#the hurricane isn't even giving us rain
kragehund-est · 10 months
the situation in hawaii has gotten really bad. we're at the peak of dry season and the strong winds from hurricane dora spread the fires rapidly. on oahu i pass at least 1-2 different fires a day going to work.
it's nothing compared to maui though, my coworker's entire hometown was destroyed. not just his childhood home or a swath of the area damaged, like the entire town has been wiped off the map.
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elbiotipo · 4 months
What would be the main differences between a template forest and a tropical jungle for fantasy? I guess that things like iron armor pieces would never become a thing since historically they weren't popular in other hot climates, winters without snow might be less feared but summers with big floods might be more worrisome? I guess that cuisine and farming would also be massively different although I don't know exactly how.
Out of the top of my head:
Equatorial climates are notoriously stable, since it's always the same day lenght there are no seasons, especially if you live near the ocean which estabilizes the temperature. You will get dry and wet seasons (and sometimes even hurricane seasons) depending on particular geographic conditions
Tropical/subtropical climates often have harsher seasons the farther away from the ocean they are, but never snow (that's the difference actually; temperate climates can get snow, subtropical can get frost but not snow, tropical neither). So yes, in general in a tropical or subtropical the main difference between seasons is rain, and perhaps frost which does play a role in some plants like citrics. Rainforests, of course, get it all year, subtropical forests have dry and rainy seasons. You can see a mixture of both: in my home (Northern Argentina) we do get marked winters with ocassional frost, but the main fact is that they're dry compared to summer.
ANYWAYS. Cultural stuff! Yes, one of the main differences you will find is clothing. It's difficult to make generalizations, but overall, tropical cultures just wear less, if there is armor at all. Don't get mistaken and say that it's because they don't have metallurgy, though, it's just that metal armor is indeed heavy, hot, and not much use if the opponet isn't wearing anything either. At most, you would see padded cloth armor (cotton mostly) or hide/leather at most. If you look at soldiers from, for example, Mesoamerica or Southeast Asia, you will find little armor.
Similarily, while you can go wild with noble clothing and colors, and the preferred materials are indeed cotton or silk, you will find very simple clothes among the general population. To give you an idea, here's a sample of Aztec clothes (including armor!)
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Note how simple and lightweight they are, even for rulers. They are colorful too (the artist, Daniel Parada, has more pictures like this for other cultures based on historical records) but although tropical enviroments might seem to have greater access to dyes, medieval european did also have dyes, often not as vibrant as carmine though.
Farming, of course, affects cuisine. I think that instead of thinking about a "pan-tropical" farming, we could analyze this by centers of origin of crops:
From Southeast Asia we got soy, several types of beans (or Fabaceae if you wanna get technical), all citrics, mango, banana, pear, cherry,, but this pales in comparison to rice, of course. Rice defines the tropical and subtropical diet of Asia, being what wheat is to the Mediterranean. Rice cultivation is particular in that is labor extensive, much more productive by area compared to other crops (so smaller plots) and requires extensive irrigation, resulting in complex managed enviroments.
From tropical America we got manioc, squashes (all sorts of curcubita actually), beans, peppers, pineapples, papaya, so much more, but it's especifically from Mesoamerica we got corn, and from the Andes we got potatoes. Potatoes are key in cold climates. Meanwhile, the corn-beans-squash trio, that is known in North America as "three sisters" and in Latin America as "milpa" is spread all over the continent. These three kinds of plants are very adaptable to tropical and subtropical conditions, and combined are very productive.
I will admit that my knowledge about tropical Africa is less than ideal. There are native species of rice that can be found in Western Africa, Ethiopia has traditionally grown barley and sorghum (and is the home of coffee), and millet, like corn for the Americas, seem to be widespread.
As for spices, tropical areas do seem to be blessed with spices, this is true. I recommend this guy to tell you about it. Hell, I recommend his channel in general.
What IS a common theme, regardless, is that jungles are NOT pristine enviroments or wild enviroments untouched by human activity. Jungles have been managed, in overt ways (like for example, rice cultivation) or more subtle ways (planting domesticated species inside the forest) for thousands of years. This is also done by controlled burns, conscious planting, or even accidental things, like, for example, peoples settling in a place and bringing domesticated plants to that place that then grow semi-wildly.
THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING TO TALK ABOUT BECAUSE EVEN IF I STUDY THIS EXACT THING, I HAVE NO REAL DEFINITION OF IT YOU CAN SEARCH. You can find about this phenomenon of "humans managing and changing forest enviroments" by lots of terms, like agroforestry, silviculture, and so many more. The term I use is "landscape management" (no, not "landscaping") where a "landscape" is a term for an enviroment were both humans and natural factors build it (like I said, there is no thing as "pristine nature" ALL natural enviroments have been managed and modified by humans, and you can find evidence of that in tropical America, Asia, and Africa).
In fact, the reason why those enviroments seem "natural" and unchanged to Western views is precisely, because tropical cultures often use wood and adobe to build structures (if they have them at all), which don'r preserve well at all. But also, jungles are fast growing and often eat everything, remaining, interestingly, these subtle domestication and managment efforts in what once were thriving settlements.
Which doesn't mean you haven't tropical cultures to study. THERE ARE PLENTY. You got, like I said, the whole of tropical America, tropical Africa, and tropical Asia and Oceania. It is getting very difficult to me to generalize, and yet, one can see some similarities.
Since this post is general enough, I encourage you to ask more about what you want. What would you like me to focus on?
oh, and you can throw me a tip, if you want! Sorry for selling out, but I'm living under an insane libertarian president right now, so every bit helps!
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dandelion-blues · 5 months
PJO One-shot
Percy glared up in the sky, rain running down his face alongside tears. Why did this have to happen to him? Couldn't he have one moment of peace? Why was it always others who died before him? Bianca, Beckendorf, Lee and so many more during the wars? Now his cursed self got his family killed. His stepfather Paul and his mother Sally. The last time he saw his mother and step-father was almost a year ago, before he was kidnapped, before he went on another quest. Before, the godly side of him yet again doomed those around him.
Blood splattered his home. His stepfather's and mother's bodies were torn to shreds, unrecognizable and guts strewn throughout their apartment. Only a message scratched on the walls and filled with blood to know that Tartarus took his revenge by sending his monsters because of Percy's escape from his realm, from him. 
He rushed outside to throw up. He couldn't face their desecrated bodies. Only, when he finished throwing up his guts out (not like he's been able to eat much since traveling through Tartarus) did he process what happened. His family was gone. Paul. His mom. He was alone. His legs gave up, and amongst his vomit he sobbed and sobbed for hours. A storm seeming to thrum in tune with his howling sobs and rain soaking him, as he didn't think about using his powers to stay dry. He stared up at the sky, wallowing in his grief. Seeming to dare it to do something worse, to condemn him already for surviving when so many others didn't. However, the rain just continued to pour.
Then, rage overtook his despair. The ground shook with his fury. This was Tartarus' doing. This was the gods’ doing, for once again ignoring a war. For kidnapping him and forcing him on yet another quest, so he wasn't here to protect his mother and Paul. Why didn't they do anything?! Why did everything have to go wrong in his life? Why couldn't the gods fucking help themselves, and not send children to their deaths?
Hatred was burning in his heart, he was on a mission. He stormed his way to Olympus. The ground shook beneath his feet, and a hurricane and storm surrounded him, creating howling winds of misery and destruction. His blood alight and the water of his storm energized him as he stepped with furious purpose. The gods were going to answer for their numerous slights. Then, he would made his way back down to Tartarus and fucking tear him apart!
Only, Perseus, for he was the destroyer now, felt arms wrap around him. Perseus tried yanking out of their grip, furious at being interrupted, but the figure didn't give. Perseus growled, "Let me go this instant!"
"Never again," a deep familiar voice rumbled back, "My son."
Perseus' anger faltered for a second, but then it returned twice fold, "You! This is your fault! You and all the other fucking gods barely helped us! You all abandoned us to defeat Gaia! Who abandoned Annabeth and I to the pit where we barely survived! YOU, WHO LEFT MY MOTHER TO DIE!" Perseus screamed in rage the howling winds and rain picking up as he raged. The ground shook furiously in tandem.
"I know my son," Poseidon whispered back heart-broken, "but I, as many other gods, were split between my Greek and Roman forms, and I could barely even watch over you, let alone help, but we should have done more. I should have spoken against my brother on closing Olympus. I should have been able to prevent Hera from taking you before the split was starting. I should have set up protections for you and your mother beforehand. I know I am to blame, as are the other gods. I should have been able to prevent S-sally's death." He choked out, grief clear in his voice.
Then, Poseidon turns his son around so he can see the fury and anguish in his green eyes, "But son, this isn't you." Poseidon gestures to the destruction around them from Perseus' powers taking form. "You can rage against me all you want, but I know that you don't want to put innocent lives in danger. I don't want you to do something you will regret later." Then, Poseidon looks pleadingly in his son's eyes, "So please son, turn all that rage to me. We can leave somewhere safe to keep all these people safe, and you can rage and beat and scream at me all you want, but you have to agree to following and trusting me just a bit here and now."
Perseus blinks away his tunnel vision and looks at all the damage around him. Broken glass of homes and shops, cracked roads and crashed cars, his destruction lay all around him. People crying and scared and wounded. What has he done?! 
Percy gasps horrified, and sinks to his knees. Poeidon rushes down to him concerned, but Percy barely acknowledges his father as the ground stops shaking, the wind dissipates, and the storm turns to a solemn downpour. 
Percy thought about his dad's words, his acknowledgment in his faults, and his worry for him, and grief for his mother. He sobbed again, what was he doing? He hated the gods right now, but they were still family and he wasn't a killer. Percy thinks he really just hates himself the most and he just needed someone to blame. Don't get Percy wrong, he is still justifiably angry, but right now he is grieving and exhausted, now feeling the effects of using so much power.
"D-dad," Percy choked out, "C-can you please take me away?" He had to get away from here. He couldn't be in this city anymore. He had to leave now.
Poseidon, still kneeled down next to Percy, says, "Of course," and gathers Percy in his arms, his son's body shaking from sobs as he clutches onto Poseidon. "Close your eyes," he whispers to his son. Then, Poseidon transports them to Atlantis into Percy's room that he had prepared after the Titan's war. He holds onto his son a bit, his sobbing and gasping tampering off as he succumbs to exhaustion, as Percy lets himself fall into the darkness of rest.
Poseidon looks sadly at his son, how young he truly is, noting the shape of his eyes, the slenderness of his body, and the curve of his lips, so similar to Sally's. Sally, a queen amongst women, was gone, and now all he had left of her was their son. Their son that inherited his anger, but her wit and rebelliousness, and both of their stubborness. He wishes he could be in his son's life more. That gods weren't forever meant to stay away from their children's lives. That he could have protected Percy from everything. Kept Percy and Sally safe in his kingdom, but he knew much like Sally that Percy would want to live his own life. For now, though, Poseidon would watch over Percy and would do his damn best to protect his son now that the schism between his Roman and Greek halves was mended. Zeus be damned! Percy saved them twice over and deserves rest (he deserves so much more).
Here's the one-shot on Ao3
Next PJO One-shot
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hellskitchenswhore · 2 years
#angst - frank castle x reader
tags: #mega angst #vigilante!reader #hurt comfort #torture #tw sexual assault #murdock v castle #savior!Frank
❖ Stay by @frankcastlescumslut - vigilante!reader, #angst, #hurt/comfort. Pretty dark
❖ Keep Those Pretty Eyes Open by @fabulaprima - frank finds you hurt on his doorstep
❖ You Again by @piratesfromspace - vigilante!reader shows up injured at Frank's door. #tw sexual assault
❖ After Dark by @emerald-chaos - You're attacked on the way home and saved by your neighbor, Frank
❖ 11:15 and 5:45 by @1800marvelqueen - You're attacked leaving work and Frank patches you up. #savior!Frank
❖ I See You In My Dreams by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms - You sometimes dream Frank is dead, #hurt/comfort
❖ Bar Fight by @kaylaxwrites - you put an asshole in his place. Frank isn't sure if he's pissed or turned on
❖ Keep You Safe by @chrisevansredbelt - You screwed up and Frank's pissed, so you hide the injury from him
❖ After the Rain by @piratesfromspace - Frank brings you home from the hospital, #hurt/comfort, #smut
❖ Here For You by @feralforfrank - Frank's distant after a job
❖ Such A Pretty House by @chrisevansredbelt - Frank breaks up with you for your own safety
❖ Let You Go by @modern-vellichor - Frank has a nightmare after a big argument
❖ Butterflies and Hurricanes and After the Storm by @stress--relief - Frank loses you during the blip, #mega angst
❖ look after you by @pedrito-friskito - Frank comes home in really bad shape
❖ Not Getting Rid of Me by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms - You're kidnapped and tortured to get to Frank
❖ "Do you even know my last name?" by @modern-vellichor
❖ On My Nerves by @modern-vellichor - You go off on Frank after he scares Amy
❖ this heart beats only for you by @inpraizeof - Your ex makes a surprise visit in the middle of the night, #murdock v castle
❖ I Gotchu by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms - Frank saves you from being used as an experiment, #torture
❖ Torment by @reckoningss - You're tortured to get to Frank, tw graphic torture
❖ Please Lower Your Volume by @martyrmurdock - Matt and Frank's yelling triggers you, #past abuse, #platonic
❖ on my knees by @dameronology - he had your heart in a glass case, and sometimes he took a hammer to it
❖ "Can you shut up for once in your life?" by @lordabovehelpme - suddenly you're both on the run together
❖ Reckless by @harryscherriess - You accidentally flinch during a fight
❖ guilt by @grippingbeskar - coping with grief
❖ First Aid by @charnelhouse - #angst and #smut
❖ Blooded by @stray-kaz - Frank finds you covered in blood
❖ "Good people deserve to be safe" by @grippingbeskar - You put yourself in harms way to protect Frank
❖ Complicated by @targaryenvampireslayer - angsty smut
❖ Frank yelling at you for the first time by @headedstraightforfrankcastle
❖ Model Tenant by @tngrayson – Frank is new in your father's building and notices the bruises on your wrist, #tw abusive relationship
❖ If Walls Could Talk by @ultrablackwidower - after two years, you've both changed, #vigilante!reader
❖ I'm With You (Always) by @amhrosina - On the 5th anniversary of Maria’s death, Frank grapples with the guilt of loving someone else
❖ Honey Come Home by @amhrosina - It's been years since Frank's heard from you, but the second you call, he hurries to defend you from your abusive boyfriend
❖ Holding Out Hope by @bits-and-babs - Following the death of your husband, you find solace in a fellow widower, #love and #smut
❖ I Can't by @hellsfirekeepsyouwarm - You know he still sees his wife when he looks at you, and you worry you can't give him what he needs, #comfort, #love
❖ Safe and Sound by @amhrosina - Frank needs your comfort after failing to save a girl that looked like you, #angst, #smut
❖ let that go by @chvoswxtch - It was just some asshole provoking Frank in a bar, but with devastating consequences for you both, #mega angst
❖ open wounds by @narcolini - Frank shows up at your door in bad shape
❖ Punching the Bag by @hellsfirekeepsyouwarm - Frank's enemies come after you and he's nowhere to be found
❖ trigger by @dameronology - Frank lives to protect you. he doesn't take it very well when you do the same for him
❖ Should Have Listened by @f0rever15elf - Frank told you not to go out, and now you can only hope he finds you in time, #torture
❖ In A Lonely Loop by @frvnkcastles - After a long day at work, you snap at Frank, and neither of you really know how to go about it
❖ Not For Me by @bolontiku - Struggling with your demons, you reach out to the only man that has ever made you feel safe, #ptsd
❖ lego house by @grippingbeskar - they broke your mind, and Franks not sure how to bring you back
❖ For The Night by @frvnkcastles - When a string of dates ends terribly for you, Frank is there to comfort you through it, #tw sa
❖ Bad Miracle by @frvnkcastles - He would never hurt you, but you flinch anyway
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For all of'em?
hc + 🔞
hc + ❓
hc + 💍
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Andrea's favorite weather is sunny and around seventy-five.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
Andrea doesn't like to wear gaudy jewelry. She prefers a simplistic necklace with a small charm/pendant hanging from it. And if she wears rings, they have to be small and not bring attention to her hands.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Andrea loves to be fucked prone bone style but that's the only thing she's embarrassed to ask for.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Andrea was on her high school's tennis team.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Beth loves afternoon spring showers. She will take her notebook outside and sit where she can hear and smell the rain and write music.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
Beth's mama pierced her ears when she was seven years old and begged to get earrings like Maggie had.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Beth's first time was with Zack at the prison. He made it special for her by putting candles a nice sheet and a blanket in one of the cells that had been cleared and cleaned but that nobody had moved into yet.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Beth won the solo in the school's choir in her freshman year. She was the first freshman to win the solo. It usually went to a senior.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Carol has experienced a hurricane, tornado, and an earthquake. All in her twenties.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
Carol used to wear a small golden cross until Sophia's death. She pulled it from her neck and never wore it again. Her relationship with God has become shaky ever since.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Carol likes reverse cowgirl. And is not afraid to tell her partner as much.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Carol was number three in her high school graduating class.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Charley's favorite weather is when it's sunny and no higher than 72 degrees. Georgia rarely delivered that kind of weather. It was a rare occasion in Spring and Fall. And they enjoyed it as thoroughly as they could when it did happen.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
Charley won't wear anything but sterling silver jewelry.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Charley's first time was in high school. It happened in the backseat of a car.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Charley is a young adult novel author. He was half-way through the second book of four-part storyline when the Outbreak happened.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Daryl's favorite weather is when it's just a little bit cold outside. It's the best weather for deer hunting.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
Daryl isn't a fan of jewelry, but when Carol made him a friendship bracelet to match the one he hastily made for her, he never took it off.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Daryl likes to fuck his partner from behind. That way he can bite their neck and shoulder.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Daryl rarely got C's in school. He mostly got A's and B's. But in his senior year, he had to choose between having a roof over his head and food in his belly or school. He chose the roof and food.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Rick loves stormy weather. He likes to hear the thunder rumbling in the distance.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
It took Rick a long time to take off his wedding ring that Lori gave him on their wedding day. Even then, he kept it in his pocket. He wants to give it to Carl one day when he finds someone that makes him happy.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Rick isn't very vocal in bed, but he is very handsy. He can't seem to help himself.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Rick never wanted to be anything else but a police officer. He had no fallback plan. So if he didn't make it the first time, he would have kept trying until he made it.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Shane's favorite weather is summertime. He loves swimming and used to volunteer as a lifeguard in the summers when in high school. That's probably where his love of orange swimming trunks stemmed from.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
The only jewelry Shane wears is his high school football number pendant and chain.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Shane is dominant in the bedroom. He's not into bdsm, but he does like to have complete control.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Shane never had a desire to be a police officer. He only followed Rick after his dreams of being a pro football player were crushed in his senior year when he messed up his knee. It turned out that he was a natural at being a cop. He didn't like it in the beginning, but he learned to love it and enjoyed being a cop after a couple of years.
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hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
Sophia has never cared for storms. It always reminded her of her Daddy and how angry he could get. When it stormed, she would either hide in her closet or under the covers on her bed. That continued well into her teenage years.
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
Sophia found a charm bracelet when she went on a supply run, and she put it on and hasn't ever taken it off. She's added charms to it from time to time whenever they have time to browse around a jewelry store while on a supply run.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
Sophia doesn't like it when her partner gets up right after sex. She feels as if she did something wrong. She needs the cuddles and reassurance. At least, in the beginning, she does.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver’s choice
Sophia can draw and paint everything but people. She can never seem to get the perspective right.
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peppered-moths · 1 year
im back, having you considered love from the otherside for flower husbands. something something having been through this whole cycle so many times that their relationship has changed so much each time but they're both still so lodged in the others heart that they cannot shake each other even if they wanted to. do they love it? do they hate it? who knows! -screamingallium
welcome back, always a pleasure to have you :D
i do like this one a lot, and now i have time to write a whole analysis post, so:
"Model house life meltdown still a modern dream letdown, it kills me" - I imagine this is a reference to 3rd life's afterlife, because it's clear that something changes between 3rd and last life. something something they realized that love in the middle of a death game isn't the most stable kind of relationship something something.
"Like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit" - this isn't even really flower husbands related, I just think it's very jimmy-esque. he's always pretending to be something he's... just kind of not. (the bad boys are pushovers THERE I SAID IT /aff)
"Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse / And I just about snapped, don't look back" - "you have 30 seconds to run." "i gave you the pufferish of peace!" yeah. they show love in the only ways they really know how any more; scott repeats old patterns, doomed to forever trace his own footsteps. jimmy gives him a head start. he goes against all instinct. he's not red, but it's still hauntingly familiar. he could have killed scott right then. he doesn't. what is love without sacrifice?
"Nowhere left for us to go but Heaven / Summer falling through our fingers again / And you were the sunshine of my lifetime / What would you trade the pain for?" - 3rd life AGAIN. all they had left was the afterlife, but that fell apart. what's left? what would you trade for the chance? what would you give for everything to be simple again? i don't think they know either.
"We're taught we gotta get ahead, yeah, no matter what it takes / But there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race" - jimmy's running out of time. he doesn't really want to kill scott. he would rather it be someone else. what do you think it's like, watching your life tick away in plain sight? scott doesn't forgive him, i don't think. he said no, you can't have my time, why couldn't jimmy listen? he thinks he understands a little better now, yellow running through his veins.
"Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand" - i think this could apply to a lot of things. jimmy chases scott. scott chases jimmy. they both never kill each other. it would be like crossing a line, like pretending what they were had never happened. it would be like falling out of love, while still being horribly, painfully in love. it could also apply to martyn (MAJORWOOD JUMPSCARE /j). jimmy thinks, that maybe, if scott really loved him, he would let him have the time. surely scott knows jimmy would never hurt him on purpose? but he lets martyn do it instead. it hurts. it... hurts. a lot.
"I saw you in a bright clear field, hurricane heat in my head / The kind of pain you feel to get good in the end, good in the end / Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain: "Give up what you love / Give up what you love before it does you in…"" - 3rd life. am i getting redundant? yes. do i care? no. scott mourned jimmy, and it led almost directly to his death. he's always had a self-sacrificing instinct, despite being a survivor. the grief is still there. he thinks, if he ever found a way back to that world, knelt before his husband's grave again, he wouldn't be the same. nothing would ever be the same. the world hasn't been in color for a long time. jimmy doesn't understand. he's right here. there's no need for grief! we're both still here. he's never watched anyone die. permanently, that is. the canary curse lifts its wings. scott mourns. jimmy doesn't think he can wait for someone who's ideals of him are stuck in a past life.
"Sending my love"
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mab1905 · 11 months
I made another playlist ehehe
Crowley's Breakup Mix
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I made a list of all the songs and the most important lyrics:
“It’s A Hard Life” – Queen I don't want my freedom / There's no reason for living with a broken heart / It's a hard life / To be true lovers together / To love and live forever in each others hearts / It's a long hard fight / To learn to care for each other “Cool About It” – Boygenius  But we don't have to talk about it / I can walk you home and practice method acting / I'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning / Telling you it's nice to see how good you're doing / Even though we know it isn't true “Moon Song” – Phoebe Bridgers You are sick, and you're married / And you might be dying / But you're holding me like water in your hands / When you saw the dead little bird, you started crying / But you know the killer doesn't understand “I Want Someone Badly” – Jeff Buckley  Now I want someone badly / To burn in here with me / Better listen baby / 'Cause I cry all over madly / Don't do anything to it with me / Ooh I wanna know / Am I sure that I have your love / I want know / If you're leaving just make sure it's right
“Too Much Love Will Kill You” – Queen I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be / Too many bitter tears are raining down on me / I'm far away from home and I've been facing this alone / For much too long / Torn between the lover and the love you leave behind / You're headed for disaster, 'cause you never read the signs / Too much love will kill you every time “Drink” – Destroy Boys Heavens send someone down / I'm about to turn this confession to a smoke cloud / Who put me here it's hard to say / Nails bleed as I claw out of the grave / She understands me like you did / She really loves me / I'm a saint living in sin / She really loathes me / She really loves me “Vampire Empire” – Big Thief I see you there rejecting all your earthly power / Protecting and dissecting 'til you've emptied every hour / I wanted to be your woman, I wanted to be your man / I wanted to be the one that you could understand / I walked into your dagger for the last time in a row / It's like trying to start a fire with matches in the snow / Well, you can't seem to hold me here, you can't seem to let me go / You wanna be with me, you wanna be with him “Letter To An Old Poet” – Boygenius You think you're a good person / Because you won't punch me in the stomach / And I love you / I don't know why / I just do / You don't know me / I wanna be happy / I'm ready / To walk into my room without looking for you / I'll go up to the top of our building / And remember my dog when I see the full moon / I can't feel it yet / But I am waiting “Salt In The Wound” – Boygenius You put salt in the wound / And a kiss on my cheek / You butter me up / And you sit down to eat / You add insult to injury / You say you believe in me / But you haven't decided / About taking or leaving me / Neck full of mockingbirds / All calling your name / I tried to sing it all back / Like I heard it, it don't sound the same / I'm gnashing my teeth / Like a child of Cain “Francesca” – Hozier Do you think I'd give up / That this might've shook the love from me / Or that I was on the brink / How could you think darling I'd scare so easily? / Now that it's done / There's not one thing that I would change / My life was a storm / Since I was born / How could I fear any hurricane? / If someone asked me at the end / I'll tell them put me back in it / Darling, I would do it again
“Lover, You Should've Come Over” – Jeff Buckley Broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it / Where are you tonight, child you know how much I need it / Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run / So I'll wait for you and I'll burn / Will I ever see your sweet return / Oh will I ever learn / Oh lover, you should've come over / 'Cause it's not too late “Dreamers Ball” – Queen Oh, take me, take me, take me / To the dreamer's ball / I'll be right on time and I'll dress so fine / You're gonna love me when you see me / I won't have to worry / You make my life worthwhile / With the slightest smile / Or destroy me with a barely perceptible whisper / Gently take me remember I'll be dreaming of my baby “Shrike” – Hozier I couldn't utter my love when it counted / Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now / And I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted / I had no idea on what ground I was founded / All of that goodness is going with you now / Then when I met you, my virtues uncounted “Silver Springs” – Fleetwood Mac Time cast its spell on you, but you won't forget me / I know I could have loved you, but you would not let me / I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you / You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you
“From Eden” – Hozier Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago / Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword / Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know / I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door “Your Best American Girl” – Mitski You're the sun, you've never seen the night / But you hear its song from the morning birds / Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star / But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds “How I get Myself Killed” – Indigo De Souza Did you say anything on the night of my first hit / On the night of my first kiss / On the night of my first runaway / Something must be up, I have never felt so dumb / I have never gone so numb / I have never been so late before / This is probably how I get myself killed “Me And My Dog” – Boygenius I wanna be emaciated / I wanna hear one song without thinking of you / I wish I was on a spaceship / Just me and my dog and an impossible view / I dream about it / And I wake up falling “Lilac Wine” – Nina Simone When I think more than I want to think / Do things I never should do / I drink much more that I ought to drink / Because it brings me back you… / Lilac wine is sweet and heady, like my love / Lilac wine, I feel unsteady, like my love / Listen to me... I cannot see clearly / Isn't that he coming to me nearly here? “Promise” – Laufey I made a promise / To distance myself / Took a flight, through aurora skies / It hurts to be something / It's worse to be nothing with you “Not Strong Enough” – Boygenius I don't know why I am / The way I am / Not strong enough to be your man / I tried, I can't / Stop staring at the ceiling fan and / Spinning out about things that haven't happened / Always an angel, never a god / I don't know why I am the way I am / There's something in the static / I think I've been having revelations / Coming to in the front seat, nearly empty / Skip the exit to our old street and go home
 “Unknown/Nth” – Hozier You know the distance never made a difference to me / I swam a lake of fire, I'd have walked across the floor of any sea / Ignored the vastness between all that can be seen / And all that we believe / So I thought you were like an angel to me “Waiting Room” – Phoebe Bridgers And I can wish all I want, but it won't bring us together / Plus I know whatever happens to me / I know it's for the better / I want to make you drive all night just because I said maybe you should come over / I want to make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents teenage daughter / She'll be the best you ever had if you let her / I know it's for the better… “Night Shift” – Lucy Dacus Am I a masochist, resisting urges to punch you in the teeth, call you a bitch and leave? / Why did I come here? To sit and watch you stare at your feet? / What was the plan? Absolve your guilt and shake hands? / I feel no need to forgive but I might as well / But let me kiss your lips so I know how it felt / Pay for my coffee and leave before the sun goes down / Walk for hours in the dark feeling all hell / Don't hold your breath, forget you ever saw me at my best / You don't deserve what you don't respect / Don't deserve what you say you love and then neglect / Now bite your tongue, it's too dangerous to fall so young / Take back what you said / Can't lose what you never had “I Guess” – Mitski I guess, I guess / I guess this is the end / I'll have to learn / To be somebody else / It's been you and me / Since before I was me / Without you I don't yet know / Quite how to live
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lasarcasticpanda · 11 months
something that i thought was very well done in Barbie (besides yanno all of it) is how Margot's Babrie doesn't think she's smart, because she has been labeled as "stereotypical Barbie".
like, multiple times in this movie, she has moments of very well articulated and intelligent comments, which have excellent comedic timing, but serve a wider purpose of showcasing how women tend to be given a Trait and that is your thing. she mentions how she wishes Smart Barbie was here or to wait for Leadership Barbie to swoop in because she's Stereotypical Barbie, she's not smart, she's not a Leader, she can't do this.
at some point after childhood, women get pigeonholed into a category, right (sometimes even in childhood if I'm honest)? weird, smart, hot, pretty, ugly, bitchy, innocent, prudish, slut, nice. at most, you get two of these traits for your peers and friends to label you.
and its hard to see that when it happens! it's only as we go on and start having complex relationships and experiences and interacting with people outside of our space that we start seeing that and start putting a name to the feeling of constriction that we've been having for, what feels like, forever.
THEN you have to contend with the reality that you are so much more than even all of those things and that's scary! you cannot fit into these small boxes, humans were never made to fit into boxes, you have to throw it out even as others play tug-of-war with you in the rain and insist the soggy, tearing box is so important and where would we be without it? you have to constantly face that and insist that no, it's not, and we'd be right where we are now, arguing over a wet box in the rain when the only thing either of us wants is to be warm inside.
and you have to learn when to pick and choose to just let go and leave the box and the person in the rain and when to keep fighting, even if you're so tired and cold.
and this just! HAPPENS! like there isn't a manual, there isn't a magical age you turn where this becomes clear to you! it's different for everyone and some don't ever have that and some have it so young and others not until they're old! it's such a lonely thing sometimes!
but then you meet other women, different women, so many women with so many unique experiences to add. trans women, women of color, nonbinary women, disabled women, women of every differing religion, ALL have these unique experiences with this phenomon, some have more boxes to throw out in the rain, some have to try and throw out wooden or stone boxes in a hurricane, the danger they face in doing so is sometimes so much more than what others experience.
but that moment of realizing women all have this undertone of understanding and dealing with this gives us the courage to join and hopefully make the tug-of-war easier, to make sure we all get inside to be warm. it's hard to pull that stone box by yourself, but if we join behind you, maybe we can win.
this movie encapsulates that so incredibly well? that speech from Gloria about how tiring it is to see herself and other women feel this way and be made to feel this way and to buy into ourselves is just! that moment of looking every woman in the eyes and telling them they're seen and their struggles are seen and it is so unfair!
and then Barbie says something else smart and, for the first time, acknowledges she did. "Oh I can't believe that just came from me" it has the whole time, can't wait for you to realize that you were always human, and look forward to seeing you in the rain and for hot cocoa afterwards.
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misscorn · 2 years
Day 6 Takaritsu Day/Confession
I can't believe @takaritsuweek is almost over yet again. It always goes by in such a whirlwind lol enjoy <3
"You know what I regret most about our high school relationship?" Masamune asked, Ritsu's back currently to him as they snuggled up under the covers, both of them naked from previous nighttime activities.
It was pillow-talk moments like these before Ritsu inevitably fell asleep that Masamune could attempt to open up without Ritsu fleeing the room in fear of emotional intimacy. Ritsu was shy about physical intimacy, but it seemed as though vulnerability was his kryptonite.
"The fact that it happened at all?" Ritsu mumbled tiredly, hoping Masamune would drop it at that and let him go to bed. Masamune gently pinched his side, apparently not appreciating his cheekiness at the moment.  "Well, I thought it was funny..." Ritsu grumbled, too tired to realize that thought had made it past the filter.
"Don't even joke about that." Masamune scolded, entirely too serious. Like he could ever regret meeting and falling in love with Ritsu. "My biggest regret is that I never properly confessed to you. I mean, I know I said I love you that night in my room the first time we-"
"Spare me the details." Ritsu interrupted, still only sounding half awake.
"Fine, skipping the details." Masamune said with a roll of his eyes. "Basically, my confession never meant anything because you obviously didn't hear it." Otherwise there would've been no need for the 'big question' that had torn them apart. "And it's not because it could've saved us ten years of separation-well, at least that's not completely why. It's because you deserved a confession; a big, grand, heart-pounding confession. You loved me so much and so intensely and never asked for anything back."
It wasn't inaccurate to compare Ritsu to rain or the ocean or even a hurricane with how he had fully enveloped Masamune in the waves of his love. But never had it felt like drowning, no, it had been like floating without a worry in the world. Masamune couldn't recall a time he had felt like that before Ritsu, but all Masamune had done to reciprocate that love was promise himself that he'd crush Ritsu's 'delusions'. The worst part was he then accidentally followed through with that promise.
"Every day there were little reminders about how much you cared about me, if you weren't just outright confessing again. You were so thoughtful and kind and I...couldn't even say I love you and make sure that you heard it. You deserved an epic high school sweetheart romance. You had so much love to give and for some reason you gave it to me and I never returned the favor." Masamune finished, hoping he was making some kind of sense.
It was quiet for a few moments, in fact it was quiet for longer than Masamune would've liked, and for a second Masamune worried that Ritsu had fallen asleep halfway through his rambling. I swear I will bully him so badly at work tomorrow... However, just as Masamune started to stew in frustration, a very awake Ritsu turned over to face him.
"It wasn't a 'favor' and I wasn't doing anything out of the kindness my heart-"
"That's a lie." Masamune said. "Only an extremely kind person would've put up with me for as long as you did, even if in the end you did run off. Some days I seriously thought you had to be some kind of saint." Especially after that outburst in the library that neither he or Ritsu liked talking about. That topic was even more forbidden than The Laugh.
"You are exaggerating. Yes, I did nice things, and yes it was mostly because I wanted to see you happy and healthy, but it was also because I loved you and very selfishly wanted you to love me back." Ritsu said.
"Wanting to be loved back isn't selfish." Masamune said.
Ritsu snorted. "Please, it's totally selfish, especially with the way you tend to go about it." He said, gently pushing Masamune for emphasis. "You don't need someone to love you back in order to keep loving them and taking care of them, but you want it anyway because it'll make you happy. I think that's selfish." He said. "And I wanted you to love me back more than anything. Maybe I 'deserved' something out of a romance movie, but people don't always get what they deserve. Even if I had gotten some confession out of a fairytale, it wouldn't have meant anything if it wasn't from you. I just wanted you, at whatever level you were willing to meet me at, and I had you. At least for a little bit." Ritsu said, getting quieter and quieter the longer he spoke. "Besides, maybe it's better that we separated. We both had a lot of growing up to do." He added, the strength in his voice returning.
"We could've grown together. We might be even better than we are now if we had stayed together." Masamune said.
"Maybe." Ritsu shrugged. "But this is where we are."
"And where is this?" Masamune asked. "Obviously, the literal where is in my bed, but what does that mean for us, Ritsu? Is you being here with me a good sign? Are we any closer to being together than we were yesterday or is this another step forward before we take two more steps back?"
Ritsu took a deep, slow breath, carefully contemplating Masamune's question. "I know what you want me to say-"
"I want you to be honest." Masamune said. "I love you. I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. Even if you never get to where I am, I'm going to love you. So, where are you?"
Ritsu took another deep breath, thankful for the darkness that hid him somewhat. "I'm with you." He answered. "I'm wherever you are." I always have been, haven't I? Peeking around a corner, waiting for you to give me the time of day...I've always been here.
Masamune gently ran his fingers through Ritsu's hair, admiring him as best he could in the low light provided by the moon shining through his bedroom window before he kissed him.
"I love you."
"...I love you too."
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Okay, so I as an individual does not support Juvia Lockser, I would say this on Tiktok but a good percent of my mutuals are GrUvia shippers so I would get cancelled within a day and whatever, and I don't want people coming for me from there.
Like I like Juvia is a water mage, she's pale (makes sense), her aesthetic is cute, I like her in short hair, she's just so pretty with it.
My issue is that she stalks Gray and people will turn a blind eye to it mostly those who are all like, "Anime isn't real life, so it isn't an issue." She has a stash of Gray merch (Not a fan of it) Miss Girl stood outside in the rain bcs he was gone, I think she followed him in the manga against his consent and he caved in and let her stay.
Mashima could have written Gray a love interest who had her own thing but also loves Gray immensely but he makes her only reason for existing is for Gray's milked-to-the-max trauma which Mashima will not let go to save his life, Juvia has friendships with her guild members even with her female guild members which is clouded by the unreasonable jealousy for her beloved "Gray-sama"
Also, the hurricane caused an outage so this is very limited💀
Girl, why do you have gruvia mutuals if they will get up in arms when you point out the truth? /hj
But also thats why i block all people who like the ship and can't behave, which is most shippers actually
Juvia is a character i HATE deeply and also I love her, the thing is that i only love the version I reconstructed in my mind cause the canon one is beyond salvation. To me Juvia up until the Fantasia arc has a lot of potential, she has a cool magic, an interesting aesthetic and a particular character that although very flawed could still turn into something better, because you see we can tell she's an extremely lonely person, her obsessive attachment to Gray stems from that but she has moments with Lucy and Cana during the TOH and Fantasia arcs that show us that she could evolve past her obsession cause she now has a whole group of people who could act as her family. But since Mashima is an absolute idiot, he decided to halt any character development and then tried to make it a "mutually romantic" relationship that exhibits a fuckton of actual irl redflags.
The people who're all "anime isn't real life" need to pick up a fucking book about the ways fiction can and will affect reality, specially a person perceptions. Some people will think that Juvia's stalker tendencies are ok and could try to perform them cause "hey, if it worked for her it could work to make this person fall in love with me" or the contrary could also be true, that someone will ignore the redflags when they're being stalked and emotionally manipulated since Juvia is not, according to the series' morality, a bad character so neither is their stalker right? And it isn't just the stalking, Juvia DID manipulate Gray and take advantage of his trauma and vulnerable state several times to get him to "love" her. Gray "accepting" her affections is never going to be out of a place of actual required love but actually because Juvia has worn him down for years and at this point he might as well just give up trying to stop her, is the same dynamic at play with many male characters (and irl men) where they ask a woman out and pressure her until she gets tired of her no's being ignored but the only difference is that this time is a woman.
I mean their elements complement each other!!! And the way they meet? Juvia, a person who's been lonely and depressed most of her life meeting Gray, someone who is so nice and compassionate, who gives her a bit of hope that she isn't meant to just be hated by everyone? IT'S EXCELLENT!! THEY EVEN COULD'VE BEEN BEST FRIENDS GODDAMMIT, MASHIMA JUST NEEDED TO NOT MAKE JUVIA A STALKING MANIPULATOR.
But as it stands i cannot tolerate this ship in any form nor the fans who ship it. The only way I can tolerate Juvia is picturing her as a lesbian who stopped pursuing Gray very early on.
That's it, hope power returns to you soon enough.
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beedreamscape · 8 months
This an excerpt of a Loquaerryn fic idea I had back in March but I just know I'll never finish, I wouldn't know how, so there you have it:
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The last time Laerryn sees Avalir, the city is in a ball of fire.
From the water, a mile or two away, the scene is almost beautiful. Most of the buildings are made from marble and reinforced stone so the first major set of explosions sends entire walls and ceilings up into the sky in a horrifying display of arcane power. The second set begins to chip off at the edges of the mountain, sending energized chunks of brumestone up that explode as soon as they fall back to land.
She knows if she stays and watches, sooner or later one of the detritus will come flying too close and strike her, or maybe the waves will become too much for her to swim against — and maybe it won’t be so bad to give into current, go quick, as peaceful as one can go in the middle of a hurricane.
Her world is burning right before her eyes, no metaphors, no similies.
No house, no city, no husband nor ex-husband, no friends nor rivals, no job or projects. If she’s lucky enough, her family is now running for their lives as quickly as they can, she has no doubts, she can teleport herself and her siblings all the way across the continent with sets of runes she can set up in half a thought.
She hadn’t thought of them in many months, but now the possibility of them also expiring makes the choice of staying put, hoping for a rain of debris or maybe a choking cloud of smoke sound more than appealing — at least from here she can no longer hear the screams of terror, just watching the spectacle of horrors.
She’s putting everything into neat lists, going through the timeline of the night, trying to spot where exactly all went to shit, stretching further back for all the clues she missed, the mistakes she made… but there are too many holes, crossed out lines, and lies; nothing she can find will revert what’s happening but it makes easier to bear it.
It’s too hard to bear, this too she sunders.
Laerryn is almost a shadow in the dark ocean, keeping herself afloat against increasingly agitated waters, but her magic still burns with the remnants of energy still within her. And that is enough.
“Hey! Over here! Wave if you can hear me!”
Several meters away, in a perpendicular trajectory away from the continent, a small boat pack loaded with people cuts through the water with unlikely speed for something this small and populated. Laerryn feels weak and uncooperative, but she waves because there's little left to lose. They make a sharp turn towards her, the closer they get the clearer it becomes the sheen of magic coating the boat’s wood.
Be quick, be quick! Someone screams at the head of the boat.
There isn't much free space left and unlike the others she's soaked through. Now inside the boat, she spots the rudimentary set of arcane batteries powering the propellers that push the boat forward. She knows most of these people aren't magical, Cathmoiran folk.
She holds out her hand towards the batteries and empties the last of her spell energy into it, and with that they are abruptly thrusted forward, those inside having to hold onto the sides to keep themselves grounded.
“Are you a wizard?”
She nods without looking at the asker.
“Are you from Avalir?”
“Yes.” She looks at it. “Were.”
“Can you tell us what's happening?”
Her teeth begin shattering loudly. “The gods… are at war.”
There's a burst of chatter. “Do you know why!?”
“No. It doesn't matter either way.”
They travel for what feels like hours before the batteries start to wear down. By then, even in the nearly complete darkness of the ocean were it not for a full Catha and a flaring Ruidus, on the distant horizon, nothing but a glowing speck, Domunas still burns.
The two children on board sleep in their mothers' chest while the adults try convincing each other to sleep, to rest, it'll pass it'll pass, but Laerryn knows that it won't. She curls up and watches through her dark vision the speck of fire, constant explosions, airships making way east of the continent or upwards towards Wildemount.
Deep within she hopes the fuel that feeds the fires will end, that the demon god will make way to Vaselheim and make merry there, leaving the ashes of her city behind.
She doesn't know how long she stays there, how long she watches, but thirst and hunger and grief makes her insides hollow and sore. She's exhausted but fears if she closes her eyes, the further everything she loves will be from her.
But she remembers exactly how Quay would coax her into sleeping, not trancing: that she'd not only rest her body, but her mind, give thoughts and ideas a rest, put grief to sleep.
Her exhaustion is great enough to allow her that luxury now.
She curls against the side of the boat, clothes still damp, doing her best to ignore the hunger and thirst and joint-hurting cold.
She'll put this pain to sleep.
Laerryn wakes up with her mouth full of salt water, her mouth her throat her lungs her ears. Or the moment right after it left those spaces, air rushing in like sandpaper against her soft tissue.
She can't hear anything except the sound of the ocean and her own loud ragged breathing, reaching for something, anything that'll keep her stable, finding only wet slippery wood beneath her.
“Miss! Miss, calm down. You're safe.”
Desperate gasps are her only response. She can barely make out the person's — or people's — blurred outline against the exploding white of sunlight. She squeezes her eyes shut.
“Wh— What happen—?” Her voice comes out significantly raspy and breathy.
“There was a storm going on! We just pulled you out of the water.”
A second voice comes in, “It was devilish quick but it was merciless.”
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xthetravelerx · 2 years
I keep telling myself it's for the better. Some days I think I've healed. I've learned to retract into myself. I've learned that I can not love so hard and so deeply because my actions reflect that and some people....they don't understand it.
But I have found people I can love like that. When I say my soul is a currency I would spend for their happiness, they get it. They know I would and remind me that their happiness isn't so overpriced. That me being there with them, that's enough.
It's a certain one. Her. She understands me without me even having to open my mouth. She knows when I'm angry, can feel the air around us vibrate with it and can put me down with a look. A smile. Or a warning glare.
She knows my talents, knows who and what rules me. She knows my deepest darkest fears and is unapologetic about challenging them for me to overcome them.
Just like I know her. She is cold and dangerous because the world has made her that way. But she accepts my warmness like the sun. I can wrap myself around her and she relaxes into me, lets me show her that I am a human that accepts all the jagged bits and pieces of her as she is because i know those sharp edges are just her defense mechanism.
I've seen at her best, being silly, flopping on a bed, and looking at me with glee in her eyes, a glee I contribute to because I know she hasn't had such happiness in so long in her rough life.
Just like she watches me when I fall in and out of love freely without fear of never falling back in. She compliments me in ways i can't argue with her about. She touches me when I'm afraid of it not because she wants to force me to get it over with, but to show me that it won't end me. That it's okay, and to give me back some of the warmth I've given for her.
I love her. I love her family. I love her daughter and her husband and I share an unspoken bond that she's too important to ever let go of. She's my best friend. She's his wife. We bond over that mutual love.
And I can love her violently and it's okay because she's so fucking strong and doesn't even have to try. My love could be a hurricane and it would barely make her budge.
I wanted to love you violently but I don't think you could comprehend it. I don't think I could comprehend it. It wasn't something you nor I understood at the time. I know me alot more. I'm no longer afraid of my darkness because that's what I am. I am made of so much of it and it's a heady power that I have no learned to sit in and allow to be apart of me. It is deep and intense. It deprives you of basic senses before swallowing you whole.
It's okay you didn't understand that. And in realizing that, I can learn to forgive you and myself for the end of our friendship. I can let go of the anger and the hurt. At least some of it. I was never angry because you couldn't love me the same way I loved you.
I think I was angry because I wanted it to be me. Not the people who hurt you. Not the people who abandoned you. Me, standing in my own storms, not caring about the rain or the wind or whatever, because I was willing to ignore it all to make you happy.
But the very people who made you cry could hold so much weight in your eyes.
I think I had fallen in love with you and didn't even realize it. I think being confronted with that sudden realization shook me for a moment. It dragged me out of everything I knew and demanded attention and I wasn't ready for that.
No matter how many times I would find myself crying at night because I wanted you. I knew you'd feel warm, smell warm, I knew your hands were soft in the way they'd touch my face and your smile would devastate my heart in the best of ways.
That fucking terrified me because I didn't see it coming.
Even now I won't travel to that state because there is the smallest chance of seeing you and I know what will happen. I'll see you and...and all of it will come flooding back and I know it sounds silly but I don't want to turn off all my emotions again just to function.
I had to do it last time because the fear of me bearing my soul to you...and you still choosing someone else was too much. The threat of you dying lingered around every corner and my heart was stretching far too thin and my fear was a bitter taste on the back of my tongue every fucking day and I just couldn't take it and I tried to fix it I really did. Then i realizes the only common variable between all these troubles was me.....so i removed me from the equation. And it caused a rift and it caused hurt and pain and anger.
But yet as much as you fought to keep me, you know something.
Your mental state and happiness is the best it's ever been. That's what happened before. You got so much better then I....I stupidly let myself come back and I would mess it up all again with my messy feelings and self hatred and untrusting ways.
I can't be mad at how things have transpired because you've come out the other side stronger than before.
And that's okay with me.
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floridacollective · 2 years
About this Florida weather...I must say June and July rainstorms used to be a favorite of mine, just enough down pour to cool off the hot days and give us all some relief for the typical 90 plus temperatures.
However, recently I have to admit when it rains now I get a touch of anxiety. The cool down turned into a tree down that just so happened to total my nissan rogue.
My super power for working for the state of Florida afforded me to have both cars paid off, but then mature strikes and takes it away.
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I wanted to cry!! I couldn't believe it, not to mention this tree wasn't even in my property it belonged to the church next door. Now let me go back three years when I first purchased this home, we had asked the church that when our tree guys were here we could have them removed but that offer was denied.
Three years later one of them fall on my paid off car. Also the pastor isn't the same as the one we offered to remove trees with but non the less the new preacher is supposed to have them removed and I must say "I can't wait." So now I must say please say a prayer they get removed before and of our Florida famous hurricanes venture to town.
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Thank goodness I kept full coverage on this paid off vehicle that would of lasted me another 10 years atleast.
That's a whole other conversation 🙄 when it comes to auto insurance these days. But in the meantime, don't park your car near any trees if you can help it.
In this situation it wasn't like we parked under a tree but it was so tall and old that it could have fell either direction and actually fell into a house in thr neighborhood.
Even though I've been a Florida native all my life it's literally the first time this has occurred and I pray to every extent that it was also the very last.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
you're so good at writing!!
may I request headcanons of Gundham, Kazuichi, and Korekiyo with a s/o who clings onto them constantly during storms?
(there's a hurricane where I am so I thought it would fit)
Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Souda, and Shinguuji Korekiyo with a S/O who clings to them during storms
omg thank you woah
when you write something genuinely good but it gets no notes because it's something so niche
also stay safe omg
-Mod Souda
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Gundham Tanaka
❤ As soon as he hears the rainfall outside, he puts on his trench coat. Not to go outside, no. But to hold you inside of it.
❤ You like to sit in his lap, him holding the coat over you, drowning you in his clothes. It brings a warmth to the cold weather outside.
❤ When all of his animals are asleep, he'll pick up a book, reading while you lay on his lap.
❤ He'll stroke your hair and kiss your forehead.
❤ The sound of the rain, aggressive against the windows, often wakes you up. But he'll tell you that everything is okay. He'll soothe you back to sleep.
❤ He doesn't mind storms. If anything, he sees them as signs from the gods.
❤ His first priority is to make sure all of his animals are fine and calm. He does a headcount before letting himself settle down.
❤ You're apart of that headcount, of course, even though once the storm starts, you're always in his line of sight.
❤ If the power goes out then he's prepared. He has ominous candles all around his apartment anyway. And it's enough to light up the whole house.
Kazuichi Souda
❤ He isn't fond of storms. He'll like, practically jump into your arms. The loudness of it is the worst part. And he's not one of those people who find an aesthetic in rain.
❤ Most of the times, he'll lay his head into your lap for you to play with his hair as he closes his eyes. Not to sleep. But just to relax.
❤ He can't sleep to the loud noises from outside.
❤ The two of you can partake in quiet activities. Painting each others nails, playing games on the phone, even board games.
❤ He has collected a lot of board games in his time. Some of which you haven't even heard of.
❤ He has a lot of things like flashlights and batteries, canned foods and the sort. He's much of an overthinker. He's prepared for almost everything he could even consider.
❤ So, at least you'll be very safe within the house.
❤ He has many blankets for you both to cuddle under, too.
❤ Clinging to him is something he loves. Any attention he can get makes him feel like he belongs. Your touch is still something he's not used to. It gives him butterflies each time.
❤ He'll let you put your hands up his shirt for warmth, even if it flusters him.
Shinguuji Korekiyo
❤ Oh, he loves the rain. You clinging to him is another reason as to why.
❤ He'll warm some tea, give you some blankets, making sure you're emotionally well.
❤ And then his lanky arms will wrap around your body and he'll hold you for hours on end.
❤ He'll hum songs, a numerous number of songs, while brushing your hair. Soothing people is one of his favorite things to do. He's particularly skilled at it.
❤ If all you want is to just be near him, then that's perfect. He'll lay down on the couch so you can lay on top of him.
❤ He can fall asleep easily in that position. He likes the feeling of your weight on him.
❤ The sight of him sleeping is just so adorable. He's the cutest sleeper, whether he wears his mask or not.
❤ And the sound of the rain just makes him fall asleep faster.
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anyway hi so the triplets and the cool colour sisters mirror each other
pepa mirrors isabela: "so much hides behind my smile" "what could i do if i just knew it didn't need to be perfect, it just needed to be? and they'd let me be? " "a little just won't do" "i wanna feel the shiver of something new, i'm so sick of pretty, i want something true, don't you?" "how far can i rise, through the roof, to the skies, let's go!" "what can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?" "making waves, changing minds" "what else can i do? (show 'em what you can do) what else can i do? (there's nothing you can't do)"
pepa mirrors isabela, but instead of perfection, the focus is on repression. pepa is basically told to smile and keep any emotion that is not peaceful and quiet away. plus her feelings are literally always on show, she can't quietly be angry in a corner bc her anger would manifest in thunder. imagine being five years old and being mad at something, throwing a tantrum because that's what five year olds DO and then your mother tells you that if you don't calm down you'll destroy all the crops in the village and then we won't have anything to eat. imagine you're really really furious and when you calm down and go outside you see someone's house has collapsed because of you. teenage pepa must have REALLY repressed all of her emotions. and then imagine her, for the first time, actually letting go and leaning into what she's truly feeling, learning that she can do so much, control the direction of her outbursts so much BETTER when she just lets her emotions sweep her off her feet (i imagine she can probably make the wind strong enough to make her and her siblings fly around)
julieta mirrors luisa: "i don't ask how hard the work is" "under the surface i'm pretty sure i'm worthless if i can't be of service" "a flaw or a crack, a straw in the stack that breaks the camel's back, what breaks the camel's back?" "give it to your sister, your sister's older" "who am i if i can't carry it all, if i falter?" "under the surface i hide my nerves and it worsens, i worry something is gonna hurt us " "under the surface i think about my purpose, can i somehow preserve this? " "give it to your sister, it doesn't hurt and see if she can handle every family burden" "who am i if i don't have what it takes? no cracks, no breaks, no mistakes, no pressure"
julieta mirrors luisa, not in literal strength but in composure and availability. julieta has to be there when someone gets hurt. she can't take a day off or decide to not cook or bake anything for a while, she HAS to do all this work bc if she didn't it would be selfish because people would be suffering longer than they need to when she could instantly stop their pain. she's in a terrible situation morally speaking. also i feel like there is a lot of pressure on her to be "the oldest" because she's the most mature even though they're all the same age and she just had to grow up the fastest. she isn't allowed to do anything for herself because she's so busy helping everyone else and everyone relies so much on her. (also i like thinking about her yelling at her siblings only for them to give her a BIG hug when they realise what she's going through)
bruno mirrors mirabel: "don't be upset or mad at all, don't feel regret or sad at all" "hey, i'm still a part of the family madrigal " "i will stand on the side as you shine" "i can't take another night up in my room, waiting on a miracle" "i can't heal what's broken, can't control the morning rain or a hurricane, can't keep down the unspoken, invisible pain" "always walking alone" "open your eyes, open your eyes" "someone please just let me know where do i go?" "i would heal what's broken, show this family something new" "am i too late for a miracle?"
bruno mirrors mirabel. yes he has a gift but he feels like he's useless, like he just makes everything worse. the way his power works in the movie means what he sees will 100% happen and he hates not being able to fix or change anything like his siblings, he's the odd one, the black sheep of the family and he's probably really desperately hoping that he'll be good for SOMETHING at some point, that he can actually use his gift for something that HELPS his family (imagine him at like ~15 years old after another bad vision that the town blames him for when it comes true, storming to his room after his mother told him if he can't figure out how to use his gift in a helpful way it was wasted on him)
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jaybird-redhood · 3 years
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wc: 2.2k
pairing: jason todd // gn reader
The first thing you think when you see him for the first time is that he has the cutest smile.
That’s a lie, the first thing you think it that he is so incredibly in shape, and it looks great on him, but the smile thing sounds better in your head.
He's moving into the apartment across from yours a month after you moved into yours. Weird, because the two people in your building closest to your age are 2 and 63, respectively.
You suppose that some wicked twist of fate must’ve brought this upon you for missing your cousin’s birthday party last week, because the guy standing across from you is crazy hot. And looking right at you. And you are in the huge neon Wonder Woman t-shirt that your best friend got for your birthday last year.
Yeah. Karma.
“Nice shirt,” the guy offers, holding in a grin. “You’re really making it work.”
“See you around, neighbor.”
And with a shut of a door and an awfully charismatic smirk he’s gone.
The next time you see him is a week later, and this time- luckily, you think- you’re dressed somewhat put together. You run into him while unlocking your door.
"What's got you in a twist?" he asks.
"Um," you start, "I just. Ugh I have so much to do. Like 3 hours of homework, a lecture tomorrow that I cannot skip, and I'm completely out of bread and eggs and can't even you to the store until, like, Thursday at best."
Once you start rambling you can't seem to stop. You slouch against your door. You're not entirely sure why you're telling a stranger all this, but he seems to be listening, so you suppose that’s a good sign
"I get the feeling," he offers, and you look up at him. "I'm majoring in English Lit and my classes are kind of kicking my ass."
You give him a small smile, "Glad to know someone in this building is struggling as much as I am."
"Jason," he says, and he reaches his hand out to you. "My name."
You shake it and tell him yours.
As you both turn back into your respective apartments you think that he maybe isn't as intimidating as you thought.
The next day goes by with a really boring lecture and another 3 hours of work you need to do.
The ride home from uni isn't that long, but it's long enough for you to contemplate all the ways that your life went wrong after moving to Gotham. And, maybe as payback for thinking mean things about the city, rain that you think should belong to a category 3 hurricane starts to whip around your car 10 minutes into your drive.
Your clothes are dripping water in literal puddles by the time you get back to your apartment.
Groaning, you start fishing for your keys in your purse while walking up the last flight of stairs.
When you get to your door you stop. Right in front of it there’s a grocery bag. Picking it up and looking inside you see a loaf of bread and a small carton of milk.
You pick it up smiling.
“Jason?” you ask, knocking on his door.
No response.
You shrug and turn around. Remember to thank him the next time you run into each other; you think.
That next time doesn’t happen to be that long and thank goodness for you.
“You know, we really need to stop meeting like this,” he says to you.
You’re sitting on the floor outside of your door looking rather pathetic, and he’s giving you the most awful smirk you’ve ever seen. (Not that it looks bad on him though. You seem to think that nothing could really look that bad on him)
“I swear I’m usually more put together than this,” you sigh to him. “You moving here jinxed me!”
“Yeah yeah. You’re locked out, aren’t you?”
You give him your best withering I’m going to kill you stare, but it must not be working because he just laughs even harder at you.
“This is completely not my fault it’s just I lost my second set of keys like right when I moved in and then today when I got home, I accidentally left them in my car, but my second set of car keys is in my apartment so now I can’t get them out, stop laughing at me!”
“God you’re a mess,” Jason says- finally finished laughing at you and maybe taking a bit of pity on how disheveled you look. “You couldn’t call anyone to get you in?”
You shake your head.
“My friend is the only other person with a set, but they’re out of town, and our landlord is being a dick and telling me it’s my fault in the first place, so I need to deal with it. I’ve been sitting out here for like an hour.”
“All I’m hearing is that it is your fault and now you’re just moping about it feeling bad about yourself.”
You tilt your head against the door so hard that it makes you wince a bit.
“Ok fine,” he says crossing his arms.
“Wait right here.”
He goes into his apartment and comes back out with a skinny metal thing you don’t recognize.
You look at him in confusion and he just motions for you to scoot out of the way as he sticks it in your locks and starts to pick it.
You sigh in relief.
“Thank you thank you thank you. For everything. I swear I will get my life together, so you don’t feel like you have to keep cleaning up my messes.
“I don’t mind,” he says with a small smile, “Take your time.”
And with that he opens the door to your apartment and turns back to his.
“By the way, you should really get better locks. That was way too easy.”
You make a note in your head to get that done sometime. As you’re lying on your couch that night, you’re AirDropped a photo on your phone. Saving it up you see it’s a piece of paper with neat handwriting on it: a phone number and a smiley face, Jason’s name at the bottom.
You smile too and add the number to your contacts.
Over the next few weeks, you and Jason start talking more, both over text and through the various times when you run into each other outside your doors.
Each interaction is better than the next, and you soon start to realize that Jason isn’t just some hot guy with no brains. He’s sweet and charismatic, has a whole wall full of bookshelves, could probably quote any classical novel by heart, has incredibly good taste in music, and best (or worst) of all, would make incredible friend material.
It’s just that as you become closer friends, you start to realize that that might not be all you want.
It’s a stupidly cold Friday morning when he texts you, and you’re covered in blankets and wrapped in sweatshirts in your bed. Movie at my place tonight?
You text back your approval and a quick be there at 6 before getting ready for classes.
The day goes by slower than you hoped.
It might be the anticipation of seeing Jason again, or more likely the hours of lectures you have to sit through, but you’re elated when your final class for the day gets let out.
The hours in between are a blur.
A blur which leads to the two of you sitting on his couch watching Romeo and Juliet together, a blanket thrown over your bodies.
You have the obligatory bowl of popcorn resting on your legs, and every few minutes Jason reaches across your lap to take a handful.
The way you’re laying half on top on him is completely deliberate, as to take as much of his body heat as possible. Your landlord had turned off heating 3 weeks prior to ‘save money’ or some other bullshit.
Jason’s not complaining though.
Once your popcorn bowl is finished and your head is in his lap, he runs his fingers through your hair absentmindedly. It might be the nicest feeling you’ve ever felt.
Throughout the movie you exchange snide comments about the plot back and forth. You start trying to say funny things whenever you can just to hear how sweet his laugh sounds to your ears.
By the end of the movie, you’re only slightly in tears, or so you tell yourself.
“Are you crying right now?” Jason asks incredulously, wearing a teasing smile.
“It’s not my fault,” you half say half moan, “Leonardo DiCaprio just has that effect on me.”
He just laughs and pulls you upright until you’re sitting on his lap.
His eyes are a shade of blue green that you’ve never seen before, although you could swear their getting greener by the second.
You watch his gaze drop down to your lips before staring you right in the eyes again.
“Can I kiss you?”
“God yes,” you tell him, and kiss him right back.
The next week is somewhat uneventful, even though you and Jason had been meeting each other almost every night, rotating apartments based on whose house was warmer each particular night.
Tonight is your night, and you’ve been waiting the whole day to show him the film you had rented to watch together.
The walk up to your door is easier than usual, and you have a bounce in your step that’s making you feel even more elated than normal taking out your keys to unlock your apartment.
You open your door and your bag drops. The keys clatter when they hit the hardwood, and the silence that follows is deafening.
“You’re bleeding on my carpet,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth.
There Jason is, bleeding quite profusely, and using your kitchen counter to keep himself vertical. He’s wearing what looks to be a torn half of a domino mask and an extremely hot leather jacket.
(Not that this was the time for noticing his fashion choices, but you filed that thought away for later.)
What really catches your eye though is the huge red bat symbol on his chest, and the red helmet next to it sitting on your counter.
He shifts a little to the side before stumbling through saying, “Um, so, I know this isn’t ideal and I’m really sorry to put you in this situation, but I seriously do not feel like bleeding out tonight and-”
“Oh my god this is great,” you cut him off with. “I thought you were a hit-man!”
“Wait what.”
“Shit no that’s not what I meant- kind of, hang on we should probably stop you from dying before having this conversation.”
You walk over to him to get a better look at his wounds.
“God Jace, you look like death warmed over.”
He just stares at you.
“You have a bunch of stuff in your bathroom, right?”
At least this elicits a reaction. He grimaces in pain but gives you a nod of his head in conformation.
“Ok I’ll be right back, don’t move.”
He gives you a look that says seriously, where would I go.
3 minutes later you’re back with a needle and thread, and some sterilizing spray.
“This should be fine,” you tell him, “I took a first aid class last year with my friends and passed with flying colors according to the nurse.”
“Just try to keep them tight and neat. I trust you,” he says, and your heart pounds just a little harder.
You respond with a nervous laugh but take a deep breath and start working.
An hour and a half later you’re done.
The combination of pain meds, bandages, and a whole lot of stitches eventually led to you and Jason laying in your bed together, both completely exhausted.
He turns his head to face you.
“Could we maybe go back to the hit-man thing?”
“Oh uh. Well I saw a bunch of shirts covered in blood in your laundry in the bathroom, not to mention all the weirdly specific first-aid you had,” you tell him.
“And also the assorted guns and knives you have hidden all over. I guess I just assumed? But the whole Red Hood thing is so much better,” you reassure him.
“You found all my knives?”
You smile up at him.
“I love that that’s thing you chose to focus on.”
“And you’re really not mad that I didn’t tell you about the whole vigilante thing before?” he asks.
“Jay, I had already resigned myself to life forever with some shady hit-man that also happened to be incredibly good looking. Red Hood is ten times better than that. I’m not going to run away from you just because you’re incredibly intimidating and probably could kill me. I see that as an added bonus,” you say, with as much charm as you can muster without yawning.
“Just. Be careful, ok? I’d hate to make this a routine.”
He responds by pulling you closer to his body.
“I promise,” he whispers into your head. “You really to remember to get better locks by the way, breaking in was still way too easy.”
You let out a small laugh and finally you let yourself give into sleep.
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