#the gardenia
eorzeanflowers · 8 months
"Well, Yasha, you asked me out here... Is something the matter?" Yda asked the serious gladiator turned Scion following her to a bridge near the Sylphlands.
"I.. um.." Yasha fidgeted with her hands a moment. "I thought we worked well together... again." She rubbed the back of her head with a self conscious grin.
"We did, didn't we." Yda grinned. She took a couple of cheerful steps towards Yasha, an arm behind her back. "But that's something you could've said back in camp, isn't it?" There was mirth and a flirty tone to her voice. "But instead you asked me to come to this beautiful waterfall."
"I think you're beautiful!" Yasha blurted out nearly immediately after Yda's words. She immediately went red and covered her face.
Yda stepped close to Yasha, taking one of her hands and bringing it to her face. "I think you are quite beautiful too, Yasha." She nuzzled Yasha's hand, dropping her own to her side.
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Yasha, a little dumbfounded smiled a goofy grin. She hummed a cheery little ditty before putting her forehead to Yda's aethermeter with a soft thunk. She pulled back with an embarrassed giggle, which Yda joined in with.
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Yasha looked at Yda with dreamy look in her eyes, quietly asking, "May I give you a kiss, Yda?"
"Mmm, yes, I think you may." Yda gave a soft giggle and leaned in close.
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Yasha leaned in close as well, and gave Yda a soft kiss. One that missed its mark on Yda's waiting lips and instead was clumsily on her cheek. Realizing her error, Yasha reeled back.
"I'msosorryYdaI'vegottago!" Yasha bolted back towards the Gridanian territory, leaving a confused Yda behind.
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"Yasha! Wait!" Yda reached out towards the departing Scion, but with Yasha's embarrassed speed, Yasha quickly vanished into the undergrowth. Yda blinked under her mask a couple of times, before sighing.
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"Oh my, I think I'm falling..." Yda muttered as she gently touched her kissed cheek.
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A day later, back at the Waking Sands.
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Yasha was a blushing mess as she recounted her mishap with Yda in the Black Shroud
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"So, let me get this straight. You asked Yda to a private place, attempted to court her, KISSED her, and then ran away at the first sign of something good happening to both of you?" Jana directly and bluntly laid out the bare bones of Yasha's story.
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"It was quite silly of you Yasha, I do agree with Jana's reasonings. But I'm sure Yda thought you were still quite cute." Eulanne tried to console the mess that was Yasha.
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Jana slammed her hands on the table, roaring, "It's not very the worst that you did that night! You had a chance to actually see under Yda's mask and you messed up your opportunity! I am so disappointed in you Yasha!"
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"Now, now, Jana. Yasha is still a fledgling. And frankly, the fact that you haven't seen Yda's lovely eyes is a problem of your own." A'tyla finally butted in with a laugh, turning Jana's attention towards her instead of Yasha.
"Wait, what? You've seen Yda's eyes!" Jana incredulously turned to A'tyla.
"Do tell!" Jana scooted her chair over to A'tyla with rapt attention.
"A lady never gives out her secrets." A'tyla taps the side of her nose with a wink.
"WHY YOU MAGE!" Jana flared up again, reaching for her staff.
All while that was happening Eulanne had scooted over to Yasha and patted her on the shoulder. "You'll likely get a second chance hotshot, just close your eyes after you make contact with her lips."
Yasha just sank even deeper into her chair as she turned an even darker shade of red.
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cyphyra · 2 months
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Local strongwoman bunny shows off~
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spicymancer · 1 year
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OC DNA for Monster Researcher Eclair! Her original characterization was a lot more subdued and demure. Nagato Yuki-esque. Eventually she sort of ended up being much more proactive and earnest. Anyway you can find the original template here!
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battlzone · 5 months
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drew this like a week ago with the other roarks and gardenias thought i might as well put it on here
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moniniconii · 14 days
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Bloom 🩵🔥✨
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✨Silver & Gold✨
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mjlor-chan · 9 months
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nabob1204 · 3 months
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grey822aaa · 5 months
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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eorzeanflowers · 9 months
What event within the course of the game had the biggest impact on your character(s) and why? Were they directly involved with it? Did the knowledge of it inspire them to do better? Did it leave them with scars they're not keen on talking about?
I'm just gonna answer for Yasha, (otherwise we would be hear alllll day.)
Yasha's biggest event, was the a bunch of little events that culminated into the main event. And that is meeting Tsuyu. Seeing the Imperial Viceroy as an amnesiac and with Gotetsu protecting her was a shock to her system. Up to that point, nearly all Garleans (and Garlean sympathizers) had been either a) soldiers that really didn't know better, or b) complicit officers in subjugation and conquest of other cultures.
So seeing Tsuyu made her wary, incredibly wary. But Gotetsu was a trusted friend and ally, so Yasha took his word to heart. She tried to open up to the vulnerable Tsuyu, and they established a good rapport. And Yasha, being the hopeless romantic she is, fell for yet another individual. Yasha never told Tsuyu, or her other partners about this falling in love. She thought that Lyse and Arenvald would not truly approve. (Fordola wasn't in the picture as a romantic partner yet.)
So when Tsuyu became Yotsuyu again, and summoned Tsukiyomi. Yasha was devastated. Yotsuyu remembered all their conversations as Tsuyu, but still Yotsuyu went down her broken path. Yasha, guilt-ridden over what could have been, did strike her down, and Yotsuyu remarked with her dying breaths that Yasha was too good to her, and that she would cherish their friendship, to the end.
Yasha was a withdrawn individual until Shadowbringers proper started, causing Lyse and Arenvald to be very concerned. But to this day, Yasha keeps this young blossom of love that she had for Yotsuyu locked deep in her heart. A yearning for what could've been. Those two wonder, but as Yasha still doesn't want to talk about it, they let the matter rest.
But it did open Yasha's eyes to not see things with the Garleans as so black and white. Leading to her being more compassionate to the peoples of Garlemald when their homeland was destroyed by Fandanial's schemes. Just one little love cut too short, brought about such wonderful change in her.
And it gave her no issues when Arenvald and Lyse brought Fordola into their polycule. Yasha welcomed Fordola with open arms.
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cyphyra · 5 months
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MILF Bunny
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battlzone · 6 months
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just two guys with huge pant pockets
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the-home · 13 days
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