#the lost boys 1987 x male reader
britany1997 · 6 months
A Dragon’s Tail
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David x male dragon reader
I hope y’all love this!! I love David with masc readers, he is so gay to me lmao, and I love being able to write some toxic, manipulative David stuff, but I also enjoying writing sweet vulnerable moments for him like this🥹
Comment to be added to my TLB Taglist!
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You breathed deeply, letting your leathery wings stretch out behind you. You loved the way the sea air swept through them.
You laughed to yourself as you thought of the irony. A dragon man who lived on the beach of all places.
You’d traded the fiery pits of your home in a volcano for the sand and surf. What would your father think?
You settled down on the ledge above your shared cave, your wings still fluttering behind you.
Sighing, you looked up at the bright moon above you, shining down on the beach, the cave, and everything else it touched with its eerie glow.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you relished the comfortable silence and the breeze. You always felt so at peace in the quiet embrace of the night.
“Want some company?” A familiar voice asked from behind you.
The corner of your lip tugged up in excitement. “Always,” you turned to extend a clawed hand to your perfect mate. Your David.
The bleach blond vampire flashed you a rare smile and came to sit by your side. You draped a wing around him, pulling him closer until your hips touched.
You could have sworn a blush ghosted over his cheeks, but it was too brief to tell. Your smile widened as you threaded your claws with his fingers.
“I’m not interrupting your alone time?” he asked.
“Not at all,” you ran your hand through his hair affectionately. “Most dragons spend their lives alone, your company’s a treasure.”
David seemed to relax into your wing. You let it hold him closer.
“I know how you dragons love treasure,” he teased.
You chuckled, your tail coming around to flick him on the ear. “I wouldn’t make so many treasure jokes, I’ve got a million blood jokes locked and loaded.”
David snorted. “Guess it’s true what they say about people in glass houses huh?”
You smiled, your golden eyes taking in his bright blue ones. Your gaze traveled along the slope of his stubbly jaw, his handsome face.
“Guess so,” you whispered, leaning in just a little closer to the blond man.
David figured out pretty quickly where your thoughts were headed as he leaned in too. One of his gloved hands reached out to caress your cheek. The other found it’s way into your hair.
You tilted your head, careful not to bump his forehead with your horns, and allowed your eyes to flutter closed.
Your ancient heart leapt in your chest as his cold lips pressed against your warm ones.
You sighed into the kiss, allowing your forked tongue to slide into his soft mouth, exploring and running over his sharp fangs.
After a while, he pulled away to stare into your eyes.
You loved him like this. His big, tough guy facade melting away.
To the boys he was a fearsome leader, barking orders and commanding obedience. To the humans he was a terrifying Spector of death, tearing through the population until there was nothing left.
To you, he was home.
When he looked at you with those baby blues, when he smiled at you like you’d hung the moon, you felt alive, you felt young again.
You reached out, your claws raking affectionately down his cheek.
He leaned into your touch. His hand slid over yours and he turned to plant a kiss on your palm.
“You’re awfully affectionate tonight,” you whispered, a smile pulling at the corner of your mouth
“Too much?” he asked.
“Never too much,” you reassured him, your wing cradling him closer to you once more.
“Didn’t think you’d wanna kiss an old guy like me though,” you teased.
David smirked, “I forgot you’re ancient,” he admitted, “it’s usually me that’s robbing the cradle.”
You laughed, “well you don’t have to worry about that.”
“No kidding,” his eyebrow raised, “how was the renaissance?”
You snorted, “yeah yeah you joke, but I had a lot more gold back then. People just don’t sacrifice like they used to anymore ya know?”
“I blame smart phones,” David shrugged.
You smiled, “damn technology.”
“Calm down grandpa,” David snickered, “you’re startin’ to sound like old Mr. Emerson.”
You glared, “not. funny.”
His head found it’s way onto your shoulder, “yes it is,” he hummed.
You shook your head, laughing softly to yourself, your claws stroking over his scalp. “It’s a good thing you’re cute.”
“You’re not bad yourself,” he flirted, “how’d you getta look so handsome anyway, shouldn’t you be full lizard.”
“Mom was a human, dad was a dragon,” you said simply, “that’s how I got the horns, the tail, the wings, the eternal life…all that good stuff, and these rugged humanlike good looks too.”
David tensed, lifting his head off your shoulder and shooting you a confused look.
“Your father was a dragon and your mother was…human?”
Your teeth clenched, “listen babe, I try not to dwell on the mechanics of it all.”
David laughed deep in his throat, more amused then you’d ever heard him.
“Fair enough,” David said through a fit of laughter.
You rolled your eyes, “can you just put your head back on my shoulder?”
His fanged smile filled you with warmth as he returned to resting against you.
“Tell me another story about the time you spent with your kind?” he asked, letting his eyes fall shut as you blanketed him with your wing.
“Anything for you,” you uttered as you began to recall yet another tale for him.
You were glad your father had blessed you with an eternal life. You were grateful to spend it just like this.
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TLB Taglist❤️:
@crustyboypix @gothamslostboy @softchonk @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @bloodywickedvamp @arenpath @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @anna1306 @ria-coolgirl @lostboys1987girl @royaltysuite @hypocriticaltypwriter @katerinaval @dwaynesluscioushair @dwaynedelight @fraudfrog @arbesa-mind @chiefdirector @solobagginses @walmart-cereal @sad-ghost-of-garbage @its-freaking-bats @vampirefilmlover @rynsfandomsfun @mickkmaiden333 @f4iryfxies @mack-attack420 @warrior-616
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p4r4syte · 1 month
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paul complains about not having a big enough letter on his necklace, throws a tantrum until you put it on “why isnt mine bigger than davids??” *cue laughter*
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thelostboys11 · 10 months
Hey! (Don't know if your requests are open but if they are) Could you do a poly lost boys x male Cheshire cat reader? (Who has a variety of powers and is stronger than them) I just wonder how they would all interact/react
If not that's ok.
The Lost Boys x Male Cheshire Cat Reader
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A/n: I'm basing this off of the live action version of Alice in Wonderland. I hope you don't mind. And I'm sorry I took so long to post this.
Warnings: None (I don't think).
Word count: 657
Since you're Cheshire Cat, you have many abilities, you're also able to visit the human world.
You are also able to transform into a human form.
Well you have to human forms. One of them looking like a regular human and the other with the outfit you would most likely wear in Wonderland and with ears and tail.
One of your favorite places to visit in the human world is Santa Carla, California.
You would come and go because you would have business in Wonderland every once in a while. But in your free time you would usually go to the boardwalk in Santa Carla.
While visiting Santa Carla's boardwalk one night, you came across the boys. I mean how could you not, they're impossible not to notice.
You looked different from most people on the boardwalk and so the boys eventually took notice to you.
All of you started to hang out more and more and during this time, you all started to get closer.
You managed to figure out that they were vampires without them ever telling you or hinting it to you. You're smarter than they think.
But they surprisingly hadn't figured out what you were. They did think that some of your behavior was strange but they just thought it was part of your personality and didn't think much more of it.
Wonderland started to need you more and more than it normally did so you would either have to sneak out of the cave or make up an excuse to leave early without becoming suspicious.
Eventually one night you had to leave early on a night the boys had planned with you.
Since you had to leave early and the boys didn't have anything else to do now, they decided to secretly follow you.
One of your powers allows you to create a portal back to Wonderland and it doesn't matter where you are, you'll still end up back into Wonderland.
As the portal opened, the boys looked on in awe. They hadn't seen anything like that before. They knew other mystical creatures were out there but had no idea what kind of creature could create portals.
They watched you walk into the portal and a few seconds later, they followed in behind you.
Once they had walked in behind you, the portal closed.
You hadn't noticed they followed into the portal behind you, so you continued to do what you normally would do. You then turned into your Cheshire Cat form.
The boys were clearly shocked at what the saw you turn into. They were honestly amazed by it.
Paul then excitedly ran up to and hugged you tightly. Once he got his hands on you, he started to feel how fluffy you were.
In shock and a bit of panic, you disappeared into thin air and reappeared in a different spot.
Once you realized it was just Paul, you let out a sigh of relief.
You then got onto him and the boys for scaring you like that and for also following you into the portal.
For the rest of the time you spend in Wonderland, the boys follow you around the whole time. Paul and Marko would be asking questions the whole entire time. Dwayne would want to pet you. David would probably be protective over you every time you talk to or encounter someone in Wonderland.
After getting back out of Wonderland, the boys would want to see you in your cat form more often.
Once they find out you have a human form that has cat ears and a cat tail, they want you to be in that form almost all of the time you spend with them in the cave.
Everyone would become more cuddly with you but David wouldn't want to admit it even if it's very true.
They would love it if they were able to make you purr, which honestly isn't too difficult.
A/n: That's all I have for now. Let me know if you want more!
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lazywerebat · 1 year
David: you know, we could have killed you if we wanted–
male! y/n: yeah? so could another human being, so could a dog even a duck. you aren't special.
Boys: ...
David: listen here you little piece of shit–
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astr0exe · 7 months
Coming out as transmasc to the lost boys ??
TW : some sexual content at the very end
Lets be real, Marko and Paul deffo uses he/they so the boys would be supportive if you came out no matter if you were more fem presenting or masc or andro
If you are fem presenting they totally help you find masc clothes, probably stuff that aligns with their punk vibe, Paul would cut your hair if it was long so it can look how you have always wanted cause hes just so sweet (lil baba)
If you are masc presenting they would probably just chill with the knowledge, unsure of how to fully react and still respecting you and your pronouns.
If you were in a sexual relationship with any of the guys (or all of them!!) i feel they would try to reinforce how masculine you are ‘pretty boy’ ‘baby boy’ ‘handsome’ etc
im absolutely gagged for these boys
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Hii how are you I was wondering if you could write a fic about The Lost Boys x Male reader Where reader is the youngest and they all forget about his birthday and see him crying they start to feel guilty and go to apologize to him. But he also forgot that it was his birthday and the reason he was crying because he was reading a book and saw a sad scene Sorry if it doesn't make sense 😭
Don't cry little bat
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Lost Boys x kid reader (platonic)
warning : fluff, angst, crying, reader is a kid
Info : So here is your request dear anon I was not shure (with the youngest) what you meant so I did the reader as a kid. If I missunderstood it write me and I do it again. If not have fun reading ;)
The night of the shapes, the night on the beaches where they went hunting for their star and their two little bats. The two little bats especially wanted to eat and eat a lot.
Poor Star could hardly keep up with telling stories from distant worlds and she told the boys more than clearly that they should hurry up.
A night full of stress due to the few victims in the cooler winter months, as cool as Santa Carla can be when the ice cream is still melting. But no tourists and people meant no food and no lake meant hunger and hunger only leads to strife.
The blond leader didn't want to give up, it was the second day they had been feeding on a few homeless people and even his zigartte didn't seem to bother his nerves.
,,Take it easy, it'll be fine," he heard the terse words from Dwayne, who was well aware of his leader's inner turmoil. Each of the three could see the almost nervous look into the night in search of heartbeats.
It was a night that frustrated the three of them and when they heard an ,,Oh no, that's not good" from Paul, they also saw the blond vampire suddenly holding a notebook in his hands. The notebook they had given him to write down his thoughts and ideas for anything, but in this case it seemed to contain something else.
,,Oh no?" Marko asked and his grin seemed to disappear as he looked over Paul's shoulder at Dwayne and David. ,,Y/n birthday...it's today," Marko whispered and David bit his tongue in horror as Dwayne let out a sigh.
They had forgotten it in their search for food. Cursing came from the group as they all cursed themselves and their infinity for forgetting their little field mouse's birthday.
A silent look from David to the others made them all disappear into the nact in the hours they had left to search for food and presents.
For something they could give the little boy. Minutes dragged into hours, dragged and dragged until the figures met in front of the entrance to the cave alone, a small box in their hands containing gifts.
Inside the cave, however, they were greeted with a crying sound. A cry that did not come from Laddie or Star, a cry that worried them.
An exchange of glances with Star let the veir know that the little boy was probably not calming down. ,,Bat, what's wrong? Listen...we should have been here more," David began and the other three started to hand over the present, trying to straighten out the situation somehow.
Star seemed to know what they wanted to do and seemed to have her own presents in hand. "Right, we're always here from now on," Paul added and was ready to literally throw the gift to the little one when they heard a sniffle and Y/n suddenly spun around.
Tears were in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. My-my book...the little frog is...the frog is dead" he sniffled and showed his family the book he had received a few days ago. Marko finally found his grin again and couldn't help but laugh.
The little bat didn't cry because of his forgotten birthday, a birthday he had forgotten himself. The others joined in the giggling and Star lifted the little vampire in her arms.
,,That's not good... but I think your brothers have brought you something... something to take away your tears," Star said and nudged Dwayne, who handed the little boy his present first before the others joined in.
The night of tears turned into a night of presents, hugs and stories that finally made the little vampire laugh again.
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grampstaxidermy87 · 1 year
Are you able to write about poly lost boys x male reader who has bipolar? Maybe he's going through a depressive episode or something?
I’m here
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An:Hello my lovelies! I’m back after my sudden hiatus, I am sorry this took me so long but life had gotten pretty hectic, all good things I promise! Anyways I do hope you like it! ❤️
Warning: Bipolar!Reader, Male pronouns used, poor mental health, Suicidal thoughts, Swearing.
It was hard to pinpoint an exact reason why my body suddenly refused to move, and yet my mind was racing. That voice that was usually in the back of my mind now took up all of my brain, telling me I wasn’t good enough,that I should just wither away because everyone hates me.
The stress was the worst part, making me feel ashamed for having emotions,that maybe I wouldn’t be feeling like this if I wasn’t so weak…if I were stronger I would be happy.
The blankets felt suffocating around me, but I felt nauseous of the idea of building up the energy to kick them off. Looking up with heavy eyes I saw my clock flashing ‘8:50’ which meant my boys were probably already at the boardwalk waiting for me while I laid here being useless.
That voice spoke louder,they were better off without me dragging them down, they would have more fun now that they didn’t have to worry about me.
Tears filled my eyes as I hugged my stuffed bear tighter, it was a gift from David after he had caught me staring at it and the next day I woke up to it sitting on my bedside table staring at me.
Of course the stoic leader denied having any idea of what I was talking about when I thanked him, but I could see the way his beautiful blue eyes softened when he thought I wasn’t looking.
It still smelled like them, to the point where I was pretty sure they each rubbed their scent on it just so I would end up smelling like them.
That thought brought a small hint of a smile to my face, I really missed them...
A sudden knock on the window beside my bed made me jump, "Babe? You sleeping?" Marko...
"Come on Doll, we know you're awake." David said sliding the window up and slipping inside, they didn't need permission to enter, I gave it to them so long ago that they just waltzed right in whenever they wanted.
"Aww look at our mate wrapped up like a cute little burrito!" Paul cooed hopping in and laying down behind me, I didn't bother moving over since he was just going to tangle himself around me anyways.
He had no idea how much comfort such a simple act brought me right now, the pressure helping to keep me grounded and not get lost in my spiraling mentality.
"Hey Baby boy, we missed you at the boardwalk. Are you feeling sick?" Dwayne's concerned eyes stared into mine as he knelt down beside the bed, reaching up to brush my matted hair out of my face.
"Physically yes..." David sat on his designated chair at my desk, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
"Is it happening again? Doll you should have called Max, he would have told us earlier so you didn't have to be alone." David scolded lightly, knowing I wasn't exactly thinking rationally when I was like this.
"I didn't want to bother anyone, I shouldn't need a babysitter anytime I feel a little sad." I huffed forcing myself to sit up, Paul fallowed and brought me back into his chest as he gently hugged me.
"Baby, this isn't just you being a little sad. We love you and want to be here for you, what kind of mates would we be if we can't help you with these kinds of things." Marko sat on the bed and took one of my hands, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in soothing circles.
Despite how soft they were being with me I just felt so angry, defeated. I didn’t know how much longer I could deal with this stupid disorder.
“I love you guys too…I just wish I didn’t feel like this! I don’t even remember what triggered it this time…” I hadn’t even realized I was crying until Dwayne was wiping the tears off my cheeks.
“It’s okay to be upset my handsome prince, Your feelings are completely valid. But bottling it all up isn’t healthy,you’ll only end up hurting yourself. That’s why we want you to rely on us too.” The others voiced their agreements and I looked up as David approached and cupped my chin,making me shiver from the intensity of those striking blue eyes of his.
“You’re not going to scare us away,if that’s what you’re afraid of. We are immortal vampires who kill to survive, you being Bipolar isn’t going to make us change the fact that we love you more than you’ll ever know. We have killed for you,Ripped bastards apart for even looking at you the wrong way.” He said leaned down until our faces were inches apart.
“Isn’t that enough to prove our complete and utter devotion to you?” My breath hitched in my throat and he smirked when he heard my heart skip a beat.
“Such a romantic Davey.” Paul teased earning a smack up the head from Marko for ruining the moment,”Shut up Paul.”
They started arguing but stopped once hearing the quiet chuckle that passed my lips as i tiredly rubbed at my cheeks, “I love you guys, I’m so-“ ,”(Y/n), if the next two words out of you mouth are ‘I’m sorry’ I will smack you.” Dwayne warned successfully shutting me up.
“You have nothing to apologize for babe, You’re allowed to have emotions. And yea sometimes they really suck ass, but you’re not alone.” Paul cooed cuddling into me and pressing a kiss on my neck.
Marko moved to press a kiss to my cheek and sat back with a smile,“He’s right love, you’re stuck with us.” A teasing smile tugged at my lips and I playfully rolled my eyes, “Lucky me…”
The terror twins immediately tackled me back into bed, with feral grins and merciless fingers that tickled all the spots they knew by heart.
Dwayne and David stood off to the side, smiling at the three of us softly. They were happy to hear my laughter, no matter how far into my own head I got they would always be there to bring me back or offer a listening ear.
Because we were family, one big messy family.
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soupbabe · 9 months
The Lost Boys (Separate) x Male! Reader with Rapunzel's Hair
Anon asked: Heya! Could you do a lost boys x male reader, where the reader has Rapunzel's healing hair? (Romantic if possible)
Sure thing!! Haven't written for the boys in forever, I thought it was rlly fun and refreshing to write this :D
- He definitely found out about your powers through (kind of?) normal means: you needed to heal him
- Marko is the rowdiest vampire you know, he's always sharing new bruises and scrapes that were funny shapes
- One time he came to you with a wooden stake through his hand, nothing but ready to tell you about his run in with some wannabe vampire hunters
- He wished you sooner and called him badass for managing to ward them off, but all you did was call him stupid
- Without a word, you let down your hair and wrapped it around your hand
- Marko couldn't help but laugh and marvel, but the magical moment was cut off by your singing and (eventual) scolding about how dumb he acted
- ironically, he really liked it when you called him Repunzel.
- Even if his boyfriend had the longer hair, Paul always prided himself on his. Unlike you, he wanted to be known for his golden locks
- So seeing your hair shine and glow with a simple song did make him a bit jealous.
- Like of course he'd tease you, use your hair as his personal flashlight when he can't find something in the cave, but actually hearing people praise your hair always makes him a bit sensitive
- But give him 5 minutes of kisses and you whispering complements to patch up his ego and Paul is basically back to normal
- In all honesty, he's always had a thing for guys with long hair and to see your floor length braid made him happy
- Dwayne discovers the powers hidden within your hair when you asked him to give you an undercut
- With your hair being so long and thick, you were more than willing to risk it and sacrifice some of your magic just for the sake of comfort
- As Dwayne sectioned and began cutting, he noticed your golden hue fade into something darker, more natural.
- Truthfully your hair is one of the few things to freak him out, I think he'd treat you and your hair as something fragile. He doesn't like feeling as if he's taking your powers away from you or ruining something special, y'know?
- Your hair absolutely freaked out David too
- It wasn't uncommon for you to sit on David's lap and have him comb his fingers through your hair, but a problem arose when you started humming
- Suddenly David felt a comforting warmth emit from your hair, as if the sun kissed him for the first time in years, and your hair started glowing
- It took him a solid 2 minutes for him to process what was going on, and you only recognized that something was wrong because David stopped touching your hair
- His disappointed seeing your hair fade along with your humming was immeasurable, he'll always encourage you to glow for him so he can feel the warmth from your hair.
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
I don't remember my full request Bestie for reasons 🌿, but Yandere Marko smutnesss PLS??
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Take Me, I'm Yours
Pairing: Yandere!Marko x Fem!Reader
TW: NSFW/Smut/MDNI, cursing, yandere behaviors, possessive behaviors, mentions of murder, mentions of fucking in front of corpses, (p in v) sex, name-calling (whore), marking kink, biting kink, choking, blood drinking
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The mixed sounds of monstrous growls and skin slapping can be heard echoing throughout your nest. If anyone were to walk into the cave, they would think that you were getting murdered.
However, it wasn't you that was currently being murdered.
Marko had you pinned against the soft fabrics of blankets and quilts in your nest. Your face pressed into the pillows with your back arched as Marko continued to ram into your soft walls.
“Yeah, you fucking like that, don’t you? You love having my cock deep in your pussy.” He growled out, yellow eyes laser-focused on his cock slipping in and out of your tight heat. Your pussy coating his cock in a thick sheen of wetness, making the slide that much sweeter. 
You know how jealous your vampire mate can be, especially when men continuously think that they could take you away from him. Marko was always a passionate lover, even more so when he last got jealous he fucked you into the sand surrounded by the bloodied corpses of humans that fucked around and found out.
"I’ll fuck you as many times as I can," Marko promised sadistically, his claws threatening to slice the delicate skin of your hips.” Until people know that you’re fucking mine.”
"I-I’m yours, baby." You moaned breathlessly, continuing to feel his cock brush against your tight heat. You grasped the blankets, feeling yourself slipping into bliss. “Y-Yours…” 
You knew you were starting to become cock-drunk, coherent thoughts slipping from your mind and turning into mush. All your mind could conquer was the slinging from the brutal slaps to your backside as his pelvis smacked against your ass.
“That’s fucking right.” He slowed slightly, causing you to whine helplessly from the change of pace. You were so close to releasing and Marko decided you needed a little more teasing. He proceeded to give you one last slam of his hips, keeping his cock warm inside your velvet walls as he stilled. 
“M-Marko…” You whined weakly, moving your hips against his pelvis which Marko quickly reprimanded. His claws dug into your hips, roughly pulling your ass back against him, causing you to moan loudly. Bruises were starting to form besides your older ones, decorating your flesh in his sadistic love. “M-More.” 
“Nuh uh.” He replied, allowing himself to pull a hand away in order to possessively caress your smooth flesh protecting your spin. His nails lightly brushed against your spine, leaving behind thin red scratches. 
He loved marking you, his instincts screaming for him to claim you so no other disgusting creature could try touching you again. He will kill them and continue killing as long as you remain by his side. 
“Beg for me, my dove.” He demanded, returning his hand onto your hip, hooking his fingers and keeping you from moving. Even still, you continued to squirm, panting like the whore he loved so much. “If you beg enough, I’ll let you cum, sweet girl.” He promised, darkly.
“P-Please fuck me, baby.” You whispered pathetically, tears gathering in your eyes from the head of his cock brushing against your sweet spot. “I-I wanna be a good girl, I wanna cum for you.” 
“You are a good girl, my good girl.” He cooed in return, rewarding you with short, deep thrusts. “But you need to be better than that, beg more and I’ll even fill you up with my fucking cum.” 
“Please, f-fuck me, I’m yours! I’m only yours, only you can love and fuck me so good!” You cried out, sniffling and wiggling your hips. “They’re not my fucking mate…the one that protects me and spills blood for me, nobody can c-compete with you.” 
Marko was shocked, feeling electricity traveling into his stomach, causing his cock to swell even more. He growled, eyes darkening possessively as he smirked wickedly. “That’s it, baby.” 
Roughly, he smacked your ass and resumed his rough pace. 
You screamed, feeling the head of his cock smack against your cervix, causing you to produce more slick that dripped down his cock. His pace became sloppy, your flowing juices making him smack into you rougher. 
“I-I’m so close!” You cried, the coil within your stomach tightening and threatening to snap. 
Marko moaned, reaching out to grab your throat and pull you against him, hovering over you. Your back was pressed against his lean chest, hand gripping your throat deliciously. His strength was surely something to not overlook. You could barely breathe, but you fucking loved it. 
“You’re my mate, my fucking whore!” He growled, cheek pressed against your own as he placed rough and wet kisses against your jawline. He grunted before reaching around you, roughly rubbing your clit, avoiding hurting you with his nails. He always loved missing pain with pleasure. 
“C-Can I cum?” You panted, voice barely escaping from his tight grip against your throat, but Marko heard you all the same. 
“Cum for me, baby.” He replied, granting you permission you’ve needed to hear. With another cry, you felt the coil release and you felt yourself cumming against his cock, showering it in your cum. 
Claim her. Fucking Claim her. His instincts screamed. 
His yellow eyes focused on your throat, the delicious smell of your blood and arousal made his vampire instincts go haywire. His panted, his fangs grazing against the side of your neck and he could no longer resist. 
His fangs pierced into your throat, causing you to scream in a mix of pain and pleasure, your vision going blurry as he continued fucking into you. With your blood coating his mouth, he felt the need to fill you up. With a few more rough thrusts, he slammed into your ass, his cum shooting out and coating your sweet pussy.
The intense pleasure was too much for you to bear. Within a second, you found yourself slipping away. The last thing you could hear was Marko pulling out and leaning over you, brushing your sweaty hair away from your face.
“You’re my everything…”
The last thing you knew, you were unconscious. 
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Spam Liking W/O Reblogging = Blocked
Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @britany1997 @luv4fandoms @bloodywickedvamp @blenna3967 @swagfancroissantpizza2
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britany1997 · 1 year
Hi! i have a request for you!
firstly tho, i love your writing so much <3
okay here it goes! The lost boys x male reader
where the the reader is basically a cat,, what i mean is, they tend to fall asleep randomly, get random bursts of energy, yawn while stretching, can be super cuddly one second and the next hate being touched, bites and licks to show affection, follows the boys around, just very cat like things
these are just examples of cat stuff, you can do whatever you like with the main prompt, i trust you !
thank you so much 🫶
Purrfect Night
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Thank you thank you thank you🫶🫶🫶 I’m always appreciative of kind words and encouragement of my writing🥹 and always happy to do more fluff fics for male readers! I know there’s not too many out there. Pre-read by @crustyraccoon :)
Poly! Lost boys x male catlike reader
You yawned and stretched, coming back to reality slowly as you felt a hand stroking through your hair. Your eyes fluttered open to be met with the vision of a tall brunette vampire holding you in his lap.
“Hey handsome,” he greeted you while running his hand through your locks.
You smiled and grabbed his hands, pulling it from your hair and pressing the palm to your lips. “Hey yourself,” you rasped, “what happened? Did I fall asleep again?”
Dwayne chucked, “yeah,” his hand moved from your lips to your cheek, stroking it softly, “but I didn’t mind.”
You smiled reposition yourself until you were seated in Dwayne’s lap. “Thanks for taking care of me,” you pulled him in for a kiss.
His hands flew to you waist as he returned your kiss.
The sweet moment was interrupted by an abrupt “finally!”
You pulled away from Dwayne, recognizing the sound of you other boyfriend’s loud voice.
“You’ve been sleeping for forever!” Paul exclaimed as he walked over to the two of you.
“It’s been twenty minutes,” Dwayne clarified.
“Like I said, forever.” Paul said as he plopped down next to you.
You slid out of Dwayne’s lap into Paul’s, leaning back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tight, desperately trying to make up for the sliver of time he’d missed while you were napping.
You smiled as he latched onto you. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder, turned to his cheek, and bit down.
He growled as he tightened his grip on you, “what did we say about biting me pretty boy?” he asked.
“You bite back?”
“I bite back!” he exclaimed as his teeth sunk into your shoulder
You laughed and squirmed in his grip as he gnawed on your neck playfully, careful not to actually pierce the skin.
Dwayne rolled his eyes and stood as Paul pushed you onto your back and rolled back and forth with you, as you play fought.
Just as you had turned the tables on Paul and pinned him to the ground, you felt yourself being side tackled to the floor by a curly blond haired demon.
“Wrestling without me?” Marko asked while wiggling his eyebrows.
“Hey!” Paul yelled “I was totally about to win man!”
You scoffed, “oh yeah, you really had me there, you were soooo intimidating pinned under me.”
Paul smirked and opened his mouth.
“DON’T.” both you and Marko warned.
Paul pouted.
While Marko was preoccupied with Paul’s antics, you took the opportunity to kick him off you.
He fell on his back with a thud, sighing dramatically.
“I thought you loved me baby,” he said as he draped one hand across his forehead, while clutching his chest with the other.
You laughed at his melodrama, standing up to offer him your hand. “I do love you pretty boy, now stand up so I can give you a kiss.”
Beaming, he took your hand and allowed you to pull him to his feet.
He put a hand on your cheek, pulled you close and leaned in.
You leaned in too, but at the last second, you tuned and licked his cheek.
“Ugh what the fuck?” he said pulling away and rubbing his cheek with his palm.
Paul, previously sulking about not being offered a kiss as well, had burst into a fit of laughter from his spot on the ground.
You turned in his direction, “don’t laugh too hard babe, you’re next.”
Paul winked, “promise?”
Your sweet moment with the chaos twins was interrupted by the sound of David’s deep voice, “coming to the lobby boys? Thought we were having a movie night in.”
You turned to the entrance of Dwayne’s alcove to take in David’s form leaning against the doorway. You clenched your fists, tapping your foot sporadically and biting your lip as you looked at him apologetically.
He sighed, as he observed your fidgety state, “you need to run around don’t you?”
“Yes.” Marko and Paul both said at the same time.
David rolled his eyes, “I’ll tell Dwayne we’re heading to the boardwalk,” he motioned for the three of you to follow him.
Paul raced into the lobby as you trailed behind Marko, fiddling with the fishing lures sewn to his jacket.
He looked back with a smirk on his face as he rolled his shoulder, flicking the lures towards you. You batted at them absentmindedly as you walked towards the boys’ bikes.
You sheepishly padded over to Dwayne, placing your head on his shoulder. He turned to you and began to stroke your hair.
“Are you upset that we’re not staying in tonight?” you pouted.
He smiled softly, “no baby, not upset, happy to be with you wherever.”
You returned his smile as you reached down to thread your fingers with his, “really?”
“Really,” he promised, “I adore you,” he added nonchalantly.
You melted, “I adore you too handsome.”
He winked at you, “c’mon babe, hop on, let’s make it to the boardwalk before morning.”
You smiled and slid onto the motorcycle behind him. He reved his engine and shot a smug smile at the other boys as you held onto him tightly. Paul pouted.
Dwayne looked over his shoulder, “hold on tight.”
You blushed, “always.”
@misslavenderlady @anna1306 @6lostgirl6 @cherryfrostbites @its-freaking-bats @solobagginses @gothamslostboy @feardot-com @flower-crowned-lady @lostboys1987girl @dwaynesluscioushair @dwayxluvs @ghoulgeousimmaculate @bloodywickedvamp @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @warrior-616 @vampirefilmlover @riz-coolgirl @consuming-karma @pixielostboy
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p4r4syte · 2 months
its boiling hot rn so heres some lost boy hcs. what i think theyd do/be like in summer (mildly suggestive?)
pls add comments, ill add to it :3
David :
•avoids everyone. i know vampires are cold blooded but no doubt these mfs get agitated during summer. David the worst. he’d be sat there, coat discarded with a pissed off expression. still smoking. god forbid he doesnt smoke
•will even get pissed off with Feeding Time™️ because the bloods warm so he’d just disappear for days on end. hiding away. basically hibernating
•Is Extremely Snappy. he will go for anyones throat, doesnt even matter if youre together (god forbid mates), he’ll be avoiding you just in case but will Bark at the boys given any chance
•”he wouldnt hurt a fly” HE WOULD!!!!!! Fuck That Fly Do Not Invade My Personal Space
•will only calm down once hes cooler, he would genuinely have to piss off to the sea (or i imagine the cave has a watered in area) ((only dwayne knows about it but he let david in on it)) or hes sulking in a damp, desolate part of the cave. just waiting for the summer to end
•only one of the boys that can speak to david during this time is dwayne because of how hes empathetic towards his Boys. Marko And Paul Will Be DropKicked On Sight.
•sleeps upside down, near the darkest most secluded park of the cave. there isnt any air, theres no breeze. he doesnt care, he just wants to, fester. Leave Him To Fester
Marko :
•becomes more feral than he ordinarily is
•he Will be dangling from the ceiling, trying to catch any breeze that rolls in
•he will also be chilling with the pigeons, they find the coolest places in the cave to rest so Why Not?
•the summer heat will also be giving him unneeded energy. he WILL be playfighting with paul and then laying there overheating and gets pissed off once paul tried to interact with him again. Cant You See Im Warm? Jesus.
•will find endless cool drinks on the boardwalk once it cools down during night. itll give him no sustenance and he’ll be pissed off that he has a headache tomorrow but. Mmm Slushie :3
•still eats hot food and will complain about how hes warmer now than before he ate the food. yes he knew beforehand. no he wont stop. let him complain
•him and paul sit shirtless in the centre part of the cave, eating ice creams and then getting pissed off once theyve eaten them all (or theyve melted)
•calmer than david, less irritated than dwayne, less energetic than paul
•sleeps in a random, small part of the cave because the air rushes straight through (he followed the pigeons)(he learns many things from them, this is one of the many great things he found out)
Paul :
•please calm down. its Hot. Get The Memo
•continues his antics, just with, less clothes.
•the ONLY motherfucker thats actively trying to interact with everyone else
•he doesnt get it, god bless. not a single thought in that head x
•is also smoking. sat on that fountain (the cold marble against his back), trying to yell to the others (they ignore him) speaker blasting music (its pissing everyone off)
•the only one that actually leaves the cave (until he convinces marko to get slushes with him. then hes no longer going alone)
•a nuisance. a pure fucking mosquito of a man. he’d be stuck to you if he could, please don’t let him you dont know where hes been (various ponds) (hes upside down in a shrub) (dont help him)
•hes a boombox blaster, weedsmoking, white rum drinker in summer. or whatever he can get his hands on. but best believe he’s living it up even if he doesnt make it out the cave most nights
•sleeps drunk in the fountain, naked. Hey, Its Cool. What Do You Want From Me?
Dwayne :
•is the only one who Actually attempts to cater to the rest
•he knows exactly how everyone is and as much as he Needs To Rot too, he needs to check on everyone first
•only person hes really checking on is david lets be honest
•after finding david and just, checking, he’ll find his own section of the cave. not too far, within ear distance of Everyone in the cave
•he’ll just rest there for a while, just dangling, all sweaty
•sometimes he has enough energy to chill with paul and marko but quickly loses it after a while. paul is Way too much for him in this heat. Hes Markos Issue Now :)
•he is the only one that will remind the other boys that they need to eat. it may be hot, but you still need to eat. cue moody david, hyper paul, sweaty and overstimulated marko and coping mother dwayne
•doesnt speak to anyone, literally not at all, because hes just Too Hot™️ so he’ll just pull your hand to what he wants, guiding you to what he needs
•sleeps alone, in the centre on the cave. just above where they all gather, so he can hear everyone but is just far enough away to get peace. oh, hes also naked.
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Surprising how hard it is to find male reader insert stories for the lost boys considering how gay those motherfuckers are
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lazywerebat · 11 months
dwayne who would give his old shirts && hoodies to his trans boyfriend, later seeing one of his old fav hoodies is mentioned boyfriends dysphoria hoodie && new fav hoodie to wear almost every day.
dwayne would literally feel his undead heart melt && fall more in love with his beloved boyfriend <3:
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thelostboys11 · 2 years
The Lost Boys x Werewolf M! reader
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The Lost Boys x Werewolf M! reader pt. 1
Word count: 814
Warnings: none that I can think of
A/N: I know this sucks, I'm not gonna lie. I really tried my best but this isn't that good.
You were new to Santa Carla. You thought that Santa Carla would be the best place to live as a werewolf since it was the murder capital of the world. You could get away with things a bit more than where you used to live.
Santa Carla had lots of entertainment and some of the food you enjoy. The majority of it was a plus. The only thing that you didn't seem to like that much was how many people were there. Everything would be fine if they just mind their own business and left you alone.
The first night you were free after moving to Santa Carla you decided to go out to the board walk. You wanted to see what there was and you wanted something to entertain you.
You spent the night going from ride to ride and eating some of the food that the boardwalk had to offer. You were having a good time on the boardwalk. You made a good decision coming to the board walk that night.
That was all until you smelled something. Something you hadn't smelled all night until then. You didn't know where it was coming from. You decided to not worry about it but you were still a bit on edge.
You started to wander on the board walk without an idea of where you were going. The smell worried you and you didn't know why. You just wanted to get away from the smell.
But it seemed to follow you. No matter where you went on the board walk, you could still smelled it. Where ever the smell was coming from, probably wasn't something but someone.
You decided to sit somewhere on the board walk to rest. You tried to stop thinking about the smell but it kept coming back to you. And that worried you.
You were sitting there on the board walk, watching people on the board walk go by. A bit ago you notice a few guys that seemed to be looking in your direction. You tried to not let it bother you, but they kept looking.
At one point one of them started walking in your direction. That's when the smell was getting closer. That's when you realized that they're what the smell was coming from. There was something off about them. They definitely weren't human and they definitely weren't what you were.
"Hey cutie," The guy said, sitting next to you. "How ya doin'?"
"I'm fine," you responded, looking away, wanting him to just leave you alone.
"Why're you lookin away from me? You don't want me to see you blush, cutie?" He replied, trying to get your attention on him again.
"Why are you calling me cutie? I don't even know who the hell you are!" you told him, honestly kid of annoyed and a bit nervous.
"Oh, come on, cutie. Don't be like that." He said, getting closer.
You get up from the table and start to walk away. The guy gets up too and follows beside you.
"Please leave me alone," You groaned.
"C'mon, at least get to know me first," he said, putting his arm around your shoulder. "And by the way, my name's Paul."
"Well, Paul, I would like you to leave me alone. I can tell that you're up to no good and I don't want to be apart of it," You responded, annoyed.
"Maybe you'll say otherwise whe-" Paul started before he was interrupted by another guy.
"Paul, I'll take it from here. You're just making him uncomfortable," The second guy said, with two other guys not far behind him.
"Who are you guys? What do you want from me?" You asked nervously.
"I'm David. We just want to get to know you, darling" David said, getting closer. He made you blush a bit.
"O-okay," You replied, trying not to make eye contact.
"Hi, I'm Marko! This here is Dwayne," The short, blonde haired guy blurted. Dwayne gave a small wave.
"What's your name, darling?" David asked.
"My name is Y/n," You answered.
"Well, Y/n. Would you like to come back to our place with us?" David asked.
"Um, sure I guess," You responded. Marko grabbed your hand and lead you too their bikes.
"C'mon. Hop on!" Marko said getting on his bike. You got on the bike with Marko and put your arms around his stomach area.
Not too long later you all arrived at a cave. You all got off the bikes and started to head down to the entrance of the cave.
"How are you feeling, pup?" Dwayne asked, putting his arms around your waist causing you to start blushing.
"I-I'm good," You mumbled.
Dwayne then brought you over to a couch that was in cave. He sat down and then sat you down next to him. Paul sat down on the other side of you.
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Fluff Alphabet - David
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warning : pure fluff, some darker themes, angst, it's getting sweet and fluffy under the cut.
A = Affection (How do they worship you?)
°David has been worshipping you since he saw you and you came together. Maybe not always obviously with kisses and words. But his looks, his smile or a simple movement like putting his hand on your hip is enough to prove his faithfulness to you. And when this is not enough, he doesn't bother with lulling words or kisses.
B = Best friends (What would they be like as best friends? How would the friendship start?)
°I think the friendship started before you even knew it. David and the others had been watching you at the amusement park almost every night for a while. Until David started his attempt with his silver tongue, his sympathetic look and his nice words, you trusted him relatively quickly. Before one thing led to another and you found yourself riding behind him on his motorbike through the night.
°As best friends you would do anything for each other. Whether it's doing things for David during the day or giving you immortality. Sometimes he doesn't always seem to be there but you both knew he had a deep connection to you...maybe those feelings can become something more.
C = Cuddling (do they like to cuddle?, how do they cuddle?)
°David is not always necessarily the biggest cuddler. He has other ways of showing you his affection. But when you do cuddle, it's usually just the two of you. Either when the other three are hunting then in the den on lots of pillows and blankets. Or something the blonde likes most of all sitting outside on the cave looking at the stars. When he puts an arm around you and pulls you closer. Listening to your quiet heartbeat. Or just sitting in his lap and talking about trivial subjects. The main thing is that he has you with him. For him.
°,,So beautiful is eternity"
D = Domestic (how would they settle down? How are they cooking and cleaning?)
°The problem will be being a vampire. Santa Clara may not be his forever home but as long as he and his brothers have enough victims they will stay. However, I think he will try to convince you to stay... if that doesn't work, who knows, hypnosis is always an option. Or a long, long motorbike ride to the next area the vampires might settle.
°As for cleaning and cooking, it's more of a no. Since he only needs blood, he doesn't really cook. I think he can make simple things like noodles or scrambled eggs but don't expect five star meals. And clean well the cave or the nest has its own charm but you wouldn't call it tidy. So no tidy I think he would call it "own creativity".
E = Ending (how would they break up with your partner if they had to?)
°If he had to break up with you because he is afraid that the vampire hunter kids/teens could become a danger I think there would be two ways. The gentle one where he gives you one last kiss, keeps himself under control and his revenge and anger doesn't get the better of him. He would just hypnotise you and send you away and make you forget everything.
°,,I-I...will never forget you my love"
Or the dark brutal way when maybe one of his brothers has already died. You hurt or he hurt. He would tell you everything and take you in. So you would give him your life.
° ,,Now we are together forever!".
F = Fiance(e) (how do you feel about consent? How soon would you want to get married?
°David doesn't have to get married to feel connected to you. From the moment he saw you, he knew you belonged together and that's how it happened. However, he would totally support his partner and hold a big wedding in the whole cave if she wanted to get married.
°,,Forever and ever".
G = Gentle (how gentle are they mentally and physically?)
°David is gentle emotionally and then again he is not. Sometimes you watch him with the others as he takes a drag on his cigarette and stares at nothing for minutes. The three vampires always said that he would think about you and how much you actually mean to him, even if he doesn't always show it.
°,,Mhh...sorry my dear, what did you say?".
°Physically, as I said when you were cuddling, he usually only shows this when you are alone. It is something almost private for him, something for the two of you. The certain distance to his brothers. But if you want to cuddle believe me he will cuddle you to death if you want to put it that way.
°,,All right, one last good night hug if it makes you happy".
H = Hugs (do you like hugs? How are their hugs?)
°Hugs yes and no. A hug from behind when you're holding on to him while riding a motorbike very much. In front of everyone else, nothing. It's not that he doesn't love you, it's just something he doesn't need everyone to see. Again, more of a private thing for him.
°But when you hug it's either a short one when you don't have much time left and get tired while you sleep at night. Since you know he'll be with you that night. Or a long intimate gentle hug when you say goodbye to him before he hangs out with his brothers.
I = I love you (how soon would they say it?)
°He would actually say it on the first date. He would rather cleverly incorporate it into his charming words. But believe me, once he says it, he will whisper, whisper and say it more times than you can count. He likes to do this when he has pulled you in and wants to make some stranger jealous.
J = Jealousy (how quickly are they jealous? What do they do when they are jealous?)
°David is jealous very, very quickly (even if Marko still has the highest level). One wrong look, one step too many, one word too offensive from a guy to you and he's standing next to you faster than the stranger can notice. One hand on your hip, the other on your cheek before he pulls you into a deep kiss. The grin on his lips is unmistakable before the boy moves away from both of you.
°,,You are my little bat".
K = Kisses (how are their kisses? where do they love to kiss you?)
°Your first kiss with David was surprisingly gentle but quickly turned serious as he became more aware of your excited heartbeat. It was beguiling. But after that, his kisses seem to get more and more eager. Especially when you're in a relationship, a deep rough kiss for you and a little snack for him in between.
°His favourite thing is to kiss you on your lips, he loves to taste you and feel your warmth. Otherwise like each of the four your neck. The perfect place to bite and kiss two in one what more would he want.
L = Little ones (how are they with kids?)
°David is good with kids when he wants to be. I think he might find them quite annoying from time to time especially if they are younger children. But when they are more independent he would play with them from time to time and take them on a flight.
°,,Who wants to be a bat?"
M = Morning (How do you spend your mornings?)
°You don't always spend your mornings together. If you have decided to sleep with the boys and have managed to sleep during the day, you will find him with you the second he wakes up. He would put the blanket lightly over you, look at you and thank you for waiting for him. Before he stays with you, you have fallen asleep.
°,,I'll stay with you"
N = Night (how are nights spent with them?)
°When you are awake at night which is going well (you have adjusted your day-night rhythm to him) you are either with all the boys. You talk, laugh, play and fly together. If you're not in the cave, you're pretty much always on his motorbike on the way to the amusement park where you spend the whole night.
O = Open (how fast would they open)
°I don't think David would take as long as Dwayne. But he would take his time. Mostly because he doesn't want to overpromote you or upset you. He knows he's done things that a normal person would probably never forgive him for. But also the deeper and the longer you are together and on your reassuring words he would gradually tell you everything.
°,,You wanted to ask me something...go ahead and ask".
P = Patience (how quickly are they annoyed?)
°It takes a lot to make David really angry. When you argue, he tries to resolve it calmly and would get frustrated if you didn't find a solution. The thing that would really upset him, however, would be if you put yourself in danger with him in any situation. It is fear that turns into anger at your actions. He knows he cannot protect you during the day, which is why he always rests with thoughts of you during the day. But no matter how angry he gets, in the end he forgives you because all he really cares about is you.
°,,Mad? Mad? I'm not mad - I fucking worried!".
Q = Quizzes (how much would they know or remember about you?)
°David won't ask you directly about your personal stuff. Maybe once in a quiet moment or flirt. He's more likely to sit in the cave with a cigarette smoking quietly between his lips while he listens to the conversations you have with the others.
°But believe me, if someone were to ask him, he could name just about anything.
°,,I know everything there is to know about you, my dear"
R = Remember (what is your favourite moment in your relationship?)
°A moment he would always remember it was actually a normal date. One night for you and him while the others were out hunting. You drove through Santa Clara and rode the Ferris wheel. You were actually on your way home when he suddenly stopped and lifted you off the bike. You were about to ask him what he was doing before he took off and flew up into the sky with you. This is beautiful" he heard you say as you flew up through the clouds. You pulled the cloak he had given you more tightly around you. Before you arrived through the clouds in the clear sky. It was a blood moon and in the glow of the red moon he pulled you into a deep kiss. As you held onto him and your heartbeat could be heard. Before he came closer to your neck and sucked your blood. Your sigh, your touch. For David it was the most beautiful thing he had ever experienced.
S = Safety (how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
°David is not too protective at first. I mean he's a fucking vampire and his brothers wouldn't even let anything happen to you. They might keep their eyes open a little bit if you were at the fair, but not much else really.
°But if, for example, one of his brothers has already died or you have been hurt, he will become obsessed with avenging you and keeping you safe. If you don't stay at home on your own, he simply hypnotises you. Or in the worst case he locks you in the most secluded place in the cave just so he knows where you were. Only in the worst case he would let you forget everything and send you away. But before that happens he would rather suck you out or turn you before he loses you forever.
°,,You stay with me...everything will be alright, I promise".
T = Try (how much would they invest in dates anniversaries, gifts etc?)
°I think David would not necessarily care much about gifts or big preparations. Because the biggest and most dangerous gift you gave him was your love. Whereas his greatest gift to you would be immortality.
°If he were to give you something for an anniversary, I think it would be jewellery. Something that you always carry with you so that he can see it when you are with him.
°,,Your beauty transcends eternity".
U = Ugly (what would be a bad habit of theirs?)
°Besides the obvious people-killing and moral stuff, it would be his lust for revenge and control. I do think that if pressed enough over a short period of time, he could quickly become very vengeful and even vindictive. But this is only a result of him feeling helpless and powerless. Because if there's one thing he hates, it's not having control. He won't yell at you right away, but if you don't do what he wants you to do when the situation is extremely bad, I imagine he will raise his voice.
V = Vanity (how much do they care about their appearance?)
°To cut to the chase, the four (beautiful) little rats that came out of the darkest bin. No seriously, underneath all the dark clothes and bleached hair, David does care about his appearance. I mean how else would they attract so many pairs of eyes. He knows he is attractive to the world around him so why not be more provocative and attractive.
°But he couldn't care less what you wear. You always look good to him. Whether in a little summer dress or in a rubbish bag. To him you're the prettiest thing you've ever seen.
W = Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
°Yes, as much as he loves his brothers, the thought of you dying from just about anything, including old age. He wouldn't "survive" spending eternity without you. It would be like a part of him would be missing, some of his strength would be missing and he would feel powerless.
°,,Please...stay with me for eternity".
X = Xtra (a random headcanon for you)
°David smokes all the time I mean he can't die of cancer so why not? I think he's keeping you away from cigarettes until you're a vampire, though. He would hardly smoke next to you and only smoke when you are sleeping or not even with the boys. But if his brothers asked him about it he would never admit it.
Y = Yuck (what is something he would not like about his partner?)
°There is very little he wouldn't like about you if it were at all possible. But what would annoy him would be if you asked him about his past all the time when he wasn't in the mood. Or you would ask him all the time in front of the others. Then I think he would close himself off from you and become calmer. The others would talk to you and explain what was going on if you hadn't figured it out for yourself.
Z = Zzz (what is a sleeping habit of theirs?)
°When he's not hanging upside down on the ceiling with the others, I think he would hold you somehow if you agreed. Believe me, even in sleep he would hold you tight. If he is not hanging upside down from the ceiling, he prefers to sleep when you are leaning against him, lying in his arms or when he can lay his head on your lap. Believe me, he falls asleep faster than he would admit.
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grampstaxidermy87 · 2 years
Pretty Boy
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Part 1 | Part 2
Poly!Lost Boys x Male!Reader
Smut Warning: Polyamory, dumbification ,Blood kink, Double penetration, blow jobs, hand jobs, body worship, biting, fingering, choking, public sex, voyeurism.
Warning: blood consumption, turning, murder, Gore, Alcohol, drug use, corruption, Reader is too horny to have morals.
summary: After a night of mind-numbing passion, it is time to join the club. But don't worry baby, the boys are there to make the transition as pleasurable as possible.
An: So sorry lovelies, wanted this out a while ago but as I was editing I just hated the way the plot was going so I rewrote most of it. I had gotten some feedback on the first one that said I lost the plot and it just really got me rethinking myself a lot. I'm still iffy on this but it is better than before, anyways on to the delicious smut I know you're all here for! Enjoy <3
My eyes snapped open as I shot up, gasping for air and gripping the T-shirt that felt looser than the one I remembered wearing.
Looking down I saw a dark grey Metallica T-shirt with a few holes and unknown red stains across the front, furrowing my brows I realized I wasn’t in my bedroom like I should have been. Shifting to stand I winced when my sore muscles cramped and screamed at me for the action, Memories of the night before came crashing down as my stomach twisted with hunger.
Confusion fogged my mind, why did I let myself give in like that? Sure, they were all insanely attractive and it felt good...like really good actually, I shouldn't have crossed the line. I mean they were Michael's friends-
Shit Michael!
I quickly slipped out of the mountain of blankets and pillows they had put me in, fighting against the soreness and dizziness that shot through me as I wobbled around in search of my clothes.
He was going to kill me, all he wanted was for me to drive him to his friend's place and I end up ditching him to fuck them. What kind of friend does that?!
In my frantic search I didn't notice the looming figure watching from the shadows in amusement, A single burning light illuminated their face as a puff of smoke blew out into view.
"Going somewhere (Y/n)?"
Jumping with a startled yelp I dropped my shoes with a loud thud, whipping around I felt a shiver roll down my spine at how intimidatingly attractive he looked "David! I-I was just..." He stepped out of the shadows, fully dressed and showing no signs of the intense sex we had last night.
I knew for a fact that I had left quite a few marks on his skin, but now he looked untouched and…perfect.
A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as I gawked at him, making a show of taking a long drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke while keeping our eyes locked together. Why did such a simple thing affect me so much? The cocky bastard looked satisfied when he got the reaction he had wanted in the form of me shifting on my feet with a flustered expression.
Shaking away my lustful thoughts I recollected my clothes and headed towards the nest mattress. “Look, last night was amazing but I really have to go. I need to find Michael."
David's cocky grin fell into a frown of distaste at the mention of my best friend, a dangerous aura radiated off of him as I tossed the pile onto the bed before moving to remove the t-shirt.
Footsteps approached me and stopped as David’s chest pressed to my back, his eyes practically glowing as he dug his gloved fingers into my hip. "Forget about Michael, did you forget what I told you yesterday?" A shiver rolled up my spine at his words, eyes full of serious emotion as he glanced down at my bare neck, he leaned down to start peppering my skin with kisses.
"Look...I barely know you guys; I shouldn't have done any of...that." My words lulled when he slowly lowered his gloved hands lower and lower down my stomach, I hated to admit how much I craved him, but I needed to stay strong. I couldn't give in again no matter how much I wanted to.
"Didn't it feel good for you? It sure did for us, you're quite the lover." He could feel how I melted at the compliment, his other hand moving to my jaw as he turned my face towards him. Licking his lips as our faces were mere inches away from one another.
"Come on baby boy, you know we're meant to be together. You feel it too don't you, that pulling sensation that ties us all." I gripped onto his shoulders when he turned me around, "Just give in and I promise to fuck you senseless whenever you want." My eyes grew heavy when a wave of lust washed over me, it was too hard to fight against my urges when he spoke such pretty words.
"I-I can't..." He smiled so tenderly stroking my cheek with a surprising amount of care, "Oh but you can (Y/n), I know you can. Don't you want to be loved?" It was as if his voice was seeping into the deepest crevices of my mind, all I could think of was him and the boys.
It made me wonder, why was I fighting this so much? There were four handsome, funny, and adoring boys who wanted me...all of me. And yet still wanted to see Michael.
Michael who has always treated me like I was nothing more than a friend.
Michael who was so eager to toss me aside when new, more interesting people came into his life.
Michael who had the audacity to look jealous when I was given the attention for a change.
It was time to do something for myself for once in my life, it was time to be happy.
All I had to do was give in.
"I don't want to be alone anymore."
David smiled, for he had finally won. “It's okay kitten, just let me take care of you."
I let out a whimper as he crashed our lips together in a surprisingly hungry kiss, turning to face him I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt him chuckle into my mouth. Moving his hands down my body until they made their home at my ass, skilled as they slipped under the bottom of the shirt and groped the meaty flesh and added tongue to the kiss.
"Damn David, I told you he'd look so cute in Paul’s shirt." I tried to pull away when I heard Marko's flirty voice, but David refused to release me now that he had me. Moans were devoured by the stronger man as he pulled me into his chest allowing me to feel the large, clothed bulge that pressed against my own.
Another body wrapped around me from behind, placing open mouthed kisses to my neck mixed with a nibble here and there. While skilled hands easily made quick work of tearing the shirt to shreds and tossing the torn fabric somewhere out of sight and out of mind.
"There we go handsome, nothing to hide your delicious body from us." Marko hummed nipping at my earlobe and growing a feral grin when I visibly shivered at the sensation.
David pulled away and chuckled as I followed him for more, "Easy kitten, we have eternity to fuck your brains out. But it's almost dinner time, so we'll be continuing this later." Marko growled, not wanting to stop as he moved his hand around to grab hold of my shaft making me gasp out with pleasure.
David gave him a look daring the shorter man to argue, but unlike I who shivered at his intensity Marko merely smirked.
"Come on David, just look at him. Let him orgasm at least once." The leader glared harder at him, but Marko didn't seem deterred as he began pumping my weeping cock.
David took my chin and tilted my head up to watch the way I panted and moaned, “We have plans Marko, you know that.”. He had to admit I did look delicious as my eyes watered and moans fell from my lips like a beautiful Symphany that he could listen to for hours.
So while this was pushing back the important plans for the night, he decided just one orgasm wouldn't hurt.
"Fine." That was all Marko needed to hear as I was suddenly tossed on the bed with the sporadic cherub climbing between my legs without a second's hesitation. He licked his lips pulling my thighs over his shoulders and looking up at me as he grabbed my cock again.
"Don't worry baby, I'm going to return the favor for last night. Fuck my throat as hard as you want." With that said he kissed the tip, licking away the precum that leaked from it, before taking all of me into his mouth.
He didn't stop until I hit the back of his throat with his nose pressed to my pubes, He hummed at my delicious taste making me whimper and squeeze his head with my thighs.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see David approaching with the same chalice from last night, I assumed he had taken a sip seeing since he had a bit of the crimson liquid on his bottom lip.
“See pretty boy, you’ll get to feel this every night if you want to. It will only feel better after tonight though…trust me.” David looked over us as he knelt on the bed beside Marko, watching my blissed-out expressions as Marko mercilessly bobbed his head at a punishing pace.
“I-I’m going to cum-” A bastardly smirk tugged at his handsome face, he leaned down to run his leather fingers down my stomach, keeping eye contact as he moved up onto the back of Marko’s head and pushed down.
Marko choked on my cock but didn’t seem bothered as he instead used his tongue to lick at my balls, tears filled in my eyes, ”Not yet kitten, thirsty?” His other hand led the chalice to me and I struggled on weak arms to push myself up to it.
Now that I thought about it, I was oddly thirsty. But for some reason I was craving whatever was in this cup.
It smelled insanely good, so much so that I found my stomach grumbling with hunger as it was pressed to my lips, ”Drink baby boy, then I’ll allow Marko to make you cum.”
Marko looked up with those enchanting eyes of his, his hands stroking my thighs and waiting for David’s cue.
Licking my dry lips, I allowed him to tilt the cup and begin pouring the liquid into my mouth. I tried my best to drink every drop, but some still ended up dripping down my chin. It was only when David was satisfied that he pulled the cup away, eyeing the red staining my chin with a hunger that shot a wave of heat between my legs and into Marko’s mouth.
Tossing the cup away he didn’t give me any time to be startled by the loud clang as he released Marko and grabbed my hair pulling my head back as he dove in and began licking at my skin.
The cherub chuckled and returned to his brutal pace from before, his nails dug painfully into my thighs but whatever that drink was made me feel too high to care.
Euphoria was nothing compared to this dizzying feeling that made me feel so tingly. What was happening to me…and why did I love it?
"Guyyyysss I'm starvi- Whoa what did we miss?" Paul jumped into the doorway and froze as he saw my sweaty and panting body trapped below his two friends.
Dwayne appeared not even a second later peering over twisted sisters' shoulder, a smirk present on his lips as his dark eyes looked straight into my soul.
“Looks like their having fun without us.” Paul pouted to accentuate Dwayne’s words, “Aw but I want to fuck him too!” He whined but yelped when the brunette slapped the back of his head, ”You had your turn dipshit.”
They stopped arguing when I let out a load groan, bucking my hips up and feeling my tip abuse the back of Marko's throat.
"Shit..." Dwayne cursed covering his mouth as his pants grew tight, the smell of my lust filled the roam and his senses making him feel drunk.
“Fuck you taste so good kitten, so perfect for us.” David's hand squeezed my throat as he moved to my ear.
"Cum for us (Y/n)." He purred before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss.
Finally getting permission I came down Marko’s throat, whimpering into David's mouth. Marko happily swallowed every last drop and licked my shaft clean as he pulled off.
“You’re right David, he is absolutely delicious.” Marko chuckled sitting up and moving my legs to settle around his waist as I came down from my high.
David hummed as he too pulled away, and I felt like prey with the way they both stared down at me with predator like gazes.
As they grew louder I glanced up at David who turned to me with clear annoyance, "Are they always like this?” The leader chuckled and nodded as he moved his hand to my cheek, eyes soft while his thumb rubbed beneath my eye to wipe away the tears.
“You’ll get used to it after a while, they have their moments when they can be tolerable. Except for Paul, he’s always on cloud 9.” He brightened when my laughter spilled out enough to stop the boys arguing that had turned to roughhousing, each one watching in awe as I tried to compose myself.
“He really is pretty when he smiles.” Marko muttered causing the other two to hum their agreements.
“You boys are so cute!” I wiped away my tears and sat up, not even minding that I was still completely nude. I felt nothing but comfortable around these boys that I didn’t even know until yesterday, they made it so easy to exist…to just simply live in the moment without a care in the world.
I felt protected, safe, loved. Those were things I never thought I’d be able to.
“Now then Pretty boy, hungry?” David’s voice was followed by my stomach grumbling as my throat burned, grabbing at my neck I swallowed dryly. “I could eat, what were you thinking?” David shared a look with the others before standing up, “Don’t you worry about a thing kitten, we have the perfect meal in mind.”
Reaching out a hand to me I stared at it for a moment as slight unease swirled around my chest, there was something almost…animalistic in their eyes.
A hidden danger that should have sent me running, but instead I felt excitement bubbling as I took his hand and allowed him to pull me up.
As I regained my balance on shaky legs a jacket was draped over my shoulders making me jump, cold blood red leather rubbed against my warm skin as dark hair fell into view beside my head.
Dwayne smiled with content as he looked over the way the leather jacket fit on me, it was the only thing covering my delicious body.
But for the boys this visibly showed that I was part of the group, each part of it tied in with one of them.
The patches curtesy of Marko, the peacock on the back was painted by Dwayne, and the chain along the side added by Paul to match his.
David however held much pride when I wore one of the medals he had worn on his own coat since the 40’s.
I was a lost boy, now all I had to do was complete the transformation.
The salty sea air batted against my face as we drove down the foliage covered pathways towards the beach, The boys yelling and hollering into the quiet forest.
It was honestly amazing to see them in their element like this, letting loose and running on pure adrenaline. Dwayne glanced back at me as I hung onto his back, pressed tight against him as I wrapped my arms around his waist in content.
He didn’t bother hiding the pleased smile on his handsome face when he saw me rub my cheek into his shoulder blade and look up at him, “You doing okay back there sugar?” Smiling at the nickname I nodded and burrowed deeper into his leather jacket, letting my hands graze his bare stomach before sliding up to his chest. All while watching his reaction with great satisfaction.
He gripped the handlebars tighter as warmth spread in his chest, he wanted nothing more than to hold me tight, purring dirty words in my ear as I squirmed with pleasure against him.
Those thoughts almost won too but one glare from David put out the urge…for now.
Curiosity swelled in my mind when we pulled to a stop next to a giant tree on the beach, I could hear the sounds of music and chatter as Paul hopped over and helped me off the bike before swinging an arm around my shoulders.
“Come on man, the funs about to begin!” Melting into his side I wrapped my arm around his waist and allowed him to pull me along leaving the three boys behind.
“Are we sure he’s ready?” Marko inquired suddenly looking nervous as they all watched Paul hang off a tree limb and laugh as I tried to climb the tree after him, key word is ‘Try’.
“Shouldn’t we tell him?” Dwayne asked glancing over to see David ponder their concerned words, “He belongs to us, his soul is connected to ours. Even if he is scared, he’ll come around in the end.” David simply stated before walking over to the tree with a smirk.
Dwayne and Marko shared a look, knowing that while they trusted David’s judgment, they were all terrified of the prospect of losing me. I did belong to them, just as they belonged to me…so they hoped that would be enough reason for me to stick around for good.
Paul nudged my arm as we watched a group of Surf Nazis drunkenly dancing and screaming the song ‘Rebel Yell’ horribly, despite the confusion that followed I felt my stomach grumble again as we watched them push and shove at each other.
Drool pooled in my mouth when one who had been shoved too hard fell on a fallen log they had been using as a bench and scraped his hand, too high to notice as he bounced up and rejoined his friends.
Paul’s head bumped against mine, one arm wrapped around my waist as the other held the tree limb above us.
“Pick one, baby.” Paul whispered in my ear while peppering kisses to my cheek and jaw.
Pick one? Why would I need to pick one, and why did I feel so hungry? Sweat was dripping from my face as my lunges felt heavier with every breathe I took.
“W-Wha...” Another hand captured my chin and turned me to look into the comforting gaze of my handsome brunette giant. His thumb brushed over my cheekbone as he leaned in close to capture my lips in a soft kiss, it only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away.
“Breathe sugar, I know you’re confused but you’re safe with us. We’re not going anywhere.” It was so easy to melt into Paul’s arms as Dwayne spoke.
Marko watched from above as I finally gave in and let my worries wash away, “There we go, our good boy.” He praised as Paul kissed my head and nuzzled into my hair.
David watched with a soft smile, he could feel how anxious his boys were and while he wouldn’t admit it aloud…he was scared too. None of them could even think about a life without their pretty boy now, far too addicted to ever let me go. Vampires were selfish and territorial creatures, and David was the worst of them all.
He would kill anyone who tried to take me away…even if it meant going against that bastard's sick dreams of a family. No one, and he meant No One, was going to get in the way of our happiness.
So with that in mind he decided to start the show, ”Boys.” All eyes fell on him with a buzz of excitement filling the air.
“It’s time.” Dwayne placed a soft kiss to my lips before I was released, they each stared off at the dancing drunks on the beach with barely contained eagerness.
I went to sit up but was pushed back against the trunk of the tree as David moved down to cage me against it, taking my chin and forcing me to look into his striking blue eyes.
“It’s time to join the club Kitten, see us for all that we are...” He stated turning my chin right as he snapped his fingers. Within a second the three boys had disappeared in a flash and the sound of screams filled the air.
My eyes grew wide at the bloodbath I bared witness to, the same boys that had been whispering comforting words to me, who had kissed me so tenderly, and fucked me into oblivion…were ripping human beings apart limb from limb.
David turned to watch my reaction as I felt the hunger grow, he smiled when he saw my eyes turn yellow as my gums and face started to ache. “Don’t they look delicious, kitten?” He trailed his leather finger up my chin and brushed my bottom lip, moving down to whisper into my ear.
“Aren’t you wondering why their blood smells so appetizing? Why the drinks we’ve given you taste so good?” He watched as realization flashed over my hunger hazed eyes. Not daring to look away from the horrifyingly attractive blood covered men who laughed as they tore into their meals.
“It’s because you’re one of us…or at least halfway there. All you need to do is consume human blood and you’ll be a creature of the night like us.” He purred into my ear and glanced at the boys, Marko was looking up at us while holding a barely conscious man with paling skin and a bloody throat, the poor thing hung limp in his arms.
It was the same man who had skinned his palm.
“Sleep all day, Party all night. You’ll never die, kitten. All you have to do is feed.” All eyes were on me now, the unknown beast inside threatening to come out if I didn’t give in. To devour the delicious smelling nectar that dripped from the fragile neck of a human being.
He was a human being! Why was I even hesitating? I should be running, fighting back, something other than sitting here while these bloodthirsty creatures' pet and paw at me. All while I looked at a fellow human like I was a starved man sat Infront of a full course meal!
But…But I wasn’t human anymore, was I?
Glancing down at my nails that looked sharper than before I knew I was probably far too gone already.
How did I even get here? One second I was talking with Michael in the safety of my home and the next I’m in the middle of nowhere surrounded by blood and guts and yellow eyed monsters.
They turned me into one of them…and the worst thing was I didn’t hate them for it, no... instead of hatred I felt...want.
Heavy lustful want.
David was caught by pleasant surprise when I suddenly grabbed his collar and smashed our lips together in a heated kiss, he didn’t hesitate to kiss back however. Meeting my passion with his own fire, digging his fingers into my hair to bring me closer.
When pulling away my heart skipped a beat at the shift in his face, much like a feline in the angular and sharp features. Yellow eyes filled with lust stared into my own as sharp nails dig into my hips, threatening to puncture the flesh.
“He's awakened the beast now!” Paul teased Elbowing Marko who shot him a glare before approaching, still holding the limp man who’s breathing had significantly slowed.
“Come on baby, just a taste.” I gasped when David grabbed me and leapt down, landing Infront of the curly haired beauty and setting me down. He stayed close though, hovering over my shoulder with his chest pressed against my shaking form.
It was too late to go back…but with how they were looking at me, full of love and hope, did I really want to?
Did I want to go back to a world where I had to hide who I was, my parents were never around, and when they were it was only because they needed something. But now I had four boys who wanted me, all of me. They were kind and funny, not to mention attractive and strong.
I had been one of them the second I stepped foot out of my truck.
Marko grinned when he saw that I had made my decision, starting to chant my name as the others joined.
“(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)!”
Marko grabbed the man’s hair and yanked his head back, baring the bloody throat to me and making me hiss with painful hunger.
Baring my teeth I lunged and sunk my teeth deep into my foods neck, destroying the last bit of humanity I had left.
The boys cheered as I sucked down the delicious liquid that filled my mouth and dripped down my chin to stain my shirt, a wave of euphoria flushed through my system. Tears formed in my eyes as I slowly pulled away, letting the corpse fall to the ground as I stared at my bloody hands.
Gentle hands began caressing me, but I was so dizzy that I couldn’t even tell who they belonged to.
“That’s it baby bat, our good boy.”
“He looks so pretty all covered in blood.”
“I knew you could do it babe!”
“Welcome to the club kitten.”
Their voices echoed in my mind startling me as I saw that none of their mouths were moving, instead they were pulled into proud smiles as Dwayne whispered in my ear.
“You’re one of us now sugar, we're bonded.” He nuzzled into my neck and began licking away the sticky blood that coated my skin.
It was strange how much their affection affected me now, far more intensely than before. Tingling shivers rolled over my body as I held onto his strong arms, leaning my head to the side so he had more room.
He smirked against me, opening his mouth to place loving bites against my flesh. Skilled hands raked up my stomach, pulling my jacket off before I heard a loud rip.
Looks like I’ll need a new shirt.
“Just look at you baby boy, all covered in blood and looking so damn delicious.” Paul purred as he knelt Infront of me, not stopping for even a second He licked a stripe up my blood covered chest. Eyes rolled back at the mix of taste, ”Oh fucking hell, Marko you have to get a taste!”
Paul yelped when the cherub shoved him aside to kneel Infront of me, Cupping my face he smeared the blood over my lips as he licked his. “Oh baby, I’m so proud of you. We all knew you could do it, because you’re our good boy aren’t you?”
His praise brought a drowsiness to my brain that left me wanting more. Whimpering and nodding eagerly my one hand tightened on Dwayne’s arm while the other reached out for Marko.
“P-Please…” What I was begging for, I had no clue. All I did know was that I needed them in every way possible or else I felt that my body would burst into flames.
“Ah Ah, use your words kitten, what do you want us to do?” David’s hand came from beside me as he tenderly ran his sharp nails over my scalp and watched me shiver with glowing yellow eyes. Blood caked his chin as well meaning he had fed while I was drowning in this strange ecstasy.
“I…I want you all to touch me, to fuck me...show me that I’m yours!” Just like that I had four sets of hands groping at me and making me moan in pleasure.
“Well sugar, who are we to deny such a tempting request.” Dwayne growled in my ear as I squirmed in his embrace just as he had wanted back at the bikes.
Someone was unbuckling my belt and tugging down my pants and boxers in one go, while two mouths were licking up all of the blood from my body.
“Dwayne.” David’s voice echoed in the brunette's mind, "Distract him.” Feral grins formed at their leaders' words, he watched as David vanished into the trees.
"Come on baby? You want Dwayne to stretch your tight little hole?" Paul asked cupping my erection and making me buck into his hand.
“Yes! Oh god, please fuck me!” I pleaded looking at the four glowing eyes with tears falling down my cheeks.
“Aw listen to him beg Dwayne, I think you should give him what he wants~” Marko teased while Dwayne tapped two fingers on my lips waiting for me to part them before slipping them into my warm mouth.
I hummed at the taste of blood on his fingers as they pressed down on my tongue, Dwayne’s fingers left my mouth and lowered down to my ass, ghosting over my puckering hole as I shivered with anticipation.
"Ready baby bat?” He asked waiting for any signs of hesitation, smiling when he found only pure need.
"Please...I need to feel you inside me...”
"Keep begging baby, it’s so hot!” Paul interrupted my thoughts, and I looked over to see he was currently rutting against Marko, arms tightly wrapped around the smaller blonde's waist as their bodies molded together.
Heat spread up my body as I watched them, feeling my dick twitch while they continued to move in sync.
A gasp ripped from my throat when Dwayne used the distraction to push his fingers inside easily, my grip righted on his arm as they slid in and out stretching the muscle that still ached from its abuse yesterday.
But now every spark of pleasure ignited a burning need inside of me, impatience came along with it as I moved my hand back and cupped his hardened erection. Rubbing it I heard him let out a hiss and tighten his grip.
I drowned in his pheromones as his entire being flooded my senses, and from the way his eyes fluttered shut while he took a deep breath, I could tell he loved it just as much as I did.
When his eyes opened again they were back to their normal darkness, his pace suddenly sped up to match mine and tore a load moan from my throat.
“Fu-huck Dwayne!” I grunted nearly collapsing when he spread his fingers further stretching me to his content, whimpers soon spilled from my lips when my hips moved back to meet his fingers in search of more stimulation only for strong hand to grab my hips stopping my attempts.
“Patience baby boy, you’ll be filled up in a second.” Marko said before glancing to the other vampire with that Cheshire grin of his.
“Is he ready?” Paul asked peering over Marko’s shoulder panting as he grinds up against Marko.
Dwayne hummed in response, pulling his fingers out before moving out of my reach to unbuckle his pants.
Marko chuckled as I looked at him eagerly, shuffling forward a bit to press himself against my front. "See what you do to me baby boy, I can’t wait to feel your tight ass around me.” I bit my lip at the feeling of his hard Dick pressed against mine, his hands moved to wrap around us both.
Dwayne grabbed my chin and turned me to face him, forcing eye contact as I felt him slide between my ass cheeks. Slowly pushing after lining up, we both grunted when his tip started to slip past the ring of muscle.
Marko smirked with content watching my pleasure-drunk expressions, "Almost there sugar, once you take all of Dwayne I'll slip inside too, you’ll be stuffed to the brim with our cocks. And you’re going to love every second of it aren’t you?”
It felt too good to even think, the more he slipped inside the dumber I became until all I could do was nod with drool pooling in my mouth.
“Course you will, such a good boy.”
‘Fuck keep calling me that’ I wanted to say but all that came out was a whimper.
“You like it when we praise you Huh pretty boy? Like a dog waiting for their treat.” Paul snickered but they all knew it was true.
“Well get ready puppy because here it is!” Dwayne growled, thrusting all the way in until he bottomed out.
“Holy shit-He still feels so warm!" He leaned back and sat with me settled on his lap, using his strong grip to begin bouncing me on top of him.
The new position presented me fully to the two awaiting men, “Get in here boys, you gotta feel this.” His hips thrust up into me mercilessly making me moan in pleasure, I reached back and grabbed a fist full of his hair and his laughter rumbled against my back as he leaned his head down and peppered kisses to my shoulder.
Marko could feel his composure cracking, he wanted to hold back so that he didn’t scare me, but he couldn’t only last long. So the very second that I looked at him, arms stretching out with a needy look on my face, was the exact moment his restraint shattered.
He lunged forward knocking our mouths together as he ripped off his belt, pushing his pants and boxers down to press his tip to my stretched-out entrance.
He waited until I gasped as he bit my bottom lip to push in, grunting at the tightness and pressing our foreheads together.
“You’re right Dwayne, incredible...” Marko huffed as he pulled away and rolled his hips, the two groaned at the feelings while I was too distracted by the feeling of being pressed between them as they thrusted in tandem.
“Move.” I mumbled between the moans and gasps of breath. “What was that baby? Speak up.” Paul's head appeared beside me as he cupped my chin and turned my face towards him.
Leaning in he brushed our lips together and smirked as I tried to pull him closer.
“Paul kiss me!” The blonde didn’t need to be asked twice, crashing our lips together and battling my tongue for dominance.
Marko and Dwayne both grinned at the view, sharing a look that spelled trouble they began a brutal pace. Marko would thrust mercilessly and Dwayne would follow even harder. Pounding into me and moaning into my ears, and holy fuck was it hot.
Pulling away from Paul I moaned out with bliss as he moved down and latched onto my shoulder, teeth sinking into my supple skin and biting down to the point that if I were still human it would have torn out a chunk of muscle. “Yes! right there!” I yelled and clenched around them, earning three animalistic growls in return.
Their thrusts were unrelenting when Marko and Dwayne both reached the perfect spot, skilled in the way they easily found it over and over again.
At this rate I wasn’t going to last long, I could already feel the knot in the pit of my stomach tightening and threatening to release.
“Not yet sugar, just hold on.” Dwayne grunted licking a stripe up the back of my neck, he was drowning in pleasure as his hips slapped against my asscheeks.
“What about me baby?” Paul pouted, feeling left out up until my hand wrapped around his shaft. He let out a moan as I lazily jerked him off and leaving him a whimpering mess for me, begging me to go even the slightest bit faster.
My chest heaved as I smiled with satisfaction, he held onto me with tears building in his eyes when I squeezed. God I could cum just by looking at each of their handsome, pleasure ridden faces. Holding back like this seemed impossible when my boys kept fucking me without slowing down their rapid pace.
“I can’t hold it any longer! Please let me cum!” Marko shivered as I whimpered into his ear, but not without nibbling on his lobe. He was grinning like an idiot as he looked up at Dwayne and Paul’s matching smile, "Think we should let him, he was so good for us after all.”
Dwayne grabbed my chin, tenderly looking my blissed-out expression. “Since he begged so nicely, we’ll come together.”
It didn't take much longer for my body to finally give up in trying to hold back, my head fell back against Dwayne's shoulder as my cum shot up and covered Marko’s chest right as Paul came in my hand, holding onto me as he grunted.
Not even a second later I felt full as the two boys own loads were stuffed deep inside of me,their whimpers filling my ears as they came down from their highs.
“Definitely worth the wait.”
“He’s amazing isn’t he Michael?”
Michael fell back onto his ass as David’s voice suddenly came out from bee hind him, looking up at the looming figure standing over him.
David grinned and wiggles his fingers tauntingly,”Hello Michael, enjoying the show?”
Michael quickly shuffled away and stood up,brushing off some of the dirt on him as he glared at the vampire.
“What have you done to him! He didn’t want this!”
David merely rose a brow,looking him in the eye as my moans and screams for more echoed in the air.
“He’s just confused by lust,he doesn’t know what he wants!” Michael hissed,looking red in the face.
To David, Michael looked insanely jealous, if this were a cartoon steam would be coming out of his ears with a train whistle blowing.
“Oh yea, you’re absolutely right. Those are the sounds of someone who doesn’t want us to fuck him sensless.” David snickered pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up, taking a drag he stepped closer and blew the smoke right in Michaels face.
As Michael coughed and waved away the smoke David smirked, “Poor little Michael is jealous, He never got to fuck pretty boys tight ass so now he’s throwing a fit.”
His laughter only made Michaels anger worse,but David’s grin died down to a deadly glare, stepping forward until he was a breathes distance. “How many times do I have to tell you Michael, (Y/n) is ours. And we don’t share with others.”
Michael clenched his jaw because he knew that despite being a half he had no chance of beating someone like David. “He’s not an object, he’ll leave once he realizes that you’re all nothing but mons-“ he gagged before he could finish his sentence,David’s clawed hand wrapped tightly around his throat.
“Oh Michael, you just don’t know when to shut your fucking mouth.” David hissed with glowing eyes of barely contained fury,”Besides nothing you say is going to change the fact that you’re forgettable, he chose us over a pathetic waste of space like you.”
Tears built in Michaels eyes, flinching when the grasp on his neck grew tighter. “Perhaps I should just kill you now and rid myself of any further headaches.” His jaw opened baring his fangs aiming to tear out Michaels throat.
‘He’s asking for you.’ Dwayne’s voice echoed in the vampires skulls making David’s glare melt into a cocky smirk.
“Enjoy the rest of the show Michael, because the next time I see you…” he leaned in and whispered into his ear, “I’ll take great pleasure in draining every ounce of your blood and bathing him in it while he screams my name.”
Releasing his throat David didn’t waste a single glance towards the pathetic half again as he stalked off back to the others leaving Michael alone as he rubbed at his throat.
Silently plotting.
Paul was laid out on my lap as I leaned back against Marko, Dwayne was busy cleaning up the mess of torn limps and bodies missing throats.
“So…I’m a vampire now.” They shared a nervous look, unsure on how to read my stoic expression.
“We’re sorry sugar, we should have told you.” Dwayne said softly as he tossed an arm into the fire.
“Why didn’t you?” I asked, hissing lowly as I ran my hands through paul's hair.
Paul melted into my hand, soaking up the tender affection that I was giving him. He glanced up at me with an embarrassed expression, “We were worried you’d be scared of us.” I couldn't help but soften at how cute he looked, glancing at the other two I realized they had all been worried.
Now with a clearer mind I thought back on it, the clues were all right in front of me. The looks, the possessiveness, the true meaning being David’s words earlier.
They wanted me from the beginning, and once they got a taste they were hooked. I suppose the same could be said for me, even if they had let me go when I first woke up there was no way I’d be able to stay away from them.
“I have never been put first before, never treated with such love and care. You four have made me feel more important in the last two nights than my own parents have my entire life, and I owe you my everything for that.”
They shared a look of surprise,they hadn’t expected such a heartfelt response.
“Well damn sugar, you know how to make big bad vampires like us tear up.” I chuckled at Dwayne’s mumbled words as he came over and placed a kiss atop my head, smiling as I looked up at him with they same amount of love that they had looking at me.
"Speaking of big bad Vampires, We're missing one. Where's David?" Dwayne looked off towards the woods he had watched his leader dissapear into before looking back to me,"He's coming."
Nodding in understanding I started to get up, Paul rolled off to allow me room as I stood and brushed the sand off of me. Marko Handed me my boxers and pants while Paul searched for my jacket that had been tossed somewhere.
Once dressed I looked down at my chest to see the small patches of blood that was now dried to my skin, "This is going to take a bit to get used to..." They chuckled as I tried to wipe away the flakes.
"We'll be here to help you every step of the way kitten, you're stuck with us." Two arms wrapped around my waist from behind as I was pulled back into a sturdy chest, David's voice was a soft purr in my ear as he rubbed his nose into my cheek.
"Oh boy, lucky me." I teased earning a nip at my neck that made me laugh. "Well now that I'm one of you...I was promised an eternity of partying." David grinned proudly as he pulled away but kept an arm around me as he looked to the others.
"You heard him boys, let's get cleaned up and show our pretty boy a good time." They all cheered while Paul made a lewd comment about showing me a really good time. I'd be taking him up on that later.
They began heading back to the bikes leaving me to look over the burning remains in the firepit, I should feel guilty...like I was a monster.
But for some reason all I felt was the love my boys had for me, that overwhelming need to be around them overpowered any human morals I should have.
The old (Y/n) was dead, now all that was left was their Pretty boy.
No one was going to change that.
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