#the healthcare system is in shambles
secondbeatsongs · 10 months
me: hey I need a doctor to prescribe and then manage my adhd meds
multiple healthcare websites: oh! you are a child!
me: what
healthcare websites: you're looking for pediatrics! or adolescent behavioral health! 😊 do you need a note for school? 😉 are you perhaps an 8-12yo who can't focus on his homework? 🤔 are you disrupting the classroom environment? do you either hate reading or super love it?
me: ...
healthcare websites: or maybe you're a mom! is your kid just the worst? are you just so exhausted and overwhelmed from how hard it is to be a parent to a child who has Needs™? you must be a mom!
me: pleaes...I'm begging you...
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augustinewrites · 11 months
*looks at schedule for the week and cries*
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telnaga · 1 year
told my doctor i was getting a disability appeal and had a disability lawyer and she thought i was suing her
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katabay · 1 month
lmao sorry to everyone in my inbox, this month has been a mess and I'm just not really around enough for it. someone in my immediate family got a new cancer diagnosis, my not-art job got restructured because management is a joke and it's been.... not great, to be honest! to top it off, my mom's cousin just died because the major hospital didn't have enough beds open for the provincial hospital to transfer him. etc etc etc.
anyway. it's been a lot and I'm Very Tired Of Things Happening 🙃
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aggressionbread · 3 months
Hey tumblr, I got my gallbladder removed last night?? So that's what's up with me
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runawaymun · 5 months
#sorry let me rant real quick in the tags#cw personal#once again hitting an insurance pothole bc the psych says she accepts my OHP plan HOWEVER the therapy group she is contacted with says#THEY don't#they only accept the insurance if it's through my employer but NOT through the government??????????????#so there's still some kind of payment???#anyway I want to scream why is this so complicated#like will she take my insurance or not who's right here#anyway called her back directly and went to voicemail so now I've done all I can for now#why the hell is this so hard man#the person on the phone didn't know really how to explain#once again no one knows what they're talking about#like can y'all not communicate and figure this out?#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#i need to get an ADHD eval before my next PCP appointment in june so that they will continue giving me my meds#and the psychiatry through the hospital has a limited number of visits that insurance will cover#*contracted#not retyping all of that#and once again the only reason this is so stressful is because the psychiatry group at the hospital fumbled the communication ball last tim#and the psychiatrist I was with never put the ADHD on the chart#and now somehow it's MY responsibility to fix that>#UGH#like I am grateful to have some kind of coverage but holy shit is the US healthcare system in shambles#the bureaucracy is INSANE#i had to just sit down and put my head in my hands for a second#and then go 'right okay nothing i can do about that rn moving on'#uGH#literally said 'what the FUCK' out loud a couple times#like not on the phone after I hung up obvs
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
last ask and sorry for bothering you but, there is this stupid idea : chrollo having the hots for a brown darling. knowing how messed up pakistan/india's dating and marriage system is, he cant even be her boyfriend without her having massive issues lol. its not just that darling doesn't want to date him, its that her parents will kill her if they find out. its straight up kidnapping lol. i cant imagine him trying to act as a religious, pious and well meaning suitor that's too cringe.
dont get me started on "the only man you may reveal yourself to is your husband" asshole gonna use it to his advatage.
There is no way he is walking through the door and telling your parents that his second name is Lucilfer. But that's not even the problem. The problem is how in the name of all things holy did you come to know a man. A male specimen out of all the unholy things in this land and let him into your house to meet your parents.
If the excessive interrogating wasn't enough, the taunts that you're outside and being friends with men like it's no big deal are enough to warrant a month full of therapy to undo the damage to your psyche.
The arranged marriage culture would honestly baffle him. Chrollo doesn't understand why people would weigh such superficial and shallow traits so heavily when searching for a partner. It certainly doesn't sit right with him either when he's rejected by your parents for not being as cultural as them. He has money and he cares for you. Isn't that what's supposed to matter?
Chrollo doesn't see the point in keeping up such exhaustive appearances of being religious, pious and adhering to cultural values so he takes the easy route: making you disappear. Despite his initial dislike of what he called restrictive values, he has no problems with using them against you. It's true that you're only supposed to reveal yourself without hesitation to your husband, and he's the only man- er, human - left in your life. Isn't that a wonderful coincidence?
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allamericanbisexual · 4 months
girl you CATFISHED me with the username. i straight up said OUT LOUD “omg another american lesbian phannie in my follows” only to be LIED to
Thank you for being my first Punk'd victim
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flamelaz · 6 months
ik it's in the script but when I order my medication they ask "it's gonna cost 3k this month is that okay?" like no it's not but I like my myelin sheath
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kurouzus · 2 years
lads do we know.when we are supposed to be getting our free 500 dollar bandaid
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worstlovesong · 1 year
Kinda fucked that my next mri isn’t until November and my EEG hasn’t even been booked
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milkteaarttime · 2 months
CoD Ghosts OC: Latte Info!
I made a little more lore for her character, I hope this allows everyone to get to know her better.
Name: Latte/ShuXin Wong
Age/Birthdate: 24, born in March, 2003 
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hairstyle: whatever shaggy mess she cut for herself(short wolf cut?)
Height: 5’3 on a good day
Body/Build: Top heavy, slight muscle tone from doing Pilates and lifting heavy patients.
Blood type: O positive
Profession: Nurse
Latte, born ShuXin, was born in a city hospital to an average Chinese couple. Her family immigrated to Canada when she was a baby due to her mother being pregnant again during the one-child policy. Her life in Canada wasn’t lavish but it was decent for her little family. She had a talent and love for singing. Her mother also loved singing, and upon realizing her talents, placed her in singing lessons. Latte was hoping to become a singer of sorts in adulthood. She grew up helping her parents in their restaurant. And she also cared for her little brother, Viktor. As the eldest, she was pinned down by a lot of expectations and unfortunately became parentified quite heavily by her parents and circumstances. 
When Latte was 14, her entire family was caught in the unfortunate event of ODIN during a Vacation down to Seattle, Washington. They weren't in the direct area that was hit, but near enough that her parents died from the complications and Latte and her brother were moderately injured. She was later sent back to Canada with her brother to live with a family friend, but she had to stop her extracurriculars due to financial reasons. 
Professional Experience
Latte did an LPN program for nursing in Canada, She transferred to the States to be near her brother, Viktor, who is in the military. When she was transferred down to the States, the healthcare system was quite literally in shambles and there were a ton of employment opportunities. The healthcare system is low on nurses, doctors, and other essential staff alike, especially in the military. Many nurses and care aides also quit because they can’t handle the intense workload anymore, causing more shortages. She still dreams of singing but knows that it's unrealistic, you can find her singing quietly while she charts when there's a rare moment of downtime. 
Friendly and patient, she has a great professional front, but can occasionally seem anxious when deep in thought.
She rather knowledgeable and intelligent.
Tends to spiral and overthink when overwhelmed.
She's an extrovert. She loves meeting new people and has gotten a stern talking to by her manager because she would waste time interacting with the patients.
Yapper ™. Latte sometimes talks too much and accidentally lectures ppl
A saviour syndrome/mother hen. Latte’s upbringing causes her to feel like it is her life goal to make sure everyone else’s needs are met before hers. Her mother’s words “Make sure you are considerate to others.” Often echoes in her head. Making sure everyone around her is satisfied. Often mother or nag Viktor even in adulthood. Causing Viktor to be occasionally a little avoidant. She accidentally blurs the line between a sister and a mother a lot.
Apologizes for everything, but that's partially because she's Canadian. But it does give the impression that she doesn’t think highly of herself. 
Dynamic with Hesh
The first time they met, Latte thought he was adorable and had some butterflies in her belly but thought that was anxiety from Hesh holding her hand.  And the second time they met, the feelings came back, and she was stammering and struggling to concentrate. Especially when she saw his well-built body, all rationality out the window. Latte felt an indescribable connection with Hesh. A mutual understanding of struggles with expectations from parents, being the responsible one for the younger siblings, and carrying the will of the family. But never allowed to break down yourself. She's able to be vulnerable and open with Hesh. Confiding in each other about their struggles with finding themselves, and how they aren’t just someone's son/daughter or brother/sister. 
The only issue concern might be that Hesh is used to expressing his disapproval/demands since he is in the military. He is unaware of how intimidating he can come across. So he can be a little too direct and unconsciously make her anxious with his words and body language. On the other hand, Latte tends to hold back her complaints, but because Latte doesn’t express her needs or feelings, she tends to bottle up and then break down. 
She is a great singer, has a soothing and smooth voice and can put you to sleep with her singing. Also a great voice for emotional ballads or musical numbers. 
She is fast and efficient with her hands and is great at physical tasks with small or intricate details, due to her experience helping her parents in the restaurant. She is also a great cook because of this, but the downside is everything she cooks becomes Chinese or a Chinese fusion dish (not done on purpose).
Nursing skills since she is a nurse! Things like wound dressing, IV inserts, and medication admin. However, Her soft skills are where she shines. Her ability to de-escalate patients, comfort, and establish trust, and her bubbly personality make her the go-to person for unhappy patients and families. 
Tends to speak to herself in Chinese when alone. Often receiving weird looks.
Able to speak, sing, read, and write in her native tongue. Latte is very connected with her culture. Makes Chinese holiday foods for the team. 
Enjoys rock and upbeat music. She is an “any song as long as I vibe with it” type of music listener.
Had a weird edgy/emo phase from 13-15. Tried to teach herself how to metal scream. Ruined her voice for a week. 
Not great at math, and was banned from being a cashier at the restaurant. 
Very scary when actively angry. But the idea of her being openly angry is strange because no one in her professional life (Minus Lauren the manager and Viktor) has tasted her repressed and built-up wrath. 
She LOVES the fries and cheeseburger combo. A good cheeseburger with tomato, sweet pickled onion, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, regular pickles, and a side of nice crispy fries is all she wants sometimes
(Thanks for reading!! Any feedback is welcomed!! Thanks for all the love you guys showed me on my previous Fic and OC posts <3)
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badbirdnews · 1 month
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The future of Medicare Part D healthcare system is being destroyed. This is not leadership; this is cowardice!
The Biden-Harris administration has chosen to betray the very people they claim to represent. With the election looming, they have shamelessly forced hardworking taxpayers to bail out the Medicare program that they themselves have destroyed. This is a blatant disregard for the trust placed in them by the American people.
Medicare is a lifeline for millions of Americans, particularly senior citizens who rely on it for their healthcare needs. Yet, instead of taking responsibility for their actions and rectifying the situation, Biden and Harris have chosen to throw taxpayer dollars at the problem in an attempt to hide their incompetence. It is a slap in the face to those who have worked tirelessly and paid their taxes faithfully.
It is truly astonishing how these politicians can turn on the very people who put them in power. The Medicare program, which once provided essential healthcare coverage to 67.3 million Americans, has now been left in shambles by the very individuals who were supposed to protect it. Senior citizens, who make up 80 percent of those enrolled in Medicare Part D, are left feeling betrayed and abandoned.
The audacity of Biden and Harris to prioritize their own political survival over the well-being of the American people is nothing short of disgraceful. It is a clear indication of their lack of leadership and their willingness to sacrifice the needs of the many for their own personal gain. The fallout from this betrayal will not be forgotten, and come election time, the American people will not be fooled by their deceitful tactics.
Paul T., Opinion Journalist and Editor of Bad Bird News
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kp777 · 2 months
By Edward Carver
Common Dreams
July 25, 2024
"We have a duty to protect patients from greedy corporations that are prioritizing their bottom line over patient care," Rep. Pramila Jayapal said.
Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Thursday introduced legislation that would tighten the rules on private equity firms in the healthcare industry.
The Health Over Wealth Act would increase the powers of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to monitor and block private equity deals in the healthcare industry. It would require private equity firms buying healthcare providers to set up escrow accounts large enough to fund five years of operations, and would require more transparency on debt, executive pay, and other financial data, while prohibiting the "stripping" of assets.
"Private equity firms and greedy corporate executives are using the healthcare system as a piggybank," Markey (D-Mass.), chair of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security, said in a statement. "Putting profit over patients' results in substandard care, while health workers suffer, and communities are left to clean up the mess."
Jayapal (D-Wash.), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, emphasized the toll that the private equity approach has on patients.
"Private equity firms buying up health care systems are simply bad news for patients, leading to worse health outcomes and higher bills," said Jayapal, who had previously introduced narrower legislation on private equity in healthcare. "We have a duty to protect patients from greedy corporations that are prioritizing their bottom line over patient care."
The bill's introduction came as the Senate HELP Committee on Thursday voted to launch an investigation into profit-first practices at Steward Health Care, a for-profit system formerly owned by a private equity firm and now in bankruptcy.
HELP voted to subpoena Steward CEO Ralph de la Torre, whom CBS News, which has conducted a series of investigations into the negative impact of private equity firms on community hospitals, described as "reclusive." De la Torre bought a 190-foot megayacht even as Steward's hospitals failed to pay their bills and keep supplies of life-saving equipment available, CBSreported.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), HELP's chair and a cosponsor of the Health Over Wealth Act, called out de la Torre on social media on Thursday.
"Private equity vultures are making a fortune by taking over hospitals and leaving them in shambles," he wrote. "It's time for the CEO of Steward Health Care to get off his yacht and explain to Congress how he got rich while bankrupting the hospitals he manages."
The other cosponsors of the new bill include only a handful of progressive senators and representatives, but concern about the role of private equity in healthcare goes beyond progressive circles. The HELP Committee, which includes 10 Republicans, voted 20-1 to launch the investigation into Steward. And a Bloomberg columnist on Thursday published an opinion piece entitled "Steward Health is a case study in executive greed" and subtitled: "Why is populism on the rise? The gutting of a community hospital system illustrates why so many Americans feel betrayed by big business."
The negative impact of private equity's role in the healthcare industry is significant. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found an "alarming increase in patient complications" at private equity-owned hospitals in a study published in December in JAMA, a leading medical journal.
The new bill, which Markey previewed at a field hearing in Massachusetts in April, may be a long-shot for passage, given corporate influence in Congress. Axios called it "more aspirational than legislative" at the time.
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vandopo · 5 months
i've been so down about the state of everything and the quality of everything from jeans to critical infrastructure declining and how i feel like i'm unwillingly being part of it through my job. decided to take a little solo trip to take my mind off things and promptly had a three hour longer ride cause our entire railroad system is in shambles i'm...... 💀💀 the timing of it all. is this reaaaal is really the railroads the healthcare system the postal service the public transport the quality of fabric the quality of music films and television the entire plumbing system of sthlm shit all because of greed?????? say it ain't so 😭😭😭
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bakedbakermom · 5 months
you're probably aware that the american healthcare "system" is a fucking shambles and that without insurance, you can wind up bankrupt or with a lifetime of debt from something like cancer or a car accident.
what you might not know is that, without insurance, even your day-to-day ability to access care is not guaranteed.
i have been without health insurance for about six months now. it's fine, we have the equivalent of "catastrophic care" coverage through a medishare cooperative. we just pay out of pocket up to a certain amount like a high deductible plan, and if anything major happens, the co-op will cover it. but it's not, technically, insurance. and when doctors see NO INSURANCE on your forms they... sometimes just won't doctor you?
twice now i have had doctors say they would normally recommend text xyz to rule something out, but it's very expensive so i am "safe to wait" - wait and see if my symptoms disappear, if they get worse, until the issue persists long enough that it's worth the cost. i believe them when they say waiting is safe (these are doctors i have seen for years), but damn it would be nice to NOT wait and just get the answer/rule something out right away.
also getting prescriptions filled is annoying as hell. every month i have to go into the pharmacy (because their phone system is fucked), get told AGAIN that they put a hold on my refill because there is no insurance on file, wait AGAIN for a couple hours for them to fill it even though they've had the order for days AND there are multiple notes in my file saying to just fill right away and not bill insurance... Every. Fucking. Month. i am very lucky to have the time and (with this medication) the executive function to go through this constant cycle of delays, but many can't.
all this to say: fuck this stupid fucking system i am so tired
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