continued giving the head hazer a vicious tongue-lashing, the heavy weight of guilt lying in his stomach like a rock. He hadn't meant to get P'Arthit into trouble, deserved as it may be. His head began to pound, and he stifled a groan.
This whole day had been nothing but one mess after another.
"Get up!" the officer ordered harshly.
Arthit scrambled back up, his posture a perfect imitation of that of a military recruit.
"I expect you to make up with your faen, and once you're done, for both of you to come to dinner."
Arthit's jaw dropped. "Faen?"
His father gave him a sharp glare. "N'Kong has already told me everything. Don't try to fool me."
"But Por-"
"Enough Oon! I had expected better of you."
Arthit hung his head.
Kongpob winced as the man's glare shifted to him. "And you. Don't think that I've forgotten about what you've done here. Both you and Oon are going to clean up this mess."
Wai-ing, Kongpob replied remorsefully. "Yes Khun. I apologise for my actions. I know I was wrong and have inconvenienced you terribly. I wasn't thinking clearly, but it won't ever happen again."
"See that it doesn't. This is no way to resolve spats." The Commissioner's expression softened and he squeezed Kongpob's shoulder gently. "You will always be welcome here. Does Kerkkrai know?"
Kongpob shook his head. "No... we hadn't exactly talked about telling our families." 'Because there wasn't anything to tell,' he continued wryly in his head.
"Then we'll keep this between us for now," said the man, releasing his hold. "Make sure there's nothing left of this mess before you both come for dinner," he warned, before making his way inside the house.
When the door securely shut behind his father, Arthit turned to Kongpob, eyes boring holes into the other’s skull.
"What. Did. You. Do." he growled.
Kongpob began to slowly back away, arms lifted in surrender. "P'Arthit, I can explain!"
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daesungindistress · 4 years
New SH stan anon. So lemme get this straight, they can trend hts for gd at chanel, taeyang at fendi, taeyang's charity event, they can even spontaneously trend an ht for gd for no reason at all. But the first time we see Daesung in MONTHS and he's looking like the hottest broody cop in a kdrama (not my words) and suddenly it's "what's an ht I don't know her"? They even managed to give over 1k notes to that damn naver comment section. But co-ordinating for him positively is too much effort? (1/2)
This is why I don’t fuck with fandoms. I was thinking of getting into the vip fandom fully but I can’t stand this sort of bias in band fandoms so I will just appreciate from afar. Though this does somewhat solve the mystery of why Dae stans are often OT5. I’m not surprised they stick together for the maknae line if this isthe treatment Dae gets from hyung line stans. Anyway, where he’s allowed to go solo the gp adores him and that speaks of his power. I’m off to drool over those pics again (2/2)
Don’t forget about Seungri stans. To hell with that maknae line solidarity shit. Not too long ago Seungri stans, with the help of OT5 fans, managed to trend the hashtag #apologizetoseungri the day court documents were revealed confirming that Seungri was in fact in one of those molka chats with JJY and friends (this came after months of his defenders screaming at me in my inbox about how it “wasn’t Seungri in that chat!” Haven’t heard a peep from them since then). But because it was “just one chat” these idiot IVIPs with their hive mind heads screwed on backwards mistakenly thought that demanding the world offer him an apology was an appropriate thing to do, and to the embarrassment of us all, they got the job done. Loyal Dae stans, compelled by Seungri stans to stick together, helped make it happen.
But when after 5 months of investigation into his controversial building Daesung’s case was dropped – completely cleared, “no evidence to support the suspicions,” not charged, not even named a suspect by the time the case was closed – those same fans with their trending power and large-scale organizational ability were nowhere to be found. Dae stans on Twitter tried to trend the tag #daesungdaebak in celebration, but without support from the rest of the fandom, their efforts fizzled out and died. Where did those masses of misguided fans go? Where was that same effort for Daesung when he was vindicated? What happened to maknae line? I’m not gonna sit here and rag on hyung line stans, but Seungri stans are fair game now. It’s about time people realize that they are not here to return the favor. They never gave a damn about Daesung, only about what his stans could do for them. They are selfishly utilizing stans of other members to do their dirty work. Sadly, Dae stans most of all, in part because of Daesung’s building scandal. They took advantage of it and used it to rope vulnerable Dae stans back in.
(Which raises the question: are they happy he was cleared unequivocally? Are they really? Or are they bitter that the same isn’t happening for Seungri? Maybe there’s another reason why they didn’t help trend the hashtag. Because now that there’s no more uncertainty, now that police have acted in Daesung’s favor but not in Seungri’s, they can no longer hold it over the heads of Dae stans, using it to guilt trip them into supporting Seungri, calling them hypocrites with “double standards” and poisoning their minds with the claim that DaeRi and their situations are “the same”. It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But I speak from experience. These are the anon asks I received throughout his building controversy. Some I replied to publicly, rejecting them openly, others I simply deleted.)
“This does somewhat solve the mystery of why Dae stans are often OT5.” Yes, “maknae line” has something to do with it, but the bit I wrote above is another piece of the puzzle. In short, Dae stans are OT5 because most of them are too kind for their own good and gullible. But hey, the two go hand-in-hand, don’t they? I have a more detailed post about this sitting in drafts. Been there for two weeks, long enough that I was nearly ready to let it go… but now that the matter is being brought up again, who knows? Might finish it up after all.
Anyway, the good news is Daesung has never expressed frustration over this… treatment. For this reason I rarely find myself wondering if he feels slighted. I just don’t see the point of worrying about an issue he himself has never raised. Unlike a certain someone who is no longer with us, Daesung never fusses about it, never complains. As far as I can tell, he always comes off as abundantly grateful for the love he receives, and so gracious in the way he receives it – and I admire him all the more for it. Taking our cues from him, if he doesn’t seem unhappy, why should we be? He’s done so well for himself, no matter what vile and hateful things people might say about him. The tremendous success of his solo career speaks for itself (or as you said, “speaks of his power” – love that). Bias in the fandom does exist, yes, but I really try not to let myself get too bothered by it because he’s done just fine in spite of it. More than fine.
I know you said you’re a SH stan, but all I’ll say is as a Dae stan, you get used to it. Loving him in a vacuum of sorts, relatively calm compared to fans of the other members but steadfast in your affection, almost stubbornly so. Not unlike Daesung himself with his quiet strength and humble determination. Also, at least in the English-speaking side of the fandom, we’re a small, at times insular bunch. Now even smaller after the fandom split. Fact is, even if we felt the need, we just don’t have the manpower to move the masses by ourselves. Thankfully though, we stan a man who doesn’t seem to require that kind of constant attention to keep going, as seen in the way he disappears when he isn’t actively working. But he always comes back. He’s dependable like that (D'pendable… sorry, couldn’t resist). I think as long as we’re there for him when it really matters, ready to receive him when he has official schedules again, ready to meet him when he’s ready to meet us… it’s enough.
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wishthefish916 · 5 years
What Is Anti?
Holy fucking shit, I’ve literally had this saved as a draft on this site for MONTHS and just haven’t posted it out of spite, but if ever there was a call to action this is is. I published this theory a while ago, but I wasn’t completely happy with how I’d written it at the time so I took it down a few minutes later. I’d originally planned on never revisiting this again, but while developing a different theory which will probably be coming out soon, I was forced to revisit this work, so here we are. The science of Antisepticeye. What he is, where he came from and how to stop him. It’s a long one lads, so buckle the fuckle up.
If we’re ever gonna stop Anti, which is kinda the point of all this theorizing anyways, we have to know what exactly he is. To figure that out, we need to look into what effect he has on the world around him. Looking back at the ever expanding collection of Anti moments ((thank the heavens for his wiki and a whole lotta spare time)), the only thing that tied them all together is that the person in the webcam felt a sense of danger, be it from a jump scare or high suspense or even from hearing Anti’s name, the brain of the person who was recording sensed danger, which triggered a hormonal fight-or-flight response in their body in the moment Anti presents himself to us, and it’s usually preceded with a long gap in symptoms surfacing. What else do we know of that lies dormant for a long period of time before something triggers it to wake up which usually leads to chaos for whatever system it’s in? Jack A virus!
So what kind of virus is he? Well, in bigger videos like Say Goodbye and Kill JSE the person on the screen communicated that they felt physical effects of his presence, like nausea, aches, delirium and twitching and in some cases bleeding from the eyes. This tells me that if Anti is a virus he’s a biological one.
However I cannot ignore the biggest telltale sign of Anti showing up which is the game or webcam ((and sometimes the person)) glitching, audio disturbances, and corrupted html text((Zalgo)), which would tell me that he is a computer virus.
So lads, correct me if I’m wrong in saying that if Anti is indeed a virus, he wouldn’t be exclusively biological or the technological, but rather a biomechanical virus((I totally didn’t make up the term shush)).
Being made up of both biological and technological components mean infection could have happened just about anywhere. For the sake of clarity I’ll be breaking it up into biological and technological components as I’m fairly certain the two are symbiotically dependent on each other, considering the physical effects coincide almost completely with the technological ones.
If infection was controlled by the biological aspects, that would mean he was infected by contact with the virus. Either he touched it, breathed it in, ate or drank it, kissed it, or bled on it. For all the other egos who’ve been infected, this makes perfect sense. JJ cutting his finger right before the glitching shows up, Henrik almost never wearing his surgical mask when handling his infected patients, Chase heavily drinking in the moments leading up to Dark Silence, but Jack is a different story. The first time we saw Anti was in FNAF Sister Location, and that video had none of the above in it. That tells me he was infected well before he first showed himself, which makes sense logically. People don’t show flu symptoms as soon as they come into contact with the flu virus. It has to fester for a little bit before showing any symptoms, so why should Anti be any different?
So where did Jack get infected? If he did physically come into contact with the virus, it would have been in a live action video. From a storytelling perspective, it wouldn’t make sense to not showcase an important plot point clearly, and live action is the best medium to do such. That brought me to the 2015 pumpkin carving video, but nothing too suspicious happened. There was no bleeding, he didn’t eat anything, while he did kiss the pumpkin no bodily fluids were exchanged, and breathing it in or touching it seems implausible, because it would mean the virus already existed in his house, which means he would have been infected long before that video.
The only other live action videos he’s done, and correct me if I’m wrong, were the 700,000 subscriber ghost pepper challenge, the ALS Ice bucket challenge, and his regular vlogs. Sean is incredible at blurring the line between normal video and ego video, but these videos all had an underlying sincerity to them, where he was trying to communicate to us his appreciation or with the ALS video trying to get us to donate to charity, and I find it highly improbable for him to try and undermine the meaning behind them with an ego clue.
That leads me to believe that it were the technological aspects of the virus that infected him, and that’s where things get kinda tricky. Now, computer viruses are actually relatively easy to come into contact with, the problem definitely isn’t there. Maybe Jack was sent it in an email, maybe he went to a sketchy website, maybe he downloaded a game that had a little something extra up it’s sleeve. No biggie, it happens. The logic leap is when the computer virus starts affecting his real life person, even when he’s not using the computer, a la Say Goodbye.
I believe immersion is the answer. Immersion in game play is something a large portion of game developers strive for, making the player feel like they were actually inside their game. This is one of the hardest and most important things a story driven game developer can do, and also one of Jack’s key defining features in games he tends to really enjoy.
I think, in the story that Sean has created for us with the egos, when Jack is doing a lets play and he gets really immersed in the game, he actually does exist inside that game. That feeling of total immersion, those moments when his brain is unable to separate the game from reality, they happen because of him actually being inside the game on his computer. If Jack were to download a game that had Anti’s virus on it, and then became immersed in the game play experience long enough to come into contact with said virus, it’s entirely possible that the virus stayed with him when he left the game/no longer was immersed.
Well, if we’re going to find out how to cure the thing, we’ve first got to find the location of patient zero, i.e. the video that started it all. If we know where it came from, we’ll know how it works and that’ll make it immensely easier to stop it. Are there any games out there that Jack played that 1) truly immersed him as a player into it’s world, 2) share a strong resemblance to what we already see in Anti, and 3) was uploaded some time before the release of Sister Location. There are two bigguns that spring to mind.
Undertale is probably the most well known and well liked series on Jack’s entire channel. While he was playing he became heavily invested in each of the characters, even the baddies, and so did we. We grew to care for them all as if they were our closest friends. When they were hurt, we screamed in protest. When they were comforted, we felt all warm and fuzzy. When we reached the true ending, we all cried. I would most certainly consider that immersion, wouldn’t you?
Not only did Undertale immerse the player and viewer, it messed with your actual computer files. If you do a genocide route even once, uninstalling and reinstalling the game won’t wipe it’s memory of the route. You have to dig through your computer to find and delete the file that tells steam what route you chose if you want to play the game brand new again. Not to mention the game frequently closing itself unprompted, which has a well known history for corrupting recording footage. Potential for corruption? Check.
New paragraph for new point because oh my god, there’s a lot. Several people have already pointed out the similarities between Flowey and Anti, but just in case you haven’t seen it yet or wanted a nice recap, here we go.The voice acting Jack chose for Flowey sounds just like a higher pitched Anti voice. This was the first time he ever layered audio files to achieve a more sinister voice effect. The thumbnails following his fight with Flowey all hold trademark characteristics of Anti video thumbnails. Our first ever interaction with him ends with him attempting to murder Jack. Their laughs are one in the same. At certain points in the game, you can find Flowey following you, keeping an eye on things, if you will. His boss fight, oh my g o d. He kills the dude in charge, everything cuts to black, and next thing we know there’s a glitchy face laughing at us through a screen, telling us about how he’s the one in charge and how this is his world and how everything he’s done was all our faults, after which his eyes turn red and green and he starts puppeteering controlling six different souls, using their different skills to his own personal advantage so he can fulfill some unspoken objective. Gee, sound familiar? 
However, despite all of this, Undertale was not patient zero. Why I still listed all the game’s similarities despite this, I promise was not to waste your time, I’m getting to that. There was a game that came just before this one, the first of it’s kind, the actual patient zero. That game, is The Visitor.
Many of you may not remember this game, but The Visitor (and The Visitor Returns) was a little flash game that was posted way back on March 1st, 2015, and you played as an alien creature that came to Earth on a meteorite who’s only objective was to kill any creature it came into contact with to gain it’s powers. It was a video that kind of took the channel by storm, landing it’s place as the fifth most watched video on Jack’s channel even though nobody really knew how. This was patient zero. 
As for the checklist? It was posted March 1st, 2015, a full year and seven months before Sister Location. Jack is certainly immersed in the gameplay, so much so he forgets about the menu screen and accidentally restarts the game in an attempt to do more stuff. Does it show a similarity to what we already see in Anti? More than you’d see at first glance. Yes, his mouse is kind of glitching through the entire video. Yes, his webcam goes dark for a single frame towards the five minute mark. Yes, there’s multiple severe neck wounds throughout the game. But that’s not what sold me on this. It’s the premise of the game itself. 
I was struggling for months trying to figure out which game was patient zero. I jumped between Undertale, Fran Bow, Vee is Calling, and even the other Five Nights At Freddy’s videos more times than I could count, because all of them seemed like plausible answers. Fran Bow was the first series ever to adopt Anti’s traditional thumbnails, with lens flares and glowing eyes and blood everywhere(seriously, I took a good ten minutes and scrolled through every single video on his channel and Fran Bow was where it all started), not to mention a dark shadow creature who feeds on suffering being the main antagonist. Vee is Calling had an actual virus as a main character who actually glitches out and actually takes control of the main character’s in game computer. One of the glitches in SIster Location #1 showed a frame from the first ever FNAF game, and many of the sounds were pulled from the series at different points. I’ve already written paragraphs about Undertale. All of these things show a direct tie to Anti. 
Then remember what The Visitor is all about. It’s an alien who kills things around him to gain it’s powers. It takes aspects from each creature it comes into contact with and uses them for his own personal gain. That seems to be exactly what Anti has done ever since we’ve known him as a physical entity on the channel rather than an idea with a name. 
I mean, look back at May 2k18. Every single skit, either ego themed or not, was pulled directly from whatever the game he played was about. Hell, just look at the egos! I’ve talked about this before, but in every single ego video, there is always a theme of character decay, where the person they were at the start of the video erodes away leaving nothing but a shell of who they were by the end, and this is especially apparent in their debut. JBM, the courageous hero giving into cowardice. Marvin the Magician, throwing away his career. Henrik the wise doctor, killing his patients and forgetting a comedic amount about human nature. Chase the bubbly dad, pulling a gun on himself. JJ the mute actor, cutting his finger and immediately getting possessed. I’d tied them back to Anti before, but I never really knew why. In hindsight, this was clearly Anti’s attempt at stealing their strengths. Each and every one of them had some advantage that Anti wanted, and their slow decay was evidence of Anti trying to take control so he could have it. That’s why each new video showed him getting stronger, going from making them kind of afraid to full on suicide and possession. He was stronger because he’d taken more attributes and was able to use them more effectively with each passing video. For each game that Sean got immersed in that fit his agenda, Anti adopted different aspects for himself. There is no one video where Anti came from because he came from every video.
Okay. Alien biomechanical virus. How do we treat it? Well, that is heavily reliant on it’s sources. Anti adopted both some benefits and some defects from every game he pulled from. He gained both strengths and weaknesses, so if you want to “beat” him, the answer would lie in those games. The Visitor had no happy ending. Fran Bow won by giving up on reality and living with tree people, a demon, and an oversized axolotl. Undertale got a good ending by befriending everyone including the bad guys and hopefully not dying too much in the process. FNAF was finished by getting fired or burning everything to the ground and praying you’re not sent to purgatory. Vee is Calling was saved by focusing on your love life more than your computer files. Maybe it’s one of those answers. Maybe it’s all of them. Maybe it’s none of them. It seems not even Sean knows the answer to that question, but now we have a great place to start looking.
I wasn’t able to attend PAX, which means I didn’t know about the Anti “hint” until just now. When I heard it I wanted to scream, I think I actually might have, because I’ve been sitting on this work for literal months and just not gotten around to posting it. “We still haven’t figured out what Anti is yet.”
So, @therealjacksepticeye, are my answers to your satisfaction? 
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radicalrevisions · 7 years
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So, so many works I've read could be vastly improved with tightening and shaving of superfluous words. Wordiness is an easy stumbling block, as we're used to how we talk. We're used to how others (long ago) wrote. But times change, my friend, and so do expectations of the writer. We don't get paid by the word in fiction. So show your smarts and say as much as you can with as much power as you can in as few words as possible.
Here are a few things you can cut without reserve to help shorten your story right now. And as you catch yourself using these words in your next draft, hit that backspace before you finish the sentence! It's okay if you already have. You can go delete them now. No one will ever know.
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It's so tempting. I am guilty of using this word like fertilizer in my first drafts. But most of the time, these words aren't needed at all. They add nothing.
He sat down for a moment, sipping his coffee. vs. He sat down and sipped at his coffee.
But he only did it for a moment, you say!
He sat down for a moment, sipping his coffee. When the door opened a second later, he shot to his feet. vs. He sat down and sipped his coffee. The door opened, and before he could swallow his first sip, he shot to his feet.
I know, this is about making your writing more concise and my "right" example has more words than the first example. But what's the difference? The words used in the second sentence are more tangible. They give a visual that "a second later" and "for a moment" don't. And you could leave that part out, of course, if you're really going for trimming word count. It doesn't paint quite the same image, but "The door opened and he shot to his feet." is a perfectly good sentence.
Suddenly/All of a sudden
You've heard this one, before, surely. These words are used...when? When you're trying to portray suddenness. Surprise, perhaps. So why are you adding in extra words to slow down the pace?
She flipped on the TV and reclined in her chair. All of sudden, the TV flashed a bright light and the power went out. vs. She flipped on the TV and reclined in her chair. The TV flashed once before the lights went dark. The power was out.
That sense of immediacy is felt when stuff just happens. So let it happen. If it's rhythm you're worried about, then find more useful words to create the rhythm. Notice that I didn't just cut "All of a sudden" out of the sentence and leave it. I reworded it a bit to make it stronger.
It can be a useful word, but more often than not, it's just taking up space.
Just...delete them.
To alter a Mark Twain quote:
“Substitute '[fucking]' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.”
But seriously, if you're saying, "She was breathing very hard." You could just cut the "very" and say, "She was breathing hard." Or, even better, "She was panting." Or, EVEN BETTER: "She panted."
Reflexive nouns have a specific purpose, though they can still often be avoided. They fall into the category of "use only when it's confusing otherwise."
Correct: He looked at himself in the mirror. Better: He looked in the mirror.
Incorrect: She gave them to Andrew and myself before leaving. Correct: She gave them to Andrew and me before leaving.
Technically correct I guess: I haven't eaten lunch myself. (Intensive pronoun; aka waste of words) Better: I haven't eaten lunch.
Intensive pronouns add emphasis, but that emphasis is negligible and often negated by the power of tightening your narrative.
You can likely cut 60% of your "that"s and your story will be unaffected. Sometimes, you do need to add a "that" here and there for clarification, but not always. And sometimes it's just plain incorrect.
The jacket was the coolest one that he'd ever owned. vs. The jacket was the coolest one he'd ever owned.
In other cases, you might do well to substitute "that" with "which." Though, if you're doing this, make sure you do it properly. That change can often alter the meaning of your sentence. That can be for the better, though.
The vandalism that read "Bad Wolf" made Rose nervous. vs. The vandalism, which read "Bad Wolf," made Rose nervous.
Do you see the difference? In the first sentence, the words are what make Rose nervous. In the second, the vandalism itself makes Rose nervous, and it happens to say "Bad Wolf." In this case, if you've watched Doctor Who, then you know the first example is the correct one.
So when you're sharing details using "that" or "which," contemplate how important they are to meaning of the sentence to determine which type of clause you need to use.
Or worse, "And then."
It makes your writing sound a bit juvenile. Either cut it entirely, or substitute "and."
She jumped into the pool, then hit her head on the bottom. vs. She jumped into the pool and hit her head on the bottom.
And then, after all that time, she fell asleep. vs. After all that time, she fell asleep.
Sometime "even" can help emphasize a situation or behavior, but when it's used in narrative improperly, it sounds childish and silly.
He couldn’t even breathe. vs. He couldn’t breathe.
Even with the new hair gel, his hair was terrible. (This one is fine, though you could still cut that “even” if you really wanted to...)
Just...Delete it.
Another one I'm so guilty of. In my first drafts, I tend to talk about how a character is breathing, or when they're sighing like nobody's business. I know a lot of writers who are guilty of this, too. It's a great tool to use scarcely. In intense moments, you can let your character take a final deep breath to calm themselves. When a character almost drowns, those first few sweet breaths are important. But you readers know that people breath all the time. And just because you need a beat in your dialogue doesn't mean you need to remind your reader that the character is still breathing or moving.
She was rather tall. She was tall. He was quite idiotic. He was idiotic. They were somewhat snazzy. They were snazzy. Why do you need those words? Kill 'em.
This is a great example of fluff.
She started to run toward the shop. vs. She ran toward the shop.
He began scolding them for their performance. vs. He scolded them for their performance.
There are obviously uses for this word, like anything. He started the car. Begin your tests! But when you're using it to slow the action and the pace of your narrative, then consider heavily if you need it. You probably don't.
In order to/in an attempt to
Phrases that add unneeded complications, cumbersome wording...kill 'em!
She bit down in an attempt to stop herself from screaming. vs. She bit down to stop herself from screaming.
Was able to
He was able to call. vs. He could call. OR He called.
This is one that isn't inherently bad, but it can easily be overused and cutting it will help simplify your narrative.
Due to
Ugh. Are you trying to sound proper and stuffy? Because that's a reason, I guess, to use this phrase...and yet it sounds like doodoo. (Yes. I'm an adult.) Rephrase. Use "Because of" or just avoid the need altogether.
We stopped due to traffic. vs. We stopped because of traffic. OR (Strength of narrative!) We stopped mid-highway. The parked cars went on beyond the curve of the road, out of sight.
These are a sign of telling in your narrative when you should probably be showing.
She was visibly shaking. --> She shivered, hugging her upper arms. He was obviously tired. --> He yawned and tripped on his own feet as he crossed the room. They were apparently angry. --> They stomped and shouted, demanding attention. She screamed audibly. (Really?) --> She screamed.
Don't tell your readers what emotion a character is feeling. Instead, give a few clues that they can see/hear/feel the emotion too.
This word has lots of legitimate uses. However, if you're using it poorly, then your narrative reads like an Early Reader's book, and you (unless that's what you're writing) probably don't want that.
"Get it together," he said while flipping them off. vs. "Get it together," he said, flipping them off.
One of the classics. So overused, my friends. It's needed on occasion, but not nearly as often as we use it. Just cut it out.
They turned toward her as they spoke. vs. They gave her their full attention as they spoke. OR They looked into her eyes. OR (Nothing. Readers don't have to be updated on every little movement.)
UGH. Regarded:Looked::Mentioned:Said
And, like "said," many, many instances of these words can be nixed.
She saw them run for the hills. vs. They ran for the hills.
This can be tricky, I know, when you're writing in limited-third or first POV. It's tempting to put every action directly through your POV character's filter. But resist that temptation! There are times when it's appropriate, occasionally, but it can be overdone so easily.
I looked at her and said, "Please." vs. I said," Please." OR. I took her hand. "Please."
This example sides with the breathing and the turning. It's often an unneeded update on the tiny movements of the characters. And, again, sometimes you need that beat or that little detail in an intense moment, but not often.
I’m not here to tell you to cut all your dialogue tags (please don’t). I’m also going to the last person who insists you get rid of “said.” In fact, I’m in the “said is invisible” party of writing nerds and I think, if you’re going to use a standard tag, it should be “said” 90% of the time. 
But aside from that, using as few dialogue tags as possible is a good thing. I’ll do a full post on this soon, but for now, be aware of how often you rely on these words in your dialogue and do your best not to overuse them. Use surrounding action and context to take some of the reliance off of these words. 
To-Be in all its conjugated forms
If you're using any of this list:
am, is, are, was, were, be, being, had been
Then check yo'self. Some tenses call for an auxiliary verb. Some types of sentence do, too, not doubt about it. But many don't, and cutting to-be verbs when you can will help tighten your writing.
We were going to the store. vs. We went to the store.
Sounds were echoing through the chamber. vs. Sounds echoed through the chamber.
To-be verbs can also be an indicator of passive voice, though they aren't always.
He was hit by the ball. vs. The ball hit him.
Last but not least, check all of your adverbs.
Chances are, if you're using an adverb, you could be using a single strong verb instead and giving each sentence more punch.
He ran quickly. --> He sprinted. I hit him hard. --> I socked him. She spoke quietly. --> She whispered. They ran into each other fast. --> They crashed.
So what am I supposed to do about this?
Take it to heart. Try not to let these words take over your brain as you write. Once your manuscript is finished, try this method:
Use Find and Replace. Replace any and all of the aforementioned words in ALL-CAPS. Now, if you've paid attention to my advice in using emphasis, then those all-caps will really stick out as you're reading over your work and you can decide at each instance whether your usage is appropriate, or if it needs to be rewritten. As I did to this very old draft of mine from my first NaNoWriMo (in which I used every single word on this list, I'm sure).
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When I used this method with my most recent WIP, I was able to cut my word count from 105k to 93k without cutting any content whatsoever. It takes a lot of work and it's pretty tedious but the results are amazing!
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It wouldn't be the English language without exceptions, would it?
Now, there is actually an important time for intentionally using any or all of the words on this list. You know when that is?
When it fits the character's voice. - More on this in my next post!
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