#the library is a place for LEARNING!!! Not [REDACTED]!!!
drustvar · 2 years
Ch.9: Chameleon
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Sneaking around with a stolen face doesn't go quite as planned.
WC: 3,062 A/N: I know, I know. Another 3k chapter. I just couldn't find a good place to chop it other than its natural ending :"). Rosie's accent really pops a bit in this one, she's stressed AF Ao3 Link in reblog || Full text available under read more.
Rosie quickly began to regret her choice in illusions as Julian spent the entire journey back to the Palace practicing his Asra impersonation. Having to take on Asra’s appearance seemed to have sobered him faster than anything else could have. He also walked at twice the speed she and Portia did, and the two women were out of breath by the time they had reached the bridge to the Palace.
“How do you suppose he’d be feeling at this moment?” Julian asked as he glanced back at them. “Like a lamb entering a den of wolves? Or maybe a wolf entering a den of vipers? Hmm, vipers he probably wouldn’t mind, he and Faust would fit right in.” 
“Well for starters, Asra walks at my pace,” Rosie said as she doubled over to catch her breath. Marble squeaked under his heels as he came to an abrupt halt. He turned to her, his brow deeply furrowed. 
“Faust, that’s the snake’s name, isn’t it?” She nodded, and his brow creased further. He rubbed his temples in irritation. “I-I remember the snake. She nearly squeezed the life out of me, once.” 
“Pythons tend to do that. They’ve got no venom,” she said. He’d been trying to hide the anxious melancholy that had hung around him since they had left the tavern, but it had only become more and more apparent. He had kept a constant, careful distance between them. She wished she could reach out to him, to hook her arm in his and provide her shoulder for support. 
“So it’s safe to say he would be surprised. When he’s surprised, is he more of a…this? Or more like this?” He made an exaggerated expression followed by a slightly less campy one. 
“Neither. He has an excellent poker face.” 
“Hey, Ilya,” Portia said as she grabbed her brother’s arm. “I know this is gonna be a challenge, but try not to talk so much, okay?” 
“Oh no, naturally not. Asra doesn’t talk much. Believe me, it’s hard to maintain such an aura of mystery once you open your mouth.” 
“Maybe he was just quiet around you?” She teased. “You’ve got a real bad habit of doing the talking for everyone, Ilyushka.” The Palace threshold loomed over them. Despite the structure shining beautifully in the sun, it felt hostile. Portia took a deep breath and squared her shoulders before she thrust her arms against the great doors and led the way inside. The doors shut heavily behind them with a sound of grinding stone that made Rosie’s ears ring.  “Stay behind me an’ let me do the talking,” Rosie said as she grabbed Julian’s hand. He murmured something quietly, and she felt his thumb ghost over her knuckles. 
“This is weird, where is everybody?” Portia asked as they made their way through empty marble halls. “Well, uh, where can I take you first, oh great magicians?” 
“The bedroom, of course. Bring us to the room where the dark deed was done.” “Oh dear,” Rosie couldn’t keep herself from laughing. “You had really better let me do the talking.”
“What? I’m doing great! Uh, aren’t I?” “Tone down the theatrics. By like, a lot…and don’t walk like that.” 
“Walk like what? I’m walking like normal!” “Asra doesn’t walk like that, though. He’s kind of…floaty. The way you hold yourself looks more like a hare ready to run for his life.” 
He let out an indignant huff. “And I’m the one being theatrical?” “But am I wrong? Certainly doesn’t help that you’re so much shorter now, no longer as imposin’.” 
Portia sighed and put her hands on her hips. “Guys, as cute as it is to watch you two bicker,” she tapped her foot. “Are we going to the Count’s room or not?”  || The hounds were nowhere to be seen as the three made their way to the Count’s abandoned wing. Rosie took this as a good sign; she had a feeling her illusion wasn’t advanced enough to fool animals, especially if they had known Julian from before. Sounds echoed from the end of the hall, only adding to the haunting atmosphere. Rosie could feel Julian tensing beside her. “Didn’t you say that no one ever comes to these rooms anymore?”
“Nope, never,” Portia said as she peered ahead into the gloom. “In the years I’ve been here, nobody does if they don’t have to. And when they do…Let’s just say there are a lot of stories floating around downstairs. People have heard things, seen things!”  Rosie wrapped her fingers around her amulet, once again reminded of the ghostly being that had cornered her on her first night in the Palace. A faint moan drifted through the rafter just as they reached the door to the bedroom. Julian bristled from head to toe, and Rosie squeezed his hand tightly. Portia turned the handle, and to their surprise the door was already unlocked. Just as she started to push the door open, a crash shook the room from the inside. Rosie swore and pushed closer against Julian as the door swung open before them. The room was a flurry of activity on the inside; servants scrubbed at every surface, trying to dislodge years of grime. Huge, sweeping  streaks of ash coated the wall behind the canopied bed. The Countess stood beside it, her eyes wide as she looked at each of them in turn. 
“Portia, there you are.” In a flash, her composure had returned. “Hello, Rosie. It is good to see you are well again. As you can see, we are at last attending to the ruin of this room. There have been a number of…curious accidents.” She paused, her eyes settling on Julian-Asra. “Who is this?” 
“I am the majulian—magician Asra, here to help my apprentice help you, Countess.” As Nadia stepped closer, Rosie could feel the hair on the back of her neck begin to bristle. “Asra, at least we meet.” “Y-yes, I’d have offered my help earlier you see, but I was on a, uh, quest to open my third ear.” “Third…ear?” 
“Eye! He meant eye. I’d had an ear ache so ears ‘ave been on the mind, isn’t that right, dear?” Rosie shot him a look that effectively shut him up.
“I see. Well,” Nadia paused. “I simply thought we might have met before, but you are indeed a stranger to me. Or perhaps my eyes deceive me; it is terribly dim. Perhaps if that lamp was lit?” The Countess pointed to a sconce covered in cobwebs, too high on the wall to be reached without magic. From the corner of her eye, Rosie could see Julian swallowing hard. “Oh, goodness!” Rosie shouted and pointed to a darkened corner of the room. “What in the world could that be?!” As the Countess turned, Rosie made sure to step between her and Julian. “What is it? Oh, my.” Rosie had hoped that she could shrug it off as a rat or a stray cobweb, but no, something was actually there. The portrait of the late Count was smoking. Its eyes appeared to be dripping red, as if they were bleeding. Several of the servants gasped, and one even fainted into the arms of another. “That is uh, that is a bad omen.” 
“Indeed,” The Countess’ voice was quiet and unwavering.
 Portia laughed nervously and clapped her hands. “Oh, don’t worry about that, milady! I’ll take care of it!”  “Don’t go near it,” Rosie said in a hoarse whisper. But Portia didn’t hear her, just grabbed a nearby ladder and hurried to the portrait and scrubbed at its eyes with a rag. Rosie wheezed and clutched her amulet as she watched a shape form in the corner, white smoke rising and coalescing  into a vague, human sized shape. She reached behind her for Julian, who clutched her arm. To her horror, the smoke darted across the room and slammed into the ladder.
“My heavens, Portia!”
Portia landed in the Countess’ arms as the ladder came crashing down.
“So quick!” Julian said, as Rosie hung onto his arm, trying not to shake. “That was a feat of amazing foresight, Countess. Almost as if you saw the future. You may have uh, abilities in magic.”
Nadia gave him a curious look as she set Portia on the ground. “I wonder…Perhaps when I am through here, I shall join you both in the investigation.” 
“In the library!” Portia said, having recovered from her fall. “Investigating the library.” “Yes, a perfect place to start. I believe you keep the keys.” 
“I, uh, yes! Yes I have them," she coughed and waved some lingering dust away. "Follow me." As soon as the door had shut behind them, Rosie grabbed their hands and dragged them to the end of the hall as fast as she could. Once they had put some distance between themselves and the Count’s room, Julian’s fine control of the Asra facade broke. His face split into a grin, one that was unmistakably his own. 
“I think that went well.” “Oh sure, fantastic,” Portia said as she punched his shoulder. “Well, what do you think, Rosie?” Rosie didn’t answer, she was still staring back the way they had come. “Rosie?” She jumped and hissed quietly when he put his hand on her arm. “Sorry, I,” she ran a hand through her hair and tried to breathe. “I’m sorry. I-I cannae go back there, not again.” Julian put an arm around her and pulled her close, trying to comfort her. “E-everytime I’ve been there somethin’ happens I-” she shook her head. “Let’s just…Let’s just get to the library.” The Devoraks exchanged a brief, worried glance. “Of course. This way,” Portia said, leading the three once more away from the darkened wing.  ||
The illusion Rosie had cast fully unraveled once the locks on the library door clicked behind them. It was as if a sheer fabric dropped off Julian’s frame and evaporated like dew, how quickly “Asra” vanished. 
“Well, that was certainly an experience,” he said, looking at his arms—now his again. “I may not know magic, but there’s definitely something going on here. Something beyond my knowledge. Luckily for us, we’re at a library, so let's see what we can learn.”  The pair began to snake through the stacks, weaving through the shelves that rose up around them like protective walls. Julian’s eye scanned the rows quickly as his fingers fluttered over the spines. Rosie followed his lead as they slowly made their way deeper and deeper into the shelves. By the time they had reached his desk, he had grabbed at least a dozen different books.
“All these books, and I just kept coming back to this same old desk, just around the corner. It’s coming back to me…it’s close at the back of my mind. I can just taste it.” 
“Right. Let’s get studying then, I suppose.” Rosie said, before she noticed his gaze lingering on her before he bashfully looked at the ground. 
“Are you mad at me?” 
“I’m not mad at you,” she said as she grabbed one of the books from the pile and began to flip through it. “If I were mad at you, you’d know.” 
He sighed and looked past her. “You’re not, huh? You know, Rosie, they do say there’s such a thing as being too forgiving.” 
“I was never mad, but I was—I am, frustrated,” she snapped the book shut. “You’ve no idea how much I want to help you. I dunnae care the cost. I mean, what have I got to lose, really? I’ve not got much, if we’re being completely honest.” 
Julian opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand to silence him and continued. “I know, you would love for me to be angry. To be acting like a woman scorned and to punish you. But that’s not how I feel. You punish yourself enough as it is.” 
He didn’t respond, his eye had grown wide as he quickly stepped around her and stood in front of the desk, staring at it. It was still cluttered and unassuming, but not exactly. She could tell it had been touched. “This isn’t just any desk…this is my desk.”
“Pippin didn’t do this,” Rosie murmured as she stared at one of the drawers that had been left slightly ajar. “Pippin? Who’s Pippin?”  “My familiar.” 
He didn’t dwell on that information, he was instead fixated entirely on the desk. He started to frantically dig through its contents; papers fluttered in the air, covered in meticulous drawings and logs. Rosie plucked one from the air and studied the image: it depicted a scarab beetle of some kind. Something about it drew her in, so much so she hardly noticed how still Julian had gone. His arm was trembling; clenched tightly in his hand was an oily metal key with a red stone in the eye. As she stared at it, she could feel the blood roaring in her ears. Something about that key…it felt so familiar. As if she had had one of her own before. But that couldn’t have been possible, she reasoned. 
“This is it. This is what was calling to me,” Julian spoke quietly. “Don’t ask me how I know, but I know. It’s not any of these old scrawlings. It’s this!” He tossed the key in the air, snatching it on the way down and pocketing it; a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. “I’m one step closer.” He grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the desk, an adoring grin plastered on her face. “If it wasn’t for you, dearest Rosie, I’d still be two behind.” 
“I really didn’t, oh!” He swept her around victoriously in his arms, only stopping when his nose was an inch from hers. “Rosie-”
A horrible screech came from the window, sending them scrambling to hide in the nearest corner, pressing close together as they tried to stay as far out of view as possible. She watched him, the way he swallowed nervously and the sweat that beaded on his brow as they both stared at the window, fearful of discovery. He took a slow, deep breath, his face  reddening as his chest pressed against hers. 
“Just…just a bird. Sorry,” he said. His gaze slowly drifted downward, pausing at every point of contact between their bodies. He bit his lip as a low groan rumbled at the back of his throat. 
‘Already?’ She thought as she raised a brow at him. 
“About everything, I’m sorry,” he said as he hung his head, looking to askance to face her any longer. “I don’t know what I was thinking, pushing you away like I did. Temporary madness, driven by despair, I guess. It perhaps goes without saying that I find you very, very attractive. Whether,” he paused as he took another shaky breath. “Whether I’m destined to hang or not. And if by some miracle, you see something attractive in me, too. Ah, but for what? I pace, I drink, I tear my hair out. And I still don’t know what to do. Rosie…what do you want me to do?” He finally looked at her, a fiery passion burning in his eye. 
“Stop moping and kiss me,” She grinned at the way his eye widened and the way he stared her down, as if unsure he’d heard correctly. “Do I need to repeat myself?” She took a step closer and pressed a hand to his chest.
“Well, if you insist.” 
Gloved, leather fingers grasped the back of her neck as he pulled her in, his lips meeting hers eagerly, ravenously. She was surprised by how needily he kissed her, and her heart fluttered as his other arm came round the small of her back, tipping her off balance. She clung to him, her fingers tangling in his hair.
“Easy baby,” she murmured. She could feel his heart racing, practically beating out of his chest. “You’re so worked up already,” she said as she brushed hair out of his eye, her nails following his brow. She murmured soothing words as she tried to guide him to rest his head beneath her chin. But he suddenly pulled away, giving her a suffering look. She could tell he was about to launch another miserable tangent, one that they would both undoubtedly  regret. 
“Don’t speak,” she said as she reached up to cup his face. Her long nails rested on his cheekbones, just below his eyes. “I didn’t give you permission.”
She pulled him close again, herding him back against the wall as she kissed him. Her kisses were slower, less about hunger and more about savoring him. She lifted her leg and hooked it over his hip, making him groan and press closer against her.
“Oh, hello,” she purred as something firm pressed against her thigh. His breath audibly hitched as one of her hands started to trail down his chest. “Oh, if we had the time, the things I would do,” Julian said after he broke his lips from hers. “Who says we don’t?” She asked as she traced his jaw. “And, I dunnae remember giving you permission to speak yet, did I?” 
“Oh, uh, no…” He sighed happily as she kissed him again. She tangled her fingers in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. 
‘What are the chances we could be caught right now?’ She wondered. ‘Even hidden in the stacks…if we were both arrested…’ But her worries were quickly chased off as Julian leaned back against the desk, pulling her onto him. “Don’t mind those,” he said, nodding at the books that fell unceremoniously onto the floor. “Hadn’t even noticed,” she grinned as she tilted his head back and exposed his neck. He moaned low in his throat and arched as she pressed teasing, open  mouthed kisses against his throat. Just before she could sink her teeth into him, a noise from beyond the library doors startled them. 
“Ah! Milady! Finished up so soon?!” Portia’s voice came from the other side of the door, the cheerfulness in her voice barely masking a worried tone. “That’s a surprise!” Nadia’s words were indecipherable from beyond the door, but just the faint sound of her voice was enough to make Rosie’s blood run cold. 
“That’s our cue,” Julian whispered. He patted her hip as he ushered her out of his lap and into the shadows. 
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trollprincess · 2 years
So my hometown is building a community center, and some people are livid there’s going to be an LGBTQ+ presence. Since I’m not sure I trust my hometown newspaper to publish the letter to the editor I just wrote, I’m going to post it here with some names and whatnot redacted.
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter in regards to the proposed community center, and the response which appeared in your newspaper.
My name is Jennifer. Many of you know me well. You went to school with me, you’ve worked with me, you know my parents or my brother. You know me as the bookworm who learned to cross the street just to get to the library, the bundled-up woman walking her barky beagle mix down Main Street, the friendly girl with the colorful hair who tries to smile at everyone she meets.
I grew up here. I remember buying penny candy and comic books in a store which burned down years ago, picking up groceries for my grandmother in another store which is now just a public eyesore, and writing my self-published novel in a cafe which changes hands only to fail every oher year. I have spent the vast majority of my life living in [this town].
I’m also bisexual.
The proper term may be more like pansexual. As described by a character on a certain sitcom, “I like the wine and not the label.” It’s the person I love, not the body parts. And in part, that might make me demisexual as well, meaning that I am only attracted to people after I get to know them well.
That last paragraph might be confusing to some of you. It’s not hard. I don’t like everybody, but I keep my options open. Better?
I questioned for years whether or not I was bisexual or pansexual or straight, but I was never - not once in my entire life - afraid that if I told my parents I was not straight they would hate me or reject me. I’ve got great parents. My mom and dad love me more than any words I could summon up can describe. And what’s upsetting for me right now is how many people in this town I thought felt the same about me, or about their own children, don’t.
I don’t remember when the people here became so cruel. Am I just seeing the past through rose-colored glasses? Probably. I don’t think I remember anyone here being so cruel and filled with hate, and then I recall my high school years in the 90s, when “gay” was the worst slur you could call someone. I don’t want to think that people I’ve known since I was in kindergarten have been bigoted all this time, but then a memory will slip through of some racist comment or grumbled slur someone I thought was a nice person I could trust said.
Now, sometimes, I’m afraid in my own hometown.
I shouldn’t have to be. No one should have to be. Hence, the community center.
Putting aside the LGBTQ+ community, this town needs somewhere where kids and teens can go. I grew up here and every time we came close to having somewhere to go, it would be snatched away in a heartbeat, only for the adults to wonder why teens were out kicking out the slats in the gazebo or burning the playground equipment. Go outside and play! Just don’t hang out here, or there, and definitely not downtown, and nowhere around people. And God forbid, not in groups.
A community center is something this town has desperately needed for decades. Decades. A place where we can go in the rain, where kids can go to hang out safely with our friends, and where we can learn about each other’s differences.
I’m sick of the cruelty I’ve seen in this town - from older folks, from people with inflammatory bumper stickers on their car, even from members of the town council. I’m sick of that cruelty not being called out by others around them because those people “grew up in a different time” or “are my friends, I can’t tell them not to say that.” I’m sick of living in fear of the cruelty of my own neighbors. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Why is it important that LGBTQ+ people be included in the community center? For the same reason non-Christians should be included, and people of color, and others who are different. Because some of you are so ill-informed you think gay people are recruiting (we’re really not, although we appreciate you think we can agree on a grocery list, much less an agenda), that we’re grooming children to molest them (oh, if anything cut down the possibility kids in this town would get molested, it was tearing down most of the churches), and that transgender people are going to go around forcing people to be a different gender and cutting off people’s genitals (please stop thinking about other people’s genitals, it’s rude and gross).
Talk to us. Listen to us. We’re actually pretty nice. And not just us, but other people who have different life experiences than you. That’s the whole point of a community center - to learn, and to grow, and to become a better person by correcting the harmful beliefs you carry with you.
I’m going to close my letter with a quote from Waymond Wang, a character from “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” He said, "The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind. Especially when we don't know what's going on.”
Thank you.
[Yours truly, fuckos.]
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alanna-artroid · 9 months
Jackbox Headcanons!
I felt like sharing some headcanons today. Just a few ideas I have for some of the hosts. I'll label each appropriately.
Master Mentalist:
He's skilled in various forms of magic. Hypnosis is just his favorite/specialty.
Rarely, if ever, raises his voice. He always speaks in a calm tone. Even if he's angry, which is also a rare occurrence, he'll still never raise his voice at someone. If HE'S mad at you, you've REALLY messed up.
Knows hundreds of ways to help people relax/get a good night's sleep. Good teas, soothing music, relaxed muscles, the works. It's easier to hypnotize people when they're relaxed. Helps get them into a trance.
That being said, he's TERRIBLE at going to sleep himself. He has tired eyes for a reason. It's not that he can't go to sleep, he just refuses to sleep at a decent time. The boy will stay up all night if you let him.
He enjoys hypnotizing the other hosts, just to see how they're affected by hypnosis. (With their permission, of course) Some of them are fighters, taking a considerable amount of time. Others soak it up like a sponge, rapidly falling into a trance.
As his (distant) cousin, he knows Schmitty very well. MM has been busy running his show, but they've kept in touch over the years. When Schmitty recommended him to Jackbox, he was on board with the idea.
Speaking of Schmitty, MM ADORES the Quips. They're just too cute! Likewise, the Quips really like him too. (Then again, the Quips like everybody) They really like playing in his magic hat.
He's easily startled by loud noises. It's one of the few times his voice is raised. He'll let out a loud yelp or squeal when he flinches. He no likey.
Jerri Rig
Is very logical in her approach to things. You HAVE to be when dealing with time-travel tech.
Can make all sorts of gadgets and gizmos out of anything. She DID turn a fridge into a time-travel device.
Secretly gets really excited about things. She tries to hide it as if she doesn't care, but you can see it in her smile.
Slightly cybernetic. The big box on her head DOES come off, but she prefers to keep it attached. Patches up a HORRIBLE head injury she suffered a long time ago. Let's just say there's a reason the box only has one eye.
Has a love-hate relationship with Master Mentalist. She often tries to find scientific explanations for his magic and is frustrated when this doesn't work. He finds it amusing. <3
Plays mini golf in her spare time. That's how she got the idea to use LOW scores for Time Jinx.
Acts sassy but actually really cares about people. She knows all the Time Jinx players personally since they're all time travelers.
Likes to listen to music while she works. Usually, remixes and electronic music.
Dictionary Keeper
Half angel, half devil. Mostly takes after her angelic side but can whip out her devilish features if needed.
Lives in a library in the clouds. More specifically, there's an apartment-esque part of the library she lives in. Her area has all the living essentials. A cute kitchen, a cozy bedroom, even the bathroom is pretty.
The ULTIMATE book nerd. She's read SO many books and is always eager to get more for the library.
Super friendly. She'll happily welcome anyone into the library. When she worked on Pack 6, she quickly befriended the other hosts. Even [REDACTED] was no match for her overwhelming sweetness! (They're dating.)
Finds words in the strangest possible places. In her sock drawer, in her hair, on her balcony, anywhere!
She's learning how to play the piano. This is shown in the credits song, which she performs herself.
Uses Dixie as a nickname, as Dictionary Keeper is a bit of a mouthful.
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top 5 places you've learned something new! like museums, schools, performances, et cetera
5. Morgan library (the lindau gospels. need I say more.)
4. [PhD university redacted] race, religion and monstrosity in medieval literature seminar (I am a big monstrosity guy so.)
3. Angela Davis guest lecture when I was doing my MA (speaks for itself)
2. roundtable on medieval kinship and indigenous studies that I went to last spring (it was an entire day long and so wonderful)
Bodleian library Tolkien exhibit 2018 with all of his original manuscripts and drawings (coolest experience of my life)
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bnyrbt · 7 months
Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old Oklahoma high school sophomore, was beaten by three girl classmates in the bathroom of Owasso High School on Feb. 7. On Feb. 8, Nex – who identified within the Two Spirit, transgender, and gender nonconforming (2STGNC) umbrella – was declared dead at the hospital.
Now LGBTQ+ Oklahomans are mourning the loss of a straight-A student, a Minecraft fan, and animal lover – a teenager – in a school district previously targeted by Libs of TikTok’s Chaya Raichik; Raichik now sits on the statewide library advisory board. In 2023, Oklahoma censured the state’s only nonbinary representative — not to mention signing into law a bill forcing public school students to use the bathroom associated with their gender assigned at birth; advocates are currently closely watching several anti-trans pieces of legislation.
Before Benedict’s name was made public, a source who claimed to be the mother of Benedict’s best friend told a local outlet the cause of death was “complications from brain trauma,” and that “three older girls were beating the victim and her daughter in the girl’s bathroom.” (We are not linking because the story uses Benedict’s deadname. According to Freedom Oklahoma, it’s not presently clear which pronouns Benedict used, so this story will refrain from using pronouns for Nex.) The anonymous source also alleged that Benedict couldn’t “walk to the nurses’ station” without assistance and that the school did not call an ambulance, while the school claims they were unaware of the fight until informed by a parent; on Feb. 20, the school backtracked, acknowledging that students saw the school nurse after the fight.
Texts allegedly sent by Nex after the fight to a family member, published by an Owasso Fox affiliate on the 20th, began, “I got jumped at school 3 on 1 had to go to the ER… They had been bullying me and my friends and I got tired of it so I poured some water on them and all 3 came after me. School did not report to the police and is probably getting sued [redacted].”
Benedict’s grandmother Sue, who also adopted Nex, brought Nex to the hospital after the fight, then home again; the next day, Nex was brought back to the hospital and was pronounced dead. Sue told The Independent that Nex was suspended for two weeks from school on the day of the fight; Sue also mentioned that Nex had been bullied throughout this school year.
“Nex did not see themselves as male or female. Nex saw themselves right down the middle. I was still learning about it, Nex was teaching me that,” Benedict told The Independent. “I was so proud of Nex. They were going some place, they were so free.”
Multiple outlets and individuals, including Oklahoma newscaster Wendy Suarez, as well as Freedom Oklahoma, the state’s LGBTQ+ advocacy org, connected Benedict’s death to the appointment of Raichik, who’s been accused of “stochastic terrorism," to the state’s “Library Media Advisory Committee” in January by the state’s Secretary of Public Instruction, Ryan Walters. According to the Independent, a “teacher who Nex had greatly admired” resigned in 2022 after Raichik targeted them on social media. Raichik has denied any responsibility in Benedict’s death, and has instead misgendered Nex repeatedly in social posts. As for Walters, in a 2023 video released by the Oklahoma Department of Education, he utilized transphobic rhetoric. He has also banned students from changing their gender on school records.
“All 2SLGBTQ+ Oklahomans deserve the safety to thrive,” reads in part Freedom Oklahoma’s statement about Nex Benedict’s death. “And that is becoming increasingly difficult, especially for 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Oklahoma schools who face a growing list of targeted harms from bans on access to playing sports that align with their gender, to single sex bathroom and changing room restrictions that further ostracize and endanger students, non-consensual outing by school officials, shrinking access to safe adults at schools because of mandatory outing policies, censorship in school libraries that results in less 2SLGBTQ+ representation, chilled speech that makes 2SLGBTQ+ identities all but erased in school spaces at all, and a list of newly proposed harms making their way through this session with rhetoric that drives 2SLGBTQ+ hate, especially hatred of and harms towards 2STGNC+ people.”
Some outlets reported that Nex Benedict was a member of the Cherokee Nation. On Feb. 20, Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr., the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, issued a statement clarifying that “Upon searching our database, we have no indication that Nex was a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. However, Nex was a child living within our reservation and deserved love, support, and to be kept safe.” The Independent’s coverage of Nex’s death claims the family “trace[s] part of their roots to the Choctaw Nation.”
For days following the attack, there was little news released on Nex’s identity, let alone identifying Nex as the child involved. On Feb. 20, as news media caught onto the story, both Owasso Public Schools and the Owasso Police Department issued an update on the investigation into Nex’s death, claiming they were still confirming the cause of death, and with the school district stating they are cooperating with authorities. The unnamed parent of Benedict’s friend claimed in the above-referenced interview that "at one point, one of the girls was pretty much repeatedly beating [Benedict’s] head across the floor."
“All of this takes place within the context of a Legislative session where Oklahoma policy makers are seeking to worsen the sense of isolation, erasure, and targeted harm 2SLGBTQ+ students face in an already hostile school environment,” wrote Nicole McAfee of Freedom Oklahoma in an Instagram post on Feb. 19, detailing a weeks’ worth of anti-LGBTQ legislation up for consideration in the state.
On Feb. 19, State Rep. Mauree Turner, Oklahoma’s only nonbinary representative, held a moment of silence for Benedict on the state house floor. In a video of the moment, Quorum Call reporter Tyler Talley observed that “while many members did quiet, some [members] continued with their conversations.” Last spring, Rep. Turner was censured within the Oklahoma state legislature for allowing a protester at a trans rights protest in the House to shelter in their office.
“Every day I get more angry that we, politicians, no matter your party affiliation are aiding in a transgenocide,” Rep. Turner wrote in a statement posted to their Instagram. “I think about how after I read Nex’s obituary on the house floor, a Democrat came to me and said well we don’t know if they actually died because of the beating… But we absolutely do. Nex’ death is a direct result of a failed administration in a public school that didn’t value the life of a trans student. A failed administration that was empowered by a failed local government who has created open season, and more specifically a transgenocide in Oklahoma.”
A GoFundMe launched by the family has recently surpassed $75,000. (Nex’s deadname is listed on the GoFundMe, which the family has called an accident.) Sue Benedict told the Independent the funds will “go to children dealing with the right to be who they feel they are.”
���Nex had a light in them that was so big, they had so many dreams. I want their light to keep shining for everyone,” she told the Independent. “That light was so big and bright and beautiful, and I want everyone to remember Nex that way.”
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[ OSCAR ISAAC, 40, MALE, HE/HIM ] Welcome to Antioch, Gael Córdova! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for four months and are known to be intuitive yet distractable. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re an FBI Investigator for the Vampire of Antioch case, but most know you for your work as a [Redacted]. We’ll see you around town soon!
Character Name: Gael Abelardo Córdova
Face Claim: Oscar Isaac
Birthday: August 14th, 1983 [40]
Place of Birth: Austin, Texas
Zodiac: Leo
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
MTBI: ENFJ [Protagonist]
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Lawful Good
Occupation: FBI Investigator
Place of Work: Currently stationed in Antioch
Subplot Affiliation: Federal Investigator for the Vampire of Antioch
Positive Traits: Intuitive, Friendly, Enthusiastic, Fun-Loving
Neutral Traits: Perceptive, Strong-willed, Persistent, Confident
Negative Traits: Distractable, Stubborn, Nosey, Condescending
Languages: English, Spanish, Latin
Love Languages: Words of Affirmation [Giving] Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation [Receiving]
History You know the guy who seems to succeed without really trying? That's Gael. The middle child and an only son between four sisters, he was already ahead of the curve by standing out to his parents. He displayed an early affection for chemistry and physics, and took childhood self-defense classes so he could, in his words, "beat up anyone who looked at his sisters funny". Things that followed him throughout his adolescence were his quick learning skills, ability to seemingly make friends with anyone, his passion for science, and his dedication to their household religion. He spent almost as much time at the Parish as he did in the library, the computer labs, the lab labs, and the neighborhood park. Just before earning his BS in Chemistry, one of Gael's close friends went missing, seemingly overnight. Search parties were conducted, the local authorities were alerted, Gael himself spent tireless nights and days looking, desperate to find the man who had a wife with a child on the way and a promising future in neuroscience... but nothing came up. The FBI was contacted. They didn't find anything, either. Three weeks later, his body was dredged from the lake. From there, Gael's goals seemed to pivot. He became obsessed with forensics in chemistry, bothered the FBI agents who'd gotten involved, demanded to know why they took so long, why it didn't seem to be that big of a deal or a priority for them. They fed him excuses that he didn't believe, but it took one agent in particular to pull him aside and tell him that if he wanted to change things and make a difference so fewer cases like Gael's friend happened, that he should step up to the plate and do it himself. So he did. The minimum age requirement for joining the FBI was 23 - Gael was in that door with his application the day after his birthday. He met the physical requirements, the mental and emotional baselines. He was young, enthusiastic, ambitious, and already had knowledge in forensics and information gathering. ...He was told to spend some years on the police force. So he did that, too. Three or so years with the police seemed sufficient enough to them. He was recognized as a gifted profiler (despite never having done anything relating to that field before) and had genuine empathy for everyone who needed it, but was content to remain a Special Agent, being sent to where he needed to be, helping anyone he could... offering that support where his missing friend didn't get it. He always was a go-getter.
Extras *** Contrary to how most other agents treat their badges, Gael doesn't prefer to show his off at every opportunity. He also doesn't use his status as a special agent as a threat unless someone is actually breaking the law. *** He loves cats! Well, he likes most animals, but cats are his ultimate favorite. He can and will get distracted if he's allowed to pet your animals. Except for frogs, he doesn't like those. They weird him out. *** On a scale from 0 to 10 Gael is an absolute zero on believing in the supernatural. Everything has a reasonable and scientific explanation and while he won't flagrantly insult others who do believe in that stuff (ie most of Antioch), he's a skeptic down to the bone and refuses to accept anything at face value. *** He plays a handful of stringed instruments and considers himself to be a suitable singer, though he only does it as a hobby. Obviously. *** Gael's a man of action! He likes physical activity, playing sports, going for jogs and sometimes even chasing down criminals. He's rather short (at 5'9") but he's still pretty fast.
Wanted I || Buddy System - Gael's "new" in town. He's also single and sooooort of ready to mingle, finding himself between wanting to keep his presence in Antioch purely professional and what he actually wants to do and that's have fun, grab a drink and find someone who can keep up with him intellectually as well as physically. This could be your character!
Wanted II || The Chase - Your character is a criminal, either by way of something in their past or an event that's yet to be determined. Gael is nothing if not a bloodhound and while he's currently in town for reasons unrelated, that doesn't mean he won't subtly start applying pressure to your character, whether or not they're actually guilty. He likes to think he's good at what he does, and his sense of justice is seemingly insurmountable.
Wanted III || Every Movie has Those Rivals, Right? - Enemies! Rivals! Whether it's because he's part of a government agency and that inherently makes him untrustworthy to your character, his subtle better-than-you and condescending attitude grinds on their nerves or they just don't like how he boldly proclaims that he can outperform anyone else doing something he's competent in, your character takes this as a challenge. How exciting, he does too! He's always wanted to have a rival!
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we-were-never-gone · 8 months
welcome to the academia!
I'm Zak and I will be your guide through this wonderful definitely safe place!
…pǝuɹɐǝʅ ǝq oʇ ʇou sʇǝɹɔǝs ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ
learn about this world and [redacted]
tread carefully! and don't get lost~
who you can speak to:
Zak - he/they - his personality is quite... lets say cheerful - loves books, enjoys floating around places as well as looking after little kids and can change his appearance from a child to an adult, ALWAYS in the library... (or his study...) (who even is he?)
Ran - he/it - a grumpy teen who always hangs out near the 3rd floor stairs... he sometimes looks like he's on fire...
Dio - he/they/it - an outgoing half-elf who is quite nerdy, but his sunshine personality makes up for it! always hangs out in the library. Zak's younger cousin. Oval - she/he/they - a person who rarely speaks, a person of few words... she [redacted], will speak like 'this' (if she even does of course...) (she might speak to you if she warms up to you!) always floats around the school.
Ui - they/them - an angel thats dumb and stupid but lovable in a way. yeah thats it. Eio - she/they - a selfless half-elf... would do anything for her precious brother Dio... but will get unhappy if Dio is mistreated... (unhappy is an understatement)... is the second little cousin of Zak.
minors only allowed in appropriate situations!
over 25 please do not interact, no maps, terfs, pedos... etc...
@idonoiyo runs this blog!
mod uses he/they pronouns and accepts light nsfw requests but still dislikes them, so please refrain if you can! the mod is a minor!
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godza · 11 months
i rlly need to whip mediareccs back out. here are super quick flash manga reccs
night fragments: crying screaming bc it has a similar plot to my oc story but i swear i was there first. there are people called dream watchers who make sure you have good dreams. im mad at everybody in the comments acting like the eventual plot twist isnt obvious. like god are you dumb its obviously redacted. bl btw its super cute and painful
ice cream line: bittersweet bl about expectations you place upon yourself from outside influence. more sweet than bitter it just kinda gets rough in the middle
in the clear moonlit dusk: prince x prince but its straight. its like if a butch got a boyfriend but its super cute and sweet. made me wanna punch a wall. such nice art everything so nice
princess of sylph: yuri between a princess and a nun. gets kinda weird sometimes and i wouldnt read it just for the romance its a really intriguing plot and simple yet beautiful art
zeikin de katta hon: id like to thank my mutual. slice of life about a delinquent who gets a job at a library. i learned so much about how libraries work it gave me more respect for them. silly and light read
marriagetoxin: a guy from a prestigious hitman family has to get married and have kids so his sister doesnt have to break up with her gf. he enlists the help of a marriage swindler to find a future wife. absolutely balls to the walls ridiculous. nothing can prepare you for how silly it is. i love it.
ok thats enough i hope we all have a good nights sleep and maybe youll read some of these
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semper-legens · 1 year
92. Guantánamo Diary, by Mohamedou Ould Slahi
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Owned: No, library Page count: 372 My summary: The heavily censored and redacted diary of Mohamedou Ould Slahi during his imprisonment in Guantánamo Bay Detention Centre, detailing the torture and inhumane experiences he received as a prisoner of the United States government, without ever being charged with a crime. My rating: 5/5 My commentary:
Guantánamo Bay is one of the most despicable places I've ever heard of. It's essentially just a torture chamber for people the US military blame for terrorist incidents - regardless of if they were even involved. Such is the case for Mohamedou Ould Slahi, the author of this diary, who wrote it while incarcerated in Guantánamo Bay. He was never charged with a crime. He gave himself up voluntarily to authorities for what he thought would be routine questioning, and was essentially kidnapped from his home in Mauritania to Jordan to Cuba, without his family's knowledge. He was unable to communicate with the outside world. He was at the mercy of his captors. All he did wrong was cross paths once or twice with people involved in 9/11 and be related to one. True, Slahi was a member of al-Qaida...back when it was being funded by the US. This story, though the book was published before this happened, has somewhat of a happy ending. Slahi was released from Guantánamo Bay in 2016, and is a free man today. By some definitions. His passport was not returned, so he can't leave Mauritania. Not to treat his nerve condition, not to see his newborn son in Germany. And he can't work or vote. Some freedom. His story is hard to read...but essential, to learn about the horrific abuses of power in this system.
Like I said, this diary was declassified and this book published before Slahi's release. It appears in a heavily redacted form, and the editor chose to leave in redacted words and passages to show what is missing. The editor also leaves footnotes with his speculations on what might appear in the redacted sections, either pointing out some context that allows us to fill in the gaps or where the same information is later unredacted. Large sections where Slahi describes some of the worst tortures he faced are completely blanked out. Names and ranks of interrogators and guards are also removed. In a few cases, they redact the pronouns relating to an interrogator - which just makes it clear that the interrogator was a woman. (They don't do that for any male interrogator, I have no idea what they think they're hiding.) Some of the redactions are simply heartbreaking. In one footnote, the editor expresses disbelief that the military apparently redacted Slahi saying he was crying. The censoring of information reveals more than it hides - not that the information that remains isn't horrifying enough.
Slahi is not shy about detailing what happened to him. Sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, starvation, isolation, force feeding, beating, stress positions, religious humiliation, sexual assault...he's been subjected to a lot over the fourteen years that he was incarcerated. He describes his interrogations with a sense of hopelessness - the interrogators already 'know' that he is guilty, and will accept nothing less than a confession from him, despite the fact that he has nothing to confess. At various times he attempts to make up a confession so they will leave him alone, or at least charge him with a crime, but they don't. He applied for a writ of habeas corpus and a judge ordered his release in 2010. The Department of Justice appealed the decision, and blocked his release along with the release of other prisoners. It took another six years for him to finally obtain the limited freedoms he has today. And yet, through it all, Slahi doesn't seem to blame his captors as individuals. He has met up with one of his guards after his release, and constantly says that he believes certain guards were good people. It's the US he blames for his incarceration; that, and Mauritania for allowing him to fall into their hands. This is an incredibly powerful and eye-opening book, and though it wasn't exactly fun to read, it was certainly informational. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about the severe breaches of human rights in Guantánamo.
Next up, time for something terrible and yet less horrifying, and a mutiny among castaways.
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bidokja · 1 year
Someone in the comments section of a manhwa was like "oh but I heard the [sssrh] webnovel went to shit after the murim arc" and I have never been more furious RAVIEL'S ARC IS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE ONE IN THE ENTIRE NOVEL
I. WHAT??? WHAT????? I LITERALLY CANNOT IMAGINE HAVING SUCH LITTLE TASTE. not only raviel (GOD TIER CHARACTER. THE GIRL ALL TIME.) but the events in the aegim empire introduce and build upon such important elements/mechanics within the story. AND has such wonderful beats for other characters (heretic inquisitor...augh. also the way it makes you cry for a charcter you LITERALLY NEVER EVEN ACTUALLY MEET. butler ;-; i love you...)
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nowoyas · 5 days
Edible Arrangements Masterlist ‖ vampire!Midoriya Izuku/Reader
Navi ‖ FAQ/Rules ‖ About ‖ Master Masterlist ‖ read this fic on ao3
(currently in the process of fixing links after a url change. chapter-to-chapter navigation to be fixed asap, but these links should work in the meantime. alternatively, consider reading on ao3)
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status: completed!
summary: In a fit of financial desperation, you turn to the internet to find yourself a sugar daddy. Izuku Midoriya is far from the respondent you expected, but you find that you like this arrangement much, much better. (vampire!sugar daddy!Izuku x human!college student!reader)
warnings and tags: Blood, biting, swearing, mild angst, frequent mentions of organ trafficking, brief religious/christian undertones, panic attacks, alcohol use (not underaged), some sexual content, seriously why does organ trafficking come up so often I swear I’m a normal human being, vampire hunters and their feelings towards vampires
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mainline EA
🩸First Bite: (Blood) Sugar Daddy ‖ After some time of talking, you meet your prospective sugar daddy in person. He’s not what you’d expect, not by a long shot—he’s so much better.
🩸Second Bite: Move-in Day ‖ After a week of packing and dealing with your old landlord, you move in to Izuku’s house, explore a bit, and then go out for coffee with a friend.
🩸Third Bite: Libraries ‖ Your search for information turns up two checked-out books and a campus occult club that meets every Tuesday. You spend some time organizing Izuku’s library and also scaring the shit out of your roommate.
🩸Fourth Bite: Hunting ‖ In your hunt for information, you attend a meeting of the campus occult club. You meet some people there you’d rather not meet a second time.
🩸Fifth Bite: Lunchin’ ‖ You go to your monthly lunch date with your three closest friends. They’re just a little bit concerned about your new roommate.
🩸Sixth Bite: Meet the Parents ‖ The day of the dinner party arrives. Izuku tries his best to make a good impression, while you try your best to convince your friends to give him a chance.
🩸Seventh Bite: Afterparty ‖ After the dinner party, you and Izuku cope separately, together.
🩸Eighth Bite: New Information ‖ You have a lunch date with Tenya to discuss Friday’s dinner. Today is not a good day.
🩸Ninth Bite: Shopping ‖ You cool down from your shitty day with a much-needed distraction.
🩸Tenth Bite: Taking Notes ‖ You study, sleep, avoid questions, and at the end of the week, finally actually meet with Hitoshi to work on the group project.
🩸Eleventh Bite: Doors ‖ You search for the missing book in Izuku’s library. If anything else happens, you can’t say.
🩸Twelfth Bite: The Weekend ‖ Days pass. Izuku begins acting weird, and you try not to act weird, yourself.
🩸Thirteenth Bite: Exploration #1 ‖ You complete draft one of the project, explore a suspicious place, and harass Hitoshi with all this sweet new information you learned about serial killers instead of working on said project.
🩸Fourteenth Bite: Rumbling ‖ The natural conclusion of the knowledge you’ve gained.
🩸Fifteenth Bite: Knots ‖ You wake up with a very large housecat on top of you. Business as usual. Later, you have an unprompted lunch date.
🩸Sixteenth Bite: Smash ‖ Hitoshi comes over to work on the presentation. It devolves.
🩸Seventeenth Bite: A Talk with Tenya ‖ It’s once again time for lunch with your friends. You have an argument to smooth over first, though.
🩸Eighteenth Bite: Aid ‖ Izuku picks up the pieces.
🩸Nineteenth Bite: Habit ‖ Night falls. Three times makes a habit. There’s only one bed.
🩸Twentieth Bite: Friendship ‖ Tsuyu and Mina pay the Midoriya household a visit for updates on Tenya’s condition.
🩸Twenty-First Bite: Unraveling ‖ Tsuyu and Mina learn some things. Izuku learns some things. [REDACTED] learns some things.
🩸Twenty-Second Bite: Awakening ‖ Everyone’s awake now. The dust has to settle eventually.
🩸Twenty-Third Bite: Working on It ‖ After several days of recovery, you finally return to classes and confront your problems head-on. Also, you get asked on a date.
🩸Twenty-Fourth Bite: The Halloween Episode ‖ You force yourself through the rest of your meeting with Neito and lay out ground rules. After that, a dinner date for the best Halloween of your life.
🩸Twenty-Fifth Bite: Apology Fruit ‖ After a saved date, you and Izuku return home, where he pops the question he’s been toying with for a while. Preparations and work ensue.
🩸Twenty-Sixth Bite: Vampire Kitten ‖ You and Izuku acclimate Sbeve to the house. The day of presenting finally arrives, and then you work on your OTHER group project.
🩸Twenty-Seventh Bite: Friendsgiving ‖ It’s nearly Friendsgiving! You finalize your project with Neito and have a good time with your friends.
🩸Twenty-Eighth Bite: That Night ‖ You and Izuku share a relaxing night after your friends go home.
🩸Twenty-Ninth Bite: Anchor ‖ Winter break begins. You and Izuku spiral separately together.
🩸Thirtieth Bite: New Year, New You ‖ You host a New Year’s Eve party for friends and foes alike, and ring in the new year the only way that matters.
🩸Thirty-First Bite: January ‖ January flies by as you begin a new semester. Izuku falls deeper and deeper. You begin to fear you may never pull him out
🩸Thirty-Second Bite: Genres ‖ Life isn’t just the romance genre.
🩸Thirty-Third Bite: Recovering ‖ Neito attends his first therapy appointment. You head out with Tenya to cope.
🩸Thirty-Fourth Bite: Heist ‖ Fuck yeah axe throwing and heists!
🩸Thirty-Fifth Bite: Safety ‖ You wake up in the hospital.
🩸36 ‖ [name] finds somewhere to stay. The world moves on.
🩸37 ‖ Some pieces are picked up. Some are put back together. Some fall back apart.
🩸38 ‖ Izuku’s nightmare scenario, and the silver lining. For just a moment, he catches a glimpse of you among the despondency. 
🩸Thirty-Ninth Bite: Snap ‖ You’re making amazing strides. So is the hunt.
🩸Fortieth Bite: Polycephaly ‖ You remember everything now.
🩸The Final Bite: Thirst ‖ You wake up.
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spinoffs and extras
🩸Almost Wet ‖ Izuku doesn’t sleep often, but when he does, it’s not uncommon for him to dream, and dream vividly. ‖ smut
🩸EA!Izuku waking up next to you ‖ Drabble of an early morning holding each other close. ‖ fluff
🩸Enemy Spotted ‖ In which you have a pen with a built-in laser pointer. ‖ crack
🩸He wakes up in your arms ‖ Short alternate POV drabble for Fifteenth Bite. ‖ fluff
🩸Legs Spreadable Arrangements ‖ You dream sometimes, too. Tonight, you dream of Izuku. ‖ smut
🩸Vampzuku and a reader with periods ‖ small snippet regarding how our favorite Broccula would act around the reader when they have a period
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shadowedstardust · 5 months
the antichrist, [redacted]
pairing - none. sabrina spellman-centric.
summary - Maiden says, “As the sun becomes the moon.” Mother says, “And the daughter is ravaged by the Earth.” Crone says, “The powers of Satan’s progeny will awaken.”
warnings - multiple references to christianity
word count - 758 (tried not to make it too long, made it way too short)
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Hecate gained a devout worshiper in Sabrina when her Aunt Hilda’s hand burst forth from the Cain Pit. Hecate settled into her soul when her reverence became clear and filled it with acceptance.
And Sabrina didn’t have much of that these days.
She was always too… something. Too wild, too tame, too unknown, too powerful.
Hecate knew all of these things and more and accepted her. That was all Sabrina needed.
She prayed to Hecate every morning, noon, and night. Leaving offerings at her altar that disappeared the second they left her sight.
A feeling of warmth always rested in her soul after her prayers. She feels better worshiping Hecate for a month than the Dark Lord for over a decade.
And she feels this is why Hecate bestows the information on her.
Maiden, Mother, and Crone stand before her.
And Sabrina drops her knees.
Maiden says, “As the sun becomes the moon.”
Mother says, “And the daughter is ravaged by the Earth.”
Crone says, “The powers of Satan’s progeny will awaken.”
“1st John, 2:18,” they say together. “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard the Antichrist is coming…”
Sabrina wakes with a gasp. A cold sweat on her body… but a warmth lingers in her soul.
It takes her a week but she decodes the prophecy. Ambrose would’ve helped if she asked, but she didn’t want him to know.
She didn’t want anyone to know.
As the sun becomes the moon. Her sunny blonde hair became platinum white after signing the Book of the Beast. And the daughter is ravaged by the Earth. She winced thinking of the Sabrina encased in stone, rotting there while she lived. The powers of Satan’s progeny will awaken. 
Sabrina looks over to her father standing beside her throne and rolls her eyes. She didn’t see what fathers were all cracked up to be so far.
“Why must you roll your eyes? I’m simply standing here.” Lucifer complains.
“We agreed you wouldn’t talk today”
She sees Lucifer roll his eyes in her peripheral. It’s the same way she rolls her own.
After her coronation, she fashioned an agreement with her father. She comes down to Hell twice a week for a couple of hours to learn more about the workings of Hell and spend time with her father. It’s not the best but it's not the worst either.
Sabrina hops off her throne and brushes her hair out of her face. She’s been forgoing her headband lately. New prophecy, new hairstyle. “Can we go to the library?” She’s never been but it was on her map of the castle.
“Together?” Lucifer asks.
“That's what we means.” She can’t let him get a big head. She’s still way too awesome to be his daughter.
“So, what are we here for, daughter?”
They’re walking through the halls of the castle’s library. It’s vast and the books are placed on golden stacks, she assumes they’re actual gold. The floor is covered in a painting that reminds her of the Sistine Chapel except this features more shades of red. The glass ceiling provides a wonderful view of Hell’s red sun and grey clouds.
(Ambrose would love this, she thinks.)
Beside her, Lucifer brags that it’s the largest collection of books in the Infernal Realm, holding books from the Library of Alexandria and unfinished manuscripts stolen from the Mortal Realm.
Sabrina raises an eyebrow. Lucifer continues. “Mortals may be below us but they are masters of the arts.” She follows him through more stacks until he stops and gestures to a wall. “Here we are… the Wall of Records.”
Thousands of small metal drawers cover the wall, all a wonderful gold. She’s beginning to see a theme here. A ladder rolls along the wall, not gold but silver.
“Hold your hand out,” he instructs. Sabrina does. “Now, say what you want in your royal voice.”
She doesn’t take a deep breath, though she wants to, but it would tremble. “The Antichrist,” she says in a strong, loud, and clear voice. They had spent an hour perfecting it while her handmaidens dressed her for her coronation.
A card flies out and only one book is on it.
An Encyclopedia of the Antichrist by Lucius Meyer.
Two days later, Sabrina returns the book to the library. Lucifer asks, “How was it?”
The Antichrist has no strict fate to destroy the world or be smitten by Jesus Christ upon his return. The Antichrist could destroy the world or not… no one truly knows.
shadow spiels!
sabrina is one of my top tier characters. i love her above all others. the potential she had was insane. anyway, i saw the antichrist theory in an article or on reddit and ran with it. not very far though.
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tenfoldtranslation · 8 months
It seems like the discourse trail following the announcement of using AI on the simulpub release of Ancient Magus Bride is still steaming.
I have a chance to touch on it during my panel on translating manga, but I'm not sure how much to incorporate yet. I've been thinking about what adjustments to make for a while, but I haven't tinkered with my slides at all yet. Back in October I had one slide that borrowed a comparison of subtitles from Spy x Family that sparked a good discussion, but we only had three people in a small space, so I don't think a convention panel would be as conducive to such a discussion, plus my panel's about manga, so I really need to not make it any wider than the 60 aspects I already want to talk about.
But anyway, the other thing I wanted to get down while I was thinking about it is, now as I'm reading ahead on [redacted], I'm definitely noting places where my notes on them just read 'I'm so getting cancelled for this'. Global warming has come up at least two times. There's one time where a girl goes in the boy's bathroom and that's about all it really says about that, it just brushes by that topic ever so lightly. Another thing about orphans/servants that it just sort of cleared up but still feels awkward (though I don't think that goes in the 'woke' lane of cancelled, probably the opposite actually). Anyway, I learned about self-censorship during library school, and I've definitely started to do it more on tumblr than I used to on my main blog (I am the world's worst arguer so it's mostly to just not stick my nose in where I might have to defend myself) but... I guess my point is that it can be hard not to self-censor, but to make the opposite (same?) point as people criticizing 'woke' translations for not translating literally, we do have a duty in this case to actually translate the 'woke' parts 'wokely'.
As a finally thought on this completely unsummarized post, I was also thinking lately about how there's always so much discourse between anime/manga etc. fans, and I think it really just goes to show how much it appeals to EVERYONE. It's so appealing that even people on both (all?) sides of the culture war find something that keeps them watching and reading. It's really hard to find something like that where people are willing to gather in the same spaces nowadays, so even though people still aren't willing to listen, it still has potential as a place to have dialogue.
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oudelinc · 1 year
Building Your Own Discord Bot A Step-by-Step Guide
Building Your Own Discord Bot A Step-by-Step Guide. Looking to create your own Discord bot? Follow our simple step-by-step guide and learn how to create effective and useful bots for your community.
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List of blogs you will read in this content:
1. What are Discord bots? 2. How to create a Discord bot 3. Why Use Discord Bots? 4. Conclusion 5. Frequently Asked Questions
Ah, conflict! A virtual haven for gamers, friends and internet giant. But have you ever wanted extra help managing your server? A little digital minion to do your bidding and fulfill your every wish? Look no further, my friend, for a Discord bot, here to save the day!
But what are these mysterious creatures, you may ask? Fear not, because I’m here to guide you through the wonderful world of Discord bots with humor, wit, and maybe a few terrible puns. So let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of this fascinating digital entity!
What is a Discord bot?
A Discord bot is an application that automates tasks and adds additional functionality to your Discord server. Instead of bringing your tea, think of it as your digital butler; It can play music, control your server, and even tell jokes (if you program it to be funny).
In more technical terms, a Discord bot is a project that uses the Discord API (Application Programming Interface) to interact with the Discord servers. It can read messages, send messages and redact actions based on received order.
But why do we necessity Discord bots, you may ask? Humans are known to be oblivious creatures, prone to making mistakes and overlooking significant details. Discord bots, on the other hand, are tireless machines that can redact repetitive tasks with ease and precision, freeing up your time and energy to focus on more important things, as debating the merits of pineapple on pizza (it’s a crime, I tell you).
How to Create a Discord Bot
Discord bots can be a great collation to any server, bringing new features and functionality. If you’re looking to build your Discord bot, you’re in the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make and deploy your bot.
Create a Discord app and bot.
Go to the variance Developer Portal and create a new application
Add a bot to your appeal and customize your bot settings
Copy the bot token to use in your code
Set up your development environment
Select a programming language and IDE for your bot
Install any required packages or libraries
Set up your code editor to work with your elect language
Use the Discord API documentation to construct your bot’s functionality
Authenticate your bot using the token you copied formerly
Test your bot locally to make sure it works as expected
Deploy your bot on a server
Choose a hosting platform for your bot, such as Heroku or AWS
Make a new server and connect it to your hosting platform
Deploy your bot code on your server and test its functionality
Add your bot to your Discord server
Create an invite link for your bot
Invite your bot to your server and check its permissions
Share your bot with others to expand its use and impact.
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Why Use Discord Bots?
Discord bots are a valuable addition to any Discord server, as they can perform a wide range of tasks and provide useful features for users. From controlling channels to playing music and sending automated messages, here are some reasons to use the Discord bot.
Automatic work
One of the main reasons to use a Discord bot is to automate tasks that would otherwise require a lot of manual essay. For instance, a bot can be set up to welcome new users to the server, assign roles based on certain criteria, and send reminders for upcoming events or deadlines. This can save time and essay for server controller and administrators.
Improve user experience
Discord bots can also improve the user experience on the server. For example, a music bot can be used to play music for users, and a reaction role bot allows users to define their own roles based on their interests or preferences. This can help make a more engaging and interactive environment for users.
Moderate channel
Other significant use of Discord bots is to moderate channels and enact server rules. Bots can be set up to automatically delete messages that contain special words or phrases, mute users who break the rules, and even embargo users who repeatedly violate server guidelines. This can help maintain an immune and welcoming environment for all users
Streamline communication
Finally, Discord bots can be used to streamline contact on a server. For example, a scheduling bot can be used to aid users schedule meetings or events, and a poll bot can be used to collect feedback or opinions from users. This can help confirm that communication is clear and organized and that everyone on the server is on the same page.
A Discord bot is a program that can automate tasks and redact various functions, such as sending messages and responding to orders based on user input.
Discord bots use a pre-built bot framework or code with a programming tongue like Python. Discord offers a developer portal to manage bots, set permissions, and earn access tokens.
Discord bots enhance the user experience by automating tasks, providing entertainment, and controlling chats They integrate with external services to provide information and alerts.
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steadystudyparty · 2 years
Thursday 24.11.22
Mood of the day:
Rockland ~ Gracie Abrams
Today was D-Day! I had my first midterm at 11am. First got really scared because the professor watching us was the one of the subject of Saturday’s midterm and thought that I was ready for the wrong one. But I studied for the right one, I guess I was just stressed.
Honestly I don’t think I recall ever being so ready for an exam. Of course I could have done better if I just learned how to write prettily and if I had a couple more hours to plan my redaction ahead and never forget a thing, but I think I did pretty well for the time I was given. I wrote 15 pages and people have been saying the teacher apparently stops reading after then 10th one so there is that. I would be so upset losing point because of something like that, I really knew every single landmark cases, could quote them all by heart, there is maybe one little thing I was not 100% certain about but everything else? I was sure. I am glad it’s behind me. Now I have to focus on the second one on Saturday.
My besties waited for me, I finished my finals at 2pm and we all grabbed lunch at the place we used to go every week last year. The waiter still remembers all of our orders despite us not going there in a month. It feels like home.
We then went quickly to Germany to grab coffee … let’s say….
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I then had to leave them because I had my rowing class and I walked there. Honestly I was not motivated and almost pretended I couldn’t go but I was so energized when I left, despite the harsh training session we went through. I felt like I could run ten kilometers.
I am heading to bed early because I am going to the gym with one of my besties early in the morning (right before the library opens).
I think sport could be my thing just like going to the library is if I keep trying.
Also, I am so impatient to listen to Indigo by rm. I just know I will find comfort in his songs just like I did in mono. There is something about his voice. I can’t even put it into words.
I want to start playing the guitar again. To compose my songs properly.
0 notes
hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“I’ll say it every second of every day if need be, I love you."
Warnings: N/A
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Words: 2.8k
Summary: James Potter is desperately in love with you.
Part One “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her, not me.”
Part Two "James, you’re a right knob head sometimes. She loves you.”
(Hi! This is part three of my James Potter series. Feel free to read those before hand!)
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It was odd to see you without James. It seemed that after the Gryffindor party, you had disappeared. It was rare to see you during meal times and you were nothing but a passing figure in the corridors, fleeing before the boys could stop you. It wasn’t just Remus you were dodging, Sirius could barely find you in a crowd and Peter had spoken to you all but once these past few weeks. James, it seemed, was taking your absence the hardest. He frequently turned to his side to tell you a witty or inappropriate joke only to find that you weren’t there. Living without you was torture. Living without the person he loved was torture. And, what made it worse, was that it was his doing that brought this fate upon the Marauders. Remus Lupin, to put kindly, was extremely fed up. He missed his friend and found himself quite lonely studying in the library. And if he were to catch you somewhere, reading or doing homework, you were quiet and reserved, almost fragile to an extent. So, Remus made it his mission, after a grueling day of classes, to find you. He stalked the halls, peering left and right, checked the Astronomy Tower and the Owlery and the kitchens. It was only until he found you, tucked away and unseen, in the back of the library that he let out a sigh of relief. 
Remus pulled a chair from the table and sat down, staring at you intently. “Right, Y/N. This has got to stop.”
“What are you on about, Remus?” you asked, raising your eyes from your book that you were barely reading.
“Don’t play dumb!” Remus used his hand to refer to you, “This has got to stop. It’s become ridiculous.”
“No, just listen to me. I don’t want to raise my voice or become angry, but you’ve beyond frustrated me. Y/N, this has got to stop, you cannot go on like this.”
“Go on like what?” you asked sharply.
“Like this!” you knew exactly what Remus was talking about. You had become quite skinny, almost gaunt like. Your body adorned an old knitted sweater that James had given you after his growth spurt. It engulfed your body and swallowed you whole. Your face has lost its colour, and your paleness reached all over your skin. You looked sick. Lovesick, if you will, and suffering from heartbreak and losing the battle. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you gazed back at your book, hoping Remus would leave.
“Damn it, Y/N. Stop it.” Remus slammed his hand on the table, making you jump. Remus had never raised his voice at you, but looking in his eyes, you could see how desperate he was. Remus redacted his hand and shook his head, “I’m sorry.” he whispered.
“It’s okay,” you said reassuringly, reaching to place your hand on his.
“I’m worried about you.”
“I know,” you said truthfully, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb, “but I’m alright.”
“No, no you’re not, Y/N. This isn’t you. The person sitting here isn’t you.” Remus trailed off. If this is what love is, Remus thought, then maybe he didn’t want it. He could see how this was tearing you apart, inside and out. “Everyone misses you. James misses you.”
“I miss you too,” your voice quivered a bit, hearing James’ name struck a blade in your throat.
“He’s not the same, y’know? Have you noticed?” 
You couldn’t say you had. Every time you had seen him in the corridor or in the common room, you practically ran away. It was utter agony to see the man who you so desperately loved, not love you back. But, if you had lingered, if you stayed for mere seconds, you would have seen how broken James was. He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair as he usually did, but the smile was nearly blank and his hair was pulled nervously. 
“I know,” he sighed, “But at least think about coming back, okay? It’s scaring me to see you like this.”
You nodded, “I love you, Moons.”
Remus squeezed your hand, sending you a worried smile and stood up to leave you alone with your thoughts. As you sat there, you found yourself playing with James’ sweater, fiddling with and pulling out the loose strands. You feared that this was the end of yours and James’ friendship, perhaps even for good. You weren’t sure you could go back to being friends, it simply felt too emotionally difficult to be nothing but mates. You couldn’t do it. A small part of you wanted to be angry with James. In fact, you wanted to be furious at him for toying with your feelings like that. You wanted to scream and send him a jinx that would cause his head to become an octopus. Maybe then he’d see how much he sucked. But, you couldn’t. You couldn’t even be annoyed. The only thing you could feel was the throbbing hurt of your broken heart and helplessly missing a certain James Potter.
Sirius had become just as frustrated if not even more frustrated than Remus. He had become fed up with constantly telling James to grab life by the balls and tell you how he truly feels. It became too much when James was fidgeting during breakfast before his second Quidditch game.  
“James Middle-Name-That-I’ve-Forgotten Potter!” 
James looked up alarmed, “Padfoot? What’s wrong? You never call me James,”
“You! You’re what’s wrong.”
“Padfoot, don’t do this right now, I’m already nervous enough for the game.”
“This is the absolute last time I’ll say it if you don’t tell Y/N how you feel, I won’t talk to you for a week and we both know that’ll be right awful.”
“I’ll do it! I swear, I’ll do it, it just has to be the right time. And-and now, it’s just not.”
“Then when will be the right time?” Sirius prodded, “In a year? Two? When you’re old and wrinkled?”
James bit his lip, knowing full well that Sirius was right. “I’ll tell her at the party tonight,”
Sirius rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Yeah, like that turned out well last time you did that.”
“Well! I-okay? It’ll be fine!” James groaned loudly. Why was he such a coward?
“I mean it, James. Do it, or you’ll regret it.” Sirius pointed. “I didn’t pretend to be Y/N and fake kiss you for nothing.”
“You were the one who pretended to kiss me!” James accused,
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it.” Sirius clicked his tongue.
“I didn’t,” James said. 
Although James felt joyous over his quidditch game win, he could feel the nerves bundled in his stomach. As he reached the common room James swallowed harshly and plainly greeted the partying Gryffindors who congratulated him. 
“Drink of firewhiskey?” Someone offered him, James shook his head.
“No thanks, mate. All yours.”
James searched the common room, his eyes scanning the heads of the bouncing and swaying students. His brown eyes locked with Sirius who sent him back a pointed look with eyebrows raised. He had to do it. He had to do it now. James Potter blinked, hoping to find you somewhere in the crowd with a smile on your face that he so loved. James pushed against the throng of students before reaching Remus who was leaned against the wall.
“Moony,” James said with relief.
“There you are! Hold on,” Remus fixed James’ glasses that seemed to have come askew and crooked on his nose. “Two wins in a row, how bloody lucky are you?”
“Yeah yeah,” James waved it off before asking frantically, “Where’s Y/N?”
Remus’ face dropped and his eyes showed nothing but wariness, “Why?”
“I need to tell her something.”
“Have you been drinking again?”
James shook his head rapidly, “No. Where is she?”
“Prongs, I think-”
“Moons, I’m sorry, I don’t have time for this. I need to see her, I need to see her and tell her I love her. I need to do it and I need to do it now,”
Remus’ eyes lifted in surprise, “Oh.”
“I know, I know. But, where is she? I need to find her.”
Remus’ thoughts were racing horses and he seemed to piece together what was happening, “James.”
“Please, Remus. Please tell me where she is.”
Remus bit his bottom lip, “I think I saw her in the courtyard, sitting in one of the window sills, but-” Before he could continue, James spun around and hurried out of the common room. 
Sirius strutted over and slung an arm around Remus’ shoulders. 
“Is he going-”
“And does Y/N feel-”
Sirius turned his head with a wide grin, “Thank god. I was nearly ripping out my hair waiting for him to tell her.” Remus hummed in response. As Sirius seemed to quiet, Remus turned to him with questioning eyes.
“I need to tell you something-”
Remus interrupted him, “You pretended to be Y/N for James, didn’t you? That’s why you pretended to wear a dress.”
Sirius sighed pathetically, “Yeah. And I kind of liked it.” 
James could feel the sweat begin to bead on his forehead, and the adrenaline run through his veins as he looked the corridors for you. This was it. James could feel it. He was ready, he was in love with you and nothing else seemed to matter but the idea of you. You. He loved you. He would rip the skin off his back to keep you warm or swing upside down on a tree with his trousers off just to make you smile. 
It was cold. Cold enough to feel a brisk breeze on your shoulders and cold enough for you to wrap yourself in your arms. You enjoyed the quiet, at least you learned to enjoy it. You debated on returning to the common room to attend the party like Remus and Sirius had begged you to, but you quickly decided against it. You stared up at the stars that blinked back at you. Though you were absolute bollocks at astronomy, you found yourself counting the stars, seeking a constellation, or maybe even guidance. A cloud brushed over the dark skies, the twinking stars disappearing into the darkness. You sighed and stared at your feet until you heard something. What was that? It sounded almost like thunder, pounding against the corridor floors. As you curiously faced the source of the noise, you could barely make out a tall figure bounding towards you. You could make out their messy hair that seemed to stick out everywhere. Messy hair. James. It was James. He ran towards the courtyard, pausing to look madly all-around before spotting you. James Potter froze, his mouth coming agape. The adrenaline and rush that he had previously felt faded every slow step he took towards you. Your hands instantly became sweaty and you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes from his. Should you run? Maybe, if you hurried now, you could make it back to your dorm in minutes. But you stayed. You stayed, watching his every move until he finally reached where you were sitting.
“Hi,” he whispered, barely trusting his voice right now. 
“Hi,” you said back, your voice shaky and low. His eyes looked towards the free space next to you on the bench, a silent question if he could sit. Your eyes widened as you scooted over allowing James to sit. It was silent, something neither of you were used to. Before, it was rare that you two had a minute of quietness between you as the conversation seemed to bounce naturally. But now, it was hushed. James clenched his hands nervously.
“Congratulations on your win, James,” you said sincerely, surprised that you had even said something. James inhaled. He didn’t want to talk about quidditch. He didn’t want to talk about anything, he wanted to lean in and kiss you and tell you how much he truly adored you.
“I need to tell you something.” James let out.
“No, please? Let me talk.” You stayed silent,
“I made a mistake at the last party.”
“Really, we don’t have to talk about it. We can just forget about it.”
“No, I don’t want to forget about it. It was a mistake. But not in the way you’re thinking. It was a mistake because I shouldn’t have told you how I felt like that. I feel like a right prat and, and.” James lost his words for a moment before clearing his throat, “I should’ve never told you I loved you when I was drunk. And, I should’ve never pretended I had forgotten about it either.”
This was painful. He did remember, he just ignored it. You managed to pull your lips into a small smile, “James. It’s okay. It didn’t mean anything, we can just-”
“No, that’s the thing. It did mean something. It meant something to me. I have been trying, constantly trying, to find a way to tell you, but I’m terrified of losing you.” 
“You’d never lose me-”
“Y/N, you little shit,” he let out a small joke making you laugh, “Will you please be quiet because I swear I’ll go mad if you don’t.”
“I...  I adore you.” James said finally. Your hands went cold and you struggled to breathe. It was a trick, wasn’t it? Or a nightmare? Or were you daydreaming in the library again and you’ll soon be woken up by the sound of a book dropping? 
“It’s true. I adore you. I think you are frustratingly annoying sometimes when you lose at exploding snap, when you argue with me I go a little insane and sometimes you snort when you laugh. I had this whole speech planned out and I was supposed to have flowers, but whenever I see you I just. I lose myself a bit. But, I think you’re amazing.” James shifted in his seat, getting a good look at you. You were thin and had bags under your eyes, but you were still just as beautiful as you were when you were children. “And I. I love you.” 
“Have you been-”
“No. I haven’t been drinking. I’m as sober as a nun and I can say now, finally, that I, James Potter, am terribly and irretrievably in love with you. I have been and always will be.”
You sat there stunned. James bit his bottom lip nervously, looking up at you, eyelashes on his cheeks as he wondered what you were thinking. He had an anxious smile on his lips.
“Say it again,” you said softly. 
“I love you.” James reached and interlocked his fingers with yours.
“I love you.” You let out a breath of shaky air, your lungs could implode. You couldn’t help it. Tears welled in your eyes, you couldn’t even blink them back in time. You could taste the salty tears slip down onto your lips as you began to cry. James looked alarmed and raised his hand to cup your cheek softly wipe the tears with his thumb.
“Please don’t cry Y/N. I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“No,” you sobbed, “Please. Don’t say anything. This? This is... perfect.”
“But, you’re crying,” James said worriedly, brushing more tears off your face. You felt yourself do something you hadn’t done in a while. You smiled. You beamed through your tears and sent James a dazzling smile that nearly knocked him off his seat.
“I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m... I’m perfectly happy right now.”
James could feel his own eyes begin to tear up as he sniffled and laughed, “Well you’ve gone and made me all soft now.”
“Oh, James. I missed you.” You leaned comfortingly into his hand.
“I missed you too, Love.” James whispered, “And I’ll never leave you again.”
“Will you say it again, for me?”
“I’ll say it every second of every day if need be, I love you. I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
You laughed out in relief, wishing to hear him say those sincere words again.
“I love you too. I love you, James Potter. I’ll love you until I stop breathing, until the day I die and even more.”
“Will you say it again for me?”
You closed your eyes, “I love you.”
Under the stars, the stars you had earlier compared your love to James Potter to, he kissed you. The salty tears of both yours and his mixed as you smiled, beyond joyful, effortlessly happy. A weight slipped off your shoulders and landed on the ground as James held your face in his hand and pushed all his love, his endearments, his affections into this kiss. You pulled away, foreheads pressed together as you felt nothing but content. From the beginning of your life together, James Potter knew you were destined to be together, tied with heartstrings. And slowly, but surely, the love you both shared combined, and not even the stars could outshine it. 
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