#the mandated therapy?
crystalice067 · 11 months
Probably unpopular opinion
I don't think Bakugou should have gotten a redemption arc
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just-an-enby-lemon · 8 days
I think people going about Jon being in the therapist office are forgetting the very important part that they were in a place for court-ordered therapy. We don't have the insane take of a version of Jonathan Sims that seeks help we have a version of Jonathan Sims that somehow commited a crime and was forced by law to finally go to therapy.
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sticks-and-souls · 1 year
Barnes: We call that a “traumatic experience.”
Barnes, turning to George: Not a “bruh moment.”
Barnes, turning to Lucy: Not “it is what it is.”
Barnes, turning to Lockwood: And DEFINITELY not “oof LMAO.”
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druidonity2 · 10 months
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I looked at my fanart of War Crimes with Anduin holding himself dying with Chromie, and I decided I wanted to draw more Anduin trauma with dragons...(wip)
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whatiswhump · 4 months
"If you think about it, court-mandated counseling is really just winning a scholarship for free therapy."
-Whumper, probably
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loganloggins · 7 months
My one desire for this event is that I want the characters to have ptsd from it afterwards. I want to see how Jaiden and Charlie always seem to get a little more nervous with any ex-Soulfire members. I want to see how Phil’s trust in his friends falls after they conform to the Ruling Entities Wishes, I want to see how each member is a little more tense with people who were not on their team. I want to see any repercussions of bad’s bloodlust.
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Can’t stop thinking about how the universe must know that Martin and Jon belong together on some sort of intrinsic level because seem to find each other in every universe/on every plane of existence, yet also must fucking hate them because they’re never at peace together
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justlemmesignin · 1 year
My mom’s first impression of the DS9 characters
DISCLAIMER: My mom knows almost nothing about Star Trek and does not enjoy the sci-fi genre at all. She was also negatively biased towards the aliens, cause they creep her out.
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
he likes arguing
he is in charge
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Kira Nerys
she seems inexperienced/too young
she’s trying to overcompensate for something/ try-hard
she’s some kind of researcher
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Jadzia Dax
she seems upset but also happy?
she’s the diva of the group
she’s a nurse/ in the medical field
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Julian Subatoi Bashir
when asked to clarify what his job is she replied: I said he’s a clown and I stick by it!!
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Miles O’Brien
ohhh, he’s irish, I like Irish people, they’re nice
talkative/ a people person
knows everything about everyone
bartender who drinks a lot of beer on the job
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what does he inspire? hmmm fear
he looks like he’s dying
he’s the leader of an alien race
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gold digger
do people actually like him? her face was indescribable when I explained people are sexually attracted to him
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Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok
oh boy....(she kept staring at the screen for a full minute speechless - aliens really terrify her...newsflash mom your son’s an alien fucker)
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Elim Garak
he scares me, he looks like a lizard (reptiles scare her, too)
but I think he’s a good lizard, he doesn’t seem as evil as the other aliens (she’s really not into aliens at all)
he’s the king of the lizard aliens
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Female Changeling
no name no feelings no nothing (she said this in broken English when I told her she does not have an actual name)
she has a stone heart/ she’s cold and bitter
she’s the mother of the two guys in the back
Odo seems like a nice guy in comparison
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Jake Sisko
aah, much better (meaning no more aliens), he looks nice
he’s a ladies’ man
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Gul Dukat
he’s the father, brother, cousin, uncle to the other lizard guy
he’s arrogant/full of himself
he wishes he was in charge, but he’s not
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Kai Adami Winn
she does not look like a lizard, but she’s not that far off either (meaning she might not look evil, but she actually is)
she’s kinda in charge of something
she’s evil
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whewchilly · 9 months
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C² hangouts via Scuderia Ferrari
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suffarustuffaru · 7 months
We need more re:zero fanfics that are just characters being forced to go to therapy. Subaru is ordered by the Royal Knights to attend weekly sessions (that secretly double as interrogations, though due to patient confidentiality the therapist is only able to pass on information that regards other people being put in danger) and the therapist stumbles out of there every week needing a drink because trying to make something coherent out of a conversation with Natsuki Subaru concerning anything related to his fluctuating emotional state and the very obvious/mysterious trauma underpinning all of his actions is practically an Olympic sport — and that was before unearthing his self-harm habit, severe inferiority complex, and what may be suicidal tendencies. Reinhard is so emotionally repressed that he’s refusing to let himself feel anything even regarding having to face off against his grandmother’s corpse and his superiors keep walking back the meager process any sessions manage to make. Otto seems perfectly normal and then he mentions being willing to die for Subaru’s sake as soon as three days after he met him. Ram just sits there glaring for the full hour and a half. Wilhelm uses the time to express his latest revenge plot in very well thought out detail. Heinkel is such a horrible mess that I can’t even make a joke out of what he’d do to that poor therapist’s emotional state. Roswaal doesn’t seem to realize what therapy IS. That poor therapist is in Hell.
anon ive always wanted to see something like this for sure HAH its just such a fascinating idea?? especially when 99% of people in the rz cast desperately need extensive therapy 😭😭 but yeah theres different ways you could take an idea like this and the conditions you set are really interesting.
the idea of it being a therapist appointed by the government, essentially, who’s also there to gather information (but keeps at least some details hidden for the sake of their patients) so the government can keep a leash on certain characters (subaru and reinhard particularly) + subaru is still locked by rbd taboo of course is so fascinating to me. of course—is it ideal conditions for therapy? hell no lmao 😭😭 but its a super good in universe explanation as to why theyre getting therapy (other than all of them being Mentally Unwell)—and given the therapist and everyone in the cast minus subaru and al are working with medieval knowledge, the odds were not in their favors anyway oops. and this is assuming that the cast has the BEST THERAPIST IN THE FANTASY WORLD POSSIBLE for this!! haah theyve got a real difficult job ahead of them.
and also an idea like this is difficult to write. ive always wanted a “rz cast goes to therapy” fic hah but writing the FULL cast is tricky!! tbh id feel bad not including at least a good chunk of the cast in a fic like this given SO MANY of them desperately need therapy. and this idea is Extremely character focused—you have to know every character’s intimate traumas and flaws and personalities to pull this sort of thing off. its inherently in depth character exploration, and depending on how Good you want the therapist character to be, youd probablyyy have to do at least a bit of research (??) (unless you have personal experience in this department already??) there on. how to write a therapist? but thats just me getting fixated on the practical aspects of this wkdndn this is definitely why we havent really seen much fic on this sort of idea yet. i think itd work really well as a collab though, possibly!! you can devote a therapy session to one character per chapter or something and mix it up later the further it goes on <3 or at least thats my idea for this at the moment. i think one therapy session per chapter would be very good leadup though in a Hypothetical Fic about this, and you then have the time to explore each character in depth and introduce each of them!!
ok as for the examples you gave anon—HAH yeah thats a good summary for sure 😭😭 again, this is interesting because these are Not good conditions for therapy.
they all think with their medieval knowledge. subaru cant talk about rbd and everything related to it, which is his biggest core trauma. reinhards superiors dont want him to improve because hes their perfect malleable obedient weapon right now and they chose to break him like that. they probably wont want heinkel to improve much either, given theres implications that people like russell fellow purposely helped make heinkel Worse (such as the false rumors that he kidnapped one of the royal familys kids). and also regarding characters like heinkel—he wont improve if he doesnt get some sort of rehab on top of the therapy akdnd and he wont improve if he doesnt make an effort either. and also i know theres characters like petra who are way more normal compared to everyone else and shes not in dire need of therapy unlike everyone else, but id argue petra should at least have a check up because girl is a twelve year old thats been shoved into life threatening events recently okay 😭😭 AND the astreas are gonna need some hardcore family therapy wkdndn theyll just need individual sessions first to work up to that……… but will the kingdom really allow that to happen either?
yeah so the therapist is in for a reckoning in general 😭😭 with the plot you gave anon—if the therapist genuinely tries their best, this could result in some friction. the therapist hears out all these big important people related to the royal selection—roswaal, the astreas, various other emilia camp members, and people from other factions im sure (such as julius, joshua, ferris, crusch, etc)—but the therapist is held back from fully helping all of them because the kingdom keeps them all on a leash, including the therapist themselves. will the therapist succumb to what the kingdom wants and ensure they never improve past a certain point? or ensure they never improve at all?
it creates this overarching plot to an otherwise standard premise i think—and theres a bittersweetness because the therapist cant fully help them as it is right now. and its hard to help characters like subaru and reinhard who are Incomprehensible in their own ways. even in the fantasy world with its Wide Range of dangerous traumatic events tinged with magic, subaru and reinhard are absolutely outliers. plus as i said earlier, some characters Want to improve so badly and will try their best to do so (such as emilia) and some might not have much desire to even try (such as heinkel). everyone in the cast have their own goals, motivations, and a lot of them to some degree will be unreliable narrators either purposefully or accidentally or unwittingly. the otto example you gave anon is so true because i an SO sure his ass would pretend to be normal bc he doesnt want to be there only to accidentally reveal hes not 😭😭😭 joshua is another good example bc of his hate love relationship with his brother and how he tries to conceal it by gaslighting himself into worshipping his brother’s every move and trying to live vicariously through him (joshua also hates reinhard too but pretends not to so theres that too) 👍👍👍 and also emilia and reinhard are examples of characters whove been taught the absolute WORST lessons in the world so youd have to get into unravelling that 😭😭 like theyre both afraid to be closer to others out of fear of hurting them, they have issues regarding what people see them as and what people expect them to be, learned powerlessness, terrible father figures, guilt complexes, being blamed for things that arent their fault, also the fucked up family history, etc etc. there is SO much baggage HAH.
and again, the poor therapist is getting a bunch of rz main characters and crucial side characters—many of them are well known in some way, or important political figures, and they ALL got the most buck wild stories so the stakes are Very High😭😭 itll be a fun ride im sure!! but i do think this idea is super super neat. id love to explore each and every character and all their nuances—i think a fic like this would only really fully work if youre sympathetic towards everyone, but youre not afraid to get them for their faults too. wilhelm, heinkel, roswaal are good examples. clind too by proxy, given frederica needs to get away from his ass too (RAM ALSO NEEDS TO GET AWAY FROM ROSWAAL ISTG.) and again, a fic like this requires in depth knowledge of all these characters or the premise can fall apart a bit—this is a fic all about exploring their deepest traumas after all <3
but yeah anyway i too am in dire need of a rz cast goes to therapy fic anon!!! T^T thank you for the ask i will continue to think on this idea 🙏
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melhekhelmurkun · 4 months
The pain of watching Attack of the Clones in order to see Obi-Wan with long hair, but also having to deal with Whiny Angsty Kinda Creepy Teenager Anakin
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silverstarfics · 8 months
my lecturer: I would like each of you to pick a fictional character who you are emotionally attached to. They can be from any TV show or movie or book.
me, making notes: Scott Tracy
my lecturer: over the next month you will analyse this character and identify why you are drawn to them.
me: …say what now
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zaritarazi · 9 days
ok hear me out they go to therapy but their arguments get Too Weird And Sexually Charged one too many times and the therapist gives up and walks out of the session and they fuck on the couch
4/5 i think bondage would really take this to the level it needs to be but overall an incredibly good and solid plan. i also think they'd fuck on the couch and then move to a desk so they can really be as rough and bizarre as possible.
honestly i can't tell if kendra or carter is the one that makes the therapist give up because you know everything carter says is "now we don't have time to unpack ALL of that" but kendra is also swinging a bat at that hornet's nest every chance she gets so it's anyone's game but maybe it's that kendra keeps grabbing carter's leg when she wants to yell at him or the way that carter will put his finger to her lips when he's trying to talk over her that really makes this licensed medical professional decide to go to lunch
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the-cimmerians · 1 year
In a concerning turn of events, Ohio has become the newest addition to the growing list of states progressing gender affirming care bans for transgender youth out of legislative committees. If Ohio successfully passes this bill, House Bill 68, it will become the 20th state to do so. The bill has weathered numerous iterations and significant setbacks in the past. However, the latest version has emerged with an unprecedented provision unseen in similar bills from other states: a mandate to screen for “influences,” or “causes,” of being transgender.
The bill mandates that before therapists can diagnose a patient with gender dysphoria, they must first screen for a host of other potential "causes" that might explain an individual's transgender identity. Included in these are anxiety, depression, and autism. This provision ignores established scientific consensus: none of these conditions "cause" someone to be transgender. Furthermore, there are no existing diagnostic tools or guidelines to establish the "cause" of someone's gender identity, because fundamentally, such "causes" are nonexistent.
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The list of potential causes forwarded for being transgender in the bill include:
Physical, Mental, and Emotional Abuse
Moreover, even when these so-called "causes" are screened for and no underlying reasons for a person's gender identity are found, treatment remains banned. Essentially, these screenings don't provide access to gender-affirming care for trans youth; rather, they erect a formidable barrier to even obtaining mental healthcare for transgender youth.
Disturbingly, these provisions essentially mandate "gender exploratory therapy," a new conversion therapy currently pushed by members of Christian conversion therapy organizations such as the American College of Pediatricians. This pseudoscientific group, a strong advocate for conversion therapy, has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its deceptive name is expressly designed to confuse legislators into mistaking it for the American Academy of Pediatrics, the respected medical organization representing the vast community of pediatricians across the United States.
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torchstelechos · 4 months
If there's one thing SY and I can agree on its that Binghe deserves the world... and therapy <3
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lassieposting · 1 year
When folks in this fandom talk about like "scenes that fucked me up as a kid" or "things that are unexpectedly dark for a so-called children's series" it's usually like. Reflectionie's death or that MC scene with Remnant!Kenspeckle torturing Tanith but like. the thing that really gets me is that Skug has been torture-porned twice. And at least one of those times, he then had to work with the people involved.
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Like, these are people who've gleefully seen him beg, seen him cry, seen him humiliated, broken, screaming. The absolute worst kind of vulnerability that he's not even comfortable sharing with his closest friends. That's. Really intensely violating. And then he has to work with them on the Dead Men/Diablerie joint mission, either knowing they were there and enjoying it, or stressing out wondering why they keep making little targeted comments that seem to be referencing the worst memories of his life, because he doesn't know they were there, and it's all a big joke he's not in on at his expense.
And then it happens again, but this time it turns out that not only is there video footage of the ordeal, his enemy - the Drumpf caricature, this time round - specifically asked for it so he can watch it for fun.
And both times it's just a throwaway line and it's never really mentioned again even though the trauma and humiliation that sticks with you from something like that is insane and just. Yeah of all the messed up scenes in the SP series that's the one that always really stuck with me
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