#the gadfly
nalyra-dreaming · 28 days
Hi Nalyra! Have you seen this?
Daniel Hart confirmed that Raglan James' theme was inspired by The Gadfly Suite. My guess is that Rolin Jones was himself inspired by the intro of 1983 Reilly, Ace of Spies that features one of the suite's most famous movements and it also gives Raglan James vibes.
One would say this beats the Justin Kirk Marius allegations for good. Nevertheless,the 1955 Soviet film The Gadfly for which the score was compossed in the first place is about the story of a revolutionary young man who has a father/son/pupil/mentor relationship with a priest in 1840s Italy
I mean, it's more likely that Rolin thought of a 80s British TV show about spies when he gave DHart hints for the Raglan James track than a Soviet film from the 50s but...why can't it be both?🤩
:))) As Marius is involved with the Talamasca and connected to their origins via his maker I‘ll die on the hill that Raglan is Marius in disguise until they officially introduce another actor as Marius :)))
But that aside, I had read over the comments, but I did not know the reference, so thank you for the links!! Will watch later.
All in all I would also go with my gut feeling of “spies“ theme, given what the Talamasca are :))
But knowing Rolin… it probably is both :))
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besttropeveershowdown · 11 months
The Best Trope Ever Showdown: Round 1, Side C
Beach Episode
GRAB YOUR TOWEL! WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH. There's going to be swimming, good or bad volleyball, swimwear, awkwardness, romantic moments maybe, definitely idiocy... maybe even sunburns that last for 15 minutes.
The Gadfly
No propaganda was submitted.
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nuncaestarassolo · 3 months
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nastyacitrus · 3 months
“Good Heavens!” said Martini to himself, as he walked down the lane. “That girl is actually in love with him! Of all the extraordinary things..”
- "The Gadfly", by Ethel Voynich
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katalina27ua · 11 months
 Про паралелі
Поки в мене тут не було інтернету, нарешті дійшли руки до польського перекладу «Овода», який я скачала собі ��же давно, але все ніяк не було часу почитати. Ну і, неважко здогадатись, паралелі, паралелі, паралелі всюди) Паралелі з «Добрими передвісниками», звичайно)
На початку книги (серіалу) ми бачимо двох добрих християн (янголів)), один з яких наївний ідеаліст-революціонер, яких світ не бачив, а інший (очевидно) побитий життям і набагато більш обережний, що попереджає першого не робити дурниць, щоб не потрапити під роздачу з ним не трапилось щось погане) Але молодість/наївність, звичайно, бере верх. Тому не дивно, що в один не дуже чудовий момент ідеаліст-романтик розчаровується у своїй релігії/Боженьці, стає справжнім демоном і внаслідок цього потрапляє у Пекло. Зміна фіялочності на цинізм, зовнішності, а також імені додається)
А тепер подивимось на останню розмову між героями (у випадку Азірафеля та Кроулі – останню на даний час). Кроулі ставить Азірафеля (так само, як і Овід Монтанеллі) перед дуже неприємним вибором: «або я, або ненависні Небеса (Боженька)». І тільки у випадку, якщо вони втечуть і опиняться на Альфі Центавра за кордоном, то зможуть бути разом, інші варіанти не розглядаються. Але Азірафель, як Монтанеллі, робить протилежний вибір (бо, по-перше, Метатрон/полковник Феррарі вимагають відповіді негайно, а, по-друге, справу врятування невинних людей завжди треба ставити вище за власні почуття). Фраза «нам більше нема про що говорити» в кінці розмови йде бонусом))
Тепер головне, щоб паралель не продовжилась далі, і щоб в 3му сезоні Азірафелю у статусі верховного архангела не довелось Кроулі вбивати, бо це вже було б трохи занадто)
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perfectfeelings · 3 months
You are a minute of quiet in a loud shouting world.
Gabriel Gadfly
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perfectquote · 2 years
You are a minute of quiet in a loud shouting world.
Gabriel Gadfly
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st-just · 6 months
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Left-of-center twitter/tumblr/tiktok/whatever really does have this this ironclad belief that naturally people will all be kind and progressive and have good politics, and it's only the alien corruption of things like 'debate club' that might ever lead to a law student adopting 'the perspective of power'.
It's such a strange and utterly unjustified assumption of cultural hegemony, if nothing else.
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thoughtkick · 1 year
You are a minute of quiet in a loud shouting world.
Gabriel Gadfly
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na-bird-of-the-day · 3 months
BOTD: Bermuda Petrel
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Photo: Miguel A Mejias, PhD.
"Endangered Atlantic Ocean seabird that nests on Bermuda and disperses widely when not breeding. When not nesting, it can only be seen far from land, where it often flies in swooping arcs with little flapping. Locally known as 'Cahow', it very nearly went extinct in the mid-twentieth century, but was returned from the brink largely due to the heroic efforts of local conservationists."
- eBird
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incomingalbatross · 11 months
"the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one" great, yes, an unquestioned classic. But let's not forget the OTHER classic in this field, namely: "the grumpy one is soft for the incredibly, deliberately annoying one"
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besttropeveershowdown · 11 months
The Best Trope Ever Showdown: Round 2, Side C
The Gadfly
No propaganda was submitted.
Beware the Silly Ones
No propaganda was submitted.
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protemporescitor · 5 months
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The one thing the entire fandom can agree upon.
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needlemeister · 2 months
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various aus!
swaperators, my take on a roleswap - nsh n lttm are swapped, as are srs n fp
moon preparing a special yellow neuron for sig, pebbles implanting a pearl for suns in arti
iterator-scug swap... sig is the gadly, hunter is devotion through the end
aaand the main course for this post! an au i'm working on called Purpose AU
it's mostly focused on nsh
he's traveling with hunter and Spearmaster...
...because something happened to suns, and possibly the others
he's wearing suns's coat also
purpose au iterator puppet!
besides the basics i actually have like Nothing for purpose au yet. i don't even know what happened to suns
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liskantope · 2 months
Another podcast episode clip with Chris Williamson that I failed to resist clicking on, and again it's with a guest who appears to be an unabashed conservative. But near the end of the video she makes a point really, really well about conservatism vs. progressivism that I don't think I've heard made before and haven't considered before. I want to record it here for bookmarking purposes. It kind of reflects a fuzzily but distinctly -felt conservative sensibility I've gradually noticed rising in me over the past year or two (and take absolutely no joy in).
She explains that when someone is defending traditionalism and a norm that used to be dominant, they often wind up being forced to get bogged down in disavowing every other trend or belief that was prevalent in the society where the tradition they're defending was practiced. This is a disadvantage of being in the position of advocating something that used to take place in a past society that actually existed and can be examined for its ugly aspects as well as the arguably better ones. Whereas...
if you're a progressive, you can say, "I can see this vision, you know, in the future, like we'll have this amazing society where everything's great." And the fact this has never happened and is never likely to happen means that you're never in the position of having to defend anything unfortunate. You never have to talk about trade-offs. I think that, like, acknowledging the existence of trade-offs is a fundamentally conservative trait.
I'm really not so sure that acknowledging the existence of trade-offs is more of a conservative trait than a liberal (or specific to any particular ideology) one. I don't think I've ever noticed it predominantly belonging to conservatives. If anything, I guess it's a sort of rationalist-ish trait, and it's something that I've been fixated on for about as long as I can remember (and not unrelated to the "gadfly" stuff I used to write about back when I used to try to write like a rationalist).
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jewishdainix · 9 months
Han mi's lament is truly just one of the greatest moments of musical storytelling out there imo. With how han mi's powers of altering the narratives have ben established, instead of seriously messing up mary's day as henry said, or singing about how heartbroken she is she just... stops the narrative. For six whole minutes we hear her crying over helen. An entire song, an entire six minutes just holting the narrative and crying. Its brutal, and it hurts, and it is so so powerful.
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