#the guy who helped them is dead
isa-ah · 2 years
idk! it just feels so much more nasty and underhanded for them to do this considering.
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i think it would be funny if people occasionally arose from the dead. like if that was a real-life one-in-a-million but well-documented Thing That Sometimes Happens, and the entire legal system around death (laws on inheritance & marriage & murder etc) had to include caveats for the unlikely-but-scientifically-possible event that the dead person in question might spontaneously self-resurrect, even years or decades after death. it would raise so many inconvenient and absurd possibilities
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irradiatedrosegarden · 3 months
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sometimes you just gotta lick the homies
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pixlokita · 7 months
The stupid animal shelter won’t help (as usual) and we already have too many rescues in our house but someone abandoned a dog in our area, just left him there with his plate and he’s not looking too good. I want to help and take him in but we don’t have space or money for it anymore. Idk if anyone is interested, this is in Houston. He seems very sweet. Idk what else to do y’all, I called and they said they wouldn’t do anything unless he’s injured badly.
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i still cannot believe that people consider having lovers outside of a political marriage as cheating
a lot can be discussed about how raging misogyny and the patriarchy in westeros has led to unequal standards for women to uphold and suffer from
as highborn women are not allowed the same sexual freedom that highborn men get to experience, and even if these women do have relationships outside of their marriages, they are usually scorned and shunned by society for daring to practice sexual autonomy
it’s unfair, i am very aware of this fact
(that’s why i’ll never understand team green stans)
but george has never ever condemned his characters for finding and experiencing love outside of doing their duty.
we’re not unfeeling machines that lack emotions. we’re humans who are, more often than not, led by our hearts. and grrm does a phenomenal job when creating characters, as they truly feel human.
so yeah, it’s a bit disappointing that people dumb down what is clearly a very complex situation to “cheating” (btw george himself calls rhaegar and elias relationship complex and he’s never implied that they loved each other in a romantic sense).
to reiterate, i am well aware that highborn women and men are held to different standards, however, if you have a problem with characters working through, around, and sometimes failing to overcome the social structures that cause their suffering, then you must have a major issue with george’s exploration of the human heart in conflict with itself.
george’s characters aren’t robots and that’s what makes them interesting. they do things for very human reasons. they’re biased. they’re traumatized. they’re conflicted. but they’re still reaching for a better tomorrow and they’re still trying to find happiness.
so i’ll never consider rhaegar and lyannas relationship as cheating, or something unsightly that should be scorned. for they simply dared to find and grasp love in a society that would rather shackle them to unhappy marriages, which is very commendable.
oh… and do you know what george does criticize?
political marriages lol
he makes it clear that selling women off as broodmares and forcing men into marriages they don’t want is a recipe for disaster.
of course the eventual fallouts of these relationships is super interesting to read about, but you should never ever support the systems in place and the societies that benefit from pushing people/characters into these incredibly unhealthy relationships
so while i find it interesting to read about characters navigating these relationships, i’ll always be the first person to condemn these societies for forcing this fate onto them. i’ll also always be the first person to root for characters who do their best to find happiness outside of their political/arranged marriage
sorry that i don’t condemn a character for finding love outside of a loveless marriage
instead of getting angry at rhaegar and lyanna and being very nonsensical in the main tags about it, how about you turn that anger onto the patriarchy, which is rooted in every single institution and family in westeros, the patriarchy that refuses to allow women to have the same amount of sexual autonomy as men?
(this is why i despise team green :))
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toddtakefive · 14 days
thinking about todd and his resolve toward… not quite isolation, but being alone in a room full of people again. he goes along to the study room to sit on his own and do his homework, he sits at the poets table and follows along with what’s being said while keeping quiet, he goes to the meetings at all but doesn’t necessarily contribute (in fact, if you watch him when cameron is telling the story ‘from camp in sixth grade’, you can see that he recognizes it before any of the other poets but doesn’t voice it until they all have). he’s not alone, necessarily, if you want to get technical about it, he’s just lonely, and he’s generally okay with that. he doesn’t have friends and that’s fine, he doesn’t participate in class and that’s fine, he doesn’t have a relationship with his family and that’s fine—he could live without any real connection and he’d have been, more or less, fine.
the thing about when he says “i can take care of myself just fine!” is that he isn’t really wrong, you can infer that he’s been doing it his entire life anyway, it’s that ‘taking care of yourself’ isn’t the same thing as really living or being happy. todd’s an introvert, certainly, and even as he gets closer to the group he defaults to sitting quietly in the background, but he’s also denying himself community out of fear not introversion. todd isn’t friendless because he’s an introvert, although that definitely plays a part, he’s friendless because he pushes anyone that might want his company away. if anyone has every wanted for his attention in the first place. (neil’s unwavering interest in him is unique (even when it comes to the rest of the poets, who are fine with todd coming along and joining the group, but aren’t really hellbent on him being there in the beginning) and his refusal to accept it is a direct result of being so lonely growing up.)
there’s obviously something to be said about the implications of his parents neglect, and the more than likely fact that he grew up friendless, and how those both play a part in in him being so skilled at dodging social interaction/being so avoidant of it, but by the time we see him in the movie he’s all but accepted his fate as being alone his entire life. he’s already accepted being the family disappointment, and he’s already accepted he’ll never amount to anything, and he obviously doesn’t like it, but he’d have managed living with that knowledge without the confirmation that it was all wrong. would he have been miserable? almost certainly. but he’d have managed. he’d done it for that long already, anyhow.
#and like obviously it’s BAD in the long run and his isolation IS only making his life worse but… genuinely he’d have been alright#all things considered#it’s super interesting to me how it’s neil who starts the domino effect of todd’s life becoming Less Shit#both by beliving in him and putting faith in him that he’s never seen before and refusing to let him hide away#but it isn’t a savior moment on neil’s part#and i find it so odd when people frame it as one#todd is like… actively irritated at him in that scene 😭#neil is right that todd needs to get out of his shell and put himself out there and Believe in himself#but todd can’t accept it yet because he can’t see what neil sees in him yet and doesn’t believe it exists at all#and it frustrates him because unlike everyone else neil REFUSES to give up on him#and as far as todds concerned it’ll be for nothing#as far as todd’s concerned ​neil isn’t a savior or a hero in that scene he’s an annoyance#a necessary one in the grand scheme of things but an annoyance all the same#i think people forget that just because todd DOES want to break out of his shell (‘don’t you think you could be?’ / ‘no! i… i don’t know!’ +#‘come on you heard keating don’t you want to *do* something about it?’ / ‘*yes* but…’) doesn’t mean he knows how or believes he actually CAN#todds autonomy can be taken away from him a lot (ironic) and he can be twisted into someone with no opinions or thoughts or whims +#outside of neil but that isn’t really the case#and a part of that blame lands on the movie because todd doesn’t get explored a lot but there’s still evidence of him being his own person#he’s not a yesman and he tells neil when his ideas are stupid (keeping the audition from his father) or he just doesn’t personally agree +#(the entire ‘no’ scene) and he functions perfectly well when neil isn’t around and while they aren’t focuses +#there are short scenes where todds alone or scenes that start eith them apart that make it clear they aren’t attatched to each other +#in the way people can often write them to be (that is in the trenches if the other is missing)#this post and all these tags are my long winded way of saying FUCK the codependent anderperry thing some people subscribe to it makes me#mad#neil’s goal is to help todd grow into himself and become his own person and find his identity more than anything#and todd doesn’t need neil to hold his hand to do literally anything and everything he’s a normal guy with anxiety#come on guys#dps#dead poets society#todd anderson
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if i had a nickel for every time there was a cool-toned antagonistic teenaged cyclops character with terrible hair in a kids show who had just the most awful things happen to them, ended up paralyzed and stuck lying there on the ground for a while at some point, and just wanted to save everyone but couldn’t save anyone, i’d have two nickels. which isnt a lot
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but it’s weird that it happened twice
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Lt. Tarquin Victus With: Lt. Steve Cortez and The Ninth Turian Platoon Decisions like these weigh heavy on me- when I was a General, I could pass them up the chain of command. But now? I'm all I've got. I'm beginning to understand why leaders so often seem lonely... Worst case scenarios aren't just theories- they're what you'll be dealing with five minutes from now. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#steve cortez#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i was originally planning to make platoon and bomb one big gifset since it’s 2 halves of one big story#but i ended up splitting it bc i ran out of room due to the post limit 🫠#i don’t really have the most to say for platoon individually bc these quests are pretty short#but victus and sons y’all are a bit shady for lying to shep about the bomb’s origins if i'm being 100% honest rn#and if i’m being completely honest here keeping something like that secret would have blown up in their faces so fucking badly#with krogan leadership??? like??? like wrex would be fucking peaved about a fucking turian bomb on tuchanka#but like for a second can we imagine wreav??? someone who is already gunning for revenge?? and this was kept a secret???#i've never had wreav as my krogan leader but i know in my heart that man is out for fucking blood when he finds out about the bomb#but for me it's the way every other race constantly does awful shit to the krogan and wonders why the krogan are “wArMonGeRs!!!” like???#and why krogan leadership just doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's problems?? which is literally 100% understandable for the krogan#maybe it's bc you guys gave them a STERILITY PLAGUE and planted a fucking BOMB on their planet idk#*inserting soph’s ‘sometimes i understand why the krogan want to shoot everyone in sight’ quote here*#on a final tiny note i like the parallel between that soldier saying “who cares about a few dead krogan?”#and that scene during the normandy summit when wrex says “why should i care if a few turians go extinct?”#i adore the poetic cinema of those lines in parallel with one another#especially when you take into account the fact that victus helps wrex cure the genophage#and then his son helps stop the bomb on tuchanka by sacrificing his life for it#and that wrex sends squads of krogan soldiers to help defend palaven afterwards#it's a nice callback to both those moments imo :)
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muttsandmustelidae · 2 months
i feel like the way ‘dogtok’/‘dogstagram’ talks about reactivity makes reactive dog owners feel a lot more ashamed than they ought to
#idk i just.. don’t really see anything to be ashamed about? and i hate the ‘your dog is reactive because you FAILED’ mindset#sometimes you do absolutely everything right and the universe still throws some shit at you that leads to reactivity#and it’s just a thing that happens sometimes#dogs are animals with teeth and claws and fur and tails#they shit outside and roll in dead things and sniff each others butts#and sometimes have big feelings about things#and that’s just part of being a little critter#it’s not a moral failing on anyone’s part that your dog is a dog instead of a cardboard cutout of a dog#not everything goes smoothly 100% of the time and sometimes you end up with an extra Thing that needs to be worked on#and yeah of course Working On It can be stressful. no one wants to see their dog having a hard time. which is exactly why we don’t need to#-be pushing the added stress of GUILT#it’s not helpful to anyone. it doesn’t prevent reactivity in the future. it just makes someone who’s already having a hard time have a-#-worse one#this is not a situation that needs blame#idk if any of this makes sense#my meds are making me a lil weird lmao#@ everyone who has a reactive dog: you’re doing a great job and if anyone tries to make you feel guilty#eat them#keep Workin On It and remember that Dogs Is Dogs#kill the goblin in your brain that tells you you’re the worst guy to have ever done it#you’re normal your dog is normal. give both of you a cookie rn
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noahtally-famous · 2 months
not me popping back on here with a post after months of semi-inactivity (uni is being a bitch) just to reiterate how much i love writing the pahkitew island cast.
aside from sammy and amy (obviously), literally everyone else can be shipped with one another and it'd make sense to some degree, like it takes skill to create a group of people so inherently shippable (platonically and/or romantically) and ofc the writers didn't know it they just shoved a bunch of random ppl together and dusted their hands off on it but fr tho 😭
(yeah im planning out my leonave 'stranger things inspired' au, and the gears are turning, and i forgot just how much i love writing for this dumbass group)
(i swear im working on the next chapter of a guide to surviving the apocalypse too)
#no but i've way too many ideas lmaoo#i forgot ive a whole longass post in my drafts dedicated to ramblings abt this longfic and i came across it today ahaha#like amy leading a manhunt for leonard bc shes got everyone to think he killed her sister (who she didn't even like much smh)#and topher's one of the ppl involved and when shawn hears he's like “topher? yeah i can handle him dw” (possible tophawn minor pairing??)#and leonard's abt to get the equivalent of being burnt at the stake literally#when guess who shows up in a fucking mercedes of all cars#fucking dave#and he helps leonard escape narrowly by driving fast af and leonard's so confused bc like “i thought you'd be with those guys”#and get this: dave doesnt believe leonard killed sammy bc of his vehement belief that leonard doesn't know magic LMAOOO#and leonard doesnt know whether to be affronted or grudgingly thankful bc if it wasn't for dave's desire for everything to be normal#leonard would have been part of the witch trials 2.0#and idk who's watched st but the plot is somewhat inspired by it#like shawn goes missing first and dave as his best friend is panicking abt it (in this one axel is shawns cousin???)#and then when they find him at last the weird deaths start leading to leonard finding sammy dead and this whole situation#and theres a whole different world underneath them and its up to leonard dave ella and sky to team up and prevent certain destruction#and theres slowburn leonave (with pining leonard and oblivious dave)#and leonard lives with his uncle whos understanding of his passions (unlike his dad who basically gave him away for the same reason)#and leonard's life is total opppsite from dave's#and they both know it#and omgggg this au has been a brainrot for so goddamn long#but idk why i just got a slew of ideas for it today#and like dave stays over at leonards at one point and leonard gives him his bed (like a gentleman)#and the next morning shawn barges in like “wheres my best friend” bc ever since he was taken he's been v paranoid abt losing the ppl he lov#and he hugs dave and daves like “how dirty are you rn” and shawns like “nothing yet i waited so that i can hug you when i see your dumb ass#and everyones like abt dave to leonard “idk if he's the right one for you”#but then later on dave saves his life by going a little bit unhinged classic dave-style#and ends up scaring a nurse and receptionist into retiring early#total drama#td leonard#td dave
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magmahearts · 6 months
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( featuring appearances by @ohwynne, @corpse-a-diem, @vanoincidence, @highoctanegem, @kadavernagh, & @eliaskahtri )
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parasitic-saint · 5 months
i dreamt i met laura jane grace and she complimented my goth makeup
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born-to-lose · 7 months
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Was finally back at the bar last Saturday after three weeks of being sick
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
This might be an odd complaint but I really don’t like how people act like Byler endgame would just excuse every other shitty thing that’s been done to everyone but conveniently attractive presumably straight white men in this show writing-wise. I’d be more than happy to have Byler be endgame and I expect it, but the amount of racism that’s been brushed off is ridiculous in and outside of the show. The weird St*ncy moments this season, the fact that she doesn’t get a storyline related to her trauma. Even season three was incredibly white of them. Joyce not getting hardly any scenes with Jonathan and Will these recent seasons. All of it and more—it won’t suddenly go away and make everyone on that writing team geniuses. And this isn’t to sound ungrateful or anything, but it really is disappointing sometimes. They exceed tremendously at some points such as the Upside Down lore but as for other aspects…
not an odd complaint at all! the only thing byler endgame makes okay is the fact that they didn't use will's feelings to fix a straight couple. there's so many other things they got wrong, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that the people writing the show are white men. and white women. white people
NOTHING they do could ever make what they did to lucas right. having their one black character go against the little white girl in season 1 which resulted in people being racist to caleb irl, having billy literally get physical with lucas and say he's gonna kill him and then saying in an interview that they "think" that billy was racist like they didn't write it themselves, the fact that it's literally never brought up again...lol. i know stranger things isn't a "this thing that happened was wrong. let's talk about it and try to make it better :)" type of show but still. it's crazy. also this regarding erica in season four
and you don't even have to dig that deep to find things that byler endgame won't fix: like you said, stncy being pushed on us and on nancy again in season 4? 98% sure it won't be endgame but like. why did you have to put us through that. WHY. and yeah lol, remember when they brought nancy back to that pool at the end of volume 1 like they remembered she was traumatized by the death of her best friend and then...nothing happened? idk, it's just so weird
also, the byers being sidelined? for will i guess you can rationalize it and come up with great and convincing meta reasons as to why his character was sidelined in seasons 3 and 4 (which, yeah, fascinating, i will still hate it ten years from now, no matter how important to season 5 will is), but what about jonathan? what about joyce? how does one justify the fact that winona went from being the reason 75% of people older than 15 started watching the show to having less screentime than fucking jason in season 4? it is annoying when people act like byler endgame will make everything right and will make stranger things a perfect show because it really won't
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
How about more wildfire au? Maybe something tense?
Gil watched with a scowl. Two trucks, five men in total. He wasn't sure what they were doing here, but no one ever found his cabin 'by accident', it had to be said.
And Thena was in there.
They had gotten to a point where he could radio in and ask how she was doing without her telling him to shove it up his ass. He considered that a win! Every once in a while he would radio while she was in the shower or having a nap, and the worry that would consume was probably best kept to himself.
The five men walked calmly, looking around them and at what surrounded the cabin in its little clearing. They didn't seem to be here for any trouble, but Gil didn't want to rule anything out. They went up the stairs and knocked on the door.
Gil tensed, gripping his hatchet in his hand.
As soon as the door budged the men flooded into the cabin, their larger bodies obscuring Thena's tiny frame completely.
Gil ran from where he was hiding and up the driveway, almost slipping a few times in his hurry. "Thena!"
There were loud shouts coming from inside the cabin, the door left wide open.
"Thena!" Gil repeated as he slid over, hatchet raised, ready to defend his temporary and cranky roommate. "Get away from-"
"White Wolf! White Wolf! White Wolf!"
Thena laughed as they hoisted her above their heads, cheering her name. She patted their heads, pushing at their faces while she was seated on their shoulders. "Okay, boys, that's enough!"
"Well goddamn, Thee, we had to go through a hell of a lot of trouble to find this place!" More than one of them jostled her in a friendly matter as they set her on her feet again. They pushed and shoved, squeezed her shoulders and ruffled her hair. And each gesture would be reciprocated in the form of a punch on the arm. "When you hide away you hide the fuck away!"
"Hey Thee," the tallest one bent over to get closer to her face, "where's my welcome kiss?"
"Who the fuck are you?!"
Six heads turned as Gil tossed his hatchet aside loudly and pulled his own damn front door closed. The men traded looks, already looking agitated, "we could ask you that, buddy."
Gil had to admit, he was impressed when one word from Thena had the men's backs straighter than a lightning rod. He watched as Thena parted the sea of meatheads and moved closer to him, as if to shield him from her little wolf pack.
"Leave him be," she said more quietly, but she obviously didn't need to shout to get her point across.
"But Thee-" Gil didn't like their nickname for her.
"Gil's been good to me, that's all you need to know," she said with some finality to it. She stared down each of them, "and it's his property you're barging into here."
The men - her boys, as it were - all looked at him. Gil didn't even blink, not willing to let any weakness show to the pack of wild animals with him. He shrugged a little, "it is my cabin."
The men nodded between themselves. Obviously their concern was with Thena, and Gil probably couldn't blame them for being wary of some guy who had suddenly offered her a home out in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere while she was injured.
"So, you're the boyfriend?"
Thena positively smoked the big guy in his smallest ribs, hard enough for him to double over. "He's not some boyfriend."
"Okay," he wheezed, trying to catch his breath after the bony little rocket of a punch.
Gil wasn't sure if he should be grateful for her defense or offended by the vehemence of it. "Yeah, I'm just...a patrol fighter."
The most softly spoken one gestured among them, "we're Thee's old search and rescue team. Some of us have even been with her since the Montana fires a couple years back."
Gil nodded. They were more than just a work team. Out in the wilderness, even the most unwilling had no choice but to trust their crew. But these guys...they truly and deeply were bonded.
"Boys," Thena took a more stern tone and nodded her head between them. She looked back at Gil, and he really thought she looked at him a little differently from how she looked at them. But what did he know. "Gil. Gil--boys."
"Uh, hey," Gil greeted, although he didn't feel the need to move away from Thena to shake anyone's hand.
"Hey man," the tallest - the inappropriate one - nodded his head at him, as did the rest. "Sorry to, uh, bust in like this."
"We didn't expect to get word from Thee until she was on the move again. She said she was holed up in some cabin and..." the soft spoken one shrugged, "this is the only one for miles."
He supposed they had a point. Thena had basically gone completely off the grid, but obviously the bond with her team hadn't suffered from whatever made her leave in the first place. They were here for her, not for any trouble. He swallowed the lump in his throat which had crawled its way out of his twisted stomach, "no hard feelings."
Thena, however, crossed her arms at them, "still not a single fucking manner between the lot of you."
The quieter one shrugged, sliding away from his rowdier comrades. He was leaving them to the slaughter.
"Aw c'mon, Thee, we said we're sorry," the big guy practically whined at her. "How 'bout I...make it up to you?"
Thena herself gave him a pat on the cheek (maybe more like a gentle slap). "You keep asking that but I'd sooner fuck a wild bear than let you cop a feel."
Gil blushed.
"Why's the boyfriend allowed to!"
The gentle slap turned into a harder one. "Not the boyfriend!"
"Then why're you wearing his sweater?"
Gil blinked, but they were right, she was wearing his sweater. It was just a thick knit sweater he liked to wear around the house, but she had it on over her long sleeves and yoga pants.
She looked cute in it.
"Okay boys," she declared, skipping over the sweater comment entirely. "Patrol's in ten, party's over, say goodnight."
"Fine," the big guy grumbled but gave Thena an undeniably gentle pat on the shoulder, "glad you're okay, Wolf."
Gil stood back as the team gave Thena their well wishes and then filed out in an orderly fashion. He gave them all the same uncomfortable half-smile he would give a stranger at the gas station.
"Take care of yourself, Thee," the quiet one said, although between looking at her and looking at Gil, it felt a little like he was saying it more to him than her. "See y'around."
Gil nodded to him; at least the quiet one hadn't made any sex jokes.
Thena inhaled once the door closed behind them. She watched them pile into the two trucks again and slowly make their way back to the main road. "Sorry."
Gil blinked, surprised not only at the apology but at the quiet tone of it. She toyed with the sleeves of his sweater, obviously and hilariously long on her.
"I didn't exactly invite them in, but I guess they were a little worked up when I radioed the station to check in with them."
Gil shrugged easily, as if he hadn't been ready to fight every single one of them if they hadn't been on Thena's good side. "That's okay, they're happy to see you. I was a little surprised when I saw them pull up, but no harm done."
Thena still looked a little annoyed by it all. "I was always telling them not to traipse in places uninvited. They barged into my room enough times before I had to start beating it into them. Roughhousing is the only language most of them speak."
Gil rolled his eyes but chose to skip over the barging into her room comment. It technically wasn't his business--since he wasn't a boyfriend or anything. "Well, they could have wiped their feet, but that's okay. They're all search and rescue, right?"
Thena nodded as Gil moved inside properly, kicking off his boots and slipping on the birkenstocks he wore around the house as slippers. "Some of them were jumpers with me back in the day, too."
Gil chuckled, "then I can't be too mad at them if they're like your family, right?"
Thena smiled at him gently, maybe still energized from the reunion as she hovered close to him, "I guess they are. You can still be mad at them, though."
"Deal," Gil laughed as he sat down in his chair with a groan. It had been a long day, and the adrenaline draining out of him was pulling him deeper into the seat.
"Are you okay?"
He would be lying if he said he wasn't charmed by her softly asked question. So, they were becoming closer. He smiled, "I'm okay."
He had been completely terrified that something might happen to Thena in his absence. Not that she was helpless by any means, but it was hard not to feel protective of the woman who slept in his bed, shared his food, whom he heard trembling after her nightmares in the dark. Muttering about what made her quit search and rescue in the first place.
Thena shifted in her chair, angling herself away and changing her smile to a more playful one. "It was sweet of you to come charging in, all knight in shining armour."
Gil blushed, but also employed rolling his eyes as a means to avoid the feeling behind it, "okay, ha-ha, funny. I was worried, I'll have you know."
"I know." She was up and out of the chair before he could look at her. She moved behind him, and he almost felt as if she had put her hand on his shoulder, but maybe he had imagined it. "I'll put some coffee on."
Gil turned himself to try and look at her, "kinda late for coffee, ain't it? What about tea?"
"I'm not making your fucking leaf water, it's coffee or nothing."
Gil chuckled. That was more like the White Wolf he was used to. "Hey, Thee?"
"Don't call me that."
"Thena?" he tried again, and she did poke her head out of the kitchenette to look at him. He grinned, "that sweater looks good on you."
"I changed my mind, make the coffee yourself."
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cosmicdenro · 8 months
so when will the people be getting the most popular ship of DST from you?
aka wilson and maxwell
to put it in the terms of your last two dead fandoms: aroace wilson is like coppermin or garnearl but maxson is the copperright and volleypearl
hopefully the fandom sees you grow out of your anti shell and grow into a popular artist!
how do you even put words together like a deformed salad i'm so infatuated by the way you type also do you like me or something is that why you want me to draw your fave ships so bad :3 too bad i only draw what my gf wants me to 😋 you can ship coppermin or maxson or garnet n pearl dude does it look like i care bc so many ppl here ship all of that idk why you want specifically me so bad to draw it 😭😭😭i know your ass is on twitter too watching my every move like bro get a hobby instead of being so obsessed with me, i'm taken by my lovely gf 💀
anyway aroace wilson and henry rule in my book 😋
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