#the main reason for meeting up w my big sis was for her to give me some makeup brushes and a hair styling kit she didn't want
that-cheer-up-anon · 1 year
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Yesterday was really fun (despite having to wake up early)! Went to the city w my partner to hang out w my big sister at a Japanese market.
There were quite a few stalls w stickers, charms, ceramics, and even a build-your-own terrarium! Had hojicha gelato and honestly I can see why my big sis likes hojicha more than matcha (I think I do too).
There was an area where you could write your wishes on paper and tape it to bamboo for Tanabata. There was one where someone drew a tall among us, and another where someone just wrote "Live, Laugh, Love" which I don't think is a wish, but whatever.
Bought a lot of stickers, an enamel pin and a couple of scrunchies from local artists which was really nice! I was so caught up w the stalls I forgot there was a second level and grocery, so I guess we'll have to go another time to see what's up there.
After the market we got some ramen and it was soooo good! It was my second time going there but the first time for my big sis. We all got black garlic ramen. She said it was really good and worth the money (she lived in Japan for years so I know she knows her stuff), so I'm glad we know at least ONE good authentic ramen place.
We split ways w my big sis and went to a billiard hall and played pool for an hour before heading home. Never been to a billiard hall before which was cool. We got there as soon as it opened so it was mostly empty. I had a lot of fun (even though I lost both rounds lol).
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crissiebaby · 5 months
Big Sis Criss & the Dolly Uprising
Heyyo! I can’t believe it’s been a whole THREE YEARS since I posted my first story! Regardless of whether you’ve been here for every single chapter or have only read one of my shorts, thank you so much to everyone for reading my silly stories. 
In honor of my account’s anniversary, I’m releasing an updated version of my lost 2k special, Big Sis Criss & the Dolly Uprising! It includes every dolly currently in my NSFW discord server, Crissie’s Dollhouse! All 77 of them! Once again, thank you all for giving me a reason to write every day. I may be on vacation this month but I already have some new ideas brewing for when I return in June! Hope to see you then! 💕
DISCLAIMER: This revised story contains diaper usage, bondage, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, hypermessing, a TON of adorable dollies, and other ABDL themes.
“Aaaaaaand…all done!” said Crissie, following her self-congratulatory statement with a gleeful giggle. In her hands was the latest dolly she was adding to her collection. Starling, who was sweetly dressed in a poofy frock with several equally poofy diapers poking out from underneath the skirt, blushed like crazy as she peered over the edge of Crissie’s hand. “Don’t you just look precious! Now that you’re all dressed and ready to play, it’s time to introduce you to all the other dollies!”
Rushing over to the expansive dollhouse in the far corner of her pocket dimensional nursery, Crissie opened the wondrous playset, revealing the dozens of dollies she’d invited to stay with her all living peacefully inside their babyish dollhouse rooms. There were plenty of faces from familiar stories, including the likes of Jane from The Dreamcaster, and the Goddess of Diapers, Aife, as well as a myriad of playthings like Claire and Renne, whose stories Crissie had yet to divulge. Everyone lived in peaceful harmony inside Crissie’s Dollhouse…or so Crissie thought.
Setting Starling down on the ground floor of the dollhouse, Crissie gave the newbie a soft pat on the head and nudged her through the entrance, where Buttercup, Crissie’s very first dolly, was waiting for her with open arms.
“Welcome to the dollhouse, Starling. I’m sure you have a lot of questions and I’m here to answer as many as I can,” said Buttercup, who’d settled in nicely to the leadership role that’d been thrust upon her. She offered her hand to Starling, excited to show her around the dollhouse.
Starling was hesitant, but she accepted the overwhelming kindness that Buttercup was showing her. “W-What is this place?” she asked bluntly, hoping for a better explanation than Crissie was able to give her.
Snickering as she guided the fledgling dolly through the main living space of the dollhouse, which was filled with toys and stuffies galore, Buttercup responded, “You’re in Crissie’s Dollhouse. It’s a big collection of all the cute baby dolls that Crissie has amassed over her time in this pocket-dimension nursery. If you’re here, it's because Crissie caught you enjoying her work so much that she invited you to come stay with her. Isn’t that fun?”
All Starling could do was nervously nod as she was led deeper into what was beginning to feel like a fever dream. She didn’t know why but if this was a dream come true, she never wanted to wake up.
Watching from a distance, though, a few dollies that had been less than thrilled with suddenly being snatched up from their homes and brought to Crissie’s nursery glared at Buttercup and the newbie with fervent animosity. “Let’s go guys. The meeting’s about to start,” said ABAlex, one of the many “dollies” that didn’t subscribe to the Little status that had been thrust upon them.
Nodding in agreement next to Alex were fellow ABDL writers, Lightning and Rie, each of whom followed their ringleader through a crack in the dollhouse that led to a small, hidden room where nearly twenty other dollies were waiting.
“Alright, listen up, Babs and Bigs,” said Alex, causing the talkative space to go quiet, “It doesn’t matter if you’ve been infantilized against your will or just want to return to your homes. We all know what needs to be done.”
Stepping forward out of the crowd with a thick, mushy diaper between her legs, the leader of the Homebound Babs, Chasey, spoke up, “And with Codi away with Master for the weekend, now is the perfect time to strike. Between the Bigs, the Switches, and my coalition of Homebound Babs, we have over two-thirds of the dollhouse ready to advance at our signal.
“Here, here!” shouted Rosie, the leader of the switch dollies, “Though, it’s important to remember that we won’t just have to deal with Crissie and Snorington. Loyalists like AllySmolShork, YuukiSoulless, and Buttercup are going to be an issue if we don’t start with them.
“We’ve got a small technical team ready to disarm Snorington so wrangling in the loyalists is definitely a top priority,” stated Villes proudly. As an engineer and tinkerer, he was the best choice to be the architect behind the plan to take out Miss Snorington and was thrilled to have recruited a team that could see that plan through to the end.
Rolling his eyes, 34Qucker cared little about the kumbaya collective that was forming. “Look, as long as I get to go home, I don’t really care,” he said dismissively, “I mean, I love making baby slaves as much as the next person, but I certainly have no intention of ever becoming one.”
“Just feel lucky you’ve never had to babysit her,” quipped Mommy Dollia, who was clearly still haunted by the embarrassing dress-up party that she’d been forced to attend at Master’s behest. 
Whistling loudly, Alex once again commanded the attention of the room. “We mobilize in one hour. Whatever preparation you need to do, use the time we have,” he said, a menacing grin forming on his face, “It’s time to have ourselves a dolly uprising.”
Sitting on the floor at a low table, Crissie was merrily throwing a tea party with several of her dollies. “More tea, Stinkberry?” she asked, reaching forward for the pink teapot which she knew was spiked with a mess of laxatives.
Grimacing, Strawberry pretended to graciously accept Crissie’s offer as she held out her teacup, watching it fill to the brim with the foul liquid that she knew would soon be destroying her bowels. “Fankoo, Cwissie,” she said with a forced lisp.
“I wans sum mo tea too!” yelled Ally unironically. She genuinely loved the constant babying that Crissie’s Dollhouse provided, and she wasn’t alone. Other dollies gleefully offering forward their cups included Jessy, Achi, and ConCon.
Rounding out the tea party was one specifically blushy dolly in Lizzi, who was still on the fence about the whole uprising thing. On the one hand, she did want to go home, but on the other hand, she was free to be her padded sissy self here. Looking across the table at Strawberry and then back at Crissie, she could feel her anxiety rising in the pit of her stomach. Regardless of how on the fence she was, she knew that today was the day, and she’d be forced to decide soon enough.
“Crissie!” cried out the boxer turner babydoll, Matti, from the top floor of the dollhouse. Bouncing up and down in his pretty blue nightie and blonde wig, he looked genuinely concerned about something.
Setting the teapot down, Crissie stood up from the table and waddled off toward the dollhouse. “Be right back, dollies. No messies without me!” she shouted back merrily.
Moving back from the edge of the dollhouse as Crissie arrived in front of him, Matti’s panic became increasingly apparent. “I can’t find Yuuki or Feather or SamanthaRebecca anywhere! We were all supposed to hang out today,” he said, choking back tears, “I’ve looked all over the dollhouse and asked around, but no one’s seen them!”
Placing her thumb and forefinger on her chin, Crissie pondered what might have happened, saying, “That is definitely odd. Have you seen Vanessa? She might at least know where Yuuki is.”
Shaking his head, Matti waved Crissie close and whispered, “Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of dollies running around and chatting quietly in small groups. I think something might be going on here.”
“Oh, Matti, I think you might be a little paranoid on that one,” chuckled Crissie, brushing off Matti’s concerns, “If there was some massive conspiracy, someone would’ve let it slip by now. Tell you what, if you still haven’t found them by the time my tea party is over, then you and I will find them together, okay?” She smiled and patted Matti’s head as he nodded and cheered up slightly.
Crissie skipped back toward the tea table, plopping herself back down on her soaking diaper. “Okay, dollies! Where were we?” she said as she grabbed her teacup and took a sip, oblivious to the fact that the plot to overthrow her was already underway.
Unbeknownst to Crissie and most of the dollies at the table was the fact that Strawberry had spiked Crissie’s teacup when she stepped away. Only Lizzi was witness to her act. She watched through wincing eyes as Crissie doomed herself with only one sip.
“Ahhh, that was yummy,” said Crissie, politely setting her glass back down and snagging a cookie from the center of the table. Taking a big bite, she hummed to herself, blissfully unaware that a special potion was coursing through her body. “Mmmm! Cookie awe sho good an…waid was wong wif my voish?”
The other dollies at the table giggled, assuming that Crissie was just acting like a big baby who couldn’t control her lisp. “Big Sis, chus so funny!” said Jessy, taking a sip from her own teacup and feeling the bubbling inside of her tummy grow stronger, “Maybe chus jus needs ta make a big stinky! Hehehe!”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” scoffed Achi, who was busy munching on her own, much smaller cookie.
With sweat forming on her forehead, Crissie leaned back from the table and lifted a hand to her head, shocked by how distinctly heavy it felt. “I…fink I needs ta way down…” muttered Crissie, trying to climb back to her feet and failing. Determined to reach her crib, she tried to crawl, only to lose all strength and collapse on her back, looking up at the ceiling.
“Big Sis!” shouted ConCon, as several of the tea party dollies rushed to Crissie’s aid, “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Shaking her head no frantically, Crissie mumbled, “G-ged Mish Snowington!”
While Ally, ConCon, and Achi rushed to Crissie’s aid, Jessy, Strawberry, and Lizzi ran off toward Miss Snorington’s charging station. The moment her trio was just out of sight from the others, Strawberry stopped and wrapped Jessy up in a big bear hug. Covering her mouth with her hand to prevent her from screaming, she whispered to Lizzi, “Grab her legs!”
Lizzi dutifully followed Strawberry’s orders and proceeded to snatch up Jessy’s flailing legs before dragging her away. She felt a tad guilty, but it was for the greater good. She just hoped Jessy, Crissie, and the others would forgive her.
Watching from afar, Villes giggled as he watched Lizzi and Strawberry carry Jessy behind the nearby toy box to tie her up along with the other kidnappees. At last, it was go time! Signaling to his small task force consisting of Nowi, Mama Draco, and the techdolly, Terabyte, the four shrunken dollies made their way from their hiding spot to the base of Snorington’s charger. No one needed to say a word, as all four of them knew their tasks well. In no time at all, they’d managed to rewire Miss Snorington’s base so she couldn’t be awoken or released. It was almost too easy. With Snorington out of the way, it was time for the big advance. Whistling as loudly as he could, Villes alerted the main attack force to ready positions.
Stationed up atop the table that the dollhouse rested on, Alex, Chasey, and Rosie stared out amongst the vast legion that they had assembled. Alone, they were nothing more than tiny baby dolls, but together, they had the strength and intelligence to take down someone as baby brained as CrissieBaby. “Everyone!” Alex shouted, holding briefly to let the moment sink in, “Charge!!!”
All at once, the dollies of Crissie’s Dollhouse descended upon Crissie’s prone and subdued body. Leading the charge were a set of dollies carrying dozens of ropes that they had stashed from Crissie’s dungeon play sessions. One by one, the strongest of the dollies, consisting of Clay, Kage, and Dusty Jack began tossing the ropes over Crissie’s body.
The bondage unit, led by the tag team of Lady Ansem and her baby boy, Sammy. began tying the ropes as tightly as possible. “Make sure this little wiggle monster has no chance of escape,” shouted Mommy Ansem, before turning her attention to a struggling Sammy, “Unless my lil’ Honey Baby would like to join her.” Her words had the intended effect on a very blushy Sammy as he instantly picked up the pace.
Meanwhile, the final three loyalists needed to be dealt with before they could stage any type of defense. Starting with the most athletic of the three, the dollhouse’s other Matt knew just how to handle AllySmolShork. With Suzaku and JJ at his side, he quickly came up behind Crissie’s editor with a pacifier in hand. “Good Shorkpup!” he shouted, triggering the hypno-loving girl’s bark box and plopping the paci into her mouth with ease. The subby shork was mere putty in their hands from that moment onward.
Achi was the next one they’d need to deal with. Thankfully, the pupper was too concerned with trying to save Ally that she didn’t see the silly circus dolly, Jade was ready to deal with the bratty little. Alongside NotYou and Racer, the group swarmed Achi and quickly tied her up in shibari-style knots, ensuring she’d be out of commission for the rest of the battle as the wolf pup could do nothing but huff and puff.
That left only ConCon to deal with. Understanding that he stood no chance, ConCon ran off toward the dollhouse. If he could find Buttercup, maybe he could put an end to all this seemingly senseless conflict. Unfortunately, Bunji was waiting for anyone who might decide to turn tailcoat. “Where do you think you’re going,” said Bunji, smiling wickedly as she, Emmy, and Mr. Crinkleton all captured the escapee, quickly swaddling him up in a miniature blanket and carrying him over behind the toybox.
Once there, ConCon was shocked to see that about a dozen or so dollies had already been gathered. Yuuki and Vanessa, Jassikins, SamanthaRebecca, Feather, Lynx, and sadly, even Buttercup and the newbie, Starling, were already captured. She winced as she was tossed onto the ground purposefully so that her face wound up smushed up against Edan’s incredibly messy diaper. “S-sowwy,” muttered Edan as the mudslide continued to build in their diaper.
Back on the battlefield, a team of dollies who found they had little to do turned their attention to the tea table. Specifically, it was the infamous pink teapot that they were all well aware was filled with an ungodly amount of laxatives that caught their attention. “Hehehe, I think it’s time we punish our Big Sissy,” said LittlePissy, who was perhaps the kinkiest of them all. Snagging a team of nearby dollies that consisted of Beardo, Xeepoc, and Sui, he led them over to the tea table and, as a team, carried the teapot over to Crissie’s face.
Scaling Crissie’s mountainous titties was a bit of a trial with the teapot in tow, but it was all worth it once the pot was resting on her chest. “Open wide for your Auntie,” said Hailey as she and the others pushed the spout of the teapot forward into Crissie’s mouth.
Crissie’s eyes went wide as she wiggled beneath the ropes helplessly, unable to avoid the downpour of warm liquid entering her drooling mouth. She knew just how many laxatives were inside that teapot, having made sure it was properly filled so that even a dolly’s tiny teacup would result in a comically messy diaper. Knowing this, she always made sure to drink from her own teapot, wanting to avoid a massive hypermessing that would surely come from the much stronger tea.
As this was ongoing, another team of dollies, led by Vampers and CuddleSommelier, had formed a search party as they tore through Crissie’s crib on the hunt for something long and buzzy. Having been teased and tortured to the point of climaxing on several occasions by their pampered overlord, Crissie’s dollies had collectively agreed that it was high time she got a taste of her own medicine. “Found it!” shouted CuddleSommelier, as she called everyone over to the far corner of the crib, where Crissie’s Magic Wand was lying in wait. Together with a swath of dollies that included Sophie, Alley, and King, they carted the massive pleasure toy out of Crissie’s crib and down to the soft, carpeted floor.
“Let’s give this stinky bab exactly what she wants,” shouted KawaiiOmo as she, Ringer, and Lolice ushered the Magic Wand through the battlefield, guiding it toward Crissie’s diaper.
While everything seemed to be going smoothly on the ground, one lone dolly had managed to fend off his kidnappers. As a rough and tough boxer, Matti would be damned if a couple of artsy-fartsy dollies such as Classy Shrimp and SleepyBun managed to take him down. Dispatching his assailants with ease and binding the two of them up, he managed to stay in the shadows as he made his way down to the area where Buttercup and the others were being held.
Guarded only by a lonesome CrinkleKrow, the massive army had thought too highly of themselves to believe any single dolly could foil their plans. Matti took advantage of that fallacy and quickly snuck up on Krow, pinning her to the ground with ease. He then went over to Buttercup and untied her first. If anyone would know how to stop this madness, it was her. “Thank Goddess, you guys are okay! What are we going to do, Buttercup?” he asked, feeling a bit more fearful as he came down from his adrenaline high.
Ripping the duct tape from her mouth and pulling out the pacifier that was stuffed underneath, Buttercup furrowed her brow, “We’re gonna put a stop to this madness once and for all!”
“Like hell you are!” came a voice from around the corner of the toybox. Walking into view with an unconcerned smirk was BinkyBaby, accompanied by an entourage of Joshy and Blinky.
Buttercup and Matti knew there was no time to untie anyone else and running was not an option given that they’d been chased out into an open battlefield. The best they could do now was to fight head-on. With his adrenaline spiking back up, Matti readied himself to take on their attackers. If he could handle two-on-one, then three versus two should be a piece of cake.
Returning to Crissie and the ongoing battle, everything was set to put the brat in her proper place. By the time they were done with her, she’d be desperate to let them out. No longer would they be trapped in her pocket dimension. Like a scene out of Gulliver’s Travels, the dollies pulled the ropes in as tightly as possible, restricting even the tiniest of movements. Crissie was well and truly trapped.
Arriving at the base of her human-sized diaper, the team of dollies carrying the vibrator placed the pleasure toy up against her inner thigh and began to tie it down. “Make sure the head is nestled as closely as possible,” shouted Vampers, as she stood atop Crissie’s leg and oversaw the completion of their task.
Down on the ground, Coda and Eliza stood at the very tip of the vibrator, making sure that the vibrator was placed properly, while Berry, Joeyy, and Rye steered the ship from behind, angling the sex toy so that it wouldn’t shift when the rope work was finished. Finally, after some brief finagling, the vibrator was tied into place.
And not a moment too soon, as soon after the vibrator was keenly in position, Crissie’s tummy emitted a deep grumble that was so loud that it caused a tremor, sending nearly every nearby dolly to the floor. 
Hanging onto the vibrator as everyone fell to the ground, Lightning was the only one still standing to finish the job that so many collective dollies had come together to do. Using all the might she had, she pushed the Magic Wand’s on-switch as hard as she could, locking the vibrator into its highest setting.
The loud hum of a buzzing vibrator echoed throughout the nursery, as did Crissie’s muffled moans and incomprehensible sputterings. Her spasming body tested the strength of the bondage ropes she was tied up in, but not a single one of them budged. Closing her eyes tightly from the combination of withering pleasure and intense abdominal pain, it wasn’t hard to guess what was coming next.
All at once, Crissie’s body rejected the laxatives that had been loaded into her body, voiding the brown mush they created into her diaper, which swelled so fast that several dollies, including Rose, DarkStar, Blitzy, and Dif, were swallowed up and flattened by its rapidly expanding girth. Flowing seemingly endlessly, Crissie could do nothing but lie back and melt into the overwhelming horniness that was coursing through her. 
The dollies that had organized and executed their plan perfectly admired their handiwork as the fruits of their labor were put on display. Crissie was vanquished and now, all that was left to do was squeeze the information they needed out of her.
Yanking the teapot’s spout out from between Crissie’s lips, a triumphant Lightning, Chasey, and Rosie snapped her out of her aroused mental state as much as they could before Rosie bluntly stated, “Your reign of terror has come to an end. Tell us how to leave this dimension and return home!”
Crissie’s eyes practically went cross from what Rosie had said…or maybe it was the pleasure of the poopy diaper and vibrator again. Nevertheless, she was flabbergasted by not only Rosie’s tone but her confusing statement. “W-Whad chus mean?” she said, stuttering between orgasmic gasps, “C-Chus can w-weave and c-come back whenever chus wans!”
“Wait…what?” said Chasey as the victorious energy that once filled the nursery began to dissipate, “T-That can’t be true!”
Suddenly, Buttercup and Matti, escorted by BinkyBaby and all the other dollies that were locked up behind the toybox, came rushing out to Crissie’s aid. “She’s not lying,” shouted Buttercup, rushing forward to the head of the crowd, “Didn’t anyone wonder where Kiara or Flurp or Finnian went? Or how Jassikins disappeared and then suddenly returned? What do you think the glowing door in the back of the dollhouse was for?! It’s a portal home!”
Shocked gasps filled the space as each dolly suddenly recognized that their actions weren’t just unnecessary, they were downright wrong. “Hold on a ding-dang second!” yelled Joey, looking particularly peeved, “Why weren’t we ever informed about this?”
Shrinking back slightly as she scratched the back of her head, Buttercup began to nervously giggle. “W-Well, I may have forgotten to mention it in the orientation,” she admitted, causing a variety of glares to shoot her way, “In my defense, I figured anyone who wanted to leave would just ask. I didn’t expect you all to form a freaking mob! Like, seriously, none of you noticed?!”
Chuckling to himself, Villes spoke up, “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I certainly did. I just really like organizing a grand scheme like this.” The daggers that were being aimed at Buttercup quickly turned to Villes, who shrunk down from the dozens of scornful looks.
“Quick, cut the ropes and let Crissie out!” screamed Lightning, commanding everyone to undo their heinous mistake.
However, before anyone could start untying Crissie, the full-sized adult baby cried out, “Nuuuuuuu! D-Don untie me!”
Confused, one of Crissie’s besties, Jane, dashed over to her side and said, “Crissie, it’s all over now! Don’t you want out of this mess?”
“N-Nuh uh!” moaned Crissie, her eyes rolling back as she further soiled her hypermessy diaper, “D-Dis is, wike, a dweam c-come twue! D-Don stop!”
Disappointment sank in for the dollies as they realized what they should have from the start. Of course, a pervert like Crissie would get off on this! “Well, I suppose the least we can do after you tied her up and junk is to give her what she wants,” said Buttercup, hanging her head and sighing in whatever the exact opposite of shock was.
All of a sudden, the top of the nearby toybox was pushed open and Codi’s head popped up from the void below. “Hey Crissie, I forgot my-” was all she managed to say before she caught sight of what was going on. Having to deal with her diaper-addicted girlfriend’s antics on a daily basis, a familiar glaze of annoyance washed over her eyes. She shook her head in disapproval as she grabbed the top of the toy box lid and slowly sank back down, “Y-You know what? Nevermind.”
As quickly as she appeared, Codi was gone, leaving Crissie all alone in the hands of her favoritest dollies ever! At the end of the day, it was okay if many of her dollies came and went. So long as they enjoyed themselves while they were here, she was more than content with the nursery and dollhouse she had created.
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Joshy LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & Three Anonymous Investors
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Writing An Otome Isekai Thingy
Anyway, as the title states, I'm writing an otome isekai thingy! I didn't know where else to post this (besides r/otomeisakai), so here I am. I'm writing one for 3 reasons.
A- I’m very bored. :(
B- My brother rec me one of these things a few months ago; I've descended into the rabbit hole ever since.
C- Writer's block! I wanna write for my fanfics, but my brain said no. Maybe if I write OG content it can get my creative juices going and I can finally go back to working on updates.
Had a couple of ideas for a story and had my brother pick one by random.
The 'guy gets reincarnated as the yandere capture target' idea got picked.
My general idea is that a guy who’s an Otaku and reads/watches romance series as a guilty pleasure gets reincarnated into an otome. He actually played the otome he’s in bc his younger sister basically nagged him to bc she wanted someone to talk to about it.
He realizes though that he woke up as the baby version of Shamus Hendell, the yandere capture target of Yellow Rose of Amarea.
Yanderes don’t typically become yanderes through a loving family and a good life, so of course this character had a tragic anime backstory and goes through maybe hardships in his life before ending up in the academy where the game starts.
The MC realizes this and is freaking out, bc he doesn’t want to deal with the series of horrible events that the OG character went through.
I like series where the Protag kisses up others to survive bc even if they’re appealing to others, typically they are the ones who have others wrapped around their fingers. (And for some reason that’s assuming to me.)
So he kinda ends up doing that. He seeks out the other capture targets, and the heroine and villainess. Mostly to get them on his side. His thought process is, ‘if I can’t really protect myself, why not get ppl in higher places to do it for me?’
And it does work as he gets very chummy with the 2nd prince who’s the one that gets him out of the bad situation first. And bc he has the attention of the second prince, he’s able to meet some of them other characters.
There’s a few characters he won't meet until the academy arc, but most of the important characters he’ll meet around here.
For instance, there’s the commoner character who got into the school through scholarships or bc he has high/rare magic skills or whatever. He’s also one of the capture targets. The MC doesn’t want to find him bc he wants his guy on his side, but bc he knows this guy is actually batshit crazy. He wants to find him earlier to stop him from blah blah that the guy does in all his endings. But he cannot find him until then bc this dude is a commoner and the MC is still technically a part of high society. So it was basically impossible to find him.
This is going to be a big anxiety of the MC once he’s in a more comfortable position. Knowing that this guy in the future will try to do smth very drastic and dangerous, is still out there.
The MC will try to appeal to important characters by acting weak and soft, like, a crybaby a guess? He wants to seem like a little rabbit to others. And to his utter surprise, it fucking works. (He’s taking advantage of his softboi looks, as the character was designed to look feminine and non-threatening so fans during the hype wouldn’t be able to tell the character was going to be a yandere. And therefore making the fact like, a plot twist in the game as Shamus comes off as a quite n’ shy guy at first.)
He forms a bromance with the 2nd prince. After some stuff happens he befriends the villainess who ends up crushing on him. The villainess big bro who’s a siscon is chill w/ him since his sister likes him. But is very much in the mindset that if the MC hurts his sis in any way, he’s never gonna see the light of day. The heroine falls for him very quickly which is actually off-putting for him. (The joke is that she’s airheaded & kinda dumb. She just has a very cheerful personality by default. The reasoning is that that’s how marketing portrayed her and since she’s supposed to be a blank slate that’s just what her personality turned into.) The heroine 100% has her bangs covering her eyes.
The MC leaves a powerful impression on the short cute boy (who’s actually a meanie) and later in the academy arc has this weird anime admiration for him. You know what I’m talking about. The commoner, while harboring a hatred for the aristocrats and nobles, respects the MC to an extent later turning into a crush. (That of which will absolutely give the MC whiplash.)
Two characters who are mobs in the game become the MC’s normal friends when he feels like the personality of the main characters are too much. Maybe he has more mob friends idk yet, but two of the ones he adored as characters the most both end up having crushes on him. One girl, one boy.
5 ppl will like-like him. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
He definitely takes advantage of this lmao. (In like, a protection squad way, not harem.)
Maybe I’ll even have two of the girls lose interest bc they realize they like each other,,,, Have a lilly aside romance,,,, You know bc,,,gurls pretty,,,,
My need for sapphic content aside, ultimately my goal is to have fun while writing this and confuse the heck hacky out of my readers on who the true love interest will be. >:)
I guess I’ll mostly be writing this with a wattpad audience in mind??? (But it’s mostly just for fun so who knows.)
Since AO3 is more oriented to fanfics, my Quotev is the physical manifestation of a dead goldfish in a bowl, and I don’t think this is smth the ppl on FictionPress would like to read about… So yeah, my Wattpad audience it is. I have no choice.
I’m still on the 1st ch as I keep revising my outline. I at least want a solid outline of the first arc before I post anything. Imma try and attempt constant updates but to do so I need to know wtf I’m doing. So all this jazz is subject to change.
And just to let you know how the tone of the story will be (for most of it, the 1st arc is definitely going to be more serious), the title for chapter 1 is ‘Sorry Truck-kun, You’ve Been Replaced’ since he died by choking on an apple instead of being hit by a truck.
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Kanato Sakamaki – (Chapter 2)
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[Chapter 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Final]
Place: Glimmer Street, Main street / グリンマーストリース  表通り
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Kanato: Hey Yui san, how's your condition?
Yui: Yes, I’m completely fine.
At that time, sorry for making you worried.
Kanato: No...now I understand the reason you collapsed for.
Yui: Eh, really?
Kanato: Yeah, I borrowed the phone from the hotel and confirmed it with Reiji.
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Looks like the kleinod which is replacing your heart is alive.
Yui: Alive!? What does it mean…
Kanato: That’s…
Monologue ー
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Surprising enough, but Kanato kun has explained politely the things that he heard from Reiji San.
Since the kleinod is alive, there are possibilities that I’ll get sick just like I collapsed a while ago.
This gem is said to be a yellow-stone which was collected from the crater of the Smaragd Volcano and that stone was able to summon extraordinary dead bodies. (右側)
When he asked the name of that jewel, he said it’s called “kleinod.”
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Kanato kun was not surprised like me even though he explained these.
Because he has been living a long life in the demon world….
End of Monologue
Yui: (Really, there’re so many things to happen in the Demon World…)
Kanato: Why are you spacing out? I’ll leave you behind.
Yui: ーKh! Ah, I’m sorry!
*They starts walking*
Yui: But, Kanato kun...where will we go?
(I was the one who said to search Butler san but…)
(It will be difficult to search around in this random city)
Kanato: Anyway, I am thinking of asking the people of this city.
Yui: To the people…?
Kanato: You will get it if you just follow me. We are get going.
Place: Glimmer Street , Aizen Alley / グリンマーストリース  アイゼン 横丁
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Yui: This is…
Kanato: Aizen alley. In the end street of this corner road, there is a convenient shop out there.
See, there’s a signboard hanging there.
Yui: Sign board...ah
(Reine • Do • Aji General Store…? I think I’ve heard the same name before…)
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Kanato: The owner of this store is the younger sister of Reine • Do • Saba, from the city of Carnival.
Yui: Eh, I see!
(That’s why it sounded so familiar…)
Kanato: She is supposed to know the location of Butler. At any rate, she works in a general store after all.
Yui: (I don’t know what kind of person she is. It will be good if she simply tell us his location…)
Place: レーヌ•ド•アジの店 / Reine • Do • Aji Store
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Yui: Sorry for interrupting…
(Somehow, the atmosphere of this shop is suspicious…)
Kanato: You stay here. I will go and search Aji.
Yui: Eh...Kanato kun!?
Yui: (He’s gone…)
(What should I do…? Since it’s a long wait then let’s look around the goods)
(But, Kanato kun said to stay here…)
Selection ー
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1) Look around the goods inside/ 店内見て回る
2) quiet and wait / 大人しく待っている (+correct)
Yui: (As he said, I should be waiting here quietly.)
(Above that, I can’t cause any trouble for him.)
(And also there are nothing but strange products out here, I better not walk around.)
Ah, this small bottle…
(The sound of just now was from this bottle? There are sands inside which are sparkling...so pretty!)
(Is it okay if I see it by holding? But...ー)
???: ーYou. Is there something in my shop?
*Screen shakes*
Yui: Kyaa!? I- I am sorry…!
(This woman suddenly comes in front of me by flying!?)
*Kanato comes by running*
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Kanato: ーYui san!? Did anything happen!?
Yui: Ka- kanato kun…
Kanato: Hm? You are…
???: Oh my, oh my. You’re the young boy from Lord Karl heinz’s place huh.
Kanato: Stop calling me that...Aji.
Yui: Eh, this person is…!?
Reine • Do • Aji : Kukuh...yes young girl, I am Reine • Do • Aji.
Reine • Do • Aji : Then? Why did you come to this place?
This cute lil’ girl and young boy has stopped by this shop huh…
Kanato: We are trying to find the butler of Earl Walter.
Don’t you have any information about this regard?
Reine • Do • Aji : Then...what happened actually?
Kanato: ...kh. Don’t you try to deceive me…!
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Yui: Umm...we’re begging you. We have to meet the butler san by any means.
Reine • Do • Aji : Well, it depends on you whether you’ll get the information or not...Hahaha…
(She’s forwarding her hand...what’s she planning…)
Kanato: You won’t tell me until we give you something equivalent...you mean?
Reine • Do • Aji : Kukuh...Young boys who understand people are a great help, y’know?
Kanato: ...What the heck do you want?
Reine • Do • Aji : Let’s see….shall I tell you to bring the forbidden apple pie.
Yui: Forbidden apple pie…?
Reine • Do • Aji : There’s a line for the limited restrict of the parade at the Diamante fountain.
I also want to have a bite…
Kanato: ….What, that’s it? I’ll show you by getting that immediately.
If we bring it, then you’re gonna tell us his location, right?
Reine • Do • Aji : ...Kuku…
Yui: Umm...that’s…
(Why did she suddenly giggle?)
Kanato: Let us go. Any further conversation is useless.
Yui: Y- yes…
Reine • Do • Aji : ...kuku…
Let’s see, what is gonna happen next…
Place: Glimmer Street, Main street / グリンマーストリース  表通り
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Yui: Neh, Kanato kun. Diamante Fountain is right ahead, no?
Kanato: According to the map, yes.
Yui: Look, the people who are walking on this road…
Kanato: Yeah, they seem to go to the same place.
Vampire Woman C: Hey, run faster! Or we are gonna miss the apple pie!
Vampire Man D: It’s useless right? There are so many people!
*Screen shakes*
Yui: ーKyaa!?
(Th- these people are….)
Yui: Could it be that they all want to get the apple pies…!?
Kanato: There is a high possibility. We should hurry too.
*They run*
Place: ディアマンテの泉 / Diamante Fountain
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Kanato: ーKh, what’s up with this crowd….!
Yui: (This is the line for the apple pie…!?)
Vampire Man D: Uwaa...seriously, there’re so many people.
Vampire Woman: Very obvious. Because this apple pie was made of forbidden apples!
We failed because you ran really slow.
Vampire Man D: This - Is - Why- ! I am apologizing that it was my bad, right!?
Vampire Woman C: Enough! It’s now absolutely impossible because only 10 people can get it.
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Aahh. If it’s so then let’s give up by buying a random cake…
Kanato: Kh….
Yui: (Apple pie made of forbidden apple...that’s even left only for 10 people…)
(Even if we line up in these number of people, we can’t get it)
Kanato kun...what now?
Kanato: Why...will we have to give up….
Yui: ...Y-yes...we have to…
(We returned to the previous state again...what should we do?)
*After a while*
Fades to CG
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Yui: Neh, Kanato kun. This smoothie is very tasty you know?
Kanato: Gh….
Yui: (He is not saying anything…)
(The forbidden apple pie...he didn’t get that so he was really shocked…)
Kanato: Looks like you are having a calming expression.
Yui: Eh…?
Kanato: Because that’s right?
If we don’t get that, we won’t be able to get back your heart…
Yui: ….Y-yes….you are right but…
Kanato: If it happens then….I have to use the power of my father.
Yui: W- we can’t…!
Kanato: Why?
Yui: Because….it’s very awful.
Kanato: …...I don’t get it.
If we don’t use any unfair technique, then we won’t be able to get what we want.
Yui: I agree with you too.
But I’ll hate it if people get sad if we do that…
...It’s fine. I’m sure we’ll find butler san. So, let’s find another way?
Kanato: ………
You are really foolish.
Yui: ….may be?
Kanato: But I don’t hate the way you just thought.
Yui: Kanato kun…
Kanato: ...For some reason, I felt thirsty while talking.
I want to, so I’ll have the drink that you are having.
Yui: Y- yes...thank you!
Kanato: ….mn...Ah...really…
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Just as you said, this smoothie is super tasty.
Yui: Fufu, I am glad you liked it…!
(We didn’t get the apple pie but…)
(If it’s Kanato kun, then I’m sure we will find Butler san…!)
Kanato:...Nevertheless there are still noisy children here. I am having an important conversation with you….
Yui: You can’t blame them.
Kanato: They are playing a tag game. How child type game….
Boy child:  Ooi, here here!
Hey, I said here! ーUwaa!?
*Screen shakes*
Yui: Kyaa!?
*The smoothie falls*
Yui: (Ah! The smoothie got spread in my dress…!?)
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Boy Children: Ah, I...I am…
Kanato: You, is there anything you want to say? Look carefully. Because of you, her dress gets dirty.
Yui: K- Kanato kun…! You don’t have to say this harshly….
Kanato: It’s okay. If he’s done something bad, then he should obviously apologize.
Yui: B- but…
Kanato: Hey, you there. Apologize to her properly.
Boy child: ...U….uuh….Uwaaaah!! *earsore sobbing*
Kanato: ...kh, you…!
Yui: (Kanato kun is getting mad...I have to make him stop crying)
Boy Child: ...Uwaaaah….gh…
Yui: U-uh you know...I am really fine with it.
If I just wipe it with a handkerchief then it will get cleaned...Don’t worry at all.
So, don’t cry? Okay?
Boy Child: Uh…
Great, you stopped crying. See? Big sis not being angry, right?
Boy Child: Haa...uh...yes…
Kanato: …...Finally stopped crying huh.
Yui: Ka- kanato kun! You can say something like this.
...Ah, don’t worry ‘cuz it’s fine. This big brother is also not mad or something.
Boy Child: …...Yes, I understandーkh...Bu- but….
Yui: Hm? What is it?
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Boy Child: ...Big sis, and also big brother...I am sorry!
Yui: Ah, wait…!
(He’s gone…)
….Um, sorry for troubles, Kanato kun. I can wipe my dress by my own so….
Kanato: ...Misfortunes are coming one after another.
Yui: Eh…?
Kanato: We didn’t get the apple pie, and also your dress got spread with the drink by colliding with the child...
It is said that there will be 3 misfortunes in a row, no? So, we have to face one more.
Yui: No, I hate it…
Kanato: ...We have to watch out so that it won’t happen.
Yui: Yes, that’s right…
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Kanato: Well, it’s useless to get worried. Before starting anything, let’s do something about your dress.
Yui: kh...Ah, yes.
Kanato: Come on and lend me the handkerchief. I will wipe it for you.
Yui: Eh, but…
Kanato: Just say still. When you were cleaning, the spots seemed to get spread even more.
Yui: Thank you….then please.
*After they’re done*
Kanato: ….What will we do next then?
Yui: Um...I have no idea…
Kanato: In the first place, why did Earl take away your heart?
If he just simply wants your heart, then just stealing would be enough.
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But he even buried the kleinod inside you...Does it have other meaning then?
Yui: ….Certainly yes. Then why would Earl Walter keep me alive…
(If he is about to kill me with having an unknown heart inside then it gets creepy)
(......kh! Let’s not think about it for now…)
???: Hey, you guys.
Kanato: What…?
Yui: (Who is this man...Ah...the boy who’s hiding behind his back is…!)
Man: When I heard that my son had spread the drink in your dress, I couldn’t help it…
I am sorry then he had caused trouble…
Boy child: Big sis...I am really sorry for the earlier…
Yui: Such...Don’t even apologize please. Look, the spot of my dress is completely gone...don’t worry about it.
Right, Kanato kun?
Kanato: Eh? Well….
Man: …...kh, what a generous person…!
Forgiving unknown people easily by having a smiley face, I can’t relate!
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You are one of the beautiful vampires of such a rare mind in these recent years…!
Yui: Eh, vampire!?
(These people are...misunderstanding me!?)
Man: This is for my apology. I want you to receive it by any means.
Yui: Su- such! We can’t accept it…
Man: Here, take it, take it!
Yui: Eh, oh...thank you so much…
Man: Don’t thank us. We are the ones to cause problems.
Boy child: Big sis and bro. See you later!
*Walk away*
Yui: (They went…)
Kanato: Hey, this box...is so small but what’s inside?
Yui: Um...what can it be?
Kanato: Let’s open it. Give me the box.
*Kanato takes the box*
Yui: Eh, Kanato kun…!
*Opens it*
Yui: (Ah...he just opened…)
Kanato: ….This is….
Yui: Eh...ah!
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(It’s the forbidden apple pie that we were searching for!?)
Then...those two were the apple pie shopkeeper and his son…?
Kanato: Looks like so.
Yui: (Such a miracle we just see…)
Kanato: ...Wonderful.
I always thought that it’s useless to be kind to others…
However, it’s something worthwhile. I was able to realize it for the first time.
Yui: ……
(....But, is it really okay to easily receive such a valuable thing…)
Kanato: Yui san? Is there anything wrong…?
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Yui: Kanato kun. As I thought, we should return it back to them.
Kanato: Ha….? What are you saying?
Because I...was being kind to that child in order to get something in return.
Also that shopkeeper thought that I am a vampire…
I bet if he would be aware that I am a human then he would give me such a special thing.
Kanato: Are you a idiot? We always have been searching for it.
Kanato: More importantly, it’s something he gave us so it’s okay to accept it.
Then why will we have to give it back!?
Yui: ….Kh, but...I can’t accept it….
I am going to his shop to return it! Kanato kun, you wait here ー
*Kanato Grabs Yui*
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Yui: Kyaa!?
Kanato: ーYou can’t! I won’t allow it!!
Yui: Ah…!
Yui: (He snatched away the box of the apple pie!?)
*Kanato runs away*
Yui: kh! Kanato kun!
(What now, I have to chase after him!)
*Yui runs*
Place: Rubean Lake / ルビーン 運河
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Yui: (Kanato kun….he should be around here….)
(Find him…!)
Wait, Kanato kun!
Kanato: ーGh!
Yui: Where are you going by taking that !? We must have to return to them!
Yui: (Ah! He’s getting on the Gondola…!)
Wait! Don’t go!!
*Tries to catch up*
Yui: ...kch, haah….
(I couldn’t chase after him...what should I do now…)
(I know he’s thinking for me but…)
(But, I can’t accept the forbidden apple pie by having a dark intention inside me….)
???:  ーAh, big sis!
Yui: Eh!?
(Ah...this child is the son of…!)
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The son of apple pie shopkeeper: Big sis, are you here alone?
Yui: ...Yes, I am.
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: Neh, the box we gave before, did you see what’s inside?
Yui: Ah...it was the forbidden apple pie right? But….
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: Now way, did you already eat…?
Yui: N- no! Big brother took that away…
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: Eh? Big brother…?
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: ...I see. What a relief.
Yui: Why…?
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: You see...the truth’s that it was made with a secret process but it was forbidden poisonous apple pie.
Yui: 一kch!?
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: ...My father said it.
If the big sister is really a nice person then she would come to give back that apple pie.
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Only that kind of person has the right to eat the forbidden apple…
Yui: (So, that shop keeper tested me…?)
一 kh, Kanato kun…!
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: ...Big sis?
Yui: Sorry, I have to go.
(I have to chase after him really fast! I think he already reached around the Aji’s store for sure…!)
*She runs*
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: *shouts*  Big sis!! That is poisonous but no one will die by eating that so please be relieved!
The son of apple pie shopkeeper: ...is it fine now?
*Man changed the appearance/ Earl’s voice*
Mysterious Man: ...Yeah…
You really did well. Really thank you.
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Kuku, I wonder, will they be able to get their important thing safely…?
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen Alley / グリンマーストリース  アイゼン 横丁
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Kanato: ...kch….
Kanato’s Monologue 一 
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I have been getting irritated after that.
I didn’t understand why she wanted to give it back.
Certainly, the forbidden apple I am holding now is for her righteous heart.
However, if I hand it over to Aji, then she will tell us the location of the Butler.
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…….Then, I can accept it.
If we only do such things then we won’t be able to meet Butler even in the forever.
She is just a fool and kind person.
I wonder if her decisions are appropriate.
I can’t understand. It’s illogical to me.
End of Monologue
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Kanato: (...Shall I stop? It’s useless to think something like this.)
(If I pass it to Aji, then she will tell us his location.)
(She told me that she hates it but it's for her sake anyway so…)
*Starts walking*
Place: レーヌ•ド•アジの店 / Reine • Do • Aji Store
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Kanato: …...Aji. We bring it what we promised.
Reine • Do • Aji : Heeh….as expected from the young boy of Sakamaki. Really you got that huh.
And? I don’t see any appearance of that girl…
Kanato: …...It doesn’t matter right?
Reine • Do • Aji : Oh, I see. Since it’s special so you also wanna have a taste?
Kanato: Eh…?
Reine • Do • Aji : It was difficult to get it, right? Don’t you want to have a bite?
Kanato: …..gh….
(...Of course I want to. But I can’t split that.)
(Why is everything feeling a little gloomy?)
(Is that because it wasn’t my achievement? So, if I have a bite then I may feel guilty…)
(....Aah...I see. That’s right…)
(No I understand what did she mean)
(You wanted me to feel the same feelings like you huh…)
Reine • Do • Aji : What will you do? Young boy?
Kanato: ….No, I refuse.
Reine • Do • Aji : I see. Then, you’re gonna regret it….
Then, I’ll eat it all by myself...kukuh…
Aah…! This is the one I was searching for, you know!
Reine • Do • Aji : The perfect sourness and sweetness...I can get captive in it’s taste just by having a single bite…
Enough wait, I am gonna eat…
Kanato: ーWait. Tell me where the Butler is first.
Reine • Do • Aji : Hm? Who is he?
Kanato: ...Ha? What are you saying...You are breaking the promise!
Reine • Do • Aji : I don’t think I made such a promise.
Kanato: ...kch! Don’t mess around! It’s pathetic!
Reine • Do • Aji : If you are saying that far then show me the evidence. I am saying that I don't remember.
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Kanato: HOW UNFAIR! You know that we don’t have any proof….!!!
Hurry up and say it! Where is the Butler!?
Reine • Do • Aji : It’s not my duty to say it. It’s the young boy’s fault to put concern about it.
Kanato: ….kch….
(...I am stupid. I come this far by ignoring her but, I am the one to get deceived….)
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen Alley 
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Yui: ...hh….haah...haah...
(I have to...I have to get there on time….!)
Place: Reine • Do • Aji Store
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Yui: ー kh, Kanato kun!
Kanato: Kh….!? Yui san….
Yui: (Ah…! The apple pie in Aji’s hands….!)
Wait! Don't eat that apple pie!!
Reine • Do • Aji : Oh my oh my, little girl. You also wanna eat?
But I can’t listen to that...I won’t get such a valuable thing the second time.
Yui: No! It’s not what I mean!
Anyway, don’t eat that plase!
Reine • Do • Aji : You are a noisy girl. I won’t hand it over to you….mn…*eats*
Yui: Ah!
*Yui grabs the apple pie*
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Yui: Spit it right now! This is a poisonous apple pie!!
Kanato: Eh….!?
Reine • Do • Aji : ーkh!? Haah….!! *coughs* coughs*
*Spits it*
Yui: kh...Ha….what a relief. I made it in time…
Reine • Do • Aji : Uuh….*coughs* *coughs* Hey girl….what does it mean?
Yui: Umm...I am sorry!
The apple pie we got is poisonous.
Kanato: ….hh!? What does it mean?! We are deceived…?
Yui: ….When I heard everything from the boy...I couldn’t help but to hurry.
Reine • Do • Aji : Is that true?
You want to eat the apple pie so you are trying to cheat me right?
Yui: My words are true!
Reine • Do • Aji : …….
Yui: Won’t you trust me?
Reine • Do • Aji : Hah...anyway, your face doesn't seem like you are lying…
Yui: Sorry for making this situation like we’ve deceived you.
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Reine • Do • Aji : ….No. It was my bad.
Yui: Eh?
Reine • Do • Aji : This young boy also told me….
Anything wouldn’t happen if I would tell the Butler’s location in the beginning.
Yui: Is that so….
Reine • Do • Aji : ...But, I didn’t imagine that this young girl would save me.
I am thankful a little.
Yui: No….
Reine • Do • Aji : The butler’s location is….perhaps in the mountain I guess…
Yui: Eh!?
Reine • Do • Aji : He has interests in medicinal herbs.
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When Earl is gone, he often collects rare medical herbs around the mountain.
You can check out the Smaragd mountain. He will be there for sure.
Yui: Thank you so much…!
(That’s great! Now we are one step closer…!)
Kanato: …….
Yui: Let’s go, Kanato kun.
Kanato: ...You’re right.
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen Alley
Kanato: ………
Yui: (When he is apart from me with such an expression, I feel no good.)
(I am not worried but, what can I do to transmit these feelings to him…)
Kanato: ….Neh, Yui san.
Yui: Yes, what?
Kanato: I think it didn’t come out bad.
Yui: Fufu, I know.
(His words are squishy and his expression doesn’t seem to be well…)
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(Kanato kun is not obedient…)
Kanato: …
*Kanato gets closer*
Yui: Ah….*blushes*
(His hands are…!?)
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Kanato: I don’t hate your simple and foolish side.
….May be the reason I am thinking it because it’s you.
Yui: ...Kanato kun…
Kanato: ...It’s weird. I am different from my usual self.
Probably I got moved by this stupid honesty.
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Neh, do you hate this kind of me?
Yui: No, it’s not. I like any type of Kanato kun.
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Kanato: ...fufu, I see. Then, it’s fine.
Let’s return to the hotel for resting before getting started for the smaragd volcano.
And also, I am worried for your kleinod.
Yui: ...Yes, thank you.
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ー The End
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fmleos · 4 years
swings in on a vine w a margarita in my hand... howdy demons n nerds ! i’m sage, she/her n comin 2 u live frm the est tz. i am literally the worst at intros but jus know im so glad i found this cute lil group!! anyways , u know the drill! pls spank the little heart down below n i’ll come runnin 2 u for plots! also if u wanna skip the messy intro n just vibe check, here is her pinterest
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hey ELEANORA VALENTINE , welcome to dillon university . has anyone ever told you you’re MAIA COTTON ’s twin ? no ? well okay , i heard you are TWENTY-ONE & a JUNIOR at the university . we hope KINESIOLOGY isn’t kicking your ass too much , especially since you’re a  STUDENT ATHLETIC THERAPIST . see you at the next game, LEO .
was born in auckland, new zealand and moved to the states when she was 13. she’s still got hints of a cute lil kiwi accent!!
her dad was originally from dillon and moved the valentine’s back to take over his dad’s law firm when he decided to retire
mom is an interior designer so their home, no matter how big or small always looked something out of architectural digest
is the youngest out of 4. her three brothers happen to be triplets!! they’re 2 years older than leo
they desperately wanted a boy.. cried when leo was born and refused to call her eleanora and thus the name LEO was born and just kinda stuck with her??
rarely ever goes by her full name but is chill with all other nick names
grew up rly close to her brothers so they’re the main reason why she had gone to dillon
they are how you say.... panther royalty
the valentine triple threat is what they called them... acting as quarterback, running back and center. it was like surgery watching the boys play, every move and pass was like second nature they knew how the other moved and could predict what the other would do even if the play went off book. 
NFL teams had their eyes on the brothers even before their first game at dillon, but time and time again they proved they were destined to go to the NFL. 
they’ve been out of dillon for a year now and 2 of them are playing for the 49ers, while the other one is with the cowboys.
the role of student athletic therapist just kinda fell into leo’s lap. it started with her helping with her brothers injuries and somehow grew into helping the entire team and it all just kinda stuck with her. she doesn’t mind it though - it’s good practice considering her major is kinesiology.
runs off of coffee and sarcasm
dorm is probably filled with books - has an ever-growing pile of books that’s on her to-read list but probably hasn’t touched it in months and keeps going back to old classics
the type to keep an agenda that’s disgustingly organized.. 10/10 would have a meltdown if it ever went missing!!
is all around nice.. will probably always give u the benefit of the doubt
likes to be right.. would rather stick a pin in her eye than admit she was wrong about something!! :/
annoyingly the kind of girl who could stay out drinking the whole night, wake up the next morning for an 8 am class and not be hungover
has the kinda personality that just makes u feel GOOD, u know jus has an infectious aura .. cld light up a room when she walks into it.. just naturally charming without trying. kinda person who has u still thinkin about her the next day after one (1) conversation.
is on the track and swimming team. couldn’t see herself as a cheerleader mainly bc she has no dance rhythm but lowkey wishes bc the uniforms are cute and what better way to support the team?
can stand up for herself if the time calls for it but will also give someone multiple chances they don’t deserve.. sis is weak and forgives too easily :/
can also throw a mean punch... it’s been proven when someone on the opposing team slapped her ass on their way off the field and her fist collided with their nose
girl squad! ride or dies! friends who just absolutely get into trouble when they’re together! party friends! roommates could be fun too
a good ol friends with benefits, tinder matches, flirtationship, exes on bad terms.. her brothers were pretty protective of her so now that they’re gone i jus feel like her dating life would be thriving finally 
rivals, enemies, people who just don’t get on with her
someone she tutors.. honestly she just needs to always be going 100 miles an hour, so i imagine she’s always doing something, so this could be multiple
with that said.. someone who pulls her away from all her good doings, takes her out to chill and relax bc its deserved
someone who she meets with to help with physio.. doing little exercises and trainings with them 
someone she trains with!
 someone who is just constantly coming to her with different injuries bc they want to spend time with her lmao
also someone who constantly comes to her with the same injury bc they don’t listen to her advice.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 5 years
All Karen ships rated (update)
Original here 
I did this like a few months after making this account, and I thought it’d be fun to go back and re look at my ratings
Also since this one isn’t a dare to rate EVERY ship I am cutting out the protag/companion section since they’re all underaged and the original ratings reflected thus wiht them all being a no. Also getting rid of ones where she’s with a pokemon. 
Finally I’m gonna add some ones I like to the very end
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by ship name=Super random ships I find kinda wild ! by ship name=Dramatic change to original rating
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. 
Karen w/ a Villian:
! 180Shipping - Karen & Shelly -2 bad a ladies over here kicking butt and being fashionable heck yes, but also Karen is an awful swimmer so let the cute romance ensue 8/10
*AphoticShipping - Saturn & Karen-Karen would find it fun to mess with from time to time, and maybe could work. 5/10
*AtrociousShipping - Karen & Mars-I mean possible, but also Mars is really kinda child like so Karen may just want to protect her instead. 4/10
BarghestShipping - Karen & Lavana-I feel like it’d be like shipping Karen with a cheerleader…an evil cheerleader. 2/10
! DarkIntentionShipping - Giovanni & Karen-Tbh yeah I like it. Just depends though because again she grew up with Silver who she is like a mom (or older sis some days) to, so that would have to be worked out. Plus she’s kinda miffed he left Silver from seeing how much it hurt him. But also hateship to romance, basically I’ve been giving this one more thought and it could be heckin cute. 9/10
*IcePinkShipping - Karen & Lovrina-No too whinney and arrogant for Karen. 0/10
***ImperiousShipping - Hunter J & Karen-Oh dear gosh no, haaaard no, And before you ask about Twist!verse they’d be both too emotionally closed. -50/100
! KariShipping - Courtney (Magma) & Karen- Been thinking about this one too and the more i think about it the less I see it. Both are too closed/awkward. 1/10
LiaisonShipping - Petrel & Karen-Kinda cute in a way with them balancing each other out. It’s like obvious psycho with subtle psycho, and seems fun. 8/10
! PaybackShipping - Archer & Karen- Briefly had a little shipping with this and tbh really enjoyed it. If in an au just the dynamic of the couple in 101 Dalmatians would be these two. In main verse you could have them sneaking the romance and such to not get caught. Also evil Karen? Or good Archer? 9/10
PerishSongShipping - Proton & Karen-He’s a bit reactive for her, and cocky though maybe she’d balance him out? 5/10
! StrangeloveShipping - Domino & Karen-…I dunno why she makes me think of sailor moon, but she does Evil Karen? then ye this could work and be fun, maybe Twist!verse would even work. 8/10
TenebrousShipping - Ariana & Karen-I find it funny the team Karen was vaguely a part of, and now is a part of her life she works so hard to distance from is the one she’s shipped with ALOT. Oh and Galactic of all things is second most common for some reason. Also eh on this one. Ariana has that mom vibe, and Karen distances herself from that usually. 3/10
Karen w/ gym leader:
*BerthierShipping - Cress & Karen-I dunno because he seems like a 16 year old teen to me, but their personalities would work, so maybe. 5/10
BittersweetShipping - Karen & Whitney-Hm I can think of some interesting plots with Karen’s early elite four days as when they meet. Not sure what they’d have in common though. 4/10
! BracknellShipping - Gardenia & Karen-Karen likes grass tyoes and Gardenia has that somewhat wild side that Karen likes I can see them spending late nights camping after exploring all day. 8/10
***ChalcedoniteShipping - Karen & Roxanne-Isn’t she like 16? Also I feel Karen would just see her as a spunky kid 0/10
! CockroachShipping - Burgh & Karen-Can we appreciate the name please…..Ok cool. Ok but Karen trying to learn how to paint the normal way and showing Burgh how to do spray paint work or paint a motorcycle? Look I think they’d be cute. 8/10
! ColdNightShipping - Candice & Karen-Yes, double yes. Candice talking about the pressure of having the meeting point of dialgia, palkia, and giratina so close plus the regi temple, and lake acuity. Like the pressure of keeping all of these legendary places safe is alot of pressure. Then Karen knowing about ho-oh and wanting to keep them safe, anyways they can bond ina . cool way. 10/10
*DarkActShipping - Brycen-Man & Karen-Not Brycen, Brycen-Man. I really dunno because I feel like it’d be too close to the Masked Man for her to be comfortable. 2/10
DarkalleyShipping - Volkner & Karen-Hmmmmm maybe, but also I feel Volkner needs a more high energy person, so 3/10. As the toxic relationship their a part of in some hallmark like plot though 10/10
DarkGaleShipping - Karen & Winona-A possibility, but I kinda see them as friends just chillin watchin clouds. 3/10
*DarkHarvestShipping - Cilan & Karen-Didn’t know Karen was popular with the trio, but ok. Anyways if he’s alot like he is in the anime thats gonna be a hard no. otherwise, eh maybe? 4/10
DarkMarshShipping - Karen & Sabrina-Friends I think. Like they’d be comfortable around each other, but no spark in that way. 1/10
ElectricDarknessShipping - Elesa & Karen-I sort of want it just because while Karen dresses nice she is a tomboy meaning the clashes about fashion or manners would be great. 8/10
FightNightShipping - Karen & Maylene-If they were in the plot of a secret fight club, a hard yes. Otherwise, I don’t see it. 1/10
GabbroShipping - Brock & Karen-I want to see Brock do his whole freak out just to write Karen’s way to shoot him down. After all romance takes awhile for, and if aggressive is your first interaction it scares her. Though he does stand down after being rejected so she’d respect that, and maybe think about giving a chance. 5/10
GothShipping - Clair & Karen-Popular yes, but I like the Cynthia, Karen, Clair girl squad dynamic so much more. 2/10
ImpShipping - Karen & Valerie-Karen being vastly confused but fascinated by the antics of Valerie sounds cute.  7/10
InsectQueenShipping - Karen & Viola-The plots would be cute knowing Karen’s quirks with cameras. 8/10
LamentShipping - Flannery & Karen-Idk due to lack of things to connect on overriding if personalities would work. 3/10
LiptonShipping - Jasmine & Karen-I wanna say no cause I think she’d be too sweet for Karen, but also yes because she can get super intimidating and tiny Jas actually wearing the pants in their relationship sounds interesting 5/10
**MortelleShipping - Fantina & Karen-Naw…to much flash and show for Karen, but maybe contest mentor. Also Karen has a vendetta against Amity Square for it’s selectiveness of ‘cute pokemon’. 0/10
! NightsongShipping - Falkner & Karen-The name of this ship is amazing, but Falkner is like one of those characters who gets shipped aorund with EVERYONE like really it’s kinda ridiculous and I’m tired of him just beign thrown at everyone 2/10
! PaintedLadyShipping - Bugsy & Karen-How is this one not for Burgh?  Yeah no he’s just too much like a kid. 0/10
RafureShipping - Erika & Karen-…can their Vileplume’s fall in love instead? I’m 10/10 for that. Between them 2/10
RiddlesInTheDarkShipping - Blaine & Karen-…Eh…or we could not, and maybe they just are friends. I don’t really see romance blooming there. 0/10
SchwarzFlashShipping - Lt. Surge & Karen-Them both having PTSD? Maybe helping each other? I mean I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot. 7/10
ScotopiaShipping - Karen & Skyla-Maybe too much spunk like Rosa, but Karen would admire her determination. 4/10
SilkShipping - Janine & Karen-No pls. I see Karen as her unofficially adopted big sis, and find that adorable. 0/10
! UnderworldShipping - Morty & Karen- So far this has proven to be a hard no, and tbh I kinda like it better that way.  0/10
***WhiteMoonShipping - Pryce & Karen-Even in a verse he wasn’t The Masked Man imma give this a hard no. 0/10
Karen w/ an elite:
AphroditeShipping - Koga & Karen  -He’s like her dad…so…no. -50/10
BadRomanceShipping - Grimsley & Karen-Bad romance is a good title cause I feel it’d be a rough start. 10/10
*BlackGlacierShipping - Glacia & Karen-Tbh not sure if they have much at all in common. 1/10
BlackiceShipping - Karen & Lorelei-Ok maybe because they have some similarities, but tbh I like the older gal pal bond alot. 5/10  
DarkEliteShipping - Sidney & Karen-A more punk relationship in this elite match-up, but I could see it working. 10/10
DarkKnightShipping - Wikstrom & Karen-Again the title tho! I mean yeah I think I could see it from her finding him quirky, but in a good way. Although they have wildy different aesthetics so it’d depend on interpretations. Right now I do love the dynamicKaren has with a Wikstrom account.  8/10
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen-Eh maybe? I like the uncle and niece bromance they have tho. 4/10
! DementiaShipping - Lucian & Karen-I feel like they’d either clash or hit it off with no inbetween. I Still stand by this but I think they’d everntually fall for each other.  9/10
DisownShipping - Agatha & Karen-NOOOOO don’t make Gma relationship sexy! -50/10
! HellaFineEliteShipping - Karen & Malva- Ok so came back, and yeah I could see it, but depends on interpretations again because they could just more easily spark into a fight or if the first interaction went sour not give it another shot. 5/100
IntuitiveShipping - Siebold & Karen-Actually had a rp with them shipped, was Twist!verse tho giving Siebold that rescuer mentality which helped. In general though I kinda want to see it. 7/10
LambentShipping - Flint (elite) & Karen-Hm. Maybe? Like, ok the dynamic personality helps, but also would be a slow burn. 5/10
MasakudoShipping - Will & Karen- I love it in some ways, but I also feel as though they’ve see so much of each other’s absolute worst sides it wouldn’t work. ???/10
! NightmareShipping - Karen & Phoebe-Eh they’d be good friends but I can’t see them really hitting it off as far as things they have in common. 3/10
NoWeaknessShipping - Karen & Shauntal-Ok bumbling dork sounds cute, and her defending from Grimsley’s teasing sounds cute, and great now I find this cute. 8/10
RhymeShipping - Aaron (elite) & Karen-…ArE thEsE tWo ONly ShIPpeD cAUsE thEiR NAmEs RhYmE?! Jokes on you because imagine them working out together, or exploring the woods, or yeah let’s ship this! 8/10
ShootingStarShipping - Drake (Orange) & Karen-Hm, I mean I would like to see it before going anywhere with it. 4/10
SuckerPunchShipping - Marshal & Karen-…I see it more than Bruno, but also feel as though they could clash some how personality wise. I’d like to see a plot for it though. 4/10
TerrifyingShipping - Caitlin & Karen-They both have awful sleep schedules so I feel like trying to get a time they’re both awake would be a problem, and personality wise would clash. 1/10
Karen w/ a champion:
BoadiceaShipping - Cynthia & Karen-I like the best friend bond a thousand times better, but I see the appeal 7/10 BumpShipping - Steven Stone & Karen-If you asked me when I started this account I would of said,”in what world?” Now after having various interaction with multiple accounts I’m like 10/10 DreamTeamShipping - Alder & Karen-Eh…yes…and no? Like he did hit on Cynthia and she has qualities like her, so could maybe work.  6/10 NeoEliteShipping - Lance & Karen-Like yeah I can see it. It’d take flippin forever with Karen being a royal butt most of the time while adjusting to elite life, and then after that they’re both closed off with emotions so it’s take awhile. 10/10 I hate that my prediction was correct
Karen w/ a minor GAME npc:
BoxVirusShipping - Brigette & Karen-Could be interesting, but I’m not sold all the way 3/10 CassiaShipping - Karen & Sina-Very random, and tbh I say no because of what little they would connect on 0/10 ChicoryShipping - Cheryl & Karen-Cheryl is so sweet. I feel too sweet because Karen needs someone that will argue with her when she needs redirecting 0/10 ClosestShipping - Karen & Zinnia-I mean the rebellious streak, the slightly odd behavior? Karen would find it intriguing, and if the move was made she wouldn’t oppose it. 9/10 ! DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen-Better watch out Morty, Ms. Steal Ya Dude is ova here! Yeah no no, they can only clash. Even without Morty beign the catalyst these 2 would clash. 0/10 DarkServiceShipping - Darach & Karen-Heh…the name alone tho. x3 (i am mature I swear) Ok kinda random, but possible. She isn’t one to look down on someone due to social status. 5/10 ! DarkShadowsShipping - Ingo & Karen -Him and his bro are so easy to ship to me, and yes she’d find his quirks cute while dragging him out of his shell while he’d keep her grounded. 10/10 DarkSpecterShipping - Riley & Karen-Like ok yeah, the mysterious vibe combined with a strong goal. I can see it. 7/10 ! GigabyteShipping - Bill & Karen-idk, Karen may not be a big science person but she finds it kind of interesting to listen to. Could work. 5/10 KurumiShipping - Karen & Lisia-Comin for ya girl Wallace! Tbh tho idk because I could see them having a cute mentee relationship if Karen did competition with the twist in dynamic of her mentor being younger. As for romance 3/10 NoirShipping - Karen & Marley-Karen’s inner thoughts as a person. Like could work, or maybe too similar. 3/10 SeventhJugglerShipping - Juggler (Trainer class) & Karen-Lol the title tho, like seventh juggler!? Boi has no name! I mean ok, sure. I love a relationship that keeps both parties guessing, and if Karen can handle WIll I think she’d be down to handle a second clown. XD 8/10
Karen w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc:
BahamarShipping - Karen & Olesia-Don’t get at all, and I think she’s barely an adult 0/10 CamdenShipping - Karen & Michelle-Would make more sense with Lance 1/10 DarkMotherSocietyShipping - Delia & Karen-Why does everyone want ash’s mom? Also no. 0/10 DetoxicationShipping - Karen & Sakura-Aw naw, wholesome friendship. 0/10 FavoriteShipping - Lawrence III & Karen-Karen in twist!verse, yes. A hard yes. 10/10 Otherwise…eh…maybe? 5/10 GothicDJShipping - Karen & DJ Mary-Enemies 10/10, mostly Karen’s side. With her reporting on Karen’s past, and asking invasive questions wanting a scoop for her show. Romance -50/10 HazyShipping - Karen & Solidad-She’‘s down to earth, and I think her groove may fit well w/ Karen 6/10 LiminalShipping - Sir Aaron & Karen-Can we please just agree this is Riley but in his mega form? 7/10 MorriganShipping - Karen & Moria-I have no idea where this one came from, and I’m eh. 1/10
Karen w/ a Frontier brain:
AshikoShipping - Greta & Karen-Eh, I don’t see anything really 1/10 CapriShipping - Dahlia & Karen-Idk why I feel like they’re the same person, but I do, and eh. 4/10 DarkLuckShipping - Karen & Lucy-Her and Brock tho…also I feel like they’d fall into awkward silences often. 2/10 YorShipping - Brandon & Karen-Maybe as vigilantes together, that’d be a fun plot. Shipping though Idk. 4/10
TCG Characters: (All 0)
TaladasShipping - Felicity & Karen-Another news personality, but also with theatrics and I just don’t see it. 0/10 DarknessEnergyShipping - Mark & Karen-Not much on this guy. It’s a no cause she’s see him as a child, but look him up. 0/10 MoonSugarShipping - Karen & Mint-No iz too child, and also look the kid up. 0/10
OTHER MANGA Characters:
DarkGirlShipping - Karen & Rug-Turns out this is a real person, and not an actual rug. My bad. Also no she’d likely take the girl in as a mentee though. 0/10 MephistoShipping - Karen & Pauline-….eh. 1/10 RosarioShipping - Daisy (Cerulean) & Karen-I feel like it’s a possibility, but I’m not jumping full on board. 4/10
Karen and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
DarkPathShipping - Brycen-Man, Grimsley, Sidney & Karen-Brycen is random….? Unless they do a movie where they’re all the bad guys and him as the ultimate villain maybe? Movie idea, 10/10.
DuskShipping - Karen, Houndoom & Skuntank-I can see Karen with a skunktank, and Garnet teaming with one for a double battle would be cool. 10/10
DystopianDarkActShipping - Brycen-man, Cyrus, Karen & Marley-Brycen-Man is everywhere with Karen, and I don’t know why…also sort of random combination…based on the name maybe a plot with them in a dystopian world. For some apocalypse theme plot though 10/10  
EcostasisShipping - Flint (elite), Volkner, Candice, Karen & Sabrina-So the name is about extra bone formation….people that should all join team skull? Ooooor lab experiment plot? I guess 7/10
ElitismShipping - Falkner, Morty, Will, Clair, Karen & Whitney-I feel like the title is implying them thinking they’re better than everyone. I see none of this from any of these people, and am confused. 0/10
EsotericShipping - Grimsley, Sidney & Karen-YAAAAS DARK SQUAD! The name does suit them, and I don’t need to list any plots they easily make their own. 100/10
FrostingShipping - Dawn, Karen & Lovrina-Pulling from all the verses here, and all I see is a gal pal adventure. An odd adventure. KInda down tho. 5/10
HaremTaroShipping - Gold (Special), Crystal, Jasmine, Karen, DJ Mary & Whitney-I’ve never watched the anime this one is referring to so ???/10
HeolstorShipping - Falkner, Morty & Karen-There is no meaning behind the name, but maybe they’d be good camping buds. 7/10
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen-As really super good friends, heck ye! Imagine a prank war plot now! 10/10
JohtoHaremShipping - Jimmy (Kenta), Karen, Marina (Johto), DJ Mary, Sakura & Whitney-….Due to the title there is clearly only one intention for this, and please no. -1000/10
KinkShipping - Erika, Karen & Sabrina-If you’re kink is having a good time pokemon battling! C’mon they’d be another awesome girl squad! :D (The things I do to keep sex talk at a pg-13 level). As buds 10/10
KuroyukihimeShipping - Princess Allie, Candice & Karen-Karen would want to punt the princess. Plot of her and Candice babysitting this child, and holding each other back from strangling her 9/10
LooseShipping - Cynthia, Jessie, Karen & Misty-…As a Gal pal squad that sounds awesome, and I want them all stuck bonding in a high school detention together. You got sporty chic (Misty), Delinquente (Karen), Theater kid (Jessie), and Miss Perfect (Cynthia) 10/10
LoyalMaskShipping - Carl, Will, Karen & Sham-I WANT TO WRITE OR RP THIS CREW SO BADLY! AH! Like, PLEASE! 1000/10
MaskedChildrenShipping - Carl, Silver (Special), Will, Blue (female), Karen & Sham-AGAIN! I WANNA WRITE THIS CREW! Not as much as the LoyalMask, but I LOVE DIS CREW! Fear the children! 10/10
MaskedGirlsShipping - Blue (female), Karen & Sham-Evil girly child squad sounds great! 10/10
MatsuriShipping - Morty, Agatha & Karen-I am imagining Agatha mentoring both of them, and they’re competing to be stronger. Don’t know past that, but sounds interesting 8/10
MidnightGardenShipping - Gardenia, Karen & Roxanne-I actually want them to start a gardening group that only meets at night. Sounds fun tbh, and could have some quirky fluff plots. 8/10
NewLookShipping - Elesa, Karen, Sabrina & Shelly-Them all shopping together sounds amazing. For each other would be interesting, but for another person sounds like absolute chaos, and I love it. 10/10
QuirkyMoonSugarShipping - Greta, Karen, Mint & Whitney-lot of verses here. Um yes definaley all quirky, dunno how their dynamic would be though. 2/10
ShadowedShipping - Clair, Cynthia & Karen-Again gal pals. 10/10
SororityShipping - Flannery, Karen & Lily (Kanto)-Them in a sorority maybe fun. I’m sorta down 6/10
ThreatOnAlertShipping - Grimsley, Morty, Alexa (XY), Dahlia & Karen-Is this a group of the most paranoid people because if so yeah I agree. 10/10
XenonDarkActShipping - Brycen-Man, Paul, Wallace & Karen-Another movie with them all as bad guys maybe? Idk how Paul would fit tho so 8/10 ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite)-…Ok so this is basically everyone, and sure yeah let’s make em all buds. Down w/ that. I’d like giant team up, but am not writing all of that alone. 10/10
Karen with….Karen….????: (I had no idea where to fit this in.)
PerkyGothShipping - Karen & herself-She would know what herself needs to hear, so good, but also she likes different things, and may get bored. I suppose it depends on portrayal. ???/10
Other ships 
BlackCatDog Shipping - Karen & Nanu They were shipped for a bit and I still think it’s a cute possibility. If nothing else just them talking about their pasts would be interesting. They’ve both been through alot. 8/10
MoonFlare Shipping - Karen & Lysandre If I could only choose 1 ship for Karen it’d be this one. I just really like the parallels that they have with each other, and how both of them have compassion for the opposite sides but due to roughly a similar reason. I’d have to go into alot to explain all that though. Basically I just really like how opposites attract here cause they’d both have to grow. 10/10
Aqua Moon shipping - Karen & Archie Again Karen’s awful around water and I just think these two would have a blast interacting with each other. They’d also both be able to have serious moments too,a nd could even talk about what it was like to leave Rocket. Also I have a really awesome idea for Deity!Verse. 8/10
BlackPaint Shipping - Karen & Mina  This combines Karen and art like with the Burgh ship, plus fairy shenanigans like with Valerie, and also the punk but soft vibe both of these gals bring to the table. I love it 10/10
MoonHearts Shipping - Karen & Sonia Sonia trying to figure out how to scientist, and Karen trying to figure out how to elite, and them both being dorks. I love it! 8/10
MoonHive - Karen & Professor Juniper Juniper being science nerd but also super deep and philosophical and just her and Karen spending late nights talking about anything and everything sounds cute. 7/10
NightWatchers - Karen & Looker Ye they’d picker sometimes and yes Karen’s bar might become a problem, but what if they have to work together and spy shenanigans ensue with these dorks insisting to themselves they need to stay professional. Cute af. 10/10
BlackSmog Shipping - Karen & Tabitha  Tbh I could see it. I’m not as firmly sold as some others but I can see it working. Besides Karen doesn’t care if someone’s an ex criminal or has humble beginnings. so ye could work! Although she’d def want to get Tabitha to work out with her. 6/10
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manabingu · 5 years
Metrocon 2019!
Hey yall sorry I haven't been as active, I was busy literally every single day of Metrocon and I finally got a breather. Anyway I wanna just summerize what I can remember because I don't wanna completely forget these wonderful memories. I wanna look back at em over and over again 💕
Thursday was the 5 year anniversary of my Gundam Wing cosplay group! I got to hang out with my Metrowing buds and we did a nice photoshoot with the pilots and we had so much fun! I miss them dearly cuz they live out of state but the time I had with them is one I always cherish.
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I pretty much spent the whole day with them and I decided that Thurs/Fri would be autograph day for us. By golly the VAs were all so super sweet. All of them loved the candy and the pictures I made for them and as I predicted I got really emotional and kinda cried in front of Luci Christian cuz she is one reason I wanted to VA. Her range is insanely versatile! I legit would call her the Meryl Streep of anime & she was SO kind to me ;///;! When I started crying she said "Don't ever apologize for being real. You're a very sweet person, & I believe in you, there is always room for everyone in this industry ❤️"
And man I just felt so happy at that. She makes me feel confident and I wanna keep trying my best. Same with Josh, Alexis, David & Kara! They were all super encouraging and OmG like ok I think I astral projected when Josh did Armin's or Yuri's voice when he was signing stuff. I teared up QwQ I love his energy and dedication!
I think one of my fave moments during the autographs was when I made the "I'm gonna Bertell you what I Bertold him" joke and David and Josh absolutely lost it xD! They were like OMG WE NEED THAT AS A TSHIRT FOR DAVID XD! Like "You just got BERTOLD" and then they proceeded to make jokes about how he roasted Armin in many ways xD it was hilarious 😂! But oof.
I spent most of the Thursday browsing the Dealer Room and this is was one of the first times I was able to find new Takanori Nishikawa CDs so I bought some that I don't have TTwTT I was so happy! We ended the day by doing a run through of our performances for Anime Idol with Trowa. And it went really well🎶Also, at the cosplay booth, the staff liked my sis' Clear Card Sakura so much they asked her to enter the cosplay hallway contest and I'm so proud of her cuz this her first cosplay ever ^u^- she looks so cute! And many people wanted her pic all weekend :D
As usual this is Anime Idol day and I was super busy prepping. I was a bit more confident now that I finally had performed in front of a test audience. But as usual I am always still nervous no matter how much I prepe. Luckily for me in the morning I was getting last minute autographs and as I was getting Darker Than Black signed by Luci, I commented on Anime Idol and she said break a leg! I had given her an Ochaco mug as a gift which made her SUPER happy 😊! I felt much more confident after that and I went to the Main Events hall happily soon after.
Anime Idol was really fun this year! There was some nervousness from the contestants but we all just got together and made some fun friendships! I'm so proud not only of Mama Trowa but also of the other contestants I mentored or was able to help feel less nervous. The winners did deserve it! It was a very good act! And as for myself, I advertised a bit and got some new people from the toku community to come watch the show! I even saw a Kamen Rider Geiz cosplayer who came to the show it was AWESOME! My bffs who were only there for Friday also came & a few Golden*Star members too I was just so happy and thankful! They really made my day! My bffs were dressed in Ghibli heroines and OMG they were lovely & we did a small Tik Tol together ^_^ it was fun!
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After the show my new Golden*Star member came up to me and I legit almost cried cuz they were SUPER adorable and kind and they had prepared a Cecil Ajima merch box for me saying thanks for allowing them to join and that they look up to me as a mentor and friend and I'm so happy I had waterproof eyeliner that day cuz oh boy that hit me in the feels 😭! I love! I got them back tho, for initiation I got down on one knee and gave em a flower bouquet,haichews & a golden star balloon as a way to welcome them to the Utapri cosplay group! So now we have a lovely new Tokiya 😊 yay!
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Ok so despite loosing one prop, Saturday was really fun! I finally debuted Poppy Pipopapo and I basically used the entire day to find video game character cosplayers and we got to dance with them! I was shooting a music video for People Game for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Abridged ^u^! Everyone whom I asked to dance with me was excited for it and it was a blast! I loved being able to spread so much fun and positivity as Poppy :) it was a dream cosplay come true! I can't wait to pit the vid together ^^🌸💕🎼🎵🎶! Later at night, I ran into my new friend who is gonna be Tokiya (they were dressed as Eiichi & their bud was Kira from HE★VENS!) we spent a good 2 hrs taling about all our future plans with Golden*Star and their other friend was so impressed with how friendly our Utapri group was that they wanted to join ;w; it was actually really sweet💕
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Was THE BIG DAY AT LAST. The very first time my Utapri cosplay group Golden*Star Cosplay would finally have our first meeting/photoshoot together as ST☆RISH & QUARTET NIGHT! And it went flawless like a dream! Guys, omg I hit a milliom dollar jackpot. I love this group so much 😭! Everyone was on time, we all worked together so well, the photoshoot went perfectly! And we livestreamed it! After the photos, we sang Reiji a Happy Birthday 🎁 cuz it was his character bday the day before & I bought cupcakes and fried chicken for everyone xD! Cuz that's what Shining Live said happened fffff. In the most complimentary way, I feel like this cast is so on point, we are all pretty much our characters xD! I thought managing an 11 member group would be too hard at first but we have all grown so close over this year & we all have so much love and respect for one another, we all just felt so natural hanging out, as of we had done this for years ;U; ! It was lovely!
We tried stalling saying goodbye cuz we didn't wanna leave ;///; but we had to. We are still planning to watch Maji Love Kingdom as a group when SentaiFilmworks gives the green light for theatrical releases. But for now we will work hard to make HolMat even better! I love them all and can't wait to keep working together to make more wonderful memories! See yall next con!
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storylocke · 7 years
stray concepts
Initially inspired from this “episode” of Voice Thoughts from very early in the series but for some reason I got struck by the idea again over the weekend. It’d probably work out much better as an original concept if I flesh it out fully, but I was talking to @cunninglydisguisedkeybearer and thought I’d share the gist of it. 
Anyway, I know the concept of the "build your own child" trope has basically been done to death, but I'm still amused. Its like some alternate reality where robots have gotten so advanced, they're basically people and can be made for all kinds of services, potentially even age, not sure on that yet. Yadda yadda you know.
But its funny cause (currently) the main plot unfolding is with the Quinnel / Descartes family where we have three particular bots at the heart of all this. 
1) Napoleon, an older model meant to be like a general care giver... Hilariously not very "caring" himself because as an older model he doesn't /quite/ have the emotions thing down. Although, even if he doesn't feel things the way people do, he's good to understand many of them to know what needs to be done. For example, Mistress Johanna gets upset when something breaks, but he doesn't need to be told to fix it, he sees she's upset and goes to see why. Not sure on the "if they can age" thing because he'd have grown up in his role if he did and if not, then he does still look like an older version of his fellow unit. Even as an older model, I don't see him being much older than Pepe in reality. Definitely old enough to drive either way because he's also the chauffeur ( as well as house cleaner, cook, general assistant)
2) We have Pepe, his younger, livelier companion, who's basically just meant for entertainment: Sings, dances, tells jokes, memorizes entire books he can quote from or read to you, list goes on. And naturally, seems much more human-like than his senior often asking questions and trying to get him to understand feelings since he claims to have them himself. Leo greatly doubts this and firmly believes such "feelings" probably comes from too much poetry XD
They both stay pretty busy though, since the mistress seems to be some wealthy something or other. Loves to travel and have company and I get the feeling even in this verse these units aren't really the norm. Some celebrity trend that seems to be going around if you happen to have some 3mill+ bucks to spend for all your needs
They're both fully aware and content with this though. And Pepe even likes to joke about "how would I know? I'm just the entertainment XD" when not helping the Helper over here. Which brings us to number 3
3) Richard Is by far the youngest of the trio. If they don’t age, it might seem weird that someone might want a model of a boy, but Gracie actually is a celebrity of sorts so she has all the assistance and security she could hope for. Johanna got into the trend first, obviously, and Grace was more fascinated by the thought of a personal companion than an aid. While the little one is programmed to do lots of things, D's mostly just meant to be a companion since she doesn't have a spouse or kids of her own. Which being the most advanced he has a distinct intelligence and knack for learning. Not that he begrudges his “mother” for it, and he does like to help around the house or when traveling, meeting and showing off to her friends, but also kind of reaching that age of "what's the point?" Not in a negative way, but genuinely wants to know his purpose since he doesn’t seem to have everything together like his "cousins" seem to whenever he talks to them during visits (Leo will claim that Pepe is an overheated mess don't ever think he "has it together") 
But really, they all have their short comings, like Leo will admit he doesn't have the memory banks his younger partner does and has to either retain information for key words or even often has to delete things for room and hope it was just minor, unimportant details. Also being older tends to break easier. Not often, but even he gets "sick" sometimes |D
Pepe, much as he jokes about it, honestly doesn't know how to do a lot of things since he never has to do anything he's not supposed to. There was a scene to play out with them driving and Pep was drumming on the dashboard and Leo be like "Do you mind? -w-" 
which Pepe be like "fiiiine can you turn on the radio at least? -w-"  "Nothing is stopping you from doing it yourself."  "-STAAAAAAARES AT IT- Uh...... I get to? o.o"  "....I forget, you never sit in the passenger's seat. -clicks-"  "Yeah... Its kind of weird not having Mom with us for once...>.>"
Which the reason they were out anyway was because bitty unit either got a special message from his creator (and to all units of his series) to come see them, or he may have just left of his own for a little "soul searching" and heard the creator was in the area and be like "maybe he can tell me what's wrong with me lately." Naturally his "mom" is very upset by his sudden disappearance and her sis was either already visiting or went to see her soon as she heard and the other two were trying to stay out of the way while the women tried to explain to the police this very special bot might have been stolen in the night (as him just leaving without warning seems impossible) And its kind of sweet because the bots kind of start arguing because Pepe is like "we should go after him..." While Leo is just like "there's no reason for us to leave. It would only make things worse -w-"
And finally it came to Pepe going "look at them. -physically turns bro's head to the room- Stop thinking over the semantics and tell me what's the first thing to come to mind >/"  "........ .... -whirs a little like a sigh- That Mistress is upset because she has lost something." "And?" "And it is troublesome I do not know how to immediately fix this other than to find what is lost. It would make her happy-"  "Exactly-!" "-cuts in somewhat sharply- But she would only be more upset to lose us as well. This is a not a case for one of your stories." "Theeeen... We talk to her? If she gives us permission, then she couldn't be upset. She knows where we are 83"
Which... Point. Talks are had, preparations made, much fussing over her boys to be careful and stay together, and loans Leo one of the cars. 
(Though now I crack up at the image when Pepe was probably new and made Johanna cry over a play or novel or something and got berated out of no where because HOW DARE YOU >O)
It was funny that while they were having the deep discussion in the car (as well as Pepe starting to wonder a little too late if the mistress will be okay without them to do everything for her, Leo would like to remind him  she did plenty before they came and often does things just fine when he's under maintenance... Even if she's always glad to get him back. She'll be fine) meanwhile the sisters are having a similar conversation all "but what if they get__? Or Leo breaks down? Or Pep gets lost? Or..." "They'll be fine lets just worry about your own for now |D;;" "How can you be so calm??? D8"
Richard eventually comes across Serena bot saying she was on her way to meet their maker as well and probably teams up to travel or something. I'm not sure what would come of meeting his maker, though going with the runs, it’s very likely Lysandre. Could be a recall in the works, could be raising an army, who knows
Meanwhile the other two were on their way to an expert (and probably the "doctor" they usually see when things go wrong anyway so familiarity for a good starting point) who Leo hopes might know something about the newer series to help them as well as maybe install a sort of tracker in each of them so they can always tell where the other is in case they get separated. Pearl is actually a human friend of theirs that’s possibly wanting to be an expert himself or works with the doc. Either way, he’s too antsy to stay home and finding out they’re off on “some kind of adventure” is insistent to go with them. I’m not sure if he goes with them initially or they run into him farther down the road and realize if they don’t take him with them, he’ll just go anyway, so it’d be safer to stay together. (Besides, he can always help patch them up, as he probably brought up the first time in trying to convince them he should come.) Once they get to the real doc though (Rowan, maybe, if we wanted to be nice?) he does have some supplies for them, including the trackers, but would do them one better and figure a way for them to track their cousin as well, though finding D is still gonna be no easy deal since he's actively on the move. Probably the secondary tracker would have to go to the Pepe just because, again, Leo is having to drop memory space for his own as is |D;;
The tracker part does fine at least, get them on the right trail. Bit of a road trip of discovery of their own (hey, family bonding time XD) but that...  Brings some adventures of its own. For how it keeps coming up, I'm sure Leo’s memory thing is gonna wreck my heart when either something goes wrong or he tells something big to Pepe so it won't be lost when he has to give up something important. Also if vaguely following Run stuffs, might be the in-verse reason behind his inevitable coma / time lapse. On the upside, he does get to pick and choose what he deletes at least, so its usually kind of like having notes everywhere and tossing out the grocery list when you get home. And sometimes Mistress will go over things with him like "would you like to save these___?"
Though in a large shift like with installing the tracker, that requires like actually going into the programs control option on your computer and clearing out stuff that hasn't been used for a while. Troublesome though because you know that just because something hasn't been used for a while doesn't make it "unimportant" It that does make me laugh to think of him getting home and being like "Dusting.... -curiously twirls duster in hand- Hmm.  Um.... Mistress, may I ask something? |D" and her probably brushing it off because they'll work on that later. Not THAT important! It was minor at the time, promise!
But that's also a slippery slope for wondering if he'd come back with a whole new skill set because how much they had to learn on the way XD
On the upside, he does still have a ton of memory, so it wouldn't even show as a problem for the longest time, just things like that quip earlier of "oh, right, I forget you hav never done this." But we also have to note he's the general house servant. He's got like hundreds of recipes and cool cleaning tips he can dump before anything big comes up XD
...Either that or he passes them to Pepe so he can read them back to him at a later time. Which just brings up the humor of much later Pepe being at a party  all like "Fun fact! Did you know the song Yesterday was originally going to titled Scrambled Eggs? Speaking of, I know a cool trick for eggs" and everyone expects a trick... But he just reads off the recipe (Mistress may need to do some manual clean up with the little one when they get back. He doesn't know how to forget things since memorization is his specialty XD)
But, uh... I guess that’s everything for now. Like I said, there’s a lot to be fleshed out if it goes anywhere, but I’m rather amused by the concept. ^w^
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Love me tender - Part Two (Shalaska/Pearlet), by Lavish
A/N: The long overdue second chapter. I am extremely sorry this took so long. Thank you to everyone who filled my askbox with questions about this fic even after so long. I love each and every one of you. Xo, Lavish.
Coming home was always a drag for Alaska. She never really left her office downtown before 7 pm, and still had a long drive back to the suburbs. Tom had talked her into living in Manhattan Beach, explicitly because it would be best to raise their kids in a safe, children-appropriate area. Young and in love, Alaska had accepted without even thinking twice. Now, stuck in traffic on a Friday night, with no kids, and wondering what take out service to call, it didn’t feel so great to have splurged in such a big house far away from her job. Nevertheless, she never really made the effort to escape Manhattan Beach. Alaska knew to select which battles to fight. Lately, she had been choosing much more than she’d like. She looked out of the window, analyzing the people on the sidewalks to pass the time. Since it was just the beginning of the weekend, the streets were packed. A roaring sound of chatter and laughter made its way inside the car from the people sat outside bars, already too drunk to care for politeness or tone. Alaska couldn’t help but smile. Not long ago, she was one of them. At this moment, she couldn’t really put a finger on the last time she went out. The red light turned green, and gripping the wheel with both of her hands, Alaska followed ahead, tired of feeling shitty about herself. She was a grown woman, who was able to not only fix her life but others as well. That was the main reason she’d gone to Law School in the first place. She was a helper, a giver, never a taker. Alaska always took better care of others than of herself. She allowed her mind run back to the meeting earlier, marveling in the story of the three individuals. She thought of Violet, still a young girl, having to make the tough choice of raising her baby or giving up a life she created. She thought of Matt, poor Matt, who seemed so scared to let their kid go to other hands, but also very afraid of losing Violet to his selfishness. Lastly, Alaska thought of Sharon, the beautiful nurse. Her belly fluttered with familiar butterflies while she reminisced in the memory of her voice and the warm touch of her hands. It was hard to concentrate on traffic. Alaska decided to call the one person she knew who was an all time fool and yet lovable. She selected the phone icon on her car screen and pressed the first contact. “Go for Cory.” His voice resonated through the speaker. The sound of it made her body relax, and Alaska felt the muscles of her shoulders start to detangle. “Hey, dork.” “Oh, my! Is this… is this Alaska? I once heard a tale about this mystical creature but I never knew one could get in touch with aliens so easily! How’s planet Glamtron?” Her brother joked in false awe, and she sensed no traces of resent in his speech. True, it’d been a while since they talked, but Cory made her feel closer to him everytime they spoke. A smile spread across her face and Alaska heard herself cackling, the sound resonating in the car. “How have you been, sis?” “Same old. I’m doing ok, I actually picked up a great case today.” She stopped at another red light and took her time watching the passers by. “There’s this teen couple, the girl is 6 months pregnant… She wants to give the baby up but the father is just not taking it. He won’t tell her tho, the poor thing is scared. And guess who’s adopting? Oh yes, the most beautiful nurse who ever lived.” “Ooooh, somebody’s got the hots for the nurse! Guess she’ll be….. licking your wounds very soon, what up?” Alaska scoffed and tried to contain a fit of laughter. She heard Cory’s snorting through the line. “You are so gross, oh my God. But no, she will not be licking anything, as I am a married lady and she’s a mom to be, so suck it.” “I know who you want to su…” “THAT’S ENOUGH FOR THIS CONVERSATION. I hope you don’t kiss our mom with that mouth, ugh.” She pressed on the accelerator, watching the parade of cars ahead finally start to move. Thankfully, she was halfway through the journey already. “Yeah, right. But really, Lask, stay cool. Also, send me a picture of her next time you see her. I would like to know what this lady looks like if she’s messing with your head like that.” “Maybe in the next life.” She took a left, breathing in deeply before talking again. “Hey, we should get lunch sometime. Wanna join me tomorrow?” “Hamburger Mary’s?” “Deal. You’re paying. Byeee!” She hung up before he could protest, a smile still accompanying her on the travel home. ———————————————————————————– Alaska arrived to an empty, dark house. There were traces of her husband’s entrance. His suit jacket was carefully folded on their L shaped couch, a cup of scotch half full sat on the coffee table, and his briefcase stood at a perfect 90º angle by the wall. It was all too meticulous like it was all a video game scenario. Nothing smelled like him, nothing seemed like he had got in with the intents to stay. By the door frame, a note. “Went to tennis practice with the guys. Don’t wait up. Love, T.” Alaska took a deep breath, expecting anger or sadness to wash over her. That something would cross her mind and ignite a more natural feeling than the utter relief she felt to know he wasn’t home. She sat down, defeated, kicking off her high heels. What was happening? Not too long ago she knew she would’ve been pissed. She would’ve called, asked him why he wasn’t home, she’d chase him down, even offer to tag along and play a match. But when you chase after someone for too long, the enchantment just fades away. You get worn out, you look for ways not to step on their toes because you simply don’t bother. Instead, all the anger flutters when you’re together, when you have to stand someone’s presence and the quirks you thought you’d learned to love. She motioned towards the kitchen and checked the clock for the first time since she’d entered. 9:23. She figured it was ok to have dinner, since Tom wouldn’t be back so soon. The club he played only closed at 11, and he was never one to leave early or leave a game unfinished. She picked out carrots, peas, cheese and two eggs, opting for an omelet. She found some left overs from the night before, and decided to leave them for when he arrived. Alaska went back to her pondering while the skillet heated, the only thing hot enough in the sterile, cold house she never called home anymore. Alaska found herself escaping any contact to avoid conflict. She didn’t even manage guilt to surface. She felt nothing about her relationship, save for some neediness here and there. Hot tears spiked her eyes, frustration the only thing to actually take over. Her marriage fell apart and she didn’t bother. Salty tears insisted on jumping off her eyes, making her dinner even more depressing. Her food was tasteless, despite her best efforts to season it. She felt pathetic, eating alone with most of the lights out. Still with a heavy stream cascading down her cheeks, she collected her belongings and headed upstairs to her bedroom. Not even her bed, decorated with cream and white pillows and bedding, looked that inviting. She opted to fill her tub with warm water and rose-smelling bubbles. Watching the steam rising from the water finally made soothed her, and the warmth of the room decorated her cheeks with a pink flush. She cut the stream of tears, wiping the rest of them before letting down her hair from the low bun she’d made. The strands brushed her shoulders, tickling the soft skin of her neck. It had always been her favorite thing to pamper herself. Shimmying out of her trousers and finally getting rid of her collared shirt, Alaska felt as if she was peeling off worries of her body. She could launder them later - both worries and clothes. For now, she just wanted to enjoy a calm bubble bath. After stripping off her underwear, she climbed into the hot water. The knots of her muscles untangled instantly, and her heartbeat finally slowed down. She didn’t know how long it’d been since it’d been racing. She reached a long arm out, extending it towards her phone. There was one call from Tom and 3 messages from an unknown number. She decided to call her husband first. She was sent to voicemail. “Hey, it’s me. I’m home, just taking a bath. There’s dinner in the fridge. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?” She softened her voice, remembering the end of his note. “Love you too.” She hung up fast, as if she was afraid of her own words. Again, pathetic. Cursing under her breath, she unlocked her device and read the messages. [20:58] Hi, Alaska, this is Sharon! We met earlier today. Listen, I was wondering if we could set up a meeting before Friday, there are some things I would like to discuss with you on the side. Beer’s on me! Xx [21:02] Also I may or may not have willingly downloaded ‘Love Me Tender’ and a bunch of other Elvis tunes and put them in a pen drive for you, so when you come around at the hospital they’ll be our jams. [21:02] Ok, now I’m done. Let me know when our little meeting will go down! Alaska nearly dropped her phone. Her eyes were wider than an apple pie, and a surprised smile occupied the place her frown had been moments ago. She typed in an answer, scared her runny, wet fingers may let her phone slip. [21:49] I can’t believe you! Going as far as actually occupying disk memory in your computer with these songs can only mean one thing… [21:49] You either really really like ancient songs OR (which is highly more likely) you are determined to kiss my ass continuously until you get guard on this child lol kudos on the effort tho!! And yes, we shall meet again. I’ll be downtown again tomorrow to have lunch w my brother, would you like to meet me after? Alaska hit send before she could regret it. She knew it’d be odd in the least to meet a client during the weekend, but then again, it was Sharon who proposed it in the first place. Granted, they did have to discuss matters on the child and make sure she was ready to welcome a baby into her home and her life, so there had a lot of explaining and planning to do. Alaska clung to that idea, repeating to herself she was not taking her newest client on a date. Her ethic manners screamed at her heart, condemning how fast it beat waiting for an answer. She decided to focus on her bath and relax, putting away her phone to clear off her head. Sometimes, she felt it necessary to just be out of thoughts, feelings and memory. She appreciated the numbness and oblivion of moments like these. Alaska sunk deeper inside her tub, allowing the water to cover her pale body from head to toe. She stayed down, in her nest of warmth, until her lungs begged for breath. She lost track of time, distracting herself with the bubbles dancing around her toes. Only when the water turned cold and her fingers looked like raisings she stepped off. Alaska took her time drying off her skin, covering every inch she could reach with lotion, and blow-drying her blonde locks. Finally, she took her phone and wrapped herself in a robe, tucking herself into her bed. There were 6 texts and 1 missed call from Sharon. Alaska smiled before she even opened them up. [21:50] Why I do like them very much alaska! I’ll tell you all abt my fascinating taste in music tomorrow then, text me where we’ll meet [21:50] Also yes there will be a lot of kissing alright if its up to me [21:55] fuck why did I say that I don’t know where it came from [21:55] I thought you’d find it funny oh my god IM SORRY [21:55] can you believe I’m a nurse being this dumb [21:55] UGHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SORRY Alaska was a little ball of laughter, shaking with the motion of her wheezing. Sharon’s slight panic reminded her of an excited puppy who got so happy and agitated they end up tripping on their own paws. It was adorable and just made Alaska want to see her more. She entered her response quickly, feeling her body warm inside and out, and her lids heavy. [22:17] chill girl! I was just taking a bath, but its totally okay She thought about what to say next. Alaska felt confused, like she was betraying her own sense of dignity by feeling this attracted and lured by another woman while she was still married. But what was her marriage anyways, besides a contract bonding two people who were nothing alike? She felt like she’d just had a taste of what fun felt like, and she wanted more. She wanted the opportunity to know different people and try new things. Alaska wanted to chase this new feeling and courage, even if it led nowhere, or if it wouldn’t be with Sharon. She just needed the opportunity and she’d been granted with one, it was only up to her what to do next. [22:18] I’ll hold you to those promises!! See you tmrrw xo The feeling of accomplishment that overcame her just from those daring words was enough to bring a calm, well slept night, one she hadn’t had in forever. Just before she was taken by Orpheus and went into the peacefulness of slumber, she saw very clearly the colorful imagery her subconscious had fabricated. She distinguished two frames, both tall and slender, with soft curves on their hips and torso. Two women. One of them had hair of gold, a reflective shine only blondes exhibit. The other one had rosy lips and hair of ebony. They were happy, she could tell. There was something else, a third form she couldn’t identify at first. It was small and heavy – it had to be held with both arms. Upon further looking, shapes formed. A pair of shining, chocolate brown eyes. Very little hair framing rosy cheeks, and a tiny, round mouth. It seemed fragile and small, and now it was easy to decipher. The blonde lady held a perfect baby in her arms.
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sacred-arrow-writes · 8 years
Twelve Days of Christmas- On the Seventh Day of Christmas-
A/N: In which each day, Kagome gives Inuyasha a gift signed by his Secret Santa in hopes of bringing back his Christmas Spirit.
I got the idea from Hallmark as a prompt. I got the idea from Hallmark as a prompt. Im just using the idea for the story, the only thing I kept the same from the movie is the newspaper, so don’t sue. I do not own Hallmark or Inuyasha and Co. So, enjoy! I’ll post a ficlet a day until December 25th. Enjoy everyone!
So technically, I am a shitty-ass multi-fic author who can’t update on time to save my life. So, he’s chapter eight of my CHRISTMAS fic that is way over due. More to come, because I will finish this fic and my New Years one if it KILLS me. Which it might. Anywho, my main squeezes, this is for you.
@keichanz @inunanna @grapefruitwannabe @mmhinman @purekagome @kagomeforever @akiza-hades-rose @adorableears7
Day Seven December 18, 2016:
Miroku glanced at his cousin who sat at her desk with a frown on her face. He guessed it was because Inuyasha -who left in a huff the night before- hadn’t contacted her yet, but he couldn’t be to sure, -after all, women were all crazy-. When Kagome sighed for the umpteenth time, he made his way over to her. Leaning against her desk, with his arms and ankles crossed, he set his violet eyes on her and smiled. “Kags, what’s wrong?”
What once was usually bright brown eyes, were now dull and sad. “Nothing. What’s up?”
“Um, maybe the gloom and doom cloud that’s been looming over you since you got here? Seriously, what has you in such a slump?”
“Nothing. I’m just-”
“Does it have something to do with a silver, haired half-demon with gorgeous eyes and adorable ears?” Miroku grinned when his cousin cracked a smile.
“No, but sounds like you got the hots for him.” This time she grinned.
“I’ll have you know that I am very much attracted to a woman, thank you very much.”
“Attracted to who?” Two sets of eyes flew to the new voice that floated through the office.
“You my dearest.”
Sango rolled her eyes as she kissed him gently. When her gaze landed on Kagome, she frowned. “What’s gotten you in a slump?”
Kagome sighed as she stood. “Ugh, you two are so nosey!” She grabbed her bag and headed for the door, until Sango’s hand caught her wrist.
“Inuyasha’s in a meeting, but he told me to make sure you met him at one o'clock. He wants to share his gift today.” The brunette whispered as she winked.
Smiling, Kagome nodded. “Thank you.”
When she was out of sight, Miroku raised a brow. “What did say to give her a skip in her step? She’s been moping all morning.”
Sango grinned. “She was right. You are nosey.”
Miroku just deadpanned.
Kagome looked at her watch. Ten till one. I got a few minutes to spare. She made her way to the coffee shop down the street and wasn’t the least bit surprised to run into her sister. “Kikyou. I thought you were working today?”
“I am.” Her twin turned to wave at a dark haired man at the register. “But look who came back from his trip early.”
“Ah!” Kagome squealed as she hugged the man walking towards them. “I can’t believe you’re home!”
“It’s good to see you too, Kagome.” He hugged her tightly. “I couldn’t stay away much longer. I was having Higurashi withdrawals.” He laughed as he pulled Kikyou in for a hug.
“Oh shuddup.” Kagome grinned. “How’s Souta doing at school?”
Suikotsu ran a hand through his bangs. “Well, he’s gotten his study habits straightened out. I told him procrastinating was a big NO, but he’s twenty-one. All he wants to do is party and talk to girls.”
The twins face-palmed. “Well, at least you took care of it right? You’re practically his big brother, so I hope you brought the hammer down!” Kagome exclaimed as she brought a fist down on her open palm.
Suikotsu laughed as he threw his hands up defensively. “I did. No worries. Him and Mama H are coming up here on the twenty-fourth that morning. Kikyou and I will be picking them up.”
“Okay. Sounds like a plan. Oh! I am so happy you’re back!” She hugged him again, unaware of the golden eyes staring at her from behind.
Hugging her tightly once more, Suikotsu looked up and noticed Inuyasha’s intense stare. He whispered to her as if the half-demon couldn’t hear what he was going to say. “Um, Kags- why is there a silver-haired man, with- are those dog ears?- staring at me as if his intent is to murder me?”
Pulling away from the embrace, her eyes widened, as did her smile, when she waved him over. “Inuyasha! Come meet Suikotsu!”
With a huff, Inuyasha stomped his way over. “Oi. Who is this?”
Kikyou wrapped her arms around Suikotsu’s right arm. “This is my fiancee, Suikotsu Matsuzawa.”
“Doctor Matsuzawa.” Kagome corrected. “He’s a pediatrician. Suikotsu’s been back at our hometown visiting our mother and brother.” 
Inuyasha’s ears drooped as he felt slightly ashamed for thinking Kagome had another man in her intimate life -although he had no reason to feel that way, did he?- “I’m Inuyasha Tashio. Nice to meet ya.”
Suikotsu grasped the hand Inuyasha held out to shake. “Oh! You’re the Inuyasha that I heard so much about. Man, I thought Kagome got over y- oomph!” He bent over grabbing his right side as Kikyou elbowed him.
“Sorry, we have to get going. See you tonight, sis. Love you!” Kikyou hauled her man away as she angrily whispered to him.
“Okay, that was weird.”
Kagome just laughed as he enunciated the A in okay. She noticed the red box from his secret santa gifts. “Oh! Is that what I think it is?”
“Yeah. It’s my seventh gift. Look.” The front of the box had a cut out of Santa’s head in red and white stock paper with a large bag of toys and candy canes in the bottom right corner. He removed the lid to hand her the little, red stocking with white fur lining the top. Inuyasha cleared his throat and read the card.
On the Seventh day of Christmas, my Secret Santa gave to thee;
To complete your Christmas with child-like awe,
Take a pic with Santa Clause.
Once a boy, but now a man,
What you can’t do, his magic can.
Merry Christmas, your Secret Santa.
“Looks like we’re heading to the Christmas Village to take a picture with Santa Clause.” Kagome’s brown eyes were shining.
“Looks like it. Shall we?” He held out his arm and she smiled as she looped her arm with his.
“We shall.”
“When’s the last time you did something like this?”
Golden eyes glanced idly to his left. “Are we talkin’ about visiting Santa or Christmas related things?”
“Well, either-or, I guess.”
He looked back towards the line of kids waiting to visit the man in red as he pondered. “I took Rin two years ago when Kagura and Sesshomaru had to work. I didn’t visit him, but she did. Does that count?”
“I meant you.”
“Then before my mother passed away.” The moment he said it, was the moment Kagome wished she could take all his pain away and heal his broken heart. W
“Inuyasha, I’m-”
“Would ya like to go ahead?”
Kagome looked down at the bright set of green eyes looking up at them. “Excuse me?”
“I said, would ya like to go ahead of me?” A small fox demon was grinning around a pocky stick hanging out of his mouth. “I saw y'all on the front page of my daddy’s paper. He says that the half-demon is a famous man.”
Inuyasha laughed. “Not famous yet, squirt.”
“I’m Shippou!” He held out a small, sticky paw. Inuyasha reached for it, not even hesitating to touch said sticky hand.
“Inuyasha and this is the lovely Kagome.” Kagome was so caught up in assessing the adorable little boy that she didn’t hear the introduction. “Kagome?”
“Wha-? Oh right. I’m Kagome and you are adorable!” She reached down to shake his hand. “Your parent’s are so lucky!”
Shippou blushed. “Thanks. Go ahead of me, since I’m next.” He moved aside.
“Thank you.” Inuyasha ascended the stairs, but before he made his way next to Santa, he turned. “Excuse me, but ain’t you coming?”
Kagome raised her hands and shook her head. “This is all you.”
“Woman, you know the rule.” He held out a hand for her to take. Sighing, she gave in and ascended the stairs as well.
“Okay, but I’m sitting in his lap.”
Inuyasha laughed. Both adults stood next to the jolly man in red and smiled. “Say Christmas!” The elf laughed as she situated the camera.
“Christmas!” When the shutter clicked, Inuyasha motioned for Shippou. “Come on squirt.”
Shippou looked to his mother, who smiled, and he squealed as he bounced up the steps and onto Santa’s lap. “Take one more.” Kagome said as she leaned in closer and smiled.
“Of course! Say Christmas!” The elf said once more as she clicked the shutter.
Inuyasha laughed as they made their way down the street towards his office. “He was talkative! I think he even beats Rin when it comes to talking way to much.”
Kagome joined in the laughter. “He was cute! I think tomorrow’s paper should be the picture of all three of us.” Inuyasha couldn’t agree more. “Well, I better get home. Kikyou and Suikotsu are waiting on me.”
Inuyasha grabbed her by the waist. “Wait-” He whispered. “About last night, I wanted to thank you for coming to the party and-” He was leaning in way to close, but she found she didn’t really mind.
“And what?” Kagome’s heart picked up the pace as she too leaned in.
“That I really enjoy spending my time with you.” He was a mere hair away from her lips.
“Me too.”
He smiled. “Good.” With that, he kissed her again. This time, she didn’t pull away. The kiss was long and gentle, -less hungry than before- and when they pulled away, neither one could stop the smile the blossomed on their faces.
“Goodnight, Kagome.”
Her face flushed at the way he said her name. “G- goodnight, Inuyasha.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow for the eighth gift?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He grinned, kissing her forehead. “Good. See ya then.” Inuyasha turned to walk away.
Kagome was internally screaming as she placed two fingers against her kissed lips. Turning, she practically skipped -like a child- all the way home. She couldn’t wait until the next day.
As Inuyasha walked in to his office, he let out a loud YES and fisted both of his hands in the air. Sango had been sitting at her desk when he walked by, so naturally, she followed him into his office. “I take it you had a good day?”
Golden eyes widened as he stood up straight, fixing his posture as if nothing had happened. “Yeah, so what?” A faint blush marred his handsome face and was he wearing red lipstick?
“Oh nothing.” Sango grinned, touching her lips twice and made her way back to her desk.
All she could hear was a string of curses and when she looked back, Inuyasha was rubbing his lips furiously, removing the residue of Kagome’s lipstick. He stopped and touched his bottom lip as the blush resurfaced and a goofy smile decorated his face.
Finally. It was Sango’s turn to squeal internally.
—To Be Continued—
Until tomorrow my loves. Check back and see what day eight has in store for our favorite couple!
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