#the high points are really fun but the rest of it drags the score down to Just Average im afraid
whatthebodygraspsnot · 4 months
Hi! I would fling myself off the roof for:
Number 3: "I want to taste you so badly."
Number 8: “Kiss me, I can't wait any longer."
Please! 🙏🏻
P.S. You’re one of my favorite writers and you do horny so damn well. So uhhh…thank you and please never stop! 😊
"I want to taste you so badly." additional tags: lovey dovey shit, petnames, drunk horny ian, public sex, they're tucked away in a hedge maze but the risk is still there, this got long somehow oops you can find a fill for #8 here :)
It’s Debbie’s wedding day. And as Mickey stands in this restored historical property that she and her bride somehow managed to score, he’s gotta give props where props are due.
This shit is fully realized. Fairytale but classy. Dreamy lights strung over stone facade. Fresh, color-coordinated bouquets in the middle of every linen-draped table. 
He apologizes - he was not familiar with her game.
Now that the ceremony and dinner are over, he’s got a lot of time to sniff everything out and appreciate it. Lots more elbow room, what with his husband off on the dance floor with his family, celebrating their first wedding that’s finally gone off without a hitch. A historical moment.
“We really gotta show up for her, Mick,” Ian had started saying at the mere whisper of a wedding date. “Make moves. After everything she did for ours.”
And even after his tease, “Alright, you put on the dress - I’ll start bawlin’ my fuckin’ eyes out,” Mickey had agreed. Of course.
And now they’re here. Everything’s come together with a lot of elbow grease and a little light florist-threatening where it may or may not have been needed. (It was. Debbie was more than fine with it.) Everything’s going according to plan, and that includes his husband’s drunk little shimmy over to him, Mickey clearly in his sights even before the music transitions into something slow and romantic.
The song change has something flashing in Ian’s posture, like he’s delighted by the fate of it all as he reaches his hand out for him, still a few good feet away.
Mickey has no choice but to give in, endeared as all fuck as he helps close the distance and is immediately wrapped up in drunk husband. Flushed skin… Nice cologne… Those big hands slip under his suit jacket and fully wrap around him. Pull him in close. “Hey there, handsy…” 
“I love you,” Ian murmurs into his neck, in a way of greeting. Sappy motherfucker. “Love the fuck outta you, Mick…”
Mickey allows it. Fuck anyone who’s got something to say - it’s not his fault they’re like this. He is gonna make fun of him a little, though. “Uh huh. Love you too, ya lightweight.” 
His own drink sloshes up the side of his glass - high enough to envision the table’s bouquet getting a whiskey bath. 
Yeah, he’ll just set this down real quick.
“Havin’ fun, huh…” He’s seen it with his own eyes. Has been enjoying it, actually, watching Ian tear up the dance floor and be stupid with the rest of the Gallaghers. “Gettin’ all sweaty…”
Ian hums, unbothered by this as he leans down to rest their foreheads together. “Could get sweatier…”
“That right?”
“Saw a room in the back…” He nudges his nose along Mickey’s. Brushes their lips together in suggestion as they fall into the slow, swaying rhythm of the love song playing overhead. “Getchya outta this suit…”
It’s a good idea, obviously. Mickey fucking loves this idea. But, “Told me to keep ya on a tight leash tonight,” he teases. “No funny business ‘til we’re back at the hotel. Remember any of that?” To further his point, he reaches behind himself, dragging those wandering hands back up as they start to drift downward under his jacket.
His response goes about as well as he imagined it would when Ian had proposed it this morning. “Who said that.”
“You, darlin’.”
“Mm. Mm-mm…” he denies, his hands beginning to creep back down the small of his back in spite of it all. “Not me…”
Mickey huffs out a laugh. Allows the touch just a little longer, but then corrects him again, before too much of this very good idea becomes a possibility. “Hang onto that, stud.” For later. Much later. When the song isn’t changing to something uptempo and just screaming for Ian to participate. “Go help Lip - poor bastard just pulled somethin’, looks like.”
With a great big inhale, Ian makes his displeasure known. “Come with.”
But, “Will in a bit,” Mickey counters. “Wanna check out back.”
“Out back…”
“Heard they got a statue of some naked dude out there.”
He can feel the smirk of suggestion that’s starting to creep across those lips. “Oh…?”
Gotta stop him before he starts up again. Distract him - ease back so he can look right into those heavy-lidded eyes while he sets the plan. “I’ll check it out - let ya know… Meet ya for another slow one soon…”
This seems to strike a chord in Ian’s wine-soaked brain. The deal of the century. And as if fate is reaching out its hand again, the music switches over to a song that’s got the inner circle shouting for Ian on the dancefloor.
“Go,” Mickey insists, kisses him back when Ian plants a quick one on his lips. 
Another kiss. “Okay bye.”
“Love you.” 
“Love ya.” One more. 
And then he’s high-tailing it back into the crowd, leaving Mickey to watch after him with a fond shake of his head. 
He picks his drink back up. Takes a sip, indulging in just a few more moments.
Damn, he loves that motherfucker.
_ _ _
It’s not that Mickey wants to deny his man - especially not when he’s all drunk and horny and love-struck like this - he’s only doing it because Ian asked him to. You know, before getting sloppy off pinot noir.
He’s in good hands in the dance circle, though. His opportunities to act up drop astronomically without his better half being there to touch up on. 
And all marble dick jokes aside, Mickey does actually wanna snoop around outside. So that’s how he finds himself here, a good unknown amount of time later, posted up at the edge of the garden’s miniature hedge maze.
He hears someone call it a labyrinth in passing, but it’s a fucking hedge maze. Labyrinths are supposed to have monsters and shit in them, aren’t they? Debbie probably woulda had to pay extra for that.
Mickey pushes it from his mind and takes another drag of his cigarette, watching the smoke drift up into the stars. It’s a clear night. Perfect weather. Real quiet out here too, most of the celebration locked away in the estate. 
It’s why he can hear the steps coming up behind him so easily, the stride and weight of them already getting his chest to swell with pleasant, familiar anticipation. 
It only grows when he turns around - when he’s met with Ian’s playful little grin as he stops in front of Mickey not to kiss him like he expects, but to pluck the cigarette from his lips, without a word, before making his way to the labyrinth’s entrance a few feet away.
Mickey watches after him. Feels that pleasant anticipation curl into something curious as Ian takes a drag, flicks playful arch of his eyebrow Mickey’s way, and then slips through the opening in the hedgeline.
An invitation to play.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Mickey pushes forward, eager to not let Ian get too much of a lead on him. As soon as he steps into the maze, though, it becomes clear that won’t matter at all.
Because right away, he’s forced to make a decision between left and right, with no signs of which way Ian just chose. 
Alright then, left it is.
“Ay,” he calls out, just on the off chance he’ll get a response. Shit’s twisty-turny in here. Tall, perfectly trimmed hedges that have gone dark green in the shadows stretch out before him. “Red…”
Of course Ian doesn’t answer.
He turns again. More choices. Right this time. “Gonna make me call a search party for your drunk ass…” he calls, only half kidding. 
Another choice - straight, left, or right. 
The stomped out cigarette keeps him on track - straight ahead - pulse beginning to quicken with his steps. 
Because this is fun, but he doesn’t know how long it’s gonna stay fun. Doesn’t know exactly how many more blind turns he’s got in him before things start to get a little too real. 
“Ian…” One more choice - he’s decided. One more turn and then if he’s not right in front of his husband he’s gonna make it everyone else’s problem. “Ian, if you don’t-...”
The rest evaporates into thin air as Mickey’s steps gradually fall off, all his determination leading him through the corridor and into a hidden resting place tucked in the middle of the labyrinth. It’s small - moonlit and flanked on all sides by the tall hedges. And in the middle…
Holy shit, there it is.
Mickey takes a careful step forward. Takes in the statue erected in the middle of the clearing - all the dips and curves of the pose - how he lounges back on one hand, the other raised to the crown of leaves around his head. 
It’s weirdly profound.
Strangely breath-taking.
Gets Mickey so caught up in the moment of it all that he doesn’t hear the footsteps behind him until it’s too late - until he feels the hand wrap around his arm and tug, gently pulling him around until he’s come face to face with the man he’s been searching for.
His mouth falls open and Ian helps himself without a word, pinot noir and hunger on his tongue. Mickey laps it up. Lets himself be eaten alive, heat rushing into his chest and his face and his-
Ian lets out a tasty little breath as Mickey shoves him away, light and playful with it, but still hard enough to get a few steps between them - room to breathe and size each other up.
And fuck, he looks like something out a movie. 
The shrubbery walls are tall, but the two of them are out of shadow’s reach, silver moonlight settling over Ian’s flushed face…his kissed, parted lips…how a couple bangs have fallen over his forehead…
Somewhere between the dance floor and here, he’s gotten his tie undone completely - has left it hanging and the first few buttons of his dress shirt undone, his suit jacket just begging to get pushed off his shoulders right where he stands.
Holy fuck.
If this is what labyrinth monsters look like, Mickey might not mind getting lost.
“You lookin’ for me…?” Ian smirks, and it’s crazy how something so normal can sound so slutty when he’s panting like that.
Now is the time for Mickey to stop this. Now is the time for Mickey to remind him that they’re supposed to be behaving until the wedding is over.
“C’mere,” he says instead, already rushing forward - already wetting his lips and parting them so Ian can lick right into his mouth again.
It’s sloppy. Handsy. Ian is drunk and horny and love-struck and it’s too hot to deny anymore. It was never gonna happen anyway. 
Dewy grass gets trampled under their dress shoes as Ian walks them backward without breaking off. Mickey can’t see but he trusts him - even like this - anticipates the sturdy marble before his lower back even slots against it. And then he’s trapped, blissfully, between the infamous naked statue and his husband’s crowding warmth.
“Fuck, Mick…” Ian breathes out. His fingers work at the knot in Mickey’s tie so he can loosen it - pop open the first two buttons of his shirt - tuck his fingers into the edge of his collar and then pull, burying his face into the newly exposed side of his neck.
It’s got Mickey lighting up, all the way from the tips of his toes. Of course he goes right for his weak spots. “Jesus Christ…” This statue better be good at keeping secrets.
Because Ian’s mouth is running, words and lips pouring over Mickey’s skin, “Need you, baby…” up and up and brushing over his ear, “Wanna taste you so bad…”
A shudder works up Mickey’s spine, even as he hears himself say it. “What, here?”
“Now.” His warm palm cups Mickey’s cock over his pants and starts rubbing just to prove it. “Right now. In here. Lemme taste you - I don’t wanna wait anymore…”
And Christ, he’s supposed to say no to that?
No fucking way.
Mickey reaches down for his belt, undeniably hard where Ian continues to give him attention. “Quick,” he insists, though. “People been goin’ in and out all night.”
That doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be a problem for Ian. He’s already getting on his knees - fucking up his slacks with wet grass stains - helping Mickey get his belt open and pants down just enough and fuck…
Fuck…Ian’s licking him up and swallowing him down right away, getting him good and sloppy like it’s the only thing he wants to concentrate on right now. His drunk ass really has been craving this.
Mickey lets his head tip back into the moonlight. Lets out a bitten groan from the tight, wet heat working up and down his cock. Feels his breath quicken as those fingers slip through the spit that’s dripped down to his balls, and then slide further back to start circling over his hole.
“Oh fuck,” he huffs out, his laugh breathy and surprised. “Fuckin’-...Jesus, Ian…you horny bitch…”
It’s affectionate, of course. They both know it. If anything, it just makes Ian lean into it harder, something low rumbling in his chest before he draws his hand back to spit in it - loudly - and then goes back to playing with his hole.
Yeah, he’s definitely a monster.
But he is quick, Mickey will give him that. They’re moving fast, the combination of time and Ian’s drunk, hungry mouth making things sloppy in a way they haven’t really been since they were teenagers. 
This is so much better though. Obviously. This is fucking perfect, nasty in that shameless way. That ‘you’re my husband and I think you’re so fucking hot and I’m gonna do whatever I fucking want to you because I know you’re just as into it’ way. Jesus, if his teenage self could see them now-
The sudden redirection has Mickey spinning - literally - gets him facing the statue, his arms coming to hold himself up in its lap as Ian tugs him backwards ass-first and-
“Jeeeesus…” Mickey’s eyes roll shut in pure, utter pleasure, reaching to hold himself up by the crook of the statue’s elbow as Ian’s tongue starts lapping over his hole like he’s got no time to lose.
They don’t, really. 
Realistically. No matter how time is going in and out in this fucked up little maze.
Anyone could make a turn at any of the four hedge breaks and walk right into this - Mickey, bent over in some naked statue’s lap, his ass completely out and being absolutely devoured by his husband while three fingers deep.
Another shudder runs down his spine, his toes curling in his shoes. 
Wait a minute, is that hot?
Fuck, he’s getting close.
It takes a bit of maneuvering, but Mickey finally gets his hand squeezed into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, freeing the things he’s hidden there just for this.
He gets the corner of the gold packaging between his teeth and then tears, carefully, only spitting the extra bit onto the ground once he’s turned over his shoulder and held the rubber within reaching distance.
It’s got Ian coming back to Earth a little bit.
Has him pulling away, his mouth and chin glistening in the moonlight as he blinks owlishly at the condom, then looks up at Mickey, then back down to the condom again, processing with heavy breath and stilled fingers.
Mickey can already hear the shit he’s gonna get for this later. All sorts of mess about how he said he’d keep Ian at bay but then brought condoms and lube anyway - in his fucking jacket no less. 
“Okay, but I was right to. Was I fuckin’ not?” he defends himself.
And Ian has absolutely nothing to say to that right now - he couldn’t possibly - instead he focuses on the task of wiping his face while standing and getting his pants open and grabbing the condom Mickey undid for him, unrolling it on himself as quickly as possible.
It’s all while Mickey gets the packet of lube torn open and put to work. Because suddenly time is very real to him. It’s slamming forward, the crickets seeming louder than ever but holy fuck, is he turned on. He might want this shit even more than the one who’s been slobbering after it all night.
So he hangs on, literally, going back to grabbing at the crook of the statue’s elbow as Ian slicks up the condom and then presses forward, sinking inside him perfectly.
Fuck yes…
“Oh god, baby…” he breathes out, and it’s shaky and right in Mickey’s ear - right where it sends tingles down his whole body.
Mickey bites down over his bottom lip, his nostrils flaring as Ian starts to fuck him against the statue. It’s just like everything else tonight. Good and greedy and sloppy, wine slurring the usual rhythm of his hips, but it doesn’t matter one fucking bit when they’re both this turned on.
It also means it’s gonna boil over quickly, both of them just a little too desperate to hold anything off. And that’s okay too. Mickey’s here for the ride no matter how it goes - how quick and fumbly and messy it is. Sometimes it’s more fun that way anyway. 
This is one of those times. This is Mickey falling forward into the statue’s lap again, reaching blindly above him for Ian, who swoops in to press his lips to the side of his neck, words slurring and heated and sexy. 
Mickey gets his hand in the top of his hair and he knows he’s fucking it all up - the gel is getting all over his fingers - but that doesn’t matter right now because the new angle’s got Ian’s cock rubbing up just right inside him, pleasure pooling and curling in his belly and drawing everything to a steamy, delicious boil.
“...m'gonna cum,” Ian moans and it’s one of the most romantic things they’ve ever done, Mickey thinks - fucking in this garden labyrinth - coming together under the stars and the watchful eye of some beautiful, fucked up little statue.
It’s definitely up there, at least. And Mickey’s not gonna factor in that he’s got marble cock and balls in his face as he starts to catch his post-orgasm breath.
From where he’s slumped on top of him, Ian buries his face right back into Mickey’s neck, his declaration winded and endearing. “Fuck… Love you so fuckin’ much Mick, oh my god…”
It’s enough to have Mickey buzzing - aftershocks and true, sometimes disgustingly obvious adoration.
“Love ya too,” he breathes out. Then, “Kinda wanna put my ass away though…”
A giggle tickles at his neck, Ian clearly entertained by his request. “Gonna come dance with me…?”
God… “Uh huh…”
It’s all he needs to say for the great weight atop his upper half to release, Ian finally granting them both enough room to pull up their pants.
They straighten themselves up with coy little grins at each other. While Ian re-ties his tie for him, Mickey tries to slick all that red hair back into something not obviously post-fuck. 
And this might actually be the most romantic thing they’ve ever done, he decides instead. Even when they both finally declare each other ready for the dance floor, but find themselves lingering at the different openings in the hedges.
Because wait…
“Fuck…” Mickey realizes. “How the hell do we get outta here?” 
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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masterqwertster · 1 year
54, Kidnapping with Ashton Greymoore
So @lunarrolls had this fun little post a while back pointing out that according to the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, both the Cerberus Assembly and Kryn Dynasty are very interested in collecting genasi for research. And that Ashton would be an absolutely wild catch for them.
Now given Ashton's new outfit has a half-decent approximation of the Kryn Dynasty symbol:
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Plus dunamantic abilities, it's possible for Ashton (and Bells Hells) to bluff a Kryn scout/agent into thinking he's already got some affiliation with the Dynasty. Thus skirting around a potential attempt to drag Ashton back to Rosohna.
The Assembly agents on the other hand, are only going to be all the more interested in capturing a "Dynasty" genasi with dunamantic capabilities.
The Cerberus Assembly's people, also, are going to be the the type of people to possess mindcontrol magics to get Ashton to "willingly" come along under his own power. Or some other form of magic to make Ashton less of a threat. Which definitely would make the whole kidnapping process easier.
Because let's be real: Ashton is not someone who is easily kidnapped via brute force or drugging.
Ashton is a beefy tank of a barbarian. If you want to take them via force, you're going to have to work for it. Ambush and numbers are going to be your friends. As we've seen time and again, hitting the barbarian before rage comes into effect is prime circumstance. And if you can't lay down the heavy hurt by yourself, having a team to pile on is a must. And you want to be fast, otherwise allies or other interference can occur, if Ashton doesn't just manage to book it like crazy.
Ashton also has a high Constitution score with proficiency on the Saves, so drugging them, which is usually resisted with a CON Save, is not an easy task either unless you've got something potent.
Of course, once you've knocked Ashton down, transport becomes an issue. He's made of rock and very heavy. I always put his minimum weight at 500 pounds (but the range is really somewhere between 450-600). So unless you're teleporting out, quick escape (particularly on foot) is not an easy task because you've got this enormous deadweight.
Plus, Ashton is a very noticeable figure to try and run off with, so their friends can very easily pick up information about what has happened if your tracks are not sufficiently covered. And that's not even accounting for magical means of locating them. Which, there are means of blocking Scrying and Sending. But, I don't think there's a way to block a Commune if the cleric asks the right questions to get your location.
And that's not even getting into the thrashing mess Ashton will become once he's got his senses back. Hope you've got some good chains and a sturdy cell, because you've got a barbarian baby titan with chaotic dunamancy in there, and he's fucking pissed. Oh, and he's got a criminal background in Breaking and Entering, so it's also entirely possible for him to pick the locks and sneak out if you don't have a solid setup.
If Ashton doesn't escape under their own power, eventually the rest of Bells Hells is going to show up in all their unhinged chaos. You've taken one of their voices of reason, and that was a mistake. If your base of operations doesn't seem suddenly haunted, that may not be a good sign.
For who knows which of their powerful allies they'll tap for the breakout. The Voice of the Tempest causing a political fuss? She can also call on her allies in other political spheres to add even more pressure. What about that Cobalt Soul monk with abs for days and her wizard friend who have jailed Assembly members? Bet you don't want them poking their noses into this.
Honestly, there's some really fun stuff to be done with Ashton getting kidnapped by a world power.
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Chapter 1 - (Re)Union
Part II
Fun Faire, Apple Acres
3:19 PM
"There he is!" The small purple fish pointed in glee at Andy, who was wandering his way to the entrance.
"He doesn't look too enthusiastic…" Margaret replied nervously.
"He will once the games begin." He let out a mischievous grin and dashed to the approaching apple, who had finally noticed them.
The three were friends for as long as they could remember (If knowing each other since Andy and Margaret were eight and Felix was six counts as that). Andy and Margaret met through their parents, and Felix joined by being the 'neighbour's kid' (for a neighbour's kid he was awfully sane). Despite having differences, they still were attatched at the hip, known for being a trio.
Of course, we were a quad once, thought Margaret, lowering her head. But… it didn't last as long as we thought it would.
She looked up and immediately pushed those thoughts away as Felix came dragging a deprived Andy.
"Hey, Andy! I didn't think you'd come!"
"Well, what are friends for?" He replied, giving a thumbs up and a wobbly smile as if he was seconds away to a severe emotional breakdown. "Sorry I'm late."
"Oh, that's okay!"
"Anyway," Felix said, grabbing Margaret's hand as well and raising their hands up high. "It's time for us to have some fun!"
"Oh, that reminds me," Margaret raised her free hand as if wanting to ask a question. "You do remember last time, you two weren't able to defeat my high score at the balloon popping game, right? I don't want any of you to cry like little children over the fact that you still can't."
Felix gave an offended gasp, which made Andy brighten up. "Yeah right. Gloat while you can Margaret, we're going to absolutely destroy your high score, then you'll be the one weeping on the floor. Right, Andy?"
For the first time since ever, Andy smiled genuinely. "Yeah, your high score's not staying for long."
Margaret gave them a 'we'll-see' look, then stepped inside. "Alright then, don't keep your hopes up high. I might defeat your high score this very day."
Felix gave her a smirk. "Like that's ever gonna happen."
"Me defeating your high score or you defeating mine at all?"
That remark sent Andy chuckling.
Actually chuckled. The two stood there, glaring at him in astonishment. Then they immediatly looked away to avoid making it an even bigger moment than it already was.
"Okay, first things first: Ferris wheel." Margaret said, then grinned when the other two groaned.
"Why is it always the Ferris wheel with you?"
"Why is it always the log flute with you?"
"Because it's fun!"
"And I have the same answer." replied Margaret, happily walking away.
"Man. And she says I'm the lame one." Felix mumbled as he and Andy strolled behind her.
They rode the wheel, then opted for the log flute - because Felix insisted- before sobering up over cotton candy. Andy immediately felt relived. Maybe hanging out with friends was what he needed after all.
"Alright, so what's next?"
"The apple bobbing one, or maybe the whack-a-mole!" Felix pointed, then let out a laugh when the other two gave him a glare. "Just kidding, man. I know you two hate those ones."
"Then how about the Hall of Mirrors?" Margaret pointed at the large tent.
"Dude, yes! We've got to go there." Felix chowed down the rest of his cotton candy in three to four bites, which was concerning and amazing at the same time. He then stood up impatiently. "Come on, guys!"
"Alright, alright." Margaret finished the rest of her sky blue cotton candy before putting the cone in the rubbish bin nearby.
"Uhm, I'm not really hungry, so I might take a while." Andy murmured.
"Then we'll just go with your cotton candy. Come on!" Felix got a head start on the tent while Margaret paced with Andy.
He looked down at his desert. Something, just something, was missing. Some vital element he forgot. What was it?
Sammy? No, not Sammy. He'd never forget him. Never.
Shaking his head, he turned at his right to look at the tents. And his heart skipped a beat when a nearby tent caught his eye.
It was cheery with a colourful setting of green and yellow. There were bright balloons bobbing around, and someone raised a toy gun and shot one.
He shrunk as the world skidded into a halt, and he recognized the tent almost immediately.
Sammy worked there. Needed a part time job, he said. It was the perfect one.
The perfect one.
For a moment, a brief moment, he felt as if he just left his body. Only to snap back and see that he was sitting on the ground with Margaret patting his cheek.
"Andy? Andy, jeez you gave me a start."
Has someone ever said those words before? It was him, wasn't it? He said that to him that very evening.
She helped him up. "Are you alright? We can leave if you want to-"
"No, no, I'm… I'm fine. A little hazy, that's all."
Margaret opened her mouth, then shut it. There was no point in asking when she knew. Despite numerous tents and rides, that particular one stood out from the rest to them, and it forever would. Not only with Margaret's high score, but with the memory of a friend who would always lighten the mood.
With her arm around his shoulders, they walked away. And she gave the tent a final glance.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝘂𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀 | 𝘮𝘣13 ❀
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➪ summary: mat surprises his girl with tickets to a baseball game but he's not expecting to be jealous and use his 'puppy eyes'
➪ warnings: mat is a little jealous/possessive boy, the slightest bit suggestive (not really), reader loves to tease mat
➪ word count: 2.0k
➪ file type: new fic
➪ sunny's notes: this is for my lovely anons who absolutely helped carry this fic. my mat, i love him sm
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Sitting in the stands of Wrigley she felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She hadn’t been in the stadium for a couple of years, living in New York for her new job. The stadium had a different atmosphere compared to many of the sports venues she had been to in her lifetime. The cheers felt amplified, she could make conversation with anyone around her, it was just electric. It felt amazing to be back there.
And Mat sat beside her, silently watching her as she talked about a guy, an athlete, who wasn’t him. If he had known about her fangirling he wouldn’t have bought tickets to this game, no matter how happy it made her. Well, because he wanted to be the only athlete for her. He was the only athlete for her. He sat there with a pout as she went on another rant about Nico Hoerner and Ian Happ.
She shook his arm, “Mat.”
He snapped out of his trance, eyes now focusing on the girl beside him, “Hmm?”
“You wanna go get some nachos?”
He nodded and went to stand up but she placed a hand in front of him, “No no no. Not during the inning, Maty. You gotta go between innings, can’t miss any of the action.”
Mat rolled his eyes slightly but agreed nonetheless, it did make sense to some degree. So he settled back into his seat, throwing his arm on the back of hers. She smiled at him and leaned her head against him, watching as Kyle Hendricks threw a changeup into the strike zone. The game was tied at this point and there was a runner on second. 
When both Corey Dickerson and Luis Garcia flew out to opposite ends of the outfield, she patted his chest, “I’ll go get them.”
“I’ll come with you!”
“Babe, I’m not going to be gone long. Make sure no one steals our seats.” She gave him a small kiss before walking up the stairs to the concessions. When she came back, Miles was on first and there were two outs. She sighed as she handed the nachos to Mat and sat down next to him, crossing her left leg over her right. 
“If Tauch doesn’t do anything, I might cry actually.” He chuckled and kissed her temple before taking one of the nachos.
He laughed even harder when she started singing ‘Walk it like I talk it’ softly and she looked up at him, “What? I’m just trying to  hype him up.”
While Tauchman didn’t walk, he did hit a double which caused Miles to score, so now the Cubs lead 2-1. The stadium erupted into cheers, most people clapping in happiness. The game went by, and no one scored as the innings went by. She dragged Mat to stand up to sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game with her, “For its root, root root for the Cubbies. If they don’t win it's a shame. For its one! Two! Three strikes you’re out at the old ball game.”
“Oh come on, you have to admit it’s a little fun, Mat.”
“Fine, fine, it is a little fun.”
He soon regretted that decision when the bottom of the eighth rolled around and the game was tied with Seiya, Christopher, and Miles on base. With a sac fly from Yan, everyone cheered as the Cubs now led the game. And then Tucker struck out, followed by Tauchmans walk, leaving bases loaded and a very anxious y/n as Nico stepped up to the plate.
“Mat you might have to contain me. I might lose my shit if he-” She watched as the ball ricocheted off the bat into left-center field and the stands.
She stood amongst the rest of the crowd, high-fiving everyone around her, almost in tears. She was practically shaking as she looked at a man who was a little older than her and sat on her other side, “I can’t believe I just witnessed Nico Hoerner’s first career grand slam.”
She was radiating with excitement as the ninth inning came along and Palencia got three outs, one after another. “Go Cubs Go” blared through the stadium speakers and Mat stood only out of courtesy, not because he wanted to. 
“So stomp your feet and clap your hands, Chicago Cubs got the greatest fans. Go, Cubs, Go! Go, Cubs, Go! Hey Chicago what do you say? The Cubs are gonna win today!”
Mat and y/n held hands on their way out of the stadium and he was about to breathe a sigh of relief when all of a sudden her hand was ripped from his and she was pulled off to stand with a security guard. He looked at the scene in confusion but walked over just in time to hear the end of the conversation, “...want to go to the clubhouse?”
“Yes of course!” Mat looked at her with wide eyes, how the hell did she get invited down to the clubhouse?
In truth, y/n had been coming here since she was little, having grown up in Chicago. This meant the stadium was practically a second home to her. But that wasn’t the reason she was invited down to the clubhouse. If Mat had stumbled over to the older lady and his girlfriend talking a little bit earlier, he would’ve heard a mention of Ian Happ.
Y/n never thought it was important to tell Mat about Ian, there wasn’t anything really to tell. They have been best friends since her freshman year of college. She was helping out with the baseball team at the University of Cincinnati when she and Ian got to talking and the rest was history. When she moved to New York, the two didn’t find the time to talk unless he was playing the Mets or the Yankees, and even then, it was hard to meet up. 
Mat followed the two women down the stairs and through the stadium, watching as his girlfriend talked excitedly with the other woman. Once they reached the clubhouse, y/n stood off to the side as the lady knocked on the door, making sure it was okay to enter. Luckily, whoever had happened to open the door opened it wider so the three of them could walk inside. 
The man was slightly baffled when small cheers erupted from the team as they stepped inside the clubhouse. Lots of them gave y/n side hugs or waved but then he came over. Ian scooped his girlfriend up into a huge hug to which she reciprocated, “Ian!”
“Ugh, I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Ian put her down and the two smiled at each other before she ushered Mat over, “Mat! C’mere.” 
At this point, he was starting to look like a puppy who was following his owner around helplessly. His eyes had turned into a pleading gaze and his lips formed into a pout as he made his way over to her, “Ian this is my boyfriend Mat, and Mat this is my best friend from college, Ian. We’ve known each other, what? Like almost ten years now. Wow.”
Mat only eyed the Cubs player, the two were roughly the same height so he didn’t have to look up or down, just sideways. He was about to extend his hand to shake when another unfamiliar voice made its way into the conversation, “Hey hey hey!”
He would’ve been fine with just meeting Ian, after all, they were just best friends, practically brother and sister. But Nico? He was worried about him. All he had to listen to during the game was ‘Nico this’ and ‘Nico that’ and now he had to meet him? He swore under his breath as y/n hugged him. 
“Oh! Nico this is my boyfriend Mat and Mat this is-”
“Nico, I figured.”
Y/n eyed her boyfriend oddly, looking at the look in his eyes and the pout that was forming once more. It made her grin once she realized the look, he was jealous. And she was definitely going to embarrass him for it later. If Mat was able to talk to girls all the time out at the bars, even though she knew most of the time he didn’t want to, why wasn’t she able to talk to her friends?
“So Mat actually plays hockey for the Islanders. I told you two that, right?”
Ian nodded, “Oh yeah, we came to one of your guys’ games this past season. You guys were good. Sorry about the playoffs though. We know how that feels.”
Nico agreed, “Yeah. We’ve never been the most fortunate playoff team in history.”
Mat waved them off a little, giving them a slight shake of his head and wrapping his arm around y/n’s waist pulling her closer to him. The girl laughed before looking up at the two baseball players, “How are Julia and Julie?”
“Julie’s good! Said she wants to see you again. We haven’t seen you since the wedding.”
She looked up at Mat, “Yeah remember the wedding I went to in the winter last year? That was Ian and Julie’s wedding. It was beautiful.”
He nodded and then looked at Ian before looking at Nico who had started talking, “Julia’s good too. She also mentioned hanging out soon with you guys. Maybe we could make it a triple date?”
“Oh, that sounds fun! I know you guys aren’t coming to New York this season but depending on All-Star break goes for you two we could meet up then. Or sometime before preseason starts. What do you think Maty?”
At the mention of his name, Mat looked down at her, “Hmm? Oh yeah, sure. Have to see what the schedule looks like but yeah. I’m sure we could work something out.”
The four conversed a little bit before Mat and y/n said their farewells and headed off. The walk to the car was silent, both of them looking at the buildings around them. Their hands were linked together as they walked, slightly swinging back and forth to the rhythm of their steps. Mat opened the car door for her and she slid in, gaping somewhat at the heat inside of it. 
He turned the car on and she sighed at the cool air that hit her. As Mat started driving, his hand slid over to rest on her thigh and she smirked, “I know you were jealous.”
“Jealous? Why would I be jealous?
“Mmm, I don’t know. Maybe because I was surrounded by a bunch of cute, sweaty, athletic-”
“Okay okay enough. You got me.” His grip tightened on her thigh, eyeing her out of the corner of his eye. 
She giggled, “Baby, you know I only got eyes for you.”
“I know, but-” He pouted again, coming to a stop at a red light. 
“But…” She looked at him expectantly.
“I don’t know, I just-”
“Got a little possessive?”
She held his hand, removing it from her leg, and brought it up to kiss it, “I love you, and only you. Plus, I always thought hockey players were a bit more attractive.”
“A bit?”
“I mean the puppy eyes and the little pout. Plus, they do tend to get in fights more often, and you know how much I love my fights.”
He smiled, leaning over to kiss her, “I do.”
Just as they were about to kiss the car behind them honked and startled the two of them. He groaned and turned his attention back to the road, pressing on the gas. She sighed and moved her hand to his thigh, gently squeezing it, “Don’t worry. I’ll show you how much I love you when we get back to the hotel.”
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churchyardgrim · 3 years
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[intro post]
The Five Times Azalin Rex Nearly Escaped Darkon, And The One Time He… Nope, Fucked Up Again
this is a weird one lads i'm not gonna lie
i'll say upfront the pacing is all over the place, and i definitely think it should have been a series of vignettes rather than one long story, bc it does nooooot work if ur expecting a standard three-act structure
but i think i can forgive it that, it's an interesting ride all the same
so! Azalin Rex is sad. he's sad for all the reasons described in King of the Dead; dead son, trapped in Darkon, hideous rotting lich body, etc etc
so what's a bastard with an unreasonable amount of wizard power to do? channel that Tim Curry clip that's been going around and say "i'm going to face Strahd in the one arena he can't best me in….. TIME TRAVEL."
for the record i had this idea first u can ask my DM
why does he hate Strahd with the firey burning passion of a thousand suns? i don't know, the book does not adequately explain it, but that's ok bc i'm taking it upon myself to explore the possibilities in my private fanfiction folder
what the book does explain is that Azalin's got it in his head that Strahd is the reason for all of this. Strahd was the first darklord after all, the first being pulled into the mists, and Barovia now acts like a magnet for other stolen lands to attach to in the weird misty void, so if Azalin can… kill Strahd before that happens.... he'll be freed? maybe?
world's smartest wizard everybody
so Azalin does the extremely sane thing of folding his phylactery, the thing that contains his entire soul, into a quantum metapoint and implanting that into the chest of Some Random Guy, and then using said Random Guy as an anchor point with which to travel back in fuckign time, to the night of Strahd's Big Oopsie
this? works?? somehow?? don't question it it just does.
at this point the book says to you "hey did you like I, Strahd? would you like to read it again, with Azalin Rex involved this time?" and i said "yes please, a double scoop of that for me" because of course i did
what follows is the Dark Souls of time travel combined with the Hitman of time travel. Azalin can have his con score back when he's proved he doesn't need it, being weak as a ghostly kitten outside of Darkon and without his own physical body to inhabit, and it is truly, genuinely hilarious watching him try to Weekend at Bernie's his way to getting the drop on an unaware, mortal Strahd by piloting like three successive corpses around with an ineptitude you wouldn't expect from Darkon's Most Special Wizard Boy
i cannot emphasize enough how much Strahd has no idea this is happening. no idea! he is completely unaware! doesn't even know there's corpses walking around out of the crypts and making the guards shit themselves!
and Azalin still can't manage to shank the bastard
eventually he resorts to nudging the mind of our old friend Alek Gwilym, hoping to make him catch his beloved lord in the act of plotting fratricide, and uhhhh he sort of succeeds there?
what follows is exactly what happened in I, Strahd, with Strahd leaping to the offensive and the both of them mortally wounding each other, and oof, ouch, i did not think Alek's death would hit me this hard the second time around but it diiiiiid, it did and now im crying again
it is extremely fun getting this whole sequence from Azalin's perspective too, especially given he knows what's more or less going to happen here, what he's trying to prevent. 
spoiler alert, he doesn't prevent shit (and may or may not have ensured that shit happened as intended? it's ambiguous, but i think we're definitely dealing with an unbreakable paradox situation here)
anyway this is the point at which the timeline identifies the irritant taking various corpses for a joyride and summarily ejects Azalin from the picture, along with the dude he brought with him to house his phylactery. the bad news is, Azalin accomplished fuck all for his trouble. the good news is, he has a body again!
the medium news is that body is Alek Gwilym's.
yeah he was inside the dude's corpse when the mists yanked him out of Strahd's past, which explains why, in I, Strahd, his body just disappears after Strahd hides it in a closet to conceal his crimes. go figure, huh.
this is where the pacing gets uhhhhhh weird. what follows is a few decades of Azalin trying ever more unhinged methods of getting the fuck out of dodge, all while still piloting Alek's corpse. i guess one body is the same as another, to an immortal lich wizard king?
the plot meanders a bit, going largely nowhere. Azalin makes a few clones, trying to see if the curses limiting his power could be circumvented by growing a new body somehow? that doesn't pan out, so he just. lets the clones free-roam i guess. irresponsible, but whatever. he also sends his sheriff's secret police to every other domain he can find, collecting magic items and books and scraps of rumor, trying to find any possible way to escape the cage that is Darkon.
i'd like to know why he's so obsessed with it, personally. what's out there for you, Azzie me boy? what the hell do you think you're gonna find outside the mists that you can't have inside them? what are you trying to escape to? there's nothing waiting for you out there. you don't have anyone left. the one thing you care about is empty.
but he wouldn't be a darklord if he wasn't obsessed with things he can't have for reasons he can't explain, so we go through the next third of the book like this until he finds A Device that supposedly will elevate him to near-godlike power, possibly enough to blow this popsicle stand for good
but "aha!" he thinks, "what if this Device doesn't work? or simply kills me? i know, i'll make an exact duplicate in Travel Size, in order to test it first! i am very clever."
so he does just that, magically photocopying the thing and picking Another Random Guy to be his test subject, reasoning that if it fails that’s useful data, and if it succeeds the result will still be weaker than he is probably, and thus not a threat
unfortunately for everyone involved, one of his clones is also there! and is piiiiissed Azalin picked, again, Some Random Guy for this honor instead of him, Lowellyn Dachine, who is surely Azalin's long-lost son bc his mother told him so
he is actually an Azalin clone though so like. he's half right.
anyway he does an extremely well-adjusted thing and leaps into the machine too, and, well… have you ever seen The Fly? yeah it was kind of like that, except with souls, and the mingled power of untold ancient sorceries
Azalin sees this, thinks "well, it worked," and dives headfirst at his own quest bed i mean the full sized Device
and it…. actually does work for him! Alek's body, which he'd been wearing like a blonde, handsome person suit for like fifty years, is obliterated utterly, and Azalin actually goes god tier? bodiless, near-omnipotent, powerful enough to rip through the mists and resurrect Irik, his son what he executed in a fit of hurt feelings back in his home plane
ah, but where is dear Irik's soul you ask? apparently it's in nega-hell, the hell beneath hell from whence all evil comes
this clearly won't do, so Azalin gets busy ripping a hole through realities to retrieve his boy, except, except--! oh no! it was a cunningly disguised hand puppet instead of the real thing!
and uh. hm. Azzie. just checking, but how big did you make that doorway into the nadir of the multiverse? big enough to swallow a city you say? hm! thats a problem.
especially since it turns out that the cosmic horrorterrors that inhabit the place that Satan warns his kids about at bedtime were in fact the Dark Powers that led Azalin down this whole sordid path in the first place
oh yes, these fuckers play the long game don't they, sticking their greasy lil tentacles into the world and manipulating young Firan Zal'Honan into becoming a wizard powerful enough, and desperate enough, to rip a hole through realities big enough to free them
and just like that, all of Darkon's gone to shit. smh, there go the property values. 
Azalin, duly horrified by what he's been tricked into doing, tries an old standby again and flees backwards in time to his own childhood, on the night of the first event that put his life on the path that led him here
he's unable to actually do anything to affect that event, though, as it seems that being outside Darkon still makes him pathetically weak, to the point of being nearly a harmless specter. 
time is a flat circle, fixed points will always happen the way they want to, and Azalin Rex, specifically, is always doomed.
pretty depressing way to end a book right!
fortunately for us, the readers, this is not actually the end of Darkon and Azalin as we know them. multiverse canon is flexible, and this isn't even the only time Azalin's fucked up catastrophically and ruined everything for everyone. approximately 70% of all apocalypses in the mists are Azalin-based. hell, this isn’t even the one true canon as far as the nature of the Dark Powers is concerned! so feel free to set aside as much of the canon of this book as you like, salt to taste, and reheat on high if need be.
overall this book isn't bad, it's just weird. it's got a lot of interesting lore, and some really excellent high points, it's just that it's mixed in with some fairly boring and inexplicable stretches of Nothing Much In Particular, and also Azalin continues to be the world's dumbest smart person. again, it really should have been a series of short stories or vignettes instead of one big novel, bc the pacing choices really threw me for a loop.
but if you feel like tracking it down it's worth it to read i think, if only as a weird companion book to King of the Dead
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
How the Brothers Would Try to Corrupt MC w/ Their Sin
I have a headcanon that it's part of demonic nature to try and corrupt humans. Though I think it would be unlikely that the brothers would try to intentionally corrupt MC post-pact, it's still like second nature to them. That means they may try to unintentionally, uh… infect their soul with sin and drag them down into eternal damnation! They don't mean it, but be careful MCs of the world.
One of the hardest things to do can be to make others take pride in themselves… but Lucifer is always ready for a challenge.
The name of the game is praise. The human mind can be easy to manipulate so with enough praise even the most stubborn human will start to believe a drop of their own hype.
Building up pride is a steady thing... He'll usually pick a strength or talent of the MC to give high praise. Perhaps they sing beautifully or they're rather clever, don't worry. He'd let them know.
Light sprinkles of praise steadily increase their self-esteem, which may seem nice and almost healthy at first, but in truth he's laying a trap… He knows how effective his words can be and he's just waiting for them to go to the MC's head.
You think then he would be done right? Oh no. That's not the fun part. What's fun is to then offend that pride he's spent so long building.
He thinks it's cute, really. A small comment here or a little condensation there and they'll get so mad. It's just so amusing!
Of course, he can't take what he dishes, so they'll need to watch out. But don't worry he loves them, even if they're just a little too fun to play with…
Since when does the Avatar of Greed give gifts?
Really, that should be the MC's first red flag. Mammon isn't known for generosity, so when he's spending what little money he can hold onto on them, it's time to raise some eyebrows.
It may seem nice, almost sweet, when he manages to track down a rare vintage of wine for them or take them out to a ritzy restaurant for the night but unfortunately it's all just part of the plan…
Nobody has tastes higher than Mammon. He can't afford them most of the time, which leads to compromises, but given all the Grim in the world he'd be living in the lap of luxury - which is exactly the kind of lifestyle he wants the MC to crave too.
Anyone, no matter how modest, can give into temptation. How easy would it be to taste the sweetest wine or enjoy the most wonderful trip then want to do it again? It may seem innocent at first, but piling on the finer things can soon have the MC craving for them when they pass.
Then all Mammon needs is to make little promises, "If I make it big this time, then we'll go to France!" or, "If I win this next hand then I'll buy ya another glass." 
So how many times will the MC give Mammon a pass, then? Will they stop questioning how he comes up with his cash? Will they let him gamble just that "little bit" longer? Will they even join him...?
If they keep getting that taste of luxury, then maybe it's not so bad… right?
You think the easiest way to get the MC jealous would be to flirt with other people since that's how most people go about it but, uh… 
This is Levi we're talking about. Casual flirting is pretty much out of the question.
So what is a demon to do to get their hapless human jealous? The answer is, be patient.
No one's perfect, humans especially! They'll slip up eventually… 
Maybe someone from back home just got a new car or they're sending out marriage invites. 
Maybe they have a friend who's better than them at school or sports or there's just someone who has something they want: Money, talent, looks, followers, friends, you name it. When they see it, he can feel that envy creeping in…
From there, all he has to do is feed it. Let the world poke at their little insecurities for him while he plays the supportive boyfriend!
"Did Mammon really get the promotion? I thought it would have been you! That's so unfair..."
"Satan beat your scores again? What is this, the third time? Doesn't that suck?"
Small little comments… but all with a goal to fill the MC with toxicity...
"Are Asmo videos still doing better than yours? I think I know how to drop his numbers... if you want."
And soon enough, anyone can be an enemy. Everyone has it better than them… so they push the world away in order to feel better. And they become so toxic, the world rejects them in turn...
Except, of course, for their loving boyfriend, Levi.
If you want to keep someone mad, it's best if you're not the actual one doing it.
I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but turning yourself into the enemy risks the target cutting you out. Satan knows this, so he'll never enrage the MC directly...
But indirectly? There's a start.
Everybody has little pet peevs. Tiny things that aren't important, but dig under the skin nonetheless.
Breadcrumbs in the butter, gum-smacking, toe-tapping, tones of voice, or just little annoying inconveniences that can sour one's day...
Satan is well-versed in these tiny annoyances, he'd dare say they're in his domain. And, perspective that he is, he'll know what frustrates the MC soon enough.
Then it's just a matter of execution.
Maybe he jacks with their toothpaste tube or "conveniently" forgets where they put their books... Or they keep mysteriously finding fingerprints on their game disks or seemingly can't keep their room organized to save their life!
It may just seem like the world hates them... but really it's just their demonic lover.
These tiny details and little mishaps will just build and build like cracks in their foundation until it all breaks and comes crashing down… and he'll be right there egging on every moment of it!
You would think that Asmo would have the easiest time tempting the MC into his sin, but that's not so.
Sure, most traditional definitions of Lust begin and end at carnal desire, but what about those MCs who maybe aren't so drawn to the sins of the flesh? Fear not! Because the keyword for Asmo is desire.
Really, Asmo is happy if the MC's mind is full of nothing but him. He wants them to desire him, to love him obviously, but to the point of obsession. His heated kisses and sensual whispers are only means to that end, which can change whenever he needs.
The MC will have their life bombarded by their beautiful demon. It's not an unwelcome smothering, he's among the best boyfriends they could ever hope to have, which is exactly why he’s so effective!
He wants them to need him at every moment. Soon it will feel weird to go places alone without their demon… Certain things they could do themselves, like their hair or getting dressed, they'll want him to do instead.
Of course, if he's able then he'll certainly seduce them as well and at every chance he gets! From the House to RAD and even in the throne room - he's shameless!... But that's the fun, isn't it?
Oh Beel… He's probably the most dangerous one of them all. Not because he's so demonic, but because he's so sweet!
When Beel makes food for the MC or orders them an extra side, he does so with love. He just wants them to be full! ...or so he thinks.
Beel's demonic instincts creep up on even him, he's just not one to really question what or why he does things sometimes. He'll know he has the urge to see the MC eat or just be indulgent… but he won’t know why.
You could actually say it works to his advantage. Whenever he offers the MC another turkey leg or a few more bites of cake, his tenderhearted insistence is often so sweet that they'll just go along with it and try to keep eating… even if they're already full.
Now, the human body can only take so much food at once, but over time it can adapt to changing habits.
Eventually, the MC will find their appetite expanding to catch up… They'll stop feeling full as easily as they used to and soon the bigger portions that Beel gives them will be all but a necessity!
Of course, the worst case scenario is that this doesn't happen at all and they do serious harm to their health by always pushing past their limits… but there's no guarantee Beel's solution won't just be more food anyway.
Belphie is the only brother who will knowingly (and gleefully) try to make the MC as sinful as he is!
It's all for selfish reasons. If the MC is slothful, then they'll want to go out less and (probably) spend time with him more. Win-win if you're Belphie.
Since he's well aware of what he's doing, he's pretty damn effective at it. No other brother will be as committed to meddling with the MC as he is.
He'll convince them to cancel plans or sabotage their alarms so they oversleep. He'll suddenly be unable to sleep without them while his naps seemingly get longer and longer… And if they have something to do, he'll be the voice in their ear saying it can wait!
Really, at any opportunity he can get Belphie will try to drag them down or slow their progress with the sweet, sweet promise of relaxation or a good time...
Sure, it may sound nice at the time - great even! - but it won't take long for their promises to break or deadlines to pile up… Sure, the MC could try to catch up but wouldn't that be too much work? Wouldn't they rather rest instead? Why even worry about it?
It's a seductive line of thought and Belphie sells it well, it'd take only the most motivated MC to resist his charms but like that'd stop him. If he wants the MC for himself, he'll happily put their life on hold to do so. Just go with it... yeah?
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The Nanny - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader - PART 2 (smut)
“How long has this been going on?” Elsa asked, the two of you lounging on the couch while the kids were napping.
“I wasn’t aware anything was going on until yesterday” you answered, blushing as you told Hemsworth’s wife about your plans to stay with Tom over the short break.
“Well, if you ask Chris he’ll tell you he’s always known, but I was the first one to call it.” She gave you a smug look.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?!” you threw your arms up. “Would have been nice to know I actually had a chance.”
“You didn’t tell me you fancied him!” Elsa laughed. You both heard India start scooting down the stairs one by one.
“Doesn’t everybody?” you smirked, standing to go grab India. “Half the time I’m certain your husband has a crush on him.”
“Oh, he does.” Elsa laughed, following you up the stairs.
You and Elsa got the kids fed and dressed so she could visit Chris with the kids on set.
“You may as well bring your bag now” she suggested. “You can just go home with him when he’s done filming.”
You took a deep breath, thinking through what you should even pack.
“Are you nervous?” she asked, telling India to put her shoes on.
“I’m…I don’t know. This doesn’t feel real.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“I’ve been watching it happen for over a year, Y/n. It’s real. Now, living with someone makes you privy to certain details about each other that you otherwise wouldn’t know…I don’t snoop, but our laundry has crossed paths a few times…so when I tell you to wear the black lace lingerie, take my advice.” She winked, going to put India’s shoes on the correct feet.
When you all arrived at the set, the guys were in the middle of filming. You and Elsa sat back and watched them work through the choreography of a scene for about 20 minutes before a break was called.
“Do you mind watching the boys while I take India over to Chris?” Elsa asked.
“Not at all” you smiled and waved her off. You were sat on a bench and the twins were sat on the floor at your feet, so they could play with their blocks.
When Chris saw Elsa, his face lit up like a child’s. He ran off of the sound stage to meet her halfway. You spotted Tom looking around the room until he made eye contact with you, smiling and waving. When he passed Elsa and Chris, Elsa pulled him into a hug. It was obvious she was talking about you because she literally pointed while Tom ducked his head like they were teasing him. Tom continued towards you, joining you on the bench by the boys.  
“How is filming going?” you asked, resting your hand on his thigh.
“Today has actually been a lot of fun” he answered, putting his arm around your shoulders. “I am, however, incredibly sore from all of the choreography. We’ve been shooting fight scenes all day and I think every bit of me has been whacked or stepped on at least once.”
You ran your hand up and down his thigh, looking up at him. “You sound like you need a massage.”
“Are you offering, darling?” Tom’s voice sounded a tad husky and his eyes dropped to your lips for a split second.
“Oh, I would love to get my hands on you” you teased before he dipped down to press a slow, lingering kiss to your lips.
“Come on, boys” Elsa called as she walked towards her twins.
Chris teased the two of you. “Really? In front of the children?”
“Be nice” Elsa scolded him.
“Or what?” he laughed, throwing the boys blocks into their bag and picking up Sasha. Elsa turned and gave him a knowing look. Chris nodded and replied, “Yes ma’am.”
“You are officially off duty” Elsa said, picking Tristan up.
You snuggled into Tom’s side a bit and sighed before hearing him say “I’ll take good care of her, I promise.”
When it was time for Tom to head to the make-up trailer to get out of costume, he grabbed your hand and took you with him. When they removed his wig and handed him make-up wipes, you started pulling out the bobby pins and combing your fingers through his hair. Dragging your nails gently over his scalp had him practically purring in your hands. “Better?”
“That feels amazing” he replied, his eyes shut and the make-up wipes forgotten.
“Finish up” you said, kissing his temple and grabbing the dirty make-up wipes from him to throw them in the trash.
“Eager, are we?” he teased, continuing to remove the stage make-up after the make-up artist left the trailer.
You watched him scrub the last bits of Loki away, a soft fond smile on your face. “For you?” He turned to face you. “Let’s just say I’ve probably been thinking about it a lot longer than you have.”
Tom stood up and threw the rest of the dirty face wipes away. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”
“I don’t know, I think everyone fell in love with you in Thor.” You replied.
“It doesn’t count if I hadn’t met you yet.” He laughed, gathering his things.
Picking up your bag, you turned to leave the trailer. “We met like, what? A year later?”
“That Christmas, actually.” Tom answered, following you out of the trailer. “You had already moved in with Chris and Elsa. She was just starting to really show her baby bump.”
“The party.” You said, nodding in agreement. “I remember. I felt like a massive fangirl when Chris introduced us.”
“Far from it” Tom answered, pulling your bag’s strap off your shoulder to carry your bag. “First, you looked incredible. You had on black and burgundy and I’m certain I spent an inappropriate amount of time looking at your ass.”
You laughed, remembering the dress. You felt like Morticia Addams with more cushion for the pushin’.
“Second, you were so confident. Every other person I met that night just wanted to talk about gossip or getting Botox or they’d ask me to do an impersonation. You asked me questions. Meaningful questions. You actually had opinions of your own when I asked about your favorite writers and films and such.”
You could feel yourself falling more and more the longer he went on. “I didn’t know you had such a high opinion of me.” You said, watching Tom put the bags in his car.
“Admittedly, I should have told you sooner.” He replied, coming around the car to open your door for you. When he climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled up, he continued. “But I am absolutely looking forward to making up for lost time” he said, leaning across the console to kiss you.
You stopped and grabbed food to take back to Tom’s. The two of you ate and had a few beers while lounging on his couch. It all felt very…normal? Comfortable. You were snuggled into his chest listening to him talk about how Hemsworth had broken three separate props today when you remembered what he had said about being sore.
When you went to pull away from Tom, he tightened his arm. “Darling, if you’re standing up to clean up the dinner mess, I will personally see to it that I find some way of punishing you during your stay.” You watched Tom lick his lips as he awaited your reply.
“While I know that I would enjoy every second of whatever you consider punishment, I was actually going to tell you to take your clothes off.” You smirked, watching his lips part and his eyes widen.
You stood and grabbed the trash from dinner, swaying your hips as you walked towards the kitchen trash can. “Hey!” Tom laughed, sitting upright on the couch. “Were you just trying to distract me?”
You walked back in the room with a bottle of lotion in your hands. “Why are you still dressed?” you teased him.
“I’d be at a disadvantage if I were the only one undressed” he replied, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get me naked soon enough” you laughed, kneeling by the couch. “Lose the pants and lay down on your stomach.”
“I’m never going to catch up if you keep spoiling me.” Tom stood and unbuttoned his jeans.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked, your eyes glued to Tom’s body.
Tom loved that you seemed to get just as distracted by him as he was by you. “Y/n, you’re always the one taking care of everybody. Constantly.” He tossed his jeans to the side, standing in front of your kneeling form.
“Well, isn’t that just the pot calling the kettle black” you said, patting the couch and telling him to lay down. After warming some lotion in your hands, you ran them slowly but firmly up Tom’s back. “Tom, you’re always the first person to help.” Tom moaned, pressing his face into the cushion to quiet the noise. “You are always checking on me or helping with the kids or…”
“Well, I’ve been trying to show you how I feel, but it’s hard when you don’t need anything, and you don’t accept anyone’s help.” Tom interrupted you. “Oh, fuck me” he moaned, turning and laughing into the cushion. You were working on a knot in his muscles near his shoulder and you just got it to loosen up. “It’s really hard to have a serious conversation while you’re eliciting very sexual noises from me.”
“I’m actually enjoying this.” You smirked, starting to work on another knot.
“Well, what I’m trying to say…*moan*…is that I don’t want you feeling like you HAVE to do anything for me…*Oh god, whatever you just did felt amazing*…I want you to feel taken care of too.” Tom’s very heartfelt sentiment was spoken between groans, moans, and swear words.
“Sweetheart, I do things for people because I want to” you said, moving down his back towards his ass. “Just like you do and just like Elsa and Chris do. It’s not a competition. I’m not keeping score.” You were kneading your thumbs into Tom’s hip and thigh muscles.
Tom tried to sneakily adjust his growing issue between himself and the couch, but you saw. With your hands all over him, he was having a hard time not letting his mind wander. “If that’s true then you just have to accept that I want to do things for you too.”
“I think I can allow it.” You started working your way back up his thighs, when he reached back and grabbed one of your hands.
“This feels incredible, but if you keep touching me, I’m just going to get more and more turned on.” He turned to sit on the couch with a throw pillow covering his lap.
“And?” you said, still kneeling by the couch. You ran your hands up Tom’s thighs, your finger teasing at the band of his briefs.
Chucking the pillow to the floor, he leaned forward and pulled you into a rough kiss. “Take your clothes off.”
“Gladly.” You stood, pulling your shirt off and unbuttoning your jeans. Turning around so that Tom got a great view, you bent over and slid your jeans down your legs. When you turned around, you saw Tom palming himself as his eyes took in the black lace bralette and thong.
“Wherever you bought that set…we’re getting more of them.” Tom said, stripping off his last item of clothing before leaning forward and slipping his fingers into the waist of your thong. “You look unbelievably sexy.”
Tom made you feel like a goddess. He dragged your panties down your legs, letting you step out of them. When he leaned back you saw just how endowed Tom was. He saw you lick your lips and smirked.
Leaning back on the couch with his legs spread, Tom patted his thighs and started stroking his manhood. “Come here, gorgeous. That is, if you can handle me.”
While you were slipping out of your bralette, you teased back. “Are you sure you can handle me?”
“Sweetheart, I know that you’re a lot of woman…I know what I’m getting myself into” he said, still admiring your body… “and I am going to lick, touch, or suck every part of you before you leave this apartment.”
Placing your knees on the outside of Tom’s legs, you straddled his lap, letting him pull you into a rough kiss. His hands found their way to your ass, and then your breasts, and then your hips as he pulled you tight against his torso. “There is a condom in that drawer” he pointed to the small table by the couch.
“I’m on birth control…” you said, waiting for his response.
“Then it’s up to you” Tom answered, still wanting you to set that boundary.
You connected your lips in another kiss. “We don’t need it.”
Tom slid his hand between you two and ran the tip of his hardness up and down your dripping slit. “Jesus Christ, Y/n.” Tom brought his wet fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. “Mmm, so sweet. Glad to know I’ve got you as hot and bothered as you have me.”
You dragged your tongue along Tom’s bottom lip, asking permission to deepen the kiss. When his tongue ran over yours you could taste yourself in the kiss.
“I can’t wait anymore. Please.” You said, your hands roaming Tom’s perfect chest.
Tom pushed into you in one smooth motion, digging his fingers into your hips, “Ride me.”
You put your hands on the back of the couch and started moving, feeling him move his hips in rhythm with you. “Oh, fuck” you moaned, throwing your head back.
Tom buried his face in your chest, sucking love marks into the tender skin there. “God, you feel incredible.”
When Tom shifted a bit and hit your G spot, you could have sworn you saw stars. You grabbed his face and begged him to do it again.
Tom looked cocky, absolutely obsessed with making you fall apart. “Like this?” he said, roughly hitting the same spot a few times in a row.
“Tom!” you moaned his name, your fingers finding their way into his hair as you crashed your lips against his.
Tom could feel you clenching around him, your legs starting to shake. “Can you cum for me, baby?” He was ready to burst, himself.
You couldn’t form words. Your hands moved to your breasts, absentmindedly playing with your nipples as your orgasm built.
“You look luscious, y/n.” Tom gripped your hips, holding you in place as he franticly thrusted into you. “I’m gonna…”
Tom’s snap into overdrive tipped you right over the edge. Your bodies glistened with sweat and Tom’s hair was mussed from your idle hands. As you came down from your temporary highs, Tom kept running his hands up and down your sides, kissing your temple and then your shoulder and then your cheek.
When he pulled out of you, you groaned and tucked your face into his neck.
“Don’t worry, my sweet. There’s plenty more where that came from.” Tom held you against his chest, feeling both of your breathing level back out.
When you thought you could actually move again, you sat up and pulled him into a gentle kiss. “Mmm…thank you.” You said against his lips.
“Let’s go get cleaned up, darling.” Tom held your hands as you stood.
“Lead the way.” You smirked, waiting for Tom to walk ahead of you. When he did, you couldn’t help but smack his amazing ass.
“Is that your way of telling me you want to be spanked?” Tom quipped, grabbing a stack of towels and taking them to the bathroom.
You laughed and then stood there thinking about what he had asked. *mmm Tom’s hands* *I mean, he did tell me he would punish me for cleaning up dinner* *Oh god, thinking about him being rough is turning me on all over again*
You were thinking it through when he popped his head back around the corner. “Might I suggest you have your dirty thoughts in the shower so we don’t run out of hot water.”
You shook your head, ending your daydream and looking at the adorable face staring back at you. You walked towards him, going on your tip-toes to give him a quick kiss. “Spanking is a yes.”
Tom laughed, walking with you to the shower. “We should probably try a bit of everything, if I’m being honest. It’s good to try new things.”
Your eyes went wide. “You only have two days off work.”
Tom pulled you to his chest, under the water. “My sweet, we’ve got the rest of our lives.”
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jaylamcd68 · 3 years
The Rookie 4x02
Episode Summary
Spoilers ahead
Tamara is moving in permanently and they are choosing paint colors. Lucy is indecisive about the paint colors  but John says Tamara was ready to paint weeks ago. Tim’s first day as a Sargent is today, Lucy pranks him by leaving boots in his locker. Grey and Nyla give Tim a silver and gold plated sergeants badge. Nyla’s new rookie is apparently an former internet star that was exonerated for murder. Tim is taking roll call today. New rookie officer Thorsen introduces himself and says he promises to fight to tip the scales to justice because he knows what it’s like when the scales are tipped against you. Tim then tells everyone that this weekend is going to be crazy, multiple concerts/sports games/ other events with thousands of people and celebrities.
Nolan and Lucy are paired up, Lucy is asking him what he thinks about wallpaper, John tries to get Lucy to realize that she’s being indecisive because she feels guilty about “moving on” and until she deals with that Tamara is never going to feel like she really belongs in that room. They pull over the main chick for the episode and Nolan asks Lucy if he can practice being a TO on this call, Nolan calls Lucy boot as soon as they get out of the car which is a nonstarter for her 😂 They ask her for her licence and registration, as soon as they run her name Claire Ivy turns out to be suspected in over 40 high end heists. Nolan calls in to Grey and Tim and they advise John to advise her to get out of town since she’s likely here to do another heist to which Claire has already told Lucy Nolan would say when he was in their shop looking her up. Lucy tells John she has a girl crush.
Harper and Thorsen arrive at a call. There are signs of violence so they enter. There is a gas leak so they holster their weapons and continue their search where they find a body and Thorsen starts to have a panic attack.
Grey and Bradford arrive and get the scoop from Harper. Tim asks Nyla if her rookie puked to which Nyla says yes but it’s more than just the gore, the situation seems to have triggered some uncomfortable memories, then she turns to grey and deadpans “almost like he shouldn’t be a cop” to which he replies “good thing he has the best TO in the business to help him through it” and Tim jumps in with “he can say that now that I’ve been promoted” 😂 Grey gets Tim to run by what should happen next. Tim says they should canvass the scene while FD contains the gas leak to which Grey reminds Tim he is not a player anymore, he’s the coach so Tim tells Nyla to get her rookie and do it.
Bailey and the firefighters arrive in scene. Lucy suggests John should ask her out again. Thorsen apologizes to Nyla but says it’s good that he knows he has this trigger and can work on it to which Nyla tells him that this is not therapy and to work his problems out on his own time.
Angela is on maternity leave and is watching an ABC 20/20 documentary on Aaron Thorsen’s murder trial. Wesley walks in saying Jack finally is down. Angela tells him that Aaron is Nyla’s new rookie because they apparently are letting murderers in to which Wesley points out that he was found innocent, and Angela points out that it was after he was found guilty but then the baby starts crying again. John and Lucy call Angela about Claire Ivy to which Angela tells them that she’s one of the best and to look into the files she had before.
Lucy calls over Bailey and then ditches so John anxiously asks her out again to which she says yes.
Back at the station they talk about Claire Ivy’s reputation and that she doesn’t normally go for anything less than $5 million, but that still leaves multiple targets. They ID her crew via hotel security cams. Tim asks Nyla if she wants in on this and Nyla says yes but her rookie isn’t ready and she parks him on the desk. He tries to say he is ready, and that he can’t prove he is ready if he’s not with her, but Nyla says he also can’t get her killed if he’s not with her.
Outside the hotel Lucy and Nolan are posted waiting for Claire. Lucy is fan girling about Claire. John is nervous about his date with Bailey. They see Claire leaving the hotel and talk with her, they get her to hinting that the heist is happening tomorrow
Harper and Thorsen talk about how the rest of their shifts went and apparently 9 people at the desk asked him if he was a murderer and TMZ showed up. Aaron questions if Nyla is going to fire him and she tells him that he will come in and quit tomorrow because he won’t be able to stop thinking about the dead girl and if he doesn’t then that’s when she’ll fire him.
Angela and Wesley who haven’t slept in days are arguing over Aaron’s case, in the middle Jack wakes up crying and they realize how dumb they were to waste the time arguing the case when they could have been sleeping, showering, etc.
Lucy knocks on Tamara’s door and apologizes for being so picky about the paint colors. She starts to cry and just explains that it’s because she’s been having such a hard time because it makes it real that Jackson is never coming home. Tamara understands because every time she changes something she feels like she is erasing him as much as she is happy to be living here she also feels guilty that Jackson isn’t. 😭😭😭 Lucy says Jackson would be happy that Tamara is here and happy that something good came out of the whole situation. Also that he would mock them for having all these paint colors on the wall.
Bailey arrives at John’s house. He tells her about the fancy restaurant that makes meals out of some legume to which Bailey does not seem interested in and then asks her if she wants to go on a stakeout with him instead. At the bar Claire comes up to them and Claire informs John of all the info she has looked up about him because she likes to do her background research too. John and Bailey kiss after Claire walks away. Bailey and John wake up at his house the next morning and are all smiles.
Nyla asks Grey to not convince Aaron to not quit when he walks in to do so this morning only for Grey to look out to the hall and say it doesn’t look like Aaron has any plans on doing that since he was dressed for patrol. Nyla confronts him about what she said about what would happen if he didn’t quit himself and Aaron expresses that he is not going to quit because what happened to him was so awful he has committed himself to making sure that it doesn’t happen to anyone else so if she cuts him from the program he will just go to every other station in California until someone gives him a chance because he needs to be a cop.
Outside the hotel Lucy and John and staking it out again and Lucy asks how last night went. John says his date was great and then gets a text from Bailey saying she doesn’t think things will work out. Tim calls in for a status report and tells them that Claire’s whole crew is having brunch in public which is concerning. Then Claire comes out and they have put boots on her car for “not paying tickets” and Claire lets them know that her back up plans have back up plans and gets on a motorcycle and drives off. Tim loses sight of the rest of the crew at brunch because a bus pulls in front of them. He enters the bus and pulls up a hatch to discover they went through it and down a sewage drain.
Nyla and Aaron arrive at the murder scene because a neighbour reported seeing someone enter the home. When Harper asks who he thinks it would be Aaron tells her either a burglar who knows the homeowner is dead or the killer looking for whatever the police didn’t take. They discover the girls assistant in the office looking for her laptop. Aaron reports that no laptop was checked into evidence. It turns out that the dead girl was coordinating the jewelry for the Gala, which Aaron concludes must mean that this is what Claire’s heist is going to be about. Whenever there is going to be a gala, celebrities borrow tens of millions of dollars worth of jewellery that are delivered by an armoured car before and then picked up by afterwards. Claire killed the girl to get the delivery schedule and to get the biggest score she would hit the truck right at the beginning. They pan to the heist only for it to turn out the John is the armoured van driver, Tim is the security gate guard, etc. and they capture them all with John getting Claire personally after shooting her in the shoulder when she fired on him.
Grey scolds Tim for getting in on the action because he says that Tim doesn’t trust anyone else to do it right. Grey tells him “control freaks don’t make good sergeants.” Tim tells Grey that advising from a distance might work for him, but he has to find his own way of doing things. Grey then tells him that a little praise goes a long way to which Tim says it’s against his nature but he’ll give it a shot 😂
Nyla tells Aaron to thoroughly check the shop at the end of each shift. Aaron then asks Nyla if she can give him a different nickname than 5 minutes, because 5 minutes was approximately how long his roommate that he was trialed for “killing” was alive and dragging himself looking for Aaron for help after his throat was cut in their apartment, and Aaron feels guilty that if he had just woken up maybe he would still be alive. He doesn’t want pity from Nyla but she just responds don’t worry because coming up with nicknames is fun for her.
CHENFORD: Lucy is seen sneaking into the men’s locker room with another pair of booties and as she is trying to open up his locker (so she must have his code!! They have so much trust 😍😭) Tim catches her and says he’s disappointed in her for being so unoriginal since she had already put boots in. Lucy tells him she can’t help it if she’s had a busy day. Tim then painfully tries to praise Lucy for her and Nolan’s good work today and explains that he’s been told to do this because that’s what good supervisors do. Lucy asks what else he appreciates of her to which he responds that she knows when to not push her luck. His little smirk as he heads back to his  locker is everything 😭❤️
Angela and Wesley are asleep on the couch when Angela’s phone rings. They are worried that the sound woke the baby but it did not, however when Angela reads that they caught Claire Ivy she yells in excitement which does wake Jack😂
Lucy is making supper and hears a loud noise coming from Tamara’s room. Tamara opens her door and asks Lucy to promise she won’t be mad when she sees what she’s done with the room. She had graffitied the walls with her art. Lucy loves it.
John catches Bailey on shift just to ask her why she broke up with him over text. Bailey says she’s horrible at relationships so she thought she would cut it off ahead of time. John convinces her to give them a chance and they kiss even though she is still on shift with her coworkers hollering in the background.
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en-worlds · 4 years
you have each other
➵ ni-ki x gender neutral reader
➵ established relationship, jealous ni-ki, soulmate???
➵ 1044 words, lowercase intended
➵ warnings: none that i could think of
➵ last member for my valentine’s with enhypen series
➵ a/n: here it is aaaaa 
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“get up, we’re going out today,” ni-ki walks into your room and immediately dives onto your bed, the weight of this giant baby waking you from your nap. he rips off your comforter and aggressively shakes your shoulder.
“we have plans?” you squint at him, barely able to process anything. if this were any other person, you’d raise hell for waking you up from your beloved sleep. but this is ni-ki, who could ever get mad at him?
“don’t tell me you forgot about today?” he lifts his head and looks at you with disbelief. you blink.
“...no?” the confusion in your tone makes ni-ki gasp. “it’s literally valentine’s!”
ooh was ni-ki obviously pouting. you knew this was him trying to act cute, which was pretty rare, but if acting cute meant you clinging onto him for the rest of the day then a little pout wouldn’t hurt anybody.
so when the two of you finally arrived at the arcade, you knew the best way to cheer him up was to play along with his antics. when he asked you to play that scary game with him, you immediately said yes even if you get startled easily. ni-ki obviously knew this, and he also knows that you have the tendency to hide behind the next thing you could grab. hmm what does he do with this information? drags you to the zombie-themed shooting game and enjoys every single moment of you desperately grabbing onto him every time the screen flickers.
“it’s over i think,” ni-ki tries to make you look up but you only hug him tighter. he’s still laughing at the sight of you being scared, finds it absolutely funny how you won’t let go of him. “it really is over look, they’re gone.”
you could hear the sounds becoming less intense, so you assume it really is done. dumbass. as soon as you look towards the screen, a final jump scare appears. you immediately latch yourself onto ni-ki again, him laughing even louder as the game ends.
“you said it was gone!” you say as you playfully punch his arm. “i said the game was over, i didn’t say the zombies would be gone.” you couldn’t even stay mad, so you laugh along with ni-ki. he pushes your disheveled hair away from your face and places a light kiss on your forehead.
ni-ki has the tendency to be competitive. add jealousy to the list. you two were having fun trying on different games until he spots a guy who was obviously checking you out. you two were playing the whack-a-mole game when he realized a guy had been glancing at you for the past couple of minutes. once that guy sees that ni-ki could see him checking you out, he aggressively hits the game - not even breaking eye contact.
you were oblivious to this, of course. but you did notice ni-ki become more aggressive with the game, so you suggest trying another game to calm him down - absolutely clueless to why ni-ki suddenly going all out with the whack-a-mole.
“wanna go for the basketball game?” you look up at him after collecting the tickets. he looks at you and nods in agreement.
that guy just doesn’t know how to back down huh? ni-ki thinks to himself as he also heads towards the basketball game. you, completely unaware, were placed between the two. in your head, it was only ni-ki. but something about the way the guy looked so smug pissed ni-ki off.
keeping his focus on the game, ni-ki aims and shoots ball to ball. he almost never misses. with that concentrated look on his face, he reminds you of a cub. basketball wasn’t his forte, but somehow he’s able to move towards the next round. you cheer him on, of course, but he was more determined on making sure he beats the score of the guy next to you. you weren’t even paying attention to the other dude, ni-ki was just really annoyed at the audacity of this guy to look him in the eyes with a look that yelled bring it on.
it only sparked ni-ki competitiveness more. he kept shooting ball after ball and you make it a point to cheer him on as he proceeds. ni-ki notices the guy keeps on missing his shots, to which he cracks a smirk. as he continues on with his game, you cheer for him even louder. he’s finally smiling once he notices the guy lost to the next round.
“that’s my boyfriend!” you yell as the game closes up the second round. ni-ki looks back at you and smiles even brighter, you proudly calling him your boyfriend made him forget why was he even so bothered by the other guy in the first place.
you were his, just as much as he was yours. there’s no worry or hesitation - you have each other.
he proceeds to the final round and even sets the high score. as he perfectly scores the final shot, he turns to you and lifts you up. it was just a simple arcade game, but ni-ki felt like he’s won everything in life seeing you smile so bright in his arms.
the two of you decide to pick up some food before heading back to your home. you couldn’t stay out too late because you still had classes the next day, but ni-ki wanted to spend the entire day with you so he insisted on a movie night.
the living room was a mess with the two of you attempting to create a pillow fort. with pillows, boxes of food take outs and tissues around, the two of you decide to have a disney movie marathon.
a movie and a half in, you ask ni-ki a question. “do you think two people are actually destined for each other like that?”
he responds with a hum, so you assume he was awake and proceed in explaining your thoughts, rambling about fate and destiny; how you think having soulmates is such a foreign concept. but once you look at your boyfriend who was peacefully resting his head on your lap, falling asleep as you play with his hair, you think that maybe soulmates are real. you think you’ve found yours.
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raw-lesbian-energy · 3 years
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[Image description: Anonymous said
Prompt: a t word fic between young Marcy and Caroline where Caroline comes over to babysit Marcy one day only to find her stressed out because of her families high expectations for her and tickles her to cheer her up.]
Anon, sweetie, darling; I love this idea and everything about it. I had way too much fun writing this and I really hope you enjoy it too!!
Summary: Caroline learns that Marcy’s parents are overworking her again and goes to help her little sister take a break and avoid burning out.
Fandom: Amphibia (The Wild Soul AU)
Pairing: None (Marcanne implied) (if any of y’all tag this shipping Marcy and Caroline I will run you over with my car)
Features: Self-Insert
Word Count: 1,248
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! If that’s not your thing, just keep scrolling.
“It’s open.”
Marcy didn’t even glance up as her bedroom door was opened, her eyes fixed on the study papers in front of her. She was trying to memorize each and every one of them, but the task was proving to be much harder than she hoped.
“Hey Mar-Mar.” Caroline’s voice spoke behind her, and soon enough, the teen was leaning over her shoulder. “Notice anything- wait, what’s all this?” Caroline looked over the papers scattered on Marcy’s desk, picking up one of them and reading it over. This prompted Marcy to look up, which is when she noticed the teen’s hair was no longer long and plain brown, but shaved in an undercut with bright purple bangs.
“Quadratic formula-?” Caroline’s eyes were wide in disbelief. “Marcy, why are you studying high school level math? You’re eleven.” The question brought Marcy back to reality, going from looking at Caroline’s new hair to staring sheepishly at her knees.
“I…wanted to get ahead.” She lied. Caroline didn’t buy it for a second, setting the paper back down on the desk and leaning on it with one arm.
“Wanna try and tell me the truth this time?” She asked, her tone slightly firmer than before. Marcy couldn’t even bring herself to look up, guilt swirling like a storm in her stomach.
“I…my parents are mad.” She admitted at last. “I got a bad grade, so they told me if I didn’t focus on studying, I wouldn’t get to see my friends anymore.” Caroline’s expression softened immediately, a gleam of confusion appearing in her eyes.
“Wait, you got a bad grade?” She echoed. “What was it? Can I see?” Marcy’s eyes held nothing but shame as she grabbed one of the many papers on her desk, holding it out for the teen to take. Caroline gently took the paper from her hand, looking down and reading over what had been printed on it.
“…This is a ninety six.” She said at last. “Marcy, this is four points away from a perfect score, and your parents are saying it’s bad?” Marcy nodded slowly, still unable to meet her older sister’s gaze. Caroline let out a sigh, kneeling down next to her younger sister and putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Marbles, I have to be real with you.” She said. “Your parents…are completely nuts.” Marcy snapped up at the statement, looking over at Caroline with wide eyes.
“What? No!” She argued. “T-They just want to make sure I succeed. They might be a little harsh sometimes, but-” she stopped mid-sentence as she had turned back to her notes, only for Caroline to swipe her arm over the desk and knock all the papers to the floor.
“Nope, no more studying for you.” She said sternly. “You’re taking on way more than any eleven-year-old ever should. You need a break.” Before Marcy could even speak, hands hooked under her arms and hoisted her out of the chair, earning a squeak of surprise. She squirmed in the teen’s grip, letting out small giggles from where she was being held.
“Carolihine, put me down!” She whined, kicking her feet as she was pulled into Caroline’s lap. The teen had taken a seat on Marcy’s bed, crossing her legs and keeping a firm yet gentle hold on her little sister.
“Uh oh, Mar-Mar.” Caroline said, a mischievous smirk spreading across her face. “You’re too stressed out; you know what happens when you’re too stressed?” Marcy soon felt her sister’s hands resting on her sides, eliciting a squeak and more giggling from the young girl.
“Nohohoho!” Her voice shot up in pitch as she felt fingers squeeze her sides, turning the small giggling fit into full-out laughter. “Carolihihine!”
“Caroline? Who’s Caroline?” The teen feigned ignorance. “I’m the tickle monster! And I’m here to tickle all that stress away!” Marcy’s cheeks turned pink at the word, her legs kicking out uselessly as Caroline tickled up and down her sides. She gently dragged her nails over the girl’s torso, drumming them against her stomach and earning squealy laughs in response.
“No fahahair!” Marcy barely managed to speak, curling up in attempts to protect her ticklish tum from her sister’s attack. Caroline wasn’t deterred though, instead sneaking her hands back and working them up to her little sister’s ribs.
“Aww, look at how cute you are!” Caroline cooed, playing Marcy’s ribs like a piano. “The tickle monster approves!” Marcy’s face went red at her older sister’s teasing, hiding her face in her hands to try and cover up the embarrassment.
“I’m nohohohott!” She squealed, shaking her head frantically. Caroline couldn’t help but chuckle at the reaction, continuing to spider over her rib cage until she snuck one hand under Marcy’s arm.
The screech that escaped the small girl practically shook the room. If Caroline didn’t have her hands stuck, she would’ve covered her ears, but it was too late for that. So instead, she kept up her ticklish assault, managing to get both hands under Marcy’s arms and earning frantic, squealing laughter in response.
“C-CUT IT OHOHOUT!” Marcy howled, no longer hiding her face as she tossed her head back. Tears had started to form at the corners of her eyes, and as Caroline heard some of her laughter turn to wheezes, she slowly let up so Marcy could breathe.
“So…how do you feel?” She asked, a small smile on her face as if she hadn’t just tickled her sister half to death. Marcy leaned back against Caroline’s chest, slowly catching her breath as she glared up at the teen.
“I will…get you…someday.” She panted. Caroline chuckled, ruffling her hair softly.
“Sure, kiddo.” She replied. “But I was asking about your stress. Is it gone?” Marcy paused at the question, taking a moment and realizing that she did actually feel better. Whether it was because of the distraction or spending time with her big sister she didn’t know, but she felt better nonetheless.
“Yeah, I actually do feel a lot better.” She said. “Thanks, sis.” Caroline grinned, giving Marcy a hug in response.
“I’m happy to help, Marcy.” She told her. “And I’ll be sure to talk to your parents about this, okay?” Marcy nodded into Caroline’s shoulder as she returned the hug, a soft smile still on her face. As long as she had Caroline’s support, she knew things would be okay.
“Oh, nice hair, by the way.” Marcy piped up, pulling back. Caroline chuckled, fluffing her own hair momentarily.
“Oh yeah, I thought I could use a new look.” She replied. “After all, I’m eighteen; I’m an adult now.” Marcy gave her a lopsided smile.
“It definitely makes you look like…you.” She said. Caroline raised an eyebrow, picking up on the subtext easily.
“Says the girl with a crush on her best friend.” She countered. Marcy’s face went pink.
“I do not have a crush on Anne!” She argued. Caroline’s smirk only grew.
“I never named Anne.” She told her. Marcy fell silent.
“I- well-” she tried, but her words died in her throat. Caroline looked back up at her with the same mischievous glint, making Marcy’s blush worsen.
“You know,” the teen mused, “the tickle monster doesn’t like people denying their feelings, either.” Before Marcy could move, Caroline scooped her up again, tickling away and sending her little sister right back into a giggling mess.
The afternoon consisted of playful banter and tickle fights, but if Marcy was honest, she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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nolanell · 3 years
The Arcade: Writer Wednesday September 29th 2021
Writer Wednesday: @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape
Pairing: Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) x GN!Reader
Warnings: This initally takes place in a loud, bright, crowded arcade and the reader is on the verge of a panic attack. Mention of crowded spaces, loud noise, bright lights, symptoms of the onset of a panic attack and techniques for grounding to prevent a panic attack (the symptoms of an oncoming panic attack are just what I have personally experienced, not universal symptoms, and the technique in the story is just what works for me as a person, this is not advice or saying it can or should work for everyone). Also mentions of anxiety about moving to a new area and making new friends, starting at a new high school, and brief mention of the end of the world (in a lighthearted, sarcastic way). There are no spoilers for the show, but some characters are mentioned by name.
Character Notes: Reader is completely undescribed physically, but they are of high school age, which is mentioned in the story.
Length: ~1.4k
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Not for the first time, you wondered why you were here. You were semi-convinced some apocalyptic event was going to kick off while you were at the arcade, given the stories your friends had shared with you since you arrived in town. They’d sworn they were all true, your neighbour friend’s little sister proudly stating she was in the same class as Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin, and she was taught by Mr. Clarke. She’d heard whispered conversations as she passed the AV Club room. She promised she knew certain things were true.
Your friends had convinced you to come along to the arcade for some video game time and terrible arcade food. Make the most of the last week before high school started up again, before the worry of whether you’d be in any of their classes set in. You’d made friends with them as they lived on your street; you weren’t sure you could take being plunged back into the world of not knowing a soul, not sure how to start again, how to not neglect the friends you had already made. You wanted to have a good time, forget those worries, you really did, but you just couldn’t relax. It was too crowded, too loud, too bright; one of these things alone would be just about manageable but all three was too much. The neon lights were too harsh, you felt like you could hear them thrumming along to accompany the incessant synth music that pumped up everybody’s adrenaline; pushed them to play, play, play, and get that elusive high score. This compounded the crowds which formed around arcade machines; every machine with someone doing well and the entourage of friends surrounding them, shoving in to get a good view. The people milling around looking for their friends or a free machine jostled the groups and meant you couldn’t stand still for more than a second before someone else was barging into you, not really paying attention to where they were going. Anyone older dismissed you as a young kid who should watch where they are, and anyone younger was too wrapped up in their arcade adventure to care. As you felt that pit in your stomach, that unpleasant wave start to course through your body, the clammy feel to your skin prickling under the AC on the exposed parts of your skin, you leant over to one of the group and lightly tapped her on the shoulder.
‘Hey, I’m gonna go outside and get some air,’ you said as you cupped your hand to funnel your speech, to making it easier to hear.
She nodded, gripped your forearm, and squeezed. She said something as you turned to leave, you thought, but you couldn’t be sure. Speech was starting to blur into just one noise, sounded so loud and yet so far away all at once. The lights were so bright you felt like you could see everything and nothing; the arcade machines were hyper-detailed with their bright colours and logos, but you also could not register facial features of the people you shoved through to get to the doors. Finally, you managed to make out the glowing red word ‘EXIT’ and you surged forward, knowing cool air, open space and quieter sounds were just ahead. You half leaned, half fell on the door, pushing it open and almost threw yourself down the concrete stairs onto the sidewalk. You collapsed onto the floor, leaning your back on the little wall that ran in front of the arcade, tilting your head back and resting it on one of the railing beams. You could feel your heart thumping in your chest, your chest itself was rising and falling with every rushed breath you inhaled and exhaled. You closed your eyes, hoping to come back to yourself, hoping to slow yourself down. This didn’t have to reach the crescendo of a full-blown attack. This could be brought back down. You were out of the trigger. It’s okay. You’re okay.
‘Hey, you okay?’ a voice asked you. It sounded concerned.
‘I will be,’ your voice sounded breathless in between gasps of air.
‘You sure?’ the voice asked.
‘Yes,’ you virtually snapped. ‘Sorry. Yes, I’ll be fine.’
‘Don’t worry,’ the voice seemed unfazed by your snap. ‘Would you like… would you like some help breathing?’
Your brow creased a little. You would like some help, but you also had no idea who this person was, and you did not have the mental or emotional fortitude to deal with meeting a new person right now. Then again, they did offer to help without you even looking at them…
‘If that’s too much, it’s alright,’ the voice said.
How this person was so understanding was beyond you, but it helped you decide. ‘Some help breathing would be great, actually.’
‘Sure,’ the voice said. ‘Just slowly breathe in…’
Your breath dragged inward, and you heard breathe in too. ‘And hold for three… two… one… and let it out slowly.’
You heard them exhale and you followed their lead. This went on a few times, you following their lead each time. The gaps between finishing the last rhythm and starting the next got longer and longer, until you found yourself noticing that your breathing was at its normal pace again, without even having to force it or concentrate. You felt grounded, and while you would never say it was like it never happened, you felt calm. You brought your head up, not yet opening your eyes. That would take a moment. You exhaled slowly, not quite a sigh but not quite just a normal breath out.
‘How you doing?’ the voice asked.
‘Okay,’ you nodded slowly. You opened your eyes. The fairground that had set up in the park across the street was in full swing, the music and the bright lights feeling more nostalgic than terrifying. At this distance, you could watch and enjoy. There were a few people nearby but nowhere near the crush of the crowd that had been inside. People were chatting, laughing, having a good time. Small groups scattered around the sidewalk on both sides of the street, trying to decide between the lure of the fair or the old faithful fun of the arcade. You turned to your left, looking for the owner of the voice.
‘Thank you,’ you said, looking at the voice’s owner. He was not what you were expecting, and you made a note not to keep having preconceptions.
His whole look was… cool. There was no denying it. His hair was outstanding, particularly. You didn’t even want to think about how much he probably spent on hairspray in a month. He had a light grey jacket on, jeans and hi-top sneakers. It was a super chill look but he made it the most awesome outfit you’d ever seen. Yet as you looked closer, there was something sad, something not quite sure of himself in those big dark eyes, and you found yourself wondering how much of the super-cool exterior was a shield to the world.
‘No worries, it can get intense in there,’ he nodded at the arcade.
‘Sure can. I really appreciate your help,’ you smiled.
‘Hey, no problem. You in town for the fair?’ he asked.
‘No, I moved here over the summer,’ you shake your head.
‘Gotcha,’ he nodded.
You stood up, rolling your neck and shoulders, and puffed out a sigh. You could see one of your friends coming to the door, the one you spoke to, and gave her a thumbs up. She held up a soda cup, silently asking if you wanted one. You nodded, but mimed drinking it and then pointed to the ground a couple of times, indicating you wanted to stay outside. She nodded and disappeared from view.
‘Seriously, thanks for your help. I really do appreciate it,’ you smiled.
‘No problem, I know what it can be like. Things get surprisingly crazy around here,’ he took a step toward you. ‘Steve Harrington,’ he offered his hand out.
No way. The guy your friend’s little sister swore was besties with Dustin? You tentatively gave your name and shook his hand. ‘So I’ve heard about it getting crazy around here, I mean. Nice to meet you, Steve. See you around?’
‘Sure,’ he nodded. ‘I gotta get back to work,’ he nodded at the video store, ‘but I’ll see you around.’
Hawkins was definitely an interesting place to be, but you were starting to think people’s friendships were meaningful here. It was going to be okay. You were going to be okay.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon: A week without you
You plan to set out on a week-long trip with Anna, Kiki and Willow.
How do the guys react to the news and cope during your absence?
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Before you leave
As the day of your long-awaited trip approaches, you can barely rein in your excitement
Meanwhile, Victor gets more and more grumpy
“Are you sure you should be going on a trip at this time?”
“Wouldn’t your company end up in shambles with half the staff gone?”
“Goldman informed me that your ticket is refundable.”
Despite his attempts to stop you from leaving his side for the trip, he also sees how much you’ve been looking forward to it
So he eventually relents, and even offers suggestions to include in your list of itinerary
Victor isn’t the type to show affection in public, so you’re surprised when he suddenly wraps his fingers around your wrist at the airport
He lifts it up gently, strapping a wine-coloured watch onto your wrist
It has an incredibly cute design - the face of the watch features an adorable white bunny, with its tiny paws pointing towards the time
“Whenever you look at it, you’ll know that I’m waiting for you to come home.”
(Meanwhile, Anna, Kiki and Willow are standing at the side and screaming internally)
During the trip
He understands how rare it is for you to have a proper break, so he doesn’t disturb you unnecessarily
In fact, you are the one who disturbs him at 3am when his phone gets flooded with photographs of your trip, each one accompanied with a notification chime
Luckily for you, he doesn’t mind it too much
He sighs while scrolling through the photos with a look of affection
“That dummy forgot about the time zone differences.”
Once you’re back
Brings you to Souvenir and whips up a FEAST
Ends the magnificent meal with a dessert you’ve never seen before
“I created it in the week you were gone. Let me know what you think.”
It’s a petite, cube-shaped cake layered with Chantilly cream and drizzled with chocolate, a rose petal resting on top of it
You bring the dessert fork to your mouth
It tastes sweet, but there’s also slight tinge of bitterness that gives it a certain mellow flavour
“I’ll give it an A+, as expected of the finest chef in Loveland City. Is this going to be a new item on Souvenir’s menu?”
“What is it called?”
He pauses before answering.
“The Taste of Longing.”
You suddenly feel a little shy, and try to change the topic. You hand him the fork.
“H-have you tried it?”
He lets out a sigh, sets the fork aside, and pulls you into a deep, intoxicating kiss
After he draws back, he stares at your flustered expression and responds with the smug grin you missed so dearly over the past week
“I just did.”
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Before you leave
The day before the trip, he literally refuses to let you go
Especially after he realises he wouldn’t get to see you off at the airport in person due to a scheduled interview
So he has been latching onto your arm and following you everywhere
“I need to use the bathroom Kiro.”
“I’ll keep my eyes closed, I promise!”
As the dusk settles in and the hours left together dwindles, Kiro grows quieter
His head is resting on your lap as he stares at you intently, as though engraving your face into his memory
You try to cheer him up, tousling his golden blonde hair
“On the bright side, you’ll have the bed all to yourself!”
Kiro brightens up for split second before his expression returns to a pout
“It’s not fun when you’re not in it...”
During the trip
Tries to cope by stuffing himself with tidbits and ice-cream
Savin does not approve.
But snacks don’t taste as good when he doesn’t have you to share them with (or snatch them from)
Tries to cope by playing games past midnight
Savin does not approve.
But games aren’t as fun when he doesn’t hear your voice congratulating him for achieving a new high score
Tries to cope by drowning himself in work
Savin approves... but senses that something is off with Kiro
Savin spends more time with Kiro this week, even bringing him to his favourite hotpot place and treating him to extra desserts
Once you’re back
You decide to surprise Kiro in the studio after receiving a bunch of texts from a worried Savin
Kiro almost bursts into tears
He might not have Gavin’s Evol, but that doesn’t stop him from flying across the room to wrap you in a bear hug, almost tripping over his violin case in the process
After dinner, you’re both on the couch as he listens to you ramble on and on about how fun the trip was
Kiro interrupts you with a long, impatient kiss
After he pulls away, the both of you a little breathless, the cheeky glint in his eyes doesn’t go unnoticed
“You want fun? I’ll show you just how much fun we can have together.”
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Before you leave
Even though you’re used to spending long periods of time apart given the nature of his work, it never gets easier
“Maybe I could come along as a bodyguard?”
As tempted as you are at the prospect, you turn him down gently
It’s meant to be an all-girls trip after all
At the airport, Gavin goes into full-blown maternal mode:
“Remember to check the weather forecast every morning.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
“Remember to apply sunscreen before going outdoors.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
“Remember to sleep early.”
“Yes Officer Gavin.”
He sighs and encases you in a long hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“And remember... to think of me often.”
You almost tear up in response to the sheer sadness in his voice
“That’s not something I need to remember. It happens naturally.”
During the trip
He’s not used to returning to a quiet, lifeless house
Sends you little updates about his day
[Text from Gavin:] Saw the stars on my way home tonight. Even though you’re halfway across the world, I feel as though I can sense you, just like how we can still see the faraway stars.
[Text from Gavin:] I saw a squirrel today. It’s cute. It reminded me of you.
[Text from Gavin:] Hung out with Minor today. He told me how lonely he feels in the office these days without you girls around. Seems like we finally found something in common. I miss you.
Purchases a succulent and places it beside Thorny because he doesn’t want it to feel lonely
He names it Mrs Thorny
Once you’re back
Arrives at the airport at least an hour early to wait for you
Sends Anna, Kiki and Willow home by car as a gesture of gratitude for taking care of you over the past week
“He’s a keeper,” whispers Anna.
Helps you unpack while you take a bath
Chances upon the overtly sensual lingerie you bought during the trip (thanks to Kiki’s persuasive skills)
You happen to step out of the bathroom at this very moment, watching as Gavin lifts the dark blue lace from the luggage
The blood drains from your face as you scramble to snatch it out of his hands
“Ahh! That’s meant for your birthday!”
Poor Birdcop is still reeling from shock
So he responds with whatever comes to mind
“For me? But I don’t wear lingerie.”
The both of you just stare at each other, processing this whole situation
It’s not long before every corner of the house gets filled with your laughters mingling together
Both your faces flushed from a mixture of embarrassment and laughter, you collapse into his embrace, soaking up his warmth...
...and you’re finally home.
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Before you leave
You kind of expected Shaw’s response when you told him about your plans...
“Sure, have fun.”
“You aren’t even going to pretend that you’d miss me?”
“Nah, it’s not like you’d be gone for a decade. Pretty sure I’ll survive.”
He does skip his morning class to send you off at the airport though
His heart suddenly feels the slightest bit heavier once you disappear from view with the girls in the departure hall
Shrugs it off and heads back to school
During the trip
While Shaw isn’t the clingy sort, he does get bored easily
Especially since his partner in crime isn’t around
Sends you pictures of the shark plushie in different poses
e.g. sitting upright on the dining chair
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie says he misses you. Gave him a talk on how to be a big, independent boy.
e.g. leaning against a spray paint can
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie tried spray-painting today but got a little bit of paint on himself. Do you know if he’s machine washable?
e.g. wearing one your hairbands
[Text from Shaw:] Sharkie rummaged through your wardrobe today. Doesn’t he look handsome?
Changes his phone’s lockscreen to a different picture of you every day
Of course, he selects photos that should never see the light of day - a picture of your mouth wide open in an unladylike manner as you prepare to bite into a hamburger, a picture of you almost falling off a skateboard, a picture of you sleeping with drool trailing from the corner of your mouth onto the sheets...
You really need to do a thorough cleansing of his photo gallery.
Since his usual source of entertainment is enjoying herself without him halfway across the globe, this is as close as he gets to having fun
Once you’re back
The moment you set down your luggage at home, he drags you to Live House
The intense strobe lights shroud the way Shaw gazes at you with a rare tenderness
Immersed in the loud music, you have no idea that clouds have gathered outside, followed by the gentle patter of rain
You almost miss Shaw’s words as his lips brush against your ear
“I missed you.”
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🦋LUCIEN🦋 (I’m not kidding when I say I can’t write Lucien. For all of our sakes, this shall be the first and last time 😂)
Before you leave
Takes you to see the fireflies
Catches one and names it “Angst”
During your trip
Exists sadly
Attempts to make conversation with Angst
When you’re back
Exists happily
Sets Angst free since his favourite butterfly has returned to his side
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toastedqueso · 3 years
Take A Shot
Pairing: Jungwoo x Original Female Character | Reader
Words: 6k
Genre: Comedy, Smut, Strangers to Lovers
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (drink responsibly), Betting, Explicit sexual content
Summary: A handsome stranger at Yuta’s soccer match watching party catches Ella’s attention. Unfortunately for Ella, the stranger, Jungwoo, is rooting for the enemy. They get entangled in a bet and maybe both of them are winners.
A/N: This has idea has been floating around for a while since I found out Jungwoo is a Manchester City fan. The fic has been sitting around for a while and it’s time I finally posted it. Thank you for reading!
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Ella clutches the bottle of Prosecco close to her as she walks the short distance from where her Uber driver dropped her off to Yuta’s townhouse. Ella was looking forward to this party all week. Yuta had been planning for a while to host a soccer match watching party on his brand new fancy TV, which he couldn’t stop bragging about. He let Ella as his soul sister have the honor of the first viewing event be an important match for her favorite soccer team, Liverpool FC. The match is against Manchester City and regardless of how much money Man City spent in the offseason on new players, she’s confident Liverpool FC will win.
Yuta had told her that the party would be just her and a few of his other friends she had hung out with before. They seemed nice from their previous encounters, but she was ready to put them in their place if they questioned her soccer knowledge.
Ella takes a deep breath to relax. She can feel her pre-match nerves creeping up and she needs a drink fast. Ella rings the doorbell when she reaches the front door. Yuta opens the door before she drops her hand away from the doorbell.
“Welcome! Come on in, sis!” Yuta bear hugs Ella and takes the bottle of Prosecco. “Nice. I was in the mood for some mimosas.”
“When aren’t you? You always act like you’re on ‘Real Housewives’,” Ella gruffs and ducks befor Yuta can rufflle her hair. She slips her shoes off and follows Yuta into the townhouse.
Yuta and Ella became fast friends when they started working at the same Graphic Design company 4 years ago. They’re known as “Double Trouble” at work for all the chaos they cause. Some of their nosey coworkers initially suspected they were more than friends, but they quickly quashed those rumors when they started referring to each other as siblings and Yuta brought his girlfriend, Maria, to their office parties.
Ella gives Maria a hug when she spots her in the Living Room. She scans the room to see that the guests are already here sipping their drinks and eating nachos. She greets Johnny, Taeyong and their girlfriends, then notices an unfamiliar face. Yuta has quite a few attractive friends, but this friend was different. His soft brown hair frames his pretty face, which nicely contrasts his tall physique. When he stands up, he towers over Taeyong and Yuta, but stands a hair shorter than Johnny.
“Woah,” Ella quietly says to herself as she tucks a strand of her wavy black hair behind her ear. She now wishes she put in more effort in her attire. She hastily threw on her Liverpool jersey with her medium wash jeans. Fortunately, she did curl her hair and put on some light makeup to highlight the golden glow of her skin.
Ella and the stranger make eye contact and she notices his eyes go wide for a second. Before she can introduce herself to the stranger, Johnny calls his name to grab his attention. Jungwoo. 
The guys huddle by the TV to admire it like treasure. While they discuss future viewing plans for Yuta’s brand new fancy TV fit for King, Ella watches Jungwoo bite his lips as he inspects the TV. He catches Ella’s eye as he’s scanning the room and smiles. Ella breaks her stare and looks around to find Maria.
“Want a drink?” Maria asks, noticing Ella is still drinkless. Ella definitely feels far too sober to have to spend the next few hours with the handsome stranger. If Maria suspects anything from Ella's actions since stepping into the townhouse, she doesn’t mention it.
Breaking the awkwardness she feels from possibly getting caught in the act, Ella heads to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of white wine. She practically chugs the wine down and pours herself another glass to sip slowly. Getting drunk before the game would lead to her being really loud and maybe breaking Yuta’s new TV if the game didn’t go how she hoped and she didn’t have new TV money.
Ella heads back to the living room, wine in hand, and settles in on the couch. She gently swirls her wine glass while contemplating how to introduce herself to the stranger. She’s so deep in thought that she almost misses that the handsome stranger is heading towards the kitchen until he’s screaming if anyone wants anything. She watches him walk into the empty kitchen before she chugs the rest of her wine. She gets up too quickly and has to grab onto the sofa arm to steady herself. 
“Fuck it. It’s now or never,” Ella tries to hype herself up as she heads into the kitchen.
She finds the stranger concentrating on pouring a mix of liqueurs into a cocktail shaker. 
“What are you making?” Ella asks, causing the stranger to jump a little.
“Oh! You’re just in time! I’m mixing my special drink. I call it ‘Jungwoo’s Special’!” Jungwoo announces as he shakes the cocktail shaker.
“What makes it ‘special’?” Ella asks bluntly.
Jungwoo laughs. “Be prepared to be amazed!”
“I’m Jungwoo by the way. I meant to introduce myself to you earlier, but Johnny dragged me away. A TV over a girl, he’s so inconsiderate,” Jungwoo replies.
Ella blushes. She doesn’t want to read too much into Jungwoo’s words, but she lets herself hope he meant something more by it. “I’m Ella. I’m one of Yuta’s work buddies.”
“Oh! You’re the work sister! I guess I need to be extra gentlemanly,” Jungwoo laughs.
“So is the ‘Jungwoo’s Special’ something a gentleman would offer a lady?”
“Why don’t you try it and find out?” Jungwoo gives Ella a mischievous look. Jungwoo pours the drink for Ella and hands it to her. She takes a sip and nods her head. It’s a good drink, but guessing by the bottles he left uncapped, it was a potent drink.
“It definitely knows how to treat a lady,” Ella says. Taking a step closer to Jungwoo, she can feel how much bigger he is than her. She has to crane her neck to look up at him. She notices Jungwoo looking down at the Liverpool FC badge on her jersey and smiles.
“Liverpool fan?” Ella cocks her head. Jungwoo gives her a sweet smile. With all the liquid courage in her, she takes a step closer to Jungwoo. 
“Man City,” Jungwoo replies with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Wow, you’re a glory hunter.” Ella gives him a horrified look and shoves his torso. If she wasn’t feeling her pre-game rage and animosity for Manchester City, she would’ve commented how his abs felt solid like a rock.
“If that’s what you want to call supporting the best players and manager in the world, then sure!” Jungwoo teases.
“It’s a TEAM sport. It’s about how everyone works together to win, not just a bunch of megastars.” Ella retorts. 
“You make it sound like Liverpool doesn’t also buy the best players and have a great manager,” Jungwoo points out. Ella couldn’t argue with that. 
“Touché. But at least we don’t throw all our money at everything.”
“How about we place a bet?” Jungwoo propositions. He knows they won’t get anywhere with their argument, but maybe a bet could make things interesting.
“Seriously? A bet?”
“Come on, it’ll be fun. It’ll be some extra fun for the match,” Jungwoo coaxes.
“Fine, what are the terms of the bet that you propose?”
“If Liverpool wins, you get to pick what to do and If Manchester City wins, I’ll get to pick what to do. To make this a little more fun, not only does the winner get to pick what to do, but they get to pick a thing or wish for each goal their team scores.”
“What if it’s a draw?” 
“We can go with who had the most possession in the game.” 
Ella sips her drink and contemplates whether to accept or not. She had come into the kitchen to expect a bit of talking, maybe some flirting, but not a bet. The only downside would be if Man City won, but Ella was pretty confident Liverpool had this game in the bag.
“You have yourself a deal, Jungwoo.” Ella stretches out her right hand for Jungwoo to shake. Jungwoo lights up and shakes her hand.
“No matter who wins or loses, I’m sure we’ll both end up winning at the end.” Jungwoo winks at Ella before he chugs the rest of his ‘Jungwoo Special’ drink. 
They settle into the couch in front of Yuta’s fancy TV. The players complete the pre-match rituals of pennant exchanges and hand shakes and then the kick off. Liverpool gains possession early and builds up momentum. The two teams go back and forth creating chances, but no one scoring. Ella glances over at Jungwoo from time to time and notices even Jungwoo seems to feel the tension. Then in the 39th minute, Liverpool breaks away with the ball and scores a spectacular goal. 
“FUCK YES!” Ella screams and jumps around. Yuta high fives Ella to celebrate.
“In your face!” Ella says with satisfaction to Jungwoo.
“Don’t get too cocky. The game is far from over.” Jungwoo playfully shoves Ella when she sits down.
Ella rolls her eyes and shoves Jungwoo back. Five minutes remain for the first half. Each team approaches the last few minutes differently. Liverpool seems to be playing it safe while Manchester City is looking to equalize. Ella nervously takes a sip of her drink. Even if Liverpool is leading, she can’t help but feel something worrying looming in the air. Unfortunately, her gut instincts were right. As soon as she puts her drink down, Manchester City takes possession of the ball and scores. Jungwoo starts jumping up and cheering. Ella huffs and lays back onto the sofa.
“We’re even now,” Jungwoo says as he shakes Ella’s shoulder.
“Whatever. There’s still another half,” Ella replies. She lightly smacks Jungwoo’s thigh. Jungwoo laughs at her reaction.
Both teams seem to just pass around the ball to wind down time before the referee blows the whistle to signal half time. Jungwoo springs up to head to the kitchen. Jungwoo asks if she needs anything, but Ella just waves her hand to indicate she’s fine. Ella needs a few moments to wallow in her misery. In the middle of her self pity, she feels someone land on the couch next to her.
“Ooooh you two are getting cozy,” Yuta comments.
Ella rolls her eyes. “It’s nothing. I’m nice to everyone.”
“You can lie as much as you want, but I know you better than that.” Yuta nudges her arm. “Really though, he’s a good guy. You guys are getting along. You obviously think he’s hot. I saw you chase after him and go to the kitchen.”
“Can we not talk about this right now? He’s the enemy. I have a bet to win.”
“Hate sex is a thing you know.”
“Don’t imagine that, please,” Ella groans, rubbing her forehead.
“Are you imagining it?” Yuta gives Ella a quizzical look. “You totally are! I won’t tell him. Do you. Or rather, do him.”
“Do who?” Jungwoo chimes in right as Ella picks up a pillow to smack Yuta while he’s laughing.
“The only thing I’m doing is going to the restroom,” Ella replies as she gets up.
Yuta continues laughing at his own joke and Ella smacks him with a pillow before she heads to the restroom to freshen up. The game is tied 1-1 and she really needs to channel some positive energy into Liverpool. She freshens up and grabs a bottle of water from the kitchen then settles back into the couch next to Jungwoo.
“Here. I got you some pizza.” Jungwoo hands her a plate with 2 slices of cheese pizza. “I can’t have you throw up on me.”
“Wow, that’s really all you care about?” Ella scoffs.
“I care about you! You should eat. Win or lose, your health is most important” Jungwoo replies. The pizza may have lost its oven fresh heat, but the gesture is still sweet. If she wasn’t trying to fight for her team's honor, Ella would probably kiss Jungwoo.
“Thanks,” Ella meekly says as she turns her attention to the pizza. She hopes he can’t see her blush while she’s nibbling on the pizza.
The second half starts and Ella’s nerves are back. Both teams are picking up momentum and creating chances for a goal. Feeling her stomach churn every time either side attempts to score, Ella puts the pizza on the coffee table. She nervously taps her foot and hopes Liverpool can keep possession if they can’t score a goal.
“Have you thought about what you want if you win?” Jungwoo tries to break the tension. He leans back into the couch.
“No, have you?” Ella asks. Following Jungwoo’s actions, she leans back too.
Jungwoo looks like he’s in deep thought when the game commentator starts screaming. They bring their attention back to the TV and watch Manchester City score their 2nd goal in the 88th minute.
“OH FUCK.” Ella deflates on the couch. Jungwoo is high-fiving everyone, almost spilling Taeyong’s beer on him.
“Well, that’s it then,” Jungwoo says. He plops down on the couch
“There’s still extra time.” Ella knows it’s unlikely to win, but if Liverpool can scrap up a draw, then maybe she might have some hope.
“Don’t worry. Even if I win the bet, you’ll still feel like a winner too,” Jungwoo says with a playful look.
The remaining minutes of the game are uneventful and Man City grabs the win, much to Jungwoo’s delight. Jungwoo spreads his arms inviting Ella in for a hug. Ella shoves his shoulder away instead.
“Aww don’t be like that! That’s not good sportsmanship. Or sportswomanship!” Jungwoo complains. He slowly inches closer to Ella. She rolls her eyes and finally relents. She would be lying if she didn’t admit that Jungwoo gave great hugs. Yuta looks over in their direction and gives Ella a look that says he’s definitely interrogating her later. 
“There you go! That’s the spirit!” Jungwoo commends, patting her back.
“Congratulations. Have you thought about what you want?” Ella asks 
“Already in a rush to claim the prize?”
“I’m pretty sure you won and it’s your prize.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just as much as I will!” Ella feels nervous as Jungwoo takes his time to contemplate what to ask for.
“Don’t leave me in suspense!” 
“Okay! Okay!” Jungwoo raises his hands in defense. “My first reward is that we exchange numbers.”
She hands Jungwoo her phone and watches him add his number. He texts himself from her phone to make sure he has her number too. Ella was hoping for something grander, but she’ll settle for that now. A part of her was hoping he wouldn’t stick to being a gentleman as he said before.
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The rest of the weekend passes by in a blur and Ella finds herself back at work too soon for her liking. She’s looking through her email inbox when Yuta comes in and smacks her on the shoulder.
“Good morning!” Yuta shouts at her. He plops down on her desk, causing a few stray papers to crumple. Ella opens her mouth to complain until Yuta shoves an iced coffee in her face.
“Thanks Yuta. I desperately need caffeine,” Ella says, taking the iced coffee from Yuta.
“Soooo tell me about you weekend, my dear friend.” 
“I did laundry on Sunday.”
“And Saturday.” Yuta gives her a pointed look as he sips his coffee.
“I was at your house to watch a Liverpool match,” Ella deadpans. She knows he’s trying to weasel all the gossip out of her. 
“Yes, tell me more. More than just the game and where you were. Tell me all the other details.”
“What are you trying to get at?” Ella squints at Yuta. She knows what he’s after
“This development of you and Jungwoo. Don’t think we didn’t notice!” 
Ella rolls her eyes and turns back to her laptop. “Thanks for the coffee, Yuta. These emails aren’t going to delete themselves.”
“Don’t ignore me! I’ll get my answers at lunch!” Yuta gets up and leaves to his desk on the other side of the divider in front of Ella.
Ella turns back to her email. She has a few design mockup requests from clients she needs to get to this week. Some clients were better with their requirements than others. She was already dreading the long email chains and meeting after meeting with clients who couldn’t describe their requirements well. She knows at some point during the week she has to set up some time to work with Yuta on a project for one of their bigger clients. She knew the cat would be out of the bag by then and Yuta’s nosiness would only get worse.
Jungwoo (9:02 AM): Good morning beautiful ❤️
Ella feels a little flustered seeing Jungwoo call her beautiful.
“Thank God Yuta left already,” Ella thinks to herself. If he saw the message, he’d never let her live in peace.
Ella and Jungwoo spent the entire Sunday texting back and forth, but Yuta didn’t need to know that. She learned that he’s a Mechanical Engineer, which she hadn't expected at all. They talked a lot about their lives and interests. Ella was glad she was getting to know him better and didn’t let a football rivalry get in their way.
Ella (9:03 AM): Good morning! Don’t you have work to do?
Jungwoo (9:03 AM): But I like talking to you!!!!! Talk to me!!!!!
Ella (9:10 AM): Can’t right now. Maybe in a few hours? Yuta is going to grill me at lunch 💀
Jungwoo (9:11 AM): I’m bigger than him. I’ll hurt him!!!
Ella turns her phone face down and turns back to her laptop. She has a design draft halfway completed that she wants to get done before lunch. She puts her hair up in a messy bun and gets back to work.
Lunch time comes around sooner than anticipated. Yuta’s head pops up from the other side of the divider.
“Ready for lunch? I’m starving,” Yuta announces as he stretches.
“Yeah let’s go. Poke?” Ella suggests. She grabs her purse and phone and walks towards the door.
“You read my mind!” Yuta follows closely behind.
They complain about their workload on their short walk over to the Poke restaurant. Although it was nice they had a constant stream of clients, they needed more designers to balance the workload. After ordering their food, they settle down at a table by the window. 
“It’s so nice outside. It’s criminal that we have to work indoors,” Ella comments as she digs in.
“Hmm, yeah,” Yuta gives a short reply, as he scarfs down his food. “Enough about that. Now tell me about Jungwoo!”
“What do you mean ‘tell me about Jungwoo’? He’s your friend! You know more about him than I do!” Ella replies. She knows what he’s getting at, but refuses to give into his demands for gossip so quickly.
“You know what I mean! You two have something going on!”
Ella rolls her eyes. “It’s not like that! We just had a bit of friendly competition and banter on Saturday and we’ve been talking.”
“Uh huh, right. ‘Banter’. Next thing you know, you’ll end up in bed together!” Yuta accuses, pointing his fork at Ella.
“Can’t you keep it down! We’re in public!” Ella whispers.
“Everyone could do with some gossip on a boring Monday.” Yuta shrugs. “Whatever is going on with you two, I approve.”
“God, you're not my dad!” Ella rubs her forehead. She knows Yuta isn’t going to let this conversation go easily.
“Thank God for that!” Yuta agrees. “Anyway, all of this was part of my master plan anyway. I guess Johnny was too tall. Taeyong was too pretty. Jungwoo is slightly shorter and I guess slightly less pretty.”
“Johnny and Taeyong are also very much taken,” Ella points out. “And why are you insulting Jungwoo behind his back?”
“I’m not! There’s no point in being the tallest or prettiest. He has the right amount of both,” Yuta explains, shoving the last spoonful of his Poke in his mouth.
“I’m going to expect updates!” Yuta says. He gets up to throw away his empty bowl and trash.
Ella looks at her phone notifications and sees 10 texts from Jungwoo. She’ll have to read them once she’s back at her desk. She can’t risk Yuta’s prying eyes seeing the messages. Once Yuta’s back, they leave and take their post-lunch walk before they head back into the office.
After she settles back into her chair, Ella pulls out her phone and goes through Jungwoo’s messages. The texts have jumped from 10 unread to 20 unread messages. Most of the texts are of Jungwoo sulking about Ella ignoring his texts.
Ella (1:10 PM): Sorry, just got back from lunch with Yuta
Jungwoo (1:11 PM): I thought you ghosted me! But I forgive you. I don’t want you to starve.
Jungwoo (1:11 PM): What was he grilling you about?
Ella (1:12 PM): You duh lol
Jungwoo (1:12 PM): ME??
Ella (1:13 PM): Actually about us
Jungwoo (1:14 PM): He’s just jealous. He doesn’t have what we have.
Ella (1:15 PM): What? Soccer rivalry?
Jungwoo (1:16 PM): OK that and he’s not as hot as us
Ella takes a moment to think how to reply when she sees Jungwoo typing again. She decides to wait and see what he says before replying.
Jungwoo (1:18 PM): Speaking of us…I believe I’m owed a 2nd wish. Let’s grab dinner Friday night? At the new Brazilian Steakhouse you mentioned?
Ella (1:20 PM): Sure! I’ll meet you there at 7?
Jungwoo (1:20 PM): It’s a date 😉
Ella feels butterflies thinking about their date. Suddenly all of her work seems a lot less important than planning her attire for her date. She makes a mental note to go through her closet as soon as she gets home.
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Fortunately, the work week breezes by quickly. Unfortunately, it’s Friday afternoon and Ella still hasn't decided what to wear on her date. Although they aren’t dining at a formal restaurant, Ella wants to dress up a little this time. Sorting through her dresses, she finally settles on an off-the-shoulder forest green dress that sits right above her knee.
With her outfit picked out she does her makeup. She decides to do a bronze smokey eye to accentuate the bronze glow of her skin and complement the color of the dress. Ella decided to do a nude mauve lip. She curls her black hair into even waves and sets the waves with hairspray. After she’s done with hair and makeup, she changes into her dress. After surveying her look in the mirror, she decides to put some bronzer and highlighter on her collarbones to accentuate them. After she’s satisfied with her work, she checks the time -- 6:15 PM. She had to put her jewelry and shoes on now if she wanted to be on time. 
Ella picks out a pair of golden strappy stilettos to wear with the dress. She accessorizes her outfit with gold hoop earrings and several gold bangles on her right wrist. She does a final check in the mirror and is finally satisfied with her appearance. This look definitely had the glam factor to balance her casual look from last Saturday. 
Grabbing her purse, Ella rushes out of her apartment to meet her Uber. The Uber ride takes about 25 minutes and Ella arrives at 6:55 PM. She sees Jungwoo check in with the host as she walks into the restaurant. When Jungwoo turns around and sees Ella walk in, she notices his eyes widening. 
“Wow.” Jungwoo keeps scanning her from head to toe.
“Hello to you too, Jungwoo,” Ella greets. She giggles at his reaction.
“I forgive you for being a Liverpool fan. I might even become a Liverpool fan now,” Jungwoo replies. He comes closer to give her a hug. Ella laughs and smacks Jungwoo’s arm away.
“I tried to look good for you too!” Jungwoo points to himself. He did look good. He’s wearing a beige sweater, which accentuates his wide shoulders, and black jeans.
“Okay fine, you look good too,” Ella says, going in to give him a hug.
“Of course I do. I did it all for you,” Jungwoo whispers in her ear. Ella buries her face in his chest hoping he doesn’t notice her blushing.
“Sir, your table is ready,” their host announces. They jump apart quickly and follow the host to their table. Ella keeps her head down to hide her embarrassment as she makes her way to the table.
The host explains to them how the ordering will work. The waiters will come around with different cuts of meat and give them a slice. They each get a green card and red card - green to indicate to the waiter they would like more meat and red to indicate they don’t. They both order a glass of red wine. While they wait for their wine to arrive, their waiter serves them a basket of Pão de Queijo, Brazilian cheese bread, and their salads.
“You know, I’m really surprised you’re a Mechanical Engineer,” Ella says before taking a bite of Pão de Queijo. The bread tastes like a deliciously cheesy cloud and she has to stop herself from moaning.
“Why? Do I look dumb?” Jungwoo asks, holding his Pão de Queijo next to his pouting lips.
“No, no! That’s not what I mean! It’s just that you look, I don’t know, you’re tall and handsome.” Ella hopes she didn’t offend him.
“Just say you think I’m really hot. Is a hot nerd one of your fantasies?” Jungwoo teases.
“Let’s see if you get to find out,” Ella says with a glint in her eye. She isn’t going to let him win so easily.
A waiter comes by with some meat and they start piling up their plates. They compare which cuts and marinades they like the most. 
“Say ‘aah’. Let me put this meat in you,” Jungwoo
Ella leans back and gives him a pointed look. 
“What? You don’t want my meat?” Jungwoo asks suggestively.
“Just that little piece?” Ella leans forward and whispers, “You need to give a girl the full experience.”
Jungwoo chuckles. “I was waiting for you to ask, babe.”
Jungwoo leans over and places the meat closer to Ella’s mouth. Ella looks into Jungwoo's eyes and bites the meat off the fork. She leans back and slowly chews. They seem to be having a staring contest, which neither wants to lose. Ella slides her right foot slowly up his left leg while maintaining eye contact. Her foot makes it up to his thigh before Jungwoo squirms and closes his eyes.
“That’s cheating!” Jungwoo grabs her ankle.
“Hey, no one said there were rules.” Ella laughs.
“Babe, you don’t want to play dirty with me,” Jungwoo warns. He slowly moves his hand up her calf.
“Maybe I do.” Ella smirks and drinks the last bit of her wine. “I came here to win.”
“Your place or mine? I’ll grab the bill now or I’ll do you right here.” Jungwoo leans over, letting go of her leg.
“Mine. I’ll call an Uber,” Ella replies. Her clothes were probably strewn everywhere in the bedroom, but at least the rest of her apartment was spotless. She couldn’t be as sure about Jungwoo’s place and didn’t want the potential mess to ruin her night.
Jungwoo gently places a kiss on her cheek and walks over to a waiter to pay their bill. Once he’s out of sight, Ella pops a mint in her mouth and requests an Uber. Jungwoo comes back soon and they leave the restaurant hand in hand.
Their Uber arrives a minute after they leave the restaurant. Ella rests her left hand on Jungwoo’s thigh. She teases him the whole ride by slowly moving her hand up his thigh and giving his thigh light squeezes. Jungwoo silently curses and grabs her hand to prevent her from going any higher. Fortunately, they arrive at Ella’s apartment sooner than their estimated time and they scramble out of their Uber quickly.
“Thank God! Another minute in there and I would’ve started making out wit you in the back seat!” Jungwoo exhales.
“Can’t keep it in, huh? You’re really playing to lose,” Ella comments. 
Jungwoo stands behind her and grabs her hips. “If it means we’ll take our clothes off sooner, I’ll gladly lose.”
She giggles at his impatience and quickly types in her apartment code.
“Just a few more minutes. And no funny business in the elevators. I can’t have a Man City fan ruining my rep in public,” Ella jokingly warns.
Jungwoo back hugs Ella and moves close to her ear to whisper, “Don’t worry. I like to do my ruining in private.”
Ella giggles as they make their way into the elevator and presses the “5” button for her floor. Thankfully, the elevator goes straight to her floor and they’re at her door soon. Ella tries to focus on opening the door while Jungwoo is pressing light kisses to her neck. Finally, she finally manages to get the door open despite the distractions. Jungwoo pushes them in and quickly pins her to the door, causing it to slam closed.
“Fucking finally!” Jungwoo shouts.
Jungwoo dives in for a kiss. He slides his hand up from her cheek and grabs her hair. Ella can feel the pent up frustrations from the way he deepens the kiss. He breaks their kiss to trail soft kisses down her neck sending shockwaves of pleasure through Ella. He finds the sensitive spot on her neck and begins sucking. His actions make Ella quiver, causing him to smirk.
“Fuck, Jungwoo,” Ella moans.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Jungwoo asks.
She points to the closed door on the opposite side of the apartment. Jungwoo goes to lift her up, before she stops him.
“I’d fuck you in these stilettos, but shoes on my bed are an absolute no.” Ella starts untying her right shoe. As good as her whole look was, she was now wishing she opted for easier shoes to get out of.
“We’ll do that somewhere else next time, Princess.” Jungwoo bends down and helps her out of her other shoe.
Once Ella’s shoes are off, Jungwoo throws her over her shoulder and heads to her bedroom. He pushes her door open and throws her on the bed. He makes quick work of taking off his sweater. Ella gasps at how ripped he is. She had felt through his clothes he was toned, but seeing his abs up close was a different kind of thrill.
Jungwoo hovers above Ella and gives her shoulder light kisses.
“Where’s the zipper?” Jungwoo asks.
Ella takes his right hand and leads it to the zipper on the back of her dress. He hastily unzips her dress, almost breaking the zipper. She slips out and tosses the dress to the side onto the pile of rejected clothes for their date. Ella unhooks her strapless bra and tosses aside as well.
“God, since I saw you in this dress, I wanted nothing more than to take it off,” Jungwoo confesses.
“Well, are you going to do anything or just talk?” Ella questions. She crawls back to Jungwoo on the bed.
Jungwoo laughs before he seals their lips. This time he moves slower, relishing the feeling of her pouty lips against his. Ella tugs his lip and lightly swipes his lower lip with her tongue to push him to pick up the pace.
“Anxious?” Jungwoo questions. He begins to trail kisses down her neck, chest and torso. He softly licks below her belly button to the hem of her underwear before he slides her underwear off. He moves his fingers down her folds, feeling her wetness.
“So wet already. You really want me, huh.” Jungwoo continues rubbing his fingers on her folds to tease her.
She gives his head a light shove, inciting a laugh from Jungwoo. He slowly rubs her clit, causing her to tremble. She arches her back when she feels him lick up her pussy. His tongue focuses on licking her clit as he slowly inserts a finger. She tangles her fingers in his hair giving it a slight tug encouraging him to continue. He adds another finger and pumps his fingers faster. The sensations drive Ella to dig her heels into Jungwoo’s back. 
Jungwoo slips his fingers out causing Ella to whine. He begins kissing her while he reaches down to unbuckle his belt and slip his jeans off. Ella slides her hand down his abs, caressing his solid muscles. Her hand makes its way down to his boxers, feeling his hardness through the fabric. 
“Don’t worry about that,” Jungwoo says. He shakes her hand off and hastily takes off his boxers. 
“I just want to be inside you already.” He gives his already hard cock a few strokes. “Condom?”
Ella points to her night stand. Jungwoo quickly rips open the packet and puts on the condom.
“I’ve been ready for hours.” Ella grabs the back of Jungwoo’s head and gives him a kiss. 
Jungwoo breaks the kiss and laughs at Ella’s impatience. Ella leans back on a pillow and Jungwoo places soft kisses on her shoulder before he lines himself up to her entrance. He slowly enters Ella’s pussy.
“God,” Ella moans. Her toes curl from the pleasure she feels.
“Keep calling me your God. I’m going to fuck you like one.” 
Jungwoo picks up the pace and thrusts deeper each time. The sensations cause Ella to wrap her legs around Jungwoo’s hips, trying to feel more of him. He reaches down to rub her clit, causing Ella to shake in pleasure. Ella feels her orgasm building up and digs her nails deeper in his back.
“I’m gonna come,” Ella’s voice comes out in a whisper.
Jungwoo rubs her clit faster and her orgasm finally hits her. Her pussy pulses as she rides out her orgasm. Jungwoo thrusting becomes more erratic and he takes a few more strokes before he comes too. He collapses on top of her after he’s done, almost crushing Ella's body. She’s reeling with the sensations of her orgasm and how much bigger he is than her. Jungwoo gets up after he catches his breath and discards the used condom in the bin. He slips back into the bed and snuggles close to Ella. They lay entangled together, basking in each other’s presence.
“If you won, what would you have wished for?” Jungwoo asks, after he places a soft kiss on Ellas lips.
“You really want to know that?” Ella raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I can handle it.”
Ella laughs. “I would’ve just asked to fuck.”
Jungwoo gasps. “Seriously? Did you think I was that easy? I told you I’m a gentleman!”
“You just said you wanted to rip my clothes off at the restaurant!”
“But we got to know each other first at least!”
“Whatever you say, Jungwoo. I’m sleepy. We can discuss our kinks in the morning.” Ella curls up closer to Jungwoo.
“After the Man City match.” Jungwoo muffles into her hair.
“NO! You’re not watching that trash here!” Ella shoves Jungwoo away.
“Please? We can go for round 2 before and I’ll get us breakfast.” Jungwoo pleads.
Ella contemplates for a moment. “I’ll think about it. Now let me sleep.”
Ella cuddles up to Jungwoo and rests her head on his shoulder. Maybe sleeping with the enemy wasn’t such a bad idea.
62 notes · View notes
lochtayboatsong · 3 years
The Jesus Christ Superstar essay absolutely no one asked for.
Last weekend, I watched the pro-shot of the 2012 arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin, and Melanie C, because it was Easter and it was up on YT for the weekend.  I never managed to do my annual listen-through of Leonard Bernstein’s Mass this year, as is my usual Easter tradition, so I figured “Why not watch/listen to this instead?”  It was my first time seeing and hearing JCS in full, and Y’ALL, it has been living rent-free in my brain ever since.  I have a mighty need to get my thoughts out, so here they are, in chronological order by song.  
1) Prologue: I love the way JCS 2012 makes use of the arena video screen.  The production design and concept clearly took a lot of inspiration from the “Occupy ______” movement, which makes it feel a bit dated now.  But every single production of JCS is a product of its time period, so this is a feature and not a bug.  
2) Heaven On Their Minds: This is a straight-up rock song.  It wouldn’t be out of place on any rock and roll album released between 1970 and 2021, and it boggles my mind that Webber and Rice were both in their early twenties when they wrote it.  Also, the lyric “You’ve begun to matter more than the things you say” hits hard no matter the year.
3) What’s the Buzz: A+ use of the arena screens again, this time bringing in social media to set the tone.  Also, this song establishes right from the outset that Jesus is burnt out and T I R E D by this point in the story.  Seriously, can we just let this man have a nap?
4) Strange Thing Mystifying: Judas publicly calls out Mary and Jesus claps back.  Folx, get you a partner who will defend your honor the way Jesus defends MM in this scene.  Also Jesus loses his shoes and is mostly barefoot for the remainder of the show.
5) Everything’s Alright: Okay, this is one of the songs I have A LOT to say about.  First, it’s important to know that I was a church musician throughout all of my adolescence and into my early adulthood.  The pianist at the services I usually played at was a top-notch jazz pianist, and also my piano teacher for about six years while I as in high school and undergrad.  (Incidentally, I had a HUGE crush on his son, who was/is a jazz saxophonist and clarinetist and also played in the church band, but that’s a story for another day.)  One of the hymns we played a few times a year was called “Sing of the Lord’s Goodness,” which is notable for being in 5/4 time.  Whenever this hymn was on the schedule, it was usually the recessional, or the last song played as the clergy processed out and the congregation got ready to leave, so we were able to have some fun with it.  After a couple verses the piano player and his son would usually morph it into “Take Five,” a famous jazz standard by Dave Brubeck which is also in 5/4 time.  Anyway, the first time I listened to this song in full, it got to Judas’s line “People who are hungry, people who are starving,” and I sat bolt upright and went “HOLY SHIT THIS IS ‘SING OF THE LORD’S GOODNESS/TAKE FIVE.’”  And I was ricocheted back in time to being fourteen and trying to keep up with this father/son duo in a cavernous Catholic church while simultaneously making heart-eyes at the son.  Final note: This is the only song in the musical to feature all three leads (Jesus, Judas, and Mary Magdalene) and is mostly Jesus and MM being soft with each other in between bouts of Jesus and Judas snarling at one another.
6) This Jesus Must Die: I LOVE that all the villains in this production are in tailored suits.  LOVE IT.  Also, Caiaphas and Annas are a comedy duo akin to “the thin guy and the fat guy,” except in this case it’s “the low basso profundo and the high tenor.”  Excellent use of the arena video screen again, this time as CCTV.
7) Hosanna: My background as a church musician strikes back again.  It honestly took me two or three listens to catch it, but then I had another moment of sitting bolt upright and going “HOLY SHIT THIS IS A PSALM.”  Psalms sung in church usually take the form of call-and-response, with a cantor singing the verses and the congregation joining in for the chorus.  If I close my eyes during this song, I have no trouble imagining Jesus as a church cantor singing the verses and then bringing the congregation in for the “Ho-sanna, Hey-sanna” chorus. 
8) Simon Zealotes: This is part “Gloria In Excelsis” and part over-the-top Gospel song.  Honestly it’s not my favorite, but it marks an important mood change in the show.  The end of “Hosanna” is probably Jesus at his happiest in the entire show, and then Simon comes in and sours the mood by trying to tip the triumphant moment into a violent one.  Jesus is not truly happy again from this moment on.
9) Poor Jerusalem: Also not my fave.  It kinda reads like Webber and Rice realized that Jesus didn’t have a solo aria in Act I, so they came up with this.  But it has the distinction of containing the lyric, “To conquer death you only have to die,” which is the biggest overarching theme of the story.
10) Pilate’s Dream: Pontius Pilate might be the most underrated role in this entire show, and I love that this production has him singing this song while being dressed in judge’s robes.  
11) The Temple: The first half of this is one of the campiest numbers in Act I, at least in this production, and it’s awesome.  The second half is one of the saddest, as Jesus tries to heal the sick but finds there are too many of them.  Also the whole scene is almost entirely in 7/8 time, which I think is just cool.
12) I Don’t Know How To Love Him: Mary Magdalene’s big aria, and one of the songs I knew prior to seeing the full-length show.  This production has MM taking off her heavy lipstick and eye makeup onstage, mid-song, which is kind of cool.  Melanie C says in a BTS interview that MM’s makeup is her armor, so this is a Big Symbolic Moment.
13) Damned For All Time: The scene transition into this song is played entirely in pantomime, and I love it.  The solo guitarist gets to be onstage for a bit, A+ use of the video screen again to show Judas on CCTV, etc.  Love it.  And then this song is Judas frantically rationalizing what he’s doing, and what he’s about to do, with Caiphas and Annas just reacting with raised eyebrows and knowing looks.
14) Blood Money: This is where the tone of the show really takes a turn for the dark.  I think this might be one of Tim Minchin’s finest moments as Judas, because his facial expressions and microexpressions throughout this scene speak absolute volumes.  And the offstage chorus quietly singing “Well done Judas” as he picks up the money is a positively chilling way to end Act I.
15) The Last Supper: Act II begins with major “Drink With Me” vibes.  (Except JCS came WAY before Les Miz, so it’s probably more accurate to say that “Drink With Me” has major “The Last Supper” vibes.)  Jesus and Judas have their knock-down, drag-out fight, and it’s honestly heartbreaking, thanks again to Tim Minchin’s facial expressions.  A well-done production of JCS will really convey that Jesus and Judas were once closer than brothers, even though their relationship is at breaking point when Act I begins.
16) Gethsemane: This is Jesus’s major showpiece and one of my faves.  Jesus knows he has less than 24 hours to live, he knows he’s going to suffer, and worst of all, he doesn’t know whether it’s going to be worth it.  It’s an emotional rollercoaster to watch and to perform, and it goes on for ages: something like 6 or 7 minutes.  Fun fact: the famous G5 is not written in the score.  Ian Gillan, who played Jesus on the original concept album, just sang it that way, so most subsequent Jesuses have also done it that way.  Lindsay Ellis has a great supercut of this on YT.  John Legend notably sang the line as written during the 2018 concert.  
17) The Arrest: Judas’s Betrayer’s Kiss is played differently across different productions.  The 2012 version is pretty tame - I’ve seen clips and gifs of other productions, including the 2000 direct-to-video version, where they kiss fully on the mouth and have to be dragged apart by the guards and it is THE MOST TENDER THING.  Then the 7/8 riff from “The Temple” comes back and the 2012 version lets the video screen do its thing again as Jesus is swarmed by reporters.
18) Peter’s Denial: Not much to say about this one, as it’s basically a scene transition.  But it’s a significant moment in the Passion story, so I’m glad they included it.
19) Pilate and Christ: The 2012 production continues with the theme of Caiaphas, Annas, and Pilate all being bougie af, since Pilate intentionally looks like he just came from tennis practice during this scene.  Also he does pilates...hehehe.
20) King Herod’s Song: Tim Minchin says in a BTS interview that JCS works best when Jesus and Judas are played seriously and the rest of the production is allowed to be completely camp and wild and bizarre all around them, and he is bloody well CORRECT about that.  Case in point: King Herod.  There is not a single production of JCS that I know of where Herod is played “straight.”  He’s been played by everyone from Alice Cooper to Jack Black, and everyone puts a different zany spin on him.  In JCS 2012 he’s a chat show host in a red crushed velvet suit, who is clearly having the time of his LIFE. 
21) Could We Start Again Please: This is another of my faves.  Just a quiet moment where MM, Peter, and the disciples try to grapple with the fact that Jesus is arrested and things are going very, very badly.  This is also my favorite Melanie C moment of the 2012 show.  Her grief is very real, and the little moment she has with Peter at the end is very real.
22) Death of Judas: This is basically Tim Minchin screaming for about five minutes, and incredibly harrowing to watch on first viewing.  
23) Trial Before Pilate: Possibly my single favorite scene in the entire 2012 production.  This is another harrowing watch, but there’s so much to take in.  The “set” that the entire show takes place on is essentially just a massive staircase, and the people with power are almost always positioned above the people without power.  In this scene, the crowd shouting “Crucify Him!” is positioned above Pilate, which is a very telling clue to Pilate’s psychology during this scene.  Jesus is at the very bottom of the stairs, of course.  Excellent use of the video screen once again during the 39 Lashes, to show the lash marks building and building until the entire screen is a wash of red.  Pilate’s counting also gets more and more frantic, especially starting around “20.”  And all the while the guitar riff from “Heaven On Their Minds” is playing.  Jesus’s line “Everything is fixed and you can’t change it” is played quite differently in different productions - here it’s defiant, but elsewhere (in JCS 2000 for example) it’s almost tender, like Jesus is absolving Pilate for his part in the trial.  But it always ends the same - with Pilate almost screaming as he passes the sentence and “washes his hands” of the whole sorry business. 
24) Superstar: The most over-the-top number in the show.  Judas, who died two scenes ago, comes back to sing this.  There are soul singers.  There are girls in skimpy angel costumes.  The parkour guys from the prologue are back.  Judas pulls a tambourine out of hammerspace midway through the song.  And Jesus is silently screaming and crying as he gets hoisted onto a lighting beam while all this is going on.
25) The Crucifixion: More of a spoken-word piece than a song, it’s Jesus’s final words on the cross over eerie piano music, and another harrowing watch.
26) John 19:41: An instrumental piece in which Jesus is taken from the cross and carried, at last, to the top of the stairs, before being lowered out of sight as the video screen turns into a memorial wall and everything fades to black.
So.  I know I’m anywhere from three to fifty-one years late to this particular party, but I am on the JCS bandwagon now and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.  :)
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tbzhours · 4 years
crush points
jacob x you, college au, basketball player au, fluff
[summary] imagine falling for jacob aka your roommate’s hs friend… couldn’t be you, right? [words] 2.4k [a/n] i had so much fun writing this, i hope you like it ♡
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Juyeon came running into your shared dorm while you were studying in your room, shouting your name as if you were twenty feet away. He has been your roommate since your first year together and you were never bothered by the loud noises he makes, especially when he’s watching his sports games. Rolling into your third year together, you were already used to him that when he opened your bedroom door, he sighed in disappointment. 
“Seriously?” He said when he saw your back facing him. You didn’t have any classes on Fridays that you would always choose to study instead of resting. He shook his head when you turned your head back from reading your textbook. “Why are you still studying?” 
“What do you want?” You asked nonchalantly, a pen still in your hand. 
“Remember how I always tell you about taking breaks?” Juyeon sighed, pointing a finger at you. He sounded very demanding when he answered, “Well, you need to take a break, like right now.” 
“Why?” You asked as soon as he started to walk toward you. 
He still looked disappointed but he smiled, looking at your confused look before he took your hand and pulled you out of your room. “I know just a place.”
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It was a basketball game that Juyeon dragged you out for. You knew he was always gone to watch your university’s games on most nights but you weren’t really the one to join him. It wasn’t just your thing but the thrill of walking into the arena suddenly tugged at your chest that you might change your mind. 
The crowd was big and your eyes were still widened at the new sight. Juyeon almost lost you when he turned back and found you standing still in place. He chuckled and patted your shoulder to follow him. 
You both found your seats and he started to tell you about how a basketball works. All you knew was that you had to throw the ball at the opposite end to make a point… or two. There was so much to take in from his talking that you held up your drink that you bought when you both got in, and pushed the straw into his mouth. 
“There, that’s better.” You commented, a smirk following. 
Juyeon took a sip and chuckled in excitement. “Isn’t this better than staying in your room studying like there’s no tomorrow?” 
“I got a exam next week.” 
“You can’t spare two hours for a game?” He pouted but he quickly changed the subject and went back to smiling. That was because he’s enjoying this. He loves watching sports games that you could read it all over his face. “Besides, all of my other friends didn’t have time to come watch Jacob play today so you were the last resort.” 
“So I’m basically on standby, for you, just in case, huh?” You exaggerated, pausing at some of your words. 
Juyeon was still smiling when pointed his chin at you. “I think you’ll like this.” 
You groaned, crossing your arms and leaned back onto your seat. The crowd was getting bigger that you had to lean close to him to ask, “Besides, who’s Jacob?” 
“He’s one of my best friends from high school. I mentioned him before but he plays for our school. Check him out, he’s number 30.” Juyeon turned to the court where both basketball teams were stretching and getting ready to play. 
You followed where his eyes went and you spotted Jacob in a red headband. One of his teammates passed him the ball and he smiled into a grin. He said something to his teammate then he started to dribble the ball into a hesitant technique. The way he moved felt playful as you watched, not listening to a thing Juyeon was saying about what happened in gym class back in high school with Jacob. 
Jacob was laughing after he stopped and held onto the ball with his arm to his side. His teammate patted his back and walked away to rest at their team’s bench area behind him as Jacob turned your way. That was when you both met eyes. You blushed as if you just got caught staring. His eyes were slightly widened. You could almost see the sparkles in them when he smiled and waved with his arm in the air. That was when you realized Juyeon had been standing up with his long arms in the air too, waving back at Jacob with that stupid grin on his face. 
Before the game started, you had the chance to look around the room, watching how people cheer for their teams. You thought it was nice to see the teams wave at their supporters and cheer back with them. Maybe you could try it next time since you hadn’t gone to a game in such a long time. You’d probably make an excuse that you forgot how to cheer if anyone ever asked. 
You kept that thought in your mind as the game started. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of Jacob because he played so well. He was good at passing the ball to a teammate that you thought he was doing matrix. It was even crazier to you when he threw the ball at the three-point line. How was that even possible? Is he an angel or something? His hair kept bouncing too and you thought he looked cool on the court. 
As the game went on, you became more comfortable in cheering with Juyeon beside you. He kept standing up to cheer and for a few times, he turned to you with his excited face whenever Jacob’s team made a score. You rolled your eyes but you couldn’t help to feel the thrill running through your body with everyone else. 
When the game ended, Juyeon made you wait near the door by the court with him. He wanted to see Jacob before you both go back. Jacob finally came by and they both did their handshake and bumped shoulders like bros. 
“Man, Jacob, you really killed it on the court. How is it even possible to score more than half of the score?” Juyeon shook his head in surprise. “You must be a pro.” 
“I told you it takes years of practice.” Jacob shrugged. 
“You might as well join the NBA.” Juyeon suggested though he was just playing around.
“Nice one.” Jacob laughed and patted his back, then his eyes turned to you. He smiled and asked, “Who could this be?” 
“Oh, this is my roommate, (Y/N). They needed a break so I thought a game would be good.” Juyeon chuckled, ignoring your invisible glare. “Hey, (Y/N), this is Jacob.” 
Jacob was still looking at you that your face began to heat up again. You shyly smiled back at him before he greeted, “It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too. Juyeon talks about you a lot but it’s funny that I don’t see you around campus.” You commented, giving a look at Juyeon before a tiny laugh slipped from your lips. “Your game was amazing by the way.”
“Thanks. I hope to see you at my games more.” 
Your heart was beating faster at his words. Suddenly, he had to leave so he quickly bidded his goodbyes to you both and walked away. You could almost promise him his hope when Juyeon finally got your attention to go back to your shared dorm. 
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A few days went by and you hadn’t seen Jacob since. You knew because you checked your school’s sports schedules and he didn’t have any games scheduled for the following week. 
As you ate cereal in the morning, checking the schedule again, Juyeon walked by. He was wearing some sweats and an opened sweater over his plain shirt.  He greeted you good morning like the usual and took out a bowl from the cabinet to join you. 
“Where are you going?” You asked then you made a guess. “Play basketball with a friend?” 
“Yep. It’s Jacob.” He filled in as he set the cereal box behind you where he found it. 
You remembered him always going out in the morning to play basketball before his afternoon classes but it just crossed your mind that ‘that friend’ had been Jacob all this time. 
You choked on your cereal and Juyeon quickly patted your back, trying not to laugh. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, hiding his smile with his other hand. You nodded then he took a bite of his breakfast when you stopped coughing. 
“Can I join you?” You suddenly asked then it was Juyeon’s turn to choke on his cereal. 
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You decided to join the two while studying. Juyeon thought it was weird for you to be doing that while watching them play. You convinced him that you liked his idea of going out for breaks but he thought it was funny because taking a break means no studying. 
As you studied, the two played basketball. Jacob had asked Juyeon why you’re here if you’re not going to play. You didn’t hear him but you did feel a little awkward sitting on the ground at the side of court with your notebook on your lap. You kept your eyes down until Jacob walked over. 
He contemplated over and over about asking you directly but since he was standing in front of you already, he might as well ask. Juyeon practiced by himself as Jacob beamed his lips at you. 
“Why are you here and not playing?” He asked. His lips were pouting a little and your eyes just had to look at them. 
You sighed, eyes looking around to find the words. You smiled and lied quickly, “I’m waiting for Juyeon. I’m just waiting for him to finish because he has to get me something.” 
“Oh, really?” Jacob was confused but he nodded. “What is it?” 
That was when Juyeon walked over too, because he heard his name. 
“Well, uhh, it’s just-” 
“Hey, Jacob. You still playing?” Juyeon interrupted. He flashed an innocent smile at you. “Or is there something going on here?” 
“N-nothing is going on here, except you still own me some slushies at the campus cafe. Right, Juyeon?” You smiled awkwardly at the two, in panic mode. You tilted your head and blinked a few times at Juyeon to play along. 
Juyeon, of course, could read your face. Instead of agreeing with you, he grinned widely and pointed at you with nothing coming out of his mouth. He shook his head to the side, holding in his laugh because of how obvious you looked. 
Jacob giggled, looking at you both with his head turning going back and forth, then he asked, “A slushie sounds good right now.” 
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You went to watch Jacob’s games again, all with Juyeon as always but this time you went alone because Juyeon had to meet with a few classmates for a group project for one of his classes. You’d like to believe him but Juyeon did tell you that this could be your chance to tell Jacob. 
“Tell him what?” You had asked. 
“You already know.” Juyeon had teased before he left your dorm. 
You got to know Jacob a little more each time you came out to watch him or join some of Juyeon’s outing adventures but you shook your head. You sighed then you looked at the court where all of the basketball players were getting ready for the game. Jacob had noticed you getting lost in your thoughts and wondered what’s making you think so much. He was nervous all of sudden and he hoped you’d look at him so he could do well in today’s game. 
When you finally caught his eyes, Jacob smiled and waved at you from the bench. You didn’t hesitate to wave back. 
When the game was over and his team won again, you were excited to tell him all about how amazing he was on the court, but once you saw him waiting for you by the door where you’d always meet after the game, you felt awkward walking up to him. Maybe it was because Juyeon wasn’t there and it was just you both but your heart was telling you otherwise. 
You both were walking side-by-side as you both headed out. You were complimenting him between what you saw on the court. He was smiling but he wasn’t saying much when it got quiet. 
“Anyway,” You started, trying to change the subject. “Why didn’t you join your team for an eat out celebration?” 
When you turned to look at him, he was already looking at you. His eyes didn’t leave yours at all that you could almost see the moon blooming in them. You couldn’t tell what they were trying to say at all but you hoped it would lead to you confessing to him. 
Jacob’s lips slowly curved into a soft smile. You could tell he must be thinking a lot too because it was still quiet and he wasn’t answering your question. He took a small sigh and finally replied, “Because I wanted to be with you.” 
You gasped and looked forward quickly. “Did Juyeon tell you?”
“Tell me what?” Jacob laughed, surprised at your response. “That you like me?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, wait-” You shook your head at him, trying not to make it so obvious. “I mean no- what?” 
“I really like seeing you at my games and I get excited whenever Juyeon mentions you.” You both stopped in your own tracks and he sighed, hiding his hands in his pockets. “I’ve been meaning to ask this too. Do you want to play some basketball with me? I can teach you too if you’d like.” 
You were lost in his eyes and smiled as you gave him your answer. 
Once you both got to your dorm, Juyeon didn’t know Jacob would be over. 
Juyeon didn’t realize you came back with him and asked, “Hey, Jacob. You still want to play ball tomorrow morning?” 
“No, I can’t. I have a date there tomorrow so you can’t come.” Jacob shrugged with a sweet smile. 
You walked into the kitchen for some water when Juyeon glanced at you. He shook his head and groaned in surprise though there was a huge grin on his face. You and Jacob shared glances as he set his index finger over his lips. 
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt. 19)
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tw: crying, anxiety, insecurities, fear of loss
Word count: 4.1k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch. 19: comfort
Her foot bounced, eyes flitting from the rallying ball, to her boys, to the clock. The whistle blew, a sigh of relief leaving her. They had easily won back to back sets, and now she’d have just enough time to catch the last bit of the Seijoh match. 
“Congratulations on your win.” She bowed to them before looking at Coach Saito. “I’ll take my leave now, Coach.”
“Have fun, (L.Name)-chan.” He smiled, giving her a nod.
As (Name) turned to race off, a voice called out, rooting her there. “I will come with you.”
Olive eyes met (e/c) orbs as she hesitated for a moment longer. “I would like to see how Karasuno plays.”
The Omega nodded before walking away, picking her way through the crowds. Behind her, Ushijima was stopped left and right by reporters congratulating him on his win, asking him questions about U19 and his expectations for his post-graduate life. (Name) ignored it, easily finding herself beside the crowd of teal, picking a spot near the railing as she eagerly watched her mate play. Satisfaction filled her - it had been too long since she was able to support him. Peeling off her Shiratorizawa jacket and shoving that into her duffel, she switched into her teal Aoba Johsai jacket - thankful that she was wearing black leggings instead of the maroon track-suit she typically would have to wear. 
Brown eyes looked up into the crowd, easily finding hers. (Name) cupped her mouth, cheering loudly for her pack-mates who glanced up at her during their time-out. Mattsun gave her a lopsided grin along with a cheeky wave. The underclassmen all waved, giving her various thumbs-up and nods. Oikawa had his eyes closed, sitting apart from his packmates in order to retain his focus. Iwaizumi nodded at her, not showing any sign of emotion but she could tell. Love, appreciation, and gratitude pulsed through her body. (Name) cheekily sent him a flying kiss, causing the male to roll his eyes at her though his heart fluttered at the sight. The whistle blew, ending the time out and the match continued.
(Name)’s jaw dropped as she leaned over the railing - watching in shock as the ball bounced. The whistle blew and she was gone, racing down the stairs towards the court. How did they get better so quickly? Her heart ached, knowing how badly her pack-mates wanted this. Her mark pulsed with anguish, causing her footsteps to quicken. She ducked into the court, ignoring the signs and ignoring the people as she launched herself into Iwaizumi’s arms. He buried his face into her hair, shoulders shaking slightly. The hot droplets splashed down and soaked her shirt. 
Loud slaps hit his back as he lurched in her grip - the scents of his pack-mates washing over them. “Go greet the audience,” she murmured. “I’ll be with the coaches.”
Iwaizumi’s grip tightened over her, squeezing her almost painfully as reluctance filled his senses. He didn’t want to lose himself when they separated - needing her to ground himself. (Name) pressed a dainty kiss to his cheek, scenting him slightly. “You’ll be okay,” she cooed into his ear before she stepped away. Iwaizumi nodded, fists clenching as he made his way to stand along the rest of his team - his mate slipping away to stand beside the coaches. 
“Thank you!” The boys chirped in varying degrees of emotional turmoil - bowing to the audience members. As soon as he had straightened up, she was right beside him once more. Her hands clasped over Iwaizumi’s as they made their way off of the court, squeezing it tightly as their fingers intertwined. Her thumb swirled around the crescent-moons he’d absent-mindedly left on his palms. 
Iwaizumi blinked furiously, looking down at his mate who kept her face neutral and forward. He was thankful for her - for her calmness. His own emotions ran rampant, making it difficult for him to steady himself as he plopped along beside her. She had been beside him through every single victory, through every single loss. Love blurred his eyes as he pulled her closer, squeezing back. (Name) leaned her body into his, subtly scenting him while they walked. 
“I love you,” he murmured for her ears only. 
“And I love you.” 
She pressed her plush lips against his knuckles, their marks pulsing with warmth and affection. (Name) shifted, looking back to the rest of her packmates just as another third-year threw himself at Iwaizumi, dragging him away from her grasp. Her heart leapt as she looked at their interaction, a small smile on her face. 
The Omega went towards the first-years, standing beside Kumini and Kindaichi. “You did well.”
Kindaichi jumped, a shiver running down his spine. “I didn’t know you were here, (Name)-san.”
“Of course, how could I miss my boys' play?” She teased, sadness and pity in her eyes as the sorrow in Kindaichi’s eyes. 
He shrugged, averting his eyes and staring at his sneakers. 
“C’mon, let’s go get ramen! Oikawa’s treat,” (Name) announced, turning to face the rest of her pack.
“Hey!” Oikawa protested, frowning.
“You missed your serves,” Makki teased, his face lightening up. He knew what (Name) was doing. Typically whenever the team faced a loss, the Omega would host dinner at the apartment and she would invite the rest of the pack over to make sure they were well-fed and resting instead of punishing themselves.
Kyotani blew past the pack, storming off in the direction of the gym doors. (Name) made a move to go after him, knowing that he wasn’t used to playing in tournaments like the rest of the pack was when a hand grabbed her shoulder. “Let him go.” She looked back, staring into Mattsun’s hooded eyes. “We all cope differently.” 
She frowned but nodded. “Let’s go then, yeah?” 
(Name) linked arms with Mattsun and Makki, leading the duo towards the doors of the stadium as the rest of the pack trickled on behind them. Iwaizumi walked with Oikawa, making up the rear as everybody else followed. 
Upon entering the restaurant, (Name) sat down at the table, offering the seat to Kindaichi and Kumini who slid in. Iwaizumi and Mattsun occupied the other seats beside her, Iwaizumi resting his chin on her shoulder as he took the time to breathe in her soothing scent. All throughout the meal, (Name) was ordering them food, ensuring that they were eating and drinking water as she helped keep their minds off of their woes. She constantly reminded them of how well they had played, mentioning things she noticed that had changed from the first time she’d seen them play until now. When Kindaichi started crying, she scooted closer, letting the male cry into her shoulder as she kept offering him napkins in order to wipe his streaming nose. Iwaizumi watched, resting his head on his palm as exhaustion washed over his entire body. He kept fading in and out mentally, too tired to even think about what had happened as the realisation of the loss really settled. 
This wouldn’t be the end, not for him. 
Not by a long-shot. 
The Omega asked hesitantly as he unlocked the door to their apartment. She had returned first, letting Iwaizumi and the rest of the third years play together one last time at the Seijoh gym as she made her way home. (Name) knew that they needed this last chance to themselves.
Iwaizumi stood in the doorway, glossy eyes staring out. (Name) could only imagine the thoughts, the self-doubt that coursed through Iwaizumi’s head and veins. Sorrow pulsed through their shared marks, causing tears to well up in her own eyes at the borrowed emotion.
Silently she took Iwaizumi’s hand, tugging him towards the bedroom. (Name) pushed Iwaizumi to sit down on the edge of the bed, tugging on his shirt so that he could change. They could shower and change the sheets tomorrow. Now, she needed to comfort her mate. As she stood next to him, her arms draped over his arms, Iwaizumi turned to bury his face into her stomach. Hot tears mixed with sweat as it dripped down his face.
“I couldn’t do it,” he muttered. Her heart clenched. “How could I be an ace if I couldn’t even score that last point for my team?” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t be with me,” he whines softly, the sound breaking both of their hearts. “Maybe you do deserve to be with Ushijima instead of me.”
“Don’t say that.” 
“Why not?” 
He leaned up, his dark brown eyes meeting hers. The silvery streaks of tears cascading down his face. 
“You deserve to be with a real Alpha. Not someone who-”
“I want to be with you. I deserve to be with my bond-mate,” (Name) said firmly as she pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. The salt of his sweat filling her senses as his pine scent dampened. “And my bond-mate deserves to be happy. Who was it that said that being good in volleyball meant having six strong players? You’re a strong player, Haji.” 
“But I-”
“You did your absolute best and there’s nothing more you could do about it.” 
As the Omega held Iwaizumi closer, his shoulders began to shake. 
“C’mon, let’s get some rest, okay?” 
Iwaizumi buried his face into his arms, curling into himself. (Name) frowned slightly, taking a seat beside him and wiggling into his arms. He tightened his grip around her shoulders, but refused to look at her. “Hey, you can’t get rid of me so quickly,” she murmured softly. 
“Who said I was trying to get rid of you? You’d probably get rid of me first.”
He flinched at the sudden use of his full name, peeling his face away from his arms and looking at her. “Who am I bonded to?”
Iwaizumi swallowed. “Me.”
“You know what that means right?”
“That you’re my mate.”
“And how long will you be my mate for?”
“Always.” He replied softly, unshed tears finally spilling as he buried his face into her hair, holding her face close to his chest. 
“That’s right.” (Name) gently covered his chest with kisses, her arms tightening around him. “And I’m yours, for now and always, okay?” 
“I love you, (Name).”
“And I love you, Haji.”
“Stay close, we don’t want to lose you.”
“Yeah, not again,” Semi snickered beside her, throwing his arm around her. 
(Name) rolled her eyes, shoving his arm off. “That was your own damn fault, Semi. You should’ve told them where I went.”
“Yeah, yeah.” 
The pack filed into the gym, Ushijima leading the way. It appears like Karasuno had arrived first. Her eyes scanned them. They were definitely a bunch of misfits. But these were the boys who had knocked her mate out of the running? Stolen his last chance to go to nationals? Anger flashed through her, disappearing as quickly as it had come. (Name) shook her head. As much as she knew that Iwaizumi hated Shiratorizawa and probably disliked Karasuno for beating them, perhaps Karasuno would be a sharp wake-up call for everyone. 
“They beat Seijoh?” Semi asked, standing beside her and looking over her shoulder as they examined them. They both blinked in shock as the orange ball of energy leapt into the air, slamming a sharp spike straight down. 
“This is going to be an interesting match,” she muttered, meeting Semi’s brown eyes.
He shrugged. “We’ll overcome them. We always do.” 
“Didn’t you lose at nationals?”
“Hey! Players at nationals are very different,” Semi protested. 
She chuckled, patting his chest. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Semi-Semi.” 
The male opened his mouth to protest only for Washijo to summon them. ‘We’ll talk about this later,’ he mouthed to her as he joined the rest of the pack.
They shouldn’t have underestimated them. 
All throughout the match, she couldn’t help but be impressed by Karasuno’s sheer tenacity, the amount of dedication and pressure that they had placed on the Shiratorizawa pack. It was clear that they had managed to rile up even Tendou, which was difficult to do to begin with.
“I hate them,” Tendou growled, glaring over at the Karasuno pack as they rested. He sat on the bench with (Name), leaning his head against her shoulder. She patted his head affectionately, silently agreeing. Ushijima drank water, resting his legs as he tried to keep his focus.
“You’re doing well, all of you,” (Name) soothed. “Don’t let them rile your feathers up, okay?” 
“Just need to break their hearts,” Tendou muttered. “Destroy them.” 
“You go do that, ‘Tori.” 
The whistle blew, sending them all back into their respective positions. The Omega stared at the scoreboard, frowning. Karasuno had many tricks up their sleeves, but ultimately this would become a game of endurance. As a team that’s reached Nationals so many times, it’d be easy for Shiratorizawa to beat them. She had to hold out hope that this would be the case. 
But of course, life loves to throw curve-balls as the fifth set dragged on longer and longer. Beside her, Washijo’s face was set into a deep frown. It was evident that he was deep in thought. 
“I always thought that strength would prevail over everything else. That’s how it’s always been and how it always will be.” Washijo’s fists clenched. “A team of Alphas is better than a misfit team with no clear strategies or strength.” 
(Name) jolted, startled at the sudden confession. She mused her thoughts carefully, the words heavy on her tongue. “Perhaps with the new generations, that will prove differently. We cannot always remain stuck in our ways otherwise we cannot progress as people, as a society.”
He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms as he stared at the court. “You’ve been a good influence on the team.” 
The Omega blinked, surprised at the sudden confession. She waited for more, until it was evident that he wouldn’t say more on the matter. She swallowed, nodding. “Thank you, Coach.”
Their eyes followed the ball as the long rally surprised them. (Name) chewed on her bottom lip, anticipation in her gut. Her eyes widened as the troublesome short middle-blocker blended in with his team-mates. Something was wrong, they won’t be able to catch it. Her heart was heavy as the whistle blew, the ball bouncing out of bounds after making contact with Hayato’s arms. Her shoulders slumped as shock ricocheted through her mark. Her head swiveled, staring at the ace as he panted. 
He was silent as he joined the rest of the pack, silent through the award ceremony as well though it wasn’t like he spoke much to begin with. If it wasn’t for her mark, she wouldn’t begin to know what the Apex Alpha was thinking. Pangs of shock, resignation, sorrow, and irritation through her body, yanking her emotions this way and that.
Tendou and Semi were more blatant with their feelings. Tendou practically latched onto her, laughing in that somewhat higher-pitched voice that alerted her to his internalised feelings. She let him, bringing him away to a hidden corner so that she could squeeze him in a tight hug, letting his body quake in her embrace.
Semi, on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine. After all, the male was already forcibly torn away from his starting position, and even if he went to nationals again, it wasn’t like he would play much more on the court. There was more to life than volleyball, and he already had a taste for what came next. 
“Come check out this cafe,” he had told (Name), texting her a photo of a flyer. “I might be performing there.”
The Omega simply smiled, patting him on the head. “I’ll always support you, Semi. I’ll be there.” 
The group walked into the gym at the end of it all, passing the batons to the newer generations. (Name) stood silently to the side. There was no Omega to replace her. Not yet at least. That’ll be a problem for Shiratorizawa’s Omegas to figure out. All she could do was hope that her replacement would benefit the pack in ways she couldn’t possibly have done so. It’s not like she was around that much to begin with - having split priorities and the drama of the love triangle she had unknowingly been drawn into. Perhaps next year, their Omega would be solely dedicated to the pack like the pack deserved.  
The Omega waited patiently, her maroon jacket folded over her arms as she watched them finishing up their reps. Members slowly trickled out until it was just her and one other person. Ushijima, the Alpha and former captain, was the last one of the pack, doing extra reps as he waited for all members to complete their reps. 
Ushijima grunted, eyes locked onto the opposite court as he prepared for another serve. “Let’s go get food.”
He blinked, muscles freezing up before olive eyes landed on her. (Name) stared at him, face unwavering. 
“Food, Toshi. You need it to fuel your body, or have you forgotten in your haste to better yourself overnight?” 
Ushijima stood from his semi-crouched position, tilting his head. “I do not think I will get better overnight.”
(Name) chuckled, shaking her head. “Is that all you got?” She shrugged on her jacket. “C’mon, let’s go eat. I’m hungry.”
The duo made quick work of cleaning the gym, ensuring that everything was right while they left. They made their way to the dorms, bringing the Omega into the kitchen as she hummed slightly, bustling around to gather ingredients. 
“Think you have enough brain-power left to teach me that hayashi rice?”
The slightest flicker of amusement and happiness filled Ushijima’s expression. “Of course.” 
He stood beside her, helping her prepare the ingredients as the low rumble of his voice filled the stagnant air of the kitchen. Beside his gentle instructions, not much was exchanged between the two, even while they were eating. A silence hung in the air, stiff. It wasn’t awkward though, which Ushijima appreciated. As a man of few words, he knew that his quiet nature often made people uncomfortable. 
He finished washing the dishes, eyes narrowed in on the task as (Name) cleaned the rest of their mess. Ushijima cleared his throat, drawing her (e/c) orbs to him. “I will walk you off-campus.” Ushijima swallowed, a bitter taste in his mouth. “Will Iwaizumi pick you up?”
She hummed, nodding. “He will, in a bit.” (Name) chewed on her bottom lip. “Let’s talk before I leave though. Is that alright?” 
He nodded as they sat down at a stone bench near the track field. A heavy silence settled over them, suffocating as the weight of her words hit him. Even the wind became quiet, as if the world was holding its breath. Ushijima had known that this was coming, but he wasn’t prepared. Not so soon after the defeat he had faced earlier that day. 
Ushijima swallowed. “Yes?” 
“This may be poor timing, but I think I’ve made my decision.”
Ushijima took a sharp breath of air. “I see.”
(Name) looked up into the sky, nails digging into her palms. “I think that…”
“I’m going to go fill the water-bottles. I’ll meet you guys there!” (Name) said to Semi, who just shrugged and waved her off. He was on his phone, replying to his parents to let them know that he had arrived at the stadium. The rest of Shiratorizawa had already dispersed. Semi and (Name) had arrived late due to picking up the bentos for their lunch. 
The Omega walked off with a spring in her step, humming to whatever song she was listening to. 
“Where is (Name)?” Ushijima asked, looking at Semi. 
Semi looked up at his phone, tilting his head. “She’s right-” he turned, pointing at the empty space where she’d just occupied. “Oh fuck.”
“How did you lose Omega-chan?” Tendou asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Ushijima’s jaw clenched, swallowing his frustration. As Captain, he had interviews to attend to which is why he had entrusted (Name) to Semi. “When’d you last see her?”
Semi hesitated, thinking hard. “She was literally just here.” 
They all sniffed the air, searching for her scent. Unfortunately, there were too many Alphas present for them to really discern her scent. 
“At least you have the food,” Tendou commented, looking at the bags at Semi’s feet. “Where could she possibly have gone?”
“Well, she is a manager. Maybe some manager stuff?’
Ushijima turned, walking towards the fountains. He let out a sigh of relief when he spotted her amongst the other managers. “(Name).”
“Oh! Ushijima-san. Have you finished your interviews?” She asked, turning away from the other manager she was talking with to give him a smile. 
“Why didn’t you tell us where you were going?”
(Name) raised an eyebrow, tilting her head. “What do you mean? I told Semi.”
“Next time, let us know in the group-chat. We don’t want to lose you.”
“Uhh, okay. Whatever you say, Ushijima-san.” She turned back to the water bottles. 
“Can I help you?” Ushijima asked, stepping closer to her. He threw a look at the other managers, scaring off the Omegas and causing the Alpha managers to puff out their chest in an attempt to stand up for themselves.
“You don’t have to! I’m just about finished.” She flashed him another smile before turning back to the managers. “It was nice to meet you all! Best of luck.”
“Bye (Name)!” 
Pouting slightly, Ushijima wrapped his arm around the Omega as he took a tray of bottles in his other hand. 
Next time, he’d just bring her with him, he promised himself.
“So, will you stay?” Oikawa asked, crossing his arms as he looked between them. The third years were at a local cafe, meeting up a few days after the tournament. 
Makki snorted, rolling his eyes. “Aren’t you the one leaving us?” 
“Yeah, we don’t need a head Alpha who will be in a whole different country,” Mattsun teased. 
“Hey!” Oikawa protested. “This is my dream.” He swallowed, a bitter taste in his mouth. “You’re my family, and I don’t want to lose you. No matter where in the world I’ll be.”
“Who said we’re leaving you?” Iwaizumi piped up, leaning back as he raised his eyebrow at them. “You’ve been a pain in my ass ever since we met, Oikawa, and I plan on returning that for the rest of your miserable life.” 
Oikawa opened his mouth to protest only to have arms wrap around his shoulders from behind. “Yeah, Oiks. You’re an integral part of this pack and you’re stuck with us, alright?” The soft strawberry met his nose as the warmth of her touch filled his body. 
His lip trembled as tears spilled down his cheeks.
“Awh, we made him cry,” Makki snickered, covering his mouth slightly with his palm.
“I-I’m not crying!” Oikawa protested, aggressively wiping his tears away only to have (Name) tighten her grip on him.
“You big baby,” she teased, grabbing a stack of napkins from the table and dropping it in front of him. She peeled herself off of him before plopping down at the seat beside Iwaizumi. “So, does that mean Haji is the new head Alpha?” She blinked innocently at them before they all exploded into an argument. The Omega only giggled, leaning into her mate as she watched in satisfaction at the chaos she had caused.
“So what now?” Semi asked, sipping from his tea as they sat in the cafeteria together. “Are we just gonna say farewell and go our separate ways after graduation.”
Ushijima paused, looking up from his food. “I do not wish to lose our friendship.”
“Awh, are we your friends, Wakatoshi-kun? Are you going soft on us now?” Tendou joked, nudging the male in the stomach. “You know you’re my best friend already!”
Ushijima blinked stoically. “I would like to remain in a pack with you all, if that is alright.” 
They stared at each other before looking back at Ushijima. “Aren’t you going into volleyball professionally, Wakatoshi?” 
“Yes and?”
“That means we’re going our separate ways anyways,” Hayato pointed out, brows furrowed.
“Distance does not mean that we cannot remain pack-mates though.” Ushijima frowned. “Is that not something you all want?”
“No, no, that’s not it.” Tendou protested, waving his hand. “It’s just that, we’ll be separated by our own journeys. Are you sure this is the pack you want to stay in? I’m sure you’ll have pack offers in whatever team you end up joining.”
He blinked. “You are my family. I do not want anyone else.”
“You’re going to make me cry, Wakatoshi-kun.” 
“Don’t!” Hayato protested, frowning. “If you cry, I might end up crying too.”
“So are you all going to bawl like babies or can I ask the Captain something?” Shirabu folded his arms, appearing behind Semi’s shoulder.
“Shut up Shirabu.”
💟 Coach Saito always supported (Name) whenever it came to Seijoh. He knew how difficult it had been to be an Omega with Shiratorizawa - especially with how Washijo typically mistreated Omegas in general
💟 Ushijima watched from the stands as (Name) embraced Iwaizumi after his loss to Karasuno before slipping away and being stopped by the news station for an interview
💟 To this day, (Name) has deep respect for the Karasuno pack members - especially considering how well they performed at the tournament
💟 That day was the first time that a majority of Seijoh had seen Iwaizumi cry. Only the third years had seen that sight before that moment
💟 After the tournament had completely concluded, Kyotani reached out to (Name) and Iwaizumi and ended up crashing at their apartment for a night in order to talk out his aggressive tendencies to resolve them for next year
💟 If it wasn’t for (Name), Iwaizumi could have potentially sunk into an Alpha depression - which is extremely rare 
💟 Semi was confident in the ability of his pack-mates, even if they didn’t necessarily believe in him as a setter anymore
💟 A week after the tournament, (Name) hung-out with Tendou and kept him company as he made chocolates. This gave him the perfect opportunity to talk about his future and how he felt at the conclusion of the tournament
💟 Washijo did feel slightly guilty about the whole situation with the Omega, and vowed to himself at that game to do better in the future
💟 Teaching (Name) how to make hayashi rice gave Ushijima a lot of hope, and made his mood a lot better. He hadn’t realised it himself, but food was his ideal method for comfort
💟 They had lost (Name) at the beginning of the Interhigh tournament months ago
💟 The group decided that both Iwaizumi and Oikawa would be the head Alphas of the pack, though they typically still ran it as a democracy 
💟 The other third-years ended up crying when they were finally alone. They each had their own misgivings about the state of their pack and relationships with one another once they graduated, but Ushijima had eased their worries without even really trying    
AN: So... we’re almost at the end. Who are we feeling? Iwa? Ushi? Are y’all ready for next week’s chapter? 
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