caveofwanderers · 4 months
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Just a reminder that my usual version of Bullet is indeed a mom, and her husband's one to celebrate mother's day with her.
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selfryed · 8 days
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*gets football tackled and called a nerd and probably gets shoved into a locker*
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oooo shinyyyyy
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koyot1 · 2 years
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me reading this comment: *quiet gasp* what if?
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getblammed · 8 days
🐤 !
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cr4shqueen · 5 months
heh,, so like,, I have bullets and you have love what if we… *looks away and turns toe back and forth in dirt* brought them to each other
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thephouseplants · 3 months
Ngl I do want to go to the tour, and I *cloud* technically. But deep down I am still a little guy and would most likely have to attend with my father, plus the travel to the nearest venue. (which isn't super far, but still a long train ride, several hours plus booking a hotel for overnight.)
I simply cannot bear the idea of sitting next to my father while Dan and Phil make the most explicit gay jokes as I slowly die inside.
But i have never been to one of their tours... It is tempting...maybe I'll go and lock my dad in a hotel room lmaooo (/j)
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2truehearts · 8 months
HELLO 🫶 ITS MY LITTLE BROTHERS BDAY IN LIKE TWENTY MINUTES (pls say happy birthday to him. please & thank you)
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slenderofdiamonds · 5 months
Diamond. We need to talk.
...Yeeeeaaaaaah? What do you need to talk about?
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Haha, my partner does that ':D
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behold, another thing no one will understand except the stringly mold sillies in my mind.....tis an enigma....
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homeless202 · 1 year
No Home Prompts/Headcanons
[feel free to use these as inspiration for fanfics or fanart. tag me if you post it!!]
(disclaimer 1: this is prolly very ooc but it's also not supposed to be realistic. disclaimer 2: a lot of these are centered around Haejoon and Eunyung and can be interpreted as /r or /p)
HJ stopping someone from harassing EY, similar to the frying pan scene. [one concrete scenario i have is a teacher/supervisor wanting to cut EY's hair and HJ, who's standing next to him (i imagine all dorm boys lined up for the lights-out roll call), grabs the scissors out of their hand and throws it out the window. HJ: "you should go grab them if you don't want them to rust" so the supervisor goes away. badass HJ (altho he's too much of a model student to spite a teacher like that). EY is confused and in awe. bonus points if there's witnesses who marvel at HJ's badassery and authority defiance.]
all 6 MCs hanging out in the clubroom and HJ does sth cool or impressive (maybe sings out loud and it sounds good). juwan and minju are panicking bc 'holy shit he's so hot i want him carnally' like tearing up, rolling on the floor type craving. marie is watching them freak tf out, completely unimpressed, with an expression like she's on the office. hara is like 'hey man, that sounded really good' like the golden retriever sunshine puppy she is. EY is just staring very intently at him like trying to figure out a puzzle with a faint thought of 'he should join the theater club'. HJ, poor him, is so fucking confused as to why everyone is overreacting and a little embarrassed that he accidentally did that.
minju and juwan craving the 184cm mommy issues ghost guy be like:
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^^ this is how i imagine juwan's internal monologue like 98% of the times he interacts with HJ. just constant gay panic.
all the other boys in their dorms who have to listen to HJ and EY's screaming matches all the time. poor fuckers. they all often choke on the tension those two create in the room they're in. but the fighting is basically like free live reality TV prime-time entertainment, so they can't be too bothered (unless they're trying to sleep). and generally, everyone is weirded out/confused by their friendship (?). like 'why is the nice popular pretty guy hanging out with model student bully who sees ghosts, especially when they're always just fighting?' <- #confusion. but it's entertaining so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HJ helping EY study, maybe forced by a teacher, or from EY's own volition (doubtful), or per juwan's suggestion when EY failed too many exams/classes to keep living in the dorms. i wonder how that tutoring session would go. would probably end bloody.
whenever HJ goes to the grocery store to buy food he also buys a pack of sweets or snacks. every time EY sees them in their room he asks if he can have some. HJ lets him open the pack. EY always asks if he wants some too and HJ almost always says no. after the 6th time this happened, EY confronted him abt it 'why are you buying these if you're not eating them?' and HJ is like 'i buy them for you. i know you like them.' EY is surprised and juwan is happy they're not fighting anymore (but also insanely jealous -> 'when did they get so close? grrrr')
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(/r) HJ chilling on the couch in the dorm living-room, reading a book for class and EY comes and wants to lie down but there's no more space so he spreads out on the couch with his legs on HJ's lap, who's a bit like 'wtf' but decides against picking a fight. EY is chilling on his phone in a skirt shorts and with his hair undone. they just chill like that for a while and every poor soul who passes through that room are confused and uneasy abt their lack of fighting. at some point HJ notices the scars on EY's knees and rests his hand (the one not holding the book) on them, then goes back to reading while absent-mindedly rubbing his thumb over the scars. EY is startled and also like 'wtf' but let's it be bc he has crypto to mine.
juwan-marie mlm/wlw solidarity. all 3 boys are not surprised when she comes out as a (disater) lesbian but their reaction is 'oh really? i never would've guessed (/s)'. she comes out to them bc she needs help making hara figure out she likes her in an non-obvious way.
the boys' reaction be like:
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marie likes hara, minju likes marie, and hara likes her sport (karate? idr). marie is frustrated at hara's cluelessness, minju is annoyed marie doesn't take her advances seriously, hara is oblivious to the turmoil she's caused. [a scenario i came up with is all 6 in the clubroom where minju just goes full out after shit's been building up for a while like ' why do you like hara and not me? i'm here trying my best and she doesn't even care! how is she so much better than me?' marie is beyond embarrassed and also very done with the bs. she pulls minju outside the clubroom and slaps her in the hallway promptly rejecting her. the other 4 saw everything through the door window and are jaw-dropped-flabbergasted. marie enters again after minju left and everyone asks if she's ok. hara's like 'you like me?' and marie says 'now's not the time for that. don't you have practice or sth?'. after a bit of convincing hara leaves for her lessons and the 3 boys ask marie why she doesn't like minju -> 'she doesn't like me, she just likes the chase. if we were to get together she'd get bored in less than a month and break up with me.' juwan agrees bc he knows minju best and that's something she would absolutely do. marie starts tearing up bc this is overwheming and embarrassing but the boys are there to comfort her. (<- what's even more frustrating in all of this is that marie did like minju in the beginning, before she swindled marie for the clubroom, was disingenuous abt their friendship, and friendzone marie when she told minju that she liked her.) ohh how the turn tables]
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^^ this is the dynamic i imagine bc it's hella funny /// @ artist on twt
EY wil fight for kids who can't fight for themselves. if he sees a kid/friend get hit by a parent/authority he won't hesitate to throw hands. he'll step in on the spot and sucker-punch the mfer who put their hands on someone weaker than themselves. [the first time the others see this side of him is when they meet marie's brother, who acts like a massive asshole and stupidly smacks marie in front of them. HJ is ready to say sth/jump in but EY is half a second quicker and already gave the bitch a bloody nose. and he fights with the rage he'd fight his dad with, if he ever dared to do that. like a demon possessed, not anywhere near the way he's ever fought HJ before. marie's crying and begging him to stop hitting her brother, HJ and juwan are frozen in shock. juwan wants to try to calm him down but is too scared to approach him when he's like that. meanwhile HJ is just like 'holy shit, this mfer is actually crazy' and goes to pull EY off of marie's brother bc he got too close to killing him. after that everyone is more wary of him in general, marie is somewhat grateful but also terrified of him. from then on the brother either never hits her again or gathers a group of friends to go beat up a blond high school kid.]
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i think it would be interesting to see the bullies who forced EY to crawl two stations to get his money back resurface. that group of bullies bumping into our 3 boys and going like 'whoa, EY? is that you? how're your knees doing?' and laughing. juwan is confused as to what they're talking about, HJ immediately knows who the fuckers are bc he knows the knee story, and EY is trying to ignore them with a poker face but really he's terrified inside bc trauma™. HJ has never seen EY so affected/blank/scared/distraught and is concerned. trouble ensues, bonus points if HJ saves the day (aka beats the fuckers up) and bonus bonus points if he doesn't tell EY abt it and does it in secret.
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^^ no thought's behind those eyes. only misery and trauma
juwan and HJ gift EY clothes every time they have an excuse like 'oh you passed that exam? nice here is a new pair of jeans' or 'it's Christmas, this is a jacket for you'. bc my boy needs more than one piece of everything. he needs more clothes and his friends noticed and are now providing. they need to have an excuse/good reason to gift the items to EY bc he will not accept them otherwise (he refuses to be indebted to anyone).
whenever EY catches HJ changing clothes in their room, he feels really guilty when he sees the scar he gave him when they first met. every time, he wants to apologize but he doesn't know how to make it sound genuine, and the apology always catches in his throat anyway. he can't say it out loud, so he quickly makes it a habit to leave the room when HJ changes.
idk man, i just wanna see HJ help EY braid his hair. and EY be surprised by how well he can braid or make fun of him for how bad he is at it. [maybe a hand/arm injury that prevents him from braiding his hair himself and he doesn't want to leave the dorm looking like that before he can get to a girl-friend who could do his hair for him.]
EY goes with HJ to provide moral support when HJ has to go back to his old house to pick sth up or when HJ goes to visit his mom's grave (only 52% willingly). [(/r ->) at the house, HJ would definitely have a mental breakdown and EY would be there to unintentionally aggravate the situation, then mend it and comfort him. EY is also terrified of all the ghost items inside that house when he first enters. HJ is a tad happy to see some old faces (<- the ghosts who live/haunt his house). /// at the graveyard, HJ would try his best not to cry, EY would notice and leave him alone for a bit to mourn. when he's done, before they leave, EY looks intently at the mom's grave stone and nods his head once. maybe it's a salute to the mom, or a 'thank you for raising him well', but in any case, that's the first time we see EY use manners. HJ doesn't notice it bc he's busy with his own feelings.]
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parallel to that, juwan and HJ come pick EY up from (aka get him out of) his parent's apartment. the parent's are astounded anyone came for their 'good-for-nothing' son. before the boys leave the apartment building's courtyard, EY's mom comes running up to them. HJ and juwan are in defense/protection mode, EY is just so tired and so done with everything he doesn't feel present anymore. the mom doesn't get any closer, she just looks HJ in the eyes and thanks him for looking out for her son. then she turns to EY and says 'don't fuck this up like everything else in your life' and goes back to the apartment. all of them are shocked by the unexpected good nature she's shown and EY is also a bit upset by her comment about his life but he's too tired to give a shit atm.
when EY finally gets back into acting, HJ helps him learn his lines when he has the time. after his first play, HJ is there to give him flowers and tell him how good his acting was. (/r -> this may or may not be the moment EY really (realizes he) caught feelings) also HJ was gen amazed at how good his acting skills are, like wide-eyed 'wow he's actually really really good'.
(/r) i want EY to wear a skirt as a dare or sth and fluster the shit out of HJ (and any other eyes that catch him in that outfit). EY would tease him for blushing so hard and feel powerful bc of the reaction he's got, until HJ grabs him (one hand on a shoulder and one hand on his waist) and pulls him so he can whisper in his ear 'stop that'. the tables turn. EY pushes away like he's been burned, which might be true, seeing how he got so red one would think he's been sunburned.
(/r) idk if it's canon but i for some reason think HJ has weights in their room. so, EY always stares at HJ from his top bunk bed (where HJ can't see him), whenever HJ's using them. specifically at his biceps. EY is unsure whether he's jealous bc he wants those muscles or if he wants those muscles. (if you catch my drift)
i feel like HJ and EY could bond a lot over music. they are often listening to it.
the apocalypse storyline is not talked about enough. someone needs to write this since wanan only gave us a crumb and disappeared.
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i mean, look at this ^^. are you gonna stand there and tell me you're not intrigued?
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
currently ugly crying over the batfam. again.
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ask-globe · 4 months
*He's just ugly crying at this point*
*grinning, she slams the knife down onto Quill. the knife doesn't fully go through his body, maybe he could recover.*
It's all for Scroll.
M!A - 22/30
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roadkill-dreaming · 4 months
♡ 11:11
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youcouldbeit · 7 months
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You aren't supposed to be encouraging this, you're aware, yes?
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zootzbootz · 8 months
i feel like whenever people talk about genuinely sad / depressing hollywood undead songs they almost ALWAYS go straight to Bullet. and like.. yeah??? but BRO BRO. LISTEN.
Bullet is NOTHING compared to The Loss. maybe that's because the loss I can relate to on a way more personal level. but god damn.
by the way. massive trigger warnings for both songs if you choose to listen to them since they both deal with topic of suicide and s/h. and in the case of the loss specifically, grief.
- Drew
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