#the man is just a walking disaster
jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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I've come up with another Scarlet Hollow MC, the infamous Florida Man ™️ cousin Jackson Scarlet. He started out as a joke playthrough, but then I got emotionally attached to the weirdo. I mean, the dude offers everyone that bag of boiled peanuts in greeting, and ironically enough, it is one of the few Scarlets to ever go to prison for a crime he was innocent of. I've included some concept art of Jackson, his roommate Truck the cat.
Name: Jackson Darwin Scarlet 
Gender: male 
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 25
Height: 5ft10"/177.8cms
Eye color: gray
Hair: Dark brown, straight, and cut short and messy
Face claim: Tom Hardy 
Home city: Tampa
Notable features: the characteristic Scarlet ™️ cheekbones and deep set eyes. As well as a scar on his right eyebrow, stubble, a slightly crooked nose due to a break that didn't set right, and a few faded stab wounds on his lower abdomen beneath his belly button. Jackson also has several tattoos; a Raven on the right side of his chest, a prison tattoo of barbed wire and pocket watch with no hands on his right bicep, and a Madonna and child tattoo on his left bicep. Almost always seen wearing denim pants or shorts, a white tank top, and tacky tropical shirts in eye searing colors, no matter the weather.
Gator wrestler Talks to animals/Powerful
Eloquent Ex-con Powerful/Book smart
Dr. Doolittle Talks to animals/ Book smart
The Birdman of Hardee Correctional Talks to Animals/Street smart
Occupation: student trying to get a degree in Biology
Living situation: shares an apartment with an asshole roommate, Truck the cat.
Romance: has a serious crush on Kaneeka.
Personality: The infamous Florida man™️ cousin. Jackson can be impulsive and reckless to the point most of Peralanne's rumors about him aren't that far from the truth like dragging an alligator out of a neighbor's pool, or getting banned from a local pet store for trying to free the animal when he was a kid, ect. Though he knows it wasn't easy for Vivian to raise him, especially with some of the crazy stuff he put her through, Jackson adored his mother dearly to the point he had a reputation for being a giant Mama's Boy. He was also raised to be a gentleman so Jackson is always very respectful of women and always addresses ladies he meets as ma'am and tips his hat, even if the lady in question is an elderly pug dog.
While he does come across as a reckless dumbass Jackson is actually pretty smart. Since he can talk to animals he developed a fascination with Biology from an early age and takes a huge interest in protecting endangered species. He's also surprisingly well read and is fond of the writings of very diverse authors from William Shakespeare to Toni Morrison. 
Sadly, Jackson had a very difficult time making friends with other children his age. Animals he's fine with, but other kids don't really want to play with the boy who claims he can understand what the class hamster is saying. So when he finally did make friends, he was desperate to keep them, even if they were bad influences. Sadly, Jackson's blind loyalty got him into trouble when he took the blame for his best friend on drug charges. Since the Scarlet family name doesn't have much pull in Florida, Jackson wound up spending 4 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Thankfully, he did eventually get his name cleared and was on his way to getting his life together, going back to school, attending AA. Things were looking up…until Vivian was diagnosed with cancer. 
Miscellaneous info & Headcanons
Jackson's father was a miner named Teague O'Byrne who came looking for work after fleeing Northern Ireland during The Troubles. Vivian never shared much about Jackson's father other than he loved to share stories with her about all the folklore they both grew up with.
In addition to the Talipo story, Vivian sometimes shared Irish folktales with Jackson she heard from his father. Jackson's favorite was the story about Selkies.
Jackson's middle name, Darwin, is a reference to the famous naturalist and his interests in biology. Also, for the infamous Darwin awards where people wind up dying in very stupid ways, which so far, Jackson has only gotten honorable mentions.
In addition to being able to speak with animals, Jackson is fluent in Spanish.
As a child, he always wanted to be a pirate or sailor so he could marry a mermaid and live out in the ocean with their part fish kids.
Jackson likely has undiagnosed ADD/ADHD, but considering his trouble finding health insurance, it's going to be a while until he can get it treated.
Due to his excessive energy, Vivian tried to get Jackson involved in sports to help him focus. He did pretty well on the high school wrestling team and was eligible for some college scholarships…until his best friend got into trouble with drug possession, and Jackson took the wrap for him.
Due to being able to communicate with animals and how much the Talipo story frightened him as a child, Jackson decided early on he'd become a vegetarian.
Jackson attended Braulio Alonso High School, which had a Raven mascot. He still owns the Navy and gold varsity jacket.
Despite all the unscrupulous and illegal things the Scarlet family has done over the years, Jackson is the only family member to have on record gone to prison, and ironically, it was for a crime he was innocent of.
Growing up, one of Jackson's few friends was a kid named Benny Johnson, who moved to Tampa from Miami in the 3rd grade after his parents divorced. Jackson bonded with him over the fact they're both being raised by single moms, but that's where the similarities end. Benny's mother was a bitter ex-trophy wife that never seemed happy with anything even though she made good money off the alimony from her plastic surgeon ex, and often spoiled her son while being condescending to the people around her.
During his trial, Jackson's best friend, Benny, did testify, but instead of returning the favor for Jackson taking the blame for the drug possession charges, he threw him under the bus.
While Jackson harbor some resentment for Benny betraying him, he didn't try to hurt him or plot to destroy his life. Instead, Jackson convinced a family of skunks to move into his ex-friend's house and taught them how to safely hide and escape from an eventual visit from pest control.
Due to spending 4 years in prison, Jackson missed out on a lot of pop culture references and jokes. Like when Kaneeka's brother Miles compared him to a character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure because he's into marine biology and spent time in prison, and the reference went completely over his head.
Jackson's favorite TV shows are pro-wrestling programs, The Golden Girls and Magnum PI. He also starts getting into Murder She Wrote when he befriends Stella and Gretchen.
Truck the cat is a main coon cat with a gray striped coat pattern, which is why Jackson's old room gave the cat the name Truck because he's so fucking huge.
I headcanon Truck's first owner was a chef and Jackson's ex-boyfriend. Part of the reason Truck is such a brat to Jackson is because he doesn't spoil him with treats like his "real dad" used to, since Jackson is a vegetarian and worries about Truck's health.
I headcanon Truck the cat was a rescue part of the reason Jackson keeps him after his roommate/ex-boyfriend moves out is he can relate to how hard it is to build a life after being locked up for so long.
Truck the cat has an ongoing rivalry with an alligator that likes to sneak into the neighbor's pool that Jackson affectionately addresses as, Big Edie.
Jackson often used to get into arguments with Truck when the cat would steal his food. They usually devolved into yelling at each other in Cuban Spanish.
In addition to arguments about stealing food and bathroom etiquette, Jackson doesn't like that Truck tends to monopolize the TV. The cat will scream at Jackson for hours if he doesn't get to watch his telenovelas.
Before leaving for Scarlet Hollow Jackson left Truck in the care of an elderly neighbor who he affectionately calls Abi (granny) Marisol.
Jackson often jokes that his cousin Tabitha is like his grumpy parole officer.
In a strange way, Jackson's dynamic with Tabitha mirrors his relationship with Truck the cat but reversed. Jackson would often get into arguments with Truck just for trying to keep the cat alive; like keeping Truck from eating foods that'll make him sick, or trying to stop him from trying to constantly fight Big Edie, the alligator that keeps sneaking into the neighbor's pool. Likewise Tabitha and Jackson often argue about Jackson constantly winding up in dangerous situations, and it's only a matter of time before he comes to the hilarious realization he's basically become the jackass cat to his cousin.
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so how about that update, huh
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Din becoming the ruler of an entire planet by accident is the most Din Djarin thing to ever happen to that man
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bookiedoodles · 2 years
God Casey Jr must have the most god awful absolutely phenomenal fashion sense, what with having a lesbian mom and a gay father
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mistrdctr · 6 months
@resignedworkaholics cont. [x]
Hah, very funny: The human body is mostly made of liquid, around 50 to 70 percent of one's existence consists of water, yada yada, all of that - Stephen knows; He's a doctor, after all. Somewhere still, at least...
"With liquid I mean --- Uh, yeah, thanks."
Receiving his Vanilla-Matcha Frappé with an extra dash of fresh cream, scarred fingers curling around the cup, the sorcerer speaks his thanks to the barista before turning on his heel, taking a sip; He follows the other out of the small café, accompanied by a hiss and a muttered "Ah, fuck that!" as the sensation of a burn sears itself across his tongue.
"Oh, really? - Well thanks, gotta learn something new every single day, I suppose." Sarcasm. Stephen knows he needs money to buy himself a drink, and he was so damn sure he had some on his frame - but then, once that cute guy behind the counter had asked for the payment, he'd realized that 150 Rupees won't be sufficient to pay for his choice of beverage.
Bummer. Well, he's got it anyway, thanks to that unknown one being so considerate.
The question, however, makes the sorcerer stop in mid-motion; He blinks, gaze lifting from his cup to meet that of the other one, a somewhat surprised expression sitting on his features as he does. Ah, must be the cut on his cheek, right? Or the bruise on his bottom lip? Perhaps the dried blood below his nostrils--- And the money-thing, obviously.
"---Uh, yeah!", is what Stephen says, a bit too enthusiastically perhaps; He clears his throat, still trying to cool down his tongue by taking a few shallow breaths through parted lips. "Good. Peachy. Perfect. Just, uh --- must have lost my wallet along the way somewhere. Or, uh, the Dollars inside. Had a bit of a rough day."
A bit. Just... slightly.
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cheese-water · 1 year
okay some of you need to start blocking qsmp spoilers because WOW things happen quickly…
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juniperhillpatient · 1 month
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i never claimed i was going to include a singular healthy romantic dynamic in anything i wrote ever but most importantly i think it's funny when the characters can list all the logical reasons their relationship is doomed & still go for it & still fail
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lesbiansanemi · 1 month
Bad day. Horrible awful terrible bad day
#there’s not even a reason. nothing bad has actually happened#it just FUCKING SUCKS#I want to walk into a lake and never come back#I want to take my brain out of my skull and throw it at a wall and watch it splatter#I know today sucks because I’m so tense and upset that my back HURTS so fucking bad#cuz when this happens I tense up and my back muscles decide to coil around my spine and squeeze like a starving snake#it’s spreading through my shoulders and even to my chest which is a first#I just 😭😭😭 I want to go home except home also sucks cuz roommate#and I know he’ll be out in a few days but that feels like forever#and I’m so tired and I’m so upset and I want to curl up in a ball and cry and hide from the world#but I’m working a 7 day stretch at my job#and I have to transfer the power and internet to my name sometime before Wednesday#and I’m so sick of takeout the idea of eating it makes me want to vomit but I can’t physically bring myself to cook while they’re there#and I just. ugh. UGH#I’m so sick of existing#why does my life only allow me small handfuls of months at a time#where I’m not living in some form of disaster and stressed to all hell and back and just wanting to lay down and die#what did I do so wrong. what have I done to deserve all this shit#in my short terrible miserable fucking life#whatever I’ll just go home and stare at the wall#and then go to bed and come to work and come to work and come to work there’s always going to work#I’m going to fucking scream I hate my brain#why can’t it just regulate itself in a normal way cuz that’s the thing I know I’m being insane and nothing is actually this bad#but man if it doesn’t fucking feel that way#and being aware I’m being batshit really doesn’t make it better actually I think it makes it worse#kaz rambles
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toastinthegrass · 2 months
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Kim Dong Wook as Yoon Hwa Pyung in The Guest 손 2018
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talentforlying · 3 months
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tim hunter: are you sure you're one of the good guys? constantine: there aren't any good guys, and there aren't any bad guys. there's just us. people. doing our best to get by. can you drive? tim hunter: i'm only twelve, john. constantine: i suppose it'll have to be me, then. (the violent crunching death of multiple bumpers and fenders ensues)
i mean, it's a fair question to ask when you've just seen half this dude's "friends" aggressively shoo him out the door and then watched him nick a car.
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monsterhugger · 1 year
fr if you're interested in urban exploration but you're lowkey scared of getting arrested go into engineering. spent all day today in a semi-abandoned office building/warehouse that was half-renovated into a haunted house before the city shut it down
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« I’m just doing whatever I feel like doing »  
Do you think the reason Suzuran thought Sougen was “interesting” was because the man is just haunted by ghosts of people he dissected?
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bitegore · 1 year
everyone in my household owes my friends and my ex girlfriend so fucking much.
#red rambles#'when i yelled at you over the spices earlier i actually meant thanks for making lunch' 'alright well im glad you got there eventually' 'yo#have a very abrasive manner of speaking' thank you! i am restraining myself from calling you a fucking asshole to your face. Thank me for#my fucking patience.#yeah man i spent an hour cooking for you and when you got off work you immediately lit into me for doing it wrong and then spent like a ful#fifteen minutes yelling at me over the counters being dirty (which YOU dirtied. for the record) because i had the audacity#to ask that next time i not have to hurt myself trying to get spices out of the disaster you yourself made of the spice rack#by moving ONE THING.#and then you want to wait until the next time i resurface from avoiding the sound of YOUR tv that you play super loud to remind me that#you're an ungrateful pos who doesn't give half a fuck how much work anyone else does for you?#thank me for not screaming in your face.#like it's insult on top of injury at this point. I don't give a shit. You don't have to fucking thank me i do not care. Don't fucking get#MAD AT ME for doing what YOU ASKED. DUMB ASSHOLE.#it's okay i have a handle on my fucking temper. but THEN. don't get on my case for being a little bit less gracious than i could've been#'you know you catch more flies with honey than vinegar' yes well i would like to shoo the flies out of my FUCKING HOME. have you considered#that.#oh well. i'll be out of this fucking place in like a month.#if you told me when i was 15 that i'd be begging for school to start again just so i could get out of the house i'd have asked you why we#hadn't just walked in front of a moving car yet. sometimes i still wonder.#pdl
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aceghosts · 2 years
WIP Tuesday
Hey Everyone! I was tagged for WIP Tuesday by @clicheantagonist, @hoesephseed, @henbased, @thomrainer, @adelaidedrubman, and possibly others. Apologies, it has been a while. Thank you all for tagging me! I
Tagging: @allthearchetypes, @sstewyhosseini, @marivenah, @natesofrellis, @bluemojave, @indorilnerevarine, @derelictheretic, @chyrstis, @p0lkadotdotdot, and anyone else who wants to do this! I'm sorry I'm blanking a little on names lol!
Since I’m aiming to have a Mass Effect one shot out for all of you soon, I think I’ll just share some FC5 and Resident Evil stuff under the cut.
First snippet comes from Chapter 6 of the Five Years Later AU. Now, that everyone knows about Ethel and Peter, I don’t feel bad about sharing part of this chapter. Also, this is still first draft stuff. So, I apologize for any inconsistencies, errors, and the like. Here is the snippet:
               Trying to play their questions off, Blue rolls their eyes. “Listen, I don’t know what weird narrative you’ve cooked up in your heads, but I did not visit Joseph Seed. I don’t want anything to do with him or Eden’s Gate for the rest of my life. So, fuck off.” They were done being nice or polite about this. The familiar wrath burns within them, the ‘WRATH’ scar itching. Instinctively, Blue brings their left hand up to their chest, right where the scar lay.
               Ethel tilts her head, stepping forward towards Blue. “Are we making you angry? After all, that’s where the Wrath tattoo lays right? I’ve seen the examination photos of it.”
               Blue looks at her like she grew several heads, dropping their hand to their side. “Of course, I’m angry. You keep bringing up the topic that contains some of the worst memories of my life, and then don’t understand why I don’t want to talk about it. For the record, a tattoo is something you want. What John Seed gave me was a fucking scar, not a tattoo.”
               “You still haven’t answered the question about your relationship with Joseph Seed,” Ethel states, moving closer to Blue.
Buckle in everybody; it’s gonna be a rough chapter.
As for Resident Evil, I’ve been working on the first draft of Hunter’s fic. I’m really interested in this one, and I’ve been having a lot of fun writing it. I thought I would share two snippets from that. Have some Ada and Hunter content:
               Ada looks up, sighing as Hunter returns to their seat. “He isn’t going to be happy with that.”
               “Yeah, well, fuck him. Who is your boss? The Queen of fucking England?”
               She laughs. “No, but he has a lot of influence. My employer could make life very difficult if you don’t choose to play nice.”
               “Ada, I’m dying. My life can’t get any more fucking difficult.”
               Her eyes widen, looking at Hunter with a mixture of pity and curiosity. “Hmm...You know, he never told me why he was interested in recruiting you.”
               “Would you believe me if I told you that it was my winning personality?”
               Ada laughs, a real fucking genuine laugh. “No. So, will you tell me, Hunter?”
And have some Hunter and Wesker content:
               Another group of guards comes round the corner, and Wesker wastes no time murdering them. In Wesker’s blind spot, Hunter notices another guard approaching him, hoping to get the drop on an occupied Wesker. Holstering the assault rifle with the empty clip, Hunter runs toward Wesker and the additional guard, crossing the distance in a blink of an eye. As they reach Wesker, Hunter yells, “WATCH OUT!”
               Wesker nods, ducking below the thrown fist of a different guard. They leap, sliding over his back as they kick the approaching guard in the chest with both their legs. Hunter hears his bones crack under the impact of their kick, throwing the guard backward through a wall. They land deftly on their feet, readying for the next combatant. Another guard comes for them, and Hunter aims a high kick, catching the guard in the chin and knocking him backward. A third guard comes for them, and Hunter aims a kick at his knee, his knee cracking under the pressure of their kick. They grab him by the collar, throwing him into a guard gunning for Wesker. Together, Hunter and Wesker finish the remaining guards, the combination of their enhanced strength and speed, giving the duo the advantage. As they finish off the last guard, Hunter catches Wesker staring at them. “Something wrong?”
               He smiles, a chill running up Hunter’s spine. “No. Quite the opposite actually. Have you ever tested your abilities?”
               They shake their head. “No. I was too busy trying to kill the people who fucked me over.”
               “We should; I think your results could prove quite interesting.” Wesker turns away from Hunter, his black coat trailing after him. “Come along, Hunter. We have more to do.”
Writing action scenes is a pain. >=(
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
not my mom being a kirk cameron stan
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"being autistic is about being bad at reading social cues" "being autistic is about stimming & sensory overload" NO.
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this is autism.
#its not even about like. the fact that theyre the imperial royal family. its completely separate from that#its about how utterly dysfunctional that entire family was. i need more lore about them. i need to know.#I NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE WOMEN ARE.#where are the galvus women. you cant say theyre all dead thats ridiculous and i wont believe you#personally i think emet-selch's ex-wife is living her best life. that is a lie but the concept of this 90-something year old lady being#in the game. is fun#'oh solus?? yeah he was a dick. sorry. i went on holiday and then he was gone and i never went back'#emet-selch discourse this emet-selch discourse that i want a little garlean great-grandma in law on my island#shes dead but wouldnt it be FUNNY.#shes an ex-reaper who got sick of solus disrespecting her reaper arts with the magitek & faked her death#its 12 am and i have had headaches all day do not mind me i am RAMBLING#my coping mechanism is hyperfixating on dysfunctional fictional families because every time my mom is being a bitch#i can just think about this dumpsterfire of a collection of blood-related people and be instantly comforted#like yeah my stepdad's a dick but at least my grandfather isnt an ascian so whos REALLY having a bad time huh? im doing greatt#im begging you to like. look at varis's story that man is a walking stack of tragedies it feels like im looking at my 13 year old selfs ocs#just aged up like 30 years#motherfucker lost his father and his wife his grandfather hated him and didnt even try to hide it his son is. a walking natural disaster#imagine dying to patricide not because ur child hated you or whatever but just because u were in their way#and THEN your body and memory get used to create one of the creatures you always wanted to bring an end to#this isnt apologism i am laughing at his misery#oh and also his childhood friend dies in service to him so theres that#'i would gladly die for his radiance' reggie bud thats really nice but that man is actively losing his mind & i dont think that would help#it feels like im watching my dog's chew toy.#i genuinely cannot for the life of me figure out what kinda bond varis & zenos had but im guessing uhhh none#but even still the whole elidibus zenos arc. also not something i think he was very happy with#i have held that rant in for weeks but fuck it. there you go. i like varis. he amused me.
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