#the food is amazing DUH i knew that already
n0heart · 1 year
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cheeeeseburger · 3 months
Late night shift
Fernando Alonso x Reader
A/N: A Donna and Harvey dynamic? Yes please! English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes. Enjoy!
“Can you transfer me…”
“The last email? Already did.”
“Thank you, dulce. Can you confirm…”
“Your presence at the gala? I already sent both of our RSVP, like last week. Duh.”
“Oh, ok, thanks. Can you bring me a cup of coffee then?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fernando, your latte is already in your office, like usual. I’ve nearly finished mine. I used your card. Thanks for the free drink, I guess.”
He looked at you in admiration. “You truly are amazing; do you know that?” His words shouldn’t have pleased you as much as they did. You should be used to it by now, he thanked God for making you apply to be his assistant multiple times a day. You blew him a kiss, winked and replied as you exited the room: “Oh baby, you haven’t seen anything yet.” If you had looked back behind your shoulder, you would have seen his eyes full of high esteem and something else that would have woken up the butterflies in your tummy.
Ok, maybe calling your much older boss “baby” wasn’t the most professional way to act, but it was just the way things were between you and Fernando. They had always been like this, ever since you had started working as his assistant, three years ago. You had quickly picked up on his habits, and not a week after you had started the job, he had already nicknamed you “dulce”. Everyone around the paddock knew you two as a pair, an item even. If he was somewhere, it was because you told him he had to be there at a specific time, and you were always right next to him. The media loved your dynamic, and your name was always associated with his. If he was the dad of the grid because of his age, then you were the mom simply because you were partners in crime. Even his parents treated you like a daughter in law. Honestly, you looked like an old couple, always bugging the other, but caring deeply for each other.
The thing is, you two were not a couple, not even close. There wasn’t an ounce of romance between you two, sadly. At least, it was sad for your poor, poor heart who jumped every time you were next to him, so basically every minute of the day. Sometimes, you thought he might feel something for you too, like when you were on flights together, and he sat next to you so you could fall asleep on his shoulder, or whenever it was late at night, and he knocked on your door just to ask you if you wanted to order food. He also left a doubt in your mind whenever you were his automatic plus one to any event, and he had a possessive grip on your arm all night, or when he treated you to something you didn’t even remember mentioning to him.
But every time you got your hopes up, he asked you what shirt he should wear for his upcoming date, or which car he should drive to pick a lucky lady. With your heart crushed, you always answered the white one, because it made him look crisp, and you said to drive the Porshe, because the Valkyrie was your favourite, and just like its owner, you wanted to keep it to yourself.
“Fernando, baby, I won’t be able to attend the gala with you next week. Do you have someone in mind that you’d would like me to contact to be your date?” You dropped this bomb so casually, on a flight between two continents. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea, since you were stuck in an enclosed space with him for the next few hours.
“What are you talking about? What do you mean you’re not going with me?” Oh boy, he was pissed. You just continued working on your laptop. “Don’t worry, I can still work as your assistant there even if I’m going with someone else.” You rolled your eyes, which you probably shouldn’t have done, because he looked really irritated now.
“Stop playing with me. You’re going with someone else? Who are you even going with anyway?” Oh, if looks could kill. You regretted being in an airplane even more, because if he did end up killing you, you’d be in international waters, and it would be hell in court. You’d have to find the best lawyer there is. Oh wow. You were thinking about hiring a lawyer for your possible murderer. You were just that good at your job.
“Just some guy who owns shares in Aston Martin. Don’t worry, it’s not a lot.” He just stared at you, and now you were really starting to feel uneasy. “Don’t kill me, please?” You asked sheepishly.
That got him out of his trance. “What?” Ok, maybe you had gotten too far in this murder fantasy. He continued: “Why don’t you want to go with me?”
Bless his heart, he looked sad for a second, but the look of fury came back very quickly. “Fernando, it’s not that I don’t want to go with you, it’s just that I got asked out, and since I’m single, I said yes. It’s nothing personal, really.” You shrugged.
“You want to be with this guy? For life?” He interrogated. You raised your hands in the air: “Woah, woah, buddy. I haven’t even gone out once with him! I’m just considering my options.” You suddenly felt self-conscious. “I don’t want to be single forever, you know. What if I turn forty and I’m still all alone in life?” You started to fan yourself and pretended to faint for a more dramatic effect. That effectively lightened his mood.
“You know that I am over 40 and still single, right?” You stuck your tongue at him, and he tried his hardest not to laugh. “Is it because he’s rich? I am rich too, you know.” It was your turn to be offended. “It’s not because he’s rich! It’s because he asked me out and he seems nice, that’s all! Why aren’t you happy that for once you will not be stuck with me? You have the opportunity to invite whoever you want!”
His mood was like the weather at every Canadian GP: changing in a second. He pinched his nose in frustration. “Dulce, if I’m not going with you, I’m going alone.” God, he was exasperating. You had to remind yourself he was your boss; otherwise much harsher words would have come out of your mouth. You settled for a simple “Fine!” to which he also replied “Fine!”
Nobody was actually fine. The rest of the plane ride was pretty much silent.
Although you tried not to think about it, your relationship with Fernando was definitely strained after that conversation. You pretended that everything was normal to not raise questions from other people, but you knew something was wrong. He did not kiss you on the cheek like he used to do at least once a day, he dropped the nickname he had for you, and even started to avoid you. You were heartbroken. You did not understand why he was so hurt. You thought you did the right thing by accepting that he was not interested in you like you were in him and moving on, but perhaps not. You felt sick all week until the gala.
Honestly, you were not that interested in your date, but you had to pretend for the night. When he picked you up in his flashy car and he complimented your look, you acted all shy and pleased when really, you didn’t give a shit what he thought about you.
He was right though; you did look gorgeous. Your dress was very flattering on you, it gave you curves in all the right place, and your hair and makeup gave you that old-Hollywood look that is to die for. Also, your boobs really looked good, which is always a confidence booster, right? (A confidence boobster, even?) You always felt beautiful, but tonight, you felt hot. The cameras flashing and the looks you got as you entered the gala confirmed your feeling. Oh, your ego would definitely not fit through the door.
You were sitting alone at a table while your date went to get you something to drink.
 “Already alone, dulce? Even though you’re far from turning forty?”
You looked up at Fernando, and your stupid heart betrayed you by doing a backflip. He looked so fucking good in a suit, it was criminal. He looked like the hero of those mafia romance books that you loved in secret. His white dress shirt made him look very dashing. It made your imagination run wild with fantasies involving you grabbing him by the collar, and wearing nothing but his unbuttoned shirt while he made you breakfast the next morning. Oops.
You flashed your biggest smile at him. “I’m not alone, I have you!” You jumped from your seat to give him a big hug like you always did. Gosh, he smelled so good. You knew his perfume because you were always the one reordering the bottle, but you made a mental note to order a bottle for yourself. Perhaps you could spray it in your underwear drawer? Once again, oops.
“You look beautiful, dulce.”  You gave him a spin so he could really take in how good you looked, and his gaze was full of adoration. He even flushed a little bit. You stared him up and down. “You look good too, baby. I’m glad we went with the black suit.”  He smiled at you. “You have good taste, dulce.” This conversation was the most normal you had all week, ever since the airplane incident.
“I can’t believe you went alone! You’re so stubborn!” You lightly smacked him on the arm when you saw that he truly was unaccompanied. He shrugged and winked at you. “Like I said, it’s you or nothing, amor.” You crossed your arms on your chest, which made your boobs squeeze out of your dress a little, and he definitely peeked at them, but he’s such a gentleman that his eyes were immediately back on yours. You just wanted to scream: Look for as long as you want, baby. Do you want me to remove my dress completely, perhaps? On your bedroom floor, maybe?  You ultimately decided against it.
“Thousand of women are crying all over the world because of you, Fernando. ABBA are currently removing their song Fernando from their catalogue. Do you realize the consequence of your actions?” While you were joking, he suddenly got very serious, and his voice got very deep when he asked “Do you? Do you know why I can't bring anyone that is not you with me?”.
It felt like the air had changed in the room. You were suddenly very hot, and his eyes on you didn’t help with that. You bit you lower lip, and he seemed like he wanted to take you right there, right now. He was giving you his best bedroom eyes. Your legs felt weak as you imagined him fucking you, the noises he would make, the screams he would get out of you. He was definitely the type to talk you through it. The thought made your toes curl. You just knew he would help you clean yourself after because you wouldn’t be able to walk. God help you, if he kept staring at your lips like that, you would have to take him against the wall like a starved woman. Were your panties wet already?
Your moment was interrupted by your date, which you had completely forgotten about. The sexual tension was definitely still there, though. You introduced him sheepishly to Fernando as he gave you your drink. As soon as the two men started talking to each other, you finished your espresso martini in less than three sips.
Fernando and your date seemed like they were in a weird show off competition. Both were trying to intimidate the other. You grabbed a champagne flute from a nearby waiter and you downed that, too. There’s no way you would be able to go through this awkward conversation sober. Both guys were acting way too possessively. As soon as Fernando put his hand towards your lower back, your date tried to grab you by the arm, but Fernando just gripped your waist harder. You felt like the favourite doll of two very intense toddlers.
Eventually, thank God, your date was called by someone he knew, and you were once again alone with your boss.
“I don’t think he’s right for you.” Fernando immediately said as soon as he left.
“Gee, okay, dad.” Daddy almost slipped out. Almost.
“I am serious, dulce.” Just like you did frequently these days, you rolled your eyes at him.
“Don’t worry, from the way that you acted, he’s not going to want to go out with me ever again. Why did you have to act like a protective older brother?” You whined. Actually, you didn’t care if your date never talked to you ever again, but Fernando didn’t have to know that.
“Older brother?” He looked pissed at the words. “He’s way too old for you, anyway.”
“He’s literally your age, Fernando. And you’re not too old for me, are you?” You wanted to stomp the floor because he was getting on your last nerves.
“I think I’m perfect for you, dulce.” What did he say? (Cue the meme)
Once again, your date, which you were slowly starting to despise, interrupted your moment when he got back to your side. To make matters worse, you three were at the same table for the dinner. It was the longest, most awkward meal of your life. You were sitting in the middle, and both guys were fighting for your attention. It could have been flattering, but it was just so fucking annoying. You kept sending apologetic glances to the other people sitting at your table. Fernando abruptly left to go sit at another table. What a child.
Your mood lightened when the atmosphere changed from a formal dinner to a party.
“Do you dance?” you asked your date. “Never”, he replied. You sighed as you watch everyone leave for the dance floor. You loved to dance, and you could not even have this small thing tonight. This night was a complete failure.
Your favourite song started playing. You just wanted to get up and dance with your date like everybody else was doing, but the stupid asshole was apparently to busy playing Candy Crush on his phone. Gosh, could this night be even more horrible? You just wanted to go back home and cry, until you felt a hand pick up yours.
“Come on, amor. I know this is your favourite song. Nobody puts baby in the corner.” He winked and pulled you to the middle of the dancefloor.
You were stunned. Not only did he know your favourite song, but he had also quoted a line from Dirty Dancing, the movie you always watched during airplanes ride. It was your job to know his favourite food, his preferences; but he had gone out of his way to learn your habits and your favourite things. This was the most romantic thing that has ever happened in your life. This only usually happened in movies like Dirty Dancing. You just stood there, not moving, too shocked to do anything.
“What’s wrong, dulce?” Fernando asked, worriedly. Your nickname, the smile he reserved just for you, his lingering gaze, the info he had gathered on you; it all made so much sense now. He wanted you, just like you wanted him.
You grabbed him by the collar like you had wanted to do all night, and you started to kiss him right there, in the middle of the dancefloor. He did not hesitate. He immediately kissed you back and put his arms around your waist.
This was the best kiss you had ever had. Years of wanting him made you desperate like that, and apparently, he was desperate for you, too. He tasted like sugar and spice and everything nice but also like “I’ve wanted to do this all night” and “Wait, no, I’ve wanted to do this for years”. You were in synch; the world could have stopped, and it wouldn’t have changed anything. You didn’t even think for a second about that other guy, nor did you think about people watching you. Most everyone though you were already together anyway.
“Am I dreaming, baby?” you said as you pulled away. He softly cupped your face with his hands.
“No, dulce. I have been dreaming of kissing you, though.” Your heart melted.
“You have?” You asked in a soft voice. He kissed you again, but it was slower this time, more delicate. He wanted you to realize how badly he cared for you and how long he had been dreaming of this. Was this real? You had never felt as adored as you felt at this instant. People were all around you, dancing and enjoying themselves, but it was like you were alone with Fernando, in another world, on another planet.
“Amor. Surely you must know that I care more for you than anyone else. You’ve always been more than my assistant. I’m happy to call you my friend, but I hate it at the same time because I can’t stand the thought of us being just friends.” He caressed your face. The vulnerability in his eyes touched you to your core, and his words send a wave of heat through your body. This was the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you, but also the hottest. He caused some serious butterflies in your tummy.
“Baby, I don’t like us being just friends either,” you replied, your lips only a few centimeters away from his. He stared hard at your swollen mouth and crashed his lips on it. You locked your arms behind his neck, and he put his large hands around your waist to get a better grip. Oh gosh. He had only kissed you, but he had already ruined you for every other guy out there. One thing for sure, your panties were wet already, and from the bulge you felt on your thigh, he was enjoying himself too.
“Dios mio, amor. I should have done this earlier,” he chuckled and looked at the ceiling. This man was turned on. Like, sooooo turned on.
You leaned in even closer to whisper in his ear: “Don’t worry baby, we’re just getting started.” Your lipstick lingering on him, his perfume on you, the heat in your body, it was all overwhelming, so when he asked you “Do you want to get out of here?”, you were quick to answer: “Yes!” and to lead him out of the party.
Fernando was holding you close to him while you two waited for the valet to bring out his car. You were blushing and giggling like a teenage girl because you finally had the man of your dream in your arms. He kept giving you kisses, and it was like he could not believe it was now allowed.
You first saw it out of the corner of you eye. It was a real beauty, and you were in awe of it. The valet got out and gave back the keys of the green Valkyrie to Fernando. You wanted to scream. Surely, you must be in a rom-com. In your wildest dreams, this was the car the picked you up in to go on a date. You were like a kid in a candy store.
Fernando smiled at your enthusiasm. “I know it’s you favourite, dulce.” He opened your car door and you shrieked when you got inside.
“Oh, baby, this is way too good!” You were busy with touching the leather of the seat and admiring the interior. He had taken you on hot laps before, but never in this car. Apparently, he was saving it for a special occasion.
“I’m glad you like it, amor.” He started the car and drove off smoothly into the night. Wow, this guy is good at driving, maybe he should do it professionally or something?
As the air hit your face, you were hit by a wave of happiness. You shouted at the world: “I was made to be doing this!”
The Spaniard put his hand on your thigh and replied in a sensual voice: “Si, amor. You were made for me.”
Fernando drove really fast, but you wanted to get to his place so badly that it was not nearly fast enough. His hand slowly going higher and higher on your thigh was not helping your sudden need for speed.
Finally, you arrived at his place. Like a gentleman, Fernando opened your car door. Unlike a gentleman, his lips immediately crashed on yours. You two danced a frantic tango to get to the door of his place, your mouths never apart for more than a second. Eventually, you managed to get inside.
“I need you so bad, baby. I’ve needed you for years.” You immediately kicked off your high heels and started to remove his suit jacket. Your words must have pleased him, because his hands started exploring your body and he gently bit your lower lip. He pushed you against the wall.
“Oh yeah? Why didn’t you say anything before?” Honestly, why didn’t you? Dumb bitch.
You felt your eyes roll back in your skull when he cupped your boob with one hand and your ass with the other, his mouths still leaving love bites all over your neck.
“I wish I did. I’m so stupid.” The tango was back because you tried to move the action to the bedroom. He obviously knew the layout of his place by heart and so did you, since you had been there many times before, yet none of you seemed to know where it was.
“Amor, you know that I’m never letting you go after that, right? From now on, you’re not just my assistant. You’re mine, and I’ll make sure that everyone knows that.” You crashed into the walls many times as you made your way to his bedroom. Pictures were shaking, just like your legs. The walls of his house trembled, just like your walls did.
He finally managed to lead you to his bedroom, and he put you down on his bed. Fernando laid on top of you and leaned down to your ear: “Say you’re mine, dulce. Tell me you belong to me.”
His weight on your body felt so good, but you were aching for more. You craved any kind of friction to ease the heat between your legs, so you started to rub yourself against the bulge in his pants. It’s not like you didn’t want to answer him, it’s just the way he moved on you that left you speechless. Your toes curled and you started to moan, and although the way he let you move on him like that told you he liked it, this wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
Fernando pinned your wrists on the mattress. “I’m not playing anymore, little girl. Tell me you’re mine, or all of this will stop.” You immediately answered him between two moans: “I’m yours, baby. I’ve always been yours, and I always will be.” He grunted like an animal at your words, and you lifted your hips to have more of this delicious friction. He started to make out with your throat while you unbuttoned his white dress shirt as fast as you could. You were tracing lines on his chest with your fingers when he abruptly stopped. “Wait, wait, wait, mi amor. This wasn’t supposed to be like this.” He sat on the bed. You propped yourself up on your elbows, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Was he regretting this already?
He continued, looking pained and disappointed with himself: “I’ve thought about this before. I was suppose to take you on a nice date, then ask you to come home with me. I would’ve driven you around town in your favourite car, then I would make love to you slowly, so you would know how much you mean to me. This feels rushed. I want to take my time with you. At least, I got the Valkyrie part right.” You wanted to swoon after his rambling. He looked so upset, you wanted to cry out of empathy and love for this man. He nicknamed you “dulce”, but really, he was the sweet one.
“Fernando, baby. There’s nothing I would change about this night so far. This is a thousand times better than any date you could have taken me on.” You put your hand on one his cheek.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to ruin things between us. I want to treat you right, because you deserve the world, amor.” If you weren’t certain you loved this man before, now you were.
“Baby, being with you feels better than owning the world. I’ve never been as happy as I am right now, and you couldn’t be more perfect. But if it makes you feel better, we can start again.” He started to calm himself by massaging your calf.
“How, amor?” It was hard to focus, because him sitting on his bed with his dress shirt open was quite the sight to see, but you managed to reply: “Like this.”
Although it pained you, you removed his hand from your body and got up from the bed to exit the bedroom. Confused, he followed you all the way to the doorstep outside.
“What are you doing?” You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I had a really nice date with you this evening, Fernando.”
“Ah, I get your little game now.” He laughed and gave you a tender kiss, the one you assumed he used for his first date. You hoped he would never use it ever again. “Me too, dulce. Would you like to come in?”
You gave him a flushed smile. “I would love too, baby.” He took your hand and brought you inside. “Shall I give you a tour?” he asked. You replied: “Oh yes, absolutely. I would especially like to see the bedroom. I hear it’s where you burn all your left-over energy.” He smirked at you playing innocent.
When you got close to his bedroom door, you stopped to give him your second-date kiss. You never kissed with your tongue until after the first date, and he knew that. “This is your famous second-date kiss, yes?” You laughed against his mouth. “Oh yes. And on the third date, I usually sleep with the guy.” His breath hitched, and he brought you inside the room.
“When I first sleep with a woman, I usually start by removing her clothes.” He spun you so your back was facing him. You lifted your hair and he slowly, oh so slowly started to unzip your dress, making sure to let his fingertips linger. This felt like the longest foreplay of your life. When your dress dropped to the floor, you shivered, and he turned you to get a better look at your body.
“Dios mio, amor. You’re so beautiful.” He stared at you in adoration, eyes filled with lust and something that you would not dare to call love, even though that’s what it was.
You flushed and tried to look away, but he lifted your chin with his fingers. “Thank you, baby,” you replied shyly. He removed his already unbuttoned shirt. “I think I’ve taken enough my time, amor.”
“I don’t think I can wait anymore, Fernando. I need you inside of me.” Your words send him into action. He very carefully lifted you to the bed, and he laid you there like a pastry he was about to devour.
“I think you’ll have to be patient for a little while, dulce. I want to treat myself to something sweet.” He dragged you to the edge of the bed and he got down on his knees.  He put your legs over his shoulders, and he got down to eat you. Oh, God. He ate you like a man starved. You were his own personal meal.
His tongue licking you made you scream his name, but what really did it for you was when you saw him touching himself. This man was getting pleasure out of eating you out, and that turned up your arousal to another level.
It wasn’t longue after that you gripped the sheets as hard as you could while you screamed his name. He let your orgasm last by never removing his tongue.
When he got up, shirtless, with a very noticeable bulge, you grabbed him by his belt to bring him back on the bed.
“That was the hottest thing that has ever happened to me, baby. You treat me so good already. But I can’t be patient anymore, I think.” You hurriedly removed his belt and played with the zipper of his pants. He laughed.
“It’s okay, amor. You’ve been a good girl, you deserve this.” Oh. Oh. Since when did you have a thing for praise?
“I’m clean, and I’m on the pill, so you don’t have to wear anything, if you want,” you offered shyly. The enormity of what was going to happen suddenly hit you. Oh God, were you really about to sleep with your boss that you’re kinda in love with?
He let out a possessive growl. “Good, because I don’t want anything between me and you. I need to feel you as you are.” Damn. Were you listening to one of those erotic audiobook or did he really just say that to you?
Fernando once again went on top of you. He adjusted himself and angled his body just right. When you felt the tip inside of you, your eyes immediately rolled to the back of your head. He was so big.
You whined: “Fernando, I don’t think it’s going to fit.” He slowly let himself in you. “You can take it. You always manage to fit things in my schedule. Surely this is nothing to you.” You moaned loudly.
The pain was just too good. “Baby, never putting you in a meeting earlier then 10 in the morning is a thousand times easier than making you fit inside of me.” He chuckled, but as he got more and more deep in you, he started to grunt.
“Amor, don’t get sassy with me now. Take it like a good girl.” You pushed him deeper inside of you by putting your legs around his waist.
“On it, boss.” You usually sounded so confident, but your words were nothing but another cry of pleasure in a sea of moans. You felt your orgasm build up inside of you as he kept pounding into your body. Applying to be his assistant had definitely been the best decision of your life. Who would’ve thought that on top of being paid to travel the world, you would be receiving incredible orgasms on the side?
“Dios mio, mi amor…” Fernando whispered in a low, sensual voice. You shut him up with a fierce kiss.
“Baby, stop saying that. I should be the one to say it, because I’m so fucking close, but I am praying to God that this never ends.” He pounded hard into you.
“Are you thinking about someone else while I’m inside of you? I must be doing something wrong then.” He managed to laugh in between thrusts and grunts.
“I can assure you, boss, you’re doing everything right!” You screamed as your orgasm hit its peak, and you came undone. His thrusts got sloppier as he finished, too. He looked at you and wished that everybody could see him dripping out of you. Not now, but maybe someday, he won’t let anything spill because he’ll be trying his hardest to put a baby in you. For now, this already perfect view would have to do. He took a mental picture.
Fernando rolled off of you and sat against the headboard, breathing heavily. He pulled you in his arms in a tight grip and started playing with your hair. With your swollen lips, the light layer of sweat on his body and both of you tangled in each other, you looked like the cover of the dirtiest romance book you owned.
“Am I allowed to say it now? Because dios mio, amor. That felt incredible.” He sighed in your hair. You blushed, pleased that he had enjoyed himself as much as you did. The man of your dream just rocked your world, and he liked doing it.
“Yes, you are allowed, baby. You gave me two orgasms; you can now say anything you like.” You laughed and turned your head to give him a quick kiss.
“Only two? Dulce, that’s not enough. Do we have anything planned tomorrow?” Your heart jumped in your chest at his use of “we”. It was very endearing an it made your heart ache from happiness, but if he used “nosotros”, you might just come on the spot.
“No baby, we have nothing planned.” As his assistant, you obviously knew his schedule by heart, and tomorrow morning, he was now booked and busy with the task of giving you pleasure all day long. You made a mental note to add it to the calendar.
He sighed in pleasure and closed his eyes. “That’s perfect, amor. I have an idea of what we could do.” His breath slowed down as he fell in a state of deep relaxation.
“Really? Tell me?” You couldn’t help but to shut your eyes. Being in his arms was too comfy.
“First, we’re going to wake up in each other’s arms. After that, I’ll make you scream my name, but I’ll have to put something over your mouth to not wake the neighbors.” You shivered at his perfect fantasy, but he wasn’t done. “After that, I’ll bring you breakfast in bed, to give you energy for what will come next. All afternoon, I’ll take you in every single location in my house, perhaps even outside, to find where you come the quickest. Finally, I’ll take you out for a nice dinner, to show off your hickeys to the world.” Your toes curled. This was even better than your wildest sex dream involving him.
“Sounds like a plan, then.” He locked you in his arms, and you both drifted to a light sleep. You woke up, suddenly realizing something: “Oh no!” Fernando jerked awake. “What? What’s wrong, dulce?”
“I forgot to say bye to my date! Oh no, I’m awful. I don’t want to hurt his feelings,” you replied, genuinely worried. Fernando laid his head on your shoulder, and you felt him shake as he laughed.
“Dios mio, dulce, only you could be worried about making another man feel bad while being in bed with me.” He was howling with laughter.
“What!?I like to be nice!” Fernando chuckled at your sweetness.
“I know, dulce. And I love you for it.” He kissed the top of your head.
Being his assistant was easy, but you were now applying for the position of girlfriend. He hired you on the spot, and let me tell you, you were damn good at the job. The boss was pretty nice, too. Your bonuses now came in the form of "I love you."
Since you were a loyal employee, the position was taken for life.
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lilacgaby · 4 days
Your stories are wonderful ♥️♥️
I couldn't stop reading ✨✨
I was thinking about a fantasy AU, where we have the big dragon bakugou and his tiny fairy friend a Tinkerbelk vibe lol
And what would their routine be like, perhaps scaring away some treasure hunters?
I love your stories ♥️✨
Tumblr media
dragonking!katsuki was the most feared king in all the lands. he was strong, wielding a sword he welded with his own flames, magic stronger than a clan of witches, and unforeseen knowledge that always gave him an edge.
how did he get this knowledge you ask? it was a secret to most, however.. only his most trusted dragonknight knew it was because of his pocket-sized fairy, you.
you wore a flower dress of your favorite color, always glowing and shimmery because of the fairy dust you used to keep yourself healthy and flying. you'd found katsuki when he was a prince, he was teary eyed as he sat out in the gardens, upset that his childhood rival had been revealed to have royal blood.
you were lost, still in a white, orchid gown as you slowly flew around, eventually landing on his knee. he eyed you oddly, jumping slightly when you landed on him. though, as he examined you further, he realized that he was being touched by a real fairy. something he'd only heard about in tales he'd hear at night. you spoke to him, though at first he could only hear a bell sound.
he saw you looked frustrated, until smacking your forehead with a "duh!" and flying up to sprinkle him with some fairy dust. after a bit of confusion, he kept his red eyes locked onto you as you cleared your throat. "can you hear me now?" you said, making him speechless. he managed a nod and you continued.
"i don't really know how to get back to my hollow so.. can i stay with you?" you asked, shyly putting one leg behind the other at your request. he sputtered, before managing a, "t-that's cool, fairy girl."
"it's actually [name] random guy!"
"okay [name], uh-- katsuki's fine."
he soon realized not everyone could hear you, and you explained that the fairy dust you used was too valuable to let just everyone use it. he smirked though, happy that he'd be special to you.
you were there as he was sent off on his crowning journey, telling him where to find the best loot, the best resting places you'd remember, and even how to scavenge for food. you'd keep him company through the uncomfortable nights, and he'd carry you in his gloved hands during winter, since your wing's would freeze over.
he'd make you tiny leaf beds and let you sleep a safe distance from his head, he'd make sure you ate and would take you to collect pixie dust from the various trees you'd remember.
with your help, he was the first successful one of all the heirs to help awaken the crimson dragon, officially crowning him king.
he celebrated with you, treating you to maple syrup and finding you the best flowers to finally make you a new dress, topping it all of with a baby's breath crown.
you were always on his shoulder, always hidden by the fur coat he'd adorn. people would find the king randomly smiling as he heard your jokes or comments, but when questioned he'd slam his fist.
the casual day for you two would usually be hunting for treasure. for some reason, fairies were hardwired with amazing intuition that was always correct, so you were like his own metal detector. he'd hold you close to him, a habit he formed after you were snatched out of the sky once by a hawk, and you'd point in the direction you'd need to go.
when he arrived, seeing the pirates already in process of looting the place, he'd ready his magic, whispering to you to get under his coat. he fought off the 20 some men alone, leaving with not only the treasure in the cave, but on the pirates ship too.
as he called his village people to come get their share of the fair amount of treasure, he smiled softly at you, who was now eating some more maple candy he'd got for you on top of his thumb.
he owed it all to you, his fairy.
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can you tell i loved this req??? ty for the support always <3
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orangeinecstasy · 10 months
ross boyfriend thoughts ฺ。*:・
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an: hey everyone! one person told me they wanted a ross bf thoughts and because i can't control myself and because i love him sm i did it! also i tried a new format, lmk what you think!
cw: fluff and smut sections
cute simple dates
i already know ross is such a big romantic and would do something super amazing, like plan a whole day for the two of you. but i just know that he loves the cute little dates that you guys do. like going to brunch or having a movie night-- he's pretty much putty in your hand at those points. even if it's something random, like the two of you being up late at night, cooking a meal together, and dancing around the kitchen.
remembers all the things you like and buys them when he sees them
once again, big romantic. if he's at the shop or even in a different country and sees something you mentioned liking or wanted to try he's, of course, buying it.
doing his hair
there have been multiple moments where you braided his hair just because you could. i'm sure he puts on a front where he doesn't want to do it but ends up loving you messing with his hair and how happy it makes you.
constantly wearing his clothes
he loves seeing you in his clothes and how comfortable and safe they make you feel. i know it just warms his heart knowing something so simple that he does indirectly can give you so much joy.
semi-frequent pet name user
i don't think he uses them a ton, like he doesn't force it but lets it happen naturally. definitely lots of "loves" and "babes". doesn't mind at all you using pet names for him.
little spoon lover
i can see him after tour is over and just wanting to be in your arms and have you play with his hair. you make him feel safe and comforted and seen and he's not ashamed about that.
cold winter mornings
on the balcony together having a smoke with a cup of coffee. his arms are wrapped around your waist and he's pressing your back closer to his chest to preserve the warmth between you. you guys chat about anything and probably end up going back to bed.
100% a he fell first and harder
you guys probably met through friends and you'd already known about him a little bit. of course your friend hyped him up before you met him and as soon as his eyes landed on you he knew you were the one.
treasures of yours with him all the time
this is more of an on-tour thing, but i feel like he keeps one of your hair ties around his wrist or a photo of you in his wallet. little things like that so that you feel close to him
smut below the pictures
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size kink
he loves the innocence of it. how just because he's bigger than you he can overpower you in so many ways. how doe eyes look up at him through lashes like you don't know what you're doing. how he can grip both of your wrists as he plows into you. just everything about it makes him go crazy.
hair pulling
i think this one is pretty self explanatory. i mean how could you not when it's right there?
munch, duh
he constantly wants to eat you out to the point where it's become another food group to him. if he had a rough day or if you did. if he's bored. he could be in-between your legs for hours if you let him pulling every orgasm out of you until you're pushing his head away to stop.
pleasure/soft dom
he just wants to make you feel as good as possible as much as he can, to the point where he's accidentally overstimulating you. i have an inking that he feels a little bit guilty when he gives out punishments, but good pets have to learn how to behave, right? (once he sees how much you love it, the guilt turns into pleasure)
sir kink
i started off really simple. you asked you to do something for him and you responded with "yes, sir." and he felt something wash over him. you could feel the energy in the room thicken after that moment until he broke and fucked you over the counter until "sir" was the only thing you could say.
wax play
blindfolds you and ties you up so you can't pull away as he watches your body's reaction to him pouring small amounts of wax on your skin. especially loves pouring it over your tits so he can sloppily mouth it off.
he loves seeing you sloppy and drooly and purring underneath him, and choking only allows him to see that even sooner.
this is in and out of the bedroom. though it's not in an aggressive way, he wants you to know he's yours and you're his, and he doesn't have a problem with fucking that knowledge back into you.
so so innocent. he just wants to be close to you. if you're doing something for work or if he's working in the studio he'll always make it an option. especially during late nights when you're both too tired to fuck but want to feel something.
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berryhobii · 11 months
Hiii I love your work sm us black readers really appreciate everything you do. I was wondering if you could do a jungkook drabble where the reader is pregnant and has mood swings but jungkook comforts her with love regardless , once again thank you authornim 🫶🏾🫶🏾
Thanks so much for your request! I actually gave a secret soft spot for pregnancy fics and people! It’s so amazing how they can grow whole human beings! Shout out to all the pregnant people out there. I hope all of you have happy and healthy deliveries! 🩵🩵🩵(fun fact: this drabble is inspired by an actual couple I met years ago when I worked at Chick Fil A😝)
“Baby, can we get Chick Fil A?”
Jungkook pulled to a stop at a red light, turning his head to face you. You were just finishing the cup of cinnamon sugar pretzels you begged for at the mall. You two were only supposed to be going to shop for nursery furniture but the large pretzel logo had caught your eye, your previous nausea immediately alleviating as the scent wafted into your nose. A flutter of your eyelashes and a sweet kiss to his cheek and Jungkook was standing in line for pretzels. He already had a hard time saying no to you and your pregnancy only made him even more weak to your wants. How could he say no to you?
He booped your cute nose. “Sure baby.” Your grin was utterly adorable, a little squeal coming from you, a happy wiggle following as you thought about what you wanted.
He just wanted to squeeze you, you were so cute.
Unfortunately, the line at the restaurant was pretty long. Also unfortunate? Hunger made you incredibly impatient, add pregnancy on top of that and you were a walking bomb. He just hoped your bladder didn’t decide to join the party.
“Ughhh.” You groaned, pouting at all of the cars ahead of you and the few workers outside taking orders. You greatly respected and empathized with people in the service industry so you knew it wasn’t their fault for the slow line. Why were there so many people outside right now?!
Jungkook glanced over at you. He could tell where this was going. He had to distract you. “Do you want to listen to music? We can listen to your car playlist?”
You didn’t answer. You just glared at the car ahead of you as if trying to wish it out of existence.
Jungkook licked his lips before turning on your playlist—Beyoncé’s Best Thing I Never Had starting up. You normally perked up at this song but the sudden sound seemed to piss you off even more. Crazy, right?
Your hand turned the volume back down, eyes cutting to the love of your life. “I don’t want to listen to music right now! What is taking so long? How many people need to be out on a Thursday afternoon?” You snapped, slamming your hands on the dashboard.
Apparently, the car ahead of you must have had the same thought because they turned out of the line to leave. Lucky for you, the employee was finishing up with the car ahead so that meant you were next!
“Yay!” You clapped your hands, back to happy. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, rolling down his window as the employee approached his car. You ordered first before motioning for Jungkook to go but he just took out his wallet, about to pay for you.
You frowned. “Aren’t you getting something?”
Jungkook shook his head. “Nah I’m okay.”
You didn’t like that. You hated eating something without Jungkook. You wanted him to eat as well. Don’t ask why, not even you could fully explain but just know it was serious!
“Then I don’t want anything either….”
Jungkook looked at you, heart softening at your pouted lip and watery eyes.
He was a weak, weak man.
“Give me a number 1 and an extra order of fries too. Thank you.” He told the employee who was trying to hold back a smile.
That perked you right back up, happy that you could enjoy something with your husband.
After taking your order and Jungkook paid(duh), he pulled forward to the next window to retrieve your food. You were practically thrumming in the passenger seat, leaning over to look through the driver side window to watch the workers pour your frozen lemonade.
He thanked the employee, handing the bag over to you who immediately opened it and dug around for the fries. They were fresh and hot, just how you liked them!
“Feel better?” Jungkook inquired as he pulled out of the line and got back on the road.
Cheeks stuffed with fries, you nodded your head. You unwrapped your straw next, jabbing it in your drink before taking a long sip. Happiness radiated all the way down your spine. Fries were so good! You hoped whoever founded the potato is forever blessed! Just thinking about the versatile vegetable got you all choked up.
Jungkook thought everything was over until he heard you sniffle. Panic struck his heart, eyes glancing from you to the road.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
You sniffled again, rubbing at your eyes with the back of your hand. “It’s just…” You swallowed the block forming in your throat. “Potatoes are so amazing, aren’t they? And these fries are so g-good!” Sobs shook your body, hands still bringing more fries to your mouth, including the extra ones Jungkook had ordered.
Jungkook bit his lip at an attempt to hold in his laughter.
He fell a little more in love with you everyday. Seeing your body change, waking up to your gorgeous face, being able to run his fingers over your glowing brown skin, and being your rock through this remarkable journey….he cherished it all while he could because soon, a new addition would bring all new memories and a new you for him to experience.
And he’d hold onto every moment for he rest of his life.
The little one in your belly danced as you drank another long sip of lemonade. “It’s good, isn’t it? I know.” You cooed to your belly, rubbing over it lovingly and sniffling up more snot that threatened to leak.
Jungkook reached over to place a hand on your belly as well, smiling when he felt the rippling movement of his little one.
“I love you. Both of you.”
He could see your bright smile from his peripheral vision. “We love you too. Don’t we, my darling?” That was directed towards your belly and in response, your baby kicked against Jungkook’s palm again.
Yeah, these were the moments.
“Baby, they only gave us 2 Chick Fil A sauces…”
“Turn around.”
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𝐸𝑦𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚
Part 1
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Aether, after witnessing the most bizarre things in the whole world when no one else did and was often watched with slacked jaws at how he could still be alive, couldn't help but look at himself and then the taller, blue haired man before him with a blank stare.
Did he look like a stupid boy?
"You don't expect me to believe in this, right? Even Y/N says more logical things-"
"Paimon wants to disagree! Wanting to adopt slimes and petting hilichurls even though they don't attack Y/N but only us is no good thing!"
Yeah... That happened, BUT! In your defence, those slimes were cutely nudging your leg with a smile and one of them even offered a pretty-shaped, shiny rock to you as a gift! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
( And most of the "New recipes" you learnt were from the Hilichurls, who suprisingly made amazing food and didn't attack you but... patted your hair? Even braided it even if it was a tiny one??Sat with you and ate whatever you cooked?? You though they were not that smart, according to what Aether told you but now, you strongly disagreed! They were great companions! Aether didn't know that you already befriended most of them and learnt their recipes, and you intended it to be this way hehe 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 God knew what their reactions would be and that was enough to make you want to spill the beans while smiling cheekily)
"Hmm? What's that cheerful face you are making, you think I'm making this up?"
Kaeya: ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ, Aether: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Duh, so much so as being discreet Aether ರ⁠_⁠ರ
Kaeya, as the man who often hides his true feelings and thoughts behind a flirty and careless attitude, whined and pointed to his eye-patch with a pout
"Look at my eye-patch! It's a heirloom from my grandfather, It's a solid proof that we are blood related! Let's ask your friend what they think!"
Home boy was so sure you would side with hım just to annoy your companions LoL 😝
"Okay... Hey Y/N, is having an eye-patch a hereditary things?!"
*cue you looking around like a dog trying to determine where you were being called suddenly while cradling the PRETTIEST jewelry you had ever seen, zero-ing on to your friends up near the headquarters of the Knights*
"Nah, whoever says that bullshit is one hell of a Himbo and stupid!"
(did you... just call my precious main "a stupid Himbo"?? ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ)
The Second Trait Aether Loved The Most About You: Brutal Honesty
It hurt whenever you said exactly what's in your mind okay?? ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
That's why you toned it down, especially for Aether and Paimon, even if sarcasm was your love language... NO LONGER SAD AETHER AND PAIMON!
Now though, as they stared at Kaeya who was trying to hide his embrassment... It was only a source of joy for them
"My, my I didn't know that friend of yours had such a... brutal honesty." *Crying internally and trying to piece his shattered ego back together all the while pretending like it didn't hurt*
As much as Paimon was delighted to see the embrassment on Kaeya's face, since for once she wasn't the one on the receiving end of your honest remarks, she... wondered something none of the males did as she stared at your form down near the entrance of the city where you were waving excitedly at her with earrings on your other hand, purchasing them and speedwalking to where they were and slightly panting from the amount of running you had been doing.
Paimon turned to look at Aether from her shoulders with a confused face, pointing with her tiny finger to your form as the boy still didn't look at her
"Uh... Aether, how was Y/N able to hear us down there?", "Down there? What do you mean they were just... here..."
Aether was once again shocked to his core as he leaned over the balcony and stared at your form which was ... way too far away from where they were. Seriously, how did you hear him? You said you didn't have any powers!
And what gained your attention again?
"Hi! You know what, this place is amazing! I hadn't felt that alive in a long time! So... Where is the person who thinks eye-patch is heredi-" you exclaimed happily as you stepped up on the opening where the three were, playing with the shiny stones you got and the necklace you for for yourself while not holding back from insulting whoever that person was. Even those adults in your world was much smarter than that! But as often as it happened to you, you failed to take a look at the person who said that and see him and make the biggest mistake of your life...
By not realizing the hottest person you had ever seen in your entire life.
Was he really that handsome in the game too? The graphics surely didn't do enough justice to the gorgeous sight before you.
He was taller than you imagined, with those cool and perhaps exquisite clothing alongside the clinking sound his vision made against his leg. But perhaps,the tanned skin and with navy blue hair with lighter streaks waswhat made him even more cute in your eyes. Yes he was hot, obviously, but as he was looking at you with that teasing yet welcoming eyes of his... He looked so damn cute!
How could he both be masculine and feminine?! Why the hell did I fall for him as soon as I entered the city? No wonder he is "the top candidate for grandson-in-law"... *dreamy looks at him while planning 20 years from now on*
Kaeya, unknowingly but also having a gutfeeling about your flustered state at his body, bowed down slightly as he took a hold of your hand and kissed the back of it with that charming, side smile of his and let his lips linger there for a moment to watch your blush deepen slowly.
"It would be me, my lady/lord, I hope I didn't disappoint you with being... a stupid Himbo, I believe?" *Catsmiling at you with that flirtitous voice and rubs your knuckles*
*blushing while looking at the said person who cocked a surprised eyebrow at you who was blushing and looking at him- and the chest window obviously-with an open mouth, clearly down bad for him*
"Here we go again..." Aether, who definetly wasn't jealous of the sight before him and blushing at how intimate it somehow looked, facepalmed at yet once again... your attention being taken by a hot person. He only hoped that wouldn't occur again because he really didn't know what to do to get you away from them since you cried softly at being "seperated" from your true love or whatever.
*spoiler alert: it would only get worse as each day went by hehe*
"I'm surprised you didn't know such common knowledge, darling... Name is Kaeya Alberich, the Cavalry Captain. At your service."
"More like we are at your service!", "Stop flirting with my friend, Captain." A jealous Aether and Paimon exclaiming angrily with a hmph and you turned to look at the taller one with a quirked eye brow.
And absolutely confused at what was going on.
Can a person not have some fantasy world where they can live with the Prince charming for a little while? Why were they acting-
"Aww, are you jealous? Don't worry, you two will always be my favourite person!"
Aether: *smug smirks while being hugged to your chest* Paimon:* holds onto your sleeve as you pat her softly, also smug smirks* Kaeya: *defeated yet makes a new plan to gain your attention back*
Aaand that was how your first meeting went by. You having a raging attraction on Kaeya, him both flirting with you and trying his best to stay strong at your honest comments, Aether tugging on your sleeve to get you away from him (jealousy who?) and Paimon... Begging for food.
Except, all you three got was a mission... even if you also agreed with Paimon with needing food.
"You know what? We can use an ice blade to kill them and later put them out in the wild! That way, the sun would melt the ice and the murder weapon would be poof!" ☺️😁
Paimon: EEEEHHH?! (⁠‘⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠’⁠) 😳😨😧
Aether: (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠) "Please don't handcuff me, I don't know them." and Kaeya: (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠) "I found my friend!"
Aether was so sure that he could end up in some kind of jail, just by listening to you say this shit but... well, you were his bestie, he had to roll with it.
"Don't you feel... I don't know, even slightly disturbed at the way your mind works sometimes?", " Half of my intrusive thoughts are 'Stab yourself with that knife.' while the other half is 'Stab that person with the knife.' What do you think?" ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Kaeya, ASF: Note to future self, don't anger the one with Aether *writes down, mentally scared and sweating*
"Sooo... what's in that treasure? Gold?" *Huge gasp* "Maybe even better, jewelries!" You side-eyed Paimon harshly while rolling your eyes. Sometimes, she really forgot that none of you were much of jewelry people and that she shouldn't get too excited over a "suspicious mission".
"The only jewelry you wear is a hairclip."
"Paimon thinks you are being a meanie- Oh, what's that pretty flower in your pocket Y/N?" Aether slapped his forehead for what seemed like the hundreth time at Paimon, who much like you was easy to loose her track, but still raised a brow at you, just like Kaeya who also eyed the slightly peeking flower in your pocket.
And the sight made him almost choke on air, as his eyes slowly drifted up and he finally looked into your eyes.
Star-shaped ones, much like his, staring right at him with wonder... Face flush with embarrasment and running, all alive and lively, without a worry or a simple knowledge about the significance of your eyes and... the five petaled flower, four white and one blue, you held between your lithe fingers with a soft smile.
And with one look at your glimmering eyes, came another set of headaches to him and you. One that he wasn't able to conceal and groaned in pain, but you did behind a kind smile.
"I'm not so sure... A girl came up to me, just before I came here, and told me that a man in a dark armor, blonde hair and a mask wanted her to give this to me." You shrugged your shoulders noncholantly as your eyes stayed fixed on the pretty flower. Even while playing, and watching some edits about the game, you have never seen such flower except on Lumine's hair. The flower almost seemed like a stone, so dull and colorless though there was some sparkles when you touched its petals. Maybe it was because the flower was away from its homeland, as cliche and naive as it was...You didn't know where it came from or what was the meaning of it, but for some reasons...
The flower made you feel nostalgic and left you longing for... something.
What was it? Why couldn't you exactly say it? Why were you not bothered or slightly scared that someone gave you flowers in a world unkown to you? Why would someone fancy you at the same day you came to Mondstadt? Who was that man?
"I wish I saw them... It's so unrealistic that someone would-"
"It looks like the one on my sister's hair..." your attention was immediately on Aether and how sad he looked. Your heart broke for him, while scolding yourself for straying from your real mission on hand which was getting somehow a clue about his sister, and as the caring and motherly person you were...
You hugged him thightly to yourself. He was a "cutie patotie" in your eyes, not that these people would understand your affectionate terms. And for now, this mysterious person could wait: You had more important matters, such as coddling the boy between your arms!
"Well, maybe, we will see that man again and he might know something about her! Maybe this is a good omen!"
I highly doubt it, considering where it comes from, Kaeya bitterly thought to himself with his fingers playing with his chin thoughtfully. He couldn't help but wonder if you were a spy sent here but quickly dismissed the idea since you weren't even aware of the Seven Nations yet alone Mondstadt or the visions. You seemed like someone who didn't have any powers, except knowing when Aether was in danger as Paimon said, super-hearing and being a skilled swordfighter.
And where you came from seemed like a mystery to you as well. He knows Aether said you two were from another world, but in a way... So was Khaenri'ah, and he had to know it...
Know if you were... another survivor that might have just forgotten who they are as a result of erosion.
As Kaeya was deep in his thoughts, Aether hummed thoughtfully as he hugged you back, though you three were in public, even if there was a cute pink tinting over his cheek. He really didn't want to "ruin" your mood with how crestfallen he had become at the sight of that flower but he just... couldn't help it. With the way he parted ways with his sister, no the way he was forced to, always left a bitter taste on his tongue. He felt like he had failed her, they had never parted before and they never had to go for such a long time with no communication...
He missed her so much... But still, he didn't feel the longing and missing feeling so much with your and Paimon's presence: By the way you always hung out with them, took care of them by trying hard to learn how to cook, watch out for both of them as they slept (even if he made you think they were safe and sound sleep and not awake making sure you were safe too), how you always praised him for his hardwork, patted his head and even helped train with him...
And the best part was perhaps letting you comb through his hair and re-braid them. He didn't let you, for the longest time. Since you two just met, and he didn't know anything about you when he asked and you only said you didn't "remember" much, he didn't want to show a vulnerability to you. Whether you would stab him from the back, tug him back harshly from his hair and kill him... He wasn't sure of what to think about you, considering the life on the wild was already dangerous, but when he saw you begging him to go over a "baby hydro slime" to pat "him", cooing at it from a distance as he held you back with tears in your eyes as a result of "cuteness overload" as you ran at him as soon as he let go of you and watched with a soft smile...
He really liked you a lot... As a friend and companion of course!
Seeing his face contorted in a frown, you pouted and pondered for a few seconds for a way to change the subject and a bulb lighted above your head, visibly brightening your face.
"So... what's the 'super secret' mission you had for us again? I hope it's something risky!" you turned with your whole body to Kaeya with your arms still holding onto Aether thightly, as the man in question raised a brow at how... content you three looked.
A weird trio indeed...
"Why, if I may ask?" he, just as chivalrously as expected of him, asked. He smirked under his breath at how you flushed, even though this headache of his was starting to get him irritated but still... couldn't help but soften when you look down at the blonde in your grasp with obvious tenderness and familial care and then-
"So that I can come close to-hmph!" *harsh slap by none other than a blushing Aether and a bonk by Paimon, who were done with your dying tendencies*
"Nothing... Just explain it, Kaeya."
*Kaeya, shocked... But still gives a long and detailed explanation of the mission and what you three were supposed to look for and overly exaggerating the story while you three are like this*
"The sky used to roar with the thunders as my grandfather would grasp the handle of the sword, the waves get stronger and the sky was covered with the black clouds and strong storms! My grandfather, with the power of the sword, once killed a silver-haired fairy, an abyss dragon-"
"This seems like a huge lie." You, deadass serious: Ehe , ehe
"We can't let the sword to get on wrong hands! We need to get to it first!
"Are you for real? Really Paimon? You believed in his words." As Kaeya watched you bicker with the "floating baby" with a pout while she yelled at you, he hummed to himself and silently made plans for what to do with you and his mission as you three slowly walked away from him.
He had to watch out for you... especially since you seemed like you didn't know about your roots and what potential danger you were in.
At all.
"Perhaps, I should scout the area more... Can't have our guests in danger, now can we?" he said to no one and went to his own office, where he could find some silence, plan his next move on the "secret mission" he gave you and hope to spend some more time with you and Aether, hoping that him and you two...
Ahh, never mind... He was used to loneliness anyways.
But well... Would you look at that! Things, just as usual, didn't go according to plan, as usual, and now you three were tied up together- Wait, Paimon could fly? Why was she here? (ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ)
"I thought you could fly away Paimon!", "Paimon got panicked, okay?!", "Of all times... Now?!" (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)
For Aether, the worst part wasn't being tied down with you two... It was the constant corny jokes you made, and the most-irritating-yet-funny-statements-that-he-definetly-didn't-find-funny you did.
"You know what, mister treasure hoarder? This is the most I've seen a guy putting in efforts to get me... Are you sure there isn't a sparkle between us?"🫦☺️
"Singing in the shower is fun.... Until you get soap inside your mouth, now it's soap opera!"/ "What did the ocean say to the beach?.. Nothing, it just waved!" 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
Yeah, you get it. The pain of Paimon and Aether is real. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Spoilers Alert: Your very much so bestfriend was already waiting in the Dendro Archon's land, who went by a certain name such as General Mahamatra and his ears ringed "without a reason" 😋
Boy was having the hardest time of his more than 3000 life ever by having to conceal his giggles and not irritate people even more. ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ
"Look Bro, I'd have reallyy wanted to act like a cute and girly girl who guys like you loves to prey on but It's against my codes, my morals! I just can't be one, just like you can't be smart enough to tell that I'm already outta the shackles~" you shook on tandem with the shackles between your hands and giggled before sprinting up towards them with Aether's sword that laid idly on the ground, fast on your steps.
*evil giggles, and proceeds to knock out them all in two simple blows and sitting down to munch on the snack you brought* "We should make more of this one! It's yummy!" 🤤😋☺️
Aether, to his future self: Don't tempt Y/N's wild tendencies or anger ✍🏻
He was impressed tho, he never would have thought that you were a strong person, that much at least. He never ever thought of seeing you jumping up and down between enemy like it was a game for you, swinging a bat you found on the corner after letting go of his sword... How did you even find it? How the hell did you get out of those shackles?? Yet alone beat those buff men twice, maybe thrice your size??
"It's a trick I learnt in my world! You see, these little shits are not that hard to-"
"Oh, I see that our newest Honorary Knights are feisty~" *Kaeya fucking Alberich who entered dramatically clapping his hands as a look of confusion yet teasing in his eye, smirking*
The ungodly shriek you and Paimon let out at the sight of him ☠️😅
"Hmm... Remember what I said back when you two beat the StormsTerror?" he asked as he tidied around for the last time, sending the hoarders and thieves into jail with other knights. Aether looked at him for a few seconds, then his face lightened up visibly at remembering it as he picked his sword up from the ground.
"That whether we are a new ally or a new storm?" Kaeya nodded and for a second, turned to look at your form that was now petting a cyro slime cutely, cooing at it as the slime gurgled and made cute sounds to you. He chuckled under his breath at how cute and oblivious you were, and how different you were than the rest who would usually go for killing it rather than adopting them, and how people gravitated towards you naturally... Even though you had the potential to become so much more...
He wondered what your story with him, and with Teyvat, entailed...
Of what you would become.
"I think you are a new ally... Welcome, to Mondstadt." He said looking directly at your face when you turned to look at him with a shocked yet happy smile, knowing full well that he wouldn't leave you alone and you would indulge with any kind of shenanigans with him... By flirting back! ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
You had to take your revenge on him for making you feel like that😤
For now though... You had to have a good rest, preferably on a bed, so that this annoying headache ever since you got that flower would go away. Besides, as much as sleeping on the wild, cuddled together with the other two was cute and wholesome -except the times you watched over the two with a keen eye, draping your cape over their figures to warm them more- you desperately needed a good sleep like you used to have in your world.
"FINALLY! I'm so tired and I want to eat something! I'm literally craving and this close to cook Paimon-"
"Paimon is not an emergency food!" All of you chuckled at her answer as Kaeya helped you up and promised to treat you with Mondstadt's national foods as a special thank you which made your heart literally skip a beat at the flirty voice... Someone had to stop this man.
How did he always find a way to flirt?? Does he not run out of ideas?? Ahh, he knows the effect he has... Dangerous indeed, you sighed but nodded anyways. A little bit of fun wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
*cue the "Careless Whisper" entering your mind as he helped you and you both looked at each other for a few seconds and Aether butting in and pushing Kaeya out of the way to lead you himself, while the man was left dumbfounded but even more determined*
"So, how about we go and eat together Y/N? What did you say you were craving again?"
You were definetly going to be the Storm that caused havoc and turned Teyvat upside down.
For now though... You had to meet with some new people, after arriving to the city of course.
Oh boi, you weren't ready to meet all those hot people that would come across you lol
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h-33-s-3-ung · 1 year
Sex with Heeseung
Warning: sex (duh), oral sex ( f and m receiving), cum swallowing, squirting. *I think that’s it… let me know if I missed anything.*
Word count ≈900
Heeseung is the type to start feeling horny out of nowhere. You were eating ramen together while watching a movie and then all of a sudden his hand magically appeared on your thigh. You look at him confused. He wiped your sauce covered lips with his right thumb before ripping your food out of your hands.
- "Hey! I’m not done eating!” You yell.
- “I’m not done either, but I’m hungry for something else." He says winking.
You immediately recognize the familiar hungry/ horny look in his eyes and he knew you couldn’t resist him. He pulled the blanket off of your legs and forced you on his lap. Your lips were like magnets, immediately all over each other’s face without saying a word. You could already feel how hard he was through his grey sweatpants and you became extremely aroused. He was gently caressing your figure, admiring every single one of your curves then squeezed your ass lightly growling in the kiss as he did.
- "You’re so hot y/n." He whispers.
You wanted to say something in return but all that came out of your mouth was a moan. You could feel how heeseung started smiling into the kiss as he gently lifted you up, lips still interlocked together as he slowly walked to your shared bedroom. He threw you on the bed and in the blink of an eye got you and himself undressed.
He started kissing your neck and slowly moved down to kiss all over your body taking his time, sucking on your nipples and kissing all over your scars and stretch marks in admiration. He then reached your wet folds. You held his head and played in his hair admiring his porn star like facial expressions.
-"Are you ready?"
You nodded your head in agreement and the next thing you knew he was giving your clit soft kitten licks while he fingered your hole slowly.
- "Aah~ fuck hee baby." You moaned.
- "You like that huh?" He said looking at you with siren eyes.
Your moans were getting louder by the minute and soon you felt a knot starting to form in your stomach.
- "Baby I’m close!" You said In between moans.
- "Then cum for me princess, cum all over my face."
That was all you needed for your orgasm to hit you like never before. Your vision became blurry as your hearing faded for a few seconds. When your vision came back to normal you saw heeseung’s mouth covered in your juices. He then connected his mouth back to yours and you could taste yourself on his lips. He always told you you tasted amazing and you couldn’t deny it.
- "Alright, ready for another orgasm baby girl?" He asked.
- "I wanna suck your dick first." You said with big doe eyes.
He couldn’t resist you and quickly you ordered him to stand up. You got on your knees, heeseung could have cum on the spot thanks to your sweaty yet sexy face looking up at him so innocently compared to the act you were about to do.
He was already rock hard, so you grabbed his shaft and gave it a few pumps before wrapping your lips around his tip and licking it all around making his cock twitch intensely. Then you pushed it in your mouth, as deep as you could making him gasp and moan uncontrollably. He held your hair in a messy ponytail guiding you to pleasure him.
- "Fuck, if you keep going… I’m gonna cum." He said in between moans.
You took this as a challenge and started bobbing your head faster, deepthroating him as he liked.
He came in your mouth not long after.
- "Okay, now are you ready for what’s next?" He asked seductively.
- "When you’re ready Bambi."
You knew this was his favorite nickname in the bedroom and so you knew what was going to follow would be rough and make his dominant side come out.
- "That’s it get on all fours right now slut." He said even more horny than before if that was even possible.
You did what he asked you and without warning he inserted his dick in your wet entrance. He didn’t wait for you to adjust as he knew you wanted it raw and dirty.
You moaned loudly as his balls slapped on your clit making wet sounds and intense sensations.
- "Oh my God Hee! You feel so fucking good." You said breathlessly.
He grabbed your neck and straightened your back against his stomach.
- "Yeah you like that huh? You like when I’m being rough like this?" He said softly in your ear.
You wanted to respond but he was choking you and you could only moan in return.
- "You became dumb already? Is my cock feeling that nice?" He growled.
You were screaming at this point. Not bothering about your neighbours who were probably hearing you both.
- "I’m gonna cum Bambi. I’m so close!"
- "Cum with me then." He said, his behaviour changing suddenly as he was approaching his release.
You tightened around his shaft and your moans became even more uncontrollable than before as you squirted all over your sheets.
- "Can I cum inside you princess?"
- "Yes please Heeseung I need your cum inside me." You said out of breath from your second orgasm.
Heeseung then moaned in a really high pitched tone as he came inside you. Some of his load leaking out of your pussy.
You both collapsed breathing heavily from your exhausting session.
- "you want to take a bath with me Bambi?” You asked with a slight smile.
- "Please, just don’t call me Bambi again today, I’m to exhausted for round two."
You both laughed and kissed each other before making your way to the bathroom for a relaxing bath together.
Hey guys this is my first post on here so I might not be the best but I’m looking forward to writing more stories! Let me know your thoughts or requests. ☺️❤️
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT Actually I'm going to share my fresh, sleep-deprived thoughts that I wrote yesterday- or more like, this morning gfhhgf bear with me cause I was loosing it :>
⚠ Heavy spoilers under read more!
As a heads up as to why the formating is all weird, this was sent to a friendo who worked on PL :3 Did a list of things that stuck to me in those 4-5 first hours right before falling asleep! I stoped at the little hideout with Myers, didn't met Reed or Kurt or MrHands or Anybody elses yet really 👁👄👁✋ taking my sweet time with it!
The start : I LOVED the glitchy holocall with songbird, it set the tone immediately
God walking up to the gate and seeing all those cars and npcs waiting to enter- THE BIT with the cops who cant go in ?? omg loved it, again its such a tiny thing that set the tone right up
Songbird introduction oh my goddddddd…. HGJG I love HER SHE'S SO COOL… When she was like "were going to crash so I woobled into your relic" I was???? Ok so How and What and What and What UH… Also I can see why people won't like her, already just cause she mute Johnny and isnt a Samurai fan fhdjbqg BUT I PERSONALLY REALLY LIKE IT
Dogtown itself???? Holyshit. Like, I remember dev saying that Night City itself was a character, the main character even, and they nailed it hardcore with Dogtown too- all of the civilians are fucking so memorable too??? how good the random crowd npcs look as well!! Its a glowup from vanilla and it shows (special kudos to the netrunner kid vendor, and the flame thrower elbow guy and his little dance ghdjs)
I wheezed when trying the AR googles HGKHQ
The crash : God. Even tho I knew what was going to happen, the amount of chills I had during that scene!! It reminded me of one of my favorite DLC from Mass Effect 3, Citadel, there is a scene where Shepard eat shit and fall through a big aquarium / building and is truly alone, hurt and all- gave me the same vibes of "the world is too big, too Much and I'm just one Guy" ??? It got me so hookt, god. ALSO THE TITLE POPING??? UUUGGGHHH. GOD.
Rush to the crash, the sneaking to the ship and getting Myers got me Alert and excited
Escorting Myers feels nice cause she's not useless, she knows how to handle herself (DUH!) but I mean her A.I as a NPC, I like that she also sneak attack on ennemies when you do, like Jackie did
Part I had struggle with was the Driving Myers to the Garage bits, was getting frustrated- I love driving in FPP but with this car, in those streets and in this stressful situation YUOOOCK it wasnt IT FHFJJG switched to TPP and managed after a few tries UwU
OK GOD. The museum- amazing visuals and lore crumbs ofc BUT THE CHIMERA???? HELLO???????? THEY FUCKING POPPED OFF. I havent felt this stressed on a boss battle in FOREVER! Funny enough it reminded me of my first time against Nefarious from Ratchet and clank 3, and its positive HKGJ I was a wee kid back then and its my favorite game from the ratchet serie (which is my favorite console serie tbh) and it made me so nostalgic of that time??? REALLY Comf, really challenging, I shat myself.
District itself is FUCKING INSANE. Of course, it looks amazing, the sound design, the VIBES- I thought everything was already done in night city, how much different nuance of CyberPunk can you do when you already have such a big city with such different districts?? but dogtown is so different and yet fit perfectly
I LOVE. THE. NOMAD DIALOGUE OPTIONS… One of my big "fear" was being left out of the fun cause yeah Nomads really just have the badlands kinda hfjdjg but!!! I already been fed from the few choices I had, especially the one when cutting out the tracker from Myers neck, mentioning the uhh ritual thing, I was !!!!!!! AAAAAH FOOD FOR THOUGHTS AND ROTS I LOVE IT
talking about Nomads I LOVE THE DIVERSITY in the new garments!! Had a lot of corpo and barghest armor loot at the start, so I didnt expected to see some cool denim harnesses, practical jeans and worker gears OwO Excited to see more cause AZHHHGFH
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sniixnn · 3 years
hello :] i was wondering if you could do a platonic yandere uncle bruno with a niece s/o? general headcanons will do, but if you have any extra ideas to add then that would be great! if not that’s totally okay! i hope you have a wonderful day or night :D also your writing is AMAZING, keep up the great work!
꒰ ➼ ❝ platonic bruno ❞ ꒱
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warnings: yandere, unhealthy (platonic) relationship
bruno x reader
a/n :: of course you can 😈 i tried to do this to the best of my ability, and thank you so much?? you’re so kind (*´▽`*) ALSO REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN!! also there is a little story bit at the end cuz i felt so bad for writing so little
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:: he would’ve been there every step of the way with you, like he would’ve been so proud of you at your gifting ceremony.
:: if you were there before he disappeared, and he was aware of you, he would communicate to you through the walls.
:: he just wants to keep you safe, because even though he is your uncle, he thinks of you as if you were the daughter he never had.
:: you go out into town and he is still in hiding? he can’t keep an eye on you to make sure your safe? rats are pretty useful friends sometimes.
:: he was terrified that you would be ridiculed if you were seen with him, so he only really talks to you in private. he cares for you, but he doesn’t want you to be an outcast.
:: he doesn’t try to be possessive and protective over you, but he’s just worried that he will lose you! so sure, it might be a pain to have to tell him what happened every time you go into town, but it’s just for good measure, he promises.
:: if you look up to him? he will be over the moon. but that doesn’t mean he won’t stress. he is worried that he won’t be a good enough role model, or have your impression of him tainted by townsfolk.
:: you are his favourite child (duh,) among the kids in the family, but he doesn’t tell anyone that — everyone has figured it out already though, because his actions shout it out anyways.
:: you like rats? he would bring you into his abode and shows you cool tricks his rat can do.
:: if you find a love interest, he will evaluate them and make sure they are the best of the best because that’s only what you deserve. from a distance, of course. (this is in a platonic way btw, because if it wasn’t. 😟)
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you entered the casita, humming a silent hello before sneaking into the kitchen in hopes of finding one of julietas famous arepas. as you entered the section of the house, you saw a figure that had already beat you to it. noticing your appearance, he stuffed one last arepa into his mouth and fixed his posture.
‘julieta! i was just—‘ he paused, examing you more closely before he let his posture relax. ‘oh, it’s just you — you scared me, y/n.’
‘it’s your fault for sneaking food in the first place!’ you countered, moving a hand onto your hip. raising an eyebrow, he looked unamused.
‘and you were here because…?’ he paused, as if thinking hard. ‘oh, yeah. i was just about to ask you were you had even gone. we were searching for you.’
he always said we, referencing the rest of the family. it wasn’t true, you knew, he was just trying to cover up the fact he was so worried about you.
‘i just went into town, to get some groceries for julieta.’ you responded, hauling a bag onto the table, in which he responded with a grunt. ‘you don’t need to worry about me.’ you added, eyeing him.
he looked shocked. ‘what - no! i wasn’t worried about you! wait, that’s not what i meant.’ he took a deep breath, searching his mind for answers. ‘ah- right! pepa told me to look for you. you know how your mother can get sometimes.’ he rubbed his arm and spoke sheepishly.
‘bruno. i told you, you don’t need to worry.’
‘don’t you know how those people can be, y/n?’ he uttered, ‘im just trying to do what’s best for you, to keep you safe.’
‘to keep me safe…?’ you echoed.
‘i just don’t want you getting hurt. not like i did.’ he confirmed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. julieta then entered the kitchen, both of you snapping your attention to her. she took a look at the tray and then send an accusing glare to bruno.
‘i wonder who stole my freshly baked goods?’
but bruno wasn’t listening. not at all. he was just watching from a distance now how julieta helped you unpack the groceries, wondering how lucky he was to have a child like you.
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crazycookiecrumbles · 2 years
Searching For Inspiration (6)
A/N:  Sorry it’s taken awhile. Less interaction now + work just has me less motivated to post these days tbh.
Pairings/Characters:  Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: none really, just some kissing and allusions to an eddie-rection (haha get it, like errection, but eddie’s, sorry),  HONESTLY it’s mostly just fluffy shit
Summary: Curious about one of Eddie’s greatest passions, you find yourself wandering into Hellfire Club to finally experience the magic.
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Eddie Munson never expected this day to come. It was somehow both his biggest fantasy and his worst nightmare.
Eddie was busy setting up for Hellfire after school. He had acquired the back of the stage where the drama club left all their props and costumes around. There sat his table and throne, which he would rest upon as he orchestrated his masterpiece. Everything was going smoothly. This session was going to be absolutely fantastic and chaotic in the best way. On top of that, your dad sent you with food that day for him at lunch, so he was already floating on air for the day.
Eddie was pretty sure your dad was now just making sure he was constantly fed, but he had absolutely no complaints on that. To be honest, it was kind of a relief. Also, tostones? Amazing, they were changing his life.
However, Eddie was stunned when you walked in with your cute, timid, slow walk of yours after school as you drummed your fingertips on the strap of your bag. He stood up from leaning over the table, and he didn’t know what to do with his hands. They went to his pockets, then out, then he crossed his arms over his chest before leaving one there and waving the other around, “What, um, what brings you here, dear princess of mine?”
You shook your head at his nickname for you as you stepped closer, “Well, um.  I started another book. Lord of the —“
“If you finish that with ‘Rings,’ I’m going to be so upset you never read it before.
You pouted, “Hey! There’s so many books and I only have so many eyes!” You sighed. “Anyway, I was reading the book, and…”
“And what?” Eddie pried. “You’re in love with it?”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve noticed some…reoccurring themes between what you say about your campaign and what I’ve been reading in the book, and then I thought about you in the library…” He watched you as you trailed off while rounding the table to join him. “You’re a book nerd.”
Eddie blinked, “Well, yeah. Duh. The freak reads a lot.”
“Didn’t expect that. I thought you were just disrespecting books.”
Eddie stared for a moment before smirking and walking towards you. His hands came to rest on your hips as he studied you, “You judged a book by its cover and judged wrong, didn’t you?”
“What? No. Shut up.”
“You didn’t think I even knew how to read, huh?” Eddie asked, “you thought I was just some dumb freak ruining a library.”
“No! I obviously knew you knew how to read, you were just so disrespectful to the books for no reason whatsoever! In public! Which made me think you must have felt some way about books and it wasn’t positive!” You began to yell all over again about Eddie’s behavior in the library while he stared at you with a smile on his face the entire time you were ranting. When you finally came to your conclusion, he was still smiling while you huffed, “Anyway, what I wanted to say was I see where you get your inspiration from, and I was wondering if I could sit in on your session and watch.”
Eddie’s hand flew to his chest, “You want to watch me DM? That’s so intimate, so personal. I feel like we’re getting naked for the first time.”
Cheeks burning, you swatted his chest while he continued to grin mischievously. You rolled your eyes at him and rested your hands on his shoulders as his hands returned to their rightful place on your hips and he pulled you to lean against him while he leaned on the table. Eddie beamed at you, his head twisting and turning so his eyes could catch yours while you were trying to look away from him in embarrassment. 
Eddie giggled quietly and pressed his lips against your cheek. The vibrations while he spoke caused you to laugh, “Don’t worry, I don’t DM when I’m naked.”
“Good. I’d hate to hear you were scaring these poor babies with your nudity.”
“Scary with my nudity? Please, I am a pale, gangly mess of limbs that they’d be so lucky to see.”
You hummed as you brought your elbows up to rest on his shoulders, your hands clasped under your chin as you stared at him, “I’m sure.”
“You can always find out, if you’d like.”
“Ah, Eddie, it’ll take more than that to get me out of my pants.”
You swore his eyes twinkled, “So you’re saying there’s a chance?”
Now, would Eddie know what to do if he had the chance? Not necessarily. His experience with women was….rather minimal, given how the entire town perceived him. I mean, there was this one girl from out of town that came to see their band play. However, they were both so high and drunk, Eddie couldn’t get it up, she wasn’t in the mood, and they never went past making out and feeling each other up.
Was Eddie a virgin?
To his friends? Absolutely not, he was a self-proclaimed sex god.
In reality? Well, he had some very, very sticky magazines stuck under his mattress that he treated like they were scriptures. The man couldn’t tell you if he researched music, sex, or fantasy more, that’s how much he relied on literature, magazines, and videos to give him all he needed to know.
“If I deem you worthy, sure,” you replied, working so, so hard to keep yourself calm and cool as your mind started to drift off to thinking about Eddie in a far more intimate way. “Um, so,” you cleared your throat and straightened up, ignoring how he seemed to get a little hot and turn red himself. “So, what’s left to set up?”
“I’ve just gotta finish putting some of these figures in place, and we’re good to go. All we have to do is pass the time until the little sheepies get here,” he explained.
“Well,” you pulled away and patted his chest. “Best get to work then, shouldn’t you?”
He chuckled as he pushed himself off the table and wagged his finger at you, “Try not to be hypnotized by my fabulous butt, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes and sat down in his throne, “Sure, Eddie.”
He looked at you as he set up the figures and cooed, “Now, now, now, Queenship looks good on you, my lady.”
You snorted, “You’re too much, Munson.”
“For you, my lady, that’s simply never enough, but I’ll always try to be.” 
The way Eddie winked at you had your cheeks growing hotter by the second. You swore you were sweating under his gaze before he returned back to work. Eddie Munson was such a charmer. His way with words was unmatched, and the way this man made you feel was unlike anyone else had in Hawkins your entire time being there.
Not to say that Eddie wasn’t enthralled about you either. You were passionate, easily angered, and so, so freaking smart. He was smitten. Honestly, Eddie looked at you and basically knew what couple you two were now going to be: Gomez and Morticia. Yes, Eddie Munson wanted nothing more than to be your Gomez.
When he was done setting up, you stood up from his throne and went to grab another seat. Eddie sat down, but grabbed your hand and pulled you on top of him. While you were laughing, he supported your back with one hand while the other delicately grabbed your wrist. He outstretched your hand and began to kiss up the length of your arm, starting with your open palm.
“E-Eddie, you’re nuts,” you breathed as you watched him.
He hummed, “Nuts for you? Totally, babe.”
Eddie’s kisses went all the way up to your shoulder. He couldn’t reach anymore, so he gently coaxed you to lean forward with a tap on your back. You leaned down to meet his lips in a tender kiss that made your heart flutter. Eddie hummed happily, merrily as he pressed his lips against yours, hands holding you close like he was afraid of losing you if he let go.
You two were so lost in each other that you didn’t hear the door open. However, after a few seconds, you certainly heard the sound of gagging noises. You and Eddie pulled away from each other. You were more embarrassed while Eddie was annoyed.
“Just for that, Wheeler, your first three rolls of the night are at disadvantage,” Eddie growled as Mike made his way to the table with his stuff.
“Hey! That’s not fair! Just because you two were sucking face doesn’t mean I have to suffer.”
“He’s just joking, Mike,” Dustin said as he pulled out his seat. “I told you not to interrupt like that! Hi, Y/N.”
You smiled softly, “Hey, Dustin.”
You moved to get off of Eddie’s lap. As you moved, he quickly grabbed your leather jacket and left it on top of his lap as you climbed off of him. When you realized what he might be hiding, you held your own satisfactory smirk as you went and took a seat next to Dustin.
“Wait,” Mike stared as the rest of the club filed in. “Are you playing? Seriously?”
Eddie leaned over and swatted the back of Mike’s head while you shook your head. “No, Mike, I’m just observing. I want to see how you guys play and what the story’s like in action.”
“Cool! I’ll show you everything you need to know,” Dustin said as he slid his papers over to you and jumped into a very animated recap, like you hadn’t heard about their campaign before. 
While Dustin was explaining this to you, you glanced up to meet Eddie’s gaze. He had been talking to Gareth and Jeff, but he turned his head ever so slightly, his eyes darting over to meet yours. He smiled brightly and winked at you from across the table. You smiled right back, chewing your bottom lip before returning your attention back to Dustin’s retelling.
The rest of the night was a blast. You got to see Eddie in his element and watched as he thrived. The man was a storyteller through and through. The amount of creativity, the voices, the acting, how he knew the rules like the back of his hand, it was so impressive for you to see of Eddie. It served to remind you how everyone, even you, at times, looked at him in a less-than-flattering light because you simply didn’t know him well enough.
But this Eddie? This animated wordsmith building out his own world and instilling teamwork and creativity? It was charming, and sweet, and your attention bled away from the campaign as all you could do was gaze at him and admire every inch of him.
After the session was over for the night, everyone helped to clean up and put everything away. You all left the building together, everyone going their separate ways. The air was cold and it was starting to drizzle, which had Mike and Dustin sucking their teeth since they had to ride their bikes in the coming rain. Eddie was going to take you back home and join you for dinner, but heard their frustrations from a few feet away.
“Do you mind if we — “
You shook your head, “It’s completely okay with me.”
He smiled and kissed your cheek. He muttered for you to go ahead and get inside before the rain really came down. As you jogged over to his van, you could hear Eddie shouting for those two to throw their bikes in the back and that he’d take them home.
You listened with content as they talked about the campaign more, Eddie giving them tips on their attacks and how to make the most of them, the boys theorizing on what was to come. Before you knew it, they were both dropped off at home, and you and Eddie were walking up to your front door.
“Do they —“
“They invited you,” you explained. “And they’re very excited. Dad made pollo guisado. He’s looking forward to your comments about it.”
He exhaled and nodded, “Okay. Awesome. Because, you know, they don’t have to keep feeding me —“
“I’m pretty sure stuffing you with food is their new favorite hobby, because you’ve never had any of this, and they just love getting people to try it. Everyone here, well, doesn’t really want to try it. I mean, they wouldn’t even eat his vanilla cupcakes one year for a bake sale because he topped with a cheese frosting and guava — “
“I don’t know what that is, but I want it badly,” Eddie said.
You laughed, “Okay. I’ll let you know when he makes them.”
“Fantastic —“
“And, Eddie?” You got his attention as he reached for the doorknob. “That was so awesome tonight.”
He was beaming, “You’re welcome any time you’d like, babe.”
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bqstqnbruin · 3 years
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Hello, hello, here I am with a fic for @antoineroussel's winter fic exchange. I had an amazing time writing this for @rosesvioletshardy. I hope you like it 💛💛💛
This was inspired by the song 23 by Kyle Hume
Word count: 5.5k
Warnings: swearing, implications of sex (nothing really serious or explicitly mentioned), I'm mean in this at times but that's on brand at this point
Save the date: Jeremy and Steven, January 22nd, 2022
Andrea and Eric’s daughter Amelia’s first birthday party, February 13th, 2022
Save the date: Taytum and Alex, March 19th, 2022
Save the date: Michelle and Nathan, March 26th, 2022
Steve and Liz’s engagement party, April 10th, 2022
Rachel’s baby shower, May 21, 2022
Save the date: Emily and Kevin, August 6th, 2022
Save the date: Natalie and Domenic, October 8th, 2022
And those were just the ones that were already sent to you. Not to mention the how many that you knew were coming, that were already in the works of being planned, and the ones that you just didn’t want to go to or already knew you couldn’t attend.
It seemed like every other day, a new ‘Save the date’ card or wedding invitation was showing up in your mailbox, someone else that you knew growing up, in college, now at work, getting married or announcing an engagement, having a child, doing something that warranted a celebration for any major life event that everyone was having.
Everyone but you.
You were just living your life, doing whatever it was that you wanted, not a care in the world. Part of you didn’t care that you seemed to be the only one of your friends who didn’t have a significant other, who wasn’t completing some major life milestone every other month, who really just was going with the flow of things in hopes that everything would eventually work out. The other part of you was anxiously waiting for everything to work out, that something good would happen to you with someone great.
Maybe you’ll find that by the time you’re 23. That seemed like a good age to get going. It was the age your parents met, the age your brother had his first kid, the age where everything good happened to everyone in your family. It had to be the same for you.
“Who are you bringing to Jer’s wedding?” Cellini asked you.
You shrugged, not looking up from your computer. “Fuck if I know.”
“Didn’t you say that you were bringing someone?”
“And you don’t know who that is yet?”
“I’m only going to invite you to my wedding if you’re in a relationship.”
You finally look up, the annoyed look on your coworkers face in contrast to the confused one on your own. “Why?”
“Because!” she screams, a few of your other coworkers looking up, shooting dirty looks in your direction, “Do you know how annoying it is to not be able to make the little seating card and have an actual name for the seating chart?”
You stare at her, trying to process what it was that she could possibly be trying to say to you. “No, and neither do you.”
“I helped plan Milani’s wedding,” she tells you, referring to her sister, “and she uninvited anyone who said they were bringing a date and then couldn’t say who their date was.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her, knowing that Jeremy would never do that to you. “Jer isn’t that dramatic.”
“He might not be, but Steven is.”
“And who are you bringing?” you ask her, hoping that she didn’t have an answer.
“Seamus, duh,” she says, you silently kicking yourself for forgetting the boyfriend she talked about constantly. You two sit there for a few moments before Cellini starts up again. “What if I set you up with someone?”
“Oh, god, no,” you groan, sitting back in your chair, your head thrown back slightly as you covered your face with your hands. “Last time you did that, I had food poisoning for a week and couldn’t find my favorite bra until I got it in the mail in an unmarked package three months later.”
Cellini scoffs, sitting back in her own chair. “I can’t believe you don’t trust me with finding you a wedding date.”
“What reason have you given me so far that would make me trust you?”
“I’ll find you three dates and you can pick from there, how about that?”
“You don’t even know three single guys.”
Cellini had apparently taken that as a challenge, finding you not only three single guys, but going beyond that and finding you five, single, and incredibly attractive men who had no business still being single unless there was something seriously wrong with them.
There was Maxwell, the guy who was on his college cross country team and it still showed, especially since running seemed to be the only thing he talked about. His red flag was that he had an obsession with bugs, which wasn’t something you really cared about, follow your passion and everything, but it became a little much when the two of you first met and he left you to chase a bug that he saw on the sidewalk for his collection.
There was Clayton, who was cute, but he really didn’t seem to be there meeting you for any reason other than Cellini told him he had to be. He was probably only doing it because you were sure that Cell had mentioned he had a crush on her at one point, and based on the way he couldn’t stop talking about her, he didn’t seem to be passed that crush just yet.
There was Jackson, the one who told you when you were leaving that first meeting that he liked you and wanted to spend more time with you, but didn’t want anything with you. Not even to go to the wedding with you. He thought Cellini was just doing this as a blind date because he had told her he was bored and alone.
There was Luke, the high school teacher at a Catholic school in the area. He was fine. He ended up just being another nondescript guy that would probably show up in a dream or something without you being able to place where in your life that face came from.
After the fourth guy, you weren’t sure Cellini was actually on to anything.
“What’s his name again?” you asked her, on the phone with her, waiting for her last option for Jeremy’s wedding to arrive at the coffee shop he picked. “Titus? Timmy?”
“Who the fuck is Titus? His name is Tyson. He’s friends with Milani’s husband. Honestly, I should have just introduced you two to each other first.”
You scoff, knowing Cellini was probably giving you a look despite you being unable to see it. “And why would that be?”
“You two are perfect for each other.”
“Y/N?” You hear, pulling your attention away from Cellini’s description of him.
“He’s tall, adorable, just dorky enough that he seems innocent, but not enough so you know he can be a little devious when he needs to be. He’s fit, like’ running your hands on his abs and never wanting to stop’ fit. He’s got that smirk that you love and will make you melt, curls that I know you want to run your hands through and pull while he moans your name,” she told you, you only tuning into the last part, hanging up without a word.
“Tyson? Hi,” you greet him as he takes the seat across from you. Cellini was right about everything she said. She should have introduced you two first.
“So, you need a wedding date?” he asks you.
You didn’t know what it was about him, but you couldn’t help but start to blush, sheepishly nodding in reply. “Mine and Cellini’s friend is getting married and I said I would bring a date, which I don’t have.”
“Yeah, your friend Jeremy!” he says, shifting towards you, his arms resting on the table supporting him. “Cellini showed me their wedding site, he and Steven look like they make a great couple.”
“They are,” you tell him, starting to mirror the smile that was growing on his face. “They met when they were freshmen in college.” You tell him the story that you knew about them, sure that you were leaving out details about them, but he didn’t seem to notice or care. He seemed to be hanging on to every word of yours, his chin resting in the palm of his hand.
The two of you sat in the coffee shop for hours talking about everything you could think of. From the outside, it looked like you two were friends who had known each other forever.
“Oh, shit,” Tyson says, checking his watch. “I have to get going, I have to pack for a road trip.”
You had no idea why, you were sad that he was leaving, wishing you could spend more time with him and trying to think of anything you could say that could lead to you being with him longer. “Do you need help?” you offer.
He hesitates for a second, immediate regret washing over you. “I should be fine this time,” he tells you, you praying that the hurt that you felt wasn’t showing on your face. “But, how am I doing on the wedding date front?” he asks, a smirk growing on his face.
You give him a small smile, trying your best to flirt with him. “Well, I don’t know if I should say yes to you when I barely know you.”
“Good, because I get back Sunday,” he says, standing up from the table, “and if you’re interested, I want to see you again before the wedding.”
You tell him yes, letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, watching him leave the coffee shop unable to let your eyes wander anywhere besides him until he was out of sight. You sit back in your seat, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. You never were like this after meeting a guy unless you were drunk and waking up the next morning regretting at least one decision from the night before and leaving as soon as you could.
But Cellini had known the guy who could take your breath away all this time, waiting until now to introduce the two of you.
Sunday rolled around, Tyson inviting you over to his place to make you dinner and watch a movie with him, Cellini not hesitating to tease you about your ‘Netflix and chill’ night that was about to happen as your first date. Actually, your second date, since Tyson told you he considered your first date that day you met.
You were sitting on his couch, Tyson banishing you from the kitchen while he cleaned up and telling you to find a movie that you could watch. You found 13 Going on 30, not caring if Tyson had seen it or not, settling into the cushions while the opening credits started playing.
“What did you pick?” The title cards comes up on the screen before you can answer, Tyson saying, “Huh, I’ve never seen this one before.”
“How have you never seen one of the best movies ever?” you ask him, Tyson extending his arm across the back of the couch for you to lean up against him, resting your head on his shoulder. The two of you stay like that the entire movie, Tyson adding his commentary every now and then, his fingers dancing up and down your arm, tracing patterns as he pulled you closer to him with every chance he got.
By the last scene, Jenna and Matt are sitting on the couch outside their new home, sharing Razzles, you and Tyson in a similar pose. You look over at Tyson, feeling his eyes on you for the last few moments.
“You aren’t watching,” you whisper, seeing his eyes flickering down to your lips.
“I know,” he says, his face inching closer to yours. “This might sound dumb, but can I kiss you?”
You could feel his breath on you, waiting for you to tell him what you want. “Yes,” you let out, his lips connecting with yours without a second thought. His hands wrapped around you, pulling you up onto his lap, you running your hands through his hair. Your mind went blank, wanting him, needing him to do everything he asked. He seemed to be the same; every time you asked him if you could do something, he eagerly told you yes as you went for it. Your bodies moved together as if they were made for each other, finding the parts of you in him that you didn’t know were missing.
Part of you thought he was the love you were supposed to find when you were 23.
“Ok, so I heard from Tyson that things went well,” Cellini says to you that next Monday at work, her eyebrows wiggling to match the mocking tone that was dripping from her voice.
You were suddenly mortified, praying that she didn’t know everything about that night. “What did you hear?”
“Tyson wants to go to the wedding with you,” she squeals, just about jumping out of her seat in excitement. “See, I told you that you were perfect for each other.”
Cell keeps gushing about you and Tyson as a date, going on and on about how he would look so good with the tie color that matched your dress, dancing with you, everything. “When’s your next date?”
“The wedding?” you say, a hint of confusion in your voice. The other night wasn’t really a date. You hadn’t even technically agreed to take him to the wedding. Cellini still apparently had another man for you to see if he was your potential date. “What about guy number five?”
“Tyson was guy number five.”
“Well, you said you had another one after Tyson.”
“Why do you need to meet James?”
“Actually,” you start, “If he calls himself James, there’s probably something wrong with him.” You let out a sigh, guess you had to settle. Settling for someone who could be perfect for you if you were in a place where you were ready to be with someone. Settling for Tyson.
Cellini keeps going on about you and Tyson again, not seeing to notice or just not caring about the fact that you weren’t paying attention to a word that she was saying. You wanted Tyson to text you, not go through your friend to say that you would go to the wedding together. The wedding was in about two weeks, plenty of time for him to get his tux and match his tie to your dress. He didn’t have to be anything more than your wedding date. There was no need for him to be more than that. You weren’t 23 yet, you didn’t have to worry yet.
“Oh, my god,” Cellini stops her rant, her eyes wide as she looks just over your shoulder.
You turn to see what it was that had her like that, or rather, who. Tyson was at the front desk of your office, talking to the receptionist but clearly looking for someone while he listened to whatever it was they were telling him. He finally lays his eyes on you, a wide smile covering his face that you couldn’t help but melt at the sight of. Something about that stupid grin of his was haunting your memories in the best way possible, from the smile he gave you after he pulled away from kissing you, the one he flashed as he was leaving that next morning, every time he did was replaying like a film reel in your head as he was walking towards you. “Hey, Cellini,” he greets your friend before she scurries off, mouthing something along the lines of ‘have fun’ before disappearing. He turns to you, not seeing what she said. “I was wondering if I could take you out to lunch.”
There was something about the slight tone of nerves that were coming through his voice that sent shivers down your spine. You had only known this boy for a week and there was something about him that you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You knew he was only your date for your wedding, but you couldn’t stop yourself from taking him up on his invitation to lunch.
He brings you to a cafe not far from where you worked, his hand in yours the entire walk there as if you two had been together for years. Tyson sits across from you, his hand running through his hair nervously as he looks at you. “I have to admit,” he lets out with a sigh, “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the other night.”
You give a smile, Tyson matching yours. “I haven’t either,” you tell him, Tyson reaching across the table. You put your hand in his, feeling him give you a gentle squeeze. What was this, where you two dating? Were you supposed to ask him what he thought, if he thought you were? Or was he only in it for the friends with benefits and the wedding? You would be fine with the latter. You weren’t sure you could handle dating at this point.
“Are you busy tomorrow night?” he asks you.
You want to see him. You need to see him.
“Like for another date?” you ask him.
“Yeah. You know, dinner, a walk around the city, back to your place or my place and hopefully repeat the other night if you’re willing?” he suggests, a rosy tint showing up on his cheeks at his suggestion.
He take in a deep breath, trying to figure out what you wanted. You wanted him. But you couldn’t have him. “I like the first part of that,” you start, your voice trailing off as the smile on his face fell.
Tyson felt himself starting to panic. “Did I do something wrong the other night? You can tell me, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in any way,” he lets out.
“No, no,” you reassure him, squeezing his hand that was still holding yours. “You did nothing wrong, I just.” You stop yourself, trying to figure out what to tell him. “I think you want more than I do from this.”
His shoulders deflate at your words. “What do you want from this?”
This wasn’t a conversation you pictured having as the waiter brought over the food you had already forgotten you ordered, sitting there in public as the stream from the panini you got started to reach your face. But there you were, in the cafe, talking about where you wanted this relationship to go with the boy sitting in front of you. This perfect, gorgeous, sweet boy who was everything you could ever wish for in a man. “I don’t know if I’m ready to be dating someone.”
You hadn’t seen him in a week and a half. Not that you didn’t want to, but you were working late nights trying to get everything done (thank you overtime pay), and the nights that you weren’t working late were the ones that he was either traveling or just playing a game and didn’t have time to come see you. You missed him.
“Why aren’t you dating him, again?” Cellini asks you while you’re sitting at your desk, staring at your phone instead of actually doing any work. You were trying to manifest him texting, calling, sending a snapchat, anything that would give you a reason to talk to him like you had been waiting for all day.
“I don’t date.”
Cellini scoffs, earning a confused look from you. “You’ve been spending the last year and a half that I have known you talking about how you hated that you felt like you were ‘behind’ everyone you knew when it came to meeting the person you were supposed to spend your life with. Now you’ve met him, and all you’re doing is using him to sleep with and then as a wedding date. Then what?”
“I am not. I’m not ready to date,” you try to argue back.
“No, you think you aren’t ready to date. Tyson is your person. Tyson is the one you’ve been waiting for in your life to be yours, I know it.
You roll your eyes at your friend. “How do you know he’s my person?”
Cellini shrugs, looking down at her hands and starts picking at her cuticles, not making eye contact with you. “I don’t for sure, it’s just a feeling. But you won’t know unless you date him. Like, actually date him.”
“I told you, I don’t care about dating. I have time when I’m older to date, I don’t have to start thinking about that stuff yet,” you say to her, leaving out your arbitrary age that you wanted to date knowing that it was ridiculous.
Cellini rolls her eyes at you, standing up from her chair. “There’s no timeline set in stone about when you meet someone. There’s no schedule about when you’re supposed to fall in love, get married, when you’re supposed to accomplish those ‘milestones’ that you always talk about. When your person comes, they come. Your person is here in your life, and you’re trying to keep him out of it for God only knows what reason.”
Before you can respond, Cellini walks away, leaving her words hanging around you. ‘Your person is here in your life.’ There’s no way she could actually know that Tyson was the one for you. He was just your wedding date, and nothing more.
The night before Jeremy’s wedding, you and Tyson were at your place, as you had been the last few nights that both of you were free. You couldn’t help but feel like the two of you were actually dating, something you were trying to stay away from, something that you kept telling yourself that you weren’t ready for.
You were cuddled up next to him on your bed, the sheets pulled up over your chest, Tyson’s hand in yours as you both tried to catch your breath. Tyson was unlike any guy you had been with before, so why were you trying so hard to push Cellini’s words out of your head.
Tyson kisses the top of your hair, mumbling something against you that you could make out. You look up to him, a lazy smile on his face. “What was that?”
“I like this,” he says, using his free hand to tilt your chin up to him, his eyes flicking between yours and your lips. He pulls you close to him for a sweet, slow kiss, his hand cupping your face before working its way to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him. He pulls away first, you wanting to go back for more when he presses his forehead against yours. “I like you.”
You smile at him, unsure what to say before settling back onto his shoulder, feeling him kiss the top of your head again. The wedding was tomorrow. You probably weren’t going to see Tyson again after tomorrow night, probably not like this at least. You were trying to tell yourself that you didn’t want anything more with Tyson than you had now, and that you shouldn’t even being doing what you’ve been doing with him, no matter how good it was. No, no matter how great it was. “I like you, too,” you let out, barely above a whisper.
Tyson was everything, but he couldn’t be anything.
“I need to ask you something,” he tells you, shifting so you’re forced to sit up and look at him. “We’ve been dating for a little bit now,” he starts.
“Wait,” you cut him off. “This isn’t dating.”
You could feel your heart shatter at the look on his face, the absolute disappointment and confusion that fell on him. “Then what is this?” he asked, quietly.
“We’ve been on dates, but we aren’t dating. This was just for the wedding,” you say to him, hating yourself for those words.
“So when do we get to the part where we are dating?” he asks, the tone in his voice starting to change.
You sit up a little straighter, feeling an argument coming on between you and him. “We don’t.”
“Why? I like you, I want to be with you, and I have a feeling you like me and want to be with me,” he says.
You bite your lip, knowing that he was right. “I do, but,”
“But, what?” he cuts you off. “Is this that stuff Cellini had warned me about?”
“What did she warn you about?”
“You don’t want to date anyone. You have it in your head that you have to wait for a certain time in your life where you can start living and being with someone else. Why?”
You flinch at his words, something about the bite in his tone that you didn’t expect making you recoil from him. You never really thought about why other than, ‘because.’ “There’s no point in doing anything serious right now,” was the best answer you could give him.
“But, why?” he asks again, more force in his voice.
You couldn't answer him, your mouth opening in closing like a fish while he stared you down waiting. He didn’t wait too long for an answer, getting up out of your bed and gathering his clothes. He turns to you while you sat there, silently, shaking his head with his clothing balled up against him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tyson opens his mouth as if he wanted to say something else, shaking his head and closing the door behind him instead of letting out what he wanted to. He stood on the other side of your door, putting on his clothing as silently as possible while he tried to listen to see if you were going to try to chase after him.
You sat there, too stunned to move. You had just sabotaged what was probably the best relationship you would have in a long time, with the best guy you had met, the most perfect person for you was sitting in your bed next to you, and there you were, letting him walk away.
Tyson let out another sigh, trying to fight back his tears while you were there letting yours fall. You got up, not loud enough for Tyson to hear you, and crept over to your door. You had no idea if he was still there, your hand hovering over the doorknob. If you had opened the door while Tyson was still there, his back leaning against the wall next to it, he would stay.
He would stay, and do everything he could to convince you that you were both in the right place in your life to be with each other. Deep down, he knew that everything about you two was what you needed from the other; you were his comfort, his voice of reason even though you were just as insane as he was, his person to talk to when he wasn’t right for whatever reason. He was your strength, the warmth that you needed when you couldn’t find it otherwise, your joy and the smile on your face.
All you had to do was open the door. Your hand was right there ready to open it, Tyson there on the other side without you knowing. You just had to open it and you would find what could be your forever relationship on the other side.
And you didn’t open the door.
“You look like shit,” Cellini says when she opens the door to her place. The two of you were getting ready together that morning and heading over to the wedding that way. You already knew that Cellini’s observation was true; you spent the night after you heard your door close crying. You were kicking yourself for letting Tyson get away from you, but what else were you going to do. You didn’t want to be with someone. But Tyson made you think otherwise. You always heard that you would find your person when you stopped looking, and there he was, when you weren’t looking.
“I know that, help me not look like shit,” you mumble, pushing past her with your dress in hand.
The two of you get ready in silence, Cellini already filled in about Tyson storming out last night. She was mad at you for it, but not showing you at that moment. You were mad enough at yourself, anyway. You spent the night thinking about Tyson, wishing he was there with your, the image of him burned in your mind every time you closed your eyes. You hated yourself for letting him walk away. 23 was too far away for you when Tyson was so close.
“Is he still coming today?” Cellini breaks the silence between you.
You shrug looking at yourself in the mirror. You just finished your makeup, the thought of Tyson ditching you starting to make you tear up, and there was not enough time to redo your makeup if you were going to cry. “Do you think he’s the kind of guy to bail?” Cellini gets up, gently resting her hand on your shoulder.
“For you, I don’t think he would.” You nod, knowing that if you said anything, it would just be followed with a sob. You were pretty much ready to go, slipping into your dress and heels before Cellini tried to find the keys to her car. She had helped you pick out a red dress, outside of your normal black, but fuck, you looked good.
You just wanted Tyson to see you in it.
There was nothing that could occupy your mind other than Tyson during the wedding. Jeremy was saying he would spend the rest of his life with the love of his life, he and Steven looking the happiest you had ever seen them. They were saying their vows, you trying to force a smile when Cellini nudged you in the side. You couldn’t see Jeremy and Steven. You wanted to be standing there with Tyson, something absurd for only having known him for a few weeks, but Cellini was right, he was your person.
Love at first sight was never on your mind. Falling in love quickly was never on your mind. Finding your person was something you never thought would happen, and neither was letting him go.
Getting to the reception was a blur, the first part of it was a blur, and you were sure the rest of the night would be the same. There was nothing, no one, that could keep your attention or really bring a smile to your face. Tyson had bailed as your date, the seat next to you empty as Jeremy and Steven and the rest of their wedding party made their entrance.
“Is this seat taken?” you hear someone say, pulling you out of your trance, Tyson with a small smile on his face as he leaned against what was his seat anyway. You smile, nodding as he takes the seat. He’s close to you, your breath hitching as you feel his knee against you. “Sorry, I’m late, practice went long,” he tells you, leaning back.
You felt weird with him next to you, the tension between you after your last conversation still lingering as neither of you said a word. Cellini didn’t seem to notice, or, she didn’t care, simply greeting Tyson and then getting up to dance with her date. She was lucky enough to have a boyfriend, Seamus looking at her the way Tyson looked at you while they danced together.
“Do you want to dance?” Tyson finally asks you, standing up and holding his hand out to you before you answer. You nod, following him to the dance floor, just as a slow song starts to play. He holds you close, his hands on the small of your back, your arms draped on his shoulders. “I waited for you to follow me last night,” he tells you.
“What?” you ask in shock. You thought he left. If you had known he was waiting, you would have went to him. But why didn’t you? “I had no idea.”
“Would you have followed me?”
You didn’t even need to think about it, the immediate ‘yes’ coming into your mind. “Of course.”
“Then why are you waiting until you’re 23, of all ages, to let yourself fall for someone?”
“I’m not.”
It was Tyson’s turn to look at you with shock, his mouth hanging open slightly while he tries to find the words. “What are you saying?”
“Waiting is stupid when I have the perfect guy right in front of me,” you tell him, your fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck.
He doesn’t say anything, his hand leaving your back and finding your cheek to pull you in for a kiss. Everything melted away for a moment, everyone around you was gone while you were there with Tyson, the perfect, sweet, goofy, beautiful boy that you didn’t have to wait for to come into your life.
He was standing right in front of you.
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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Hello! I saw that requests were open and I was wondering if I could request the demon brothers from Obey Me! (separately) with a mermaid s/o? The brothers are unaware that their s/o is a mermaid since they hid themself amongst humans and pretended to be one. But since they’re in the Devildom and they miss the ocean, they’ll take really long baths in the bathroom while in their mermaid form whenever they can. Maybe the brothers find out they’re a mermaid when they accidentally see their s/o in their mermaid form? Gender-neutral please! And sorry if this is kinda a long request. I love your work and I hope you have a lovely day! Thank you! ❤️
Aww, I'm glad you like my work thank you for requesting it! And don't worry I love long requests it really helps me when it comes to writing! I will also say this is technically against my rules as I only write for 6 at a time but I will make an exception only for the Obey Me brothers just please keep that in mind. - Lilly
Set up
It's been a rough week the heat in the Deilvdom Is already above average but this past week has been the worst it's almost unbearable and I want nothing more then to get home so I can soak myself for a while. I've been doing that most days anyway but now it's more out of need than a want. Another hot day and another need for a long bath only this time I would get to relax for even longer! 'Everyone should still be at RAD for the meeting" With how hot it was Diavolo said it would be okay for me to head back so I didn't risk passing out so I would have at least an extra hour before anyone got home! Fully submerged in cool water my Iridescent tail just slightly hanging out I let myself unwind from the week. "Other than the heat things have been good I've kept my grades high and tomorrow we'll be going on a date" My lips pull into a smile as I muse not noticing the sound of knocking or the worried voice of my partner calling out to me it seems only natural this would happen one day but opening my eyes to the shocked face of my lover wasn't how I planned it.
Though fully shocked by the news that you're apparently a kind of merfolk he is also in stunned awe
It might take him a few moments but once he recomposes himself he'll jump straight to questioning you on things
He's not mad not even really a little angry that you kept this from him he just wants to know why and how you hid it....did Diavolo know?!
After you answer his questions he just stands there in amazement as a human he thought you the most beautiful being and now you're also like a shining star
You also have no idea how much pride this man has when he finds out you wanted to tell him and only him for a while now
He does get a little shy about a desire he now has but he still tells you about it (it's wanting to see and swim with you in the ocean)
" My my and here I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore then you already have you truly are my most special one huh?
So flustered I mean what was he supposed to do you're in the tub and oh...oh you're a merfolk
He doesn't fully know how to process this information but man he knows he's happy and a little upset
Ask tons of questions and most of them are about why and how you hid this from him
Once that's out of the way Mammon is so excited you've been his number one since before you even started dating but knowing this secret about you and being the only one to know even if it was an accident makes him so happy
You get a new nickname then and there and it's His Sea Jewel though he still calls you his human to cause duh
He plans to take you to the ocean whenever he can just so you be fully yourself and enjoy not being in such a small tub( he might even bribe Asmo so you can use his tub too)
"I always knew you were a treasure but babe this is something else ya know"
:o that's him when he sees your tail, You're a sea dweller like him!!!!
Not even really gonna wonder why you didn't tell him he just gonna make sure you haven't told anyone else
Guess what your new couple's activity is! It's swimming in his aquarium room him in his demon form and you in your merfolk from
Is now a hype man for you talking up how cool it is that you are really a merperson and how it's just like the anime my best friend turned out to be a mermaid!
Will not even think about telling his brothers this is his secret with you now no one else should know unless you want to tell them..
Please let him help clean your tail and fins he will do everything you (⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
He walks out right away and it won't dawn on him at first that you're a merfolk until he's out of the room
Does tons of research on mermaids and merpeople in general
He's hyper-focused on it for a bit and honesty prefers if you want to tell the others because he can brag that you're all his
Teasing calls you catfish and lovingly calls you jellyfish don't ask why
Is really scared now of bringing you with him to play with cats or showing you the cats he brings in thanks to slightly fearing they may try to eat you
enjoys sitting in the tub with you while you stay in your full form even if you like the water cold if it means holding you like this he won't mind
" What a wonderful surprise my dear jellyfish if you ever want to go see the ocean just let me know it will be our vacation plans"
At first, he was just happy to see enjoying your time and then he saw the tail
He so excited his partner the second most beautiful person in all the Devildom and the most beautiful human is actually a beautiful merfolk
Will not question it at all he understand why you might want to hide it and that Diavolo probably already knew so he's not worried
Asmo already called you many sweet nicknames but his new favorite is Angle fish
Now that he knows he becomes far more committed to helping you out with a beauty routine after all merpeople can't risk their fins and scales drying or being hurt
If you're okay with it he'll want to post about you in your true form mostly bragging about how amazing you are
" I didn't think you could be any more gorgeous yet here you are angle fish glimmering like a clear night star"
His first thing after seeing you like this is to be worried you're in the heat so often are you ok?
Beel isn't really fazed by the fact you've been hiding this he's just happy you don't mind him knowing
Won't say a word to anyone unless you want him to but will ask if he can at least tell Belphie
He will go to the beach with you whenever you want and starts to take you with him to work out his gym has a huge swimming pool you can use
Really wants to know about food you like now did you enjoy fish or other types of seafood if so raw or cooked he'll plan a dinner for you
Beel will still call you cupcake but sometimes when he wants to tease you he calls you sushi and if anyone calls you that in a mocking way he will fight
" I've always like carrying you around but now I have even more reasons to"
Doesn't ever notice you have a tail he just wanted to know why you were in the bath for so long
Is both in awe and also doesn't care thanks to you he became ok with humans again and even though he knows you're not really one you clearly choose to live like you are
Is fine with keeping it a secret but will also be real smug if you tell people cause now people think your even cooler but your all his
He can sleep anywhere and thought he wont be in the tub with you he will hold your hand and rub your tail while he sits on the ground and naps
Doesn't like going to the beach much but if you really wanna go hell come with you just to see having fun
Will whole heartedly defend you and fight for you if someone finds out and picks on you or if any of his brothers bother you
" Who would've guessed that you would be such a magical person and to not just that but that even being who you are you still choose me"
Okay I hope that this was to your liking and thank you for reading! And a huge thank you to my best friend @bird-brained-plague-doctor for helping me with some of the ideas used!!!!
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hiddlesbummmm · 3 years
Oh my goodness! I’m so so sorry to the anon who requested this amazing idea weeks ago! Thank you all for being so patient with me💗💗
Please enjoy this Supernatural fic requested by an Anon. Original prompt here
I love you guys and hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
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Warnings: Some descriptions of blood and gore (nothing too graphic)
Words: 2641 Lee Reader X Ler Dean
Something was wrong.
The only thing you remembered so far was waking up in a nice soft bed this morning. Except, this wasn’t a hotel room. This was a nice house with lots of furniture. You frantically rolled over expecting to be next to Dean but were startled to see him already awake, standing in front of the mirror and putting on a tie.
“Decide to sleep in this morning sweetheart? Sammy’s got his first court case today and I figured we would go observe.”
Your eyes widened in panic as your mind jumped to a worst-case scenario.
“What do you mean his first court case? Did he get caught after stealing that car last week? Dean, we can’t go! We are both wanted individuals. We need to call Bobby, he will know what to do!”
You scrambled out of bed and looked for your phone. Before you had the chance to open it, Dean had placed a hand on your shoulder, looking at you with confusion etched onto his face.
“Babe….What are you talking about? Did you have a bad dream or something? Sam is the prosecuting attorney in his first big case. He graduated from law school just a few months ago. And you’ve never even met Bobby! Are you feeling alright?”
That was red flag number 1 and 2. What was Sam doing working as an attorney and where the hell was Bobby?
Quickly, you composed yourself.
“Oh. Duh right. Sorry, Dean. I had a really weird dream last night. I’m going to go get dressed.”
You hurried off to the bathroom and locked the door. You splashed cold water on your face hoping it would wake you from this dream you were in. You took a deep breath and rummage through your “closet” to find some nice courtroom attire.
Right when you opened the bathroom door to head down to the kitchen for some food, the doorbell rang.
Dean, who was still combing his hair, smiled at you.
“Wow, babe. You look spectacular as always. Sounds like my parents are here. We better hurry or we will be late picking up Jess too.”
And with those words, your heart shattered. Something most definitely was wrong. None of those people were still alive. A wave of nausea passed over you and you started to panic. Something was very very wrong, and you needed to figure it out.
“You know Dean, I uh actually think I’m gonna stay here. I think I have a migraine and just want to lay down. Sam won’t be too mad will he?”
You faked your illness by sitting on the bed and held your head. You could tell Dean was disappointed, but he kissed you on the forehead and ran down the hall to greet his parents.
After a few minutes, you heard the voices dissipate and the slamming of car doors in the driveway. Now that you were alone, it was time to figure out what the hell was going on.
You made yourself a huge cup of coffee and opened up your laptop. As much as you enjoyed waking up in a nice house, it just didn’t feel like home. There was something special about bouncing from one crappy motel to another with Dean and Sam.
You had grown up in a picket fence lifestyle. Your family had been wealthy and you didn’t have to worry about anything financially.
Then you met Dean. He was in town looking for a ghost at your town's music museum (which you didn’t know at the time), and you had happened to run into him at a diner. Something clicked between the two of you and Dean knew you were the one when he explained his real reason for coming into town. You had listened intently, and instead of running, you offered to help get rid of the ghost.
Soon after dating Dean, your family completely disowned you and took you off of the will. You were supposed to become a doctor, but you never wanted that for yourself.
You felt relieved being kicked out of your family. The Winchesters were your new family, and now you and Dean were going to be getting married in just a few months. You had to get back to that world.
Feeling that the coffee had kicked in, you started brain dumping all that had happened the previous week.
The week started with Dean, Sam, and you drive across the country to some small town in Georgia. The drive had taken a few days, and by the time you arrived, everyone was on edge from being stuck in a car together for so long.
Sam had escaped to a nearby library so he could research the local missing person cases in peace and quiet.
You and Dean walked down to the coroners' office to take a look at the two bodies that had previously been recovered.
Your initial thought was that you had stumbled across a vampire den. The two bodies were completely drained of blood. The only issue was that there were no puncture marks on the bodies, no defensive wounds, and the bodies appeared to have IV marks on their arms.
You and Dean returned to the hotel and updated Sam on the information. Sam had hit a couple of brick walls and reached out to Bobby to see if he knew what they were dealing with.
That’s when your full memory flooded in.
You distinctly remember sitting on the bed when Sam said
“I reached out to Bobby to see if he had any idea on what this thing is, and he is pretty sure it’s a Djinn.” You glanced over at Dean who was smirking. “So you mean, we are looking for an evil Genie? Whatever happened to get three wishes?”
Sam rolled his eyes in response. “No Dean. Djinns are very different from Genies. They are—“
Then your memory faded away. Why didn’t you see it earlier? The fantasy dream fit perfectly into the Djinns MO. Their special Vudu magic probably blocked out your memories to try and make you complicit. One thing you most definitely remembered about Djinns is that they take your blood and feed on you for a few days. You had no clue how long you had been missing, but you had to get out of this dream.
You ran down the stairs of your fantasy house and bounded into the street. Without thinking, you screamed as loud as you could.
And then your mind went black.
You could barely open your eyes when you came too. You were stuck in some musty basement with water dripping rhythmically throughout the space. Once your eyes focused, you could see the bag full of blood hanging next to you. Your arms were tied firmly above your head and your feet were barely brushing the ground.
The room was dimly lit, but you could tell that you were alone. A warm tear fell down your face as you realized you were trapped, alone, and dying. You prayed Dean and Sam would find you, but you had probably been missing for a day or two already. You shook your head at the terrible memory of you suggesting you all split up to explore the warehouse.
Dean was not a fan of splitting up, but you ensured him you would be fine. You had walkie-talkies to communicate with.
Disgruntled, Dean had walked away with Sam. You sighed and walked in the opposite direction.
After exploring the west side of the warehouse for about an hour, you had come across nothing suspicious. You were just about to radio in with Dean to meet up when something shiny caught your eye. You waved your flashlight beam back over a piece of the wall when you noticed a huge crack. Upon closer examination, you realized it was a door.
“Dean, Sam. I found a hidden door on the west side of the building near the lumber loading dock. I'm going in.” You whispered on the radio. Foolishly, you left the radio on the ground outside the door since you were worried about feedback echoing around the warehouse and giving away your position.
Once entering the hidden doorway, you were led to a set of stairs going down. You silently walked down them until you came to a forked hallway. You shrugged and went to the left. From there, you passed several rooms filled with machinery and abandoned filing cabinets. This must have been the storage area.
Suddenly, you heard a slight clank in the distance. You froze and whipped your head around. But, it was too late. The Djinn was already on top of you and soon you slipped into the fantasy world.
More tears spilled down your face as you realized this was all your fault. You had no idea where you were, and no way of communicating with the outside world. You let your body fall limp as you realized you were probably going to die here.
“ Y/n! Where are you? Can you hear me?”
It was Deans's voice. And he was close!
“I'm he-here Dean!! Losing lots of blood!” You croaked out. You heard the thundering of footsteps and soon Dean and Sam were at your side.
“ Yo-you better be quiet or the Djinn will return” you warned. Dean and Sam looked at each other and gave you a little smile.
“ We already took care of it. We killed it not knowing it had taken you hostage. That’s why it took us so long to find you”. Sam said hesitantly. You just barked out a hoarse laugh. “Well, then get me out of here you dorks!”
Sam went behind you and helped hold your legs to take some of the weight off your arms. Dean hurriedly took out your IV and started cutting the rope holding your hands together. At one point he accidentally lost his balance and pressed into your upper ribs and armpit to steady himself. Not prepared for the feeling, you let out a string of giggles and shook slightly at the ticklish feeling.
Dean poked his head out from behind you. “How long have you been hiding that from me eh? Well, I guess I’ll just have to experiment with that after your all healed up then”. You blushed and tried to kick Dean with one of your legs so Dean poked you in the side in retaliation. You heard Sam clear his throat as his way of saying “ Let’s hurry this up and get her to the doctor”. Once released from your bonds, Dean carried you to the car where you fell fast asleep.
You awoke 2 days later in a hospital bed. The doctor said you thankfully didn’t lose a ton of blood, but you were severely dehydrated and had a nasty contusion on your head. Once discharged, the three of you drove to Bobby’s so you could recoup.
The doctor suggested light activity for the next 3 weeks to help heal your concussion and head wound. A week after the incident, you felt completely normal, but Dean was not going to let you do anything crazy. He and Sam went off on a trip and made sure Bobby kept his eye on you while they were gone.
You didn’t mind the break. The past few months had been jam-packed with monster killing, and so you were happy to take a break. Bobby had a really nice library, so you spent a lot of your time reading up on mythological creatures and other lore. But even with the much-needed break, you still missed the hunting. It was a piece of who you were now, and without it, you felt empty.
That is why you were completely ecstatic when Dean and Sam came back a few days earlier than expected. The moment Dean walked through the door, you threw your arms around him and kissed him silly, not caring if anyone else was in the room.
“Well, what did I do to deserve something like that? I say we take this party somewhere else,” Dean growled in your ear. Dean then quickly carried you bridal style into your room and slammed the door shut. He tossed you on the bed and made quick timing on laying on top of you.
You giggled in anticipation as Dean leaned down to kiss you silly. Moments like these were your absolute favorite. Under Dean's tough facade, he was actually a big old goofball. Together you made a great pair.
Then Dean did something completely unexpected. Instead of planting a kiss on your lips, he dove his head to the side last minute and started peppering kisses all over your neck. Not expecting the sudden change of course, you couldn’t hold back your shrilly laughter. This seemed to entice Dean even more and he started to kiss your neck, ears, and collarbone. You were giggling crazily and tried to escape Dean's death grip.
Now chuckling too, Dean paused his ticklish attack. “I can’t believe you kept this from me! I guess it’s only fair to make up for all the lost time!” And in one swift movement, Dean had rolled you on top of him, and pinned your arms to your side. You may be a very fit and muscular woman, but Dean was way stronger nonetheless. You tried to wiggle out of his grasp but found yourself completely stuck.
“De-Dean! It’s fine! No need to experiMENT”
You were cut off by your laughter as Dean decided to go for the kill. He relentlessly attached your armpits, the place he found originally when you had been trapped by the Djinn.
“ Oh Woah Oh Babe! I think this must be the jackpot” Dean said amused as he spidered his fingertips on your upper ribs and armpits. You shook violently and let our deep belly laughs, your face was quickly turning bright red. Dean didn’t let up though. Your laughter was infectious, and he didn’t mind being lost in it. He found that the deeper you pressed into your hollows, the more frantic you became.
Feeling especially mischievous, Dean found it quite amusing when he went back to nibbling on your neck while his fingers attacked your armpits. You howled with laughter and couldn’t even form full sentences.
At this point, your face was becoming sore as you laughed your heart out. You no longer were fighting him as your strength was depleted.
Meanwhile, outside your room, Sam and Bobby both were grinning as your loud laughter echoed around the hallways. Bobby took a sip of his beer.
“ I betcha glad that ain’t you in there huh Sammy? I remember when Dean would relentlessly tickle you silly. Maybe you should go rescue your sister-in-law before he kills her!”
Sam chuckled and gave his beer to Bobby. He has been victim to Dean's tickle attacks plenty of times in his life and decided it would only be fair to get a little retribution.
You noticed Sam walk into the room.
“ Sahaham help me!!” You pleaded as Dean paused his attack to see what Sam needed.
With a big toothy grin, Sam spoke. “You know Y/n, Dean is also insanely ticklish. Would you like some help getting revenge?”
Without hesitation, Dean leaped from the bed and raced down the hallway.
You gave Sam a high five. “ Thanks, Sam, but revenge will have to wait. I need a nap.”
Sam nodded and closed the door on his way out. Just as you closed your eyes to get some rest, you heard Sam’s thundering footsteps take off down the hallway in search of his favorite big brother.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
“it’s why i love you”
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pairing: atsumu miya x gender neutral reader
cw: language, angst, jealous atsumu, crying, season 4 spoilers, fluff and kissing
word count: 3600+
a/n: @horseanon--simpforall for helping me decide an ending this is the fluff ending i planned so i hope everybody enjoys it
summary: in which you and atsumu progress through the years of your relationship with atsumu realising just how important you are to him after the loss at nationals
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Atsumu Miya hated his brother, it wasn’t an avid hatred of enemies, it was a hatred that stemmed from jealousy. He didn’t know when his jealousy of Osamu came from, but he knows the many occasions where he had wanted to run away and leave his twin behind. It wasn’t till he was 6 when his memories came flooding in of how much he hated his brother.
October 5th was a day both he and his brother had celebrated unanimously, even with it only being their 6th birthday it was a special occasion for the twins. Their bright smiles and fondness of one another is what had marked both of them inviting their whole class to a gathering at their house.
Streamers and balloons cascaded throughout the living room as their parents had bought two separate cakes just for the occasion. Both having fought over which one they were getting, it was supposed to be a happy day, supposed to be their day that was shared with all of their friends.
Atsumu realised the reality of it as their friends cascaded through the door, the two boys smiling as they waited for the happy birthdays to come from their classes mouth. The sound of Osamu’s singular name as gifts got passed to the more reserved twin, Atsumu’s face faltering as he watched his alleged friends hug and talk to Osamu without a care for the other boy.
He wouldn’t have lied and say it wasn’t the first time he had cried over a feeling of invisibility, how the people both he and Osamu had invited had disregarded the boy. Osamu looked over to his twin seeing him always walking away outside, about to go to him but being stopped by his friends he shook his head knowing Atsumu would get over it.
It wasn’t till he realised you, you who was walking behind Atsumu with a cheery smile, following the boy with your sweet smile. “Atsumu, happy birthday,” you spoke cheerily as the boy turned around, tears always welling in his eyes as he watched you push the gift up to his face. “I got both you and Osamu a gift, I already gave him his, here’s yours.”
“I…” Atsumu could barely speak with the tears in his eyes, he had expected the birthday to be a let down after being forgotten on the day. Watching over Osamu's friends, they weren’t his, they looked through him as if he was a ghost.
But you, with that bright smile and glistening eyes, pushing the wrapped present towards him, “I got you both different things, my mum said I shouldn’t tell you that though.”
You laughed heartily as he took the gift in his hands, the only gift from his class and it had come from you, a girl he barely knew but had invited out of courtesy, “thank yer, I ‘ant wait to open it.”
“Come on, let's go play,” you put your hand out as he looked at it hesitantly, before taking your soft fingers. A burst of childish excitement came from between you both as he placed the gift with his mother, she had noticed it herself, needing to talk to Osamu after the party about what had happened.
But the happiness she saw on her son, the way his eyes had a different shine as you both went to play with other toys his family had gotten him, made her heart burst. “The cake you have looks really yummy, Atsumu,” he crashes his car into the one you were playing with as you giggle softly, crashing your car back at his.
Atsumu had many memories of the times he had been chosen second to his brother, but in all of them it seemed like you had always brought a smile on his face. It wasn’t like as a child he was annoying, it was just his personality never meshed with anybody’s other than yours. It’s why when he started Volleyball with Osamu it had been hard to mesh with others.
His constant complaining as he lied across your bed as you flicked through the movies you both were going to watch together became a constant occurrence throughout the years. He was always glad you had never forgotten him on his birthday, now spending all of them with you, you had always gotten the twins different presents which had always fuelled the child’s ego.
“The team still hates ma,” Atsumu spoke as he grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl that was between your crossed legs.
“That’s not something to be proud of,” you said already knowing how the team felt about Atsumu due to being a manager of the junior high team, “you just gotta be nice, Atsumu.”
“’am nice.”
“You’re nice to me and that’s only rarely, learn how to work with others, not everybody is gonna be amazing from the get-go, Atsumu.” You and Atsumu often spent time together, Osamu being easily able to make friends on the team whereas Atsumu was often seen as the one who pushed people to their limits.
It wasn’t like his words weren’t a consistent occurrence, throughout his Junior High, the boy kept at it, people often wondering how you had coped with him for so long. It wasn’t till the three of you joined Inarazaki that his hunger to play volleyball became more prevalent and his love for you remaining the same.
The many fights that occurred between the two boys had been often observed by the team, Suna encouraging it as Aran stayed on the sidelines. The call of your name as you rushed into the gym to pull the two boys apart, shouting at both of them for being idiots as you gave a scowl that would haunt them till their deaths.
It was at this moment, Atsumu realised how much you cared for him…but how much you cared for Osamu as well.
He sat in your room, his hair being an issue that you had consistently provoked him about as he thought about his feelings for you. He had a week before he was leaving for the All-Japan Youth, he remembered how fucking happy you had been smiling at him as he got told he was attending. A new type of happiness you had felt for the boy.
You had really stuck with him for all these years, the way that you had become manager of a disastrous team who was now going nationals. You walked into your room seeing Atsumu at your desk staring at the photos upon photos you had with everybody. One that caught his eye being at his 6th birthday, the day he had found his person.
“I still think your hair needs some of that purple shampoo,” you spoke as you chucked the pillow at him.
“Yer mean toner yer idiot,” he mumbled as his concentration was on the other photos you had. One of you and Osamu at the twins 17th a couple months ago, it made him feel almost sick at the look of it but going against being a cunt for a day he moved towards you.
You went over to him, standing in front of him as he was forced to look at your chest and hips in your school uniform, “what do you want for dinner? My parents went out tonight, we can go to yours or we can go out, maybe invite Osam…”
“No.” He was quick in his response as you shook your head in confusion, “we should get take ‘way.”
“Oh okay, we can ask Osamu and Suna if they wanna come round as well,” Atsumu didn’t think you saw his shift in mood at the mention of his twins name, why you were bringing his name so much up, he didn’t know.
“They ‘er busy,” he lied as you were looking through some food that you both could order.
You hummed as you went to get your phone, Atsumu didn’t realise how even though he had classed you as his best friend. The person that Osamu couldn’t have as his own, you were still friends with his twin, you still saw him everyday, it was something Atsumu couldn’t change, he just needed to handle it.
But as he stared at your wall of pictures, a week after leaving you with his twin, maybe you’d forget him or see Osamu to be so much better than he was. He heard you call his name from downstairs as he went down the steps overthinking about all the occurrences that could occur.
Atsumu had left you a week after, waving a goodbye as he took the train to Tokyo, agitated and frustrated at himself. He shouldn’t be jealous of you being friends with Osamu, it wasn’t like he liked you or anything. Of course he didn’t, you were his best friend, his person, the person he wanted to be with forever…as friends though.
The hellish week came to an end in which it felt like it had been a month without you, he wanted to meet you just before Friday practice had ended. That’s all he had wanted to do, hug you, hold you, it wasn’t like he didn’t think or text you the entire week.
Even with Nationals coming up in a week you replied quickly to the boy, calling him when he was free, but the unnerving feeling Atsumu had felt the entire week had become prevalent as he jogged out of the train. Running throughout the city as he reached the school, it wasn’t too late, and practice would be long around this time of the year.
He just wanted to see you, it was a different feeling but almost similar, the same hunger and want he had when playing volleyball was clearly prevalent as he went towards the gym doors. The sound of your chuckle as you spoke to his twin, “he’s coming back ‘ommorow.”
“Yeah I can’t wait to see him, I missed him a lot,” Osamu almost gagged at your words.
“I ‘ad peace the entire week, now it’s ruine’,” you playfully elbow his side as he shakes his head at your antics, “people wonde’ how yer friends with him.”
“He’s my best friend duh, there's no reason, he’s just there for me,” you smile as Kita comes towards you asking about something.
Atsumu had stayed where the doors were, listening in as he was scared to open the doors, you would never replace him, you had shown it yourself. As he stepped through the doors, his bag was still on his shoulder as the team turned to meet him. “Idiot, I would’ve come and met you,” you smiled happily as you walked towards him.
Your arms opened as he took them, hugging you tightly as he hid his face in your hair, “A hear’d yer were missing ma.”
“Oh shut it, I would never miss your piss head,” you chuckled as he went towards the team, going through the people he met at All Japan, significant people he had managed to piss off by the seams of it.
Atsumu kept an arm lazily around your shoulder the entire time he spoke, almost clinging onto you as you listened in happily. “So yer basically annoying everybody and not just us,” Osamu mumbled as he looked hungry from practice.
You chuckled as you agreed with Osamu’s words, “we should get food, we only have a week till nationals…” the boys looked disgruntled at your words until you continued, “...it's on me.”
“Then of course Y/n, you’re a sugar mommy,” Suna spoke as you rolled your eyes.
Atsumu watched you and the boys begin to gather your stuff, the big coat your mother had bought you a year ago across you as winter had come quickly.
As the team walked together, Atsumu’s arm stayed closer to yours as you both walked ahead, “did you miss me then?”
You looked up at the tall figure, his ears freezing as he remained silent on your comment, you nudged him lightly before hearing him, “I did, yer my…my best friend.”
“Well you’re my best friend as well, idiot,” you chuckle as you all went into the ramen store, the boys picking overly expensive toppings leaving you penniless at the end, “you all owe me.”
They laughed as they began to eat. You had sat beside Osamu as Atsumu was speaking to Aran about something. Osamu stuffing his face with the food as you rolled your eyes, “I’m not paying for seconds Osamu.”
“’re yer callin’ ma fat,” you chuckled as he continued to slurp at the food. Atsumu watched your interactions with his brother, he had learnt from his week away, learnt from his words that you both were best friends. That his brother who didn’t realise himself could take you away from him.
It was what Atsumu was going to live by, because he knew staring and watching as you got some of the Ramen up your nose that you were his person. It was what remained with him throughout the week, throughout the first game and into the second game of nationals.
With seeing you with the coach, the cheering that quietened down when his serve occurred, that even though his fans found him attractive but a cunt. You saw the real him, you saw through his perfect sets, and perfect serves, the real him.
The winner of everything you believed in, you had only become manager to control the twins, but maybe more of you wanted to spend time with Atsumu, watching do the thing he loved. But seeing who he really was, seeing how tense he was as you passed the bottles of water and towels, talking to the team to help lift their spirits.
Giving a reassuring look to Atsumu, maybe that’s why you teared up when the sound of the whistle was blown. Why even through the cheer team, Atsumu's eyes were felt with fury for not playing at his best, for not winning, for not being able to play in a real game for another couple of months.
Maybe that was why the pain of losing had been worse for him, maybe it's why seeing you hug his brother after losing had made him lash out at you, as you came up to him.
Atsumu’s teary eyes at the loss of the second match, the loss for the upperclassman as you tried to put your hand on his shoulder. He shrugged you away as you looked at him softly, “you did amazing Atsumu.”
“Stop it, a don’t fuckin’ need yer ta say that okay Y/n?”
You nodded softly as you sat beside him, as he leaned against the wall, “there wasn’t anything you could’ve done to win.”
“Y/n, just leave, please,” he hated himself, hated having you see him as weak.
He grabbed your wrist, fury running through him as he spoke coldly, “leave Y/n, I don’t need this right now.”
He let go as he faced away from you, you looked down at him, leaving him to his own thoughts. Atsumu didn’t want you to truly leave, he wanted to cry, hug you, just feel you play with his hair as he sobbed. That’s all he wanted, but as you walked away going back to the team, patting Osamu and Suna on the shoulder, he felt jealous of them.
Felt jealous of Osamu for being able to profess his feelings so clearly, being able to be something he wasn’t. The train ride back to Hyoga was silent as the team remained quiet. You sat beside Kita who happily spoke about how proud he was and how he had high hopes for everybody. It was nice to hear but all you could think about was Atsumu and the growing jealousy and anger he was feeling.
It was late when the team arrived back home, the gym being open as you all piled out into the court, they all sat down as the coach had called out to come outside to have a word about how to lift morale to make the team feel as if the loss wasn’t their fault.
Atsumu had taken your departure as an opportunity to release his anger however, the way he did was directed towards his brother. Osamu, irritated by his brother's own insolence, talked about a topic many in the team had chosen to avoid.
“Yer can’t always blame yer issues on us, even Y/n knows that today wasn’t yer…” at the sound of your name Atsumu was ready to pounce to hurt his brother.
“Don’t yer ever talk about ‘er!”
“Or what?” Osamu threatened as he knew that speaking about you would lead to a different type of anger to fill through Atsumu.
Atsumu glared at his brother, “don’t fuckin’ talk about ‘er”
“Just because yer ‘ave a crush on ‘er, yer should ask ‘er what people say about yer and ‘er” It was common knowledge within the team that you were the one who faced the criticism the most by those in school. That a loss would be deflected onto you as you would not allow any of the team to be put down by people who meant nothing.
It was worse that the team knew the harsh words you had felt regarding Atsumu, about your relationship with the boy and how you could do better than him and he deserved someone exactly like him.
It was a secret that was supposed to stay hidden to protect the team but most already knew and it seemed worse to even bring it up. Kita was ready to calm the situation until Atsumu went to throw a punch at his brother.
At the sound of another fight, you looked at the coach who gestured for you to sort it out. Running into the gym you saw Suna taking videos of the fight as you grabbed a hold of Atsumu’s jacket collar, dragging him to stop as you glared at the two boys. “Who started this?”
You waited patiently as Suna snickered out Atsumu’s name, “let’s all start heading home, Atsumu stay down.”
He didn’t comment, instead staying on the ground as you went to Osamu telling him to tell his parents that Atsumu was with you. The man left as you went back over to Atsumu, “let’s talk about this.”
You sat down on the dirty gym floor, looking at the boy who looked in even more pain than before, “what…what do people say about us?”
“What do…”
“We all know, tell ma,” Atsumu looked away as he tried to hide the defeat and embarrassment he was feeling.
You knew what he meant from the single comment, looking down as you grabbed his hands softly
You knew what he meant from the single comment, looking down as you grabbed his hands softly, “I’m guessing you know that a lot of what your fans say comes through me,” he nods slowly, “a lot of hate I guess comes to you when you’re uncooperative”
You give a loud sharp breath as he finally looks up to meet your soft eyes, “do you remember when we first met?”
“I heard about the classes plan after you and Osamu had given the invites out, how they only wanted to go for Osamu and not give you a gift, I didn’t really understand why people were mean, but I just wanted you not to feel alone, i’ve never wanted you to feel like that again. So I took the heat, I took all the heat, and it became more to do with our relationship”
He tilted his head in confusion as he moved closer to you, knees touching as you touched his face softly, “they used to ask me why we were friends? That Osamu was the better twin and that Osamu, and I would be perfect together, that you were a dick and didn’t deserve friendship because you were always craving a win”
“Y/n…” his voice was soft, but you continued.
“I didn’t see it like that, I saw it as passion, you were and always will be my best friend, the twin i’d always want because you’re just passionate and it’s why I love you.”
His eyes shot wide as he heard your last words, the three words you had often spoken comically and to show the love of a friend. But as you tenderly touched his face, held him softly as he looked into your eyes, “yer should’ve told ma.”
“How could I let you take all that on? I see you playing professionally one day, I'm going to be the one to say that’s my best friend, that’s the man I fell in love with doing what he’s amazing at.”
“I love yer too,” he didn’t know what got into him as he heard the words, your glistening eyes as he held your cheek and captured your lips. He knelt up as he held your face in his hands, kissing you softly, all the jealousy, love, and anxiety he had been feeling had all fallen into place.
His soft lips against your own, tongue flicking inside as he glided across your own tongue, soft moans coming from your lips as even though he had lost the game today. He had won you; he had finally gotten what he had wanted, the jealousy and rage he had felt for his brother for having everything Atsumu had wanted. Had festered down to this, because Atsumu Miya had you and nobody was ever going to take that away from him  
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: this is kind of an au like what if you were
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i would like to request a seijoh!manager reader who’s a first year and is siblings with ushi and the team’s reaction to finding out that she was supposed to go to shiratorizawa with ushi and their reaction with her getting along with the shiratorizawa volleyball team and maybe the manager is a small cute soft little energetic ball of sunshine 🥺🥺 also hewwo, hope youre doing well! ☺️ -🎷🐛
- Ir seijoh manager series is so gooood. Can we get something where by some weird reason yn-chan is close to ushijima and tendou and the seijoh boys dont know about it and how they'd react to her being so affectionate w them ahahwindkdn
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so this is a what if thing
like what if ushijima was your older brother
you didnt exactly have the best relationship with your mom
you remember when you were younger that she used to yell at your brother for using his left hand and you got angry a lot because you were fiercely protective of your brother
this caused her to yell at you too for being nosy and being involved in something you shouldnt be in
duh we know that ushi’s dad takashi actually supported him for this and protected him too and you were also a papa’s girl so you always ran to him
he understood you both better and while your mother worked, he was at home taking care of you two
then when they mentioned wanting to separate, you were very sad but somewhat relieved
mostly because you hated hearing your parents arguing and you felt bad for your brother as he constantly did whatever to get you out of the house
thats what brought on your love for volleyball
you werent exactly the best player but you were interested in it and often watched matches with him
but you also liked volleyball because your brother liked it
you liked whatever your brother liked
he adored you too and he was a boy who didnt talk much due to your mother but he was always a talker with you
especially when you couldnt sleep, he would sneak you out of your room and you both would run to the kitchen and eat ice cream
even with just a 2 year age difference, he looked as if he was older than you due to his massive height
‘just wait nii-chan! i will drink enough milk to reach your height!’
*insert lenny face*
when they divorced, you thought your father would take both you and ushi
like the lady at the court even asked you where you wanted to go and not a breath of hesitation you chose your father
you weren’t very concerned because you knew your brother was going to choose your dad as you both were closer to him
so imagine your surprise when he said he didnt care and naturally, the mother would get the child
lowkey you felt hella betrayed and when your dad whisked you away overseas, there was this grudge you held against toshi
yall youre like 5
i would be hella mad too if my brother chose the person who yells at him all the time
in california, your father made sure you still remembered your brother and you tried to detach from the japanese lifestyle to your new one but you just couldnt
maybe around 6 years you were already fed up with the hot california heat and you wanted to go back to japan to see toshi again
you got over that grudge years ago but your mother refused to have any contact or anything to do with your father and so that included you too
she refused to let you both video chat and any type of connection
your dad obviously noticed your sad expressions and your obvious longing to go back to your brother again and so he arranged something
you shut the door gently before taking off your shoes by the doorway
the large house was often quiet except for the constant typing of a keyboard in your father’s study
you meekly mumbled but his sense of hearing never wavered so he heard your voice
‘oh? y/n?’
his voice echoed through the hallways and you heard his chair squeak as it was moved back so he could stand
your sock-cladded feet padded against the hard wood floor and you walked towards his study where indeed he was standing there
your father has definitely aged yet his job as a coach made him as fit as he was decades ago
as much as it disgusted you, you could tell what your friends meant when they said your dad was good-looking
they actually said your dad was hot but you refuse to acknowledge that
you and your friends are like 12 tf
you closed the door and sat down on the loveseat at the corner of the room as it was your designated spot
‘hey, papa’
you greeted with a smile and he gave you the same grin
‘i ordered f/f (favorite food) for dinner tonight so try and listen for the bell to ring, okay?’
you nodded
there was bit of small talk and you asked about his team while he asked about school and you both arranged to hang out over the weekend at some ice cream shop
the conversation dragged on until you heard the doorbell and you ran to the door to answer the delivery man
your dad put out the plates on the table and you excitedly dug in
‘also, you remember your grandmother? and her terrible back?’
oh god of course you did
they lived about 30 minutes away from your house in japan and she constantly worried your father bc the woman was approaching 90 and was still picking peppers!
with old coach ukai
‘what did she do now?’
your father chuckled at the exasperation in your voice
‘she misses you. says something about the family’s princess needing to go back to her country or something’
there was a smile in your face
your grandmother was your favorite and she always said you were the princess
she hated your mother because of how insensitive she was so she only acknowledged you as the only other female in the family
obviously your brother was also liked but there was just a special bond between you and your grandmother
‘so when are we going back?’
you asked and it was clear that you were excited at the thought of going back to japan as you havent been back since you moved due to your father’s busy job and your school
takashi swallowed his food before revealing the news
‘actually, if you want, you could finish your schooling there. but only until college first though because your old man needs you over here too’
nah bro you didnt even care about the last part
literally your fork fell to the table and you shrieked 
and thus brought you back to japan
you stayed with your grandmother on your dad’s side and you quickly got accustomed back to japan life
so waka-chan def heard you coming back
your mother was grumbling about it the other day and he was sure he heard your name in there
‘sdkfjkdslfjdkslfj y/n dkfjlsdkfjldkf’
there was a mutual giddiness in there too and he was excited to see you again after many years without contact
there was a bit of fear in there that thought back to when you were younger and his choice of not really having a specific parent despite your pleads to stay together with him
but he was going to make sure your bond was still intact!
he would do anything in his power to do so!
when you arrived
your dad accompanied you back to japan and you both were walking out to the exit of the airport when you saw your grandmother excitedly waving a sign around
in bold sparkly letters, it said ‘USHIJIMA’
okay wait i love grandma usui 
you quickly ran over to her and she grasped you into her arms
you sobbed and she hugged you tightly
‘im so happy youre back home’
your father shook hands with the friend she brought to help drive you guys back home
old man ukai was basically the chauffeur but hes really good friends with your nana so it was okay
the entire ride you guys basically caught up with each other and you couldnt help but laugh whenever your dad would go on a rant about your grandma being too reckless and your nana defending herself
‘oh stop it, takashi. i was only given one life and if it’s over, it’s over. for now, ill live it how i see fit!’
your old family home was exactly as you remember it but you didnt expect the 6′2 boy in the living room
you meekly whispered and he let out a soft smile before opening his big arms
you ran into them and he held you tightly
‘i missed you. so much’
he whispered and you nodded 
it was def such a nice thing to have your brother again
oooo your dad been knew that you would be sticking to waka like you did when you were itty bitty young
so when you practically begged waka to stay at your nana’s house the entire summer, he couldnt refuse you
duh your mom went to see you but you just quietly sat there and smiled at her
polite but distant
due to being around waka so much, you naturally went to his volleyball practices and their training camp
you met his friends and you guys quickly got acquainted especially with tendo bc he was just so fun
and he was your brother’s boyfriend best friend
the others were still kinda distant with you ahem ahem im looking at you shirabu
but they were mostly amazed at how powerful the genetics played in your appearances because wowza you were beautiful
lmao dont let waka hear them say that bc they would be benched all season in a single snap
during training camp, you usually sat at the sides or you would be their stand-in manager
goshiki absolutely LOVES you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
him and you were the same age so there was an easier way of being friends and your energies just matched so well
he would run up to you whenever he got a play right and you would ruffle his hair affectionately
hell even ushi was getting annoyed at goshiki’s constant need for you
tendo would steal you away and he would be giggling to you about how adorable you were and you just giggled along bc wow this beautiful man is really talking to me right now
‘cmere, y/n-chan. i taught toshi this the other day and he was very impressed and wanted me to do it again. okay so it goes in a rhyme, ya ready?’
you nodded along and he shot you a close-eyed smile before starting to draw on the dirt with a stick
‘there once was a man with-’
lets just say
you were definitely your brother’s sister
sometimes though
you would try and go towards the calmer players to get away from the rowdiness from baby daddy tendo and baby goshiki
you would find them at the gym just doing drills and at the sight of you, they would turn red but continue playing
they didnt really mind seeing you there bc youve always been such a positive energy and cheered them on which gave them strength
you were like a cute ball of serotonin >o<
‘wah, of course its expected for you guys to be the top in the prefecture. youre like,,,,, silent but deadly~!’
duh a compliment from a girl?
shirabu’s bangs would get in the way of his vision sometimes yall i will never stop making fun of that ridiculously adorable haircut so you would use a clip and tuck it away for him
this big babie is so awkward that he turns red when you whisper in his ear that you were done
semisemi baby and you got along bc you guys had a similar taste in music and because you lived in california, he was fascinated that you were in the music capital of america
‘did you see celebrities down the street?’
he asked you excitedly one day during lunch
you stopped then smiled softly
‘semisemi-kun, i didnt live at that part of california’
nah to him, america is just filled with celebrities
taichi is a generally quiet guy
like you thought he was actually selectively mute when you first met him
but you gradually got him to talk and you would help him whenever he would want to practice
usually it was during the ungodly hours of the morning
you woke up and went to grab a drink from the common room but you noticed his large build exiting the door so you followed him into the gym
you called out and felt guilty when he jumped 
‘oh, hey’
he aknowledged
you stopped to yawn causing your eyes to close making you miss the brief second of softness that flashed in his eyes
‘what are you doing?’
you tiredly asked
taichi dusted off his trackpants after kneeling down to rummage through his bag and you couldnt help but gawk at his height
‘im training early’
he answered
‘why? is it because you want to keep up with the others?’
you mumbled and he was surprised for a second but reverted back to his stoic expression
‘i have to make sure i am able to reach my seniors level for next year’
taichi turned away to grab a stray ball and you moved to go to the storage room for the ball cart
‘oi, what are you doing? go back to bed’
he said from the other side of the gym but you just looked back at him with a tired grin
‘meh, i want to spend time with you, senpai’
you reasoned
he shook his head before walking over to you then ruffled your hair
‘no wonder youre so tiny. you dont sleep enough and let your body grow’
yep that was the closest youve gotten to taichi joking with you
usually, hes training and when hes in the zone, nothing else has his attention but the ball
maybe thats why the others ahem goshiki has said that he was very scary
his game face was practically a mean face
basically you spent the entire training camp with them and then soon, you were going back to school
duh everyone hmm maybe not shirabu bc he most definitely read the school book of rules thought you would be going to shiratorizawa with them 
but you broke the news to them one afternoon and imagine the tears from both tendo and goshiki
‘why can’t you?’
semi asked and you were about to answer when shirabu beat you to it
‘the school doesnt allow late transfers’
oh right
the american school system was set in a different schedule than a japanese school system
it was considered the summer for them yet school already started a few months ago
since shiratorizawa was a very academically and physically prestigious school, they refused anyone who would potentially be late or behind their curriculum
‘so where ya headed to then, chibi?’
tendou pouted and you leaned against his arm
‘hmm some school named aoba johsai? i dont know its near my grannie’s so that’s all that mattered’
oh dear
they consider seijoh a rival bc theyve played against them practically in every prefecture tournament and they were worried for that infamous setter
‘ne, y/n-chan, promise us that you won’t be swept away by them! especially a guy named oikawa tooru!’
tendou’s warning was kinda ignored bc you ended up being seijoh’s manager
but they weren’t really really shocked tho bc they knew you liked volleyball so you would naturally be in the volleyball team
even as a manager
meanwhile in seijohhh
OooOOOoOoOooooo sEiJOOhHHHH~~~~~~
okay so you were actually registered under your father’s last name usui rather than the ushijima last name
therefore you werent exactly immediately known as HEY! USHIJIMA’S SISTER!
you still became the manager the way you did as mentioned in part 1 
and you still are their adorable baby manager
you were aware of their oikawa’s hatred for wakawaka so you try not to talk about him even though youre literally the closest person to him
was it traitorous? 
but you actually even help them when they practice
duh the boys are like eyebrow raise emoji 
‘wow youre really into volleyball, huh, manager-chan?’
matsukawa commented and you just smiled
‘hmm, my family likes it so ive picked up a thing or two’
little do they know your brother is literally the best volleyball player around and is a member of the under 19 team and your father is a volleyball coach in america and would someday be someone iwaizumi hajime (19) would apprentice under
there was a lot of times you thought you would slip up like your home screen was of you and waka but youve been careful to cover it up
you cant always be sneaky
it was during the first day of the tournament and you were filling up their water bottles I SWEAR WHY IS MANAGER-CHAN ALWAYS FILLING UP WATER BOTTLES when you found a familiar bunch of boys at the end of the hallway just chatting
you havent seen tendou and the boys in so long so you placed the bottles down and rushed over there so quickly
you shouted and the oddly-haired boy turned and he gasped before grabbing you into a large hug
this grabbed tendou’s attention and he cheered then hugged you too
your giggles and happy cheers were so infectous and they just absolutely missed you so much 
these tall boys were at a advantage so someone scooped you up and you were just affectionately being talked to and hugged and LKDSJFSLDFJ SO LUCKY SO LOVED
the plant babies were wondering where the heck you went to 
‘y/n-chan?! where is she?!’
oikawa panicked quickly while iwaizumi hit him to shut up
‘be quiet! you won’t find her if you’re too busy freaking out!’
‘ill find her’
matsukawa volunteered and they nodded, feeling at ease of him being capable to find you if you were in trouble
but when he returned empty-handed and with large eyes, they knew something was up
they ran behind mattsun to stop and copy his shocked expression at the sight in front of them
is that
oh my god
oikawa shouted, being the first to speak
you jumped and your own eyes widened
‘oh. oh no’
you mumbled
the others were so stunned and seijoh itself was so hard to make speechless but they were just shocked
‘what is happening’
iwaizumi mumbled
yea the others were just shocked period
‘hey guys’
you waved and you motioned them closer
‘uhh,,, well,,, um they are my friends’
you smiled uneasily and they could see that
oikawa signalled you to say everything bc he knew it wasnt the whole story
you sighed
‘ushi,,, jima is my brother’
you mumbled the last part
but they heard you
you cringed and the shira boys were about to move to protect you but they saw you glare at them
‘what? what about it? hes my brother? and?’
you babbled
‘but,, why are you,, in seijoh? dont get me wrong! its just,, youd naturally go to shiratorizawa right?’
mattsun waved his hands around and asked the question thats bugging the team
‘i came to the country late’
turns out you havent exactly told them everything about you yet :/
even when youve cleared the air and introduced waka as your brother, seijoh still didnt say anything
they were stuck in this shocked and surprised moment even at the end of the day and when you went straight to the shiratorizawa team,
they watched with wide eyes as you laughed with goshiki and was jumping around with tendou
wow you were actually really beautiful when youre happy
‘i dont think ive seen her this happy with this much energy’
makki said and they nodded
it was true
you were usually calm and collected and was the perfect balance to this chaotic team
so seeing you so free and loose with them was so refreshing, even if it was with damn ushiwaka
you finally went back to the seijoh boys and they all sent glares to the violet team before sending you a smile
‘you ready to go, manager-chan?’
watari ruffled your hair before handing you your bag to start walking to the bus
‘yea. lets go home’
as you all walked, oikawa was already starting his tantrum
‘y/n-chan~! why aren’t you that happy around us? are we not enough for you?’
oikawa whined and pouted
but you just turned to smiled at him and stopped walking to pat his head
‘im not their manager, therefore im not pressured to act like anyone except as a friend and a spectator. but i try to be as professional as i can with you guys to make sure you dont appear bad to others. and you guys are perfectly chaotic enough, adding me into the mix will just about kill coach’
oikawa didnt seem satisfied though
‘but! thats not fair! they get to see you smile and i dont!’
iwaizumi growled at him to be quiet but you beat him to it
you smiled at tooru but your eyes shone maliciously
‘i knew you would act like this, oikawa-san. as punishment, i gave nii-chan your phone number. good luck avoiding him now’
oikawa screamed
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