#the maragi parents
caveofwanderers · 4 months
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Just a reminder that my usual version of Bullet is indeed a mom, and her husband's one to celebrate mother's day with her.
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I've showed this to Cap Now I show to you
Bam new oc
Nate Bronson
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 16
From: Chicago
Arcana: magician
Attire: black white plaid shirt, a gray blazer, black pants, gray shoes, red glasses
Persona: Spectre / Muses / Sabine wren
Starting level: 15
Stats: Strength 12, Magic 13, Endurance 10, Agility 13, Luck 11
Type: Fire
Null: fire. Resists: nuclear. Weak: Lighting
Skills: Agi, Posima, Snap, Gun boost, Maragi, Dodge elec, Agilao, Soul thief, Poison breath, Fire boost, Maragion, Flash bomb, Double cannon(medium, 1foe2x, 18%hp), Ailment boost, Agidyne, Buster cannon(colossal, 1foe, 20%hp), Gun amp, Maragidyne, Evade elec, regenerate 3, Missile salvo(colossal, all foes 1xto5x, 30%hp)
Bio: A rebel from a far off galaxy, fighting against a tyrannical empire with her fellow rebels, spray cans, and explosives.
Codename: Graffiti
Weapons: Melee; bo-staff. Ranged; paintball gun
Costume: neon green black futuristic chemical gas mask, Neon purple black headphones, Neon Green Neon purple jacket, black undershirt paint splatter pattern, left to right sash with spray cans, Neon green black paint splattered pants, neon purple black boots, Neon purple fingerless gloves.
Bio: His family moved to Japan for work, but have stayed, but keep moving from city to city, for work, and never getting to stop and smell the roses, always being pushed to do something never getting to do what he wants, and even with career his parents constantly have him learn about business and the stock market. Maybe one day he could speak his own mind, but till he believes he can he just keeps his head down and does what’s put in front of him.
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Boom New Persona OC
Nate Bronson
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 16
From: Chicago
Arcana: magician
Attire: black white plaid shirt, a gray blazer, black pants, gray shoes, red glasses
Persona: Spectre / Muses
Starting level: 15
Stats: Strength 12, Magic 13, Endurance 10, Agility 13, Luck 11
Type: Fire
Null: fire. Resists: nuclear. Weak: Lighting
Skills: Agi, Posima, Snap, Gun boost, Maragi, Dodge elec, Agilao, Soul thief, Poison breath, Fire boost, Maragion, Flash bomb, Double cannon(medium, 1foe2x, 18%hp), Ailment boost, Agidyne, Buster cannon(colossal, 1foe, 20%hp), Gun amp, Maragidyne, Evade elec, regenerate 3, Missile salvo(colossal, all foes 1xto5x, 30%hp)
Bio: A rebel from a far off galaxy, fighting against a tyrannical empire with her fellow rebels, spray cans, and explosives.
Codename: Graffiti
Weapons: Melee; bo-staff. Ranged; paintball gun
Costume: neon green black futuristic chemical gas mask, Neon purple black headphones, Neon Green Neon purple jacket, black undershirt paint splatter pattern, left to right sash with spray cans, Neon green black paint splattered pants, neon purple black boots, Neon purple fingerless gloves.
Bio: His family moved to Japan for work, but have stayed, but keep moving from city to city, for work, and never getting to stop and smell the roses, always being pushed to do something never getting to do what he wants, and even with career his parents constantly have him learn about business and the stock market. Maybe one day he could speak his own mind, but till he believes he can he just keeps his head down and does what’s put in front of him.
Neat dude!
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awesomeuchuu · 4 years
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Name:  Leo Tsukinaga ( 月永レオ Tsukinaga Leo) Age:  16 ( 1st year ) / 17 ( 2nd year ) / 18 (3rd year) Birthday:  May 5th Height:  157 cm (1st year), 161 cm (2nd year), 164 cm (3rd year) Weight:  44 kg (1st year), 46 kg (2nd year), 50 kg (3rd year) Blood Type:  O Family:  parents and younger sister Affiliation: himself
Weapons:  Bow and Arrow ( 1st/2nd year ), Rapier/Swords ( 3rd year ) Arcana:  Hermit ( 1st/2nd year ) / Emperor (3rd year) Persona:  Mozart (Hermit, initial), Apollon (Hermit, Ultimate) | Richard (From Richard Lionheart) (Emperor, initial), Eleos (Emperor, Ultimate) Codename:  King
Initial Persona: - Mozart — Hermit
- Richard — Emperor
Attributes (Mozart): Resistant to Fire/Bless Weak to Lightning/Ice Null Psy
Stats: Strength, Magic, Agility - above average Luck - average Endurance - below average
Skills: Agi -> Maragi Cleave -> Brave Blade Psi -> Psycho Blast Dazzler Makajama Dormina Dia -> Mediarahan Recarm
Attributes (Richard): Resistant to Fire Weak to Lightning/Curse Null Psy and Bless
Stats: Luck, Magic, Agility - above average Strength - average Endurance - below average
Skills: Kouha -> Divine Judgement Cleave -> Brave Blade Psi -> Psycho Blast Hama Makajama Dormina Dia -> Mediarahan Recarm
Ultimate Persona: - Apollon — Hermit
- Eleos — Emperor
Attributes (Apollon): Resistant to Physical Weak to Dark/Curse Null Psy
Stats: Magic, Luck, Agility - above average Strength - average Endurance - below average
Skills: Maragi -> Blazing Hell Rising Slash/Miracle Punch Mapsi -> Psycho Blast Mafrei -> Cosmic Flare Nocturnal Flash Lullaby Amrita Drop Samarecarm
Attributes (Eleos): Resistant to Lightning & Physical Weak to Curse Null Fire, Psy and Bless
Stats: Luck, Magic, Agility - above average Strength - average Endurance - below average
Skills: Divine Judgement Brave Blade Cosmic Flare Megido Makajama Dormina Mediarahan Salvation
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wingedscribe · 6 years
for the OC questions: tbh pick any OC or OCs you want to yell about (I love them all) and use the letters that spell your first name!
You know, I’m going to alternate a bunch of characters from Godkiller, which is the working title for the story I’m working on. 
C: Comfort: Riyu1. how do they sit in a chair?
Riyu tends to sit very precisely in a chair, straightbacked, perfect posture. If she knows she’s not being watched, she might relax a little. 2. in what position do they sleep?
Curled up in the fetal position. If there is someone else there Riyu curls into them. 3. what is their ideal comfort day?
For Riyu, it’s just being able to wander through a city or area, with enough money to grab some food if they need it, but just wandering and being a fly on the wall, listening. 4. what is their major comfort food? why?
For Riyu, they’re usually comforted by fresh bread. Simple but good. 5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
Yire, her father, is. Yire knows the pressures that Riyu is under better than anyone else and can usually manage to cheer her up. 
A: Aptitude: Hema1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Hema has the same precise temoral and spatial awareness that Riyu has; while he’s less skilled at peering through time, he can view through space better and also has found a way to use his powers to heal things. 2. what activities have they participated in?
Since childhood, Hema has been raised among Raiders, piratelike airship denizens who exist on the outskirts of the Empire. So extralegal or illegal work is basically his specialty. 3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Hema’s strength is largely something he’s worked for, as he had a slight build and had to really work to be physically strong; additionally, he worked through a shy childhood to become a charismatic and outgoing person. 4. what things are they bad at?
Stealth is very bad for Hema; doing things quietly is not his specialty. 5. what is their most impressive talent?
His cheerful charisma. He’s just a happy friendly dude with a knack for getting other people to get along with him. And go along with what he’s saying. 
S: Streets: Sihuri1. are they street-smart?
Very; Sihuri grew up on the streets after slipping away from a Sunsguard patrol that realized they matched the description of an Avatar for Maragi-Na. Given those circumstances, and the fact that their profession (courtesan) is generally unsafe, they know their way around streets very well. 2. would they give money to someone on the streets?
If they had enough to spare (which they usually don’t), yes. 3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
Absolutely. By the point of the story, though, they are known well enough as an uncanny and dangerous person that most people who know the area don’t mess with them. 4. has anything happened to them on the streets?
Yes, especially when they were younger. Fortunately, their ability to see people’s secrets helped them avoid dangerous people, but they couldn’t get out of every situation. They’ve definitely gotten beaten up a few times, and being both pretty and androgynous caused people to try to prey on them. Unfortunately for everyone who is not Sihuri, they had no idea who they were cornering in a back alley, and few of them survived. 5. are they cautious when out?
To a degree. They don’t do anything openly dangerous, but they know that their reputation has given them a margin of safety on the street, and they have blackmail on most of the authorities who might come after them. 
P: Personality: Ayino1. what is their best personality trait?
Ayino is very self-sacrificing, which is a good trait in moderation. They are willing to die for people and causes they care about. 2. what is their worst personality trait?
Their secrecy. Ayino is a bit of a paranoid bastard and never tells anyone else the full extent of plans he has, expecting them to disapprove or try to stop him, or else to be in trouble if they knew enough to reveal the plan to anyone else. This means very few people trust him. 3. what of their personality do others love?
People tend to love Ayino for his humor and his rather bashful, quiet nature. 4. what of their personality do others envy?
Ayino is incredibly good at tracking, survival in wilderness, and navigating, which can earn them some enemies, especially when others have to rely on them in order to survive. 5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
Ayino hates people who are cruel for no reason other than to be cruel. 
E: External Personality: Nihemu1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
Not really--Nihemu acts much more extravagant and casual than she is. She’s a trained assassin acting as a cheerful socialite. 2. do they do things that conform to the norm?
No. Nihemu is not a conventional woman by any measure of the term, and acts the part of the Raider captain who flaunts her radicalism and cheer. 3. do they follow trends or do their own thing?
Very much does her own thing. 4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
The internet does not exist in Daxire. If it did exist, she’d just pick up on trends because Hema would know them and mention them. 5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own?
She very much does not portray her personality (which, internally, is a very calculating person) and hopes that others don’t figure it out. 
R: Rules: Yire1. do they follow rules?
In general, yes. Yire was raised in the Hidden Knives and the strict upbringing that involved. 2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
One might assume he’s a strict parent, but in fact he’s a completely doting father who is a pushover when his kids want something. HE LOVES HIS KIDS SO MUCH.3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule?
First of all, consequenced is NOT a word. Second of all, yes. He tried to leave the Hidden Knives, and the consequence of getting caught doing that is one of your friends is punished for it, not you, but you have to watch. It was easily one of the worst experiences of Yire’s life. 4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
See the above answer; if they knew Ayino (because it was Ayino who got hurt) would be punished for his actions, he never would have tried to leave. 5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
They find most of the rules around the Hidden Knives needless, cruel, or excessive, but can’t do much about it. 
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
El Boss Boy of Vanity
>It’s time.
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We’re off to show Carl Casagrande what a real boss is like.
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And it’s my first heist.
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You’ll love it. Trust me.
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Stay focused. We have a job ahead of us.
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Right. Let’s get to it. The Treasure awaits!
>Mona becomes our van and we drive off to take Carlino Casagrande’s heart.
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>The Casagrande Apartment in Great Lake City, the Casagrande Family is about ready for bed. Carlino Casagrande was watching his favorite show, el Falcón de Fuego, when his grandmother comes in waving incense everywhere.
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(cough cough) Seriously, Abuela!? I’m trying to watch my hero here!
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Lo siento, mijo. But ever since we found that calling card, I’m not taking any chances.
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Frida: Si, Carl. We’re just worried by all of this.
Carlos: I still think this Phantom Thieves business is just a little weird. How can a group of kids change someone’s hear?
Rosa: I don’t know. And I don’t care to know.
Frida: Anyway, it’s time for bed, Carl. I’ve got your sailor jammies all ready in your room.
Carlino: (unhappy) You didn’t have to say that out loud.
>Carlino heads to his room. When he got there, there were his sailor jammies. Carlino just groans.
?????: Why are you upset? You should be happy that your mother went through all the trouble.
Carlino: !
>A red wave passes over him. When it was over, he was now in an Aztec temple that also looks a bit like the family bodega.
?????: We won’t let you keep going on like this if it means it might upset others.
???: It is so ugly to have to act like this at such an age. It may seems cute at first, but enough is enough.
?????: It just makes me sick to know that people like you roam around this young.
>Nearby stone boxes burst open and we come out.
Joker: Target: Carlino Casagrande.
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The time has come to teach you a lesson about being more considerate to others.
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You think you’re so high and mighty because some of your older relatives are not that smart. But that doesn’t make you any better.
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We will not let you get away with this. Even if you are just a kid.
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You are almost as vulgar as Skull is.
Skull: (upset) Hey!
Fox: But my point is, being vulgar at such an age is just not as right as it seems.
Mona: But now we’re here. We will make you see the errors of your ways.
Duke: I know it’s a shame to court martial a kid, but it’s for your own good.
Ape: I know how you feel about wanting to be the big man of the group, but even I have limits. It’s time you knew yours.
Joker: The time has come to change this distortion... We will take your heart.
Carlino: Never, I am the boss around here. I’m clearly the better one in the family.
Panther: Just because your cousin isn’t as smart as you? That’s just dumb.
Royal: (that’s her code name for now) You’re just too arrogant for someone as young as you. I’m surprised your parents can stand it for so long.
Carlino: They’re just idiots. Nothing can put out this llama.
Oracle: So you think you’re hot stuff do you? And that no one came put out your flame?
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I guess that makes us no one.
>Then, Carlino’s eyes changed color to that of gold.
Shadow Carlino: Soy el jefe de este templo. Serás expulsado del lugar. Incluso si tienes que morir para que suceda.
>Then, the Shadow changes his shape.
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Oracle: Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the Shadow.
Oracle: Got it! It looks like he’s weak to Ice. Inari, do you stuff!
Fox: I won’t disappoint you. Persona!
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Mona: I’m helping, too.
Ape: And me.
Mona and Ape: Persona!
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>Ape summons his Persona, Tarzan. I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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>Orthrus uses Maragi. Fox and Ape are both knocked down. Then, he uses Double Fang on me. Fox gets back up and Goemon uses Bufula. Orthrus dodges it. Zorro uses Lucky Punch. He wasn’t knocked down. Tarzan uses Assault Dive. It was a critical hit.
Ape: Let’s go ape on these guys!
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>After the attack, Orthrus was still up. Sui-Ki uses Bufula. It knocks him down.
Joker: Let’s do it!
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>After the attack, Orthrus is still up. Then, Orthrus uses Agilao on me. I was Burned. Fox uses an Extinguish Orb on me. Zorro uses Lucky Punch again. It was a critical hit.
Mona: Quiver in fear!
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>After the attack, Orthrus is still up, but slightly weaker. Sui-Ki uses Bufula. Orthrus is knocked down again. We didn’t do an All-Out-Attack this time. Sui-Ki uses Headbutt. Orthrus gets back up and uses Cornered Fang on Ape. Goemon uses Bufula and Orthrus is knocked down.
Fox: Now! Let us strike!
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>After the attack, Orthrus is still up, but a little more weaker.
Oracle: Here come the buffs!
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>Necronomicon uses Thermopylae on us. Zorro uses Garula. Tarzan uses Negative Pile. Orthrus goes into Despair. Sui-Ki uses Bufula. Orthrus is knocked down.
Joker: Let’s go!
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>After the attack, Orthrus is still up, but more weaker. Almost there. Orthrus does not act do to his Despair. Goemon uses Bufudyne. Orthrus is knocked down again.
Fox: Everyone, with me!
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>After the attack, the Shadow resumes his human form and a light comes out of him.
Mona: The Treasure is now ours.
>I take the Treasure. It is a Casagrande Bodega Keychain.
Carlino: When Abuelo gave me that, it made me feel like a real man... Like I was the boss. When Bobby came along and seeing that he’s not the brightest person I know, I had the chance to make it a reality.
Panther: But taking advantage of someone like that is just wrong. That doesn’t make you a man.
Carlino: Then what does?
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I don’t think there’s a clear answer to that. You’ll have to learn it for yourself.
Carlino: ... If that’s what it takes, just not mistreating Bobby and Lori, I’ll give it a try.
>With that, the Shadow returns to his true self and we take our leave.
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>The next morning, Mr. and Mrs. Casagrande found their son crying his eyes out about how he had treated everyone over the years, including his cousin. They were shocked to see we had succeeded. They decide to take Carlino to the hospital with his aunt, Maria Santiago. Though, they’re going to find it hard to explain that Carlino’s emergency is that he had a change of heart. Meanwhile, inside the bodega, Maria’s children, Bobby and Ronnie Anne, were on the computer explaining the situation to Lori and Lincoln Loud, Bobby’s girlfriend and Ronnie Anne’s (boy)friend in Royal Woods.
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For real!? Carl had a change of heart from the Phantom Thieve!? ... That sounds like what just happened to my cousin, Brad.
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Yeah. We’re all pushing out for him. I know Carl can be a bit... Difficult. But this might be going a bit hard.
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Well, I can’t say he had it coming, but right now, just try to take it one step at a time. If things don’t work out, we can come there. Just know we’re pushing, too.
Ronnie Anne: ... Thanks, Lori.
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By the way, how are things with your relatives visiting?
Lori: Actually quite great. Cousin Brad just sits on the porch and stares out all day. Probably from his own change of heart.
Lincoln: And me and Kick are really getting along. Same with Clyde and Gunther. And our dads are really happy to see each other again.
>The four talked about how the other is doing... Then, someone comes in.
Bobby: If you’re here to shop, better speed it up. We’re closing up the mercado early today.
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Don’t worry. I’ll be just a sec.
>After a few minutes of browsing, I bought some canned juice and left the store... It looks like we were successful.
>Mission accomplished.
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shardclan · 8 years
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The last stretch of Trader's Walk finally lay before them, down through the Carrion Canyon. It was a semi-peaceful path since no one could linger there, and it could be said it was safer if your primary fear was being struck by lightning. But the bed of the canyon held plenty of dangers, and none so sinister as its extreme barrenness.
It would have been courting starvation to cross without supplies, but Luddie knew well where she was taking them and had not let them come unprepared. They had made a slow time of it while crossing the Ashfall Waste just to fill their stomachs and stock up. Trader's Walk shied away from the Great Furnace, and wound instead along the shore line, skirting the Blacksand Annex to avoid the treacherous tectonic movement of the Molten Scar and finally passing through the Emberglow Hearth.
This meant plenty of time to gather fish and meat, and plenty of heat to smoke and dry it with. The red bananas that grew in bunches near the shore were gathered in huge numbers and baked over the heat pits into crunchy red discs that would last the rest of the journey. Insects, whenever they could be found, were gathered by the hundreds, ground down into a fine powder, mixed with water, and baked as hardtack for the faes. All in all, they did quite well for themselves.
It hadn't hurt that Fletch was with them either.
It was well known that having an elemental representative accompany any caravan on Trader's Walk was good luck, and none walked so devoutly with the Flamecaller as Fletch did. She treated their passage like a holy pilgrimage, and every time they paused to rest or camp or gather, she could be found kneeling toward the smoking heights of the Great Furnace. Local coatls had treated them quite kindly seeing such a magnificent member of their species walking at the head of their group as their Fire Liaison.
Luddie quietly suspected that several young males and at least two females who couldn't hide the stars in their eyes had more personal reasons for their assistance. She couldn't blame them. Fletch was lovely yes, but she was the kind of dragon flame parents hoped their offspring chose as a mate. A fire dragon among fire dragons.
Maybe that was why, as they journeyed ever deeper into the Shifting Expanse, she lingered near the back of the group. Luddie knew the young coatl must be gazing back. She was a proper member of clan Shard by birth, that could not be contested. But Heliantheae and Maragi had gone back to the coatl motherland for all of their nests. For Fletch, she was looking at her birthplace.
Luddie began to wonder if she might leave once all this was done. With their destination so close at hand, the murmured conversations were all turning to what would happen next. Luddie felt she heard the same two lines many times as the trekked into the heart of the Shifting Expanse:
"Do you think we will go back?"
"To what? It's all been destroyed."
Luddie looked up at the black clouds spitting lightning at the plateau above. They had long since passed beyond sight of the Observatory; in the canyon even the world pillar could not be seen. Lutia was among her firstborn with Shard, and the only tundra child out of eight offspring who were all gone now. She was like a living relic to the clan's humble beginnings, but how different they had all become now. How different they would be from now on.
Actias dropped down, interrupting her thoughts. "News, mother. Beastclans on the mesa ahead."
"Preparing an ambush?"
"Too many. At least a hundred to each side. Longnecks and Harpies, and some movement among Serthis that seems detached."
"A beastclan feud?"
"Seems so. I would suggest letting them have the canyon and going around but it would leave us much more susceptible to lightning strikes."
She snorted with frustration. "Nothing for it. We wait. Let them weary themselves."
They paused. The paused turned into rest. The rest turned into camp as night fell. In the distance, the beastclans could be heard descending the canyons and fighting in the dust. Especially large dragons could make out the warring forms in the distance when the lightning flashed just right. Their numbers had gone well beyond a mere two hundred, and the canyon was littered with bodies.  Beyond them, visible even in the dark, the Sunbeam Ruins seemed to emit a soft, welcoming light.
Opalite came to the front of the group, her nose held high to the air. "I smell them."
"Who?" Luddie asked.
"The feathered priests," Opalite growled, licking her maw. "Corven."
Luddie immediately got on her feet. "You're sure?"
"Yesss, mother. You do not forget the scent of their blood once you have crushed one in your teeth."
Luddie whistled sharply, and Actias appeared seconds later. "There are Corven out there."
"This far east?" he murmured. "The harpies brought them likely. They have a mind for magic that harpies don’t."
Lightning flashed.
"We need to move. We do not know what a flock of Corven could do out here."
Thunder rumbled, sluggish and slow.
"There is nowhere to go. To get to the top of the mesa with Caress we would need to go as far back as Emberglow."
"We don't need to get to the top of the mesa, we just need to give them a little more space. I don't want us near them, just back everyone up!"
Opalite guarded the rear, while Luddie rushed to what was formerly the rear of the group to about face everyone. They had scarcely gone anywhere at all when lightning revealed a third group of beastclans and stopped them cold.
Serthis. And these were not those of plague, who would poison you and take your bones and belongings as materials. These were the badlands Serthis living on the border where the Emberglow Hearth became the Carrion Canyon. Where they appeared, not even bones were left. Eating anything that fell, including each other, was how they survived.
The clan had been very careful to avoid them when passing the borderlands. But undoubtedly they were now waiting for the fight between the Longnecks and the harpies to subside to gather a bounty of fresh meat.
Of course, they could take dragon too, if it fell.
Caress moved at the same time they did, stampeding to the front and giving them reason to reconsider their approach. She smacked her body into body sides of the canyon, bringing boulders and sections of the cliff down on either side. Kea and Iblis came to her side immediately and helped her crash as much of the cliff side down as she could, narrowing the path the Serthis could take. They couldn't completely block it with stone, but they got it just narrow enough for Caress to turn side ways and drop her body in the way.
Pistis rushed to her, in a blind panic on her friend's behalf. "Caress, what are you doing?!"
"Blocking the way, dear. And if you say a damned thing about them scarring me with those toothpicks, I will be quite put out with you. Life before beauty." She turned to the Luddie. "That said, not a permanent solution, and I'd be grateful if you could come up with a plan, mother."
Luddie was wide-eyed. She gazed around, trying to organize in her mind who they had, who could help them. Actias, Hypnosis, Opalite... They were all on the other side and the rest were not fighters, what could she ask of them?
Equinox saw her struggling, battle and tactics were no domain of Luddie's. If only Azricai were there... But she wasn't. And Equinox was.  "We run."
They turned to her, faces full of surprise. "Run where?"
"Toward the Sunbeam Ruins. Straight through their fight." She forced herself to remain unphased by their skeptical stares. "They're not here for us, and the Serthis are opportunists. We can flee and leave them to their squabble."
"And if they follow us?"
Fletch walked toward Caress with a fervent glimmer in her eye. "They wont. Please gather all the small dragons up with you and get ready to go."
"What are you going to do?"
Recommended Listening: The Dark Colossus Destroys All
She said as much, but when she flew up to stand on the broad plain that was Caress' back, her crest fluttered and there came a deep humming like they had never heard before. It vibrated through them as powerfully as the thunder above, and the group backed away. She held up a blackened branch with a single blossoming cinderflower and the reverberation rose to the level of a scream. She twirled and danced and stomped, all the while keeping up the sound and keeping her eyes on the Great Furnace.
Caress shook and snarled beneath her, swatting something on the other side of her bulk. "Barbarians! Please hurry, they're BITING me!"
Below, the group felt the ground rumble. If they were skeptical of Equinox's plan, they quickly forgot. Pistis, Luddie, Wychmire, Turan, and Hypnosis filed onto the backs of the larger dragons. Dalma and Tawhaki climbed aboard Caress, and did their best to stop the pile of Serthis all clawing and biting at a single spot where her underbelly was slightly exposed. Mostly this consisted of throwing rocks, as it would be foolish to go down and face them.
But they didn't have to. Fletch came to a stop in her dance, sweating like she had faced the forge itself. The unopened buds came eerily to life, glowing like embers as they flowered and released bright flecks of glowing ash into the air. Her humming subsided, only to be replaced by a distant baritone equivalent, like a foghorn blown from the bowels of the earth.
The rumble in the ground grew. Caress knew when the getting was good and quickly got back to her feet and moved with what haste her stubby body would afford her. At the front of the group, Equinox charged.
The canyon ruptured. Flames spewed from the forming fissures, and shimmering waves of roiling, pressurized air hissed from smaller cracks. The dragons fled the summoned aid of the Flamecaller, their haste given the edge of fear for the first time since they fled the Isles. Equinox spread her wings and splayed her spines to make her already formidable form as large as possible, and cut straight through the on-going battle between the Harpies and the Longnecks. The imperials trailed directly in her wake, making use of the moment of confusion to get through before either side could re-group. The guardians came after, Sunlore and Willowalk charging side by side and knocking any would be attackers back. They left the way open for Caress, who trudged and stomped and crushed them underfoot to escape the smoke and flame on her tail.
The heat was whipping up a fierce wind, volcanic smoke rising thick and dense into the atmosphere. The beastclans abandoned their battle, Longnecks climbing desperately to escaped the erupting bed of the canyon and Harpies forming swift retreat formations. Sparks flew, and lightning flared seemingly without end.
On the cliffs a corven priest saw opportunity and raised its own focus. A bolt struck the fleeing Harpies, decimating their numbers as it leaped from one body to the next on its journey to the canyon floor. Dalma and Tawhwaki saw it approach and raised weak magical shields to protect Caress. Dalma's was destroyed immediately as it was light element. Tawhaki's held, being just as weak but based in Arcane magic, and he was able to deflect the lightning away just as the barrier shattered.
Actias flew by them like a living shadow, and they saw the baleful light of the embers reflecting off his wings, making him truly appear to be a Smoke Gyre. He descended on the Corven with efficient ferocity. A second bolt descended, but the magic that controlled it was lost half-way through its arc. Dalma raised a second shield, determined to not make Tawhaki bear the full weight of the strike. It hit them both, and because it was not tamed by magic, the raw force of it broke through and knocked both from Caress' back.
Caress skidded as she fought her own momentum to stop. "Dalma!!!"
Fletch slapped her thick hide with the cinderflower branch. "Don't! I will go!"
The coatl leaped into the flame, and Caress saw Actias dive by her as well. The smoke engulfed them both, and she had no choice but to keep up with the herd.
Eventually, it became clear that the rumble of the earth and rising flames were no longer right behind them. They slowed to a stop in the clear air, and gazed back. The canyon behind them looked startlingly similar to the terrain of the Emberglow Hearth. The flicker and crackle of scrub and dry bone popping and fizzling in the heat was all around them.
"Hypnosis can't you do something?" asked Luddie.
He shook his head. "Nay, mother. A wind may clear the smoke, but it will only feed the flame."
Luddie was not certain of battle strategies, but she was resolute in not leaving anyone behind. They waited. And soon they were reward by the sight of the smoke splitting. Scorched remnants became visible first. Burned down bones coated in black ash. Small flames still licked at anything burnable. Fletch and Actias appeared side by side, with Dalma limping along between them. Tawhaki was draped over Actias' back. All of them were half-covered in a thick layer of soot, and they reeked of burnt flesh and oily smoke.
Luddie immediately ran to meet them, checking each in turn to see that they were alright. Actias shook his head when she moved to Tawhaki.
"He's gone, mother."
Luddie gazed sadly at the striped coatl. The marks of lightning were burned into his arms, up into his torso, and right down through his tail. The strike had probably taken his heart before he ever hit the ground.
Her face crumpled, but she held it in. "We are close. He comes with us."
"The Leyline Gardens in the Hewn River Valley will be a fine resting place," Kea offered.
"Yes...” Luddie murmured, stroking his singed crest. “I think he would have wanted to be buried in his garden."
They continued along the last Trader's Walk as the light of dawn peeked through the thinning clouds.
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caveofwanderers · 6 months
So what's the story behind the family??? How did the parents meet? Did Tager get to be best man at the wedding?
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OST: Flos
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{This is actually a very interesting question! And I never did think about the wedding of Mason (HJ, though I'll keep using his real name for simplicity's sake) and Bullet very much until now. So this is actually a good bit of personal headcanon-ing after the explanation.}
How did the parents meet?
With how they met, its actually a bit of an interesting tale. Mason was on a path to fight Relius Clover (obligatory revenge backstory yada yada yada, and surprisingly he got along with Carl when they eventually met years later), and during the events between Continuum Shift and Chronophantasma (or so it may seem at first!), Mason had ended up in a bit of trouble doing battle with Arakune, and Bullet had ended up coming to his rescue. And from that day onward, after they had departed, he was determined to find her and repay her kindness.
So as it would turn out, this would come forth during the battle in Ikaruga. (I should clarify, this was before we knew the deal with chronophantasma, so in a way, when this was written, my friends and I had our own personal take). Where after a chance meeting (slightly messed with in part by Taokaka after Mason got separated from Ragna), Relius had taken her captive, and it came down to him to rescue her properly. (It didn't help that there was no sight of Tager, so he had to go it alone). While not a complete victory, Relius having gotten away, she was rescued without an issue as the main conflict had ended. I'd go into how they further gotten into talks with one another, but that might be for another ask. I'd be here all night!
The Wedding
As for the wedding-- I'm pretty sure that the best man and maid of honor were primarily selected after the conflict of that era were handled. (And I had the feeling it would be Celica who was the maid of honor, provided she was still around at that time. ANOTHER question for later but taking what happened in the main c-series story proper and spinning it to fit the context). Though its not unreasonable to believe Tager would've been the best man, and probably would've been where Bullet finally learned that he was her captain. Tager's practically an uncle to the Maragi siblings, even if he can be a bit harsh at times, they still try to follow his example.
{Hopefully these were satisfying answers to your question!}
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awesomeuchuu · 4 years
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Name:  Chiaki Morisawa ( 守沢千秋 Morisawa Chiaki)  Age:  15-16 ( 1st year ) / 16-17 ( 2nd year ) / 17-18 (3rd year) Birthday:  September 18th Height:  161 cm (1st year), 170 cm (2nd year), 175 cm (3rd year) Weight:  52 kg (1st year), 54 kg (2nd year), 60 kg (3rd year) Blood Type:  O Family:  parents Affiliation: TBD
Weapons:  Broom ( 1st/2nd year ), Power Gloves ( 3rd year ) Arcana: The Star  Persona: Helen Keller (initial),  Shudyr-Shamich (Ultimate) Codename:  Supernova
Initial Persona: - Helen Keller 
Attributes: Resistant to Bless Weak to Curse/Ice Null Fire
Stats: Magic, Agility - above average Endurance, Luck - average   Strength - below average
Skills: Dia -> Mediarahan Lunge -> Assault Dive Agi -> Agidyne Frei -> Freila Media Patra Recarm
Ultimate Persona: -  Shudyr-Shamich
Attributes: Resistant to Bless Weak to Dark/Curse Null Fire & Physical
Stats: Strength, Endurance  - above average Magic - average Luck, Agility - below average
Skills: Media -> Mediarahan Megido -> Megidolaon Agi -> Agidyne Maragi -> Blazing Hell Atomic Flare Tarukaja Heat Riser Marakukaja
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