#the flower took a millenium to finish
kani-miso · 6 months
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plastic-tulips · 2 years
tagged by @achapnamedtom, hurrah!
what's the 1st thing that comes to mind when you see the following:
song: On a High by Roots Manuva
band: The Crickets: they were the first proper ‘band’ on my 1001 albums list, I wasn’t sure what to expect but i was very pleasantly surprised 
movie: La Haine
actress: Daisy May Cooper for the time she wore a dress made out of bin bags to the baftas 
actor: Al Pacino for the time he got too high at the oscars 
TV show: i’ve started watching Regular Show about ten years after everyone else, I like putting it on when i come home a bit drunk
concert video: Prince’s millenium concert at Paisley Park
book: just finished one called The Accidental Footballer by former Chelsea winger Pat Nevin, a rare example of a non-ghosted footballer’s autobiography that’s actually pretty good 
author: Carson McCullers- she was 23 (my age, eek) when she wrote The Heart is a Lonely Hunter!
poem: I think its a testament to how much internet i’ve consumed today that i couldn’t think of a single one off the top of my head, so I went to get the poem for the day book and today’s poem is the first bit of Endymion by Keats (a thing of beauty is a joy forever and so on)
Character: The little gay blue meanie henchman 
Piece of clothing: my new t shirt i got the other day to try and force spring into reappearing: its pink and its got flowers on it :) 
meal: The leftover Balti my mum brought back from a night in with her work pals 
snack: banana bread 
drink: Bovril, no game of footy from October-April would be complete without it 
animal: the racing pigeon we briefly took in after she got lost- we named her Polly and she’s back home in Scotland now, but much missed here
room: The kitchen- I did this partly to put off having to tidy it 
I tag @britannia-hospital  @threehoursfromlondon @rock-n-rollin-bitch  @veradune
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my-fanfic-library · 5 years
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Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [16]
~^nine months later^~
After you had buried Zoe, and you and Jack had tasked Renfield with properly disposing of Dracula’s body, moving on became a difficult task in London. It seemed that Lucy lurked around every corner and whenever you went off to work, you’d somehow find yourself looking amongst the towers of concrete and finding the window that once belonged to the undead Count.
The temperature dipped. Christmas came and went and when it felt like the year only dragged on, despite moving into a new decade, you decided in unison to move back up north. Instead of going back to Whitby, where even more memories of the vampire tainted almost every street, you decided to move to that secret haven you had visited so long ago.
Nine months down the line, Robin Hood’s Bay was in the climax of its tourist season. July was blessing the northern coastline with an abundance of hot days and blue skies and both Jack and yourself had secured jobs.
After the trauma of your dealings with the vampire, you both decided to hand your notices in at the Foundation and find more domesticated lives. They suited you well. Talking to normal humans, leading normal lives - it suited you both so well. You had grown much closer in this time. Jack had learnt to forgive you after Lucy’s death; you had grieved for the vampire man that had stolen your heart and had moved on.
Things were finally no longer dark. Life regained its magnificent colours.
Walking along the beach, parallel to the rolling waves, your hand brushed against his - an innocent mistake. The cooling breeze soothed your skin where the sun beat down. You looked left, taking in the sight of the families far out in the rock pools with their neon nets, most likely looking for little sea creatures to fish out to inspect. Every now and again, a small child would squeal in excitement at finding a dead crab and their father would laugh and explain that it had been eaten by the birds who had left behind the shell.
You then looked right, a soft and loving smile came upon your face. Jack wasn’t paying much attention. He was looking ahead (most likely at the two dogs currently racing for the tennis ball their owner had just thrown). To say that you were surprised at your sudden budding feelings for your old friend would be a huge understatement. You had come to appreciate him for all that he was - plus you suspected that living together (platonically, of course) had something to do with it.
Jack had somehow become your home. He was the only person who could truly say ‘I know what you’re going through’ and mean it. Something about having such an intimate secret with him seemed to tie your bond ever closer.
The walk on the beach lasted a little longer, before you silently agreed it was time to head back. There would be an influx of tourists soon and you definitley didn’t want to try and battle for somewhere to sit on the sand. Besides, standing up at the top of the cliffs gave a beautiful view of the sea.
Robin Hood’s Bay was infamous for its steep hill winding up from the beach to the top of the cliffs. It was hard to walk down without feeling like you were about to topple over and roll the rest of the way down, and it was even more painful trying to get back up. There was a searing pain in your thighs as you took broad steps to try and scale the monster quicker.
You could hear Jack’s laughter behind you at the ridiculousness of your walk, but you ignored him. Hopefully living here would soon provide you with thighs of steel.
The feeling of victory that overcame you when you reached the top was worth every second of torture working up that hill in the heat. You turned to see Jack a few metres away. He grinned up at you and when he made it to your side, he was gently panting.
“Well, let’s agree to never climb that damn hill in the middle of one of the hottest days again.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna dive off the cliff and take a quick swim after that.” You joked.
“Let’s get going. I could do with some lunch.”
Slowly walking, you made your way back to your small shared cottage. It was cool inside. You took your seat at the dining table, eyeing your leather sofa with disgust. You knew that you’d stick to it if you went anywhere near it.
As he made himself a little lunch, Jack flicked on the TV in the living room and turned it up so that you could both hear from in the kitchen. The afternoon news was just beginning. It was the usual political issues, a virus outbreak in Southeast Asia, another tragic stabbing in London.
“A body was recovered from the Thames river two hours ago after tourists spotted a floating figure in the middle of the water just south of the Millenium Bridge. Scotland Yard have just released a statement in the last few moments confirming that the cause of death appears to be the same as those deaths reported last autumn in Whitby and in London.”
You looked at Jack. He had frozen halfway through buttering his second round of bread.
“CCTV footage shows a man, as you can see, and the police are urging for anyone with information on the suspect to call the number on the screen.”
You leapt up, rushing into the living room with Jack hot on your tail. The image was blurry but you knew that face anywhere. Dear Lord, couldn’t he have been bothered to dress a little differently than usual?
“The lawyer?” Jack breathed.
“Since when did Dracula drink his blood?”
That was the first time you had uttered his name in nine months and you’d be lying if you said that speaking it didn’t spark a little pain in your chest. You missed him so much. You expected a text message or a phone call every day, until you reminded yourself that you had changed your number. Even if by some miracle he was still out there, you’d probably never see the vampire again.
That was how it needed to be. You needed to be safe.
Your mind began to wonder. Had Dracula been drinking his blood back in London? And if so, had it simply taken this long for him to turn? Dracula’s finest bride, it seemed, would never be seen by its creator. You knew there was more to that lawyer’s loyalty than just contractual.
“Thank god we aren’t in London, huh?” Jack mumbled and made his way back to finish constructing his sandwich.
You trudged back to your own seat, beginning to rearrange the flowers that day in the middle of the table.
That night, you seemed to have a fever dream. A hot, burning fire, and between the flames, a tall figure. It seemed unharmed by the licks the fire gave it and as you reached forwards, the orange forms split to make way for your appendage. Before you could make contact, it whispered your name in a distorted voice. It sounded somewhat familiar. ‘[First]...’ it hissed as if imitating the sound of the fire, ‘where are you, [First]?’
You tossed and turned as the dream began to die away and you spent the rest of the night in a dreamless darkness. The next morning, the dream lingered in your mind. When Jack promoted you to confide in him, you opted not to tell him. It wasn’t like any of it mattered.
He didn’t press too much on it, but decided that he wanted to try and cheer you up.
“Why don’t we go into Whitby for the day?” He suggested, “only if you’re ready, of course.” He quickly added before shoving another spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth.
You thought about it. You hadn’t been to Whitby in nine whole months. Truth be told, you missed it. But you couldn’t decide if that was because you also missed Dracula. You scoffed. You had to be the only person to have grieved for a vampire. Except for maybe Mina Murray - but she didn’t count because her fiancé had been human for most of the time she knew him. Dracula had always been a vampire since the moment you had met him.
“Nah, it was a stupid idea, right.” Jack supposed your scoff was of disbelief that he’d suggest something so utterly stupid.
“No, I think we should go. I’d like to watch the boats.”
Jack watched as an absent-minded smile took hold of your lips as you thought about the harbour.
Well, two hours later and you were sitting by the bandstand, facing away from the structure as you looked out to sea. The pirate ship that took tourists out to sea a little and back again was coming back into the harbour. Some children not too far away from you excitedly jumped and waved and the pirate steering the ship waved back.
It was comforting to hear the whirl of music from the arcades, to get a whiff of both Whitby’s famous The Magpie and Quayside fish and chips, to see the lighthouse, and of course, to look over and up at the abbey.
Oh, how you had missed it here.
“Should we go over the bridge? I’ll buy you a sugar dummy.” Jack offered.
“Sure, why not?” You shrugged and swung your legs over the bench to turn and stand.
You froze.
Standing across the road, outside of the RNLI centre was him. Your jaw dropped. You had to be hallucinating. It couldn’t be! The yellow tourbus whizzed past and when it revealed that side of the road again, he was no longer there.
“[First]?” Jack broke your absolute disbelief, “you alright?”
@vampiregirl1797 @avalanet @bunnyreese12 @nerdonpluto @teamceleries @grifffins @hitbythunder @winterseoul @mymagicsuitcase @angeli-fucking-cat @benedictethegoddess @bloodhon3yx @nifflersravenclaw @writteninthestars288 @labelladrama @frankcastlesgrunts @angelicdestieldemon @quakerlasss @aliisa-jones @wolverinexmenn @clairedragonessbaker @cryiner @mitsukatsu @piratewhore @your-pixels-are-showing @tardisnesss @ladydovahkiin180 @catwomom @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes @th3rah @viper-queen @mephdcosplay @greghouse7 @faeprinces @kokoro-no-yami @trishaferdream @therealmoni @crazytxgradstudent @sansthelonelypunster @crowley-needs-a-hug @girlonfireice @wasntpriscilla @ivanna6026 @greeniemoon @blueinkblot @tefymorgan @misfitgirlwrites @lokiphan @newheart97 @middlespellman @bratty-sweetheart @dipsylou @lilmou5ie @the-fangirl-life10 @enchantersnight @imthedoctorlove @haleyea @hoefordarkness @divinemoonsters @dragosdaughter @certthekilljoy @asianbuttcheek
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Stolen kisses
parring: Rey x reader
anonymous asked: yoo can you please do a fluff fic with Rey from Star Wars where she’s trying to work on something (maybe fixing the millennium falcon) and the reader keeps distracting her by giving her kisses?
Warnings: I don't know, none I think unless you count some kissing, oh, and slight anxiety (but it's fluff in the end), slightly suggestive ending (i was surprised too, folks)
Word count: 836
A/N: Hello love, thanks for requesting ❤ I tried my best, but it took a slightly different turn than I anticipated. Enjoy and let me know what you thought 🌻 Aslo I love Daisy Ridley so much.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gif is not mine. Credit's to the owner.
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Finally, you were done for the day. You had finished all your chores, which meant you could stop worrying about the war for a second and spend some time with your beautiful girlfriend.
But she was nowhere to be found.
You had searched everywhere. She wasn't in your quarters, she wasn't training nor she was with Leia. And it made you feel frustrated. After checking Resistance's canteen and the hangar, you were even more tired but still without Rey.
'Oh, stars. Where the hell are you?' you whispered more to yourself than to anyone in particular, biting your lower lip and fidgeting with the zipper in your top. Despite knowing that Rey was a skilled warrior that's really tough to kill, you couldn't help but worry slightly for your girlfried as she was often impulsive. You felt your eyes prickle slightly, when you thought about all those terrible things that could happen to her.
'Hey (Y/N), you okay?' suddenly you've heard a voice call out behind you. You turned around, your eyes meeting Finn's. He looked slightly concerned, mainly because you were still in your work clothes standing in the middle of the hangar. 'You seem... lost' he pointed out.
You quickly shook your head before answering 'Uh... yeah, it's just... I can't find Rey anywhere.'
'Really? She was fixing a broken compressor in Millenium Falcon just few minutes ago. Have you checked there?' he asked surprised.
'Oh, I haven't. I didn't think of that. I am so stupid' you rambled. 'Thank you, Finn. See you around!' you half yelled, already sprinting to the ship.
You burst into the cockpit almost knocking down BB8, that was holding some wrenches and screwdrivers. The tools fell out from it's grip and scattered on the floor with a loud thud. Rey, who was crouching by the controls, jumped up and hit the steering panel with her head.
'Ouch, babe. What's wrong?' she said, massaging her scalp and standing up slowly. You couldn't help but let out a shaky breath, you didn't know were holding. Without a word you wraped your arms around her torso and buried your face in her neck, breathing in her scent. She smelled of flowers, leaves and gasoline - a combination so vivid you could never forget it.
'Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?' she asked, her voice calming down and her arms bringing you closer to her. You could tell she was concerned about you. '(Y/N), please, tell me' she said softly, running her fingers through your slightly tangled hair. She would always do this to calm you down, whether you were lying in bed, training or talking to General Organa. And it never failed to make you calm.
'I was just worried, Rey' you whispered in her neck. 'I couldn't find you anywhere and I thought that -' your voice broke and you gripped her harder, not wanting to let go.
'Oh (Y/N). It's all right. I'm okay' Rey mumbled in your hair, before kissing the top of your head. 'I'm not leaving you'
Her words made you smile and your heart flutter. You looked up at her, glacing into her radiant eyes, before crashing your lips onto hers. The kiss was a bit messy, full of unsaid 'I love yous' and 'Don't leave mes'. Her lips were chapped and slightly dried from constant biting and licking during work, but neither of you cared.
You finally pulled away, both breathing heavily from the lack of air. She rested her forehead against yours, making you melt inside. You would have stayed like that for the rest of the day, but unfortunately you knew that Rey had to finish working on the Falcon.
'I should probably get back to work' she said, slowly taking step back. 'But you are free to stay. After I finish, we will go and cuddle all night, I promise'
You sat down in the comfortable seat, admiring your gorgeous girlfriend from afar. You absolutely adored her. The way she scrunched her nose and furrowed her brows, when she unscrew metal parts, made your heart beat faster. After a couple of minutes you couldn't help yourself and leaned in for another kiss, making her chuckle.
'(Y/N) if you keep doing that, I'll never finish' she laughed when you pressed a chaste kiss to her lips for the fifth time.
'I just want to spend time with my girlfriend' you said innocently, emphasising the word girlfriend, knowing how much she loved it, when you called her that. It made her feel loved and importand, something she never experienced on Jakku. 'Is it forbidden now?'
Rey sighed and got up, dusting her knees off. She leaned towards you, her face barely an inch away from yours. She looked straight into your eyes.
'Stars, I love you' she whispered before surprising you with a kiss, that knocked a breath out of your lungs.
Both of you were too caught up to notice that BB8 got out the cockpit quietly, leaving you two completly alone.
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ladyvader23 · 5 years
The Honeymoon
This work is gifted to @jainadurron for the Secret Santa Han and Leia exchange hosted by @hanleiasecretsanta! Thanks for the opportunity to write something a bit different and hope you enjoy! Merry ficmas! ^_^ 
“We’re about to revert outta hyperspace.” 
Leia looked up from her datapad, blinking at her husband. She sat curled up on their bed in the cabin of the Falcon, passing the time of hyperspace by going over reports for her upcoming meetings. As usual, once she started working, time seemed to slip away from her, so focused was she. The eight hour hyperspace journey to Cato Neimoidia seemed like nothing but an hour to her. Han always teased her that he could walk an angry nexu in front of her, and she wouldn’t notice if she was engrossed in her work. She had to admit he had a point. So, she didn’t mention how quickly time had passed for her and simply nodded, standing to stretch before joining him in piloting the Falcon.
 But she got quite the surprise when she helped him with the reversion sequence. Huh. It wasn’t Cato Neimoidia that appeared in the viewport after all. Instead, a planet covered in mostly water appeared. What? Leia’s brows knit together, and she immediately began checking the coordinates. “I told you we should have brought one of the droids or Chewie.” Leia said somewhat irritably, shaking her head in exasperation. “Your calculations were totally off, Han. We’re at Spira, not…” 
“I know.” Han replied smuggly, shooting her his familiar over-confident grin. “We’re exactly where we need to be Sweetheart.” 
Her eyes narrowed, turning slowly in her seat to face her husband while he transmitted their landing codes. “We are? What do you mean by that? What did you do?!” 
“What did I do?!” Han asked, mock offended, a wounded look on his handsome face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He waved his hand dismissively and actually tsked at his wife, causing her to arch her eyebrows in surprise.
Leia rolled her eyes and huffed, gesturing impatiently at the viewport where Spira could clearly be seen. “Oh really?” 
“Really.” Han nodded with feral grin. “I’d certainly never imply that the meeting on Cato Neimoidia was a week earlier than it actually was so that I could surprise you with a romantic vacation alone...just for two...to Spira.” 
His words registered in her brain, slowly. 
“Vacation?” She echoed. 
“You got it, Sweetheart.” He smiled to himself like he’d won the Millenium Falcon from Lando all over again. “It wasn’t easy, y’know. I had to convince so many people on the Council to go along with it…” 
She didn’t even want to know what he’d done to manage that…
“Then, I had to make sure Winter was able to watch the kids for two weeks instead of just one, and of course, I also had to make sure the Noghri were fully aware of my plans while also trying to get them to not let it slip to you...Then I let Luke know so that…” 
“Luke knew about this, too?” Leia interrupted, stunned at the lengths Han had gone to on this little endeavor. “Did everyone know except me about this vacation?” 
Han shrugged nonchalantly. “Anyone who might be affected in some way, yeah.” 
She stared at him, then turned to look at the planet, then once again back at him. “Why?” She was more than a little confused here. What in the galaxy could have motivated him to pull such a stunt?
Now he looked a little sheepish. “Well...it’s not often you get a break Leia. It’s not often we get a break. And we didn’t get to have much of a honeymoon really, since everything was so busy…” 
“It’s still busy.” She was the Chief of State. Her entire life was the definition of busy. To go on vacation, especially leading up to the conference on Cato Neimoidia… “I don’t know if we have time for this Han. If we’ve got an extra week before the conference…” 
“No.” Han gave her a stern look and held up a hand to forestall her next argument. “Like I said. When have we ever gone on a vacation where something hasn’t gone wrong? Especially alone?” 
She tried to think of even one such instance...just one...and came up empty. He was right. Something had always gone wrong. Every. Single.Time. That seemed to be the case most of their entire relationship, actually. 
“Don’t you think it would be nice, just this once, Babe, to have a vacation where nothing goes wrong?” Han asked. “You deserve it. We deserve it. The kids are being looked after, and they have plenty of security. The Council knows you’re on vacation and, by the way, you do actually have earned time off, y'know. Even Mothma took a vacation every once in a while when she was in charge. So, why can’t we, huh?” 
She hated to admit it, but he was right. And, she’d actually never been to Spira, but she’d heard of it’s white sand beaches, temperate climate, and abundance of water sports. If she was honest with herself, it sounded absolutely divine. And when would she ever have this chance again? Probably not for quite a long time. She certainly wouldn’t spare the time to set up something like this for herself, and Han had gone to so much trouble...just the fact that he’d done so was admittedly sweet of him… 
And when he looked at her the way he currently was, with pleading hazel eyes and a pout, how could she say no? He was just too damn sexy, and just one look in his eyes and all her objections fled.
“Alright. Just this once. And nothing will go wrong, right? You're positive?” 
He grinned in triumph, reveling in his victory as he turned back to focusing on the landing sequence. “Don’t you worry, Sweetheart. I’ve made sure nothing can go wrong.” 
Smirking, she just shook her head, "I've got a feeling something will go wrong."
Naturally, something went wrong. 
“What do you mean, you don’t have a room ready for us?” Han hissed at the front desk clerk, as light green female Rodian rechecked the hotel system. “I have a confirmation number and everything!” 
“Yes, Mr. Solo, I see that you booked the honeymoon suite, but for some reason, your reservation didn’t process correctly, and the room isn’t ready…” She replied, nervously. 
He let out an annoyed huff, reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose. Leia, thankfully, hadn’t come with him to check in. She was still outside, grabbing them some sweet treats from a stand along the beach. 
“Just...tell me it’s still available.” 
The Rodian winced. “Well. A honeymoon suite is available, yes...just not the one you picked...and it won’t be available until later this afternoon…” 
He’d picked the premier suite. The one that was supposedly themed, with its own jacuzzi that used purple passion flower scented water and had the best view of the ocean in the entire hotel. He figured girls liked that sort of thing. 
Granted, Leia wasn’t usually one to expect gestures like that from him, but he’d wanted to make this special for her, for them. Especially now that they actually had the credits to pay for something like this. He’d meant it when he said they deserved a nice vacation. They’d given up so much for the galaxy...surely the galaxy could give them a week without causing too much chaos. 
Apparently not. 
“What’s the difference between the room I picked and the one that’s available?” 
“Well, the one that’s available still has a beach view, it just also has a port side view. Still beautiful, but if there’s a lot of pleasure barges docked it can look a little cluttered.” Okay, they could probably deal with that. “And there is a jacuzzi, yes, but it’s not as large and the water isn’t automatically scented. You’d have to do it yourself.” 
He had no idea how to do that. What, did he just throw a bunch of flower petals in the water and mix it around? Maybe Leia knew how to do it, but he really didn’t want to make her work at all. By the end of this trip, he wanted her to be completely relaxed, and to him, mixing petal water sounded like more stress than it was worth. 
“I’ll figure it out.” He finally relented. He would need to make sure Chewie and Luke never heard about this, but he’d figure it out. “But I expect something for all the trouble. My wife is the Chief of State. She’s Leia Organa Solo. This should never have happened.” 
The Rodian made a gagging noise of horror and started stuttering. “P-Perhaps w-we could m-move the current residents of the premier suite…” 
“No, it wouldn’t make her happy to know I kicked someone else out of their room.” If it was just him on the other hand… “But...I don’t know, can you maybe throw in something special? I mean, this is the hotel's error, after all...Not mine."
The Rodian hesitated, then checked her datapad. “We could send up some champagne and comp a dinner at our nicest restaurant?” 
He mulled it over. “Can you also comp a large bouquet of flowers?” 
The Rodian checked her system again. “Yes, I believe we can swing that.” 
“Then it’s a deal.”
 He explained to the clerk exactly what he wanted. When he finished, the Rodian nodded. “Yes, Sir. The room and your order should be ready this afternoon. Again, I'm so sorry for the trouble, Mr. Solo.” 
He waved her off and headed back into the lobby just as Leia entered the building. Her long dark hair was uncharacteristically loose and flowing around her shoulders. Already it looked like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. “I found shrimpi cups.” She announced, holding one out to him. “We can eat it in our room. Then maybe, if you don’t have things planned, we could go for a walk on the beach?” 
He accepted it from her. “I have a better idea. Why don’t we eat it on the beach?” 
She glanced at their bags at their feet. “But…” 
He waved down the attention of a service droid nearby. “The droid will take care of it.” He assured her, then as the droid came closer he turned around and whispered, “As soon as the room for Leia and Han Solo is ready, put these bags in there.” The droid made a displeased bleep, but he raised his brows expectantly. “We are not going to carry our bags around all day because your hotel messed up on our accommodations.” 
“What was that, Han?” Leia called. 
“Nothing!” He threw her a reassuring smile even as he handed the bags off to the droid. Thankfully, the droid took it with little more than an annoyed bleep. 
He approached his wife again, huge grin in place, holding out his arm towards her. “Shall we?” 
Eating on the beach ended up being the perfect activity. She’d been a little suspicious at Han’s strange behavior in the hotel lobby, but the lovely white sand beaches and cool, salty breeze put her mind at ease. The island they were on wasn’t as populated as some of the others on Spira, apparently, so there weren’t as many people wandering the beach. The water was calm, so much so that it looked more like they were on the shore of a giant glass lake than an ocean. Sand crabs darted about their feet, and they both kicked their shoes off and walked hand-in-hand, barefoot in the soft, velvety shoreline, water tickling their toes.
And it felt as if each step lifted away another worry or stress from her shoulders. It got even better when Han led her to a secluded section of the beach with a spa. “Really?” She asked skeptically. 
“What?” Han shrugged. “I thought it would be nice.” 
“It will be, but I didn’t exactly think of you as being someone who liked strangers touching your body.” 
“Well...do you like massages?” 
She didn’t mention that she used to love getting them on Alderaan as a teenager. She hadn’t had one since before the war, though. “Yes.” 
“Then it’ll be fine. Who knows, maybe I’ll like it.” 
“Wait, you’ve never gotten a massage?” 
“Like you said, the idea of strangers touching my body like that didn’t appeal to me. I’m not against it,” he added, “So...Maybe I’ll try it and never be able to live without it again.” 
They approached the counter and Leia picked up a pamphlet listing options and packages. 
“I like the sound of that.” She grinned. “So, I’ll be the one to choose what we get.”
“Choose away, Princess.” He motioned with his hand, dipping his head slightly in deference.
And that was how they each ended up with a hot stone massage on a soft table, side by side, under a gazebo overlooking the ocean, the lovely scent of tropical flowers wafting in the air...and contented smiles on both their faces. 
“Oh Han, they’re beautiful!” Leia smiled as she took in the large bouquet of flowers that had been artfully arranged in a crystal vase on the nightstand. Inwardly, Han breathed a sigh of relief. So far, so good. “Purple passion flowers, everlilies, rojos and blue blossoms…Do you have any idea how expensive this arrangement was?” 
Kriff. No. He didn’t. The flowers were free from the hotel, but he wasn’t going to tell Leia that. Doing so would mean he’d have to admit something went wrong on their perfect vacation, and he wasn’t willing to do that. “Of course. I had to pay for them, didn’t I?” He approached her and took her hands in his own, rubbing his calloused fingers gently over her own.
 She smiled softly. “I guess that’s true. I’m just surprised, is all. This size arrangement costs the equivalent of several days pay of a navy officer’s salary.”
 Seriously? Who knew fresh flowers were so damn expensive? He didn’t understand it. They would just die before the end of the week. But his wife seemed pleased with it, and if she was happy, he was happy. 'Nuff said.
She pulled away and approached the open air balcony, white curtains softly blowing in the breeze. She leaned against the stone ledge, taking in a deep breath as he approached from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him. From this close, she still smelled of the lavender oils the masseuse used during their massage. “You really outdid yourself this time, Honey.” She said softly, leaning back against him. 
Thankfully, the hotel front desk clerk hadn’t been wrong. The room did have a beautiful view, with the harbor full of boats of all sizes and shapes, with a sunset of reds, oranges, pinks, and golds backdropping a never ending ocean. If he hadn’t originally purchased the room that was advertised as the best view in the hotel, he wouldn’t have known the difference. 
“I’m glad you’re happy.” He said, planting a sweet kiss on top of her head. “Are you happy?” 
“Of course.” She turned around, to see his eyebrows raised in doubt.
“Really? It’s a little more work to make sure it all fit together…”
She sighed and shook her head. “If you’d just told me you wanted to go on a vacation, I could have helped you plan it.” 
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” He grinned, then snapped his fingers.“Oh! I also have stuff to make one of those fancy baths for you.” 
Leia raised her brows. “Fancy baths?” 
“Yeah. Y’know. With the flower water or whatever. You, uh, wouldn’t happen to know how to make it all nice and smelly, would you?” 
Her lips twitched. A sign she was attempting to hold back laughter. “You run hot water in the tub and place the petals in the water, if it’s petals. If it’s just a salt, then you also just dump that in the hot water and let it dissolve.” 
“You can do that with salt?” He asked, and this time she did laugh. “Well, I didn’t know! I’m a smuggler, for kriff's sake! You’ve seen the inside of the Falcon…” 
“Hmm...I’ve seen the outside, too.” She grinned at him.
“...and she may not be pretty, but she’s got it where it counts!” He huffed. “Alright. I...ah, just thought it would be nice to have a hot bath. That's all.” He flushed and shrugged, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck nervously.
The smile that spread over her face turned sultry. “Oh?” 
“Yeah. And I’m going to go draw it up.” 
“You know, I could do it since I’ve done it before…” 
“No, no.” He shook his head, already backing away towards the master bath. “You’re on vacation, Sweetheart. I got this.” 
Amused, she crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against the balcony railing. “I almost want to watch you do this.” 
“There’ll be nothing to see since I’ve got this. No worries. This is me we're talking about.” He assured her, ignoring her incredulous look, before turning around to set about his objective. He entered the master bath and firmly shut the door behind him. He'd show her. He was a man of many talents. How hard could it be?
Technically, it wasn’t. He approached the massive marble jacuzzi tub, turned on the water, and set it to the perfect warm temperature. Then, as it ran, he found the bowl of flower petals waiting on the bathroom counter and dumped them in, then watched as the water ran over the plants. Sure enough, purple color began to bleach from the petals into the water. So far, so good. 
Satisfied, he nodded and grabbed a bottle of scented bubble bath and dumped the entire container full of soap in the water. After all, the more bubbles the better, he figured, and the bottle wasn’t very big at all anyway. 
Big mistake. 
At first, it looked to be shaping up to be a perfect flowery bubble bath for two. Mentally, he went about imagining him and Leia in the tub...getting rather creative, and he couldn't help the wolfish grin that spread on his face at such imagery. Then, as more water poured into the purple soapy mixture, the bubbles grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger with no signs of stopping. 
Oh no. 
Satisfaction turned to uncertainty which quickly turned into horror, and he cursed as he grabbed a towel and began trying to scoop bubbles out, trying to dump them in the double sinks in the vanity. It didn’t work. The bubbles just kept foaming, reaching higher and higher, climbing the marble walls. 
Oh shit.
“Is everything alright…? Oh. Force.” Han turned around in horror at Leia’s voice...and the movement caused him to lose his balance on the edge of the tub and slip and fall backward into the mess of water, petals and bubbles, disappearing completely from view in the huge mounds of bubbles. 
When he emerged, spluttering, his vision, his nose, his mouth were full of bubbles, and as he sucked in air, he managed to inhale a mouth full of soap and a stray petal or two. He spat it out and worked to clear his vision just in time to see Leia sit delicately on the edge of the tub, laughing uproariously his predicament. “Oh yes, I definitely should have been watching you. What, did you pour the entire bottle in the tub?” 
He pointed at her vehemently, even as he hoped the mess he made hid the flush on his cheeks. “We will never speak of this again.” 
Leia snorted, still chuckling and shaking her head, reaching over to turn off the water. “I’m sure Chewie would love to hear how you attempted to draw a bath and instead filled the bathroom with a mountain of bubbles in an attempt to wash all the walls, I guess.” 
“But you know,” she smiled that sultry smile again, her eyes twinkling, and a second later she swung her legs into the bath, clothes and all, and joined him. The water and bubbles slushed over the sides once more, as she approached him, wrapping her arms over his shoulders...and turned on a switch behind him. The water began to bubble around them as the jets turned on, causing the bubbles to foam even worse. "There are advantages to being so scrupulously clean."
“Uh...I don’t think we’re getting our security deposit back.” He said, eyes locked with his wife’s. This wasn’t exactly how he’d imagined their time in the bath, but…
She leaned closer until their lips were just centimeters apart, their breath mingling. “I think, whatever happens on this honeymoon, stays on this honeymoon.” 
He breathed out in relief, grinning, and kissed her deeply in answer. He was glad his wife was in total agreement with him on that.
By the next morning, he figured that, despite his apparent inability to put together a fancy bath, their bath time turned out much better than he imagined. 
But they were definitely not getting that deposit back. 
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~
She had to admit, Han could still surprise her, and he still proved daily that he wasn’t just a 'no good smuggler.' By the Force, he was so much more than that. General. Lover. Husband. Father. Pilot. Best Friend. And, apparently, pretty kriffing decent when it came to planning honeymoons. 
She was definitely impressed.
The rest of their week alone had been full of fun activities. Plenty of motosurfing; he’d had to teach her how to do that, and once she managed to get up on the board, she didn’t ever want to stop, much to her husband's amusement. They’d gone paddling in secluded lagoons, diving with schools of colorful fish in coral reefs, swimming in crystal clear lakes they found hiding in deserted caves, and island hopping where they had plenty of alone time on a small, white sand beach, undisturbed by any others, where they'd enjoyed a lovely picnic full of a veritable smorgasbord of delectable goodies, all packed for them by a helpful hotel concierge - complements of the Master Chef in the hotel's classiest restaurant.
Those alone times had especially made the whole trip worth it. 
They lounged on the cushioned bench of the balcony on their last night there, watching the full moon reflected off the relatively calm water of the ocean, listening to the peaceful sound of the ebbing tide. She swirled a glass of red, dry wine (at thirty nine degrees, Han teased when he’d handed it to her) in her hand absently, every once in a while taking a small sip from it. Around her waist, Han snaked an arm and held her close, and she leaned her back against the warmth of his chest. A light weight blanket was draped over both of them, as a gentle breeze wafted the salty scent of the sea around them.
Now this was pure bliss.
“Well.” She said softly, almost as though she were afraid to break the still silence of the night, “I don’t know about you, but I haven’t felt this relaxed since...since before I even joined the Senate.” 
Han softly whistled. “No wonder you’re so uptight, Sweetheart.” She tensed, the mood partially broken as she turned to chew him out, and he quickly added, “I’m only teasing, of course. Really, I’m glad. We deserved this.” He kissed her tenderly, and the tension left her shoulders, as she savored the taste and feel of him. 
“You were right.” She admitted when he pulled away, far too soon for her liking. “Maybe we should do this vacation thing more often.” 
“Wait, what was that? Do my ears deceive me?” 
“You said I was right.” 
She shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Don’t get used to it.” 
“Oh no, I’m going to savor this moment, Princess.” He took a deep breath. “Oh yeah. That feels great. I’m going to tell Chewie you finally admitted it. And Luke, as well.” Honestly, his look was so smug right now.
“Ah, ah!” She grinned, shaking her head, “What happens on this honeymoon stays on this honeymoon! Remember?” 
Han pouted. “Well...I’m sure not everything…” 
“Nope. Everything.” She reiterated before turning back to the view with a pleasured sigh. “Maybe next time we should bring the kids.” 
“To...a honeymoon?” 
“No, nerf herder, on vacation.” 
“Erm. As much as I love them, that doesn’t sound very relaxing to me.” 
“But it would be good to bond with them, I’m sure.” At his grimace, she snorted. “Alright. Maybe when they’re a little older and not so prone to disobeying their parents.” 
“Now, I like the sound of that.” 
They sat in silence for a while, simply enjoying one another’s company. Then, Han asked, more timid than she’d ever heard him, “Leia. Can I ask you something?” 
She raised a brow. She’d never heard him sound so hesitant. “Anything.” 
He didn’t say anything right away, not meeting her eyes. “Do you...think your...I mean, what do you think...you know…”
“Spit it out.” 
He huffed. “Do you think your parents would have approved of...us?” 
She blinked in surprise. Again. He never failed to surprise her. She didn’t have to have the Force to know he didn’t mean her biological parents. “You’ve waited three kids and how many years of marriage to ask me that? I didn’t even think you cared about that.” 
“Well...I mean, I would've married you anyway regardless, but...sure. They’re you’re family. Our family. That’s important.” 
She stared at him. “Even now? Even though they...even though you’ll never get to meet them?” 
“Even now.” 
Leia blew out a breath, then looked back at the calm water as she seriously considered. “Well. They definitely would have objected to us marrying.” 
“Yeah?” He didn’t sound offended, or even all that surprised. 
“Yeah, but I don’t think that means they wouldn’t have liked you personally. There’s just certain expectations of royals.” 
“Outdated expectations, if you ask me.” 
“I agree, obviously.” she managed a small smile. “And I don’t think they would have stopped us if that’s what I really wanted.” 
“That’s good, right?” 
“Naturally.” She thought some more, matching her parents' personalities up with what they’d told her during her teenage years. “You probably would have charmed my mother.” 
“I always charm the ladies. That’s not a big surprise.” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, laser brain.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re not that charming. You just have an insane amount of luck and persistence.” 
“And it doesn’t hurt that I’m devilishly handsome, right?” He teased, wolfish grin in place. 
No. It definitely didn’t hurt. Not at all. But she made no comment on that. No sense in swelling his ego any more than it already was.  “My father definitely would have objected to you. Actually, he and I might have butted heads over my dating you. He might've said, What does a twenty-nine-year old smuggler from Corellia want with a nineteen-year-old princess from Alderaan? And he wouldn’t have been wrong.” 
“My intentions were always pure…” 
“Uh huh.” She grinned. “Sure they were. But, after we got married and had the twins, he would've softened up. Especially over the twins. They would have worked their charismatic magic on him, and he would have been putty in their little hands. Then I think he’d probably have become your best friend.” 
“It’s always the grandkids that get the in-laws to relax. Especially the father-in-laws.” Han laughed. 
“That they do.” She agreed and then turned to him. “Did that answer your question?” 
“Depends. You didn’t say any of that just to make me feel better, did ya?” He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. 
“Never.” She shook her head, leaned in and kissed him again, longer this time. Deeper. 
When they pulled away, Han asked, “Would you do it again? If you woke up tomorrow and had the option of going back and doing it all over again, would you change anything or would you keep things the same?” 
“Wow. You’ve got a lot of hard hitting questions tonight, don't you. I feel like I’m being interviewed for a holovid.” But she knew he was serious, so again she treated the question with the seriousness it deserved, taking a few minutes to mull over all they'd seen and been through. “I wish there were things during the war I could change, yes...just so that not so many good, innocent people died.” 
“Including your parents?”
 She nodded. “Especially them. Especially my home planet.” As it usually did, speaking about Alderaan caused her heart to constrict in her chest, but like she normally did with those feelings, she pushed it aside and moved on. “But if changing things meant losing you?” 
She paused. 
She was always one to put duty first. She'd been raised as a royal princess. Duty before self-interests came with the title and was second nature to her way of being. She’d made judgement calls during the Rebellion that put the good of the group above the good of the individual repeatedly. Hell, her decision to do just that on the Death Star had led to her home and family being destroyed in front of her own eyes. 
But would she give up Han? 
He was her life partner. Her soulmate. Her equal. He supported her just as much as she supported him. Even when he didn’t agree, he was there for her. He accepted her as she was, flaws and all, just as she accepted him. There were so many things she couldn’t have done alone that she was able to accomplish because they had each other’s backs. Han had become her other half, without her consciously realizing it. Without him, her life was bleaker...and of course, far less interesting. 
“No.” Han’s brows shot up in surprise, but she didn’t find herself particularly shocked by her answer. “I’ve given up so much in my life for Alderaan, for the Rebellion, for the galaxy. But you...I don’t want to give you up. Not ever by choice.” 
He blinked at her. “Really?” 
It was too dark to tell, but she thought his voice hitched as though he were getting choked up, something her husband almost never did.
“Really.” She promised, smiling up at him softly, tenderly, but no less affirmatively.
He stared at her, as though memorizing her, or the moment they were in. “I love you, Leia.” 
She grinned. “I know.” 
Then his lips were on hers, but this time they were hot and fierce, as though her words had opened a floodgate of emotion he could no longer contain. She wrapped her arms around his neck, climbing into his lap as she kissed him back with as much fervor as she could muster. 
“What do you say we take this to the bedroom?” Han asked between kisses, his voice a deep husky whisper.
 “That’s my favorite question you've asked, by far.” She replied back just as breathlessly. Han made a pleased sounding growl deep in his throat, and moments later she was whisked up into his strong arms, being carried back into their private bedchamber, her soft laughter sweet music to his ears.
No. She couldn't - and wouldn’t - give this man up. Not ever. And she thanked the Force, the stars, and anything else that would listen to her, that they’d found one another in the vastness of the galaxy. 
Because their love was fated. It was destiny. 
It was the will of the Force. 
And for Leia, that was the best reason of all to indulge in this very special second honeymoon.
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peerless-soshi · 5 years
Reylo + 7&36?
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.  
Florist AU + Text/Letter Fic
Rey didn’t see herself as a florist.
After all, she had grown up in a small, sandy town known for its record-breaking temperatures, got the first glimpse of green gardens thanks to picture books and killed a class plant when she had been in third grade. It’d been a cactus. Really, flower shops took the last spot on her dream jobs list. But Millenium Falcon had flexible hours, the salary was good enough for a college student as poor as a trash collector, and making bouquets turned out to be more inspiring than Rey had expected. Therefore, she was here, still surprised, trying her best, cursing and choosing flowers.
The usually blindingly bright shop was priced by red stains of afternoon, which meant that her shift was coming to an end. Rey wiped the sweat off her brow and looked down to admire the last work of her art. A mistake. Purple lavender petals looked horrible with yellow flowers, as if they were planning to bite off their neighbors’ heads. They could as well eat small insects. And she actually believed in the final result… Arranging flowers was a battle. And she was a winner. Normally, Rey would spend another half an hour changing the composition and fighting with equally ugly ribbons while receiving calls from crying brides that replaced their wedding flowers for the third time this week, but waiting for the next customer, Rey didn’t have to hurry. Mostly because the customer looked as if he bit off his neighbors’ heads, too.
There was one more thing about the flower shop, more for the benefit of Rey’s boredom than her bank account. Who knew that flowers fading on shelves would make her meet so many people? Rey didn’t like to think about it but she used to be a part of the closed world: familiar faces, familiar houses, and between them stories she had been hearing since birth. 
It was a strangely exciting sensation, that getting to know a stranger.
The young man coming to the flower shop every other Friday caught Rey’s attention from the start. He wasn’t just a person who didn’t match the flower shop; he was the most mismatched person that has got there since the invention of flower shops. Rey wasn’t entirely certain what he did for living but a leather jacket so shiny that other motorcyclists could see their reflections and hair falling across his forehead in a mess suggested something less office-like and more rebel-like. There was no way a boy with a scar on his face and contempt in his eyes could possibly buy little flowers, Rey had thought. She’d been wrong. He’d even left her a gratuity. The following Fridays Rey had kept seeing him regularly until she got used to that black pole, though her curiosity didn’t fade away. Whoever the rebel was buying flowers for, they had to bath in aromatic petals and candles and maybe honey too.
Rey looked at a card lying on the counter with the same gaze she wore when someone asked her a gross question, then quickly scribbled a note.
Lavender - devotion
Among all the words that could describe her, Rey wouldn’t choose ‘sentimental’. It didn’t meant she wasn’t sentimental  — just that she wouldn’t describe herself that way.
The bouquet wasn’t pretty but lavender would do.
She was finishing the last letter when the door slammed and the little bell above it rang. Rey raised her gaze. The man in black always slammed the door. He felt the need to make a scene and announce his arrival to everyone inside the shop and on the street. And possibly make Rey spill the ink, but she refused to leave a blob. Instead Rey’s reserved-yet-polite-how-can-I-help-you face met his reserved-and-uninterested-nice-to-see-you face.
“I would like a small bouquet of flowers,” the man said, although this clarification wasn’t necessary.
Rey pointed to the vase next to her. “Here. A modest but lasting bouquet. Can I add something?”
Extra decorations meant extra money, and Rey never sneezed at extra money. Though more important was nagging curiosity that turned the man in black into a matryoshka doll in which rattled secrets.
“No need.”
Rey served together the bill and the professional smile. “If you are buying flowers for someone then maybe that person has some special wishes? It would help me.”
The man in black didn’t reply. He raised an eyebrow without looking at her, but in the dim afternoon light pouring through the shop window Rey caught sight of restrained surprise. The light was red. Rey’s cheeks burned with embarrassment for some reason she didn’t understand. In fact, she could pin this to silence.
He dropped money onto the counter, once again more than necessary.
“It’s true that I bought them for someone. But this person is unlikely to express his opinion. He is on a cemetery.“
Now it was her turn to avoid answers. There was a weight to this silence, there was tension in her face. Perhaps it was more awkward than killing a class cactus.
“Please forgive me,” Rey said after a moment. But it was only external Rey. Internal Rey was hitting her head on a stone and wrapping herself in a blanket as a ball of shame.
“It’s all right,” he said, just a little sarcastically. He seemed to be honest.
“No, I’m really sorry, I should…”
Should what? Should mind her own business and not make people uncomfortable, and now, when she indeed made someone uncomfortable, she should keep her cool and gift him a dancing flower? Rey wouldn’t be satisfied with such an apology.
The man’s gaze was swaying over the line between annoyance and amusement. He said, “I put it badly. You didn’t say anything wrong because it wasn’t someone close to me. I didn’t even know him.”
“A distant cousin?”
“A total stranger.”
Rey’s eyes widened with suspicion. She struggled to think of reasons he could have to visit a random guy’s grave, except for participating in demonic mass, being a volunteer cleaning graves or possibly making fun of her. He looked like a solid one, though more facts were in favour of number three.
“Recently, my father died,” the man in black continued and waved his hand, silencing her. “Past is in the past. I just visit him to pay respects, but the grave next to him is always in a terrible state. It looks bad, you know?” He shrugged casually, which annoyed Rey, because she was busy being ashamed and this demonstration of nonchalance clashed with it. “My father had many friends, so his grave is full of flowers. It makes the other one look even worse then before, so every time I’m going to visit him, I buy flowers for that guy.”
Even if Rey didn’t know the truth, she could spot a lie. But there had to be something about a son not leaving flowers for a father, something private and more complicated than Rey would like to see. She let it be. Instead, she focused on the guy being number two. What a surprise.
“It’s extremely nice of you,” she said, using the tone containing half the truth and half the suspicion. “You don’t even know who it is.”
The man shrugged again. Maybe he wasn’t trying to be nonchalant and it was a fundamental part of his nonverbal communication.
“Aren’t you curious?”
“Curious?” he repeated slowly.
“Who it was,” Rey explained. “You visit him every other Friday and you don’t know anything about him. If I was you, I would be curious. Maybe there’s a reason why his family doesn’t visit him.”
She shrugged it off to match the man in black, but compared to him, the gesture seemed amateurishly.
He looked at her, and there was a crease between his eyebrows. “I’m not nosy.” Unlike you, Rey read between the lines. She was ready to discuss when he added, “By the way, family doesn’t have to visit you, right? There are more important matters.”
He said There are more important matters like someone who considers it a very important matter. Rey spotted A Family Issue behind it; an important feature of having family issues was both the ability to see them and the ability to leave them without a comment.
“Of course, sir.”
“Kylo Ren.” 
Rey lowered her head with a hint of smile. “It’s just Rey.”
She felt that telling her name meant something; that sharing the story about the abandoned grave was a secret message and Kylo Ren found Rey worthy of it. The air between them filled quite uninvited understanding.
“I’ll take the flowers then,” he said, “Thanks for your advice, Rey.”
She cast a quick glance at the note, realizing that the distance between devotion and the thing he was doing was big. Still, mourning was too heavy and Rey didn’t have statice for remembrance.
“Next time I’ll choose better flowers, just as I promised.”
For now, language was open to interpretation.
The “next time” came earlier than expected.
All afternoon Rey was locked up in her flower shop, working on wedding and funeral orders — the circle of life — when a loud vehicle spat with exhaust fumes at the curb. Rey didn’t understand immediately; the man in black’s schedule has never failed her, so recognizing the flower shop as a meeting point for dark guys was more reasonable. It was a coincidence that the new bouquet was ready when the door slammed as loud as if a motorcycle parked in the window.
Kylo Ren greeted her in the door.
“Oh,” Rey muttered, little eloquently. “I didn’t think you’d come,” she added, which was one of many things she shouldn’t have said.
Kylo Ren’s gaze was between annoyance and resignation. A very not-man-in-black condition. He said, “I want to ask you for another message.”
“Message?” Rey repeated.
“Last time you left me a note in flowers, right? Then I need your help.”
Oh. Rey rubbed her fingers together, as if she was wiping non-existing ink away from them. Somehow, talking about her sentimentality didn’t seem right, but it was also difficult to explain — she did write the note, no use denying it — so she accepted the topic. “What kind of message would you like to include in flowers?”
To her surprise, Kylo Ren exaggerated a pissed sigh and crossed his arms. “Fuck you.”
“Excuse me?!” Rey snapped. No one was to insult her while she was working, especially not a client to whom she devoted so much work.
Rey was ready to punch him when Kylo Ren explained, mixing perfectly exasperation and obviousness, “I want you to make me a bouquet that says fuck you. In capital letters.”
It was an unexpected change of game.
“You’re still visiting that stranger?” Rey asked to make sure.
Very coolly, he said, “He’s not a stranger anymore.”
“Maybe some details?”
Kylo Ren looked as if he swallowed acid. “What you said earlier… I could be a little curious. Just a little.”
Corners of Rey’s lips moved up. Kylo Ren grinned in response.
“I checked his name because I wanted to learn anything,” he said, “Have you ever heard a surname like Snoke?“
“I don’t think so,” Rey answered and tilted her head.
“He was a serial killer.”
Now Rey’s lips formed a beautiful, round O. She overheard? Some things needed to be said twice, even if one understood them perfectly, and so Rey asked, “What did you say?”
And so, Kylo Ren repeated, “I said that I was leaving flowers for a murderer. For almost half a year.”
“This…” Rey paused. “This explains why nobody else left him flowers.”
“I looked like a psychopath.”
“There are worse things.”
Kylo Ren nodded, as if he agreed with her and listed all worse things. “So can I order a fuck you very much bouquet, please?”
When the first wave of shock was over, Rey felt laughter rising in her. Bringing back her professional smile, she said, “See you next Friday.”
She should decorate the bouquet with geranium. Once Rey had read that its message is foolishness.
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anythingfanfiction · 5 years
Ben Solo, the One and Only
Here's Chapter 1 if you didn't read it.
Chapter 2
Although it was only a few hours away, Ben Solo was anxiously waiting for time to pass. Deciding to lose the rough and rugged look, he instead opted for a classier, yet still casual, appearance. A longsleeved, white buttoned-down tunic with a jet-black leather jacket overtop paired with similarly dark pants and shoes. He had even made an attempt to somewhat fix his mop of black hair but only resulted in a messier version of what he started with.
Despite this, Ben saw his handsome reflection and took his leave, not wanting to delay himself any further from his beautiful date. He nonchalantly made his way over to the Millenium Falcon but was stopped abruptly by his mother. She gazed suspiciously at him and questioned, “Where are you off to wearing that?” 
Is it really that strange to dress nicer?
“Thanks, Ma. I think I look pretty good too. I won’t be going anywhere too far or dangerous if that’s your concern,” Ben responded curtly and wondered himself as to why he hid his plans. Leia was disapprovingly aware of her son’s reputation - sneaking off to visit bars and pick up women. Ben thought about what difference would it make if she knew where he was headed but decided on keeping quiet. She understood that Ben was no longer a child; he was capable of making his own choices and mistakes, even if she wished he’d grow out of this sooner than later. Upon seeing his mother’s unsatisfied demeanor, Ben leaned down to kiss her on the cheek and quietly said, “Love you, Ma.”
As Ben finally reached the Falcon, he was interrupted once more, “Nice jacket, planning on sharing it with a pretty girl?”
Cocky, noble, and definitely way in over his head, stood Poe Dameron - Ben’s best friend and biggest headache. The latter chuckled and turned to answer his friend, “Perhaps.”
Without any other setbacks, Ben boarded his ship and set a course to meet with his date. Once he arrived on her planet, he landed his ship in the same forest as always within walking distance to the garden. On the way to her, Ben picked up some flowers and drinks from a street vendor as his contribution to the picnic. He saw her with a basket, setting a blanket in the usual spot near some flowering shrubs. She looked up to catch him staring and she smiled, waving for him to come sit with her on the ground. So he did.
They almost awkwardly greeted one another and Ben took the moment to appreciate the sound of his name from her lips. He also took note of her simple, yet highly flattering, coffee colored frock; especially how it seemed to accentuate her protruding collarbones and endowed figure. Once he handed her the flowers, she gratefully accepted them and proceeded to take out an array of different fruits, sandwiches, and pastries from her basket.
“So tell me the basics and I will return the favor. Where are you from? What do you do for a living? Any siblings or pets? Is there something, in particular, that you think I should know about you?” Her words surprised him; never had he been addressed in such a blunt and bold way by a date. Usually, conversations would be bouncing between compliments, light-hearted topics, and flirtatiously knowing eyes. Hardly anyone was trying to get to know a person these days; it was all about the date’s end result. It was very unnatural for him, but he liked it nonetheless. 
“Well, I was born in the capital of Chandrila, Hanna City, but now -” he cut himself off out of hesitation, “but now I live on a military base not too far from here. For a while, it was just my parents and me, alongside my dad’s best friend and occasionally, my mother’s brother. So no siblings, though I guess you can count the best friend as a pet considering that he’s a Wookie, but I don’t think he’ll like that.”
She smiled and laughed at that. Ben watched her and feared to tell the whole truth - afraid that it might push her away. He settled for the vaguer, yet still true, alternative and continued, “My uncle is a teacher of sorts, noticed I had a talent for his martial arts and invited me to partake in his classes. I accepted and trained with him for years but eventually quit a little after I grew out of adolescence.”
“Now, I’m a pilot, like my dad, and work for my mom whose a general. In my free time, I like to take side jobs or travel. Most recently though, I enjoy staring at a pretty girl who spends her afternoons in a garden.” His last comment had her face reveal a light blush that could hardly be seen because it hid behind her tan skin.
“What’s it like, being a pilot? Can you read stars? Do you have your own ship?” Her excitement to know more of him exceedingly pleased Ben, but he had enough of talking about himself and wanted to get to her own story.
“Whoa there, I thought we were going through the basics first, remember? As far as I’m concerned, it’s your turn now and I’m all ears. You can ask me again later.”
“Fine,” she muttered unhappily but continued anyway, “I was born here on Viktas seven years before my brother. When I was about 14, my parents had passed away because of an ongoing war with our neighboring planet, Qrona. Though we lost our parents and our home, my brother and I were not lost for long. A team of military medical workers had found us and decided to care for us in secret.
“It took less than a week for their commanding officer to discover what had been going on, but even then, they had decided to keep us. Our only rule was that we couldn’t leave the medical ward alone, especially if there was combat was taking place. Much of my time was spent with the recovering soldiers, my brother, and the medical attendants. As I grew older, I completed the fundamental healer’s training and learned how to treat injuries, handle the equipment, perform minor surgeries and to care for those wounded.  
“About 7 years after we were found, the war had officially ended and it took over half a year to treat those who remained injured from combat. Once that was done, I was offered several positions for study and work. I graduated with my medical degree and have been working at the local hospital less than 2 miles from my apartment here for the past 3 years.”
“That’s me. Now if you don’t mind, I’d really appreciate it if you could answer my questions from earlier.” She finished and all Ben could do was stare at her, astonished by she said all this without faltering. He was truly impressed by her nature.
He looked her in the eyes and smiled, “Sure thing.”
The two had been in the garden much longer than planned. The sun had set shortly after they had shared their stories and they were now staring at Viktas’ two moons. Together, they laid on the striped blanket as Ben pointed out constellations and tried to teach Vivian how to read stars. He loved to see her smile, she almost always did and he liked to think that it was because of him. It made him think that perhaps she used her smile as a way to hide. 
With starry night sky, flowering plants around them, and her beautiful smile, Ben thought there’d be no moment more perfect than now to make his move. He slowly leaned in closer to her with the intention of kissing her soft lips but was prevented by a hand grasping his chin and cheeks, inches away from her face. Vivian violently glared at him and kept his face in her hand’s grip, “Nice try, but not yet. It’s obvious that you do this more often than you probably should - playing around with women,” she scoffed.
“I am easy to please but by no means easy to get. I’ve no intentions of maintaining a short willed relationship or being with someone that wants me for the ulterior motive. Prove to me that you can dedicate yourself and earn my trust, then you can win my affection.”
Ben was left speechless and had turned red; he could tell that she was testing him. He had never seen any other significant expressions on her face beside her charming smile. But this, this determined display of control had Ben slightly aroused, wishing to see every single possible way her expressions could be. 
Vivian let go of his face and spoke again, “Next month, there will be a festival in the city celebrating another year of peace. You can be my escort if you wish.”
To this, Ben quickly nodded in agreement before she stood up and continued, “Until then, you know where I’ll be and you’re always welcome to join me.”
With that as her final note, Vivian bent down to ruffle Ben’s hair and pick up her basket. Before he knew it, she had already been inside her apartment building and he thought to himself, Whoa.
A/N: Viktas and Qrona are, of course, made-up planets for the sake of story. As for Vivian, you can imagine her to be however you please; whether she looks like yourself or how I described her, just know that she is a beautiful woman close to Ben’s age. I see her with naturally tanned skin (like that of some Hispanics) and dark, brown curled hair. She has delicate facial features and is always well-groomed, plus wears light makeup (i.e. mascara, tinted moisturizer) to enhance her appearance. And to add to Ben’s happiness, her body is also very well-endowed.
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Rewatching “Revenge of the Sith”
Ohhhh yeahhh, I’m going there.
My apologies in advance because this post is so long...
*silently boogies out to 20th Century Fox jingle and ends up throwing popcorn everywhere*
*mouths along to opening theme*
“Evil is everywhere.”  Dude, this is Star Wars we’re talking about...
Just a heads up, I am so freaking glad that we have The Clone Wars because honestly, it has a lot more flowing character development when it comes from jumping from “Attack of the Clones” to this movie, especially Anakin.
Lens flare!
Holy snot how many Republic ships are there?!?  Did the Separatists come with every single ship imaginable?  Is that why?
Aaaaand that’s a dead body.
The hell are those things?
“Nothing too fancy.”  Says the man [Obi-Wan] who dramatically drops his robes whenever possible.
*imitates the buzz droids*
“IN THE NAME OF-”  Finish the sentence, Obi-Wan!
R2′s taser thingy looks like the Twelfth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver.
What if they didn’t notice the shield in time?
Boom!  End of saga.  Cue end credits music.
Ohhhh this asshole.
*imitates the droids saying “Roger roger”*
How come Anakin and Obi-Wan aren’t getting jostled around when the elevator car first stops?
*quotes the entire “No loose wire jokes” conversation in the elevator*
Is that the same freaking chair that’s gonna pop up in “Return of the Jedi?”
Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Dooku but every time their lightsabers clash, it’s Obi-Wan going “Hello there”
Did Dooku just backwards kick Anakin away?  Oh my God...
 *Anakin kills Count Dooku*  Well done, prequels.  You done didn’t use your Christopher Lee effectively enough.
Wilhelm Scream!
*imitates droid saying “Reversing stabilizers...”*
Holy crap, you can actually see Grievous’s face kind of twitching with anger when he commands the droids to level out the ship.  Dang.
Freaking Obi-Wan’s little yell of horror when he wakes up...
*ugly cackles*
*quotes the entire ray shields scene*
I cannot freaking believe that the TV show took the time to make freaking sure that Anakin never met Grievous until this movie.
Actually, yes I can.  They have a goddamn script continuity department.
How come one of them didn’t take one of the electrostaffs?
The Separatist flagship just tore in half when it entered the atmosphere and yet I remain completely unfazed.
“8 plus 16...”  Pfftt, what the heck does that mean?
Guys, I think I found the origin for the Dramatic Hair Flop of Angst in TCW
Pretty sure that’s the Millenium Falcon at the bottom hangar
“Oh, I’m not brave enough for politics.”  *cough cough*
Obi-Wan gets a whole freaking bus to himself.  Chaos will ensue.
How has no one noticed Padme just hanging out next to one of the pillars?
“There were whispers... that you [Anakin] had been killed...”  Really?
Anakin’s reaction to Padme telling him that she’s pregnant is actually really good.
Wasn’t there like a deleted interaction where Anakin first accused Padme of sleeping with someone else while he was gone but then they decided that was not that great of an idea?
The music that plays when Grievous exits the shuttle is pretty sweet
*imitates Grievous saying “Yes, Lord Sidious?”*
*claps with each word*  This is not how you write romance, [George] Lucas!
Oh I didn’t realize that you could actually hear Anakin’s robotic arm move when he puts his face in his hands
“How long is it gonna take before we start being honest with each other?”  You [Padme] should have asked that before you two got hitched in the first place.
Ladies and gentlemen, the absolute worst therapy lesson in the history of Star Wars:  Yoda telling Anakin to basically get over himself and accept the sudden, incoming death of the people he loves.
“What must I do, Master Yoda?”  MOTHEREFFING IGNORE HIM!
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”  NOOO, OH MY GOD...
There’s actually a whole video by Pop Culture Detective that went into detail how terrible the Jedi Council were when it came to giving Anakin emotional support.
“Be careful of your friend Palpatine.”  And your pal, Friend-patine.
I just noticed that there are less chairs in the Jedi Council room
“The Council doesn’t like it when he [Palpatine] interferes with Jedi affairs.”  Then why the heck don’t they confront Palpatine about it?
Holy crap, I just realized that this movie came out 13 years ago.
“Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo...” Was that really “holding” though?
Anakin’s delivery of “At last!” sounds like Darth Maul when he said “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi” in the first movie.
This entire opera scene should be a dead give away to Anakin learning about Palpatine being the Sith Lord.  The minute Palpatine even said the word “Sith” should have raised a few red flags...
This entire Darth Plaguesis explanation is so good and ominous.  Just the minute Palpatine finishes the story and tells Anakin that there are other ways to gain that sort of power, you can just gradually feel the dread setting in for the rest of the movie.  You just know something bad is gonna happen (besides Anakin becoming Darth Vader)...
Look at the way Obi-Wan’s sitting in his chair!
Oh my God... the Wookies just did a Tarzan yell...
Headcanon:  he’s [Anakin] checking for updates about the Siege of Mandalore
OK, everyone craps on the Utapau storyline with the fight scene between Obi-Wan and Grievous but I actually think this is one of the best parts in the movie.
I love the design for the Pau’ans
Someone get me a plush animal of her on my desk pronto!
That pose though!
That spinning helicopter move Grievous does while stalking toward Obi-Wan was always really cool to me.  A little extra, but still cool.
Oh I don’t think so!
*imitates Obi-Wan using the Force to throw Grievous*
Wait, so how many times has Cody had to hold onto Obi-Wan’s lightsaber when Obi-Wan freaking drops it?
Death Star plans?
Big question:  so how old is Anakin here?  He’s 19/20 in “Attack of the Clones” and there’s at least a one or two year time jump in S3 of TCW.
Yo, that means he was like late 30s/early 40s when he died in “Return of the Jedi.”  Well shoot, man...
Yeah, Obi-Wan, let’s freaking kick the crazy homicidal cyborg.  Great idea.
Is Grievous just covered in gasoline or something because he just went up in flames *snaps* just like that.
Ohhhh this scene with Anakin and Padme looking at the windows of their respective places is really good...
Look at freaking Anakin here! 
George Lucas deserves any and all sins for the bad dialogue for Anakin because Hayden Christensen can really act when he’s not given any dialogue and he’s just told to react. 
So, with that, henceforth, there shall be no dissing Hayden Christensen on my blog.
Dramatic window break!
Palpatine’s lightsaber just freaking deactivated as soon as Windu kicked it out the window
Wowwww... the prosthetics on Palpatine look.. bad....
I just realized that Anakin kind of walks over to Palpatine on his knees before he pledges himself to Palpatine
Why Darth “Vader” though?  Is there any special reasoning for that?
AN:  Holy crap, there’s an hour left and Anakin has just turned to the Dark Side...
Man, I need to download more tracks from this soundtrack...
You can tell that that’s green screen behind Cody
*in best Palpatine impression*  Execute Order 66!
Nooooooooooooo, Boga!
Aaaaand everyone dies and it sucks now!
Ughh, Aayla Secura...
What planet is that?
Here’s my question:  in Rebels, how the heck did Thrawn get Gree’s helmet?  Was there an imperial campaign out on Kashyyyk and he found it somewhere?
That small matte painting shot of the Jedi Temple burning is actually really pretty now that I see it again
Yooooo can we talk about this padawan though?
Kashyyyk has twin moons...
So what happens to Chewie after this and before the Han Solo movie?
Heeeyyyyyyy I know that kind of ship!
“Have faith, my love [Padme]...”  Uhhhh... Padme should have picked up on how... off that line was
How has NO ONE in the Senate (besides Organa and probably Mon Mothma) picked up on Padme’s pregnancy?
*imitates Palpatine*  Mustafaaarrrrr....
“Could be a trap.”  It’s Star Wars.  There’s always a trap.
What’s that planet right next to Mustafar?
Random xylophone scales!
Yoda is taking no prisoners!
Where are the lightsaber/balster holes in the younglings?  Yoda said that they were probably killed by lightsaber so where are the marks on their bodies?
Yellow eyes...
“So this is how liberty dies:  with thunderous applause.”  Best.  line.  Ever.  Someone send flowers and chocolates to Natalie Portman.
“I've recalibrated the code, warning all surviving Jedi to stay away.”  Aaaagghh and we see it in Rebels and in the Last Padawan comic!
Don’t mind me casually dying
I just noticed that gradually throughout this movie, you can see Obi-Wan get grey hairs in his sideburns
*Obi-Wan sneaks onto Padme’s ship to Mustafar*  Where did he come from?!?
“You [Darth Vader] have restored peace and balance to the galaxy.”  *in best Anakin voice*  OK... now what?
“And together, you [Padme] and I [Anakin] can rule the galaxy! We can make things the way we want them to be!”  Wow, “The Last Jedi” is just smackin’ me in the face right now
Anakin... you’re breaking my heart!
That is just extremely bad timing on Obi-Wan’s part
Your new Empire?!?
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”  A what?
That’s a pretty nasty lisp you have there.  Might wanna do something about that.
You know how this Yoda vs. Palpatine fight could be more amazing?  Just add helium
Honestly, for the BIG DEAL fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan, it just goes on for a little bit too long.
Plus when it’s intercut with the Yoda vs. Palpatine, the latter is way more entertaining (hello, two most powerful peope going head to head with actual Force lightning being involved?)
Are they [Anakin and Obi-Wan] just kicking each other with the Force now?  Wow...
Seriously, they’re just banging their lightsabers together and calling that a fight.  C’mon... actually try to hit the opponent!
Duel of the Fates!
*Palpatine throws the Senate chairs at Yoda with the Force* So I threw the Senate at him!
Honestly, you could cut out this whole balance thing on the sinking balcony and mining buildings/walkways
Commander Fox?
Noooo... cut this out...
“Into exile, I [Yoda] must go.  Failed, I have.”  And yet people complain about Luke doing the exact same thing in the sequel trilogy
You’re not even trying to hit each other!
“You were my brother, Anakin.  I loved you.”  Uuuggghhhh....
I actually read somewhere that Ewan McGregor actually asked George Lucas to change the line to past tense instead of the original present tense.  Which is sad, so thanks Ewan.
Can’t you just put out the fire with the Force?
How did 3PO and R2 get an unconscious Padme on board?
Where is this?
*Palpatine’s shuttle lands in Coruscant*  It was a dark and stormy night...
Y’know, at this point, me comparing Anakin being repaired and transformed into Darth Vader and the creation of Frakenstein’s monster is almost inevitable at this point...
Stupid question, but what’s the significance of the names “Luke” and “Leia” concerning the themes present in the movies?  Or is that up to people like me who enjoy the meta to find that out?
He [Darth Vader] just killed that medical droid next to him...
Do not want....
“...[Qui Gon] learned the path to immortality...” In the TV show!
I like how the last line in this freaking movie is “Oh no!” and it’s from 3PO...
Triceratops rams!
The design for Padme’s funeral garb is actually Iain McCaig’s favorite concept art
How did they develop TIE fighters so quickly?
Oh my God, the dude they got to play Tarkin... oh God...
Definitely not Peter Cushing
*gasp*  Leia’s theme!
Random eopie noise!
Oh my God, “Binary Suns”...
Obi-Wan’s like “Great, now I gotta help a pair of random, separate Force-sensitive teenagers and their astromechs in the near future...”
Wait, they put Ewan McGregor in top billing?
“With Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu”  Thamuel El Jackthson!
Holy crap, I forgot Joel Edgerton plays young Uncle Owen
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Chapter 2, Section 1–This Thing Called Human; Scene 5
Wiegenlied of Green (VG), pages 69-79
🍀 Michaela ~In the country of Lucifenia, "The Forest of Bewilderment/Deserted House"~
The forest that Lord Held and the rest of us lived in stretched even further past the borders of the country of Lucifenia. The humans called the north side of the large forest, the part that belonged to Elphegort, "The Millenium Tree Forest", and they called the southern Lucifenia territory "The Forest of Bewilderment". Right then we were using an abandoned house that Elluka had found in this "Forest of Bewilderment" as a training spot, and a temporary place to live.
According to Elluka this was a building from close to five hundred years ago. Perhaps because it hadn't been very well maintained, when we first arrived it was very tattered. However there were some comparatively new signs of life in there (as some thieves had made it into their hideout in the past, that sort of thing); finding things like silverware and furniture inside was a godsend. Using these things, the three of us were able to manage to reinforce against the rain. Although it was only enough to be suitable for a temporary home.
"Hey hey, it's morning~ Time to get up~ It's time for trainiiing!"
I beat on a rusty pan with a ladle, rousting Elluka from her sleep. Elluka listlessly got up from her mattress at the loud clanging noise, sleepily rubbing her eyes as she did.
"-Yawn-, good morning Michaela. Early riser as always, huh?..."
"Good morning. Gumillia's up early too. She's already eaten breakfast and gone outside. Come on, faster, faster Elluka!"
"Yeah yeah, I'm moving…Oh?"
In the middle of a stretch Elluka moved to peer into my face, as though having noticed something.
"Michaela, you've got sleep gunk in your eyes haven't you~? A woman's personal appearance is very important. Go wash your face properly."
I made sure that Elluka didn't fall asleep again, and then headed outside of the house. Standing still out there was a lone girl, lightly playing with her short green hair.
"Gumillia, Elluka's awake. I think she'll come out in a bit."
"Got it. …Where are you going, Michaela?"
"Gonna go wash my face a little~"
There was a small spring gushing by the abandoned house. The water was so extremely clear it was even reliable enough to use as drinking water. I peered into the spring, and reflected back at me was a green eyed girl, hair swept up in long green pigtails and face still with some traces of innocence left on it. I grinned, and she did the same.
Yes--the one reflecting back in this spring was the current me--this girl.
It was the face of a Michaela who had been reincarnated into a human.
Aside from some confusion with our memories immediately after becoming human, our reincarnation seemed to have gone off without a hitch.
There were some elaborate preliminary preparations we needed to do in order to integrate ourselves into the human world. Country history, geography, customs, lifestyle… We began to take lessons from Elluka on all kinds of things, all the essential knowledge for living in the human world, and soon enough an entire month had gone by. During that time she also taught us about the humans we had reincarnated as.
When she'd reincarnated, Gumillia had imagined the appearance of Elphegort's first female minister, Gumina Glassred. While being an Elphe, Gumina had lived as a noble in Asmodean--nevertheless after she'd defected to Elphegort for some reason (according to Elluka it had some connection to the "Venomania Event"), she often visited Lord Held on pilgrimages (she had been an enthusiastic follower of the Held sect). Gumina was a woman who had had noble good looks, a gaze that held some measure of sorrow, and was surrounded by a very peculiar sort of mood. She had been alive over three hundred years ago.
I thought that Gumina's calm bearing was perfectly suited as Gumillia's outward appearance.
On the other hand, upon seeing my appearance after reincarnating Elluka's expression had changed to be somewhat bewildered.
"Choosing the appearance of the 'Original Sinner' of all things…"
The most heinous villain who had been the impetus for the creation of the "Vessels of Deadly Sin", the "Original Sinner". I had personally witnessed the event that she had caused....It had been an awful tragedy. But, along with feeling fear towards the appearance of this woman who had gone mad after being possessed by malice, I had also thought that she was beautiful.
Elluka worked at the palace, and, as one would expect, she couldn't stay at the deserted house the whole time, so now and then she would return to their. Because the princess who had newly become monarch was selfishly indulging in luxury at the time, it seemed this had become rather trying for her.
Making use of any time she could spare in her busyness, Elluka would teach us various things about the human world, and also about magic. Although that part was mainly done for Gumillia, who was going to be the apprentice. However, I was also assigned lessons in the minimal spells necessary for finding the "Vessels of Deadly Sin".  And that spell was…
"Alright. Well, Michaela, try singing now like I taught you."
"Right! Okay, here I gooo!"
I faced the sky, opened my mouth wide, and took in a deep breath. Then, with a calm rhythm, I belted out a gentle melody.
"Lu li la, lu li la----♪"
My voice was loud enough to surpass the forest, surpass the sky, and resound throughout the whole region. But I made it so that it would not be rough, but rather gently enfold the plants, animals, and humans. I put such feelings into my voice as I sang.
When I was finished singing, I quietly closed my eyes and strained my ears.
"…Well, Michaela? Do you hear something?"
The echo that had spread far and wide bounced back, and returned to me. …Inside the echo there was one thing that was different…a faint, impure bit of dissonance was mixed in there.
"Do you know where that noise is coming from?"
"Someplace north of here…Someplace outside of Lord Held's forest…But, I can't tell the specific place…"
"I see. …Well, that's fine." Elluka lightly clapped both hands together. That was a sign that today's lesson was over. "You don't have to know the specifics right now. After this Michaela you should do this on your own a few times, do some trial and error. If you practice, then you'll become able to specify a more accurate location."
A minuscule amount of detection magic had been released in the song--the result of all the studying I did under Elluka's instruction, that way of doing things suited me the most. After about a month, that was the only magic that I was able to learn. Although my position was mainly the study of the human world, so there wasn't much to be done about it.
As for Gumillia, it sounded like she was a genius in the magical arts, far more than Elluka had anticipated. She had come to be able to almost completely accurately predict the next day's weather, and was now also able to make withered flowers bloom again. After this it seemed that she would be officially received as the "Court Sorceress' Apprentice", and begin her training for full-fledged spells.
Our life of all three of us living together ended that day. After that morning I would be undertaking alone the search for the "Vessels of Deadly Sin".
"First you should go to the capital of Aceid. There are a lot of people there, so it should be easy to gather information," Elluka directed me, in the middle of our last dinner together.
"Go to…Aceid?"
"Yes. The pattern up until now, you see, is that in a lot of cases the 'Vessels of Deadly Sin' are owned by influential people as antiques. Some suspects would be King Thorny Elphen, Duke Parkage Meld, and the leader of the trade association, Keel Freezis… They're all living in Aceid, so you should try starting around there."
"Right….I, uh, got it."
My head had gotten a little dizzy. I couldn't properly respond to Elluka's words.
"What's wrong? …You look a little pale."
"My body's gotten kinda…hot…"
"Oh, are you ill? You better take care--unlike when you were a spirit, human bodies can get hungry, and become sick. If you don't take care of yourself you won't be able to recover from it."
Come to think of it there were several times after I'd become human that I'd felt sick like this. Compared to my condition today they were hardly anything, so I hadn't really said anything to Elluka about it.
"That never happened, when I was a chipmunk," Gumillia added in, while grabbing some bread.
"That's because your transforming into an animal is from Held's power. Don't confuse my abilities for that of a god. Transformation and reincarnation are different in the first place. Right now, aside from your magical ability, you two are no different from ordinary human beings. Don't forget that," Elluka warned us, somewhat emphatically. Apparently it was a very different situation from when I transformed into a robin.
"For today you ought to swallow this and rest soon."
Elluka pulled some kind of powder from her pack. It looked like it was medicinal herbs.
I ended up having a little bit of food left from the meal.
I swallowed the herbs that I'd gotten from Elluka and went to bed immediately after.
"Well then, we'll set off soon."
The next morning when I'd woken up the two of them were already engaged with preparing to leave the old house.
"It was only for a short while, but thank you very much for this. …You two take care of yourselves."
"You as well. How are you feeling? Are you alright now?"
"Looks like the medicine did its work. I feel a lot better."
When I turned towards Gumillia, feeling her gaze on me, I could see that she looked rather concerned.
"Michaela, you'll be alone. I'm, a little worried."
I took Gumillia's hand and grinned at her.
"Don't worry! I--the spirit me--lived in Elphegort before, right? This is Lord Held's home territory, so I have nothing to be scared of. You be careful, yourself. I don't know how Lucifenia's going to turn out after this."
There were a lot of times when Gumillia was expressionless, probably because she didn't know how to make expressions yet. That subject actually seemed to be a strong suit for me, having received praise from Elluka on it.
I flashed her a big smile, and Gumillia smiled herself in an imitation of mine. But her expression was still somewhat unnatural, and looked less like a smile and more like a glare, even. Gumillia spoke with that ghastly smile on her face.
"Michaela, if you come to face, any danger, I will always, come save you. No matter what, I will, absolutely come save you."
"Thank you Gumillia. And when you're in trouble, I'll always come save you too."
I gently embraced her. I could feel her heartbeat against my body. I hadn't known it when I was a spirit, but human bodies were very warm.
"Held said the deadline was three years. We should make sure everything is done by then… At any rate, once our goals are complete, let's all three of us meet here."
At Elluka's words, she and Gumillia finally started walking for Lucifenia.
--After that, I soon finished with my travel preparations, and left from the hut.
I would not be able to carry out my final promise to Elluka.
That is, the "me" who had been reborn as a human.
That would be the last time that I ever saw the two of them as a human being.
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afairymind · 4 years
I head out every day for a nature walk. I always take lots of pictures, though often many of them are never used. What I share on social media is often just a few of the highlights of the day. Day 70 of 365 Days Wild had a lot of highlights, so today’s Random Act of Wildness contains them all simply under the umbrella of ‘a nature walk’.
I made my way around to the meadow along the local lanes, which have grass verges full of plants and flowers. Ditches line the way, and I just had to stop enroute and spend some time with the Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) that fills them. Usually there’s an abundance of Rosebay Willowherb (Chamaenerion augustfolium), but not this year.
*As always, to see the pictures at their full size, just click on any picture in the gallery.*
It took a while, with lots of stopping and starting for photo snapping, but I finally reached the meadow. It was as I wandered down the path alongside the Millenium Walk that I spotted a few stalks of Rosebay Willowherb, growing in amongst the brambles and nettles.
I’ve been spending a lot of my time recently down at the northwestern end of the meadow, so this time I thought I’d focus mainly elsewhere. I only did a quick loop, just to see if there was anything new or interesting – such as dragonflies resting on the growth near the pond (nope), or anything new in flower. This was when I came across the Devil’s-bit Scabius (Succisa pratensis), growing on the sandy bank. There’s been lots of Field Scabius (Knautia arvensis) about this year, but this is the only patch of Devil’s-bit that I’ve so far found.
I spent most of my time wandering the largely open space from the middle, down to the southeastern end of the meadow.
My pictures of the meadow can be a little deceptive at times. Not all of it is filled with the verdant growth that I share on here. There are actually large patches of it – particularly in the southeastern half – that are dry and parched, and filled with struggling plants.
During my meadow wander I did, however, spot a pair of little, slightly straggly Cornflowers (Centaurea cyanus) growing in one of these struggling patches. Kate, the owner of the meadow, scattered a few annual seeds back in June in the hope that some summer rainfall might enliven the area. Unfortunately we’ve not had much in the way of rain, but it seems that a couple of the seeds might be making an attempt to flower.
Whilst most of these areas never really got going this year, there are, however, islands of lush growth dotted about. One positive element of the patchiness is that it has made getting close to the bees and butterflies much easier. Where the growth is denser, I find it much harder to get in close enough to take photographs.
During my day 70 wander I was fortunate enough to spot this huge Red-tailed Bumblebee on an island filled with lots of Bird’s-foot Trefoil. It was double the size of most of the other Red-tails that were about, so I’m thinking that it was possibly a queen. Male Red-tails are 11-16mm, and have yellow facial hair and bright yellow bands on their thorax. Female workers have black bodies and a red tail, and are 14-16mm in length. Queens have the same colouring as their workers, but are 20-22mm – which this one definitely was.
The edges of the meadow are some of the lushest parts, making the side paths some of the best to walk along for spotting interesting plants or insects. I spent quite a while on the southeast path. Unfortunately, each time a tractor drove past on the lane beyond the hedge a cloud of dust filled the air, coating my skin, hair and clothes. It did make for an interesting haze on some of my pictures, though.
It was on this path that I spotted a Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)plant that I just had to spend some time with. This was the first time I’ve ever actually seen any Mugwort freshly in flower. They’ve usually been either still in bud or past their best.
As is usually the case, as I wanderes, I photographed any bugs and insects that I spotted. To finish off today’s post, here’s day 70’s selection.
Honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Possibly Polietes lardarius
Common Green Bottle fly (Lucille sericata))
Spider an with egg sac
  Nature Walking Day 70 of #365DaysWild I head out every day for a nature walk. I always take lots of pictures, though often many of them are never used.
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