#the kings affection press conference
rowoon-updates · 1 year
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211008 SF9 Rowoon at The Kings Affection Press Conference‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ © noowor do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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itskindofidontknow · 2 months
What dreams know about love?
Chapter 4
Dream of The Endless/Morpheus x Love!OFC
Summary: The Queen of Love has grown used to the absence of her husband, the Dream King. After banning her from the Dreaming, they only saw each other when Morpheus summoned her for social or marital duties. He would go decades without calling for her, enamorated by a variety of mistresses. It broke Love's heart. Not that her husband cared. However, after being imprisioned for a century, The Dream King wants to regain his Queen's love. She doesn't believe him, not after centuries of neglect. The question is: Can dreams repair a broken heart?
Tag: Established relationship, arranged marriage, regency romance, eventual happy ending, angst, morpheus is a dick prepare to hate, love is eoster from west germanic mythology, typos are to be expected
TW: Explicit sexual content, lost of virginity, p in v, consent is here but pleasure is not.
"Don't you think it is too much?"
"Not at all, m’lady. It is your wedding, nothing is ever 'too much'." Eoster sheepishly smiled, pressing her hands against the white sheer corset that the Seamstress was adjusting. Her wedding dress. Long silk skirts covered by tulle made of stardust, reflecting the bright sunlight that entered through the windows. Looking at her reflection at the mirror, it seemed like Eoster was shining. Inside, she truly felt like she was. Shining, happy, excited “It’s all happening in such a hurry. Dear Desire, do you think I am rushing it?” She bit her lip. There has only been one year. Yes, their letters were full of passion and devotion for each other, and Love never felt such affection, but still, a year was so little. Rushed and desperate mortal’s relationships always ended badly… Shouldn’t she wait more?
Before that boring conference of universal manifestations, both were only distantly aware of each other's existence. Some dreams were heavily influenced by her works and some lovers were heavily influenced by their dreams. One could say that they were nothing but distant work colleagues. That night, however, thanks to Desire, they were both formally presented to each other.
Love did not take much of it, since she was in the middle of hiding from a group of extremely boring and arrogant suitors that wanted a place in her dance card. Desire was certain that being accompanied by Dream would keep away the suitors. Eoster was not sure of that, even though Lord Morpheus didn't have the friendliest of faces, definitely not an entity she would cross, some of her suitors couldn't, for their life, read the room. He didn't seem to care for Love either. Different from most, which Desire would later say in confidence, that he lost his words in presence of such a beauty, like Love’s. She did not believe in it. But she did think it could be true disinterest. After all, the Dream King could have any maiden he wanted, he didn’t need to court someone like Love.
In truth, Dream’s thoughts were in Calliope, wanting to return to her, and get away from the conference. He was also skeptical about Desire’s sudden approach and poor excuse of 'helping their friend dodge suitors'. Desire had no friends.
The brown haired queen didn’t think much about their meeting until a few weeks later when she received a dove, a letter written by Lord Morpheus himself, ddressed to her. Daily, Love received suitors’ doves. She kept them all, feeding her ego with those sweet words and praises. There were some terrible poems and sonnets, but she knew they were well-intended (Not all of them, some of them had sinful propositions that Love prefere to ignore). His letter, however, was different, it didn’t praise her beauty, or compared her to the stars, neither had any vulgar proposition. It was a simple apology regarding the unattentive way he treated her in the conference.
Love was afraid the Dream King would have the wrong impression if she responded. She knew she had to say something, but what exactly? She didn’t want to sound like he owed her an apology, but she also did not want to dismiss him, saying it was nothing. Unsure of how to proceed, Love went to Desire of the Endless, not only they were Dream younger sibling, they were one of her best friends and also someone who Love considered as the older sibling she never had.
The Love Queen adored working with Desire, it was not only easier but much more pleasing to see two souls being together in perfect harmony, tenderly hungry for each other, not only they had carnal lust but also affection and devotion. Desire also was a great friend, always helping her escape suitors, and entertain her afternoons, making her company in the Garden.
For Desire, it was more like having a puppy than a friend. The wide-eyed innocent persona of Love was something she considered fun to have around and mess with. It was amusing to see her blushing complexion with every dirty comment and prank, or pretending to know about topics they knew she had not the slightest idea whatwas about.
Desire was the one that encouraged her to respond in an affectionate way. ‘Believe me, little dove, my brother does not send letters to anyone’, they said. And Love started to wonder about Lord Morpheus intentions. She caught herself thinking about why they hadn't met before. How could she have gone without a proper introduction for so long? He was a gentleman, attractive, and dutiful. A suitor that she might actually consider, besides, they worked close. Love started to daydream about the projects they could do together, the wonders they might provide to mortals.
Waiting for his answer was pure agony. Love was starting to give up any hope, thinking he only was being polite since she was friends with Desire. But when a dove came with the Dreaming’s seal. Love was caught by a surprise relief she felt on her chest. She was longing for a response. The correspondence did not stop for over 365 days. Anxiously she waited for every dove, always thinking that he might grow tired of her.
The palace staff quickly learned that if their Queen was nowhere to be found, she would probably be hiding in her winter’s garden, sitting in the balcony, eyes lost in the pink sky's horizon, wishing for a dove with a letter. Lord Morpheus' letters made the difference between a melancholic and a blissful afternoon. Elijah could cancel any engagements Love had when his letters arrived, since she would spend the rest of the day, with the head in the clouds, trying to imagine what he was feeling when writing to her, if he was thinking about her reading his letter. She giggled alone and reread every sentence, trying to imagine all he described, wondering if one day she might be invited to his realm. If he wrote fifty pages of letters, it wouldn’t be enough.
Eoster fell deeply in love. His letters flooded her senses, filled her nights and brightened her days. They developed some distant companionship, and Love never felt a connection quite the same. During this time, every mortal felt love in a newfound intensity, their creativity sprouted, the kisses were tender, the embraces longer, the partitude hurted more than a knife through the heart. The Garden flourished in plenitude, the flowers were vibrant, the grass greener and softer, the air was warm with light breezes. She never received so many young ladies and lords in waiting, she gladly taught about the ways of the heart. And when he proposed, Love had to contain herself otherwise mortals would probably explode of infatuation.
Desire looked back to her with a cheshire smile, seeing all those questions going through their friend’s head. They langley raised from Love’s bed and walked to the young maiden hugging her from behind. “Never, my darling. Look at you, look at your Garden. Both blossoming in happiness. Such happiness cannot be misleading. Besides, he was the one that called for a True Marriage.” Love squeezed Desire’s hand while taking a deep breath.
A True Marriage. The oldest type of union, and one of the rarest. If one is not sure of their love, they would never call for one. All the other ordinary unions are annulled by a True Marriage, nothing is above it. An unbreakable bond, written in golden permanent ink in Lord Destiny’s book. Unchangeable, no matter what the circumstances, twist and turns, or paths one chooses. It’s more than just a ceremony or names on a piece of paper, it’s an exchange of souls and hearts. One holds the life of the other, and gives its own life in exchange. The vows of a True Marriage are not to be taken lightly.
The only way to terminate a True Marriage is by terminating life. And when one half dies, part of the soul and the heart of the other half also dies. If Morpheus wanted to marry her under these ancient laws, he was as certain of his feelings as she was of hers.
The Seamstress pushed Desire out of the way, getting on her knees to finish the hem of the dress. “Don’t stay in the way if you don’t want to get pushed, m’lady-lord”. Desire rolled her eyes at the old woman. If one of Love’s cupid had done this to an Endless it would be considered a serious offense, but The Seamstress didn’t belong to any realm, she didn’t go by any set of hierarchy, she was old, how old Love didn’t know, but she had more wrinkles than anyone could count, along with a sharp tongue. “There you go, m’lady. All is done.”
The old woman gave Love’s waist two friendly taps, before getting up proudly looking at her creation. “My queen, I can’t say that I know the King of Dreams, but I know about wedding dresses.” The seamstress has been designing and sewing them for eons “And if our Lord Morpheus does not put a stained glass window of you in his palace. He is a fool.“ Desire and Love looked at each other, before laughing. And Love jumped and pulled the Seamstress into a hug. “Oh Seamstress! I promise, as Queen of Love, that if we decided for a wedding party, you shall have a invitation, you’ll be my guest of honor” The old lady was thrown off by the sudden movement, but welcomed the hug the Queen gave, and throw her hands in the air dismissing the invite. “I thank you for the invitation m’lady, but I sew, I don’t go to parties.”
Two knocks came from the door before Elijah popped his head in the room. “Excuse me, blessing from the Garden, Seamstress and Lady-Lord Desire.” He politely acknowledged the two others in the room before addressing Love “My Queen, it’s time.”
She said her goodbyes to the Seamstress, who remembered her that all her nuptial nightgowns were already sent to the Dreaming, and to Desire, who promised her a visit after the honeymoon, which made Love said wouldn’t be necessary, she could visit her in the next day, to which Desire whispered smiling into her ear “Darling, darling, trust me, you will not want to leave your room” Love gasped over her friend answer, but rolled her eyes. Desire was always full of little games to make her anxious.
Elijah spent the last entire week trying to learn everything he could to prepare for a True Wedding. There wasn’t much literature available and the whole ceremony was kind of a mystery. All he gathered was that both Lady Eoster and Lord Morpheus would be invited to Destiny's realm, where it would happen. No guests, no celebrations, just the two of them. Elijah really wished Lord Destiny would allow at least one witness (preferable one cupid, more specifically, him) to accompany Lady Love. After all, the King of Dreams was his sibling, but Lady Love was going on her own. “I am not on my own, my dear cupid. Soon Lord Morpheus will be my husband, and Lord Destiny, my brother-in-law. '' She pointed it out to Elijah. “Yes, my Queen of course, but Lord Destiny is already Lord Morpheus’ brother, by blood” Love stopped in the middle of the pink marble corridor, trying to calm her cupid down. She knew he only meant the best, but the rules were the rules, and she did not want to upset Lord Destiny, even before becoming his in-law. “ Lord Destiny will not be there as Lord Morpheus’ brother, he is the only one that can seal a True Marriage. Please, worry not, my cupid. All is well.” She reached for his hand, squeezing it, before looking in his doubtful eyes.
“Take some time to rest, after all, when we get back, you will also have the Prince of Stories to worry about.” Love tried to lighten the mood, she could not have her own worries and Elijah’s, hers was already overwhelming. “I will be glad to be able to worry for my ladyship and lordship.” He smiled before she asked to enter the Garden of Forking Ways.
Mist covered her eyes, Love squeezed her eyes trying to get a better view of her way. There was only silence, she tried to understand if she was inside the palace or in the actual gardens, since the mist was so dense, she couldn’t see the palm of her hands.
Naturally, she jumped when the deep voice of her host cut through the silence, echoing "Welcome, Queen Eoster, Lady of the Four Loves, Princess of Springs, and Ruler of the Garden of Lovers." As stoic as Love remembered. She made a deep bow "Lord Destiny of the Endless, blessings from the Garden, it's an honor to be accepted in your realm" she couldn’t tell if he heard her, until following a long silence, he said it "Follow me".
Love did as she was told, as she kept walking, her vision adjusted to her surroundings and she realized she was walking in the hallways through his empty palace. Light was getting more scarce, and when he opened a door to a room and made way for her to come inside, there was no light at all, only darkness. If she squeezed her eyes she could see some sparkle of her dress, she questioned herself if Morpheus would be able to see it as well. Maybe she did overdo it. "Lovers, offer your hands to one another" Her heart beating fast, within the silence, Love was certain Lord Destiny would hear it.
She hesitated for a moment. "The eyes do not need to see what the heart already is familiar with." Destiny answered her question before Love could even vocalize it. She offered her open hand to the void in front of her, she felt a cold palm under her hand. As they touched, Destiny continued. "Bonded by life. Terminated by death. Remember spouses, golden ink will tell your tales, but if red ink stained your pages, half of your spirit is the price to be paid.”
Feeling his cold hands against hers, brought Love some relief. Although the lady of springs was certain he was going to be there, to have this assurance, to actually feel him, was something else. They were pen pals turned to pen lovers, but never actually met, until today. It was unusual, but Lord Morpheus said it, and Lady Love agreed that longing made the heart grow stronger. And the bond that they developed, some couples spent eternity failing to build it. Now, they would have the whole eternity to make their longing for each other, worth it.
"If your hearts are true to your feelings, you may now say the sacred vows" Destiny said, his voice sounding permanent as their vows would be.
The beautiful and eternal vows. Dangerous for the weak of flesh and heart. Once they said it, there was no return from it. Love could feel the air thickening, her mouth was dry and she could feel the cold sweat in her hands. Maybe it was the pressure of it all, maybe it was the power of the old rite manifesting along them. She squeezed her fiance’s hands. ‘Give me strength, my love’ she thought, wishing Morpheus could read her mind.
“One soul. One heart. One life. As you are mine and I am yours. I embrace your darkness and worship your light. By the laws written in the Book Before Time, I concede to you my life and devotedly take yours, for I have no essence, no will, no present, past or future if not yours.”
The dense air was suffocating, she could smell blood and iron mixed. Ancient powers. Her head and feet felt light. It was difficult to breathe. She was doing everything she could to keep concentrating “Why can’t I hear him?” Love asked breathlessly, her chest burning. Destiny took, what seemed to be hours to answer “The ears do not need to hear what the heart already knows.” She weakly nodded “Hold onto your loved one, burden him with the weight of the soul, give your regrets, your happiness, your…” She tried to obey, focusing on the instructions, concentrating on what to do, but Destiny's voice drifted away, like she was under deep water drowning trying to hear him speak. Until she didn’t.
When Love returned to herself, the air was no longer thick, nor was it difficult to breathe. The darkness was still there, but that, she realized, was due to her closed eyes. And when she opened them, jumping afraid she might have somehow slept through her own wedding, she fell into the ground. What an embarrassment! Quickly she tried to get up, but her legs failed and her palms got sored from the impact. Her thoughts were only in getting up fast, before Destiny noticed, before Morpheus noticed. How could she do such a thing in front of her husband and her brother in law? She squinted her eyes trying to adjust to the light. ‘Light?’. There was no light. Before, there wasn’t. She blinked. Now, It was too bright. This…Where was she?
Love looked up, facing the surface she felt from. A bed. A room, she was in a room. And It wasn’t Destiny’s realm. Neither it was hers or Desire’s. She supported her elbows in the mattress, raising herself, throwing her body against satin black sheets. It smelt different. She looked to the narrow tall windows from where she could see the grayish skies. Looking around the room, it was a bedroom, but there wasn’t much furniture. A nightstand, a dresser, a tri-fold standing mirror, and the bed.
Love was still in her wedding dress. Her head hurted trying to remember what happened. One minute she was holding hands with her future husband, saying vows…the other. “ My Lady, you are awake” A strange lady entered the bedroom. She didn’t hear her knock. “I am Lucienne, my lady, Lord Morpheus’ librarian '' Love turned her face to the woman. “Lord Morpheus brought you to The Dreaming. A True Marriage can be quite overwhelming.” If she didn’t have bigger concerns, Love would’ve thought that the lady was terrible at small talk. But she was still confused “ You fainted, right after your vows and…Lord Morpheus brought you to the Dreaming. Where you are, right now”. The dark skinned woman explained, as the Queen frowned, raising her body from the covers, and even though she was feeling dizzy, she kept herself sitting. The Dreaming.
His realm. Their realm.
“Here my lady.” The woman gave a cup of a red liquid to her. Love had no idea what it was, but its warm and floral smell was convincing enough to make her take a few sips. Her throat was dry. “Where is he?” Love said before clearing her throat. Her cloudy thoughts started to clear and panic grew inside her “ Is he worried? Please you must tell him that I am well.” Lucienne frowned, taking a few seconds to observe the woman in front of her. From what Lord Morpheus told her, Lucienne imagined an unapologetic seductress, evil grin without an ounce of remorse, very similar to his sibling Desire.
Instead, the Queen was a young woman with lily white skin, green puffy eyes full of worry and the voice hinted with panic. She looked full of innocence, worry and beauty. It was not even a compliment to say it, it was more of a fact “He is well, my Lady. “. It also made a bitter sense to the librarian, on why her king wishes to see her in person in his room, instead of just banishing her forever. He would not let an ambush like this go unpunished.
Morpheus was fine. Furious yes, but well, in terms of physical integrity. He thought Calliope had called for a True Marriage. Not Lady Love. In fact, he only met the queen on one occasion, and she was with his sibling. Probably when they decided to trap him in misery. Lucienne hated that her lord had put her, of all his creations, to deal with his wife. She was not cut for this. Especially when they seemed more lost than mischievous.
“Lord Morpheus sent me to see if you were already awake. I did also send a raven to inform the lovefolk about your whereabouts. I didn’t mention your state, as I didn’t want to worry them. I hope I didn’t step out of my place“ The woman lowered her head in respect. Love was quickly to leave the tea in the nightstand before reaching the librarian’s hand and pulling her into a tight hug “Oh dear Lucienne, you have my eternal gratefulness!” The librarian froze in shock with the sudden and expansive reaction. Love broke their hug only to look into her eyes “Elijah would probably be banging on this door if you had told him.” She jokingly said with a smile. The librarian gave out a sympathetic smile, before darting her gaze uncomfortably.
“Yes? My dear, is there anything else? I hope nothing happened to Lord Morpheus. I surely hoped that I didn’t embarrass him.” Eoster could see the distressed look in the librarian’s face. Love would never forgive herself if anything had happened to her husband. “No, my Lady, Lord Morpheus is fine. He wishes to… see you.” Love followed The librarian’s eyes to the other side of the bed. One of her nuptials gowns perfectly extended. “It arrived early, my lady. I believe Lord Morpheus, want you to…” She left the sentence unfinished, hopeful that the queen would understand.
Eoster opened another smile, face brightening, laughing as she grabbed the fabric and jumped out of the bed, dancing with the fabric, stumbling in her wedding dress.
Lucienne tried to reach for the queen to avoid an accident, but the lady was fast, crossing the bedroom in front of the mirror, trying to undo the tight laces in her back. It didn’t even feel like a few moments ago, she was passed out in the bed. “Lucienn, please help me undress. One should never make a husband wait for the nuptials” As they undid the laces in the back, and got Eoster out of her underskirts, the Queen couldn’t stop talking, which was very different from what the librarian was used to. Dizzy, Lucienne only nodded and gave polite smiles, thank goodness the brown haired maiden didn't expect answers. She was affectionate, talkative, and exceedingly happy. It didn’t match what one would expect of someone who scammed others into marriage. It matched what Lucienne expected of a young maiden absolutely infatuated by her husband, anxious for her wedding night.
Lucienne didn’t know how to feel. Lord Morpheus said she should be careful with Love, but Lady Love was swirling in the corridors, giggling, holding Lucienne by the arm as they were the best of friends, and taking every opportunity at a reflection surface to fix her hair, or her nightgown while walking from her quartels to meet her husband. Love took a deep breath as Lucienne knocked in the door, and gave a final smile and a squeeze in the hand, as the librarian opened the door and Lady Love closed.
Something wasn’t right. That woman was not an evil seductress that had her fun tricking the prince of stories, someone who enjoys playing hurtful games so he could never be truly happily married to his muse. In truth, Lucienne never saw anyone more transparent, guiltless and pure than Lady Love. In fact, she looked like the perfect fit for being misled.
As the door closed and Eoster saw Morpheus, hands in his back, with his usual black attire, happiness filled her heart. She ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck, pressing a soft chaste kiss in his lips. She waited a few seconds, but he didn’t respond. Neither did he embrace her. Embarrassingly, Love untangled her arms, letting her hand slide through his chest. Morpheus gave such a cold look at her hands that she quickly dropped them to her sides, entangling her fingers, giving a embarrassed small laugh “Pardon me, my lord husband for keeping you waiting”, She offered a small courtesy, thinking that probably he was displeased with her delay. Also giving his queue, to tell her to drop the formalities as they were husband and wife in the purest form. But he didn’t.
They stayed silent for what seemed hours. Morpheus waited for Love to admit what she did, to drop the maiden-in-love act, to take the blame. But she kept stupidly looking at him, he was tense, taking every fiber of himself to not oblige her to admit her sins. He knew Desire and their likes weren’t ever gonna repent, but to keep the act? Why? Why continue this farce? Why prolong his misery? Wasn’t forbid him to take his muse, his true love, as his wife, as the true queen of the Dreaming, enough? ‘Brother, why the long face? You were always moping around about your tragic romances and Eoster was infatuated by you. I only gave her a helping hand. Attending to one’s true desire. Performing my duty. And knowing Love, she will be more than eager to please you’ Morpheus could almost hear Desire’s purring voice from early, when he saw who his bride was and went to his sibling's realm to get some answers on this madness.
He wished to forget that his sibling was family. He wished to cut their throat and spill blood and not care by the mayhem within it.
He turned away from the maiden, walking to the bed. She and Desire came up with this, didn’t they? If Eoster wanted to forcefully be his wife, engaging in treacherous schemes without caring for his feelings in the first place, he wouldn’t care for hers. He couldn’t. How can she call herself the Lady of Love, if she doesn’t respect the love of others, putting her desires in first place?
Eoster followed with her eyes, his way near the bed, as he took his coat off. Her cheeks started to burn, and a sudden fear grow in her stomach. She avoided looking at him, trying to memorize their bedroom. It didn’t have anything special. Narrow tall windows, that let the greyish lights enter the room, it had no dresser, nor tri fold mirror. Love started to realize that Lord Morpheus’s palace was very minimalistic. He would probably be overwhelmed by the amount of art and decoration the bedrooms the Garden had.
Love kept distracting her with decoration thoughts to avoid the uneasiness that was starting to grow in her stomach. Morpheus was…different, from his letters. In them, he was infatuated to say the least, but now, he was cold. He barely acknowledged her, and was already unfastening his belt.
They never talked about carnal unions in their exchanges, the subject felt too intimate to discuss over letters, but she dreamed about being in his arms, heat reaching her core through her inner thighs, hot kisses spread along her curves, Dream molding her for him only and only him. Just like the most lustful and devoted mortals. And she knew he thought of her too, his letters gave hints, but never were explicit.
Love kept herself untouched for her true love. For him. And now, the queen was having second doubts, as he was treating it less like a sacred union and more like an obligation. As he was only expecting her, so they could get over it. “My Lord, I-” Love started to say, when he interrupted her “Lay down.” He looked over his shoulder, indicating the bed. The brunette took a deep breath fearfully looking at the mattress, covered in black satin sheets. She slowly walked to the edge, sitting while smoothing her long white satin nightgown, looking down at the lace pattern in her mid thigh, drawing with her fingers, feeling her cheeks and chest burned in apprehension.
“Lay down.” He said in a low impatient voice. She raised her head as he repeated, he was still fully dressed. She knew what was going to happen and searched her husband’s eyes, looking for some sympathy, some kindness, to embrace her and soothe the fears away, but instead she found his deep blue pupils, those everyone used to say you can see the whole universe, and saw nothing.
There was nothing there for her. He was acting as it was nothing for him. As she was nothing. He was about to take his wife's virginity, to make her entirely and only his. She didn’t know how to question him or how to tell him she did not want them to perform a martial duty, she wanted them to make love.
Lost without words, and feeling his annoyance, she did as told, laying on her back, curls spread in the mattress while she stared at the dark ceiling, knees strongly closed together. “Lady wife” Love raised herself hopefully for some remnant of the man she got to know through the letters. It didn’t go unnoticed that he kept the formal titles between them, but at least he was talking to her. “Are you untouched?”
She felt her face burning. Straightforward. Her husband was very straightforward. She barely nodded her head, feeling somewhat of embarrassment. Love knew it was pathetic to feel embarrassed of something her husband would soon discover, but at the same time, this Morpheus, made her feel like a stupid child.
He took a few seconds, processing the information. “ Waiting for true love, Lord husband”. She hesitantly said it, shrugging it off. It seemed sacred once, but now, it sounded silly. Still she looked hopeful to him, opening a sweet smile as he got close. “This won’t be good for you”. Her smile dropped, It was the last thing he said before grabbing her by the waist pulling her toward him. Eoster let out a surprised gasp. Her head hitted the mattress as she slid in his direction.
Love glanced at her husband, starting to pant, her thoughts scrambled in a pool of hysteria, panic grew into her as she heard the sound of pants being unfastened. Love kept waiting for him with her knees on her chest, as he wasn’t holding her. She lowered her eyes to see why was he taking so long, and caught him stroking himself. “Husband, I can-” She started to offer, when Morpheus let out a frustrated groan, cursing as he turned to look at his wife that resembled a frightened dove, she looked down to the mattress.
He grunted before reaching to the hem of her nightgown, ripping the thin fabric, exposing her all to him. Surprised, Love automatically covered her breasts. Morpheus took her hands out of the way, and she stayed bare under his gaze, hands to her side. He couldn’t deny, she was beautiful. Long silky legs that were going to be his to grab, small pink breasts with hard nipples that desperately wanted to be touched, pink full lips that could scream his name, and beg for him to do sinful things to her. Desire said that Love would be eager to please him, she would probably do as he told her, he could have her anywhere, anytime. His cock twitched at the thought and he stroked it faster, throwing his head back. But wasn’t really Lady Love he imagined doing ungodly things with. It was really Calliope. Love was only there to perform the duty she desperately wanted.
Her husband went back to stroking himself in a pace he seemed to like, squeezing his eyes shut. Love couldn't possibly be more embarrassed. He wasn’t even looking at her, and she didn’t understand why. Was she not what he expected?
Love turned her face away, pressing against the mattress, holding a sob in her throat, and closing her eyes, shivering feeling cold without anything to cover, she didn’t realize how cold the bedrooms could be. She opened her eyes when she felt her husband positioning himself upon her, supporting his elbows on the sides of her head, spreading her uncooperative knees apart. He was still semi-dressed, only his erection exposed, she felt the tip against her folds, as he slowly teases her slit. She could feel her insided clench in anticipation. She was too nervous, swallowing hard and looking at him in desperation. She wasn’t ready.
She knew she needed to be ready, her body was shivering and without even realizing she was gasping scared "Please my lord be gen-" She begged breathless, right before he thrusted deep into her, ignoring the wimps and the way her body tried to squirm away, as he hold her down in place. Love throwed her head back, feeling him stretch her insides. Tears reached her eyes. He didn't give Love anytime to adjust, sliding down and pounding deep into her again. “Pl-please husband” He kept a slow but deep pace, ignoring her loud cries. It wasn’t only unpleasant, it was a burning pain.
Nothing felt as it should feel. She knew her husband was right, it wasn’t going to be good for her. First times usually weren’t. But there were ways to make it more pleasant. Her husband did not seem interested in them. Love knew Morpheus was almost as old as his sister Death, he knew ways to make it better. He just didn’t want to make it pleasant for Eoster.
Tears started flowing down her cheeks. Her arms reached for embracing him, but Dream took both of her wrists, putting them above her head. The grip was firm, too strong, it would leave a mark. "Did you not want to be my queen? " He spitefully whispered into her ear, he didn’t bother looking at her. “Then you take it like a queen.” As his pace grew faster, he took her knee up his shoulder giving him more access to her. She turned her face away pressing against the bed, tears overflowing her eyes, making the vision hazy, her body felt numb, moving with his shoves, sometimes a wimp leaving her lips. Her head felt dizzy, even worse than before.
Morpheus didn’t take long. He spilled his seed inside her, as Love felt him going soft against her. He deflowered her. She was his. Their marriage consummated. And still, Love felt worse than she ever felt. The happiest night of her life and she felt used and dirty, like a courtesan. As he slided out of her, the queen stayed a few seconds in the same position. She didn’t want to move, afraid it would all make it real. She tried to think about how she felt earlier. It seemed like centuries, even if it was a few moments ago, she could not bring herself to feel like before. “Cover yourself, wife” He said as she heard him dress again. "Are you not staying? " Love turned her head to look at him.'' He didn't answer. Something did happen. Something she did. It must be, they got married, he hold her hand, he brought her to the Dreaming. She did something to ruin it. She must have done it.
The Queen reached for the sheets, wrapping herself onto them "Hum, my lord, did I do something wrong? Did I displease you in any matter? Because I can do better, I will learn to please you." He was on the other side of the bedroom, she went to him trying to grab his hand, to beg him for an explanation, any explanation " Please, why are you treating me like this? Why did you change? The let" He snapped his hand out of her, angrily getting closer, staying inches from his wife. "Spare me, wife, of your innocent act! Do you take me for a fool? " His voice hatefully roared to the whole room, and she flinched scared, he didn’t hit her, but sounded furious. She never thought the man who wrote her all those love letters would ever hit her. The man of the letters would also never disgrace her like he did. And still, here they are.
Morpheus took a deep breath, recomposing to his cold self. "I am finished with you. You may now return to your quarters. " Returned to her…These were her quarters! They were husband and wife, they shared a bed! " But I am your wife! " She screamed back, appealing to reasoning. "Indeed, you are, you made sure of it, didn’t you?.” Love looked confused, why was he saying those things?What was the meaning of them? “I pray you tell me husband, I know I can be naive sometimes, but I will do my best to understand, please, where is this coming from?” Morpheus couldn’t believe it. She wanted him to humiliate himself, to admit he falled into a trap, that she and Desire deceive him. He would not let her have this taste.“As my wife you shall do as you are told" She tearfully looked at him “Husband, please, I-” Abruptly he interrupted her, with a tone above the regular “Must I repeat myself?”. She fell silent. Walking past him, she still faced him, one last time, her green eyes asking for forgiveness, even though she didn’t comprehend what she did wrong. He took a glance at het, before turning away. She was still wrapped in the same sheets, as he opened the door, and slammed it closed right behind her.
Love leaned against the door, as she took her breath, before another lump began forming in her throat and she started crying. She did not want to cry in front of him, but she couldn’t contain the tears nor the sobs. Her knees felt weak, still feeling sore, something wet dripping from her, she couldn’t tell if it was his seed or her blood. Used and discarded. She slided against the door onto the ground, not able to support herself. Inside Morpheus could hear his wife crying, but he was not convinced by her act.
It was Lucienne, who heard the lady sobbing and went to her aid. She had received orders to not help her, however, and she thought that when Lord Morpheus reflected upon the subject, he would also agree, she couldn’t let the Queen of the Dreaming, undignified, wrapped in sheets, crying against the door of her husband, like a common whore. She guided the Lady back to the quarters, Lady Love didn’t even know where to find. The librarian helped the queen get into her bed, and offered to send someone to prepare her a warm bath, but she refused. The librarian couldn’t help but noticed the blood stains in the covers Eoster was wrapped. She didn’t want to condemn Lord Morpheus, but…
“ Lucienne?” Her queen whispered, as she grabbed the hand of the librarian that finished tucking her in. “Yes, my queen?” ‘My Queen’, she never expected to be Queen of anyone other than the lovefolk. “ Can’t you stay with me? Lord Morpheus he… I never sleep alone.” The look on her queen’s eyes almost broke Lucienne’s heart.
In a platonic and innocent way, Love’s ladies and lord in waiting were often sharing her bed. It was a common practice in the Garden to have close friends, sleep in the same bed. Truthfully, the only scenario where friends did not share a bed, was when one of them was to receive a lover. Then privacy was expected. “ I’m afraid I can’t, my lady. I’m sorry” Love whimpered while holding her hand. “Please, I am alone.” Lucienne could not stay. She was already disobeying explicit orders, and Lord Morpheus was not in the mood to have his limits tested. “My Queen, try to rest, please.” Against Eoster wishes, the Librarian gave her a sorrowful smile, slowly freeing from the delicate hold of Lady Love, her hand felt soft in the mattress, as she had no more strength. Lucienne couldn't think of any words that would ease her pain, so she left.
In a strange room, on her wedding night, alone. Love realized Dream did not even see her wedding dress. The Seamstress in all the eons of knowledge was wrong. It would never have a stained glass with her image in the Dreaming.
The Lady of Love then turned to her side, doing the only activity she found herself doing in the Dreaming: Crying.
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Hi, I'm playing 'MC ran from an abusive household' runaway route and I have some questions about it?
I tried to search the blog for answers but... Tumblr's search function sure leaves a lot to be desired. I'm sorry in advance if I ask any questions previously answered!
Okay, here we go:
- Why does MC running away make them a criminal?
That actually confused me the most right away because in my country, you are treated as a missing person if you run away and you don't get charged for running away itself: however, you will get punished if you committed a crime during that period.
- When did MC run away? Related to it, how did it affect their education if they ran away during, say, high school?
- How did they find a job if their education wasn't completed and they are a fugitive? Did they use a false name?
- If you choose to have Cass as an ex-friend or ex-lover, how does the runaway route affect their relationship? Did they know the circumstances? Did MC tell them before departure or did they just disappear? Will it be mentioned in the game?
- Even with King Frederick offering to get rid of the charges, will it come to haunt us during the competition? Like it being exposed by a rival, or the police looking for him do a press conference or something like that? Or perhaps, even our abusive family coming back to blackmail us or try to take us away?
(I know MC is an adult, but still. It's still a reasonable fear.)
- In 'I will compete but only if you give something back in turn' option, we can ask for money, job, donations to Lux's Lighthouse, or our charges being dropped. For example, if you accept to compete in exchange of donations, will the charges still get dropped, or vice versa?
(I won't ask if choosing to compete in exchange of something will come to bite us in Heir romance-route because I just know it will.)
Sorry again for all these questions, thank you in advance regardless! Have a nice day!
great questions! this is a long ask, so answers after the first one are after the cut!
Why does MC running away make them a criminal?
mc running away in the bad home life route shouldn't have them being treated as a criminal. that should be the only option where you're not treated as such. feel free to send me another ask where exactly these instances are and I'll get it rewritten, or coded correctly.
When did MC run away? Related to it, how did it affect their education if they ran away during, say, high school?
I don't specify in the story, but about 16-17. I could add in some flavor text regarding education!
How did they find a job if their education wasn't completed and they are a fugitive? Did they use a false name?
in the bad home life route, they're not considered a fugitive, so they've worked a series of odd jobs until they met up with odi/odanna. for the other route, it will depend upon their level of education. I'll go back and flush this out as well.
If you choose to have Cass as an ex-friend or ex-lover, how does the runaway route affect their relationship? Did they know the circumstances? Did MC tell them before departure or did they just disappear? Will it be mentioned in the game?
you can ask cass if anybody is still looking for them, but overall, they wouldn't care, seeing as they don't have the best reputation either lol. I don't have it decided either way, regarding whether or not they told before leaving, so I can add that as well.
Even with King Frederick offering to get rid of the charges, will it come to haunt us during the competition? Like it being exposed by a rival, or the police looking for him do a press conference or something like that? Or perhaps, even our abusive family coming back to blackmail us or try to take us away?
no comment on this, except for the last question. I wouldn't want to write a scenario where you can willingly leave a bad situation and have that come back to haunt you. so, if you leave home, your family won't come and look for you. but people leave home for other reasons as well...it's why I've kept the wording "didn't have the best home life" vague. but like i said, no comment to everything else.
In 'I will compete but only if you give something back in turn' option, we can ask for money, job, donations to Lux's Lighthouse, or our charges being dropped. For example, if you accept to compete in exchange of donations, will the charges still get dropped, or vice versa?
non answer on this for now.
I won't ask if choosing to compete in exchange of something will come to bite us in Heir romance-route because I just know it will.
hope I answered everything as best I could without spoilers. :)
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 42 - Pym v. Osborn
Given how long the East and West Coast teams operated together, Hank is no stranger to a world with more than one Avengers team. He had no problem with the New Avengers or the Young Avengers operating alongside his Mighty Avengers, but Norman Osborn leading what the government considered the only “legitimate” team wasn’t something he’d take lying down. Hank was both smart enough and petty enough to make sure his team out-heroed them at every turn to claim the public’s favor.
After all this I’m sure spiders aren’t the only bugs Norman wants eradicated.
Mighty Avengers vol 1 #31-33
Hank joined the other Avengers in battle against The Unspoken, an Inhuman who was turning humans into alpha primitives (Inhumans’ slave race). Unspoken succeeded in turning most of the present heroes and civilians, but Amadeus Cho and Hank were able to use a chrono-ray to age Unspoken into senility and regress the affected people back to normal. After the battle Clint warned Hank that their Wanda was a fake, but Hank had known all along thanks to his suit's retinal scanners. He'd just been waiting for the right time to confront her about it.
After Pietro was awarded Inhuman citizenship again the team headed back to the Infinite Mansion for a quick globetrotting/crime-fighting montage. Norman Osborn, again upstaged by the Mighty Avengers, brought his team to Project Pegasus to fight Absorbing Man as a publicity stunt. Hank's team interrupted their press conference to deal with Creel themselves much to Norman's chagrin. Absorbing Man burst through the roof after absorbing shards of a cosmic cube to gain its power. Realizing that his wrecking ball would have become a cosmic cube as well, Norman and Hank rushed to claim it.
Norman arrived first, but Hank convinced him that he'd already used it. How else could he explain a reality where heroes are on the run and he was calling the shots? As Norman hesitated, Hank took the cube for himself to fight with. Loki turned the battle back in Norman's favor by presenting him with a sword that could stop Creel and erasing the reporter's memories of any shortcomings from his Avengers. Norman used his rank to dismiss U.S.Agent from service before the rest of The Mighty Avengers returned to the mansion. Hank may have lost the publicity, but he and Amadeus had enough data now to prove Loki was impersonating Wanda.
New Avengers vol 2 #60
After Luke Cage's heart surgery the other New Avengers were rightfully worried that Norman had rigged the procedure somehow. Daredevil detected a signal being emitted from his chest and Doctor Strange confirmed that there was a small device attached to his heart now. Strange called Hank called in to help so that he could shrink them down to the device and deactivate it. It turned out to be a bomb and they weren't able to stop the detonation, so took Spider-Man's advice and sent the bomb to Norman's summer house to blow up.
Captain America Reborn vol 1 #1-6
Falcon, Vision, and Sharon Carter revealed that she was the one who shot Captain America, but she was under Red Skull’s control and HYDRA has been working on a variant of Doom’s time platform. Osborn planned to trap Red Skull in Steve’s mind to have him lead the Dark Avengers as the “real” Captain America. Steve fought through the control once they brought him back and aided the Avengers in defeating a giant robotic Red Skull.
Marvel Divas vol 1 #3
Firestar met with Hank to start chemotherapy and discuss her treatment options. Once she made enough progress Hank promised to make her another suit to siphon out her excess radiation.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Realm of Kings: Inhumans vol 1 #1-2
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
We Found Love Again (Loki x Reader) Chapter Fifteen - The Day Before
Summary: Once upon a time Asgard and Alagaësia had an allience. The Alagaësian elven princess, (Name) usually visited Asgard to learn combat and have kids around her at the similar age. She almost grew up there and became good friends with Loki after the dark prince realized why he wanted to avoid her presence in the first place. They fell in love but never got the opportunity to try and confess their feelings for each other because of the war Alagaësia was in with another kingdom. (Name) was called back to her home and Loki never saw her anymore.
But one day, she came back to Asgard, centuries later. Why?
Word count: 2910
Warnings: explicit sexual content
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
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Your troop reached Osilon quickly on horseback on Wednesday, two days after your departure from Ellesméra. Your friends easily got along with the elven warriors and soon shared their stories with each other at the camp fire at night. But now you were given rooms before you would leave tomorrow morning for Yazuac to face the hordes of the Soulless King. You sat on your bed's side excited. No, it wasn't the good kind of excitement... it was the excitement of a person before war, who fears death in a way and saying goodbye to everyone they love, who wanted to survive and bring happiness and peace to their people. You knew you would sacrifice your life if needed to save everyone else but now... you couldn't die and fail protecting your home.
Suddenly someone's large hand landed on your shoulder snapping you out of your thoughts. You turned to the person sitting down next to you and inhaled their scent. Your lips pulled into a smile and you cuddled to the person.
'What troubles your heart, love?' asked Loki petting your hair.
'You know what it is' you whispered in the dark as your cheek was pressed against his chest and your arms circled around his waist.
'You said yourself: "If we win, we win together and if we fall, we will fall together." Do you remember?' asked Loki looking down at you. You sighed and pulled away to look him in the eye.
'I do... but it's not just us, Loki. I fight for all of Du Weldenvarden and even all of Alagaësia. I am now a significant persona and with it came great responsibility' you replied.
'I am here for you (Name)' said Loki kissing your forehead. 'But you could talk to Thor about it. His position is somewhat the same.'
'Does he feel unsure? Fears the tomorrow? How a battle will affect everything else?' you asked quietly.
'I am certain he does know and feel all of that' nodded Loki with a sad expression on his handsome features so you cupped his cheek and turned his head to face you. You pressed a gentle and loving kiss on his lips.
'I still want you as my king, Loki. The elders accepted you on the conference I first asked for your presence. They can see a deliberate, earnest and responsible ruler who would give me help and would be able to settle everything in the right way' you said before pulling him in for another kiss.
In the morning the troop started on their journey again saying goodbyes to the residents of Osilon and accepting those who decided to join your forces in the battle. During the journey you passed a few mountains on Du Weldenvarden's edge before you reached the glebe. The Anora parted the Spine from Du Weldenvarden's thick forests with its fast flow. There was Utgard where the Anora turned to north and ran into a big lake.
Your troops left the woods and galloped onto the man-inhabited fields. It was a big difference from the elven forests and you saw Thor's and Sif's faces turn brighter in the sun light. Loki also seemed to be grateful for the scenery change. The elves seemed to enjoy leaving Du Weldenvarden again after they were locked up by Vraë's dark spells.
'Everyone!' you cried out on the front drawing everyone's attention to you immediately. 'We are not far from war, because it will be not only a battle but we will fight for those years the Soulless King had his power frighten us! All of you have family, friends and loved ones you wish to go back. Fight for them and bring victory for Alagaësia! Fight for the future! To create a peaceful future for those who will live way after us and save our home for them! Think about the lives you want to protect and win this war for them!'
'Yeah!' cried out every member of your troop making your heart lift with hope. Hope, that was going to save all of you. You couldn't fight with fear in your hearts and fall. You had a purpose: to give future to those who are not yet arrived to this world.
Time skip~
Around sunset you reached Yazuac where the Alagaësian army, the Vardens and Dragon Riders already built the camp. You heard the familiar noise of a camp before battle, men telling each other war stories, sharing their memories about their families, how proud they were of their children and wives, how they want to grant them a peaceful future where there's no bloodshed and fear. When you arrived to the camp with your friends and elves you noticed the queen and her party waiting for you at the entrance. Jonaldel, the granddaughter of Nasuada ruled over Alagaësia's lands. Her skin was brown just like her grandmother, and her hair black, pulled back in a tight braid. Her form was firm and well prepared for battles. Her dark red leather clothes and shining armor looked perfectly fitted on her.
'Atra estherní ono thelduin, (Name) Dröttningu' greeted you Jonaldel, her voice tired.
'Good to see you, your majesty' you bowed slightly. 'We came to help and to lead Alagaësia into victory.'
'Well, we waited for your arrival to discuss the tactics and now that you're here we can start the conference. You can put your belongings in your tents before the meeting which will be in an hour. Tyene will show you your tents' nodded the queen at you and all of you followed her and Tyene who must've been her handmaid into the camp. You passed men wearing armor and noticed their awe filled eyes looking at your form and at the other elves but Lady Sif wasn't an exception. Loki grabbed around your waist suddenly very aware of the stares you got making you chuckle.
'Don't worry, love. There're no men who can out stand you in my eyes' you purred to the Trickster making him smile down on you.
'I still like to show other men that you belong to me' pulled you closer the dark prince. After you put your bags down you made your way to the queen's tent to join the commander, Jermeac, the great-grandson of Jörmundur, lieutenant and second lieutenant, Drith and Beck and of course the queen. You, Loki, Thor and Sif walked inside the tent greeting them respectfully and soon you let Loki explain why the three of them were joining this battle. You noticed how Jonaldel's face showed for only just a second her distaste of the happenings. She didn't want to owe to the All-Father but if she refused the help she would fall from the opportunity to export Alagaësian products and what-not.
'Last time we had to face the Soulless King's army we lost lot of people. I want to decrease the number of the fallen as much as possible.' spoke up Jonaldel sitting opposite from you at the large round table where the map of the land was spread. 'Any suggestions?'
'What do we know about the army?' asked Loki already thinking of a plan. He got used to craft several plans to prevent his foolish brother's death when they were younger. The queen shot him a cold glare but your Trickster didn't even flinch, just stared back at her.
'The soldiers are dead men, actually dead men. They try to eat the flesh off of you not caring about anything else and they can be finished off by putting something through their heads.' answered Jermeac remembering the scary tales he heard from his grandfather. You closed your eyes as the memories came rushing back to you. The smell and sight was something you would never be able to forget.
'Does that mean they are going to only attack without a plan? Just moving as they want?' asked Loki with a serious expression and the other men nodded looking at him waiting for him to continue. And in a few seconds Loki was explaining a complete plan with several back up plans. All of the others who didn't know about his skills in commanding and battle just stared wide eyed at his genius. After the meeting you patted Loki's shoulder and slid your hand down his arm smiling up at him as you walked out of the tent and away from it.
'Now everyone around us can see what I see whenever I look at you' you said happily. 'My king.'
'You can always surprise me with this side of yours' pulled you close your Trickster and pressed his lips to yours. You smiled against his thin lips enjoying the moment. Thor's booming voice interrupted you two making both of you snap your head to him.
'Brother! (Name)! Let us dine together tonight and shall be merry before we face the enemy tomorrow!' grinned the blonde Asgardian making you chuckle and nod. You were already slightly hungry from the long meeting and you could use a bowl of hot soup and a pitch of ale.
The camp's residents celebrated their might be last night before the battle, singing old battle songs, drinking ale and laughing together. You sat by Loki's side not far from Jonaldel who had a little bit happier smile on her otherwise beautiful features. The food was delicious and was nutritious but something kept distracting you from the conversation you had with one of the elves. Loki's hand kept massaging your inner thigh making your belly tingle the right way. Everyone around you thought the blush on your cheeks were from the ale and you wanted to let them think that. Loki slid his hand up higher and pressed down on your clit through the fabric of your pants making you gasp but you hid it with coughing. You shot him a glare but excused yourself from the table and give him a gaze to tell him you wanted him to follow you. Since you started your journey the tension between you and Loki grew unbearable to this point and you needed to relieve it somehow. Loki soon caught up to you and grabbed you by the waist pulling you back into his chest and you felt something hard press against your bums making you blush and grow so wet at the same time.
'You could've been more discrete back at the table, Loki. What if Jonaldel found out what you were doing?' you hissed but turned around and placed a hand on his lower abdomen with a sly smile on your lips. You tent was to your right so you grabbed his linen shirt and pulled him flush against your body making you both stumble into your tent. You unbuttoned his shirt hurriedly as Loki slid his hands under your shirt and pulled it over your head showing the gauze around your breasts. He ripped them off of your chest before pulling you close again and kissing you hungrily then down your neck to your collar bone then to your left nipple taking it in between his thin lips and started sucking on them making you gasp in pleasure. Your fingers curled in his long black locks and you felt his hands work your leather pants down on your hips and felt the fabric pool around your feet. Your dark prince let go of your breast and grabbed your hips pulling your crotch against his making both of you gasp. You grabbed his hand and turned to your bed pulling him with you. You lied down on the furs covering the bed and watched Loki crawl over your form only his pants on him. You gazed over his toned chest and noticed the almost invisible scars on his pale skin. Your eyebrows furrowed in concern as you touched the biggest one.
'Who did this?' you asked furious.
'Does not matter, love' whispered into your ear Loki but you shook your head.
'I will kill those who did this to you' you said with so much determination the dark prince felt like you really could kill Thanos. The thought that you would go so far because of him made his heart jump in his chest, not like it wasn't already thumping with a million miles per hour.
'I love you so much, (Name)' he leaned down and kissed you passionately. You felt warmth spread through your body making everything feel wonderful. You slid your hands down his chest to his abdomen to the hem of his pants and when you pulled away from the kiss you looked up at him. 'I love you too, Loki. I craved after you for so long and now I'm not going to let anything tear us apart again.'
You opened his pants and his erection spring free of the fabric making your eyes go wide. You never saw anything which could turn you on so much so fast. You ran a finger over his length before grabbing him and pumping him a few times. Loki groaned in your shoulder but pulled your hand away and crawled down till his face was at your crotch. You caught a mischievous smirk on his lips before you saw stars. His tongue slid into your folds making you gasp and buck your hips but his hands pushed you back down. Your moans filled the tent but you didn't care. When you were almost there Loki let go of you making you whine disappointedly and he chuckled at your reaction.
'Soon, love' he leaned up to kiss your lips letting you taste yourself from his lips. You curled your arms around his neck and felt him position himself in front of your lower lips. You suddenly let go of him and gasped out:
'Wa-ait!' your voice cracked and you became the darkest shade of red you could imagine. 'I... I have never been... with anyone...'
Loki's eyes widened and soon his eyes grew even darker but his features showed you how happy he was.
'You are so perfect...' he sighed leaning down and kissing you again. 'I promise, you will not regret giving me your first time.'
You felt his tip push past your folds and slowly all of his length slid into you. A sharp pain shot through your body but it disappeared as quickly as it came. Both of you panted heavily gazing into each other's eyes and so Loki started moving ever so slowly at first. It was amazing. You clawed and writhed under him on the fur covered bed moaning loudly and his name leaving your lips. He picked up his pace as he embraced you tightly holding onto you just as much as you held onto him as you slowly reached your climax.
'Loki... Loki...' you panted in pleasure and felt thin lips ghost over your skin and hands roam your body as he pumped into you. His pace slowly growing ragged but you were so close to as he hit that spot inside you which made you see stars. 'I'm going to...'
'Cum, my love, cum for me... scream my name so loud so everyone can hear you belong to me now and forever!' his voice ringed in your head and you complied. As you reached your peak you screamed his name in delight and felt him expand inside of you and soon followed the feel of something hot filling you.
Loki slid out of you when he finally caught his breath and lied onto his side pulling you into his chest. You buried your face in his chest listening to his heartbeat with a smile on your face.
'I want to wake up next to you from now one every morning' you whispered cuddling into Loki. He kissed the top of your head lovingly.
'Me too'
The next morning~
You groaned as the morning light hit your face through the tent. You smiled as you felt a pair of arms embrace you and you leaned back happily.
'Good morning, my love' spoke up Loki behind you with a hoarse voice.
'Good morning, Loki' you replied turning around in his arms and pressing a kiss to his lips. You wished that moment to never end but horns signaled for everyone to get ready. You and Loki both got up and hurriedly pulled on your clothes and armor, Kweikva on your hip. You left your tent to see men hurrying through the tents. You could smell danger and death in the air and you didn't like it but now you would have your chance to get your revenge.
A sinister smile spread wide on the grey skinned man's face as he watched his army stumbled forward. His completely black eyes scanned through the army of dead soldiers stopping on one on his right side. It was a woman. Her long black hair in a loose braid, her once porcelain skin, now grey and dirty, dark red painting her lips and chin showing her feast from the other night. Her features were once beautiful and now her eyes were dull instead of the shining green orbs she had back then.
'I never thought an elf could turn into a half-dead' noted the half-eyed soulless knight who slayed Srunugr so many years ago.
'I have heard the princess returned and I thought she should have a happy family reunion' chuckled the Soulless King riding his white horse which had black eyes too.
To be continued...
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ethn11winter24 · 5 months
Who Was Kathleen Neal Cleaver?
By Emna Belhadj
Throughout history, women have banded together during revolutions to bring about societal change through organized movements. The Civil Rights Movement is no exception. African American women were key players in renowned boycotts, protests, and uprisings. Kathleen Neal Cleaver is one of these women. She has dedicated her life to the cause of black empowerment and to calling out the hypocrisy present within the American justice system. Through her work within several activist programs, Cleaver has been a spokesperson for the marginalized and a nationwide symbol for black power. 
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Cleaver addresses the congregation of the Unitarian Church, San Rafael, Calif.
Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, © 2011 Pirkle Jones Foundation
Early Life
Kathleen Neal Cleaver was born in 1945 in Dallas, Texas. While her upbringing was fairly good in terms of education and socioeconomic status (American Public Media), she was not deterred from the field of civil rights. Since her father worked as a member of the Foreign Service, she spent a large majority of her childhood living abroad. After returning to the United States, Cleaver attended two universities: Oberlin College and Barnard College. It was at this time in her life that her work as an activist began. 
Activist Work and Travel
In 1966, Cleaver made the decision to drop out of university to pursue activism full time. She became a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, an activist group dedicated to “nonviolent, direct action tactics” (Stanford). This program worked side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. via the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, yet remained separate due to differences in principle values. It was at a SNCC conference in 1967 where Cleaver met her future husband, Eldrige Cleaver. At the time, he was the Minister of Information for the Black Panther Party. The ideology of the BPP captivated Cleaver- the self-determination, the community service, the organization, all of it. She accepted his request to join him in San Francisco, California to work with him as a member of the Black Panthers, and they were married soon after. 
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Kathleen and Eldrige Cleaver after the birth of their son, Ahmad Maceo. Algeria, 1969.
Cleaver became the Communications Secretary of the BPP, and was “the first woman in the Party’s leadership group” (National Archives). Her work consisted of attending court hearings, holding press conferences, speaking at party rallies and protests, and organizing demonstrations. When asked about her role as a woman within the party, Cleaver always responded there was no difference between her work or a man’s. All she wished to be was involved in the struggle for revolution. Her ‘dismissal’ of gender in terms of affected work ethic paved the way for many black women to become involved with the organization on a national scale.
Cleaver's time with the party was cut short, however, after her husband had a disagreement with Huey Newton, a co-founder of the Panthers. They were banned from the party in 1971. One year after her husband fled to Algeria to escape law enforcement, she joined him. This move did not halt her activist work! While traveling the world and raising her two children, Ahmad Maceo and Joju, the Cleavers “started a new organization called the Revolutionary People’s Communication Network” (BlackPast). The program served as a means of communication between different revolutionary leaders and groups on a global scale. 
Cleaver returned to the U.S. in 1975 only to find the Black Panther Party dismantled due to both direct targeting from the FBI and internal disagreements. She also believed capitalism had a stake in the organization’s demise, stating in a 1997 interview the maintenance of the status quo went hand in hand with financial affluence. Throughout her life, she has continued to advocate against capitalism and its byproduct of systemic inequality. 
Further Education and Legacy
After separating from her husband, Cleaver decided to re-enroll in college. She obtained two degrees from Yale University in the 1980s and then worked as a lawyer and clerk. Cleaver served time at the prestigious law firm of Cravath, Swain, and Moore in NYC as well as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third District. Today, she is a senior lecturer at Emory University’s School of Law. 
Her knowledge of the field of law in combination with her activist experience have allowed Cleaver to further fight for the rights of Black Africans. She has appeared on numerous television shows and documentaries and has represented a few death row inmates in court. Cleaver’s accomplishments render her absolutely deserving of credit for the Civil Rights Movement’s progress; she serves as inspiration for black women across the world to become involved firsthand in the fight for equity and a better quality of life. 
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Kathleen Cleaver speaks at a rally to free political prisoners in 1998.
Works Cited
“Kathleen Cleaver .” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration. www.archives.gov/research/african-americans/individuals/kathleen-cleaver. Accessed 17 Jan. 2024. 
Media, American Public. “American RadioWorks - Say It Plain, Say It Loud.” APM Reports - Investigations and Documentaries from American Public Media. americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/blackspeech/kcleaver.html#:~:text=Kathleen%20Cleaver%20was%20the%20first,was%20the%20Panthers’%20communications%20secretary. Accessed 17 Jan. 2024. 
Nielsen, Euell A. “Kathleen Neal Cleaver (1945- ) .” BlackPast, 11 Jan. 2020, blackpast.org/african-american-history/cleaver-kathleen-neal-1945/. Accessed 17 Jan. 2024.
For More Information
Cleaver’s Interview with The Fifth Estate, 2017:
“Kathleen Cleaver, Former Black Panther - The Fifth Estate.” YouTube, YouTube, 15 Mar. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdIe3fV5i_E. Accessed 17 Jan. 2024.
More Information of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee: 
“Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).” The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute, Stanford University, kinginstitute.stanford.edu/student-nonviolent-coordinating-committee-sncc. Accessed 17 Jan. 2024. 
Perhaps Cleaver’s most famous interview: Henry Louis Gates, 1997:
“Interview with Kathleen Cleaver | the Two Nations of Black America | Frontline.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/race/interviews/kcleaver.html. Accessed 17 Jan. 2024. 
Thank you for reading!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"5,000 Steel Workers Strike," Windsor Star. January 12, 1943. Page 1 & 6. ---- Great Plant At Sydney Is Tied Up ---- Trouble Also Likely at Canadian Soo; Wage Dispute Is the Cause ---- By Canadian Press SYDNEY, NS, Jan. 12-Approxi mately 5,000 steel workers of the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation's huge plant here went on strike today in protest over the majority report of the Barlow commission.
The executive of the Sydney branch of the United Steel Workers of Am erica (C.IO.) issued a statement say ing the executive was "in full accord with the action.
NO MAINTENANCE C. M. Anson, general manager of the plant, said the situation was "serious" and "as far as we know no arrangements have been made for maintenance." Mr. Anson requested an immediate conference with union officials and it was expected the union executive and company representatives would meet later today.
One blast furnace was cast before some 2.600 workers on the day shift walked out. The union statement said that the 2,400 steel men on the night shift were also involved.
George Macneill, president of the Sydney union, said that he had been in touch with Alphonse Murray, fl- nancial secretary of the steel workers branch at Trenton, N.S., who had assured him of the "backing" of 3,000 steel workers at the plant operated by the same company there.
The union executive statement said that "the inevitable has happened, with resentment at fever heat in protest against what the men must consider an unjust and unnecessary positlon brought about by legality evasions of the majority report of the Barlow commission…."
MAJORITY REPORT (The majority report of the Barlow commission recommended that, with the exception of maintenance workers, basic wage rates at the Sydney plant and the Algoma Steel Corporation plant at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., remain unchanged. A minority report supported the steel workers' demands for a basic rate of 55 cents an hour.)
"We, the central executive, are in full accord with the necessity for the men taking such a drastic step," the statement continued.
"The men have already proven their willingness to increase the war effort; they have made many sacrifices, but they are firmly convinced that no country can give the principles of democracy to others without main- taining these essential principles a home.
A perusal of the minority re port as compared with the majority findings leaves little for the imagination as to legalistic evasion.
ALL SHIFTS "The walkout this morning will affect all shifts of the plant and special department committees are at work in union headquarters. maintaining . the complete order that has characterized the stoppage since the beginning."
Mr. Anson issued the following statement:
"The men just walked out. The company received no notification whatsoever from the union regarding the strike. The company has asked the union executive for an immediate conference. It is a serious situation - as far as we know no arrangements have been made for maintenance."
The union executive also conferred with Mayor Jack MacLean of Sydney and recommended that the stores operated by the Nova Scotia liquor commission in Sydney be closed during the strike.
AT THE SO0 SAULT STE MARIE, Ont. Jan. 12. -Mayor Jack McMeeken told Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Federal Labor Minister Humphrey Mitchell in a telegram today that "unless you in- tervene to adopt the minority report (of the Barlow Steel Commission) before 7 a. m. Thursday, a most grave situation will arise in the steel industry here."
The mayor's telegram, sent with the unanimous approval of the city council, followed reports from Bydney. N. B.. that 3,000 workers on the day shift at the plant of the Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation had gone or. strike in protest against the report which recommended against increases in the basic rate in the Canadian steel industry.
MEET TONIGHT Meanwhile employes of the Algoma Steel Corporation plant here - members of the United Steel Workers of America (C.I.O.) - prepared for a mass meeting tonight at which Union Secretary William Mahoney said action to be taken by the Sault union on the Barlow report would be decided. He had no other comment to make on the strike action taken at Sydney. Operations at the Algoma steel plant continued this morning.
The mayor's telegram, copies of which were sent to Ontario Labor Minister Peter Heenan and George Nixon. Liberal M.P. for Algoma West, as well as Mr. King and Mr. Mitchell, said:
"As head of the municipality of Sault Ste. Marie and with full approval of council, I wish to forcibly draw to your attention the serious situation that exists in this city as a result of the Barlow wage report and feel it is my duty to advise you that unless you intervene to adopt the minority report before 7 a.m. Thursday, a most grave situation will arise in the steel industry here. "I believe that, in the best Interests of not only the citizens of Sault Ste. Marie but of the Dominion, immediate action by your government in favor of the steel workers is of imperative importance."
A majority report of the steel commission - which was headed by F. H. Barlow of Toronto, then master of the Ontario Supreme Court and since elevated to the bench - recommended against increases in basic wage rates at the Algoma plant here and the Dosco plant at Sydney.
A minority report urged granting of the steel workers request for a basic rate of 55 cents and an hour plus full cost-of-living bonus in both plants. The present basic rate at Sydney is 4312 cents an hour and at the Sault 45 cents. A full cost-of-living bonus is paid at Sydney and a partial bonus is paid here.
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navdeep13 · 7 months
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Navdeep Kamboj A00304887
King Pacific Lodge, Princess Royal Island, British Columbia
Key Players:
ing Pacific Lodge was operated by the company Pursuit Collection. However, for the most current and accurate information regarding key players, management, and ownership of King Pacific Lodge, I recommend checking the official website of the lodge or contacting them directly. Additionally, recent online reviews, news articles, or press releases may provide insights into any changes in leadership or ownership.
Princess Royal Island, British Columbia, Canada
Luxury accommodations
Dining facilities
Meeting spaces
Outdoor activities
Meeting Types:
Corporate Retreats:
Utilizing the natural surroundings for team-building.
Executive Meetings:
Providing an exclusive and serene environment.
Special Events:
Hosting weddings, conferences, etc.
Weather-Related Challenges:
Remote location may pose transportation challenges.
Weather conditions affecting outdoor activities.
SWOT Analysis:
Unique, remote location provides a serene and exclusive experience.
Luxury accommodations and facilities.
Remote location could be a challenge for accessibility.
Limited options for nearby services.
Growing demand for exclusive and nature-oriented travel experiences.
Expanding or enhancing facilities to cater to larger groups.
Economic downturn impacting luxury travel.
Competition from other luxury lodges or resorts.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Missing the BC boys? In that case, may I request about the four of them ditching or leaving very early a party, conference, meeting, whatever to go back to s/o who's sick, at the end of pregnancy or anything else that makes it difficult for her to leave her room and such? If it's not clear enough, I would gladly explain further. And by the way, your little fics are true gems!
Nozel | Fuegoleon | William | Yami x f! reader
Nozel Silva
Nozel Silva was absolutely bored at this party. He hated parties in the first place. If it wasn't that the king wanted all Magic Knight captains to be present (for his pride of course), he wouldn't even be here.
To make it worst, his mind constantly dwelled back to you who's pregnant and about to pop anytime. Worst still? He made you upset just before he left.
You wanted to head out for a little massage but Nozel refused, saying that you should stay home and called a masseuse in for you. But you argued that you were pregnant, not handicapped, and you needed to walk around, it would be good for the baby. Besides, you liked that particular masseuse, you always went to her.
But your husband was way too stubborn for that, all he could worry about was what if you went into labour while outside and he was here at this meaningless party.
He felt worst the more he thought about your angry and upset face before he left. He only wanted for you to be happy all the time, which was what he vowed when he married you. Now that you were pregnant with his child, the more he didn't want to upset you because it wasn't good for the baby.
Consumed with regret, he couldn't bear with it any longer. He went up to Fuegoleon, who seemed like he was almost bored to death as well.
"Fuegoleon. I would need a f-favour." he said softly.
His rival looked at him, amused. Nozel Silva has never asked him for a favour!
"Could you c-cover for me?" he said awkwardly, "y/n seems... unwell before I left."
Upon hearing your name, Fuegoleon immediately understood. The royal was worried for you as well. "Go, hurry. Send my regards to Lady y/n."
Nozel felt bad for lying, but he told himself it was a white lie. Technically, being upset was not well, right?
"Honey." he quietly came into your shared room.
You were surprised to see him because he barely even left. "Why are you home so early?" your voice was cold because you were still upset at your husband.
"To bring you to the massage place that you wanted to go," he smiled softly.
"You snuck out of the party? Aren't you afraid king Augustus might be unhappy?" He was dressed to the nines and was looking so sharp, clean and.. handsome. He features were already beautiful, but in his high neck collar and a cravat, he looked so perfect.
"I was... worried." he looked at you from under his beautiful thick lashes.
All your anger dissipated in that moment and you couldn't help but press a kiss to your husband's lips. He must have been really sulky at the party earlier, being all worried about you.
His face brightened up instantly at your affection.
"We'll go another day, it's too late to go for a massage now, I think they're almost closing soon."
"I thought about that, so I invited your favourite masseuse to come over instead."
You gasped when you saw her coming in with a smile, "hello y/n! oh my god, you're due anytime aren't you?"
You glanced at your husband, who was smiling quite triumphantly, "How did you manage to call her over? She doesn't accept housecalls!"
Your husband leaned down to whisper in your ear, "I paid her ten times the amount of your usual massage," He pressed a kiss on your cheeks before heading out of the room, "Enjoy your massage, honey."
Fuegoleon Vermillion
The captain of the Crimson Lion was way beyond bored. He was in the diamond kingdom with some other magic knights from the other team for a conference meeting.
Initially he thought that it would be good to associate and exchange knowledge with other kingdom's military but after the first 2 days, it seemed that most people here were just around for free food and drinks and for the fun.
He saw many generals, knights and mages getting drunk and getting chummy with each other, it was just unsightly to him.
His mind wandered to you, his wife, whom he learnt from Leo secretly that you had been unwell for the last 2 days. He was uneasy and wanted to come home asap.
He went over to where Jack, who was stuffing himself with the free food.
"Oi, lion king! Want some food? Damn these beef cubes are hella good!" Jack said with food in his mouth.
"No thanks, but Jack.. do you think you can do me a favour?" the Vermillion looked at him with pleading eyes.
"What? If you want me to go train with you right now, it's a no." Jack raised his brows at his fellow captain, "you can ask pretty boy over there."
Fuegoleon looked over in Jack's view and saw Kirsch, presumingly showing off his beauty to a heart kingdom mage. He shook his head at his cousin before speaking again in a lowered voice to Jack, "no.. I heard that y/n is unwell, I want to leave early to see her.. could you handle the rest from here?"
Jack blinked as he looked at Fuego, "you want to dump me here as the only in charge and take care of all these dumb kids by myself?"
Fuegoleon pursed his lips. He and Jack were the main ICs for the clover kingdom knights, it would be irresponsible to just leave..
"I'm just pulling your leg red head," Jack smacked his back, "I'll slash them if they misbehave, just go back to Mrs Lion."
"I- thanks Jack." he smiled, feeling relieved, "I'll tell Kirsch to lend you a hand too.."
"But Sis! My bro would hammer me if he came back and found you still unwell!!" Leo's voice was heard from your shared room, "You have to see the doctor!"
"I'm fine Leo.... I just need more sleep, alright? Don't let Fue know that I'm unwell." your voice sounded weak.
"Don't let me know what?" Fue's body lean against the door frame of your room, his arms crossed and one of his eyebrows raised.
"Brother! you're back!" Leo beamed, "Geez, you take care of your own girl, I'm leaving now!" the little lion cub shook his head as he left.
That traitor. You narrowed your eyes at his retreating back.
"Don't blame Leo, love," Fue chuckled at your expression as he came to sit by your side on the bed, "I called him and asked about you."
"It's just a cold, I must have slept without drying my hair properly the other night.." you sneezed before you finished your sentence.
Fue immediately wrapped you in his arms, radiating heat to warm you up, "I'm just gone for 3 days and you're already sick, do I have to drag you everywhere with me now?" he teased.
"Why are you back so early?" you pouted at his teasing, "I thought you'll be gone for about a week?"
"I missed my wife," his tapped his fingers on your nose, "But she didn't even tell me the truth about her getting sick.. I thought we made a vow, in sickness and in health?"
You lowered your eyes and looked at your man under your fluttering eyelash, pouting even more. You were indeed feeling guilty for lying to him, but you thought it was a white lie, for you didn't want him to worry..
"Fue, you can't just dump your work just like that y'know.. It's not right plus you were one of the ICs for the clover kingdom in this joint conference right..?"
"Yeah.. but most of the main stuff were over," he assured you, "now let me fufill the duties of a husband and take care of my sick wife."
William Vangeance
His body was at the heart kingdom for a joint training session with their Mages and Clover kingdom's knights, but his heart is with you, who was back at home nursing your injury.
Furthermore, you were injured during a mission, in which he was already feeling guilt for not taking care of you properly. Although you kept telling him that you were okay, but your man was just a huge softie he still blamed himself nonetheless.
"Watch out!" Gaja knocked William out of the way in time, avoiding an attack by one of the young mages that William was in charge of training.
"Are you hurt?" Gaja looked over at William, who shook his head. "You've been spacing out quite a bit sir Vangeance, is everything alright?"
William sighed, "I'm very sorry Gaja san, I'm just worried for someone back at home.."
"Ahhh," Gaja smiled, understanding what was going on, "Must be Lady y/n isn't it?"
William looked at him, shocked.
Gaja chuckled and patted William on the back, "Go, attend to her before coming back, our doors are always welcomed to you guys anyway. I'll take over the Junior Mages from here."
You were struggling to pick up your purse that you dropped on the floor. One of your leg was in a cast, so it was really difficult for you to even move around, let alone bend down to pick up things.
As you tried stretching and straightening your leg, you lost your balance and tumbled. But before your face crashed face first onto the ground, a pair of hands caught you.
"Are you okay?!" A familiar voice rang at your ears.
"Darling! What are you doing back here?!" you were shocked to see that you were in the arms of your man, William.
His warm smile melted your heart and sent it beating in a frenzy, "I was too worried, I couldn't focus, honey.. So I got sent home."
"You got sent home like a little kid huh.." you chuckled, "Darling, I told you I could take care of myself and I'll be home, don't worry-"
"And look who's here falling face first to the floor and got caught in my arms?" he gave you the look. The look that he was absolutely right, his smile never changed but the shine in his eyes were determined and strong.
You gave a relenting sigh, "Okay.. but are you sure it's okay for you to be back here..?" you were worried that he'll be reprimanded.
"Nothing comes before you, honey. I would head back for extra time when you're better. I promised Gaja san." He picked you up and put you back into bed. "Now, let me serve you first."
Yami Sukehiro
"Bottoms up!" Jack shouted to Yami, "Look at all the free food and alcohol we have tonight~"
The Black Bulls captain was not really interested tonight, his mind flashed back to the image of you before he came to this party. Your belly was so round and full, carrying his child for him. It was difficult for you to walk around and your feet were swollen but you still persuaded him to come to this party, because Julius was making an important speech about the captains tonight.
"Yami," Julius tapped him on the shoulder, "you don't really look yourself tonight, did you fight with y/n?"
"Fight, your ass, old man!" Yami narrowed his eyes at the king, "I'm just waiting for you to make your little speech so I can leave to accompany my pregnant wife, who is about to pop anytime!"
"Oh.." Julius gave the man a sheepish smile, "Em, it's nothing much, just wanted to thank the captains for their hard work..."
Yami raised an eyebrow, "Are you kidding me? Well, you're very welcome, I'll redeem all the free food and alcohol next time!"
Julius smiled and shook his head at Yami's retreating figure.
You sat on the rooftop where your husband and you usually hung out on some nights, this time you were alone, because your husband had to attend some Royal Party. You didn't want to attend because it would be tiring for a heavily pregnant lady like you to entertain the people there, so you sent him on his own while you stayed back at the base.
A blanket draped over your frame. You turned around and your herculean husband stood towering over you. "Are you trying to freeze yourself and my baby out here?"
"Baby, what are you doing back so soon?! Are you drunk already?!"
"Babe, I was only gone for barely 2 hours did you think I'd be drunk so soon? You're hurting my pride right now."
"Oh, that what happened? Did you get into a fight and got sent home?"
He gave you a little puppy pout, telling you his fragile heart has indeed been broken, "I came home because I missed you and our little baby boy"
He wrapped you in his huge arms, body radiating heat to yours and warming you up. He gently pressed a kiss to your temples as he watched the night sky with you, the royal castle in the far distant.
"Aren't you a clingy husband?" you giggled, "I told you- ouch! He kicked me!"
"Heh, see he disagrees with you!" he let out a low chuckle, before putting his huge palms on your belly, "Hey, if you bully mommy, you'll get it when you're out young man."
You gave him a little joking glare for giving a threat to your unborn son.
"Babe! You can't neglect me when he's out okay! I'll be real jealous.." he sighed as he put his head on your shoulder.
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dingyuxi · 3 years
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rowoon-updates · 1 year
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211008 SF9 Rowoon at The Kings Affection Press Conference‬‬‬‬ © swoon do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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mixelation · 3 years
i stopped watched supernatural around season 9 (i forget if that was the season where i watched one episode and was like 'nah' or if i made it to the end and noped out on s10e1) but recently i randomly picked up watching it from season 12 and i'm partway through season 15, and here are some batshit insane plot points tumblr meta has completely failed to inform me of
I knew Mary Winchester comes back as a character but no one prepared me for the sheer lack of explanation for this
Lucifer is just. There. I knew he must have been around for a while bc I knew about Jack, but I genuinely do not know what Lucifer is trying to accomplish or what happens if he's not stopped. He possesses a rock star for a while and goes to press conferences but refuses to make music. There's an episode where he eats out of a dumpster with a homeless man. There's another episode where he's just wandering around an alternate dimension with Mary. He's like a weird little goblin man wandering between subplots
Dean kills Hitler
I knew The Empty was where angels go when they die, but no one mentioned it's also a sentient cosmic entity. No one mentioned that it takes Cas's form to talk, and that Misha Collin's portrayal of The Empty is, and I don't know how else to describe this, a mediocre impression of a neurotic zeppelin pilot.
The Big Bad of season 12 is just........ British People
Speaking of Misha Collins doing batshit performances: he also plays an evil version of Castiel who inexplicably has a vaguely eastern european accent
Donald Trump canonically made a deal with the King of Hell
The steady and marked decay of Jensen Ackles's acting is exemplified most by a handful of episodes where he's possessed by Michael and this is signified by him wearing a newsboy cap and speaking with the laziest flat affect I've ever heard
They attempt to add flight to angels, resulting in comically bad effects of angels having slappy fights while hanging from the ceiling
Seriously look at how bad this is:
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sjun · 3 years
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the king’s affection press conference | behind the scenes
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A threesome with Chan and changbin. But really soft. The three of you are dating and despite being exhausted and so on, you all just wanna make love to one another
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Chan x Changbin
Warnings: smut and language
Genre: Poly AU
Word Count: 1.5K
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You were exhausted, marching through the front door of the apartment you shared with your two boyfriends while the weight of the responsibilities ailing you at work continued to follow you with every step in the direction of the bedroom.
You shouldered aside the door, groaning with relief at the sight of your king-sized bed where Changbin was already situated on his side of the mattress, glasses falling down his nose as he looked over some paperwork. Despite the handsome aspect of his profile, you could tell that the aged shadows surrounding his orbital bones and the glazed-over look in his eyes revealed just how much his own office job was affecting him.
“Changbin,” you whined, launching yourself across the mattress without even taking off your shoes. 
“Baby,” Changbin grunted, shifting his folders which had fallen in all sorts of directions after you cannon-balled onto the bed.
“How was work?” you asked him, even though your voice was muffled by the pillow cases.
“Boring,” Changbin grumbled. “I still have to look over these meeting notes before tomorrow.”
“Mhhmmm,” you replied, less than intelligently, as you reached out to squeeze his thigh. “I guess you don’t have enough time to fuck me tonight.”
Changbin inhaled sharply at the comment, dropping his hand on top of your own. “Y/N,” he purred in a guttural tone, but before he could say anything else, the door to the adjoining ensuite bathroom opened and revealed your other boyfriend, Chan, hunched over while drying off his hair. A cloud of steam followed him, and you sighed at the seductive image of your boyfriend wearing nothing but a very loose towel around his trim waist.
“I didn’t hear you come home,” Chan remarked, dismissing all semblance of decorum as he crawled on top of you, landing a wet, messy kiss across your pout before rolling over onto his side of the bed with an exhausted sigh. “I’m so tired.”
“Me too,” you agreed, closing your eyes and savoring the heat emanating from Chan after a scalding-hot shower.
“I can’t go to sleep though,” Chan complained. “My brain’s too wired.”
“Maybe I can help with that,” you said with a smirk, moving your hand along the sheets until you found the edges of Chan’s towel, climbing your fingers along the outline of his thigh until you felt the bulge tenting the fabric with an interested chub of his cock.
“You gonna jerk me off?” Chan asked with a lazy grin.
“If you want,” you replied with a hint on nonchalance. 
“I thought you needed a good fuck,” Changbin whispered, and his voice was husky with lust and desire, even if the tone contradicted the sleepy haze weighing down his eyelids.
“I think we’re all too tired for that,” you said, and it was a stark reminder that you were all working adults who dedicated way too much time to menial office jobs, studio production, and whatever the hell you were doing at the conference hall downtown - so much so that it was almost too tiring to dedicate any more time to one another at the end of the day.
And that had you frowning. 
“We can still have fun,” Chan said. “Without doing anything crazy.”
“Oh?” you laughed. “Like what?”
The question was airy and light-hearted, and you weren’t prepared to hear Chan’s voice right next to your ear, warm breath panting against your sensitive lobes. “Suck off Changbin, sweet girl, and I’ll take you nice and slow from behind.”
You moaned at the suggestion, trying not to lose your bearings when you watched Changbin push down the hem of his sweatpants, allowing his fully erect cock to spring free. “Looks like you really wanted it,” you remarked, and Changbin merely groaned in response as he dug his fingers into your hair to bring your mouth over his cock.
“I won’t last long,” he said, and you smirked knowing that Changbin was this worked up.
You planned to give him a good time, starting with gentle licks of your tongue across the swollen mushroom head of his cock, tasting the bitter precum already gathered there. “Keep it together, Bin,” Chan murmured, and you could see him from the corner of your eye, dropping the towel from around his waist and leaving him completely nude. 
He was a Greek god looking like that, sculpted with hard lines and defined ridges, rises and fall of muscles over toned skin that you knew he worked very hard to achieve after spending long hours in the gym with Changbin. But whereas Changbin was all big biceps and bulging pectorals, Chan was trimmer, emphasizing the shape and sharpness of the muscles that drove you insane. 
You whimpered when Chan started stroking himself, choosing to take Changbin as deeply as you could for a distraction from the sexy sight of your older boyfriend. “Fuck, Y/N,” Changbin hissed through gritted teeth, completely unprepared for you to swallow him down all at once, hollowing your cheeks and feeling him touch the back of your throat.
“No mercy,” Chan remarked, and you shivered when you felt him fall into position behind you, a heavy weight that felt scalding against your spine. “Let’s open you up, baby girl,” he said, and you nearly choked around Changbin’s thick length when Chan started to push his fingers between the soaked folds of your pussy, stretching and massaging the walls of your cunt to prepare you for his impressive erection. The one poking at your ass as you squirmed on the bed, moaning when Changbin tightened his hold around your head - a reminder that you should be focused on pleasuring him.
But it was hard to focus on Changbin with Chan behind you, fingering you into oblivion with his long digits curling up against your g-spot before thrusting in and out in a motion that would soon mimic his cock.
You closed your eyes to picture it, imagining the sensation of Chan’s cock instead of his fingers - it would fill you up so much better - while you started to bob your head up and down Changbin’s wet length, working him over as he grunted in response. 
“Soon, baby,” Changbin whispered, and you heeded his warning, sucking around the tip of his erection as you traced your tongue down the prominent vein that ran down the side of his cock, pumping more and more blood into the place where he was rapidly unwinding, chanting your name in a hushed tone before his hips jerked up and your mouth was filled with Changbin’s cum and his rapidly softening length.
You hummed in satisfaction, but Chan didn’t give you long to savor the moment, and you whined when he pulled out his fingers only to guide his cock to your entrance, pushing home with one long, languid thrust that left you gasping around Changbin’s release, spilling some of remaining cum onto your lips and chin.
“Fuck,” Changbin cursed, watching as your tongue darted out to follow the trail.
Chan growled at the tightness surrounding his cock, tapping you on the hip to make sure that you were still fine. 
You heart glowed at his thoughtfulness and you answered his unspoken cue by grinding yourself back on his cock. “Please,” you added, almost out of desperation, but Chan was there to give you what you needed, pulling back just to the tip before hitting home once again, reaching so deep inside that you wondered if he was touching your cervix.
Meanwhile, Changbin’s fingers had gathered up some of his release that was still coating your skin, rubbing it between his thumb and index finger before reaching down to rub circles against your clit. You jerked forward at the added stimulation, lowering your head to control your breathing as you started to feel the beginnings of a powerful orgasm building as an out of control heat that was threatening to engulf you completely. 
“Come on, gorgeous,” Chan snarled against the back of your neck, pressing kisses against the skin there as he pumped his hips viciously into yours. “Cum for us.”
You cried out both of their names when you allowed yourself to let go, feeling everything, including all those stresses from work, vanish in the blink of an eye, and you fell against Changbin while Chan continued to work you over - aiming for his own orgasm before you were oversensitive.
“Coming,” he grunted, and you tried your best to tighten your walls around his cock, hearing him exhale harshly until the familiar warmth of his cum filled you to the brim, leaking down your thighs when Chan finally pulled out.
“You did well, baby,” Changbin whispered, and his fingers were far more gentle as they combed through the knots that he had created earlier, smoothing out the individual strands of your hair while Chan ran his fingers down the grooves of your spine,
“I think we all needed that,” Chan said, and you heard Changbin chuckle as you merely smiled in contentment, knowing that even the exhaustions of everyday life could never splinter the intimacy you felt with both of them.
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zaffrenotes · 3 years
[TRR: WD106] Avoiding A Blunder
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Summary: Prince Liam has to fill in for Crown Prince Leo, and Murphy’s Law is put into motion at the end of his trip. Chaos ensues, condensed Wacky Drabble style. Fic Rating/Warning: M; alcohol consumption, minor health/medical emergency, anxiety/angst Author’s Note: All main characters belong to Pixelberry/The Royal Romance, I’m just borrowing them * Fictional versions of IRL individuals are included with affection; any other characters mentioned in this piece are my creation * This is my submission for @wackydrabbles Prompt 106: You’re gonna get us busted! * You have @the-soot-sprite and @ao719 to thank for this ridiculousness, lol - Soot reblogged a photo, Betsy sent me this request
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and...this is what my brain came up with (PS - thank you both for the movie discussion) * For the purposes of this story, Triydalia is a fictional country that shares a border with Thailand * Word Count: 1999 😅 (7 minutes reading time)
Taglist (if your name is crossed out, I'll tag you in the comments): @/ao719 @burnsoslow @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @ofpixelsandscribbles @rainbowsinthestorm @superharriet @/the-soot-sprite @choiceskatie @jaqren @aestheticartsx @bbrandy2002 @dcbbw @gnatbrain @jared2612 @kingliam2019 @ladyangel70 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @princessleac1 @queenjilian @sfb123 @texaskitten30 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @yourmajesty09
Liam was used to filling in for Leo at a moment’s notice; participating in conference calls with ambassadors for early morning updates when Leo overslept, and attending meetings with ministers when Leo went AWOL. He’d grown accustomed to his brother’s antics, but he wondered how Bastien managed to keep his position, when he’d lost track of Leo’s whereabouts countless times.
While Leo spent more time avoiding his duties as Crown Prince of Cordonia, Liam dutifully took on the extra responsibilities in stride. It often meant partitioning his already packed schedule to sit in on vital cabinet meetings or dining with visiting dignitaries, but sometimes Leo’s vanishing acts gave Liam the opportunity to travel.
Though their ambassadors handled the majority of day-to-day relations with other countries for trade, Constantine preferred to meet face-to-face when he could. One such time, a lingering cough turned to walking pneumonia, restricting Constantine to as much bed rest as possible. It also meant sending Leo to Japan for a meeting with the Prime Minister in his stead.
It would have been fine, if Leo hadn’t pulled another one of his disappearing acts.
A week later, Liam was seated on the royal jet on his way back from Tokyo, navy attache with espresso brown leather trim in the chair next to him. Across from him, Maxwell chatted with Anya over various Thai dishes. On the other side of the plane, Drake was in a heated discussion with leggy blonde Anitah while the ladies’ petite friend Donna observed in silence, fighting back a grin. “You’re an imbecile if that’s your opinion,” Anitah declared, raising her hands up in the air. “Are you sure that’s the hill you wanna die on?”
Drake smugly sipped from the crystal tumbler in his hand. “I’m right and you know it.”
“What are you two talking about?” Liam asked, relieved to think about anything other than what was in the bag and why it was so important he hand deliver it to his father.
“Fight Club being a better cinematic masterpiece than The Princess Bride,” Drake replied. “You guys agree, right? If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, you’d want to watch Tyler Durden fight the system instead of some…” he paused to sneer at Anitah, who crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue at him, “...story about a swashbuckler rescuing a princess? She’s not even a real princess!”
“Fight Club is such a guy movie though,” Anya argued, turning in her seat to face Drake. “Princess Bride appeals to men and women, with a much larger audience.”
“Okay, that’s two for Buttercup,” Drake sighed. “Maxwell? Li?” He looked at his friends expectantly.
“Fight Club, definitely,” Maxwell said, nodding his head. He’d spent the better part of the trip doing everything to get into Drake’s good graces after the octopus incident on the first night in Tokyo.
Before Liam could respond, a commotion from the front of the plane made everyone’s heads turn, where a pair of Kings Guards and two flight attendants were seated near the galley. One of the guards slipped into the cockpit, rushing out a moment later in Liam’s direction, as the jet slowly tilted to the right. “Apologies, Your Highness. Do you or any of your guests happen to speak Triydalian?”
Anya slowly raised her hand. “I knew a bit when I was a kid, but I haven’t used it in years.”
The guard motioned for her to join him. “Please come with us, miss. The pilots need a translator.”
“Is everything alright, Remy?” Liam peered past the guard, eyes widening at the sight of the other guard and one attendant hovering in front of the other attendant in a chair.
“We need to land the plane, Sir,” Remy answered, ushering Anya up from her seat. “Ramona passed out. She’s breathing but unresponsive.”
Twenty minutes later and after a jarring landing, they’d arrived at a small airport in the Republic of Triydalia, at the edge of one of the country’s many jungle forests. Calling it an airport was generous - it was more of a cleared dirt path in the middle of the jungle with a shack for an airport tower, and a man that looked like more of a hunter than an air traffic controller. After a choppy conversation that required pantomiming and hand signals, Anya left with Remy and the man from the tower to fetch a tribal doctor, while Anitah and Donna assisted the other member of the cabin crew to look after Ramona. They were warned to remain as quiet as possible and to stay inside the jet.
Minutes passed by in tense observation; Anitah and Drake continued their debate in low whispers, growing louder as they defended their choices. Liam could see the pilots discussing something pointedly as they checked readings on the instrument panel and worked on calculations. One of them stepped out, claiming that he needed to stretch his legs, and walked cautiously down the runway. When he returned, the other pilot joined him outside, despite the original warning to stay inside. Liam peered out the windows and checked his watch, worrying about Anya and Remy, along with his father’s instructions to avoid delaying their return.
While the remaining guard headed towards the back of the plane to pace back and forth for the eighth time, Liam took it upon himself to speak with the pilots. The air was thick and stifling the moment he stepped outside. Around them, there was nothing but green, green, and more green from the wilderness that surrounded them, abuzz with tropical birds and insects. At his side he carried the blue attache, remembering the promise to his father that the bag wouldn’t leave his sight. He spoke in a hushed tone when he approached the pilots. “You’re doing more than just stretching your legs, aren’t you, Captain?”
Both men grimaced slightly. “Yes, Your Highness. Even if we pulled back to one end of the runway, we’re still at least five hundred feet short of clearing takeoff.”
“What if we worked to try and clear the brush on either end?” Liam offered, looking off into the distance.
“There’s no way to clear out the trees, even the young ones,” the co-captain answered. “We might be able to take off if we could drop some weight, but the larger concern is the longer we wait, we increase the risk of encountering someone who doesn’t want us here.”
Liam nodded gravely; months of civil unrest in Triydalia meant rebel groups assembled faster than the government could contain them. There was no guarantee of anyone’s safety, stranded on a remote runway. There was no telling what was wrong with Ramona while she was unconscious, and therefore no way to treat her without the aid of a doctor. Ensuring the safety of the crew and his friends could have been avoided altogether if Leo didn’t constantly opt out of handling the duties of his station. In that moment, Liam abhorred the never-ending list of responsibilities thrust at him as a result of having to pick up the slack for his brother, knowing if their roles were reversed, Leo would manage to find a way to leave Liam to solve problems on his own.
“Could you excuse me for a moment?”
He’d barely finished asking the question before walking into the tall grass by the edge of the runway. Ignoring the pilots’ calls to return, Liam sprinted into the dense greenery, dodging between vines and scanning the ground for tripwires until he could no longer see the plane over his shoulder. When he finally stopped running, he bent over, hands on his knees as he gulped in air. Liam looked down at the blue bag in his hand, wondering what on earth was so precious to reduce him to a courier.
Shaking the bag did nothing; it felt practically empty, though he could tell something was inside. He couldn’t open the bag to check, since Prime Minister Abe and his father were the only ones with keys, and PM Abe handed him the sealed bag when they parted ways. Liam wanted to throw the infernal “murse” the ladies had good-naturedly teased him for into the bushes. Perspiration dotted his hairline, and he let out a primal scream, before taking slow, deep breaths to quiet the worrisome thoughts racing in his head and bring his heartbeat down to normal.
Cursed courier bag in his right hand, Liam braced his arm against his torso, pinning it in place with his elbow when he bent his other arm up towards his face. Curling his fingers into a relaxed fist, he pressed his lips against his thumb, thick brows furrowing in thought. All around him, wild birds called to one another amidst the chittering clamor of insects hidden in the foliage. He was so busy running through scenarios in his head that he didn’t hear the quiet click of a camera, turning to look up only when he heard a branch snap in the distance.
“Watch it! You’re gonna get us busted!” Donna hissed to Drake. She pocketed her phone, elbowing Drake in the ribs as they crouched behind large leaves. She ticked her head in Liam’s direction. “Go get your boy, none of us are safe out here.”
After some coaxing, Liam headed back to the plane with Donna and Drake, walking briskly through the jungle, eyes trained to look for anything out of the ordinary. Liam was alarmed when he heard and then saw the engines running, until Drake explained the pilots were burning off fuel to lighten the plane. They’d begun to walk up the steps, when Maxwell popped out above them. “Whoo!” Maxwell exclaimed, digging for another snack from the container he cradled in his arm. “Feels like a sauna out here!”
“Lower your voice, Maxwell! Please!” Liam seethed. His features pinched together in disbelief. “Are you...eating? Now?”
“You know I stress snack,” Maxwell replied, shrugging his shoulders. He shoved another cookie into his mouth.
Liam’s eyes lit up and he took the stairs two by two, knocking on the cockpit door before swinging it open. “What if we unloaded whatever’s not bolted down? The decor, dinnerware, the food and drink?”
“That...would certainly help,” the captain replied, looking back over his shoulder. He turned to his co-pilot. “It could be enough to get in the air after burning off the excess fuel.”
“You heard the man, Maxwell,” Liam said, offering his friend a nervous grin. “Get Drake to help you start unloading the plane. Has Ramona’s status changed?”
“Donna found the first aid kit just before she took off with Drake to go after you. Anitah found some smelling salts that gave her a rude wakeup call. Turns out her insulin pump shorted and she just needed some juice.”
Several more minutes passed as the group removed whatever they could from the plane, leaving piles of cookware, food, throw pillows, and even seat cushions to lighten the load. Drake whined when they gathered up the liquor, but he stuffed a bottle of whiskey in a cabinet by his seat. They’d nearly finished when Anya and Remy returned, running on foot. “That thing better be ready to take off!” Anya hollered, motioning for everyone to board. “Rebels on our tail! Time to go!”
Everyone scrambled back onto the plane; Liam relayed the urgency to depart to the pilots, who rapidly went through their flight checklist. Remy pulled Anya up onto the steps and they all clamored to buckle into their seats, the sound of gunfire in the air as the jet rolled forward and lurched up into the air, barely clearing the canopy.
Adrenaline pumping and breaths shallow, Liam looked around at his friends and the crew, thankful they were safely in the air again.
Liam thought he was having a stroke at twenty-four when he saw the contents of the bag. Constantine smiled with glee at the small gold cat, one paw raised.
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Watching the Toto and Kristian press conference and...Kristian is just doing a lot of talking in circles and honestly making his team look shady af. Meanwhile, Toto is just quiet and intelligent and allows Kristian to keep talking himself in circles. I'm only like 5 minutes in, but these are the vibes already. Also, Kristian just accused Valtteri of doing "almost the identical thing" in Lap 1. Bitch where? We all watched the same race and Val did not do that shit. Does someone have a gif of what Val did to compare? I just wanna see for science even though I already know it's not the same. I hope Toto tells him off for that shit. Don't drag Valtteri into the bullshit Kristian, he has nothing to do with this leave that man alone.
(I have the rest of my thoughts for the entirety of the conference below the cut because it's a lot and the conference is like a half hour long lmao)
Toto is saying that he has "a very strong opinion" about the "long term consequences" of this "highly controversial situation." He never misses. He's so right for that. He's now saying he doesn't want to "keep going to the steward's room" same. We're tired of this shit too, Toto.
Kristian is concerned that if this evidence is questioned, all evidence for events in the future will be questioned if new video footage becomes available, calling what happened a "non-issue." EXPLAIN THIS TO ME KRISTIAN. If it's a non-issue, then why the fuck did you compare what happened to Silverstone or accuse Valtteri of racing outside bounds? Saying something is a "non-issue" and then comparing it to issues is fucking dumb. (Also kind of makes it look like you don't believe in the ability of your team to win with integrity...not a good look)
Toto is saying the stewards need to have access to onboard video because it can help them make the right decisions. Fully agree. They should've had access to begin with, you'd think that'd have been a precedent already. He's tired of shit getting dragged out for weeks on end, and same.
HOLY SHIT THIS GUY CALLING OUT KRISTIAN'S HYPOCRISY IS MY HERO. So in summary, he mentions that Kristian referenced Silverstone earlier, saying Kristian considered it an incident because the driver on the inside (Lewis) was too far towards the outside of the track to leave room for the driver on the outside (Max) to get over. He then states that the incidents are identical, the only difference is that in this case, the driver on the outside (Lewis) had the sense to get over to avoid a dangerous incident from occurring and he asked Kristian to "explain the apparent contradiction please." What a callout. Kristian's just bullshitting saying it's not the same because they're different tracks with different conditions, but DEADASS THIS BITCH literally said "it's two different driver positions"...so are you implying when your driver is at fault it's okay, but when it's another driver affecting yours, it's not? Thank you for confirming you are being hypocritical, we all knew. "You have to treat each one [incident] in isolation" SHUT THE FUCK UP KRISTIAN. Precedents exist for a reason, to keep the driver's safe. It doesn't matter what track it is, there have to be rules against dangerous shit for everyone, period.
Toto is basically confirming what the interviewer asked, saying it is hypocritical and the only reason there was no incident is because Lewis moved out of the way. We all knew bestie.
An interviewer just asked about the relationship between the teams.
Toto stopping to make sure he's "diplomatic" in his speech. What a king. He's talking about how there are so many great people working on both teams and it's a good fight with a respect of the talent of the teams. He's saying it's tough, it's the "highest degree of motor racing," but they're doing the best they can. What a guy, diplomatic indeed. He did turn around and say, "elbows are out, because that's the rules now, and the gloves are off." Was the ending 100% diplomatic? No. But do I respect the hell out the closing statement? Yes.
Kristian is such a petty bitch. He's saying there is no relationship between the teams and not showing respect for anyone's hard work efforts. He's calling everything "political." Maybe, just maybe, it's political because you make it that way, dumbass. He's saying the fia has to be fair in all their rulings and I'm rolling my eyes because, worstie, they aren't being fair. They penalized drivers for what your driver did. The thing is their unfairness works in your advantage, so you're gonna bullshit and call it fair. "I hope we have a hard and fair fight." Yeah, I'm sure you do considering "fair" works in your favor.
Kristian calling this the "most competitive sport in the world"...worstie...do you not watch gymnastics? Do you not watch figure skating? One of the most competitive, sure. But there are other incredibly competitive sports too. Now he's talking about all the late nights the mechanics and engineers pull. He's talking about not giving up and pushing forward. He literally just disrespected the hard work of everyone in the last answer to be petty. His words are meaningless.
There's an interviewer asking why they dislike each other and if they can ever reconcile their differences.
Toto is saying that the competition is incredibly high, and so they can't be besties right now because they're rivals first. He said it doesn't matter what their personal character is at that the moment, the competition is too close. He said there are no emotions clouding his statement, it's not negative, it's just straightforward how it is.
Kristian is saying they have very different personalities in the first place, and they don't have to be besties. He's saying if they were besties, it would be "dishonest" because they're competitors first. THEN THIS ASSHOLE turns around says "yeah we'll protest again" AFTER HE JUST SAID SEVERAL MINUTES AGO he didn't want people taking new evidence to the fia, because it's a "non-issue" and he didn't want more politics, now he's saying the first chance he gets, he will take anything to the fia.
Toto expected the ruling. He says he wanted there to be a discussion around it, and they "achieved" what they wanted via the conversations being had.
Kristian thinks it was the right decision because "it would open a pandora's box" and they "want a fair fight." So much hypocrisy. Yet he just said he'll turn around and drag every little bit of evidence to the fia in the future what the hell. He is nothing if not inconsistent.
The interviewer is asking Toto about the wing incident/if he feels pressure.
Toto says he doesn't feel pressure, because "that's ridiculous." He said he "protects" his "tribe" and his "driver." He's now explaining that the wing was broken, leading to the incident. But it obviously wasn't intentional. He says "that's fine," and basically is graciously accepting what happened and it was an issue with the screws loosening that caused the wing incident. He says "we've moved on" and the rules have been "reset" so they're going to do the best they can moving forward.
The interviewer is asking Kristian about protesting the rear wing situation yet again.
Kristian says they'll "follow the situation depending on what happens this weekend." What the fuck does that mean? Does it mean if Merc gets ahead, there's gonna be a protest filed in order to get points/cause Merc to lose? He's just being brazen and open about what he's doing at this point, and it's infuriating because the fia doesn't give a shit.
Toto is explaining the fia already has all the evidence about the wing and there's nothing else to be challenged. Kristian asked him, "how do you explain the score marks on the rear wing then?" Toto said something that was kind of muffled, I couldn't understand him but it shut Kristian up. He was speechless. Good.
The interviewer is asking Toto if anything else was submitted aside from the onboard video or if that was it, and why the onboard was good evidence.
Toto is saying they made a "dossier without investing too much time." They "premeditated" the evidence, and "made it public." He said the evidence is "clear to anybody who has ever raced a car." "He [max] didn't mean to stay on track."
That's where it ended. That was wild. It was basically a bunch of well-thought-out answers from Toto and bad, circular reasoning from Kristian.
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