#the lamb chops were excellent
drustvar · 1 year
Ch.9: Chameleon
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Sneaking around with a stolen face doesn't go quite as planned.
WC: 3,062 A/N: I know, I know. Another 3k chapter. I just couldn't find a good place to chop it other than its natural ending :"). Rosie's accent really pops a bit in this one, she's stressed AF Ao3 Link in reblog || Full text available under read more.
Rosie quickly began to regret her choice in illusions as Julian spent the entire journey back to the Palace practicing his Asra impersonation. Having to take on Asra’s appearance seemed to have sobered him faster than anything else could have. He also walked at twice the speed she and Portia did, and the two women were out of breath by the time they had reached the bridge to the Palace.
“How do you suppose he’d be feeling at this moment?” Julian asked as he glanced back at them. “Like a lamb entering a den of wolves? Or maybe a wolf entering a den of vipers? Hmm, vipers he probably wouldn’t mind, he and Faust would fit right in.” 
“Well for starters, Asra walks at my pace,” Rosie said as she doubled over to catch her breath. Marble squeaked under his heels as he came to an abrupt halt. He turned to her, his brow deeply furrowed. 
“Faust, that’s the snake’s name, isn’t it?” She nodded, and his brow creased further. He rubbed his temples in irritation. “I-I remember the snake. She nearly squeezed the life out of me, once.” 
“Pythons tend to do that. They’ve got no venom,” she said. He’d been trying to hide the anxious melancholy that had hung around him since they had left the tavern, but it had only become more and more apparent. He had kept a constant, careful distance between them. She wished she could reach out to him, to hook her arm in his and provide her shoulder for support. 
“So it’s safe to say he would be surprised. When he’s surprised, is he more of a…this? Or more like this?” He made an exaggerated expression followed by a slightly less campy one. 
“Neither. He has an excellent poker face.” 
“Hey, Ilya,” Portia said as she grabbed her brother’s arm. “I know this is gonna be a challenge, but try not to talk so much, okay?” 
“Oh no, naturally not. Asra doesn’t talk much. Believe me, it’s hard to maintain such an aura of mystery once you open your mouth.” 
“Maybe he was just quiet around you?” She teased. “You’ve got a real bad habit of doing the talking for everyone, Ilyushka.” The Palace threshold loomed over them. Despite the structure shining beautifully in the sun, it felt hostile. Portia took a deep breath and squared her shoulders before she thrust her arms against the great doors and led the way inside. The doors shut heavily behind them with a sound of grinding stone that made Rosie’s ears ring.  “Stay behind me an’ let me do the talking,” Rosie said as she grabbed Julian’s hand. He murmured something quietly, and she felt his thumb ghost over her knuckles. 
“This is weird, where is everybody?” Portia asked as they made their way through empty marble halls. “Well, uh, where can I take you first, oh great magicians?” 
“The bedroom, of course. Bring us to the room where the dark deed was done.” “Oh dear,” Rosie couldn’t keep herself from laughing. “You had really better let me do the talking.”
“What? I’m doing great! Uh, aren’t I?” “Tone down the theatrics. By like, a lot…and don’t walk like that.” 
“Walk like what? I’m walking like normal!” “Asra doesn’t walk like that, though. He’s kind of…floaty. The way you hold yourself looks more like a hare ready to run for his life.” 
He let out an indignant huff. “And I’m the one being theatrical?” “But am I wrong? Certainly doesn’t help that you’re so much shorter now, no longer as imposin’.” 
Portia sighed and put her hands on her hips. “Guys, as cute as it is to watch you two bicker,” she tapped her foot. “Are we going to the Count’s room or not?”  || The hounds were nowhere to be seen as the three made their way to the Count’s abandoned wing. Rosie took this as a good sign; she had a feeling her illusion wasn’t advanced enough to fool animals, especially if they had known Julian from before. Sounds echoed from the end of the hall, only adding to the haunting atmosphere. Rosie could feel Julian tensing beside her. “Didn’t you say that no one ever comes to these rooms anymore?”
“Nope, never,” Portia said as she peered ahead into the gloom. “In the years I’ve been here, nobody does if they don’t have to. And when they do…Let’s just say there are a lot of stories floating around downstairs. People have heard things, seen things!”  Rosie wrapped her fingers around her amulet, once again reminded of the ghostly being that had cornered her on her first night in the Palace. A faint moan drifted through the rafter just as they reached the door to the bedroom. Julian bristled from head to toe, and Rosie squeezed his hand tightly. Portia turned the handle, and to their surprise the door was already unlocked. Just as she started to push the door open, a crash shook the room from the inside. Rosie swore and pushed closer against Julian as the door swung open before them. The room was a flurry of activity on the inside; servants scrubbed at every surface, trying to dislodge years of grime. Huge, sweeping  streaks of ash coated the wall behind the canopied bed. The Countess stood beside it, her eyes wide as she looked at each of them in turn. 
“Portia, there you are.” In a flash, her composure had returned. “Hello, Rosie. It is good to see you are well again. As you can see, we are at last attending to the ruin of this room. There have been a number of…curious accidents.” She paused, her eyes settling on Julian-Asra. “Who is this?” 
“I am the majulian—magician Asra, here to help my apprentice help you, Countess.” As Nadia stepped closer, Rosie could feel the hair on the back of her neck begin to bristle. “Asra, at least we meet.” “Y-yes, I’d have offered my help earlier you see, but I was on a, uh, quest to open my third ear.” “Third…ear?” 
“Eye! He meant eye. I’d had an ear ache so ears ‘ave been on the mind, isn’t that right, dear?” Rosie shot him a look that effectively shut him up.
“I see. Well,” Nadia paused. “I simply thought we might have met before, but you are indeed a stranger to me. Or perhaps my eyes deceive me; it is terribly dim. Perhaps if that lamp was lit?” The Countess pointed to a sconce covered in cobwebs, too high on the wall to be reached without magic. From the corner of her eye, Rosie could see Julian swallowing hard. “Oh, goodness!” Rosie shouted and pointed to a darkened corner of the room. “What in the world could that be?!” As the Countess turned, Rosie made sure to step between her and Julian. “What is it? Oh, my.” Rosie had hoped that she could shrug it off as a rat or a stray cobweb, but no, something was actually there. The portrait of the late Count was smoking. Its eyes appeared to be dripping red, as if they were bleeding. Several of the servants gasped, and one even fainted into the arms of another. “That is uh, that is a bad omen.” 
“Indeed,” The Countess’ voice was quiet and unwavering.
 Portia laughed nervously and clapped her hands. “Oh, don’t worry about that, milady! I’ll take care of it!”  “Don’t go near it,” Rosie said in a hoarse whisper. But Portia didn’t hear her, just grabbed a nearby ladder and hurried to the portrait and scrubbed at its eyes with a rag. Rosie wheezed and clutched her amulet as she watched a shape form in the corner, white smoke rising and coalescing  into a vague, human sized shape. She reached behind her for Julian, who clutched her arm. To her horror, the smoke darted across the room and slammed into the ladder.
“My heavens, Portia!”
Portia landed in the Countess’ arms as the ladder came crashing down.
“So quick!” Julian said, as Rosie hung onto his arm, trying not to shake. “That was a feat of amazing foresight, Countess. Almost as if you saw the future. You may have uh, abilities in magic.”
Nadia gave him a curious look as she set Portia on the ground. “I wonder…Perhaps when I am through here, I shall join you both in the investigation.” 
“In the library!” Portia said, having recovered from her fall. “Investigating the library.” “Yes, a perfect place to start. I believe you keep the keys.” 
“I, uh, yes! Yes I have them," she coughed and waved some lingering dust away. "Follow me." As soon as the door had shut behind them, Rosie grabbed their hands and dragged them to the end of the hall as fast as she could. Once they had put some distance between themselves and the Count’s room, Julian’s fine control of the Asra facade broke. His face split into a grin, one that was unmistakably his own. 
“I think that went well.” “Oh sure, fantastic,” Portia said as she punched his shoulder. “Well, what do you think, Rosie?” Rosie didn’t answer, she was still staring back the way they had come. “Rosie?” She jumped and hissed quietly when he put his hand on her arm. “Sorry, I,” she ran a hand through her hair and tried to breathe. “I’m sorry. I-I cannae go back there, not again.” Julian put an arm around her and pulled her close, trying to comfort her. “E-everytime I’ve been there somethin’ happens I-” she shook her head. “Let’s just…Let’s just get to the library.” The Devoraks exchanged a brief, worried glance. “Of course. This way,” Portia said, leading the three once more away from the darkened wing.  ||
The illusion Rosie had cast fully unraveled once the locks on the library door clicked behind them. It was as if a sheer fabric dropped off Julian’s frame and evaporated like dew, how quickly “Asra” vanished. 
“Well, that was certainly an experience,” he said, looking at his arms—now his again. “I may not know magic, but there’s definitely something going on here. Something beyond my knowledge. Luckily for us, we’re at a library, so let's see what we can learn.”  The pair began to snake through the stacks, weaving through the shelves that rose up around them like protective walls. Julian’s eye scanned the rows quickly as his fingers fluttered over the spines. Rosie followed his lead as they slowly made their way deeper and deeper into the shelves. By the time they had reached his desk, he had grabbed at least a dozen different books.
“All these books, and I just kept coming back to this same old desk, just around the corner. It’s coming back to me…it’s close at the back of my mind. I can just taste it.” 
“Right. Let’s get studying then, I suppose.” Rosie said, before she noticed his gaze lingering on her before he bashfully looked at the ground. 
“Are you mad at me?” 
“I’m not mad at you,” she said as she grabbed one of the books from the pile and began to flip through it. “If I were mad at you, you’d know.” 
He sighed and looked past her. “You’re not, huh? You know, Rosie, they do say there’s such a thing as being too forgiving.” 
“I was never mad, but I was—I am, frustrated,” she snapped the book shut. “You’ve no idea how much I want to help you. I dunnae care the cost. I mean, what have I got to lose, really? I’ve not got much, if we’re being completely honest.” 
Julian opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand to silence him and continued. “I know, you would love for me to be angry. To be acting like a woman scorned and to punish you. But that’s not how I feel. You punish yourself enough as it is.” 
He didn’t respond, his eye had grown wide as he quickly stepped around her and stood in front of the desk, staring at it. It was still cluttered and unassuming, but not exactly. She could tell it had been touched. “This isn’t just any desk…this is my desk.”
“Pippin didn’t do this,” Rosie murmured as she stared at one of the drawers that had been left slightly ajar. “Pippin? Who’s Pippin?”  “My familiar.” 
He didn’t dwell on that information, he was instead fixated entirely on the desk. He started to frantically dig through its contents; papers fluttered in the air, covered in meticulous drawings and logs. Rosie plucked one from the air and studied the image: it depicted a scarab beetle of some kind. Something about it drew her in, so much so she hardly noticed how still Julian had gone. His arm was trembling; clenched tightly in his hand was an oily metal key with a red stone in the eye. As she stared at it, she could feel the blood roaring in her ears. Something about that key…it felt so familiar. As if she had had one of her own before. But that couldn’t have been possible, she reasoned. 
“This is it. This is what was calling to me,” Julian spoke quietly. “Don’t ask me how I know, but I know. It’s not any of these old scrawlings. It’s this!” He tossed the key in the air, snatching it on the way down and pocketing it; a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. “I’m one step closer.” He grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the desk, an adoring grin plastered on her face. “If it wasn’t for you, dearest Rosie, I’d still be two behind.” 
“I really didn’t, oh!” He swept her around victoriously in his arms, only stopping when his nose was an inch from hers. “Rosie-”
A horrible screech came from the window, sending them scrambling to hide in the nearest corner, pressing close together as they tried to stay as far out of view as possible. She watched him, the way he swallowed nervously and the sweat that beaded on his brow as they both stared at the window, fearful of discovery. He took a slow, deep breath, his face  reddening as his chest pressed against hers. 
“Just…just a bird. Sorry,” he said. His gaze slowly drifted downward, pausing at every point of contact between their bodies. He bit his lip as a low groan rumbled at the back of his throat. 
‘Already?’ She thought as she raised a brow at him. 
“About everything, I’m sorry,” he said as he hung his head, looking to askance to face her any longer. “I don’t know what I was thinking, pushing you away like I did. Temporary madness, driven by despair, I guess. It perhaps goes without saying that I find you very, very attractive. Whether,” he paused as he took another shaky breath. “Whether I’m destined to hang or not. And if by some miracle, you see something attractive in me, too. Ah, but for what? I pace, I drink, I tear my hair out. And I still don’t know what to do. Rosie…what do you want me to do?” He finally looked at her, a fiery passion burning in his eye. 
“Stop moping and kiss me,” She grinned at the way his eye widened and the way he stared her down, as if unsure he’d heard correctly. “Do I need to repeat myself?” She took a step closer and pressed a hand to his chest.
“Well, if you insist.” 
Gloved, leather fingers grasped the back of her neck as he pulled her in, his lips meeting hers eagerly, ravenously. She was surprised by how needily he kissed her, and her heart fluttered as his other arm came round the small of her back, tipping her off balance. She clung to him, her fingers tangling in his hair.
“Easy baby,” she murmured. She could feel his heart racing, practically beating out of his chest. “You’re so worked up already,” she said as she brushed hair out of his eye, her nails following his brow. She murmured soothing words as she tried to guide him to rest his head beneath her chin. But he suddenly pulled away, giving her a suffering look. She could tell he was about to launch another miserable tangent, one that they would both undoubtedly  regret. 
“Don’t speak,” she said as she reached up to cup his face. Her long nails rested on his cheekbones, just below his eyes. “I didn’t give you permission.”
She pulled him close again, herding him back against the wall as she kissed him. Her kisses were slower, less about hunger and more about savoring him. She lifted her leg and hooked it over his hip, making him groan and press closer against her.
“Oh, hello,” she purred as something firm pressed against her thigh. His breath audibly hitched as one of her hands started to trail down his chest. “Oh, if we had the time, the things I would do,” Julian said after he broke his lips from hers. “Who says we don’t?” She asked as she traced his jaw. “And, I dunnae remember giving you permission to speak yet, did I?” 
“Oh, uh, no…” He sighed happily as she kissed him again. She tangled her fingers in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. 
‘What are the chances we could be caught right now?’ She wondered. ‘Even hidden in the stacks…if we were both arrested…’ But her worries were quickly chased off as Julian leaned back against the desk, pulling her onto him. “Don’t mind those,” he said, nodding at the books that fell unceremoniously onto the floor. “Hadn’t even noticed,” she grinned as she tilted his head back and exposed his neck. He moaned low in his throat and arched as she pressed teasing, open  mouthed kisses against his throat. Just before she could sink her teeth into him, a noise from beyond the library doors startled them. 
“Ah! Milady! Finished up so soon?!” Portia’s voice came from the other side of the door, the cheerfulness in her voice barely masking a worried tone. “That’s a surprise!” Nadia’s words were indecipherable from beyond the door, but just the faint sound of her voice was enough to make Rosie’s blood run cold. 
“That’s our cue,” Julian whispered. He patted her hip as he ushered her out of his lap and into the shadows. 
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haticeaysevenblog · 2 months
Cyprus Mangal : Commitment to Authenticity
Discovering authentic Turkish cuisine in the heart of London was an absolute delight at Cyprus Mangal. Tucked away in Pimlico, this gem offers a truly immersive dining experience that transports you straight to the vibrant streets of Turkey.
The ambiance at Cyprus Mangal is both elegant and welcoming. The warm lighting, tasteful decor, and comfortable seating create a perfect setting for a relaxed meal. From the moment you enter, the friendly and attentive staff ensure you feel right at home, setting the tone for a memorable evening.
My culinary adventure began with a selection of traditional mezes. The variety and quality were exceptional – from the smooth and flavorful hummus to the refreshing tabbouleh, each dish was a celebration of fresh ingredients and authentic flavors. The dolma, stuffed vine leaves, were particularly delightful, with a perfect balance of spices and a melt-in-the-mouth texture.
For the main course, the mixed grill platter was an excellent choice, offering a taste of the restaurant’s best offerings. The lamb chops were tender and juicy, infused with aromatic herbs, while the chicken shish was succulent and perfectly charred. The highlight, however, was the Adana kebab – spicy, flavorful, and cooked to perfection. The accompanying rice and salad complemented the meats wonderfully, making each bite a harmonious blend of textures and tastes.
What sets Cyprus Mangal apart is its commitment to authenticity. The chefs bring the rich culinary traditions of Turkey to life with each dish, using high-quality ingredients and traditional cooking techniques. The result is a menu that is both diverse and true to its roots.
To conclude the meal, I opted for the baklava, a classic Turkish dessert. The layers of flaky pastry, sweet syrup, and finely chopped nuts were a delightful end to an exquisite meal. Paired with a cup of strong Turkish coffee, it was the perfect finale to an unforgettable dining experience.
Cyprus Mangal isn’t just about the food; it’s about the experience. The excellent service, cozy atmosphere, and, most importantly, the incredible food make it a must-visit for anyone seeking authentic Turkish cuisine in London. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Turkish food or new to it, Cyprus Mangal promises a dining experience that will leave you eagerly planning your next visit.
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remziyilmazblog · 2 months
Discovering the Flavors of Turkey at Alaz Turkish Cuisine in Finchley
If you’re on the lookout for an authentic Turkish dining experience that combines traditional flavors with modern elegance, look no further than Alaz Turkish Cuisine in Finchley. My recent visit to this delightful establishment left me not only satisfied but also thoroughly impressed by the exceptional food and warm hospitality.
Upon entering Alaz, I was immediately struck by its inviting and stylish interior. The decor perfectly balances contemporary chic with touches of Turkish heritage, creating a welcoming and cozy atmosphere. The soft lighting and tasteful furnishings set the stage for what promised to be a memorable dining experience.
The menu at Alaz Turkish Cuisine is a celebration of Turkey’s rich culinary traditions. I started my meal with a selection of cold and hot mezes. The ezme, a finely chopped salad of tomatoes, peppers, and herbs, had a wonderful kick of spice, while the sigara borek, crispy pastry rolls filled with cheese, were light and flavorful. The highlight, however, was the mücver, zucchini fritters that were perfectly crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, served with a refreshing yogurt dip.
For the main course, I chose the Iskender Kebab, a classic Turkish dish that did not disappoint. The dish featured thinly sliced lamb, served over pieces of pita bread and generously topped with a rich tomato sauce and a dollop of yogurt. The lamb was incredibly tender and flavorful, and the combination of textures and flavors was simply divine. Each bite was a delightful mix of savory, tangy, and creamy elements that kept me wanting more.
One of the standout features of Alaz is their commitment to using fresh, high-quality ingredients. This dedication is evident in every dish, from the meticulously prepared mezes to the succulent meats. The attention to detail and passion for Turkish cuisine shine through, making each dish a testament to their culinary expertise.
The beverage selection at Alaz is equally impressive, with a range of carefully curated wines and innovative cocktails. I opted for a glass of Turkish red wine, which paired beautifully with my meal, enhancing the rich flavors of the lamb. The wine list is thoughtfully composed to complement the diverse menu, ensuring a harmonious dining experience.
The service at Alaz Turkish Cuisine is truly top-notch. The staff are knowledgeable, attentive, and genuinely enthusiastic about the food they serve. They took the time to explain the dishes and make recommendations, which added a personal touch to the dining experience. Their warmth and professionalism contributed significantly to the overall enjoyment of the evening.
To conclude my meal, I indulged in a classic Turkish dessert – kunefe. This dessert, made with shredded pastry soaked in sweet syrup and filled with cheese, was a perfect balance of sweetness and texture. The kunefe was served hot, with a crispy exterior and a gooey, cheesy center, creating a delightful contrast that was utterly satisfying.
In addition to the excellent food and service, Alaz also offers a warm and inviting ambiance that makes it an ideal spot for any occasion. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, a family gathering, or a night out with friends, Alaz Turkish Cuisine provides a setting that is both elegant and comfortable.
Alaz Turkish Cuisine in Finchley is a true gem that brings the vibrant and diverse flavors of Turkey to London. My experience at Alaz was nothing short of exceptional, and I am already looking forward to my next visit. If you appreciate authentic Turkish cuisine and are seeking a dining experience that combines quality, flavor, and hospitality, I highly recommend visiting Alaz. It is a culinary adventure that you won’t soon forget.
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formeryelpers · 10 months
Cochon Butcher, 930 Tchoupitoulas St, New Orleans (Warehouse District), LA 70130
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A place that is inspired by Old World butcher and charcuterie sounds like they would have excellent housemade meat, including Genoa salami, fennel salami, boudin, andouille, tasso, sopressata, capicola, hog’s head cheese, rillettes, smoked salmon, ham hocks, venison and duck confit. Their sister restaurant makes their bread. They also make their own pickles, mustard, jellies, jams, and sauces. You can order from the counter and grab a seat, get full service from the bar side, or pop in for the housemade meat. It’s a deli, sandwich shop, and full service bar.
They had an Oktober Fest menu with currywurst, schnitzel, and pretzels. The regular menu includes small plates (e.g., wings, fried shrimp), sides, charcuterie, sandwiches, and sweets.
Moroccan spiced lamb ($16) with tzatziki and chili oil on pita: A thicker warm pita with thinly sliced lamb, tzatziki with chopped cucumber and dill. They didn’t use Persian cucumbers and left the (tough) skin on the cucumbers. The lamb flavor was nice but the sandwich was very oily (there was a big pool of oil). The sandwich was on the small side. The pickle slices were very sweet but also tangy. They didn’t go with the Moroccan lamb sandwich.
New Orleans style Bavarian pretzel with housemade whole grain mustard ($5): A thick pretzel that was too pale and had too much salt. It didn’t have the deep flavors of a good Bavarian pretzel. The mustard was good though.
There’s an outdoor patio with fans and indoor seating too.
3.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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kashmirisaffron · 1 year
Saffron Risotto Recipe: A Luxurious Italian Dish
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Saffron risotto is a luxurious and aromatic Italian dish that combines the creamy goodness of risotto with the delicate flavor and vibrant color of saffron. This recipe will guide you through the process of creating a flavorful and satisfying saffron risotto that can be enjoyed as a main course or served as a side dish.
1 cup Arborio rice
4 cups vegetable or chicken broth
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon Kashmiri Saffron threads
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)
Cooking Instruction:
In a small bowl, steep the saffron threads in 2 tablespoons of hot water for about 10 minutes to allow the flavor and color to infuse.
In a separate saucepan, heat the vegetable or chicken broth and keep it simmering on low heat.
In a large, heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, and sauté until they become translucent and fragrant.
Add the Arborio rice to the pot and stir it around to coat it evenly with the butter and onions. Toast the rice for a couple of minutes until it becomes slightly translucent at the edges.
Pour in the white wine and stir continuously until it is absorbed by the rice.
Reduce the heat to medium-low and begin adding the hot broth to the pot, one ladleful at a time. Stir the rice continuously and allow each ladleful of broth to be absorbed before adding the next. Continue this process for about 20-25 minutes or until the rice is cooked al dente (firm to the bite), but still creamy.
Add the saffron threads along with the liquid they were steeped in. Stir well to evenly distribute the saffron throughout the risotto.
Stir in the remaining tablespoon of butter and the grated Parmesan cheese until they are melted and well incorporated. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Remove the pot from the heat and let the risotto rest, covered, for a couple of minutes.
Serve the saffron risotto hot, garnished with fresh chopped parsley. Enjoy!
How to Serve:
Saffron risotto can be served as a main course or as a side dish alongside grilled meats or roasted vegetables. Here are a few suggestions on how to serve it:
As a standalone dish: Serve the saffron risotto in individual bowls or plates. You can garnish it with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese, a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, and a few strands of saffron for an elegant touch. Pair it with a crisp green salad on the side for a complete meal.
As a side dish: Saffron risotto pairs well with a variety of proteins such as grilled chicken, seared fish, or roasted lamb. Serve a portion of the risotto alongside the main protein, allowing the flavors to complement each other.
With roasted vegetables: Roasted vegetables like asparagus, cherry tomatoes, or mushrooms make excellent companions to saffron risotto. You can either mix the roasted vegetables directly into the risotto before serving or arrange them on top as a flavorful garnish.
Remember to serve the saffron risotto hot, as it is at its best when enjoyed freshly prepared.
Extra Notes and Tips:
Saffron is a precious spice, so it’s important to use organic saffron and handle it with care. The flavor and color of saffron can be intensified by crushing the threads slightly before steeping them in hot water. This will release more of the aromatic compounds.
Risotto requires attention and stirring to achieve a creamy texture. Be patient and stir the rice constantly as you gradually add the broth. This process helps release the starch from the rice, resulting in a creamy consistency.
The choice of broth is crucial for the flavor of the risotto. Use a good-quality vegetable or chicken broth to enhance the taste. If possible, opt for homemade broth for the best flavor.
Arborio rice is commonly used for risotto due to its high starch content, which contributes to the creamy texture. However, you can also try other short-grain rice varieties suitable for risotto, such as Carnaroli or Vialone Nano.
Feel free to customize your saffron risotto by adding other ingredients such as cooked peas, sautéed mushrooms, or diced cooked chicken for added texture and flavor.
Leftover risotto can be refrigerated and reheated, but it tends to lose its creamy texture. To revive the creaminess, add a splash of broth or water while reheating and stir gently until heated through.
Finally, don’t forget to savor the delightful aroma and vibrant color of saffron risotto. It’s a dish that can truly elevate your dining experience.
Indulge in the richness of flavors and the mesmerizing aroma of saffron risotto, and let this classic Italian dish transport you to culinary bliss.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Best Portable Gas Grills for Tailgating: Reviews by Experts
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Have you ever thought about which is the best portable gas grill to prepare for tailgating season? Well, that's exactly what we did. We've bought more than 30 of the best portable gas grills to test side-by-side and pick our favorites before making a list of the top 5 products you can buy. In this review, you’ll learn: - Our reviews - What to look for when buying a portable gas grill - Why trust The Disneychef - And much more! So let's get started IN THIS ARTICLE Here are the top 5 best grills for your next tailgate party. The table below reveals our top recommendations, along with their expected price range and final rating. There is also a link for each selection to help you discover the goods more easily (Amazon links). Our Reviews of the Best Portable Gas Grills 1. Best Overall: Coleman Roadtrip 285 The Coleman Roadtrip 285 portable grill is ideal for camping enthusiasts who want a little more comfort or for those who simply want to cook in the backyard without having to transport their standard charcoal or gas grill. The instructions are clearly written, and all tools required for assembly are included making this model a breeze to put together. It's also easy to convert between travel and cooking mode, and the large wheels and long handle make it our favorite wheeled model to move around. The only downside of the Coleman Roadtrip 285 is its weight - 47 pounds. If you're looking for a compact grill that'll fit in the trunk of a smaller car or one that will take up minimal space while it's not in use, this grill is not for you. But on top of that, it makes up for deficiencies in portability with top-tier grilling performance. Highlight: ✔️ Even heat distribution ✔️ Three burner system ✔️ Easy assembly ✔️ Big Wheels ✔️ A lot of cooking space 2. Best Budget Pick: Weber Q1200 Liquid Propane Grill, Titanium Weber has a reputation for building grills that gracefully blend cooking performance and reliability, and the Weber Q1200 is no exception. The design of this grill allows it to efficiently and effectively reach ideal searing temperatures within just minutes of preheating. This is particularly useful when cooking meats that require a quick sear, like steaks or lamb chops. The product also works well for slow cooking methods, like braising or smoking, which require maintaining low temperatures for long periods of time. Regardless of what you’re preparing, the porcelain-enameled cast-iron grates will help retain heat so that your food cooks evenly from edge to edge. Another plus is not as bulky as a portable grill may look in pictures, we were pleasantly surprised that it's actually quite lightweight and can easily be carried by one person. The only drawback of the Weber Q 1200 is that it's harder to learn how to harness the heat of its grill surface than say, a charcoal or gas grill. But if you hope to regularly cook delicious meals while on the road, this portable grill is sure to appeal to both novice cooks and professional chefs alike. Highlight: ✔️ Excellent heat retention ✔️ Convenient side tables ✔️ Durable construction ✔️ Cast iron grilling surface ✔️ Budget-friendly 3. Best Runner Up: Cuisinart CGG-059A Grillster 8,000 BTU Portable Propane Tabletop Gas Grill If you're tired of those bulky, expensive barbeque grills that take up the entire patio, then the Cuisinart Grillster is just what you need. It's perfect for those who want to grill but don't have room to spare. - The new Grillster is the perfect portable gas grill for grilling in small spaces. Easily folds down to take anywhere. - This affordable grill can be used indoors or outdoors and is ideal for camping, picnics, and tailgating. - The porcelain-coated cast iron cooking grate allows heat to be distributed evenly while its durable design will last a lifetime. Two sets of removable grill plates let you switch from contact grill to open bbq grill when you're ready for a steak or open flame (with an optional open BBQ plate). The contact grill is good for burgers and chicken, while the open BBQ plate is better suited for steaks and other meats. The Grillmaster has been tested in a laboratory to ensure it can withstand extreme temperatures (5,500-BTU burner). The grill itself is made from high-quality materials that are durable enough to last for years, even under the harshest conditions. The lid seals tightly and will not leak, even after being exposed to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. If you're looking for a grill that stands up to use over time, the Cuisinart Griller is a perfect choice! Highlight: ✔️High heat output ✔️ Gas-efficient ✔️ Well-insulated 4. Best Portable Charcoal Grill: Weber Go-Anywhere Charcoal Grill, Black The Weber EasyClean System makes it easy to keep your grill clean. The system starts with a cooking grate with built-in technology that prevents food from falling into the bottom of the grill, which can make cleaning harder. A removable ash catcher is also included with this model so you don't have to worry about accidentally burning food into your flames. One of the grill’s coolest features is its plated steel legs. They're strong and durable, and they also adjust to provide a level cooking surface regardless of how uneven your yard is. But what makes these legs really cool is that they can be folded down for easy storage in any garage or shed. You can also remove them completely if you don't care about having adjustable legs (or if you're going to keep your grill outside all the time). In general, for those who need a portable grill that can go anywhere, this is an excellent choice. It is ideal for camping trips and other outdoor activities. Highlight: ✔️ Sizeable coal bed ✔️ Affordable price ✔️ Well-insulated, cast iron construction ✔️ Charcoal grilling advantages over gas 5. Best High End: HitchFire Forge 15 Hitch Grill The HitchFire Forge 15 Hitch Grill is built to last and is designed with a sturdy steel frame. It can be used for camping, tailgating, and other outdoor activities without worrying about it being damaged. You can easily attach the grill to your vehicle by using the spring-loaded lock mechanism on each side of the hitch mount. Use this portable grill anywhere you want! It includes an adjustable height feature that allows you to cook at different heights depending on how hot or cold it is outdoors. It has a total of four stainless steel burners. Each burner is adjustable and you can choose to use two or all four at once if you want to cook more food in a shorter amount of time. In addition, This product’s large cooking surface accommodates up to eight burgers at once. It’s perfect for entertaining a crowd or just keeping the whole family fed on weekend camping trips. The grill’s compact size and foldable design make it easy to transport, but it still has enough space for you to toss your food over the side when you need more room in your vehicle. It also works well for tailgate parties, as you can fold down the legs and place it directly under your car or truck's bumper for easy access from both sides of the vehicle Highlight: ✔️ Cooks with high temperatures ✔️ Sturdy design ✔️ Extremely portable ✔️ Takes up little space Why You Should Trust The Disneychef We have figured out via our research that more than 30 portable gas grills are currently available on the market. After taking into account information, we can cautiously gather in-depth information and turn it into the best list of 5 of the best perfect options for you in order not only from best to worst but also from both price and performance standpoints! We carefully obtained about 1.556 user reviews using big data systems in order to rank these items based on customer feedback as well. Most potential customers choose their choice based on average prices below $395- with many even cheaper than $200. This proves that smart shopping is always been the priority of potential clients in recent years. Therefore, figuring out our research could help you make sure what kind of investment is worth it and which one should be avoided at all costs. Best Portable Tailgating Grill Buying Guide Gas grills are incredibly convenient and easy to use, making them a great choice for portable grilling. As long as you have a small propane tank on hand, you'll be able to cook up delicious food while tailgating, camping, or hanging out at the beach no need to haul around charcoal or worry about finding an electrical outlet! But if you're new to the world of portable grills, it can feel like there are a million options and not a lot of guidance. That's where we come in: we've taken our years of experience with these little cookers and put together this guide to help you find the best option for your next camping trip or backyard barbecue. Find the right size for you and your crew The size of your portable grill is an important factor to consider when shopping for the best portable grill. If you have a large family or enjoy entertaining guests, then it's probably in your best interest to purchase a larger model with ample cooking space for multiple types of meat at once. If you're just grilling for yourself and one other person, then something smaller may be more suitable. Generally speaking, it's better to get a larger grill if you can afford it but keep in mind that some grills are designed specifically for certain uses (such as backpacking). You'll also want to think about what type of food you're planning on grilling: A big party isn't going to cook itself! Choose the right fuel You have a choice when it comes to fuel sources, and there are pros and cons to each. Gas grills are easier to use and clean than charcoal, but they're more expensive and offer less flexibility in terms of cooking methods. Charcoal grills require more maintenance (you have to keep the fire going), but they heat up faster than gas grills do, can be used in any weather condition (as long as you have access to wood), and can be used for many different types of cooking methods such as rotisserie roasting or smoking meat or fish. If you want something that's easy to use and versatile enough for most people's needs, go with a gas grill; if you want something that's cheaper long-term but requires slightly more effort at first glance then go with a charcoal option! But remember: just because there are benefits or drawbacks doesn't mean one is better than another – choose what works best for YOU! Look for a grill with adjustable height settings You’re going to want a grill that can be adjusted to different heights. If you’re trying to cook over a campfire, for example, you’ll want your grill at a level height with the ground so that the food doesn’t sit in dirty water. In addition, it should also be adjustable while it is hot. Many grills come with an adjustable height setting but only allow you to adjust them when they aren't hot! On top of these two factors - adjustability and heat resistance - look for a grill with a heat shield. This prevents grease from dripping onto your coals or fire and causing flare-ups that might damage your food or cause injury (or both!). Finally, look for drip trays because they will keep any extra grease from dropping into the fire below which can cause flare-ups as well as make clean-up easier after cooking is done! The portable grill will bring your food to a new level. As a die-hard grill lover, you should definitely invest in a portable grill. The convenience of being able to take your food with you wherever you go is something that will make your life much easier. When it comes to tailgating, camping or just hanging out at the beach with friends, having a good portable grill will make for an excellent time every time. You can even use it as a complement to your regular home grilling station if you don't feel like cooking indoors during those hot summer days when everyone else is outside enjoying themselves! Okay, so you have read about all of the different portable gas grills for tailgating that are at the top of the list. But, which one is better for your tailgating adventures? It depends on you. We hope this article helped you find the best portable gas grills for your needs. If not, please feel free to reach out! Our team is always happy to help anyone looking for advice on what products are worth purchasing. Thank you so much for reading, we sincerely appreciate all of your support. In this article, we have used worthy information from several websites below: Amazon.com; Thespruce.com; ShareASale.com; Reddit.com; NYTimes.com; ConsumerReports.org; Cnet.com; If you liked this article and want to get the latest recommendations on the best product for your needs. Please bookmark thedisneychef.com and check it out every day Read the full article
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Indian Food Edmonton - Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout
If you're in Edmonton, Canada, and you're craving Indian food, there's good news for you! Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout has got you covered. This popular restaurant offers authentic Indian food Edmonton that is sure to satisfy your taste buds. From classic curries to tandoori delights, there's something for everyone. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout and what makes it stand out from the rest.
Indian food is known for its rich flavors and unique spices. In Edmonton, there are many Indian restaurants, but Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout is one that truly stands out. The restaurant has been serving the community for many years, and it has gained a reputation for its delicious food and excellent service.
The Menu
The menu at Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout is extensive, and it features a wide range of dishes that are sure to please everyone. From vegetarian options to meat lovers' delights, there's something for everyone. Here are some of the most popular dishes on the menu:
 Classic Curries
The curries at Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout are a must-try. They are made with a variety of meats and vegetables and cooked to perfection. Some of the most popular curries on the menu include:
Butter chicken
Lamb curry
Vegetable korma
Chana masala
Tandoori Delights
If you're a fan of tandoori dishes, you won't be disappointed. Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout offers a variety of tandoori dishes that are cooked in a traditional clay oven. Some of the most popular tandoori dishes on the menu include:
Tandoori chicken
Lamb chops
Seekh kebab
Tandoori shrimp
Biryani is a flavorful rice dish that is popular in India. Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout offers several biryani options that are sure to please your taste buds. Some of the most popular biryani dishes on the menu include:
Chicken biryani
Lamb biryani
Vegetable biryani
 Appetizers and Sides
To start off your meal, Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout offers a variety of appetizers and sides that are perfect for sharing. Some of the most popular options include:
Onion bhaji
Aloo tikki
Naan bread
Catering and Takeout
Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout offers catering services for events of all sizes. Whether you're hosting a small gathering or a large party, the restaurant can cater to your needs. They also offer takeout and delivery services, so you can enjoy their delicious food from the comfort of your own home.
If you're looking for authentic Indian food in Edmonton, Indian Chef Exclusive Takeout is the place to be. With its extensive menu, excellent service, and catering options, it's no wonder that this restaurant is a favorite among locals. So why not give it a try and experience the flavors of India for yourself?
CALL US at +1 780–760–3335
Visit Us: 3146 141 ST.SW, Edmonton, Canada
website: https://theindianchef.ca/
Follow Us on Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/indianchef_executivetakeout/
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trustkosher · 2 years
Post haste flash cards
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Post haste flash cards free#
Now, poor baby Ben's baby bottom is blistered. On an ill-advised suggestion I fed baby Ben salsa last night to go along with our chipotle rubbed lamb chops, red potatoes au gratin, and steamed summer vegetable medley. He's one heck of a man! I love my rootin' tootin' hubby! Even when he's covered in lemur fur or rambling on about the midnight wanderings of the giant bipedal chinchilla (chinchilla humongostandupfurballera) I can just gaze upon him adoringly and zone out on my Bo love. Every time Bo goes galavanting around the globe I appreciate him a little more. Bo isn't very domestically handy, but that's not what we love about him. It definitely keeps me sane to have Bo around so we can tag team little Ben. Honestly, I don't know how you single mommies do it. Well neighbors, Bo is off on his lemur brigade so it's just baby Ben and I, Betty. Posted by Betty Bluecorn at Thursday, August 19, 2004 I'm off to smooch that handsome hubby'o'mine. A couple of rubs should have you singing, "ZippityDoDa!"īo's home from Lemurland. "Bulgunzerdabba!" which we think is his word for 56.ġ. He'll concentrate on it and then he says, I made them myself from an every day paper plate, neighbor! They said that we'd have to wait until he was at least a year, but they were wrong! I've been using multiplication flash cards with excellent results. Heavenly!īaby Ben is working on his multiplication tables. Hold it together with those crispy chow mein noodles for legs. Perhaps my famous Spamipillars- Spam and gherkins diced and whipped up with pimentos, and equal parts Cheez Whiz and mayonaise- 0nly Hellman's, hellions!- rolled in squares of American cheese. I'll have to serve cold plates for dinner. I'm staying out of the kitchen today, neighbor. (Prince William residents, call 70.But not me.
Post haste flash cards free#
* To hear a free Sound Bite from Porcupine Tree, call Post-Haste at 30 and press 8131. What clicks are "Shallow," "Open Car" and other tracks that reveal the band's ingenuity and energy.Īppearing Friday at the 9:30 club. The 12-year-old band sounds too mellow for its own good at times, particularly on the rippling piano ballad "Lazarus," and some of the abrupt shifts in tone pack the wallop of a telegraphed punch. Guest guitarist Adrian Belew turns in a wonderfully skittish cameo on the Floyd-tinted spiritual "Halo," but for the most part, Wilson and his bandmates - keyboardist Richard Barbieri, bass guitarist Colin Edwin and drummer Gavin Harrison - are left to their own devices and designs. Inspired in part by a film script co-written by Wilson, "Deadwing" is riddled with ponderous lyrics and cleverly designed soundscapes. If "Deadwing" sounds oddly familiar, well, that's pretty much the point. Then, too, there are plenty of allusions or links to the likes of Yes, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Coldplay. The result is a contemporary take on progressive rock that embraces, in no particular order, death metal, ambient washes, symphonic tacks, piano-driven ballads and neo-psychedelic excursions. Nothing seems to please him more than creating layered tracks that alternately emphasize some of his favorite things. That's because Wilson doesn't draw on his influences so much as scan them, as if riffling though a stack of flash cards. Chances are sooner or later he'll hit on something more to your liking. If you don't like what Steven Wilson, the prolific composer and singer-guitarist for the British band Porcupine Tree, is up to on "Deadwing," stick around.
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camillasgirl · 2 years
‘I could fill a book with my cooking disasters’ - My life in food by HRH The Duchess of Cornwall
I grew up in a very happy home, with good food at its heart. I still just about remember rationing, but we grew everything from tomatoes and melons to peas, beans, carrots and new potatoes. One of my earliest memories is podding those peas and beans with my mother, an accomplished cook.
We always had to finish what was on our plate before we ate pudding. That wasn’t such a problem when it was rice pudding as I hated the stuff.
At my first school, Dumbrells in Ditchling, East Sussex, the food was, surprisingly, excellent. Lots of steamed puddings and we were allowed to help the cook once a week in getting lunch ready. I still dream of their potato and cheese cake.
Every year, we went on holiday to the island of Ischia, just off Naples. There were endless lunches of vitello al limone [veal escalope with lemon], fried zucchini, lots of fresh fish and pasta. It instilled a lifelong passion for Italian food.
On Friday nights, at home, we were allowed to choose our dinner. I always went for Findus frozen chicken pie, much to my mother’s despair. Food at my grandmother’s house was more formal French, which was very much the smart thing in those days. What I remembered most there, though, was the brown bread ice cream.
When it came to restaurants, there wasn’t as much choice in 60s London as there is now. But at the time, we didn’t know any better. I always preferred the food at home anyway. But I remember how excited I was when I first ate prawn and avocado, at Alexander’s in Chelsea. The combination seemed impossibly exotic. I’d eaten avocados at home and hated them at first. But I now eat them most days. Daphne’s was another favourite, along with La Poule au Pot in Pimlico, which is still about. Best of all was The Causerie at Claridge’s, where there was a great round table with the most incredible buffet. Everyone dressed up and it seemed very glamorous.
I always cooked for the children growing up, and they were good eaters, but I was never the most adventurous of cooks. I was sent on a cooking course in Sussex when I was young but, really, I learnt from my mother. I’ve never followed a recipe in my life.
My cooking is about good ingredients. Nothing too mucked about, or fussy or fiddly. Lots of tarragon chicken, scrambled eggs and bacon, and chicken casserole. There were always roasts on Sunday – pork and lamb chops, roast chicken. The children ate a lot of cheese on toast. We had a kitchen garden and lots of chickens, for the eggs, so we ate seasonally before it became en vogue. Because that’s just what you did in the country back then. We used Love & Sons, the butchers, in Chippenham, Wiltshire. There was also a very good fishmonger but that’s long gone, which is sad. Britain has so much incredible produce, and our farmers do a magnificent job. We should always support them.
When Sainsbury’s opened in Chippenham at the start of the 80s, it was rather exciting. So much choice. We ate a lot of chicken kievs.
I could fill a book with all my cooking disasters. I’m not a natural baker, to say the least. As for baked potatoes… many a poor, incinerated specimen has been found in the bottom of the Aga, put in, then forgotten about.
I do still cook for myself when at home. Simple things like fish en papillote with butter and herbs. And vegetables from the garden: kale, purple sprouting broccoli, carrots, courgettes, and lots of peas and beans because they freeze so well. I love the vegetable garden, and summer in particular. I’m very proud of my white peaches. My husband is an excellent gardener, and we’re quite competitive about our fruit and vegetables.
These days, restaurants are a way to see my children. They pick the restaurants, I pay the bill. I don’t like too much noise but we tend to go to the same places.
One of my favourite foods is baked beans on toast. Always Heinz. And freshly cooked fish and chips, wrapped in paper. That smell. You cannot beat proper fish and chips.I can’t bear peppers, raw or cooked. I’m not a fan of offal either, aside from very good liver. And I avoid chilli and garlic too, unlike my son.My last supper would probably involve my own asparagus, with lots of butter. Angela Hartnett’s risotto. I love her cooking. Dover sole meunière, with ratte potatoes and fresh broad beans and peas from the garden. Some bitter chocolate ice cream. Plus strawberries and raspberries and lots of clotted cream. Along with a really good glass of red claret. And, seeing it’s my last supper, probably two.
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Sunday I made one of my favourite soups, except it’s not really a soup. Taiwanese beef noodles, when made according to the recipe, is more like noodles with extra sauce.
I wanted to use up some beef stock and fresh noodles though, so this what I did:
Mince 2 shallots, at least 4 cloves of garlic, and a piece of ginger about 1 inch/2-3 cm. The recipe calls for scallions but I didn’t have any so that’s why I used shallots.
Put some oil in a sturdy pot and heat everything up, along with one whole piece of star anise. Whole star anise is sold in the supermarket in a jar with other regular spices, but you can try 1 tsp /5 ml powdered star anise or Chinese 5 spices as well if you can’t get whole.
Add your beef. I have had a mystery meat in my freezer for over a year and I wasn’t sure If it was beef or lamb. Someone just wrapped the raw meat in clear wrap so it’s hard to tell. I figured this was a good time to find out and defrosted it. Beef! I cut it up and put it in the pan with the garlic and spices. Brown the meat.
Add 1/2 cup /125 ml soy sauce, 1/2 cup rice wine, a piece of rock sugar, a skinned and chopped tomato, and about 2 cups of beef stock. You could use sherry or even dry white wine if you don’t have rice wine. I had beef stock in the freezer leftover from god knows when so I used that up. I didn’t have a tomato (!) so I squeezed in some tomato paste from a tube. If you don’t have rock sugar, use 3 T / 60 ml brown sugar.
Bring to a boil and then turn it down to the lowest heat possible. Cover. Let it cook for at least half an hour. Stir it every once in a while. Set the table. It’s just a bowl, spoon, napkin and chopsticks.
When you’re ready to eat, put fresh noodles in. I bought a giant pack of fresh udon noodles that ended up in my freezer and annoying me. They were excellent. You can also separately cook angel hair pasta and then add it.
Also add some chopped nappa cabbage and push it under the broth and cook for a minute or two. You want some crunch.
That’s it. The original recipe is linked above and is excellent but takes much longer and requires bones.
We had a bit of leftover, so I had some for my lunch on Tuesday. Very good second time around as well.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 3 years
Dark Greetings this Spooky Season Ms. V. Can we get a list of your favorite Halloween movies and specials? I know you have seen *everything* and I am trying to go beyond my usual rewatches this holiday month.
Does the Halloween element combine convincingly with the usual universe of the show (ex: Lizzie McGuire 2x09 “Those Freaky McGuires” is not good as a Halloween episode because it changes the rules of the Lizzie McGuire universe, whereas Community 2x06 “Epidemiology” is a GREAT Halloween episode because it manages to logically introduce zombies to the regular Community universe)?
Does the Halloween element advance the plot of the episode/series (ex: the reason Boy Meets World 5x17 “And Then There Was Shawn” is literally the best Halloween episode ever made is that it uses the horror movie tropes it satirizes to provide a CRUCIAL turning-point to the plot of the show)?
Is the Halloween episode in the forefront enough that it’s clearly a holiday episode (ex: HAVING ONE JACK-O’LANTERN ON A DESK DOES NOT A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL MAKE, LAW & ORDER 16x03 “GHOSTS”! You gotta go ALL-IN, like Bob’s Burgers 3x02 “Full Bars”!)?
Does the Halloween theme balance well between spooky and warm-n-fuzzy (ex: Criminal Minds 11x21 “Mr. Scratch” is too fucking bleak, but Criminal Minds 12x06 “Elliott’s Pond” has a joyous/celebratory tone to the ending despite being a genuinely scary episode)?
Is it generally a well-written, acted, and designed episode of television (ex: Saved by the Bell! 3x26 “Mystery Weekend” is seriously, not exaggerating, the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life; Psych 1x15 “Scary Sherry, Or Bianca’s Toast” is a triumph of the medium)?
THE BEST, bar none, Halloween special ever made is Boy Meets World 5x17, “And Then There Was Shawn.” Period. There can be no argument, except MAYBE Community 3x06, “Epidemiology,” but I like “And Then There Was Shawn” better because the parody and homage as less… biting? And because I think it continues and addresses the emotional core of the regular BMW season better than “Epidemiology” does for Community s3. “Epi” DOES plant the seed (…heh) for the Season 3B major plot arc of Shirley’s pregnancy and Chang Deciding To Murder, but it gets some major minus points for mocking Yvette Nicole Brown’s weight with other characters’ responses to her costume, tbh. And “And Then There Was Shawn” is just fucking iconic. It is THE Halloween episode manual, IMO, if there were to be a textbook on how to write a perfect Halloween episode for your sitcom.
HOWEVER, I also have to give major props to Bob’s Burgers and Psych, as complete series, for their CONSISTENTLY excellent Halloween episodes. A lot of series that have multiple Halloween eps really phone it in after one or two, because they don’t have any more ideas for how to incorporate Halloween pastiches while maintaining the overall feeling of the series (tbh B99, while the Halloween Heists are excellent in general, is/has been coming very close to this line, and I think that if they HADN’T had to switch out the Heist to Cinco de Mayo in s6, they would have jumped their Heist Shark [and I think they know it, too, because it was lampshaded in the episode itself]) or they just straight-up don’t have any more ideas for what or how to have the characters they’re bound to parody or pay homage to a Halloween thing after they’ve already done one or two. And let’s be real: those one or two have probably been either The Shining or Rear Window, because those are pretty much the two that every show starts with.
Bob’s manages to make every Halloween episode feel very fresh and organic to the series, which I think they do have some leeway to do because of the nature of cartoons keeping the Belchers living a kind of loop of never aging, yk, but amazingly they’ve only done the “Tina feels too old to trick or treat, maybe? Nope, she’s not 14 yet, so there’s still time!” thing in a way that felt tropey once (in 3x02 Full Bars). They’ve been able to address Tina being 13/in 8th grade, and worrying about it being almost too late for her to keep trick or treating, in ways that were in-character and added to the overall episode in 4x02 Fort Night, 5x02 Tina and the Real Ghost, and 9x04 Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street, without me rolling my eyes at the screen and going “TINA, EVERY SINGLE SHOW WITH A TWEEN IN IT HAS ALREADY DECIDED THAT THE AGE AT WHICH YOU MUST STOP TRICK OR TREATING IS FRESHMAN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL, COME ON NOW” which… at this point, is a Feat. Because like, I’ve POSTED over a thousand Halloween episodes, right? But I’ve watched and screencapped ::checks folder:: 3,905 Halloween episodes since 2014. Which is, um, a. lot. The ACTUAL BEST Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode is 6x03, “The Hauntening,” which is just… achingly perfect television. I know I’ve posted about it before (probably a couple times tbh) but the way that it aired originally back-to-back with The Simpsons 27x04, “Halloween of Horror,” so that the evening of Sunday cartoons juxtaposed eight-year-old Louise whose family worked so hard to scare her like she wanted with nine-year-old Lisa’s family working so hard to keep her from being too scared and make sure that she felt safe… reader, I FUCKIN CRIED. Little girls being deeply loved while also Spoopy Things!!!!!! IS WHAT HALLOWEEN SPECIALS ARE!!! FUCKIN!!!!!! ABOUT!!!!!!!
Psych, though, has the benefit of not really having any, like… central tone to the series? Beyond “friendship” and “having fun with joking,” tbh? So it’s able to do what a lot of series get docked “points” for in my Foolproof Halloween Special Ratings System That Is Completely Subjective To My Tastes And Mood, which is really just run full-tilt into parody and homage without really worrying about overall tonal connection to the rest of the season or series. 1x15, “Scary Sherry, or, Bianca’s Toast,” while it DOES fall victim to the way-too-common Halloween episode trap of making mental hospitals into a Scary Thing (they are a medical normality and a necessary thing for health for many people and should not be feared), is delightful Spooky Fun AND has the benefit of having Shannon Woodward in it.* We all know by now that if an episode of any show has Shannon Woodward as the guest star, it will by default end up being one of the best, if not THE best, episodes of that series. It’s just how having Shannon Woodward as your guest star rolls. I also really like, with Psych’s Halloween episodes, that quite a few of them understand the underlying thematic scope of Horror, which is “The Monstrous Feminine Is A Thing And All Horror Tropes Are Actually About Women’s Interior Lives Because Men Can’t Write Women And Fear Women Always,” yk, in a way that is neither TOO Actual Horror, which I am too afraid of to Do, or too trite and demeaning, which is the other basic trap that Halloween stuff falls into A Lot. Like, Scary Sherry is very much about women villainizing other women, avenging other women, and being in very specifically-female pain, even though Shawn & Gus are still the lens through which we solve the mystery, and so are 4x04 The Devil Is In The Details And The Upstairs Bedroom and 6x03 This Episode Sucks. But they give their Monstrous Females dignity and breadth, which is impressive, ESPECIALLY since they’re one-off guest characters. Also, 3x15 Tuesday the 17th is just plain funny and well-done, like, just give it props for the title alone.
*(Speaking of Shannon Woodward, another amazingly good Halloween episode is Raising Hope 4x07, “Murder, She Hoped,” which is among my very favorite Rear Window homage episodes and has probably the funniest gag in ANY Rear Window ep, in Martha Plimpton floating across the screen in the Grace Kelly silk nightgown and peignoir and announcing that it was on sale at Walmart, can you believe?! and honestly, yes. Perfection.)
Also excellent:
• The Addams Family (1991) + Addams Family Values (1993) • Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WERE GAY FOR SIBELLA AS A CHILD!) • Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'RE GAY BECAUSE THE HEX GIRLS!) • Halloweentown + Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge • Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire! • Z•O•M•B•I•E•S (to a lesser extent, Z•O•M•B•I•E•S 2) • Clue (1985) • Coraline • Corpse Bride • 6teen 2x00 Dude of the Dead • Arthur 21x00 Arthur and the Haunted Treehouse • Lamb-Chop in the Haunted Studio • Arthur 8x04A Fern-kenstein's Monster • Arthur 10x02 The Squirrels • WandaVision 1x06 The All-New Halloween Spooktacular (I KNOW YOU, SPECIFICALLY, DEAR @plavoptice, HATE MCU!WANDA AND I DON'T BLAME YOU, YOUR REASONS ARE VERY VALID! But this is a good Halloween special so I'm putting it on my list In General.) • Boy Meets World 2x06 Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf? • Ghostbusters (2016) • Gravity Falls 1x12 Summerween • Leverage 4x02 Ten L'il Grifters Job • The Loud House 2x40 Tricked! • Mockingbird Lane 1x00 Unaired Pilot • It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (Classic, etc.)
I'm SURE I'm forgetting some that I'll rewatch this year myself. I'm a big Halloween Baking Championship fan, tbh, which is on Discovery+ now so I recommend that if you like mostly-relaxing nice people baking cakes that look like bats and such.
I'm also IMMENSELY INTENSELY EXCITED for The Muppets' Haunted Mansion on Disney+ next week!!!
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night-rhea · 3 years
Big question!!!!
What would Night serve Samantha as a Meal, when Sam ask them for a typical turkish meal?
*overexcited noices* @samshogwarts I HOPE SHE İS READY BECAUSE NİGHT GONNA PREPARE WHOLE BİG DİNNER FOR HER JFJLFMFMMFMFMF I think you will find these, a bit romantic. In a very different way. Turks loves to eat okay, really l o v e s.
We should start with a beautiful soup. Tarhana Çorbası (tarhana soup)! @cres-aragon come quickly its Cres's fave soup!
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"This is a soup that’s made and eaten at home. It’s a comforting, winter family staple. It’s what parents make and send to their kids who are away at uni or working away from home, just so they can be sure their offspring are at least eating one wholesome sensible meal occasionally."
Another famous Turkish dish, Dolma is next!
Maybe calling it turkish dish is wrong? Pff im not really sure. Wikipedia says it comes from Ottoman, but now it also means Balkan's knows that too!
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"Dolma is a family of stuffed dishes from Ottoman cuisine that can be served warm or cold. Some types of dolma are made with whole vegetables, fruit, offal or seafood, while others are made by wrapping leaves, most commonly grape or cabbage leaves, around the filling. These wrapped dolma are sometimes called sarma."
"Dolma is divided into two groups: dolma without meat and dolma with olive oil. Those without meat and cooked with olive oil are called yalanci, meaning imitation.
Meat dolmas must always include rice, or sometimes bulgur. As explorer Pietro della Valle wrote, "If it doesn't contain rice, it is not a Turkish dish." Nevertheless, the end result is always the same–delicious and flavorful stuffed rolls of grape leaves."
And you h a v e to eat dolma with Turkish Yoghurt aka Yoğurt. No, its not like the ones you know.
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(DAMN im so hungry now...)
"Once you cultivate an appreciation for plain yogurt you will have a hard time eating the sweet, fruity varieties, although they too are available in most urban areas. Turkish yogurt is so rich and creamy it more resembles sour cream.
Some varieties are sold with a thick layer of cream or skin on top, called 'kaymak.'"
Next? Mantı!
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aAh my beloved mantı... yes its also yoghurt you see top of it.
"Manti, which is also referred to as Turkish ravioli may vary in size and shape depending on the region from which it comes. They may be boiled, steamed, baked or fried, but the recipe itself is fairly standard. A classic pasta dough is rolled out and filled with a mince of either lamb or beef and onions and spices then folded and cooked. It is then served topped with a garlicky yogurt sauce and sprinkled with sumac, red pepper, oregano or mint.
The making of manti is nothing short of a family affair. Ladies get together rolling, filling and folding these dumplings, spending hours gossiping about the latest news. Aunts and sisters, mothers and daughters, the making of manti is a group effort. Especially if the dish is being served to celebrate a wedding or engagement. However, it would be just as common to make for the family dinner. While dried manti is sold in little shops and at neighborhood bazaars, there is nothing more comforting than homemade manti, it’s almost certainly the extra infusion of gossip that ishomemade manti’s secret ingredient."
You can be sure Night will have one of the best homemade mantı's ever fufufu
My inner chef said Sammy should taste Kısır too. Baş üstüne Chef! (Hai hai chef)
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"Traditionally kisir is made with bulgur wheat, if you are avoiding gluten, you might want to use quinoa, millet or even rice instead. Kisir is one of these dishes that tastes even better the day after so it’s great for making a big batch in advance and bringing it into work the next day. If, like me, you like mezze-style meals kisir makes a great addition to any mezze.
Its zingy, spicy, and fresh taste will excite your palate and its vibrant colours will brighten up your table."
Hey Sammy, wanna something cold to drink? heres your Ayran! (It pronounce exactly like "I run." ) Another yoghurt in our dinner XD
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"By diluting plain yogurt with water and adding salt, you have created ayran. It is a very simple and very delicious drink which is served ubiquitously throughout Turkey. Common with meat or pizza sort meals, ayran is not often offered with seafood because of some superstitious about a negative reaction occurring in your intestines."
Are you full yet Sammy? Good! You ate so much didnt you? Youre lucky we are in the end!
Now we can have one of the best sweet in the world! Baklava!
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"The recipe may sound too easy to be true: chopped nuts are spread in between the phyllo (yufka) layers, dressed with butter, baked and sweetened with syrup or honey. But the excellence depends on the quality of the flour, the thinness of the dough (phyllo) and the proportion of the syrup."
And here something kinda funny:
"There was a special reason for baklava being a favorite among the wealthy families and the Ottoman Sultans with their large harems. Pistachio and honey were the two prime elements and when consumed regularly they were believed to be aphrodisiacs. Cloves of two spices, cinnamon for females and cardamom for males, were added to increase the aphrodisiac effect of the pastry."
See? Its a sweet of riches XD
Every quality Turkish meal must end with tea, and you will be suprised how it will help your stomach after all the things you just ate ✨
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The thing about Turkish meals is, not eating in hurry. I said Turks loves to eat right? Mostly, we love to eat together. Even if you were so busy with eating to talk, when your tea and baklava comes i can guarantee you, you will have such a lovely and warm time with the ones youre with!
Afiyet olsun! (Bon Apetite!)
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haticeaysevenblog · 3 months
A Delightful Culinary Journey at Izgara Finchley
Nestled in the heart of Finchley Central, Izgara Finchley is a hidden gem that promises a culinary experience like no other. As an avid foodie, I recently had the pleasure of dining at this exquisite Turkish restaurant, and it was nothing short of spectacular. From the moment I stepped through the doors, I was greeted with warm hospitality and an inviting ambiance that set the stage for a memorable evening.
The restaurant's interior is a blend of modern elegance and traditional charm, creating a cozy yet sophisticated atmosphere. Soft lighting, tasteful decor, and comfortable seating made me feel right at home. The staff at Izgara Finchley were attentive and friendly, providing excellent service throughout my visit. They were knowledgeable about the menu and offered great recommendations, enhancing my dining experience.
Now, let's talk about the food. Izgara Finchley boasts an impressive menu that showcases the rich flavors and culinary traditions of Turkish cuisine. I started my meal with a selection of mezes, which are small appetizer plates perfect for sharing. The hummus was creamy and flavorful, the baba ganoush had a delightful smokiness, and the dolma (stuffed grape leaves) were tender and perfectly seasoned. Each bite was a testament to the restaurant's commitment to using fresh, high-quality ingredients.
For the main course, I opted for the mixed grill, a hearty platter featuring an assortment of succulent meats. The lamb chops were juicy and cooked to perfection, the chicken shish was tender and flavorful, and the adana kebab had a wonderful blend of spices. The meats were accompanied by a generous serving of rice and a refreshing salad, making for a well-balanced and satisfying meal. The presentation was impeccable, and the flavors were truly outstanding.
One of the highlights of my visit was the freshly baked bread served with the meal. Warm, soft, and slightly charred from the grill, it was the perfect accompaniment to the flavorful dips and meats. It’s evident that Izgara Finchley takes pride in every detail, ensuring that each dish is prepared with care and authenticity.
To complete my dining experience, I indulged in a traditional Turkish dessert – baklava. Layers of flaky pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup, it was a delightful end to a fantastic meal. Paired with a cup of Turkish tea, it was the perfect way to unwind and savor the flavors of Turkey.
Izgara Finchley also offers a carefully curated selection of wines and cocktails, enhancing the dining experience further. Whether you’re a fan of classic cocktails or prefer a glass of fine wine, there’s something to complement every dish on the menu.
In addition to the delicious food and inviting ambiance, Izgara Finchley is also known for its commitment to customer satisfaction. The staff go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels valued and enjoys their time at the restaurant. It’s this dedication to excellence that makes Izgara Finchley stand out as a premier dining destination in Finchley Central.
If you’re looking for an unforgettable dining experience that combines authentic Turkish cuisine with exceptional service, look no further than Izgara Finchley. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, a family gathering, or a night out with friends, this restaurant promises a delightful culinary journey that will leave you coming back for more. Don’t just take my word for it – visit Izgara Finchley and experience it for yourself. You won’t be disappointed!
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sserpente · 3 years
Pastel Blue (Chapter 6)
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A/N: I hate how I have barely had any time to write lately! In all honesty, moving to a different country is quite  the challenge! 😂 I hope you enjoy the new chapter, I can’t wait to dive back into writing excessively, haha! ♥
Jess breathed out, watching how the warm air turned into fog. It was way too chilly down here. She had asked Mobius to install some radiators months ago but he wouldn’t listen. Loki on the other hand seemed to have no problem with the cold at all. He strutted next to her like he owned the place, with his head held high and a dark expression on his face.
M had a point. Despite the collar, it was a risk bringing Loki to a party of all things. But then again… she would be sure to laugh if he jumbled up the celebrations. Dave deserved it, kind of. Frankly, he could be a dick sometimes.
Loki smirked to himself. Her dress was green, with thin shoulder straps and a heart-shaped neckline. He offered her his arm when they stepped into the cafeteria, bathing in the mistrustful looks the whole of TVA eyed them with.
Mobius was stood at the buffet table, holding a glass filled with vodka and a green olive swimming in it in one hand while the other was buried in his pocket. The tawdry music, the chatting and the constant clattering of plates and cutlery made it nearly impossible for him to make out what the senior manager was saying now.
Warily, Loki glared him down. He was either oblivious to his excellent hearing, stupid enough to discuss such clandestine matters in the hallway or… or he meant for him to eavesdrop. Loki held on to the thought. He trusted him to feed him pathetic bits and pieces of information to keep him on his toes, to throw him small bones like a starved dog.
What if he was cleverer than he assumed he was? If he had incited Jess to spend time with him, make him believe she was on his side when she secretly ran off every day to tell Mobius about his behaviour like a child in day-care? If he used her to keep him on a leash in this godforsaken place? Loki gnashed his teeth.
“Look what the cat dragged in.” He mocked when he spotted him. The Trickster narrowed his eyes at him. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Jess rolling hers. Either way, he would not allow them to manipulate him and instead turn the tables. He was the master of mischief, after all.
“Enjoy yourself while you still can, Loki.” Dave added. “There’s a high chance you’ll kick the bucket next week.”
Jess rolled her eyes once more—or perhaps she was still rolling them, Loki was unsure. His eyes darted over to Mobius again, noticing with both dismay and an odd feeling of satisfaction making itself comfortable in his guts how the senior manager studied their interlinked arms.
A thin smile formed on his lips. Oh yes. Whatever your play is, I will turn it against you and I will burn this entire place to the ground until all you have left is a pile of ash and Jess—lovely and delicate Jess—will help me do so whether she is willing or not.
“Suck it up, Dave.” Jess barked. “Do you drink coke?” She continued sweetly then, directed at Loki.
“I beg your pardon?” He leaned forward slightly—close enough for her nostrils to be filled with his scent like she was some goddamn predator sensing its prey. If anything, Loki would be the predator in this scenario. She was but a lamb compared to him—a lamb who could kick his shin but a lamb nonetheless.
“Coke. Black fizzy drink, very sweet, spiked with Whiskey—not normally but definitely tonight.” She cleared her throat and winked at him and, much to his own surprise, his heart skipped a beat upon the flirty gesture. Perhaps this was the very reason he let her grab his arm and drag him away from both Mobius and Dave to plunder the bar.
“Don’t let her get drunk!” He heard Mobius call after him. Loki frowned.
Whoever was playing bartender tonight and doing a terribly slow job with that, Jess paid them no attention. Unceremoniously, she leaned over the counter, grabbing two glasses and a bottle of Whiskey. Granted, Loki knew nothing of Midgardian drinks and how there were properly mixed, he had a feeling, however, that more than half of the glass filled with Whiskey was not the proper way to mix a delightful alcoholic refreshment.
At least, so he had to admit, the view was a rather delectable one, with her backside wiggling around right before his eyes. He suppressed a dark chuckle.
Once she had tapped the faucet pouring a dark brown liquid to mix with the Whiskey and handed him one, she grinned, heaving herself up onto the counter completely and resting her feet on the barstool.
“Skål!” She announced, winking once more. Loki took a sip to conceal how thickly he had to swallow. As expected, the coke-Whiskey-mixture tasted horrible. His face distorted, making Jess laugh.
“There’s no Asgardian ale in this place, I’m afraid. Do you dance? You’re the God of Mischief, you must be dancing.”
Loki raised his eyebrows in response. “Is that all you will do at this so-called party? Drink and dance and then drink some more?”
Jess shrugged. “Never let anyone tell you that alcohol is not the solution. I’ve had some amazing nights forgetting my own name. So?” She downed her drink, slamming the empty glass on the counter so forcefully he feared it would break under the impact. “Do you dance?”
The music, whatever it was, was too slow for Jess’ taste. She’d much rather listen to some techno hits, and some Hip Hop and Dubstep hits to move her body to. It almost felt a little like space. A place to lose herself in, utterly and wholly, a place making her stronger rather than taking her energy away from her.
But Dave had always had a very uninspiring music taste and, given it was his anniversary, the music was unlikely to change anytime soon. Loki’s lips parted when she took his glass from his hand and downed it too. Neither of them expected the jolt of electricity rippling through them when she took his hand and entangled her fingers with his to pull him towards the middle of the cafeteria where Minutemen of all departments, scientists and even some of the security were moving to the music.
“That’s an interesting development after all, don’t you think?” Loki heard Dave say. Jess swirled them both around, her blue eyes closed in an attempt to dream herself into a reality where she could go out with her friends and lose her mind in a dimly lit nightclub surrounded and desired by both men and women alike. She would drink until she had forgotten about her parents and until she had lost her grasp on reality to enter space and be free and independent. Jess did not allow herself to dream often these days, for when she did… the urge to escape this place once more and turn her back on Mobius rose to an extent it brought her physical pain to resist.
“Well, he is charismatic. That doesn’t mean anything, does it? Jess has a weakness for bad boys and Loki is pretty much the definition of that.”
“Please. Thor’s little brother, how strong could he possibly be without his beloved sceptre?” Dave snorted.
“I wouldn’t underestimate him, especially not this variant. I wouldn’t have brought him here if I didn’t think he’d be of use. He’s smart. He doesn’t trust us.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mobius shrug. “We have a good reason not to trust him either. Not yet, at least. I’ve studied his entire life, remember?”
“You are not seriously thinking about removing that collar at some point, are you?”
Loki growled, lest he could not decide whether it was because of how good his palm felt against the small of Jess’ back or the way Dave and Mobius kept talking about him behind his back.
“Now I thought you said he couldn’t possibly be that strong without the sceptre?” Dave replied nothing to that. He did not need to. Mobius had made it clear enough that he was the figure of authority here. There was no way, however, he was going to be able to concentrate on this devilish bureaucrat and his ridiculous attempts to manipulate him as long as Jess’ body was rubbing against his in the most wicked ways. This woman, human or not, knew exactly what she was doing, regardless of the alcohol already clouding her system.
He smirked when another song ended and there was a moment of silence in his heart upon the lack of a loud bass reverberating in his chest. Jess opened her eyes in an almost luscious manner and took his hand once more to pour herself another drink.
He liked the way she took charge. Apart from Sif, she was so unlike all the Asgardian women he had known during his time in the realm he grew up in. Jess was neither offering him her devotion nor was she withholding her affection. His heart jumped upon remembering how she had hugged him in the bathroom. Peculiar.
While she emptied another repulsive coke-and-whiskey-mixture, his eyes caught another buffet table positioned at the other end of the room—one he had not seen upon first entering this absurd get-together.
“What is this?” Jess spun around.
“What is what?”
“This.” He pointed at the table. The cooks had outdone themselves with the number of bowls full of fruit neatly chopped up—the highlight, however, was the massive chocolate fountain bubbling away peacefully and luring every passer-by into tasting it.
“Have you never seen a chocolate fountain before?”
Loki frowned, making Jess chuckle. Heavens, if he keeps doing that, his face might stay like that, she thought.
“Come on, I’ll show you.” Once within reach of the buffet table, she treated herself to a strawberry that she stabbed with one of the provided plastic toothpicks and coated it with chocolate. She grinned when Loki’s smirk returned and copied her with the sole difference of picking a grape instead.
“How does this thing operate?”
“Well, I’m not an engineer but as far as I’m concerned, you pour molten chocolate into the fountain, which is electric, and the pump inside will make sure to keep it flowing. Apparently, Asgard is not as advanced as I thought it was. Chocolate fountains are extremely important for one’s emotional wellbeing, you know.” Jess downed the Whiskey glass she had taken with her. “And so is alcohol. Are you gonna stay here all evening now?”
“I just might.” Loki winked.
“Suit yourself.” She announced, holding up her empty glass. “I’m getting another drink.”
The God of Mischief rolled his eyes and snatched her upper arm, holding it tightly enough for to gasp—and not in a terrified or intimidated way, so he noticed. But either way, he was not going to let her poison herself.
“You’ve had enough, don’t you think?” He snarled, snatching the glass from her.
“Excuse me? Give that back.”
“No. I said you’ve had enough.”
“I’m supposed to supervise you, not the other way around! Now give that back.”
Loki scoffed. “You’ll do a marvellous job with that, all drunk and out of your mind.”
Heavens, not again. Jess gasped for air—a desperate sound swallowed by the loud music and the bass vibrating in her chest. Loki caught it nonetheless. There it was, this figurative magnet, this invisible rope tying him to her like a bloody lap dog.
It was genuine concern purling in his stomach, he did know this much. Regardless of Mobius’ half-hearted request, Loki certainly did not want Jess to get drunk and damage her liver beyond repair. Mortals were fragile as was and yet here they were, stuffing themselves with ridiculous amounts of sugar and fat, spending all day watching silly TV shows and pouring alcohol down their throats like it was water from Mimir’s fountain itself.
“I dare you…” He murmured, his composure on the edge of a steep cliff threatening to overwhelm him, rip all control from him. Jess leaned back some more, a feeble attempt to escape his advances that she did not wish to refuse altogether. “I dare you.” He repeated, jumping in at the deep end if anything to quench the curiosity and feel what his body and, for Heaven’s sake, even his mind had been longing for. What had he to lose? “Kiss me. I know you have been thinking about it.”
He pulled her close again and this time, he was certain to have heard a whimper. Loki’s cock stirred, even more so when she turned her head away and his nose brushed against her cheek.
“Is it Mobius?” He purred. Jess struggled to form a proper sentence in response or even breathe evenly. Eventually, she nodded. “I believe… I believe we have both had enough of this party, have we not?”
Jess bit her lower lip and glanced behind herself. M was engrossed in a conversation with Ravonna Renslayer, the badass time judge she never interacted with much. Well… she certainly was none of her concern now.
“Quick,” she breathed out, “before they notice us leaving.”
You are a grown woman. Loki is a handsome man. It’s obvious the chemistry between you is right. You’re sexually attracted to him and he just confirmed that the feeling is mutual. This is not your first one-night stand. It might not be your last. God, I hope it’s not my last. That man is literally not from this world.
“What are you doing?” Jess snapped herself out of her thoughts when Loki stopped in front of one of the control rooms. The walls were made entirely of glass, revealing a bored security officer staring at about a dozen computer screens in utter darkness. “He’ll see us!”
Loki narrowed his eyes and huffed when he found what he was looking for—the camera monitoring Jess’ unit. Ah… this was indeed perfect. Just like he had suspected. He could see the sofa and the unmade sheets on top of it, and the coffee table with countless peanut bags on it. But even without his powers, nobody would see him sneak along the wall and into Jess’ bedroom.
“There is a dead angle in your unit.”
“So?” He winked again, making her lower regions clench. When he simply kept on walking, she rushed after him like a cat knowing it was about to be fed.
A/N: Muhahaha. In case anyone is interested what song Loki and Jess danced to, you can find it right here!
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formeryelpers · 2 years
Mazza Modern Kitchen, 12050 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, CA 91604
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Mazza calls itself a Mediterranean restaurant; the menu is more eclectic and goes beyond Mediterranean (e.g., chicken tikka meatballs). Even the Mediterranean food is “modernized” – which seems to mean fewer carbs? There was no option to add rice to the meal. The décor and ambiance are very nice – reminiscent of being somewhere on the Mediterranean coast. Choose from soups, spreads (e.g., hummus, baba ganoush), flatbreads (khachapuri!), salads, appetizer, chef specialties (e.g., kebabs, whole branzino, uzbek plov), desserts, and a full wine/beer/cocktail menu. The food is served family style. Portions were good for sharing.
Masabacha hummus ($15): caramelized onions, garbanzo beans, tomato matbucha, adjika chili – served with freshly baked tandoori bread. The hummus was excellent, even Mr. Froyo thought so. The texture was thick and creamy and the additions kept it interesting and flavorful.  The bread was fresh, warm, thick and soft, dusted with sesame seeds – similar to barbari bread.
Kefta kebab platter ($29): Five thick patties with ground lamb, ground beef, and spices, charred veggies, Jerusalem salad with cucumber, tomato, onions, pickles and two sauces: a thick, potent garlic sauce and housemade spicy ketchup. Very tasty. The patties were moist and heavily spiced. The sauces were both flavorful and married well with the kebabs. The veggies were fresh and simply prepared. It was a bit odd since there was no rice or bread.
Mediterranean chopped salad ($16): red cabbage, cucumber, cherry tomato, feta, green apple, jalapeno, olives, red onion, lemon-tahini dressing. I thought it was fine – fresh, lots of ingredients, chopped well. Mr. Froyo thought it had too much dressing and that the elements didn’t come together. The dressing was on the sweet side.
Service was friendly but slow. They forget Mr. Froyo’s salad but they did apologize. We sat in the outdoor patio which had heat lamps and was well-lit. It’s on the second floor of a strip mall that once housed Yogurtland and Studio Yogurt. It was very noisy; we could hear the traffic on Ventura Blvd. The water in the carafe wasn’t chilled at all.
Online ordering and reservations are available. Reservations are recommended. 
4 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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docholligay · 4 years
Chinese Food in The American West
One of the things I frequently come across as a student of the American West* is that people get most of their information from movies and TV and then act like they know things. Wyatt Earp was not a Lawful Good champion who always did his level best even when it was hard to know. (You want Seth Bullock or Bass Reeves). Racism was far more complicated than white vs not white (I’ve talked about this EXTENSIVELY in Strange Empire, so I’m not going to bore you here**). 
And they didn’t just eat steak. In fact, they rarely ate steak. 
Steak as cowboy food isn’t INACCURATE, but it is MODERN. From about the early 1900s on, you had less and less drives and more and more ranchers who were staying put, with less and less hands needed, and so food was grabbed less “on the go.” Cows could be slaughtered and used to feed the family, allowing for more opportunities for things like steak, yes, but also things like chili, a play on sauerbraten, southern-style biscuits. The cattle drives were a real blend of culture and race, and a lot of what we have left as “Western food” owes a great deal to that. 
And if we leave the cattle drives and head into the towns of the American West, as we will today, we find things like oysters, pies, and various things like that. Far more well-heeled than the general expectation. 
I mean, here’s the menu from the Occidental Saloon circa the late 1880s:
Chicken Giblet and Consumme, with Egg
Columbia River Salmon, au Beurre Noir
Filet a Boeuf, a la Financier
Leg of Lamb, Sauce, Oysters
Cold Meats
Loin of Beef, Loin of Ham, Loin of Pork, Westphalia Ham, Corned Beef, Imported Lunches
Boiled Meats
Leg of Mutton, Ribs of Beef, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Russian River Bacon
Pinons a Poulett, aux Champignons
Cream Fricasse of Chicken, Asparagus Points
Lapine Domestique, a la Matire d'Hote
Casserole d'Ritz aux Oeufs, a la Chinoise
Ducks of Mutton, Braze, with Chipoluta Ragout
California Fresh Peach, a la Conde
Loin of Beef, Loin of Mutton, Leg of Pork
Apple Sauce, Suckling Pig, with Jelly, Chicken Stuffed Veal
Peach, Apple, Plum, and Custard Pies
English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce, Lemon Flavor
This dinner will be served for 50 cents.
-I got this from the book “Saloons of the Old West” by Erdoes
But none of that is precisely why I’m here, I just can’t stop myself from talking about this, why I’m here is that one of the things I say that often surprises people, is that Chinese food was incredibly common for the, well, common man to eat. There’s very much a conception that we as a non-Chinese American  people did not start eating Chinese food until the 40s and 50s, and its truer that it took longer to catch on in the American East than the West simply as a matter of proximity and choice. 
Not MORE choice but LESS. Part of what made the West so unique, historically, is that the lack of choice and the basic scarcity caused people to work with and patronize people that their general prejudices would have kept them from using back east, because they had CHOICES. But out in the west, less so. There were few choices for a quick, cheap meal on the go. That dinner I just posted above is a lavish affair, and a great deal at approximately $20.00 in today’s money. (Which does not allow for the fact that cost of supplies has gone up and this dinner would most likely be offered for no less than 70 or so today.) 
People desperately wanted something that was cheap and quick, and the other options in the American West were few, far between, and not intensely pleasing. No one had really come up with the sandwich shop as of yet, and in any case, fresh meats and cheeses would have been too difficult for the low-cost supplier. 
If you have read my Strange Empire blogs, I hope you know that Chinese people were a huge presence in the American West, mostly working for the railroad and various mines, but also doing things like laundry, work that was extremely hard but took little in the way of English speaking. They existed in Chinatowns, for a combination of cultural and legal factors, but it’s a misconception that non-Chinese*** people never went to Chinatown. 
People are not new, and it was not unusual for non-Chinese people to use the laundries, tailoring, and other services of Chinatowns while suppressing the rights of Chinese people int he same breath. There were always individual Chinese people any given non-Chinese person liked and did business with. 
In time, they discovered the inherent wisdom of the noodle bowl. 
I don’t mean to suggest that all these early restaurants served was noodle bowls, but that was where it all started. Remember, Italian food had little prominence in America at the this time, as Italian immigration didn’t really get into full swing until the 1870s in America. While there are noodle traditions half of everywhere, and there is nothing new under the sun, what we today would consider a stir-fry bowl was wildly new to most of the non-Chinese folks in the West. That it could be offered up so cheaply, was so filling, and so delicious (more on this later) was a wild revelation. Everyone from simple cowboys (which, fun fact! Was a slur back then!) to mayors were swinging by Chinatowns to try the dishes. 
By the 1920s, chop suey, a fully Chinese American invention derived from the words for “various leftovers” was a hugely popular American food among all sorts. 
Doc, you may ask, was it just that these folks coming through to get medicines or laundry were SO adventurous? Not at all! Chinese restaurants back then actually, in a very short amount of time, realized that their non-Chinese townsfolk were an excellent way to make money as well, and began to adapt and change dishes to better fit the Western palate, leading what we call American Chinese Food today, which is a legitimate foodway I will defend to my death. Unfortunately, none of these menus survive today--the only ones we have are from places in San Francisco, places that were much more posh, and not the subject of this essay. 
There is a scene in Tombstone where Wyatt and his brothers are eating Chinese food, and it’s one of the things people often ask me about, assuming it’s anachronistic. Actually, it isn’t at all--the anachronism is that there’s broccoli in those noodle bowls, which had not yet hit our shores by the time of the OK Corral. Chinese food was a huge hit, Chinese restaurants were doing extremely well, and some Chinese restaurants were even beginning to attempt to print menus in English, with sit down areas, instead of serving simple fare from food carts. 
As the food from these “chow chow houses” grew in popularity, as we can infer from the advertisements of their competitors promising free potatoes with every meal, and other such niceties to entice, there was, as ever there must be, blowback. Anti-Chinese sentiment grew to a fever pitch, and with this came overt pressure for ‘Good Americans” to patronize ‘American restaurants’. The social pressure is actually where we get some of that old racist jargon about Chinese people serving dogs and cats, which people often think was spread by competitors to degrade the Chinese restaurants, which isn’t UNTRUE, but was just as often said sheepishly by someone who couldn’t stop themselves from going and grabbing a noodle bowl or even the American dishes they offered, such as roast chicken or pork chop sandwiches. 
(I won’t comment with anything but an eyeroll on the bullshit of people saying they’re ~allergic to MSG~ okay I’ll believe you when you stop eating processed food, meat, aged cheese) 
It actually kept this type of reputation as being slightly scandalous well into the early 1900s, as being something you ate after the bar, something to be had in the shadows, but it was all for naught, because Chinese food became an important part of American identity. But for all that, no one ever pictures the Lone Ranger chowing down (the American phrase ‘chow’ for food actually comes from these ‘chow chow houses’) on some chop suey, but there’s every reason to believe he would have. American Chinese food is just as American as the Germanically-influenced hamburger. 
(There’s a whole subtopic to go down about Jewish and Chinese communities and Kosher Chinese Food, two marginalized and othered communities coming together, but that’s a WHOLE other topic) 
(Also someone please buy me Chinese food. This shit always makes me so hungry.) 
*The American West is a specific time period, as far as the study of history goes. It covers the period between the end of the Civil War and the New Century, generally, and is, obviously, concerned with the western half of the country. It doesn’t cover stuff like Lewis and Clark (that’s Expansion) or even the Civil War itself, though you cannot possibly hope to study the American West in any level of seriousness without understanding the Civil War. Anyway! I know a lot about America between 1865 and 1900, and am just knowledgeable enough to be dangerous on everything else. Most History nerds are highly specified like this. We’re not as much help to your trivia team as you think.****
**I actually have had little chance to talk about ~European-style xenophobia~ as it played out in the west, because Strange Empire takes a more modern pass at it. But there was a hierarchy of “whiteness” as well, as still largely exists in Europe, land of intentionally clean ethnostates. 
***I use the term “non-Chinese” instead of white because believe it or not, non-white people were not magically free of racism against Chinese people. It was horrific and BASICALLY every non-Chinese person was guilty of it to some level, a wild-ass level of hatred that led to Chinese folks not being able to PURCHASE PROPERTY BY LAW in ENTIRE STATES. Being Chinese or Native in this place and time was your Worst Bet. 
****I actually was on a competitive trivia team, you DO want me.
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