#the id is so bad i need to fix it in the morning im so sorry
tararantism · 4 months
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another elf? on my blog? who would've thought. various sketches i did last summer of lasarian and their kids (minus one bc i fucked up the face </3). the quality is the best i can do without a proper scanner.
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
not gonna lie it is kinda bugging me not knowing When the sonic frontiers update is going to happen. because i wanna play it as soon as possible. but i dont know when that is
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yelloworangesoda · 2 months
i hate the food situation at my house so much for the love of god. theres only so many times a man can eat ramen with nothing or tuna with nothing
#theres no fucking. ingredients. theres nothing to add. i used to walk around my kitchen trying to look up stuff to make with what we had but#it required like. an onion. an egg. a spice. a vegetable. and we dont have that#and something about me. idk what it is idk if its me or my dads fault but i cant ask for it. i cant. i think part of it is bc i need the#ingredient for my one thing and then. it goes bad and its my fault and i feel bad#i hate my food situation so much. my dad makes this food in the microwave that he knows i dont like or eat. but if i make something else he#gets offended like thats not fair#and i feel bad for complaining bc i should just get a job and buy my own food but im not gonna do that bc im not gonna get a job.#i have trust fund money. like a decent amount from when i was hit buy a car#i should move out of state like right now. and live off that and when it runs out. ill just lay in the street i guess. i hate my life so#much guys its not funny. idk what to do. theres no fixing this theres nothing i want to do and nobody can help me bc theres no solution#everyone ignores it bc theres no solution to my problem. im never gonna be happy. its never gonna be worth it#nobody wants to tell me thats life suck it up or die bc they know id rather die by a mile. im so embarrassed of my stupid life im such a#failure. i want to kill myself bc i dont want to work like how pathetic is that. thats so stupid. i dont really say it to my parents bc they#would just laugh at me. or yell at me. i dont know what to do. i dont know what to do. i find myself hoping i get in a car accident and die#anytime i go out. i hope i dont wake up in the morning. i hope something bad happens and its not my fault so i dont get the blame i just get#the benifit of not having to do this anymore#god thats so. dark. its how i feel.#its getting to the point where i dont feel like i should say im not gonna kill myself at the end of these. im still not yet. but it feels#like a yet situation. like its gonna get to the point where i start trying again.#im still not there yet though. please dont… well idk what happens so suicidal adults. call the police on me. my methods arent any more#refined than they were when i was 14 trying to drink. nail polish.#simons spouting#vent :(#suicide //
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violentviolette · 3 months
can't sleep. my cats been missing since yesterday afternoon. this'll be her second night not here and the longest she's ever been away from home. its been raining all day. its still raining. my wife thinks she might have gotten stuck up a tree. she hates the cold and being wet. also heights. she doesn't like jumping up to high places. we think she fell out of a tree when she was a kitten before I found her.
I looked for her all day and into tonight. stopped once it got too dark. gonna keep looking once the sun comes up again and I know I need go sleep before that happens
ive never actually bonded with an animal before but ive also never had one as long as ive had her. its been 10 years. ive also never had one go missing. i dont like new feelings. ive had 3 panic attacks and started crying like a dozen times. ive checked all over the house, every floor every room top to bottom over and over again. pretty much once every hour. I checked outside 4 times but I didn't search the trees in the backyard. thats the first thing I'm gonna check in the morning. I want to check now but its pitch black and I dont have a good enough flashlight. but its raining. its raining and she hates the rain and heights and the cold
I dont actually know what I'll do if shes dead. not finding her would somehow be worse. id just worry forever.. I still don't know how she got out, if she got out. my wife keeps telling me there's no way she's just dead inside the house. she wasn't sick. or old. theres nothing she could eat that would poison her. if she'd fallen inside and snapped her neck we'd have found her by now. the dogs would know and be acting weird. by tomorrow wed start to smell her.. shes gotta be outside
I just want her to be somewhere. anywhere. Its driving me insane that I dont know where she is or what's happening to her or where to find her. I dont even have a clue. she just disappeared into thin air. she's not an outside cat. everywhere I look and everything I do is a guess or a shot in the dark. I dont know what to do so im not doing enough. I could look for her better if I knew where she was. if I knew anything at all other than that I saw her in the kitchen yesterday afternoon and then haven't seen her since. I hate not knowing things I hate not having information I hate not knowing what the right thing to do next is. theres too many variables and too many options and I just don't know.
I spent all day tearing apart the house looking for her. what if shes been outside the whole time. I could have been looking outside more. I could have found her by now. what if I keep wasting more time and more days go by because I just don't know
I hate not knowing. it makes u make the wrong decisions. u dont know and then u do the wrong thing and then u get the bad outcome because u didn't know. I hate it I hate it I hate it. this is why I need to know everything all the time because if I just know things I can fix it. I never have enough information to just fucking fix it
I need to go to sleep. I want my cat back.
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izumiini · 2 years
Happy birthday.
NOTE ! ITS TIRED BDAY BABYY GO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEM!! Kaeya is kinda ooc tho my bad i never get how he acts. —not proof read—
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KAEYA would have your whole day prepared, from your morning, the breakfast—even your work. He would make sure to keep you away from the tavern, he did not—after all— spent a whole hour convincing diluc to lend him the tavern for the day.
KAEYA asked benny adventure team to distract you, even asked you to babysit klee ! He knew you were pissed but he just smiled. You were going to forget it anyways.
KAEYA spent the entire morning arranging the party, he had everything ready just needed to fix them on. He knew how you liked private parties, so he made sure only to invite your closest—with venti barging in uninvited, it was expected— hell, he even had albedo over.
KAEYA had your gift in his drawer, he planned on getting it before you arrived, but alas a certain annoying flying fairy was not accepting that. She insisted on getting it for him, saying how he needed to keep check on that bard before he does something strange. She had a point—for once which is odd— but he still was hesitant. So he asked of the errand runner traveler to keep an eye on her.
When you came to the tavern, daek meet you, for a moment you thought it was closed and diluc would have forgotten to lock the door. But before you could turn around and leave, light came and all of your friends yelled a 'happy birthday!'. It was a classic, cliché even.
The most stereotype birthday party, but seeing him—KAEYA with his sweet smile and beautiful eyes filled with love, inviting you to his arms, you couldn't keep the tears. It was so beautiful.
After that, everything went on smoothly. Only when present time was close and neither traveler nor paimon was there did KAEYA panic. It was rare, but he really wanted to give you the present. He was close to just run home gran it and come back—he was fast, try and run after klee before she explode another house— but archons they came in time. Seems like the anemo archon blessed him for once.
He didn't let them speak before he ran to you, calming his beating heart and putting his usual smirk.—he was totally not nervous—
He pulls you aside, reciting the speech he had already prepared and practiced for two hours. Giving you the box and having his eyes on you, anticipating your reaction to see your beautiful smile, small blush, love filled eyes—why are you frowning?
KAEYA looked at the box. It was a rock. He turned toward the culprit, a glare asking what is this. They mouthed 'we lost it.' sometimes, he reconsider not having paimon for lunch.
KAEYA turns to you ready to apologise a million time, he had that cute flustered face on too. But he just saw you smile, you took the rock and held it dear. You teased him how it was unforgettable, because no one has done that. You saw that cute blush and awkward smile and you melted.
You chuckled at his cute side, it's rarely there— in public, you get all his sides in private cute and annoying— seeing it is very rewarding.
You joke about how id he let you bury your head in his tiddies you would forgive him.
He opened his arms wide. Eyes serious.
Take your time— he says.
You did not hesitate.
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@tiredsleep im sorry if i did your man dirty he ao hard to write for
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greenxgloss · 1 year
Noise - Eddie Munson
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Eddie fluff
i realized id never posted anything for eddie even though i sort of made it known that i was into him way back when so heres something i came up with on the spot. (unedited)
summary: after some time the reader makes her interest in eddie quietly known and he agrees to take her out on a date.
Eddie Munson was the leader of the D&D club at school. him and his friends were constantly tormented and bullied by the jocks at school and even described as a social enigma by those closest to him. 
I personally didn’t know much about him, but he was totally my type. No one knew I had a crush on him other than my older sister. she thought it was strange, she couldn’t tell if Eddie was a bad boy or a dork. she’d never been close enough to determine. her go to is to say, I remember my bad boy phase. but was it the correct default statement when she couldn’t tell what kind of boy he was?
Tuesday morning I heard that Eddie would be eating lunch with my friend Gareth. I wasn’t super close with Gareth but we were sort of friends. we didn’t really hang out much outside of school but he was the type I’d call last minute if I needed a ride home or even someone to bail be out of a bad situation. today I’m counting on him to be my wing man.
“Gareth! hey man, we haven’t talked in a while.” i said, rushing up to his locker in the morning once i noticed he was alone. “hey, y/n. what’s up?” he asked as he grabbed his books. “well... there’s this boy i like and you might be friends with him. see i don’t know much about him and i was wondering how to approach him.” i said as i hugged my books and pressed my back to the lockers next to Gareth. “well whos the boy?” he asked, plaid vest wrinkling, exposing his club shirt. “eddie.” i uttered in almost embarrassment. he sighed. “hmm... well you know what... he doesnt seem like he’d be terrible to girls but ill tell you to be cautious. hes very private about the girls he’s involved with but that doesn’t mean hes a total gentleman.” i nodded as i watched him continue to think.
“i guess...” he thought for a moment making me anxious. “hey why dont you come sit with me at lunch? im eating lunch with him today.” he said, causing me to jump for joy. this wasn’t what i was expecting and in the moment i agreed but it totally wiped my nerves out when i realized what i’d agreed to. he smiled at my joy. “Eddie is annoying sometimes but its to the club members about playing, punctuality and stuff like that. so i don’t think you have a lot to worry about.” he said while you gave him a huge bear hug and skipped off to class.
i hope it goes way better than i think. people love making up rumors about kids at school who cant defend themselves. eddie never tried to. thats kind of how you knew that we was a good kid and none of the rumors were true or to worry about. i liked that he was never embarrassed of the stories or at least never showed it. his hair, messy and brown, tall and broad. how you could hear him in the next hallway because of how loud his jewelry clanged i was daydreaming. i snapped out of it and started on my math homework.
classes passed and it was time for lunch. i hurried to the girls bathroom and fixed my hair and made sure i still smelled like cherries and lavender. maybe he’d like the smell or lavender and cigarettes better? now thats crazy. i quickly fixed up my lipstick and reapplied my blush before heading to the cafeteria. 
“Eddie this is-” gareth began but eddie interrupted. “y/n.” he said and stared into my eyes the way the love interest would in a movie. i began blushing. “how do you know my name?” i asked. “i know quite a lot of people at school especially having been held back.” eddie said causing gareth to laugh. “yeah im surprised you dont know youre kind of popular, y/n.” gareth adds. my brows rise in confusion. “um okay?” i said, not being able to believe it.
soon enough gareth make up an excuse to leave early to leave eddie and i alone. “see you last period.” i say as gareth walks away. “dont mess this up.” he mouths and grips his books a little tighter before disappearing into the crowded hallway.
“so if you already knew my name why havent we spoken?” i asked eddie as i turn back to him taking a bite out of his jello. “i dont know. theres never been a reason to. im sure you know a lot of peoples names here but you’ve never personally met them. and you probably dont have the desire to.” he said and it got me thinking. yeah if he knew my name but never talked to me it probably means i dont have a chance. i looked around the room and noticed a few people i knew and how id never had one conversation with them and they likely dont even know my name.
“but here we are. the reason.” he quoted himself. i giggled. “nothings scared me off yet.” i said. he smiled. his eyes twinkled and his smile radiated warmth. i could feel myself blushing and it was like a light switch flipped in his eyes. like he caught on to what was going on. “those piercings real?” he asked, pointing to my eyebrow and my nose. i nodded. “i got them a few months ago. im thinking of heading in the ‘goth’ direction.” i said with air quotes. “ah. that would suit you. dark hair, clothes and makeup.” he said, caressing my hair and trailing down to my thigh. my heart was beating out of my chest and im praying to god that he cant hear it.
his hand trailed to my knee and he mirrored it with his other hand. i tucked my lips into my mouth and straightened my back. “you’re really pretty, y/n.” he said and inched me closer. i smiled as he leaned in. he pressed his lips to mine. “why dont you swing by gareths house for band practice. any time but preferably tonight.” he whispered as he pulled back. i nodded. “i’d like that.” i said. it was almost like i’d done this before, knew what to say and played it the way film flowed on screen. A smile creeped up on both of our lips as he leaned in again to leave another kiss on my lips. i could smell his cologne and the coconut in his hair. i could get used to this. 
“Ill be there. see you.” i said and hopped on the table and walked down the hall not turning back. i knew he was watching. i let my hips do the work with every step to class.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Diluc: guys i just realized something-- ever since we kind put a little more effort into fixing mondstat, the people are getting a higher level education wHICH ISNT A BAD THING-- YELAN, AYATO I CAN SEE YOU OPENING YOUR MOUTHS-- oh my god just lemme get back to what i was saying. Basically, the people are developing pattern recognition and are maybe starting to figure out im... ugh, the "darknight hero". I need some help.
Ayato: well, id love to help but with the recent removal of the vision decree (thank you traveler), im kind of swamped with paperwork. Gods, what id give to stretch my legs-- i feel so cramped from sitting around all day and reading and signing things. If you ask me, id rather catch up with that Zhongli fellow-- the man has impeccable style and incredible knowledge on the culture and history of Liyue, id love to trade some notes. I just feel-- restless you know?
Yelan, the resident disguise expert: i have an idea that'll hit two birds with one stone.
Kaeya: so diluc-- ahem, i mean mr "darknight hero", have you finally decided to stop flailing around that giant hunk of metal? I was getting concerned that you might swing it too hard someday and go flying along with it
Definitely Diluc and totally not Ayato expertly dressed up by Yelan: ahaha yeahhhhh totessssss
Kaeya, concerned: uhm-- your voice sounds a little strange there brother, are you alright?
Diluc yep and not Ayato in disguise: yeah yeah totes its just a sore throat itll be gone in the morning HAHA--
One of Ayatos retainers: uhm sir, why did you suddenly place a large shipment of dandelion wine
Ayato, not Diluc in disguise obviously: with the vision hunt decree down, it is up to us, the yashiro commission, to do our duty and uphold the rich culture of our nation
One of Ayatos retainers: o-of course sir! Its just that... im not sure how wine relates to that????
Ayato, no doubt why would it ever be Diluc: well, with the decree null and void as it is, it is time for us to enrich our culture with that of other nations, while also doing the same for them. And what better way than through the merriment of our people?
One of Ayatos retainers: that... actually makes sense! Im so sorry for ever doubting you
Definitely Ayato: its alright, were just doing the best we can for the nation, may Inazuma shine eternal
Another of Ayatos retainers: wait guys if its an exchange of culture, why arent we shipping out stuff to them--
(Wouldve made Ayato!Diluc a little goofier but i was possessed by the writing fairy looooool)
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I can see Ayato just being absolutely enthused by this idea. But Diluc is just like "oh god this is going to end so poorly."
Just because at first glance, Diluc and Ayato look like they would have similar temperaments. But in reality, they are very different.
But o you know how much trouble Ayato would cause suddenly becoming "the most eligible bachelor in Mondstadt." Like people noticing Diluc finally seeming to notice advance and even returning with his own short jabs. And Ayato would quickly learn this change has people unsettled, and he would THRIVE on it. Not to mention being the darknight hero and just doing around taking out any evil door that causes him a small inconvenience. He'd love it.
Diluc, though would probably be dying. Not being able to go out and punch things. Because I'm sure Inazuma has a lot of red tape. But Diluc could do it, and I'm sure Ayato's retainers would notice how focused Ayato is and how he's not really interested in bothering anyone or causing trouble. And they would all jump for joy.
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jenosbff23 · 2 years
took so long to realize (nct dream au) chapter 1,2
pairing: reader X member
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genre: fluff
word count: on going
Chapter 1
Entering your dream building for the first time not as tourist but as an employee felt ecstatic. Being able to work with the artist that you admire so much felt surreal.
 Today was your 1st day at work as the company’s nurse. The tall SM building now known as kwangya was just magical. You were hired as the temporary replacement for one of their company nurses as one of them was on her pregnancy leave.  
 As you head to the HR to gather your company ID and to be briefed for the job you were just in awe seeing big screens showing music videos of their artists.
  “good morning miss y/n.” the head of the HR said as you entered her office which you bowed in response.  
 “as today is your first day at work someone will escort you to the infirmary. There are some rules I’d like to remind you, the artists privacy is our priority in here so whatever happens within the walls of this company stays within. Pictures or whatever form of media of our employees/artist should not be distributed. Another is that you are not allowed to leak any media related to the artists work.  I trust you that you will abide by this. You can be friendly with the other employees here. That is all for now your coworkers would tell you the rest while you’re here.” She explained.
 “Here is your company ID. You cannot enter the facilities in here without that so do not loose it! One of the employee will take you to the infirmary, she is waiting outside. Good day!” as she said her goodbye.
 Strolling through the halls of kwangya you cannot stop admiring the place from how huge it is, not only that the architecture is amazing. The artist that you admire are pinned to walls, their achievements are displayed, albums are everywhere. You cannot help but feel proud of these artists that you’ve admired so much.  
 “I had the same look on my face when when I first entered these halls” said your fellow employee.
 “brace yourself you might be lucky and see these artists in person. And I am telling you you will enjoy your stay here.” she added.
 “now this is you, I hope you enjoy kwangya!”. she said and left.
 “hi! I’m kim eun soo. I’m also a company nurse here. Alongside miss park that you temporarily replaced.  So we start at 10 am and end at 7 pm. There’s nothing much to do here just check on inventory which are just medicines that the artists use and some bandages. Other than that artists usually come here if they feel discomfort but usually when they have cramps or sprains. If it’s a serious injury we refer it to the hospital. If there is something you need to know don’t hesitate to ask me.” your co league briefed you.
 “so hi! Im y/n so glad to meet you! I look forward with working with you!” you replied.
 “there’s nothing much to do here just check on the inventory, check the artists health records and sometimes bandage some sprains here and there.” she added.  
 “so when was the last time it was busy in here” y/n asked.
“oh, when chenle sprained himself. Everyone was ballistic! Especially it was during there promotions” eun soo answered.
  “good thing that chenle was professional he had a note from the doctor to take a rest but insisted on doing the promotions”
 “yeah, I’ve read that. That is so nice of him” you replied as you fix your things on your new table, thinking not bad for a new workplace.
 “I think NCT is preparing for their concerts and comebacks so I think they’ll be here sometime after practice or what.” eunsoo informed.
 It was quarter to 7:00 when eunsoo started to gather her things and leave work, which you did the same. Both of you exited the company and waited for the bus.
 “my bus is here! I’ll leave first” said eunsoo.
 Which you replied with a faint smile and a nod. “see you tomorrow” you added.
 While waiting for the bus you saw an old woman being bullied by teenagers from afar, you went and shouted, “hey! Don’t you have something better to do?!”  
 “whatever” they replied and laughed while walking away.
  “hey! Come back here! We are not finished!”
“let them go dear, I fell because I tripped, they just took my lunch box, I was going to surprise my grandson with that” the old woman said.
 “well you should not be out by yourself, I know you ca handle yourself well but people nowadays are dangerous”
 “well you are not sweetie, its too bad I cannot give my grandson my home cooked meal“
 “well, do you want to buy him a food from the nearby restaurant? I’ll accompany you.”you offered.
“ no, thanks dear, my grandson hasn’t visited me in a long time and wanted to surprise him.”
 “well you can still surprise him though.”
 “I’ll just go home dear, I don’t want him to worry about tonight.”
 “well let me bring you home then.”
 “no need dear, I might be old but I can still manage.”
 “then atleast allow me to keep you company you while you wait for your bus.”
  “okay, deary. I haven’t thanked you properly yet, let me treat you lunch next time.” while saying this the both of you exchanged numbers.
 You chatted a bit going to the bus stop and both waited for your buses.  Their you knew that her name was Na Sora. Her bus arrived and then you waved good bye. “well that was an unusual 1st day”.
Chapter 2
   The week just flew buy with checking with the inventory and replacing the ice packs in the fridge. True to what eun soo said, a lot of nct members was going in and out of the infirmary due to cramps. You also got to talk to some of the members. You grew close to mark lee just because. Not only that eun soo was fun to work with, there was no dull moment with her.
Another day at the infirmary just like the usual when one of NCT’s manager came in with mark and haechan. The both of them were severely dehydrated so they had an IV  inserted.
 “I guess you guys are a regular here huh?” you asked.
 “it’s the time of the year.” haechan answered in a sing song voice.
 “so in what unit are you busy right now?” you asked as you start to insert the needle.
 “127.” mark replied while flinching.
 “you guys stay here for an hour or so until your drops finish.” eunsoo instructed.
 “while you guys are here, rest please.” you tell them and cleaned the materials you used.
 “so y/n we noticed that you’re not from here, where are you from?” haechan asked “didn’t I just told you to rest? Regain your energy then you can ask questions later.” you scold him and went to check his iv bag.
 Haechan was about to open his moth and when you said
 “sleep now questions later.” that earned you a chuckle from him and you closed his curtains.
 An hour passed and the two of them was awake, their manager went to check on them and told them they need to be back to the practice room because they had to practice with the nct dream members.
They got up and said their thanks. You smiled at them sadly knowing how tired they are with their schedule.
“ poor boys looks like they need a long rest.” you said.
 “you know those two are really passionate with their jobs. I often see them here but I never once heard them complain.” praised eunsoo.
 “well I can really see that.”
  As time goes nct was really busy with nct dream’s concert preparation and with nct 127’s ongoing world tour, wayv is also preaparing for a comeback. Other sm artist are gearing fort heir comebacks as well.  The fastest schedule approaching is nct dream’s concert. This is their 1st concert as 7 members and they wanted it to go smoothly. One evening while preparing for dinner one of nct dream’s manager came in.
 “I think my blood pressure just rose up.” he informed you.
 Quickly you got up and assisted him to sit.
 “sit here and let me get you a glass of water.” a few minutes after he drank the water you checked his blood pressure and confirmed that it was really high. You gave him an emergency drug.
 “now sir, I need you to rest here a bit until your blood pressure returns to normal.”
“but I need to buy the boys their coffee, their on their diet and the least I can do for them is bring them coffee.”
 “I’ll get them coffee, you really need to rest, Eunsoo keep on eye in him I’ll go to buy those coffee.”
 “thank you y/n! I highly appreciate this, you can take the company card its in the pocket of my jacket. Go get yourself a drink.”
“Eunsoo, you want something?”
 “iced latte please.” Eunsoo responded.
 You nodded and proceed to take the card and wore your jacket. A few minutes later you came back to the company holding drinks on both your hands. You went straight to the elevator and pressed the floor to the dance studio. As you entered you heard shoes screeching on the floor. You opened the door and was welcomed by a scream from chenle.
  “ everyone coffee is here!”
  “somebody give jaemin his coffee before he loses more of his sanity.” jeno said.
 “his sanity?! I lost mine already because of him.” heachan butted.
 “its because you keep on teasing him.” jisung answered.
“haechan you’re such a pain in the ass.” renjun said.  
 “a cutie kind of pain.” haechan replied in which he received a smack from renjun.
 “kids! Enough!” mark shouted.  
 “ can we for once get coffee without the chaos?, oh!  y/n thank you for getting us coffee.”
 “no worries, your manager’s blood pressure rose so I volunteered to get your drinks.”
 “how is he?”
 “he’s resting in the infirmary right now, he’ll be fine.” you told him.
  “well miss y/n I still don’t have answers for my questions.” haechan butted.
 “well mister you have busy schedules and I don’t want to waste your precious time.”
 “well that is not fair we had a deal.”
 “you’ll get your answers when you have time right now you’re fully booked.” y/n said.
 While inside talking with haechan and mark you observed the other members. Not everyone knows but you’ve got this huge crush on jeno. You’ve been dying to scream “I love you NCT” since the first day in your new job. These boys are really chaotic like what you see on the internet. You can’t help but smile. You see jeno and jaemin drinking their drinks while talking. Chenle, renjun and jisung are bickering, while mark and haechan are talking about something in front of you.
 “well I need to head back. See you when I see you. And please you two I don’t want to see you in the infirmary always.” you said pointing to mark and haechan. You waved goodbye and went your way. 
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a-complex-joke · 3 months
The Toymaker Chapter 3
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"Morning Pen, Hot chocolate?" Ruby said as I walked in.
"Actually no I'm in the mood for tea today, got earl grey," I said sitting at the container.
"Oh fancy, but what's up, changing your order so out of the blue is everything alright" she placed a hand on mine.
"Nothing wrong just feels like things are changing for the better, something different I just don't know what," I say thinking it over.
"Oh so you noticed the old clock working as well, Regina is finally getting this town fixed up" she joked.
"I don't think Regina has or ever will care for this town, she just likes the power of being mayor"
"I would appreciate less bad-mouthing out of you Miss banks," the all too familiar voice of Regina said behind me.
"Your coffee miss madam mayor," Ruby said becoming more mannerly.
"I don't understand why gold lets your toy store stay it's not like you get any business"
"Actually, if I was pushed out someone else would come along and who knows how loud and annoying they'd be, plus I have an inside voice rule"
She rolled her eyes before swiftly leaving
"Why does, Gold let you stay, you never pay rent," Ruby said
"I really don't know I swear" I laughed.
Gold's Prawn shop and Banks toystore pretty funny coincidences maybe it's just something to laugh at and that's why he lets me stay.
"I've never cared to ask, maybe he's in love with me" I joked
We laughed.
"Trust me, girl you could do so much better than him, maybe Leroy" she jested, earning us a middle finger from the man.
"Morning Emma" Ruby greeted the blonde.
She awkwardly waved sitting next to me,'
"Your that Toy store girl right, Mandy Brink? Was it" she said trying to make conversation.
"Penny Banks, So your Henry's mother, finally come to take him away from the evil queen" I joked.
"Oh you know about Henry's Fairy tale conspiracy," she said.
"What? I don't talk to the kid much, just the grapevine knowledge, what's this conspiracy?" I asked curiously.
"I don't think I should say, I'm only staying a week, don't want to cause more trouble than I already have"
"Nah we could use some excitement here, the most fun I have had in a long time was when a kid in my shop tripped and yelled, fuck you floor ill kill your mother"
Emma looked like she was trying to figure out whether It was a joke or not.
"Speaking of my shop, I've got to go see you around."
The days went on Eventually Emma moved in with Mary-Margaret and is staying most likely forever and yet I still have paid no rent to Gold.
"Oh Well Hello Miss Banks, heading home for the night," Gold said Locking his shop.
"Yeah, I mean I was going to go grab something to eat before but still" I laughed.
"Would you mind if I joined you, Haven't had much to eat myself"
I nodded and we started walking toward Grannie's
"So, This I kind of a weird question, Why don't you charge me rent like ever? Id think id be the first on your rent rounds" I joked.
"Let's just say, Ive owed you a great deal of things, this is just part of that"
"I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm just gonna say I'm content with it?"
"Oh, I've just realized I left something back at the shop, you go ahead ill catch up," he said waddling back.
I arrived and waited outside of the place for Gold, But he didn't show, the place closed and I started to panic, I rushed back to the shop.
"Mr. Gold?" I said as I opened the door of his shop, the window of the door had been broken, and on the floor lay, Gold bleeding out of his head.
"Oh god, should I call someone" panic has now been ramped up.
I pulled a rag from my pocket and pressed it to his head, he hissed a bit.
"Oh good your alive, hold this, and apply pressure, Im gonna call someone"
"No, I'm fine no need to call," he said trying to sit up.
"What happened"
"Ashley Boyd, she broke in and stole the contract we had, then bonked me over the head when I caught her."
I help Gold back to his place before leaving for my own and the next day Emma went on the search for the teen mother.
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cold-arrow · 2 years
Doctor’s notes, Book 5 part 13
| Skyward / The Icespires | summary, things of note since last entry: boarding ship, destination broken gift, Sir Angelo's insights dwarven city, the king and his double directions, A visit from Varan. the Yak-Folk | 1 / 6 | its been quiet. too quiet for a while now. Even with Sir Angelo filling some the of the deafening silence. it feels… foreboding. I still wake up each morning, if not in the middle of the night, terrified. But I don’t even remember any of my dreams, or nightmares. I am… concerned to say the least. If When – She -- comes back again. I… don’t know what I am gonna do. Or if ill be able to even do anything usefull. Our audience with the damned king only further proving how useless I am. I try to keep myself busy, but I don’t have much to do or distract myself with. I… I just have to keep going. I can not stop. Even it the weight…  It just gets heavier. by the day. Even if the others lessen the burden. Still want to do something to return th apqklkgsht maybe that’s something I can preoccupy myself with.
| 2 / 6 | things went better then expected when we boarded the ship. The crew was… still distant as expected. but… it didn’t feel, or seem as bad as last time. Lym, has been staring daggers at her brother though it feels like. Or... it’s hard to tell. She hasn’t talked to him yet. And kept quiet thusfar for the most part. Just waiting and observing. …  I gave our directions to the captain. Though it was a bit of an awkward conversation. I don’t know if that’s just me though. or how I am. Or my scepticism, of everything being deceptively alright on the ship. Or… I don’t know. Everything “seems” fine thusfar. But I guess only time will tell, once we’ve actually set sail. and settled in again on the ship. * the captain was a bit confused by the lack of direction or specifics for our destination. I… tried to be as clear as I could, and that we atleast needed to go to the Icespires, northeast of Sundabar. But, without knowing the exact location, It’s a bit difficult appearently. I will have to either discuss with Baras or send him to the captain instead, as to what were gonna do once we arrive the mountain range.   And where we’re gonna go, once we get there. The prophecy wasn’t really specific as id like it to have been in hindsight.
| 3 / 6 | I havnt heard any yelling from Lym, or her brother yet. Which, is a good sign. And he still seems to be in one piece. So… judging by how Lym seems to be in a much better mood. Or at least not as worried as before, i guess things went well (?) for the most part. -- I expected sir Angelo to be sea sky-sick, the moment we set off. and I prepared some nausea meds for him just, in case. But, he’s made of sturdier stuff that I thought. And mostly is just excited and curious about the whole flying cart thing. He’s been haunting the gnome twins relentlessly, and bombarding them with questions every opportunity het gets. But… I don’t think he’s realized yet. That there are actually two of them, and that when one gets tired of his endless stream of inquires, the other one takes over. I am… unsure if I should tell him. -- I think I should be able to utilize either the ship’s onboard forge, or the fire elemental engine, to start working on the small gift I had In mind. I should have everything I need, and ill probably opt for the elemental to help me out, since it seems kind of appropriate. -- it broke. I don’t know whether – She – somehow manifested and did that.   Or if she;s just forever cursed my luck. But… it broke, beyond repair. And I cant even fix them. I… was hoping to – do and take care of -- this small gesture. As a  thank you. But I guess im not even allowed to do that.   I could buy a new later perhaps. Start again. But… It felt important, atleast to me, to do it now. I guess it will just have to wait.
| 4 / 6 | Lym managed to cheer me up a bit ( bless her heart.) She probably picked up on the fact that I was even more depressed then usual. So she offered to try and teach a bit of Infernal. Which I very much welcomed the distraction of. It’s… quite a challenging language to learn it seems. Possibly because it’s feels like the complete opposite to celestial. Like in almost every linguistic aspect. And I’m having a hard time following her explanations sometimes as well. her teaching style is a bit more… intuitive, then logical. Perhaps its because she grew up learning the language. Unlike me, who is just some middle-aged bloke, with more tools then words for a brain unfluent in pretty much any language besides common. But, Im taking good notes. And her instructions on pronunciation  are actually quite a bit more intuitive then I would have thought. I dread our future lessons of grammar however. but ill see when I get there. -- had a… curious interaction with Angelo. Which was Infuriating and amusing at the same time. We tried to… “edecuate” feels like the wrong word. enlighten him? Or provide a different perspective on why unmarried woman aren’t inferior or weak at all. or lesser. though he seems good natured and usually intends well. The years of doctrine that he’s seems to have been subjected to, from those in Gauntylgrimm. They are tenacious I guess. We tried: Explaining it to him. Which went about as well as you might expect, he… isn’t the brightest fellow. So, I thought I should perhaps give him a demonstration instead. And gave him one of my alter-self elixirs. Once he’d drank it, I simply told him to think of a woman in his live. And… he changed into pretty much a female copy of himself. His mother apparently. I guess her bloodline runs pretty strong. (including herself.)  He changed into Lym as well, at somepoint. And I suggested maybe doing some physical exercises, to prove that woman are equally strong if not stronger than men. But…. It didn’t really get the point across sadly, I don’t think. And he actually agrees that woman are in fact strong So I still don’t understand why… or what exactly the belief or issue is. Is it the unmarried part?? *ah! …. I forgot Baras knows infernal as well. maybe I could ask if both of them could perhaps teach me some stuff from time to time. Cause I fear that Baras’ approach might be a bit too logical, in his explanation. So maybe the both of them cancel each other out?
| 5 / 6 |
  not much happened on our journey to the icespires. I havnt really done anything either. Don’t even know What to do after the ??? broke The main question is, where to we go from here. Do we just land the ship and go by foot, and try and look for tracks or something. Or do we just hope we get lucky and maybe spot a fire giant heading down to their forge.
I don’t remember who it was ( been particularly tired the last few days, but someone suggested we should perhaps visit a nearby dwarven settlement. Or city. I think Citadel Adbar was the name of it
Sir Angelo seemed once again, impressed by what the surface dwelling dwarves had built. But he still claims that I could never compare to his home of Gauntylgrimm as well. I… guess he has A lot of pride for his city. Once our airship landed. We were greeted by some guards. Who actually seemed to recognize us somehow. Actually addressing us with “The Giant slayers” and all that. But also messing up Omrick’s name again. which is ironic, heh. They were slightly disappointed to learn that “Omrick” was his actual name, and not the heroic one that they’d initially made up or misheard. But they nevertheless led us to the city, and mentioned that the king and his council… would like for us to have an audience with them. (I… was having flashbacks to how our previous invitation went, and was a bit hesitant.) But it went better then expected ( ? ) it definitely was a… strange interaction. Baras mentioned and told us a bit about the ruling body of the city, or the “Kings” as he put that. And what we could expect. (But, it did seem like he was holding back on something.) When we actually arrived. We were… enthusiastically greeted be a, rather young King. And a gathering of crotchety advisors, who were trying to lead and guide the most conversation, the best they could. But, were constantly interrupted and “silenced” by the king talking over them. Who was barging ahead with the conversation as he pleased. he quickly asked us to deal with the fire giants, and retrieve their fellow dwarves, and captured citizens. Promising us great wealth and powerful magical artifacts should we succed. Lym, who lead most of the conversation, quickly and cleverly guided us to an agreement. So… right then and there we agreed to the king’s offer, to something we were already gonna do. I guess we just profit? The advisors kept trying their best to delay the conversation. And try to arrange for a follow up meeting, so they could take some time to discuss things. But the king immediately agreed to it all, before any of that could really happen. And he simply told us we could come back later, to talk a bit more about the details of our assignment. Until then, we were to be given a tour of the city. Something which the advisors initially wanted to use, as a moment to discuss things. But we quickly left them to their squabbling, and took a quick glance around the place.
Angelo handt joined us thankfully, and was send out on an early tour of the city. Ans was led to a decent tavern. Where he had been drinking with some new “friends” he had made. Who were clearly just using him for his money and free drinks. It seems that he is loaded. and has no really concept of money or of being frugal.
but we managed to chase of his drinking palls, and enjoyed a nice warm meal, before going back to the king and receiving a bit more info on the whereabouts of the fire giants. Including a few maps of the area, and info on where their scouts had last been seen and disappeared.
which im a bit concerned about.
we didn’t stay long in the city after that. And quickly headed back to the airship to set sail once more. But in the meantime, Baras had informed us that Apparently… the actual King had died. And that this was just a doppelganger, placed there to replace him. Temporarily? The uh… the old king had died in some great battle, along with both of his twin sons. But the official story, was that one of the sons had survived and was now the new ruling king. One to be puppeted, and controlled by the advisors. Which is kind of morally ambiguous ill admit…
But what the advisors didn’t realize, and is secret that Baras had found out through Dave. Is that the replacement king is not just a lookalike. It is a actual Doppleganger. As in the shapechanging monster….
I am not really sure how to feel about this. Both the puppet king placed there by the advisors, that now want to rule the city. And the Doppleganger that is disregarding their instructions, and doing his own thing. But atleast… the dopple is, or has good intentions? It seems ?? like, at least they are trying to help, and have the giant issue taking care of. And wants us to safe the people of his city at all cost. Unlike the advisors, who seem to be more worried about who actually rules the city. for the most part. So… I think I prefer the dopple over the other one. I mean… as long as their intentions stay good, that should be fine right? I… guess we’ll see once we return. Perhaps.
| 6 / 6 | so Varan dropped by. he seemed to be in a hurry though and didn’t stay long. After an impressive entrance, and dropping of a letter for Baras. (from Dave I presume ) he quickly departed once more upon his Griffin. But not before almost sweeping Lym of her feet. This might also be the first time that Lehel has actually met the guy. And even with the scarf, he didn’t seem…. too enthusiastic. Which is kinda ironic. I quickly shouted my thanks him as well, for retrieving my stuff and all that, as he flew of on his Griffin. But he mostly just seemed to be there for Baras  ( and Lym. ( who is surprisingly Popular I realize. Good for her though. It is very much heart-warming to see, in my opinion. Though I do somewhat pity her brother. ) ) … whilst we were arguing about something, either about the village of yak-folk or its where-abouts or whatever. We didn’t realize it at first when sir Angelo mentioned that he’d spotted – these rather large, individuals. Or large Yaks? Asking us how tall and yak-like the people actually where, that we were looking. A bit confused, but soon realizing that he might have found or the spotted the village. We quickly headed over to the railing of the ship as well to try and spot the large Yak and the people he was pointing out. I uh... I understand his question now. the village of yak-people, or yak-folk. They are actually, Tall. Humanoid. And Bipedal Yak-Folk... Not too dissimilar to minotaurs in all honesty… I guess the prophecy was quite literal in hindsight? We are about to land and meet with them, but they don’t really seem hostile yet. We just have to make sure that they do actually become hostile, once sir Angelo… Fuck. He has already jumped of the ship We havnt even landed yet!  
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pseudodeepwords · 2 years
thoughts from a head in the clouds
okay, context: i got a little d9 dab pen at the gas station and took too much and decided to document how i felt because it was crazy. here is what i wrote, unedited and in its entirety. please be merciful.
hi tomorrow morning aubrey its me 10 pm high aubrey
in case i dont remember:
took more hits than with haz previously and took some pretty big preheated hits and holy shit dude this is crazy
i wasnt sure if i was high before but i for sure am high as hfuck now i was gonna fix tha typo but i didnt feel like it. same for that one idc so idk if im gonna fully remember this but uh
vision kinda goes in and out in a groovy wave pattern. very 70s fashion inspired stuff
everything is going in and out a little bit. like sea spray on glass. oceanic themes are also present elsewhere. if i try really hard i can make myself stop for a second before doing it again but i keep waving my torso around like im in a boat or a tube or something. like in galveston when the waves kept knocking me arounf or in kiowa that sumer with emma and caroline and i dont really know why but it's nit unkpleasant.
i care less about the typos right now but i promise im fixing some of them. most of them.
i realize i might pos this on my tumblr maybe and its gonna sound fake and crcinge and 2014 and thats okay becasue right now i think it;s really fun to documnet it. thats why i write. its for me. its almist never for anyone ekse and i dont give mysekf credit for it. it's beeen about seven minutes since i starged typing but it feels much longer. it's easiet to sto swayin gand things are almost back to normal speed. not really tho. kind of. lol
im sad haz isnt here. they would probably have been fun to talk to. im thinking about trips i didnt tell dad i was taking.
like the lake with haz a couple weeks ago when we got minecrafgt steve stuck in that pothole and those really nice okies had a tow strap theu used to save us and like that timw i told dad i was in austin and instaed i went with my friends i hadnt seen in two years to galveston so i could traste the ocean and the sea salk breeze for the very first time and even though it was galvy water and i got sick afterwards it was still the sea and i didn't sleep because i forgot my sleeping pills and i thought about will the whole time because i loved him so much and it hurt so bad but it was still better than being numb like i thought id be without him like i was without him that i let it go on too long and killed whatever else we coul have been.
like that time i told dad i was going with ally to abilene and it was her idea and we had a friend out there and i really went alone to see b for the first and so far onky time and even thouh it was miserably hot and i got so dehydrated i got a uti and we couldnt have as much evil sex as we wabted it was so good and i am so in love with him now but this time he does not love me back and i dont jnow if it scares me or not because the last two loved me back and still left so whats this gonna end jp being anhwaus but i dont care because i think i love him even though i feek like we dont know each other that much and im onkyt just now realixing that but i dont care i dont think, i think im reading too deeo unto my own insecurities and we just are what we are thats something sam would say and i trust him even though im still hurt but not realy
im still upset with sam but even more upset with mysle fbaout it. i cried about mom the ither day for the first time in a whike
am i a abd person? do i miss her> i think i do bit i can barely remember her. why wasnt i allowed to be a whole person
why did i always have to be alone
did i do it to myself
where did it get me?
it got me to kiowa and the worst sunburn of my life and it got me to galveston when i was supposed to be in austin esveot no i wasnt and my car needed an oil change but i didnt wanna get one so i was reliant on others for transportation and i remembered how much thar sucks because i want to be able to leave on my terms because god fucking knows i never have been afforded that kuxury before. it got me to abilene. it got me to will and sam abd fucking matthew and all that shit. i dont know if i regret any of it or all of it or none of it. i cant tell anymore if i think im in love with b or if i just need to be wanted. i tjink right this second im leaning towards tha latter but thats bc im emo and lonely. forgot how much distance sucks lol. someon e tected me
it was emmy from tinder. shes nice.
it feels like im a diver. water. remember this was about water,
i wish haz was here they could talk me through the emo patch i know it
i trust them so when they tell me i deserve love and knowin the wouldnt keep me around if they didnt love me in their own way i have to eblievve them theyre my best friend and id probably kill myself if they died bc i really could not live withougt them theyre maybe the only person i think has ever actually seen me or even come close to seeing me without leaving me theyre so importan to me haz i hope u read this if i post it on tumblr ur my platonic soulmateb my twin flame whateber the fuck idk how i would go on without u for real ur my eternal shoulder to cry on and u know me so wekk and care about me even when im a bitcbh ilysm
ally also i love u even when u are devious because of your occasionally unchecked mental illness ilysm
i forgot i was wearing a shirt bc the yellow light frin the screen on thsi white tank top looks like my sking lol
im gonna turn this smocsh video compilation on and tru to sleep lol see u in the nmorning sober me xoxo maybe we dont do that much along next time to avoid the esy mood shifys shawty
i love water i love my friends i love the people i love so much and i love being a diver in secret becuase its just for me and nothing else evr seems like it is. i do not deserve salll the bullshit i went throgu and i deserve to be happy. i hope i find that soon.
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qasian-tech-support · 5 years
#i fucking forgot that I exchanged shifts with a coworker on tuesday#now im over an hour late#everythings stacking on top of each other and its like everything is trying to kill me#i didnt sleep last night because i needed to get a video done for a friend that I promised Id do by 10am this morning#then my dad kept calling me back into the kitchen while i was trying to send it and i didnt want to make him mad by letting him see me on my#laptop. so it was an hour late. and ive got weeks worth of AP and dual enrollment work behind including a 750 word minimum descriptive essay#thats due tuesday and over 4 chapters worth of reading and notetaking from a java book in my coding/AP Computer science#and my dad took my phone last night so thats why i didnt see my boss text till i was already late#and i stepped on my cats tail this morning so i already feel like i need to be executed#and i wanted to get some personal stuff done that ive been wanting to do for a while including fixing my school backpack where Im replacing#the zipper. and i need to get my schools guidance office page on the website updated for this year because theyve been asking me to do that#since the start of september#i want to just fucking scream and cry or yell or stab myself or strangle myself but I just dont have the energy for it#i never planned on living this long and i feel like im being punished for it in a cosmic sense#and goddamnit i dont even have a clean work shirt#i shoulda just offed myself last night#delete later#suicide tw#negative tw#this is one of the last places i can bring myself to vent without entirely feeling bad about it and i know that wont last long either and#i’ll have successfully isolated myself into being utterly alone again and it feels like im only a passenger to my own self-wrought demise
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ocdisgusting · 3 years
last one before i go this is like the best way i can put it im basically at a mental rock bottom and just fucking shoveling down more
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
Can i pls req dream being reader's sugar daddy :O - 🌼
sorry this took a hot sec ive been working on this one for a while cause i really liked the idea, so here you go :)) it ended up being like 2k words so im sorry
You had it all, anything you could want and more. Wanted to go to rome? Done, your plane leaves tomorrow. Dream absolutely spoiled you and you couldnt be more happy about it. It started off as a thing to help you with rent, but the longer you did it the more you enjoyed being able to get what you wanted when you wanted. Today was your weekly lunch with dream, you had both agreed that at least once a week he would take time off to get lunch with you, it made you smile to see him take time for you. As the tease you were, you decided to wear something a little revealing to tease him since he had cancelled your shopping trip with him the day before. You put on a low cut crop top and some shorts that show a little too much before fixing your hair. You hear you phone ding, getting a text from dream,
Daddy dream <3
Hey baby, i'm out front whenever youre ready to go
You smile and put your phone in your pocket before walking out to his car and getting in. you kiss his cheek quickly “hi daddy” you giggle and smile at him
“Hi sweetheart” he looks you up and down before smirking “like the outfit, all for me?” you giggle and nod before he starts to drive to the restaurant, one hand on your thigh. “Do you know what you want? You know the rule, anything you want no matter the price. And after that we can go shopping to make up for my cancelling yesterday.” you smile at him
“I know, and we dont have to dream, we can just hang out. Its been a while since we did that. Maybe we can go somewhere for you to make it up to me instead” he smiles and squeezes your thigh as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Anywhere you want baby, only the best for you.” you look down and blush, moving over to lean your head on his shoulder as he moves a hand to pet your hair. “Ill take you anywhere anytime and get you anything you want.” you cant lie, at times you had thought about being more than just his sugar baby, having a real romantic relationship, but he was always so busy that it made it seem almost impossible. Sure he took time out to be with you but it was never a lot unless you were traveling. He didnt tell you a lot about his job either, just knew that he had a large following and that he didnt want anything serious and put his partner in a bad situation, but damn if you havent thought about him coming home to you and calling you his.
“Baby? You okay? You zoned out.” he waves a hand in front of your face and you blink back to reality.
“Yeah, sorry i just got a little distracted. Lets go get some food!” you pull away from him and he gets out, walking around to open your door for you and holds a hand out to help you. “Thank you” you smile and take his hand as you step out, he closes the door behind you and puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as you both walk up to get a table. You get seated immediately and he pulls your chair out for you. “Is there a single flaw with you?” you ask genuinely, he just laughs and shakes his head.
“Theres a bunch you dont know about me, sweetheart.” you roll your eyes as the waitress comes back with your mimosa and his water, asking for your orders. He orders for you and him before she walks off to put them in. He always knows what you want and orders it for you. It makes you smile that he likes to take care of you. You shake that thought away and go back to mindlessly talking with him, waiting on the food. It comes shortly and you both start to eat. “Where do you want to go? Japan? Italy? Oh we havent been to paris in a while, maybe there.”
“I think paris would be great, its always so pretty this time of year, maybe we can have dinner on the eiffel tower again!” your eyes light up at the thought of going back to paris. Last time you went was last spring, you both walked around and had the most wonderful time people watching and shopping. You take another bite and he looks like hes about to say something before he stops himself and looks down. “What is it? Is something wrong?” you look at him concerned, scared you messed something up.
“Its nothing darling, dont worry.” you both finish up lunch and he pays before helping you up and leading you back to the car. “I have something id like to ask you when we get to paris if thats okay, its nothing bad i promise its just something ive been meaning to ask for a while is all.” you nod as he opens the door for you and helps you in. “now, a pretty girl like you needs pretty new clothes for the trip, lets go get you some.” he smiles at you as he gets in, resting a hand back on your thigh as he starts the car, leading you both to the mall.
You spend hours in there going to different stores and trying things on, him getting you whatever you wanted without any hesitation. You walk back to the car with armfulls of bags and a couple new suitcases. “Thank you so much daddy, youre the best.” you kiss his cheek and he turns a little red.
“Its no problem baby, why dont you stay over tonight and we can leave in the morning to head to the airport. I can help you pack and we can watch a movie.” you smiles and nod, putting your bags in the back of the car and your new suitcases in the trunk.
“Id like that…” you think for a second about how nice it would be to wake up next to him every day and how nice it is to fall asleep next to him when it happens, even if when you did wake up after he wasnt next to you. The cold bed always made you remember that you would never be more than this, not that this was bad in the least its just sometimes you wish you could be more. He drives you both back to his apartment building and helps you out, grabbing most of your bags, only leaving you to grab the suitcases as you enter the building. He lived on the top floor in the penthouse, expected for how much money he had. You set your stuff down in his room, your new clothes already laid out nicely thanks to him. He walks up behind you and hugs you from behind.
“Youll look so good in all of those baby, gonna be the prettiest one in paris.” he kisses your neck softly before pulling away and taking your hand, leading you to sit on the part of the bed not covered by clothes. “Let me go run you a bath and you can pick out a movie.” you nod and he walks to the bathroom, leaving you alone on the bed. You turn on the tv and start scrolling through netflix looking for a movie, finally deciding as he walks back in and picks you up. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your head to rest on his chest as he carries you to the bathroom. He sets you on the counter and takes your shirt off carefully, leaving kisses down your neck and chest and he moves down to take your shorts off. You lift yourself gently to help him take your shorts off. He takes them off quickly before nipping and kissing your inner thighs, ghosting over your core. You whine and try to move closer to him before he presses your hips down into the counter.
“Stay still baby, dont wanna have to punish you. Daddy just wants his desert.” you nod quickly and stay still, his head diving to softly kiss your clit, causing you to whine. He chuckles and starts to slowly eat you out, almost at a teasing pace. You whine and grip the counter, trying to keep from pulling his hair. He pulls away and smiles, “good girl, being so good and not pulling my hair. Just letting daddy eat you up.” after he says that his hands move down to your thighs open as he starts to eat you out like a man starved. You let out a loud moan and throw your head back, your hands moving to his hair and tugging closer. At this point he didnt care about you pulling his hair, to blissed out by hearing your sweet moans and tasting you. Your cries became louder as he dragged you closer to the edge. as you were almost there he stopped, causing a loud whine from you as he moves up to face you. He looked like heaven like this, face covered in your slick with eyes dark from lust.
“Now my good little girl, i want you to get off the counter and bend over for daddy.” you quickly move off the counter and do as your told. “Such a perfect little girl, i want you to watch as i make you feel good, got it? You look away and i stop,” he chuckles and grabs your neck after you nod. His hand moves from your neck to your hair to hold you in place, making eye contact with him through the mirror.
“Such a precious little pet for me, arent you?” you whine as he lines up with your entrance, teasing you, causing you to press your hips back against him. He smacks your ass roughly and pulls you against his chest by your hair. “Thats not very nice bun, its almost like you want me to leave you all worked up.’’ he smirks at you before pulling you roughly back against him, ripping a scream from your throat. He sets a brutal pace, leaving no time for you to adjust to him. He keeps the pace, your legs starting to shake as he brings you back to the edge of your orgasm before quickly throwing you over it. You let out a cry of his name, trails of tears starting to run from your eyes as he keeps going.
“Pretty little bunny, always so good and tight for me. Gonna breed you so good. Fuck you until i know it takes.” he tugs your hair roughly and starts to bite and suck at your neck, leaving marks in his wake. You whine and cry, moving your hands to tug at his hair. “So close princess, gonna fill you up so good.” he moves a hand to your clit to punctuate his statement, causing a louder cry to come from you as you tip over the edge once again. His hips start to stutter as he fills you up, riding out his high with shallow thrusts letting out a few more quiet moans before pulling out of you carefully. You whine and tug at his hair as he does so. He picks you up carefully as he pulls away.
“i figured we could take a bath and then cuddle before we pack and figure out what time we should leave for the airport.” you nod and he carries you carefully over to the tub, setting you down carefully in it before getting and sitting behind you. He starts to wash your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep. You wake up briefly as he lifts you from the tub and carries you to the bed. He moves the blankets back and sets you down gently before crawling in next to you , pulling the blankets back over you.
“Be my partner,” he says as you turn towards him
“Only if we can still go to paris” you giggle and he nods, kissing the top of your head before you both drift off.
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ppersonna · 4 years
the landlord - myg | m
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↳ summary- your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 4.3k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre- smut, light crack, PWP
↳ warnings- basically the plot of a porn, theres no plot, the plot doesn’t make sense, seduction, oral sex (m/f receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk, fun laughing giggly time during sex, honestly yoongi is great and i love him, maybe exhibitionism if u squint ???, cum sharing, finger sucking, motorboating
↳ a/n- did i just write basically the plotline of a bad porno? yes.  did i love it? also yes.  this was lowkey inspired by my own landlord coming over to my place (that i DIDNT SLEEP WITH) and i answered the door in a state of undress :/ i hate myself lol.  anywwayyss! enjoy yoongi the landlord!  pls feel free to interact with me because i need constant attention uwu
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The inside of your apartment feels hotter than the blazing sun outside.  Your air conditioner chose the worst week to fritz on you. A record-breaking heat wave.
Nothing helps.  You open windows, blow fans, sit in front of your fridge, take cold showers. All just momentary bliss that ends too soon.
It finally breaks you and you muster up the courage to text your landlord, Yoongi.  
You inhale a deep breath as you click on the name. Min Yoongi, landlord.  Your eyes flutter shut for a moment without realizing.
Your landlord who lives in the same building as you is likely the hottest and most attractive man you’ve ever met. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on the man. Every month, paying rent was torture. You wanted to fling your legs open to him and request he takes his payment another way.
But you never did. He always remained cool and expressionless and it was hard to get a read on the man, let alone see if he’s interested.
Your fingers slide across the keys, nibbling at your lip as you decide what to say.
[to: yoongi] hi! sorry to bother you but my ac appears to have died and im afraid ill be next at the rate of his heat wave 😩 no rush but id appreciate help!
Perfect. Simple, slightly cutesy. Emoji to express how chill you are.
Your phone vibrates almost instantly and a smile curves on your face.
[to: me] oh no, we can’t have that. haunted apartments are hard to rent out 😉 im out until late tonight but i can stop by first thing in the morning if that’s cool?
A flirty line? Is this… working?
[to: yoongi] tomorrow is great! and don’t worry, if i die i won’t haunt this apartment, i’ll haunt yours 😌
[to: me] see you tomorrow, poltergeist 👻
You’re leaping through the air at the idea of the hot landlord semi-flirting with you over text when you notice your apartment. It’s disgusting. Your face burns red and you instantly work on the space before Yoongi comes over. He can't see you like this.
Sleep is out of the question. After your ravage cleaning and polishing and organizing, you’ve worked up more than a sweat.  A cold shower helps for a moment but you end up lying in bed feeling slightly wet and very, very hot. The humidity is draining.
You change into an outfit of a crop top and g-string panties. You aim the 3 fans in your room to point around your bed for direct wind contact. It helps, somewhat.
Sleep finally comes as dawn breaks. It’s cooled off enough that the ambient air around you is finally tolerable.  Exhaustion overwhelms you, and you pass out, hard. Finally.
You’re broken from your exquisite dream of being nailed by your landlord when a loud knock wakes you up. It’s disorienting. You’re so tired you’re not even sure where you are at the moment, let alone who is at the door.  The knock sounds again and you scurry to turn off the loud fans and book it to the door.
The door swings open and reveals your landlord, Yoongi.
“Oh, hi!” You’re excited to see him, for reasons beyond fixing your air conditioning.
Yoongi steps in and looks like he’s about to speak but opens his mouth and remains silent. His cheeks tingle a light shade of pink and he’s staring at your body.  Did you drool all over yourself all night or something? What was he staring—
Oh god.
You glance down at your body.  The crop top you hastily changed into in the middle of the night hits you a little lower than where your breasts end. The G string is non-existent. It covers almost nothing, which is why you opted for it last night in your desire to get cooled off.
You take a step back from the sexy landlord still gaping at you and shyly cross your arms over your chest.
“I’m sorry, I—it was hot,” you mutter. “I’ll go change.”
Yoongi licks his lips, then snaps his eyes up to you and finds his voice. “It’s fine. It’s your home,” he swallows. “It’s hot in here, so stay comfortable. Don’t want to overheat you.”
His eyes stare down yours intensely. It feels like your veins sizzle, and it’s not related to the scorching temperature of your studio apartment.
He breaks the contact first and heads towards the panel in the wall where the inner workings of the air conditioner hide.
You wait in your kitchen, enjoying the natural shadow and shade from no windows and a spot to hide from Yoongi.
What if he thought badly about you?  What if he doesn’t find you attractive and thinks of this as a ploy to get him to lower your rent or something?  How could you recover from this?  Would it ever go back to being the same?
You’re anxiously tapping your fingers on the kitchen countertop, listening intently as the landlord fiddles with pipes and belts and mutters under his breath every so often.  Eventually, you hear a soft ‘aha’ and your air con kicks right on.   You think it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.   Instantly you feel the machine push out air. It’s lukewarm now from disuse, but soon it will be frigid cold.  You stand in front of the breeze and bask, arms open to let the wind blow through you.
Yoongi clears his throat, and it startles you, making you realize you’re standing in your house nearly naked, ass cheeks out on display, under-boob surely peeking out to say hi. Your face burns and it makes him chuckle as you jump and attempt to cover yourself somehow.
“How long was I standing there?” You ask quietly.
Yoongi can’t wipe the amused smirk on his face. “A few minutes,” he shrugs. “Glad it’s working now for you.”
The air rapidly cools as the machine continuously pumps out colder and colder air.
“Thank god. I owe you,” you sigh.
“Nah, that’s what rent pays for,” he smiles.
He makes his move to leave you alone, and you recognize this is it. This is your chance. You can ask him to fuck the shit out of you now. If he declines, well, the first of the month would start being more awkward. But if he accepts… it’s too blissful to imagine.
You grab at his arm as he walks past you.  He stops in his tracks, and his eyes travel to where your hands meet his skin.
“I’m serious,” you attempt to sound as confident as you can. “I owe you.”
He arches a brow at you and turns completely to face you. Your hands hover at the hem of your tiny shirt, lifting a sliver to give him a glance of the bottom of a rounded globe.
“Let me repay you somehow?” you ask.
A smirk lifts at one side of his lips. “You think that will cover the cost?”
Your cheeks heat and you pull the shirt up higher, determined to get him in your bed or die trying.
“I’m hoping.”
Yoongi’s eyes zero in on your tits. Rounded and full, nipples prickling in the fresh and rapidly cooling air.  He contemplates for a moment as he lets his eyes get their nice, long drink of you.
“Yeah, now that I think of it, that should be exact change.” He drops his bag of tools and approaches you quickly, hands cupping your head as he kisses you intensely.
He kisses you with all the fire of the heatwave outside, melting you from the inside out. You’re sure to be sweaty and clammy after you’re finished with him. He swipes his tongue over your lips, and there’s no hesitation to let him in. Your hands grip at his sides, pulling his shirt up as much as you can while trying to focus on making out with the hottest guy you’ve ever met.
He chuckles against your lips at your weak attempt to disrobe him and he reluctantly pulls a step away from you to take the shirt off. He stands there and allows you a quick look before he’s back on to you. His skin presses against your chilled nipples and the fire and ice sensation makes you shiver.
Yoongi kisses you passionately, you notice. Like a lover. It’s laced with deeper intention and you hope you’re not overthinking it. You will your brain to just shut up and enjoy. Emotions can come later.
Now, you’re the one to remove your lips from his and he pouts slightly at the loss. You smile and slide down to your knees, hands undoing the button of his tight jeans and tugging them down.
“Shit, babe, I think you may be overpaying me,” he admits. “Wasn’t that hard to fix.”
As a finger pulls down the front of his boxers to let his cock spring free, you flick a smirk up to his face.
“Then consider this my repayment for being late on rent all those months,” you state before shifting your gaze back to his hardened cock. It’s gathered pre-cum at the head and you wonder if he’s been hard and wanting since he got here and first saw you. The thought is intoxicating and spurs you on.
Your tongue licks up the slick at the tip that threatens to drip off, before it swirls around the bulbous head. Yoongi isn’t afraid to be loud, it seems. You supposed you wouldn’t be afraid if you owned the building too. Who will complain? And to who?
“Hoooooly fuck,” he gasps. “Sh—shit I might let you pay rent like this for the rest of your lease.”
You pop your mouth off and lick your lips, allowing your hand to grip his shaft and begin stroking him.
“I don’t want to pay rent this way. How about we consider it a perk?” You smile, pressing forward to kiss his tip teasingly.
“God, a girl who doesn’t want to fuck me just to take advantage of me? And she’s hot as fuck and wants to blow me for fun?” he quirks his head. “Shit, be careful or I’ll end up falling in love.”  
It makes your head spin a little and you suckle at the tip a little longer, making him keen, before you pull away again.
“Maybe that was the plan all along,” you simper, then take him in fully, letting his tip glide down your mouth to the back of your throat.  He groans loudly, and it’s the most satisfying sound. It makes you want to do this more. Every day if you could.
You get to work, sucking him in, allowing him passage to your throat, vacuuming your cheeks to add additional pressure, gliding your hands up and down the slick shaft to assist you in touching every single bit. Yoongi is thriving. He can’t believe his luck. The hottest girl in the complex, the girl he’s secretly pined over, is sucking his cock as if her life depends on it.
You’re salivating at the act now, saliva spilling out your mouth as you continue to envelop his cock quickly. You slip it out of your mouth to lean down and lick and suck at his balls, which makes him hum in absolute pleasure.  You don’t remain long—his cock is nearly pulsating with desire.  Your mouth returns to its rightful place and as you’re licking and sucking and pumping and stroking him, you maintain even and sensual eye contact with him.
You want him to know this isn’t a chore, a means to an end. You want him to know you’ve dreamt of him fucking your throat raw every night since you moved in.
Yoongi got the picture pretty quickly. His mouth drops open as he openly gapes at your work, giving him probably the best and hottest blowjob of his life.  
Your tongue swirls at the ridge of his head and Yoongi feels it snap—the tightness that holds everything back.  He fucks desperately into your throat, relishing in the feel of your gagging and moaning.  It didn’t take long until he was seeing it through to the end, pumping hot white ropes down your throat while he moaned out your name with a string of expletives.
The immoral pop noise your mouth made as you pull off his cock makes the blue-haired landlord standing above you moan.
“Fucking hell—where the fuck have you been all my life?” he sighs as he cups his hand under your chin. He beckons you back up, desperate to kiss you.  You oblige and return to standing, pressing against his body to pull him in to a dirty kiss.
“Upstairs, apparently,” you murmur.
He swipes his tongue on yours, tastes himself there, and decides he wants to taste himself on you all the time.  His hands slide down to your ass, the g string still curving down the line.  He snaps at the straps as you kiss, making you puff a laugh against his lips before pulling away.
“I’d be willing to fix your leaky faucet in the bathroom if you let me eat you out,” he offers.  
You’re tugging him towards your bed, knocking over multiple fans in the process, and flopping onto the mattress, landing on your back.
“Throw in fixing the squeaky wheel on my closet, and you’ve got yourself a deal,” you joke, spreading your legs to give him the tiniest clue of what lays between.
He sighs dramatically with a smile, “Needy tenant,” before he slips down to hover over you. He intends to kiss and lick every part of your body, starting with the tits that hypnotized him.
“Can’t believe you opened the door like that,” he chuckled as he plucked a nipple between his fingers and lightly rolled it.  “I thought I was dreaming.”
The feeling is instant, electricity sparking at the tips of your nipples and warming its way around your body, directly to your cunt.  You’re absolutely certain that by the time Min Yoongi reaches his mouth to your core, he’ll drown in it.
He moves forward and wraps his lips around the bud, allowing his hands to travel to the neglected one and to squeeze and pinch and prod.  He’s rewarded with your beautiful sighs and gasps—it’s sweeter than any song he’s ever heard.
He presses your tits together and rubs his face in the cleavage there, making you gasp and laugh at the same time.  He gazes up at you and flashes his gummy smile.
“I’ve really wanted to do that,” he admits, which makes you giggle again.
“Be my guest,” you approve.  He takes your reply and does it again for just a moment, before he’s kissing and sucking at the flesh of your breasts.  He wants to mark you, leave a piece of him for you to remember every time you see yourself.  You moan in appreciation and rub your thighs together, desperate at the ache that grows with every nip and nibble of Yoongi’s lips and teeth.
He seems to understand and trails down, kissing and sucking at your long torso, abdomen, hips.  He leaves little bruises everywhere and you want them to last forever.  You want him to mark you and claim you as his own.
His fingers slip around the thin straps of your underwear, and he tugs them right off.  He’s unable to stop the loud moan when he notices the slick that strings between them and your folds.  You’re drenched, and he marveled at how excited you were about him.
“Fuck, babe—” he sighs as he lowers his chest down to lie in front of your spread thighs.  Your center is weeping, slicked with your arousal and he can tell you’re desperate for friction, for anything.  “Look at this perfect fucking pussy.”
You whimper as you can feel his breath so close to where you need him.  
“Yoongi, please,” you whine.  “I’m so fucking horny.”
“I can tell,” he hums.  “Keep moaning my name like that and I’ll make sure you’re always horny and ready for me.”
He lowers his lips, hovering millimeters from your slit.  He holds it there as he watches your anguished face nearly burst at how close and yet how far he is, before he obliges you and presses into you.  
You gasp at the first swipe of his tongue on your clit.  He maintains a soft up and down motion on the nub and you’re already seeing stars.  He steadily increases the pressure and the speed, then spices it up by swirling his tongue around in different shapes, spelling out his name on your cunt with his tongue to remind you just who got you this fucking soaked.
Your legs falter and quiver as he slips his tongue deeper inside you, licking into your hole and nearly drinking you up.  He pulls back and devotes his attention to your clit and your moans turn from soft gasps and pleas to loud whines as he slips his fingers into your cunt and slowly fucks you, spreading you out.  He’s not small by any means, he feels he can get you ready to go.
“I want you to cum for me on my tongue,” he states, matter-of-factly.  “I want to feel you on my fingers.”
You nod, plucking at your own nipples with one hand as the other seeks purchase in his hair.  
“Can you do that for me, babe? Can you cum for me and get my hand nice and drenched?  I want to lick it off my fingers.”
His fingers get frantic and he splits his time between suckling and laving at your clit and encouraging you with illicit requests and praises.  
Yoongi continues, never letting up or even giving an inkling of a hint he’s tiring.  His hand works like a machine and he slips yet another finger inside your heat, making you arch off the bed.  He licks at your clit with just the right pressure, and he picks up the speed and it sends you tumbling towards your orgasm.  You feel the breath leave your lungs as it hits you, core and channel muscles squeezing him tight and legs shaking around his body.   Your moans echo off the small apartment walls, only drowned out by the sound of the fresh air-con still running.  
“Oh, my god Yoongi—” you pant.  “I’ve never cum so hard from oral in my life.”
He pulls his fingers from inside you as you come back down from your high and chuckles at your words.  True to his promise, he lets the slick glisten on his finger and marvels at it, before he’s popping the fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
“You taste so fucking good,” he compliments, and it makes your chest tighten and tips of your ears turn red.  “Fuck, I could eat you every fucking day.”
You smirk, still sensitive but feeling the desperate ache inside you needy for him and his thick cock.  Your legs spread open as he lays between them and you’re wiggling your hips to get his attention.
“I’m sure we could arrange something in my lease for that,” you tease.  “I could suck your cock hourly, honestly.”
He groans as he sits up between your legs, cock resting heavily on top of your mound.  It’s so close, so close to where you need it to be.  You appreciate the thick member as it rests and as Yoongi catches his breath.  It’s thick and long, on top of your mound the tip reaches to the tiny swell of your stomach.  You know you will not be able to walk tomorrow, that’s for sure.
“You’re telling me I could have been going down on you and been getting my dick sucked by the hottest girl on the planet this whole time and all I’ve done is give you shit about rent?”  
You stifle a laugh and spread your legs open wider.  “Looks like it.  We better make up for all that lost time, don’t you think?”
His cock is rigid, almost stone, and he agrees heartily.
“Fuck yeah, we should.  I’ve been dreaming about being inside you.”
He sounds so dirty, looks so sinful—it’s all so much and you’re almost begging for him to take you.
He reaches down to the pants on the floor that dropped and shimmies a condom out of his wallet.  You send him a look that he silences with a roll of his eyes.
“Every dude has one, chill,” he mumbles. “I haven’t gotten laid in like a year and a half.”  He pales as he realizes what he just said. “Not that it matters.  Or that I care. Or that you care—christ can we fuck now please?” He asks as he rolls the rubber onto his stiff cock.
You’re laughing a bit, not at him but with him, and you lean up on your elbows to kiss his lips.  “If it makes it better, I haven’t gotten laid in 3 years so I’m the loser by comparison,” you assure.
He wants to ask you how the fuck you haven’t gotten laid in that long because you’re the hottest god damn person he thinks he’s ever seen, but he realizes he doesn’t care and that it works out in his favor because Yoongi doesn’t like competition.
“Looks like the landlord needs to fix yet another problem of yours,” he winks as he lines himself up.  You lean back onto the pillows and sigh as you feel the touch of his head right at the opening of your slit.
In one slow motion, he slides himself to the hilt. It’s tight, so fucking tight even after one orgasm, and Yoongi nearly hollers at the feel.  He’s sure his eyes are rolling back in his head.  It’s warm and tight and wet and even through a condom he’s in absolute bliss.  He’s hoping one day he can try it without—fuck you raw and stuff you full of his cum.  
He’s still inside you, and after a moment to breathe and adjust to the thick girth of him, you’re whining.  “Yoongi, fuck me, I need you so fucking bad.”
A feral groan leaves his lips, and he’s off, beginning a pace that has him hoarse from moaning in no time.  He’s never felt so good inside a cunt before, never understood how some men could do crazy shit for ‘magic pussy’, but now he gets it—he realizes he’d probably do some dumb things for a chance to be inside you again.
“Oh, yeah—” you whine. “S-shit, you’re so fucking big, Yoongi.  Fuck me nice and deep.”
“Mmm, yeah? You want me to bruise your cervix? Want me to make this cunt remember my fucking cock?”  He thrusts harder, pushing into you with diligent speed and intensity.  “Gonna make sure you can never cum from another cock again, only mine.”
You’re losing your breath with how hard he’s fucking into you, both your moans and pants coming out in quick little bursts between his thrusts.
“Y-y-yes! Yo-o-ongi! Right there!”  He hits a spot that feels so good, and you feel the pull towards orgasm tighten.
“God—you feel so. fucking. good.” he emphasizes with a thrust. “Need to feed your tiny pussy my dick every day, hm?  Needy little cunt needs my thick cock.”
Tears form in your eyes.  The depths he reaches inside you nearly scrambles your brains—you forget everything that isn’t Yoongi and his perfect thickness spearing inside you.
“Yoongi! Gonna c-cum!”
He goes harder, becomes rabid for your second orgasm and wants to feel the way you squeezed his fingers on his cock, knowing the channel will feel even impossibly tighter.
“That’s right, good girl,” he praises while he maintains a punishing pace.  “Let me see you cum on this cock, baby, wanna see that pretty little pussy all creamy for me.”
His thumb rubs at your clit, moving it in circular motions, and diverts his eyesight between watching your full tits bounce and your lips open and close in pure bliss.  You’re the definition of fucked out and Yoongi feels a surge of testosterone at the sight—knowing he was responsible.
“O-oh! Th-there!” You’re frantic and he can tell you’re right on the edge.  He goes even faster, deeper and harder, and it’s the final straw.  You’re catapulted off the edge and thrown headfirst into your orgasm.   As he suspected, your perfect cunt pulsates around him like a fist and he’s groaning and stuttering as it triggers his own release.  
It takes a few moments for both of you to come down, before he pulls his softening cock from within you and disposes of the condom.  You’re breathing hard, and he’s smiling at the sheen of sweat on your body.
“Good thing I got that AC fixed today, hm?” He asks as he leans over to kiss at your lips.
You grin and pull him down to lay next to you, snuggling into his body.  He holds onto you and kisses your head.  He feels a level of contentment he’s never felt before.
You break the silence. “Now, as the landlord’s girlfriend, do I get any special perks? Like you’ll throw the utilities into my rent? Free cable?”
He chuckles against your forehead. “Not a fucking chance, babe.”
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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chillichats · 2 years
58 look away im stupid emotional in this
@fathermooshroom for the sake of your entertainment mr moosh i have written down my thoughts as incomprehensibly and as non filtered as possible, starting right after where i was when i sent the ask
mr moosh you piece of shit what the fuck you cant what no NO THIS IS WHAT TECHNO FEARED THE MOST im gonna be sick im gonna throw up im losing my mind WHY
mr moosh do you understand of course you understand but DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD YOU why would dream do that?? did he get scared from tommy not holding back? hve there been fights since then? is there something going on from dreams point of view that made it so he had to try and get his hands on whtever it was he needed from spiderman as quickly as possible?? he wanted him alive before so what changed? is it related to whatever he was trying to ‘fix’ the first time??? ive gone on a tangent of thoughts while writing this im going back to reading
no.. being about to die is what makes tommy realise he wants to live... god fuck MR MOOSH YOURE RUINING ME D OYOU UNDERSTAND THAT
oh im trying so desperately not to cry but the visuals of kristin and phil finding his cold body the next morning GOD of FUCK yeah no theres no point in trying not to cry its a repeat of the first chapter but its not /lh its /FUCK
*sobbing* yeahb ranboo hed really like it if he could have your leftovers for lunch tomorrow i cant do thi s i canttt
its been a few minutes and ive sort of., usded up all my easily accessible emotions so im numb for noww and im just. in a well of deep horrified empathy for techno and tubbo who are going through all this and they cant even tell anyone else until the worst happens/would happen
‘youre not gonna miss us youre just gonna be gone’ techno why do i have to kin you in particular god holding my breath to counteract the sobs but its not working
fuck off with your ‘details’ and your ‘predeath sentiment’ tommy I DONT WANT TO KNOW THAT THEY STARTED CRYING AFTER ELLIE DIED ID ONT I DONT
NO OH GOD WILBUR DOESNT UNDERSTAND BUT IF TOMMY DIES HE WILL AND HE”LL KNOW THAT THEY KNEW IT WAS COMING AND THAET THEY KEPT IT FROM HIM yknow what im gonna leave theories until i reach the end because i stg i refuse to torture myself with ideas that might not even happen
‘theyre scared they wont get another chance’ and another round of tears. MR MOOSH IM NOT NORMALLY EMOTIONAL TO THIS EXTENT WHAT HVAE YOU DONE
he knows cyanide causes a painful death and he wants to sleep to try avoid it FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IM NOT I CANT IM WHAT? NO
im tired of capitals im tired of them but god techno’s making me wanna use them so bad you dont undetstand im legitimately bawling
... ‘ Tommy can’t bring himself to understand why someone would want a character—want their creation—to suffer like that’ fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuvk you
....he knows its tommy
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