#the mistress superjail
paepaerest · 3 months
old sketches late 2023
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oh yea and a lil genderbend roles sketch, tbh i didn't think too much and just kinda kept mostly everything as it is
male mistress... paramour... my love
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calithecretin · 10 months
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Has this been done
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d33mize · 10 months
hayy i just wanted 2 let y’all kno i’ve been working on a fic for a ghost hunters au i made :o) im 7 chapters in rn and would appreciate som support n stuff !! it’s my first fic lfmao
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the beautiful piece of fanart above was done by @ostick :o) !! the rest r by me
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violetsees · 5 months
Magma Shenanigans with @mariisdaydreaming
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Last pic, light yellow: Damian belongs to @shortboyhere
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cattowersjails · 9 months
Lord Davis is always expecting Misty to try her hardest.. he thinks she doesn't work her best on his so-called fake "vacation" ads.
This is Misty! (The Mistress) Cyberprison AU design! She is a hologram created by Stingray and Davis treats her like she's just a weak and pathetic piece of trash..she is deeply afraid of him and she mostly would call him Mr.Davis.
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dr-malice · 6 months
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Did some doodles
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altropod · 6 months
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ll-fempty · 10 months
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fritzthepiratefox · 2 months
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been moving so take some sucky car doodles (most requested by my dear sister who tried to murder me this evening)
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paepaerest · 3 months
Oh! Draw Mistress and Mistress Kilda, i like rarepair <3
I have!
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calithecretin · 1 year
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Hippie Mistress again!!! I’ve been experimenting with a new cartoony artstyle and I hope you guys like it :)
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violetsees · 7 months
Y'all remember my Little Game AU? Yeah. Me neither. Anyway, here's a Little Game story I did for an English assignment that I'm kinda proud of as it's the most words I've written.
(Song that started this stupid AU)
Here we go:
Janus's dark eyes bore into mine. Yes, I know Janus isn't his name. It's Rose, but it feels like Janus fits him more. He's two-faced; he isn't a pretty rose. He's a nightmare, a freak—a beast in the shadows, waiting and waiting for the right moment to strike, to force his way to me by his Master's side and steal the hope I desperately cling onto. I know his game. I know what he wants. But does his cold counterpart want the same? No. Or so it seems. Rose stares at me, one arm hidden behind his back. His stare makes me uneasy, so I try to ignore him and focus on Holder, who's serving me a glass of unknown purple liquid. I take a small sip from the glass, worried it's poisoned. My hold is delicate as I am weak from chasing after Warren Davis for the last few days. I'm met with the surprising taste of grapes. It's grape juice, something I haven't had since childhood. Supposedly, it's Warren's favorite. I'm not sure why Holder mentioned that about his Master to me. I didn't pry. I don't care enough about Warren to want to know what he likes and what he doesn't. Holder is better than Rose. Rose lies, and Holder tells the truth. Unfortunately, sometimes it changes. I'm not sure how to feel towards these Butler twins. I don't like them. They bring me pain and suffering. 
I didn't feel like attending the feast Warren Davis set up for me today. I just didn't feel like looking at my captor and seeing him play with the ornate key, my only way to escape from this horrid mansion. He's cocky about it. Whenever I do come out to eat, which is becoming rare, he laughs, cracks jokes, and pretends we are good friends. Why would he do such a thing as no one but me, him, and his butler spies attend? I know the smiles he gives me are fake because they never reach his eyes. He makes me uncomfortable. So, here I am, in my bedroom with Rose and Holder. Rose is standing near the door, keeping his white-gloved hand on the wooden door. Warren sent them to drop off my food, and they did, as the silver tray was on my lap, but they were still around. Maybe they do like me.
"You two can, uh, go now. No need to stand around and watch me eat," I say, my voice meek. I laugh nervously. "You're both, um, dismissed," I say, trying to copy Warren to get them to leave. The two only listen to Warren's commands. They keep lingering. I look around my room, its blood-red walls a sort of comfort for me. My white candle is the only light in this grand room; its fire is dim, dying. I need to find a new one, but I'm unsure where I'll find another. I'll ask Misty, the living doll. She might know. Or I'll ask Madam Alice. Warren favors her, so he may have told her secrets about the mansion I can use to my advantage. Shadows dance on the wallpaper. They grasp each other and make themselves dip. They tango, shadowy black dresses sway. I try to eat. It's some sort of meat with vegetables and mashed potatoes. Who makes the food again? Warren? That's a very good question. The fact he pretends to care about me is sickening. This thought alone almost made me not want to eat, but I know I’ll have to. If I don't eat now, I won't be able to for days. Hell, Warren may even strap me down and force me to eat. He'd done it before when I first arrived. A mistake, it was, thinking about that day. I wish I never came. I wish I never stepped foot into this wooden prison. Now, here I am, playing hide and seek with Warren for eternity and getting fed every few days. Holder backs off, walking to his twin brother. He whispers something in Rose's ear and leaves the room. Rose comes closer. "I have something to give you, Jared," Rose said. His hand goes to his back pocket. I avert my eyes, grabbing the glass of grape juice. I sip while he searches. I almost spit out my drink when Rose pulled out a black key. What? "I, much like Holder, want to escape this place. But I and Holder can not as Master needs us." He stares at me like he always does. "So, I beg of you, please live in the outside world for us." He hands me the key. Its cool metal on my bare hand sends shivers down my spine. I shoved the key into my pocket. I'm terrified I'll lose it.
"Wha… How?" I ask. 
My eyes shrink. I make my way towards him, hopping off the bed and dropping the tray onto the floor. It spills. I grab his shoulders. 
"Why would you do that? He can hurt you. Won't he know?" I plead. Rose and I never had a good relationship, but the idea of someone putting their life in danger scares me. I wanted freedom. But I didn't want it to be given to me like this. I was hoping for a change of heart from Warren, even if it was hopeless. I didn't want this. Please let this be a joke, even if it's cruel. Please let this be a joke. Please let this be a joke. Please let this be a joke. Please let this be a… Please… I don't want this.
"It's okay," He admitted in a monotone voice. It's like his life isn't important to him when it is. All lives matter. His response to the idea of possibly dying is too calm. He forces my hands off his shoulders, his wavy blonde hair swaying with the movement. "It's okay." He repeated.
"No, no! It's not okay!" I yelled, not loud enough for others outside the room to hear. 
"Escape tonight. I'll distract him." 
He walks out, ignoring my pleas. I grab his wrist, but he keeps going. I dig my heels into the carpet and pull back, wrapping both hands around his wrist to keep him from leaving. His other hand shoots up from his side and drags my hands off him. The sound of my door shutting marked the end of our conversation.
Eight hours ago, I had that conversation with Rose. I pace around my room, worried and scared. I stop when I see the food on the floor. I forgot about that. I keep pacing. I need to stop walking as my legs burn, the embers shooting pain when I move. I'm tired. So, so tired. Another day of seeking and chasing. But my fate hangs heavy in the air. My mind is racing, moving too fast, I can't keep up with it. Will it go wrong? What will happen? I can't get over why he would do that. I don't understand, no matter how much I think it over. It's weird. I turn my head to the balcony window, the night sky a reminder of what I'll be doing. The moon shines brightly, white light blinding me. It seems Crescent is in a good mood. I look away. I can't stand it. The idea of the Moon-god being happy when I'm not irritates me. A knock on the door makes me jump. Who at this hour needs me? 
I open the door to see Misty, with her long raven hair and round pink glasses. What does the maid need?
She stands tall compared to me. Her fair porcelain fingers tug on the brown, white, and gray feathers of the duster. She seems antsy. Why?
"It's time."
"Goodbye, Jared."
"I'm sorry?"
"I'll miss you."
She walks away, leaving me with more questions than answers. It takes me a few seconds to process what she said. Warren is distracted. I need to go. Now. I look around the room. I don't have much to take since I only bought the clothes I wore when I arrived. Warren forced me to change into the suit I have now. He made me slick my hair back. I'll quickly say goodbye to Madam Alice. I dash out and shut the heavy, dark, wooden doors of my bedroom.  
My footsteps thump against the crimson carpet. I search for the hall with Alice's portrait. It takes me a few more seconds to find it, these mansion halls are like a labyrinth. They all look the same, with the same potted plants, wallpaper, tables, and paintings. The walls seem to close in. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I need to go. 
 I call out to an empty hallway. I have a feeling her painting is around here. I walk a bit and stop in front of an ornate frame. It's gold glistening. It's hard to see her. I should have brought my candle. I forgot to bring it in the heat of the moment, even if it was dying. My hand goes up to touch the frame. 
"I'm not sure if you're there, Alice, but I just wanted to say goodbye, for real this time." 
The silence is deafening. I keep my eyes on the painting. Madam Alice is a moving painting, but she sometimes leaves her frame. Her reason for leaving varies, but she mostly leaves because "standing alone for hours and staring at an empty hallway is boring."
She finally spoke. Her head peeks from the side of her frame, curious. She looks at me through the black veil that covers her eyes. She adjusts her hat. "Why are you saying goodbye? And what do you mean 'for real this time'?"
I stand on my tippy toes and place my hand inside the frame, trying to find her hand. She helps, placing her gloved hand in mine, long fingers intertwined. 
"I'm sorry, Alice, but I need to make this fast. Rose gave me the key so I could finally leave. I can finally escape." I smile. I let go of her hand and ran. She called out my name, but the call of the outside was louder. 
I pass by a room, the blood-red wallpaper the only thing I recognize.  The beautiful sound of a violin matches my panting, creating a bizarre symphony of instruments and humanity. I hear a tense talk when I press my ear against the door after curiosity gets the better of me: Two voices—both masculine. One voice sounds alien-like, and the other is more flamboyant and higher. Rose and Warren's voices. Rose sounds worried, contrasting with his usual confident and deceitful tone.
"Something is wrong."
"Nothing is, Master." 
"The house is saying something."
"Let's go back to practicing, shall we?"
"I'm already good at it."
The violin stops.
"Yes, but you can get better."
Shuffling and rustling of fabric. Hard thuds of footsteps against the wooden floor. It creaks. Warren's footsteps match the beat of my heart. I feel something wet run down my cheek. I place my hand on my cheek and pull back. Clear liquid. Sweat. I'm nervous. I should stop, but I can't. Footsteps stop. Sound of wood meeting wood. Warren must have set the violin down somewhere. Most likely a table. 
"What does that mean?"
Silence. Unease. Rose clears his throat. 
"Well… you are already good at the violin, but you can get better, do you understand?"
"I think."
"So… let's pick it up and play again."
This conversation was weird. I was thinking about how peculiar this talk was when it hit me. This is Rose's distraction. So I ran. If Rose loses Warren's attention, I'll lose my progress and the key in my back pocket. But it turns out Rose lost his attention after I ran. Warren had gone after me without me knowing. The walls are closing in. Shadows dance. Chandeliers fire flicker. My legs are tired. So tired. I take out the key. The front door is so close, I can see it. I see the dark outside from the small glass window on the front door. 
"Don't go!"
I hear from behind me. Huh? It's Warren.
 "Please, I need you," He spreads his hand towards me. Tears pour from under his red glasses. This is so odd. Why is he acting like this? I can't help but feel bad. 
I stare at his tear-stained face. I feel dread. My head hurts. I feel the pain from behind my eyes. I raise my hand to ease the pain, but I stop. My hands go to shove the key into the hole to get out. I fumble with the key. 
He's getting closer, and my heart pounds in my chest. My hands are shaking. Unlock. Unlock. Unlock. Unlock. Unlock. Unlock! I'm panicking. He's even closer.
"Please stay with me," He whispers. His voice is so soft. What's wrong with him?
"I don't want to die," 
That makes me stop for a moment. I look at him. He looked like a small child, terrified. His eyes are tiny. He's trembling. His gloved hand goes towards me. I'm uncomfortable. I unlocked the door and slammed it shut. I put my weight against the door, panting and taking in the fresh air I desperately needed. 
I'm met with the sounds of chirping birds, a lovely harmony. My back is against the door. The door's intricate design is digging into the skin of my back, so I pull away. It's over. It's finally over. 
Please don't let this be a dream… 
Please tell me I won't wake up in that mansion… 
I have to see my beautiful wife. After years of being apart, I deserve to be with her. I raise the key to eye level. Ire ran through my veins, so I threw it into the murky pond. I threw my black blazer into the water. I ripped off the green bowtie from my neck and threw it onto the floor. I raised my hands to mess up my neat hair. I scream. All the years of suffering had finally caught up to me. Waterfalls meet my hands. Sorrow and pain and… relief. Finally, freedom. 
I'll see you soon, Charise. 
(Comments and reblogs are appreciated! Especially specific ones hee hee)
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smuby · 1 year
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late night/early morning doodles
i kinda wish both of these characters were treated better tbh. especially alice
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dr-malice · 6 months
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altropod · 6 months
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cattowersjails · 3 months
¨I love these guys.. even if they don't feel the same way back towards me!¨
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