gralunaisland · 1 year
being a Graylu shipper am i the only one that doesn't like the idea of Lucy or anyone else being a Gruvia Shipper?
About Fairy Tail members being either complicit or enablers of juvia abusing Gray
You're definitely not alone, my friend! I personally am a Gralu shipper, but I don't necessarily agree just because of that.
I've said it in a post before, but I became an Anti gr///vian first and a Gralu shipper second. I totally understand people who don't like a certain ship just because they ship those individuals with other people, and I think that's a perfectly valid reason to hate a ship, as we can hate ships for mostly any reason. So, yes, being a Gralu shipper gives me another reason to not like it if Lucy were to ship gr///via because that basically just reconfirms that they don't like each other.
However, for me personally, I hate it whenever Lucy (whom I don't remember supporting gr///via very much if at all, but she definitely didn't actively oppose it to the best of my knowledge), Erza, or anyone in Fairy Tail/the FT universe supports gr///via mostly because that makes them, at best, complicit in juvia's abuse of Gray, and, at worst, enablers of this abuse.
I refuse to believe that manipulative and toxic affection was the true moral of Mashima's Fairy Tail, even if his characters actively advocate for it. I think he lost sight somewhere along the line of what it truly means to be a Fairy Tail member, and that means to be a loyal, compassionate, brave friend who always looks out for each other and love one another. juvia is none of those things, not even loyal to Gray, because what she does is a detriment to him, and she's really just loyal to herself and her "love" for him. Yet, Mashima promotes her behavior by giving her what she so desperately coveted in the end and by forcing his characters to be completely OOC and back up juvia, the slobbering, nasty, selfish pig, and not their loving, stalwart brother-in-arms and victim here, Gray.
That is despicable.
What's more, beyond how awful it is that FT people would rather back juvia than Gray, it's just bad, lazy writing. In no world would juvia be able to abuse other people and manipulate them and bully women and yet also be praised and protected and loved by those same people. Erza should have never sided with juvia over the 413 days matter or berated Gray for "not being clear enough" when he's been plenty clear. The other FT members shouldn't have ever blasted Gray for "leading juvia on". No one should even like juvia or want to be her friend because of what a b*tch she is.
Yet of course, everyone loves her for NO REASON. There are so many reasons to hate her (and honestly not one good reason to love her in my opinion), but does Mashima care? Absolutely not. juvia is his self-proclaimed self-insert's waifu, after all.
Anyway, true FT fans should be enraged that juvia lockser is one of the main people we are encouraged to be like in this show. They should be indignant that juvia has been made a poster child for this anime, when she embodies none of its values. They should refuse to accept this as healthy and desirable. They should balk at the fact that their beloved characters endorse juvia's actions and life choices, which are wholly unacceptable and unhealthy not only to herself but most importantly to others.
But lots of fans delude themselves, and the fans drive Mashima, so unfortunately, here we are, with a whole cast of characters who promote and affirm juvia, the least deserving of the Fairy Tail members.
For the record, I am not really talking about the fans who acknowledge juvia's toxicity but still like her and the ship because of a sort of suspension of disbelief. Honestly, there are many problematic or evil characters that many people like, and I usually see no problem with it if you are able to separate your fictional fantasies with reality. (Some deeply problematic things I do not excuse though). For example, I like Sukuna from JJK. Do I think he's a good person? Aaaaabsolutely not. He's a completely awful person. But still, I think he's cool and his power is sick, so I like him.
My issue lies within the area of the FT community who refuse to accept that juvia's behavior is deplorable and who attack anyone who tells them otherwise. These are the rabid fans who'd go for Mashima's throat if he dared to not make gr///via canon. I don't believe the fans who know juvia is a bad person but still ship gr///via would be so up in arms about it because this sort of self-awareness indicates maturity to me.
[Sidenote, the really aggravating and only thing that sets juvia apart from the characters who are literal villains and douches is that juvia isn't treated like a bad guy within the story. Sans some uncomfortable stares and sweat drops, she is largely treated like family, and everyone loves her. When even the canon material itself won't acknowledge a character's toxicity and awfulness to itself, of course there'll be people who don't think she's toxic. I hate that Fairy Tail lies to itself in this way. It just helps to turn the deluded fans against well-meaning Antis who speak literal objective truth, that the way juvia acts is not okay in real life.]
Anyway, those are my two cents, thank you for your patience and ask!
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Do you hate GrUvia and juvia
short answer; yes.
i am severely disappointed in the way juvia’s character evolved (devolved) into where she ended up, and pairing up with Gray is the worst thing for her character. She’s an orbital character who was written into being gray’s love interest (and a poor one at that) instead of really being her own character.
gr/uvia is a ship between two very traumatized characters who need therapy and not a relationship. gray is someone has gone through so much that he kinda allows juvia to trample all over him and his feelings instead of voicing and acknowledging his own. juvia is someone who had to keep her emotions down for so long that now she has to force them out and drown out other’s so that she feels seen and heard.
juvia does not love gray, she’s in love with the idea of him. you cannot convince gray is truly in love with juvia, i see it more as he has convinced himself that juvia has essentially earned him, like a prize, and he might as well just go with it, because he doesn’t hate her.
that being said, i love my juvia and i think she and gray would actually be a good couple, but you’ll never see me write them together.
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anti-gruvia-blog · 26 days
Even the English VAs of gray and Juvia don't ship them together. Gray's VA said she needs to let it go
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revlischarm · 1 month
Do you think Juvia's blood transfusion is the reason why Gray is acting so stupid and OOC in the 100YQ?
Holy shit you’re so right. I just had the (not serious) theory that Gray replaced himself with a clone and the real him was living happily elsewhere and that’s why he’s been so OOC. Shit’s insane.
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Okay, so I as an individual does not support Juvia Lockser, I would say this on Tiktok but a good percent of my mutuals are GrUvia shippers so I would get cancelled within a day and whatever, and I don't want people coming for me from there.
Like I like Juvia is a water mage, she's pale (makes sense), her aesthetic is cute, I like her in short hair, she's just so pretty with it.
My issue is that she stalks Gray and people will turn a blind eye to it mostly those who are all like, "Anime isn't real life, so it isn't an issue." She has a stash of Gray merch (Not a fan of it) Miss Girl stood outside in the rain bcs he was gone, I think she followed him in the manga against his consent and he caved in and let her stay.
Mashima could have written Gray a love interest who had her own thing but also loves Gray immensely but he makes her only reason for existing is for Gray's milked-to-the-max trauma which Mashima will not let go to save his life, Juvia has friendships with her guild members even with her female guild members which is clouded by the unreasonable jealousy for her beloved "Gray-sama"
Also, the hurricane caused an outage so this is very limited💀
Girl, why do you have gruvia mutuals if they will get up in arms when you point out the truth? /hj
But also thats why i block all people who like the ship and can't behave, which is most shippers actually
Juvia is a character i HATE deeply and also I love her, the thing is that i only love the version I reconstructed in my mind cause the canon one is beyond salvation. To me Juvia up until the Fantasia arc has a lot of potential, she has a cool magic, an interesting aesthetic and a particular character that although very flawed could still turn into something better, because you see we can tell she's an extremely lonely person, her obsessive attachment to Gray stems from that but she has moments with Lucy and Cana during the TOH and Fantasia arcs that show us that she could evolve past her obsession cause she now has a whole group of people who could act as her family. But since Mashima is an absolute idiot, he decided to halt any character development and then tried to make it a "mutually romantic" relationship that exhibits a fuckton of actual irl redflags.
The people who're all "anime isn't real life" need to pick up a fucking book about the ways fiction can and will affect reality, specially a person perceptions. Some people will think that Juvia's stalker tendencies are ok and could try to perform them cause "hey, if it worked for her it could work to make this person fall in love with me" or the contrary could also be true, that someone will ignore the redflags when they're being stalked and emotionally manipulated since Juvia is not, according to the series' morality, a bad character so neither is their stalker right? And it isn't just the stalking, Juvia DID manipulate Gray and take advantage of his trauma and vulnerable state several times to get him to "love" her. Gray "accepting" her affections is never going to be out of a place of actual required love but actually because Juvia has worn him down for years and at this point he might as well just give up trying to stop her, is the same dynamic at play with many male characters (and irl men) where they ask a woman out and pressure her until she gets tired of her no's being ignored but the only difference is that this time is a woman.
I mean their elements complement each other!!! And the way they meet? Juvia, a person who's been lonely and depressed most of her life meeting Gray, someone who is so nice and compassionate, who gives her a bit of hope that she isn't meant to just be hated by everyone? IT'S EXCELLENT!! THEY EVEN COULD'VE BEEN BEST FRIENDS GODDAMMIT, MASHIMA JUST NEEDED TO NOT MAKE JUVIA A STALKING MANIPULATOR.
But as it stands i cannot tolerate this ship in any form nor the fans who ship it. The only way I can tolerate Juvia is picturing her as a lesbian who stopped pursuing Gray very early on.
That's it, hope power returns to you soon enough.
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xanvasofxords · 7 months
Can't believe the sequel is getting animated and I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be (Trust me, it's certainly not because I'll have to do a lot of work skipping the pile of gruviugh trash that's been shoved into something that already has issues).
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Ac-liveblogs has a plethora of anti gruvia posts that are great and there's also another blog called gruviugh
^^^^^^ Some blogs to check out besides ours!
Thanks for the ask!
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Gr///uvia Fans when Juvia stalks and makes Gray uncomfortable: ROMANTIC GREAT SCENE, THEY'RE MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
Gr///via Fans when Natsu and Gray understand each other, have better moments, and are destined to clash with each other but if it wasn't for Mashima milking that out itd be the gayest shit you've ever seen: Nah, their COMPLETELY platonic, their BROS.
I'd be unanon but I have mutuals who ship Gr//uvia so uh, yeah
- De Captain De Nicki De Minaj✰
But do you really need your Gruviugh mutuals, little Minaj? Think it over...
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ac-liveblogs · 7 years
There's an anti blog with the url gruviugh and that's just beautiful honestly.
:’) @gruviugh, you are a legend among legends
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soph-scribbles · 7 years
I don’t even know what’s happening rn in FT but i’ve seen spoilers and apparently, the 4 major ships aren’t cannon and I’m so fucking happy. Although gruv//ia might bc like ewww I would much prefer Na//lu to be cannon than that train wreck of a ship (yep as a devoted gratsu shipper I would actually prefer Na//lu than this outcome, that’s how much I dislike what the Gruv//ia ship is portraying to the audience)
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gralunaisland · 1 year
Gray: Hey, Juvia.
Juvia: Yes my darling?
Gray: Stop attacking Lucy for no reason.
Juvia: And suddenly I can't hear.
Hahaha this is too good!!!
But also terrible.
But only because juvia sucks and actually acts like this.
Very accurate text post, Anon, thank you so much for sharing!
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I'm somewhat okay with GrUvia and GaLe but, NaLu and JeRza... yeah, not a chance... NaLu is just annoying. it's just like shipping Luffy with Nami and it's overrated as well. while JeRza... I don't know how to explain this... it's really cringeworthy and kinda toxic. It had that SasuSaku vibe and I find the concept of "childhood crush" really cringe and because, most people moved on. But in Erza's case, it's a big fat no. She couldn't accept the fact that he's a new man and couldn't accept to move on as well and They barely had any time together, as well as overrated too. Yeah, yeah... call me whatever you want, I don't care. These are just my point of view or whatever so, no offence.
I haven’t seen One Piece but I can see where you’re coming from. Na/lu, to me, just work better as friends. I can’t see them in a romantic relationship, other than in poly ships. Gruviugh is horrible and toxic. Je/rza is kind in the same boat as Na/lu too me. I don’t hate it, but whenever I see it, all I think is “nah.” Gajevy, I actually like, but they just didn’t have anything else to do for the majority of the series, Levy especially. She’s really just Gajeel’s baby mama now :/
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anti-gruvia-blog · 14 days
Gruvia week and Gruvia day are completely worthless and meaningless events. Gruvia is an unhealthy and toxic pairing that glorifies stalking and abuse. Juvia is a worthless character who doesn't deserve any celebration. It's important to acknowledge that this pairing and character are problematic and shouldn't be supported in any way.
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revlischarm · 1 month
Do you think Juvia is abusive to Gray?
Absolutely! Her behavior towards him is abhorrent and awful. The things she does in the name of “love” are straight up abusive. She’s in love with the idea of Gray (her fantasy version of him) and not the actual person Gray is. She blatantly disregards his feelings and opinions, and claims to love him while doing nothing to prove that. I wouldn’t consider any actions she’s shown towards Gray to be out of “love”, it’s unhealthily possessive and stalker behavior, and the fandom REALLY needs to stop idolizing it—it’s a bad look.
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
There are many comprehensive reasons as to why Gray actually doesn't like Juvia but the most important one is that he wouldn't be into that watery pussy. Gray isn't into squirting and you bet your ass that Juvia is the biggest squirter in all Fiore
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saccharinerose · 7 years
Noah fence but these “hot springs” comics Mashima put on twitter are... bad
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