#the fit is from that one put ur oc in this meme
guzhufuren · 11 months
hello hello not expecting u to 100% tell but also w he re do u find incorrect/text posts for ur meme gifs they are always so funny and on point(+if its by pinterest what do u even look it up as??) do have a good day week and job ur v funny and cool<33
hi darling!! thank you so much 🥺 my poor heart almost gave out on these compliments! yeah, it's no trouble, i can tell you how i find them!! basically i'm a professional tumblr diver but i'm gonna explain techniques in a more detailed way
technique 1. gold miners
you see a cool fun text post on your dash that has less than 5000 notes; you go in the tags and scroll to the very beginning of reblog chains; there you will find the people who somehow always find the best freshly birthed text posts; choose the people who tagged it as some variation of "#text post", "#txt" or they tagged it as "#x-character-core/coded" or even better, they tagged it as their oc - go to their blog and look through that tag, usually you will find a treasure mine of text posts; if all the posts you immediately see are well known and you saw them all over your dash already, then go back and start diving on the next person's blog through the tags and keep doing it until you are out of tagger rebloggers; when you find good text posts you gotta screenshot them (try to think ahead - maybe there is a show coming out in the near future that will fit this text post)
visual example: i always have various non-popular text posts in my queue that i will dive in later when i have the time. like these
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technique 2. oc and character tags again
you find a post that perfectly fits your blorbos but it has much more than 5000 notes so it's impossible to check all the rebloggers - that's fine, once again go in the notes for blog diving; start from the top and find specifically someone who tagged this post as their oc or their favourite character - that's your new source; go through the tag and it will certainly have text posts/tweets that fit your blorbo as well
visual example: i found this post for Pete and his poor burnt balls, one day i'm gonna go through it to see other people's blorbos who have suffered in a similar way, and i'm sure there will be lots of petecore stuff on their blogs
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technique 3. porn blogs are your best friend when it comes to mature tv shows
find one, just one, good funny very sexual text post and go in the tags for to see which mature bloggers reblogged it using a tagging system; it can be them categorising it as "#text post" or similar, it can be them sorting posts by kink so pay attention to tags like "#petplay" "#collars" and etc, you will be able to find lots of funny sexy posts the deeper you search through their tags
visual example: see, this post has only 1500 notes, so when i will go in the tags of it i will find approximately 10-15 people who tagged it well enough for me to scroll through their tagged reblogs and find other good stuff
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technique 4. when you are done with any of techniques explained above, choose best blogs to follow
while you dive in random tumblr users' blogs you will for sure stumble upon blogs that reblog amazing rare text posts; follow them and see what other gems they can bring to your dash in the future
other tips for people who make text post memes
- THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE! make sure the text screenshot that you placed on a picture/gif is large enough to be readable both on mobile and on web. check it on every gadget. i have really bad vision and squinting my eyes at the phone makes my head hurt, so i never look at memes that i can't read right away without zooming in. make them easily readable!!
- choose one style of screenshots of the text posts. it can be web screenshots, it can be mobile browser tumblr screenshots, if can be tumblr app screenshots. choose one and stick to it always, it will make your memes look neat. i always make screenshots of text posts on the tumblr app, then i put them all on a 750 pixel wide canvas, scale them down to 360 pixel width and copy paste them to 540 pixel wide pictures of blorbos. so we get something like this:
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have fun, please write me again if anything i explained is confusing, i'm not great with words <333
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Issac for the emoji ask meme! Im pretty sure he's the forest guy! Or perhaps the detective guy tasked with finding the missing prince? So sorry, i forgot that guy's name (I put in a lot of emojis bc its fun to hear u talk about ur ocs)
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
🧡 - Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude?
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Isaac did fuck off to the forest for an extended period of time yes :D And the detective guy is Ruqing!!! I'll answer these questions for both of them
Also thank you bestie :D I love your ocs too!!!
Questions from here <2
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
Okay Isaac is literally a walking warning sign. I don't even know how you could fit everything on it. I mean he's a serial killer, his ego is bigger than the sun, he is a cannibal, and he has extreme power and control issues. I feel like that'd be a good start for the warning sign.
Ruqing probably would have like. A warning sign that's like "under a fuck ton of stress right now." He is not doing well. Having an imminent execution does that to you.
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
HAHAHAHA you don't even know man.
Isaac has mental health problems because you know. The trauma. The tortures. He doesn't really feel any guilt or shame for his actions—but he does feel a lot of shame over the things people have done to him. Why couldn't he have stopped it? He copes with this by attempting to not think about it at all which is definitely extremely healthy.
Ruqing has a lot of guilt and shame. Especially over the whole almost-killing-his-only-friend thing. He has apologized for that so much and it eats at him every night. Sung-Jae just doesn't really wanna talk about it. He also feels ashamed cuz his former family and friends abandoned him—was he not good enough?
❗ - What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
Isaac's main priorities are to feel powerful, to make sure that no one hurts him ever again, and to enjoy himself as much as he can by doing whatever the fuck he wants to. Mostly these desires manifest in a lot of murder. And cannibalism. But that's Isaac for you. The safest person is a dead person--and murder is an easy power high for Isaac. So yeah, dude has problems.
Ruqing's highest priority is to stay alive, simple as that. Though, avoiding his execution means completing an impossible task to find the missing crown prince who's probably dead, so he's not sure if he can really achieve that. But he's not going out without at least fucking trying. His second highest priority, if he survives? To regain his place in the world, the status he once held. And maybe if he finds the missing prince, he'll be back in the good graces of his family, his friends, and the nobility.
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
Isaac has a lot of secrets, though few are particularly important to him. He loves lying and trickery (also it's a great way to get out of murder charges), so he has a lot of little secrets. He does try to keep them all hidden. His biggest secret is definitely like, all his trauma. He will not tell people about the lowest points in his life, because he prefers to pretend like they never happened. He wants to forget about the times he was powerless, helpless, and hurt.
Isaac definitely has a lotttttt of repressed desires. Like the desire to have a friend, or someone to be close to. Someone to trust. But that's buried under heaps and heaps of fear and cynicism, so it's not really getting unearthed anytime soon. And besides, he also thinks that everyone's beneath him--and so no one can be his confidant. Sometimes if he finds a fellow immortal, he'll give into camaraderie—which honestly he really fucking needs.
He also has a repressed desire that he feels a lot of shame about—namely, he wishes that someone could have saved him from his fate. The worst part about his time with the executioners, and his stint in the basement cell? He knew that someone could have helped him, saved him, and no one did. But this want goes so against Isaac's preferred image of himself--an island, an exalted being above the masses--that he can't help but hate himself whenever he feels this way.
Ruqing has secrets. He has lots of secrets. They're not his secrets, though. He keeps them for his family and his friends and his government because they matter to him, and also because he'd be damned if he spilled anything. He does have some repressed desires--he wishes that he could live a life with no strings attached. He wishes that his family's love wasn't so conditional, that his former friendships weren't so fragile at the core. It's a repressed desire cuz he kinda has an emotional overload when he thinks about it, so he bottles everything up instead.
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
Isaac would say all the murder and cannibalism makes him happy but honestly it mostly just gives him a sense of control which isn't exactly analogous to happiness. He doesn't really have much that makes him feel like really happy. Except for good food and wine.
Ruqing has a cat that makes him happy :D He loves her very much. Also just like, hanging out with Sung-Jae. Eating fancy chocolates. Things that can distract him from the very horrible turn his life has taken.
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
Isaac has a old silver ring he wears on his right hand. It was stolen from his first ever victim, a woman named Marcelina. She's pretty much the only victim whose name Isaac cares to remember, cuz her name is engraved on the inside of the ring. It's also the only trophy he's ever taken, mostly cuz he wanted to commemorate his new life that started with the whole serial killing thing.
Ruqing has a fun little locket that Sung-Jae got him. It's a silvery thing with a picture of his cat inside. The cat is very cute and her name is Birdie.
🧡 - Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
Isaac's not very good with physical touch. He does need a hug, but also he's really traumatized and tbh a hug prolly isn't the best thing for him. He's very jumpy about touch due to the fact that like. Most of the time he's had physical contact with other people, it's been very violent in nature. He's also pretty scared of other people hurting him. So like if someone were to touch him, he'd jump to conclusions. And try to hurt the other person first before they have any opportunity to hurt him. So yeah, not a good idea for anyone tbh. In very rare circumstances, a friend can touch him and walk away unscathed.
Ruqing needs a hug, and he's pretty receptive to physical touch! Honestly dude is pretty touch starved. The first time Sung-Jae hugged him he was holding back tears. Sometimes when he's having Emotions Sung-Jae and him hold hands :) they are besties
🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude?
Isaac deals with solitude so so so fucking badly. Like he literally got immured alone in a basement for 200 years. He can stand being alone for short amounts of time, and honestly he's not really into people anyways so he's very isolated, but leaving this guy alone in a locked room is the quickest way to make this guy fucking panic. He tries to like, always be near other people, but never be with them. He likes cities, because there's a lot of people around but no one pays attention to him. Unless they're too crowded. Then he is biting and maiming to get away.
Ruqing used to be pretty good with solitude. Like he was the kinda guy who stayed home with a good book and a comfy chair. But now being alone makes him prone to go into a whole spiral about like, you know the whole execution and having to complete an impossible task to receive amnesty. Sometimes he needs to be alone to feel safe, but most of the time he likes having someone nearby. Especially Sung-Jae, cuz he feels really safe around her.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
Isaac loves biting people! That's what. That's what he does. He commits cannibalism a lot you know. Also Isaac is a character in one of my friend's story and in that he literally greets one of his friends by jumping out of nowhere and biting him. For fun.
Ruqing isn't into biting. He doesn't get the point. He has better things to bite, like food.
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
THE ENTIRETY OF DR SUNSHINE IS DEAD FOR ISAAC This entire song is Extremely Isaac. I think the entire song fits him, but especially these two verses:
When did I become afraid of the dark? Are my eyeballs just yet to adjust to seeing the light? The room I’m in is still the same, the shadows have not rearranged it No the only thing that’s changed is how I see at night I fumble for the switch and strap on infrareds and wish For sunshine when the morning’s somewhere else But I can’t change what time it is or dilate my irises Only what I look at, and I’m looking at myself!
When did I become afraid of the dark? Was it when I left the cave and swore I’d never go back? If we can’t see each other then there’s no more use for hiding I’ve decided I’ll abide it, why deny the color black? I’m not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator Damn my eyes for seeing what’s not there! I’ll trade in vision for a practiced intuition Till my fears come to fruition I’m not scared!
Honestly I might be taking the song a little literally. But like hey! If it works it works!
For Ruqing- definitely The Song With Five Names!! Also by Will Wood actually and from the same album lmao I think it's the existential crisis vibes, and these lyrics from the song especially:
You can break a shovel when you break new ground You dig dirt up when you dig deep down You should know better than that by now It’s not profound to know that you can never know
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virmillion · 2 years
it’s been months but i am once again rotating the ghost kids in my mind microwave
i know it’s always a sun moon dichotomy but more love for the sun moon stars trichotomy!! aleth is the moon, rough is the sun, ghost is the stars, tumble is also there (i love u baby we’ll find a home for u dw, maybe u can be the new moon)
ghosts in general are cold, that’s just how they are, i guess because of the lack of life? so to that end it’s probably a soul that makes you warm, idk. but i’m not sure if it’s tactile - if you touched aleth, she would feel cold on ur skin. but does aleth herself Feel cold, does she want a blanket? idk
it looks like (from a cursory search) people started wearing sheets to look like ghosts by the turn of the 20th century, because it looked like the burial shrouds for dead folks (as opposed to appearing in the Clothes Under Those Shrouds that they were buried in). to that end, you can sprinkle in some Older Terms for ghost to use, that they adamantly insist are best fit (like you using ‘antithesis’ because it’s the Right Word). similarly, i’m not sure how they would use more recent terms. maybe they’d be like those folks who were like “i’m not switching to CDs they’re just a passing fad, nothing will outdo my walkman,” maybe they wait until something is Obviously Not Going Anywhere before adopting it, idk. certainly a safe way to avoid using memes and immediately becoming outdated
i can’t remember where i wrote this, but i think you were gonna have aleth be either a stem kid or a writing kid - i want to go with stem, this is me putting my foot down. rough is the one about stories (he’s literally Writing this one, come on), and practically every Black girl i can think of in recent memory has been a journalist/writer of some sort (alya comes to mind, for example). i want her to be a stem girl who genuinely thinks math is fun. i am projecting
idk i wish i had more thoughts about these kids i’m so very thinking abt them. i wish i was like the other people on here who go “send me asks about my ocs” and then they receive those asks, i want to talk about them but i have to do it myself >:(
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romancemoved · 3 years
Little late to the party but I follow you because you have such a refreshingly honest and thought out OC that you manage to fit into so many different and interesting dynamics and universes in general. I'm only really familiar with your Los Santos verse but Vi fits so well into the feeling and tone of the game that he feels like someone I'd run into while playing. It's been very fun to play off of. I just think you're really cool, too, and love what you do.
✨ @emptyvictory. meme. still accepting!
vi started off as a final fantasy x oc so him just getting squeezed into places is just kind of his thing at this point.... gljdglk. the thing is, i try not to make him very plot... centric. like his existence in existing properties is really just on the fringe as an npc. except his undertale verse but even then hes just there like ‘ well damn lmao i guess im out here trapped underground in a world of full monsters! lol this is craaaaazyyyyyy ooooo o oo o oo ’ you run into vi in los santos and he stands there before saying one of the following lines:
+ ‘ i just wanna listen to janet jackson and scream in my bathroom. ’ + ‘ do you wanna grab a smoothie? are you ready to grab a smoothie and have an earnest, honest dialogue with me? are you ready to unpack trauma? ’ + ‘ i legit just saw steve haines at the patisserie down the street and he’s uglier in person. ’ + ‘ tired of seeing people smiling and laughing down at vespucci. what the fuck are you people so happy about? the increasing homeless population? ’
anyway thank u so much this is so lovely coming from you... niko’s great. hes grand. everything u write i have to read it. if im on dash and i see ur icon i go SKRRRRTTTTTT!!! and put the brakes on because i will be reading what uve written........ my silly ass is out here trying to get my hands on gta4. i really just might watch a playthru just to soak in it and then i’ll play it heehehe anyway
:”( ur one of my fave mutuals never change
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greensconnor · 4 years
18, 20, 21, 22, 23
ty so much molly i bestow upon u my love & affection
18. Any characters that you wish had been potential love interests? If so, who?
pb release forbidden it lives book 3 where i get to kiss jocelyn’s hot sexy redesign okay. im a simple lesbian i like hot women and im not a coward so i can stan morally questionable characters. my [jocelyn] is a bitch and i like her so much
20. Did your MC acquire any of the weapons? If so, which one(s)?:
in my first playthrough, no because i never spent any diamonds on it but once i got the [coughing fit] i replayed & acquired all of them but i personally vibe heavily with the polesaw 
21. Favorite diamond scene? Least favorite?:
WELL APPARENTLY.... the first time i played thru ilitw i purchased exactly one (1) diamond scene and that was when connor teaches mc self defense lol sorry to b a predictable bitch but ig that counts as my favourite? i rlly just love everything about it lives it’s my favourite book so idk if i have a LEAST favourite? maybe technically the collectibles bc i think u shouldn’t paywall lore but like i understood just fine without it anyways so yknow it was all good
22. Would your MC get along with your MC from It Lives Beneath? Why or why not?:
yea i actually headcanon that they met in college and were kinda happy acquaintances and so when tom is like leon this is my friend tae :) tae and leon r like the spiderman pointing meme at each other hjksjd. they get along bc they’re like wildly different in terms of personality & temperament but they have a lot of similar values. leon is actually six golden retrievers stacked inside a person’s body and tae is cool and emo (contradictory ik) so its kind of another case of my obsession w/ opposite personalities balancing each other out. yeah long answer short they get along
23. Do you have any post-game headcanons, either for your own MC or the other characters?:
SO MANY THIS BOOK LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE... sometimes i indulge in polyam andy/tom/leon thoughts because gee andy how come ur mom lets you have TWO boyfriends !!! its bc hes the best and its what he deserves. tae is getting a degree in archaeology post ilitw and once he graduates my headcanon is that he goes full time into monster hunting/protecting against the power & trying to find a way to free noah with ava & connor
which also leads into headcanon 2 but more fun which is where when they announced no it lives 3 my brain was like no <3 and i ended up concocting an elaborate au where everyone’s lives kinda halt direction wise and it focuses on that monster hunting group connor & jocelyn were putting together at the end of ilb, so the gang from both it lives books make a return & get mentored by han & will lyons, monster hunter ocs of mine and @yeehawgame4ever . han is less enthusiastic about adopting 15-ish young adults. will is like o my god u will die here without us. but anyway maybe one day i’ll actually write it and publish it but it’s about monster hunting it’s abt friendship it’s abt gay ppl
also ik this post is mostly abt ilitw but ilb post game headcanon parker quits his fucking job and learns about colours that aren’t beige
ask me about ilitw!
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
no one else has reblogged ask meme Mondays so I'm just going fucking apeshit with u. from the big boy: b7 for raini bc it's funny, c1 for cog bc it's inchresting, h3 for brilliance bc I know there's some gay shit going on and I want to hear more, then a17 (character proud of themselves or ur proud of ur rp as them) L5 and L6 for whomsoever u want to talk about
I won’t need a readmore for this one, I tell myself. There’s not that many questions, and they’re not proseboys. I was a fool. She’s too long to be allowed to run on people’s dashboards unrestrained 😔 Thank you! For going apeshit!!
B7. How do they respond to babies crying in public? I guarantee the image you have for how Raini would react to a crying baby is 10000% correct. She’s unhappy. Uncomfortable. Unimpressed. Can you please make that thing be quiet. Why did you have it if you can’t mange it. This is why she’s never having kids. Like she’s not gonna say anything to the parents or shoot them dirty looks, because she’s not that specific flavor of asshole, but she’s going Mind Her Business and vacate the premises if possible. People who want to take care of something should just get a cat. Goddamn. There is ONE (1) baby that may qualify for an exception, and that’s Red. This is because (and please, picture Raini, the absolute picture of ‘fed up’, squatting down to look a fussy Red in the eye while she says this) “Baby Lent. You’re better than this. I know you are, and you’re letting me down. You need to stop making that noise.” This is unrelated to the question, but please also picture a Raini who was asked (blackmailed?) into babysitting using her Mage Hand to change Red’s diaper. It has nothing to do with the question but I think it’s a Very funny mental image. Thank you.
C1. Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it? Absolutely! The way Cog approaches the world is defined by three main mantras: - Kindness is a discipline, not a character trait. - Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is always worth doing. - If you are able to help someone, you have an obligation to do so. Between these three things, Cog sees the world in pretty black and white terms. There are right decisions, and wrong ones. The difference between the two is usually clear to anyone who cares to look, and so most of the evil in the world is born of selfishness. Consequently, Cog does very poorly in morally grey situations. She will commit without hesitation to any course of action that she deems “right” and “kind” no matter how drastic or dangerous it is, but she pretty much shuts down the second she’s faced with a decision that has consequences for someone regardless of what she does.  I’m sure that has not, and will not, come in her life ever at all. Ahah!  I think originally, this worldview was born of naivety. She grew up that religious kind of super sheltered where everything in the secular world was dangerous and dirty, and so when Cog began to realize that definitely wasn’t the case she made the choice to intentionally see the best in people and the world around her to fight what she was told growing up. When she started traveling with her party and actually seeing more of the world than the extremes of a) shitty cult town b) shiny clean magic school, she began to realize that the true state of the Wasteland was somewhere between what her Mama had told her and what she wanted to believe it was. But I’ve never in my life made a character who is stubborn as hell deep down, so instead of letting the world she found herself in change her Cog took a deep breath, rolled up her sleeves, and settled in to be the one changing it by loving and helping the people around her.
H3. Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right? I think Brilliance absolutely adores the idea of two people being made for one another. Two souls, wandering the world looking for one another? Who slot together so perfectly that when they find each other it’s clear they never could have fit anywhere else? Bruh. Yes, she knows love takes work. Sometimes you and your partner are going to disagree, and sometimes there’s going to be conflict. The world isn’t “love at first sight” then smooth sailing for the rest of your life. But you put in the work to make your lives better, together, because the universe gave you this person to care for. Maybe there are many people who you could be happy with, and those relationships aren’t anything to look down on. But when you find The One, Brilliance thinks, you know. She certainly did.
Don’t Worry About It
A17. What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves? Gonna hijack this question to talk about rp moments I’m proud of because Alex sorta kinda gave me permission to do that! Alright! For Raini, the biggest rp moment I’m proud of was her “I’m getting our memories back” speech a few sessions ago, specifically the line, “We’ve been fighting with one hand tied behind our backs for too long. If we’re going to die fighting this thing, I want to know exactly what I’m fighting for.” Morgan and I had been planning to kick off our return from July Hell Hiatus with Wish Two for a couple of days, which meant I was lucky enough to be able to spend a little while planning what to say. I feel like that line in particular embodies Raini’s unwavering confidence in her magic, her determination, and her specific brand of caring for the people around her without actually admitting that’s what she’s doing. I also really liked the way the scene of her apologizing to the party for being Bitchy post losing Magic for a minute went! Idk if anyone else remembers it, because it was pretty short in game, but! I thought it was a very good moment of Raini finding the most Roundabout way to say “thank you for looking out for me while I was defenseless”.  If I can pat myself on the back a little, my Cog monologues kick Ass. The most recent one was when she was talking to Ace about how War is Bad (radical, I know) and there was a moment where she looked at him and said, “...I’m not going to ask for your help, because I don’t know what I’ll do if I do and you say no.” Which. OOF. That was her and I realizing in real time that she and Ace were very much on different sides of this issue. When the session ended everyone said they Loved how good and hurtful that conversation was and I :’) Also, there was a really small moment when Cog was pleading for Maelo’s life (when Sunny’s dad had him locked in a cat carrier. It’s a Long story, made slightly better by the fact that Maelo was wildshaped into a cat at the time) and Cog went Straight for the dad heartstrings by sniffling and asking if, please, would Robert at least let her say goodbye to her friend before he killed him? Please? 😢  She is using her baby face for EVIL!  And oh my god how could I forget! Arcane Timeout! When the party went back to New Alexandria and was confronted by Ace for helping a prisoner escape (which, in fairness, Maelo did do) and Cog brought the encounter screeching to a halt by casting Wall of Stone to make a timeout hut with herself and Ace inside. She then sat herself down, looked Ace dead in the eye, and told him that the wall wasn’t coming down until he actually talked to her, or until he broke her concentration on the spell. She banked hard on him not being willing to hurt her, and it paid off. There were tears all around, both in and out of character. It was Wonderful. Also! I do just want recognition for the fact that I did not give into my impulses to be a little Shit as Cog last session by subtle casting Heal in Ace’s face after he Counterspelled my Healing Word. it was what I Rebekah wanted to do more than anything; unfortunately Cog is a better person than I am. There is No worse feeling than wanting so badly to do something you have no choice but to admit isn’t in character. Rip.  For whatever reason, all of my favorite Brilliance rp moments came during combat. Pressing her forehead to Sabre’s after he died in silent grief, forcefully taking a Narzugon off his Nightmare and then using Misty Step to mount it herself and take off after her friend, planting herself in the chokepoint of a hallway to stare down three minotaurs so she could keep her party safe behind her, pushing deeper into the hellwasp nest to rescue Dembe and Sabre despite knowing that doing so all but destroyed her chance of making it out alive, the list goes on. There were good out of combat moments too (despite the rest of the party’s best efforts 🙄), but I feel like for once I made a character who really shone in combat.  oh GOD I just remembered one really really good rp moment, when our rogue Zihro died when he got separated from the party during combat. We finished taking care of the main devil we were fighting, then began searching the dungeon for Zihro and the npc he was with. We, instead, found both of their corpses. Dembe looked to Brilliance, our healer, and demanded to know why she was just standing there instead of fixing their friend. We were only level three or four at the time, so Brilliance had to tell Dembe, again and again, that she couldn’t fix Zihro. It was too late, she wasn’t powerful enough yet, her goddess wouldn’t answer a prayer like that- It was a rough scene, and without question one of the best rp moments I’ve had with that group. Tae, if you’re reading this, you’re the only one with rights. Also, please unfollow this blog immediately.  Now as a quick pick-me-up after that mess, Pip’s best rp moment was when our barbarian Durokal -who couldn’t read and had a habit of running off and causing Problems- found a plaque he could tell had five words on it, and called Pip over to read it for him when Pip finished chasing him down. Pip, annoyed and out of breath and all of two feet tall, looked up at this 7 foot half-orc and told him, “It says: I’m. Gonna. Kick. Your. Ass.” Also, he regularly called very powerful figures in Barovia by sweet nicknames with “Mr.” in the front. As a sign of Respect. Because he’s the Best. sdfhsdkfj he also he couldn’t think of a fake name quick enough one time so he told an npc that is name was Dick and he was Very embarrassed about it. She: bought it!
Brilliance, Again
L5. Which OC do you think is the most decent morally or behaviorally?  AKA, which is supposed to a “good guy”? The answer is Cog, but we already went in depth on her morals this ask. She’s HAD enough screen time let’s move on. Brilliance is the only other character who, if asked, would say they saw themselves as a good guy instead of just “a person”. She strives to do right by the people around her, and to protect the light and beauty found in the world. She doesn’t have the same illusions about the world wanting to be a good place that Cog does, and she very much understands that sometimes the best thing you can do for the world is to put the things that make it dangerous six feet under. What’s interesting I think is that, despite being a paladin, she isn’t Lawful Good! She’s Neutral Good, because you know what? She wants to do the right thing, and laws aren’t always right. It’s up to you, as a person with a mind and free will and agency, to look at a situation and decide what you think is the right thing to do. And, for Brilliance, generally the right thing to do is heft her sword, raise her shield, and face trouble head on.
Raini, Once More
L6. Which OC do you think is the worst morally or behaviorally? AKA, which is supposed to be a “bad guy”? I don’t have any evil aligned characters, because I personally find things like “getting along with my party members” sexy, but the character who’s the shittiest and the worst is obviously Raini. She’s not a bad person per say, she’s just selfish and results oriented. Very much “the ends justify the means” and in a party like hers she’s aware that somebody has to be the bad guy sometimes, and she’s not afraid to make sure that’s her. She’s also very very likely to fall victim to her hubris making her feel like she definitely knows what’s best, and acting on that maybe without consulting other people (see: the whole fucking premise of the campaign). She sees a goal, she sees a way to accomplish that goal, so why shouldn’t she begin taking the necessary steps to reach it? I think the events of the game have mellowed this flaw out a little bit, but you can still see traces of it in the way she, for example, wordlessly handed Lent a bunch of diamonds before launching her consciousness into the Abeast and very nearly dying in there without consulting with the party first. It happens!  Also, behaviorally, she’s just. I mean. She’s like that. The worst. And that, I promise, will never change. 
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
if u could, perhaps, bless us with all the applicable symbols from that fic ask for hvh 👀
ooOoOOOoOO Rub s gay hands togehter omg ty friend 😍;;;;;;
💡 - What was the motivation behind the story?
hHH i hadnt written in 10+ years so when i latched onto this plot idea i just thought itd be a good time to jump the shark and try it again !! i just wanted smth really edgy and depthful bc im emo and the rest kind of snowballed
💎- What was your favorite part?
osdlfksd;lf it’s hard to pick a fav but the drunk scene was definitely the most fun to write at least
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
THE SCENE WHERE THE GANG IS KIDNAPPED BY ENKI,,,, i debated toning down the violence but in the end i knew where the story was going (and where its still going) and that its gonNA be kinda dark so why hold back now ig
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
BITTERSWEET AF,,, sort of just treading the line of ‘hopeful’ and ‘hopeless’ at all times to fully portray the feeling of being at your lowest, but with that classic tss ‘silver linings just around the corner’ kind of undertone
🏟️- Who was your intended audience?
mostly all the adults that watched tss as a kid and felt like spirituaLLY MOVED BY IT cuz i really tried to tap into that Emotion Tee Em we all felt when we found out that zak was [redacted]
🔬- Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
hHH theres actually a LOT of scenes like that and i think a lot of my general motivation to keep going comes from that ‘WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT’ vibe slkdf:SDF but the Plot Twist tm in the latest chapter was definitely a big’n, and theres a few more of those still to come :^)
🗝️ - What were you thinking when you wrote it?
kjdjFSDs:DF tbh whenever i start really writing, [’im shifting into soup mode’ seinfeld meme voice] im shifting into maladaptive daydreaming mode
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
:^) devilman crybaby pls forgive me for everytHing
📈- Was there a clear character arch you wanted____ character to go on?
i actually have a short list of what i somewhat consider to be the story arcs in my notes !! mostly just for organization and obvs i wont list the future ones but so far we’ve seen the kushtaka arc, the enki arc, and now we’re in what i call ‘the annunaki’ arc.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
ALL OF IT JSHDJSKD, but again a lot of the enki scenes i was worried would be too edgy TM, and the whole annunaki plot as well i was worried might be too ‘out there’ for ppl, but it takes the story exactly where i always wanted it and lines everything up perfectly so i went for it lol. i was also ofc worried if people would like ila or not bc oc but most ppl love her actually which is so 😭❤️
☠️- Did you consider killing off any of the characters? Did you?
8^) [mickey mouse voice] this is a surprise tool that will help us later ,
✉️- Did you title your chapters? What title do you like best?
yes! the next one actually has my favorite chapter title yet, but so far i like ‘so strikes the harpoon’ since its a throwback to the first couple chapters
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
o every single paragraph is an overly thought out middle school poem im entering in the talent show actually
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
Yes !! i have HVH insp part 1, Part 2, and an extra one for all those songs that have the vibes but just dont fit enough to make sense in a playlist
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
probably ! ive learned i definitely like the edgy/darker and emotionally driven stories with ongoing plot, so that trend will almost definitely continue. idk if ill write a dystopia again anytime soon, but i think my future stuff will at least retain that long and heavy vibe
💁- Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
oh yEA like basically i was ready to quit after the very first chapter before it was even written and kinda just got it all out on a whim of motivation but was expecting to flake on it like i tend to do with projects, but the invested response to it was just so uplifting that its what ive been riding on all ten chapters and im so grateful for it :’)))
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
hHHHHHHH yes and ok this is terrible but i actually tend to avoid re-reading my older chapters until i hAVe to bc i suffer from that sO much ,,, , its just little things like tiny words i wanna change or bits i wanna take out/put in and once or twice ive even caught a mistake or plot hole/smth i forgot to add that i rly do have to go back and edit and i just turn to dust every tim e
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
i really liked the northern lights scene!! it was meant to be a pivotal moment of that ‘bittersweetness’ vibe i was talking abt and it was another one of those scenes i had been planning for a while;;;
“ I think of how much the rest of the family would love this. This isn’t like the moon and the sun, where I can see it and know that even if it looks different, they’ll see the same one soon enough, wherever they are. This reminds me only that I am not with them. It stings. It seems unnatural for something so gentle and natural to appear before us as if we aren’t in complete, total fucking chaos. After all we’ve been through, and the sky still dances. “
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
isdfhSDF YEs, part of my hesitation to write came from this thing where i always just assumed there was a wildly high standard of writing in fandom spaces like in original literature spaces, where you had to have like 10+ sentences to a paragraph and you had to describe every tiny detail of a setting and you had to follow every single grammar rule or it was unreadable but like. genuinely its like sculpting with words as long as you have a shape ppl get the idea which is such a weight off my shoulders lol, its still a lot of work but so much fun to know i can to an extent do what i want and ppl actually like it like that. i also learned that like most other writers i have to cause my favs emotional and physical pain,
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
hhHHHH 1. please do it its so fun just give in to the edge my guy , 2. try to get comfortable re-reading your chapters, for me its like when ppl listen to themselves sing/act but im trying to do better bc its so much more consistent when i keep it fresh in my mind and it also boosts confidence when u can pick out the things u like instead of the things u dont, 3. trying to have at least one scene in mind for each chapter that ur excited to write so u can have motivation to update faster! for me it doesnt have to be smth i think would excite the audience either like it could be the most basic thing but just having an idea of it and knowing i want to see it come to life rly helps me stay on top of it all
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done-mer-moved · 5 years
i Also don't know ur OCs but: 1, 4, 5, 8, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33, 42, 50, 54, 56, 61, 73, and 78 please? -drunkmiraak
[[LKdghlkj sorry this took so long!! I got super sick so it sat half-done in my drafts for 84 years. @drunkmiraak]]
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
So, while I’ve got half a billion OCs by technicality, my main idiot is Azaryne Redoran who takes the role of the Vestige in the ESO story I write with @sinnaroll by the name of Soulbound. (Ima also just casually pass on these questions for her to answer in reply for D'tannen, who is the other main character in this thingy so you can get to know him too!)
Thank you so much for asking!! Here we gooooo~!
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Az’s main nickname is the self-explanatory name shortening from “Azaryne” to “Az”. But D'tannen has kinda stuck on jabbing him with “pretty boy” to the point where it’s basically a nickname lol 
Also, in-game plot reasons dictate that the Five Companions also know him by “Vestige”, much to his dismay. It’s what the Scrolls named him by, so the Prophet tends to slip and refer to him that way, and the others kinda do too by proxy for a while. However, after Az makes it clear that he’s really uncomfortable with it, Lyris and Sai specifically make a point not to call him that.
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
So I memed twice earlier before I got to these questions lasdgkh gomen, but my goofier answers are Dorito Shape and Resting Trouble Face
But more seriously, one of his major notable physical features is that he’s pretty much covered in tattoos from his neck down past his waist and starting down his legs. They’re being redesigned from scratch right now because I can’t ever allow myself to have characters that can be adequately represented in game i guess lmfao but here’s the in-game tattoos with some photo-editing for an earlier visual draft on where they might cut off—
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It’s a total personal headcanon but I decided that since the in-game body marking style was pretty clearly influenced by Maori-style kiriituhi, that Az’s tattoos are also highly significant in a similar way. Each piece symbolizes or connects to either his ancestry, or his own life and skills and milestones. His designs weren’t finished, but have the indication of where they were meant to continue as he hit new points in his life. Unfortunately, since his life was cut so short, that’s as far as they ever get.
On a lighter note, he also has pretty big ears?? Lmao
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
He likes clothes that are comfortable but flattering. He knows what his assets are and enjoys looking well-dressed – a bit of a remnant from his previous life as a noble. 
He tends to favor sleeveless tops and cool-colored fabrics with neutral accents. He particularly likes blues of all shades, and some purples. He’ll also occasionally wear red. On his travels he wears leather armor that fits within these features, and notably has a Khajiiti-style jack because he liked the aesthetic of it when he saw the style in a tailor’s display. 
When he’s dressing up, he’ll wear more flowing robe-like attire. He had more reason to do so while he was alive, and at the time it was usually specifically Dunmeri cultural clothing. Over the course of Soulbound, he only dresses up the once so far for a date with Sinna. That takes place in Orsinium, so it’s Orcish formal wear. 
Even if the situation’s not a fancy one, though, he’ll usually still wear kohl eyeshadow, which D’tannen gives him shit for, of course lol.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Az’s voice is light, crisp, warm and friendly. It’s between tenor and baritone in range, and the expected Dunmeri accent. He’s well spoken, and you can tell he’s well educated, but his phrasing isn’t snobbish or condescending, and there’s a firm sort of sincerity to his speech, even when he’s being playful.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Az’s childhood was a little complicated in that it came with a great deal of privilege, but also a great deal of expectation. He was noble-born— the eldest son of House Redoran’s Archmaster— so before he was even old enough to have an awareness of the world, his parents had already decided many things about his future. 
In spite of both this and the constant pressure of the Redoran philosophy that “a light, careless life is not worth living”, Az had an untamable spirit that continuously tried his parents’ patience. As a child, his impulsivity, tendency to bend the rules, and headstrong defiance on points he fundamentally disagreed with led to frequent discipline, and a particularly strained relationship with his father.
Over time, he begrudgingly learned to play by the rules, but would still disappear from time to time for brief moments of freedom. 
He had two younger siblings— Eralane and Meril, and they had very close and loving relationships with each other. Az always did his bes to see right by them, so they felt safe in knowing that he would always have their backs. They didn’t ever keep much from him, as a result, and Meril specifically often looked up to him as a role model.
By the time he was fourteen, he’d been arranged into a political betrothal to solidify clan relations within the House, and it was decided that the two would be married in 16 years when they were both fully grown adults. Neither he nor his intended fiancée were really comfortable with this, but even as young as they were, they knew it was a sticky situation far bigger than just the two of them. So, they quickly established that, future aside, they didn’t feel entitled to each other’s feelings. They would both rather have a straightforward, honest friendship than try to force things between them. 
Because of this, there was no tension when other chemistries developed in later years. Instead, they continued to ignore their inevitable marriage, and turned their performative date nights into formally-dressed vent and gossip sessions. Using the expectations put upon them to their advantage as they got older, they also happily became each other’s alibi when either of them needed time away with other people.
22. Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
Since arriving back on Tamriel, he’s been shuffling company a lot on his journeys. He’s also pretty introverted, despite being fairly socially adept. He doesn’t have any real connections from his previous life anymore, but has met many people and made casual friends and positive acquaintances with a solid chunk of new ones.
In terms of more serious friendships, D’tannen is honestly the closest, which is kind of incredible honestly laksdhg. But, they travel with each other day in and day out, so there’s a tight bond there that’s developing fast.
He’s also particularly attached to Irvane, who was his first friend since coming back to Nirn.
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
Along the same lines as I just said above, he’s never in one place for very long right now, so he is constantly around new people. His kind heart and need for hands-on activity means he tends to gravitate toward people he can help in some way or another. His empathy and sense of honor do most of the weeding. He’d rather be around someone who has shown good intentions, even if they are rough around the edges, than someone who rests on the laurels of past deeds and judges others against themselves.
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
It’s pretty damn hard to make this list, at least if you have any sort of good bone in your body. He’s really very empathetic and patient, and will forgive so quickly once he feels amends have been made that it’s honestly gotten him into trouble.
But, even with that said, he’s got some strong resentments for some strong reasons… Notably: Mannimarco and his Worm Cult, ol’ Molag Bal himself, and pretty much anyone who allies with them… Malacus is another name that quickly finds its way on the list under “kill unflinchingly” as he becomes closer with D’tannen.  
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
oh my god im so sorry this joke is just right here its too easy to grab i can’t help myself – 
Doesn’t a soulmate require… a soul…? 
33. What subjects interested your OC?
He’s always done whittling as a hobby, so he’s currently kinda advancing on that in woodcarving. Since he was also trained in maintaining and repairing his own weapons and armor in life, that’s carried over into an interest in actually crafting weapons on his own. He does wind up making his own bow way later on, and even spends a bit of time with the Morkul Orcs in the Orsinium arc learning to do some metalwork.
42. What makes your OC happy?
He’s very attached to his dog Blackjack, and the mutt can always seem to pick him up when he’s otherwise faltering. He loves whittling and tends to carve little objects to occupy his mind. Complicatedly, D’tannen makes him happy as well, lol. 
He also tends to have moments where he finds happiness in specific things, but the emotion related feels strange or misplaced. When this happens, it’s usually because whatever he’s experiencing— a particular sight or smell or flavor— is something that ties directly to a positive memory he’s lost from his life before. A sort of unwitting-nostalgia that’s hard to pinpoint or replicate.
As a general rule, he’s pretty easily contented. He lives very much in the moment, which combined with his adaptability and natural optimism, means that he’s usually able to find some small spark of cheer for himself anywhere he goes. He’s always wanted the freedom of life as an adventurer, so if circumstances were different, this would honestly be an ideal life for him. However, it’s pretty dampened by the stress of current events, along with the nagging restless and hollow feeling of having lost his soul.
50. What secrets does your OC have?
This is a bit of a tricky one. He’s not a super open person, but he also doesn’t like to lie to cover things up. However, there are many things about his life at present that he finds he has to dance around giving knowledge of. In some ways, the very nature of his current existence is something he keeps tucked away. It’s not very easy to explain to anyone, so he’s grateful that for the majority of the people he interacts with, direct questions never really come up.
In the second act of Soulbound, however, after he becomes very close with Sinna, Sinna asks him directly for his story. He dodges it for quite some time before finally giving him the details, but he’s kind of nervous at that point to state it. He doesn’t know how Sinna might react. But, he lays it out on the table anyway: He’s not truly alive. He’s what remained of himself after he was sacrificed by cultists to Molag Bal. His soul was stolen, and he has only vague pieces of memories from when he lived. And now, he’s been prophesied to assist in stopping a daedric invasion. 
Sinna’s response was heartfelt. But, nobody could blame him for the fact that all he could manage for a brief moment after listening was “Wild….”
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
Heart… His upbringing tried its best to instill an ability to detach for the sake of duty, but honestly, he’s never been able to. Even when he knows there’s no way he can avoid a difficult situation, and is able to approach it tactically, emotion will be gnawing at him all the while, and he’ll be completely staunch on the things he believes the most if those interfere with the “logical” course of action.
56. What are some of your OC’s strengths?
He’s honestly got a wide range of skills in a lot of ways. He’s a highly skilled archer, and has a very well-rounded set of combat and survival skills that have been hardwired into him since a very young age. He’s also got a great sense of aesthetics, which he likes to express in woodworking and whittling when he can. He’s intelligent, but a lot of his skill specifically in emotional/social intelligence comes from his powerful empathy, and how dramatic swings of circumstances in his life have given him many perspectives to draw from, even subconsciously through the massive amnesia he struggles with. He’s incredibly adaptable. He’s intensely loyal, courageous, and firmly optimistic even through the worst circumstances. He’s got an incredibly strong character to him, and it tends to be both charming and inspiring, even when he doesn’t recognize that he’s producing these effects himself.
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Honest. Empathetic and selfless. Good-natured, down to earth, and a bit wild-spirited. Patient, incredibly forgiving. Helpful. Playfully charming. A protector. A defender of good.
73. What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
He likes art, stories, nature, animals, and adventure. Crafting from time to time as well.
78. What is your OC’s favorite time of day?
Late morning. The point in the day when you’re up and awake and setting off. The whole day lies in wait before you, and you’re ready to meet it
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alterlifes-a · 6 years
tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
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What inspired you to try/create that muse/s: well , if you’ve been with me long enough then you know that tooru started out as an AU ! o.ikawa t.ooru, where instead of attending s.eijou , he went to s.hiratorizawa ! to be honest , i kind of just wanted to try my hand at writing that kind of thing ? it was the very first time i had made a tumblr rp blog , so i had no idea that people rp different verses of the same character on one blog !! i originally rp’d on deviantart , and it was very commonplace to have different blogs for different verses ... i had over 70 rp blogs on there and most of them were literally the same 2 characters but in different AUs LMAO ... so imagine my surprise when i saw people rp’ing different AUs on one blog ... RP’ing multiple muses on one blog ... !! but i kinda just stayed with my iteration instead of playing canon ! kawa anyway , since i didn’t really see the point in starting over . as tooru developed more , though , i began to use him as a venting tool because this was a part of my life where i was really depressed . but as time grew on and i eventually made him into an OC , he became a much happier character . he really is my best friend ; he’s been there for me through it all , and even though he’s just fictional , i really owe him a lot for helping me out during rough times .
What is inspiration for that muse/s: well , currently , a lot of things ... lots of music , japanese culture + religion , and also my own experiences . in general , i have a p.interest board for him , so ... maybe you could say i draw inspiration from that , too ! i also rly enjoy the band MILI . their songs really fit tooru , like ‘ bathtub mermaid ’ . i’ve also been listening to hello , again and am planning on drawing something based on it for him ( + the song’s prequel , “ goodbye ” ) . i mainly tend to daydream while listening to songs , so ... yeah . as for characters who serve as inspiration for tooru ... well , i think that’s an artist meme , so i might just fill it in in lieu of answering this properly lol ... but two i can think of off the top of my head are leon from f.ire e.mblem e.choes and n.eferpitou from h.xh ! 
Thread/AU that made you really happy: B.NHA AU ... !! i’m hyperfixating sm on that one ... idk , a lot of planning and plotting goes into it , esp since a lot of my mutuals are in the fandom . in particular , i love love love the story i’ve created with @noquirk . i literally cannot envision a more perfect plot for tooru in this verse . heck , it’s literally my main go - to timeline when i draw / write for it . tooru is , quite literally , not very much in this AU without deck .
Something really special on your wishlist: sh ... more ships ... ships to draw and animate and make animatics to ... also i need to get my butt into gear and finish my JRPG AU group lol .
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: blease tooru help me get thru the school year ... also i have some animatics in the back burner so i’m looking forward to getting those done !
Share something related to your muse!: his canon story , in parallel motion , deals with existentialism and alternate universes . ultimately , it’s a story that serves as a physical manifestation of my own struggle with depression , and while it’s sombre in tone , i want it to tell whoever’s reading it , “ you matter . ” it’s why tooru is placed into so many marginalized groups ; he’s fat and trans and biracial and bi and suffers from bpd + depression + anxiety but he’s a good person through it all ... his story is tragic because he’s not allowed to exist and will be forgotten when he dies , but his existence impacts so many other characters’ lives ... it’s a butterfly effect kind of thing . because you exist , you’ve made so many peoples’ lives better . and i understand it’s rough and i understand depression + sucky real life aspects try to convince you otherwise , but just ... think about it . there’s an alternate universe where , because you don’t exist , something huge was probably impacted . and even on a smaller , more intimate scale --- if you hadn’t existed in another life , then one of your friends might not be here . they might not be as happy as they are now , because you make them happy . life can be awful . but it’s wonderful and beautiful , too . that’s what i want tooru to be to others . someone to look up to and relate to , and someone who tells you , “ it’s okay ! ”
What do you think about character’s design/how do you came up with this: he’s ... kinda generic LOL mainly cause he’s based off of o.ikawa looks - wise due to his origin ... but part of his looks also derivate from an old ask blog muse i had :
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i just really like that bangs - over - one - eye hairstyle ngl ... also i have no idea how / when his hair became maroon - brown since o.ikawa’s hair is chestnut brown , but ... yeah . also have no idea when he gained red eyes HDKJSFS,,,, i find fangs appealing on a character though , so that’s why he has fangs and does the :3c ... honestly i think i kinda just slapped together what i like in a design and put it on him , so even though he may look like an NPC ( lol ) , he’s still appealing in my eyes .
What your muse taught you: how to love being alive ... ( i’ve actually written an essay for a class about how he’s helped me through depression haha ... he means a lot to me , can you tell ? )
What is roleplay for you: all of you are awful and yet here i am anyway so really this says more about me than anything else .
Just say something nice about other mun!: @onfaith you are my ANGEL you mean sm to me and i wish u all the best with your studies  /  @tikkvn i love u sm cass ur an amazing person n a wonderful existence never forget that  /  @juuheart notay is my fave bleach chara also ur art is so cute  /  @wuvlite if i die all my money goes to u so u can keep drawing holy SHIZ ur art is #inspiration  /  @queznak ur very interesting and charismatic as a person  !!!  /  @uzvisen idk how to spell ur url this took me 3 tries but also ilysm  /  @conhnhaketon i also cant spell ur url but i hope ur doing well n ur eid was good , ik we’ve both been busy but i would live for u  /  @quirkthief ur one of my fave ppl i will forever tag u in shibes also i’ve supported u in u saying afo was hot even when he looked ugly n now i get to watch everyone who made fun of u writhe bc he is rly rly hot hahaha  /  @noquirk you’re so talented pls never stop what ur doing  /  @aerve you’re rly cool !!! 100% support u in everything u do ! >:0  /  @starbooms aries ur so creative ugh ... ur mind !!!!!! ik we don’t talk much but ur v fun  /  @bendsair i forget what other blogs ur on but chris ur the coolest #TalkRomania2Me  /  @creatied we don’t talk much either but ur graphics r so aesthetically appealing wowzers !!  /  @daimnas i’m wuv you amari !! also my french sucks but uhhh comment ca va ( i’m too lazy to find the accented ‘c’ dsfhi ) ??  /  @soarsun i’ve only known u for a few weeks but if anything happened to u i would kill everyone on this website n then myself  /  @quirkgifter nanners is the coolest n nana is the best grandma in town  /  @natsutodoroki im so jealous u got a canon url as ur rp url LMAO but also ur rly cool n fun even tho we dont talk too frequently !  /  @lechors​ LINNEA I WILL DIE FOR U RIGHT HERE RIGHT N---  /  @ YOU READING THIS BC I’M ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP : YOU’RE AWESOME AND GREAT !
Tagged by: stole it from @queznak Tagging: whomstever 
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archived--hell · 6 years
1, 2, 17, honestly all of them if you’re up to it
1 - already answered 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
L O R D T jupiter fuck man got damn id die for jupiter 
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
i have adopted characters before, but ive never done anything with them, and i have received characters Back from people but besides that nah
4. A character you rarely talk about?
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
fuck uh.. honestly if its only semi popular would i do this bc being Well Known would be nice, yeah, but.. it scares me? idk but uh probably leo or aero, theyre two boys i hold close to my heart
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
:) eldur and leo kinda? idk i try not to make any of them look alike rip
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
YES! theyre actually all part of one universe called cooking with demons! i have a whole game planned out for the man cast kinda? but all in all its all set within one universe, with multiple different stories occurring within it jhfdksg
8 - already answered
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
unless specfifically made for them upon request, no. ive already tried that once and it lead to me losing any and all control i had over my characters. At this moment, i only “share” a few ocs with my boyfriend @coffee-burglar and even then, its taken almost a year to even be able to do that
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
uh, all of them are kinda complicated for me, but as of right now, that would go to leos full form. (if u want a ref hmu and ill post it, but it wont be my art)
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
like a ray of sunshine? yeah! angel and stitch would fit perfectly for that!
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
@coffee-burglar their oc chrome n koh,  or derek but thats bc im a hoe
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
aero, jhor, innis, leo are all trouble makers to some degree, leo being the most trouble some
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
uhhhh fuck what counts as tragic?
i guess id have to say leo or jupiter mostly, but eldur fits too
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
if youd let me i would yell about these fucks for hours on end, ive done it
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
the best but wouldnt enjoy it: Jupiterthe best and would absolutely enjoy it: colby
17. Any OC OTPs?
stitch/lavaaero/kohcolby/derek/inniswill/happiness aeyr/Eberictderek/Xhaztolleo/eldur
18. Any OC crackships?
jhfkdfsjghdfkjhgdkfjsgl i never talk abt it but will/aero is fucking A+
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
ah,, leo. i originally made him to project the worst in myself onto, and because of that ive made his life a living shit hole. but,, recently ive been hell bent on giving him a good ending, one where he heals, and lives his life ok, where he finally, finally has a chance to be happy and get help. its,, kind of been a tiny growing point for me? he just, means a lot to me because of that haha
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
uhhh all of their voice claims are songs n such but only a few of them actually sing in canon! heres the voice claims of the ones who do sing:
Aero - thats his voice, but hed probably more likely to sing Something Like ThisAngelStitch - this is her voice! but shed be much more likely to sing something a lot more upbeat, kind of like thisColby (its jeremy from bmc jghfdkg)
and one i dont have a voice claim for yet that does sing canonically is Sycamore! 
21. Your most artistic OC
!!!! oh thatd easily be will! hes nothing professional at all, but he does enjoy drawing and making diy type projects :0c hazels also artistic but with food :0c but what would you expect from a kitchen witch
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Hi My Names Skinny Penis And No One Has Ever Even Looked At My Ocs For More Than Two Seconds
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
lordt all of them would fit that, but the one thats changed the most? lordy thatd probably be will! he used to be a persona that was mostly only interested in dying and getting fucked, but now hes? evolved into a fully fledged character, and has even changed from being human lmao
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
jupiter, simply because he is The Biggest Comfort i have. hes,,, really important to me and i love him a lot
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
:) its bold of you to assume they dont all resemble me in some way. the most though? damian. lazy motherfucker with 200 emotional issues and no motivation to fix any of them
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Nope, most tend to be born from ideas spawned by me n my bf concepting about my ocs, and what would happen if this thing happened? yknow?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
He has yet to be revealed >:)c his names icarus
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
secret: damiannot so secret: colby
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
damian would probably have a very shitty coded blog theme (or default) and would genuinely only reblog shitty, abstract memes, and nice food recipes for hazel to make him
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
protagonist? if youre going for the scared baby, colby. if ur going for the stoic “thats weird but ok” one, innis or aero.antagonist tho???? Leo and angelica :)
33. Your shyest OC?
uh, a oc thats genuinely shy and not just anxiety filled? angel :0c shes had a very limited interaction pool with anything thats not other angels so she tends to shy away from others bc she really, really doesnt want to get into awkward situations
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Jupiter and leo!
35. Any sibling characters?
Jupiter, leo, angelica, damian, eldur
jupiter, leo, damian, and angelica are all related via their dad, while eldur is related to damian via their mom
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
uhh if im understanding this question right yeah i do! derek, koh, n a lot of others belong to @coffee-burglar ! ive just roped them into my universe dkjfhkdjgh
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Op All Of My Characters Are Inhuman
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
surprisingly? aero! hes got really good rhythm and can actually dance really well, its kinda scary
39. Introduce any character you want
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ill let yall have a choice, pick one
1.) Lust2.) Greed
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
fond?? uh,, not really. but damian does have a very important memory attached to him.
tw for suicide ment hjgkdfs
with damian, i created him after i tried to kill myself and was stuck in a mental hospital. i had just finished reaing the first shadowhunters book, and decided to try and draw the first demon(???? was that what he was?? im a dumbass and its been over 2 years) you met, which had bright blue hair and if i remember correctly, electric green eyes? but yeah. i made him to cope with all the mental stress i had while being forced to be in that hospital, and hes become very close to my heart because of that
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
!!!!!!!!! yeah!!! my boyfriends drawn damian and most of my characters bgjkfdhgkfdsgl but one i do hold close to my heart (bc at the time, i barely knew them) was when @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone drew aeyr! it made me really happy tbh. i still have it saved to my phone actually!!!
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
uhhhh,,, provided that they found a way to get anything involving earth and their beliefs itd probably be either angel or colby. angel enjoys learning anything and everything she can, while colby enjoys hearing about the Tea™ that comes with greek shit
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
lordt ok
i really just? enjoy making demons really, or anything that doesnt quite fit “conveniently attractive” in at least one form they have. (i also favor making guys bc im Gay)
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
how well theyre coming together, for so long, their stories have been little fractures and pieces that never fit together. Fragments. but now, theyre almost fully put together and its… wonderful to see
45. A character you no longer use?
a hi have.. one. their name was angel aura, a steven universe oc. i got rid of them because of too many.. bad things.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
not directly, but yes. it.. actually helped me give a lot of them a ok life, or at least a good ending
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
@coffee-burglar eldur, colby, will n a few others lmao
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
ghjkfgkfdhgklfjhglkjdfhgslfjdgh give me a actual thing to talk about bc im dying op
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hoe-imaginess · 7 years
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Omg he would loveeeeeee ittttttt. The first time he hears it he probably stops like :O what the cute shit!!!! Wait do it again!!! And tries his hardest to get her to moan as often as possible (doesn’t take much. this man is a sex god). Imagine her blushing because of it too omg kajshdkajhkfjs it makes Hashirama just wanna devour her
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Honestly I very much approve of this I would love to be a Tobirama specific blog but I would get too lost in the Tobirama sauce. I deadass considered a Tobirama only blog one day, buttttt I still have hoe feelings for my other boyfriends as well. THANK YOU THOUGH. I love providing the Tobirama hoeness <3
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He would totallllly do this yes for sure. It’s romantic and classy, perfect for him
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Noooo I don’t ): A lot of people were getting salty about it because of the people they were matched with so I took it down. I’m making another one though! I found a much better website to do it on, so hopefully people will be happier with their results
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Oh shit. Hashi definitely, to give us some comic relief every once in a while. Chrollo to get us back on track yes I agree. Probably Robin from One Piece, I love a smart hoe. Shikamaru, another smart hoe. I would probably just annoy him until he gave me the answers I needed
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I’m veryyyy much considering getting into it. It looks funny asf but also really good like??? I’m trying to watch more anime and add to my fandoms list. And attention to minor characters?? Hell ye??
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@geld-sama omg thank you fam. I have 100% fantasized about that ngl, glad to finally put in on paper(on blog??whatever)
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Tobirama definitely lmao. Tobirama couldn’t seduce a fish. Idk if that makes sense. But that’s what I think about his seduction skills. I mean, he CAN seduce his s/o really well. He can be so saucy and hot. He’s just not going to want to
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Oh yeah 100%. Even if he really loved someone, he’d probably still be manipulative during darker, more stressful times in the relationship. He’ll feel guilty about it, but he can’t stop. He just has this thing where if things don’t go his way, he panics, and feels like the only way to go around it is to manipulate his s/o and play with their emotions. It sucks, and it doesn’t happen often, but just often enough that it may be a problem
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AHHHH HOE ILY!!!! This makes me so happy. I’m trying to make my updates more frequent so I hope I’m delivering <3 thank you fam <3
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You damn right. You damn right. That powerup ending shit still kinda annoys me butttttt it be like that sometimes
As for the OC/s.o, she has backstory simply to make the story flow, and less for my own recreation, ya feel? If she was just bland and there for romance, I don’t think it would fit very well. But I keep the OCing down to a minimum so as to keep the focus on the drama and canon, and less of her own backstory. I’m hoping it flows well ahhhhh 
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@hextme I loveee writing sugar baby request holy shit aksjdhaksjdhfkajsh and OMG. I’m.... hoping.... it entices you to watch.... these shows.... ((((: I love it when you just look at a character and know they’re daddy material though. I feel that. Hard. 
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AHHHH PLS I am so happy reading this ur gonna make me cry. I try so hard sometimes but I feel really proud of myself in the end and ah THIS message. Thank you. ily. so much. 
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I’m prettttty sure I have some headcanons, but no scenarios ): I think there MIGHT be some on my other blog. The founders masterpost on this blog isn’t updated because there are too many links, it always messes up my coding. I really can’t recall rn I’m so sorry ahhhh. I’ll try to look and then reblog the post if I can find it??
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I think I just used “headcanon meme” for most of mine? Is that what you mean? If you’re asking because you want the original post, I can neverrrr find it, it always takes me a while. I would just look up headcanon meme online and then tumblr, and hope it comes up. It usually works for me if I search through a few blogs
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