#the last fic is courtesy of chaos company
katierosefun · 4 years
Can I ask two numbers? 1 and 58 kinda where you started and where you ended up lol.
aaah, yes! thanks for the ask, anon!!! 
1 is my next chapter of time, wondrous time,,,,which i have not updated in a hot second, but am still writing. but anyways, the snippet i wrote just now: 
“Now, remember, Hondo’s very—”
“I know what Hondo’s like,” Ahsoka said, taking her cloak. “We’ve all met him.”
“Yes, and the last time you met him, you were captured,” Obi-Wan pointed out.
“Like you haven’t?” Ahsoka asked loftily. She tugged the hood over her head. “I still remember how you and Master Skywalker—”
Anakin coughed. “Can we…not? At least not in front of…” He jerked his head behind himself, to where Luke and Leia perked up in their seats. At their father’s dismissal, they both sank back into their seats, looking equally disappointed.
Ahsoka winked at them. “That’s a story for another time, then.”
“No,” Anakin said. “Not a story for another time.”
“Definitely for another time,” Ahsoka said. She looked at Obi-Wan, still smiling as she said, “Wait until everyone learns about how Master Kenobi agreed to—”
It was Obi-Wan’s turn to cough. “Well,” he said, “best not keep you waiting. It would be a shame if you left our pirate friend waiting.”
“Please,” Ahsoka said. “He’ll probably show up late anyways.”
and 58 is,,,,,,,a fic,,,,,,,where obi-wan’s vocabulary is...............more relaxed....also tentatively titled let him swear but that’s kind of a crack title tbh
Ahsoka turned around and, groaning, said, “Give me a second.”
She walked out of the room, the door sliding shut behind herself. A moment later, Anakin heard two things: Ahsoka’s sharp “Master Kenobi! Back here! Now!” and then a concerningly loud thump.
Anakin frowned. He set down the data pad, opened the door, peered out—
And found Ahsoka dragging Obi-Wan. Actually dragging Obi-Wan, one hand wrapped around his arm and the other clutching the wall to keep them from both falling down, Anakin realized. Because Obi-Wan wasn’t quite standing upright, leaning both into the wall and into Ahsoka like a sack of potatoes. Which would have been funny, if Anakin wasn’t already looking for injuries.
“Hang on,” Anakin said, rushing forward. “Is he—”
“He’s fine,” Ahsoka grunted. “But he’s supposed to go accompany Senator Amidala in the Senate meeting later today, but the meds are still—”
“Loopy,” Obi-Wan said suddenly, jerking up his head. “Fucking loopy.”
At that, both Anakin and Ahsoka stilled.
Anakin looked at Obi-Wan, then at Ahsoka.
“Did he just—”
“Do you see the problem?”
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Albedo. I just rolled him and finished his quest.
I would love to talk about travelling with him, or at least being someone who brings in the ingredients for alchemy. Someone who goes out of their way for him and gets the best. Maybe the only gardener in Mondstadt to grow alchemical roots and grasses.
I'm happy for you, rolling the cute alchemy boyo ywy I only rolled in his banner to get Bennett in five rolls I'm sorry Albedo, my primogems are for Xiao and Hu Tao- *shot*
Back to business! I really, really like this cute idea awww thank you for distracting from the angst fics in my head haha (TUMBLR DIDN’T SAVE IT PROPERLY AND SO THE POST IS HORRIBLY SHORT WAIT- FIXED IT WOOHOO)
Albedo's Personal Botanist
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Most ingredients in alchemy usually come from ores and liquid ingredients formed by chemistry methods. Stuff like Tuttia, Bismuth, all that shindigs-
So while plant life can be useful for alchemy, not everyone recognizes its utility straight away, and provide for the common plants for arrangements rather than scientific inventory
I can imagine that you'd be a normal gardener at first but very passionate of their properties.
Might be a Dendro vision wielder too, the Dendro archon loves those who wield the power of knowledge, more so when they use it on nature.
You carry with you a lil book about all the plants and shrubs that you've personally cared for, down to their finest detail and properties. But you're a gardener, not a master of Alchemy, so some parts of the notes you couldn't really figure out yourself.
The first time you met Albedo, he was around a year into staying in Mondstadt. He was forced to go out and take a breather because of his workaholic schedule, and instead of relaxing in a bath, he ended up drifting to the market area to get more ingredients local to Mond.
Unlike the other flower stalls, he was pulled into yours because of the wide variety of your wares. Roots, grasses, shoots, plants you couldn't just find outside of the walls.
You were tending to your mini greenhouse in the back and left your botania book on the shelf outside, and this LIL SHI- Albedo, having no proper training for social interactions, straight up just opened that shit and read it all.
"Oh, hello there, mister- HEY, THAT'S MY STUFF, WHAT THE HECK"
Flustered, confused and alarmed, Albedo tried his best to quickly reason with your garden-spade-wielding self. And with his pretty boy self, you managed to calm down and listen.
You may or may not had smacked him with a bouquet of horsetail for good measure.
"Such vast knowledge and detail orientation, why waste away your talents in selling productive fauna when you can wield them into something more?"
Master Phytologist of the Knights of Favonius acquired!
Working with Albedo!
Your greenhouse in the Knight of Favonius HQ is most definitely connected to Albedo's laboratory! And very spacious too.
More than one occasion, you've seen the Chief Alchemist casually sneaking around the area, plucking a Flaming Flower or scraping dandelion seeds from the pot while you were busy tending to other flowers on the other side of your area.
65% of the time you caught him red-handed and you will be met with the rare sight of a fumbling, queasy Albedo.
30% of the time you just find out something is missing after checking inventory for the day, usually ends up with you hunting and shouting for Albedo. Because the guy seem to have a sixth sense as to when you find out his thieving adventures.
5% of all of that, Kaeya would be the one stealing from your 'safer' floras to woo a random citizen in Mond. And as a master of botany, your precious babies are always in tip top shape. Top quality bouquets all day, all night.
Those moments are the ones Albedo hate more than getting smacked with your spade. Those are your flowers, and by association, his. Grown to their maximum potential by your calloused yet gentle hands FOR HIM-
Kaeya: *reaching out to pluck a perfectly healthy glaze lily*; Albedo: *his short ass of a shadow looming over him*
The atmosphere of your work area is significantly different from his own messy laboratory. The glass walls and roof that lets in just the right amount of sunlight, with a perfect view of the scenic landscape of Mondstadt and beyond.
When Albedo reaches a wall on his research, he picks up his sketchbook and just- waltz in to your workshop through the door connecting your workspaces.
The fresh air, the soft kiss of the sun, your humming, it was all a symphony of heaven concocted just for him.
He’ll find himself sketching your babies, dozen or more times you are included.
Your notebook’s illustrations are mostly courtesy of him, and he greatly basks in your pure admiration of his drawing.
To help him focus, you once took on the great task of organizing his laboratory, to no avail. Even if you manage to fix and align his inventory, it’s gonna go back to chaos after three days minimum.
It’s okay tho, it’s normal for him, more excuse to visit you-
Guilty, he wants your spacious and refreshing greenhouse and often asks for a redesign of his laboratory to share similar workspace with you.
Acting Grand Master Jean had to decline this idea just because it costs more than a million mora.
He’s definitely gonna sulk in your greenhouse after that, back leaning on the warm glass wall as he does nothing but sketch you and your plants the whole day.
Don’t stop him
Just admire the pout
Actually Working with Albedo! (Finally)
Whenever Albedo discovers/explores a new area, you’re always sure to tag along whether willingly or by force
I imagine that despite being his assistant/student, Sucrose and Timaeus are more focused on research and the application of Alchemy, so they’re not much of the resource gathering type. That said, Albedo is very thankful of your existence, it’s a breather to his already full schedule.
Albedo is both considerate and inconsiderate unconsciously : While he may run off to experiment on the traveler and leave you scouting the area yourself, he doesn’t willingly set you on fire from the inside.
Every time he comes back to camp after finishing the step by step experiment with/on the Traveler, he makes sure to check up on how you are doing.
TAKE NOTE: Our prince is very occupied and busy with his own work a lot, so he’s never really seen you in action when you go out to get the the materials he needs-
So he is purely horrified when he saw you hanging off the cliff with nothing but a rope around you to keep you safe, carefully investigating a petrified tree branch up close.
Suddenly, elevator.
Again, Imma bet, he’s gonna be accompanying you in all your expeditions after that. He’ll need to know where and how you acquire every ingredient outside of your greenhouse.
Does it require you to climb a mountain? Are there any Hilichurl camps nearby? Maybe mobs that are attracted to that type of flower?
He would be very attentive of your inventory reports and would recognize if a dangerous gathering journey is near. He’ll be right there with you.
Violetgrass x1000
He’s gathering more than a month’s worth just to make sure you don’t go back to make that dangerous trip. It’s very impractical, but let him rest his heart.
You and Albedo: Resource Gathering Expedition; Other Knights: Outdoor Dates Disguised as Work-Related Outings
Flower crowns are good and all but have you heard of flower bracelets?
Omg so cute hhh imagine a Flaming Flower Stamen bracelet for his Dragonspine expedition- it’s not gonna last forever but it’s so precious he’s definitely keeping that shit even when the heat already dissipated from it gah-
“Paimon wonders, what’s that thing around your wrist?”
“A flame bracelet, made to keep the cold away.”
“Woah! Sounds very useful! Sure would be handy for exploring, you think we can borrow it-”
Something angst-y: Albedo has yet to make a Dendro affinity potion and he’s really, really devastated about it and himself. You’ll have to forcibly pull him out of his self-deprecation, force him to get a breather.
Overall, Albedo greatly appreciates not only your utility but also your consistent company. He values your tenacity and comfort, sharing unadulterated curiousity as you both venture the great unknown. There’s a lot of stuff he can pray about to thank whichever archon has graced you. And despite his Vision lacking the function to actually help in the advancement of his research, he is now thankful for it, for he has found with it a greater purpose: Ensuring the safety of his precious Gardenia.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Watch Me Bloom: A Few Weeks Ago // Ashton Irwin
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Thanks to everyone who read, shared and/or sent a kind word about A Few Months Ago. I’ve never divided up a fic like this before so it’s been both exciting and nerve-wracking, but I’m so pleased to see the response! 
The concept for this section came about early on but I revised and retooled it a lot so again, many thank yous to @cal-puddies​​ for the constant (and I mean constant) encouragement, reassurance and support that I require when writing, I know I was especially needy about this one. 😂 Also shout out to @ashtonangst​​ for the last minute notes and vote of confidence on the final revision.
No thanks to Ashton Irwin for distracting me, stealing my thunder and generally being a Gremlin TWICE IN ONE DAY. He’s the worst and I love him 😌
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash featuring the slightest hint of angst, unprotected sex within an established relationship, shower sex, mirror sex, playful spanking, wow there’s really not a graceful euphemism for tit fucking is there? Well there’s elements of that as well as oral sex performed on a male and brief cum play. But like. All in a soft, fluffy context lmao
Word Count: 3390
Watch Me Bloom Masterlist
Masterlist // Taglist // Ko-Fi
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
You exhale loudly as you shut your laptop and reach for your phone. You’d arranged to take the morning off, wanting to be with Ashton when news of his album broke online, to watch the chaos unfold, to enjoy seeing him take in all the love and excitement you knew he deserved.
You were grateful to be working from home but it’s often difficult to get away and unfortunately, you woke up to calls about a work emergency, resulting in an unavoidable Zoom meeting that dominated your morning. Ash was understanding but you couldn’t help how disappointed you were.
You scroll through the messages from him, smiling at the liberal use of exclamation points and bizarre choice of emojis used to convey his excitement about the screenshots and links he’d sent you. He’s already getting press and the fans are losing their minds at every new piece of information. You’re thrilled for him but can’t shake how defeated you feel that you weren’t able to be there to experience it all firsthand.
You consider heading downstairs to check in but you note he’s probably getting ready to post his official announcement by now. Not wanting to disturb him, you instead decide to head for the bathroom, thinking a hot shower might improve your mood. You stop to answer one last text, reassuring him that (save for the spelling errors you corrected), the draft of his post is excellent and the fans will be ecstatic to hear him confirm the news.
You step under the rainfall shower head and stand still, letting the hot water run over your body, feeling your shoulders drop and your muscles relax. You close your eyes, enjoying the chance to shut off your brain after a morning of feeling so many varied emotions.
After a few minutes, you begin your routine and you’ve just finished with your body scrub when you hear footsteps shuffling through the doorway; you turn to see Ashton observing you through the glass shower walls. “Well, hi,” he greets you, tone flirty as his gaze flickers up and down your wet, naked body.
You can’t help but feel your mood brighten at his presence. “Hi,” you match his inflection, laughing. “All posted? Officially in business?”
Even through the slight steam you can see the pride on his face. “Officially,” he beams.
“Excellent,” you smile back. You turn away momentarily to return the sprayer to its mount and chuckle when you hear the shower door. Within seconds, Ash is naked behind you, slinking his arms around your waist and fitting his face into the crook of your neck, swaying with you as he presses quick kisses into your neck. .
“Just announced your very own album and yet you’re still gonna act like finding your girlfriend in the shower is the most exciting thing to happen to you today?” You tease, leaning back against him.
He laughs as he sucks your earlobe into his mouth. “Even in the big moments, gotta take the time to appreciate the everyday ones,” he murmurs, biting gently.
You squeeze his hands as they rest on your hips. “Well, speaking of big moments, I still feel bad that I missed out on this morning, Ash,” you softly admit.
"Baby, it couldn’t be helped," he says nonchalantly, sweetly kissing your cheek before spinning you around to face him.
You’re not quite ready to meet his eyes, so you play with the chain around his neck as you choose your words. “I know, but… you’ve really made an effort with some of the stuff we talked about, like coming to bed with me or having dinner together. So I kind of feel like I’m not showing you the same courtesy - and for something so much more monumental,” you point out.
“Sweetheart, your work isn’t any less important than mine,” he frowns, brushing your wet hair off your face. “I know you wanted to be there and that means a lot, I don’t feel slighted at all, I promise.”
Ashton cups your face and kisses you sincerely. When you pull away, you rest your head on his shoulder; he pecks the top of your head and then reaches for the shampoo. You smile to yourself as you feel him begin to apply it to your hair. He gently taps you and you loudly smooch his shoulder before lifting your head and turning your back to him once again. He works the shampoo into a lather, applying just the right amount of pressure with his fingertips to give you a relaxing scalp massage.
There’s a cozy tranquility in the air as he grabs the handheld sprayer and rinses your hair out, cutely shielding your eyes when he comes close to your face, having learned from past showers gone wrong. Next he applies your conditioner and while it sets, you have him lean closer to you so you can wash his hair. It’s the longest and curliest it’s been since you’ve known him and you truly can’t get enough of it.
You can hear the smile in his voice when he breaks the silence to say, “You know, it’s pretty sexy that you’re so good at your job the whole company was ready to fall apart just because you wanted the morning off."
“Yes, that’s exactly what happened. I’m so glad you’re not threatened by my #GirlBoss nature,” you giggle. You scratch your nails over his scalp as you finish lathering his hair and the resulting groan has you absentmindedly biting your lip.
“Never! Plus it means less work for me,” he jokes, yelping as you tug on his hair in response.
You finish up with each other’s hair, chatting and joking easily. When you’re done, you burrow into his chest again and he hugs you tight against him. “You OK, love?” He asks.
“Yeah, just enjoying being close to you on your special day,” you answer softly, smiling as you trace the trail of water droplets running down his chest. “Wanna have something for us to remember it by, this is a nice start. Maybe I’ll order us something good for lunch, set up a fancy backyard picnic.” You lightly kiss along his collarbones as you think out loud.
Ash smiles, running his hands up and down your sides. “Sounds nice… we could also make a few memories in here.” He wiggles his eyebrows as his hands detour to grab your ass and pull you closer to him. “Feel like celebratin’, baby?”
You grin. “Ah, in a year where you’ve already gotten ‘new album sex’ and Jesus, how many rounds of ‘new single sex,’ you’re still playing that card?” You tease, voice wavering because his hands have wandered to your breasts to roll your nipples just the way you like. “Seems pretty greedy to me.”
He responds with a low, smug laugh in your ear, "Can't help it if I'm prolific, sweetheart.”  
“Well, I am happy to see you so frequently inspired," you tease, hand dropping to give his cock a firm squeeze as you proudly bat your eyes at your innuendo.
He smiles, pulling you in; it'd be sweet if there wasn’t such a devilish look in his eye. He gives you a lengthy and lusty kiss, hands roaming over your body, groaning as you work him to hardness. “Feeling pretty inspired to take you like this.”
He’s barely finished his sentence when he turns you around towards the shower door. You give a satisfied hum as you put your hands out to brace yourself and instinctively spread for him. “Aww, that’s my good girl,” he purrs. You shiver as he traces his fingertips all the way down your spine, starting at your neck and working his way down; once he reaches your ass, he uses both hands to cup it, squeezing and massaging.
You sigh and arch your back, jutting your hips out, wanting him to continue; a loud open palm smack lands across one of your ass cheeks and though you expected it, a half-gasp, half-moan escapes your lips.
He leans in to whisper in your ear, cock brushing against you. “Thought I was the greedy one here,” he teases, delivering a strike to your untouched cheek, followed by a pair of rough slaps to each side. Your whines reverberate through the bathroom while his mouth lavishes kisses along your shoulders, hands soothing the reddened skin of your backside.
His hands wander between your legs but you stop him, murmuring, “Don’t need it, want you enough already.”
Ash sweetly kisses behind your ear before pushing inside you at an agonizingly slow pace. When he's made it all the way in, without thinking, you breathe out, “Yes, finally,” which earns you another quick spank. You giggle, catching sight of his amusingly annoyed reflection in the mirror above the counter across from you.
He playfully nips your shoulder and thrusts into you. As he picks up speed, he notices you biting back a moan. He growls, “Uh-uh, let me hear you, baby, wanna know how good my cock feels inside you.”
You rock back against him, hoping it’ll earn you another swat and when it does, you whimper loudly. “Feels so fucking good, Ash,” you enthuse. Keeping your balance against the door with one hand, you straighten up to reach behind you and pull him in; he understands, movements slowing as he kisses you hungrily. You tangle your hand in his hair, giving it a tug and he grunts into your mouth.
One of his hands travels to briskly begin rubbing your clit; the pressure is like a jolt of electricity through your body and your hand drops from his hair back to the shower door to steady yourself. “Careful, love,” he rasps, other hand pawing at your breasts.
Nuzzled into him, you stay in that position for a few moments and he moves against you, occasionally pressing his lips to your face. You catch sight of the mirror again and become fixated on watching him as he carefully works your body: the way his hands work in perfect coordination to please you, how his hair falls in his face as he drives his cock into you, how his eyes screw shut and he fusses his lip between his teeth at the sensations of having your pussy wrapped around him.
It fascinates you to see the two of you like that, so loving but also driven by what seems to be a desperate need.  “Look at that,” you pant, stroking his forearm to get his attention. “Look how well we fit together… I didn't realize it'd look as good as it feels, babe.”
Ashton groans as he studies your reflection. “What a fuckin’ gorgeous sight we are,” he agrees, voice gravelly with lust. “You always look so unbelievable when I watch you take me, baby.”
You moan at how wrecked he sounds, how wrecked you look, the eroticism of your encounter overwhelming you. “I love seeing us like this, Ash… Fuck… Wish I could actually see it, see myself taking your cock,” you babble. “Might have to finally make that tape like we’ve talked about.”
“Fuckin’ hell, baby,” he whispers, fingers digging into your skin. You spread your arms further apart on the door and he smoothly sweeps them behind you, locking them into place with his. Restrained, with nothing to brace you, your front leans completely up against the door and you watch as your tits obscenely bounce off the glass as he speeds up, pounding into you.
You start breathing heavily and he smiles to himself, knowing he’s got you figured out. “Should I be nice and let go so you can touch yourself, baby? Or would that ruin it, since me holding you like this is what’s getting you off?” He taunts, grip on your arms tightening.
“So fuckin’ close… Ash… please… fuck, please,” you murmur, unable to take your eyes off the mirror, feeling yourself slowly tense as you watch him manhandle you, seeing yourself so debauched.
Ashton shifts your arms, pinning them back with just one of his, leaving his other free to roam down the front of your body. “Because you said ‘please’,” he smirks, rubbing fast around your clit. You whimper in relief and your head starts to drop down but he nudges it with his own. “Nah, baby, watch. Want you to see how beautiful you are when you cum for me.”
“Ashhhhh… babyyyyy… fuuuucck…” Your words come out in staccato sighs as you bounce between his body and the glass; his fingers are steady on your clit and his voice lowly encourages you, telling you how amazing you are, how much he wants to feel you cum. He sounds like he needs this as much as you do. You zone out a little as you pulse around him, watching yourself orgasm through the glass, and as always, it’s his soothing whispers of “so pretty, baby” that bring you back to earth.
He gently sets your arms back on the door, pressing soft kisses over your shoulders as you come down. His hips have completely stilled, waiting to see how much more you’re capable of handling. “You good, love?” He sweetly asks, studying your face in the mirror.
"I'm so glad I had to work today," you joke breathlessly. He snorts and bites at your neck.
You feel spent but a thought popped into your head while watching your reflection and you want to explore. “Up for trying something?” You eagerly ask.
“Of course,” he agrees curiously. You push off the door, allowing him to slip out of you and you turn towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I know I gave you shit earlier but it really does make me happy that this is how you like to celebrate,” you start, pecking along his neck and jaw, landing at his lips, which you kiss softly. “And I just want you to know I really am so so proud of you.”
Ash’s arms wrap around your waist and he smiles brightly. “I know, baby. And I’m so grateful to have you with me. Every step of the way, you were there to take care of me.”
You kiss him harder, filthier and needier than you did before and his resulting groan tells you he’s caught off guard. You feel him shiver under your touch as you ghost over his nipples before stopping at his new rib tattoo on your way to his abs and then finally gripping his cock.
“Well, I am absolutely going to take care of you right now,” you wink, dropping to your knees in front of him. He laughs at your questionable joke but quickly sucks in a sharp breath when you begin placing wet kisses along his shaft, whimpering as you taste yourself on him. You trace your tongue along the underside of his cock and circle the head for a bit before you wrap your lips around it and gently apply suction. You hear him huff a few times as you keep your attention focused there instead of taking him further into your mouth and you smile at his impatience.
He catches your look and shoots one right back at you. “Thought you were gonna take care of me, not torture me,” he smiles.
You let him drop from your lips and firmly tug as you look up, grinning. “I have a feeling when you're cumming all over me, you'll think it was worth the wait.”
He’s only able to gasp in response because as soon as the last word of your sentence leaves your mouth, you’re taking him as far down as you can. His hands are instantly in your hair, not quite pushing you down but gently applying pressure as you stay unmoving for a beat, holding him in your mouth, enjoying the heavy feeling of his cock on your tongue. You softly move your head back and forth, easing him further towards the back of your throat before you let yourself gag around him and pull off. You repeat this process a few more times, allowing more and more spit to fall from your mouth each time; knowing he loves when you get messy with it.
“Fuck, baby, always so fuckin’ good on your knees for me, always know just what I need” Ashton rambles, provoked at the sight of you pulling back to stroke him with a long, thick string of spit still connecting your mouth to his cock. You beam at his praise while he runs his hand over your face, somehow both tenderly and aggressively. “Gonna let me cum all over those gorgeous tits?”
You lean into his touch, mouthing at his hand a little. He takes the bait like you knew he would and pushes his thumb into your mouth, watching closely as you close your lips around it, swirling and sucking before scraping your teeth on it as he pulls it out.
"Is that what you want?" You ask, looking up at him with big eyes as you sit up higher on your knees. "I can also do you one better." You bite your lip in concentration as you guide him between your breasts, using your hands to trap his cock against your body and enclose him.
You've never heard anything quite like the sound he makes when you begin rubbing your tits up and down his shaft, a sound so throaty and new it makes you clench. You continue to massage his length against your breasts, your soft skin and the novelty of the act working in tandem to get him off.
You make eye contact as you spit on his cock and you feel it twitch on your chest as he moans. This fantasy has come up before, usually via sexting while he’s on tour but neither one of you had tried to follow through until now and judging by the noises he’s making, it’s living up to the expectation. You know he’s going to go wild when you breathily encourage, "Come on, babe, I think you should fuck 'em."
Ashton doesn't need to be told twice and immediately starts thrusting vigorously. He practically growls when you flick your tongue out to catch his tip on an upstroke, so you keep doing it.
"Jesus, baaaaby…" he groans, sounding positively undone, his pace unrelenting as he ruts against you. "So hot… fuck, so good…"
You grin at his incoherence, knowing he must be close. "Thought a special day deserved a special treat," you boast. "Ready to cum for me, babe?"
Ash acknowledges your words with a grunt, pulling away from your chest and putting his cock in your mouth again. You bob your head with intent to finish him and you know he's desperate when he gets a bit aggressive, pushing you to take him further down than last time. You've had him in your throat for less than a minute before he starts breathing heavy and pulls out just in time to shoot streams of cum all over your chest.
"Yes, baby… fuuuuuck… so fuckin’ good to me," he groans rhythmically in time with each spurt. You place the head of his cock on your tongue and milk out the remaining drops, revelling in his satisfied sounds.
He looks in adoration and disbelief at you, covered in his cum, clearly pleased with your work. He helps you off your knees and moves to kiss you when you press a finger to his lips, holding him off while you drag your other hand through the mess on your tits, delivering the substance to your mouth.
"God, I love you, baby," he sighs exhaustedly, kissing you passionately, groaning into your mouth as he tastes himself on your tongue. “This is so much more memorable than you sitting on the couch reading tweets with me.”
You cackle, pulling away to clean yourself off under the spray. "Well, I love you too," you coo. “Always happy to celebrate my man.”
Ashton grins and cradles you against him. “Good to know… I’ve got some ideas for how we can celebrate the second single coming out next week.”
You giggle and turn, wanting to see his face when you reply, “You plan that and I’ll take care of the celebration for your video premiere tonight?"
He pulls you closer and smirks, “Deal.”
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@queenalienscherrypie @lovelybonesetc​​​​ @Obey-Kaylin @xsongxbirdx​​​​ @justhereforcalum​​​​ @calumftduke
@laura66sos​​​​ @calumrose​​​​ @karajaynetoday​​​​  @pilunb​​​​ @jazzyangel242​​​​ @babylon-corgis​​​​  @heyheyhaleyd​​​​ @calmsweetcreature​​​​
@spicycal​​​​ @talkfastromance4​​​​  @holystxne​​​​ @myloverboyash​​​
@meetmedowntown​​​​  @fedorable-killjoys​​
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@trix-arent-for-kids​​​ @uh-huhh-honey​​​ @tobefalling​​​ @aladyofalbion​​​
@likehuhdude​​​  @curlycalums​​​  @cxddlyash​​​  @reddesert-healourblues​
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renegadeontherunn · 3 years
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ohohoho what’s this? two fics in a row? yes indeed!!!
the tenth Obi-Wan daily death fic is here!
thanks to @chaos-company for all these stellar works so far and all the ones to come! and this phenomenal header is courtesy of @stolen-pen-name23​!!
Anakin turned around. Obi-Wan was looking at him again, that sad, pitiful look Anakin was quickly becoming sick of. “What?” he asked, harsher than he meant to. Or maybe just as harsh as he meant. “Nothing,” Obi-Wan replied, though he still didn’t move. Anakin’s fists curled on instinct. “If you’ve got something to say, you better say it.” Obi-Wan’s gaze dropped, and Anakin’s ire grew as the silence did. “I am sorry, you know,” he murmured at last.
[or, Obi-Wan and Anakin have some things to work out post-Deception. they never get the chance]
read the rest here!
and make sure you check out the rest of the series here!!!
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thosterfieldficrecs · 4 years
Fic Recs
🔥 designates smut
Tom Holland x Reader
Cherry Pop by worldoftom 🔥 (7,300 words)
tonight, you decide to give Tom the one thing he can’t return.
No Knock Knocks by madmadmilk 🔥 (7,000 words)
Tom, your sweetie pie stupid roommate, has a bad habit of walking into your room unannounced.
Eighteen Mini Series by angelic-holland 🔥 (Ongoing)
Y/N is Tom’s math tutor and needed a date for Sunday dinner. Tom has tattoos all over and just looks like the type of guy who would piss off her parents. Will their fake relationship turn into something so much more?
Riding My by worldoftom 🔥 (Ongoing)
One day, Tom finds a notebook on his living room couch. It’s just sitting there, casually opened to a random page, but when he reads it, he realizes exactly what he’s found. It’s your journal. Your personal journal, one that he knew existed, but had no idea what it looked like or what it contained. Until now. Two of the words that he reads trigger in his mind the question of what you might possibly be hiding from him — or trying to tell him. Will you ever come out and say it? Or will he have to coax it out of you?
your name by madmadmilk 🔥 (6,000 words)
tom has a policy of only sleeping with girls who don’t know who he is.
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
adante, adante by wazzupmrstark 🔥 (3,100 words)
when in greece… you lose your virginity to your best friend?? that’s how the saying goes, right???
angel of small death and codeine scene by greenorangevioletgrass 🔥 (4,317 words)
your encounters with harrison always starts with quick-witted exchange of insults and ends with the two of you tangled in each other. it’s a drug, and you’re slowly getting addicted.
Cake by the Ocean by detroitbydark 🔥 (1,200 words)
Public sex... enough said.
A Christmas Prince by skymoonandstardust (6,000 words)
Trying to get a shot of the Times Square Christmas tree ends up in a picture perfect memory when you bump into a boy with a chilly exterior. His features make you think he's Prince Charming. You have no idea how close you are to the truth
A Collector by detroitbydark 🔥 (2,400 words)
Sometimes love means being blind. Sometimes it means having your eyes wide open.
Craft Store Secrets by angelic-holland (3,700 words)
You and Harrison go to the craft store to buy wrapping paper. Chaos ensues when you sneak away to buy a present for him and he thinks you’re lost in the aisles of garland and string lights. 
dinner & diatribes by greenorangevioletgrass 🔥 (3,882 words)
your secret relationship with your frenemy harrison is put to the test as feelings and foot-in-mouth ensue. [sequel to angel of small death & codeine scene]
handful by peterplanet 🔥 (5,913 words)
in which harrison finds your vibrator.
Just A Little Kiss by osterfield-holland-andcompany 🔥 (5,000 words)
You love him. He loves you. And there was no reason you and Harrison shouldn’t be together. But when is it ever that easy? 
Making Music by terrifictomhollland 🔥 (2,100 words)
“I didn’t know you could play that well,” Harrison’s voice broke through and you abruptly stopped playing the piano, jumping up slightly as you’d gotten so lost in the music you didn’t hear him coming in.
Man In Leather by tommysparker 🔥 (2,861 words)
The music was loud, the people were drunk, and you were hanging around the snack table while scanning the room, solo cup filled with death juice in hand. Totally normal Friday night.
Your friends had left to go mingle, but not before encouraging you to find someone to get busy with, someone to get your mind off of him.
Signs of Hell by skymooonandstardust (11,000 words)
An ordinary girl gets attacked by heaven's best, and saved by demons. She's dragged down to hell... and finds it's actually heaven.
sunrises and skyscrapers by terrifictomholland (4,300 words)
In front of you stood quite possibly, the most handsome and gorgeous guy you’d ever seen in your life.  His face alone had you swooning and the rest of him had your knees weak. He was ripped. He had the whole package.
These Dreams by nevertoofarfromivar 🔥 (3,891 words)
Y/N has a dream about her roommate… but she’d never had feelings for him before… so what does this mean?
unscripted by stuckonspidey (8,202 words)
Y/N got her big break on the popular Netflix show ‘Sex Education’. During shooting the second season of the show, she is paired up with Harrison Osterfield as her love interest on screen. She swears it’s nothing more and simple professionalism is the beginning and end of it, but even the best actors can’t fake what they have. 
The V Word by angelic-holland 🔥 (7,200 words)
You and Harrison have always been really good friends, nothing more. When your biggest secret accidentally gets revealed in a drunken game of truth or dare, how will Harrison comfort you in your time of need? Will more secrets be uncovered underneath the salty sea breeze and fear of the unknown?
Common Courtesy by madmadmilk 🔥 (13,000 words)
Tom and Jacob and Harrison invite you out to a party, and ⅔ dumbasses leave you alone to fend for yourself. You’re a strong girl, who don’t need a man, but there’s one willing to help you out
Have Yourself a Merry Airport Christmas [ch 1] [ch 2] by detroitbydark (Ongoing)
You thought your holiday had been ruined until a handsome Brit steps in to rescue your Christmas spirit.
Love On Ice by osterfield-holland-andcompany 🔥 (Ongoing)
After an emotional breakup, your shared love of the ice and the pull your hearts have towards each other bring you and Harrison back together…
Singing in the Shower by detroitbydark 🔥 [ch 1] [ch 2] (4,600 words)
You were at your wits end. Harrison’s schedule had synched up with yours and he’d been home every minute you were for two weeks. Two weeks of seeing his shirtless chest and low riding joggers in the morning. Two weeks of hearing him warbling off-key to whatever new playlist he’d just made. Two weeks of walking into the living room of your shared flat to see his long frame stretched out and relaxed on the couch, his thumb tucked into the waistband of his jeans. 
Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield x Reader
It Will Last Longer... by angelic-holland 🔥 (2,800 words)
Tom finds out that Harrison really enjoyed those pictures of you, and that you wouldn’t be opposed to inviting him into the bedroom. [Sequel to Pretty as a Polaroid Picture (Tom x Reader)]
Have A Little Talk by tetralea 🔥 (6,700 words)
You are in an in and out of a relationship with Tom, secretly loving him obviously, but spending quite some time with him and Harrison you develop quite a crush to Tom’s best friend. Then something happens, and secrets are being revealed.
never been better by bi-writes 🔥 (4,200 words)
He looked delicious. They both looked delicious. They were sitting side-by-side on the floor, beers in their hands, their voices filled with huskiness and brightness as they laughed. It had been a long night of dancing and drinking, and the boys had offered to bring you home rather than let you stumble on the sidewalk.
Three by angelic-holland 🔥 (1,800 words)
a smoke session turned more… [Part of the Eighteen Mini Series.]
Two’s company, three’s a crowd by terrifictomholland 🔥 (6,000 words)
Suddenly, Harrison was standing there under the door frame, staring at Tom and you. 
Neither you nor Tom expected him to come home until later in the evening, so you figured you’d make good use of the time alone. Clearly you were wrong because he stood there now, watching with rapt attention as Tom worked you into a crying mess.
Whole Lotta Love by tonguetiedholland 🔥 (3,500 words)
Harrison comes home from a long day of filming and being sent dirty photos from you and Tom so he wants to punish both his lovers.
Pretty Little Kitten by worldoftom 🔥 (Ongoing)
Uni AU. (Future Poly AU.) Nothing, no party, no one could ever make you feel as puzzled and excited and horny as the football team. Their captain has the doe-est eyes, the fluffiest curls, and the yummiest lover on campus. You meet them by chance, but what follows can only be dictated by you. feat. sub!Tom x dom!reader x dom!Harrison
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dvoz-alternate · 5 years
Idol Room Scenario
Request: can you do a mingi x reader when the reader is their senior in a gg (kinda like bp, twice, etc) and both groups go to idol room for an episode 🥺
AN: I have actually really wanted to make something like this for the longest time and now I’m able to make it for you! I am pulling some of my ideas from a post I made earlier this year! Also the Queen of Hearts is my favorite card in the deck and the group is based on a straight royal flush sooo…. For the sake of the fic you are born just a few months before Seonghwa, so Jan-Mar.
Summary: Part of an all girl group you are the leader of Royals. Both groups have heard of each other and seen each others works/MVs/live streams/etc., but have never met in person and happen to be fans of each other. For the most part all they know are names and faces. Royals and Ateez are doing a collab on an album and their companies thought it would be a good way to introduce each group through the idol room.
Word count: ~1500
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The MC looked over towards ATEEZ’s leader, “So, it’s true that you are going to be working with the Royals on your upcoming album?” “It is true and we are really looking forward to doing this collab. There is going to be a lot of new concepts between our groups,” Hongjoong said leaning forward slightly on his stool. The other MC spoke up, “And neither group has met in person right?” The group of boys all shook their heads. “Perfect than this would be a perfect time for us to introduce the girl group Royals to the set!” the MC gestured off stage to where you and four other girls entered from. Mingi’s jaw dropped slightly seeing one of his favorite groups join them for the episode. Yunho noticed the look on Mingi’s face and casually raised a hand to close his mouth. His eyes instantly locking on your form.
Smiling you walked onto the set with two of your members in front of you and two behind you  lining up next to the MC who introduced your group. Glancing at the MCs and then to the boy group ATEEZ you sucked in a quick breath before quickly recovering your smile. Your members have teased you before about your attraction for the giant rapper, but now you were finally seeing him in person. Bowing you introduce your group flashing a stunning smile. You were partially dreading your personal introduction but you pushed on. “Hi I’m (Y/N), the leader of the Royals and the queen of hearts, and more specifically the queen of your heart,” you gave a wink and a finger heart to the camera and to the boys before immediately hiding behind your taller group members who chuckled at your embarrassment. Mingi and the rest of the group couldn’t help but remember their first person intros when they first started. 
Sitting in the stools the MCs turned to view both groups, “Alright, so what do you know about each other.” You shared a look with Hongjoong and he nodded at you to take the lead, “In all honesty the most we know of each other is each other’s name.” “And position within each group,” Hongjoong added. Feeling eyes on you, you slowly moved your attention from the MC to where you thought you were being stared at. Seeing the flame colored hair you tilted your head slightly giving him a warm smile. Facing flushing from being caught Mingi ducked his head running a hand through his hair. “Well how about this,” an MC said looking between the two groups, “let’s have each of you guess who is older before revealing how old you actually are.” The other MC spoke up, “Seonghwa why don’t you try guessing?” Standing the dark haired male in leather went to stand in front of your group. Taking a good look at all of your features he came to a conclusion, “I think based off the music videos we have watched that you’re all at least born in 1999.” Your group all glanced at you giggling. “Was I wrong?” Seonghwa asked turning to look at his guys for help even though they were just as clueless. “I mean you were mostly right,” you offered teasingly. “Wait what?!” several of the boys jumped from their seats staring at you. “Wait a minute… who’s the oldest?” you asked as you clasp your hands together pointer fingers scanning over the group. “I am. I was born on April 3, 1998,” Seonghwa said raising an eyebrow at you. Eyes widening your jaw dropped. “What, no! This should be illegal!” you and your group stared gobsmacked at the eight boys in front of you. “I’m just a few months older than you,” you gestured to Seonghwa. “What?! You look so young!” Mingi’s eyes were comically wide. Everyone started laughing at how much chaos had broken out over this topic. 
“Alright, alright. Between your groups, who holds the sex appeal,” the MC decided to move onto the next topic. Collabately from both ATEEZ and Royals everyone pointed at Wooyoung before they turned on you. “Wait no! No!” you quickly waved your hands around, “I’m definitely not the sexy one in the group. I’m just cute.” A choking noise came from Mingi and Jongho thumped him on the back. “Then what do you call this?” the MC pulled up your groups most recent music video which you covered your eyes with your hands. “I don’t know I just do that…” you called your words trailing off slightly embarrassed. Your crush however was watching the screen intently with cheeks slightly pink. “How and why are you the only one dancing in those heels?” Mingi asked prying his eyes away from the screen where you were dancing in ridiculously high heels. “Ah, I’m the shortest in the group so it was to help make me appear taller, and it fit the theme of the music video,” you shrug. “So you had to learn that entire choreography in those death traps?” Yunho asked. Nodding you explained, “Yeah it was definitely an experience. I learned the choreography beforehand and then had to relearn it in the heels.” “I can’t believe you actually did the splits like that though,” Wooyoung said as they watched the part where you go into the splits as you all point up and out in the opposite direction. “We have watched the reaction video of you on youtube when you saw you had to wear those heels, and it’s probably still one of the cutest things ever,” Mingi didn’t mean to call you cute out loud, but when he thought back to you staring wide eyed and mouth open like a fish he couldn’t help it. Cheeks burning from Mingi calling you cute you covered them with your hands. 
Each group performed their preferred arrangement in front of each other along with random dance play. You couldn’t help but jump in and dance Mingi’s part when Wave was played. Both groups intermingling knowing the dance to each groups songs. 
“So we have one last thing to do before we end the show,” an MC said standing between each group. “Finally we will do a lyric battle between the groups, and to make it a little more even would one of you volunteer to join the Royals for the final game?” Sheepishly Mingi stepped forward rubbing the back of his neck. Your heart started racing as you held a hand out for him to join you. The rest of ATEEZ already knew about the giant’s crush on you so they decided to give him a hard time and something about “abandoning the group”. “I think we need to redo our opening,” Yeosang teased as they all recounted back to their time with Oneus. After they finished you wrapped your arms around Mingi, “You know if that’s the case then I might just have to keep him.” Mingi’s face darkened at your words with his blush now touching his ears while everyone “oohed”.
Stepping off the stage together you and your group faced the boy group. “It was really nice being able to meet you all officially,” you told them your group bowing. “We look forward to spending the next few weeks working with you as well,” Hongjoong lead his group in reciprocating the courtesy. You and Mingi both seemed to have the same idea lingering behind the others as they started leaving. Brushing your hair behind your ear you looked up at the smiling giant. “I still can’t believe we actually get to work together,” Mingi said following behind you as you went to pick up your bag. “Likewise. You’re an extremely talented group of guys, and am a big fan of a certain rapper,” you turned to look at him as you adjusted you bag over your shoulder. The red haired rapper’s smile seemed to grow bigger for a brief moment before it disappeared, “Wait… do you mean Hongjoong?” Giving his shoulder a slight shove you laughed, “No, no. This rapper has red hair and a ridiculously deep voice,” you giggled as you watched his smile reappear and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh!” you started digging through your purse before tearing out a small piece of paper from a notebook and a pen. Mingi watched as you scribbled on the paper before you handed it to him. “Hopefully we can talk more than just during the project time period,” you told him tilting your head slightly. Mingi stared in shock at the small piece of paper. You had scrawled your number on it with a cute heart at the end. He also didn’t noticed that you had started to walk away before you called out to him. “Mingi! Come on! Our groups are going out for lunch!” Snapping out of his trance he pocketed the paper before running after you.
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archadianskies · 4 years
you're writing captain allen fic! can i um, request a nines/allen fic??? not sure if you're taking requests but it's a rarepair fo mine i'm desperate for more content /sweats no pressure though absolutely understand if you say no!!
→ on Ao3
While Markus and his merry band were busy demanding equal rights for the bots of America, a neat little plot was uncovered when the CEO of CyberLife was stood down. Part of their agreed terms was to halt the production of androids immediately, and release all those in storage as awakened deviants. What they didn’t count on was the discovery of confidential emails, staunchly denied by the government, placing an order of 200,000 RK900 units for the purpose of crushing the android revolution under heel and restoring the power balance back into the hands of humans. 
Never happened, of course, and the RK900 never went into production. Only one was fabricated, and was in its final stage of its testing phase when the revolution ended. It then became a reluctant olive branch offered to the DPD, a ‘sorry we tried to make killing machines behind your back but you can have this one and keep the prototype too’.
There’s no reason to double up, Fowler says, and this model has military upgrades so it will suit your unit better. That’s all the warning he gets before there’s an android standing in his office at 9:00am sharp on Monday.
“Captain Allen, I am the RK900. I have been assigned to SWAT unit 32, under your command.” He says, in a voice deeper than Connor’s and a little more polished. He seems to loom over him, filling out the space of his office like a large shadow, like a Terminator from those movies one of his mothers always liked.
“Do you have a name?”
“No, I was not assigned one.”
“You’re Connor’s little brother aren’t you?” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Heard you were called Nines or 900 or something.”
“No.” Firm refusal. “I do not wish to be associated with a number.” A pause, a frown. “It feels demeaning.” Feels , he says, because apparently androids can do that now.  
“We’re going to have to call you something.” He cocks a brow, and the android averts his gaze, unsure. “Well. You’re the newest guy to the team so that makes you the rookie.”
“Rookie?” The android echoes curiously.
“You’re the rookie until the next recruit shows up.” He shrugs. “That’s the rule. We’ll call you rookie until either you give us a name, with which we will occasionally call you while still referring to you as rookie, or until there is another recruit; whichever comes first.”
Connor’s baby brother is 6’5” and if looks could kill everyone would certainly be dead. Terminator’s got the worst case of Resting Murder Face he’s ever seen; it’s as if the psychos at CyberLife used nothing but rulers to design him, as if they took Connor’s model and took away everything that could possibly allude to friendliness. They even gave him startling grey eyes, as if the brown of Connor’s eyes was too warm to keep. What he learns quickly, though, is that even if CyberLife made him look like a cold blooded killing machine, they failed to scrub away the almost puppy-like demeanour so integral to Connor’s personality.
He walks in on his team in the training hall enthusiastically trying to beat the android at every obstacle course, using their years of teamwork to try and pool their skills in order to beat CyberLife’s latest and greatest. They fail spectacularly, to no one’s surprise, but the rookie’s grinning in that slightly lopsided goofy way Connor grins and the team muss his hair like one would pat a dog and he lights up just the same. He’s just as eager, as desperate to please, to integrate, to gain the approval of his human peers and there’s something both endearing and a little sad about it.
Everyone’s lives depend on trust and teamwork and that means figuring out where the rookie will fit in best. He runs them through endless simulations and the android bests them all; he can be placed anywhere, given any role, and adapts to each situation perfectly. It’s not enough- a simulation is hypothetical, a simulation is safe and is nothing like the chaos of a real mission with very real lives at stake.
“Will that be all for tonight, Captain?” He knocks his reading glasses up briefly to rub at his tired eyes, looking up from his reports to find the android standing dutifully at parade rest in front of his desk.
“Weapons cleaned, locked and logged?”
“Yessir.” A nod.
“You’ve been here a week now.” He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. “What do you think of Fowler’s choice, assigning you to my team?”
“I believe I am where I ought to be.” The rookie says slowly. “This is the department where my skills prove most useful. Connor is built to assist with detective work, and has the social programming to build strong social bonds. I lack such programming, and have been built with military modifications instead.”
“The team like you plenty.” He shrugs, and the android’s LED spins yellow as he looks away almost self-consciously. “I am glad.” He says quietly. “I find their company enjoyable.”
“Good. Their lives depend on how well you work with them, you understand that right?” Another nod, and he spares him one last glance before returning to his reports. “Alright. Dismissed.”
“Do you?” It’s said so quietly he almost misses it. When he looks up, he catches the briefest flicker of red before the android’s LED swirls yellow.
“Do I what?”
“Like me?” Another brief flicker of red. “You command this team, Captain Allen. You are the most integral part of it. I wish to get along with you too.”
He thinks back on the week that just passed, on the drug busts, on the anti-android protest that turned ugly, on the black market CyberLife raid. He thinks back on the stunned horror on everyone’s faces when the RK900 snapped a rifle in half, picked up a grown man and tossed him aside like a ragdoll in order to protect a fallen teammate. 
He thinks back on that afternoon when he ran a segment of the baton relay race, of both the SWAT unit and Android Crimes Division combined up against Connor and the rookie. He remembers how easily the brothers had beaten them and how his team had so melodramatically displayed their fake disappointment at losing by trying to tackle the RK900 and piling on him ineffectively. He remembers hearing him laugh and seeing him smile that slightly lopsided smile.
A killing machine with the personality of a puppy; loyal to a fault.
“We get along just fine, rookie.”
“I am glad, sir.” He says again, softer this time. “Good night.”
He turns 44 on the job, and they’re filthy from chasing perps through the slush, teeth chattering from the cold as they huddle in the van headed back to the precinct. He expects to die on the job, so a birthday holds no special weight. He bargains with himself that if he makes it to 50 then he’ll make a big deal out of it. Maybe.
He likes to think he’s still in his prime, and this job demands the best from him both physically and mentally. Careful with what he eats, diligent with his exercise and strict with his training he refuses to let himself slip up; he knows better than anyone what this job requires. Still, though, on missions like these he reluctantly admits to himself he’s not 20 and spry anymore.
The showers cloud with steam as they all scrub off and it’s heaven on his sore muscles and cold skin. Wrapping a towel around his waist he heads back to his locker to grab a fresh set of clean clothes, lost in his thoughts as he goes over the mission in his head. A success, though a messy one. Another slightly amusing, slightly horrifying moment when the rookie snapped a perp’s arm simply by squeezing a little too hard. Jesus he’s glad they’ve got him on their side.
Fingers ghost along his ribs and he instinctively grabs the hand and twists.
“Captain I-”
“Sorry! You-” Red LED as he drops his hand, and the RK900 steps back to put distance between them. “Your scar- it’s- you have-”
He stares at him and the android fidgets under his gaze. Looking down at himself, he turns slightly and lifts his arm to touch the long jagged scar along his ribs. “Serrated hunting knife.” He taps a puckered scar below his collarbone. “Gunshot.” Another skimming his hip bone. “Gunshot.” Another on his shoulder. “Gunshot.”
The rookie steps closer hesitantly, reaching out slowly to give him every opportunity to knock his hand away. He remains still, and lets him touch a faint scar on his forehead. “And this one?”
“Courtesy of my cousin swashbuckling with sticks when I was five.” A small smile spreads on the android’s lips, and he takes the opportunity to look him over. God it isn’t fair the android literally hasn’t put in a day’s work to have a body in peak, perfect shape. He’s plated in kevlar too, and he raps his knuckles on the hard chest plate. “You’re brand spanking new, rookie. Not a scratch on you.”
“Shiny and chrome.” One of the men pipes up. “Don’t worry rookie, you’ll earn your battle scars too someday.”
“Then you’ll really be one of us.” He grins, and the android grins in return and something catches in his throat and he thinks oh no.
“Will that be all for tonight, Captain?” Every evening, the same question, the same earnest expression on his face.
“Weapons cleaned, locked and logged?”
“Yessir.” A nod. “I-” he steps forward hesitantly and thinks the better of it, stepping back. “Happy birthday, Captain Allen. Good night.”
“Thanks rookie.” He manages a tired chuckle. “See you in the morning.”
Not every mission is a success. Sometimes the intel is bad, sometimes the raid is premature, sometimes the weather fucks them up. Sometimes things just go wrong, horribly, horrifically wrong and all they can manage is damage control.
“No, not like this. Not like this rookie, not on my watch.” He skids over to his side and drops to his knees, the RK900 lying on his back with his chest blown open by an explosive. By a fucking grenade he caught to protect the team. The android is shaking uncontrollably, LED blood red and he bleeds and bleeds and bleeds. 
“I- I don’t know what to do. Rookie, I don’t-” there’s nothing to press down on, there’s no human anatomy here, he has no fucking clue. There’s just blue everywhere, and some distant part of him thinks Hank Anderson will literally kill him with his bare hands for getting one of his sons killed. And he wouldn’t blame him, he wouldn’t fight him on that either. “Not like this, c’mon rookie, please god not like this-” the call’s already been made, and a medtech van is being sent with the EMTs but he knows he won’t last that long. This is the worst part of the job and though he’d give anything not to be in this position, he wouldn’t wish this on anyone else.
The android weakly grasps his wrist, clumsily pulling his hand to touch an erratically pulsing circle just below his sternum. The blast has indented whatever it is, pushing it in a skewed angle.
“You want me to pull it out? Get it back in properly?” A weak nod, and he scrambles for his knife. “Okay, okay uh-” He wedges the tip of the knife under the edge of the glowing circle, and it takes a few tries for him to get it to catch properly, the blood making the surface so slippery the blade ends up sliding out of place. It pops up just an inch and then he has to reach in sideways through a missing chunk of plating to push it awkwardly back into an upright position, only then can he pull it out completely. It detaches with a wet click, and then he’s carefully lowering it back in until it latches into place. He’s trying not to focus too much on the fact he can see the rookie’s insides, at all the broken tubes and wires and the sparks, and the blood just pouring out.
“Stay with me rookie, what’s next? What do you need me to do?” The android pulls insistently on his hands, guiding them towards an open segment on his chest. “Here? I don’t- ugh!” he’s unable to stop the sound of disgust that leaves his mouth as the android pushes his hands inside of his chest until he touches some sort of glass component. It has thick tubes connected to it, and the blast has fractured it in several places. He shifts a little so he’s nearly straddling him in order to keep his hands securely on the biocomponent. It thrums in his hold, warm to the touch. Whatever it is, it’s stabilising him and the rookie looks less frenzied than before, taking slow, measured breaths most likely to ventilate his overheating systems.
It feels like an eternity before the medtechs arrive with their fancy equipment and then they’re very gently extracting his hands from the rookie’s chest and before swarming the android and whisking him away for surgery.
Somehow he makes it home. He’s not sure of anything, really, but somehow he’s showered and all the blue blood is gone and he’s in his favourite old hoodie from his academy days. His hands shake when he tries to pour himself a drink so he settles for a bottle of water from the fridge. When he looks at his hands they’re clean and then they’re not, they’re drenched in blue, and then they’re clean and they’re blue again and so he takes some advil and goes to bed.
He goes to Jericho in the morning, to see the rookie and he doesn’t know if he’s there to pick up a body or is there to visit as a guest. It’s the latter, thankfully.
“So he’s alright?” He asks one of the android doctors, and she nods with a smile.
“Yes, you saved his life.” She leads him down a hallway. “His heart was damaged by the explosion but you held it together and allowed it to keep pumping blood around his body.”
“I had-” he swallows thickly and thinks about the warm glass against his palm, “I held his heart in my hands?”
“And saved his life.” She gestures at a door. “He’s running a diagnostic cycle, but he’ll be ready for discharge in an hour.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you .” She laughs softly, before taking her leave.
The rookie is propped up by a couple of pillows, looking down at his chest.
“Look, I have scars now.” The android says quietly, tracing a few jagged lines on the black kevlar plating around the glowing blue circle beneath his sternum.
“In my defence,” he takes a seat by the bed, “there was blood everywhere and I couldn’t wedge my knife under it in one go.”
“I like them.” He smiles tiredly, touching one of the thin jagged lines. “They remind me you saved my life, Captain.”
“I was way out of my depths there rookie, I’m glad you were awake enough to guide me.”
They sit there quietly and he listens to the machines beep and whirr and tries not to focus on how exhausted he feels, how raw and exposed he feels because of all that’s transpired.
“I have been alive for exactly one month today.” The rookie says quietly.
“This is a pretty lousy way to start off the day, sorry.”
“I’m starting it off alive, so I would consider that far from lousy, sir.”
“Oh so you’ve got no social programming, but you’ve got sass is that it?” He rolls his eyes, unable to stop the smile on his lips. The android regards him with those striking grey eyes and he knows the only cold thing about them is the colour. Reaching for his hands, just like yesterday, he guides them to rest on his chest.
“You held my heart in your hands and you saved my life.” He murmurs, LED flickering yellow and holding. “Would it be alright if I entrusted it to you for safekeeping?”
He knows what he means, he knows what he’s asking of him and it terrifies him. He knows this job is hell, he never wanted a partner to get caught up wondering, waiting for him to come home and the one inevitable time he won’t. He’s kept everyone at arm’s length, he’s given his mind, body and soul to this job in place of his heart. Maybe this way they’ll keep each other safe. Maybe this way it’s better; they both know the risks, they both know what the job demands of them.
Leaning in, he presses their lips together and gives his heart in return.  
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incorrectsdkquotes · 5 years
Happy 500 posts!
As promised, here’s the relatively short-ish fanfic I promised. It’s not my best since I’m used to 5000+ words in multi-chapter fics instead of 1,545 words in a one shot, but I think it’s okay. Written largely while listening to the Achievement Hunter song Good At Being Bad (this fits everyone so well, why didn’t I think of it before?)
Here’s the fic, enjoy! ^_^
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“Look, I don’t know what to tell you,” Yuya sighed. She’d been talking to the police officer for the past twenty minutes and that was twenty minutes she could have used earning more money. Yeah, technically she was paid a flat wage per hour but as a waitress she made her tips by talking and interacting with people. It was annoying that she was missing that for something the officer knew she wasn’t going to help them with. “Sometimes they come in here, sometimes they don’t.” She leveled the officer with a Look. “Sometimes the police come in here, sometimes the Five Stars do. I just serve the customers.”
The officer frowned. “Well, if you see any member of the Four Emperors—any member—it’s your civic duty to inform the police. They’re wanted criminals, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard the spiel,” Yuya said. Finally, the officer left. Yuya sighed and looked over her shoulder towards the counter with the register on it. “They’re gone, you can come out now.”
Like a clown car one by one the members of the infamous Four Emperors gang came out of hiding. Yuya was mostly just impressed that they’d managed to hide Bontenmaru’s large frame. And that the others had kept their bickering to a fairly quiet level this time.
“Thanks Yuya-chan,” Akari said with a wave of her hand. The other patrons of the restaurant were used to these antics by now. “You’re a life saver.”
Bontenmaru scratched his head and sat down heavily in his usual seat at their usual table. “The police seem…enthusiastic this time.”
Yuya’s eye twitched. Enthusiastic? That was one hell of an understatement. There’d been sirens sounding all over the city and there’d been at least two cop cars parked outside her restaurant for the past few hours. That wasn’t including any undercover vehicles that were surely around. “What did you do?!” she practically screeched. She really, really didn’t need this kind of police scrutiny in her life.
The one reason she tolerated Kyo and his stupid friends coming around instead of handing them over for any bounties was that she appreciated their ethics. By and large the Four Emperors and Kyo especially didn’t really have ‘ethics’ or ‘morals’ but there were some things they just didn’t do—they killed and stole but they never dragged in civilians or unrelated people into their stupid schemes. They’d kill rival gangs or anyone who challenged them with a laugh and a smile on their face but they at least had some restraint. Sort of. Kind of.
“It’s not as bad as you’re thinking, Yuya-san,” Akira said with a calm smile on his face. Yuya supposed he was trying to go for reassuring—considering she just spent the last twenty minutes getting chewed out by the police on the dangers of harboring known criminals she wasn’t feeling very reassured.
It didn’t help that through this whole exchange Hotaru had been carefully stroking a chinchilla he had for some reason. Like usual the man was off in his own head, his eyes only coming into focus to ask Yuya for a cup of tea. Like lemmings the others followed suit, pretending like this was just like any other day.
To them it probably was. Yuya, on the other hand, could feel her blood pressure rising.
“No one is getting anything until you tell me what happened!” she snapped. “And where the hell is Kyo in all this mess?”
The Four Emperors exchanged glances, shrugged, and began to explain.
The day started out pretty ordinary. A coffee run.
“Why are we getting coffee for your brother?” Akari griped, sighing heavily in boredom. She played idly on her phone while they waited in line at the local coffee shop. They were less likely to kick them out than one of the bigger named businesses and by now they knew the baristas by name.
Hotaru snorted and smirked. “I said Shinrei asked me to get coffee for the Five Stars. I didn’t say I was going to actually bring it to him.”
Bontenmaru raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t he give you the company card for the coffee?” His only answer was another smirk. He shrugged. “I’m fine with coffee paid for by the Mibu. They can certainly afford it.”
“I’m just surprised Shinrei actually thought you’d do what he asked,” Akira smirked, his hand like usual raised to his chin.
“He’s optimistic.”
Yuya gave them a flat look. “And where was Kyo?”
After grabbing coffee the Four made their way across the city towards their ‘hideout,’ an old arcade building that had been gutted out and filled with various odds and ends picked out at garage sales and the occasional curb drop.
Kyo was just waking up. Akira, who’d won the game of rock-paper-scissors for who could bring Kyo his coffee, swept over to the most revered man of the gang, and presented him with his straight black coffee.
“Courtesy of the Mibu,” Bontenmaru announced, waving the company card around in his hand. Kyo’s smirk is savage—like the others, he holds no particularly fond feelings for the Mibu. At the very least he enjoys inconveniencing them as much as the others do.
With nothing better to do that day and with a Mibu company credit card at their disposal they unanimously decide to see how far they can go before the thing’s finally cancelled. At about noon Hotaru received a phone call.
“I ask one thing of you. Just one thing.”
“Oh. Shinrei.” Hotaru answered like he doesn’t have caller ID.
“Why can’t you just do as you’re told?!”
“Because I don’t like you,” he answered, promptly hanging up the phone.
“Shinrei called,” he announced.
“So we gathered,” Bontenmaru said dryly. He turned to Kyo. “Well? What now?”
Kyo grinned. “Now we do what we want.”
Yuya groaned. She wasn’t sure what she expected, really.
“After that it got kind of…chaotic,” Akira said diplomatically.
A fire truck drove by outside, sirens blaring with an ambulance following shortly after.
As these things tend to do, news of the Four Emperors moving around the city spread quickly, attracting the kind of attention that they normally tried to avoid—or at the very least, not actively seek out.
“Come out, Emperors!” Bikara shouted from across the alley. “You have nowhere to run!”
“Who the fuck would be running from you?” Akari shouted back from behind cover. She and the others were sat leaning against a makeshift barricade of a rusted out old truck that Bon had managed to move around to fit all four of them. Kyo, having been called out by Nobunaga himself, had already moved on with his fight. His followers weren’t worried, though. Kyo wouldn’t lose against anyone.
“Should we just wait until Shindara gets here?” Akira asked, bored. This standoff would have been a lot more fun—or at least interesting—if anyone involved was actually interested in fighting seriously. As it was, there was just a lot of throwing around of insults, rocks, bottles, and anything else they could get their hands on. Makora had joined Bikara and it was unclear if he was trying to help the man or just annoy the Emperors. He, at least, had better aim than Bikara so there was at least that element of danger there. Other than that, this whole thing was boring. Santera had been taken out earlier by Akari telling her to go home and Basara was around somewhere which was annoying to deal with.
“Screw that,” Akari declared. “Hotaru, gimme one of your lighters.” Hotaru did so without complaint and instead seemed content with protecting the chinchilla in his arms from the occasional projectile from a hidden Basara. Akari lit the end of a piece of cloth she found and threw a Molotov cocktail over the truck towards Bikara. Like she thought Basara couldn’t help but attack the projectile, causing the bottle to break and fire to spread throughout the alley. “Let’s just go, Kyo’s not coming back and I don’t want to be here if Kyo’s not here.”
“I second that,” Akira agreed. Bontenmaru sighed and drug Hotaru to his feet so they could make their escape. Hotaru wouldn’t have left if he hadn’t, he didn’t have nearly the same concern about fire that everyone else had.
“Hotaru, where the hell did you get a chinchilla from?”
Yuya sighed in despair. “Should I expect the Twelve Gods to come around, then? Is that what’s happening now?” She kind of wished Tora was around right now instead of off visiting family. He at least would have overreacted with her about this whole thing, even if he would have found it cool and probably would have wanted to join in on the chaos.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Akari dismissed easily.
“Considering the police presence outside I’d say they wouldn’t bother trying to show their faces around here,” Akira said.
Well, that was something.
The bell above the door rang as Shinrei burst through the door, throwing a look of barely concealed fury and irritation at the Emperors.
“You!” he shouted.
Yuya groaned. She just hoped they took this fight outside before any more of her patrons were scared off.
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izzyovercoffee · 5 years
Prompt number: 11. “It’s not always like this.” Fandom: Fallout 3 & 4, kind of Rating: PG Warnings/Tags: thinly veiled disassociation, PTSD Summary: Livia finds herself wrestling with her nerves in the aftermath of the battle for the Institute, and finds unlikely company. Notes: icb I’m writing an epilogue / aftermath fic for a long fic I haven’t written yet and not sure if I ever will write … but here we are. I said I would follow my heart for fictober, and that means writing all manner of self-indulgent stuff. Anyway, Livia courtesy of @thelightreturns. I hope I do her justice.
##. and maybe she’ll get to appreciate the rain
  It feels like heartbreak, all over again---as if experienced for the first time, instead of reliving in the moment. She knows, she knows, she knows it’s just a bad dream. An awful memory. A haunting conjured by a lapse in the noise and the chaos and the fear. 
But it still rubs raw as salt on an open wound. 
She finds her way to the central column---an open-air atrium, with a plexiglass central column where the elevator spirals up, and down, the many levels of the Institute. 
Scorch marks and broken walls, paint damage and beaten plaster and dented metal, all keen on her careful, observant eye as she rides the elevator upwards.
The Institute sleeps---or, rather, what remains of them. 
Captured, by joint operation, and intercepted in violence. 
Which is a nice way to say the Minutemen (and women) and the agents of the Railroad came to her aid in the midst of a full-on brute-force engagement by the Brotherhood. 
The world outside shifts and changes so quickly, so rapidly, that she often feels as though she has trouble keeping up---when she’s in it. The past several weeks, or months, she’d found herself trapped within the walls of the Institute.
A guest of the Director, at the desperate request of her almost-mother---Dr. Li. 
She knows why Doctor Li kidnapped her, understands her thinking, and reasons that, maybe, she would have done the same in the same position.
But to say she chafed under the oppressive authoritarian rule of “Father” is the same as saying, on a violently stormy day, that it’s only partly cloudy. 
The occasional Minuteman (or woman) waves to her as she ascends, breaking her from her thoughts long enough for her to wave back. 
It’s been two days since they rounded up the last loyal Institute member---synths and scientists alike---and placed them into holding, with Dr. Li and one of the upper Railroad members to babysit them, until they could decide on what to do with them.
All the damage the Institute wrought. All the chaos, and the pain, and the senseless perpetuation of violence.
It makes her sick. It turns her stomach, wrings her from the inside out, and she feels the threat of her late dinner rise up in her throat. She presses a fist to her mouth, and tries to compose herself, as the elevator comes to a stop at the very top floor. 
The doors cycle open, and---
“Ma’am---are you alright?” 
She waves him away, and pushes herself off one of the walls of the elevator to stumble out onto solid ground. 
“M’fine,” she mumbles through her fist, and lowers her hand to her throat. The nausea subsides, slowly. 
“Nerves,” she adds, at his questioning stare.
In full Minuteman regalia, with his impeccable coat and perfect hat and scarf to match, he cut an impressive figure in the low-powered lighting they ran the Institute generators while repairs were underway.
An altogether different feeling burns in her throat as she holds his gaze, and she ignores it. 
“Can I help you, General Garvey?” 
That seems to startle him from his concern. 
“No, ma’am,” he says. “I came here to ask you that.” 
She frowns. Is she, really, that obviously a mess? Could she, really, be so transparent?
“Who told you I needed assistance?”
His gaze shifts past her shoulder, to the elevator, and back to her. “Red radioed ahead. Saw you wandering the premises, and advised us to keep an eye out.”
Livia closes her eyes as the irritation bubbles up inside her---but even with all the annoyance, she can’t muster it in herself to be angry. Until a handful of days ago, Livia thought Red was dead---and up until that time, Red thought the same of her. 
Roles reversed, once again, and Livia could not lie to herself. She would do the same.
“I’m sure the General of the Minutemen has something better to do than babysit a simple vault dweller,” she says, a bitterness she didn’t mean to express lacing sharp through her words like tainted jet. “And I am not always a... a mess.”
“All due respect, ma’am, after hours, I’m only a general in emergencies,” he says, gentle---too gentle for her to deserve, she thinks---as he reaches up to remove his hat and hold it to his chest, “and I can say the same about myself.”
She stares at him with a critical eye.
“Is it after hours?” she asks.
“According to the time,” he says with a small smile, and she can’t find it in herself to dismiss him.
“I’m tired,” she says, instead. “I need a place to sit, that’s safe.” 
She expects him to say, You know this place better than I do, ma’am. She expects him to remind her how long she’s been trapped down here. She expects…
She expects cruelty, and backhanded, snide, commentary that undercuts her confidence and caps her at the knees, and undermines who she knows she is so she can remain complacent and compliant in the Institute, under its choking institution.
We killed the Institute, she thinks, wildly, as the seconds pass and he considers her and she feels it more, and more, likely for him to speak his mind and tell her something cruel, and terrible.
“Would you like to go outside?” he asks.
Her heart nearly stops. 
She finds herself gripping her chest in shock, in surprise, in silence. 
Eyes, wet, suddenly, and--- “I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” she grits out between clenched teeth. 
He doesn’t seem surprised, or even concerned---or, at least, not in the way that feels like judgment, like condemnation, like she’s being tested. The concern in his eyes, in his gaze, in the way he opens his arms, speaks to a warmth altogether absent in the weeks she’s been trapped here underground, waiting and waiting to be freed. 
“I know a quiet place you can relax a while,” he says as she reaches out and finds him waiting. 
It’d been so long since someone’s hugged her. So long since anyone enveloped her in a promise of safety---even if she knows, in this life, no one can really promise it for long. 
“I didn’t think I could leave yet,” she admits, against the folded lapels of his thick long coat, and finds it surprisingly soothing, even despite its rough texture. “There’s so much here to do, still…”
“They can radio you,” he says. “If you want to, we can find Sanctuary.” 
In the back of her mind, Livia is well and fully aware that Sanctuary is an actual place---a neighborhood, a small town, now. A place out of the way, with fortified defenses and a growing community of what all the intel described as ‘good people.’
But when he puts it that way… 
She really believes it might be one.
“Okay,” she says. “Okay. Let’s go.” 
And they go.
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loverboypercy · 5 years
Fool’s Errand
Ship: Ace of Spades (Jevil and Null)
Notes: Platonic, angst
Fic under the cut
Jevil hummed, as he often did down here. It was very boring in his cell - no friends, no chaos, no whispers. Only his own voice to keep him company. His ear twitched as he heard metal steps making their way down the stairs. Certainly not the small prince - who was much faster and lighter. Jevil didn’t stop humming. For Lancer, he often quieted his singing - even if the boy liked it, it could be too much for him someday. Jevil would not extend the same courtesy to a stranger.
The steps came closer, and Jevil closed his eyes and hummed louder, hoping to dissuade them. He wasn’t in a very nice mood today. The footfalls stopped and Jevil calmed his humming, thinking that the person had left.
He was wrong.
“Jevil.” They said, “That was very rude of you.”
Jevil looked over, there across from him stood Null Void. It was strange, they were so much taller now, their form held tightly together rather than the wispy galaxy he was used to. While they still wore the same cloak (the diamonds, clubs and hearts replaced with a repeating spade though) it seemed now they were wearing armor underneath it. They were floating, a few inches off the ground. Jevil grinned.
“Wasn’t aware you’re walking now, now.” Jevil commented, flopping onto his stomach to get a better look at them.
Null rolled their eyes, carefully placing the food in his cell without a word. They turned to leave, and Jevil was caught by surprise. He didn’t want them to leave just yet!
“Wait!” He called out, and they stopped. Familiar wisps began falling from their form. Jevil winced, he needed to think of something, quick, quick!
“Where’s the small prince?”
Null turned back towards him, Jevil fought the urge to grin. They were so easy.
“He’s not coming.” They said, strange voice bouncing off the walls, “You gave him a fright last time. An awful one.”
Jevil blinked. He didn’t think it was that bad - it was only a simple fact! The Prince’s father was dangerous, and it was only a matter of time before the Prince would get hurt.
“He needed to hear, hear.” Jevil replied, uncharacteristically solemn, “The boy could die.”
“You think I’d let that happen?” Null asked. Jevil gasped for air like all of it had been sucked out of the room. The cell in that moment felt much darker than it had been for years, as he felt it creeping closer and closer to his mind -
When suddenly it all pulled back.
Jevil chucked, using the bars to pull himself up and pushing his face against them, “Afraid of what you might see, see?”
Null shook their head, “You are not worth my time.”
“We were friends, Void.” He said, “We worked well together - a wonderful, magnificent team-up!!” He cackled, “Don’t you remember?”
“Notice that use of past tense, Jevil.” They replied sharply.
Jevil rolled his eyes, “You aren’t like Kaard. You are no dog, dog! You know Spades-”
“He’s also Lancer’s father, Jevil.” They said, “And he is our king.”
“He is no king of mine, mine.”
“And that is why you’re here, and I’m up there,” They leaned closer, “protecting them.”
“And are you proud, proud? Groveling in submission to a monster, monster?!” Jevil snarled, his tick getting worse the angrier he got, “He will kill them all, all! Or lock them down here, here, with me, me! Are you going to stand by-”
Null’s form grew, eyes appearing all around him as their body lost all shape, “Jevil,” They snarled, instead of one voice surrounded by whispers it sounded like thousands screaming at once, “I will not let anything happen to them - any of them.”
Jevil’s expression shifted from righteous anger to bitter sadness, “Then why didn’t you protect me?”
The eyes widened, and Null snapped back to normal. He could see a pulsing light beneath their cloak moving quickly - it reminded Jevil of a scared rabbit. Jevil moved away from the bars, curling up in his cell. Null looked confused, scared and most of all sad. They reached out, hand covered by a metal gauntlet, before pulling it back under the protection of their cloak. Null vanished moments later. Jevil sighed. He was about to start humming again when he noticed his food. Curious he wandered over, and saw Null had used their magic to write something in the mush.
“I’m sorry.”
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nutbrain · 6 years
A short fic about a pining Bandit I wrote from a discord suggestion. I tried a writing style a little different from what I’m used to, so please let me know if you like it! (~4800 words)
Bandit wasn’t quite sure when the feeling started. It had been insidious, one thing slowly building on top of another, nagging at the back of his mind until the thought was finally brought to his attention; he was starting to get old. It wasn’t something he’d really let bother him until recently. Retrospectively, Bandit realized he’d started to notice courtesy of several offhanded comments. The German had vaulted over a stairway’s railing to finish off a couple terrorists a floor below and hurt his knees on the (admittedly poor) landing. Kapkan had laughed his head off when Bandit had radioed in that since the building was finally clear, he was going to remain on the floor until his legs stopped throbbing. He still cringed at the fact that Mute had to eventually make his way down to pick him up. The young Brit asked him if he required LifeAlert, and of course Pulse had joined in. The helicopter ride back was miserable with his knees still hurting more with every jostle and those idiots living it up through the comm system which he was ordered not to turn off. Kapkan of course wouldn’t let him nurse he wounds in peace when they got back and instead radioed it in to Doc.
              “We have no casualties aside from Bandit’s pride,” Bandit flipped him off which only encouraged the Russian more, “the idiot decided to take up gymnastics and didn’t quite stick his landing. I’d give it a 2.5/10 from what I saw on the cameras.” Kapkan winked as the others started chortling, debating whether or not he deserved more or less points for killing the terrorists on the way down.
Doc had let out a long-suffering sigh when Bandit was hauled into the infirmary by a highly amused Mute. From the looks of it, the doctor had been planning on heading out for the night with his team, as Doc had thrown his white coat on over his sweater and khaki pants while the rest of the GIGN was lazing around the infirmary in their civvies. Twitch fixed him with an unamused look and he flipped off Rook just out of sight of Montagne as the younger man opened his mouth to say something. The shield bearer smiled at him as he limped past, but Bandit steadfastly refused to make eye contact, offering him a quick nod instead. He was already embarrassed enough.
Doc ushered the pair into the office and closed the door after Mute left, giving the German a lightning fast check-up before launching into one of his signature tongue lashings. While the whole tirade was grating on its own, it was Doc’s comment as he cleaned up that really tipped him over the edge.
“You’re not getting any younger, you know. Not that you should have been pulling those stunts ten years ago, but you have to be even more careful now.” He gripped, passing Bandit a bottle of prescription ibuprofen for the swelling and pain. The German glared and silently accept the meds, waiting to leave until he was dismissed. Bandit maybe a bit rash at times, but even knew better than blow up on the doctor (Doc was a force to be reckoned with on his own, but with the rest of the GIGN already upset that they weren’t currently at dinner, there’s no way that would end well).
However, if the Keurig that Doc and the others from the mission happened to use had its water laced with laxatives the next day, well, what could he say.
While Bandit certainly wasn’t the oldest operator in Rainbow by any means, he also wasn’t nearly as young as some. After lamenting to Blitz about the comments from the others, the younger German had a few ideas that Bandit wasn’t quite sure he was willing to accept.
               “I think you’re just hitting your midlife crisis.”
               “My what?” Bandit looked at him as if he’d grown another head, though it wasn’t quite as effective since he was currently laying upside down on the couch while Blitz sat in the recliner, making a valiant effort to type up his mission report while also playing counselor to Bandit.
               “Your midlife crisis. From what I hear it happens to people around your age. I mean, you bought that ridiculously expensive motorcycle last month,” Blitz held up his hand as Bandit started to protest, “your pranks have shifted to focus mostly on the younger operators, you actually trimmed your beard within the last week, you’ve started buying work jeans with even more holes in them, and you’ve finally purchased civvies that don’t make you look like a homeless stoner.” Bandit flipped around on the couch to level a proper glare at the other man, whose only response was to roll his eyes.
               “I’ll have you know that I’ve been meaning to buy that bike for years, thank you very much. And how dare you insult the distressed marks on my jeans. I don’t know if you’ve tried, but it’s actually very time consuming to create that look for yourself.” Blitz quirked his eyebrow, disbelieving.
               “Listen, all I’m saying is maybe this would be a good time to find someone nice and give dating a chance. I know it’s hard with our lifestyle, but we’ll all have to retire eventually and you need someone to keep you company when the nights are long.”
               “Ya, you’re probably right,” now it was Blitz’s turn to look at him strangely, not used to hearing those words come out of Bandit’s mouth. “I probably do need a good lay like what you have with the baguette boy.” Blitz’s expression turned to one of horror as his face lit up bright red. Bandit cackled as he exited the room, leaving a sputtering Blitz behind.
Despite the jesting, Bandit took Blitz’s words to heart. He spent the next week running through his dating options. Ideally, another operator would be best suited to handle and understand his current lifestyle, so that narrowed down his options significantly. Montagne, Jackal, Lion, and the Russians were out immediately for a variety of reasons. Montagne was so far out of league it was unreal, so he wasn’t even on the list to be checked off. Jackal was attractive and older, so he was one of Bandit’s first thoughts, but the other man was too suave and had enough baggage not to be able to handle any of Bandit’s. Moving on, Lion, as far as Bandit knew, was interested in the fairer sex. As intriguing as the challenge of converting him sounded, he also didn’t think he’d be able to stomach his haughty attitude for long. As for the Russians, they were so tight knit it would be extremely hard to even start to approach one, and in the event that they ever broke up, Bandit had the distinct feeling that he would no longer have to worry about reaching retirement.
Rook, Blitz, Mute, and Smoke were already in relationships, and as much as Bandit enjoyed chaos, he wasn’t about to be labelled as a homewrecker, especially not where Blitz was concerned. After finishing his run through, the only other operator he hadn’t completely ruled out for one reason or another was Jager.
Bandit started weighing the pros and cons of their theoretical relationship. Pros: They’d been friends for awhile and at this point knew each other well, so they could skip a lot of the awkwardness that accompanied getting to know someone new. Not to mention the man was incredibly smart and easy on the eyes. Cons: The problem lay in the fact that Bandit preferred to be pursued rather than to pursue. And knowing Jager, his toolbox had a better chance of picking up on the fact that Bandit was flirting with him. Not to mention he’d be risking their current friendship if he took the direct approach and was rejected.
Bandit sighed a flopped back on his bed, attempting to devise a strategy to ask the mechanic out while also being able to play it off should his advances go awry.
As the weeks went on, Bandit occupied his free time with fantasies about pursing Jager. He’d started to grow accustomed to the idea of dating the other German, despite how strange the notion had felt initially. Before Blitz put the idea in his head, it hadn’t even crossed his mind to ask Jager out. The two defender’s friendship had taken long enough to progress to where it was today, with more than a few fights scattered throughout and so Bandit was loathe to potentially ruin what they had. At this point, however, he was committed to winning over the other defender, despite the nagging sense that this whole thing was fueled by a little too much desperation. His usual sounding board, Blitz, was of little help; the man turned to a blushing pile of mush at the mere mention of sex and Rook had all but fallen into his lap, so he was useless for that as well.
Getting Jager’s attention was just as hard as he thought it would be, much to Bandit’s despair. His attempts at flirting were taken as compliments, and all he accomplished was inflating Jager’s already significant ego. At one point it had gotten so bad, everyone was worried the pilot was turning into Echo with how much he was boasting about his ADSs (a statement that said man was highly offended by). Smoke thankfully took him down a few notches by rolling a stink bomb past his ADS during training. Jager had been stuck in the raunchy room until Castle came back to take down his barricades, taking longer than necessary to check all the rooms before finally arriving to rescue the poor German. Bandit felt guilty even if what happened wasn’t his fault, so he decided he’d better switch tactics.
However, his next option, gifts, were also a no go, as they were immediately met with deep suspicion and adamantly refused on the off chance that Bandit was pulling a prank. Despite trying everything he could, Jager still refused to take any of the offered food items or tools. After several attempts on multiple occasions, Doc and Montagne were starting to appreciate the edible items he grudgingly passed their way. The tokens had at least gone a long way to smooth things over after the laxative prank claimed Montagne as an unintended victim. Doc of course had made Bandit eat something from the box the first few times he came by, both to prove nothing was poisoned and to make sure they didn’t taste terrible. As for the tools, which were not electrified as Jager insisted, he kept for himself or passed onto a grateful IQ.
The whole ordeal was a trial in itself, but to make matters worse, the other operators in the workshop had picked up on what was going on and were increasingly amused with Bandit’s failures. He was furious when noticed that the SAS defenders had started a betting pool at his expense, worried that it’d somehow work its way back around to Jager. So far the two had kept their promise to the pilot out of the loop, given the fact that Jager turned down Bandit’s latest gift of his favorite box of German chocolates.
Sighing in frustration, Bandit stalked out of the workshop and headed back towards his room. On the way, he passed the common area where Montagne and Rook were watching some film in French. He veered over and dropped yet another box of chocolates off to a now beaming Montagne, not allowing the other man a chance to speak before he disappeared around the corner without a word.
Two weeks and five failed attempts, Bandit had finally ended up at his last option, but refused to take the final step. His attempts had gotten increasingly farfetched and he’d managed to run up a long list of people infuriated with him as he compensated for his anxiousness with pranks. In a rare occasion, both the Bosak sisters were looking to murder him for swapping the contents of closets and lockers (luckily for him, they still had yet to actually work together), he’d switched out all of Thermite’s chemicals with either baking soda or vinegar, resulting in little volcanoes forming all over the lab, and sniffed out the location of Buck’s good maple syrup to replace it with the cheapest liquid sugar he could find.
As if ticking off four operators wasn’t enough, his most recent stunt had Glaz absolutely livid. Bandit had passed out invitations to a ‘gallery’ he’d opened up, which consisted entirely of the Russian’s empty canvases that he’d pelted with paintballs and hung around the common area. While some of the operators were snickering at his latest escapade, they all quieted down upon seeing Glaz enter the room. After a narrow escape from the sniper, the German was constantly checking over his shoulders for the rest of the Spetsnaz, who were currently doing their best impression of a kicked hornet’s nest.
The operators that had been so far unscathed were much jumpier and were anxiously trying to keep him in their peripherals. The younger members of the GIGN in particular had been watching him carefully, knowing they were among his usual targets. In all honesty, Bandit had avoided the GIGN not out of respect, but because he knew if he made Rook cry, Blitz would end his life. And if Bandit was worried Montagne would give him that same confused and disappointed look he had after he ruined his coffee, he certainly wasn’t about to admit it.
IQ finally approached him in the GSG9 common area, where he was sprawled out on the couch contemplating life. She sat down heavily, taking the place that Blitz had occupied weeks before when he first put Bandit’s plans in motion.
               “Listen, I’m getting real tired of putting out all of your fires. I found a set of plans today that Kapkan had written up as a way to ‘accidentally’,” IQ made exaggerate air quotes here, “break both your kneecaps during training. I managed to talk him down, but you’re buying Glaz brand new canvases, and they better be the highest quality crap you can find.” Bandit rolled his eyes. While he didn’t like being told what to do, he passed his phone to IQ all the same, showing her he’d already placed an order for new canvases. He’d been planning on offering them as an olive branch after seeing the devastation on the sniper’s face when he first recognized his art materials. The woman huffed and relaxed further into her chair as she tossed his phone back.
               “Listen, I know this isn’t usually the kind of thing we talk about, but I’ve heard the rumors. If you’re going to ask Jager out, just rip off that band aid. No matter what he says, it’ll be easier than putting up with you trying to start World War III with the rest of the operators because you’re too much of a chicken to make a move.” As Bandit stared, unsure how to respond, IQ hauled herself out of the chair and shuffled off to her room, closing the door behind her a bit more forcefully than necessary. Bandit buried his face in the crook of his arm and sighed. IQ was right as usual, and if she felt the need to say something, then it really must have gotten bad. He sat up and began brainstorming the best way to word everything.
Much later in the afternoon, Bandit wandered down to the workshop and slowly waited for the other operators to clear out. Kapkan and Fuze seemed to be attempting to glare him to death, but even they finally left, leaving Bandit, Jager, and Echo in the lab. Jager had his headphones in and was bobbing to a beat Bandit could hear from across the room, so his next actions would go unnoticed. He first attempted to make eye contact with the other operator before giving up. Bandit resorted instead to crumpling up a wad of paper and hucking it at Echo’s head. When he looked up, Bandit mimed towards the door and mouthed “GTFO”. Echo just smirked and shook his head, glance towards Jager and making a kissy face. Time to change tactics. Grabbing a pencil and another piece a paper, Bandit wrote out: ‘I will murder EVERY last member of your drone family.’ The look on Echo’s face went from surprised, to amused, and finally terrified as Bandit connected the paper (and a piece of carefully concealed graphite) between the alligator clips of his battery, sending them up in flames. The Japanese man’s face lost its color as he scooped up his drone and held it to his chest. He hastily gathered his work materials in his one open hand and made a quick exit.
Jager pulled out one of his earbuds and sniffed.
               “Do you smell smoke?” He asked, peering around curiously before his eyes settled on the smoking pile of ashes in front of Bandit.
               “It could be because you’re smoking hot.” Bandit finger gunned and winked. Okay, maybe not his best move he thought as Jager let out an exasperated sigh and turned back to his work. Alright, he just had to do this like pulling off a band aid; nice and fast. A ‘Bandit aid’. Oh gosh, he was going insane and needed to do something now before someone came in, he lost his nerve, or started actually saying half the crap he was thinking right now.
               “Sooooooo, I’ve been thinking about something for a little while.” Bandit wandered over and leaned on the edge of Jager’s work table. The man responded with a noncommittal grunt, but removed both earbuds to better hear what Bandit had to say. It was now or never.
               “I was wondering if maybe you’d want to date me. I mean we have similar work schedules, we’re both attractive, we’re both German, so we wouldn’t have to worry about intercountry nonsense, uhm, and IthinkIkindoflikeyou.” Bandit had steadfastly refused to make eye contact and that last bit came out a little too fast, but he was sure the other man still understood. When Bandit finally looked over at Jager, the other man was staring before giving him an amused look.
               “Haha, no.” That was…unexpected. Bandit had to admit it felt like being slapped, and while he knew rejection was a possibility, he at least expected Jager to turn him down a bit more graciously.
              “Why not?” Anger seeped into Bandit’s tone as he recoiled back, readying himself for a fight if only to make sure the pilot couldn’t see the hurt that was surely written all across his face. Jager set down his tools and ran a hand down his face, leaving a greasy smear in its wake.
              “Because, I don’t want to ruin what we have here. Not to mention the fact that if we ever broke up, not only are we in the same CTU, but we’re also both defenders. We’d never be able to go on the same mission again, and I’d hate to lose that.” Jager broke eye contact and started fidgeting with a screwdriver, his voice quieting for his next statement, “Dom, you’re the only person I completely trust to watch my back out there and I don’t want to lose that. I was kind of hoping that if I didn’t respond to any of your weird attempts at flirting you’d just kind of let it drop and I wouldn’t have to hurt your feelings. Besides, you’re not really interested in me, you’re interested in the idea of having someone and I’m your easiest option.” Oh. The rejection still stung, but Bandit’s shoulder relaxed as he settled back down, Jager’s words hitting home as the pilot had read the situation much better than Bandit had given him credit for.
              “I guess you’re probably right. I really don’t want to screw up our friendship either, though I suppose I’ve just made it incredibly awkward.” Bandit was lost at what to do. He felt like an idiot, but now he couldn’t leave without at least attempting to repair what he’d just potentially ruined. Jager snorted.
              “Naw, I figured you’d pull some stupid stunt like this after Blitz mentioned the conversation you two had. You’re too much of a chicken to ask any of the other operators out.” Jager playfully poked Bandit in the side with the butt of his screw driver to accent his words, as the other German attempted to swipe it away. Jager sighed as Bandit proceeded to stare at floor, the sides of his mouth pulled down into an unhappy grimace.
              “Why don’t we go out and get a drink this weekend? You can save face with the other operators and we can get drunk enough to laugh about this whole thing. It’s only awkward if you make it awkward, Dom. Besides, I’m getting tired of having you being too nervous to sit next to me in here. I’ve had to bounce my ideas off of Fuze recently, and that man carries a conversation about as well as a brick wall.” Snorting at what Jager said, Bandit gave him a nod and smiled before standing up. “Sure, why not. First round is on me.” The mechanic smiled at him proudly, obviously relieved that he’d accepted the peace offering.
Slapping Jager on the back, Bandit headed towards the door of the workshop, leaning back around the door to tell Jager wipe the dirt off of his face before sauntering off to nurse his wounds. Jager heaved a sigh of relief and texted IQ and Blitz to ask them to keep an eye on Bandit just in case he wasn’t as okay as he said he was. The three operators had been attempting to divert this disaster after Jager had expressed his reservations, and while the situation had turned out well, the pilot still felt guilty for not addressing it sooner. After receiving replies from his teammates, he confirmed a time and date with Bandit for meeting at the bar, before sending off another quick text and smiling at the reply.
Saturday came around and Bandit rode his motorcycle out to the bar that Jager had specified in his text. The other man had to do some things in town, so they agreed to arrive separately. With his helmet in the crook of his elbow, Bandit wandered into the building and glanced around the room. It was a small, dimly lit dive bar that the rainbow operators frequented, with a couple pool tables in the front and a smattering of booths around the walls. Tonight, there was a group of people playing pool that glanced up upon his arrival and a lone man sitting at the bar, but no Jager anywhere in sight. Bandit was purposefully fifteen minutes late, partly to keep up appearances and partly to make sure he wasn’t left sitting alone at a bar, nursing his minor heartbreak like a loser. Shifting his helmet so he could tug out his phone, Bandit texted Jager informing him that he was a loser who had better get here soon. Resigned to wait, Bandit sauntered up to where the bartender was cleaning glasses.
As he got closer, Bandit realized he recognized the man sitting at the bar, and for all the world couldn’t think of why he would be there. Sensing his approach, the man glanced over and smiled brightly as he recognized Bandit.
              “Hey there Monty. What brings you to this crap hole?” The bartender looked unamused but was by now used to some of the operators being a bit abrasive. Bandit dropped a twenty on the bar and the man passed him his usual, Montagne still smiling like the angelic being he was. Just his luck, not only was he about to get wasted, but now Montagne and the rest of the GIGN would likely be here to watch him drown his sorrows. Jager had better get here soon.
              “I’m here to meet a hot date. It’s our first one, so I’m trying to make a good first impression.” Bandit laughed as he leaned his back against the bar looked around, one of the lights in flickered off and on in the corner and someone angrily shouted from one of the pool tables.
              “You sure picked one hell of a place to try and do that. Hopefully she doesn’t mind the fact that nothing’s been updated in the last century.” Montagne’s smile brightened even further and he leaned forward to rest one of his elbows on the bar and turn the rest of his body towards Bandit.
              “Well, I don’t think he tends to mind places like this,” Bandit perked up at the change in pronouns, swinging back around to look at the Frenchman in a new light, “but the place was picked for us by a mutual friend.” Hope was starting to wriggle its way up into Bandit’s heart, despite him doing his best to smoosh it down. He simply blinked at Montagne, before switching to an attempt to feign disinterest with a half-hearted, “Oh ya?”
              “Why don’t you tell me, Bandit. Do you mind places like this?” Bandit blinked, once, twice, then three times as Montagne’s expression gradually started to dim from his lack of response. The large man leaned back in his chair and Bandit suddenly noticed how close they had been for this entire conversation.
              “I, um, I mean, if you’re not interested that’s completely fine. I just…you’ve been giving me an awful lot of gifts that you could have passed off to Blitz or IQ since Jager didn’t want them. And then Jager messaged and said you were interested and that this was the time and place, so I just figured… I mean I suppose…. Maybe I jumped the gun a bit?” The Frenchman started fidgeting, the expression on his face looking for all the world like Bandit’s had when he’d finally asked Jager out. Seeing something so uncharacteristically anxious from the normally confident man was strangely endearing. After staring for another beat, Bandit allowed a smile to creep into his expression
              “You’re right, I don’t mind places like this. I am a pretty hot date if I do say so myself.” Bandit winked before scoffing and finishing off his beer. “I guess this means that Jager’s not coming after all?” Montagne’s smile returned in full force and he shook his head laughing, Bandit sliding into the seat next to him and ordering another beer. While their conversations were awkward at first, neither knowing where exactly they should start, as the night carried on, they grew more relaxed in each other’s presence and the conversations flowed easier.  After several beers, Bandit recounted the last few weeks, and after several probing questions from Montagne, finally slurred (after even more beers) how he’d thought Montagne would never be interested, so he didn’t bother even trying. By the time the bar closed, Bandit was gotten absolutely trashed with Montagne not far behind. Knowing that neither was fit to drive, Montagne checked them into a nearby hotel and the two passed out blissfully on the beds, content with the other’s company.
 Despite the fact that Bandit was over the moon after this recent development, Jager didn’t get off completely for standing him up. Bandit hid his tools throughout base and followed him around to tell the pilot if he was hot or cold until an exasperated IQ returned with a Bandit’s treasure map of hiding places and threatened bodily harm should Bandit attempt to re-hide anything.
Bandit also made peace with the Spetsnaz, replacing all of Glaz’s canvases and then some. Glaz, though still miffed, was grateful and it went a long way in smoothing tensions with the Spetsnaz. Bandit couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling that grew in his chest as Montagne later told him how proud he was that he’d done the right thing. While Bandit played it off, he made a mental note to buy Blitz something nice for setting this whole thing in motion.
 The ensuing relationship wasn’t what Bandit had imagined would happen with Jager. There was a lot of getting used to new routines and hanging out with different people. He got to know Rook a lot better, something that made Blitz unreasonably happy and so was probably worth it. As he and Montagne approached their one-month anniversary, Bandit realized that while they might not last forever, he was more than willing to risk the heartbreak in order to give their relationship a chance.
35 notes · View notes
all-the-cliches-lwa · 6 years
The Life We Share Ch. 7 (End)
I’m a day late I know ;-; I had a lot of difficulties with my Dianakko week day 7 prompt... and like, it took me way too long to figure out how to do it! I’m.. honestly still all that sure how it came out, but I wanted to get out asap, so here it is!
Oh also s/o to @undersea-anchor. You are lovely and have been such a big help throughout this whole week. I also got inspiration for one line in the middle of the fic from this picture by @bibnella. Completely different context but I mean. I love this pic and I felt like it needed to be said. . 
I hope you enjoyed this Dianakko week! Please feel free to tell you what you thought of this chapter, or my submissions in general. But of course, thank you so much for reading my fic! It’s meant so much to me that you guys read my things.
Day 7: Free day
Summary: In which Akko and Diana finally have their wedding. 
Word count: 5.4k words
ffnet link ao3 link
Diana paused and turned to look at herself in the mirror, for what was probably her fifteenth time in the last couple of hours. She took a second to take in her appearance, and her lips curved down into a dissatisfied frown.
“Honestly Amanda, I haven’t the slightest clue why I let you talk me into wearing this ridiculous suit.”
“Oh c’mon Di, would you quit worrying?! You look hot... Besides, we both know I wasn’t the one who talked you into wearing that.”
Diana looked up at Amanda’s reflection in the mirror and narrowed her eyes.
“You were the one who suggested it, however.”
Amanda flashed a smug grin as she leaned back against the armrest of the couch.
“Yeah? And I remember Akko practically begging you to wear it… and as we both know, you can’t say no to those adorable puppy dog eyes.”
Diana sighed, ignoring her best woman’s little quip, and glared back down at her own reflection, one hand fiddling with the edge of slacks while the other pulled against her collar.  
They had been planning today for months. Fifteen months to be exact.
What Diana, and likely Akko, had assumed would be a relatively simple affair, one that would take no more than a couple of months, had quickly grown into the greatest trial the two of them had ever faced.
Considering they had literally stared down a possessed missile together in their youth… that was saying quite a bit.
To be honest, if Diana truly had to pick between facing that missile once again and spending hours arguing over something as pointless as how the napkins at the reception would be folded… she would gladly choose facing almost certain death over those damned table cloths anyday.
Never mind the headache that was deciding the guest list.
If Akko and her didn’t have the support of their friends throughout the whole process… there’s no telling how this would have gone.
Still, after all of their preparation, not to mention their years of being engaged, what was to be the biggest day of their lives had finally arrived.
Akko was on the other side of the Cavendish estate, Lotte, Sucy, and Andrew keeping her company. There was absolutely no doubt in Diana’s mind that Akko looked absolutely stunning… If only she could know just what Akko was wearing.
Out of all the details that the two of them had spent forever ironing out, practically burning it into Diana’s mind, the one detail that neither of them were allowed to know, as per Akko’s request naturally, was how the other would be dressed.
All that they knew was that Akko would be wearing a bridal gown and Diana would be wearing a suit.
And while Diana knew Akko’s dress would be nothing short of spectacular, something that would undoubtedly leave her absolutely breathless…
Diana did another once over herself in the mirror and felt her heart drop down to the pit of her stomach.
She felt no doubt that her own attire left much to be desired. After all of  that insistence on secrecy, Akko was probably expecting something that would leave the girl absolutely floored… but this?
“Surely you don’t think Akko was expecting something like this?” Diana pivoted away from the mirror to face her friends.
“What’s so wrong about that?” Amanda asked, a brow raised. “Like I said, you look hot! That Anna sure knows how to tailor a suit. It hugs your waist just right.”
“Amanda would you quit ogling me? I’m serious,” Diana scolded. She then rapidly gestured up and down her suit and let out a defeated groan. “Akko is expecting something jaw-dropping, and truthfully I feel this suit is rather dull.”
“Jeez Diana, stop fussing about it!” Barbara interjected. Diana turned towards the door, where Hannah and Barbara stood. “Amanda’s right, you look amazing. Honestly, Akko’s going to be completely head over heels for you!”
“Well, you know, more than usual,” Hannah added.
“Seriously, knowing her, she might actually fall head over heels during the ceremony.” Amanda chuckled as she sat up on the couch. Diana turned back to her best woman, who was sending her an unsettling smirk.  “Though if you’re really looking to drop some jaws, I’ve got a couple of suggestions.”
“Here we go,” Hannah laughed, as she shook her head, though her lips were curled up in an amused smile.
“If you really want to leave an impression…” Amanda continued, clearly ignoring Hannah’s little quip. “Lose the vest. Oh, and the tie.” Amanda leaned forward and winked, which sent a shudder down Diana’s spine. “Maybe even undo a few buttons off the top. Show off a little boo-”
“Amanda O’neill! I will not be doing any of that!” Diana screamed, causing her bridesmaids to burst into laughter. Diana leaned back against the mirror and crossed her arms, doing her best to ignore the flames that had lit up in her cheeks. “Honestly, I would have thought that, on today of all days, my bridesmaids and my best woman would have the courtesy to hold off on their jokes at my expense.”
“Well, you wouldn’t have picked us for the jobs if we did, now would you?” Amanda laughed.
Diana sputtered at the accusation for just a moment, only to drop her head and chuckle in defeat.
“Perhaps not,” Diana admitted.
“Anyway, you really needed to relax,” Hannah said. “You’ve been worrying over nothing since you woke up.”
“And honestly, we thought this would be the best way to calm you down,” Barbara continued. “Give you a bit of normalcy and try to keep your mind distracted. It worked for Edgar in Nightfall volume 369.”
Diana froze for a moment, staring wide-eyed at the floor below her. Her arms fell to her sides as the words of her friends sank in.
“Have… Have I really been worrying over nothing?” Diana mumbled. When all she heard was the sound of birds outside her window, she looked up, only to see everyone else staring at her with an almost deadpan glare. “... What?”
The three turned to each other for just a second. They shared a brief nod, and Amanda then lifted herself up from the couch and began walking towards Diana.
“... Di, you literally just worried that Akko, the same Akko who actually spent hours drooling because you ‘accidentally’ got your hair cut too short a few years ago, wouldn’t be all crazy about you wearing that fine ass suit,” Amanda said. “Trust us, you need to chill.”
“Yeah Diana, Amanda’s right,” Barbara, who was now standing by Amanda’s left, agreed.
“We get that your nervous,” Hannah said from Amanda’s right. “Who wouldn’t be? But if we’re talking about Akko here… we’re pretty sure you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Diana bit her lip, and her eyes darted down to her black leather shoes. Her hands clenched into tight, almost shaking, fists.
Then, Diana closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
“... I just want today to go absolutely perfect for her,” Diana admitted. “Something we can look back at together forever.”
“And it will be,” Barbara answered. “As long as it’s you and her together, any day would be perfect for Akko… honestly I can’t tell you how much of my weekly Nightfall book clubs has been replaced with Lotte talking about how excited Akko is.”
And that thought made Diana smile. The thought of Akko gushing about everything to her friends because she just couldn’t contain her excitement. Her eyes twinkling with that trademark thrill that was just so Akko.
“I… suppose you three are right.”
“But, if you need something to calm you down, I think I’ve got just the thing,” Amanda said. Diana opened her eyes to see Amanda digging into the pocket inside of her own suit. “Ah, found it.” Amanda then pulled her arm out and opened up her palm.
Diana looked down, and her eyes widened when she saw red strings, all interwoven together.
“My bracelet…”
“Yeah, remember you told me to hold onto it a few days ago?” Amanda said.
“... Considering the sort of things you had us do on my so-called bachelorette party at the time, could you blame me?” Diana replied. “I’m pretty sure had I worn it that night, I would have truly lost it in all the chaos.”
“Yeah well, nothing says party like-”
“I never wish to be reminded of what transpired that night Amanda,” Diana scolded, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room. “You three did delete all photo evidence of that night, correct?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah don’t worry about it,” Amanda waved off, to the sound of agreements from the others. “But, you gotta admit, you did have fun right? Pretty sure watching what we did gave you some ideas for the honeymoon.”
Diana’s face heated up at the thought, but she refused to acknowledge Amanda’s obvious taunt with a response.
Still, she took the string from Amanda’s hand and nodded gratefully. She wrapped it around her wrist, and a wave of calm rushed over her. She smiled and ran her fingers over the fibres of red string Akko had given her one day in between their months of hellish planning.
Diana then looked up at her bridesmaids, all giving her smiles and grins, and her arms reached out to grab all three of her friends in a tight embrace.
“Thank you,” Diana said, her voice slightly shaky, “thank you all so much.”
“Of course Diana,” Barbara said.
“Anytime,” Hannah added.
Diana continued to tightly hold the three girls in silence, with their arms eventually wrapping around Diana as well.
However, their moment together was cut short by beeping that sounded from Amanda’s wrist.
“Oh uh, well, that’s all fine and great but…” Amanda was the first pull back, and Diana saw her look down at the watch on her wrist, “We’ve got like 10 minutes ‘till you have to meet with Akko… right before you two walk down the aisle.”
Diana’s heart stopped, and the butterflies in her stomach returned, fluttering even more wildly than they had before.
She felt like she was back in high school, waiting on Akko to knock on her door for their first date… and she never wished to be back in that room, hiding beneath her bed covers more than she did now.
Before Diana could act upon any of that, however, Amanda’s hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“C’mon Di, wouldn’t wanna keep Akko waiting right?” Amanda said. “Besides, I can’t imagine how freaked out she is right now.”
Diana took another deep breath and gave a nervous smile.
“Yes… yes, we should go,” Diana said. “Thank you.”
“Alright, Han, Barb, I’mma take Di down myself,” Amanda said.
“Fine, fine” Hannah said. “You make sure she gets down in one piece, or you’re not hearing the end of it from either of us, right Barbara?”
“Yeah Amanda!”
“Ha, ‘aight,” Amanda laughed. Then she looked back at Diana. “Let’s go.”
And Diana nodded, doing her best to calm her, now absolutely stampeding, heart as they began making their way out of the room.
However, even she knew she wouldn’t be able to. Her heart was just beating far too fast.
And who could blame her? She was about to meet her fiancée-
“Diana! Don’t forget about your brooch!”
Diana stopped and turned towards the table at the center of the room, only to see she had, indeed, forgotten her family’s brooch, a pin in the shape of the Cavendish familiar, a unicorn.
“Woops, can’t leave that Di,” Amanda chuckled.
“... Right, my apologies.”
Akko paced back and forth along the west wall of the entrance hall, each of her steps accentuated with the loud clack of her heels slamming against the tiles. All the while, her attention was centered on the east corridor. Just waiting for Diana to make her entrance.
She could faintly hear Lotte, Sucy, and Andrew conversing behind her, but she couldn’t really tell what they were talking about over the sound of her own hammering heart, threatening to burst out of her chest.
Akko knew she should probably calm down. Try to stay still and not scuff up the floors that Anna and the rest of Diana’s house staff had spent so long cleaning… but she couldn’t help it! No matter what she tried, she couldn’t find anyway to stop her legs from bouncing, kicking, or stomping on the ground. Couldn’t find a way to stop her arms from shaking.
And, of course, with every second that passed, that excitement coursing through her veins only continued to build.
After all, the moment that Akko had been waiting for forever was about to come.
Soon, she would finally get to see how amazing Diana looked in her suit!
When Amanda made the suggestion all the way back when they first started planning, Akko would be lying if she said she wasn’t immediately on board with it. Ever since that day, Akko had spent so much of her free time just daydreaming about it!
Sure, she could have gotten a chance to see what Diana looked like a long time ago… but there was that thing about seeing the bride in their wedding outfits being bad luck. And sure, Diana told her that was just some silly superstition but… Akko didn’t want to take any chances.
She’d already burned all of her luck by having Diana in her life.
But, if Diana didn’t walk in through those doors in the next five minutes, Akko swore she would stomp through the halls and get Diana herself!
… Thankfully, she didn’t need to do that.
A click echoed from the door across the room, and Akko froze, her heart jumping high up into her throat.
Butterflies scrambled around in her stomach, and her heart felt like it would explode at any moment.
Then the doors split open.
The very second Akko laid eyes on Diana, they popped out of her head, and her knees immediately buckled. Thankfully, Lotte and Andrew were quick enough to catch her before she collapsed onto the ground, providing the support her legs could no longer give.
Sure, this was just a little pathetic, but who could blame her?!
Akko always knew Diana would look absolutely gorgeous wearing a suit. There was just something about the way Diana radiated cool and confidence that made it painfully obvious…
But damn.
How the suit just… hugged Diana’s waist and hips in all the right ways. The way its dark fabric showed off Diana’s flawless, alabaster, skin and fluffy, blonde tresses, swaying with every single step.
It all left Akko completely breathless. Her eyes couldn’t help but roam up and down Diana’s figure multiple times, burning every last detail into her mind. The silver brooch pinned onto the lapel. The dark blue vest and tie, further emphasizing Diana’s wonderfully fair skin.
Heat poured into her face, and her mouth felt completely dry.
The second Diana looked up, and Akko could finally look into Diana’s icy blue eyes, which, more than once, sent shivers down her spine, Akko felt her mind halt.
Before Akko knew it, words began to form on her lips, her mind far too consumed by her fiancée’s sheer beauty to even think about stopping them.
“H-Holy shitto da.”
Diana spent the entire trip from her dressing room to the entrance hall taking deep breaths and calming her nerves.
After all, as Amanda and Andrew had told her multiple times throughout the months, one of the suit’s strongest points was how it could exude the wearer’s own confidence and poise.
Well, that’s what Andrew had told her.
Amanda had told to ‘strut’ her ‘stuff’, with absolutely no care. Which was essentially the same, given Amanda’s own way of speaking.
However, the very second she walked into the entrance hall and saw Akko standing before her… she felt all of her composure fly away. The world froze around her, and everything else melted away, leaving just her and this angel alone together in a void of white.
All at once, the butterflies returned to wreak havoc in her gut, and her palms once again began to sweat. Just like in her dressing room, Diana suddenly felt like she was back in high school, only this was far worse on essentially every level.
Diana knew she could never have been prepared for what was to come. She knew that no matter what she tried, no matter how long she spent visualizing and imagining, Akko would leave her stunned speechless, would leave her, for lack of a better term, completely bewitched, trapped under her spell.
Even so, as Diana stared at Akko, at how the bodice, beautifully decorated in ornate, lilies and roses, clung onto Akko’s curves in a way that should have been absolutely criminal, at the skirt, which softly flared out from Akko’s hips down to hem on the floor, Diana found herself more lost for words than at any point in her life.
And that feelings only grew worse as, somehow, she was now standing right in front of her positively stunning fiancée. Diana’s eyes couldn’t help but wander, starting, of course, from Akko’s beautiful face. From those wide, absolutely hypnotizing red eyes, down towards the pure white, strapless dress that had, once again, left Diana truly speechless.
Carefully, Diana inched to reach for Akko’s hand, desperate for a touch, to know that this was all real… yet afraid that it would all slip away if she moved too quickly.
The very second Diana felt the soft skin of Akko’s hand in hers, her entire body filled with warmth, and her eyes had suddenly begun to sting, herself overwhelmed with joy.
Diana felt a soft thumb wipe away a tear, only to cup her cheek. She then stared into Akko’s alluring red irises, and slowly felt herself drawn towards them, slowly getting lost within.
Before she knew it, soft lips pressed against her own, and the whole world, once again, faded away.
Outside of the Cavendish Estate, at least a hundred people were seated, waiting for the ceremony to start. Rows and rows of chairs were lined up into two separate aisles, and pink and light blue lilies floated overhead, all thanks to Constanze and Jasminka.
Music played around the courtyard, setting up the sort of light, yet romantic, atmosphere Diana and Akko both said they wanted.
The sky was perfectly clear too, with not even a single cloud floating overhead.
It was, probably, the perfect time for an outdoor wedding, just like Akko had wanted.
… There was just… one problem.
“Amanda! You said you brought Diana down to Akko right?” Hannah scolded.
“Yeah, of course I did!” Amanda said. “Do you really think I would have let that mess walk through the house alone?”
“Then where are they?!” Hannah asked. “Akko’s parents have been wondering when the ceremony is going to start! And I don’t know what to tell them because it was supposed to start ten minutes ago!”
“Look, I brought her to meet with Akko at the entrance, and Lotte, Sucy, Andrew, and I gave them their privacy, just like we all planned!” Amanda said. “Good thing we left too, cause I swear those two were about to-” Amanda’s eyes shot open “-you dont think…”
“By the Nine, of course that’s what they’re doing!” Barbara groaned. “Jeez, they really are like-”
“Edgar and Arthur yes!” Lotte gushed.  After a quick second, however, she suddenly stopped, and her eyes widened, clearly in fear. “Wait, no this isn’t good.”
Sucy just started snickering behind everyone.
“Of course those idiots would do something like this.”
“Well, I suppose one of us will have to go and get them,” Andrew cut in. Amanda then saw him stare right at her, a twinkle in his eyes. “And I do believe that job should go to the best man, or woman as it were.”
“What?!” Amanda screamed. “I don’t wanna see that!”
“Just earlier, you were checking Diana out in the dressing room,” Hannah quipped. “I’m pretty sure you wanna see that.”
Amanda glared at Hannah, but all she got was a shrug and a chuckle. She then slumped, and peeked outside.
The guests were beginning to talk, wondering where the happy couple was. Thankfully, none of them were really mad, they did all know who Akko was, after all, but… who knows how long that would last.
Then Amanda caught Jasminka, looking back at her from the front row, and she immediately felt a shiver run down her spine.
“Fine,” Amanda groaned. She took her wand out from the inner pocket of her jacket and opened it up. “The things I do for those two.”
Amanda made her way back to the entrance hall, hoping that maybe, just maybe, those idiots were still stuck staring into each other’s eyes. Hoping that maybe she wouldn’t walk in on them... for probably the second time in her life.
She knew it was pointless, but, still, a girl could hope.
Amanda stopped in front of the wooden doors and took in a deep breath, preparing herself for what was inside.
“Yo! What are you guys doing?! Akko, your parents are wondering where the hell you two ar-” Amanda immediately froze when she saw Diana pinned against the wall, Akko’s hand tangled in tousled blonde hair, and the look of horror on the, apparently extremely, happy couple’s faces.
“... Jeez you two, I’m all for breaking the rules, but I’m pretty sure you can’t have the honeymoon before the wedding.”
“Yera Retoure!”
Light flew out from Amanda’s wand, encircling both Diana and Akko. Instantly, the reversal spell returned their clothes - disheveled from their… ‘activities’ - back to their original state.
“Please do not tell anyone about this,” Diana pleaded, her face absolutely scorching, as she, Akko, and Amanda made their way outside.
“Oh trust me Di, everyone already knows,” Amanda said. “And those who don’t can definitely put two and two together when they see the marks Akko left on your neck.”
“What?!” Diana screamed. She immediately reached into her pocket to grab her phone to use as a mirror. When she saw small dark marks scattered all around her neck, she nearly fainted, overwhelmed by the mortifying embarrassment that filled her being.
“Don’t worry! I can fix it!” Akko immediately cheered. “Tiosel Sol Aré!”
Diana felt herself engulfed in a warm, soothing light, and one by one, each offending mark faded away.
Diana let out a sigh of relief, as she inspected herself to find that, thankfully, Akko’s spell had worked completely.
“Thank you so much Akko,” Diana said, turning to send a smile towards her fiancée.
“No probs!” Akko answered, a bright smile on her face. Almost instantly, however, that smile grew more impish, sending a tingle down Diana’s spine. “Besides, there’ll be more of those tonight!”
“Akko!” Diana quickly scolded, and Amanda burst into laughter in front of them.
“At least you’re leaving it for tonight,” Amanda chuckled. “Now let’s go! Everyone’s waiting.”
The ceremony went by in a blur.
Just as they had rehearsed countless times, Akko and Diana’s entourage walked down the aisle first, Diana’s on the right and Akko’s on the left.
Then, Akko and Diana walked down the aisle, hand-in-hand, as Akko's parents guided them towards the front where Professor Ursula stood, ready to officiate their wedding.
All the while, Akko and Diana focused solely on each other. Hands joined together, as they gazed into each other's eyes. Diana marveling at the bright light of joy radiating off of Akko's smile. Akko lost in the warm love held within Diana's crystal blue eyes.
“Now, it's time for the couple to exchange a few words. Akko?”
Then, before they knew it, the stage was theirs.
Akko felt Diana squeeze her hands, saw Diana’s smile soften, and her heart filled with a familiar warmth. A warmth that could make any day better, one that enveloped her and made her feel safe. Just like a hug from her dear fiancée.
Akko took in a deep breath and let that warmth guide her.
“Diana, I… when we first met, I… I never thought that we’d even really be friends. You were perfect in so many ways and could do everything I couldn’t. It was… really frustrating. Then there were all the times you scolded and lectured me! I thought you were so mean… but I, I was wrong.”
Akko paused, her voice having begun to crack. She shut her eyes and let out a shaky sigh, trying to calm down.
“You… weren’t anything but nice. You were always looking out for me, trying to make sure I didn’t get hurt. You were always just… taking care of me. And when I’m with you, I just feel so safe, so happy. I… everyday is fun with you, and you help me be the best me I can be! I.. always want to feel like this. To be with you.”
Akko looked back into Diana’s eyes, which were also moist with tears. Akko chuckled and reached up to wipe a drop from the corner of Diana’s eyes. “I know that I can’t keep talking about everything I love about you… cause if I did we’d be kind of here forever… but I love you so much. And I hope I can keep doing whatever it is that makes you want to keep me by your side.”
Diana stood still, locking her jaw in place and trying desperately to hold back the tears that were threatening to flood down her face. The only things keeping her together were Akko’s hand gently caressing her cheek and the face splitting grin on Akko’s face, as her fiancée also tried to fight back her own tears.
“Akko, I… I love you too. Far more than I could ever hope to put into words,” Diana said, as she leaned into Akko’s hand. “So forgive me for making this brief… but otherwise, just as you said, we would all be here forever.
As a child, I allowed the weight of my own responsibilities to pull me down, letting it slowly dull the color of my world. And then you came into my life, blindingly bright and full of vibrant colors. It was… distracting. Irritating. It showed me just how colorless I’d allowed my life to become… how the wonder I used to have for the world had just faded away. And I could not stand it, so I tried to run away from you.
But, no matter what, you found me. You, you brought color back to my life. You let me experience that sense of wonder once again, experience the joy of being a child, at least every once in a while. I’d… always assumed I was destined for one thing, and one thing only, but you showed me that I didn’t have to let that destiny shackle me from reaching out for other things.
You’ve given me a world of unlimited possibilities Akko, and I cannot thank you enough for that. A world where I don’t always have to be strong, a world where I can do anything I wish. And, truly, with every fibre of my being, I always hope… that I can do the same for you. No matter the cost, I swear that I will always be by your side when you need me most.” Diana finished, her tears falling down her face.
It was quite clear Akko wasn’t doing much better.
Diana smiled and took out the handkerchief from her suit. First, she used it to wipe away the tears from Akko’s eyes, and then did the same for herself.
When the two looked at each other, eyes red and puffy from tears, but their lips still smiling, full of love for one another, they both completely regretted the fact that they were not allowed to kiss until the very end of the ceremony.
“And so… Akko,” Diana said, doing her best to wrap up her final part, as quickly as possible. She removed the brooch from her lapel and held it on Akko’s dress, right above her heart. “Would you do me the great honour of joining my family?”
Akko bit her lip and nodded furiously, causing Diana’s heart to melt.
“Very well,” Diana said. She pinned the brooch onto Akko’s dress and smiled. She then turned to Professor Ursula and nodded. “You may continue.”
Professor Ursula smiled, wiping a tear from her eye.
“Understood. The rings?”
“Of course,” Andrew said, as he and Amanda walked up towards Akko and Diana. “You two look a mess.”
Akko and Diana both looked at Andrew and Amanda and struggled to hold in their laughter when they saw just how red their eyes had become.
“So do you,” Akko said, allowing her and Diana a moment to chuckle. “The both of you.”
Andrew just rolled his eyes while Amanda laughed alongside Diana and Akko. They both took out a ring from their respective suit pockets and gave them to the couple, Andrew to Akko and Amanda to Diana. The two then walked back to their spots beside each to-be spouse.
Akko and Diana both turned back to each other, and they slipped the rings onto each other’s fingers.
“And now, could the couple please clasp each other’s left hand?”
Akko and Diana both reached out, and with the clack of their new rings, held their hands together. Diana looked down and smiled, looking at the bright blue string on Akko’s wrist, one to match the red on her own.
“Very good, now may we please have the ribbons?”
Lotte and Sucy, as well as Hannah and Barbara, walked up to the front of the aisle, holding two red silk and two blue silk ribbons, respectively.
Hannah and Barbara began to wrap the blue ribbons, starting from Diana’s forearm down to Akko’s. Lotte and Sucy did the same with their red ribbons, wrapping it above the silk blue ribbons, beginning from Akko’s arm down to Diana’s.
Professor Ursula finished the job, pulling out a purple ribbon from under her sleeve and wrapping it around Akko and Diana’s hand.
Akko and Diana looked at their hands, smiling all the while as they felt each other’s heart beating in time with their own. They then gazed back at each other and giggled, finally, officially, tied together in life.
Professor Ursula stood straight up and placed her hand atop Akko’s and Diana’s.
“May the Nine witches, both old and new-” Professor Ursula winked “-bless this wedding. May you two be blessed with a long, happy life, full of the love you both share… and by the power vested in me, by both the country of England and the Council of Magic, I now pronounce you two officially married!”
The second Professor Ursula announced those words, Akko leapt up into the air, in time with her jumping heart, cheering out in celebration along with the crowd.
However, the second she landed, her foot slipped, and she fell backward onto the grass, pulling Diana along with her.
Akko looked up to see Diana, just inches above her, surprised and in shock.
And as the crowd joined together in a chorus of laughter, causing Akko’s face to heat up with embarrassment… she could only really say one thing.
“I, uh,” Akko giggled, “It looks like I fell for you!”
Diana sputtered, before breaking into a chuckle of her own. She shook her head and rolled her eyes in amusement.
“You are such a silly girl.”
Akko looked into Diana’s eyes and grinned, her wife’s giggle causing her heart to stampede in her chest.
“But I’m your silly girl right?”
And Diana’s heart skipped a beat. Her eyes quickly darted down towards Akko’s lips, and she smiled.
After all, the formalities had concluded, and the ceremony simply needed one last act to be completed.
She quickly leaned down pressing a kiss upon her wife’s lips, and her entire body filled with warmth as that thought rang through in her head.
Akko was her wife. And she was Akko’s. Officially.
Diana lifted herself up and couldn’t help but laugh at the dazed look on her wife’s face. She then leaned back down, to the side of Akko’s head, and whispered a wish.
One she sincerely believed would come true.
“Of course, Akko. Now, and forever.”
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
Oh how that snack of rosemary crackers with fig paste and cream cheese give me the feelings of summer! I actually first tried them last summer on quite the muggy day!
With what you said about homemade sweets as a love language, you're absolutely right! That kind of gesture really does mean a lot to someone, even if they aren't a potential lover. I have so many fond memories of loved ones baking sweet things for me, and they've always carried connotations of family and warmth. Although my loved ones and I often don't have time to bake as much these days, even just sharing things like cake and pastries means a lot.
I can't help but wonder what Inupi would do during the festive season? But I like to think he enjoys the feeling of home that reader brings him when the weather gets cold. Just imagine little fairy lights around the house, knitted sweaters and Christmassy sweets around that tiny table. Bonus points for exchanging kisses and gifts and cuddling under a checker print blanket 😭
Bonten and the Haitanis on the other hand... The holiday season could either go somewhat well or burn into chaos and hellfire, courtesy of Sanzu being a harbinger of drama and Takeomi managing to set the Christmas tree on fire 😭 somebody's probably had their hand stabbed at Christmas dinner because someone "missed the turkey" when cutting it. Don't even get me started on the Haitani tension, but hey, what's Christmas dinner without a little family drama?
But if all is somewhat functional a Bonten Christmas gathering could be a civil, fancy dinner with everyone dressed in something red or green with that oldie Christmas jazz in the background. No guarantees for that outcome though.
But I digress, I snorted at that image of an idea just becoming a vibe when you're thinking of a story, and it reminds me of the whole stream of consciousness method where you just allow your thoughts to dictate where the story goes and all these ideas sprout from the one initial idea! In all honesty, I could go on for hours about characters and all this lore in my stories but once it comes down to actually writing the story my brain just short circuits.
I hope both your academic and fic writing is going well! I remember you said you had a fair bit to catch up on but I believe in you!
All my love,
hello hello
I am SO SORRY for taking so long to reply - I was not feeling so hot (still not 100%) and did not have anything fun to say except that I spent a large majority of my time horizontal and watching nature documentaries - do you enjoy a good doccie? what kind?
!!! sharing baked goods is such a lovely way to tell someone you thought about them, especially if they like a specific treat! Baking is such an important thing for me, as it was an activity i shared with my grandmother, and I have this goal to master all of her recipes.
I feel like Inupi would spend the holidays either with Draken or by himself. I just see him sitting with Draken in the workshop, drinking hot chocolate and listening to terrible Christmas songs over the little crackly radio. Just quietly working on the bikes, maybe working on their own vehicles, Draken doesn't know that he's humming, but he is, badly. Maybe later they'll go out for drinks later with the other old Toman boys, maybe grab a meal at the twins' restaurant, but Inupi is always quiet, a background character to the larger-than-life personalities of all the other men. He'll leave a bit early and ride his bike through the silent snowy backstreets. Inupi is used to his own company, and sometimes it just gets too much, and he needs to get out, get away, and just be himself.
BUT in the wisteria world, Inupi has you! for the first time, he has someone special for the holidays. He isn't spending the holidays shivering beneath thin blankets in juvie, breaking into abandoned houses with Koko to find somewhere warm to sleep, or getting his ass handed to him in a church because his boss is an abusive monster. Now he's spending the holidays in your cosy little flat, cuddled up to you and watching whatever movies you want. He'll try help with cooking, but don't expect much, poor boy has never had a home, he never learned how to look after himself in that sort of way. If you spend the holidays with your family, Inupi will come along, but he won't be entirely comfortable. he doesn't know how families work? He doesn't know how to charm your mom and win over your dad, so expect a very quiet and nervous Inupi (but your family loves him! he's so sweet and polite! and he adores you!).
So the holidays have become something incredibly special to Inupi, solely because of you. I really rambled here.. sorry..
as for writing... the academic writing is coming along smoothly. I keep arranging writing sessions and that helps with getting all the 'intelligent' words out. As for fic writing, well, that's always up to chance. I'm hoping to get at least two pieces out this week, probably the second part of the Takeomi fic and maybe part one of Taiju, but we will see! I'm still chasing thoughts about a Hanma one shot, dunno if that's gonna happen hmm
A very Bonten Christmas.. oh god... at least the food would be good (if you get a chance to eat it!) My advice is, stick to sitting with Mikey, because if anything comes between Mikey and his food, there will be hell to pay. Bonus! you get a soft and sleepy Mikey who snuggles up on your lap once the meal is finished, and everyone will respectfully leave you alone. Kakucho, Mochi and Takeomi are also good Christmas/holiday companions, Mochi being the best. Mans will just sit and chill with you, no fuss, no drama. Kakucho might be a bit of a mess, as snow/the winter season is obviously full of memories of Izana, but Kaku will still make an effort for the holiday time to be special, even if he is sniffling every once in a while.
as for family drama... I don't think it's gonna be the Haitanis - although they definitely drink way too much and end up "play-fighting" in the living room and nearly bring down the tree. My money is on the Akashis making Christmas awkward. Sanzu probably takes too many pills and says something about Senju and then bam, Bonten's Advisor and Bonten's Number Two are at each other's throats.. how... fun?
Anyway! lots of love and snuggles and headpats to you!
i hope you have a good week!
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too-much-jonerys · 7 years
Author’s Note: @ashleyfanfic made a great post a while back about not pitting Dany and Sansa against each other to build the other up to which I say HECK YEP!! I AGREE!! And that is where this fic was born from. 
Also, this is REALLY long. Too long for Tumblr, but I’m still figuring out my Ao3 account. I’ll post it there later. Just know that this is a long one. Apologies in advance.
Dany sat beneath the grand weirwood tree. She didn't know how she'd found her way there. Only that she was in search of seclusion after the disaster that had just occurred.
She had been warned of the stubbornness of the Northern lords. Their distrust of southerners, and even more of Targaryens. Dany understood, she thought, but she’d hoped and expected them to at least listen to her.
“Certainly they'll trust me when they see I only mean to help them,” she previously said.
But, there were few sympathetic ears in the Great Hall that day.
It began the moment she walked into the council meeting. In actuality, it truly began the moment she arrived at Winterfell. No one said it outright, but their eyes spoke on their behalves. They stared coolly at her, at her Essosi entourage and the Lannister, Spider and disgraced slaver at her side. It appeared to be only loyalty and obligation that stopped them from extending those glares to Jon.
The handmaids who were assigned to serve her and her company made no effort to feign courtesy. They haphazardly arranged her living quarters without so much as a greeting. They even scoffed at her request to stoke the fires in her bedroom more. Despite her annoyance, she brushed off the slight and resisted any kind of retort.
“Certainly the heads of the houses will accept my presence as their king has. They know the war that is coming.”
When she walked through the hall’s doors behind Jon, however, she quickly understood that the sentiments of the servants extended further than she thought. They glared and grumbled as she took a seat at the long table at the head of the room alongside Jon, his siblings and Ser Davos. Once everyone was present and the dire situation regarding the approaching army of the dead was explained, the barrage began. It was instantly clear where their true concern was.
“What is the meaning of this?” one man yelled gesturing to Daenerys.
“We never agreed to fight for this invader! She does not belong here!”
“You brought a Targaryen, a foreigner and her savages into our lands! Her beasts fly around our walls, waiting to kill us all!”
Savages. Beasts. Who were any of them to speak this way? To make these false statements with every conviction of them being the truth. A fire swelled up in Dany, itching to send her on the defense, but she bit her tongue to calm herself. The last thing she needed was to boil over and prove their insults correct. She collected herself before speaking.
“I am not here to cause you harm, my lords,” Dany began in a slow, calculated tone. “My armies are not savages. They are proven warriors and fight for you. My dragons fight for you. I fight for you. The army of the dead is already upon your lands. When we join together, we can take on this threat. It's the only way.”
“You would let her speak in our meetings, Your Grace?” called out a lord, refusing to even look at Dany.
“I will, as will you,” Jon replied, struggling himself to tame his own frustration. “We do not have the time for past grievances anymore. You heard my brother. They will march on us soon. We’ll all die without Queen Daenerys’ aid.”
Dany attempted to echo his statement but was drowned out by the heckling and complaints. They attempted to take control over the eruption. Jon’s youngest sister, Arya, argued for him against the dissenters, although his brother and the Lady Sansa remained mum. Dany could feel Sansa’s eyes on her the entire time, studying her closely. But, Dany hadn’t the time to wonder why. The meeting had gone entirely too far. Further than they had prepared for.
“And after this dead army is defeated, we’re sworn to her? We do not fight Southern wars anymore! We will not fight for her!”
“She has brought her forces to help us against our common threat,” Jon responded with anger this time, “She is an ally! We will not abandon an ally once this is over! Not after I've given my word to her!”
“Your word,” another man spat, “And did you give your word before or after you bed her?”
“Out!” Jon stood and slammed his fists on the table so violently that even the lords were shocked. “Out of this hall, now! Everyone! We are adjourned!”
As they filed out, each man made a point to cast one last disapproving glance Dany's way. It took every bit of control in her to not want those disrespectful men served as food for her dragons. But, she still said nothing even once the room was cleared of all but those in the small councils. She only closed her eyes and took deep, shaky breaths. Her hands balled so tightly that her nails could have torn holes in her gloves.
“That went unfortunately as expected,” Davos said, breaking the silence. Jon sat back down and massaged the space between his brows, equally aggravated by the ordeal.
“I will talk to them,” Jon replied, exasperated.
“You just talked to them. They will obviously not listen to you on this,” Sansa finally spoke.
“Then what will you have me do, Sansa? I have no other option!” He looked to Dany who was still unusually quiet. “I am sorry, Daenerys. I’ll try…”
She stood up hastily before he could finish talking, not bothering with giving a single acknowledgement. As she marched towards the doors, his voice and the others called to her, but she ignored them all.
“I need to be alone. Please,” Dany responded before leaving them.
She walked through the corridors with her head held high, attempting to ignore the side glances thrown her way. They must not see me flinch, she thought. Dany did not want to return to her room. It was the first place that people would search for her. To fly off on dragonback would only show weakness in her resolve to stay. But, she needed to be away from everyone. It was after wandering that she found the small forest on the castle grounds with no one else around.
The woods were blanketed in pillowy snow and every remaining plant and tree branch was covered in glistening ice. What was a pond was also frozen over like glass. The large weirwood tree draped it’s snow-capped red leaves over her. It was a beautiful sight, she wanted to feel. But in reality, it only felt cold. Everything there was foreign to her even down to the trees. With Jon, she’d felt the love and belonging and companionship that she’d wanted so badly to experience. She’d hoped, perhaps naively, that the feeling would be reflected by his Northmen when she reached Winterfell at his side. However, every bit of warmth she felt from him was matched and even surpassed by the coldness she felt in his home.
Watching from across the yard, unbeknownst to Dany, Sansa observed the dragon queen sitting alone. She’d heard the stories of Daenerys Targaryen. She’d heard of her conquests, her ruthlessness and her might. Even when she arrived at Winterfell, armies and dragons in tow, Sansa couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance at her spectacle. Putting on a power show will get you nowhere here, Sansa thought. Still, she treated her cordially if not cautiously. When Jon spoke to her about Daenerys, he spoke as if she were some sort of savior. What kind of hold did this woman have? Even though she hated herself for thinking it, she harbored some semblance of animosity at Jon for relinquishing the North, their North, her North, to this stranger without so much as a word to Sansa.
The reaction of the lords was no surprise to her. They had spent plenty of time filling her in about the stories of their upcoming guest and ally, none of which sat well with Sansa.
“She burns men alive for disagreeing with her,” they would tell her, “Sometimes even just for sport.”
“She destroyed Meereen, leaving it to the devastation, chaos and ruin that she caused. She’ll do the same to Westeros.”
“The woman is a witch. She uses her savages’ magic to entrap men into following her. Well, that and other ways, of course. Do not trust her.”
In the failed council meeting, Sansa had only listened silently as the lords said everything that she’d warned Jon about. Even Arya spoke out against their words, reminding them of who their king was, but not Sansa. She only spent time observing Daenerys’ reactions. Watched for signs that she was the madwoman her lords spoke of. Watched the way she clinched her jaw, subtly balled her fists. Sansa waited for her to explode though she never did. When the accusation of Daenerys’ relation with Jon came up, Sansa thought back on Littlefinger’s words. She was every bit as beautiful as the rumors had stated, after all. Perhaps Petyr was right, she found herself thinking which angered her. Still, when Dany stormed out of the Great Hall, Sansa felt a bit of sympathy towards her.
Sansa hadn’t expected to find Dany at the weirwood tree. She expected even less to find her in such a state, staring sadly at a scoop of snow in her hands. Defeated. Alone. This was not the Daenerys Targaryen from the fearsome stories.
“I did not think to find you here,” Sansa announced as she approached. Dany sat up straighter, returning to her queenly facade. “It is mostly my family who visits this place.”
“Am I not welcome to be here either, Lady Sansa,” Dany remarked with a hint of sarcasm. 
“That is not what I meant.” Dany only shook her head in response. Sansa continued. “We are headstrong people in the North. You have to understand that if you actually seek to get through to them.”
“Headstrong or thick-skulled?” Dany hadn’t meant to say that but didn’t regret it either. “I have only come here to help. Why do you all not see this?”
Sansa appeared unfazed by Dany’s claims, further upsetting her. She couldn't understand what she could've done to warrant such treatment and distrust from people she didn't know. People sworn to a king who supported her. Even people in the king’s own family.
“The last Targaryens that our people dealt with were not here to help us,” Sansa replied, irritated that Dany didn't comprehend their reluctance. “Many alive today saw what destruction your father brought to this country. To House Stark.”
“I am not that Targaryen! I am not my father! I have brought no destruction to you!”
“You have brought us into a war against Cersei that we did not want! You have taken the North away from my family,” Sansa fired back.
“That was not my…” Dany stopped herself, collecting her temper. “That was not my intention.”
“It was. I saw Tyrion’s message to Jon with my own eyes. You demanded exactly that of him.” Dany was silent on that matter, prompting Sansa to push further. “How was it that you forced my brother to swear to you?”
Dany immediately picked up on the implication and stood to face Sansa. The girl, though young, towered over Dany. But, that did not stop her from asserting herself.
“I forced him into nothing! I pledged myself to this fight after I saw these monsters he speaks of myself. After I lost my dragon to them; not in exchange for his forces in my claim. Swearing fealty was his decision alone. I will not take blame from you or anyone else on this subject. I will certainly not take any further accusations that I have bewitched him into madness somehow. I refuse!”
Even through Dany’s anger, Sansa saw the hurt in her eyes and she knew that she’d struck a nerve worse than she’d intended to. It was an unfair allegation both when spoken in the meeting and when spoken by Sansa. She admitted that and felt remorse for saying it. Dany walked past Sansa, readying to leave the woods and any further conversation or reasoning with the Lady.
“The North wishes for me to leave. You believe that Jon could only have sworn to me because I dragged him into my bed. You all believe that cruel words will send me running away back to Dragonstone. To Essos. They will not. I have endured far, far worse than your words. I will do what I have come here to do, whether you accept me or not, because it is what’s right.”
“Wait,” Sansa sighed. “I apologize for what I said about Jon. It is no one’s place to make that assumption. I only mean… Jon and I don’t always see eye-to-eye on ruling, but we try to trust each other’s decisions. We both want what’s best for our people. But, when he said that he’d given up the North to you, a part of me felt betrayed that I had no say in it. That he’d made such an important decision without me. Yes, he’s king, but I am his sister. There was not even so much as a word until it was already done. That was not how we agreed to lead. I reasoned with myself that it must have been you who made him do it. Still, I do understand why the lords’ refusal to fight angers you. It must not have been what you expected when Jon swore fealty.”
Dany’s glare slowly softened, and she walked back towards Sansa and took a seat. Sansa sat on a rock next to her. Dany picked up a fallen weirwood leaf and ran her fingers across it. The look of sadness was painted across her face again as she began to speak.
“What happened in the meeting today, what angered me, wasn’t simply that they don’t want to support my claim. It wasn’t that I had wholly expected them to either. I have long-since learned not to always expect the rejoicing of my name. I have spent my life searching for home. Searching for where I am meant to be. I was always told that that place was Westeros. I was born here. My family ruled here. The people of Westeros were my people. And that when I returned, I would finally feel the sense of belonging that I had been missing for so long. I’ve suffered through so much pain and loss in the hopes of getting here. Nearly died many times over, but I clung to the belief that it would all be worth it when I reached my home. If I could just remain strong.
“Yet, since I’ve reached these shores, the shores of my birthplace, I have been reminded that I do not belong here. That I’m not a part of this land either, my family has no place here any longer, and most of all that I am unwanted here. Unwanted not only by my enemies but by those meant to be my allies. Your lords reminded me of that today. They reminded me of my greatest fear. That I am not home. Even in Westeros, I have not found my place of belonging, and I never will. Even when I take the throne. The only place I’m ever meant to be is alone.”
Alone? Sansa wondered for a moment how Daenerys could have considered herself alone. She was surrounded by armies. She even had her council of allies. People sworn to her, who she knew would not leave her side. But, as she thought on Dany’s words, gazed at her silver hair and violet eyes, she understood. There was no brother or sister waiting somewhere for her. No other Targaryen to be by her side, who would kill to protect her. No place to truly claim as her sanctuary. No crown, no armies could replace family and knowing where you belong and who you belong with. Sansa thought on where she would be without Jon, without Arya, Bran. Without Winterfell. She’d be lost without her home. She was lost without her home.
“Home.” Sansa sighed at the word as she glanced over the pond. “When I was held in King’s Landing, I thought that I would never see Winterfell again. My family was murdered before I could tell them goodbye. My home was stolen by an evil man, whom I was forced to marry. He hurt me in every way possible. In perhaps his greatest cruelty against me, he made Winterfell – my home, the place I longed for so terribly, the place of my most cherished memories – a place of nightmares and torture. He tried to take away the one place that I truly loved. And when I had the chance to take Winterfell back, I fought for it. Both Jon and I fought for it with everything we could. You know the importance of home. So, you have to see why I am protective of Winterfell, of my family, of the North. I am not willing to lose any of it again. Not to anyone. Winterfell is more than a castle to rule over. This is my home.”
Dany looked at Sansa with sorrow. She understood too well the feelings Sansa spoke of. Having something you love ripped away, being ripped away from a place you loved. Violated. The feelings were too similar. It was a common ground that Dany desperately wished that they weren’t forced to have shared. No one should have been put through their experiences. She glanced around the forest once more and thought of how it would feel if Winterfell was her home. If she looked at every tree, every stone in the wall, and saw her place in all of it. Even imagining it made her feel fiercely protective. Dany thought, I’d give anything, I’d give very my life to protect the place I call home.
“I do not wish to take any of this from your family, Lady Sansa. These lands will be yours always, as far as I see it. I mean it when I say that I do not wish to cause harm to you or Jon or those who are pledged to you. If I survive this war against the dead, though, I cannot pretend that I don’t need your help in my fight against Cersei. But, Cersei’s war will reach the North one way or another, whether it is alongside my armies and I to win it or against hers if I’m defeated. She will burn these walls down and all inside before she allows you keep these lands without swearing loyalty to her. The North is not safe as long as she is around. I feel you know that even better than I do. This is why I need to stop her. I am fighting to protect your home and your family both against the dead and against Cersei. I hope one day that you can trust me, trust my intentions in doing so, as Jon has.”
The both of them fell silent. Out of the corner of her eye, Sansa watched Dany again. This time, however, she saw her in a different light. When Dany spoke, Sansa believed her. She believed that she meant to keep her word as Jon meant to keep his. She believed that this woman did have the interests of the North in her heart. And she believed that Dany was right in this case. The North could only stay out of the war for the throne for so long before it came to greet them with destruction. With Cersei as queen, they will always live under her threat. But, with Daenerys? Sansa was uncertain of the ruler she’d be, but she knew too well of the ruler that Cersei is. That alone would’ve been reason enough to take a chance on Daenerys. After listening to Dany, even Sansa’s resentment towards Jon diminished. Perhaps, if given the choice before, she may have even agreed with Jon’s pledging.
“I cannot yet promise that I will give Jon’s level of trust in you,” Sansa began, “But I understand better why you’ve gained his faith and confidence. I should’ve known as he does not give them freely. He’s found admirable qualities in you, and I believe that I see them, too.”
“I can only hope that your lords will come to think the same.”
“They will take more persuading. But, maybe in time.”
Dany nodded, still unconvinced but more hopeful. Jon had told her once that people would see who she really was – see what he saw in her – and choose to follow her, as well. The other houses had a long way to go, but she seemed to have had one more Stark on her side. That was enough for now.
“When Jon spoke to us after your arrival, he spoke very highly and extensively of you and your accomplishments,” Sansa said.
“I am happy to hear that. Mutual respect is necessary for any alliance,” Dany replied in a forcibly formal tone. But, Sansa read the nervousness underneath.
“You know, some men told me that you had used magic on my brother so he'd follow you.”
“Of course they did,” Dany rolled her eyes and laughed, “You don't believe that.”
“No, not now,” Sansa smirked and looked ahead, “But, you do seem to have entranced him either way, though.”
Dany opened her mouth to say something to deflect her words but decided against it. She only stifled a small grin. 
“Well, as long as you do not believe that I’m a witch.”
They laughed. With the winter’s war fast approaching, neither of them knew how many more laughs they’d be allowed. But, there was a calm between them in that forest as the snow fell. An understanding, even respect. They may have been from different roads, but even in those differences they’d found themselves united. Sansa smiled at Dany as gently dusted away the flurries collecting in her lap. Daenerys was foreign to the North, that much was undeniable. But, with her pale skin, silvery hair and white coat, Sansa couldn’t help but think of how well Dany seemed to fit in with the snow. She even seemed at home amongst it. Apart from one thing, at least. Sansa noticed Dany shivering slightly from the cold despite her fur coat.
“If you’d like, perhaps I can make you a proper Northern cloak,” Sansa offered, “I’m actually quite good at it. And, you’ll need one soon. It only grows colder every day.”
“I would like that,” Dany smiled warmly, “Thank you, Sansa.”
Psych! I tagged Sansa after all *flips hair* That bad apple from the other week isn’t going to stop me.
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I’m not putting Dany and Sansa against each other because of ship allegiances. Funk outta here with that noise!
I think that, if these two are at all like the characters I believe them to be, they’ll initially butt heads over misunderstandings of each other. But, I don’t see why the both of them wouldn’t eventually come around to one another. I just expedited the process.
Also, you may have noticed that some reactions are noticeably absent. Arya, The Knights of the Vale, and Lyanna Mormont, at least. Arya, I wanted to give her her own Dany-bonding fic, so I mostly left her out here. The KOTV are fickle af anyway, probably have one foot out the door with Jon and another on a banana peel. I have no doubt that they’ll give Jon shit, too. So, I’ve lopped them in with the Northerners. Just know that I mean the Northerners and the KOTV. 
Then there’s Lyanna. I didn’t add her because, honestly, I can’t decide how she’ll react. She trusts Jon and loves when women are at the top of men’s circles. But, she wasn’t keene on him leaving the North and is also very protective of the North. I’m stumped as to how she’ll react to Dany. So, I left her out here, too. That’ll be interesting to see, though. Anyway, I don’t have the time or care to argue. So, if you hate this story, cool beans. Block me, and you won’t have to see it. Because I will keep incorporating Sansa in my fics where I see fit. But, if anyone wants to talk Dany-Sansa headcanons with me, fire away! I’d love to!
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artgirllullaby · 7 years
I Got 99 Problems and You’re Number One
... Yes, this is what you’re thinking. Me being super late to start @starcoweek3 
So.. yeah, I’m a bit ashamed it took me this long to finish, like, we are almost over it...
Also, guys I didn’t give up JanTom Week, all the fics have half done but I had a major block with Jantom (probably due to EA just wanted me on the climax chapters and I’m still finishing it) I plan to finish before next jantom week lol
Also,, huge thanks to @mrevaunit42 and @axis2600 for helping to post this anyway, you guys are awesome! *hugs*
Also a special mention to @fullertoons for creating this amazing au! 
I hope you enjoy :D
PS: lots of people identified this as the Starco song because of EA, and I ended up using to write in this too along with this one.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
I 99 Problems and You’re Number One
Marco sat in the waiting room annoyed. He and Star went to Mewni to come kind of ceremony that she was obligated to comply and for whatever reason, he got into it too. The princess had asked him if he could wait for her to get ready to give an opinion to her dress and how he was supposed to say no when she looked at him with those blue eyes full of hope?!
He had a major problem, not only because he was completely hopeless for those blue eyes sparkling hope, or the cutest heart marks she had, or how she was enchanting on every single way, or how Star walked like floating like she was a ballerina… No, all that was consequences of his number one problem.
The fact he was falling for the princess.
It was hopeless, it was stupid, but Marco found himself more found of the future queen day by day. He refused, he fights against it, but the feeling was still there. And what hope he got? He was a delinquent, someone who breaks the rules and brings chaos, what chance he got to be in the perfect princess' heart? And worse, What chance they got to be a thing when she was the first and only one to the line of Crown?
That being said, Marco did his all to fight back, to ensure himself that even think on that was a stupid idea, that she didn’t felt the same, that they got no future, that it was insane and hope that by doing that, he would keep his feet on the ground and get over it.
By the mention of his name, the bad boy got up and took a breath “Don’t be intimidated, Marco. You can do this, you got this! It’s just Star, your best friend, and princess. It’s just-”
“How do I look?!”
Marco turned around and looked at Star with a bored expression. She was using a blue dress, fancy and light, it looked like she would float in the air and reveal herself as a goddess at any moment. She smiled turning around and as much Marco was good in hiding his emotions, his heartbeat wasn’t something he could control.
It’s just the girl you have a massive crush on and is desperately in love with… Crap.
“You look ok…” He said, keeping his façade “Why do I have to be here again?”
“Because…” Star replied looking in the mirror “You’re my partner for the ball we are holding.”
“Oh yeah, the stupid ball I had no choice to join…”
She turned to him sighing, “come one, I know you’re out of your zone, but it can be fun if you let! You’ll see, there are dances, princes and princess, food…”
“BO-riiiiiing” Marco sang sitting back on the couch again.
Star rolled her eyes and stared back at the mirror, fixing the dress details. “And why you’re not dressed?”
The bad boy eyes almost fell from his face at his eyelids opening so much “I have to get dressed?!”
“Of course!” Star shrugged “No savage man can company a princess to the ball, you must be dressed according to the occasion!”
The princess clapped her hands and maids appeared out of nowhere in every single way possible. Marco looked at them suspicious but didn’t move from where he was, curious about the princess’ antics.
“Ladies, please, help my friend to prepare for the ball.”
“Wait, what?! Hey!” Marco almost didn’t have time to register as the maids begin to pull him out of the room into a suite on the next door, “What are you doing!? Star!”
The princess just smiled softly and waved at him “Have fun!”
The last thing she heard from him was an angry calling to her name and then the doors closed. The perfect princess waited for the doors to close to out the giggles on Marco's pure desperation.
“He's too cute and too handsome for his own good…” She smiled to herself. Marco may be out of her league but that wouldn't stop her from admiring him and imagining how things could be.
For her own good she had both feet on the ground, so Star was well aware that she and Marco would never be. Her parents wouldn't approve him just like they didn't approve Tom, and Marco had the same interest in her as he had in History and math class - Which was none.
“Where the hell you think you're touching?! D-don’t touch me there!”
Star laughed out loud falling from the chair by imagining Marco’s embarrassment from the maids trying to bath and get him dressed nicely.
God, she loved the boy, good thing he would never know.
It would be easier.
“How long do you plan to not speak to me?”
Marco kept silent.
“Aw come on, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Try tried to wash Marco Jr by themselves.”
“It’s their job.” Star shrugged.
“They didn’t have to strip and bathe me, I know how to do that!”
“Most royals know too but still rather the maids doing.” Star rolled her eyes at the whining bad boy “They couldn’t know.”
“But you did. And you left me with the sharks” Marco looked at her, lips pouting and angry eyes. The combination of cute and handsome she got her heart into.
Star was very thankful how etiquette classes taught her how to control her emotions and facial expressions very well at St Olga. Even if she wanted to roll on the ground by laughing just like she did in her room, Star simply smiled softly and kept a gentle appearance to her friend distraught.
“Well, I can say they did a pretty good job in making you look even prettier, so I’m not sorry.” Star turned around to put on her gloves, so she completely missed the blush on the bad boy face and his hand on his face hiding as he calmed down.
When she turned around, Marco pretended to be annoyed at his tie, so she stepped close and fixed it before he messed up his formal attire.
“Shall we go?” Marco shrugged and extended his arm to her “Oh, I’m surprised you know how to do this.”
“Don’t press it, princess.”
Star closed her eyes and stood by his side, holding his arm and lifting her head just enough to show elegance, but not superiority.
“Let’s do it.”
Star was right, there were food and hundred of royals there, but there was also wine, gold, jewels and people trying to show off. Everyone wanted to show themselves to the princess and catch her attention, unfortunately for them, Star had a list and appointment to each people she would talk (because even that was controlled in her life.)
Being her partner and guard for the night, Marco had to follow her most of the time, but he hardly was taken into conversation or even noticed there (and most of the times he did was “may we go dance? I’m sure there’s no prob- Who are you? Guard? Oh, I didn’t know you had your personal guard. Partner, oh I see, sorry for my lack of manner.”)
Marco had just eaten another tiny sandwich that the waitress was serving (Why all this food come in such small portions?!) when a messenger had talked to him. Marco leaned close to Star just enough for her to hear him clearly.
“Your parents want to talk to us.”
Star nodded and Marco leaned back, she turned to the couple she was speaking, “My apologies, but the King and Queen require my attention.”
“No problems, princess. There sure will be more chances for conversations, I am sure!”
“Excuse us.”
Star bowed slightly in courtesy and Marco did the same (normally the moment people realize he wasn’t just standing in there) and then hold on Marco’s arm again walking up to her parents on the other side of the ballroom.
“You know…” Star said, eyes wandering among the people as she waived to a few “We could find a cute princess for you.”
Marco snorted at the irony, “No, thanks. I already got one princess and it’s messing up enough.”
“Come on, look, Lady Mirna right there” she gestured to a blond girl using purple dress “She’s a great princess and I heard she likes to practice fencing as exercise”
Marco rolled his eyes at the princess “No thanks. Not interested in princess or girlfriends in the moment.”
Star looked at him curious “Really? Well, no problem, I know a few princes that are very cute and-”
“Don't even think about that.”
Star smiled. The kind of smiled when she wanted to laugh out loud and roll on the floor on how funny she thought it was, but would never break her composure. The bad boy found it charming, but he rather more the times she would lose it and laugh as she wanted… That's how he fell in love in first place.
“I am surprised… How come you still behaving well?” The princess asked curiously.
“As much as I hate to be here, doing this, with these people and having to act like this… I wouldn't ruin this all.”
Star frowned a bit in confusion, “Why not?”
“Because this is for you. I know how this is a serious matter to you. If I were to do anything or did anything to cause trouble, your parents could make you move out home or even take you back to Mewni, and either way would be a bad thing to everyone. So yeah I'll endure this crap until it's over.”
It wasn't a lie, Marco was afraid of messing up and causing to Star being taken away from him. Heck, if he hardly could deal not being with her while she was around and they were friends, he certainly wouldn't be able to handle her being taken away from his life.
“That's… extremely thoughtful of you…” Star said surprised.
“I may be a savage and wild man, but I would never do anything that could hurt or take down others, princess.”
Again, how was she supposed to not fall in love? Because right now Star could only think of all the reasons she had to kiss this boy and take him as the future king…
Oh yeah, that was how. How silly of her.
Star approached her parents, Marco stepped aside giving space to the princess and stood beside her in a safe distance. The companion of the Queen was the one who whispered in her ear so she turned around noticing them both; Star and Marco bowed in courtesy and stood again.
“You wanted to speak to me, mother?” Star asked in wonder.
“Oh, yes!” Her mother said uncharacteristically happy. She stepped aside to give space so Star could see a couple and a prince standing there who she and her father were speaking to moments before. “I thought this was a great opportunity to introduce you formally to King, Queen, and Prince Reil-Delacosa.”
Star bowed to them too, only then Moon introduced one by one until she got to the prince. “Star, this is Prince Andrew Reil-Delacosa.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you.”
“I'm enchanted to meet you, princess.” The prince held Star's hand and kissed the top while curving. Marco had troubles holding his grunt against the prince - The hand kissing thing was something personal between him and Star that he did every time she accomplished something big. But no one knew that besides the two of them.
Moon kept talking after noticing the two seemed fine on the introduction, “He's the prince you are engaged to.”
Marco couldn't help to completely break his composure, and Star didn't do better as she abruptly took her hand back from the prince and looked at her mother in ultimate shock, both faces completely pale and eyes wide open.
“Engagement?!” Star said with irregular voice.
“Yes, darling.” Her mother replied calmly, “We both-” She gestured to her husband and the king and queen Reil-Delacosa-- “Had agreed to engage you when you both reached the age of 16 when you were newborn.” Her mother smiled at her “So since you'll be seventeen next month I thought it was a good opportunity to introduce you to your fiancee.”
“Fianceé…” Star mumbled in disbelief.
“Yes,” It was only then that Moon noticed the mortified expression on Star's face “Is there something wrong, Star?”
“I… I'm just shocked… You never mentioned this…”
“I wanted a proper moment, and what better moment than a ball in which you can get to know your fianceé better?”
“But…” Star voice was a bit hoarse as she spoke “I am here with Marco. It would be rude to leave him to get a new partner” She tried to reason it in desperate attempted to avoid the prince company.
“I am sure Marco doesn't mind, do you, Marco?”
Marco looked at the royals, at the help glance Star gave to him, how Moon ordered him to go and the other family that was just confused. As much he wanted to scream at the queen for her actions and take Star away, he knew he couldn't, any move from him aside obeying would end as something bad for Star.
And in truth, what could he do or say? By the vision of the crown, he was no one, he had nothing to offer their Princess or Mewni, he had a bad history of behavior and he had no drop of royal blood to have a saying in this.
So Marco clenched his fist and recovered his posture, bowing slightly to the queen. “Not at all, have a good night, princess.”
Marco stood up and avoided hurt eyes from the princess, turning around and walking outside the ballroom to the gardens at a quick pace. There was a waitress offering something that looked like wine and Marco took the opportunity.
“Sir, would you like-”
“Yes,” He replied before the woman could say something more. “You showed up at the perfect time.”
The waitress got a cup and handed to him and filled with the dark drink, but before she could go, Marco, passed an arm up to her shoulders and patted the other side gently.
“Woman, you have no idea on how much I need that right now, but don't worry I got this, don't worry about me.”
When Marco let go of her, he left his cup on her trail, taking the bottle instead and continued his way outside.
No one noticed him beside the surprised waitress. Why would they? He was just a freaking commoner that didn't even belong to that dimension, he was nothing to matter for any of them.
Marco leaned on the railing trying to ignore how broken he felt, the girl he was in love with engaged with a man she didn't know without her own consent…
And he could do nothing about it “Screw all of this”
Marco so puts the bottle in his mouth and took a long gulp of the wine, the first of many others.
It had been awhile since he heard a few people call out the princess name, but it was the first time he heard Moon calling out for her.
He decided it was better to keep still sitting on the grass under the balcony the Queen was calling out for her daughter than to move and cause a bad impression (not that he had a good anyway.)
“Star, please come in, I promise we are going to talk about it!” Marco looked up amused, he couldn't see the queen the same way she couldn't see him.
So Star wasn't on the ball anymore. She made a way to get prince charming off her and escaped somewhere. Good move for the princess. It was unexpected to her parents that action, but Marco expected she wouldn't be able to take all night, not after being deceived by her parents and feeling so hurt.
She might be a perfect princess, but despite her appearance, she was not a doll. She was a human, just a girl that was deeply hurt.
As soon as the queen got back inside, Marco stood up. Tuxedo open, tie hanging loose on his neck, wrinkled shirt, his pants were probably dirty from sitting on the grass and he suspected the attire had wine stains somewhere. Walking a bit tipsy, Marco begins to wonder around the garden, away from the view of royals, from the light and music from the ball. If he knew Star well (and he did), she would be somewhere far from all that, breaking down away from public eyes.
He went to the garden made exclusively for Star, where she did a secret passage to for her to be alone in times like this. She had shown to Marco a while ago, explaining if she ever disappeared for too long, he should go get her since she probably fell asleep while reading.
The bad boy walked among roses and tulips still holding the bottle of wine, he made a turn in the corner and pressed a rock to open the passage to the stairs taking him down a cave. Marco observed the steps, taking another long gulp of wine before descending the steps and listening to the quiet whimper and sniffs of his princess.
“Star?” He said calmly as he arrived the door.
“Leave, please.”
The princess and curled up on herself, hair loose, arms embracing her legs and she kept her face hidden in the puff skirt of her dress. She sobbed once in awhile and Marco felt disgusted that St Olga taught that even in dire times she was completely breaking she was supposed to keep the face of a princess and hold it (“A princess does not whine or rebels,” Star had said once “they obey and always do the best for the kingdom according to the crown”)
Despite her wishes, Marco leaned on the door and watched the princess cry, frowning on her keeping herself composed. “Seriously? Even now you’re taking the lessons of yourself?”
“Marco, please I want to be alone…” Star sniffed and turned to the other side.
“No, you don’t…” He got into the room, sitting beside her roughly and dismissing permissions to do so, “You’re just hurt and think no one should see you like this.” He took another gulp of wine and turned to her, “I don’t get. Why are you so upset? Didn’t you see it coming? A arranged marriage to improve the kingdom? Seriously that’s so cliche…”
“They fooled me…” Star said whimpering, “I thought… I thought that at least on this matter I would be able to choose… I was deceived all this time…”
Marco scoffed “The guy is a prince charming, on the way you always dreamed. You’ll be fine.” He shrugged. “Besides, it will be good for the kingdom so I don’t think much about it.”
“Don’t think much about it?!” Star screamed finally looking up at him, “Well, let’s see you getting engaged to someone while…” She cut herself off and wiped her own tears away, “I wouldn’t be this upset if I knew- if I always had known it… I wouldn’t waste my time dreaming about how he would be, on how we would meet, on first dates, laughs, and love… I wouldn’t have build expectations of at least having some time to enjoy being with someone that I decided to be with…” She sniffed resting her head on her legs again “It would have saved me from all these wasted dreams and I would know, I would have prepared myself… It would have saved me from this hurt…”
As much as Marco cared about her hurt, it was time to spill out some truths that alcohol was giving him a bit more of courage to do it. “You did to yourself, you know?” He took another gulp of wine and wiped his mouth on the sleeve of the tuxedo, “If you had confronted them since always about what you wanted, or showed you wouldn’t just go with whatever they say, none of this would happen. They were expecting you to just go with because it’s what they wanted you to do. So now you’re messed up princess, rebel or go with the plan.”
Star shook her head, “Even if I got to escape this engagement, I wouldn’t have where to go or what to do. They would found me on your house, or Pony Head’s, or anywhere…”
“We could run away.” Marco simply said.
Star looked at him bewildered and then at the bottle on his hand “You’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk” He rolled his eyes, “I tried, but this wine is crap and has almost no alcohol on it, and I have a high tolerance to alcohol, so this makes me a bit numb at most. I still can think things clearly.” Marco rested the back of his head on the wall behind them. “Think about it: you escape the guy you don’t like, I get to be with you, we go on adventures all around, we may even end up together, no one would find us because we would be always on the road. We can go get Nachos with Hekapoo and I could show you all I’ve seen and learned in those 16 years…” Only after counting the options he looked at her, “What do you say?”
Star dropped her legs to the ground. It sounded nice to be away from the crown, no responsibilities, just adventures and the guy she liked… Star could even see it, his hair in the wind as they ride Nachos, she on the back seat hugging him from behind admiring the scenario as they chased the sun…
She shook her head, “You don’t have to do that just to help me. You have a whole life ahead of you, I’ll just…”
“Oh for God’s sake!” Marco screamed annoyed, “Just say you wanna go! Everyone else can screw themselves! This is about you and me!”
“I’m thinking about you!” Star replied, “You are going to give up on all you have to help me?! No, Marco, I can’t let you do that! I might have no choice about love matters, but I’m not taking your choices!”
“I don’t have choices when the only girl I want it’s getting engaged to a prince against her wishes!” Marco pulled a bit of his head.
Star looked at him surprised, but shook her head and took the bottle from him putting away “You’re drunk, you don’t get what are you saying…”
“I’m not drunk, Star! Crap I would give up on any other person to be with you even if you have no feelings for me. To be around you is better than nothing!”
“You’re not thinking straight…” She tried to reason, “You’re everything you are, you’re all radical and wild while you hate that I am all elegant and you hate all this stuff and-”
Marco decided he had enough of Star rambling, so he took the bit of alcohol he got from the wine on his system and used as courage in his favor. With both hands free, he grabbed the princess' face and leaned in touching her lips with his. He didn’t use force, just kept her in place as he pressed his lips to hers, he closed his eyes and kept like that. If Star slapped him, if she got offended or hated him, he would accept, but he could no longer hide his feelings and he was about to lose her anyway, so why not?
He kept his lips on hers, moving very gently just to show he did no accident, that was a kiss he thought about too much and dreamed of it, a moment he was longing for and a taste he was hungry to try. He wanted all of that, on a different occasion with a nice scenario, but for now, that would have to do it.
It took a few seconds until Star got over the surprise and melted into the kiss, her free hand holding one of his on her face in a natural way to say she wasn't going anywhere. Eyes closed and she breathed in delight, taking this moment as the one she always wanted and would always remember. Lips relaxed and followed the movement of his a bit shy, she could feel her cheeks warming up to the feeling of their lips touching each other.
Marco leaned back after making his point clear. He looked at her face, warm and soft, on how blue eyes sparkled while looking at him. He moved his thumb to caress her face smirking at her sudden realization on what happened and how suddenly all her face was the same color as the pink marks.
“You think too much, princess.”
Star blushed even more at his statement “You- What- why- when- how- But- and-...”
Marco laughed on the princess’ embarrassment and leaned on the wall again letting go of her and getting his bottle back. “By now I stand on the all or nothing, so I won't hold back anymore.”
He took another gulp of the wine before Star snatched away from him “I think you had enough of this.”
“My offer still stands.” he said looking at her serious.
Star sighed, cheeks still warm. She wanted to say yes, but then how would be the kingdom? Her parents? Their reputation?
“You're out of your mind…”
“I think we both knew that from beginning.” he smirked, “I always got used to how things happened and went with it just because, for once I am fighting for what I want. I want you Star, and if you don't want to marry the guy I'll fight so you don't have too. We can run away until you find a nice guy and come back to take the crown with him. But I'm not giving up you, even if you don't want me as your boyfriend.”
Star looked down and bite her lower lip closing her eyes. She still could feel a bit of wine from Marco's lips and how warm and gentle they were on hers being careful to not force the kiss or hurt her. So he did like her even with them being so different… Star didn't know what to do about that yet or how to show she also liked him, but he needed to take one problem at the time.
That's why when she opened her eyes, she looked at him determined. She was a perfect princess, but her parents had to recognize they went too far even for her standards.
“Take me with you.”
Star put on the black leather jacket and looked in the mirror. It was fun how the style seemed to fit her. She twirled to look at the other angles, her simple green dress followed, the purple boots fitted as well. She smiled at the reflection and then at Marco’s reflection beside her.
“Seems you liked my jacket, princess.”
“Star from now on” she took the shake he offered her and took a sip, “and yeah, your jacket seems to fill my new style.”
Marco smirked taking a bit of his own shake before replying “We should get you one then.”
“Nope!” the princess replied smiling brightly “I like yours because it's yours. It's warm and smells like you.”
The bad boy took his shake and turned around going to pay for their meal. Star blushed and giggled following him. Ever since his desperate kiss, she noticed the things he did for her and how he reacted when embarrassed by her and hide his true intentions, were very subtle and smooth, she only noticed now that she knew his true feelings.
They had left on the same night, both of them getting in their rooms just to grab a few clothes and leaving a letter about their reasons to leave and securing their safety. Star wondered how her parents took the letter since there wasn't anyone going after them, they probably took better than she imagined.
While walking to outside he turned to her again before throwing his empty cup away “So, where do you want to go now, Star?”
Star played with her straw before smirking at him innocently “Surprise me.”
He smirked and agreed. Then begin to talk about their options from there. Star ignored everything he was saying just to admire the boy in front of her. He was already her boyfriend without him knowing, but that was only her fault, she still had to confess her true feelings to him to assure him they were together.
She rested her back on the wall on her back, sipping the rest of her shake as he went on. Never in her wildest dreams, she thought that she and Marco would be like this, an adventure couple running away to enjoy life, fighting monsters, swimming in rivers, bathing in sunlight, dancing in the night…
“So… what do you think?”
Star looked at him curiously, tilting her head to the side and blinked once. You know what? There would be no proper moment for her to do that, so screw it.
Throwing the empty cup anywhere, the princess grabbed Marco's hoodie and pulled to her so she could smash her lips on his. Different from his, her kiss was confident, hungry even as if she was angry they wasted so much time to do this.
And as to imagine, Marco was completely out of reaction by her action in the first seconds, blushing madly and arms failing to do something. Only after her whimpered low (did she realized she did that?), Marco decided to use one hand to rest on the wall as support and the other rested on her waist, his eyes closed so he could enjoy the moment and just like Star decided to let limits drop, Marco did the same by kissing back just as intense as she did.
After a few minutes, Star let go of his lips and so did he, both breathless and blushing. She smirked at his expression of bliss and love, proud to be the one who did that.
“Ok, whatever you want, honey!” She replied smiling.
Marco blushed even more and turned around walking to his dragoncicle muttering, “Whatever…”
Star laughed and followed him. He was a few steps ahead so she noticed how he only put one hand inside his hoodie pocket (since she still had the jacket) and left the other there in an open invitation for her to hold. The princess giggled walking up to him intertwining their fingers and holding his arm close to her both smiling happily.
Marco made her sit in front of him, still using the jacket, she was too petite so it didn't trouble him in any way to keep her like that. Before they left, Marco looked down on her softly and then on her lips, then he leaned in and kissed her very gently and softly, the blonde kissed back in the same way and cupped his face. It was a brief and lovely kiss, different from both shared before, this one was no rush, hunger or desperation, just the feeling of joy.
They both smiled when they leaned back, the last kiss being the one in which they finally understand and accepted each other's feelings. Star held him close and Marco took off.
While chasing the sun on the horizon, enjoying nothing more than to be with each other was a great feeling to both of them. And sincerely, that was all they could ask for.
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spectrumscribe · 8 years
Halcyon Days
For @tmntflashfic’s wonderful Spring prompt, a fic that is sort of a sequel to my ‘April-joins-the-Foot-clan-post-season-4′ fic, but can be read as a standalone.
Have some soft family fluff and mutual grieving between the murder lady trifecta and the four chaos brothers + Casey. Main focus is on Karai and Leo, enjoy them being adults and (mostly) stable individuals together.
Karai leans her head back against her seat, idly watching the country side rush past her window. She blinks slowly, eyes feeling tired from the abrupt time change she’s experienced coming back to America. The sounds of April and Shinigami in the front seats chatting quietly further soothes her nerves, because their familiar voices have long since become staples in her life, and she can always depend on them to anchor her.
Karai feels their car turn, and shifts her weight as they begin the journey up the farm house driveway. April’s voice picks up a note of excitement, and Karai smiles to herself at the red head’s eagerness to see the other half of their family.
As they keep driving, Karai sees the car following them suddenly stop and then park in the middle of the road. It’s one of four in the area, with three or two Foot soldiers in each. Extra protection, just to ensure they aren’t interrupted during the celebration.
Karai’s men and women are good soldiers, now that they’ve served a solid ten years under her reign as clan leader. She made sure that none of them were anything less than perfect, and knows she can trust her chosen subordinates to guard the perimeter. She can let go of her constant vigilance, at least for tonight.
Karai eases the last of her leaderly stress from her mind, and finds herself grinning as the farm house comes into view at last. Just a fourteen hour flight from Japan, and then four hour drive from New York, and they’re finally here.
The hulking, nightmarishly sized bipedal crocodile and similarly giant, but still much smaller, bipedal gecko in the front yard are welcome sights. Even more so as they raise the alarm that Karai, Shini, and April have arrived, and a flood of impossible beings pours out of the house.
Before Shini has even parked the car fully, April is unbuckling herself and flying out the passenger door. Karai chuckles as her third in command runs across the lawn like she’s fifteen and not nearly thirty, and flings herself at the collection of turtle brothers and the lone human in their odd group. It’s always a sight to see, the six of them reuniting. And the obvious affection the boys have for April is always clear in the way they hug her, and in how they, very often, sweep her off her feet to be passed around for even more hugs.
Karai knows she’ll be getting a similar treatment, the moment she gets out of the car, and she smiles as her brothers catch sight of her setting foot on the grass.
She shuts the car door behind her, and catches Mikey as he barrels towards her. He’s always the first, because despite having grown taller than her, he kept the lightning speed he’d had as a teen. Followed quickly is Leo, then Raph, and finally Donnie, who is so tall these days, he has to stoop to hug her properly.
The Mutanimals, an even odder collection than Karai’s siblings are, begin to encroach on the reunion. Now that Karai is here, with April returned to her boys, and Shini’s arm winding around Karai’s waist, everyone is accounted for.
“Welcome back,” Leo says over the clamor of everyone talking, smiling wide enough his left eye’s scar crinkles.
“Good to be back,” Karai replies truthfully, returning a smile just as wide.
Mikey then exclaims loudly over the group’s noise “THE PIZZA-BURGERS!” and makes a mad dash back towards the house. Karai guesses that whatever ‘pizza-burgers’ are, it’s what she’s having for dinner. After spending months without tasting Mikey’s… curious cooking style, Karai figures she can handle whatever abomination her brother has created this time. If only for him to be happy.
Leatherhead lumbers after Mikey first, Mondo trailing along with him, and then their group disbands completely. Karai follows Leo back into the house, keeping her fingers laced with Shini as Shini chats with- or more accurately- teases Casey.
The house is loud, and too full of moving bodies, and smells like grit and dampness; courtesy of all the less than human inhabitants. Karai winds her way through the crowd, minding Slash’s spiky shell, and stepping over the ever growing, pit-bull sized Chompy who gallops between the legs of everyone. Shini’s hand doesn’t leave her’s, and when they finally make it to the couch for a breather, the farm house has returned to being packed to the gills with guests, and there is barely a chance of being able to hear one’s self think.
Karai drinks in the dissonant chaos of it all, relaxes with Shini as Leo goes to get them tea, and enjoys being with her strange family once more.
Later, when things have become a bit more organized, and Karai drifts from the party. She opens the backdoor of the house, leaving behind the lights and warmth of friends and family, and goes out into the late spring evening.
She approaches the gravestone, set in front of a shady tree, and kneels quietly in the grass. No moss or discoloration has grown on its surface, mostly likely due to upkeep and care from Karai’s younger brothers.
It’s been a full decade now, and Karai sighs as an old hurt rises once again. She bows her head for a moment, and closes her eyes as she kneels at her father’s grave.
After a soft, unspoken prayer, Karai lifts her head to look at the words carved into the stone before her. They still read the same as they had when she’d first seen it, but she reads them again regardless. There is always a chance she won’t be able to see it again for herself, living the life she does. It’s best to make the most of this moment while it’s here.
Quiet wind blows through the grass, rustling it as the world cools towards night. Fresh spring life fills Karai’s senses, and because she has spent the last months smelling only city grit, she darts out her forked tongue to properly taste the sweet air. A moment of inhumanity, accepted and welcome in the current company she’s keeping.
She hears purposefully made footsteps come up behind her, and Karai turns her head.
Leo stands in the low evening light, holding plates of food for himself and Karai, and he smiles down at her.
“Feeling hungry?” He asks, offering a plate to her.
Karai smiles, brushing away her years old sadness, and takes the plate of dubious food. “I think the better term would be ‘feeling adventurous?’”
Leo winces and then laughs, because Karai is right. There is always a fifty-fifty chance whatever Mikey has made will be near poisonous, and why they keep letting him cook is a mystery to Karai.
Of course, as she bites into the meaty, cheesy, saucy patty on bun, she remembers why they do, and enjoys her supper.
There are already offerings placed around their father’s grave, flowers and wreaths, and a lone picture frame with the single family photo they ever managed to take. Among all the chaos of wars and fighting, there had been an evening, once, where Karai had deigned to stay in the lair for more than a few minutes. Someone had found a camera, that someone being April, and had taken a photo of Karai, her brothers, and their father all together.
It’s a messy photo. Raph’s arms are half blurred as he wrestles with Mikey, and Leo’s face is a priceless look of panic as he dodges the sudden quarrel. Karai and Donnie, standing together to the side of the fight, have matching looks of unimpressed condescension, and she figures it’s an obvious sign of their relation.
Their father, in a rare moment outside his stoic nature, is smiling at them all in a warm, amused manner. It’s the only photo they have of him smiling so freely in, with Karai in the shot as well. It goes on the grave every year, when they all gather to celebrate Splinter’s life, and is taken home again when they part ways once more.
Karai has a copy of it, in her main sleeping quarters, in her main base, and she smiles every time she sees it. That doesn’t change now; looking at the original print, set against the grave of the father she never got to know.
Karai finishes eating with Leo on the grass in front of the grave, and they talk about their lives recently. How many dimensions Leo and his brothers have traveled to lately, how many misadventures they’ve had in those dimensions, how many clans have attempted to challenge Karai’s power hold of Japan, and how many of those she’s destroyed or taken into the Foot’s territory. Normal things, for them at least.
“So how has Pimiko been doing lately?” Leo asks, leaning back comfortably on his hands. “Last I heard, she’d caused a full scale revolt in one of your training camps.”
Karai rolls her eyes at the mention of her potential successor. “She didn’t succeed with that one, as hard as she tried. We managed to get her and her preteen army when they tried to capture the kitchens. And she’s actually been behaving really well lately. Though, I’m also suspicious of whether or not she’s planning another coup.” Karai grimaces to herself. “Who knew twelve year olds were such a handful?”
Leo laughs at that, voice filled with humor and just a hint of roughness. The scars on his neck and chest still stand out, even after time has dulled them. Similar scars had once crossed Karai’s chest as well, from the same blades, the same enemy, but she’s long since shed that skin. Literally. The perks, she supposes, of being a mutant snake woman.
“One of these days, she might actually succeed in overthrowing you,” Leo says, teasing quirk to his smile.
“She can try,” Karai says with a hint of dry humor. When she’d picked Pimiko up off the streets, brought her into the folds of an ancient ninja clan in hopes she’d become more than a street fighter, Karai hadn’t been expecting just how difficult or strong-willed she’d turn out to be.
One of these days, Pimiko likely would overthrow Karai’s reign of the Foot clan. And when that day came, Karai would lower the kabuto onto her head willingly, and feel utterly proud of the spit-fire she’d raised.
But, that is not a day coming soon, because Pimiko is small and reckless still, and Karai can beat her six different ways in as many seconds.
“How’s your side of things been, then?” Karai asks, shifting the subject.
“Oh you know, same old same old,” Leo says with a shrug. “Three brothers to keep track of, plus Casey, dimension hopping every second day, negotiation of non-terran supplies with our space duplicates. The usual. Space Casey and Donnie blew up a small moon the other day. It nearly caused the destruction of a whole ecosystem.”
“Sounds hectic,” Karai comments in an amused tone. She leans onto her knees as she draws them up, and tilts her head. “You five planning on going up again any time soon? I have some material requests for space Donnie.”
“I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to provide,” Leo says, closing his eyes and sighing. “Sometimes, I wonder about those six up there. I can’t imagine what led them to being space pirates of all things, as interesting as that sounds.” Leo pauses for a moment, and then says, “Maybe I can get space me to switch places again. I want a vacation.”
Karai scoffs a laugh. “You’re nearly thirty, and yet, still such a space nerd.”
Leo tilts his chin upwards in a haughty motion, and replies, “I’ll have you know I’m a very serious leader fifty percent of the time. I’m allowed to use the other fifty percent for space enthusiasm.”
Karai elbows Leo, and he elbows her back. It’s a nice exchange, since skype calls will only communicate so much of the back and forth affection they want to express. You can’t elbow your brother through a screen, after all.
Leo notices then, the ring on Karai’s finger, and his eye ridges move upwards behind his ever present blue mask. “That’s new. When did that happen, exactly?”
Karai puts her hand over the smooth metal on her ring finger, and smiles fondly. “Two days ago. Shini wanted to wait for our anniversary, but Pimiko… might’ve gotten into things she wasn’t supposed to, and spoiled the surprise.”
“Congratulations!” Leo says happily, moving over enough to put an arm around Karai’s shoulders. He gives her a tight squeeze as he holds up her hand to see the ring better. “You promised you tell us right away when it happened, though. I’m disappointed in you. Mikey will be disappointed in you.”
Karai rolls her eyes, and gives Leo’s side another elbow. “It was two days, you nosy busybody. I was going to tell you all tonight.”
“I’m surprised April didn’t spill to Donnie and Casey,” Leo remarks, releasing Karai’s hand again. “It’s hard for them to keep anything from each other.”
“April is a full kunoichi, she can keep a secret for at least a few days.”
“And yet, everyone always knows what they’re getting for Christmas anyways.”
There’s a comfortable pause after that, during which the muted sounds from their family inside is all that’s heard. It’s a nice sort of pause, though. Familiar because of how long it’s been since they were children, and how long they’ve now known one another.
A gentle grief wells in Karai suddenly, and she sighs as she looks at the photo of their family. “I wish I’d gotten to spend more time with him. I only knew him for a year and a half maybe, and I only got a handful of days with him, really.”
Leo’s arm tightens again, and Karai puts her own across his shell.
“I know,” He says, quiet and tinged with grief. “I wish that too. I think you two would have had a lot in common.”
“Oh yeah?” Karai asks dubiously, looking at the rat man in the photos. “How so?”
“Well. You’re both terrible about confiding your fears in others, and about asking for help, and about being stubborn, and-”
“Oh shut up,” Karai groans, shoving Leo off of her. He falls sideways, laughing, and she responds to his mockery by getting larger than him.
Her second form, sleek and powerful as always, glides over her human body to elongate it. In a mere second, Karai is twice Leo’s size, and can comfortably flop over him so he can’t escape.
“You always do this,” Leo grumbles from under Karai’s coils, sounding like his younger self had whenever Karai would beat him at something.
Karai hisses a laugh, and shifts her long body enough for Leo to sit up again. She stays coiled around him though, comfortable to have the security of the position. There are so many mixed and crossed wires in her brain, courtesy of her mutation, and somehow, even in this reptilian form, she feels even more protective of those close to her.
Karai tastes the sweet air of the evening again, and lowers her head- heads- to lie on her top most coils. Leo settles, apparently resigned to being captured, and pats the closest snake head/hand to him. Karai shuts her eyes, and enjoys his company while she has it.
With sea and continents between them, it’s rare for her to see her brothers more than a few times each year. Running an empire requires so much attention; Karai can’t afford to take many vacations. When she does though, they’re always either to France, because her fiancée is a huge fashion fanatic, or back here. To her first real home, with her first real family.
“So when’s the date?” Leo asks after a while, still absently stroking Karai’s scales. “I’d like to know when I have to corral everyone and drug them long enough to ship overseas.”
Karai hums, thinking happily of the event coming soon. “In a few months. It’ll be quiet thing, on the Hamato estate. No fuss, probably no assassination attempts. I’ll send tranq darts and the times for a private jet flight when I get back.”
“I’m happy for you two,” Leo says, a warm smile in his voice. “It’s good to see you getting to be happy, Karai.”
Karai hums again, and thinks the same. “You’re happy too, Leo. Gallivanting across space and time with your brothers and friends still. Obviously a very satisfying career of heroics.”
“I’d like to think so,” Leo replies. “I’m not sure what else I’d do with my life if we weren’t.”
“You’d find something.”
“Probably, yeah.”
They sit in silence for a while after that, enjoying the spring air and nighttime sky. Enjoying being able to let down their guards completely for a night, and be close to someone who won’t potentially stab them in the back. And, the chance to share mutual grief and love for someone they’ve lost.
Karai opens her eyes for a second, to look at Leo, who is slouched in a relaxed manner against her coils. His eyes closed and breathing even. She looks at the scars he’s gained over the years, and though some carry hardships, most carry assurance that they’re all still alive.
After Splinter had passed, and especially after April had chosen to join the Foot clan, Leo had become withdrawn. It’d been a hard fight to bring him back to himself, but now, years after that fight, Leo’s complexion no longer has sallow grief, and he carries himself strong and proud.
They’d had their fights during his darkest period, during which Karai wasn’t sure how to help him, and it had been a few years before they found easy ground again. But, they had, and now they are here. Content with how their lives have gone, and content with being close to one another once more.
Karai closes her eyes, and smiles at how well they’ve both grown up. The first months of running over rooftops together seem far off now, and yet like they’d only happened yesterday. Karai thinks she might be getting a bit old and sentimental, but here, with her brother, she thinks that’s just fine by her.
The cooling evening air isn’t cold enough to drive them inside yet, so Karai settles back into a pleasant drowse. At peace beside her father’s grave, and more than comfortable with her younger brother.
Then, in a complete disruption of the quiet atmosphere, something goes crashing out the backdoor of the house, and causes both Karai and Leo to startle out of their comfy pile.
Raph and April shriek at one another as they spar across the lawn, and Casey plus Donnie are hot on their tail as they encourage the brawl. More spectators follow them out; Slash and Leatherhead carefully extricating themselves out the door, with Mondo, Pigeon Pete, Dr Rockwell, and Chompy tagging along behind. Shini and Mikey rush out after them, both of them looking all too pleased with themselves, and likely being the original culprits of the erupting chaos. Mr. O’Neil wanders out last, after the group of insanity clears the way, and watches the procession from the porch step with a resigned and mildly anxious expression.
There are throwing stars and flying cutlery being tossed through the air, bets being placed on which red colored fighter will win, and an air of excitement and good-natured fun. Also hollering for blood and gore, from Casey, Mikey, and Shini, but that’s beside the point.
Karai huffs softly, watching her fiancée and commanding officer make fools of themselves, and thinks that this is why they should come home more often.
“We should probably break that up,” Leo says calmly, watching his brother and April attempt to beat each other into paste.
“Probably,” Karai says equally as calm, as April starts to get the advantage, and flips Raph off his feet in a sweep of psychic power. Bets are yelled over the ruckus of Raph’s cussing, and it seems the favor of the crowd has turned to April.
“I’m putting ten on April,” Karai says.
“I have five on Raph.”
“What, no equal bet?”
“He’s Raph, and she’s April. I’m not losing money I don’t have, because he’s definitely going to lose.”
April flips up into the air, eliciting a wave of cheers from the crowd, and narrowly misses driving her heel into Raph’s chest as he rolls away.
“That’s fair,” Karai says, smiling with her thin silver lips. “I’ll call her off when he knows he’s been beaten.”
“Raph never knows when he’s beaten, though,” Leo points out.
“Exactly,” Karai chuckles.
Leo laughs, and stands up slowly from their pile. Karai unwinds herself, and follows him towards the jostling crowd of mutants and humans. She shifts from slithering to walking as she does, and wraps her arms around Shini’s midriff when she reaches her. There’s barely a pause to quickly kiss Karai’s cheek, and Shini goes right back to encouraging April to demolish Raph. Karai rolls her eyes, and grins as April and Raph keep fighting.
The fury of two trained ninjas, and the cheering of too many over-enthused observers, fills the air of what most would consider a somber event. But ever since the first time Karai visited her father’s grave, none have been that. With her family, there is always life, always insanity. Never a dull moment, and hardly a pause for real sadness.
It’s a warm and familiar feeling, being with them, and with her fiancée held close, Karai wouldn’t have it any other way.
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