#the life my mom deserved lol
oldcurse · 2 years
Yesterday my dad told me that my cousin’s parents are taking her to Malaysia for graduating college 😐
#the fact that I have the most rich relatives ever but can’t use them for my own financial gain due to family politics is fucking torture#this is just another version of my mom not letting us go to smoky mountains with our rich relatives in 2010 because she didn’t wan#want us around them for that long#idk man it just sucks because all my cousins and their families are just fully rich people and here I am working at a nonprofit barely makin#making a living wage and wasting my life away stuck in an office all day long#can you imagine the person I could’ve been if my dad could’ve afforded to take me to malaysia for graduating college#I’m excited for this one specific cousins future because she has a bit of rebellion in her and her sister did not do arranged marriage#so maybe she will be another pioneer like her loser cousin me#man I will never stop mourning for the life I could’ve had#the life my mom deserved lol#the crazy thing is#my mom comes from a rich family right#and because she was 32 they married her off to my dad who had NO MONEY LIKE ZERO#he didn’t even have a dad and he had 5 sisters (3 unmarried) to take care of#the only man of the family#so you know it was like yeah this is a poor family#but THEN suddenly all my dads sister got either married or really super well educated and#aquired all this wealth all thanks to my dead helping and paying for everything for them#and now it’s present day and we are the POOREST of all his siblings even though it started with him being the one they all depended on#and like everyone just keeps getting richer and richer and we have been stuck in the same place#and it would all be fine and good but because my mother comes from a rich family she has ALL THIS PRIDE#we never take handouts or anything. we have always worked. and she put that in all her kids and we do the same thing we always work for our#money but honestly THEY OWE US#my dad sacrificed his and his kids lives to support his sisters and we should be going to fucking Malaysia for graduating too#what a fucking joke right like if I get cancer tomorrow I still can’t ask my family members for financial help because we don’t ask for mone#money#or my fucking students loans like it would be SO EASY to get that shit paid off if I could just ask my aunts or cousins for money#on either side too like I grew up surrounded by exorbitant wealth and having to eat paper and Vaseline because we couldn’t afford food#and that is why I am like this#chhapa
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i think you should have had an option to beat the everliving fuck out of Jacob for taking Daniel to Haven Point. not I think it would have helped matters or even that he deserved it all that much, it just would have been hot.
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giddlygoat · 1 year
eight hours | the stanley parable fic 
[ 2527 words • fluff, could be seen as ship or platonic • oneshot; may be continued ] 
stanley’s tired. he just wants to get a good night’s sleep. the narrator eventually obliges, even if he doesn’t fully understand stanley’s desire to lay unconscious for eight hours. 
“stanley, what in the world are you doing?” 
usually, the narrator could wait patiently for stanley to leave his office before beginning their new run. he would use this short period as a sort of mental refresher, preparing himself for the adventure ahead and taking a moment of quiet to himself. stanley always left eventually, often in moments, but something was holding them up. he had seemingly crawled under his desk with his back to the corner in a curled up position that could only be so comfortable. 
“are you feeling unwell? you’ve been laying there for nearly half an hour now.” the narrator recognized the similarities between stanley’s display and general human tendencies regarding sleep, although he had not seen him asleep very often at all. he knew for a fact that stanley didn’t even require sleep. 
stanley only shifted slightly, adjusting the arm folded under his head. he made no effort to explain himself, or address the narrator at all, for that matter. 
“well, as long as you’ve not contracted some sort of deadly virus or something, i suppose i can’t stop you from sleeping my precious time away.” 
stanley’s face crinkled up just slightly, just for a second. the narrator felt a small zip of amusement through him. “yes, i suppose i should leave you to it. not like we have anything better to be doing right now… like exploring the surprise i made for you.” 
stanley did not perk up as the narrator had expected. that was strange; he was certain telling people that there’s a surprise to look forward to was supposed to be a sure way of getting their attention. 
“i said,” the narrator cleared his throat for emphasis. “you’ll miss your special surprise.” 
stanley burrowed his head deeper in his arms, as if that could block out the disembodied voice. 
the narrator sighed in exasperation. “come on, stanley, work with me here. is the mystery not enticing enough for you? what about i drop hints, or we play a game of hot and cold?” 
stanley did not move. at this point, the narrator knew very well that stanley would not be able to ignore him enough to fall asleep, and he deduced that his protagonist was simply ‘playing dead’ in the hopes that the narrator would get bored and flit off as if he had better things to be doing. 
the narrator almost chuckled at the notion. he would not break that easily. 
“look, stanley - i will be straight with you. i’m not going to stop pestering you until you leave that office. i really do have a surprise for you, something new - i really think you’ll love it! but you’re going to have to move in order to actually enjoy it.” a small prick of anxiety made itself known within the narrator. even when stanley didn’t cooperate, he would always move eventually. there had never been a time that the narrator was unable to motivate stanley to move eventually, either by persuasion, reverse psychology, or brute force annoyance. 
yes, he was sure of it. stanley had never stopped moving for more than an hour or so, and even on this rare occasion, it was with some purpose or goal in mind. something in the narrator’s subconscious urged him to reassure this thought thoroughly. 
stanley sighed, sluggishly rolling his head so that an eye emerged from his pillow of arms. he blinked slowly at nothing. 
“erm… please?” it felt awfully silly to say, and the narrator decided right then that he didn’t particularly enjoy it. 
however, it seemed to convince stanley. he sighed, crawled out from under his desk and stretched out, using his chair for balance. 
“yes! i promise you will not-“ 
[i want to sleep.] stanley signed. he had an air of determination about him. though, the narrator wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen him without that hard-headed aura. 
“sleep? why on earth would you desire to exercise the most boring of human functions?” 
stanley paused for a moment to consider whether or not this even counted as ‘earth’ before deciding that topic was a can of worms he wasn’t ready to open. he also decided that pointing out that sleep could actually be fun and fascinating among a dozen other pleasant side effects probably wouldn’t be useful, considering who he was talking to. 
so instead, he signed [i’m tired.]
the narrator scoffed. “no, you’re not. that’s physically impossible; i didn’t even code natural fatigue into you to begin with.” 
stanley grimaced. he wasn’t sure how to respond to that, especially not with the newfound bitter taste in his mouth. 
“if you’re just bored of the content so far, then i just offered you a solution. the surprise, remember?” 
stanley ground his teeth slowly, weighing his options. the narrator was not understanding him. this was a kind of bone deep, all-consuming exhaustion that had been due for a long, long time. his body didn’t have to ache for his mind to feel like a wet paper bag stuck to a parking lot. he was simply at his limit. 
but, he also didn’t have a lot of options. 
[if i come with you, will you let me sleep afterwards?] stanley was unsure of how to explain himself. despite the justification for anger in his situation, he felt nervous more than anything. he was desperate - he’d take what he could get. 
“sure, you can take a nap after you see the surprise.” 
stanley pinched the bridge of his nose. [no. i mean a deep sleep.] 
there was a very loud, very brief moment of silence. “…for how long?” 
stanley almost laughed. if he hadn’t already been dealing with this crap for so long, he might not have believed that he was bargaining the number of hours he got to sleep with some ignorant prick in the ceiling. 
[a night’s sleep. like eight hours.]
the narrator whistled, and stanley swore he heard the gentle shift of a rolling chair on the floor. “eight hours? that’s quite a lot, stanley. i’m not sure if i can swing that.” 
stanley made no effort to hide the obvious irritation on his face. [yes you can. you’ve swung harder for much less.] 
“well, what am i supposed to do for eight hours? i don’t exactly have a surplus of protagonists laying around at my disposable. i assure you, if i did, i would have given up on you ages ago.” 
[thanks.] stanley rolled his eyes. 
“gratitude is not the appropriate response here, stanley. that was a dig at your insufferable nature and reckless attitude.” 
stanley might have signed something in response if his hands weren’t busy holding his head. he drug them down his face, groaning in frustration. [please, let’s just get this over with.] 
“wonderful!” the narrator clapped. “right this way, stanley.” a familiar yellow arrow appeared on the floor before stanley, snaking through a newly opened door. the smile in his voice was back. stanley wished he had something to smile about too. 
“you won’t regret this. i made this just for you, you know.” the narrator continued to hype up the surprise stanley tried not to get his hopes up about. knowing the narrator, it was probably something underwhelming and useless, like another mostly infinite hole or a new closet. 
stanley followed the adventure line in no hurry. he allowed himself to fantasize about something beautiful and gratifying. the narrator occasionally rattled on about all the effort that went into this spectacular mystery gift, and how brilliant it was, and how ecstatic stanley would be upon seeing it. 
stanley imagined a stretching, open field surrounded by a horizon of trees and distant green hills. wind tickled his ears and sunshine kissed his face as he walked in the direction of his choice. no limits, no rules, no voice. 
the sluggish pace he progressed at did not escape the narrator’s notice. it either meant he was simply savoring every delicious moment of suspense or he wasn’t excited about his surprise, and something inclined the narrator to believe it was the latter. 
yes, upon closer inspection, stanley didn’t look happy at all. it then struck the narrator quite suddenly that stanley’s claims of tiredness from earlier were starkly evident on his features. he really did look exhausted. 
the narrator contemplated his surprise. perhaps the new closet he had cooked up would not please stanley as he had previously hoped. he knew stanley loved closets - there was no doubt about it, but he just didn’t seem to be in a closet exploring kind of mood. 
well, they were only paces from their destination now. the narrator had to act fast. 
“erm, hold on, stanley.” 
before stanley rose a brick wall, haphazardly slapped in last second. stanley took a step back, scratching his head. 
“let’s see… hold on, i just have to make a few minor adjustments. i realized my design wasn’t quite perfect and i really should present you with only the best.” the narrator hummed absentmindedly as he hastily constructed a new room in the closet’s place, digging through assets and arranging everything just so. 
stanley yawned slowly, unaffected. 
“right… there we go! sorry about that, right this way.” the narrator lowered the brick wall once more, and stanley followed the adventure line down to the end of a forgettable hallway. the door at the end was a deep green. stanley had to admit, the new splash of color was easy on the eyes. 
“well, what are you waiting for? go on,” the narrator urged stanley inside, anxious to see his reaction. stanley sighed, mentally preparing himself for disappointment. he twisted the knob and stepped inside. 
“oh, isn’t it just beautiful?” the narrator said dreamily. 
stanley had to pick his jaw off the floor. it… really was beautiful. he found himself in an expansive greenhouse surrounded by big leafy plants and frosted glass panes on every side. the floor was laid with swirling patterns in red brick and white stones. 
what caught stanley’s eye the most, however, was the enormous bed in the center of the greenhouse. a circular sheer curtain shrouded the bed in a hazy green. stanley was moving towards it before he could think.
“look, i’ve thought about what you said, and i think perhaps… i haven’t been the most accommodating. let me make it up to you.” the sheer curtain rolled back before stanley’s eyes, and he realized the comforter was fashioned to look like a lush moss carpet. he reached out and pet the fluffy surface, unable to believe what he was seeing. it felt marvelous. 
“you can have eight hours in here. oh, and i almost forgot-“ stanley only realized it had been silent when suddenly the sound of rain on the roof swelled around him. he looked at the foggy windows to see the color of the sky had darkened to a pleasant dusty purple. 
“there we go! perfect sleeping conditions. now, wasn’t that surprise worth it?” the narrator waited for stanley to move. he just stayed there frozen, his hand in the shaggy fluff of the comforter. 
“…stanley?” this was unusual. something about the situation inspired a prick of anxiety within the narrator. 
but sure enough, stanley’s taut shoulders softened, his hand retracting from the blanket. he looked around the greenhouse slowly, letting his eyes snag on every little detail among the abundant plant life.
had the narrator really created all of this just for him? just for this occasion? stanley gulped, inhaling deeply. the air felt richer and damper. his eyes stung. 
he didn’t bother signing. he unbuckled his belt, pushing off his slacks, and unbuttoned his shirt enough to pull it over his head and throw it unceremoniously to the floor. then he dove under the covers, eagerly wrapping himself up in the heavenly softness of the comforter. 
the narrator sputtered quietly at the sudden display, clearing his throat. he supposed that was a yes. “well, i suppose i should leave you to it, now.” he said rather awkwardly, unsure of how to proceed. 
stanley’s eyes washed over the ceiling, watching the rain patter and roll on the glass above him. he finally worked up the determination to pull his arms out from under the covers once more in order to sign. [what are you going to do?] he asked out of curiosity more than anything. 
the narrator hadn’t expected stanley to say anything after all. to be perfectly honest, he didn’t have a clue. and in the vein of honestly, he didn’t particularly want to leave. he had just put this place together; it would only make sense to stay and admire it. just a bit longer. 
[are you there?] stanley signed after a moment. the narrator realized he had not responded. “ah, yes, of course. uhm… i was actually just contemplating that. i think i rather like this place, and i’m not particularly anxious to leave yet - if that’s quite alright with you.” 
a small smile grew on stanley’s face. the narrator studied it closely. [it’s very nice. thank you.] as if to prove his point, stanley gathered up the bunched up comforter in his arms and snuggled beneath it. the narrator studied this closely as well. stanley looked so… content. he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel about that. 
“you’re very welcome, stanley.” he smiled despite himself. maybe stanley would finally understand that the narrator had his best interest in mind after this. yes, surely he would take a lesson from this.
somehow, watching stanley burrow into the cozy cocoon of his blanket made the narrator feel inclined to keep those sentiments to himself for now. 
several moments passed by, and stanley’s eyes had closed, the rise and fall of his chest slowing. the narrator had to admit, the sound of the rain was quite relaxing. he knew if stanley wasn’t asleep by now it was only a matter of time, and then it would be eight hours of nothing. 
perhaps the narrator would leave at some point to work on new areas or flesh out his story. but until then, he found that he wasn’t bored. quite the opposite, really. watching stanley sleep was fascinating. seeing him at peace was a rare thing. 
maybe the narrator had been too harsh on him. what good is a protagonist who’s sick of his own story? the narrator toyed with the idea of allowing stanley to visit this place regularly. it could be good for morale, and give the narrator ample time to perfect his new ideas. yes, he would certainly consider it. 
until then, stanley was fast asleep, and the narrator suddenly had no one to talk to. he’d never understood the appeal of sleep, as it just eats up valuable time, but seeing stanley in this state inspired curiosity in the narrator. it looked cozy. he found himself wondering what that might feel like. 
these thoughts would zip through the narrator’s mind as he flitted around his maps, making improvements to his plots here and there. eight hours would pass slowly and quietly, and the narrator found that his pondering kept the inherit bore of it all at bay. 
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xannerz · 6 months
wish my mom wasnt homéophobíc!!!
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bat-the-misfit · 11 months
"disappointment" is when you show a drawing of the main male character of the book you're writing to your mother and she says he's "kinda ugly" as if he had the responsability of being handsome for being the Main Male Character (tm)
#mom it's Tadeu we're talking about#after everything i told you about Tadeu do you really think he'd be Tipically Handsome (tm)?#also this is weird bc some people might actually think he's attractive bc beauty is relative#i personally don't imagine him as a dude i'd simp for#even then what if my book gets a series (lol) and the actor who plays him is handsome while still being perfect for he role??? what if???#actually if you look at his board on my pinterest you will see the dudes i put there that remind me of him#are actually very cute in my view and they still look like Tadeu even if Tadeu's not “that cute” for me#so who knows dude??? what even is beauty??? why do people need to be “beautiful”????#i think my mom forgot who's her child lmao#i LOVE taking everything that society made typical and popular and putting my own twist on it#and funnily she knows about this#like come on it's a book about time travel and no one time travels on it lol#the main character is a girl that has a boy best friend and they don't fall in love with each other#the old lady who serves as a mentor in a literary sense is actually an angry bitch and not your typical Wise Mentor (tm) like Gandalf#while other books' mentors are saying philosofical shit about life the mentor of my book is holding herself to punch the charas on the face#but really why do people need to be beautiful? can't we just BE people???#also just bc i like men that doesn't mean all my male characters are supposed to be attractive to me#to me my characters are my children not my boyfriends#UUUUUGH MOM WHY MOM#I'M SO ANGRY LOL RESPECT MY SON TADEU HE DESERVES THE WORLD#LEAVE HIM AND HIS UGLY HAIRSTYLE IN PEACE#tio morcego tá pistola
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grapesodatozier · 10 months
I love you karen wheeler I love you sandra lynn faeth I love you inko midoriya I love you complex fictional mothers who make mistakes and get things wrong but never stop trying to understand how they got things wrong and try to fix it and so obviously and openly love their kids even if they don’t always understand the best way to show it but have real conversations with their kids to try to figure things out together and always support them and encourage them and protect them as best as they can, even and especially when they themselves have accidentally hurt them by doing something they believed would help bc their own fears and hurt and perceptions of their own failures got in the way. I love you fictional mothers struggling to find what helps and what doesn’t. you are doing your best to listen and try again and get it right and I love you with my whole heart. I am crying <3
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hpdgirlfriend · 1 year
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dreamcast-official · 8 months
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killerchickadee · 1 year
Not texting my dad for father's day because he's emotionally a dick and feeling real bad about it.
Like. He doesn't deserve it. But also he's 75 and none of his kids really talk to him. Because he's emotionally a dick. So he doesn't deserve it. But he's an idiot and doesn't realize he's emotionally a dick. But he is.
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snailvibes · 2 years
An activity I’ve been doing a lot lately is thinking about Will Byers and crying over him. Is it my favorite activity? No. Is it the one I’ve been doing the most lately? Absolutely.
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sawruhh · 2 years
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the-cooler-king · 22 days
Oh yeah..... midnight gospel be hitting.... sitting in my bed fuckin. Crying. Get a grip girl
#Its the trudy ep which is actually the episode that made me keep watching#I love love love this episode.....#Something about how.......... idk.... its a very profound ep that I can't explain and it's a nice cry#This ep kind of shaped my outlook on life especially after finding out about my friend dying#All the regrets and things left unsaid.... I make my peace daily by being really straight up#If I love and care about ppl I tell them... I say they are appreciated and cared for man#I am always thankful for people and I *love* people as a whole#And as long as the people around me intrinsically know that they are loved and cared for and cherished.... like that's it#That's the end game truly#I will never ever be sorry for that. This was THEEEE episode.#There's a lot of nuance behind my feelings best described by revolutionary girl utena#But still. I'm deep enough in my tags bc I'm crying over my s/o but not in a bad way#Fml I am so grateful to him as just an entity. As a person in my life even if our lives only intersect for this brief period of time#He hasn't been texting me much and we didn't talk much at work and I didn't even get a goodbye (rude lol)#But I know he was having a rough day. I know he needs a bit of tlc.#He could be on a downswing because I am certainly on an upswing#So I'm kind of like trying to focus on doing my own thing rn without worrying about it#Because I can't do anything about it so I might as well continue My Thang#But as I sometimes come to terms with us never talking again (gotta be prepared at all times to be ghosted)#I also come back to terms with needing him to really understand#how many people in his life depend on love cherish and admire him#And im not just talking about me... he has a lot of siblings and a not great mom. Two kids he loves.#He has always taken care of everyone else in his life#He deserves to really know and idk. It makes me think of this moment.#Realizing how much I dont ever want to question if he knows#I don't want to question if I could've done more or tried harder etc. I did my very best and didn't lie cheat steal or whatever#I am so grateful to him for letting me have that. Even if nothing can come from it in the end#Even if we should be torn apart!!!! Take my revolution!!!#Anyways. Here's wonderwall#Banger of an episode. Worth the rewatch
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7-oh-ta1 · 3 months
Y'all I won't lie I be sad asl all the time
#lindsay speaks#// vent#this is the only way i know how to talk about my feelings to get them out of my chest so kindly ignore#i have a bad complicated relationship with my mom. i had an issue that's really be bothering me and can't talk to anyone about#because everyone just thinks I'm weird and brushes me off. so despite knowing better i try to talk to my mom about.#she brushes me off and acts like I'm weird and is like well I'm tired lol goodnight#like I'm sobbing on the phone to you and your my mom....... even if you don't feel like it's a big deal#it's something that's really bothering me. and i feel like you genuinely can't be arsed to say anything but stock#''that's just life'' quotes. like i know that that's why I'm in distres#and the stupid thing is she does this everytime i or my siblings are distressed but fuck i just really needed to talk to somebody#about how I'm feeling and just like every weak person i turned to my mom#i just wish i never said anything.#i know she's going to tell everyone i just i hate all of this and i hate i can't trust anybody to just let me be upset#sorry i didn't want to talk about fucking oatmeal and actually have issues i really need someone maybe MY MOM to just pat my back#being alive sucks so much how tf am i supposed to stay alive for the good things when i have nothing good of my own#i have nothing#not even parents and those come free with your fucking existence#btw I'm fucking stupid because she tells my aunt who thinks I'm a burden by being born every fucking thing because everytime i open up to#her i ''stress her out and she deserves to vent too''#i hate this existence
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tohightotry · 10 months
Life update/vent dump
Both my fiancé and I broke up with our girlfriend a couple weeks ago cause she was manipulative and abusive(mainly verbally/emotionally but she did beat my fiancé and break his tooth and kept fantasizing with a smile about him fucking up enough in her mind to justify future beatings) she’s blaming her bpd that she gave us zero warning about her having before we got together and didn’t let us know at any point in the last year til we ended things(we could have approached things differently to try and make the relationship healthy and known that we weren’t being paranoid about the abuse happening until it got so out of hand and completely un-ignorable and so in our faces that it was in his friends faces as well, they were begging him to end it and make me end it as well, I wish he had told me this to cause I really thought it was me being paranoid from previous bad relationships) after researching a ton it seems almost every person with it is like that(being manipulative and lying is part of the diagnosis) unless they get serious help and keep that help throughout their life they will always be that way, they may even think they’re 100% innocent and refuse to believe otherwise. she is starting therapy so let’s hope she sticks with it since she wants to try and be friends in several months but honestly I don’t want to be close to her anymore cause I went back to my unhealthy codependent abusing me is totally fine I deserve it ass the moment I met her and she started her manipulation. And my fiancé had it even worse since her bpd chose him as her “favorite person” which basically is just the person someone with bpd unhealthily obsesses over to the point they think that person should only talk to them and ignore literally everything else, including their job and family. Like I don’t even want to get into the shit she did to us, and how my pathetic ass just let it happen for so long. Anyways I also found out my fiancé was emotionally cheating on me for the last five years and exchanging nudes with his ex across the country so he and I are working thro that as well and he will also be starting therapy soon to work thro his issues and figure out why he did that as he doesn’t know why and wants to know for both of our sake and make sure he doesn’t do anything like that again. That being said I think he and I can work thro this, hopefully, we also plan on couples therapy sessions. If he does it again or disrespects this relationship in any other way I will leave him, I am back in my healing era bitches and I will stay in it this time.
Already doing so much better after the break up and finally getting her to give us some space which took over a week of her telling us she’d go no contact with both of us for several months like we all agreed despite her continuing to message my fiancé all day every single day begging him to stay with her. Of course she didn’t go a whole week without trying the “im already healed so much after a single therapy session and this isn’t another ploy for attention I promise I’m all better and I know I can make him take me back even tho I know you’re both opposed to that” bullshit which is what really cements the we can’t even be friends for me cause the manipulation and abuse will never stop. Her goal will always be to try and get him completely to herself, so that he has no one else not even a friend or coworker he’s allowed to talk to.
He also got me a tofu press and i highly recommend pressing your tofu overnight cause 30-60mins doesn’t do shit but overnight is like buying the super firm tofu but it’s like $2 less a block 👍
#i can’t have anything else big happen for the next year of I’ll just give up on life lmao#I have been flaring up since I met that girl and I thought it was the physical stress from more activity#but nah turns out it was the stress from being abused and doing mental#gymnastics to justify why I deserves it/it wasn’t happening lol#anyways I’m already feeling so much better mentally and physically it’s insane#like my fiancé cheating for 5 years isn’t shit compared to the last year she put me thro#and he had it even worse#and he kinda took that out on me to which sucked ass I thought he straight up hated me at one point#and it was just cause if he didn’t act like he did then she’d fucking make lives even more of a hell than she already was#when I caught on to that it was after he had stopped and went back to not actions like he hated me#and she was even worse than before he ‘hated me’ and I told him to go back to ‘hating me’ and she got better#she was literally only happy when he made a point of being mean to me and she thought it hurt my feelings#cause when he was even just neutral to me and I avoided him it wasn’t good enough he HAD to be ‘hating me’ for her to be happy#and she even admitted all this. that she felt he should love her more and not me#she also felt he should have been doing more than giving her several hundred each month and doing manual labor on hers mom house#if he wasn’t only thinking of her every single second of single day she was pissed#and if he was only thinking of her it still wasn’t good enough and she would be angry that he wasn’t doing more somehow#mine#personal#me
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mcpuliotjr · 1 year
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lovecanyon · 5 months
DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA ft. jealous fans
dad!max x horner!y/n
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liked by user112, user55 and 102,273 others
f1gossip In light of recent cheating rumors surrounding Y/N Horner, the alleged infidelity has become a subject of intense speculation. Speculations indicate that Y/N Horner had cheated on Max Verstappen with another F1 driver, causing a stir among fans and media. While no concrete evidence has been provided, these rumors have cast a cloud of doubt over the couple's relationship, leaving many curious about the truth behind the allegations.
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user74 anytime y/n is seen with a man that isn’t max you all freak out…she’s probably just friends with whoever
user46 right! she is friends with most of the grid, including carlos, lewis and checo…and is she dating them…no!
user51 you guys are shit stirrers 🤨
user67 i’m sorry but i used to like y/n but she’s been acting out lately
user101 she thinks being the daughter of christian horner makes her superior
user97 get help. please.
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 2,730,124 others
yourinstagram mom’s night out 💋🍸
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user70 max won at life
maxverstappen ❤️❤️❤️
yourinstagram i love you so much
heidiberger_ You are the love of my life
user91 we get it you left your daughter with max to go out 🙄
user52 why are you acting like max is not the literal father…
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liked by user115, user71 and 226,374 others
verstappendaily Max with Elodie on his Twitch livestream tonight!
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user53 max being a girl dad makes so much sense
user103 while y/n is out partying with her friends…
user54 elodie and max are the cutest ever
user107 imagine world champion max verstappen being your father
user110 the pillow 🥹
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liked by user66, user14 and 99,263 others
wagsf1 Y/N Horner has recently blocked accounts on Twitter that have accused her of cheating on Max Verstappen.
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user89 i would do way worse than block, she’s better than me
user107 AND SHE ATE
user110 y/n is so childish
user51 how??? 😭
user49 the y/n hate is getting so old at this point
user123 and what if i tell you i love her for this
user50 she seems so guilty
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liked by user25, user107 and 104,724 others
ynmaxdaily Y/N, Elodie and Max in Monaco yesterday!
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user133 and you guys thought they hated each other…lol
user201 my love for y/n will never go away sorry 🤭
user45 max will never leave y/n…you guys are delusional
user88 right!!! that man is so in love with her
user13 after going on a blocking spree i guess she needed a vacation
user95 the y/n hate is just pure jealousy ‼️
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liked by user102, user64 and 246,920 others
maxynupdates Y/N Horner claps back at trolls on Twitter!
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user57 y/n is that girl ‼️
user190 i literally love her for this
user74 the way max liked y/n’s tweet too 🙌
user38 this is my roman empire
user112 i get her being fed up with max’s fans…they all hate her for nothing
user22 Y/N FANS RISE
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liked by yourinstagram, danielricciardo and 3,771,452 others
maxverstappen1 Family ❤️
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user72 free max
yourinstagram i love youuu
maxverstappen1 I love you more!
user112 my parents 😭😭😭
victoriaverstappen Such cuties
user84 y/n haters were found crying in the corner
landonorris Invite your second child next time 🙋‍♂️
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liked by user10, user203 and 118,294 others
f1wags Y/N Horner via Twitter! She shared photos of her in Max’s race suit, along with her purse and Max’s shoes!
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user117 hate on her all you want but y/n is so iconic for this
user22 max is so loved 😭
user63 “his and her’s” I AM CRYING, THEY ARE SO CUTE
user201 y/n in max’s suit…she ate
user146 her distracting us by tweeting stupid shit
user70 you are so delusional…get a grip
user113 max and y/n were truly meant for each other
user27 our red bull princess!!!
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liked by user247, user38 and 203,721 others
formula1news Christian Horner with Y/N’s mother on the paddock today!
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user98 even though they are not together i still love them 🤷‍♀️
user108 y/n’s mother is so iconic
user127 they were the best couple in formula one history!!!
user52 i love y/n’s parents omfg 🫶
user60 they just made history again
user111 AHHHH
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 3,012,721 others
yourinstagram NUMBER 1
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user113 y/n, elodie and max 🥹
maxverstappen1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
yourinstagram ILY
user78 can they get married already
christianhorner Love you darling
(liked by yourinstagram!)
user25 DAD MAX 😭
lilyhme Stunningggg <3
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liked by user67, user213 and 78,013 others
f1teaa Many F1 fans think this deuxmoi story is about Y/N Horner and Max Verstappen.
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user122 and people came for me when i said y/n was a terrible person
user67 i think you are just jealous
user98 you can tell all these max fans are jealous of her…
user21 the parasocial relationships are going crazy
user202 “she constantly leaves her daughter” you all saw y/n go out ONE TIME and ran with her being a bad mother ‼️
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liked by user20, user217 and 101,278 others
newsverstappen Max and Y/N having lunch at Red Bull’s hospitality!
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user57 and people were trying to convince me that max hates her…you know damn well
user193 she never leaves max’s side ugh
user66 LMAO WHAT 😭
user201 to all the people that want them to break up…they are never gonna break up
user65 the best couple ever
user173 you can hate them all you want but
user92 PARENTS
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liked by yourinstagram, maxverstappen1 and 980,173 others
christianhorner Lovebirds!!
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user112 christian being max and y/n’s #1 supporter 😭
user62 MOM & DAD
maxverstappen1 ❤️
(liked by christianhorner)
josverstappen7 Partners in crime!
redbullracing Our favorite people
user11 awwww
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liked by user206, user116 and 190,837 others
wags4f1 Y/N has recently liked some tweets about the hate she’s getting! 👀
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user109 love the way she does not give a fuck too 😭
user144 she is truly the best
user268 wait until you all find out she dated charles and then dumped him for max…lol
user70 hate the way people mom shame y/n
user88 anyways max and charles deserve better!!!
user209 still baffled at the way she dated charles omg…
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liked by maxverstappen1, heidiberger_ and 3,710,923 others
yourinstagram maxie & i ❤️♾️
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user203 she said this is my man and my man only!
maxverstappen1 I love you forever
yourinstagram ❤️
carmenmmundt Love you two!!
user68 I’m about to go jump off a bridge
alexandrasaintmleux 🤍
user129 girl she dated your man…what are you doing here
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liked by user116, user37 and 113,405 others
womeninf1 Y/N in the paddock today!
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user223 MOTHERRR
user107 she is keeping the f1 world alive ‼️
user96 so what she dated charles…that was like in 2019
user45 future mrs. verstappen
user110 nobody will ever make me hate y/n…sorry
user66 max vs charles (y/n edition)
user202 her wearing max’s sweater 💅
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liked by user12, user217 and 99,820 others
wags_news Max declined photos with fans today while he was with Y/N!
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user82 yeah he’s getting sick of people too 😭
user79 can everyone just leave y/n and max alone…if you are gonna hate on them…ignore them
user156 they looked so fed up today omg
user203 he also declined photos because he was practicing btw!!!
user93 it’s called protecting his relationship 🤷‍♀️
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liked user66, user217 and 145,813 others
formula1tea It was revealed that Y/N and Charles briefly dated back in 2019 right before she got with Max! The reason of their breakup remains unknown!
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user78 well…what happens now
user139 they dated 4 years ago…get over it
user93 this is one for the history books
user136 ngl…they look good together but i love her with max
user99 i don’t know how to handle this
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liked by user118, user29 and 78,273 others
wags4f1 Charles Leclerc has just followed Y/N Horner amid his and Alexandra’s breakup!
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user199 you guys jumping into conclusions…they can be friends if they want to
user76 LITERALLY 😭
user12 she’s with max. chill everyone
user217 charles and alex breaking up when…yeah okayyy 👀
user105 anyways i will support y/n no matter what
user45 overreacting for what???
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