#the garden sanctuary IF
garden-if · 2 months
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After spending a childhood in isolation, Mikhail has finally been able to find freedom in academia. Pursuing the passion of their only solace; the forever gentle sound of song. Though, Mikhail has lived a life of naivety. A life shielded by the harsh faith of their church and family. Now Mikhail will discover the dark underbelly of the city of Vilyuchka — and what it means to be a composer in a city where crime and music are one in the same.
Demo: July 2024
The Garden Sanctuary is an 18+ horror, lesbian romance, and erotica interactive fiction. It takes place in a world built in Gaslamp Fantasy, with Art-Deco and 1920s influences. It is planned to be a browser-based visual novel style experience, with multiple illustrations and CGs placed throughout.
(Character bios and additional info can be found under the cut.)
CONTENT WARNING: The Garden Sanctuary is a HORROR and EROTICA interactive fiction. CWs include gore, violence, body horror, body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria, as well as internal and external transphobia, homophobia/lesbophobia, and ableism. The Garden Sanctuary also portrays critical views of the effects of CSA and incest from a personal perspective. (No on screen depictions, just the aftermaths of such events.)
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MC: Mikhail Ilyushin - The Composer - They/Them
Mikhail Ilyushin was raised in one of the many churches of Vilyuchka who follow the single god of Lithos. From birth they were seen as sick, in body and mind alike. Thus they were sheltered from the rest of society in an attempt to protect their frailty from the outside world. During their time in the church they would occupy their dark upbringing with their passion for music. Mikhail had given up on the prospects of freedom. Until one day their overbearing family was contacted by a mysterious sponsor, who was somehow able to convince them to allow Mikhail to attend the University of Saint Yelena in order to pursue becoming a professional composer.
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RO: Watcher Uriel - Patron of Pestilence - He/She/They
Watcher Uriel, the cursed angel forced to live on the outskirts of the city. Their very existence brings sickness. Her appearance is gruesome, no matter how hard she tries to mask her true form under a mortal glamor. In spite of the nature of their very existence, they long for only one thing: Love and affection. They are the head of a fanatic cult, obsessed with finding love for their holy angel. Nonetheless Watcher Uriel remains on the ceaseless hunt to find a soulmate. No matter the cost.
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RO: Lucia Blackhart - The Violet Songstress - She/Her
Perhaps one of your only hopes of learning what the life of a composer entails. Lucia is not only a prolific melodist herself, she's also an extremely elusive detective. The catch: she only works with criminals in the Vilyuchkan Underbelly. Her allegiances are never set in stone. And while her services are invaluable, you can never fully set your trust in the Violet Songstress. Bonus Route: Because of her good natured relationship with Caim, it is possible to pursue a polyamorous route between the two of them.
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RO: Caim - The Wonderland Ensemble, one of the Five Kings of the Vilyuchkan Underbelly - They/Them
Caim is a demonic being who surfaced in Vilyuchka many decades ago. Since then they have founded the Wonderland Ensemble, a ruthless crime syndicate known for its equal worship of pleasure and pain. Caim is an absolutely ruthless criminal, earning them the title of one of the Five Kings; a designation for the most dangerous and esteemed crime bosses in the Vilyuchkan Underbelly. Bonus Route: Because Caim is great friends with Lucia Blackhart, it is possible to pursue a polyamorous route between both of them.
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RO: Headmaster Stelliana - Beholder of the Moon - She/Her
Headmaster Stelliana is the only companion you will meet on your journey that has the privilege of participating in regular society. She's a highly respected scholar, and lead of the academic group known as the Beholders of the Moon. Though she just poses as an intellectual elite, she holds a dark secret. Her and her fellow Beholders are apart of a cult seeking to resurrect the Old Gods. Only she and her fellow scholars know what this entails, and what fate this may bring about.
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RO: ████████████ ████████████ ██████ ███ █████████
Something about this presence seems familiar. Yet foreign. I can feel my heart pounding against my ribcage. Is it fear, or is it fiery yearning that I feel? Nonetheless something inside of me burns. Threatening to sear through my sternum and breach the skin along my breast. Until we meet again.
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vintagehomecollection · 2 months
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Deck & Patio Styles, 1996
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
Headcanon that post-canon Caleb has never actually adopted a cat himself.  Rather, his friends are regularly gifting him a never-ending stream of cats, which over the years has included:
Schatz, a little munchkin cat from Veth, who delights in taking and hiding little trinkets around the house.  Many inkpots (not always empty), jacket buttons, and Dynasty-style earrings have been claimed for Schatz’ secret hoards over the years and she has no intention of stopping.
Dashilla, a gangly rescue cat with one eye from Jester and Fjord.  She appeared on their ship one day after they left port in Port Damali, and her favourite person in the entire world is Fjord.  They couldn’t keep her for allergy reasons, hence why she is now biting Caleb’s hand whenever he lets his guard down.
A fully grown moorbounder named Blümchen from Yasha, who bought her as a mount during a stopover in Asarius and really bonded with her.  Yasha returned home to Zadash with her; when the fantasy HOA objected, Beau joked that they should give Blümchen to Caleb and Yasha fully committed to the bit.
Charly, an absolutely enormous Norwegian forest cat which Caduceus found in the Savalirwood.  Spends his days climbing up to the roof to sunbathe and menacing all rodent lifeforms who so much as twitch a whisker in the cottage’s direction.
Motherfucker, a spotted cat from Beau.  Her name was originally going to be Professor, but Beau called her Motherfucker so much that it’s the only thing she responds to now.  Was found abandoned behind the Beaurebar one evening, and is the most affectionate cat in the world to everyone except for Beau (hence the name).  Also nicknamed “Pop Pop” because one simply cannot tell visitors that one’s cat is named Motherfucker.
A whole entire litter of kittens, also from Jester and Fjord, from a ship’s cat on a Stone’s Throw ship.  Their names are Brötchen, Pumpernickel, Knödel, Pfeffernüsse, and Spritzkuchen, and they came with a basket of the best (slightly stale) pastries from around the Lucidian Ocean.
Kaiser, the most regal stray that the streets of Darktow have ever produced.  Kingsley claims that the large roguish scar on his cheek is from Kaiser and that he needs someone to take this hellcat off his hands.  It would probably be more believable if Kaiser weren’t the laziest tyrant to ever claim the cat basket for himself.
Hansel and Gretel, separate presents from Astrid and Eadwulf respectively.  Hansel is both an apology and a bribe from Astrid for making Caleb the student counsellor at the Academy.  No explanation was given for Gretel, Eadwulf just knocked on his door one day, dumped a yowling tabby in Caleb’s arms, and left without saying anything.
Perle, a pure white cat who technically belongs to Essek.  Technically.  It’s just that he’s always on the move trying to avoid capture by both the Dynasty and the Empire, and he would really appreciate it if someone could look after his cat for him until things are a little safer?  Of course he would have to visit often to check in on Perle, and maybe his Zemnian friend too while he’s at it.
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maureen2musings · 2 years
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superdecade · 2 months
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Dreamery Gardens, York. Faerie garden. Seen on a walk in England's fairy sanctuary
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shelovesplants · 1 year
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My sanctuary 🙌✨️🌸🌿💜
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moonhedgegarden · 6 months
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aethernoise · 8 months
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wwweedfairy · 2 months
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I believe you when you say it like that
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luuxxart · 5 months
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posting these from twt/retrospring bc aaaaa the boys and their chao 🥺🥺🥺
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garden-if · 10 months
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After spending a childhood in isolation, Mikhail has finally been able to find freedom in academia. Pursuing the passion of their only solace; the forever gentle sound of song. Though, Mikhail has lived a life of naivety. A life shielded by the harsh faith of their church and family. Now Mikhail will discover the dark underbelly of the city of Vilyuchka — and what it means to be a composer in a city where crime and music are one in the same.
The Garden Sanctuary is an 18+ horror, romance, and erotica interactive fiction. It takes place in a world built in Gaslamp Fantasy, with Art-Deco and 1920s influences. As of current, it is planned to be semi-illustrated.
KEEP IN MIND: The Garden Sanctuary is currently in a deeply unfinished state, a lot of things are undecided and the cast isn't ready to be revealed yet. This post is very informal, and I'll make a more in depth introduction post later on~! I just wanted to get a post out there to hopefully find some more similar IF devs to connect with :-)
As it stands right now, TGS follows a locked MC and has several different romance options. RO customization is currently being debated!
CONTENT WARNING: Gore, body horror, violence, and other generally dark themes, CSA and incest (portrayed critically), body dysmphoria, gender dysphoria, internalized and externalized ableism. This may expand later on in the future.
Follow the story of Mikhail Ilyushin, a budding and prodigal composer attending the Academy of Saint Yelena. Once sheltered by the church they were raised in, Mikhail has yet to learn that music is not as pure and innocent as the clergy once taught them. Learn about the city of Vilyuchka and the culture of crime that has completely engulfed the art of music. Navigate the unseen world that lies in plain sight in Vilyuchka. Discover the existence of things much stranger than human. Choose who to put your faith in; your family and the church you have always known, or the life of blaspheme that has granted you your freedom.
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I love my island. It's inspired by aliens, ghosts, ancient tribes and magic. It's colourful and fun, but also full of mystery.
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pegafin · 10 months
AI Generated McMansions: Bird Sanctuary
I asked the @mcmansionhell Discord chat what kind of AI generated property they would like to see from Pegafin Realty. They asked for:
Bird Sanctuary Conservatory
And we at Pegafin Realty delivered...✨
Stunning conservatory-style home located in 54 acres of pristine bird sanctuary. 7 bed, 35,604 window, and infinite bath, because everywhere is the bathroom when you’re a bird.
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Grand and verdant entryway.
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Over 57 unique sunrooms.
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Active garden kitchen, complete with soil and worms.
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Dining en plein air.
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Call now to book your tour 🦆🦜🦤🪿
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the maid spots a companion
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theweeowlart · 13 days
The Hidden Gardens
At my little sanctuary in the city, The Hidden Gardens.
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