#the fumes do not make it onto this list at all btw.
dykeogenes · 2 years
the biggest problem with owning a 3d printer is it makes you into the kind of person who owns a 3d printer. the second biggest problem with owning a 3d printer is leveling the stupid little gayass bed (do not tell me to buy an automatic bed leveler. that is the cowards way out). the third biggest problem with owning a 3d printer is that no matter how hard you try it is physically impossible to print everyone you know an autism slug at sufficient speed.
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
Do you think you could write a little something for your "Angelina I lives" AU where maybe we see one of Angelina I's lessons with Yakko, but AFTER the whole fiasco of when he bit her? To see how they would interact? Love your AU btw <3
Yakko wasn't one to use the word "hate" lightly, but he could say with all the confidence in the world that he hated his grandmother.
At first, he had been willing to give her a shot. After all, she was his grandmother and people were supposed to respect their elders and those they were related to. He had been willing to listen, to take part in her lessons, and see if what she said made a little bit of sense.
However, the moment she hit Wakko, all of his respect for her evaporated.
He lashed out and bit her. He didn’t think when he did it, but afterward, he had no regrets. It was only fair.
Sure, his mother told him he shouldn’t do something like that ever again, but Yakko knew that if she were to try and lay a finger on Wakko ever again, he wouldn’t hesitate. After all, it was his dad who told him an older brother’s job was to protect. 
So, naturally, when his mom informed him that he still had to take lessons with his grandmother, he was upset. However, his mother reminded him that none of them really had a say in it and Yakko understood it was just something he was going to have to do, especially when he saw the pain in her eyes. He didn’t want her to worry about him any more than she already did, so he agreed to do it. 
However, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do this his way. 
“Remember what we said: you aren’t going to try anything with your grandmother,” his father practically read his mind. 
“Why not?” Yakko sighed dramatically. “She deserves it.”
“Because we care about you very much and don’t want what happened to Wakko to happen to you,” William explained softly. 
“So no biting?” He asked. 
“Definitely no biting. Her arm is still healing from last time,” Willaim suppressed a chuckle. 
“Just... remember, it’s often better to fight with the pen rather than the sword. Much less blood is spilled that way,” William said. 
“So... you’re saying it’s never okay to bite?” Yakko asked. 
“Not exactly... there are certain situations...” William said cautiously. “It’s just... your grandmother is one who prefers the sword over pen, and it causes people to fear and hate her, and none of the issues actually get solved,” he explained. Yakko nodded. 
“But that’s not to say there aren’t moments where your hand is forced... like, for example, if invaders were in the castle and people were attacking. Then it’s okay. Self-defense is perfectly fine,” William said, nodding to himself. 
“Or if someone were to attack Wakko?” Yakko suggested. William caught onto what he was doing and smiled a little. 
“Or if someone was attacking Wakko, that’d be alright too,” He winked. 
“I’m not saying what you did was wrong, Yakko. I’m just saying that there’s a very large risk factor in attacking your grandmother. Whether or not we like it, she’s in charge, and if you attack her she’ll likely attack back. That’s why words are better than getting physical with her, because no matter what, you won’t be ready for those consequences,” William explained, and Yakko finally understood. 
“Okay... I won’t bite her,” He said. William gave him a side hug as they finally arrived at Angelina’s study. 
“Well... we told her we wanted someone to go in with you at all times, but seeing as she has no respect for us or our wishes, there probably won’t be,” He sighed. “But you’ll be on your best behavior, correct?” 
“As best as I can,” he chose his words carefully, still intent on doing it his way. 
“Good,” William smiled. “You’ll be alright then, won’t you?” 
“Bye dad,” Yakko gave his dad a hug before going in. 
“Yakko. There you are,” Angelina looked at him with an unsettling smile.
“Here I am,” He said, not knowing how to respond, and he quickly sat in his usual spot. 
“We’ll begin with dining etiquette- What are-?”
“Salad, then dinner on the left. Salad knife, spoon, soup spoon, then oyster fork on the right,” He grinned. 
“That wasn’t what-”
“Oh! Hors d’oeuvres, amuse-bouche, soup, appetizer, salad, fish, first main course, palate cleanser, second main course, cheese, dessert, and mignardise,” He listed off. Angelina shot him a look. 
“Your impertinence is dually noted, Yakko. Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing,” She said. 
“Whatever do you mean? That was what you were going to ask me, was it not?” He said. Angelina huffed. 
“It’s not proper to-”
“-to speak over one’s advisor, yes, but I argue that this is a much more efficient way to get through lessons,” he shrugged. 
“I’d argue otherwise,” She said dryly. “Now, how do you-”
“Fan folds are done by folding a large square napkin in half to create a rectangle, creating pleats, then folding in half again so pleats are on top, then folding upper left corner down and tucking behind the center pleat, which creates a triangle, then releasing and letting the pleats fan out,” He said with his eyes closed. “However, I don’t really know why you’d want me to know such things, as napkin folding is traditionally done by servants of the castle and not done by the host.” 
“I instructed you to only read until the third chapter,” Angelina pointed out. 
“Why? So you’d set me up for failure so I wouldn’t know anything of what you were going to quiz me about?” Yakko smirked. 
“You forget who you are speaking to,” Angelina’s eye twitched. 
“I’m speaking to the queen, am I not? Or is the real queen somewhere hidden, because that would explain quite a few things-”
“That is enough, Yakko,” she glared, and Yakko wisely pulled back. 
“Well, seeing as your already so far ahead, why don’t I quiz you on your knowledge of history instead. What can you tell me about King Winston?”
“He’s dead,” Yakko said. 
“He’s alive? Why isn’t he in charge then?” Yakko looked around the room. 
“No, he’s not-”
“Make up your mind, is the man dead or alive? Goodness,” He shook his head. 
The queen growled. “Did your mother put you up to this?” she asked, borderline fuming. Yakko raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 
“Don’t lie to me, boy. I’d recognize that smartassery anywhere,” She glared. “If that impertinent child doesn’t stop, I swear-”
“No! I did this all on my own,” He quickly said. “Mom had nothing to do with this.”
“Trying to be the hero now?” She raised an eyebrow, before a little smile grew on her face. 
“Perhaps this will get you to pay attention then,” She said, going to one of the shelves and selecting a book. Yakko bit his lip nervously. 
“Tell me, Yakko, what do you see here?” she said, showing him an illustration in the book. 
“A really tall tower? Why are you showing me that?” He questioned. 
“It’s a special room in the castle for those who disobey my orders. However, seeing as you love to play hero, if you don’t stop with the smart talk, I’ll throw your little brother or maybe even your mother in there for a week with no food,” She explained coldly. 
“You wouldn't do that to your own daughter,” He said. 
“I’ve done far worse than your little head can imagine,” She said, taking the book from his hands. 
Yakko felt a wave of empathy for his mother. 
“So... are you going to let me talk now? Or are you going to continue with the smart talk and have your brother and mother punished?” She grinned. 
“Dad would free them. He’s strong,” Yakko pointed out. 
“Oh? So you’re saying I should lock him in the dungeon underground while they remain above? What a splendid idea,” Her eyes shone. 
“No!” He protested. 
“Then do we have an agreement?” She asked. Yakko bit his lip once more, partially considering just biting her again. If he could just even the playing field just a little bit...
“Whether or not we like it, she’s in charge, and if you attack her she’ll likely attack back,” His father’s words from earlier rang in his mind. He probably should’ve listened so this threat wouldn’t have happened. Yakko sighed. 
“Yes,” He said, taking a silent vow to make up for this minor setback in any way he could- to attempt to lower the playing field just a smidge. 
“Good,” She smiled. “Let’s return...”
Queen Angelina then began to lecture, and Yakko stopped paying attention. Instead, he thought about what to do next. 
Perhaps him and Wakko could set up elaborate pranks around the castle, and watch her go mad trying to figure out who did it. 
No, she’d probably know it was the only two children in the castle, and Wakko would be punished. 
Maybe he could talk back in a more subtle way.
No, that was him trying to be subtle. It was very clearly not his strength. 
Maybe he could try talking her into giving him different tutors?
That wasn’t likely to work, as she made it clear from day one she was to be in charge. 
Maybe if he let her choose?
No, she’d never agree to that much. 
He was stuck with her. For the moment anyway... perhaps he’d think of something better in time when she cooled down and wasn’t expecting anything. 
Yes, that was what he’d do; wait a month or two for her to relax, act like her perfect little prince, and then start back with the quips, but not too strong like today. He’d work on his “i’m not technically wrong” strategy too, it clearly needed work. 
Yes, that’d work. Maybe if he wore her out or drove her insane over time she’d leave him and his family alone. 
He could only hope anyway. 
Yakko sighed, feeling bad for his mom and dad. This whole protector business was hard work, and they’ve been doing it as long as he’s been alive. 
That was why he had to do it though, they deserved a break. Yakko could handle the responsibility. 
He was going to wear her out so slowly but effectively she would no longer want anything to do with any of them, and then they could all be happy and his parents would never have to worry about her ever again, not if he had anything to say about it. 
After all, it’s a big brother’s job to watch over and protect, and that was what Yakko intended to do.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
17.12, you want to kiss me, mjf
Title: you want to kiss me
Theme: Holiday fair/Carnival
Fandom / Character(s):MJF, AEW
Warnings:Lots of banter. A mutual physical attraction. Sharp tongues and attitude galore.. Oh and a little kissing.
Word Count: uhhh... roughly 1k, give or take..
This is my entry to @champbucks 12 Days Of Christmas Challenge for the day. This one pretty much came to me as I wrote the other one I did for the day, with Sweetpea, on my multifandom blog. And at first, I started to go with Kevin Owens, but.. MJF is the perfect mouthy, egotistical idiot for this. So, I went with it.
BTW>. i made the banner thing. No stealing.
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“Did you hear yet, man? Rhodes volunteered us all for some carnival thing they’re putting on in town.” Wardlow’s words barely registered with MJF because at the moment, MJF was too busy staring.
Wardlow caught onto his friends distraction and he followed Maxwell’s intent gaze, nudging him in the side as he chuckled. “Her name is Jocelyn. She’s the mayor’s secretary. I think she’s the one who came over to negotiate things between the mayor and Rhodes.”
“A secretary, huh?” Maxwell answered in a bit of a daze, making Wardlow chuckle again and shake his head. “I just said that, dumbass.”
Maxwell was back to it again, staring a hole right through her. Wardlow rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, reminding Maxwell, “We have a match. Come on.”
“I’m coming.”
As they walked past where Jocelyn stood, Maxwell stopped, sizing her up and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Ya know, you’re cute. For a secretary.”
Wardlow grimaced and he was just about to grab hold of his friend, the idiot, and guide him away and out of potential danger, but before he got the chance, Jocelyn responded. And what she said had Wardlow trying to resist the urge to double over laughing. Especially when Maxwell started to fume immediately and all she did was roll her eyes and walk out of the arena.
“You’re kind of cute for a secretary.”
I’d been just about to walk out of the arena that the little wrestling company was holding their show in after having talked to it’s owner about maybe lending a hand and letting some of his wrestlers make appearances at our annual carnival. It’s no secret the town is dying and we need the money.
I already wasn’t thrilled with having been the one relegated to the negotiation process, but honestly, I’d gotten kind of used to it in the four and a half years that I’d been working as the mayor’s secretary. It kind of went with the territory by this point.
Dealing with cocky entitled assholes, however… I did not have to do that. And I wasn’t exactly in the mood for it today.
I almost ignored the guy and just kept walking. But something about his tone. And the posturing. And that stupid cocky smirk on his stupid sexy face.. Well, it got right under my skin almost immediately. I turned and stared him down, a dismissive roll of my eyes as soon as mine settled on his. Only after lingering far too long on decently enough kissable lips.
I mean.. Not that I’d ever admit that in a thousand years, especially not to that fucking guy… 
“You’re kind of brave… For an idiot.” I stepped a little closer to him and a little further from the door. He walked over to me, staring down at me as he rubbed his chin.
“Do you even know who I am?”
“Uhh. My guess is nobody special. I mean you’re literally getting your ass beaten for a living. On live television, in your underwear. So..” I shrugged.
“Ouch.” the guy cringed a little, a hand over his heart. Teasing smirk in place and a look in his eyes that somehow made me both want to strangle him and climb the man like a tree all at once. I backed away when he stepped even closer.
“I mean all that may well be true but.. Who’s the one actually making money, huh? Because my guess is you barely survive on a secretary’s salary. I mean… Since you want to go there.” he smirked just a little more and I grit my teeth. He had a point. And given the fact that the town’s budget was a nightmare at the moment, my salary and paychecks were only getting smaller and smaller.
“Stick in the mud.”
With the last pleasantry exchanged, I spun and stormed out, making sure to let the door slam behind me as hard as I could possibly slam it.
The carnival was just starting to kick into gear and I rushed around, meeting with vendors and the people hired to run the petting zoo, the ice rink and the few actual rides that we were going to have on the midway. I was running on coffee and fumes at this point, and when my friend Georgia  walked up, tapping my shoulder, I turned and tensed a little, preparing for whatever bad news she was about to give me.
“Bob can’t do the kissing booth.” Georgia informed me.
“What do you mean Bob can’t do the kissing booth?” I asked, the words leaving my mouth in a whine. I didn’t have time for this.
“I mean that Bob got arrested last night. It was on the 6 o’clock news, Jocelyn. He robbed the Home Depot over in the next county? Tried to make off with 3 grand in tools and a giant tree…They had a chase and everything.” Georgia was barely hiding a laugh and I groaned, raising a hand to drag through the front of my hair.
“Okay, can we get Tom?”
“You know Tom’s girlfriend isn’t gonna loosen up the leash she has him on long enough to allow that.”
I grimaced. My eyes settled on a group of the wrestlers from that AEW show that was stranded in town for the time being and I rubbed my chin. “Actually, Georgia?”
“Yeah?” Georgia was raising a brow, but when she saw my smirk, she gave a soft laugh. “You have an idea, don’t you?”
“I do, actually.. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before...Go find everyone we had originally signed to do it. Tell them they might not have to man the kissing booth, but to be on standby, just in case...If I can make this happen.. This might just put some actual money back into the town's funds..”
Georgia’s eyes followed my intent gaze and she leaned in, mumbling against my ear, “I call dibs on the one with the lashes and Jesus hair.” 
“All I can tell you is that I’m going to try.”
And after finishing off the rest of my coffee, I took a few deep breaths to center myself. Then I marched over to the group. Surprisingly enough, after explaining exactly what was going on and just how bad our town’s financial situation was, there were more than a few willing participants who eagerly signed themselves into a slot at the kissing booth. Some of them were even asking if they could donate directly, which I gratefully thanked them for and gave them the link to the GoFundMe that Georgia and I had set up back in the fall as a last resort.
As I walked off, I heard my name being called. And I didn’t have to turn around to know exactly who was the man calling it.
I did wonder how the hell he knew my name, exactly, and for a second or two, I simply pretended to ignore him, focusing more on walking over to where the animals were being unloaded and herded into the indoor building where the petting zoo and arts/crafts booths and some of the 4H booths from our local high school were already setting up for the day.
But he was persistent.
He caught up to me, a thick fingertip jamming into my shoulder impatiently. After another second or two, I turned to look up at him, glaring.
“You again? What exactly do you want? Because I’m entirely too busy to have my time wasted.”
“You didn’t ask the obvious choice to be in a kissing booth?” he pointed to himself and I nearly snorted in laughter. I wanted to double over, but I kept myself together. He stepped closer. And before I could stop myself, so did I.
“It’s a kissing booth, sir. Not a pay me to shut the fuck up booth. Perhaps if it were a pay me to shut the fuck up booth, your services would’ve been needed.”
“You know a lot of women would pay good money to see me.. Not to mention kiss me… Right?”
“Maybe in your own deluded mind.” I argued, sensing that even as I did so, it was pointless. That for whatever reason, this was going to end with him, adding himself to the line up.
,, not that I’d ever admit it, but he does have a damn good point. If I liked cocky jackasses…” I thought to myself, quick to shove that little thought out. Because honestly?
The guy was exactly my type… Circa four years ago, that is. I’d have eaten that right up.
I shoved the list into his hands and smirked. “Let’s just see about that, shall we?”
The smirk that came told me that I’d hit the nail head about him being the type unable to turn down a challenge.
He took the clipboard and signed his name on the list.
“See you at 7?” he called out to me after I’d taken the clipboard back and I was walking away. I stopped to look back at him and shook my head. “You’ll see me in your dreams, Maxwell.. That is your name, right?”
“It is.” he beamed at me and took off, nearly colliding with his giant of a friend, a guy named Wardlow that I’d actually talked to around 15 minutes on the day that I went in to see if the roster would like to be the special guest stars of this years carnival.
It felt like yesterday and not nearly three days prior.
And the biggest part of those three days had been spent with me, replaying the whole meeting between Maxwell and I over and over in my head.
Yeah.. If I know what’s good for me, I will stay far,far away from that kissing booth tonight.
He’d been watching the line like a hawk since he manned it ten minutes before. He’d been managing to keep an eye on her all day, knowing that she hadn’t left the carnival yet. Maxwell just knew that if he could get her in the kissing booth’s line, she’d quickly realize just how much she was lying to herself.
Just the thought had him smirking to himself. He spotted a young woman that he’d seen Jocelyn talking to most of the day in the line for Kris Statlander and he cleared his throat, trying to get her attention. She eyed him and then waved when she recognized him.
“Think you can come by my line when you’re done in that one? There’s something I have to know...”
“Dude… you are so barking up the wrong tree right now, if you’re trying to hit on me...” the brunette explained, shrugging. “Was there something you wanted though? Because it’s almost my turn. If you make it quick..”
“Your friend.. Uhh.. Jocelyn… has she said anything about me at all? Like.. anything that would indicate that she wanted to kiss me?” Maxwell asked the question and waited impatiently, rolling his eyes when one of the women in the front of his line cleared her throat for the fifth time, demanding her kiss already.
Jocelyn’s friend shrugged. “That she wants to strangle you but she also wants to climb you like a tree. You know she’s got a temper, right?”
“Yes, I realize this.. She really said… That.”
“She did. Also said that she’s going to stay as far away from this booth as possible, because you’re in it and she’s not giving into temptation.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that. Thank you. This helped me a lot.” Maxwell thanked Jocelyn’s friend and turned away, rubbing his chin in thought as the plan began to piece itself together. And just when he thought he might not even get a chance to try out this plan of his, he happened to spot her wandering past, a steamy mug of cocoa in her hand as she talked to 3 other women.
Smirking to himself, he called out to her.
“Jocelyn.. Remember what you said earlier? About how nobody wanted to kiss me? Well,” he gestured to his little line and waited on her reaction. She looked up, grumbling as she shielded her eyes from the lights to see him better, all while tapping a Bearpaw clad foot against crunchy snow.
“What can I say? There’s not many eligible men in my town?” Jocelyn mused, shrugging. She bit her lip and took a deep breath.
“See… I think you’re fighting obvious feelings.”
Jocelyn’s sudden all over tension had him rubbing his chin thoughtfully. By now, everyone in the line and everyone around them or passing by was stopping, staring intently at the little confrontation.
“Right. I mean, if you’re talking about disdain then yeah.. You’re one hundred percent right.”
“If you really can’t stand me then you won’t have any problem at all coming over and kissing me… Right?” Maxwell challenged, chuckling when her mouth opened and closed and he heard her muttering a few obscenities under her breath.
Not even Wardlow’s warning headshake would stop him. No, he was determined. One way or another, this whole thing ended now. Tonight, he was getting her out from under his skin.
“Did he seriously just... “ I muttered, swearing as I dragged my fingers through my hair and glared angrily at the kissing booth that Maxwell currently stood behind.
“I ought shove snow down those fancy dress pants. Maybe that’d cool down the raging fire in his dick.”
“Or, you could call his bluff and go kiss him?” from my left, my friend Alexis spoke up. I bit my cheek and shook my head vehemently. “Oh no. No,no,no,no.. Not gonna…”
When Alexis and Chandler started to cluck at me, I gave them both my best and most firm go to hell look.
“She wants him.”
“All she’s done for 3 bloody days is fume about the man.” Chandler teased and finally, I stomped my foot, glaring at the booth. I swallowed hard and then shoved my hot cocoa at Alexis. “You’re going to wanna hold that.. Just so I focus more on kissing him to prove your asses wrong and less on how much I want to dump it over his damn head.”
“I knew she had the hots for him!”
“You go girl! Go get your man, boo.”
I wanted to turn and shush them both, but I was too focused. I shoved past all the others and slammed a 5 dollar bill down on the false wooden tabletop. Then I grabbed hold of that ridiculous Burberry knockoff and tugged his mouth right against mine greedily, very nearly pulling the man over the table between us in the process. “Does this prove you wrong?” I muttered, a whine closely following as he seemed to pick up and clue in, his hands going to my hips, pulling me in even more before drifting upward and tangling in a half fallen down fishtail braid that I had my hair tied out of the way in. At first, I’d been gripping that stupid scarf to keep him close or push him away at will. But as his tongue boldly darted right past my lips and clashed with mine hungrily, I wound up gripping hold of a handful just to stay upright as the feeling in my legs proceeded to vacate, making them feel as if they were jello from the knee down instead. He chuckled as the kiss broke and we pulled apart.
I wiped my hand across kiss swollen lips and glared at him. “Well?”
“Oh, you proved something alright, princess. And if I didn’t have twenty five more minutes left in this booth..” Maxwell trailed off, his eyes roaming over me before settling on mine. The cocky smirk was gone, replaced by a more gentle one.
I was just about to walk away, go somewhere and take a few minutes to pull myself back together, but he caught up to me, tapping my shoulder. I turned and he grabbed my hand, pressing a slip of paper into it.
“If you want to get to know the real me, Jocelyn.. I have a 9pm reservation for us. Ask for Maxwell Friedman’s table.”
I eyed him as he shoved back through the crowd, taking a bow at the catcalls and cheering awaiting him as he took his place at his kissing booth again.
“Ooh… are you going?”
“Maybe.” I answered my friend Chandler’s question as I tried and failed at not staring at Maxwell intently…
Maybe I’d been wrong about the guy.
Maybe going tonight would at least be a fun distraction. One I’d been wanting for a while now….
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reyesstrand · 4 years
81 and 87, please!! have an awesome day! (these are for the tarlos prompts btw)
thank you for the prompt, i hope you enjoy! have a great day!! 💗 
feel free to send me a number from this list if you want to! read on AO3 here!! 
TK has come to realize that Carlos might be one of the most romantic people he’s ever met. 
In all of his relationships, TK was always the one putting in the most effort; he would be the one setting up dates and he remembered anniversaries and would always be running on fumes as he tried to show his boyfriends an outpouring of love that was never fully matched by them. But Carlos has swept him off his feet since they first met and it’s almost overwhelming when it comes to how open Carlos is with his feelings. At first, it made TK want to run because he couldn’t do it again — he wasn’t ready to crack open his heart to someone else at the risk of it getting broken. Now, he can’t imagine giving up the happiness he feels. It isn’t perfect, because nothing is, and there’s days where TK retreats into his thoughts and feels restless with urges he refuses to succumb to, but the team is always there for him; Carlos is always there for him, no matter what. And TK wants nothing more than to show him how much he appreciates it. How much he appreciates him. 
The perfect opportunity comes when they happen to share a night off together at the end of the week. TK jumps on the chance to impress his boyfriend; he plans a nice dinner at one of the fancier restaurants he’s found in his trips around town, as he tries to grow familiar with Austin. He plans a delivery of flowers to Carlos’ house and feels a sense of nervous energy passing over him as he spends the day getting ready. He wakes up with a dull headache and chills, but thinks nothing of it as he finishes the last few hours of his shift, before running home to change. TK rotates through multiple outfits; some are more practical for the weather, but others are more flattering, and living through New York winters leaves TK confident in his decision to go with the black jeans and thin patterned button-down, which he rolls the sleeves to as he anxiously waits to leave. 
His dad comes home and jokes with him about a curfew, even though it’s become more and more typical for TK to spend his nights off at Carlos’ place. TK waves goodbye to him, rolling his eyes when he gets yet another response that is really serious, but cloaked in his dad’s light-hearted tone of voice as he’s told to stay safe. TK actually feels giddy as he leaves the house, ready to be the one to sweep Carlos off his feet for once. 
It turns out that TK’s body just wants to betray him. 
“Ugh, I’m sorry,” TK says, for probably the fiftieth time, as Carlos deftly guides him through crowds of locals and tourists alike. They’d made it to the restaurant, and even ordered appetizers, but TK started coughing, and the chills came back, and when Carlos had looked at him with those concerned eyes of his and pressed a palm to TK’s forehead, he immediately declared that TK was burning up and he was taking him home. 
“It’s not your fault that you’re sick, Ty,” Carlos pulls him closer to his side, running a hand up and down his arm. “Here, you’re feverish and it’s cold, you should take my jacket.” 
TK opens his mouth to protest, but he has to admit the extra layer of clothing is fucking amazing as Carlos settles the coat over his shoulders. “Thanks.”
“Don’t be upset,” Carlos whispers, once they get back to the car. Of course he was able to pick up on the emotional turmoil going on in TK's head. 
“I just wanted to have a nice night to show you how much I—” TK stops, for a moment, before he takes a breath and says it: “How much I love you.” 
“I love you, too. I don’t need anything extravagant, Ty,” Carlos says, threading their fingers together. “I just need you.” 
TK gives him a look, vaguely wondering if Carlos can actually hear his heartbeat from where he’s sitting or if he’s starting to go a little delirious from his cold. He finally chuckles, and asks: “How the hell do you do that?”
“What?” Carlos asks, though the corner of his mouth is turned up as he drives them back to his place. 
“You’re just…” TK trails off, shaking his head a bit as he smiles, too. “You’re so adorable.” 
Carlos blushes a bit, but he gestures toward his front door as they pull up in front of his house. “You’re not so bad yourself, baby.”
TK follows his gaze and sees at least a dozen bouquets of various flowers left near the front door, which is definitely more than he ordered but he’s happy with the mistake because Carlos lights up at the sight of them. And TK definitely isn’t mad at the sight of his boyfriend with his arms full of flowers in every hue of yellow and pink and red, and he demands to take a photo before he slumps into the house and drops onto the couch. 
Even though he doesn’t want to, he definitely feels the pull to fall asleep as his eyelids grow heavier. 
“I’m making this up to you,” TK says, once Carlos has put all of those flowers on the table and come to sit down next to him. Carlos hands him a couple Tylenol and TK hesitates for a brief moment before downing them, as he then moves to settle in close. 
“You really don’t have to,” Carlos insists, and TK hums and presses a quick kiss to his cheek before settling with his head on his boyfriend’s lap, immediately feeling a sense of calm as Carlos starts running his fingers through his hair. 
“I want to, when I’m not literally dying,” TK murmurs, leaning into Carlos’ touch. Carlos snorts a bit and continues with the gentle touches, practically lulling him to sleep. The jacket that Carlos gave him is just too big around the shoulders to be stupidly comfortable, and TK burrows into it as an added layer of love and warmth. “You’re never getting this back, by the way.” 
TK’s already mostly asleep as Carlos sweetly whispers, “that’s more than okay with me,” before he fondly looks down at his boyfriend, and leans back to get comfortable, more than happy to spend the night caring for the person he loves the most. 
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Harry Potter Preference: Pranks
Golden Trio Era: 
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Harry Potter
Chosen one, chosen one, chosen one, no one can get enough of the bloody chosen one, you thought to yourself, sure Harry was a great guy, but he was becoming a bit full of himself due to this whole chosen one thing, if there was anyone who could pull him out of the clouds, it was you.
“Harry, can I please borrow your Potions book for a minute? I left mine in my dormitory,” You explained, he hesitantly handed it to you. You flipped it to the page you’d be studying next class, and you add some instructions of your own, not even the Half-Blood Prince can help you now my love.
The next day you watch your best friend carefully, he finally sprinkles in the crushed poppy seeds, the potion instantly explodes in his face, leaving him with bright green hair, you burst into a fit of laughter, and he instantly turns to glare at you, “Now even your hair looks like your mother’s eyes Harry !”
“Why Y/N?!”
“You were chosen darling,” You laugh, sarcastically caressing his cheek, he has no choice but to laugh along.
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Ron Weasley
You fumed as you walked up to your best friend Ginny Weasley, her brother Ron had just spilled all his pumpkin juice all over you, and he left without a single apology, Ginny offers you her only suggestion, “I think this calls for a prank!”
You go down to the common room, with a box in your hands, “Ron, your sister asked me to give you this gift!”
His face lit up as he snatched the box from you, and attempted to remove the lid, but his hand couldn’t reach, “My hands are glued to the box! Y/N what’s in here?!”
You kindly remove the lid and he lets out a high pitched scream upon seeing three large tarantulas in the box, “Y/N! Y/N please, please stop this!” You feel horrible upon seeing the fear in his eyes.
“Ron! I’m so sorry!” You take the box from his hands and put it aside, “I didn’t know you were so afraid!”
“It’s alright, I was the asshole earlier today,” He puts out his hand and you shake it, “I guess this means we’re even?” you nod, “Friends?”
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Draco Malfoy
“Draco!” You call out, announcing your presence in the Slytherin common room. He turns towards you as do all the other students, everyone was used to this due to the fact that Draco and you were best friends.
“What?” He responds glumly, he was annoyed with all the attention Harry was getting from the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
“I got you a gift to cheer you up love,” You say sarcastically, sticking a bag in front of you.
“Y/N, that bag is squirming,” He says, looking slightly worried, you roll your eyes, muttering something about him being a cowardly git, you reach into the bag and pull out a large, white ferret, Draco lets out a girlish scream and hops on to the couch.
“Get that bloody thing away from me!” You laugh, as does the rest of the common room, “MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS.”
“Relax,” You put the ferret away, “We all know your father won’t hear anything, besides, you love me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” You chuckle and playfully cuddle into his side.
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Neville Longbottom
You hear a cry coming from around the corner, you quickly rush towards the sound, only to find your best friend, Neville, as a target of another prank. His skin was tinted purple and the Weasley Twins were laughing in a corner. You pull out your wand, “You’re assholes you know!”
“Is that so Y/L/N?” Fred asked.
“Care to elaborate?” George adds cheekily, it’s impossible to stay mad at these two.
You shake your head, “Just fix him you gits!”
With a wave of their wands, Neville turns back, and the boys walk away, “Thanks Y/N.”
“Anything for my best friend,” You say cheerfully, talking his arm and heading down to the common room.
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Fred Weasley
You walk through the hallways, it’s a Hogsmeade weekend so there’s not many students at the school, you decided to stay back because the quiet Hogwarts castle seemed more appealing to you than the crowded streets of the village.
You hum as you climb the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower, just as the portrait opens and you step in, you are drenched by a bucket of cold water, you let out a squeal of shock, the room is completely empty aside from the twins who are sitting in the corner having a good laugh.
“Looking good Y/N!” Fred calls out, you look down and find that your white shirt is completely see through. You quickly wrap your arms around yourself and you blush furiously.
“You assholes!” You call out.
“You know you love us darling!” Fred winks.
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George Weasley
You sit with your boyfriend, George, and his brother in their room at Grimmauld Place, the three of you gather ingredients to prepare the perfect snack for the boys’ younger siblings, Ron and Ginny. You prepare the cupcakes and leave them out by the living room, you then wait for your victims.
You have your head resting on George’s shoulder when you hear him mutter, “Bloody hell!”
You look up to see Sirius Black and Remus Lupin treating themselves to your cupcakes, you curse under your breath, and Fred whispers to run. Just as you three get up Remus calls out, “What the- where are you three going.”
You turn to see both Remus and Sirius with inflated heads, you bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from laughing and George bites his tongue, but Fred bursts into laughter and instantly regrets it. You stare at the faces of your former professor and his friend, until Sirius also bursts into laughter, “This. Is. Genius! Bloody hell Remus, Prongs would have loved to see this!”
You don’t quite understand what he’s talking about but the three of you join in with his laughter, and with a wave of his wand, Remus fixes their heads.  
Marauder Era:
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James Potter
You stand by the stairs to the Gryffindor tower, waiting for your best friend James, he was out pulling one of his mastermind pranks. He suddenly comes sprinting towards you, “Prank gone wrong! Hurry!”
You hear a set of footsteps rush your way, James looks up towards the tower, and you whisper, “We’re not gonna make it! We need to hide!”
You step in front of him as he leans against the wall, “Kiss me.”
“Damn it James! Just do it!” He obliges, pressing his lips against yours, and intertwining his hands into your hair. James’ victims approach you and one of them groans, “Get a room!”
They mutter something about him being gone and the footsteps retreat, but James doesn’t pull away, you whisper against his mouth, “They’re gone you know?”
“I know,” He mutters huskily, pressing his lips to your once again.
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Sirius Black
You watch from the distance as the 6th year announcer calls out the names of the Ravenclaw team, the three houses apart from Slytherin were cheering for them. You stick your hands in your pockets, hoping your prank worked. The announcer calls for the Slytherin team, there’s a collective mumbling in the crowd when the team doesn’t appear. Your heart sinks at the thought of no one seeing your beautiful prank, Professor McGonagall calls the team again and this time the team appears, however rather than sporting their usual green robes, they were wearing bright blue and pink. The announcer says something about cotton candy but you don’t hear him properly over the laughing crowd.  
You watch them fly across the field and chuckle at the blurs of bright colours. You eventually decide to get to the showers before the game ends and someone realizes that you were behind the prank. You turn the corner and walk right into a solid figure, you look up and realize that your hands are pressed up against Sirius Black’s chest. You curse under your breath and quickly step back, “Sorry.”
“Well, well, well Padfoot, look what we have here?” James says, looking at Sirius’ chest, your eyes widen at the sight of two pink and blue handprints on his robe.
“I-I didn-”
“Looks like you’ve been caught red handed love, or should I say pink and blue handed,” He smirks, “I’m honestly surprised that we didn’t think of this first! Maybe you’d like to work with us someday?”
“I’ll take your offer into consideration Black,” You smirk back, before heading off towards the bathroom.
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Remus Lupin
You sit in the library with your boyfriend, Remus, he reads over his notes to you, hoping that the information will resonate for your test tomorrow. To his dismay however, he finds you fiddling with your wand and falling asleep, “Y/N! Focus!”
“Sorry love! Please continue,” Remus does, turning his focus back onto his notes. You use your wand to shuffle around the books on the desk in front of you. Soon enough your Marauder instinct kicks in, you levitate the ink bolt of the boy at the table next to you. You lift it over his head, and when he goes to dip his quill, you spill it over his head. He yelps and jumps out of his seat, you instantly clean the ink off his head with a flick of your wand, and the poor boy looks even more confused as he feels is completely dry head.
You gently chuckle and turn your attention back to Remus, only to find him already watching you. He simply shakes his head with a small smirk, and goes back to studying.
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Peter Pettigrew
“Hey Y/N!” Your close friend, Peter, says, walking up to you, “I want to show you something, will you come with me?”
“Sure Peter!” He leads you off of the castle grounds, then takes your arm to apparate somewhere. Once your feet hit the ground once again you look around. You’re in a dark graveyard, and you suddenly hear a horrifying laugh. You whip your head around and see a large figure standing in front of you, Voldemort.
You see a green flash in front of you, and the last thing you hear before everything disappears is, “Gotcha!”
A/N: IT’S BEEN A LONG DAY(s) WITHOUT YOU MY FRIENDS! I’m sorry about Peter, I just couldn’t help it! If you want me to add another character, just let me know (I’m not adding Snape tho, unless you want it to be like Peter’s, sorry.) BTW this wasn’t requested, I was kinda feeling inspired, so enjoy! 
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noahkpierson · 5 years
Hello again everyone!
I didn’t think of posting anything last night, because nothing really worthy of note happened yesterday. I thought this morning though, I could make up for it, by telling you about those struggles I mentioned in my very 1st post.
Please, don’t misunderstand. I am not using this as a crutch, but I feel it is an important reason for my life issues. I have Aspergers syndrome. I’m not going to go into detail as to what that is. If you’re REALLY that curious, Google it. But just know that its a very mild case of autism, and because of it, I communicate, and interpret things differently, than most “normal” people.
My mom is the nicest person in my immediate family. She understands my quirks, and is able to tell me things, or talk to me, or lecture me, in nice ways, that don’t get me stirred up. Because you see, one thing you’ll realize VERY quick after meeting me in person: For the love of GOD, and for your own mental safety, DON’T piss me off. If you piss me off, or purposefully TRY to irritate me, or push my buttons, my emotions, be they anger, or sadness, will skyrocket, in a matter of seconds.
My mom knows this, and cares about my mental stability enough, to NOT do those things. That being said, if someone accuses her of something, even if its the smallest, dumbest accusation you can of, she gets all bent the hell out of shape. She starts getting angry at me, then I start getting angry at her for overreacting, which she is, and then we part ways, fuming at each other. But in the end, after we’ve both cooled off, we still love each other
My “dad” on the other hand...... oh....... BOY! Fasten your seatbelts.....
My dad is the worlds biggest asshole, pot stirrer, uncaring, ungrateful, inconsiderate, judgemental, narcissistic, JERK!
My dad is a retired US Air Force Colonel, and because of his years in the military, he expects things he tells people to do, to get done, and RIGHT then. That may work fine in the AF, but at home, not a chance. He as always treated me and my brothers like absolute garbage. However, since they are all off on their own, and not at home, I’m the only one left. Even when they’ve come to visit for extended periods of time, both my mom and I have noticed, dad doesn’t try to piss them off, like he does to me. He treats them, like they actually matter, and like he’s friends with them. ME... Well I’m just about as good as dirt. If I would go down the hall to his office to show him something (which I don’t do anymore), I’d always get a big exasperated SIGH, and, “Hi dad. I know you’re in the middle of something, but HERE! Let me show you something!” followed by an angry face. Keep in mind, the “important thing” he’s usually doing, is playing Age of Empires.
I have certain chores around the house I have to do, since I don’t have a job yet. One of them is to take out the recycles to the garage, and sort them. Where we live, we recycle cardboard boxes. What we do, is we break open both ends, and flatten it, and put in the cardboard tub. But because of his “VAST” wisdom of these things, he decided the cardboard needs to be put in there, vertically, so theres more room. and if its even SLIGHTY off kilter, I get the rage of dad for it. For example, this last time I didn’t do it right, I accidentally left 2 SMALL pieces of cardboard sitting on the top of the box, not pushed in. I completely forgot about it, until all of sudden, from my bedroom, at the opposite end of the house from the garage door, I hear, *SLAM! STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP* Right up to my door. The door is flung open. And in a not yelling voice, but low, angry, and threatening, “come out to the garage, NOW.”   Believe me, my dad would be on the FCC’s most wanted list if he ever want on TV, for that little Come to Jesus meeting right then. 
Not only is he verbally, and mentally abusive, but at times in past, has been physically abusive. There have been too many instances for me to recall, but the one that stands out in my memory, that is CERTAINLY the worst, is when I was 8 or 9. For some reason, my dad was home for the summer. This was WAY back before he retired BTW. My mom is, and always has been the one in charge of my daily medications, but this day, she had to go into work early. Back then, I was taking a medicine, that was basically a powder, that could be taken with applesauce. Now, in the fridge, we had 2 types: smooth, and chunky. I cannot STAND the chunky. The texture is all wrong, and it always made me gag. My dad got my meds ready for me, but with the wrong applesauce. I took that spoonful, felt the chunks, and it all came back out, right onto the floor, and dad completely lost his shit. Now, before you all go rushing to his side, saying, “well, how was he suppose to know you didn’t like that certain applesauce?!” I will admit, that is a good point. BUT, let me ask you this! Is that a good excuse for slapping my face so hard, my glasses flew off my head, and across the living room, hitting the windows on the other side of the room, some 15-20 feet away?! Because that is EXACTLY what happened.
He is an awful person. And my mom agrees with me. I asked her one time, when we were having a discussion about him, if she’d ever thought about divorce. She told me that if weren’t for financial, legal, and insurance things, she would have divorced him years ago. I’m not very good at telling stories, so if my retelling the stories of the horrors of my dad, don’t seem that bad to you, think about this:
If the woman who fell in love with him, and married him, and had 4 children with him, said that she 110% would have divorced him if circumstances were stable enough to do so... its not just me being “oversensitive”.
Have a great day, y’all!
0 notes
succorcreek · 7 years
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Your Heart cut out by the Heartless One Pt. 2 Your Heart cut out by the Heartless One Pt. 2 Part 1 first half of CNN article: Trump himself has written that anger can be deployed as a tool as long as the actual emotions remain in check. "Many people think I am an angry guy. But it's not true. I am tough and I am demanding but I never lose it" he wrote in his 2007 book "Think Big." "Sometimes I use anger in a controlled way to make a point when I am negotiating" he wrote. "In those situations I am using anger for an effect to further my goals. Using anger constructively is another form of mental toughness that you need to succeed." But people who worked for Trump early in his career remember his temper showing more about him not those he was fuming at. Barbara Res Trump's former head of construction who worked with the then-businessman for 18 years described the President a "master" at using anger to "find the weakness in people and then exploit it to his benefit." Res recalled a number of moments where Trump dressed down employees in front of their colleagues but it was an inspection of The Plaza Hotel in the fall 1989 that sticks out to her most. After fuming over the reviled armoire Trump and Res moved onto the renovated bathroom where the construction manager -- with the help of Trump's first wife Ivana -- was installing cheaper green Chinese marble that the businessman had approved. He quickly flew into a rage. "He started screaming 'this is cheap shit. This is no good. You are making me look bad'" Res recalled. "He is cruel and vicious and he undercuts. If he sees a weakness he will pounce on it." "That was his thing" she said. "He cut your heart out." Trump Verbal Violence is Real Part 1 first half of CNN article: Part 2 second half: Verbal Violence is REAL though our self-blaming mind often doubts this feeling we're the fault not the verbally violent psychopath Many who have experienced the real trump have said this. He cut your heart out He'll cut your heart out Know who and what the psychopath is that abusive con taker and don't fall under the spell of accepting any blame or shame. Only the finest scalpel will due to cut out so many hearts. Tools tools and more tools. This article is attributed to CNN today and it's authors athttp://cnn.it/2x81w9H The full article is shown here because of it's importance. Often just an excerpt of news articles will be posted. But this article has several critical ideas that serve each other and not separated. I'll be saving this article as one of my reference articles and for future posts on: a. verbal violence b. death of one's soul from verbal violence of the psychopath c. verbal violence is always a part and character of the psychopath: they do not value a human's life or worth and see "decompiling and destruction of others as necessary. d. Trump is using verbal violence at all times and we're to blame for letting that go on e. Your next: if one person is being cut down don't revel in that you're not the victim: you're not going to escape the wrath though you seem you're on the "right side of his violence for now. You're next. f. psychopaths don't change they just learn to smile more when maming later in life. and an interest of mine that I share: g. what is the history and mythology of "cutting out one's heart". How has this phrases been a part of our language literature movies and video games? Unfortunately with psychopaths by the time one realizes "he is cutting the heart out (of you your desires DACA Dreamers Affordable Care Police with Conscience a unified America peace) the deed has already been done. When a dear in the woods realized it's being stalked by a hunter....the deed is usually already done: shot. See in the topic archive cloud below related articles on this: verbal violence psychopaths are in a war against one's own people lack of compassion cruelty Hitler Kim Jong-un psychopath deceit taking from poor to give to rich oligarchy: Russian greediness Trump emulates taking takers vampires lack of compassion brain of psychopath why Trump is "decompiling unwinding and unraveling America 6 articles A note from Scooter X: Do us a favor today and look up in the archive cloud below the "spiritual father of Donald Trump: Xenophobe and Hater Judge Roy Cohn. Then go online to Amazon.com and get a DVD of that ordered to share with those you love. BTW: Dr. Bunch's first books on Spider takers and Abusive Narcissists have information on the psychopath defined by the metaphor of the VAMPIRE. How to use metaphoric weapons against Vampires is described such as your own metaphoric garlic Cross mirror and more. See those books with Spiders on the cover in the catalog tab above. I care for you." Scooter X Psychopaths Pirates Vampires and more: Run flee tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive: Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs cohn cruelty deceit heartless hitler lack of compassion oligarchy psychopath taking from poor to give to rich trump emulates trump smiles vampires verbal violence war against one's own people #trumpbully #stopbully #trumpmentalhealth http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp
Your Heart cut out b
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
16.21, melt, chad gable
Title: melt
Theme: snow
Fandom / Character(s): Chad Gable & a random oc, Sophie.
Warnings: a very handsy makeout and cute awkward flirting, idk.
Word Count: my guesstimate is roughly around 1k. Maybe sliiightly over.
So... I wrote this on a whim. I literally just got the idea to write something cute and fluffy for a wrestler who doesn’t have many fics out there for him, (which to me, is a bit of a damn shame) and I wanted to write a snowball fight, so.. Here we fucking go, lol. Sophie is a character I made up,btw...This is my entry for the day for @champbucks​ 12 Days of Christmas challenge.
Again.. I made the banner for this. Don’t steal/repost.
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I hadn’t been able to get out of the building fast enough. The second I finished my last patch up job for the night, I was shoving through the crowd and making a beeline for the door that led out of the arena, one goal in mind… To at least enjoy a little of the first snowfall of winter.
I stepped out the door and into the parking lot, stretching out my arms and throwing my head back. I didn’t care that the snow was falling heavier now and that it was cold, wet against my warm skin as it melted.
It felt so good. The world was coated in a powdery and shimmering coat of white and everything looked so damn pure. And at the moment, my tracks from the door to where I stood were the only tracks to disturb the good half inch of snow already gathered on the ground. I spun in a half circle, arms still stretched wide just taking it all in.
The snow, the chill in the air. The twinkling lights that circled a shrub nearby.
I laughed out loud at myself and took a deep breath, as if I could breathe in the scent of winter’s magic. As far as I knew, I had the lot to myself for the time being because everyone else was still inside, still filming the last hour of the show. I flopped down onto the sidewalk and leaned back against a brick half wall, staring up at the night sky.
The sound of the door being thrown open and then slammed shut, followed by nearly growled swears had me peeping around the corner of the little brick half wall I was mostly hidden behind. Chad Gable was sitting on the concrete walkway, right outside of the door, his head in his hands. I sighed to myself and shook my head because I knew things were rough for him.
It bothered me. A lot more than it should.
,, because you’ve got a monster crush on the guy, Sophie.” my brain taunted. And with that thought and my earlier conversation with Nikki and Alexa about finally acting on said crush, I stood and took a deep breath, gathering some snow in my hands, packing it lightly as a teasing and playful grin filled my face.
I crept up on him carefully, clearing my throat when I stood in front of him. Tapping my foot slightly. Chad looked up, giving me his best “i’m fine, this is fine” grin and I bit my lip, not bothering to hide the fact that I was staring at his mouth. Hard.
Shaking my head about it, I spoke up. “You gonna sit here and fume all night or..?”
“Or what, exactly?” Chad asked in a quiet tone. I sighed and took a deep breath. “I’m about to do this for yer own good, Gable. Somebody needs t’ cool y’ down.” 
I raised the hand I held my haphazardly rolled snowball in and I pitched it lazily, right at him. He wiped his face and I took off at a run, giggling, stopping about halfway across the lot to call out to him, “Well? You gonna sit there all night, Gable, or are you gonna do somethin about it?”
Chad eyed me a second or two, a brow raised. I tapped my foot impatiently against crunchy snow and called out to him again, “C’mon, Gable.. Afraid you’re goin t’ melt?”
He stood, chuckling quietly as he gathered some snow in his hands and I smiled to myself, darting away at a run. Attempting to get back behind my half wall cover. Instead, I tripped and slid, settling behind it. Chad was hot on my heels, so when I landed, he tripped over my foot and landed… Right on top of me.
I giggled out in a rush, “Ya know.. Normally, I require that the guy buy me drinks first.” as I moved my hand around a little, grabbing hold of some more snow. Chad seemed to have the same idea, feeling around beside him without breaking my gaze, smirking just a little. He grabbed a handful of snow and before I could try to curl into myself to protect myself from what was about to happen, his hand slipped just beneath the hem of my favorite long sleeve shirt and my breath caught in my throat.
The icy cold snow melted against my warm skin, rolling down my abdomen, making me squirm against him a little as I raised my hand and managed to place the handful of snow I’d gathered while lying trapped beneath him right down the back of the neck of his bright blue tee shirt. The laughter died on our mouths as soon as we locked eyes again and I gulped when I realized that yes, we were still laying in the snow, Chad was still on top of me and neither one of us had bothered to actually move.
But I couldn’t stop staring, see.. It started with those damn blue eyes.. Then it wound up with me, staring intently at his lips and licking my own. He cleared his throat and went to sit up, but before I could stop myself, I was grabbing hold of the front of his shirt, pulling him back down. He chuckled quietly, a brow raised. A few seconds passed, hot and heavy and dominating the air between us to a point where I couldn’t breathe and he muttered, “Sophie?”
“If you want to do something, do it.” he mumbled, smirking when instead of just going for it, I froze for a second or two. “I thought so.” he mumbled a second or two later. 
And something in me snapped.
“Do something, huh?” I mumbled as I raised my arms, wrapping them around his neck, my fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck as I pressed myself against him fully and slowly, inched my mouth against his, clumsily connecting with the corner. Chad groaned quietly and just as I went to pull my mouth away, his mouth connected with mine completely, his tongue dancing over the outline of my lips, parting them and tangling with my tongue as he deepened the kiss to a point where I almost couldn’t catch my breath and I wasn’t sure if we were breathing on our own or breathing for each other.
His lips strayed from mine when the kiss broke, dancing carefully down my throat and my fingers dug into his shoulder and scalp as I whimpered quietly and my breath caught in my throat all over again and when his eyes met mine, I bit my cheek and worked on trying to pull myself together. But it was too late, the fire was lit. I reached out and gripped his jaw, pulling his mouth back down and against mine all over again, a kiss so deep and needy that I could feel his lips starting to swell a little when it broke. He chuckled, a groan coming shortly after when I rubbed against him just a little.
And from above us, a throat cleared and Baron Corbin pretended to gag, right before dumping a bucket of snow down on both of us and smirking. “Thought you two could use the cool down.”
As Baron walked off, we sat up, Chad moving to sit behind me with his arms around me. I called out to Baron with a laugh, “Awww… Somebody mad because nobody wants to kiss his greasy ass?”
Baron flipped me off over his shoulder and I glared, rolling my eyes before turning my attention back to Chad. “So...you were saying? About me, doing what I want?”
“You wanted to kiss me…”
“I mean, that’s not even half of what I wanna do, but it’s a start. C’mon, Chad. My ass is frozen and I’m pretty sure I smelled cocoa down in the catering area.” I hopped up and held out my hand. Chad took hold of it, letting me think I’d pulled him up out of the snow and he chuckled quietly, staring at me and shaking his head, almost as if he were more than a little shocked.
He should honestly try being me right now, because never… Not in a million years.. Did I once think I’d actually go for it.
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succorcreek · 7 years
Your Heart cut out by the Heartless One, Pt. 2
Your Heart cut out by the Heartless One, Pt. 2 Part 1, first half of CNN article:
 Trump himself has written that anger can be deployed as a tool as long as the actual emotions remain in check. "Many people think I am an angry guy. But it's not true. I am tough and I am demanding, but I never lose it," he wrote in his 2007 book "Think Big." "Sometimes I use anger in a controlled way to make a point when I am negotiating," he wrote. "In those situations, I am using anger for an effect, to further my goals. Using anger constructively is another form of mental toughness that you need to succeed." But people who worked for Trump early in his career remember his temper showing more about him, not those he was fuming at. Barbara Res, Trump's former head of construction who worked with the then-businessman for 18 years, described the President a "master" at using anger to "find the weakness in people and then exploit it to his benefit." Res recalled a number of moments where Trump dressed down employees in front of their colleagues, but it was an inspection of The Plaza Hotel in the fall 1989 that sticks out to her most. After fuming over the reviled armoire, Trump and Res moved onto the renovated bathroom, where the construction manager -- with the help of Trump's first wife, Ivana -- was installing cheaper green Chinese marble that the businessman had approved. He quickly flew into a rage. "He started screaming, 'this is cheap shit. This is no good. You are making me look bad,'" Res recalled. "He is cruel and vicious and he undercuts. If he sees a weakness, he will pounce on it." "That was his thing," she said. "He cut your heart out."  Trump Verbal Violence is Real Part 1, first half of CNN article: Part 2, second half:
Verbal Violence is REAL, though our self-blaming mind often doubts this, feeling we're the fault not the verbally violent psychopath
  Many who have experienced the real trump have said this. 
  He cut your heart out
He'll cut your heart out 
Know who and what the psychopath is, that abusive con taker, and don't fall under the spell of accepting any blame or shame. 
Only the finest scalpel will due to cut out so many hearts. Tools, tools, and more tools.
This article is attributed to CNN today, and it's authors at http://cnn.it/2x81w9H The full article is shown here because of it's importance. Often, just an excerpt of news articles will be posted. But this article has several critical ideas that serve each other and not separated. I'll be saving this article as one of my reference articles and for future posts on: a. verbal violence b. death of one's soul from verbal violence of the psychopath c. verbal violence is always a part and character of the psychopath: they do not value a human's life or worth and see "decompiling and destruction of others as necessary. d. Trump is using verbal violence at all times, and we're to blame for letting that go on e. Your next: if one person is being cut down, don't revel in that you're not the victim: you're not going to escape the wrath though you seem you're on the "right side of his violence for now.  You're next. f. psychopaths don't change, they just learn to smile more when maming later in life. and an interest of mine that I share: g. what is the history and mythology of "cutting out one's heart".  How has this phrases been a part of our language, literature, movies, and video games? Unfortunately, with psychopaths, by the time one realizes "he is cutting the heart out (of you, your desires, DACA Dreamers, Affordable Care, Police with Conscience, a unified America, peace), the deed has already been done. When a dear in the woods realized it's being stalked by a hunter....the deed is usually already done: shot. See in the topic archive cloud below related articles on this:
verbal violence
psychopaths are in a war against one's own people
lack of compassion
Kim Jong-un
taking from poor to give to rich
oligarchy: Russian greediness Trump emulates
lack of compassion
brain of psychopath 
why Trump is "decompiling, unwinding, and unraveling America, 6 articles
A note from Scooter X:  Do us a favor today and look up in the archive cloud below the "spiritual father of Donald Trump: Xenophobe and Hater Judge Roy Cohn. Then, go online to Amazon.com and get a DVD of that ordered to share with those you love.
 BTW: Dr. Bunch's first books on Spider takers and Abusive Narcissists have information on the psychopath defined by the metaphor of the VAMPIRE. How to use metaphoric weapons against Vampires is described, such as your own metaphoric garlic, Cross, mirror, and more. See those books with Spiders on the cover in the catalog tab above. 
I care for you."  Scooter X Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Run, flee, tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:
Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs
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