#the hoops we have to jump through sometimes to create I swear
misc-obeyme · 2 months
Hi! I'm terribly sorry for bothering you, but I would like your thoughts if you don't mind!
I'm having a hard time enjoying my own writing. I genuinely think it's terrible, and that anytime people say it's good, I think they are lying. I really try and like it, but most the time I end up not liking it. I would not say I'm a good writer, but I'm not a bad one; just somewhere in between? If that makes sense?
I want to get better at writing, which takes practice, and I was wondering if you had an advice possibly?
Thank you for your time 😊
Hello there!
No worries, you are not bothering me at all! In fact, I quite like talking about writing, so anyone should feel free to ask me such questions!
Now, I'm not sure if you're looking for advice on how to get better at writing or advice on how to not dislike your own writing. So I'll kinda talk about both since they tend to go hand in hand.
First and foremost, I totally understand the feeling you're describing and you should know that you are not alone! This is by far the type of thing people ask me about writing most frequently. Is it normal to not like your own writing? How do you overcome it? Do you ever get to a point where you feel like your writing is good?
It's really difficult to tell how good your own writing is. You're always going to see it differently because you wrote it.
How you should perceive your own work depends on your reason for writing. I tend to assume people here are writing fanfiction for fun. In that case, the best thing to do is to judge your writing based on how much fun you had writing it. If you enjoyed writing it, then it actually doesn't matter if it's good or bad. You wrote something, you had fun, and you gained experience about how to write while doing it.
It's like playing an instrument. You have to practice a song in order to play it. You aren't going to play it well the first several times you try. But you can still have fun playing, even if you play badly. The more you do it, the better you get, until you can play the song well. And you had fun the whole time.
Writing is the same. You write bad stuff continually, getting better and better each time, until eventually you're writing good stuff. The key is to have fun writing the bad stuff. (Or at least, what you perceive to be bad, which is never as bad as you think it is.)
How to get better at writing in general aside from practice? Read.
Read the kind of writing that you want to get better at. For instance, if you want to write mystery novels, read mystery novels. If you want to write novel length fic, read novel length fics.
But also read about how to write. Read books about how to create scenes, how to develop characters, etc etc. Find blogs of writers you admire and read through all the writing advice they've posted. Listen to podcasts about it, watch youtube videos, basically find any kind of writing advice out there and consume it. You don't have to actually do any of that stuff. But it will give you things to try and might also give you your own ideas for writing methods that might work for you.
The more knowledge you have about the craft of writing, the more you have to draw from when it comes to doing it yourself.
For what it's worth, I almost never re read my own fics. For me the fun is in the writing, not the reading. I trust the reactions of people on tumblr far more than I do my own thoughts on it. If someone here leaves me a single reblog with comments in the tags, I consider that fic a success, whether I like it when I read it or not.
It gets easier with time, but that feeling never really goes away. You just learn to challenge it and question it. Because it's never accurate.
I hope some of that helped! Please feel free to ask me anything you like, I'm happy to talk about writing all day every day lol!
Good luck with your writing! I believe in you!
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angels-heap · 4 years
Okay hello I feel like you are Wise and Know things... it’s kind of hard to explain but is it wrong to just... Enjoy Things? With all the HL pisscourse going around it’s making me nervous about liking things like TF2 and missing something critical and huge in the media I consume and being labelled as a bad person for doing that. ESPECIALLY for liking characters like GLaDOS or Wheatley from Portal. I want to just Enjoy Things but there’s guilt tied to not being critical about every single detail
Thanks for reaching out, friend, and I’m so sorry to hear the current nonsense has you feeling this way. I have a hunch you’re not alone, and although I don’t claim to have all the answers here, I hope hearing my thoughts on this helps alleviate some of that guilt. This got long and I’m not putting it under a cut because it’s important. 
The short answer to your question is no; it is not wrong to just enjoy things. You don’t have to constantly examine all your favorite media under a microscope and incessantly highlight or dwell on its faults to be a good person or a good consumer of media, and here are a few reasons why:
(CW for brief mentions of all the squicky/potentially triggering things that tend to come up in ship discourse conversations.)
1. It is virtually impossible to find a truly unproblematic piece of media.
And that’s okay! Media is both created and consumed by people, and people are notoriously imperfect and complex. Sometimes creators choose to explore dark or taboo themes that are always going to squick some people out, no matter how well (or poorly) they’re handled. Sometimes content creators are actually terrible people who deliberately try to perpetuate their messed-up ideas through media. Sometimes creators’ deeply internalized prejudices seep into a work in a way they may not even consciously realize. Sometimes consumers’ experiences or prejudices color the way they perceive a piece of media and may lead them to a very different interpretation than what the creators intended.
Point is, there are a lot of shades of gray here. We should always strive to do better as creators and consumers, but the goalposts for “perfection” are always moving.
There’s almost always going to be something about your favorite media—no matter how benign it is—that rubs some people the wrong way, or (perhaps unintentionally) perpetuates harmful stereotypes, or starts out okay but doesn’t age well down the line. Period. That’s an uncomfortable truth that we all have to sit with. But don’t despair, because…
2. It is still okay to engage with and enjoy media that you know is problematic. Even if it’s really problematic. For real. I promise. The media you consume does not determine your worth as a person. 
Since you specifically mentioned Valve games, I’ll start out by clarifying that (as of July 2020), Valve games and their fandoms are pretty benign overall. Perhaps in the future, more of the humor will start to age poorly, or Valve will make some extremely questionable design choices with their next game, or Gabe Newell will be outed as a prolific serial killer, or whatever, but for now, there’s really nothing about Valve games that should make the average person go, “holy shit, you’re into that?!” when you bring them up in polite company. (And anyone who insinuates otherwise re: Half Life shipping discourse is either very confused about the definition of certain words or is maliciously trying to stir up controversy.)
That said, everyone has a different threshold for what they do and don’t want to see in media, and those boundaries are totally valid! But it is absolutely possible to enjoy even notably problematic media (e.g., Game of Thrones, the new Star Wars sequels, old movies where the directors were huge assholes to the female cast members, etc.) without being a bad person or a bad social justice activist. Instead of rambling about that at length, I’m going to link you to this excellent blog post on the subject.
The big takeaway here is that you can love a piece of media while also acknowledging its faults. In fact, I’d argue that a key part of loving something is being able to think critically about it and trying to hold its creators to a higher standard whenever possible. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be constantly analyzing it or prefacing every single public acknowledgment of your love for it with an “I know this is problematic and I swear, I just like it for XYZ” disclaimer, because…
3. Tumblr’s black-and-white thinking about media consumption is not healthy, “normal,” or (usually) present to the same degree in other virtual or real-world spaces.
I think most of the people on Tumblr who seem to be on a constant (and ultimately futile; see point 1) quest to find the One True Unproblematic Media have good intentions. I really do. And I applaud them for actively trying to understand and un-learn their own biases while becoming critical consumers of media.
Unfortunately, for a bunch of complicated reasons I still don’t totally understand and won’t get into here, some online communities tend to take these things to such an extreme that, in their quest to create a safe and/or inclusive environment, they actually end up creating an even more hostile one. To reference the recent drama again, nowhere is that more apparent than with “pro-ship” vs. “anti-ship” discourse.
Basically, “pro-shippers” believe that fiction is entirely separate from reality and therefore, “problematic” content (up to and including p*dophilia, inc*st, noncon, etc.) has just as much of a right to exist as any other content; this makes some sense on a purely intellectual level, but in the real world, obviously things are much more complicated than that. “Anti-shippers,” on the other hand, claim to be specifically against the aforementioned Big Three Bad Things in theory, but in practice, they’re basically the fandom purity police; they strive to criticize and shut down any media or fandom activity that could be even remotely construed as problematic, because they seem to have a (perhaps well-intentioned but ultimately misguided) perception that discussing anything “bad” in fiction will glorify/condone/promote it in real life and that all creators of “bad” fiction are inherently malicious. Often, they’re willing to twist definitions and jump through some very strange hoops to justify why something is “bad.”
The truth lies somewhere between those two extremes; fiction absolutely can (and does) impact reality, but not in such a clear-cut cause-and-effect way. People can see or read about dark/complicated/problematic things without condoning or enjoying them in real life, and conversely, people can dislike even relatively benign things without having to have an extreme, profound reason for feeling that way. People can also enjoy “bad” media while being fully conscious of what’s wrong with it and taking steps to ensure that it doesn’t negatively influence them, or they may lack the knowledge/context to understand why something is “bad” at first and change how they engage (or don’t engage) as they learn. There’s a lot more nuance to this issue than Tumblr is willing to acknowledge, and as a result, a lot of innocent people who just want to enjoy things in peace get sucked into some truly absurd drama that can be really hard to deal with. And that sucks. A lot.
So, TL;DR: Almost all media is at least a little problematic, but that’s okay, because the media you like does not determine whether or not you’re a good person. (And especially if your primary interests are Valve games... you’re good, mate. Seriously.)
The fact that you’re even asking me this question shows me that you’re being a thoughtful, responsible consumer of media, and that’s all anyone can reasonably ask of you without being a gigantic hypocrite—because whether they’ll admit it or not, everybody who’s perpetuating this discourse both on and offline likes something “problematic.” It’s impossible not to, unless you live under a rock and consume exactly zero media. Take care, and try not to let the discourse get to you! Go forth and enjoy things! (As always, my inbox is open for follow-up questions.)
ETA: Here’s another excellent tumblr post on this topic! And another one! 
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minhoslut · 4 years
Tumblr media
♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 3417
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter five: we like to party
♡ A/N: the smut arrives uwu
After breakfast, you decided to go for a run in the forest to help get rid of some of the excited energy you were bursting with. Wearing a dusty rose sports bra with matching capris leggings , you began stretching in the backyard. It was nice to be so close to nature, it made your magic tingle and the instinct to release your wings was strong. You sighed at the thought, it was so fucked that magical creatures couldn’t just be part of society, usually they just lived a little differently, no harm done. Yeah sometimes they did bad things, but so did humans! They are so jealous and scared of things that are different though. You clicked your tongue and took a few deep breaths before heading into the woods.
The birds were calling to each other in the trees, and everything smelled fresh. When you reached the lake with the waterfall you stopped to take a dip, stripping naked and slipping into the cool water. Diving down to the bottom, you laid across the sand and relaxed in the silence. You had always loved being deep underwater, just sitting or lying down and being surrounded by silence. You didn't like being alone though, so when you were younger you would create a water being to talk to and play with. Silently, you wished that you could share things like this with someone, but humans can't hold their breath as long as fairies can so you'd just be outing yourself.
An idea struck you as you looked up at the surface and realized how deep the lake was, a smile crossing your lips. Standing up, you released your wings into the water and sighed in relief. Flying was a no, but at least they could be unfurled. The silver, blue and gold flecks in your wings sparkled in the water, refracting light all around you. They wouldn't get wrecked in the water, despite what some human tales of fairies said, you weren't a butterfly after all.
You fluttered your wings a little bit, creating a small current in the water. It was so freeing to be able to have your wings out, you closed your eyes and flapped your wings hard, making the water rush around you. Jumping up, you burst from the lake and brought your wings back in before falling back into the water. You swam some laps and explored the depths of the lake for a while until you began to get bored. Pulling yourself up on the shore and shaking yourself dry, you redressed and ran back to the house.
"Hey Y/N!" Taehyung greeted you from the deck where he was stringing some lights up. "Need any help Tae? Can I call you that?" You asked as you joined him, "For sure as long as I can call you N/N!" He said a grin on his face. You laughed and agreed, holding the nails for him while he hammered the lights to the side of the house. "Do you take these down every week or are they new?" You questioned as you handed him another nail. "We had some up but they kinda got broken... So we just got around to replacing them haha." His answer was vague but you didn't push, not like it mattered much anyway.
"Tae come in for lunch- Y/N you're back! You come too~" Jimin said sweetly, poking his head out the back door. Returning the nails to their bin you wiped your hands on your pants and headed inside, taking a seat at the table next to Jungkook. Jin and Namjoon placed plates of steaming dumplings on the table and everyone sat to enjoy their late lunch together.
"After lunch, Kook and Yoongi, can you guys start setting up the music stuff, and Jin, Hobi and I will do drink/food prep, Y/N, you and Tae continue doing outside! Sound good?" Namjoon said as he began clearing dishes from the table now that everyone was done eating. Various words of agreement were exchanged as you all headed to your assigned areas of setup. You collected the nails once again and followed Tae along the side of the house. When the two of you had finished with the lights you moved onto setting up some chairs and a pong table.
You ran inside to grab some cases of beer to keep by the pong table, bumping into Hoseok as you go. "Sorry~" You called sending him a smile as you went, getting a cute dimple smile in return. Cute dimple. "Tae~ Is this the right stuff?" You asked walking up to him as he set up the triangles of cups. "Yeah, just set it underneath for now." He responded, taking a case from you and shoving it under the table. "What next?" You questioned stretching your arms while Taehyung grabbed his phone out of his pocket to check the time.
"Well it's near dinner so let's see if everyone else is finished with their jobs." He suggested, linking his arm with yours and pulling you inside. "Anybody need help finishing up?" You shouted as you grabbed two glasses and filled them with water from the fridge before handing one to Taehyung. A bunch of no's echoed through the house in response to you, so you began pulling burger buns out and cutting them. "Ooh are you gunna make us burgers?" Taehyung asked coming to sit at the bar, leaning his elbows on the table and propping his head in his hands.
"Yes cute boy, I am! I'm excited for the party so I don't want many dishes~" You told him while you prepped the patties and toppings, cutting various vegetables up and placing them on a plate. He laughed at your nickname for him and rose from his seat to help you by setting the table and lighting the barbeque. Once it was hot enough you put the burgers on and turned on some music while they were cooking. "Are you surprised? It’s like bubblegum pop, because I broke all the rules, because I’m going to show you the real me, really really me, I’m a cherry on top yeah~" You sang along to ITZY  as you flipped the burgers.
The smell of the barbeque lured the six men to the table when they had finished their tasks. "Damn what smells so fuckin' good?" Jungkook said as he entered, "Y/N made burgers~" Taehyung answered from his seat at the table where he was getting his bun ready. "Y/N remind me to wife you up." Jungkook said as he sat down, you laughed at his comment and shook your head, bringing the now cooked patties into the kitchen. "Let's eat!" You said, a smile set upon your lips.
When everyone had finished eating, Taehyung cleared away the dishes and everyone split off to their own rooms to get ready. You pulled out various options for tonights outfit, and stripped out of your current clothing, sliding into a silky pink robe with fur trim on its sleeves . Dress, skirt, or pants… You scanned through what you had pulled out and sorted them into groups. A knock at the door pulled you away from the piles of fabric, “Come in~” Namjoon opened the door and stepped in. “Hey Y/N, uh, just wanted to give you the lowdown of the party rules of sorts, but if you’re not ready I can wait-”
You interrupted him with a wave of your hand. “I wouldn’t have let you in if I wanted to wait.” You said smiling at him. “Ok, sure, well, the only real rule is don’t take anyone to someone else's bedroom.” Nodding, you turned back to your clothes, “Joon, can I call you that? Should I wear a skirt, dress or pants?” He came and stood beside you, “Uh, dress? And of course you can, we are friends after all.” Hearing him say that made the smile on your lips blossom into a full grin. "Thanks Joon~ I'll see you in a bit."
Now that you had narrowed it down to dresses thanks to Namjoon, you were able to pick your party look. A longsleeved off the shoulder white top with black trim layered underneath a black dress with two zippers down the whole thing and chain straps attached by a hoop . Popping in some silver hoop earrings and brushing our hair, you moved to the mirror. Lip Gloss, brow gel and a simple cat eye wing and you were set. You surveyed yourself in the full body mirror, checking your outfit and unzipping the bottom half of the dress. "Okay sexy, let's get some!"
You bumped into Hoseok first, when you had come down to the second floor. He was wearing a classic white t-shirt tucked into light blue straight leg jeans with a frayed hem, cinched with a black belt and a back crossbody bag with white polka dots across his chest. A simple silver chain hung around his neck and tied everything together. "Hey Hobi! You look really good! Ready to get some chicks?" You ruffled his peachy blonde locks, making Hoseok laugh and shake his head. "May I escort you to the dance hall, princess?" Stifling a laugh, you took his offered arm, "I'll allow it, sir knight."
Jin and Jimin were putting away anything breakable in the living room when you entered with Hoseok. Jin was wearing an oversized white t-shirt tucked into belted black jeans  and Jimin was in a wide neck black tee tucked into black skinny jeans with rips at the knee, a black belt and a silver chain with a long silver tooth on it . "Looking good~ You guys know how to lure in people, huh?" You whistled taking them in. Jimin ran a hand through his black hair and Jin blew a kiss your way. "Says you!" Jungkook said as he and Namjoon entered the room.
Jungkook was fixing the pale pink button-up he had over top of a white tee with a black design on it. His jeans were light blue skinnies with rips at the knees, a black belt holding the in place. Namjoon wearing navy blue slacks with a shimmery peach short-sleeved button-up tucked into them, the top button undone. "Knock out after knock out huh, do they put something in your water here?" You joked, "You've obviously been drinking it too Y/N~" Yoongi teased coming to stand by you, dressed in ripped blue jeans, an oversized tan shirt, and a purple and black flannel overtop.
"Well then, let’s get started!" Jin said clapping his hands and heading to the kitchen, "Shots! To kick off the night and welcome Y/N to our home officially!" Hoseok cheered following after Seokjin. The rest of you also joined them and Jin poured out eight tequila shots, everyone prepped their lemon slices and salted their thumbs. "To Y/N!" Namjoon cheered, the same praise echoed by the six others before you all took your shots.
Soon after your celebratory shot, people began to show up to the house, welcomed by the boys who quickly introduced you to them. The music was turned up and the rooms were quickly filled with people, drinking and laughing. There were so many stunning people in the room, you surveyed them as you sipped your drink, pleasantly buzzed by this point. You noticed Jin speaking with a girl on the deck and began making your way over to them.
The girl has wavy long bleach blonde hair and eyes that were somehow round and sharp all at once. She was wearing a black crop tank top, a pair of black cargo pants and a chunky choker with a big silver hoop on it. There were several chains hanging across her pants, as well as some joining the choker on her neck, and a black belt with silver cut-outs was cinching her waist in. It was a simple but sexy ensemble and you were captivated.
"Hi~" You said coming into their conversation, "Hey Y/N! This is Chungha, Chungha, Y/N." Jin introduced the two of you and excused himself to the washroom. "You look amazing tonight, Chungha! I love the vibe." You said in a flirting tone, touching her wrist softly. "Mm, I could say the same to you Y/N. You're their new roomie, right?" Nodding, you twirled your white hair cutely, "Do you come to these often?" You questioned, "Pretty much every weekend haha. I like coming to dance with people." Dance huh? "I love dancing as well! I'm glad people seem to actually dance at their parties~" You chuckled.
"Well then how about we get on the dance floor?" Chungha grabbed your hand and pulled you into the house, holding your body against hers as you danced together. She kept her hands on your waist, swaying with you and grinding your bodies together. Your hands were around her neck and the distance between you was getting smaller by the second. Someone came up behind you and pressed themselves against your back. Turning, Seokjins deep brown eyes locked with yours and you pulled his arm over your shoulder.
The three of you danced together as you moved lithely between them, passion thick in the air between you. Chungha pulled you into her and kissed you hard, her lips soft and warm, tasted like cherries. A second pair of lips connected with your exposed neck causing a soft moan made its way out of your mouth and into the kiss with Chungha. It was obviously Jin who was kissing your neck, you could feel him holding you closer, his cock pressed against your ass.
Chungha pulled out of your dance floor makeout sesh and took your hand in her right and Seokjins hand in her left. She led you both up the stairs to what you assumed to be Jins room, kissing you again when you had all entered the room. "Are you both ok with this?" She asked between kisses. You looked at Seokjin and nodded, "Yes." You both answered truthfully, excitement and arousal tinging your voices.
"Strip for us baby girl~" Chungha said sitting on the bed and pulling Seokjin down beside her, a delicate hand on the bulge in his pants, giving slight pressure to encourage his arousal further. You unzipped your dress slowly, pulling the zipper all the off and shimmying out, tossing it into a corner. Now you were left standing in your top and a black mesh thong with rhinestone straps,  you kept your eyes on them both as you crossed your arms and peeled the top off of your body, letting your breasts bounce out.
Your nipples hardened at the coolness of the air, and you plopped yourself into Chunghas lap, "Please warm me up~" You breathed, lips almost touching the shell of her ear. "Patience, baby." She flipped you over and left you lying on the bed, "Touch yourself while you watch us." It was more of a demand than anything, but you complied easily, one hand running across the mesh of your panties and one on your sensitive nipple.
Your eyes followed as Chungha stripped Jin naked and began to stroke his now rock hard cock, making lewd sounds tumble from his lips. "Mm, I know you like being watched big boy, should we give her more of a show?" Chungha released Jin and began to take her own clothes off. You arched your back and fondled your boobs as you stared at Chunghas body, clad in a matching lingerie set. It was leopard print bra and thong with two sets of straps to hold it together and the bra which consisted of two strips of the leopard print fabric, barely holding her in. A big silver hoop sat just above her pelvis connected to the straps, and another on her bra between her breasts .
Seokjin let out an audible "fuck" as Chungha knelt in front of him and took the tip of his cock into her mouth. Your eyes never wandered as she slowly engulfed his full length, making him throw his head back and moan deeply. You whined from your spot on the bed, wanting to join in on the fun. Chungha pulled out slowly, letting the head out of her mouth with a wet 'pop.' "Oh? Impatient little slut aren't you~" She purred, still pumping Jins length. releasing it, she stood up and led Jin to the bed, "Lay down Jinnie."
Jin laid on the bed flat and Chungha came up onto the bed to join you both. "Suck his dick, nice and slow for me," She directed you, pushing your head over to his cock, "and Jin, you better make me cum with that smooth-talking mouth of yours." Stripping out of her lingerie, she positioned herself above his mouth. You took his cock in your mouth, tongue flat, and moaned around it as you deepthroated him.
The taste of precum coated your mouth, making you drool even more. Wet, sloppy sounds filled the room and Chunghas breathy moans were like an angels chorus, turning you on even more. Your cunt was begging for attention and your fingers rubbing yourself through your panties just wasn't enough. You bobbed on Jins cock and hollowed your cheeks as you pulled off. Licking around the head, you swirled your tongue and cupped his balls as you did so. Chunghas moans got louder, you lifted your eyes and watched as she rode Jins face through her orgasm.
"Y/N you lie down now and get those panties off." Chungha ordered, moving off of Seokjins mouth. You laid down supine near the edge of the bed, with your knees bent and pulled your thong off. Anticipation was radiating throughout the room, Jin hopped off the bed and stood at your feet. Chungha climbed on top of you, laying down on you and hooking her legs on either side. Your breasts were pushed up against hers, making you moan and she started kissing you again.
You felt the head of Jins dick slide across your dripping folds before pushing it between your and Chunghas soaked cunts. The three of you moaned together as Jin picked up his pace fucking between you both and hitting your clits just right. You kissed along Chunghas neck, her skin soft and warm. She, in turn, sucked hickies along your neck and chest, licking at your nipples as her mouth roamed. "Fuck her." Chungha gave the command and Jin followed, his thick girth was thrust into your tight pussy.
Seokjins name tumbled from your lips in a mantra as he fucked your roughly, all while Chungha continued to suck and nip at your skin. Suddenly, Chungah pulled off of you and moved up to hover above your kiss swollen lips. "Can you do two things at once like a good girl?" She cooed, seduction dripping from her tone. You mewled out a yes and licked across her pretty pussy. You inserted two fingers inter her core and pumped while you sucked on her clit, curling your fingers to hit the right spot. Hearing her moan your name encouraged you further as you tried to stay focused with Jin snapping his hips into you roughly.
"I-I'm close." You heard Seokjin say breathlessly, "It's safe cum inside~" You whined, not wanting him to stop, the knot in your stomach getting close to coming undone. He started rubbing your clit and you arched your back, fucking Chungha harder with your fingers. "Let's cum together, now." Chungha purred and just like that you could feel her thighs shaking around you. Jins hot seed filled you up perfectly, and you were brought to your peak as he continued fucking you through his own orgasm.
Jin pulled out slowly, causing you to moan wantonly as his cum leaked out and mixed with your own. Your lips were glistening covered in Chunghas cum, it tasted amazing. "Mm, thanks you two~ Let's get you cleaned up." Chungha said getting off of you and hopping down off the bed. She pulled her clothes back on and left the room, returning with a warm cloth which she used to wipe you down. You saw Seokjin grabbing new boxers and a big t-shirt, which he handed to you once you were wiped clean. You thanked him as he grabbed his own set and slid under the covers, beckoning you to join him, which you did. Chungha blew you both a kiss as she left, and then everything went fuzzy.
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othercat2 · 7 years
fic: two for mirth 41/?
Karkat wakes up with Dave’s head on his shoulder one of his arms across Karkat’s chest. He can see the pity marks he left on Dave’s shoulder.  Dave is smiling in his sleep and Karkat is filled with an aching sort of fondness, even though his entire arm has gone numb. He’d like to lie there a little longer, just kind of soaking up the feeling of tenderness and remembering last night but it is five minutes until the alarm goes off and he has a full bladder, and his entire arm is deadweight. “Dave, Dave wake up,” Karkat says, and tries to shift out from under him.
“…M’awake,” Dave says, not sounding very awake at all. He snuggles against Karkat and nuzzles at his throat.
Karkat can’t help the breathy little noise he makes or the chirr when Dave scrapes his dull teeth over thick skin that shouldn’t feel nearly as tender and sensitive as it does. It would take some pretty aggressive chewing from teeth like Dave’s for it to feel that way now, and he flushes, remembering that yeah, Dave had been pretty aggressive. There might even be visible pity marks. “Dave, the alarm’s about to go off,” he says, and squirms a little.
Dave hums in agreement, and kisses him. “Just a little longer,” he says. “Nothing really planned til later, right?”
Karkat feels his mouth twitch, but tries to keep from smiling as he says in a serious voice, “Dave, we have to talk about--” He doesn’t get much further than that, because Dave puts a hand over his mouth.
“Not now,” Dave says. “Maybe later. After breakfast?”
Karkat nods and the hand is removed. Dave smirks and leans in for another kiss. Karkat kisses back, but can’t help murmuring, “you killed the circulation in my arm and I need to piss,” in the sexiest voice he can manage.
Dave snorts, and flops down on top of Karkat’s chest, laughing. “So do I,” he says. “I was hoping to distract you and make a break for it.”  
“Heh. You go first, I need to shake the stinging insects off my arm anyway,” Karkat says. He watches Dave abscond, a little clumsily and swearing about his own stinging insects.
Karkat shakes the feeling back into his arm, and peels off the sopor patch, leaving it crumpled on the table by the bed. He notices his reflection in the mirrored closet door. He definitely has visible pity marks. He restrains himself from touching them. He turns off the alarm clock as soon as it goes off, then he picked up the wastebasket that had served as a bucket the night before and carries it somewhat self-consciously to the ablution block. Dave’s already coming out, and there’s a brief awkward pause--they can see each other’s pity marks. Dave is amused, and Karkat is mostly amused at his own embarrassment-- before they can switch places and Karkat can relieve himself and dispose of the genetic material.  
They get dressed, and Dave orders breakfast. They watch the news and conversation mostly revolves around the talk show last night, and social media. Dave is full of a nervous energy, pleased with himself and a little smug, but also nervous. Karkat feels much the same, though maybe a little more nervous. They eat breakfast, and go cuddle on the couch and don’t actually get around to talking for at least an hour.
“I don’t actually want to talk,” Karkat admits. “I kind of want to bask.”
“Basking is nice,” Dave says. “Last night was really nice.” He doesn’t leer, but leering is clearly implied in the very slight tilt of his mouth.
“You need to work on your sexy one liners,” Karkat says, smiling at Dave. “That is, you need to create actually sexy one liners.”  
“Not all of us can be popular romance authors,” Dave says in a ragging tone. Then a little more seriously, “and if I tried to say anything all polished like, it’d ruin the mood, right? You’d go all ‘he’s trying to be a good concubine’ and freeze up, even though that was all settled.”
“Well no, I wouldn’t think that,” Karkat says. “I’d think ‘I fucked up, I fucked up following one simple principle, great job Karkat.’”
“The principle of not making use of the concubine that didn’t want to be there anyway?” Dave asks.
Karkat hears the “didn’t want to be,” and there’s a little mental “skip” and replay of the words that feels purely, absolutely red. “Well the principle that involves completely self-determined and full agency consent.”
“Is that why you bottomed, just to make sure?” The ragging, teasing tone is back. “How many hoops do I have to jump through before I get the official self-determination award? It’s a little engraved brass plaque on a solid redvein base isn’t it.”
“I bottomed because you topped,” Karkat says, rolling his eyes. “Also, whoever is doing which has nothing to do with their supposed ‘dominance’ in a relationship. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.”
“Heh. I’ve known a lot of idiots then,” Dave says. “But you kind of have been letting me take the lead a lot.”
“Let’s review the part where I said ‘I bottomed because you topped,’” Karkat says dryly. “Another time there might be some conflict about it, not because of dominance, but because wrestling around and snapping is more pitch, and right now I’m feeling more red.”
“And this conversation is weirdly pale,” Dave says. He doesn’t look very worried about it. Karkat wondered if Dave had talked to someone about it, about aquadrancy.
“Feeling in every quadrant, and wanting someone in every quadrant is pretty much a thing when you’re aquadrant ,” Karkat says. “Flipping fast between quadrants is a wiggler thing, you’re supposed to settle and I never did.”
“So I might get you up in my grill already charred by pitch flames sometime?” Dave asks with a little smirk.
“Sometime, I might, when you present a challenge.”
“Hey, who wins most of our sparring matches?” Dave asks with a not quite mock indignant expression.
“How do you know I’m not taking the fall to watch you do your victory dance?” Karkat purrs smugly.
Dave’s mock outrage turns slightly more real. “Oh fuck that, Vantas, we’re on. You, me, the gym, fifteen minutes, sickle and sword, Imma kick your ass and dance on the carcass.”
Laughing, Karkat heads to his room to change into exercise clothes.
  Note: I have started a Patreon for my original fic. Consider becoming a patron and/or donating directly to my tip jar, to support my writing.
Thanks to everyone who has liked or commented on my fic!
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spiralingworm · 7 years
Let's Switch it up!
So us you probably all know I like Nintendo products. There are couple of reasons for that, but I think nostalgia has a lot to do with it. I liked playing games like Contra or Mario in my younger times, because those games were simply fun. Nintendo still has some great ideas when it comes to game designing. I think Splatoon is one of the prime examples here.
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(You’re a kid, you’re a squid now!)
For those of you that don't know about what game am I talking now Splatoon is a team based platforming arena shooter about squids. Oh and paintball... You win by covering map with your team colour, and by turning into a squid you can swin in your paint for higher movement speed and longer jumps. If this very brief explanation doesn't seem exciting for you it's okay, because I really think you need to play it or extensively watch to understand. This whole bizzare concept for a game came from young team of game designers in Nintendo. In the world of really violent shooters like Titanfall 2, Doom or Battlefield the non-violent route seems risky to say the least. Nintendo is known from this high risk high reward move or in other words cheese.
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(Triforce... cheese joke...)
Nintendo's whole bussines relies on three fundamentals let's call this a Triforce for humour purposes.
Link started his adventure on Nintendo Entertainment System with Legend of Zelda and it quickly proved everyone that he is here to stay. There is something magical about all those games starring Link. Maybe it is everyone's dream for the grand adventure where you save a princess. You know the one that takes place in a kingdom far, far away. You just pick up a sword and charge into unknown. Is it safe out there? Of course not and that is why you have a sword. Maybe it is the fact that Link is just another random noname boy and he simply believes that what he is doing is right. By the way this is courage App... back to the point. I know that this seems like a typical  story in typical world by lazy writer, but I don't know it just works. It is simple and it is fun.
Platformer about a plumber who saves a princess, but in Mario defense those games actually have very little story to it. This game is all about precise jumps and last second decisions. Nobody actually cares who Mario is, why he is here or why the hell he has a mustache. He just is here to beat King Koopa and his minions and free princess Peach from her prison. Ridiculous? Of course it is, but again this a game about story. Everyone plays Mario for great level design and interesting mechanics or power ups. Thanks to the succes of the first game Mario became an icon for Nintendo. So much so the company venture into other genres with him like kart racing or RPG. He even was briefly considered as a playable character fo Splatoon and thank Jim they went with squids. Mario is on the front line for gaming not just for Nintendo.
Wait, what? Yes, I think that trying to be as innovative as possible with every product is the fundament of Nintendo and it is the most important one for them. It is at the same time a blessing and a curse for them. I mean just look at the Wii succes versus Wii U failure. Yeah the marketing for the latter was just so painly bad that it is hard to even comprehend, but it is also showing the mentality of Nintendo “Play big or don't even bother”. They create hardware that relies on some new interesting idea and then they will try to build a game that use it to its fullest potential. Most of the times this approach really works and we receive a well balanced gameplay that is just fun to play around. The problem appears when N will try to reinvent a wheel and gameplay will suffer because they refuse to use schematics that simply work. Nintendo is Nintendo biggest enemy in this situations.
(That was actually very good)
Okay so with all that in mind let's talk march 3rd and the upcoming release of Nintendo Switch. Brand new hybrid of handheld and stationary console which was, for a very long time, known under a codename NX. As, hopefully, you can see the premise is simple but actually really exciting. Play your games on a TV and when you need to leave your home just snap Joycon's on the console and take your game with you. Even the click sound is something that still sits in my head and does not want to leave. I don't know this console just spoke to me when on october 20th this clip saw the light of day. It was awesome till like 5 minutes after the clip realeased. It went only down for me after that.
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(My excellent hype versus time line)
I think the biggest problem for me is the attitude that Nintendo presented after that. They simply refused to say anything about their shiny new console until January 12th. They didn't want to comment on anything, not even a confirmation that Skyrim would be ported for the device. Why would you show gameplay of a game if you aren't ready to acknowledge it will be on your console. You could say that they wanted to avoid drowning in sea of mud that is christmas, but for me this just shows that you don't believe in your product. You don't have anything new this holiday season so why in the hell you go silent? Okay so maybe this is just my gamer ADHD speaking. Maybe the January presentation will be awesome and it will be all fine.
(I feel kinda meh..)
Well... yes and no. The price is actually quite nice and of course the games are actually really interesting. Of course we already knew a lot about Breath of the Wild and it actually looks really good from gameplay perspective. There is of course new Mario game which looks really weird and awesome at the same time. The hat throwing in particular seems like a mechanic that can provide really hard and really satisfying manouvers. Splatoon is coming back with some more splatting and while it looks like just more of the same it is fine, because this game is just that good. Of course Nintendo wouldn't be itself if it didn't introduce something entirely new to the table.
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(Arms a new IP)
Arms is game about putting on some boxing gloves and stepping on a ring to fight 1on1 with some absurd enemy. Oh and your character is also absurd just to let you know. I mean the over stylisation is fine, because at this point you just don't expect anything else from Nintendo. Not to mention that they are the company that actually can deliver when it comes down to simple fun from gameplay. So actually while Arms may as well seem really stupid it can actually work pretty well.
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(Series of mini games.)
1-2 Switch is actually series of mini games that tries to show off what an actual hardware can do. In most cases you don't even need to look on the screen to play. There are games like cow milking, wizard fight, cowboy quick draw... Simple stuff that will entertain your guests for like an hour and it will be put back to the box and never shown again. In their defense Wii Sports is on the second place when it comes to copies sold, but it also was bundled to Wii for a very long time. 1-2 is not budled it is a stand-alone product with MSRP 49.99. This is a lot I don't care how many mini games are there.
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(Those are of course included in base console, but additional cost...)
I think this is the problem I have with Switch the cost is low, but not as low to reason day one/year one purchase. It may seem like there is a lot games coming to Switch now in March, but no. Mario will be released in holiday season. Arms will be month or two after Switch and the same goes for Mario Kart. Splatoon 2? Summer 2017. Of all that games only Zelda and 1-2 Switch  is coming day one. No, wait Bomberman R... wait no... Do I want to count it? Well early adopters sure as hell will need to do it because there is nothing else they will be able to do with this device.
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(Wii U got crap for too big controller. How is it any different?)
There will be no video apps available for them at launch and before you ask. No, not even Youtube. Meaning that you are either happy with Zelda or will use Switch as shiny statue on your shelf. I don't expect Zelda to suck as the matter of fact I can safely claim this will GOTY for 2017, but some choice would be nice. Surely we can compromise I mean Wii U had some awesome internet browser and almost everything worked there. There is only one small exception for this Nintendo Switch will not feature aa internet browser on launch. If and when it will appear remains a secret. Not that you could use internet on the go. Switch will not have sim card slot for 3G or something like that. So maybe let's turn to third parties, indies of this world.
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(The indies)
So there will be World of Goo on day one, great. Except people that would want to play this game already did on other devices. We have Binding of Isaac great game that will debut on march 17th, but wait currently only for NA region. Despite claiming on the presentation that will not be region locked we still need to jump through hoopes of company own regional politics. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't sometimes pissed on Sony for the very same thing, but I swear Nintendo is worse. We also have Shovel Knight great game... here actually have a list and sort by date here. It seems like a lot but keep in my mind that most of those are just rereleased products. Please don't exactly believe people saying something along the line of “X game is amazing I bought it on y, z and t, and I will buy it for Switch”. I mean maybe believe them, but are you seriously consider them sane? For comparison PS4 here, and of course sort by date and look at day one/month one anything after that is pointless.
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Remember when I said that the biggest enemy of Nintendo is Nintendo? I think the villain strikes again. Aside the horrendous accessory prices for Switch. Single Joycons that presumably are perfect for a grown-up. Like hell they are... There is the problem of power. There is reason as to why specifics about GPU or CPU can be found only in rumours and leaks. Official specifications here basicly says “Yes, we have a GPU here.”... Well I hope so. The internet got mad about Mohammad Alavi comment "No. F*** no. No you're not going to be able to fit Titanfall on it. That's the same Zelda from the Wii U [laughs].". This is Respawn Entertainment senior designer saying no to prospect of porting TF2 to Switch. Just to let you know they did exceptional optimisation for PS4 in my eyes. You receive nice 60 FPS and I swear sometimes I blinked and missed the load times for couple MP matches. The amount of work needed to downgrade a game like this so it will work like this is absurd and not worth the money. AAA developers would need to create games specifically for Switch and they will not create games for a platform that doesn't sold well. It didn't sold well because people are not especially keened on buying Nintendo only exclusive device... I mean I have Wii U, but I am not entirely sane... exactly... So the playerbase will stay low and... You see where I am going here? Okay, but you could say Wii and try to shut me down this way.
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Well the whole premise of motion controls simply worked for everyone. Gramma, granda, mother, father, uncle, three year old sister, that cousin that hate games. Pretty much all of them know how to swing a tennis racket or play golf using Wiimote. The stereotypical housewives played Wii Sports to stay fit and it was a perfect sell. I mean if there was one thing that nerds don't do is exercise. So no I don't think Switch even remotely compares to what Wii have to offer. Not to mention that those housewives does not have any reason to buy a new shiny box. At this point I am fairly convinced that Nintendo hardware would endure atomic bomb, napalm strike, Cyclops laser beam, dropping from 100 meters and Hugh Jackman.
(That’s right!)
As always only time will tell if Nintendo is a genius or they will need to live through another generation of weak sales. I wish I was wrong. I wish that Switch will be a great game changer, but at this point I think there only be one true game changer. Pokemon. If there ever was a franchise that literally moved consoles and people bought a device only to play one game it is this one. It would also need to come with the news of killing New 3DS. It is possible, but when?
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