#the lost boys x fem reader
britany1997 · 1 year
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Two
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It’s here y’all! The next chapter of Fate Yields For No One! I’m so excited for y’all to read it! Hope y’all love it🥰 let me know in the comments if you’d like to be added to the FYFNO Taglist, or to my main list:)
Poly! Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
Please reblog to support my work!
Prologue, Chapter One
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California, 1986
“I know you resent me now, but I’m only doing what’s best for you. I take care of my children, and I hope that in time you can learn to see me as your father.”
Fuck Max. Fuck California. Fuck everything.
The second you’d carved even a sliver of a life for yourself, it’d been forcefully ripped from you. You weren’t allowed to be free. You had been “gifted” with eternal life, but you couldn’t truly live.
Max saw himself as a savior. According to him, he’d rescued you from the gutter, from an impending death. But you’d died everyday since his fangs had sunken into your skin.
A stake through the heart was a kindness you would never be afforded. Your future had never been yours to control.
The room you’d been banished to at the top of Max’s house felt more like a gilded tower as the nights wore on.
You were semi-imprisoned by your self-proclaimed father, and semi-imprisoned by your own will. Max didn’t trust you enough to allow you out alone at night, but you’d be damned if you ever went out with him.
So you stayed, confined to your prison and guarded by Thorn. You seethed in malice, all alone.
Or sort of alone, as you’d done in life, you allowed yourself to escape to worlds within literature. Your bedside table was stacked with Mrs. Dalloway, The Bell Jar, and of course, Jane Eyre. What were you if not a mad woman locked inside a room. All you needed was a match.
You were skimming the pages of The Feminine Mystique when you heard a firm knocking on your bedroom door. Shortly after, Max entered, his tall, broad frame filling the doorway. “I want you to come to the video store tonight, in fact, I’d like you to start working there for me.”
You continued to read, refusing to so much as look at him as he spoke to you, “why’d you knock if you were just going to come in anyway?”
Max frowned, “you’ve been here for almost a month now and you’ve done nothing but refuse to acknowledge me and behave terribly.”
“Not true,” you said nonchalantly, holding up your book and finally meeting his eyes, “I’ve also been reading.”
Max’s head fell into his hands in frustration. “I’ve tried so hard with you but-”
“Tried what?” you interrupted, “thrusting the curse of immortality onto me without explaining what you were doing? Without telling me what it meant? Without giving me a choice?!”
Max crossed his arms, preparing himself for another of your monologues.
“Or maybe you mean ripping me from my home, from the life I’d made for myself. Because God forbid I do anything on my own, God forbid I allow myself to be happy for once in my unlife. No, you’d rather keep me under your thumb, calling yourself my father just to spite me.”
“Are you done?” Max asked, eyebrow raised.
“Might as well be,” you spit, “you can hear me but you never listen.”
“You mock me for calling myself your father, when all you ever do is act like a rebellious child.”
You grimaced and turned your eyes to the ground.
He stepped forward, “I don’t want to use it, but I will.”
You sucked in a breath at his words. He was referring of course, to his thrall.
As your sire, Max had completely power over you. If he chose to, he could utter the words and force you to do whatever he wanted.
Max had assured you that he wouldn’t use this power unless he deemed it absolutely necessary. Yet this didn’t set you at ease. The threat of your agency being stripped from you was constantly present in the back of your mind.
It was better for you to choose to do what he wanted, if it could be called a choice.
You sighed, dog earring your book and throwing it into your tote as you slipped it over your shoulder. You moved to walk out the door but paused in front of Max, “I hope you know how much I hate you.”
He sighed, a sad smile stretching across his face, “I do.”
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You arrived at the video store to find that an application had already been filled out for you, and your employment had been approved.
You glared at Max as he pulled out your name tag, “this is demeaning,” you told him.
He rolled his eyes, “having a summer job you were given because of nepotism? Yes, no one has suffered as you have suffered.”
He clipped the name tag to your shirt, “enough with this attitude,” he whispered.
He turned to a pretty, curly haired girl working the counter, “Maria, this is my daughter,” you waved awkwardly, “she’ll be working here this summer, show her what to do.”
He turned back to you, “I’ve got to do inventory, listen to Maria she’s a nice girl.”
With that he patted your arm and headed to the back of the store.
Maria came out from behind the counter and offered you her hand, which you gladly took. “I’m Maria,” she smiled the most genuine smile you’d seen in a long time as she shook your hand, “I’ve been working the night shift alone for forever! I’m really glad to have you here.”
Your cheeks flushed at her words, “well, I’m glad to be here,” you said genuinely. It’d been awhile since you’d had anyone you’d been able to truly connect with.
In her smile you saw the potential for a confidant, something you desperately needed. Maybe you couldn’t tell her about the monstrous side of you, but you wanted her to know everything else. You wanted someone who truly knew you.
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The night passed quickly as Maria taught you how to work the register, stock movies, and use the stores check out system. With the rest of your time you were content to listen as she rambled about her life.
You smiled softly as she told you about her friends, her classes, and her family. Maria was the oldest daughter of a huge, tight knit family. Five siblings meant she spent a lot of her weekends babysitting, but she didn’t seem to mind.
She gushed to you about each sibling, their personalities, their quirks, their likes and dislikes, by the end of the night you felt like you knew each of them. You were touched by her obvious care for them.
When the end of her shift came, you were holding back tears. She loved her family just as you’d loved yours. For the first time in a long time, you’d met a kindred spirit, for the first time in a long time, you had a friend.
When she’d finished packing up her things, Maria pulled you in for a hug. “It was so nice to meet you! I can’t wait to see you again for our shift tomorrow.”
Your heart swelled, “I can’t wait either!”
She shot you another one of her bright smiles before turning to head out the door. You beamed to yourself as you fiddled with the register.
“Hey babe, heading out already?” your ears perked up at the sound of someone speaking to Maria.
She giggled, “Paul, you know you’re not supposed to be in here anymore,” she sing-songed.
Paul sighed dramatically, “oh babe I’d stay away, but I’d miss seeing ya every night!”
Maria laughed once more, “we couldn’t have that now could we.”
You rolled your eyes at this Paul guy’s cheesy flirting, wondering why he wasn’t allowed in the store.
“Who’s the new chick,” Paul whispered.
You tried to ignore him as you counted the cash.
“Why don’t you see for yourself Paulie,” Maria teased, “I’ve gotta get going.”
“Sure baby, let me just turn on my charm.”
You could hear his voice dripping with fuckboy confidence. This would be good.
You were jolted from your thoughts by the repeated ringing of the bell on the counter. You sighed, turning around slowly, an annoyed expression on your face.
Your eyes met the blond man’s piercing blue ones, as you stared into them your frustration melted into shock.
Paul’s eyes widened as he realized who you were to him. You wished you could have stopped the word that fell from his lips.
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
@misslavenderlady @6lostgirl6 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @kurt-nightcrawler @pixielostboy @solobagginses @peachpixiesstuff @consuming-karma @gothamslostboy @arenpath @mickkmaiden333 @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @paulxbathbomd @flower-crowned-lady @ria-coolgirl @bloodywickedvamp @people-are-strange-87 @lostboys1987girl @anna1306 @feardot-com @miseryharvester @its-freaking-bats @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @arbesa-mind @warrior-616 @softchonk @bitchyexpertprincess @simplyreading96 @mad-is-sad @welcome-to-the-hole @smut-religiously777 @simpingforthe80s @fraudfrog @blenna3967 @faefairi3 @itsyoboysparkel @billyhargrovedemoness1987 @memphiscity69 @rynsfandomsfun @jamie-poopoo @walmartfairy69 @buzzybee-26 @sad-ghost-of-garbage
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f4iryfxies · 1 year
@pixielostboy @britany1997 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @skxllz @misslavenderlady
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Hi, Friend! Since your requests are open can you please do something with the Lost Boys and a shy, female reader? I love the idea of them being playful, touchy and flirty with someone who's quite bashful.
Love your work 😊
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Pairing: Poly!Lost Boys x Shy Fem!Reader
TW: hints of previous sex, possessive behaviors, pet names, playful touching, flirting, ass grabbing (thanks Paul), PDA
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You arrived at the boardwalk, thrilled to spend time with your vampire mates. The night was young with the sun setting only a few hours before. However, you couldn't help but rush to the boardwalk as soon as you could.
Smiling to yourself, you could feel your cheeks warm at the thought of seeing them once more. Despite dating the boys for months, close to a full year, you still could feel the butterflies in your stomach and your heart skipping a beat. You cursed your bashful nature, but that's what interested your mates in the first place. You theorized that it had something to do with your innocence having an effect on their vampire instincts. Their urge to claim you in every way and leave marks to tell others you were off-limits.
You couldn't help your shy nature, having it since you were a little girl that you were unable to grow out of. However, if your boys liked it, then you liked it. Sometimes. You could still feel their fangs sinking into your throat just last night.
You fiddled with the collar of your jacket, desperate to conceal the hickies and bite marks that plagued your delicate skin as you walked further down the boardwalk. Suddenly, you felt the back of your hair stand up and a shiver run down your spine, in a very good way.
You could feel their stares.
You smiled to yourself, feeling the warmth in your cheeks return as you turned towards the direction of where you assumed the feeling was coming from.
In their usual meeting spot, each of your boys gave you their signature grins. Dwayne was sitting on his bike, posture relaxed, Paul leaning against the railing while Marko bit the leather of his glove, staring you down. Lastly, there was David, standing in the center with a cigarette in his mouth.
You watched as he silently chuckled before slowly raising his hand, gesturing you in a gesture screaming "come here," with his pointer and middle fingers. You couldn't stop the rushing thoughts in your subconcious, seeing how attractive he looked doing that.
Without being told twice, you rushed over with a beaming smile, launching yourself into the awaiting arms of your bleach-blonde mate, who wrapped his arms around you without hesitation.
"Hey, gorgeous." He purred low in your ear, giving you a small squeeze around your waist, careful to keep his burning cigarette away from your skin.
"Hi, David!" You replied, avoiding his hungry gaze to turn towards your other mates, not wanting them to feel left out. "Hi, boys!" you greeted, pulling away to give them each an embrace.
"Paul!" You yelped, pulling out of the embrace when you felt a playful pinch on your ass.
"Sorry, babe! My hands just have a mind of their own!" He teased, pulling you back as you tried escaping from his grasp. "Where ya goin'?" He cooed.
"Somewhere that won't have my ass grabbed in public!" You retorted teasingly, however you still felt embarrassed being groped by your boyfriends where other people can see.
"It's alright, dove. I'll just rip their eyes out if someone other than us are starin' at you." Marko interjected, smirking viciously.
You rolled your eyes, feeling a tug on your hand. You turned and gave Dwayne a sheepish expression, allowing him to pull you into his own embrace.
Dwayne was always the gentlemen in the group, however you knew that he still had his wicked charms that could even rival Paul if he wanted to. You could feel his grip tightening around you as he nuzzled against your neck, rubbing his scent against your exposed marks.
"You're not trying to cover them, are you?" he asked, voice deep and full of richness as he pulled away to gaze into your own eyes. His stare was intense and you glanced away, flustered.
"It's not that I want to hide them." You defended yourself, "I just don't like the stares..."
You shivered, gasping a little as you felt fingers trail down the length of your spine. Marko smirked as he slowly appeared into your line of vision.
"You act like we just won't make more." He purred, eyes flashing their golden hue for a moment to before returning back to normal. "You know we love marking ya, dove."
Paul took this moment to wrap her arms around your waist from behind, kissing your temple as he growled low, "would you like that, babe?"
You bit your lip and leaned against your mate, falling prey to their desperately wanting advances. You couldn't wait to head back to the cave with them.
"You know I do." You replied, looking towards the ground with your face completely flushed.
You felt a finger curve under your chin, drawing your gaze forward and back onto Dwayne's.
"You have to say please, princess." He smirked, tracing the curve of your lips with his thumb, making your breathing pick up and heart beat rapidly in your chest.
"Please?" You whispered, pathetically.
The next thing you remember is the rumbling of four engines and wrapping your arms around David's waist, sitting behind him as they raced down the boardwalk and into the night. You couldn't wait to reenact last night, the shakiness in your legs and the intense throbbing of your mates fangs laying their claim on you.
You were shy, but you sure weren't innocent.
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @ghoulgeousimmaculate @britany1997 @arianamhm @luv4fandoms @blenna3967 @bloodywickedvamp @pixielostboy
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luv4fandoms · 5 months
Knight in shining armor (Marko x Fem!Reader)
I found the first part of this in my notes and decided to finally finish it lol.
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Pairing: Marko x Fem! Reader
Word count: 2,776
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Hurry up already" Marko huffed, arms outstretched along the back of the couch as he stared down at you, his legs spread with you in between them, hands gliding up his jean and leather covered thighs while you pressed kisses to his clothed bulge.
"Now why would I do that? You love to tease me" you told him as you grabbed him through his pants, earning a hiss from the blonde.
"Keep it up and you won't be able to walk by the end of the night" he warned, which only brought a smirk to your lips.
"Is that a threat of a promise?" You asked, keeping eye contact as you licked over the bulge, earning a deep growl from him.
"Babe" he dragged out through clenched teeth.
"You're no fun" you giggled, reaching up to unbutton and unzip his pants, his eyes never leaving you while you gently pulled down his pants enough to release him. Marko rarely wore underwear, and sometimes you wondered if they all decided to forgo the article of clothing, or if he just hated them, either way, it always made this sort of thing easier.
Giving him an experimental stroke you heard him hiss again, eyes closing as you ran your thumb over the tip, collecting the pre-cum that beaded out. Leaning forward to lick over the slit while you ran your hand down to his base he groaned at the contact, pleasure beginning to wash over his tense form. This was what you were hoping for, to get him to finally relax after last night.
It started out as a typical night at the boardwalk, the boys had gone off to hunt and you had decided to simply walk around until they returned, something you had done plenty of times. Each time Marko would tell you to be safe, and if you needed anything to run towards the beach and he would come find you. You had been minding your own business, eating an ice cream as you walked around and enjoyed the music and current festival that was happening, but of course, that came to an end when the surf Nazis showed up. You were used to them by now, having encountered them plenty of times with the boys, but they seemed to have sought you out like sharks with blood when they saw that you were alone.
“Well well well, what do we have here?” You heard the one speak, and you didn't even have to turn from the vendor stall to see the smirk on his lips, his tone making your skin crawl.
“Piss off” you stated, going back to looking at the patches, trying to find ones that Marko would like.
“Well that's not very nice, your little boyfriends didn't teach you any manners?” Another one asked, you simply rolled your eyes and paid for the few patches you found, shoving them in your bag before beginning to walk away, you hadn't gotten three steps when a hand grabbed your arm.
“Now come on, we just wanna talk” you finally turned towards the, what you now realized, were three men, and gave them your best death glare before snatching your arm out of his grip.
“Well I don't, so piss.off” you replied, turning and walking away. You thought maybe they had gotten the hint since they didn't grab you again…but of course, you were wrong, you could hear the insults they were throwing even from as far back as they were, and when you glanced over your shoulder, you realized they were pushing past people to get to you. Quickening your speed you began to weave in and out of the crowd hoping that you wouldn't have to take off towards the beach and interrupt Marko's hunt…Though they would just make meals out of the three clowns chasing you. You turned a corner and quickly ran into something rather immobile, or rather, someone. Looking up from where you now sat on the ground you realized it was a man, around your age, medium length black hair and the most friendly eyes, from the look of his clothes he wasn't from Santa Carla, just another tourist who you had sadly been brought into your mess as you heard the voices grow louder.
“Are you ok? Didn't mean to run into you” he smiled, offering you his hand that you gladly took.
“Yeah, sorry I was-” you were cut off as the three you had been running from rounded the corner, coming to a halt upon seeing you.
“There you are you little bitch” the one sneered.
“Friends?” The guy asked as he pulled you closer.
“Ha, they wish”
“You don't need to be involved, just hand over the little whore and we'll be good” the second one stated, but the guy gently pushed you behind him.
“I think I'll pass on doing that, sorry” he told them, which only angered them more.
“You wanna fuckin die dude? Just run along and let us have her, we ain't got any beef with you” the third one snapped. The guy looked back at you, your eyes meeting for a moment before he turned back to them.
“Or you all could fuck off” he shrugged, and that seemed to be the final straw as the guys jumped at him, he quickly pushed you aside, causing you to slightly catch yourself on the wall, the brick scraping your arm and causing a small amount of blood to bead up. You watched with wide eyes as the man easily beat up all three guys with moves you had only seen in martial art movies, it honestly made you stare in awe at the man, who was now staring down at three groaning surf Nazis.
“Are you ok?” He asked, meeting your eyes before seeing the small amount of blood on your arm.
“Shit I'm sorry” he apologized, quickly grabbing a tissue out of his pocket and going to press it to your wound, when a hand grabbed his wrist…A gloved hand you knew all too well.
“Touch her and die” Marko all but growled as he stared the man down, you knew even though the man was taller than him, Marko was far more deadly.
“I'm sorry?” The man questioned.
“Marko baby, it's ok, he helped me” you tried to reassure your boyfriend, who immediately looked down at your arm.
“Yeah, looks like it”
“It was an accident, he pushed me out of the way” Marko's eyes left the man and looked down at the three groaning men.
“Why didn't you come get me?”
“I didn't want to be a burden” the look he gave you after that sentence was both of annoyance, and hurt.
“It's ok though, I'm fine” you tried to reassure him, putting your hand on his which still held the man's wrist, you felt his grip slowly loosen enough for the man's wrist to fall.
“Thanks to your knight in shining armor” he muttered, but you caught it, caught the tone, the hurt that lingered on his words.
He has been in that mood since then, but you'd be damned if you let him stay in it for another night. He was your boyfriend, your mate, the only one you wanted…And you were going to make that known. So you had coerced him onto the couch with kisses, and were determined to right a wrong in his mind.
“Fuck” he sighed, one hand reaching down to thread through your hair, the other now gripping the back of the couch. Your hands pulled his pants lower, allowing him to spread his legs wider as you took more of him in, a low, almost purr sounding in the back of his throat as his hips lifted slightly.
“all of it” he groaned, and you looked up at him through your lashes, eyes meeting his, noticing his pupils were already blown wide.
“Take all of it” he panted, other hand reaching down to grip your hair, guiding your head down further, you had only done this a handful of times, but you knew how much he liked it, so with a deep breath you relaxed your throat, allowing him deeper.
“That's it” he sighed, head falling forward to watch you.
“Good girl” he groaned, letting you just sit there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of your hot throat flexing around him before he slowly pulled you back up, allowing you to take a breath before he guided you back down. After the fifth time you gently grabbed his hands and put them on the couch, letting him fall out of your mouth before grabbing him and stroking.
“thought this was supposed to be about me” he tried to joke but it ended in a hiss and you leaned down and sucked for a moment.
“It is” you replied once you let him go, mouth leaving him but hand never stopping.
“But I have to breathe,” you joked. Watching has his eyes slowly opened, looking down at you with an unreadable gaze for a moment before he spoke.
“Bet you'd choke for your knight in shining armor” he muttered, and there it was, what was still putting him in a bad mood-when you had been in danger, he wasn't the one who saved you. You rolled your eyes and lowered your head, his own falling back on the couch as he figured you were going to take him back into your mouth, what he wasn't expecting was feeling your teeth sinking into his thigh. A started shout/groan fell from his lips as his hand shot back into your hand, unsure if he wanted to pull you off or beg you to do it again.
“Cazzo! (Fuck!)” He quickly looked down, eyes meeting yours as you licked over the wound, watching as his cock twitched near your cheek.
“Wanna say something stupid like that again?” you asked, kissing up the side of his cock before taking him in again, bobbing your head as you listened to him try to form words, you had never bit him before, but from the looks of it, you'd have to start.
“I s-said” he groaned, hating that he stuttered, but fuck! You had never done something like that before, and now you were going at him, your head bobbing quickly, you hands rubbing what you weren't taking in…Fuck why was he upset again?
“Divieto di sosta (do not stop)” he groaned, body leaning forward, both of his hands resting on your head now, not trying to move you but trying to anchor himself. You grabbed the top of his jeans which rested at his knees and pulled them down to his ankles, before letting him fall out of your mouth and kissing along his thighs, he groaned at the loss but waited to see what you would do. You started at his knee, slowly kissing upwards as you spoke.
“if you ever, for a moment” you started, only stopping to bite into his flesh again, earning another groan, his hand tightening in your hair while you moved over to his other leg, kissing upwards.
“think that I would want someone else” you bit down again.
“Cazzo! Dio sì (Fuck! God yes)”
“Then you” you bit near his hip bone, watching as his hips shot up, chasing the feeling.
“Are very much” you bit near his other hip bone, listening as his groans became murmurs of Italian.
“An idiot” you ended, leaving the last bite on his stomach, a place you knew was sensitive, and a place where everyone would be able to see it, and maybe that was what set him off, the thought of you marking him, or maybe he had just had it, but quickly you were eye level with him-his hand gripping the back of your head, fist tangled in your hair.
“cazzo ingoiami, o ti spezzerò (fucking swallow me, or I will break you)” he growled, eyes gaining a bit of a goldish hue as he looked at you, his body lightly shaking as he gripped the couch with his other hand.
“promessa o minaccia?(promise or threat?)” You asked, watching as his eyes widened for a moment, you had never spoken Italian before, never had told him you were even learning it since you wanted to surprise him, you quickly leaned in a stole a kiss while he was in his shocked state before falling back to your knees, you mouth swallowing him down before he could say anything else, though what did tumble out of his mouth was nothing but sighed and groaned Italian as he leaned back again and let you work, you could tell he was starting to get close though when his hips began to buck upwards more often, and his hand tightened in your hair again.
“Più veloce (faster)” he panted, eyes opening to look down at you, you doubled your efforts, tongue running along the underside before you flicked it over the slit which now steadily leaked precum.
“proprio così (just like that)” he groaned, struggling to keep his eyes on you as you worked, he watched your hand leave him, instead reaching down and cupping his balls, he groaned at the feeling, his end coming closer at your touch.
“brava ragazza-cazzo, così buono (good girl-fuck, so good)” he moaned, his body beginning to lean forward, wanting to get closer to your touch.
“Divieto di sosta (do not stop)”he panted again, feeling himself rushing towards his peak, all he would need would be a little more, a little more of your hot mouth swallowing him down, your hands cupping him, stroking him. The sounds of you slurping the mixture of his cum and your own saliva that ran down his length as you worked, it was all music to his ears and he could feel himself starting to tense, his boots digging into the stone floor of the cave…When your nails scratched down his legs, digging into them he lost it.
“CAZZO!” He all but screamed, eyes rolling back as both of his fists locked into your hair, holding your head down as he came. Luckily you had done this before and knew what to expect, Marko always liked to make sure you got every last drop, but from how he was slightly shaking and the look on his face, eyes rolled back and mouth opened in a silent moan, you think this may be because of a new reason.
His hips lifted off of the couch in shallow thrusts, soft gunts and whispered “cazzo”s fell from his lips as his body slowly came down from its high. You felt his grip loosen before his hands left your hair, falling beside him on the couch. You quickly pulled off of him, swallowing what you could and wiping off the rest before you gently straddled his lap, being careful of him in case he was a bit sensitive, though knowing Marko he would probably enjoy it. You gently kissed his neck, cheeks, before landing on his lips, smiling when you felt him kiss back, hands coming up to lightly hold your waist. When you broke apart your eyes once again met hazel, and you smiled at your boyfriend.
“ti amo (I love you)” you whispered, watching as the smile spread across his own lips.
“Anch'io ti amo. per l'eternità (I love you too. For eternity)” he whispered, hand coming up to cup your cheek and pull you back in for another kiss, a kiss that turned into a slow make out session. When the two of you finally broke apart you cupped his cheeks in your hands and looked at him.
“Now, no more foolishness ok? You're my knight in shining armor, no one else, got it” you told him, watching as he looked away for a moment before looking back at you and nodding.
“Fine, but the next guy that tries to play that role…I'm killing” he told you, shutting you up with a kiss before you could protest.
“Now, in the meantime” he started, grabbing your thighs and standing up, causing you to let out a shout and wrap your legs around his waist. He quickly toed off his boots and kicked off his pants before he headed towards your shared nest.
“You started something you need to finish” he explained, and when you gave him a confused look he simply smirked.
“You marked me, it's only fair I return the favor, and besides, I need to show you how I truly speak my mother tongue,” he replied, tossing you onto the mattress…you were in for a long night.
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There it is! I hope everyone enjoys it lol.
Also the guy who helps her I pictured looking like
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skxllz · 1 year
category ❚ blurb
warnings ❚ nsfw, descriptive v! smut. fem! reader, fem! pet name usage.
summary ❚ unnecessary.
date posted ❚ 6. 22. 23.
“ so wet.. so fucking wet.. ”
paul panted as he continuously thrusted upwards into you. the sound of his heavy balls slapping against the underside of your ass echoed loudly, as well as your practical cries that filled the cave.
“ ‘m gonna’ cum again, paulie! ” you riddled out in a messy mix between a pant and a sob. voice shaky, lips quivering, spit dribbling down the side of your mouth.
you were soaked to the fucking t, your slick coating his dick entirely, leaving it so shiny and wet. you're so dripping that even the cream that left you couldn't keep a firm hold and ended up washing away entirely.
“ that's it, angel, ” paul panted, gripping your hips harder. you were facing away from him, on his lap, so he had a nice view of your ass as it drummed upwards. skin jiggling so god-likely. “ cum fer’me, baby. be my good girl, ” his claws dug down into your hip bones, creating small crescents as blood droplets surfaced. “ - shit! be my good girl and cum for me, honey. ” he was so fucking pussy drunk.
whimpering, hands placing over his own, you felt as the veins over the top of his wrists began to bulge out from how hard he was slamming into you. his fat cock head was basically brushing your curvix and drilling into your fucking womb.
“ shit, shit, shit! ” you chanted, tears leaving your eyes each time he rhythmically entered you again. “ I'm cumming! fuck, I'm cumming! ” you sobbed out loudly, feeling as your walls tightened around him.
just as that happened, paul let out a ferocious grunt and stilled; dick trusted into you deeply, hips positioned in an upwards angle with his ass lifted off the bed. his balls tightly pressed in between the space that cradled your opening and behind, letting you feel the pulsating bursts that jolted through him as he emptied his load into your cunt.
the whole time, you gripped his hands, all while letting out hiccuping gasps of bliss.
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jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader
Word Count: 1,082
Just a little fun writing something on my free day, might make a part 2
Part 2 here! - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5  Part 6
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It ached. Hand clutched to her own chest, unsure how to stop the pain from rushing through for the fourth time in lord knows how long. Y/N had this pain go through her exactly 3 precious times. She knew what it had meant. Her soulmate died... again. How many times would Y/N have to endure this? The chances of finding your soulmate were next to impossible. One would think with a life of eternal youth it would give one more hope, but Y/N thought it was hopeless. It took no longer than a century for her to feel it 4 times. The pain within her chest crashed like violent waves in a storm. Merciless.
The only soothing sensations she felt was when the familiar  that she had born with would start to mutter spells of his own to help her through it. A demon familiar by the name Tyr. Think of the demon and he shall appear. Tyr strode in seeing Y/N grabbing her duffel bag already he knew that this meant she had no intention to stay in this location any longer. "Where to?" He asked her moving to her side. Tyr had been by her side for so long now. Having watched over her, helped her hide, helped her harness her abilities. "You pick." Y/N said shrugging; there was no point in staying in the town. Having grown bored of it, small towns were always the same like that. "How about somewhere exciting?" He asked, eyes shining scarlet red, muttering an incantation as he opened the door to the room they were in. Looking through the door, she glanced back at him with an eyebrow raised. "A carnival?" "It's a boardwalk! Now go through so I can close the portal." He said to her, Y/N obeyed as she walked through, Tyr following after her. Y/N looked at the place bustling with life. It was summer, of course it was packed. She had to admit, it was a great place to hide. No doubt she could blend in with the crowds. The sun was slowly setting. They had to find a place to temporarily call home. How fun, a part of the beach had been closed. This meant something good for Y/N. Abandoned lifeguard buildings. She did happen upon one. Tyr had to help her in harnessing the power to change the small building into what they required. Bigger on the inside. If someone were to enter they would be in the original, she remained in this pocket dimension Tyr built and transported with her from place to place. Sure saved on rent. After she set her things down Y/N wondered if she should travel to the boardwalk. "I'm going exploring, are you coming?" She asked Tyr who lay on the bed. Hands behind his head as one of his long legs bent. "You're on your own. You know how to call me if you need me." He said closing his eyes. Y/N rolled her eyes as she left. Y/N began walking on the beach until she ended up at the boardwalk. The sun had set already. The lights of the rides of the carnival illuminating it up for all to see, like a bug zapper luring in insects, her included. How could anyone avoid the allure of the boardwalk? Y/N walked with a smile on her lips as she passed by the vendors selling trinkets and other things. Glancing at their wares before stopping to purchase a cup of lemonade. It had Santa Carla printed on the cup. It was huge. She was almost regretting buying the cup; seeing as she needed both hands to hold the souvenir. She almost skipped as she made her way to the carousal. This was her first time in a place like this. Her excitement beamed from her as she looked for somewhere to sit. Spotting a unicorn her eyes lit up. However before she made it to the unicorn someone beat her to it. She didn't want to sit on the carriage. It was meant for 2 and she felt bad taking it from some couple who could use it.
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The sound of boots and chains reached her ears. Her heart pounded in her chest as her eyes narrowed. She couldn't explain why, maybe it was because her senses picked this up specifically through the loud boardwalk. Quickly she took a seat, not caring if she did take a potential couples spot. All she could focus on was trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. The feeling of someone's leg brushing against her snapped her attention to the formerly empty seat beside her. Her eyes on the leg before making their gaze drift up to the person's face. Piercing blue eyes bore into her own Y/E/C. Y/N's breath caught in her throat. What was this? The platinum blonde smirked at her as he lifted his hand to hold her chin, fingers against her cheek to keep her gaze on him when she started to look away to the laughter so close to them. "What's your name?" The male with platinum blue eyes asked her.
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It almost felt like she would tell him anything he wanted to hear. Her mind in a fog as her lips parted to speak, then almost like a shock to her brain, something cleared that fog away.  She knew that she should not feel that way. "Does it matter?" Y/N responded moving her head back and out of his grasp. This answer seemed to surprise the guy, but he only let it show for a second at most. Then he looked like he was accepting a challenge. His "friends' started to laugh again. Enjoying that he seemed to not have as easy of a time as he had clearly expected. "Of course it matters. How about this, I'm David. That's Dwayne, Paul and Marko." David said pointing at each one respectively. Dwayne had the faintest of smiles on his lips, had it not been for the amused and excited look in his eyes Y/N would have thought he was the most calm of the bunch. Paul didn't hide his excitement in the least bit. His smile and his eyes showed just how much fun he was having with this encounter. Marko, he was something, his gloved hand up, biting his thumb, hiding a grin. His eyes showed what Y/N could only describe as him trying to hold himself back from his giddiness. David spoke again, "So... what's your name?"
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consuming-karma · 1 year
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buwan’s notes: oh my god I’m actually so scared to write about this AHAHA, like this is so scary to write bc some people might think it’s weird 😭 happy late Mother’s Day??….
episode summary: when Paul catches a glance at you breast-feeding, he can’t help but feel curious.
taglist: @britany1997
content warnings: NSFW. minors pls don’t interact. Lactation kink, sub-leaning switch!paul. (Would this count at PWP?). AFAB-bodied reader.
[paul x fem!reader.]
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“Paul, what are you staring at?” You locked eyes with your blonde boyfriend as he shot you a strange look. his gaze was stuck on you, or rather.. your breasts.
you continued to feed your baby bat, sore and not up for any bullshit Paul might be planning in his head. Paul continued to ignore your question, still staring. If he stared any harder he’d have burned holes in your chest.
Paul’s gaze gently went over your chest’s features, a silk blanket covered the other side of your chests. Your baby was smooshed up to your boobs for easier access to your milk.
His eyes glanced up at your tired expression, obviously a little uncomfortable at the feeling of a baby on your nipples, and maybe the soreness of carrying so much milk and not knowing where to put it.
your baby had your nipple in her mouth as she had her fill of nutrients. Paul watched with intensity, his eyebrows furrowing.
You looked at Paul a bit more before shaking your head, as if to say that you’d rather not deal with his shenanigans.
It was obvious the blonde was curious and confused, was it that good? He just could feel his finger twitch anxiously as your baby finished feeding, her pouty lips falling off from your breasts as she dozed off in your arms.
You coo softly, pulling your nightgown over your breasts before slowly standing up from the bed to put your baby bat in her nursery.
Unfortunately, that meant that Paul would be left to his own thoughts.
Your feet ached as you walked to and from the nursery, holding your sore back as slouching from your breasts. You let out an uncomfortable sigh as you tried relieve some soreness by gently massaging the sensitive areas of your under-boob.
Paul was still at his original spot, it seemed like he hadn’t moved an inch from where you last saw him.
you finally had your break for the night, happily sitting back on you and your boys’ bed. Though, they rarely slept in it, more so using it for more…explicit deeds.
“Gonna tell me what’s on your mind, pretty boy? I’m not a vampire yet, you know.” You looked off at Paul, carefully bringing your swollen feet up on the bed as you awaited his reply.
“nothin’..” Paul shrugged, finally breaking his gaze from your seat to look down at his fingers, chipping at his black nail polish.
You sighed, leaning your head back against the headboard. Your gaze looked around, the silence of the room making you feel uncomfortable.
“Alright, tell me, you’ve got me curious.”
Paul bit the inside of his cheek before walking up to you, sitting by the edge of the bed. “Don’t think I’m weird, babe, but I really want to try your milk..” A silence leaves the both of you, the cave felt cold and you had stopped massaging your sore chest.
“You want to what?” You shot him a confused look, wanting him to clarify what he had asked. “You know, your tits..you always say they’re sore from carrying..” Paul sat closer to you, obviously trying to convince you to let him drink from your breasts.
“Paulie, why do you wanna do that?” You were surprised at his suggestion, feeling his weight move next to you, Paul gently wrapped his arms around your stomach.
“You’re always saying how you’re sore and it always feels heavy, wanna see if I can help you..” Paul looked up at you with his pretty blues, looking like a little puppy asking for a treat.
You couldn’t help but feel your heart melt at Paul’s pretty pout, looking up at you with such gusto. “I guess..I can let you, since you’re asking so nicely.” Paul seemed to perk up at your words, looking at you with a bright smile.
You let Paul position you the way he wanted, his hands lifted you onto his lap. You squirmed in his arms, trying to get comfortable.
You felt Paul’s hands place themselves on your thighs before they moved up, slipping under your nightgown.
“Calm down, Paulie. I’m not going anywhere.” You whispered, caressing his cheek with your palm, your lips meeting his for a quick second before pulling away, your heart palpitating in your chest.
Paul grinned excitedly, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands happily explored under your nightgown. The pads of his fingers gently tapped against your waist, then again in the middle of your chest.
Paul felt himself get shivers up his spine from hearing your fastened heartbeat, he knew he was touching the right places to rile your pretty self up.
You let out a few soft sighs as Paul’s cold hands felt amazing to your sore breasts. You felt his hand finally cup your breasts and swipe his thumb over your nipple, making you flutter your eyes closed at the relaxing feeling.
Paul closed his eyes for a minute just to feel in your presence, he was amazed at how gorgeous you were.
His eyes looked up at you with adoration for his girlfriend, his smile widening by the second. “Can’t wait to have you in my mouth, mamas..” he quietly mumbled, his hands leaving your hot body for a little while.
You seemed annoyed at the lack of contact, watching Paul impatiently as he pulled off his leather jacket, the various jewelry and chains clinking against each other.
“Hurry up..” you mumbled, getting antsier by the minute. Paul chuckled, looking at you with a smug grin. “And here I thought I was the needy one..” He mused, his fingertips pinching the silk nightgown you wore.
You rolled your eyes before starting to move off his lap, done with Paul’s teasing. “Babe, no! M’sorry! I’ll be good.” Paul instantly turned to begging you, feeling your weight slowly leave his lap.
“Won’t joke around n‘more..” his lidded eyes looked up at you with a pout, upset at you for even moving a few inches off his lap.
You smirked, returning Paul’s smug grin. “That’s what I thought, now pull this off me, pretty boy.” You cooed, raising your arms up for easier removal of your nightgown.
You stopped moving as Paul hastily pulled at the garment, going over your head and onto the floor, your breasts were in full display and Paul couldn’t help but feel his loins stir.
“Fuck babe, I forgot you had such gorgeous girls.” He snickered, his hands instantly cupping both of your tits into his rough hands, his hands felt cold and soothed your soreness immensely, making you moan softly in content.
Paul could feel his mouth salivating at just seeing your breasts in his hands. If he wasn’t a vampire, he’d cower in his bashfulness at the fact that he was basically drooling over your tits.
His hands gently massaged them, almost juggling the two mounds in a pattern. A hum left your lips, letting Paul take his time with your tits.
Paul was enamoured with the two weights in his hands as you felt so warm to him, a perfect match. Hot to Cold, body to body. He continued to massage your breasts, watching your eyelashes flutter and your eyes close in pure relief.
His face happily digged itself into your neck, placing soft kisses from your collarbone and made a path up behind your ear. His lips retreated back to the nook in your neck, licking a long stripe before his fangs gently grazed the skin, making a scratch at most.
Paul felt his eyes close in pure ecstasy in smelling his girlfriend’s sweet blood, his body seemed to twitch excited, so excited that he accidentally squeezed your breasts.
He wasn’t guilty about it though, because suddenly, a liquid ran down his hands, sticky and white. “Mamas…you’re dripping..” He joked, one of his hands leaving your breast as you looked off in embarrassment, Paul’s long tongue made an appearance as he lifted his wet arm up to his lips.
You hit him in the thigh, scoffing at his joke before you realized what he was doing.
His long tongue followed the droplets of milk that made paths on his arm, the sweet nectar spreading across his taste buds as he sucked every last bit of it from his arms.
Your lips opened to say something but nothing seemed to come out, feeling your throat dry at Paul’s dirty display.
You watched with a heated face as Paul hungrily licked every evidence of the liquid on his arms before he growled, looking at you with a hungry look.
Paul pulled your face to meet his, his thick hands gripping the back of your head with needy strength. his teeth clashed with yours as you tasted the bittersweet flavour from his tongue.
you decided to give him some relief, slowly grinding down on his lap, feeling his clothed cock harden under you. His groaned into the kiss, a growl resounding once again.
“Oh baby, now I need to get a taste..” He grunted, his lips latching onto your nipples in record speed as you gasped at the sudden contact.
You jumped from his cold lips making contact with your breasts, your grip tightening around his neck as Paul felt his eyes flutter at feeling you in his mouth.
His tongue flicked over your buds, as a reaction your legs unwillingly squeezed his lap squealing at the cold temperature Paul’s mouth emitted. Your arms made quick work to wrap themselves around his neck, his arms doing the same to your waist.
You couldn’t hold your moans as you felt your milk being sucked out by Paul, unwilling to stop, his lips continued to latch onto your nipples, making the area around it red as his grip seemed to tighten around your waist.
His free hand continued to massage the breast he didn’t suck on, your breastmilk dripping down his arms. You should’ve known this would happen, Paul loved to play with his food, and he was a messy eater.
Paul happily enjoyed the fact that you filled his mouth so, gulping with unstoppable thirst. His hips started to buck, gaining pleasure from drinking you dry in other ways, he’d never thought he’d get to drain you besides your blood.
“Baby, you’ve got me going crazy,” Paul detached from your tits to look up at you once again, his eyes glimmering with want and lust after you, his gorgeous girl.
“I wanna drink from your pretty tits every time I get thirsty, over and over again..” Paul mumbled against your skin, his lips grazing over your chest, obviously enamoured by the way you taste, god he’d never tasted something so delicious before. It’s as if his young vampire years had reawakened, the need to drink strong.
“Paul…careful..” you warned your blonde boyfriend, feeling his fangs against your chest, almost scratching and making a mark on you. “Sorry.. you just taste so good..” he whined, digging his head into the middle of your chest, enjoying the warmth your tits generated.
Paul kissed up your cleavage, he couldn’t help himself with sucking hickeys in the middle of your tits, hoping that one of the other boys gets a go at you so that they could see his artwork on your body.
His thick hands moved to your thighs, his cold palms being heated by your thick thighs. Paul continued to make his marks, his sharp fangs giving you a sense of rush as it felt cold to the touch.
His fingers tapped against your thick mounds before the moved towards your inner thigh, his thumb swiping rhythmic patterns to calm you down as he inches towards your cunt.
Being a vampire has its pros, one of them being a good sense of smell. Paul could smell your sweet pussy from under your shorts and your underwear, he could feel himself almost cum from just smelling you.
“Paul—..” you called out for him, knowing he could smell your arousal from this proximity, you held your breath, waiting for him to make a move.
He growled at your call, only opting to push his finger into your shorts, making a small ripple. His long fingernails managed to make a hole big enough for his fingers to come through, ripping it slowly.
His display of pure carnal thirst made you even wetter than before, your hormones were everywhere even though it had been a few months since your baby was born. A desperate, breathy whine left your lips, almost begging Paul to do something.
Your blonde boyfriend moved too slow for your liking, you were in your ripped shorts, only your panties shielded your pussy from the monster who held you in his grasps.
One of his hands wrapped around your waist as he pulled you close to his face once again, his lips stationed instantly on one of your buds, returning to drinking the sweet liquid that left your breasts.
His fingers moved with precision, hooking them into your underwear with little to no trouble. Paul didn’t bother to give your clothes any mercy as he only ripped your panties off in a few seconds.
A jump leaves your body, both at Paul’s tongue and the sudden bareness you felt down under. Your eyes were lidded, unable to get a grip on reality as the buzzing feeling in your stomach grew at the sight of Paul enjoying his meal.
You could see the glint of yellow in Paul’s irises, his vampiric side starting to show. The blonde slowly caressed your inner thighs, your warmth enjoyed by Paul.
He continued to drink from your breasts, his mouth filled up fast with your milk and he had to be gulping every few seconds to keep up with how fast the sweet liquid came out.
Paul looked up at you, his eyes locking onto yours. You were met with the pretty sight of Paul’s messy display. Milk dribbled from the sides of his lips, making streams down his jaw. His free arm had been massaging your other breast, your milk tainting it as well.
It was completely nasty, and Paul knew it, his dick was rock-hard and needed to be released from his jeans, he felt like he could just cum from drinking you. His eyes seemed to roll back, trying to remember the way you taste.
he inadvertently groaned, the buzzing sending waves of pleasure up to your head as you whined, your hands no longer stationed around his arms but propped up to tangle themselves into the blonde’s locks.
Paul’s other arm finally stopped rubbing circles into your inner thigh, inching closer to your cunt where it glistened with lust and need. He pulled back from your nipple, licking his lip for any residue on his lips of you.
“Baby, I can just cum from seeing you like this.” He mumbled, his thumb grazing your clit as your hands gripped his hair tighter in reaction. “I can’t be the only one having fun, right mama?” He spoke into your skin, his lips placing kisses onto your shoulder.
Your eyes closed as Paul’s thumb rubbed your clit in a circular motion, a gasp leaving your lips as unwillingly pushed against Paul’s hand.
He grinned at your reaction, stopping his action and using his thumb to spread your cunt open, it glistened in the natural light of one of the many barrel fires in the cave.
“Fuck. You’d let me get a taste at this pretty pussy, too, won’t you?” He asked, although he already knew the answer. You nodded, desperate for him to do something. “Yes, yes Paul, just, please..” you uttered a breathy complaint, wanting your boyfriend to just do something.
“It’s okay pretty, I’ve got you.” He cooed, he used two of his digits to dig into your cunt, instantly surrounding his cold fingers with warmth. You squeezed your eyes shut at the feeling of coldness in you.
Paul was amused at your expression, slowly pushing his fingers into you, trying to remember every feeling of you. His grin widened, allowing himself to return to your neglected nipple, eager to finish his meal.
a sound of squelching was heard in the alcove, breathy whines and groans accompanied it, Paul was sure the other boys would’ve heard it.
Paul was on a high, the way you tightened around his fingers and how your milk continued to spill no matter how long he sucked was too much; he could feel himself twitch in his jeans.
He was sure you could feel him too. More focused on your release, the pads of his fingers searched for a particular spot inside of you, almost scissoring his digits, making you moan. You digged your fingers into his hair, your other hand sliding down to give yourself a grip onto Paul’s shoulder.
Your fingernails made crescent marks on his shoulder, too immersed in the pleasure your blonde boyfriend gave you.
He hummed at you, the sound adding to the pleasure of your pussy being fingered well. His fingers fastened their pace; trying to get you to your release. Your moans heightened in pitch, feeling the coil in your stomach start to tighten.
Your pussy seemed get more and more sensitive the more Paul dug into it. His palms connected with your clit, adding more to the bliss that ran through your whole body.
Paul could feel how wet you had gotten in his hand, it dripped down to his pants, making a patch of your essence right under you, he didn’t care though, he cared that he could make you scream out by the end of it all.
“Are you close, honey? Just say the word, I can give it to you.” He ushered quietly; Paul looked to you for a go. You nodded desperately, “yes, yes paulie!” You whined, starting to grind your hips into his fingers to get you closer so you could cum.
A squeal left your lips; Paul had fastened his pace. The squelching your cunt made became intense, it was loud enough the rest of the guys should’ve heard what you two have been doing by now.
The coil in your stomach tightened second by second, the overwhelming feeling of Paul’s tongue flicking against your nipple, your moans pitched up, along with your high. Your pussy tightened against his fingers.
Paul had long ago switched to your other breast, drinking the remaining milk left in your boobs, his free hand no longer massaged by held you by the waist.
Everything seemed too much, the overstimulating sensation of Paul being everywhere in your body, the way Paul’s clothed cock poked through his pants and you could feel it on your ass, you were desperate to just ride him.
Your eyes rolled back at the feeling of Paul’s lips and fingers stimulating you to a high you could’ve never reached yourself.
You seemed to grip Paul’s head tightly to your breasts as the coil in your stomach finally snapped, your high reaching so high you could see white spots in your vision. You squeezed your eyes tight, your thighs shaking; you gushed around Paul’s fingers as a long moan left your lips.
Paul stopped latching onto your nipple, pulling away with only a string of saliva connecting the two of you. Paul looked at you once again, a huge small on his face, his pearly fangs clearly showing.
“Enjoyed it mama? Don’t feel sore n’more?” Paul asked, placing his chin in between your cleavage, his pretty blues looking at your features, trying to decipher what you thought.
You nodded at his question, your hands gently petting Paul’s lion mane as both of you huffed at the tiring thrill you both just had.
“That was…amazing, honey.” You mumbled tiredly, a small dopey smile on your face. Paul nodded eagerly, as if to say ‘that’s good.’ He returned back to your nipple, ready to latch on once again.
Your dopey smile turned to confusion, stopping your blonde boyfriend seconds before he could bring your nipple into his mouth once again, “Paulie, haven’t you drank enough?” You asked curiously, placing your hand on his cheek to tilt his head up.
He only excitedly grinned, “I want more, mamas, I always want more.” He replied, before continuing his mission of sucking your breasts dry.
“Paulie, wait! You need to save some for the baby—“ you giggled, trying to pull the blonde away before he grabbed both of your arms with his hands, you gasped at his sudden change in demeanour, more demanding and serious.
“Mama, I know you can make more.” He warned, you and Paul knew better than to test a vampire’s want and thirst. His eyes lidded, but you could tell that his eyes swirled with yellow, you knew it wasn’t going to take any longer until he let his vampire take over.
“You’ll make more milk, won’t you? For me and our baby?”
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mamaskullz · 5 months
An Unforgettable Night~
┊┋ Pairing: poly!lost boys x black!fem reader
┊┋ The Queen of The Damned/The Lost Boys AU
┊┋ Notes: the reader is a vampire, the daughter of Akasha
┊┋ Tw: blood, semi 18+ fluff
┊┋ ~Enjoy~ If you want come check out the masterlist
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After the almost brawl in the carousel that was interrupted by the security, David and the boys walked off the attraction staring at the group leaving an eerie smirk, David bumps into you as you were not paying attention where you were walking being mesmerized by the glowing lights on the boardwalk in the murderous capital, Santa Carla.
"Ow!", You said before your eyes opened looking at the person you'd bumped into. As your eyes set on the male through your green golden eyes that were captivating to others, you started observing the male out of habit you have, you seem to catch the intimidating charismatic charm that you were sensing as you completely forgot the rest of the boys that were hanging around observing them as they all had an intimidating vibe to their appearance, almost getting off the topic that she bumped into their friend. "Sorry", You said as your voice spoke with a semi thick smooth accent that you inherited from your mother.
"Are you alright miss?", David gives a charming smile, "Yes I'm fine", you spoke returning the smile looking straight into his blue eyes, feeling the intimidating aura which made your head tilt a bit. "Glad to hear it, would it be rude to ask for your name?", David asks already captivated by her beauty, as the group is looking at her with the same look David was giving but more a curious and hungry gaze towards you.
Feeling the gazes, you were getting as she knew very well what those gazes were as you stopped to think about your next words carefully, as you thought about what's your next response before speaking in a calm but intimidating tone, "Anippe. My name is Anippe.", David smiles and the other boys look and mutter you're name like you was beautiful creature amongst themselves, Marko whispers to Dwayne. "She is one beautiful woman."
"Agreed.", Dwayne agreed with Marko, the group's eyes are glued on you, as you got the boy's attention right away. Marko is giving himself courage up to speak to you. As you saw them speak amongst themselves, with the gelid wind flowing along with the lights were coming from the attractions around ya'll, beaming on your chocolate skin looking up at the night skies seeing the moon for a bit before your eyes were focused back on the boys. "Well, it was nice to meet you David, and I apologies for bumping into you", you said without David giving you his name, you gave them a smirk before walking on your way giving a look back to the group of boys with a confident walk off getting glances from men all around at the carnival.
David smirks as he watches as you walk away. The group starts to follow you from a distance, they continue to talk about you and your appearance. They have all been caught by your beauty, and they are intrigued by you. While you walk on the wooden floors of the boardwalk, you had a feeling that you would be seeing them again but you know that don't want to get caught up with them as your thoughts were on contacting Marius about updates on your parents that are statues and were in Marius watchful eyes before an interruption from your thoughts coming from your stomach, slowing reaching to touch feeling the hunger grow as you stopped in your tracks closing your eyes while coming in contact with delicious aroma clouding in the air above you with your eyes opening looking at the people who were walking by enjoying their time at the boardwalk having a bloodlust gaze but you try your best to resist the sensational urge of the sweet taste of blood until hearing a faint womans voice telling you to 'feed my child' knowing good and well whose voice it was, as your mothers voice was speaking through you with the connection you have since you were birthed as the first child of the queen encouraging her to be the prodigy princess to feed on the humans.
With David and the boys walking closer and closer towards you not letting you out of their sight. The more the group walks the more Marko's gaze becomes obsessive, he has such a strong desire to feed off of you as his mouth waters and saliva drops out of his mouth as they get closer. David is amused seeing one of his men so worked up by a lady, he can't blame Marko he thinks. David begins to walk a bit quicker.
Interrupted from your hunger, your lips grew into a smirk. "Such young ins with desire of hunger, reckless with their abilities", with each word you spoke to yourself, you started back walking but this time you were going to lead them on to their fates, letting them walk into your trap. As you continuously walk, seeing all the attractions on the boardwalk hearing the guy's cat call you while you just don't pay them any mind knowing you can rip out their hearts feeding on them, you already have your eyes on the group of boys that were following you.
The group of boys continues to follow you, as they get closer to you the more your smell becomes stronger and more arousing to the group as they lick their lips, Marko whispers to himself, "She's perfect, look at her, look at her skin and her beauty." Marko starts to follow you at a faster rate, he is now running his fingers through his hair that was full of his golden curls with his mouth is watering. The other boys are picking up the pace while trying to follow up with Marko.
You decided to cut a corner entering an empty alley on the boardwalk where it was dark, and no one could see as you smirk waiting for her boys to enter their fates. To your surprise Marko was the first one you grabbed with your reflexes having him pinned up to a wall your incredible strength looking him up and down observing and sizing him up giving him a smirk. "Such a cutie this one is, but such a reckless one as well. Haven't your teacher ever taught you to be patient when you feed?", Speaking to Marko leaning in closely to his neck sniffing, smelling the sweetest blood of the damned as your hunger grows more to your attention.
Marko's heart is racing from the sudden surprise and the close proximity to you getting a close look at you, he finds it difficult to keep quiet. You could hear his heartbeat and when you started to sniff his neck as he lets out of a shudder. "W-what do you m-Mean?", Marko is trying to keep himself together and trying to keep his cool, but he is feeling the desire and hunger. His body is beginning to feel hot.
A smirk arose hearing how his sudden cool intimidating slowly shrinks by your mysterious intimidating aura, before they were interrupted by the rest of the group appearing as their sights were on the sexual tense scene seeing their boy Marko being the one that was pinned up before your grip lets him go but not entirely as your hands were on his chest. "I was wondering when the rest were joining."
David arrived the closest to Marko, when they got there, he looked at the scene with shock, as Marko had a look of fear and lust at the same time on his face. David can see his men all looking at you with different expressions, one looks with fear, one has the same look as Marko but with a more controlled tone to it. David looks at you with intrigue, he is drawn to you, he can feel the same desire as his men but more under control.
"So much tension in the air mmm~ So much desire out in the open~", Your tone in your voice gotten softer but with a seductive touch towards it with your eyes trailing on the boys as you lean closer back to Marko letting your lips brush off of Marko with the tension get more intense for them, enjoying the looks and desire that the boys were giving like they wanted to devour you, making you theirs, your hunger overtook you but with the sexual tension in the air, you had your mind set that wanted to have some fun with them, changing the course of your plan. " You boys haven't had your thirst satisfied yet?", You'd asked them while you looked deeply into Marko's blue-green eyes teasing him with the soft touches of your lips brushing off of his, giving the boys a little show, already can smell the lust off of them as you started to feel a tint in Marko's tight pants that were trying to poke but Marko tried to keep his growing bulge down. Smirking from the excitement he tried to hide, you lean towards his ear whispering something that will take effect as soon as his slumber comes.
All the boys have a lustful glance watching the show you were giving and wondering what you whispered to their boy, Marko. "Can we have a turn?", Dwayne whispers to Paul jealous of Marko, Paul smiles and nods. David and the boys look at each other with the same desire, David speaks in a hushed voice* "Marko stop being a p*ssy, take charge."
Marko's eyes widen and his hunger grows, he looks at his friends as he pushes himself towards you, as he now tries to hold you by pulling you closer to him. Hearing them trying to encourage Marko to take control you quickly shut it down when you pushed him back with your strength now got him back pinned against the wall revealing your fangs looking at the boy. "What a Bad Boy you are", You teased before your green golden eyes now on the two boys who encouraged him giving them a smirk and a sudden air kiss before your eyes came back to Markos, slowly start to feel the sexual frustration tilting your head , as his bulge became more noticeable for the guys to see with you leaning close to his neck, letting him feel the warm breathe hitting his exposed skin before you licked his neck.
Marko feels the warm breath and his blood boils and heats up. He can feel the blood running through his body more as his heart pumps faster and faster. Until he starts to feel your hand on his covered bulge, attending to it making him wince at the action, wanting more as he slowly closes his eyes loving the feeling of her hands on his erection which made yourself smirk even more while you rub his needy bulge wanting to hear him break out into a moan. With a lot of sexual tension between them as Marko's friend's watches feeling the tint in their pants growing, David speaks up, and his tone is cold and dangerous. "Back off Marko.", David walks up to them, David is staring at you with hunger in his eyes, his blood boils with desire like his other members. David gets in-between the both of you, with you stopping in the midst of rubbing Marko's clothed bulge leaving a sad Marko with a hard-on.
With the sudden let go once David got in between you two, you didn't get mad at it but intrigued at the sight of a hungry David. "Why not? Jealous that he might have the first taste?" Teasing the leader of the group, your hands reaching up touching the cold leather that he was wearing seeing your sharp nails almost clawing the leather making a small indention that would fade with your eyes now deeply into his blue eyes just like you were with Marko's, seeing his desires and how frustrated he's getting taking it as a challenge to test him, to see how long for he acts out. "I know what you desire David, I know what these boys desire. The hunger, The thirst... But I can tell that you only feasted on the humans but never had the taste of the rich blood of the daughter of the damned, meaning You Can't Handle It", Whispering the last bit to him as you got closer staring at his neck before back into his eyes.
"I might not have gotten the taste of the rich blood from other damned immortals, but I am curious, how does your blood taste?", David leans up close to you, as he looks at your neck, getting more and more tempted, wanting your blood, he feels the bloodlust grow stronger, like his body is telling him something. The group is watching them in a trance, and they are all in awe of the scene playing out.
"This our first meeting David" smirking seeing how his hunger is growing with one of your hands moving from his jacket to now cupping his chin. "But since the curiosity killed the cat, I'll gift you what you and your boys will be tasting...", as you spoke while leaning in opening your mouth and sliding your tongue in David's mouth kissing his lips with a desirable passion with it, fighting for dominance letting your tongue explore his mouth before you bit your tongue in the process as your blood gushes in his mouth while you two having a steamy hot kiss, giving the rest of the boys a show. 
David doesn't hesitate, he lets you kiss him letting you win the fight of dominant this time as he kisses back passionately. Your blood tasted rich, with unique flavor to it, it was a strong hunger you had given to David that he had never tasted. David pulls you in and the lust between you two is so much that his blood boils. He has the same lustful expression as Marko has. The other boys are watching intensely, they are jealous of David, but they also want to feed from you, all of them are starting to drool as they are so hungry to taste your blood.
 Breaking the steamy hot make out session you given David letting some of your blood coming from your tongue drip onto your chin, seductively licking it as it was started to heal on its own while she looks at David. "There's Plenty of More where that came from but not tonight... Once we meet again, I'll let yall get the whole meal that'll have you desire for more", As you smirked licking the tip of his lips taking a step back from him with you looking at the rest. "Boys", You spoke before you speed off in the night disappearing from their sights almost forgetting your hunger as you'll probably find a rat or if you're lucky a pig you come across to feed on. But now you have the boys to think about and wondering how impatient they'll get when the night comes.
As soon as you speed off the group look at one another with the biggest grins, the boys are drooling, and they talk about how beautiful you were. "Damn, she is hot. Look at the way her blood was so delicious and rich, she has such a sweet taste.", David spoke already replaying the steamy kiss in his head. "She is definitely one hot chick, she knows how to kiss like a goddess!", Marko responds with the aching hard throbbing bulge you left him, as the boys all nod their head in agreement, all of them licking their lips, some of them sniffing the air still smelling your scent.
David wipes his mouth from the residue blood you had left, it has a sweet taste. "We will meet her again.", He says to his boys. "For now, the hunt is on. We need to prepare for the next hunt." The boy's nods hyping each other up but they were still hungry after the encounter with you has left them even hungrier especially David, they went back to who their original target was. As the boardwalk starts to close with all the lights turning off all at once, the security guard was heading towards his car after locking up, feeling a gust of wind picking up his head turned to look up seeing the boys hungry, hearing his screams of fear, they picked him up off the ground feeding on him in the sky. With another poor soul had been chosen by the group of hungry vampires, they all attack and consume the security guard. Each and every one of them is getting more and more satisfied as they consume the rich blood. The group is finishing off the last bit of blood, as a group they seem happier and more content. David looks at his boys and looks at them each individually. "Well that was fun, but I sense something special on the horizon, something or someone we shall be hunting together." He grins as he looks at his boys eagerly.
~A/N~ Hope you enjoyed this~
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bella-goths-wife · 9 months
Kinktober day 2- predator play
David x reader
Warnings: predator play, hunting of reader, agreed upon consent beforehand, biting/drinking of blood, vaginal sex, no foreplay, rough sex, sex in the woods. Please let me know if I missed anything :)
Content: David plays hide and seek with his girl in the woods
This is a standalone fic for Kinktober and has absolutely nothing to do with my lost boys daughter fics!
Minors do not interact
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The sound of your feet hitting the floor is the only thing you can hear in the silent, dark woods that currently surrounded you.
The only other sound would be the occasional sound of a broken twig or the movement of the tree branches that was meant to be disguised as the wind blowing, but you knew it was him.
You felt his eyes burning into your panting figure as your lungs burn for a break from your constant running, but you could feel him getting closer.
His presence always made the hairs on the back of your neck rise up in what could be fear or anticipation. His mere existence was electrifying to your body as it struggles to decide wether to run away like scared prey or drop to your knees like an obedient pet.
You lean against a tree as you struggle to catch your breath, all while your eyes dart around in an effort to spot David before he could realise how vulnerable you are right now.
A twig snaps to the left of you and your head snaps in the direction only to hold your flashlight up and see nothing but trees and fallen leaves.
The bush to the right of you then rustles suspiciously which shocks you enough to drop your flashlight and it rolls away from you as you subconsciously press yourself closer into the tree behind you, almost expectingly.
There is a moment of silence as you watch the small part of the woods that is alight from your flashlight as fear trickles it’s way into your veins and arousal gathers in your panties.
You hear a deep chuckle and your head swivels in all directions as you scramble to pick up your flashlight but you again see nothing, until you feel something drip on your forehead.
You bring your fingertips to your forehead to touch the unknown substance before bribing them back down to see them painted crimson with what you assume is your blood from where David had previously bitten into you before realising you into the woods with only one command, to run as fast as you could.
You gulp in fear and in anticipation and you slowly look up while shining your flashlight above you, only for your eyes to meet his yellow, vampiric stare while he floats upside down above you.
“Boo” he says with a chuckle as you scream but he silenced you quickly with a large palm covering your mouth.
David jumps down from his floating position above you before manipulating himself into pinning you to the rough tree bark.
“You put up a good fight doll face” David compliments cruelly as he stares at you like a hungry lion looks at a fragile gazelle “but now your mine”
You whimper behind his palm as his words cause a burst of arousal to build up within you. He only lets out a chuckle in response as he settles himself between your legs, grinding his evident erection into your heated core.
“No panties?” David remarks as he flashes a smug smile at you “so eager for me doll”
“Please” you beg weakly as he undoes his belt and releases himself before he lifts up your skirt to reveal your bare cunt to his hungry gaze
“Begging already baby?” David teases with a grin as his fingers ghost over your bare core but he refuses to offer you the pleasure of applying pressure “I thought you have more fight in you”
The tip of his erect Cock prods at your soaked entrance while one of his hands takes your wrists in his grip and holds them above you and his other hand grabs your waist and harshly pushes your fragile, human body into the tree.
“Chasing after you worked up my appetite” David says with a grin as he enters your with a grunt and you let out a loud moan “and your looking delicious right now love”
David sets a harsh pace as his hips thrust into yours and you feel his deliciously long Cock ram into your most sensitive spots, he was being brutal and you moaned like a whore for every moment of it.
While you moaned and cried at the feeling of being torn in two by his monstrously thick length, david put his mouth to your neck and you felt his sharp fangs pierce your delicate skin.
“David” you cried out as your hips buck against his and you delight in the feeling of this god of a man draining you of blood all while he fucks the life out of you.
“Thought you could get away” David scoffs against your neck as he bites a fresh set of markings into your skin to drink from while he pistons himself inside of you mercilessly “your mine doll, all fuckin’ mine”
David kisses your lips and you receive a mouthful of your own coppery blood. Your lips stain crimson and David can’t help but groan in pleasure of the sight of his girl, his prey, savouring her own blood while he plays with your body.
“My fuckin’ prey” David grunts as his rough speed increases and you feel like you could scream at the delicious burn that accompanies the pleasure that almost blinds you “I’ll hunt you until the ends of time doll”
The hand that was gripping your waist moves to instead circling your sensitive clit sloppily to match his rough pace. You cry out at the feeling as the coil inside you tightens around him.
“Gonna cum?” David asks mockingly as his bruising grip on your wrists increases, a sign that he was close
“Yes” you cry out with an eager nod to prove your desperation “please let me cum David”
“Do it, pet” David commands firmly as the finger that stimulates your clit speeds up steadily “cum for me”
You kiss him desperately as your hips buck up against him and you feel yourself let go as white, hot pleasure fills your body and you twitch and squirm in his grip while you soak his dick.
David cums moments later as his hot seed fills you sinfully while he enjoys the sight of you bleeding, out of breath and with a fucked out expression that he adored.
He licks the falling blood from your neck as he pulls out gently before picking you up bridal style and holds you close to his chest, knowing you’d struggle to walk back to the cave.
“Good girl” he whispers to your half conscious state as he lays a gentle kiss to your forehead
You were always going to be hunted by him, and then cherished.
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prettywhenibleed · 1 year
𝕯𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖓𝖊 𝕱𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕾𝖒𝖚𝖙 (Dwayne Finding Your Smut)
Fem!Reader x Dwayne
TW: Heavy smut, language
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You were sitting on one of the old beat up couches in the cave, just listening to some music, when Dwayne walked into the room. You looked up at him, giving him a smile. Dwayne gave you a dark smirk in return. Your face went from smiling to very confused. Why was he looking at you like that?? You raised a brow at him. “What’s that look for?” You asked him curiously. Dwayne proceeded to hold up your phone, waving it around as his smirk grew. “I found those dirty stories you’ve been reading.” He informed you. Your face immediately drained of all colour. Your face one of pure horror. OH FUCK! You launched yourself off of the couch and right at him. “NO NO NO NO!! DWAYNE GIVE THAT BACK TO ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW!” You yelled as you tried to get your phone off of him but Dwayne just held it up high, out of your reach. Dwayne chuckled as you struggled to take your phone from him. “Dwayne, please! Give it back! You weren’t supposed to see any of that.” You told him. You were completely mortified. Dwayne had seen the VERY dirty and graphic smut fics that you read. You would never live this down. He was absolutely LOVING teasing the hell out of you.
Suddenly, Dwayne grabbed you, pulled you to him, leaned down and whispered into your ear. “So, this is what you want, huh? You like it rough? You want me to fuck you like the guys in the stories you’ve been reading?” His hot breath fanning against your ear and neck sending shivers down your spine. You froze in his hold but not out of fear, no. The complete opposite. You were incredibly turned on and Dwayne knew it. He could smell it. You heard Dwayne chuckle. “I know you do, princess. I can smell how aroused you are right now.” He said. Dwayne slid one of his hands down your body. He slid his hand up under your dress and right into your underwear. He let out a growl at what he felt. “Fuck. You’re already so wet and I haven’t even done anything yet.” You let out a moan as he slid a finger along you, dragging it up towards your clit, pressing down on it before pulling his hand out of your underwear. “Dwayne, please.” You whimpered, wanting him to continue touching you. “Oh, don’t worry, princess. I’m not done.” He told you before picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder, causing you to yelp and carrying you off to your nest. 
Dwayne promptly threw you onto the bed, opening your phone back up and going to a particular story that had caught his eye during his snooping. You sat up, leaning back on your elbows and looked at Dwayne. “What are you doing?” You asked him. He looked back at you and smirked. He then proceeded to read aloud a very dirty and graphic section of one of the fics. Your face was now beet red but at the same time, hearing that come from Dwayne’s mouth only turned you on more than you already were. You squeezed your thighs together as he read. Dwayne looked back up at you, seeing how flustered you were but he could also see and smell just how turned on you were. He himself was incredibly turned on, his cock already hardening in his pants. He watched as your eyes flickered down towards the growing tent in his pants. Dwayne put your phone down and walked over to where you were laying on the bed. “Come here, princess.” He purred. You eagerly crawled over to the side of the bed where he was standing. As soon as you got there, Dwayne grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you to him and pressed a hard kiss to your lips. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck as he snaked his other arm around your waist, pressing your body to his. 
Pulling away, Dwayne looked down at you, staring into your eyes and you stared right back. Your heart was racing and you knew that Dwayne could hear it. “Take it off.” Dwayne ordered. You made quick work of pulling your dress off, tossing it to the ground before looking back at him. Dwayne smirked. “Those too, princess.” He said, nodding towards your underwear. You took them off, tossing them on the ground with your dress. You watched as Dwayne stood there, taking you in. “Good girl.” He praised. He then removed his jacket, dropping it to the ground, then moved his hands to his belt, unbuckling it slowly. His eyes never leaving yours as he removed his jeans, then his underwear. You sucked in a sharp breath as his hard cock sprang free and slapped against his stomach. It’s not like you have never seen Dwayne naked before, you have had sex MANY times, but seeing him in all his glory never failed to leave you breathless. Not to mention completely soaked. Dwayne crawled onto the bed and over to you, pushing you down into the bed. Now laying on the bed, you watched as Dwayne kissed up your leg, to your thigh and staying there for a moment before moving his mouth to your pussy. You felt his breath fan over it, you tried to lift your hips up, wanting to feel his mouth on you, but you were quickly stopped by Dwayne’s hands pushing back down on your thighs. 
Suddenly, you felt the tip of his tongue lick up your slit, causing you to let out a moan of anticipation. But you were disappointed as his tongue was pulled away. “Dwayne, please.” You begged him, only earning a dark chuckle in response. You felt as Dwayne continued kissing up your body, giving your nipples a teasing lick and nip, before his lips finally found their way to yours. He pressed a hard and lustful kiss to them. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your hands finding their way into his dark locks. As the kiss deepened, you bucked your hips up, feeling your pussy make contact with his hardness. This caused Dwayne to grind his hips down into yours hard, finally giving you some sort of relief. You wrapped your legs around him and he continued to grind into you and while it felt nice, you wanted more. You wanted him inside of you. “Please, Dwayne.” You begged again. “Please what?” He teased. He knew exactly what you wanted, but he wanted you to say it. “I want to hear you say it, princess. Tell me what you want.” Frustrated by his teasing, you told him. “I want you to fuck me, Dwayne. Please fuck me.” You knew you must have looked and sounded a little pathetic, begging for his cock, but you didn’t care. All you cared about, was having him inside of you. 
Without warning, Dwayne had swiftly lined himself up to your entrance and drove the full length of his cock inside of you. You let out a surprised yelp then moan at the sudden intrusion. Giving you one last kiss, Dwayne sat back onto his legs, took hold of your thighs and yanked you back towards him more, driving himself deeper. You gripped the sheets as he started to pound into you at speed. Normally, Dwayne was pretty gentle with you but after finding that stuff that you had been reading, he wanted to fulfil any and all fantasies that you had and if that meant that he would need to fuck the shit out of you, then he was more than willing to do it. “Oh fuck!” You cried out, arching your back and squeezing your eyes shut. You were about to cum already and Dwayne had only just started. “Dwayne. I’m- fuck!” Feeling your muscles tightening around him, Dwayne knew you were about to cum, which only made him speed up. “Cum for me princess.” He told you and that was all you needed as you were overcome with your first orgasm. Your pussy squeezed Dwayne’s cock as he continued to thrust into you. 
Your brain had stopped working at this point as you laid there, Dwayne still fucking you. He moved to hover back over you, his mouth at your neck, sucking and nipping your flesh and making its way to your ear. “I hope you know that I am far from done with you.” He whispered into your ear, making you shiver. Moving one of his hands to your throat, Dwayne tightened his grip, not too much as to actually hurt you, but more squeezing the sides. You had never been choked during sex before but the second Dwayne wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed, you knew that you wanted this to happen a lot more. “You like it when I choke you while I fuck you?” Dwayne asked, already knowing the answer as he felt your pussy clench around his cock. He brought his mouth back to yours, pulling you into a hot and messy kiss. “Yes.” You managed to get out. “Yes what?” He asked. “Yes, I like it when you choke me while you fuck me, Dwayne.” You moaned out. 
After a while Dwayne suddenly pulled out of you but before you could protest, he had flipped you over so you were now on your hands and knees. Dwayne didn’t waste a second, as he drove himself back into you and continued to fuck you. The new position made him hit new spots inside of you, bringing you to your second orgasm. Again, Dwayne felt your pussy grip and squeeze him. You cried out as you came, pushing back into him. You heard Dwayne’s breathing and grunting grow as he got closer to his own orgasm. “Fuck. I’m going to cum, princess.” He said as he continued to pound into you. He leaned down, kissing your back. “I’m going to cum deep inside of you. Fuck.” You felt as Dwayne’s cock throbbed as he released his hot cum deep inside of you. You pushed back onto him more, flexing your muscles around him. With a final few hard thrusts, Dwayne finished. He kissed your back again before leaning back up and rubbing his hands along your back, soothingly.
You both stayed like that for a few moments before he slowly pulled out of you, helping you lay down on the bed as he laid down beside you, wrapping his arms around you. The both of you breathing heavily. Dwayne trailed soft kisses along your neck as he laid behind you and rubbed his hand up and down your hip. “You did so good, princess.” He whispered, praising you. You just hummed in reply, a lazy smile on your face. “You okay? I wasn’t too rough?” He asked, wanting to make sure he didn’t hurt you with how rough he was being. You shook your head. “I’m okay. You weren’t too rough.” You reassured him. You slowly turned your body around so you were facing him. “It was-” You were lost for words. Dwayne smirked at you, thinking it was adorable that you were lost for words. He brushed your hair out of your face, placing a soft kiss to your lips. “Better than just reading about it?” He asked, teasing you. You laughed. “Yeah. Definitely better. So much fucking better.” You told him.  “Maybe we could do it again.” He suggested. You could feel that he was hard again and your eyes widened. “Already?” You asked shocked. “Only if you want to.” He told you. While Dwayne wanted to continue to fuck you all night long, he wouldn’t if you weren’t up for it. But much to his pleasure, you crawled on top of him and smiled. “I want to.” You told him. 
That night was a VERY long night. 
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
Spells and Chaos
Summary: Spells are preformed, and chaos ensues. 
Warnings: violence, spells, threats, angst, fluff
Reader: Female Witch Reader
Pairings: Poly!Lost Boys x Female Reader
Word Count: 2937
A/n: Another part? @thelostboys-posts - @piscesnyx - @stickywinnerpastabakery - @a-marie-a - @cleocat246​ -
Masterlist - Part One - Part Two
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Normal wasn’t the easiest thing for the boys to maintain. Every time that boy... what’s his name? Michael? Every time that boy in transition looks at you, stands too close or tries to flirt, you can see murderous intent in all of their eyes.
You had to forbid them from killing him. Keeping Star’s love interest alive is the least you could do for putting her in danger and using her body. You weren’t sure if they were going to listen to you but so far, the kid is still alive. He liked to push his luck, though.
Out on the pier the boys stuck together and caused mischief knowing Max was always watching. People talked about them often, so everything they did somehow reached Max’s ears. That meant they couldn’t suddenly monopolize your attention or cling to you like they wanted. You also had to wander around and seem aloof to everything. It was a rough few days before the full moon.
In the cave, away from prying eyes, was a totally different story. Once it was just the boys, you, Michael and the small child, their true nature came out. They refused to allow Michael within three feet of you, Laddie was still welcome for cuddles, but he was a small child not a hormonal teenager.
“Star, is everything alright?” Michael asks, walking along the beach with you. 
“Why would something be wrong?” You ask, glancing at him. He stops, giving you a strange look. 
“I know I haven’t been around for a while, but you used to hate the other guys. They made you uncomfortable and they’re controlling but now you’re all over them. What’s going on?”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t understand,” You try to vaguely explain to him. “Just give me some time, alright?” You ask, trying your best to be flirtatious but it felt wrong. You grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze while stepping close to him. Just like that you could tell you had him wrapped around your finger. Deep down men are all the same. A flirty smile, soft words, and a little touch can go a long way. “Everything will be better after the full moon but until then just keep quiet and be patient... Can you do that for me?” Michael nods mutely. “Good,” You perk, kissing his cheek before withdrawing from him completely.
“Hey Star! Let’s go!” David shouts from the road. You give Michael another playful wink to help calm him down before skipping over to your mate. You climb onto the back of his bike, holding him close. The instant your secured around him he takes off with the boys in tow leaving Michael behind in their dust.
When the five of you reach your little piece of home they turn the bikes off, coming to your side in an instant. Normally, they’d spend the entire night terrorizing the town but until they could do that openly with you by their side, they were always eager to return home.
“If you touch him again, I won’t care that you want to keep him alive for Star. I’ll slaughter him where he stands,” David says, turning to face you after climbing off the bike.
“Even if it’s in the middle of the pier? With the whole town watching?” You wonder, stepping toe-to-toe with him. Your eyes remained locked together, your hand lifting and sliding past his jacket to touch his chest. 
You hum when one of your boys, your beautiful Paul, presses up against your back. His large hands grip your hips, and he rubs against you.
“I’ll string him on top of the Ferris wheel so that everyone can have a good view of what happens when you touch our girl,” David vows, pinching your chin. You hum, arching into him, Paul squeezing your tighter.
“Sexy...” You whisper. “Unnecessary but sexy,” You comment, sending him a wink before slipping from their arms. David growls following after you as Paul hops to your side, his arm draping around your neck. They both wanted nothing more than to grab you, shove you against the nearest wall and fight for dominance knowing you’d never just submit to either of them. 
If only you weren’t in Stars body...
You were beginning to hate being in this body. You missed yourself and you hate not being able to be more intimate with the boys. They refused to go any further than innocent touches and intense cuddling while you’re in Star. You appreciated the sentiment, but you haven’t been with anybody since you left them, and you were becoming impatient.
Eventually the night of the full moon came. You were beyond nervous, doubtful thoughts creeping into your mind, but you knew you had to ignore them. You had to try and free them from Max - you’ve been successful before you can do this.
But you’ve never gone against a vampire like Max. He’s the strongest one you’ve ever encountered, not to mention this one is personal with everything on the line. You’ll have to perform the spell quickly knowing that he’ll sense the spell in motion the instant you start.
“Hey, flower,” Marko whispers, coming in front of you, gently pulling you from your thoughts. He gives you a smile, resting his hands on your hips. “You doing, ok?”
“I’m scared,” You whisper, confiding in him. He nods slowly, lifting a hand to caress the side of your face.
“Yeah, we are too,” He laughs a bit. You huff, laying your head on his shoulder. “We have faith in you. All you gotta do is preform your witchy woo and let us handle anything else,”
“What if I fail?” You whisper, clutching him tighter. He doesn’t hesitate to hold you closer, his head rubbing against yours.
“This is our all or nothing, princess. No matter what, we’re not dealing with Max ever again. If we fail, then we’ll just find each other in another life,” Marko shrugs. “We’ll have our happily ever after,” He promises. 
“Thank you, Marko,” You whisper, giving him one last squeeze. He presses a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Do you have everything you need?” Dwayne asks, coming up to you only when you pull from Marko not wanting to interrupt any comfort you need.
“Yes,” You nod, adjusting your bag. “I’ve scouted a spot in the woods. We should get going. The spell will take a while and Max will know when I start... He’ll try to stop it,”
“We’ve got you, babe,” Marko promises, Paul coming up behind you. 
“Just a couple more hours and we’re free,” Paul whispers in your ear. “And you can return to your body, and we’ll be free to truly celebrate our reunion. That sound good, baby?” 
“Perfect,” You whisper, leaning back against him. “Come on,” You mutter, pulling from Paul leading your boys out of the cave. You all climbed onto the bikes, David pulling you towards his like always - he loved to hog you when you all road the bikes.
You directed them away from the boardwalk and beach, deep into the forest. Eventually you ditched the dirt bikes and continued to lead them to the spot you had found.
“So, how does this work?” David asks when you reached your destination. 
“How this works is that I perform the spell and you stay out of my way and be quiet,” You state with a sly grin on your face. The other three grin having remembered what you were like when performing spells. You didn’t like to be interrupted.
You drew a circle with specific symbols inside before lighting six fires. One for each of your boys, one for yourself, and one for Max. You then took out the vials of blood and clippings of hair.
“Are those ours?” Paul couldn’t help but to ask. You hummed. 
“And when did you get them?” David asks, crossing his arms.
“You are heavy sleepers,” You answered with a smirk.
“Sick,” Marko grinned, excited to see you in action again.
“Now, when I burn these, you’ll feel a sensation. I’m binding all of us to this spell and I’ll be able to cut the tether Max has on us all. When I do Max’s, he’ll instantly know what’s going on,” You warn.
“We’ll be ready for him,” Paul assures you, the other hissing in agreement.
“Alright then,” You whisper. “Let the games begin,”
One by one you bind the boys to the spell, the fires roaring when you add the blood and hair. You then do yourself, saving Max for last. You give them each a look, only when they silently encourage you do you complete the binding.
From there you close your eyes and whisper the incantations as quickly and precisely as you can. You hold your hands over the fires, the flames becoming warmer by the second.
“He’s coming,” You whisper, sensing your brother on the move. The boys perk in alert. “He knows where we are,”
“Keep going,” Dwayne quickly urges, sensing the spell dying out as your attention diverts. “Trust us to handle this, just break the bond,”
“We’ll protect you,” David vows.
“Don’t get yourselves killed or this will be all for naught,” You whisper, opening your eyes for a moment.
“Trust us,” Dwayne urges. You give a sigh and a nod before returning to the spell.
“I knew something was going on,” Max says, arriving to the field you have chosen. “Looks like my sister has returned and is already getting to work,”
“We won’t be your slaves anymore,” Paul snarls. Max smirks, letting out a laugh.
“And what makes you think you’ll escape from me?” He asks. “You really think a little spell is going to break the sire bond?” 
“You’ve always underestimated her,” David said.
“On the contrary, I’ve always known what she’s capable of. I knew she’d return for you all eventually and when you guys started to act differently, Star included, I knew she had returned,” Max said. “My only saving grace was the fact that there was a couple of days between her arrival and the full moon, giving me time to prepare for whatever she had planned,”
“You’re too late,” Marko says bravely.
“We’re not letting you near her,” David states, bringing Max’s attention back to him. “And soon she’ll be done with the spell, and it’ll be us against you. And admit it, old man, you’re out of practice,”
“I can admit that, but it seems that you’ve underestimated me, David. What a pity,” Max whispers. The boy’s glance at themselves before spinning around when they heard your gasp loudly.
You’re kneeling on the ground, hunched over with your hand covering your side. The scent of blood fills their noses as your side begins to bleed. Paul races to your side but Dwayne stops him short.
“Let me go!” Paul snarls.
“If you break the circle the spell will be interrupted and she’ll have to start over,” Dwayne snarls in his ear.
“What’s happening to her?” Marko asks, frantically standing on the edge of the border. 
“You’re all so focused on keeping me from breaking the circle that none of you have thought to protect her true body. It’s open for the taking, her protection spell was easy to break once she begun this ritual,”
“Fuck,” Paul curses, prepared to leave the forest and get to your body but then Max’s stupid demon dog arrived with a handful of fresh vampires.
“So, you all can make the decision between racing for her true body and maybe saving her from death or staying here and try to keep us all out of that circle. Either way, that spell isn’t going to be completed,”
Their attention returns to you when you scream, falling onto your back. More wounds make themselves known, killing you slowly.
Marko lashes out first, killing the first newborn vampire beside him. This triggers the fighting, all four of them desperately keeping the vampires away from your circle.
Amazingly, through your pain, you try to continue the spell. It works slowly which makes Max all the more desperate to stop you.
“We have to get to her body!” Paul shouts, ripping a random man’s head off.
“Marko!” David shouts. “You’re the fastest, go!” He orders. Marko snarls kicking the demon dog away from him and across the forest before jumping into the air.
“Do not let him reach her!” Max shouted orders. A few vampires manage to get past the boys, but they trusted Marko to handle them.
“I don’t have much left,” You whisper, feeling your energy wane. Dwayne turns from the fighting and kneels as close to you as possible.
“Save your energy, princess,” Dwayne whispers. “You staying alive is much more important than completing this spell,” 
“Do you really think he’ll let us live after this?” You whisper, pulling yourself closer to him. Neither of you break the circle. “This chance is all we have,” Dwayne huffs, whining slightly in frustration.
“Is there anything we can do?” He asks, keeping his eyes on you as you look past him to Paul and David, both of whom have finished off the rest of the vampires and are taking on Max.
“Kill him the instant this spell is over,” you tell him.
“With pleasure,” He snarls, with a sadistic grin. “Give it your all, baby,” 
You nod tiredly watching him turn to his brothers and aiding them in their fight. You muster up as much energy as you can and begin the spell once more. You can feel the end of the spell coming. You’re so close and even as you feel another wound appearing on your back you push to the end.
When the spell is complete the fires all go out at once. When the sudden darkness appears, everyone pauses. They all stare at you, the moon light shining brightly.
“It’s done,” You whisper. “Kill him,” You snarl. They boys don’t bother holding back, tearing into Max as you collapse onto the forest floor.
When you awake, you’re lying on the bed inside the cave. Your entire body is stiff, and your head feels like it’s splitting open. You don’t recall what made you feel this way at first but as you sit up and massage your skull the memories slowly return.
“Y/n?” Marko asks, hesitantly. Your eyes open and turn to look at him. He’s standing a few feet, looking unsure as if he wasn’t convinced you were you.
“Is he dead? Did it work?” You ask, your heart hammering in your chest. The second it takes for him to reply is the most intense moment you remember experiencing; a million possibilities race through your mind causing you to almost miss his answer.
“He’s gone, flower... You did it,” Marko reassures you with the widest grin. Your head slowly processes his words.
“He’s gone...” You whisper. “He’s really gone...”
In a way you couldn’t believe it. You don’t remember a moment of your life where Max wasn’t controlling the way you lived. Even when you disappeared, he had a hold of you through your mates. You’ve never experienced freedom before and now that you suddenly had it... what were you going to do?
“Y/n!” Paul shouts, shoving past Marko practically leaping onto the bed. You laugh forgetting about your soreness and headache as the happiness of your success takes over.
Paul shoves you onto you back and connects his lips with yours. Your arm wrap around his back, your nails clawing at him desperately. Paul moan slipping between your legs, grinding against you needily.
It’s only when he pulls away - more like when Marko rips him off of you so that he could get a kiss - did you realize you’re in your original body. You didn’t know where Star was, and you had every intention to ask about her but then Marko was kissing you and you easily got sidetracked.
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” Marko whispers against your lips.
“We missed you so much,” Paul adds, lying beside you, his lips going to your neck.
“Star?” You manage to get out, though you struggled to focus as your two boys groped, grinded, and kissed every inch of your body while pulling at your clothes.
“At Michaels safe and sound,” David assures you. Your eyes go to the end of the bed seeing David watching with lust filled eyes and Dwayne beside him. 
“They have Laddie with them. All human,” Dwayne continues, pushing Marko to the side so he could climb on top of you. “And now Max is gone and you’re back in your body... and we have you all to ourselves,”
“It’s been too long,” You whine, arching into him begging for his touch, his kiss, his anything. Unable to hold himself back, he gives you both what you desperately need - a sweet yet borderline pornographic kiss meant to stake a claim more than anything.
Dwayne straddles your hips and leans back. You chase after him, not wanting to break the addicting kiss. David slips behind you, grabbing a fist full of hair (if you have the hair for it otherwise, he grabs your chin and forcefully turns your head to him) and pulls you back against him stealing your lips from Dwayne.
With Dwayne in your lap, David at your back, and Marko and Paul at your sides you feel more complete than you’ve ever felt before. The loneliness and longing you’ve felt throughout the years are finally over. Now that you have them, and your freedom, you’ll never give either up.
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britany1997 · 1 year
Hi, friend! I saw your requests were open! Can I please get a Dwayne x Female!Reader piece? I was thinking something where it starts as sweet cuddles in bed and it slowly turns into cozy morning sex (or I guess in the case of a vampire, "evening" sex). Thank you!!
Lay Like This Forever
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Hey friend! I’m so happy to write this for you❤️ I hope you enjoy it!
Dwayne x Fem! (Human) Reader
Warnings: SMUT (minors DNI), daddy Dwayne ofc, breeding kink (obvi), p in v sex, creampie, unsafe sex, belly bulge, cunnilingus, I think that’s it
Dwayne breathed a happy sigh as he snaked his arm around your waist and placed his head in the crook of your neck as you slept. You were still adjusting to his sleep schedule and waking up in the evenings always took you a bit longer than it took him.
He didn’t mind though, he could spend hours cradling you as you slept. Holding you close was his favorite night time activity.
His second favorite night time activity.
He felt you inhale and stretch, rousing from your slumber. “Hey baby,” you said sleepily as you rolled over to face him. You leaned in to touch your nose to his, prompting a smile to spread across his face. “You been watching me sleep again weirdo?” You said while yawning.
He blushed, burying his face in your neck. “No?” He replied, with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. You giggled, “it’s ok honey, I think it’s cute,” you told him stroking his hair softly.
He pulled back to look into your eyes, “you’re just so beautiful baby,” he told you lovingly, “even when you’re sleeping, I just can’t help it. Could look at you like this forever,” he subtly hinted.
Now it was your turn to blush as you squirmed under Dwayne’s soulful gaze. “Stopppp,” you said giggling, as you covered your face with your hands.
Dwayne smirked and placed his large hands over yours, pulling them away to reveal your dopey smile. “Stop what? Tellin’ the truth?” He asked, “sorry baby, no can do, I’m never gonna stop telling you have gorgeous you are.” He told you.
He ran his fingers through your hair, “got the prettiest hair,” he cooed.
He stroked your face, “the softest skin,” he said.
He pressed a soft kisses to your lips, “the sweetest lips…” he breathed.
His lips moved from your lips to your jaw and traveled down your neck, “everything about you is perfect,” he spoke into your neck as he kissed and nuzzled you.
“Hey hey hey,” you said giggling and pushing at his chest, “can’t you wait to have breakfast?”
“Mmmmm,” he hummed, “not hungry for blood baby, I’m hungry for you.”
You moaned softly at his bold words as he pulled back from your neck to look at you hungrily. “You’re insatiable.” You breathed returning his hungry gaze.
He smiled widely, “only for you baby,” he told you as he rolled on top of you and pinned your hands to the bed.
You bit your lip as you stared at the handsome vampire above you. His deep brown eyes raking over your body, burning with desire. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy how much he wanted you, how he could never get enough of you. Being loved by Dwayne was all-consuming in the best way possible.
He pressed his lips to yours passionately, licking into your mouth. You moaned into the kiss, already growing lightheaded from the feeling of his soft lips on yours.
He pulled one of his hands from yours and ran it down your body, caressing you, until he reached the hem of your pajama shirt and tugged gently, silently asking permission.
You pulled away for a second to stare into his eyes, “do whatever you want daddy,” you told him, smiling as he growled at the title.
He pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it to the side, “if you insist,” he said, before sealing his mouth over your nipple and swirling his tongue around it gently.
You moaned and arched your back, pushing your breast up into his mouth.
He groaned as he captured your other hand with his and held both of them in place above your head, while using his other hand to massage your breast.
You whimpered in pleasure as he switched to lick and suck at your other nipple. Your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer to you.
Dwayne released your nipple with a pop before trailing kisses down from your breasts to your stomach. Placing light kisses on your soft skin.
He continued to trail kisses down your body until he was so close to where you wanted him. You let out an impatient whine as he nipped gently at the skin of your abdomen. “Please?” You begged.
“Please what?” He asked, looking up at you.
You whimpered, “please daddy.”
“My pleasure princess,” he said as he pulled off your sleep shorts and panties with one sharp tug, “or yours I suppose.”
He buried his face in your warm cunt as your thighs clenches around his head. He licked at your folds expertly as you whimpered and moaned.
After awhile he began to lick further upward, letting his tongue drag under your clit, applying pressure and making your toes curl.
You gasped and sputtered out a breathless “daddy” as he fucked you gently with his tongue.
Dwayne slipped a finger inside you, curling it to massage your g-spot.
“Daddy,” you whimpered, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me baby, wanna taste you,” he spoke into you, the vibrations from his deep voice combined with his sensual touches sent you over the edge as you came on his tongue.
Dwayne licked you clean as you rode out the high from your orgasm.
He crawled up to kiss you and you tasted yourself on his lips. He pulled back a bit, but you grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him back to your lips again, prompting a throaty moan to fall from his mouth.
You released him and fell back onto the pillow, smiling at him lovingly. He smiled back and pressed his forehead against yours. He tilted his face down to peck your lips before letting his head rest against yours.
You both laid there in comfortable silence until you couldn’t ignore the hard weight pressing against your leg.
“Want you inside me daddy,” you whispered into his ear.
He pressed kisses all along your jaw, “I’ll give you anything you want princess,” he told you before standing up to undress.
You propped yourself up on your elbows and bit your lip as you watched him. “Condom?” He asked you as he freed himself from his boxers. Your eyes shifted up to meet his.
“What if we…skipped it?” you asked, blushing a bit.
His mouth gaped a bit at your words as he reached down to stroke his cock. “Do you know what you’re asking?” He asked you, trying but failing to contain his excitement.
“Yes daddy I do,” you spoke seductively, “wanna make you a real daddy. I’ll have all your little babies if that’s what you want.”
“Fuck baby,” Dwayne said as he crawled on top of you and kissed your tummy, “I’m gonna put my baby right here,” he said rubbing the spot he had just kissed.
You whimpered.
“Yeah baby? You like that?” He asked, “wanna be all filled up with my child?” Fuck.” He moaned
You giggled, “calm down daddy, we can’t make a baby if you get too worked up before you’re even inside me.” You teased with your eyebrow raised.
“Mmm,” he hummed, “you’re gonna wish you hadn’t said that,” he told you as he lifted your legs and folded you into a mating press. You let out a nervous whimper.
“Told you,” he teased, smirking at you as he pinned you beneath him on the bed.
He pushed into you causing both of you to let out throaty moans.
“Mm baby, squeezing me so tight,” he purred, “like your body’s already ready to take my seed.”
You moaned at his words as he slowly fucked into you, letting you adjust to his massive size.
“Gonna breed your pretty womb till your all swollen with my babies,” he whispered as he began to speed up. “You’ll be so gorgeous, glowing all the time, belly all big with my child.” His head fell to rest on your shoulder, “fuck even imagining it has me close.”
“Daddy!” You screamed as he pushed down on the bulge in your stomach where his cock was inside you, the feeling overwhelming you as your breathing grew ragged. “I’m getting close too,” you whimpered.
“Cum with me princess, wanna make my baby’s mama scream with pleasure.” He whispered into your ear.
That threw you over the edge as you clenched around Dwayne’s cock.
As you reached your climax, he came with you, filling you to the brim.
You fell back against the pillows, exhausted as Dwayne repositioned you so he could lay against your chest.
You stroked his hair softly as you both descended into comfortable silence once again. You shifted your hips a bit, perking up when you realized he was still inside you.
Confused, you jerked your gaze down to his.
He looked into your eyes and blushed, “I- I just want to make sure it takes,” he said sheepishly.
You giggled, running your hands through his hair once more, “you’re so cute,” you told him.
“Not as cute as you,” he said back smiling, “wanting to have my little family and shit? Cute as hell.”
You looked at him seriously, “I do you know,” you told him.
“I know baby,” he whispered, “that’s why I’m so happy, my dreams coming true,” he cooed.
“Stopppp,” you groaned.
“I mean it,” he said, “eternity is meaningless to me without you.”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you smiled at him.
“You’re my whole world. I would trade my eternal life, my vampire strength, Paul…” you giggled as he continued to list things, “just for the chance to make a baby with you, to do everything with you.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks as he poured out his heart to you, “I love you, so deeply, so fully, so completely. I love you forever, and I really do mean forever.” He told you.
“I love you too Dwayne,” you whispered back, pressing your nose to his, “I want everything with you.” Your eyes fluttered shut.
“I’m gonna give you this baby,” you told him, “and then I’ll give you forever too.”
His eyebrows shot up as he realized what you meant, “my love, nothing would make me happier.”
@misslavenderlady @solobagginses @anna1306 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @dwayneshotwife
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
could u do something for the lost boys with a cute and innocent gf? maybe like cat valentine or sumthin
Pairing: Poly!Lost Boys x Innocent!Reader
TW: small mention of sexual innuendos, hints of possessive behavior.
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You are the exact opposite of the group of vampires and they found the striking difference to be extremely attractive.
While they were clad in haunting dark colors and leather, you sported outfits that were decorated in floral patterns and pastel colors.
They were very surprised that you weren't apprehensive of them when you all met the first time.
You simply smiled sweetly with doe-like eyes and engaging in conversation with them without a care.
They knew that they had to keep you for themselves. That selfish need that consumed them prevented them from letting you go until you were offically theirs.
Your relationship with them turn heads when you all visit the boardwalk.
The image of a sweet girl spending time with a bunch of trouble-makers left many people thinking that the world was ending.
You are practically their bright and shining star that has blessed them with your love and sweetness.
Whenever a surfer nazi bothers you, they immediately are on the defensive.
Marko has no trouble starting a fight with them to get them to leave you alone.
You're theirs.
They love the sound of your voice, high-tuned that reminded them of bells.
You don't understand sexual innuendos and jokes and Dwayne slaps Paul when he tries to explain it.
David pretends he doesn't like your style and wants you to dress darker but it's only because he can't handle how delectable you look.
Dwayne has a silent yet expressive fascination with your outfits.
Whenever he would see you wearing ruffles and lace, he would quietly and gently grab the fabric and play with it with his fingers.
Paul loves the sound of your laugh and will constantly make jokes to hear it.
He also loves your expressive gestures because he does the same thing and the boys used to tease him about it.
Whenever Paul sees you dressed in bright colors, he playfully hisses and shields his eyes, yelling, "Too bright!"
Marko appreciates fashion, given that his jacket is handmade, he likes learning about your style.
Marko, the artist, has hundreds of sketches of you in your different outfits.
Every night is a new outfit, he never sees you wear the same one twice and teases if you have those specially delivered or something.
"No I made them! (^w^) ♡" You would say.
You created matching bead bracelets consisting of pastels and you all wear them. Despite, David complaining.
"Ew, what is this?" "A bracelet, I can take it back..." "No, it's mine, fuck off."
When you discover their secret, you were understanding, but had so many questions.
"Does garlic hurt? Does the sun kill you? Can you turn into a bat? Bats are so cute!!"
Your bond with them would be even tighter with them.
At times, your innocence triggers their vampiric instincts which they try desperately to control.
You're their mate, yet their instincts scream at them to pin you down and consume you in a primal urge to claim.
Best to stay away from them when they're starving or going through heat.
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @britany1997 @brattyloserprincess16 @blenna3967
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crithitprincess · 1 year
Come Undone- Kas! Eddie fic Part 2-
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** **********WARNING 18+!!!!!!!!!!!!
blood, period fic, period seggs, smut, consential seggs, words of degradation, praise, PIV (unprotected), BDSM, Bondage, oral, rough sex, overstim, vampire kink, masochism...lots of kinky stuff. Drugs are used. Cigs too
(Part two)
Authors Note! - Hey guys im not too familiar with how to post format and post things here. This is my first ever fanfic! Be kind and enjoy!!!
Your heart thrummed as you pulled the anxious boy behind you, his feet dragging behind him. Eddie wasn't so sure of this, he was afraid of going too far or hurting you, however it was intriguing to him all the same.
"This could be fun," he told himself thinking about what bloody adventure he was in for. The walk down felt like forever. Anticipation building. He was getting harder by the minute thinking about all the naughty things he could do to you to make you scream. 
You turned around to face him, back against the door. Your black lace bra peered from out beneath your black strappy tank top, chest heaving heavily as you stared at Eddie with wanton eyes.
Eddie about lost it right then and there, the sight of it all so intense. His lips smashed against yours, tongues tangling in a passionate frenzy. A wet warm string of lust filled slime oozed from between both of you as Eddie pulled away. He gazed into your eyes. Oh those baby cow eyes of his would be the death of you one day. 
"Sweetheart," Eddie spoke softly, his mouth falling agape in pauses as he tried to slow his own breathing in order to speak. " Are you sure," his eyes now tracing the outline of your neck and down to those gorgeous perky tits of yours," Are you sure this is what you want, Hun?" Eddie gave you another chance to back out as he always did and of course there was always the safeword.
You chuckled to yourself, it was hardly ever used. "Baby, I just want to make sure you are okay because I don't know how well I will be able to control this other guy that pops out…but I swear if I hear that safeword it doesn't matter how deep in we are I will  stop immediately no questions asked. Okay?"
You nod back at him. "Eddie, I want this. And I am ready," staring back into those big wet brown eyes of his to reassure him before adding "for whatever happens Ed's. I know I'm safe."
You barely finished your sentence as Eddie went back in to attack you with more fiery kisses but this time he broke away from your lips to travel past your ear and trail down your neck leaving wet gobbles as he went. You could hear him practically growling. 
As Eddie continued his work you reached behind you to turn the handle, his bedroom door swinging open freely as the two of you stumbled in too lost in the moment to care about tripping over anything.
Eddie's lips went back to yours and never left as he deftly removed first your tank top and then your small high-waisted gym shorts leaving you in nothing but that two piece black lace bra and undies (ones he had never seen because you bought as a special treat to yourself a while back) and pushed you back on the bed.
Your arms reached out for the black satin covers to push yourself upright as you found yourself inches away from Eddie's bulging black sooty jeans. That all too familiar handcuff belt of his tantalized your eyes and he noticed.
"Go on, Kitten," he commanded, his eyes locking with yours. "Unbuckle it…slut." You froze for a second, taken back by his words.
His ring clad hand darted quickly to grasp your throat squeezing just enough to shock you out of your daydream. " I said unbuckle it you bitch."
Eddie's fangs protruded out as he snarled, releasing his grip on you. Your hands automatically got to work unbuckling his belt before placing your hands folded back in your lap, waiting for your next instructions. 
Eddie smirked. "Good girl…" with one smooth movement he slid his belt out of his belt loops and took it in his hand. "Now. Arms out. " Knowing better than to try and brat your way through this you followed orders like the good girl you were..well at least for tonight. Eddie made quick work binding both your hands against his metal bed rail with his leather belt. "Excellent now…lay back on the bed like a good girl and don't you move a fucking muscle without me. I will be right back.."
Eddie strides over to the corner of the room, his hands reaching into a dusty overstuffed box of vinyl records before finding one to his liking. He carefully pulled the record from its sleeve and set it to play on his record player that sat beside his box of vinyls. Dark sensual metal music blares from the record player and fills the room. Eddie closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in letting himself feel the music. 
He picked up his lighter from his dresser and pulled a pack of cigs out from his jean pocket, sliding one out before throwing the rest of the pack on the dresser. "You know some people like cigarettes after sex…me I like to have one before. And then smoke a big fat bowl afterwards." Eddie chuckles, lighting up his cigarette taking a slow drag off of it. 
A cloud of smoke escapes as Eddie starts cackling. "How does that sound Princess," he can hear you starting to whimper as you lay straight on the bed with your arms above your head just like he told you to. "Awww pretty baby. That bad huh? Well I know my baby is eager, let's not keep her waiting any longer. 
Eddie walks back to the bed cigarette in hand as he climbs on top of you. "Here baby," he takes another deep drag from his cigarette. "Open wide princess." You open your mouth and Eddie presses a sensual kiss to your lips, exhaling hot smoke into your mouth for you to take in. "Breathe in deep honey. One more hit and then I put it out okay?" 
You knew where he was going with this and you felt your pussy clench. Eddie took one last drag before giving you his last promised hit. "Sweetheart how about I put this out on you? I bet you would like that huh Kitten? " Eddie knew you were into fire play..the anticipation of where he would put it out built as he waved it around teasing before settling on your perky little tits.
"These are mine, Kitten. Mine and mine only," he snarled fangs protruding, his nostrils flaring, as he twisted the cigarette out on your left tit before flicking it to the floor. You whimpered out in guilty pleasure, it stung like hell but it felt so good. "Shhhhhhh. That's my good girl, it's okay." Eddie cooed as he bent down licking your wound. His cool spit felt so good against the red hot burn. 
Eddie's little game of winding you up was working all too well. You were a whimpering mess, desperately clamping your legs together rocking back and forth trying to seek out any friction you could for even the slightest bit of relief as your pussy throbbed.
You needed to feel Eddie's touch. You needed to feel his cold metal rings grazing your clit as he teased and pleased you, finger pounding in and out of you as he licked up the bloody leaky mess that you would make. Oh God the thought of Vampire Eddie getting off from eating your sore bloody pussy made you bite down on your lip until it was purple. 
You were so lost in the thought of what he would do to you, eyes shut continuing to rock back and forth, you didn't realize Eddie was watching you with dark hungry eyes. "Enough! " Eddie snapped at you, seizing your legs, your eyes flew open. 
"Sorry I…Sorry" you whimpered out hoping he would take mercy on you. "Ohhh my pretty little slut. So eager for daddy huh?" Eddie chuckled sinisterly, prying your legs apart. "Well. Heh. I would hate to keep you waiting any longer, Princess."
Eddie leans down to plant kisses from your lower legs going up towards your throbbing wet hot clothed pussy. You tense up in anticipation as you feel him get closer and closer to your heat. God you needed to be touched so badly. Even just his kisses had you a mess.
You panted as he ran kisses all up your inner thigh. You began to moan. A few more kisses up and Eddie would be face deep in your pussy. 
Eddie kissed up towards the line of your panties then grinning devilishly sprinkled kisses all down your other leg and inner thigh, completely ignoring where you wanted it most. "Eddie please…"  You pleaded with him squirming against the makeshift leather cuffs that bound you to his bed.
Eddie cackled and mocked you in your same whimpering tone " Eddie pleasee…." He grabbed your chin to stare directly at him. " Pathetic. You call that begging? Use your words Sweetheart. " He snarled, baring his fangs at you again. 
"Eddie..Ed..please fuck me." Your chest heaved as you pleaded. " Please. Take me. I'm yours..I'm your cumslu–" You were cut off by the sound of your own moans of ecstasy as you felt a sharp pang on your inner right thigh. Eddie's curls draped over your leg as he went to work hungrily slurping up the blood that spilled from your inner thigh. His cool tongue felt so good rubbing across the fresh dark welts he left on your inner thigh. A souvenir for later. 
Eddie's tongue glided across your inner thigh across your panty line and his lips sucked on the fabric that was held against your leaky pussy. Eddie groaned at the first taste of the salty copper fluid that spilled from your heat. He couldn't hold off anymore and tore through the fabric exposing your bloody soaking pussy. 
"Eddie! " You shrieked. "Those are brand new! "
"Sorry Sweetheart" Eddie's voice had darkened even more and he hungrily gazed back at you with dark crimson eyes and sharp fangs before going face deep into your pussy. Eddie made quick work his nose occasionally nudging your clit as he expertly slid his tongue up and down your slit making you scream out his name. 
Eddie growled in response. He focused his attention on your clit sucking on it, tongue paddling back and forth with speed until it was so puffy and overstimulated that tears spilled from your eyes. But you were enjoying every single second of Eddie's sweet torture tonight. Your core ached when you thought about how there could be so many more nights like this to come.
You wondered why Eddie hid this side of him, this Eddie was so different from your nerdy, lovable,sweet DnD playing Eddie. Sure he was a Casanova to boot and never ceased to please you in bed. But this Eddie was different. This Eddie was an animal. Hungry for its prey. 
Eddie earned more screeches from you as you tensed up feeling yourself already close from just him eating you out alone. He let you get close, feeling your body tense up as he applied more pressure with his tongue to your sore clit and when you were almost there he stopped gazing up at you with his face and chin coated in your bloody slick. But it wasn't enough he greedily shoved his index finger in your pussy, hooking it as he pumped in and out of your slick hole. 
His finger caught the spongy part of your front wall and you howled as he continuously hit your g spot. Your back arched off the bed, toes curling as your climax started to build. Eddie knew exactly where to put his fingers.
"I need more!" He growled shoving in a second finger pumping faster and faster.
"Oh my god..oh my god..I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum. Fuck baby you feel so good." 
You screamed obscenities as your vision went fuzzy and your eyes rolled back. You were almost at the edge.
"Cum on my fingers you fucking whore. Cum on daddy's fingers. Cum for daddy like a good little bitch. That's it. Ohhh yeah, babygirl that's it." Eddie cooed to you as you hit your orgasm squirting hot bloody cum all over his fingers.
He continued to poke and prod at your oozing cunt his head dipping to slurp up the mess of blood and cum that dripped. Eddie groaned. God he loved the taste of blood and cum together. It was a sweet nectar he couldn't get enough of. 
Eddie's head popped up from between your legs, his face drenched in your pussy juice and blood. "Sweetheart you taste like heaven. Here honey you need a taste too."
He pressed a bloody slick kiss to your lips and you moaned out when he pulled away. You licked your lips taking in your own taste. You could understand why it was driving Eddie crazy. Your own sweet salty taste lingered on your lips and you craved more. But only if it first came from Eddie lips and fingers. 
Eddie pulled out his fingers and licked them clean making sure not to waste a single drop of your hot nectar. "Baby..my sweet, naughty baby. Daddy's cock is hungry too. Daddy had been thinking about how he would fuck your tight bleeding cunt from the minute he walked on the door. Are you ready to take my cock like the good little princess cumslut you are?" 
You nod, a small whimper leaving your lips. Eddie undones the leather belt and your arms fall over your head. " I want you on all fours when I take you. " You are so dazed, eyes glazed over exhausted from riding your high that Eddie's words don't sink in right away. He grows impatient.
" Now! I said, Now you bitch."  His words are enough to jump-start your brain as you scramble to get on all fours. Your knees are bent, ass in the air and you are already clutching to the sheets as you prepare for Eddie to slam into you. 
Eddie cackles as he frees himself from his black jeans and  wet spotted black underwear. His cock springs free at attention, already rock hard from watching your face contort from pain to pleasure.
Eddie's cock was tinged purple from being restricted in his tight jeans growing tighter and tighter from the massive bulge developing underneath. The cock of his head throb as he took it on his hand, precum already leaking from the tip as he dragged the head of his cock along your slit a few times before shoving his cock deep in you. 
Eddie moaned out at the feeling of your tight cunt spasming around his throbbing veiny cock. "Oh fuck baby you are so tight. Feel so fucking good. " He grunted, biting down on his lip to ground him.
He loved hearing your moan as he let you adjust to his cock. "Fuck..Eddie. Oh my god I–"
Eddie grabbed your hair and jerked your head to look him in the eyes. " I am your God." Eddie snarled out as he grabbed your hips and started Slamming in and out of you giving you no time to recover in between.
Each thrust was more intense than the last and Eddie did not let up, he picked up the pace. You tried to moan out but each thrust hit your cervix stealing away your words along with your breath. Breathy moans joined Eddie's own moans as his balls slapped against the outside of your cunt. 
Eddie pounded you grasping at your hips with one hand while the other hand went to choke your neck. You moaned out and it was enough to set you on edge.
"Eddie..fuck..Eddie. I'm gonna cum." You managed to squeak out from underneath Eddie's long ringed fingers clutching at your throat.
Eddie kept pace despite his hips starting to stutter. "Baby..fuck baby I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum in that sweet little pussy of yours. Fill you up with my hot.fucking.cum." 
Eddie thrusted you on every pause of his last words as he lost rhythm. His whimpering moans turned to growls as he spilled his hot seed into your pussy that mixed with your cum as you breathlessly squirted all over his cock. 
He pulled you into his arms cock still deep inside you as you tried to catch your breath. "Shh it's okay baby you are safe. You are safe." Eddie stroked your hair as you warmed his cock.
"You did so good for me, Sweetheart. I'm so proud of you." You looked up at him as he wiped away stray tears from your eyes noting his eyes were back to their normal wet chocolatey brown.
 " Eddie that was..incredible" Eddie smiled and kissed your forehead before leaning over to reach his bedside table and pull out his pipe. " I told you cigs before and…" He lit his pipe taking a deep drag off of it then placing his lips to yours sharing the intoxicating smoke between the two of you. " and a big bowl of weed after."
  You smiled up at him with wet eyes pulling him back for another kiss. " One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach..all the damn vampires" You playfully said and poked at him.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Eddie chuckled. He knew you were quoting something but couldn't figure out what. You rolled your eyes playfully scrunched up your nose putting your hands on your hips nagging at him.
" Oh my god. Eddie…it's only one of my most favorite movies." You smirked. "That's okay because once we are done with this bowl I'm sooo making you watch it. "
Eddie tried to play dumb. "What? How would we do that? I mean I guess we could go see Buckley and she if she has it. "
 He didn't remember the conversation you had earlier in the living room before you both– Your thoughts worked like a tape first rewinding to being back on the couch,in a curled up ball of pain. Then you sped forward and watched as your hot greasy loverboy became the wild, feral, dominant vamp you had only seen in your dreams. 
"Remember you..?" You stopped in your tracks staring into Eddie's big doey eyes. You swore that the minute you looked away, you would return to glowing red orbs burning back at you.  
But Eddie just blinked back blankly trying to search for an answer in your eyes as to what the hell you were getting at. He really didn't remember letting it slip that Buckley was a part of a plan to, as Eddie would say, "seduce the dragon." The dragon of course being you. You would have a hell of a story to tell your best friend, Buckley, later on. 
Since Eddie was not aware of having revealed his little plan you decided to play the game. You smiled devilishly and that told him the ruse was up. " She told you?! Ah fucking hell man! His hands flying to his head in frustration automatically assuming, that was until he heard your naughty little giggle.
"Nope," he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was supposed to be a surprise. " I saw it in a stack of other tapes…I gotta teach you how to hide things better. Now come onn.." You looked at him and made puppy dog eyes which you really didn't need. Eddie was too easy to persuade especially since his cock was still buried deep in your warm pussy. 
Eddie rolled his eyes. "Fine…but first we need to get cleaned up." He pulled out of you and grabbed a towel out of the pile of clothes in the corner of his room. He wiped you and him down but it was still a mess. "We can hop in the shower really quick before Wayne gets home."
You both got up and playfully tiptoed hand in hand out of his room and into the hallway. The pair of you thought no one was home. But the old wooden floorboards of the trailer gave you away with its loud creaky groans. 
"Eddie?" Wayne spoke out. He was sitting at the kitchen table on the far end of the house. "Fuck." Eddie whispered loudly, almost losing his footing, shocked that Wayne was home early. "Umm..yeah?" He called back wincing.
Oh God how long had he been home. "Why don't you and your umm friend get cleaned up and come join me out here. I brought dinner home. Figured I would surprise you. Fried chicken. " 
Eddie was bright red. His ol man was just trying to surprise him with his comfort food and god knows what he heard coming from his room.
And it wasn't a first. Wayne had a few conversations with him in the past to at least have the decency to wait til Wayne wasn't home before he was "rockin' all these strange girls worlds" as he once told Eddie.
Wayne chuckled. Damn that boy. He loved him but he was a handful. He sat at the table doing the crosswords from the paper and waited for his nephew and what he was assuming was his nephew's girlfriend to finish up in the shower. 
A few minutes later Eddie walked out with you in hand. Eddie's hair was still in damp curls and he had a low cut black band tee with some red plaid pj pants on. He let you borrow one of his many hellfire shirts, one he told you to go ahead and keep because he had been meaning to give you anyway and some pj shorts that looked a little like ones you had seen Steve wear before. No matter. 
Both of you sat at the table across from Uncle Wayne combing your sodden hair with your fingers while Eddie ruffled his fingers through his respectively. " Wayne I..sorry. " Eddie started to apologize. 
Wayne took a sip of his beer sitting on the table, there had been two more also placed at the table for the two of you, an offering from Wayne.
Wayne opened his mouth to speak but just laughed and smiled. " Boy you're a handful. Like hell. That being said. Aren't ya gonna introduce me to your girlfriend? "
Eddie's eyes went wide, shocked that Wayne didn't give him a proper scolding. "Wayne..Uncle Wayne. This is that girl that lives three doors down from the Johnsons. We went to school together. " 
Eddie let you speak and introduce yourself and Wayne met your hand in a handshake. "Welcome to the family, hun." Wayne smiled and raised a chicken leg in a sort of toast. "Thank you, Sir. '' your politeness earned an eye roll from Wayne.
" Wayne..just call me Wayne hun. Or Uncle Wayne. Just don't call me late for dinner. " He cracked a joke trying to lighten any tension.
Eddie spoke up. "Hey Uh..Wayne. Just how much did you hear from us..um"
Wayne chuckled in between bites of chicken. "Ohhhh. I heard plenty." He shook his head and laughed. You and Eddie both laughed, taken back by Wayne's kindness and understanding. 
After dinner the three of you all sat down in the living room. Wayne clicked on the tv. 
" Any suggestions y'all? "
You smiled looking at Eddie who was engrossed in a book. "Actually Wayne.. There was a tape I wanted to watch. "
You dash towards the VCR and hit play and the TV flashes a scene further in the movie, enough to catch Eddie's attention away from his book.
His eyes met with yours, book still in his hands as his mouth gaped open.  Realization settled in that maybe you two had started to watch it already. 
 Wayne was slightly dazed from a hard day's work enough not to realize your playful snicker as you hit the rewind button. You heard the whirls of the tape spinning backwards then listened for the click that said the tape was as far back as it would go. 
You pressed play, beaming over at Eddie who finally closed his mouth and had his book tucked by his side. He inched forward in his seat when he heard the opening song "Cry Little Sister." Oh yeah. He was hooked. 
After some time Wayne looks over at Eddie trying to be secretive whispering " She knows right?" Eddie rolling his eyes at his lousy attempt to be discreet as you laugh. "Of course I know. Now shhh…here comes my favorite part!"
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skxllz · 7 months
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started; 11.14.23
not proof read
“ hey- ”
voices could be heard - someone talking. someone with a deep, yet soft rumble of vocals. his voice, it sounded all too familiar. yet- as your eyes blink open, only to shut again, you can barely register the tone and the words he spoke.
It's like everything was under water, but you definitely knew it was a man speaking to you. his presence even seemed familiar... comforting. you knew everything was okay, that you're absolutely fine, but that didn't stop your subconscious from panicking at your will.
“ dwayne... ” you croaked, tiredness in your tone. your words slurred, while your eyes slowly blinked. once, twice... your vision still wouldn't focus.
you heard whispering, and then footsteps. why did the slapping of those shoes sound familiar? like... sneakers, almost.
as you felt the rough skin of someone else's against your hand, you jerked, surprised. “ hey... ” it was that voice again. though, this time around it was quieter; softer. “ it's me, baby.. It's only me. ”
“ dwayne? ” you exhaled, trying to force your eyes open this time. your movements were futile at first, unable to properly move your eyelids. It's as if you were under sedation, or a drug- but eventually you cracked your lids open just enough to make out the blurriness of a figure.
tan skin... his hair looked darker. at least, you think it's his hair. you couldn't actually tell. “ dwayne..? ” your voice came out just the tiniest bit louder this time, while you squinted, trying to focus your eyes.
a small chuckle could be heard. you heard a sound, like someone shuffling their feet- before the uncomfortable object you lied on dipped. was it a bed?
your hand moved, just slightly. you felt crumpled softness, that was luke warm under your tingly fingers. by the texture of it, the fabric definitely felt like sheets. and, now that you were slowly coming to, you could feel the bounciness of a pillow behind your head.
“ hey, princess. ” dwayne's husked voice is what made you look up - given that it was right next your ear, now, you were startled. but he soothed you, by running a hand over your hip and down to your stomach.
It made you realize something.
why was there no bump?
and also... beeping? how did you just now hear that?
“ where's my baby...? ” you whispered, moving your own hand messily to feel at your abdomen. your movements were staggered, hand shaky. as you press down, you wince- it hurt. your stomach hurt, as did the space in between your legs.
your whole body was achy, actually. not actually in pain, but it's almost like those cold, bitter chills you get when having the flu. or those aches you'll get in your limbs after a workout if you don't do stretches. It was irritating, but not necessarily painful.
still, it made you question-
dwayne's amusement filled chuckle snapped you out of your thoughts again.
feeling a hand run through your hair, only for a kiss to be pressed to your forehead, you... instantly relaxed. dwayne's touch and caring nature always calmed you. even though you were still internally panicking, though, you somehow knew everything was alright.
“ he's in the nicu, honey. ” dwayne rasped into your ear, the hand that was on your stomach moving to wrap over your own. his thicker fingers squeezed inbetween your smaller ones; gently cradling your hand. “ he's safe. I wouldn't let anything happen to our son. ”
oh, right- that's right. It was slowly coming back to you...
although your mind was very foggy from the pain medication that was pumped into your veins, you can somewhat remember what had happened. your water broke- inbetween, you remember being rushed into an ambulance. then, through the halls of ghe hospital, dwayne refusing to leave your side while paul and marko whooped in the background.
you briefly remember david smacking them on the heads and telling them it wasn't the time to be goofing around. It made you crack a small smile.
but, that led to the painful memory. 16 hours of hard labor. from then on, your memory was spotty. all you could recall was voices that faded in and out.
“ how much did he weigh? ” you mumbled, managing to finally flutter your eyes open. the light in the room was dim, thankfully, but you still squinted because you weren't used to it.
you could feel dwayne's fingers cascade down the back of your scalp, and over your nape. “ seven pounds, eight ounces. ” his hand ghosted over the top of your back, where your shoulders connected. It made you shiver with a grin. “ he has your eyes... little guy wouldn't stop crying, though. ”
that.. that's what made you frown. “ I didn't even get to hold him.. ” you sighed, only to maneuver your hips back. you used your thigh as a crutch, to turn your body and face dwayne - but not without muttering a ‘ damn it ’ under your breath from the twinge of pain that shot down your tailbone.
“ careful. ” the male's hands moved to help you- and usually, you'd insist on doing things yourself, but you let dwayne guide you down this time around. your body was much too shaky and just tje gesture itself warmed your heart.
once you guys were face to face, your eyes flickered up to meet his own. “ hi. ” you whispered, letting out a tired giggle after. he grinned back, those dark eyes of his flittering over your face.
“ hi, gorgeous. ” he whispered back, raising his palm to cup your cheek. dwayne leaned in, capturing your lips in a small kiss.
you pulled back immediately, a grimace taking over your face. “ wait- ” your palm pressed to his chest. “ I haven't brushed my teeth.. ”
dwayne paused. he stared at you in disbelief- is that actually what you cared about right now? “ y/n, baby. ” he sighed out a chuckle. “ I don't care. ” his lips lowered to your once more. “ my mate just gave birth to our child... ” his hand moved, thumb rolling to rub over your bottom lip. “ I'd love to kiss her, bad breath or not. ”
a silence settled over you as you stared him in the eyes, struggling to hold back a smile. dwayne was always so sweet, and caring, and considerate- and he just didn't care. that's what you loved about him, and the other boys. they were all unique little hooligans that just somehow, someway, managed to wriggle into your heart and into the depths of your soul by acting themselves. It was... amazing.
soothing, to know that.
“ then kiss me. ” you finally stated in a mere mumble. dwayne didn't need to be told twice, though- he was on you as soon as permission was granted.
your giggles and exchanged words could be heard all tge way into the hallway of the floor. the doctor, who overheard you two, smiled to herself. she hated to interrupt the moment, especially since you had finally managed to fight off the sleepiness from the pain medication- but of course, it was to benefit you both.
“ mrs. l/n? ” the light knock to the door caught your attention. you stopped your little wrestle with dwayne, who was busy kissing at your neck, to look up curiously and towards the door.
the female smiled, “ hello. I'm dr winslow, I'm the one who delivered your son. I'm guessing you don't recall, by the look on your face. ”
you cleared your throat. dwayne had pulled back by now, to give you space to talk. however, he was still lying beside you; encouragingly rubbing circles into your hip. “ uh, no- I don't. ” your voice came out quiet, since you'll still weren't fully awake. “ but- it's a pleasure to meet you. thank you for making sure my baby is alright. ” you paused, thinking those words over. “ he is alright, isn't he? ”
dr winslow chuckled, nodding her head. “ yes, he's completely fine. he's as healthy as a horse. though, ” she chewed on the tip of her pen while looking over your chart, trying not to laugh. “ I've never seen such a new born cry as much as him. I'm guessing he really must want his mother. ”
your heart could have melted right then and there. thank god it didn't; you didn't want to die before meeting your son.
“ can.. can I see him? ” you questioned softly, playing with the fabric of the blanket between your finger tips. It was a nervous habit of yours, to just randomly toy with things when anxiety creeped up. but dwayne immediately took notice and curled his hand around your wrist to soothe you.
the doctor smiled to you, showing that there was nothing to be nervous about. “ of course. I'll have your nurse fetch you something to drink, and then we'll see how well you can stand. If your balance isn't too bad, we can try walking - but, if you need any assistance, we'll get you a wheelchair. ”
a grateful, sheepish grin graced your lips. “ thank you, so much. I really appreciate it. ”
“ anytime, ” she nodded, before turning and stepping out of the room, shutting the door on the way out.
you were so excited, sitting there and smiling to yourself. you never thought you'd see yourself in a position like this one; in a hospital bed, with your son in the nicu not too far away.
your son.
your son.
you had a son now.
.. nothing stopped you from excited squealing, and hitting your face into the blanket before you.
dwayne, of course, could only watch with wide eyes.
251 notes · View notes
jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoys X Fem!Reader Part 8
Word Count: 2,222
A/N: Okay so I kind of dropped the ball lately, sorry guys. I swear I was going to write on my last days off but a huge storm hit and knocked out the entire towns power, then a giant tree fell in my backyard and crushed one of the cars. It's been a mess. But i'm here! On with the program!
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How could this guy be so utterly shameless? Y/N was fuming. Her eyes narrowed at Tyr as she felt Marko’s grip around her waist tighten.
Tyr was testing them. Having said such a thing surrounded by humans on the boardwalk, with her in the arms of a vampire, he wanted to know what they would do to her had they known that she knew without it having been them who had told her.
“You know if you hurt her then I’ll have to fight you, right?” Tyr asked, wanting to make it very clear they would not have the chance to harm her before he got involved.
“We wouldn’t hurt her, you on the other hand, we wouldn’t mind hurting.” David growled the words out in warning.
Dwayne had finally looked to Tyr when he had made it known that Y/N knew. Then he looked back at her, “You’re not scared.” He commented, a little surprised, “You do look angry though.”
“You’re damn right I’m angry! Tyr! I wanted to tell them!” Y/N said to him though thanks to the ever growing tightness of the grip Marko had on her waist she had finally started to wiggle her way out of his grasp.
Marko didn’t seem happy with that attempt though. His eyes snapping to her, “Where are you going?” He asked, feeling wary that she was going to head back to Tyr and stay away from them.
“I’m bruising.” Y/N said to him calmly now because she knew that snapping at these four would be entirely uncalled for. At the admission, Marko loosened his grip but had not let go of her completely.
“Now you can stay.” He said as if it was the most understandable thing. If she was no longer bruising from his grasp then she could stay in his arms. Y/N huffed but didn’t fight it any more.
“This is not nearly as fun as I wanted it to be.” Tyr groaned as he watched them practically group around Y/N as if trying to protect her. “Maybe we can play hide and seek?”
At the mention of the game Y/N’s eyes grew wide, “Tyr, don’t you dare! I mean it! If you do it I’ll be really really mad!” She warned him making the demon slump his shoulders in defeat. She was already on edge thanks to his actions and words and if he pushed it too far then he knew she would be upset.
Hide and Seek was one of Y/N’s favourite games to play when she was younger. With a snap of his fingers, Tyr made himself vanish and she had to find him through whichever place they chose to be their playground of sorts. When he had mentioned it now, Y/N knew Tyr would have made herself disappear to see how long it would take them to find her. “You’re no fun. It’s your favourite game. I thought you liked being chased.”
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“This is not the time to play games.” Y/N said to him glad that he had not attempted to go through with it. “Please, Tyr really is just a friend. I promise.” She assured the guys who looked at her curiously now as realization had seemed to set in.
“Why in the world would you willingly go into a vampires den?” Dwayne asked her. It was one of the dumbest things he could think of. It was dangerous, what if they had not been her mates? Would she still have done such a thing? Did she know of mates?
Tyr laughed when the question had been asked; mostly he was wondering the same thing. Y/N was strong, but she didn’t know how to unlock that power in its full extent yet. With the amount of time they had known each other Tyr had tried to help her learn to control her abilities, it just felt like something was holding her back. Maybe it was humanity. So it really had been stupid of her to go into a vampires nest. Mates or no mates, it was stupid.
Y/N couldn’t help but feel that everyone was looking at her like she was an idiot making her bristle with indignation under their gazes. “I knew you would not hurt me.”
Paul grinned from ear to ear and swiftly took her from Marko’s grasp into a hug, “Of course we would not hurt you! You’re our girl! But you have to drink from the bottle okay?”
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“No!” Y/N said a little too frantically making the four vampires stiffen. She clearly knew what was in the bottle now.
“You won’t even taste it, I promise!” Paul said thinking that maybe this was the reason she didn’t want to drink the bottle. Who would really willingly drink unknown blood? “Or... is it because you would rather drink ours?”
“I’m not going to drink any blood.” She said quietly looking around since they were still somewhere too public, and yet Tyr didn’t seem to want to leave the public setting. Clearly he was still too exhausted to fight them willingly and wanted to be able to have a backup plan.
This was not something that failed to be noticed by Y/N. This man was still far too tired and needed rest and yet here he was trying to stir trouble. It was like he wanted to cause strife between the boys and Y/N. It made sense, Tyr hated anything without a soul as he put it, or with ‘dead souls’.
David, Paul, Marko and Dwayne were consumed. She knew what they were, she knew that they would not age and yet she would refuse to drink their blood?
“Since Tyr seems to believe that there is no need for us to keep secrets then I might as well say that I am not exactly human either.” Y/N spoke up feeling odd at saying such a thing out loud. It had been practically taboo of her to mention this.
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Y/N wasn’t wrong because the moment she said these words Tyr acted and took a hold of her wrist and quickly pulled her away from them all the while muttering to her about how she was throwing her life away by saying that out loud. “You cannot say that out loud ever again!” Tyr said to her, “You are human, okay? If anyone asks, you are human.”
“Why can’t I say that I’m a demon like you?” Y/N asked Tyr turning around seeing the four vampires hot on their tail. They were not about to let them get away. Not after hearing her say those words. They wanted answers and they had to get them one way or another. “Tyr, they are my soulmates. They will not do something to me. I don’t think I have any need to keep myself hidden from them.”
“You have to stay hidden from everyone. You know the importance of it.” Tyr reminded Y/N but she didn’t know! He had never told her the details of it all. From the very moment that she was able to comprehend she wasn’t human he never told her why it was so important for her to never say it out loud.
“You’re keeping secrets from me, aren’t you?” Y/N asked him as she tried to tug her wrist out of his.
 They had managed to get somewhere secluded and that was when the boys struck. Dwayne pulled Y/N into his arms, holding her close as if he was trying to shield her from the world using his body.
David had grabbed Tyr from the collar of his coat and shoved him against a nearby wall. “You will not take her from us. Do you understand? She does not belong to you, so don’t you dare drag her away.”
The words sounded almost sweet... for a moment but Y/N didn’t fail to notice that David didn’t say that she didn’t belong to anyone. “David let him go!” Y/N demanded trying to pull herself from Dwayne’s grasp but he only held onto her tighter so she couldn’t get out.
“Stop, he needs to show him he cannot just take you from us.” Dwayne spoke quietly into her ear. Y/N felt a shiver go down her spine from how deep his voice had gotten when he whispered into her ear like that.
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“But he cannot hurt him!” Y/N said to Dwayne, “Please Dwayne, he’s my best friend. Please.” She pled to the vampire hoping that he would understand how much Tyr meant to her.
“Tch. David. Don’t hurt him.” Dwayne said out to David who rolled his eyes in response.
David growled and released Tyr who didn’t seem in the least bit scared of David, “Don’t you touch me Vampire. You don’t understand the troubles that can come if you know more than you should. I spent nearly her entire life keeping her life safe. Making sure that she would never feel the hurt that could come if anyone were to know. I won’t let you ruin it because of some soulmate bond. She’s like family to me, and I will protect her with my life until I take my last breath.” Tyr growled to him as the area around them seemingly started to grow darker and darker. Tyr was growing angry and draining the area around them of light to fuel him enough to fight for a short while if he needed to.
This was becoming far too dangerous. I was worried and didn’t know who I was more worried about at this point. The boys were strong but so was Try, I just didn’t ever want to find out who would get hurt the worst if a fight did manage to break out between them.
“Tyr, David, Marko, Paul...” I said seeing the other two vampires starting to move in closer to Tyr like a pack closing in on their target. “We can work this out peacefully. Let’s just talk it out, okay? Things will be better for all of us if we just put aside our anger and worked it out in a way we can talk about why it’s upsetting us so much. I know there are secrets that we all have but the sooner its worked out the better.”
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Let go of her!” A voice called out and Y/N cursed under her breath seeing Michael coming over, more like sprinting over to Dwayne and Y/N. Why the hell did this guy have the absolute worst timing? He was only a half vampire! He would definitely be the one who ended up getting hurt the worst in a fight.
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“Michael I swear, if you don’t stop right where you are, things will get ugly.” Y/N warned Michael try to ensure that he remained at least a couple feet away from the ever growing tension.
Maybe Y/N’s luck wasn’t entirely terrible because Michael did in fact stop just a short distance away. Close enough to hear just about everything there but far enough that he would not be accidentally hurt if they did end up starting a fight.
“We are trying to be diplomatic. So let’s all just... calm down and go somewhere more private. This place is kind of secluded but people can still come here.” Y/N tried to point out to the guys who were slowly trying to calm themselves to stop them from doing anything wrong.
Y/N was sure that the vampire boys weren’t actually fighting with Tyr because they truly believed Tyr would be no match for them and didn’t want Y/N to be angry at them if they were responsible for hurting him. Tyr was avoiding trying to use physical force by any means necessary because he didn’t want to drain himself further.
“Fine.” David spoke the single word while turning to Y/N and placing his gloved hand on her cheek after making his way over. “We will go back to the hotel. That place is plenty secluded.”
“Oh sure, we are just going to go to the vampires den! So safe.” Tyr said rolling his eyes. Even Michael seemed on edge with this.
“No, you want her to drink the blood.” Michael said not knowing exactly what was all known at this point.
“Keep up Mikey.” Paul said patting his back, “She already said no. We want to know why.”
“We are going to the hotel.” Y/N said to them, making up her mind. It was the best place that she could think of. Whether it was their den or not, it was the closest to ideal. With that, we started to make our way back to the hotel. Everyone was on edge. Tyr insisted that Y/N ride with him but the two of them didn’t have bikes. Y/N rode with David who wanted her close and Tyr rode with Michael who believed that Tyr was the closest one to want to be on his side on Y/N not being a vampire.
It was the most awkward drive. Usually when they rode it was fun, exciting and all the feelings that came with the thrill but this time it felt like they all felt this tension that had been slowly building right back up as they rode closer to the staircase that would lead them down to the cave they called simply, the hotel.
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Taglist: @simplyreading96 , @bloodywickedvamp , @cocopuffs1450 , @vxarak , @kristel1990 , @sagis116
A/N: Am I missing anyone in the tag list?
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